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Amalgamated Clan Of Three! Didn't want to post these all separately since they're such small sketches
#dinluke#dinluke art#clan of three#grogu djarin#<once again rejected your reality and substituting my own#din djarin#din djarin x luke skywalker#luke skywalker#lukie pookie!#mr. chanel boots#mand'alor the reluctant#mand'alor din djarin#star wars#kraftykelpie's art#wars in the stars#anyway :))))
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can i get a dickie...

now ur speaking MY language
Headcanon A: realistic
dick loves kids. he loves lian, and cerdian, and irey and jai and wade, and chris and damian. he loves the younger titans and young justice. he tries to never show it, but when they turn to him first, instead of clark or bruce or diana or j'onn, it makes him feel giddy, like he's about to soar up into the stratosphere.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
dick loves lying, we know this. however he favourite activity is lying about his early days of robin, when bruce was struggling to acclimate to parenting and the world was just a little more absurd. tim tries to one up him by talking about that time santa got nuked by a sentient meteor. that's cute, dick replies, but you weren't around when bruce had to synthesise a literal cure for ugly.
is he lying? is he telling the truth? they'll never know - he's already paid off alfred, and bruce just grunts.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
once he told roy that he couldn't make love with someone he didn't love, and that's true. but after - after, he sleeps around for the first time in his life. he knows what he looks like, he knows his own body, so it's easy. he always asks, and they always say yes. it's his choice. he's choosing this. it makes him want to rake his skin off, scream, lie down and never move again, but this is him taking back control. and if he leaves before they wake, if he cant meet his own eyes in the mirror, no one else is any wiser.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
it makes him feel terrible, selfish, and wicked - but deep down, it feels good that bruce has been trying to replace him as robin since he was fired. it feels even worse after jason dies, when that heavy weight settles on his shoulders and never quite leaves. you see! he wants to shout at bruce, you tried to get rid of me, and you've spent the rest of your life trying to get me back!
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tim for the ask game? :-)
Headcanon A: realistic
part of the reason he keeps his hair longer later is that he has a pretty significant burn scar on the back of his neck after the explosion he's caught in late in robin '93. he's not too self-conscious about it or anything, but he hates when people stare or ask about it.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
when he was going through his dad's stuff after his death, he found a box of his own baby teeth that his parents apparently just... kept. which he had feelings about for sure, but also like... he didn't really want to keep a little box of his own teeth. that feels weird. but also throwing them away when they clearly had significant value to his parents feels BAD.
solution: he makes sure the box is clearly labeled (there's a tiny paper that says "tim's baby teeth <3" in his mom's handwriting in the lid; he goes over it with sharpie because it's kind of faded) and then just leaves it in a drawer in dick's apartment. dick you want these right? for emotional attachment or whatever? yeah cool.
dick finds them like two weeks after tim just places them there and goes hm. considers calling tim like hey why is there a box of your teeth in the drawer under my tv? but then he's like eh you know what, my life is weird enough. this may as well happen. so he just leaves them there and forgets about them again. tim considers this a job well done.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he has a boatload of internalized homophobia to work through before he can even admit to himself that he's bi, thanks in large part to jack drake. he's also trans, and jack's acceptance of that hinged on tim being able to play the part of the classic ~all-star american boy~ so well. as a result, after jack is dead, tim has a lot of issues allowing himself to stray from what he knows his dad would've wanted him to be. it's not a simple easy said-and-done journey. it takes him years; he's the last one of core four to come out.
he also doesn't just like. tell people. his sexuality and his relationships are on a need-to-know basis. he's a very private person he's not going like oh i'm queer? i need to inform everyone i know. it's like... partly because he is just a private person, but also because it takes him a looong time to work through the shame around his sexuality that his dad left behind.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
he and zoanne are still friends. or they reconnect when tim eventually goes to college to get an engineering degree. specifically i think he just goes "well i'm great at tinkering and shit so how hard can this be?" and then once again has to struggle with juggling vigilanteism and having a normal life and doing homework. and zoanne is there going jeez your eyebags!!! are you good?? and tim's like no i want to sleep for a week :( why did charaxes show up last night when i have an 8:30 am lecture on tues/thurs >:( except he can't say that because secret identities. the point being tim gets to continue exploring his Themes and Issues re: identities and ALSO zoanne wilkins is there.
#answers#lemonlimestar#tim#phew....... many tim thoughts i love him. placing him into a centrifuge as we speak
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assuming one person can send multiple charas for the ask thing, i wanna ask for my lad jataro (btw i'll get to yours soon, just kinda strugglin thinking stuff for kaede!)
Hey again, gensou! No worries, I know I took my time with this one ^^"
Headcanon A (realistic): Jataro isn't a total slob. When he's unmasked, he looks clean and pristine! Someone's making sure that this boy is washed and scrubbed and taken care of. My money's on Nagisa.
Headcanon B (while it may not be realistic it is hilarious): Jataro was low-key Junko's favorite Warrior of Hope to hang out with. His chatter is so unpredictable that even the Ultimate Analyst can't always guess the next thing he's gonna say. An unusually consistent source of that rarest of emotions for Junko, genuine surprise. She would gush about him to Izuru, who was not interested.
