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missgryffin · 2 days ago
Just out of curiosity, how do you see Jilys dynamic based on their astrology signs?
Omg anon I LOVE this question thank you so much for sending it!! I have done a lot of astrology research in connection with writing because I find it to be such a good tool for characterization, so I feel like I could talk about this for days!
I'm going to do this bullet point style because I'm kind of just rattling off thoughts as they come. (And also, I can tell this is going to be long already, so I'm not going to go into their individual traits too much here, but if you google Aries Man and Aquarius Woman you'll find pleeeenty of material!!)
They have insane chemistry. It's air + fire, so how could they not? The attraction + energy match is just there, and it feeds off each other. When they're dating, they're obviously leaning into it, but before they're together, I think it wildly throws Lily off to feel this kind of chemistry with him (because it's him, y'know?)
They both value independence and approach each other as equals. This is so central to their characters. Obviously the dynamics of him being pureblood and her being Muggle-born during a war about blood purity make this incredibly important for them. But even on an interpersonal/relationship level aside from the war, it sets the whole tone for them. James is known to be arrogant and the only other person we see him give deference to is Sirius. He's not the type to suffer fools, he's not patient, and he likes to take charge and be in control, so the fact that he steps back from all of those impulses to give more equal deference to Lily I think speaks volumes about not only his respect for her but also their ability to match each other.
Building off that, they challenge each other. Because they are on equal footing in terms of skill, intelligence, energy, they can challenge and mentally stimulate each other in a way that they don't necessarily get from other people. (There's a scene coming up in ES Ch 6 that starts exploring this dynamic that I'm so excited for you all to read!!) There's a really deep intellectual attraction there in addition to the physical attraction, and this is what ultimately brings so much depth to their relationship.
They also share degrees of impulsiveness, playfulness, and creativity that just naturally bounce off each other and create a really fun energy between them. Like they're constantly flirting (especially in a teasing kind of way), and there's a healthy amount of spontaneity with them.
But! They still have challenges!!
They're both stubborn as fuck. James's arrogance can drift into a lack of empathy that makes him callous, closed, ruthless. (See: his dynamic with Snape.) Lily's strong beliefs and convictions can lead her into being hardheaded. He wants to be in control, she wants to be right—and she will go to great lengths to avoid being wrong. (See: her serious case of denial wrt James and struggle to end her friendship with Sev.) This type of clash, where one or both of them is being extremely stubborn, is the source of most of their conflict.
In a similar vein, their pride can easily get the better of them and both of them being stubborn and argumentative can turn things explosive very quickly. Passion can manifest in a bad way just as easily as it can manifest in a good way! Though I think with time they get better at recognizing this and just turn bad passion into good passion, since the root of the feeling is the same.
They struggle with communicating feelings and emotional vulnerability. Their independence makes them afraid to appear weak. Especially in all the lead-up to getting together, I think they struggle with talking about their feelings and showing that vulnerability to one another. On top of that, James can be brash and insensitive, while Lily's defense mechanism is to shut down — not a good combination. She can be aloof and distant when she's like this, and James struggling with being vulnerable makes it hard for them to bridge the gap. They both need to dig deep, put aside ego, and make an effort to resolve this kind of conflict.
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somegrumpynerd · 1 month ago
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Not romantic or platonic but a secret third thing (this guy is my sleep aid and using him like a body pillow knocks me out)
Just the outlines under the cut:
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ilikeyoshi · 1 year ago
if i ever go back to wow it'll be to play dragonflight and the announced quel'thalas expansion and then leave again
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trans-leek-cookie · 12 days ago
Listen maybe it's just me and the way Chinese food is viewed versus Japanese food in like. The General American Social Perception or whatever. But the idea of "culturally significant" being equivalent to "fine dining" genuinely is getting on my nerves a bit. This isn't to say there's no Chinese food that's considered fine dining, but rather that the idea feels like it minimalizes how much Culturally Singificant food is in fact like. Casual.
#Like. Do I think dim sum Could Be fine dining? Yeah. Do I think it is inherently fine dining? Fuck no.#Do I think it's culturally significant? YES.#Also just like. I feel like some cultures struggle to be seen as HAVING fine dining in a way that's really. Y'know#Attached to racism. Like again. Not to say examples don't exist but when u say fine dining ppl usually#Default to French or Italian or whatever the fuck#And I doubt they'd think of like. Mexican or Jamaican or Arab food in the same way even tho those have just as much cultural significance#They're just not Valued or Viewed the same idk!!!#Also you can get wings & orange chicken & sponge cake or phoenix claws and juk and grass jelly at dim sum#And like. I'm not trying to say oh there's Normal stuff and Weird Stuff I'm trying to say there's shit that most ppl#Have had and stuff that most people won't necessarily have seem before or be interested in and they're ALL ON THE FUCKING MENU#AND YOU CAN ORDER THEM BECAUSE THE DIM SUM PLACE WANTS FUCKING MONEY#Sorry I think I have some existing annoyance at the fact that if I see the word ''Chinese'' come up in a story it's gonna b about take out#Which is like. Fine. I guess. But I'd love if there was actual diversity in the food represented or smthn idk.#Or if I saw Chinese characters half as often as I saw characters eating Chinese food. And then seeing fine dining being equivalated#to Cultural Significance (which also implies high cost is correlated to Cultural Significance which ehhh) and just#Getting a lil bit Irritated As Hell about the entire Subject of Chinese Food and Chinese American Food#Man idk. Theres also the implications that ''Cultural Food'' will be inherently alienating to picky eaters when like#Yea there's something to be said about the way ppl react in disgust to foods associated with nonwhite culture#But also. Orange Chicken is such a normalized food and is also Associated With A Nonwhite Culture so it's like#Sometimes. Cultural food. Is boring and plain.#Also you can get chicken karaage and fries at some Ramen places. Still Japanese food. Also still literally just fried chicken
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dan-crimes · 2 years ago
I seriously need to work on my voice 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ my range has been seriously stunted since puberty cuz once puberty hit I stopped talking as much so I lost all the range my voice had since I wasn't keeping up with it 😩 I love being silly and doing silly little voices but I have only a few ranges I can hit which is kinda a higher voice (bcuz I practiced after puberty a bit) and then this shitty raspy voice where I try to sound anime (and fail) and then I have like deeper voices that are kinda goofy and like an old man voice
My OWN voice has been kinda lost in the sauce bcuz I don't rlly talk to people anymore so my voice just kinda changes from day to day but it's definitely in the higher register atm bcuz I can't help it when talking with my family since I kinda gotta go Family Friendly Mode constantly and if I tried working on my more casual speech I feel like they'd mention it and I'd rather not talk @ all vs having them pay attention to things that I do that are meant to be my own thing and private
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xxdedboixx · 1 month ago
~ Selfish (and Jealous) ~
One Piece Captains
How selfish are each of the captains when it comes to your attention? And just how much more selfish they can be when they become jealous.
NSFW for each captain below the red lines.
18+ MDNI
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Luffy is accidentally very very selfish. It doesn't even really cross his mind that he could possibly be being selfish and if someone brings it up all he thinks to say is "Well I AM a pirate" with a laugh and exaggerated shrug.
He'll just butt into conversations you're having, either running over to show you something cool or just wrapping himself around you in a tight hug to listen in. Maybe he'll even dramatically kiss your cheek just to make you laugh.
When he's intentionally being selfish it's a whole other deal though. He is suddenly one of the most jealous people ever. For example, you might be talking with a captain of another crew or gushing about how strong someone is. As soon as he hears praise for someone else he is right beside you, pouting or otherwise trying to draw your attention. "Hey I'm supposed to be the coolest guy you know" an exaggerated pout is permanently stuck on his face and he's glaring at the other person. If he doesn't manage to draw your attention though he will wrap his arms around you and run off with you (sometimes this is the first step of he's feeling particularly neglected that day).
