#? yes yes I am
katiemakena · 3 days
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Cody: Name one thing you wanna try in the bedroom.
Obi-wan, on his fith cup of tea: Getting a full 8 hours of sleep.
Cody: I would like that for you too.
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oceaneyesinla · 2 months
"Pretty thing like you shouldn't look so sad. What's on your mind, sweetheart?" There's a slight teasing lilt in your Togame's tone, but you can hear the underlying concern colouring his words. He pinches your cheeks between his thumb and fingers, squishing gently as he lifts your head up.
You refuse to meet his eye, giving him a half-hearted shrug as you stare at his shirt instead. You don't know what's wrong. You just feel ... off. Not quite right. Slightly off kilter in a way you'll probably never be able to put into words. You're just sad.
Togame sees right through you, just like he always does. He leans in to kiss the top of your head, then your forehead, then each cheek for good measure. His hand releases its squeeze of your cheeks to instead cradle your chin.
"C'mon. Movie night."
You feel your lips twitch towards a smile, "Baby, it's 10AM."
"Movie day, then. Whatever."
You sigh, "You told the guys you would spar with them today, remember?"
His thumb starts stroking along your cheek, and he ducks his head so he's in your eyeline. You meet those gorgeous green eyes and you can't bring yourself to look away as he speaks, "My girl needs me. The boys can wait. We're not moving from that couch until you feel better."
You feel oddly vulnerable under his intensely loving gaze, "What if I never feel better?"
"Then we'll stay on that couch until we're old and grey." He's clearly joking, playful smile on his lips, but the sentiment behind his words, you know is true.
You give him your first real smile of the day, and let him lead you to the couch. He tucks you into his side and holds you close, and there's nowhere else you would rather be.
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nowhere-angel · 4 months
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velvetrambles · 2 months
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he's in the corner of shame for his crimes
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thr-333 · 7 months
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Leo would look at a small anxious version of himself and be smacked in the face with pure unfiltered big brothertm instinct.
Anyway go read exactly that happening if you haven't already:
You're being Adopt(Do not Resist)
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heretherebedork · 2 months
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This man is in deep, deep shit because how is he gonna come back from all this lying? Yoh is starting to open up but everything he opens up about only makes their differences and the lies more stark in contrast to his own hard won openness.
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At least he knows it. At least Sam knows he's dug himself a hell of a pit.
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can we talk about percy’s guilt and self-esteem for a second?? because imo he has an absolutely insane habit of taking the blame for soooo many things and even when he’s the cause of trouble, the lengths he goes to rectify an error are IMMENSE. the most obvious one is him literally accepting a surely fatal prophecy because he feels responsible for bianca’s death (and ofc, he cares about nico but at that time, he also felt like he owed nico) but in the show, they portray this very accurately by having percy readily try and give up his life as a way to circumnavigate athena’s lack of help which he 100% blames himself for and has also verbally acknowledged.
(not that this will hinder him from letting the gods know exactly what he thinks of them but that’s a conversation for another day.)
point is, percy is insanely loyal and he is insanely susceptible to a guilt-ridden conscience. he will hold himself accountable for the smallest of things i am NOT kidding, like he’s the kinda guy to scold himself internally for stepping on someone’s toes by mistake. and this stems from his low self-esteem even though there is loads of nuance here because percy is also very confident when the need arises but in small, more grounded interpersonal relationship moments, his view of himself is so heartbreakingly unfair. he can be admirably surefooted in front of mighty beings like gods but when it comes to his friends and other demigods, he’s constantly second guessing himself and taking blame for the smallest of inconveniences. and i’m just. so. torn up about it. because this taking guilt over unnecessary things continues on into the sequel series too because i so clearly remember him feeling guilty about calypso and i hated it because percy jackson will stand up for everyone and their mothers but he also doesn’t defend himself half as fiercely as he should.
here are some examples from JUST lightning thief about percy and his guilty schtick routine this boy istg he needs to have a higher view of himself goodbye.
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sunstainedpages · 4 months
Madeleine whispering "where have you been?" in Fair gets me every time. It's so good!!!
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
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It’s definitely them. And that’s the daughter without her head next to them. But we know from TCW that the daughter died and her life force brought Ahsoka back so in a way she lives on through Ahsoka. We also know the convor (the little bird) was linked to the Daughter and is often seen around Ahsoka. And guess what? It popped up on this planet, watching over her here.
There’s definitely a conspiracy here, I just don’t know what it is. It seems unlikely that this is Mortis. It had such a unique Force signature, that we could assume Ahoksa would recognize it.