Headcanon C (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): The other Warriors of Hope weren't always so down on Jataro. How else would he be part of the friend group if they weren't friends once? But as the other Warriors started to thrive under the new state of affairs, Jataro's own self-esteem never improved. What once made him relatable and endearing now makes him creepy and unsociable - not to mention, a reminder of how pathetic they all once were.
Headcanon D (unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own): If you remove his mask you'll find another mask beneath it
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Sharing the massive message spam that I sent to @makowrites because I think I'm hilarious.
I was talking with some friends who said that the blonde army trooper from Reach got a name, but only for her to get killed in a Waypoint story.
So obviously my first response was to say, "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
Which turned into a conversation about how it would be much better if she and the others she was with managed to escape the scenario, which could lead to a funny story.
Then somebody said "we need to bring back the 'Someday I'll get myself a pair of shiny pants too' quote" and somebody else said, "she should make a Spartan call her 'mommy'"
So I figured hey, those two things could coincide, and it would be a funny way to bring Thorne back into lore after fading away in Spartan-Ops obscurity.
Which in turn led to me writing this (just so everyone knows, it's got some innuendo but I'm not really one for NSFW so it's pretty much entirely innocuous and for the lulz):
Setting: the survivors are sitting around a campfire as they make their way back to the nearest FOB. Thorne, who was instrumental in rescuing them from the House of Reckoning and is currently leading the group, just confessed that he became a Spartan after losing his family in New Phoenix. --- As that sobering thought carried over the group, Thorne stood up. “I’m going to scout the perimeter,” he declared with a reassuring grin. “You all stay here and rest. We’ll need to get moving again at sunup.” With that, the Spartan slid his helmet on and stalked off silently into the darkness. “Thorne’s a good man,” Hedge said, still nursing his injured side. “And a good Spartan. I’ve fought with him before - he’ll help us get out of this mess.” Then the large man rolled over, turning his back to the fire. “He’s right, though… we should all get some rest.” Singh nodded to himself, leaning back against the tree. He couldn��t believe that they’d survived everything - the escape from the Infinity, the fall of the Mortal Reverie, and now Escharum’s twisted ‘House of Reckoning’... the Lance Corporal could only wonder what fresh nightmares awaited them after they made their way through this mess. He turned over to Bobrov. “What do you think, Gunny?” Singh asked with a grin. “Is Thorne all Hedge says he is?” As he waited for her answer, Singh noticed that Bobrov’s eyes were fixed on Thorne’s retreating figure. “You in there, boss?” he prodded, nudging her with the toe of his boot. Elena shook her head, as if removing herself from a trance. “I hope so,” she finally answered. “I’m about sick of fighting losing battles. It would be nice if something turned our way for once.” She turned her eyes back up in the direction the young Spartan had stalked off. “You know,” she added thoughtfully, “I met a Spartan. Back on Reach, before we knew that there were different classes of them and all.” Singh nodded slowly. “I heard there were Spartans on Reach. What were they like back then?” Elena’s cheeks turned slightly pink. “Really quiet,” she said. “They did a lot of staring. It was weird.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I told one of them that I was going to get myself into a pair of shiny pants like theirs.” Finally, the sergeant turned to look at Singh. “Thorne’s pants looked pretty shiny, don’t you think?” She grinned, a predatory glint shining in her eyes. Singh’s jaw dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Gunny. After everything we did… that’s what’s on your mind?” Bobrov shrugged. “I’ve only got so many ‘certain-death’ scenarios left in me,” she said as she stood up, dusting off her pants. “And didn’t you hear what he said? He lost his whole family.” She licked her lips, like an honest-to-goodness cartoon character. “That poor boy needs a new mommy,” she said, her voice low. “You’re a menace,” Singh groaned, passing a hand over his face tiredly. Bobrov didn't answer, except to flash her middle finger at him behind her back. “Hey Thorne,” she called out in a sing-song voice, trotting off into the dark.
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OK, we'll go up and talk to Isobel in a sec, but a quick look around Moonrise's lower floor first. Again, it's pretty depressing because pretty much none of the tieflings are here, but look who is!
One of the few people Rakha's actually pleased to see.
"Ah, you found your way! Good."
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd scout ahead, check for any nasty surprises. Of which I found a great deal."
"And what did you find?"
"Shades. Death. Harpers. Flaming Fist. And this of course. And the makings of an alchemist's workbench - ingredients too." He gestures at the table next to him, which is filled with vials, beakers, flasks, and other mechanisms Rakha has no name for. "There's a recipe I'm trying to replicate. Something that might help you. That is - if you're still going to help Wulbren and the others."
(A/N: The affirmative answer here, "Of course I will," feels too effusive for Rakha. So we take artistic license...)
Rakha nods. "Yes," she says simply.
He brightens up eagerly. "In that case, you'll be very pleased to learn what I have in store for you. A new type of smokepowder. All the bang and boom of the original, but with an extra surprise. I call it the 'Brilliant Retort.' You'll need it if you're going to survive this cursed place. You'll need it if you're going to get into Moonrise Towers and help the deep gnomes taken prisoner there. You'll need it if you're going to save Wulbren."