Jealous of the other captains (Law and Kid mainly)? He will immediately be starting a fight for your affection. You mention one of their attacks is cool? He's immediately showing off the "super secret epic move" he's been "working on" (he probably just made it up completely on the spot). You like their style? He's pouting and grumbling about how his hat is so much cooler.
When it comes to the bedroom Luffy is yet again accidentally selfish. It's not necessarily a bad things though because the way he is selfish isn't what you may think.
Instead of focusing on his own pleasure he is just so focused on the moment. You have his undivided attention and he is not letting a second go to waste. This also means you need to be focused on him though. Any time he is not touching you is time wasted if you ask him.
He's selfish in terms of not listening to you. Yes how you feel is important but what you say isn't. He is 100% accidentally overstimulating you because he just can't get enough of how you sound.
I also firmly believe that he prefers to focus on you rather than taking care of his own needs. He will only stop touching you when he absolutely can't hold back anymore and even when he is actually fucking you he is still groping you in every way possible.
How about how selfish he would be if someone else was involved? He probably just accidentally ignores them, forgetting they're even there sometimes just because he wants to hear you even more. If he does remember that someone else is there then he's gushing about you and showing off how good he can make you feel. You always have to be the focus of both of their attention, he just won't allow it to be any other way.
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Trafalgar Law
Law isn't really selfish but he's not not selfish y'know? He has a good handle on his emotions for the most part so it's rare he actually lets any selfishness or jealousy seep through the calm and smug facade.
He also knows that you wouldn't be dating if you liked anyone else so he doesn't really get jealous.
If he wants your attention then he's probably going to be selfish and immediately ask that you come to his office just to spend time with him, no matter what you're doing. And since he is your captain you have to obey (he likes to pull the captain card a lot). But if he's content just doing his own work then he doesn't really mind letting you do your own thing.
If you're talking to someone else when he wants your attention there's 2 options. Option 1, he calls you into his office, maybe whoever you're talking to even thinks you're in trouble with the way he says your name, but he's actually just tired and needs your attention to refill his battery. Option 2, you're mid conversation and then you're in his room. This is usually much more of a last resort. He might use this method when you are refusing to go to bed or when you're ignoring him for whatever reason.
He knows it's selfish to want you to spend most of your time in his general vicinity but he just can't bring himself to care. You both might like time to yourselves but that doesn't mean you can't have your alone time in the same room.
He doesn't really get jealous when you hang out with other people but he does prefer it if you stay near him, he'll tolerate other people talking to you as long as it remains friendly and if they try to flirt, then you don't flirt back.
When it comes to the other captains (Luffy and Kid) he won't intervene in the dramatic way the others would. He prefers to be more casual, he might just wander over an arm around your waist or shoulder. He isn't one for PDA but sometimes he just has to show off his claim over you. He might even whisper a joke in your ear to irritate the others or make a sly remark about them.
The way he feels when you interact with them could be considered jealousy but he would probably just say that they irritate him and he doesn't want you wasting time on them.
If you mention something cool that the other captains have done, he doesn't do much more than raise an eyebrow at you, maybe it even irritates him but you won't necessarily know until later. If it irritates him enough then... Well check out the NSFW section.
If you manage to make Law actually jealous then he might just take it out on you in the bedroom. In reference to what I mentioned before. If you talk too highly of the other captains then he is going to tease you endlessly. "Do you think those idiots could make you feel as good as I do?" His fingers might lightly trace over every sensitive place he can think of. "Come on, you talked so highly of them, where's my praise?" He won't let you finish, edging you until you're gasping out apologies. Even then, it's not an apology he's after, it's the satisfaction of knowing that even if they are 'cool', they could never make you feel the way he does.
When you're having sex otherwise he doesn't really seem selfish or jealous. He's actually very giving. Unlike Luffy, he will do whatever you ask him, if you've been good and you ask him nicely enough. He loves it when you beg (I'll probably make another post about this at some point).
I doubt he'd be comfortable with anyone else watching but if it ever did happen then he would be the one completely in control, giving orders. He might be sitting on the other side of the room and instructing them how to treat you, or he might tell them to just watch so he can show off how well he knows you. He's definitely making sure you are the centre of attention.
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Eustass Kid
Kid is insanely selfish and very easily made jealous.
He lets his emotions get the better of him so if he's jealous everyone knows (even if he denies it).
He hates when you interact with anyone outside of his crew. Even going as far as making sure you are never sent to go shopping alone. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just prefers that you have a guard dog to make sure no one even thinks of hurting you or trying to take you away.
If he wants your attention then he is going to yell your name and demand that you accompany him, he'll claim he just needs your help if anyone asks but in reality he just wants you by his side. Like how Killer is never too far away, he just likes to know what's going on and prefers to have you close by.
He wouldn't get jealous of his own crew per se (because he trusts his crew and friends a lot) but if he notices you spend more time with anyone in particular he might become more irritable. If you both have down time and choose to hang out with someone other than him he is probably going to seek you out and hang out with both of you. It won't necessarily improve his mood and he'll probably sit there glaring at you both (after all you chose to spend time with someone other than him) but at least he can spend time with you.
The only person he could never be jealous of is Killer because he trusts him completely and I would even go as far as to say that he shares everything with Killer.
Because he's pretty much always keeping an eye on you, the moment one of the other captains gets too close to you he is by your side, hurling insults and taunting them. "Why are you wasting time talking to these losers?" "Get back to work." Any excuse he can make to keep you away from them. Again, he trusts you but he just gets so jealous. The idea of them wasting even a second of your time irritates him beyond comprehension.
If you insist on talking to the captains or compliment them in any way, he becomes insanely angry. You are not spared from his wrath either. If you compliment them when they aren't around then he's just gonna curse under his breath and probably call you an idiot. If you compliment them to their face then he curses and storms off. "Fine if you like their company so much stay here then!" "Fucking idiot, complimenting this trash." Anyone who witnesses him storm off will immediately jump out of the way and probably avoid him for the rest of the day. Eventually if you confront him about it he'll shout about how he's the only one who deserves your praise. He's selfish so the mere thought of you complimenting someone else fills him with rage, those are his compliments, his attention, you are his.
When it comes to the bedroom his selfish side really shines through. He's going to make sure you enjoy yourself but he's also a bit of a sadist so if he wants you to beg for it then you are going to beg. I also firmly believe he is the king of degrading praise.
"my pretty little whore" "such a good slut for me huh?"
If you've pissed him off then he is going to leave you there without letting you finish. But other times he is still focused mainly on himself but he will consider how good you're feeling, it boosts his ego to know that even when he is the main focus he can still make you feel just as good.
If you've made him jealous then he's going to show you just how much better he is. He will not stop until you are crying out, whimpering that you didn't mean to make him jealous, that he's the only one you admire and that he's the only one who can make you feel so good.
Kid would also probably be the most likely to involve someone else. Obviously the first person to come to mind is Killer but I don't doubt he would also be ok with sharing with a couple other members of his crew (the other two who immediately come to mind are Wire and Heat). As long as it's both of them dominating you then I think he'd be very very into it. He'd give the others tips and taunt you for getting off to the idea of both of them.
Although he's easily made jealous normally, because he has so much control in the bedroom it takes a lot more to make him jealous.
If you've made it this far thank you very much and please check out my GoFundMe to raise money for my top surgery. I also take requests but will be more inclined to respond if there is any type of donation attached (even just $1 because everything counts)
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playstation-dreamcast · 24 days ago
Loved your hc's on the residents evil boys! Since your requests are open could you perhaps make headcanons on Wesker's flirting game? I bet he's good at it y'know to get people on his side but when he ACTUALLY likes someone? Man got no game. He's probably going full autism mode and tells about his special interest and shit <- I see it but that's my opinion though LOL
Oooo, we have different takes here actually. I love yours, and I can see it! But, here's my take!