But why would there be statues of them. And what does Baylan Skoll have to do with them? There’s no way it’s a coincidence that he’s standing on the Father’s hand.
And does Force ghost Anakin showing up feel like another coincidence??? NO.
Also the fact that the Son killed the Daughter? WHAT DOES THAT REPRESENT???
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teecupangel · 10 months
I had a thought earlier: What if Ezio was Desmond's Sage?
Basically, the usual setup with Desmond using the eye to contact Ezio in the library and offering to send him back in time to save his family, but due to the damage he's sustained from the Eye, he can't come with. Once this moment in the Grey is over, he would die. Ezio begs him to come with him, through any means possible. He refuses to leave behind the divine being he is the chosen Prophet for. The being who is going against Fate itself to give him his family back. Desmond just can't say no to Ezio and tries to see if there's anyway he could come with Ezio. He doesn't want to die if he can avoid it. It's then, through the connection with the Eye and the Apple, that he learns about Sages. With a few modifications for Ezio's safety, that could work. Instead of consuming Ezio's mind to take over, he would just live alongside him. When he tells Ezio of it, Ezio accepts.
When Ezio wakes up, it is to his childhood bedroom. Everything is how it was when he was 17. Is 17. It worked! His family is alive and well! Did the Sage thing work?
"Desmond, are you here?"
'Yes Ezio, i am.'
Just a thought i had. I imagine that Ezio could let Desmond have control of his body, but Desmond is pretty chill with just watching though Ezio's eyes.
Ezio would have mind conversations with Desmond, which worries his family a lot when they catch him just staring emptily though the air. That and his complete switch in behaviour.
There's probably so many routes to go here, but i'm too sleep deprived to think atm. XD
It doesn’t take long before Desmond realized that all the modifications he made for his consciousness to become part of Ezio had turned him to be the least invasive Bleed to ever be conceived.
Did this count as possession?
Was Ezio even a Sage or was Desmond simply a sentient Bleed?
Did that mean that the Bleeding Effect mimicked the experiences a Sage goes through when they start ‘getting’ the Isu’s memories.
Didn’t that mean that there was a possibility that the Animus was based on the research the Isus made to create the-
“Desmond, as interesting as your thoughts are about this subject, I’d prefer it if you were to. Focus!” Ezio was unable to stop himself from raising his voice as he punched one of Vieri’s hired muscles as Desmond liked to call them. The man staggered as he took a few steps back and Ezio swiped his feet before stomping on his groin.
There was a few scandalous looks thrown his way at that attack and Ezio just shrugged.
It wasn’t his fault that Desmond’s skills in unarmed combat bled through to him during these situations and Desmond fought shamelessly dirty.
‘In my defense…’ Desmond quipped from his mind, ‘I was taught that honor and shame have no place when you’re getting ganged up by Templars.’
Ezio grunted as he dodged a punch aimed for his chest, quickly grabbing the wrist and pulling him forward to unbalance him before delivering a high knee strike, making the man gasp as Ezio kneed him on the throat.
Okay, that one was from one of Desmond’s Bleed, not Desmond himself.
But then again…
Desmond was his Bleeds and his Bleeds were him. When he thinks about it that way…
“Desmond…” Ezio gritted as he smacked an incoming kick from another man, quickly jabbing the man’s side before suckerpunching him.
‘Sorry, sorry. My brain’s wacky at the moment.’ Desmond said.
That was an understatement.
Desmond had been in Ezio’s body for only a few hours. They had went outside to try and get a lay of the land and found out the date by Vieri throwing a rock at Ezio and giving Ezio the scar on his lips.
So yeah…
Desmond was still not used to being this… entity inside Ezio’s mind.
“Don’t think too hard.” Ezio backhanded a goon’s cheek hard and fast enough that he was able to topple the surprised and hurt goon with his mind quickly making it known that it was a common technique Altaïr used to do. Ezio tried to focus as he said, “Let’s just get this over with then we can have our mental breakdown in our room, okay?”
‘Yeah, okay.’ Desmond answered and Ezio felt Desmond focus.
It was like his senses became clearer.
His body became lighter.
He could predict everyone’s next move.
To borrow Desmond’s expression at the moment.
Holy shit.
(Desmond doesn’t know it but because he made Ezio his Sage, he is technically a being that has access to Isu senses which he can pass down to Ezio. Ezio’s human body can’t take much of it though so there’s a time limit and that is how Federico comes in and save them because Ezio and Desmond starts getting a headache after using it too much.)