(A/N: OK, this next dialogue choice is SUPREMELY weird. The options are as follows:
1) I thought that was your mission. 2) How did deep gnomes get trapped in the Towers? 3) I have more important things to do. 4) Wulbren who?
None of these are reasonable responses??? We already agreed we were going to find Wulbren TWO LINES AGO and we know exactly why the gnomes were taken prisoner in the first place. Once again I'm going to reject reality and substitute my own because all of these options are dumb.)
"Are you not coming with me?" Rakha asks, raising one eyebrow.
Barcus sighs. "Let's call a thing a thing. A deep gnome won't get far into the Absolute's orgy of evil. We already learned that in the Underdark with those sadistic duergar, didn't we? It's doubly true in this place." He grins up at her. "You, on the other hand, have proven resourceful in such infiltrations. I'll do my part according to my talents, and you I hope will do yours. The Brilliant Retort will aid you; thus, I will make it."
"I like the name," Rakha says - which for her is quite effusive. Her eyes have narrowed with curious interest. "What's it do?"
His grin widens. "Let's not ruin the surprise, hm?" He waves at her in a shooing motion. "You - you do whatever it is you do. Some of us are counting on you."
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I’M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE! But I MANAGED TO DO IT EVENTUALLY! So here she is! The best girl!
(Headcanon ask meme from here!)
Headcanon A - realistic: Hornet does not know how to really interact with people beyond violence or distant acknowledgment. Most of this is due to the sheer length of time she’s gone without really talking to people before warding them off. Additionally, she really hates the adventurers that come into Hallownest to try and pick it clean, since she views it as an attack on her territory. Lemm can stay purely because he is actively cataloguing and recording history, and someone other than her needs to know Hallownest’s story.
Headcanon B - while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: I am all for baby!Hornet playing with Hollow propaganda, and will love it till the day I die. Once she’s grown up, and with Hollow and Ghost (who are FINE), she very much acts like a long-suffering older sister to Ghost, and regularly asks Hollow if she was this bad as a child. They tell her she was worse, and she throws juice at them.
Headcanon C - heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: After Dream No More, Hornet has a breakdown. The infection is gone, but at what cost? Everyone she knows and loves and could have loved is dead and gone, leaving her this broken kingdom that will likely never flourish again. I think she sticks around for a little while, trying to see if she could make a village or community from what remains, but would eventually find it pointless. At some point, she may even force herself to enter the Wasteland. Maybe forgetting everything is for the best after all...
Headcanon D - unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: She was endlessly fascinated by the Pale King’s horns and his light, and would crawl all over him as a child, much to his confusion and horror. Root found it hilarious, and would regularly egg her on. She would also actively interrupt Dreamer meetings to show off drawings and give her own opinion, which Lurien would take very seriously, perching her on his knee and nodding every time she babbled. She was very much loved within the palace.
Thank you all for your patience, and I hope you enjoy!
#ask#ask game#brainshittery#(i love your username so much)#unregisteredcookie#ofstormsandfire#bug talks#hollow knight#hornet hollow knight#hornet#writing#headcanons
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So, now we’re doing this, @sherlockkittens.
I don’t care what you post
Yes, you do. Here:
Being so very anti-religion even comparing it to Mental Illness. Is further dividing Atheists and Theists
Once again, the division is between reality and delusion, between claims made by theists based on nothing but mere faith, and non-believers who reject them.
If you want to stop the divide, be silent. And we will be silent. You want us to believe. We just want you to shut your pie-hole. Stop telling us about your gods and we’ll stop telling you we don’t believe you, pointing out everything wrong with your ideas, and telling you that your ideas are stupid.
But remember, you came to me to tell me this. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have been in my messages.
I don’t force my faith down anyone’s throats,
Your presence, uninvited, in my messages to lecture me about how your religion isn’t merely an idea - when it is, by definition - that I shouldn’t treat it as such, begs to differ.
You wanted something from me, and you told me what it was from the outset. I took you at your word. Including:
There are certain quotes from the Bible that you have picked that you have done out of context.
No, I haven’t. I’ve even explained the context to believers who insisted it wasn’t true, wasn’t in there, or meant something else. Mostly because they’ve never read it. I’ve pasted entire chapters into my posts to expand their apologetic out into its full explanation. But you wanted me to accept your better interpretation instead. Because your bible makes your beliefs look bad. Mostly because they are.
However, Christianity is very different it is based on the view that Jesus had to die to save humanity from sin.
This is one of the most repugnant, nauseatingly immoral things I've ever heard. Killing someone who didn’t do something to absolve people who did.
Your blood-god couldn’t come up with a better way to absolve its own anger for the sin it created and let loose into the world than to torture a human being to death? What the hell kind of god is this, and why on Earth would you worship this monster?
If your god actually wanted to resolve the problem, it would have. Since in a moment (below) you want me to believe that it’s not resolved, and I’m still at risk, then this is not even a successful torture session. We know that since Jesus was divine and just went home. Blood spell undone.