Wesker Headcanons: Flirting Edition!
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Gif is by @digitalangel777 btw!!!
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Okay so first of all, I don’t really think Wesker flirts to be honest. At least, not intentionally. This is mostly because I don’t see Wesker as the type of guy to develop, nor clock his attraction to someone immediately. It takes time!
Wesker flirting is him remembering your coffee order and leaving it on your desk. It’s him not completely tearing you to shreds when you make an obvious mistake. It’s him praising your work when you actually do a good job, beyond just “Well done.” Wesker flirting is him being able to speak with you casually about something, rather than being so damn professional and wound up all the time, ya feel me?
He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it until it's too late. Until he’s in his car and Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears comes on and he catches himself daydreaming about you. You could the quick, sharp “Fuck!” He let out from the next car over. 
I think after that he’s kinda in cringefail mode ngl. Like, he’s trying to avoid you, but he’s integrated himself so much into your life and you so much into his that it is neigh on impossible, and he can’t stop giving you special treatment now, cause that makes you sad and he genuinely can’t stand when you get that glossy, upset look in your eyes
He’s not flustered. I think he’s a little too well composed for that. But he did, in fact, catch himself rambling to you for like, 45 minutes about the different strains of Flu after you told him you had just gotten your flu shot. And while you were a good sport and humored him the entire time, that was genuinely a mortifying experience for him. Had him staring at himself in the bathroom mirror at the RPD like:
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“Get It Together Albert.”
He starts to actively look into you. Not necessarily in a “I have your official government docs” kinda way, but more in a “I’ve spoken to your friends and now know your favorite type of candy. Here, I got some for you.” Kind of way. More of a “You said you liked this movie. I watched it so we can talk about it. I liked Neo.” type of way, ya know? He’s going beyond the bare minimum office cordiality to actually try to connect
This is incredibly hard for him- you have to understand. The only other person he’s connected with on a human level bonded with him over unethical experiments and medical malpractice- give him time
He flirts by building a snowman with you. (This is my shameless self promo)
Oh, he also flirts by sharing his snacks. I think Wesker is genuinely really possessive of food for lack of a better word. I headcanon that he probably faced some food insecurity growing up (the boys home withholding food as punishment type deal), so he’s not big on sharing. Typically. For you though? Of course you can have the other half of his Twix. Here, don’t tell the others he hides suckers in his desk, but take one. Do you want to try this new weird chip flavor he found with him?
This is him taking care of you btw. Look at him, he’s such a good provider. He’d be so good at taking care of any potential offspring you have. Surely you want him, he is displaying so many Desirable Traits ™
This is how humans think, right? Like this is how it works? Of course it is, he’s an expert in human psychology. 
I think he eventually gets tired of beating around the bush honestly. And when that happens, a scene not unlike this one plays out
Aaaanyway- in conclusion, I think that Wesker is really good at flirting when the job calls for it and he needs to get people on his side. In that sense, he’s very good at it. But, outside of that context, he sucks at flirting. Mostly because it feels a lot like manipulation. So he doesn’t actually “flirt” to show his attraction. But there will be signs. (It’s the cup of coffee exactly the way you  like it on your desk btw. That’s the sign)
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lowkeyrobin · 8 months ago
Hi could I request a Carlos De Vil x reader where maybe she is the daughter of Roger and Anita Radcliffe from 101 Dalmatians. Maybe it could be like an enemies to lovers situation but not necessarily enemies cause Carlos is such a sweetheart
IM SOBBING YES YES YESSSSSS ; also fair warning I only write gn / they/them readers so I keep everything pretty in the middle so everyone feels included haha ; but thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy 🫶
CARLOS DE VIL ; a new story
summary ; yours and carlos' parents were enemies in their stories, but you and carlos, not so much
warnings ; language
track ; something new, tokio hotel
word count ; 1.6k
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You knew the story of Cruella De Vil and your parents one hundred one dalmatians. It was told to you as a bedtime story every night you asked for it growing up. So, naturally, you'd grown a distaste for Cruella De Vil, and her son who'd you'd just found out existed, Carlos.
You never sported a fancy dress or a tux, considering you worked with dogs.
During the VK's second day in Auradon, their search for their next class led them past your little pasture of grass where you worked with and trained dogs. From Yorkies to German Shepherds, you had them all.
But you'd unfortunately caught their attention as they passed by, your loud shouting and jogging leading them to you. Mal opens the door, Carlos behind her shivering and shaking at the sight of dogs.
"What are you doing?!" He asks her
Mal rolls her eyes. "Seeing what they're doing with all these dogs"
The four approach you, nearly scaring the hell out of you with their bright hair and clothes. They'd snuck up on you while you had your back turned, in your defense.
"Oh, hello! You must be the new kids?"
Mal nods. "Mal, Maleficent's daughter"
She accepts your handshake as you introduce yourself. "Y/n. Rodger and Anita Radcliffe's kid. Y'know, Cruella De Vil and the dalmatians?" You chuckle
Mal, Evie, and Jay all look over at Carlos, practically pretzeling himself as he holds his arms to his chest, feet stuck together to make himself a smaller target for all the dogs.
"Evie, daughter of Evil Queen" The blue haired girl smiles.
"I'm Jay" The boy with the long hair flexes his muscles.
Mal snaps at Carlos.
"Uh- Carlos."
"Cruella De Vil's son" Mal smirks.
You blink, staring at the boy. "Uhm, so! Why are you guys here? Shouldn't you be in class?"
Mal shrugs. "We'll be fine. What's with all the dogs?" She asks, watching a pitbull nearly tackle you as it jumps on you.
You giggle, rubbing his back. "I train dogs" You answer, looking back up at her.
"At school?"
You shrug. "Better than on the street. Fairy Godmother allowed it cause I'm such an excellent student" You give them a fake smile, knowing your grades were fairly average, maybe just below. "But, it's either this or they get killed" You shrug, "I work with cats as well, but my friend Marie is mostly in charge of that"
"Let me guess..." The purple haired girl begins. "Marie, like those three little talking kittens?"
You nod. "You can play with them," you say, referring to the dogs, "I'm not gonna tattle on you for skipping, I couldn't care less."
Carlos shrieks, jumping onto Jay's shoulders quickly as a small dog attempts to jump on him, wanting attention. Your eyes quickly widen, looking up at him. You look back at Mal, curious as to why he was so jumpy.
"He'll tell you" She snickers, her and Evie walking off to play with one of the smaller dogs.
Jay shoves Carlos off his shoulders, leaving him cowering in fear to chase after one of the larger dogs. Carlos stands still, staring at you while the dogs bark and growl, playing with each other and with his friends.
"Why are you so scared of dogs?" You chuckle, picking a little Shitzu up, holding her in your arms.
"My mom told me that dogs are little demons that eat boys when they're bad" He answers quickly, the words falling out of his mouth. His eyes are running wild, trying to make sure none of the dogs approached him.
Your expression softens, realizing he's not some evil asshole that you'd thought he was at first. Christ, he wasn't gonna hurt these dogs, he couldn't even be within the same space as them.
"Well, your mom lied to you. These dogs are the nicest creatures on this Earth, they wouldn't ever think of purposefully hurting you, let alone think of eating you" You chuckle, scratching the ears of the dog in your arms.
A slightly wide eyed look appears on his face, like he couldn't believe that his mom would lie to him about that, especially so much to create a phobia. But, it made sense to him, she's lied before, she treated him like some servant to her.