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artschoolglasses · 8 months
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Currently Reading: Shoplifting in Eighteenth-Century England, by Shelley Tickell
I do love an incredibly specific historical non-fiction read. Bonus points for an absolutely scandalous cover image. Oh my. 👀
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resident-idiot-simp · 2 months
Soap who only ever asked Ghost and the team to not do was tell him he was too much to tell him he was loud and needed to shut up. He has confided in them his past horrible experiences. He told them to redirect him but to 'please don't tell me I'm too loud or too much.' he never asked anything else of them. They agreed always being careful to do as he asked.
Except for one mission. It had been a shit show and Ghost had screamed at Soap to shut up. No one realized that Soap shut down immediately. No one noticed how he scurried off. No one noticed how he secluded himself. And that only reinforced the fact more that he was too much. That he was a burden.
(Soap is me fr fr)
Imagine Laswell visits and is the only one to notice. Laswell always wanted to be a mother Just didn't have the chance in her current line of work It was too dangerous. But she clocked Soap immediately sorrow came off of him in waves. She hurried over to him and took him aside asking what happened. He wouldn't say and she just knew it was the team. He had hugged the poor kid and he broke in her arms. She had never wanted to reem out the others more.
She held him until he had cried himself out the poor kid was exhausted. In moments like this she remembered that he was so incredibly young. He was still a kid no matter how elite of a soldier he was. She walked/carried him back to his room so he could get some rest. It looked like he hadn't slept well in days.
When she was sure he was settled she stormed out and twords the others. They were going to have to beg and grovle for Soaps forgiveness and for hers as well
Laswell barges into the rec room in front of everyone and their mother and starts going off on the 141. Everyone is witness to it because they all deserve to know what bad teammates they are to one of the best men she has ever had the pleasure of meeting let alone working with
They had broken on of her children's spirits and so she will break them
The 141 hadn't even noticed. Sure something was off sure they felt wrong footed but they hadn't realized why and it had pissed her off beond measure
Everyone watched as Laswell draged them through the mud and tore them a new asshole. He screamed at them for every bit of 10 minutes and then whole time they sat their frozen.
Frozen in horror not only because of the real fear Laswell may pull a gun on them but also the horror of what they had done to a member of their family. They had been on edge for days and they hadn't known why, but it was Soap the little bastard was the sooth to a to mean comment the backup you could rely on when you were being ganged up on. He was the joke to lighten the mood.
He was the glue of their team of their family.
The next morning when Soap gets up he finds the team all lined up outside his door with Laswell all begging for his forgiveness. They brought his favorite candy and snacks. Brought breakfast from off base and his favorite coffee order. He doesn't know what to say or do. He tears up unsure of how to feel. Laswell tells him they are going to have to make it up to him because what they did was unexcusable.
Soap doesn't know how to respond just nods. it takes weeks for Soap to slowly go back to being himself and the 141 has never been more thankful when he made the first joke to lighten the mood in months.
(It makes it even worse that all the recruits learn their favorite sergeant was mistreated 🤭. They make comments for months and Laswell forbid them from punishing them after all public humiliation works incredibly well)
Soap and Laswell girls night where she tells him to not give them anything close to forgiveness for at least a week because they deserve to suffer for their BS.
"And Ghost that boy deserves none of you for at minimum a month that man is supposed to love you!"
'uhh we aren't together??'
"yes you are anyways as I was saying!"
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the creek drank the cradle, chapter 7
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lxnarphase · 3 months
i think i like writing toji as some dummy that geniunely tries his best and is a bit autistic about the things he does.
he wants to get you flowers but struggles because he thinks all the scents are too much, so he has shiu help him pick some that won't make him overwhelmed!! and if he ever gets you a present too, he never has the ribbon be made of velvet because he hates, hates, HATES the texture.
in his mind, if it makes him uncomfortable and upset, why would he ever give it to you??
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Just watched Brokeback Mountain for the first time and I need to talk about it.
Throughout the movie, we see Ennis experience a lot of intense discomfort and fear at the idea of being intimate with a man, despite it becoming abundantly clear in the details and based on his actions that that is indeed what he wants. He even admits to Jack that this fear stems from an experience he had at a young age, when his father showed him two men who were presumed to be lovers (they were roommates vibes), murdered and castrated, with him basically using it as a lesson to show Ennis that being gay was wrong and would get you killed.