If your god is a creator god, then it could resolve the issue however it wanted to. Change the rules (that it made) about the requirement for blood magic. Or quietly come to earth as a sheep and die quietly with no spectacle. But your god needs the drama and spectacle. It needs the attention and the bloodshed and the drama and the human angst. Your god is a pathological narcissist.
What’s worse, it means you never have to make amends or seek forgiveness from the person you hurt. Jesus already died to fix the problem. You can get your forgiveness straight from your god, and never ever trouble yourself about your victim.
This is called Scapegoating. Jesus was (in the sense the story says, since there's no evidence the bible character existed at all) lumbered with the sins of the village and then executed.
The old, primitive tribal superstition was to heave the sins of the village onto a goat and then send it out into the wilderness to die of thirst and starvation.
In Xianity, it's called Vicarious Redemption, or Substitutional Atonement. It's the exact same thing. Jesus is the goat.
It means you get to pretend you're not responsible for the things you've done. You get to wash your hands of all the bad things you've ever done because someone else has been punished in your place.
Except you actually can't. You cannot ever remove your responsibility, no matter what silly blood magic sacrifice you perform. That you believe such a proud commitment to immorality, to denying personal responsibility is a good thing is just astonishing.
In any event, I don't owe your Jesus anything. Any more than you owe Odin for destroying all the Ice Giants.
Now you can argue “Well I didn’t ask him to.”. Maybe you didn’t but he did it for you even so. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you should believe in God because Jesus died for you. I believe in free will you should come to God of your own free will.
If you looked up passive-aggressive condescension in the dictionary, you'd find this paragraph mocking it.
No, you're not telling me that I should believe in your particular god, but you are telling me about this imaginary debt you think I owe it, based entirely on your "faith," and then imply that I should do something about it or else ignore it at my own peril. That you warned me, and now I have only myself to blame. You know, for the unimaginable horrific torture your "all loving" god will inflict upon me. For not believing in it. Or acknowledging this "debt". That I never agreed to.
It's a threat. Wrapped up in smarm, but still a threat. Like the thug who comes around to "remind" the shopkeeper about their "protection" payment. "Nice soul you've got there, be a pity if it got all burned up."
You came into my chat to literally threaten me, and I'm the one who is furthering the "divide" between theists and atheists? Are you for real? You threaten people, then get sanctimonious when they reject you and recognize your threats are imaginary, then you blame them for the "divide." That you created by teating them like an escapee from your cult, rather than a fully-formed individual who isn't damaged or incomplete without your particular god. This "divide" appears to be the name you give to you not getting what you want, the result of non-believers not putting up with your arrogant shit when they don't have to. Is this how Xian love works?
Did you ask Odin to destroy the ice giants? Maybe you didn't, but he did it for you anyway. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you should believe in Odin because he killed the Ice Giants for you. I believe in free will you should come to Odin of your own free will.
On a completely unrelated topic, did you know that Hel is an underworld realm ruled over by the Norse goddess Hel? And those who do not fight in the way of Odin end up in this cold, gloomy, depressing, melancholy realm with nothing to do for eternity? Isn't that interesting?
Tell me again how I owe someone who never existed for something he never did that I didn't ask for. Go on.
BTW, free will refutes any notion of your god having a plan. If you think your god has a plan for you, saying “I believe in free will” has just made him pfft out of existence. If you don’t understand this, consider whether you can eat anything for lunch tomorrow other than what your god already knows you’ll eat. If you can, he’s not omniscient, and there can be no plan. If you can’t, you don’t have free will.
Ephesians 1:4-5
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
Romans 8:29-30
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
If you believe in free will, then you’re denying your god’s will, and whom he has predestined to believe and be saved.
Which is to say, your god is responsible for everybody in hell. The bible says so.
Perhaps open a dialogue between Theists and Atheists in a calm debate.
You came to me to tell me, what was it?
Religion is not an idea it is a belief there is a distinction between them.
I showed you the meaning of idea and belief, that belief is a subset of idea; a belief is an idea that is accepted as true. You then pushed on about how...
we can argue the differences between beliefs and ideals until we are blue in the face.
Except that words are how we convey meaning. And if we can’t agree on what words even mean, and you didn’t, then there’s no point. As I told you.
And you steamrolled on ahead anyway. You didn’t want to get tangled up in words actually meaning things, you needed me to subjected to your testimony - again, uninvited, unbidden - about how...
Religion is part of an identity,
Which is terrifying in itself. It makes you incapable of rationally analyzing an idea, because your personal identity is wrapped up on it. Which, of course, is what indoctrination is intended to do. So, that part’s working well.
God is also a part of this, He is inseparable from my identity.
Yikes. This is a lifelong commitment to irrationality and unreasonableness. There isn’t anything that would ever convince you that you’re wrong. You’re unable to learn, to grow, to abandon ideas and accept others, to have the joy of finding out you were wrong about something, to change your position, to seek knowledge and understanding, to pursue truth above all else, even if it’s painful.
This is like a bird cutting off its own wings and saying “this nest is my identity.”
You see that as a good thing. i find it horrifying and extremely sad. A thing you believe with nothing better than mere “faith” is “inseparable from [your] identity.”
You’re settling. This is giving up on life, it really is.
I’ve got news for you there are grey areas.