"You wanna hold her?" You ask him, referring to the dog in your arms.
He quickly shakes his head no, still a little too scared to wanna face his fear. For all he knew, you could've been lying to him.
"That's fine," you softly smile, trying to make him feel comfortable. You could tell he was a bit less tense, but you tried keeping things calm for him. The audible laughter of his friends fills your ears, seeing them practically playing tag with a handful of the dogs. "You don't have dogs on the Isle, do you?"
He shakes his head again.
"Well, feel free to do as you please. I don't think your friends wanna leave anytime soon"
"I don't think so either"
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It'd been a while since your first encounter with the new VK's. But, you didn't think they were some delinquents with no hope for a future like others did, they were just misunderstood and needed a chance to succeed.
Carlos, by himself, had come down to your spot one afternoon.
You were occupied with brushing the shed fur off the longer haired dogs, working on a retriever when he entered.
"Hi" He shyly smiles.
You turn back to look at him. "Oh, hey, Carlos!" You smile. "What's up?"
"I don't think dogs are evil anymore"
"Good" You chuckle. "What changed your mind?"
He shrugs. "You"
You roll your eyes, turning back to the retriever to hide the fact your face was heating up.
"You need any help?"
You stop yourself, looking back at him. "If you'd like to"
He smiles, approaching you to help.
"Just hold her paws like this. She likes squirming"
"She's pretty"
"She's got a hell of a coat"
He jumps as the dog barks, wanting out of your grips.
"Calm down, it's almost over"
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Carlos was still kinda jumpy with dogs, even after he'd been on the tourney team for nearly a year. You, in honor of his growth with his exposure to his fear, decided to give him a dog to finish his exposure therapy. That was all his idea, you never thought for a second to try and force him to get along with dogs.
But, he wanted to be closer to you, which meant he'd have to get used to the dogs.
To be totally open and honest, he'd quickly developed a crush on you. Crush as in he was totally, completely in love with you.
He adored your soft smiles of encouragement and reassurance, how you were so kind and understanding, how you saw him for who he was. A lot of people assumed that he and his friends were pure evil, not thinking for a moment that maybe since they were raised by and to be villains, that they had things backwards but had grown into good people. You did that for him like how Ben did for Mal, how Doug did for Evie, how Lonnie did for Jay.
He just wanted to love you, to hold you close, and thank you for being truly you.
If he had to admit it, he'd be honest about how he was damn near mortified of you after hearing who your parents were, thinking that you were just like the retelling of your parents in his mother's stories. Thank God you'd exposed him to the true story and proved to him that you weren't some asshole.
He never expected to fall in love with you like this, your stories of the past told in the present, just a little backwards. How funny would it be to explain how your parents were rivals in the past and you'd fallen in love? How ironic.
He knew at least that your parents liked him, he was not planning on introducing you to his mother though, if that ever could've happened. The barrier still being up was the perfect excuse not to.
But, he desperately wanted to ask you a very specific question, something that could really make or break your relationship.
"Do you wanna go to the cotillion with me?"
"Sure" You shrug. "But, I do have a little surprise for you"
You stop yourselves on the path in the woods. You whistle, causing a dog to sprint up to you from the woods. He stops at your feet, barking at his arrival. You smile, picking him up, handing him to Carlos.
Carlos, confused, looks up at you.
"His name is Dude. Don't ask about that. But he's yours. He needs a home, you're a pretty fit candidate" You smile
Carlos happily pouts. "Why are you?-"
"Because I can" You shrug. "And you've come a long way with your fear. I'm proud of you"
He scratches Dude's ears, a happy smile upon his face. "Thank you?"
"You're welcome"
"I still don't understand how or why you decided that I needed a dog, but I appreciate it"
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At the cotillion, you and Carlos, after Uma's final attack, dance in the pool of water together, soaking yourselves while Mal and Ben dance together. Evie and Doug and Jay and Lonnie do as well, eyeing yours and Carlos' looks at each other, like you had hearts in your eyes.
You both jump in the water, splashing each other with it purposefully.
"Stop!" Carlos laughs, picking up a cupped handful of water to splash your face.
"Oh, you're dead!" You giggle, doing the same to him.
"Watch out, lovebirds!" Mal laughs, running past you two as Ben chases her.
"Do not act oblivious." Evie rolls her eyes playfully. "Just kiss already"
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sugarbbgrl · 1 month ago
biker!141 are big, mean looking men. they’ve done things the average human could never even begin to imagine. they answer to no one but themselves.
but when it came to you, these fearsome men caved almost instantly.
“what’s a pretty girl like you working at a place like this?” the man with dark hair and muttonchops, the name ‘price’ patched into his cut. “you don’t seem like the type to want to interact with sweaty men all night.”
“oh is that right?” you snort, wiping down a few of the freshly cleaned glasses. “and what type of girl do i seem like?”
“you belong in a museum,” the man with a a faux hawk and scottish accent begins, presumably ‘soap’ from his dingy patch. “you’re quite the sight for sore eyes, lass.”
you shake your head with a bright smile, the attention being solely on you at this point isn’t necessarily a bad thing; you’ve got nothing better to do.
“right you are, soap, i could look at you all day." the boyish one, 'gaz', rests his chin in his palm.
"although the flattery is much appreciated, i still have a job to do." you lean over the counter. "what'll it be, boys?"
"you, of course." price winks at you, resting his forearms against the bar. "but i guess i'll have to settle for the next best thing: a pint of your finest."
while pouring their drinks, the one who hides behind a skull balaclava, 'ghost', speaks up. "you never answered the question, love. what's with being a bar maid?"
"well, if you must know," you slide the full glasses toward the men. "i run the place. it pays the bills and i meet interesting characters to fill my time."
"love me a working woman. when we getting married?" soap asks after skulling his drink. you smile and shake your head, taking the empty glass from him.
"need a ring first, hon."
the weeks following the first interaction, they'd made it apparent they were making this their new hangout. they'd bring you all sorts of gifts: namely homemade meals from gaz, a new cut from price with the word 'birdie' patched on, a golden necklace with a small motorcycle pendant from soap, and an assortment of flowers from ghost.
"i know it's not a ring, but you seem more like a necklace girl if i do say so myself." soap pointed to his gift hanging from your neck as you put ghost's flowers in a vase.
"very observant, soap. gold star for you." you pour them their usuals, sliding their glasses to them.
"didn't know what flowers were your favorite so just got the ones that reminded me of your beauty." ghost grunts, a small smile seen under the mask.
"yeah, and i didn't know what you like to eat, made some simple spaghetti because who doesn't like spaghetti?" gaz eyed the tupperware container you set in the mini fridge behind you.
"you four are too much, y'know that?" you snickered and shook your head, shrugging on the leather cut.
"ay, but who wouldn't want the spoils, birdie?" price winked at you, admiring his gift fitted on you.
the most important thing was you felt safe around them. they'd take time out of their visit to escort a rowdy patron, taking their place as your own personal bodyguards. they made sure no one messed with their old lady, most would be too scared to try just by the sight of the four big men surrounding you.
idk how much i like this but i haven't written in a while and had this drafted for a bit. enjoy babes!