Jack on the other hand was a little less discomforted or fearful at the idea of being with a man, in that we actually saw him return the following summer to Brokeback Mountain hoping Ennis would be there, only for him to show up alone. We saw how after this he confidently approached a man at the bar hoping to get to know him, only to get rejected and risk getting hate crimed (foreshadowing 😭). And we saw how, over time, Jack’s struggle had more to do with being hurt over Ennis’ unwillingness to commit or even just consider the possibility of them being together long term, even despite the risk of being gay in the 60’s.
Near the end of the film, upon Jack’s death, Ennis discovers from his father that over the past 20 years since they met at Brokeback Mountain, Jack constantly brought it up to his folks, how Ennis, his friend, was going to move up to their ranch and they were going to build a cabin and live together and take over for the family.
Jack was often the one in the moment taking the chances for them to be together. He was the one who mentioned that they could go to Mexico, with Ennis furiously rejecting it saying ‘you know what happens to people like you there??’
But what’s even more painful, is that in this same scene, Ennis’ acknowledges the truth more directly, and why it’s so painful is because it ends up ironically coming true:
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Here, Ennis is basically saying that if he decides to be with Jack for real, aka faces his queerness head on, that’s going to be the thing that gets them (Jack) killed. Shortly after this, Jack loses it and has that infamous ass monologue, followed by Ennis breaking down over how it’s Jack’s fault that he’s this way in the first place.
In the end, when Jack dies, Ennis finds out about what happened from Jack’s wife, Lureen Newsome, who said Jack was pumping up a flat out on a backroad when his tire blew up, with the rim of the tire slamming his face, breaking his nose and jaw, and knocking him unconscious on his back. By the time someone drove by on the deserted backroad, he had drowned in his own blood.
The audience might’ve believed this story, if it wasn’t for how rehearsed it sounded coming out of Lureen’s mouth, but it also doesn’t help that images of Jack being hate crimed as his true cause of death are flashing across Ennis’s mind in real time while Lureen is telling him about the ‘accident’.
While it’s left up to interpretation, it’s implied from what his wife and father said, that Jack was hate-crimed by his father in law, with it being covered up.
Broken nose? Broken jaw?… Those are the kinds of wounds someone endures after being beaten up. And if it’s happening to the point of death, then he was essentially beaten to death.
This then fits into what Jack’s father said, because apparently, shortly before he died, he’d told his father he’d found a different friend that was going to come up there to the ranch with him. And so it’s very likely Lureen’s father caught wind of this as his plans to leave neared, leading to his murder (Jack also bitched his father in law tf out in an epic way, which on its own felt unnecessary in the moment, but within the context of this makes a whole lot more sense).
Either way, it seems Jack waited for Ennis to change his mind. 20 years he waited, and when Ennis didn’t, Jack finally moved on with someone else who made an offer of his own years before, only to get murdered just as Ennis feared he would if he decided to live his life authentically.
Ennis initially found out like this, in a postcard that bounced of him inquiring Jack about seeing each other again after that last massive fall out where they had, only for Ennis’s worst fear to be realized:
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Nov 7th with deceased stamped across it has me spiraling 😭
Now, obviously Brokeback Mountain is one of the most well known queer films of all time, like there’s no denying that. So it’s fairly easy to assume ST could be taking some inspiration from this film just like they have with hundreds upon hundreds of other films. But especially if they are planning to go the queer route, homage to this film is pretty much guaranteed (there’s also one more reason it might be guaranteed, but I’m saving that for the end 🤣).
Regardless, as you can probably already tell, it’s very easy to see similarities between Ennis with Mike and Jack with Will.
Mike getting the ‘you see Michael? You see what happens?’ treatment from his father, in the first episode in the series, is very Ennis coded in that this is a TV show that follows that up with seasons of Mike pushing Will away from him, with it leading to a boiling point where he says, ‘What did you think? Really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were just gonna sit in my basement in play games for the rest of our lives?’ with Will responding, ‘Yeah. I guess I did. I really did,’ aka extremely Jack coded.
The really epic thing about this though, is that ST is clearly going on a different journey than Brokeback Mountain did, in that it’s simply subverting the bury your gays trope. While they are acknowledging the risk of being queer in the 80’s, they’re not letting it end ‘realistically’ like many people have insisted it must because that is the only option. And this will be a satisfying ending because it’s coming as a response to all those heartbreaking stories before it that have reinforced this idea that happy endings just aren’t an option for gay people who simply want to be together.
While Ennis and Jack didnt get their happy ending like they wanted, Mike and Will on the other hand 😏
And last but not least, on a more hilariously ironic note, the guy who Jack was going to settle for in the end instead of Ennis, was a guy named Randall Malone, played by none other than David fucking Harbour.
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