So much for the objective morality believers are so fond of.
Faith and Religion are not logical concepts they are emotional, and you can not separate the two.
Correct. And relying on your emotions is a cognitive flaw/bias called Emotional Reasoning. Which we already know are unreliable. Emotions are manipulatable, malleable and prone to misinterpretation. Unless you commit to living entirely by your emotions, you already know this is true.
Emotional reasoning is the false belief that your emotions are the truth — that the way you feel about a situation is a reliable indicator of reality.
While it’s important to listen to, validate, and express emotion, it’s equally important to judge reality based on rational evidence.
Researchers have found that emotional reasoning is a common cognitive distortion. It’s a pattern of thinking that’s used by people with and without anxiety or depression.
So, why would I accept epistemology based on your mere emotions? Especially when someone else’s emotions say that some other god - or some other denomination’s version of your god - is “true”?
You think you’re solving the problem, but you’re not. You’re exposing all the problems with it, and why nobody should pay any attention to you. You’re agreeing that your belief is, by definition, irrational. It’s not logical and it’s not reasonable.
I’m not interested in ideas that are irrational. Especially when they’re incoherent, like a god who is “perfect” but needs worship, or is “good” but works in “mysterious ways.”
As I explained in great detail, faith can’t be used to obtain truth. Because nothing will ever falsify your faith, you’ll just sink in more faith to support it. Because other believers have faith you’re wrong and they’re right. Because if faith can lead them to believe false things that they cannot realize as false, than it can lead you to believe false things and never know it. And because there’s nothing - literally nothing - that cannot be held entirely by faith alone. Nothing so absurd, nothing so immoral, nothing so gross, nothing so weird that faith will not entirely support it.
And that you don’t get to determine their faith is not “genuine” while yours is. Especially when it amounts to you using faith to justify your faith, which is circular.
If you’re using faith, it means you don’t care about truth. And you’ve admitted it just now, in that you rely on how it makes you feel, not its truth.
Truth is demonstrated, not felt. True things are real, meaning they reflect reality, they exist in, influence and are influenced by, reality. If your thing is “true’ then it must reflect or manifest in reality in some way. If you can’t or won’t do the work to substantiate it - and it appears you feel like you’re completely immune to your Burden of Proof - then you’re also relieving me the burden of paying you any attention.
You may think what you are criticising are stupid beliefs but me and the 2.5 billion others disagree with you.

It doesn’t matter how many people think your religion is true. It’s either true, or it’s not, on its own merits, not because X number of people believe a thing. Remember when only a few people thought the Earth was spheroidal? Good times.
Also, I don’t care if you disagree with me. That’s my point. I can criticize, analyzie, scrutinize and mock your beliefs. Even - and especially - if you disagree. Because confirmation bubbles and confirmation bias, like emotional reasoning, are a real thing.
It is, for example, through confirmation bias that you frame your silly bandwagon fallacy as "2.6 billion others disagree with you". When that's just another way of saying that 5.2 billion people disagree with you. Even Xianity is a minority. But it's confirmation bias that causes you to see only the "hits" and not the "misses," that more people disagree with Xianity than agree with it. Even though that's irrelevant to truth anyway.
If that bothers you, you need to ask yourself why it bothers you that I find your beliefs to be stupid. As best as I can tell, it appears to be because you don't want other people to figure it out too.
#christianity#religion#religious logic#religious morality#religious immorality#immorality#bible#jesus christ#religion is a mental illness
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for the ask meme, may i ask for viper? love your writings btw! :)
:))) tyty! Hope you like this as well then!
Headcanon A: realistic
The epitome of sophistication. She may be tired, bored, hungover, but you’ll never be able to tell. She comes into work with designer shades, a clean white lab coat, and perfect clothes - not a single wrinkle! She does her best to never be caught in a state of disarray. Even when she’s injured, she has that air of class around her and she never lets her weakness show. On top of all that, she keeps her lab immaculate. We’ve all seen the mess on Killjoy’s desk and her lab in general is.... heh. Raze probably has a space just as messy as that. Going between the different labs is like going between different worlds. Brimstone may be the only person who has ever seen her be anything other than composed, but he respects her too much to let others see her like that.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Incredibly spice intolerant, but loves it anyways. She will never show it in public, but her eyes will water, her nose will feel stuffy, and her throat will be burned raw. It’s the reason why she will only ever eat spicy food when she thinks she’s alone. Some of the agents from places that eat a lot of spicy food (like Jett for example) will often cook spicy food, which Viper will always find a way to decline. She will not eat spicy foods in public, but she will sneak leftovers from the fridge to bring to her room, paying Brimstone some credits for being the one to stow it away from all the other agents.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
She was a doctor. She was a healer as Omen called her. Viper’s dream was to save lives, and she went through so many years of school to get there. Once she got to her dream though, things just had to change. It was the radiant war, the interactions with Reyna/Reyna’s sister, and then with Omen and Sage. She’s no longer that bright-eyed doctor with dreams of being a saviour.