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stoneybun · 26 days ago
praising schlatt as a joke and he randomly gets hard 🙏🙏🙏
oh HELL yeah anon. NSFW; MDNI as always Schlatt x fem!reader - brat/sub schlatt :3 unprotected sex & creampie The two of you currently had some documentary on the TV, originally being interested in it but it slowly just turned into background noise as the two of you were relaxed on the couch. His head was currently in your lap, letting you run your fingers through his tousled brown hair. His eyes were closed, his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. You took a moment to notice how peaceful this was, one of the tender moments between the two of you that always made your heart swell with affection for your boyfriend. There was a peaceful silence between you two, which wasn't necessarily uncommon. However, you were expecting a comment to come out of his mouth, something just to get under your skin and see the adorable way you reacted to him getting you riled up. But he wasn't, instead just taking the affection and the domestic moment between the two of you. Just letting you care for him. He was behaving. "Y'know, you're bein' real good right now," you snicker, ruffling his hair a little before letting your nails drag along his scalp to fix the mess you just made. You thought it was funny, but Schlatt felt his heart practically fucking stop. "Yeah?" he croaks, blinking his eyes open and looking up at you through his lashes. God, he was so pretty like this. You nod, smiling warmly this time as you let your nails scratch just a little more firmly against his scalp, feeling him shudder beneath your touch. "Mmhm, not runnin' your mouth so much," you continue to tease him. "Bein' my good boy, huh?" Oh, that got him. That got him bad. He grunts, shifting slightly as he tried to tug the fabric of his sweatshirt to cover the tent slowly becoming more and more obvious in his shorts. You know this move well enough to not see past his bullshit. "Oh, y'like that, baby?" you coo, making him grunt in response. "Doll," Schlatt groans, running a hand over his face. "Keep runnin' that mouth'a yours and there's gon' be an issue," he grumbles, trying to ignore the way his cheeks and ears were reddening coupled with the butterflies in his tummy from you treating him like this. "Don't be like that, pretty boy," you purr, your fingers curling in his hair to gently grip some of the chocolate locks he had, tugging ever so slightly to make him look at you. "I think we both know you don't want me to stop." Schlatt huffs, tugging at the hem of his sweatshirt again, looking desperate. His eyes were dilated as he looked up at you, his lips briefly pressing together, looking like he was having a mental battle behind his eyes. He's really trying to hold himself back from giving in, liking the little fight he was putting up with you, but the more he looked up at you and listened to you talk to him like that the harder it got. Also his dick. You hum, clicking your tongue as you release his hair and slowly let your hand drop to caress his cheek, gently scratching at his chops before starting to rub his cheekbone with your thumb. This made him break, a soft, needy huff coming from him as he let himself nudge his cheek into your hand.
"....please," you just barely could make out, making you hum. Oh, you were gonna have fun with this. "Please what, baby?" you purr, letting your other hand slowly trace your fingertips up and down his arm as your voice drops a little softer. "Use your words, big guy." "Please, need you," Schlatt whimpers, and you know you've got him right where you want him. "Need me, huh?" you giggle, letting the hand on his arm slowly travel down his chest, briefly feeling the softness of his stomach. "I think I know just what my boy wants," you murmur, briefly gliding your hand above the tent in his shorts, feeling the way he twitched from the subtle pressure of your palm as you pressed it into him. He bucks his hips in response, desperate for anything more than the pressure, a soft groan leaving his lips when you grip his thickness through the fabric.
"Fuck," he murmurs, his hips stuttering for a moment as he resists the urge to thrust into your grip despite still having his shorts on. "Please, jus' fuck me." he whines, sounding so fucking needy with the way his voice was wavering. "Doin' so well, baby," you coo, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'll give ya what y'want," you continue, slowly nudging his shoulder. "Lem' get up," you murmur, making him listen without hesitation. He sat up, huffing as he ran a hand through his ruffled hair in an attempt to calm his racing heart. When he saw you stand, he quickly did the same, following you like a lovesick puppy to your shared bedroom. It was an unspoken rule, needing the privacy of the closed door to keep the cats out. You turn to already see Schlatt having shed his hoodie, fumbling with his shorts. You giggle, shaking your head and catching his attention, making him raise a brow while looking down at you.
"Just lay down, baby," you murmur, placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing him. He huffs but obeys, his large frame sprawling on the bed. "Good boy," He groans at the praise, watching you climb onto the bed with a heavy gaze as you strip him. "Need ya on my dick, sweetheart, please," "Can't say no when ya sound so pretty beggin' like that," you purr, though in all reality you were already aching for him just as bad. You just loved making him pathetic like this. Instead of dragging on any longer, you grip the waistband of his briefs and tug them down, quickly shedding your pants and underwear. Schlatt swallowed hard, tugging on the hem of the shirt you had on with a pleading look in his eyes. You knew what he wanted; his favorite part of you riding him was watching your chest bounce. You hum, lifting your arms instead of taking it off yourself and letting him tug the shirt off of you, his breath catching at the sight given to him.
Before his brain can compute anything, you're already moving to straddle his lap, his thick, heavy cock aching, pre-cum glistening on his red tip. You wrap your hand around his girth, positioning it just at the right angle. His hands quickly find your hips, fingertips dug into the plush skin of your wide hips. The feeling as you sank yourself onto him was addicting, immediately lost in thought as the familiar sensation of him stretching you wracked your brain. Sure, you both have fucked plenty of times, but it always felt like the first time all over again in the best way possible when he'd slide inside you. Schlatt throws his head back with a moan, a hand coming up to grasp one of your breasts in his hand, needing something to hold onto as he felt your warm, wet heat engulf him. It wracked his brain just as much as it did yours, feeling his cock pulse inside you as you decided to sit on top of him for a moment, basking in the feeling before slowly starting to bounce on his cock. "That's it, fuck," is all he manages to get out, his chest heaving as he kneads your breast in his hand, eyes fluttering up to meet yours. "Like that, pretty boy?" you murmur, bouncing faster, making him whimper and grit his teeth as he moans, the room filling with the sound of your slick movements and ragged breaths.
"Gonna be my good boy 'nd cum with me?" you pant, shifting forward and resting your hands on his chest as you bounce, hips stuttering as they started to ache. Schlatt grunted, putting both hands on your hips and gripping them borderline painfully as he started to rut into you. "Wanna.. fuck.. make y' cum, be, ngh... so good f' you," "That's my boy," you breathe, cock twitching as he hits his breaking point. Desperate moans and whines fall from his lips as his hips continue jerking into you, filling you with his cum while you fell apart around him.
You both stay still, catching your breath. After a moment, he gently lifts you off, making you wince at the gushy feeling between your aching legs. "Shh, I know," he murmurs, cradling you in his arms. "Let me take care of you now, yeah?" He mutters, pressing soft kisses all over your face, making you giggle lazily with a warm, dopey smile.
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meanbossart · 4 months ago
Ask Compilation: Blondes, feet, bowl-cut guardian lady.
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He did not, they never had sex. But he was in love with her.
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For sure. I think she struck him more like a teenager with the black hair and bangs, after the change (both visual and in attitude) she became a far more mature AND attractive person in his eyes.
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PFFT, well, if you're saying they meet ALL of the criteria, I assume you mean both in looks and personality and hence be damn near his soulmate. DU drow could overlook weird feet (and a lot of other things, actually) if he were in love with the person in question. He would probably gently request they take better care of them, though.
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Nothing special there, I'm afraid! He just has human-like skin - perhaps a little on the oily side but completely within the bounds of normality.
He runs a little hot, if that's anything. Oh! His hair is shockingly soft.
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Correct! DU drow only (arguably) looks like a drow. He doesn't have their usual bone structure, height, or associated magical proclivities. He has some dark vision but its nowhere near as good as a drow's either.
I don't necessarily think all Bhaalspawn are the same way, but the Dark Urge IS quite different from the previous game's iterations. DU isn't simply Bhaal's child conceived with a partner, he's a piece of the god that supposedly slobbed off and grew legs and a face, pretty much. So yes, I do think that the Dark Urge at least is it's own unique thing.
The reason why he looks like a drow, is because he was placed in the Underdark upon creation. The metaphor I always use here is that if you place something infantile in a biome that is alien to it, it may try to adapt to it's environment to survive as it develops, to different degrees of success. This is why DU drow looks the way he does.
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You're welcome!
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I've received a few snippets here that you can find through the #gift art tag! There is also the fic I'm in the process of writing called A Novel Experience on AO3.
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It was just something I was compelled to do when I first drew him! The facial scars felt like they should lead into something else so I just made up a pattern on the spot, minus a tiny tweak here or there, it has stuck basically unchanged. All and any lore relating to the scars came later.
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I get a lot of sweet messages but "thanks for your man's penis size" has to be one of my favorites. Thank you!
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Thank you so much for the kind message! And that sounds like a fun dream, I love that your Tav got jealous of the attention ASTARION was receiving instead of mad that he had to share in the first place LOL
DU drow is desperately monogamous. He doesn't care what other people do with their lives but he's very much a "one and done" kind of person.
He would be willingly to participate in a threeway/have group sex with a partner, assuming the rules and regulations of said encounter were laid out clearly before or at least mutually understood between them. He would never want to see these people again after the fact though.
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She does not, naturally I had no idea that this character was going to turn into anything when i made him, so I just... Made a lady. And since she was supposed to be a "guardian" I gave her a Joan of Arc type of look.
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I've occasionally thought about changing this, but... Y'know, sometimes you don't need lore to be that in-depth, LOL.
The emperor gave everyone else a nondescript hottie he assumed they would trust, DU drow just got the same treatment. She's not even DU drow's type but definitely someone he would be compelled to take seriously yet not feel threatened by - so ultimately, her design does make sense.
That's all I have the energy for tonight folks, as always thank you for the many encouraging and sweet messages you send me, I'm sorry I can't reply to all of them! 😭
Have yourselves a great week!
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vagabond-umlaut · 6 months ago
summer collapsed into fall
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summary: gojo satoru has no favourite colour. he feels no need nor interest to have one, either. pairing: gojo satoru x reader [unspecified gender] tags: slight undertones of teacher-student relationship BUT there is NO ACTUAL romance between them; can this be called pining? idk; character study like fic of our sweetest satoru *cries* he deserves sm better; fluff but with a mild serving of angst; wc 0.8k notes: fic title inspired by a quote by oscar wilde; fic inspired by this lovely post i saw on pinterest; jjk isn't mine; loosely related to 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate'; tumblr hates me using dividers hence the new fic format ^_^
satoru doesn't really have a favourite colour.
it's never quite crossed his mind. and even if it has, he has never seen it to be important enough to allow it be anything more than a passing thought, a meaningless thought---it is not like his life will be impeded should he not have a favourite colour, nor is anyone ever going to ask him what it is, so why bother?
but now, as you peer up at him expectantly, having already listed your top five favourite colours and why you love them so, satoru wishes he did bother back then.
he decides to feign confusion.
"what what?" you shoot back, eager gaze not wavering one bit, "i just told you my favourite colours; aren't you gonna tell me yours? it's fine even if you have just one, sensei."
but is it fine if he has none?
throwing his watch a quick glance, he turns back to you. then exhales a quiet sigh, tired but the farthest from annoyed, when he sees you're still waiting for his reply... shutting the bus window beside, he turns to lean against it, shifting to face you properly.
and sighs, decidedly noisier this time, "this isn't the type of questions one asks their teacher, y'know? they are too casual, meant more for a friend than for a teacher."
"you got to be the last guy to lecture me about etiquette, sensei," you retort without missing a beat, huffing a quiet, amused laugh.
"and after the time i had to bring you to ieiri-san after you passed out from drinking a bit too much: i guess we're a bit more than a teacher and a student, aren't we, sensei?"
not really... no.
while satoru believes your first point to be a debatable topic, he does not think the two of you are anything but a teacher and a student, no matter how much help you extended to him or will in the future---it's not like he isn't grateful, though. he is; he really, really is---it's just his belief that few acts of kindness do not necessarily cause a friendship between people, and he intends to tell you this very clearly---
but finds he cannot. he simply cannot.
not when you say, still so eager but with an undercurrent so achingly soft that even the strongest wonders if he can handle its weight: "i'm not that bad a friend, y'know---you can ask others if you want; they'll tell you i'm a good friend, not the best but a decent one---"
"why don't you guess what's my favourite colour?"
rude, yes, horribly so. satoru knows, he knows this very, very well. but what can a man do but divert when he's being unsettled by words like the ones you addressed to him, by the tenor you employed for him---
although now that he observes you consider his suggestion, the man wonders if diversion was the right tactic or not.
he could have just lied and told you any random color. he could have chosen to be honest and told you he has no favourite colour like you and probably the rest of the world have.
but no, he doesn't.
satoru does not opt either of the above two painfully simple, painfully easy options. choosing instead to ask you to guess what his favourite colour is... satoru never really anticipates he'll end up being this much more unsettled, thanks to his decision of diversion:
if there was a subtext of a haunting softness in your manners before, the sorcerer reckons it is the text now, typed out in bold letters then underlined and highlighted in neon---you too shift to face him, even moving the bag kept in between to your lap and shifting a bit closer, but still a respectable distance away---only to punctuate your effort with a keen stare, much too gentle, at him.
it's scary, he thinks. yeah, undoubtedly scary. but somewhere in the back of his mind, something says it's also comforting.
many eyes look at satoru throughout the day. they gape, they gawk, they study the man and every small aspect of his person with many different kinds of reasons behind them. but before today, there has never been anyone who has regarded him with this much care, that too for a nonsensical cause like yours...
he wonders, just what are you seeing in him?
just who are you seeing in him?
"it's orange, isn't it?" you exclaim abruptly, leaning a touch forwards with a snap of your pointer and thumb. voice too loud. smile too big. eyes too bright, way too bright---
satoru takes not even one whole second to decide:
he now has one favourite colour.
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okay-babe · 1 year ago
Headcannons ~ Alastor with a reader who has a contract with Valentino...
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tags: alastor x fem! reader, established relationship (in the final third of the post), cam star! reader, possessive! alastor, valentino sucks (as usual), mild angst, mild nsfw note: okay so I got an ask wanting to know my thoughts on Alastor with a reader who used to be in a contract with Valentino and has to interact with him, but I misread it as Alastor with a reader who is currently in a contract with Valentino and has to interact with him lol, so here's this! (The actual request should be fulfilled soon, my bad anon!).
♱. At first, Alastor definitely thought you were more than just a little foolish for having made a deal with an overlord like Valentino (bro does not understand the concept of victim blaming).
♱. In his mind, the moth is so blatantly rancid that it just doesn't make any sense for anyone to ever think otherwise, even for a moment.
♱. But then, as he gets to know you better, he starts to see things a little bit differently.
♱. "This is gonna sound stupid..."
♱. You told him one day while speaking on the topic of the overlord who owned your soul, a rare occurrence indeed due to the stigma your contract seemed to carry.
♱. "But honestly, Val was the first person down here to actually make me feel like I was... I dunno... attractive?"
♱. You groaned at the end of your sentence, burying your head in your hands,
♱. "I just... I didn't recognize myself anymore, the person in the mirror wasn't me, y'know? It's like one second I was a human, and the next I was, well, this!"
♱. You exclaimed, gesturing to yourself all the while.
♱. "In a way, his absolutely ridiculous insistence that he could make me into a star made me realize that just because I looked a little different didn't mean I looked bad..."
♱. You trailed off, hands stuffed into your pockets as you looked into the distance,
♱. "And then when I learned about everything he had to offer? I mean how could I have possibly said no? It felt like a win-win back then, or at least something close to it. He promised that no one would touch me, that all he needed was my pretty face and a camera."
♱. You looked toward your then friend with a sigh, a tired smile plastered upon your face,
♱. "I guess he kept that part of the bargain, huh? I just never really thought he would end up being so... awful."