Instead, she looks on in vague jealousy when she sees Sage heal their allies. Any time Omen references her past, she feels a pang of regret. She wants to be the person she used to be, but that’s just not possible anymore. It’s not any easier when agents still ask her for medical advice in passing. She’s so close to who she wished she was, but she wants her vengeance, and if she were to succeed in that respect, she will never be able to return to the way things were.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Yeah, Brimstone’s right when he nags her about secretly liking the agents. They’re young, foolish, and naïve, but yeah, maybe she still likes them for those traits, and she does have a soft spot for it. But despite that, she still has her image to keep up, and instead of direct praise she’ll say things like “Keep up your tinkering Raze” or “Your inventions are... useful.” Once again, if anyone asks, she’ll deny it, but Brimstone knows better, which is why she is a good mentor for some of the agents like Killjoy.
#I like the comradery between her and brim#it's fun#old friends and whatnot#valorant#valorant viper#viper#valorant headcanons#ask meme#answered asks
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May as well do the obvious. Danny B for the 4 headcanons ask game?
realistic: he lives on bare minimum necessities because hes always broke and he’s on that teacher salary where he spends his extra money on stuff for the students pretty much. sam and tucker try so hard to decently furnish his apartment even though he keeps saying he’s fine (”you have exactly ONE fork in your house danny YOU ARE NOT FINE”).
while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: the reason pretty much everyone dated him in college was because the perception of him was so low in high school but when anyone spent at least a good 10 minutes with the dude, they realize he’s actually a really cool person. everyone was kinda experimenting in college so they all collectively went “fuck it, ill date danny b fenton.” danny always went with it because 1) it was sorta fun having at least one date with all his classmates and getting to know them better after being so closed off in high school and 2) he always got free food out of it.
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: his childhood room in the fenton household has pretty much been abandoned and turned into a guest bedroom. many stuff that db didnt take with him when he moved out was either shoved into the deepest corners of storage or donated. danny b once saw his old model rocket (signed with his name and all) at a goodwill while he was shopping for cheap clothes and never went back to that specific location ever again.
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: is it rejecting canon if hes basically my oc and IM the canon??? um lets see, i’ve seen this trend going around where teachers doing online teaching make their classes look like a twitch stream set up and i think it would be HILARIOUS if danny with his bare necessities life style just randomly set up his class exactly like that all obnoxiously cute with those cat ear headphones and everything with no explanation. his class is CONFUSED. he does it for like one day and then the next its all completely normal again and everyone thinks they hallucinated their catboy teacher session.
#danny b fenton#dannyverse au#he got tucker to help him with the set up and borrowed the headphones from dani#ask meme#seance#naturally-naive
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Good Day to you! For the ask meme, Her Imperial Serenity, Empress Teyla Emmagan, Leader Of The Athosians and Holder Of The Briancell please!
Ah, Teyla, my beloved! Thanks so much for the ask @sparrowsarus! ♥
Headcanon A: realistic Teyla is an optimist. Not your garden variety willfully-blind-to-reality, magical-thinking-will-make-it-better optimist, but the bespoke kind who knows realistic optimism is a discipline, a moral and ethical position that refuses despair even in the face of tremendous odds, or daunting setbacks. Or even the appalling human tendencies to casual cruelty and unconsidered selfishness.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious When Teyla was young, the traditional Athosian martial arts weapon was a bantos staff. But Teyla was a small child who insisted on training with the older children because she wanted to learn everything, all at once, as soon as possible. The adults found it impossible to keep her away, even though she struggled to use a staff that was half again as tall as she was. One night, sawing noises were heard in the woods behind the training hut, but no one paid them much heed. The next morning, Teyla showed up to practice bleary-eyed, carrying a pair of neatly finished bantos rods which she then used to thwack 6 kinds of crap out of the meanest staff-wielding teen in the class.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends Teyla was with her father (Tagan) when he was taken by the Wraith. In fact, she tried to tackle him out of the way of their culling beam, the way she did many years later with Ford, but Tagan sidestepped so they wouldn't both be taken. Bonus heart-crushing: the Wraith detected Tagan's altered DNA and killed him while the Hive was still in orbit, rather than preserving him for later feeding like the other Athosians. The Hive was still within Teyla's as-yet-unsuspected sensing range, so her nightmare that night wasn't a dream, but a real-time vision.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. At Torren's first birthday/public naming ceremony, his name officially becomes Torren Johrodnon Emmagan, so his middle name can be a portmanteau constructed from the names of all 3 of his 'godfathers'.
#Stargate Atlantis#tumblr ask games#Teyla#Her Imperial Serenity and Holder of the Braincell#headcanons#HC D part 2: OT4 with Elizabeth and Caldwell and Kanaan#because @sparrowsarus came up with that beauty and I believe there will even be pamphlets#love that for them
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If you’re still doung the headcanon ask game then Leela?