♱. You cringed at the end of your statement, eyes going glassy for a few moments before you suddenly clapped your hands together, standing up abruptly immediately afterward.
♱. "Haha, anyways, you have to have like a thousand contracts right? There's gotta be some good stories there."
♱. As you urged him to speak further on his own experiences, Alastor couldn't help but reconsider his previous thoughts regarding your deal.
♱. Perhaps you weren't as foolish as he had initially thought.
♱. Honestly though, as time goes on and your friendship develops even further, Valentino's contract with you really doesn't end up being that pressing of a topic.
♱. Most of the time, any thoughts regarding the overlord go unsaid, and your business with him is considered yours and yours alone.
♱. That is, until you miss a photo shoot for Slayboy magazine (sorry) and the moth turns up at the hotel, clearly pissed off.
♱. So pissed off in fact, that he had neglected to consider the fact that it wouldn't necessarily be you who responded to his incessant banging...
♱. With a wide grin and an almost obnoxious flourish, the radio demon opened the door, leaning slightly on his staff as he regarded the moth with an amused hum.
♱. "Oh my, the vice demon himself here to visit our humble hotel? Why, to what do I owe the displeasure?!"
♱. He exclaimed, watching as the man's eye twitched slightly in response.
♱. "Where is she?!"
♱. He growled, moving to stalk past Alastor only to be stopped at the pressure of the overlord's microphone against his chest,
♱. "Ah ah ah,"
♱. He tutted,
♱. "You most certainly do not want to do that."
♱. His voice held a hint of warning to it, and a great deal of amusement, his eyes full of malice as he spoke.
♱. Valentino glared,
♱. "Fuck off you corny old bitch, this doesn't concern you."
♱. In response, Alastor simply chuckled, his bones popping and muscles splitting as he slowly began to grow in size, in no mood for the other demon's antics.
♱. "Oh but that's where you're wrong, you insufferable wretch."
♱. He said with an earsplitting grin,
♱. "Anything that involves my most esteemed employee very much does concern me."
♱. In reaction to the sight before him, Valentino snarled, but took a step backward nonetheless, not quite stupid enough to pick a fight with the radio demon on his own.
♱. "Ugh, fine!"
♱. He shouted,
♱. "But you tell that fucking whore to be on site in thirty or I'll find a way to kill her twice!"
♱. And with that, he was turning back toward his limo, ignoring the loud radio static that sounded from behind as he did so.
♱. Of course though, that was just about the only time that Valentino ever got away with ordering you around in front of Alastor, because soon enough, your friendship began to bloom into an extremely unexpected romance.
♱. And after that?
♱. Well, Alastor became a lot less tolerant of the idea that something like your soul belonged to someone else.
♱. He was constantly glaring daggers at the moth demon nearly every time he saw him, be it at an overlord meeting, or even the photo shoots you had in studios outside of the V's gaudy looking headquarters (he might love you, but starting a war with Vox by hanging around in that tower definitely wouldn't be a very smart move).
♱. Makes a show of helping you undress at each and every shoot that he does go to though, neatly folding your clothing for you before pressing a gentle kiss to your head.
♱. "Go on then, my dear."
♱. He would purr,
♱. "I'll just be here enjoying the view if you need me." (He's so corny).
♱. Absolutely despises the fact that your deal forces you to show your body the way that you do in front of a camera. Like not a fan at all.
♱. He doesn't really judge you for it knowing why you ended up making your deal in the first place, but he has absolutely killed an obscene number of sinners and hellborn fools that he witnessed viewing your content in public.
♱. "Al, they're not doing any harm!"
♱. You commented one day after the particularly gruesome murder of a random sinner, arms crossed.
♱. "Oh, on the contrary, darling,"
♱. He'd purred with a wide and unsettling grin,
♱. "I'm afraid they were looking a bit too intently at what's mine."
♱. Yeah you didn't argue too much after that.
♱. (Not like it would ever do you any good to anyway).
♱. Whether or not he actually tries to find you a way out of your contract though, is really entirely up to you in the grand scheme of things.
♱. He certainly isn't fond of it, the idea of another man owning you and all...
♱. But in the end he'll get over it if you really want him to... Just give him a few hundred years or so...
♱. (Yeah unless you can give him like a thousand spectacular reasons not to, he's going to try to find a way to get you out of that deal with Valentino).
♱. Still, in the meantime, he definitely makes your shoots feel a little bit less daunting (although if Val makes one more comment about how lucrative a photo set with you and the radio demon would be, you're worried Al might actually kill the guy).
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cvnt4him · 7 months ago
Maybe Izuku’s first kiss? And how adorablely awkward he is after.
— ˗ˋ ୨ our first... ୧ ˊ˗ —
˗ˋ Kiss! ˊ˗
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You guys were at a school dance n went together as friends since some of your schoolmates/classmates had dates. You weren't alone together necessarily as you had a whole group of people w no dates, but you and izuku personally wanted to go together yk as "friends". You end up feeling down watching everyone make cute n cool memories together and it js dawns on you that you aren't out there making those memories. You're standing on the sidelines watching people have fun. You leave out of the gym and js go sit by some lockers, it hurt your heart so much that you hadn't managed to find someone to go with. You looked pretty, you smelled nice, you even tried your hardest to stand out to others yk be social. But it didn't work. No date, you were stuck with your friends. Izuku being izuku he ran after you, he wanted to assure you were alright.
“ y/n..? y/n! are you... okay? you ran out before I could as you.”
“ I'm fine.. just thinking I'm wasting my time, I mean look at us izuku. we're sitting here instead of dancing, d’yknow how lame that is?!”
Izuku snickered under his breath, making you shoot a glance to him. He cleared his throat trying to contain his giggles and took a deep breath. He was nervous for what was going to come next but he didn't want you to feel bad anymore, he just hoped you'd hear him out.
“ well.. if that's all you're worried about, why don't you just come dance with.. me?”
The look you gave him absolutely terrified him, he was afraid you'd say no so being the guy he is he was quick to try and excuse himself.
“ w- well it's just that, y'know I don't want you to be lonely! it can just go as friends, y'know we don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, I completely understand if ive overstep bounderies, I'll see myself ou-”
“ no no wait! I actually wouldn't mind that.”
“ really!? ahem- I mean err.. really?”
You giggled at how excited he sounded, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him up. He had a wide smile on his face as you pulled him back into the gym. The two of you danced together, stepping on each other's feet occasionally bumping into people, and even almost falling over, but no matter how embarrassing that all was or how bad you two were at dancing, you were having fun and that's all that mattered to you. You were making silly memories with one of your dearest friends.
You hadn't realized it but this meant so much to izuku, poor guy had been crushing on you for so long he couldn't even believe that he asked you to dance. It's like he was possessed by some spirit who just craved you deeply. The songs started to get slower which meant it was time for slow dances, with a quick smile you laid your head on his shoulder lightly swaying your hips as you moved closer to him. Izuku swore he could smell all of you, your shampoo your perfume even your lotion! It was so terrifying yet so sweet. He couldn't believe he got to have you this close.
He looked down at you, a smile still present on your face as you slightly giggled. This was so much fun, neither of you wanted it to end but before you knew it, the song was over, the DJ was saying something that neither of you bothered to listen to. You looked up at him pulling away slightly, he nervously chuckled trying hard not to embarrass himself.
You hadn't even realized that this entire time you two had been staring at each other, just looking longingly into each other's eyes. Izuku was literally shaking, he was sweating in his blazer, he couldn't believe you were this close. His hands were shaking on your hips as he brought one of his calloused and rough hands up to your cheek gently caressing it. It shocked you but you welcomed it, slowly moving closer to each other.
Your eyes trailed down to his lips and he instantly knew you wanted to kiss him. He had actually learned how to do all of this from searching it up, he has no game at all so he resorted to the internet, who knew it could actually provide. Your nose bumped against izukus making him jolt and a small noise leave him, his breath was shaky and stuttering and you could smell the mint lingering on it. He was scared but he wanted this to be enjoyable, with a deep breath he placed both of his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a gentle kiss.
His lips were slightly chapped and kind of rough, unsurprisingly. Izuku is the kind of guy to pick at his lips or bite them when he's thinking in class, you noticed that. Despite it all though, it was a nice kiss. He was gentle and it seemed like he knew what he was doing, his lips were slowly moving against yours a deep fire igniting between you two. He gained some random type of boldness and pulled you into him, your chests together as your lips moved in a cute synchronization.
The kiss lasted for quite some time, you both losing your breath and trying hard to breathe in through your need to not let the kiss end, alas all good things must come to an end. You pull away to catch your breath, breathing heavily trying not to cough from the sudden invasion of air. Izuku mindlessly tried to follow your lips, desperate to feel you close again. He whined lowly, not going unheard to you of course, making you giggle. He leaned his forehead against yours and caught his breath as well, he couldn't believe this actually happened.
You two just sat there for a moment, in each other's arms in silence besides the music and other kids chatting in the background. It was comfortable despite you two being in a huge public space. It's like the entire world drowned out, well, emphasis on "it's like". You heard girls squeal so loudly making you both jump and shoot your heads over to the direction, along with other people staring at the girls.
Mina had squealed so loudly that people were practically staring daggers into her and your other girl friends. She was pointing at the two of you and jumping up and down making others look at you, this is the type of attention you didn't know if you wanted. Izuku slowly turned his head back to you with a nervous smile.
“ hehe... hi..”
“ hello, izuku.”
The once beautiful moment you two had was now incredibly awkward. You both cleared your throats and came up with some lame excuse to leave each other. You were so embarrassed you buried your face in jirou's neck you couldn't believe that just happened, mins was so quick to shut your self loathing down, making you look at the same green haired boy you'd just kissed. He was so nervous n awkward, all the guys playfully teasing and punching him.
He was a red mess, he literally looked like a strawberry. Poor thing was being eaten alive, his eyes ended up trailing to your group he tried to give you a polite smile and wave before bakugou walked up n whispered something in his ear making him get even more red, as if that were even possible. You couldnt help but giggle at the adorable mess you wanted to call yours.
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A couple of weeks later you two were so awkward around each other, not even bringing up the kiss you shared. It literally took denki yelling “ask her out!” for him to confess to you. It was because he was on the spot, you're both sure he probably wouldn't have asked you out if he hadn't been.
But it's okay, because the kisses and cuddles that came from being his girlfriend meant everything to you<3
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AN: he's such a cutie y'all, him being embarrassingly n awkwardly bold is my favorite
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miwiheroes · 18 days ago
"You're overanalysing Byler!"
There is no such thing as so-called overanalysis. Media consumption is complex, and I can't believe how hard it is to get people to understand that what they are seeing isn't IT, y'know? Consuming a TV show is much more than simply accepting the content at face value.
Lately, we've seen this decline in media literacy. Milevens saying things like 'but Mike literally loves El' and that post where someone on tiktok was like 'wdym El hates being called a superhero? she literally calls herself one!'. And I'm sick of all intellectual conversation from people who are trying to understand, people who even have degrees in film studies and cinematography, being dumbed down to 'overanalysis'.
People watching Stranger Things sometimes completely miss the point. You don't need to get the point to enjoy the show and that's okay, but don't tell me I'm overanalysing things because I believe the show is about outcasts of society.
If media literacy is lacking (which it is), then overanalysis is good. I believe it could be a took to correct or balance out the passive consumption of media.
"But this post about xyz is definitely not what the author/writers intended!!! "
Hear me out: Analysis doesn't need to necessarily align with author's intent.
Media like Stranger Things is definitely designed with multiple layers of meaning and can be interpreted in many different ways. But there is also media that may not be as 'deep' or may not be as well thought-out. Even with ST, there are some scenes just there for fun or fan service and doesn't necessarily need analysing. BUT media always, no matter what, operates within a larger cultural, historical, and ideological context, which influences how it is understood.
For example, the intent behind a commercial may be to sell a product, but the analysis might focus on cultural stereotypes, gender roles etc. that the ad perpetuates, even if this wasn't the advertiser's explicit goal.
Using Stranger Things, Jancy sometimes parallels Byler. This isn't always the writer's intent, they did not necessarily purposefully have them be similar in some ways because they wanted the viewers to go "oh wait they're a similar couple, they should be together". But it's still good to analyse, because it tells you something deeper about the romantic tropes of the show.
In this way, overanalysis can reveal things about ourselves, things about the media that reflects how it interacts with our worldview in nuanced ways. It can still reveal things about the outcome of the media. We need overanalysis of unintentional meaning to reveal the intentional meaning.
The role of the audience in interpreting media isn't just trying to figure out what the author's or writer's original intent is. It can uncover far more than that, and helps us to gain meaning and specialty from the things we watch without it becoming a waste of time.
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applestorms · 2 months ago
on another note. it genuinely kinda surprises me how many people interpret ivan to be the type of person to Repress and Deny his feelings when, from all the evidence we actually have, he actually seems to be quite open about it?
he does do the dumb stare and watch from afar thing that till does with mizi, yeah, but even there i don’t know if i would necessarily interpret that as ivan like. pushing his feelings away. compare the difference between how till and ivan are framed in these two shots:
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in till's, we are pushed way farther back, seeing his full face and a good deal of his body as he slouches back. the colors are bright, fitting in with most of the happier mizisua angst memories, and you can read till's expression pretty clearly, even with his face beaten up. it's cute and mostly innocent, the kind of thing that makes you want to gently push him out from behind the wall to watch him stutter and get all embarrassed but reach out and play with his friends.
in ivan's... jesus. i mean, he looks like a freak (affectionate). you can't read his expression, despite the fact that we are zoomed in much more closely, only really seeing his eye as the placement of his hand covers his mouth. there is very little body language to convey the same type of sweet, childhood Yearning that till has in his staring shot. instead, for ivan, it all comes down to the Eye, how intently he stares as he watches till and mizi. it almost doesn't even feel like he wants to join in at that moment, or not yet, like watching alone is enough to feed the starvation.
don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of Yearning and Angst in that boy-- round 3 alone is enough to demonstrate that. but what i think people sometimes forget to account for is the fact that ivan acts like that specifically because he has already been rejected.
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up until [whenever this moment happens in the timeline] ivan seemingly has absolutely no qualms about getting all up close and personal with till. we see this in plenty of the round 6 flashbacks:
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he is plenty comfortable getting all up in till's personal space, whether it be to beat him up or just exist near him.
i also like how in this shot (below) we can see him specifically stand up and move seats, just so that he can bother till during lunch and have his little vampire weirdo moment (aww).
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ivan's behavior only really shifts after till has already rejected him-- which, i'd also like to note, seems to genuinely catch ivan off guard. perhaps he genuinely didn't even consider the possibility that till would ever push him away?? i guess it's hard to know the specifics of what he was feeling or thinking in that exact moment, but at the very least this speaks to the ease with which they existed around each other previously.
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thus: ivan doesn't begin with the belief that till could never love him. he only starts to doubt whether or not his feelings are requited after he has already been rejected, after he pushed too hard and too quick.
after the failed meteor shower date, his affections become a lot more subtle-- sneaking around to take care of till when he needs it, but only when his eyes are closed. the love and obsession and watchfulness is all still there, but he takes more care to hide it better now. until... well, y'know.
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he lets the selfishness win. :]
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