Headcanon A: realistic
the hound stuff in annihilation still has its effects sometimes. sorta like the cheetah virus for the master. "hey leela why are your pupils dilated??" "hound juice" "...i'm leaving"
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
look. i want to say something funny here but her death in canon involves vampires then she gets reincarnated in a little girl's head and that's funnier than anything i could come up with
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
she doesn't miss her home planet in the conventional sense. in fact, it doesn't even have a name. the time lords have never heard of it. no human has ever heard of it. the doctor no longer remembers its coordinates and since nobody knows the slightest thing about it she can never go home. but despite everything about it, in some strange way, she still wishes she could see it again.
she is proud of her heritage, but she does not miss her home. it did not love her, held no place for her, and yet having no way to return cuts to the bone. the problem is less that she isn't there and more that she will never see it again.
she tried to speak her mother tongue to narvin, once.
she does not remember the language anymore.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own
she eventually found some sort of peace after the whole weirdness that was her life - particularly her unfinished business with people like rayo, narvin, the doctor, etc. and then the vampire business went down
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Headcanon A: realistic
in his head, rattling around like whispers in the dark are the words if you slip once, if you tighten your grip, if you falter, if you fall, you will be a killer. he hears it as he stands at the gallery with damian, as he watches cass dance, as he sits through duke's debate club, as tim sits beside him in the cave, as dick smiles at him, again, the same as he did when he was robin. you will kill your children. it's what you really want, isn't it? to make people hurt. to make them feel the way you do. he doesn't, obviously. the thoughts are intrusive. they hold no power in the daylight. he knows this. he knows he knows he knows.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
sometimes bruce just... doesn't remember people's secret identities. like, he knows them. he has them on file. he has built a flamethrower robot with the face of their first love to cause maximum emotional damage should they ever go rogue and steal a nuke, but otherwise? the league recruits so many similar sounding people that he just can't bring himself to give a shit. what's that new guy's name? who cares. his costume is ugly and he looks like a hedgehog.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
his greatest fear is watching the people he loves be gunned down in front of him, again, while he is helpless to watch. but what he fears, truly, buried so deep that even crane could not draw it from him, is that everything he's done to dick, everything he's said, all the times bruce has pushed him away and made it hurt, is hanging over his head like the sword of damocles. dick's anger is loud. he simmers then explodes, but there are some things that remain unsaid. how close is he from turning away from bruce entirely? what if bruce loses him while he still breathes? why can't bruce stop doing it?
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
one time as bruce wayne he spent an afternoon flirting with ronan farrow at an event, because he was so afraid that ronan was going to start asking him questions about like... why he keeps mysteriously disappearing and how all his kids keep dying. it was fine. he played it cool. he had to hide from michael lewis in the bathroom.
#bruce wayne experiencing mental illness: i am irreconcilably evil#bruce wayne#dick grayson#batfam#batman#alllll of these are dick adjacent but im not sorry!! he's the most important guy in the world#the ask and the answer#ask game
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I gotta know your Kon headcanons. I Must. But also, how about some Jon headcanons?
YESSSS THE BROS <3 kon first!!
Headcanon A: realistic
inspired by talking with @lemontongues: he practices with his ttk by getting really into fibercrafts, particularly making bobbin lace!! after a while he can control so many moving parts all at once doing so many things and it's pretty incredible to watch.
this also does result in him having so much lace and not knowing what to do with it all. he sells some at markets with ma, learns to sew once ma says they really have enough doilies, bookmarks, etc., so he can make her pretty dresses, and starts adding lace to his own wardrobe too. call that grannypunk.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
he loves max mercury's chives, and as a farm boy, is delighted to discuss gardening whenever he visits bart's family. bart is like NO NO PLEASE TAKE MORE CHIVES. MORE THAN THAT. EVEN MORE!
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he's terrified of himself and the amount of power he has. especially as he grows older and comes into his own properly. the idea that, as a fully-realized kryptonian with ttk, he might genuinely be able to take down clark - superman - is genuinely terrifying to him.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
clark actually does offer to share the superman mantle with him when he's a little older! (they're flying side-by-side; kon is so shocked he falls 500 feet before he remembers how to fly again.) he ruminates on it a bit and finally says no, because he'd like to forge his own identity, but the fact that clark offered means the world to him.
Headcanon A: realistic
he takes after his mom a lot more than people realize. he's got her scheming mind. got all that cunning and guile under his dad's big baby blues and general goodboy demeanor. but when it rears its head, oh man. you can really tell yeah, that's lois lane's son alright. sometimes kon likes to wind him up and set him loose on people just to stand there and giggle while jon verbally eviscerates some hapless asshole.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
teenage jon came home from school one day and immediately put a dollar in the swear jar. when lois raised an eyebrow, he blinked innocently at her and explained, "lex luthor gave a speech at school today, and when he asked if anyone had questions, i raised my hand and called him a bitch."
lois thought this was so funny she gave him his dollar back. kon, when he heard, thought this was so funny he gave jon an additional 20 bucks.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he accidentally broke pa's favorite mug one morning while pouring coffee for ma. yes, he did cry about it.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
he actually gets to have a childhood! sometimes he comes home and calls kon up to complain about a bunch of middle school drama and kon just sits there like. ???. ?????. and then jon is like. oh right you're like eight :/ never mind. kon is always like "HEY!" and jon thinks it's funny, so he never stops saying it.
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4 of your headcanons for Maya Fey, please.
Headcanon A: realistic
Maya often seems childish to people who don’t know her very well, but she’s actually a very capable person. Her joie de vivre and unabashed appreciation for things like children’s cartoons, combined with her lack of interest in a lot of more ‘adult’ pasttimes like drinking makes her seem naïve to a lot of people. However, she can cook and clean for herself without trouble, knows how to do her taxes, does her own laundry. She has a driver’s license and a passport, and if dropped in a foreign city would be able to confidently find her way. She took Pearl in when she was barely a legal adult and took excellent care of her, raising her with love and encouraging her to explore her own interests. She always looks for the best in people, but has plenty of experience with real villains, and is brave in situations that would terrify most people. Despite long-running jokes about her being a danger magnet, in a lot of basic life skills she’s ahead of many people she knows (*cough* Phoenix *cough*).
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Maya writes Steel Samurai fanfic. She’s got a fandom-favorite fic that is pretty epic in not only length, but also in show and historical detail and characterization. Her fics often deal with her own traumas and experiences and can be very cathartic, but most relevant for this headcanon is that she makes Phoenix beta kissing/sex scenes for her. Maya’s ace and not at all interested in doing her own research when she can just send her porn to her best friend and force him to have to correct her on whether or not that position is feasible. She doesn’t make him read the rest of the fic, but will very casually send an email that’s 7,000 words of smut with no warning whatsoever. Or a text asking explicit questions without any context. She is the sole reason Phoenix has a password on his phone now.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Maya has a very real anxiety about being left behind or alone. Her mother left her as a toddler and she never really got to meet her again. She never knew her dad. Mia left Kurain and then died. On top of all that, she has several times been trapped all alone in very traumatic life-or-death situations where she was unable to get to anyone. Furthermore, her role as Master of Kurain requires a lot of solo or very private training. Every time Maya goes off on her own, she feels very anxious that she’ll be forgotten by her friends. Or even that she will be the one to leave them behind, not on purpose but through her own death. She knows better in her head, that they love her and that despite her history there’s no inherent danger of terrible things happening to people out of her sight (or to her, once she’s away from them) but the fear is always still there. Some quiet part of her has made peace (several times over by now) that she will probably die alone someday, and it terrifies her.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
They’ll never go into this in canon, but in my head Maya overhauls Kurain village completely. She makes certain that the children there are given a choice whether or not they want to learn spirit channeling, that there are firm support systems in place for those who have difficult home lives. There’s an emphasis on having girls and on maintaining tradition above all else, often to the detriment of families and individuals, and she takes action to counter that sort of harmful culture. Maya makes sure there’s more than just the one bus or one phone booth. She helps educate people on the outside world, and proves to them all that their traditions and culture won’t be forgotten in the process. Under Maya’s leadership, there’s a lot more diversity and personal freedom, but there is genuine interest in Fey culture too. She teaches little girls how her spirit channeling has made real, tangible differences in so many people’s lives, saving many of them. She brings in a lot more business than was seen even before Misty’s time, but in an environment that is so much healthier for all the actual residents of the village. And most of all, she gets rid of the main family/branch family divide, making the position of Master one that is dependent on skill level rather than any inheritance, and eventually peacefully steps down to allow Pearl take on the role once she feels ready and has clearly surpassed Maya’s own skill. In future years, Maya will be remembered as being as influential and significant a figure as Ami Fey, someone who saved an art that was dying out.
send me a character to get four headcanons!
#ace attorney#maya fey#headcanons#replies#hotel-japanifornia#sorry this took so long i wasn't at a computer all day#maya truly is the Best though#inbox games
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🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc)., 👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?, 🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
( ̄^ ̄ゞ You ask, I deliver, friend.
1) Something I've recently felt proud of in regard to my writing? Finally using RWBY's Nevermore in another LB5.1/Atlantis chapter where my entire self was saying, "F* you, unbeatable boss battle, I reject your reality and substitute my own!" I've loved the song for a long time, so to finally use it in a fic while also calling out some villains in their motivations felt really good. More so when some of the fights let me revisit my childhood in the 2003 Teen Titans show and call out the bullies who emotionally abused me at my previous job.
2) I feel I'm in a gray area between planner and pantser, because when I first started writing, I had a plan for my fics. Even now, when writing, I still have plans. But the "pantsing" happens because the characters take reins, I get new ideas, so on. It's never consistent - just a general pattern that happens.
3) Ideas I can't call a WIP yet? I think there's three.
a) My first attempt at writing a smut fic (not happening yet, more so with my lack of actual rl experience to help with that) or just plain going back to my roots in Naruto fics with some different AU content.
b) Mastersona Vy interacting with Castor and Pollux of the Dioscuri with Olympus having come to FGO NA. I was fortunate enough to summon them in-game as of this posting (Mar 24, 2022), and after seeing the stories you made for them, Carim, I've had some thoughts. Just haven't put them down to electronic paper yet.
c) Simply putting down the moment when Space Ishtar/Astarte was summoned in Passing Days, considering she is my Grailed Avenger but she's also dealing with a legion of Grailed Servants who already aren't happy with her having taken their little princess away in a kidnapping. Not cool.
Thankie for the ask again, Carim. <3 This was fun to answer.
#writing thoughts#writer thoughts#vy says something#partialdignity#friend things#nice things#ask#asks#thankie carim#really
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