#<- no yeah thats reasonable i think that can happen /gen
windser · 3 months
crazy thought but hear me out. what if hybrids were introduced to the kaiju verse? thinking that some way back they were the result of cataclysms but no where near the threat of kaiju. im still envisioning what they would appear like but the point is, they typically have two categories: companions or combatives (the latter being the more rare). i'm just goning to ramble a bit here—
i say alll this to lead up to gen rescuing an abandoned hybrid after some kaiju attack. he's never had any attention of getting on of his own, companion or otherwise. always considered them too much work and he was perfectly fine with his gaming.
but like you just latch on to him? physically and mentally. he tries so hard to pass you on to hasegawa, mostly bc he's more mature but also bc he's just like pls do something about this. but this just happens to be the first time you shed your timidness and show you claws. and poor hasegawa is now subjected to stinging scratches and his superior's laughter.
gen still isn't convinced but you've earned a bit of his interest. he's amicable to you staying in his office while they find placement for you. you don't make a mess of much not that it would be noticeable above his own and turns out youre rather efficient at his favorite games. you dont talk much which he finds equally ideal and mundane. it doesnt help that he's getting more curious by the day either.
there were many reasons why he was not suitable to be responsible for a hybrid. hasegawa was the larger contributing party to the growing items on it. but slowly he starts to consider the pros.
for one, you're really warm and cuddly when you snuggle your way under the blanket with him while he games away. he never considered how comforting a second heartbeat was until he found himself nearly lulling away at the steady thrum.
it was so obvious that you were not a combative type and likely never found be, but notices how sensitive you are to different kaiju smells. he's not well informed in the slightest on any hybrid capabilities, but he notices after he returns from missions how you show increasingly more concern the higher fortitude he's encountered.
which brings him to three, how you seem to just care. gen doesnt know how to really put it in words, because you never have any to share. but gen can tell when youre trying to comfort him. its in the way that you lean a little heavier against him after a long day. the way you share your snacks if you havent seen him partake in anything in awhile. and the soft rumbling of your purrs. yeah, gen thinks thats more of a weapon than anything else. because even during his strongest determination to stay up despite desperately needing to sleep, it never fails to have him drifting into the best dreams of his life.
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juniorig0327 · 5 days
Revamped God swap AU Pt. 2
After thinking it out, I think this is the main AU I want to focus on. It isn't gonna be a full god swap AU, it's gonna be only the characters I want because I'm self indulgent like that.
Percy - Keeping Percy as a Son Of Poseidon but his family has deep connections to the Greek world way back to the ancient times, so he's also a legacy.
The two gods I decided that I wanted to give him connection to were Athena and Sol.
At first I opted for Helios but after realized that one, he's faded and that I wanted the connect to Sol to be rather strong I decided to go roman. And two (if I ever read trials of apollo lol) I could possibly have him conflict with Caligula which I think was Neo Helios. Now unlike him being a legacy of apollo, he doesn't get the things like archery or plagues, just pure sun. I think I'd want him to have a blessing sort of like Frank to always have a part of the sun with them. Some of his family members had stronger connections than others however.
Secondly, the main heritage I wanted to give him was Athena. The main reason for this is purely epic the musical related. I was listening to it and thinking about how much Odysseus reminded me of Percy and so here we are. I think I'd want him to be a first gen legacy. Sally never figured out she was a demigod until Poseidon came around and an incident happened where she found out. I feel like instead of the normal wisdom and smarts, Sally just ended up with emotional wisdom and maybe a bit of telepathic abilities.
This being said I feel like this would make Percy and Athena's relationship complicated. Athena would probably keep her distance and maybe slightly aid him sometimes from afar. She has complicated feelings. I can already imagine Athena and Poseidon fighting over him because he embodies both of their aspects surprisingly well. Poseidon with the unpredict ableness and wildness of the sea but the wisdom, knowledge, and battle strategy in a fight.
If I wanted to make this very much more canon divergent than before then maybe Athena comes to accept Percy publicly after TLO and they actually have somewhat of a relationship and then HOO happens and he's basically disowned out of nowhere and sent to follow the Mark of Athena. After he finds out about his role in the seven he's sorta pissed. The weight of the world is on his shoulders again, if he fails this means their screwed. And this time he doesn't have anyone to share the burden with, he's all by himself and has to do it all alone (which he does, and then he falls into Tartarus so uh thats gonna go well lol).
So yeah. Thats how I feel about that. I feel like its an interesting dynamic and it doesnt really change Percy that much I feel like except more angst (lol) and a new set of powers which I think I'll have fun balancing around.
Luke - Yeah, I already basically explained the Hades thing so yeah, I'm definitely keeping him as a son of Hades. But I think I can seriously use this to strengthen him and Percy's relationship to make the betrayal hit harder for him imo.
They're more chthonic gods and I feel like they're be somewhat feared, or at least Percy is. Luke was before but he just gained the trust of the camp slowly so they don't really fear him. It would just be another way they'd bond over.
Thalia and Nico - I'll be keeping these two the same respectively, just a bit more stronger probably. I think I could come up with some cool legacy heritages for them I think the only one I could really see being a legacy is Nico soo..
Annabeth - Annabeth is going to be an Apollo kid, but similar to canon she doesnt really have any useful powers. Her main weapons would be her dagger and then a bow gifted to her by Apollo that produces arrows out of light but I think thats it. She still keeps her intelligence thing because Apollo is the god of knowledge lol.
I do think like Will Solace that she'd eventually unlock plague powers, but also like Will Solace that would be a Tartarus thing because I believe they both deserve to go dark and apeshit in Tartarus so. Percy will probably have his Poison/Blood Bending and Annabeth will have her Plague Powers.
Leo - Decided midway through this post that I wanted to combine the AU of Luke just having a bunch of runaways with godswap because like why not so. Thinking of a Leo godswap is suprisingly hard. I'm personally thinking maybe Hermes but like chthonic Hermes. So like he'd have the typical Hermes abilities but could also like shadow travel. He'd still embody most of his canon traits I feel like and he'd be afraid of his chthonic abilities because of the incident with his mom but by the end he'd probably have overcome it.
Magnus - I think the idea of Magnus going to CHB surprisingly well and I've been thinking about a godswap for him because like why not. And so despite me have only read the first magnus chase book up to the point where he dies I'm thinking maybe Thor?? If you guys have any better suggestions please comment and tell me. Could have a cool arc of him and Thalia training together, some sort of Norse crossover, maybe an arc sort of like Jason's where he's just trying to figure out where he belongs. Also does anybody know if like, Norse demigods can use their powers before they die and go to Valhalla or if its like a after they die thing do they awaken them??
Last thing but I've also been considering making an oc for this. They'd be related to Percy but they wouldnt be like a sibling or like a child of Sally. They'd either be like a child of Poseidon or something or a child from maybe Sally's uncle's side which also somehow got roped into the greek world. I'm just a killer for sibling and family relationships and atleast in the original PJO series it's done SO GOOD. So if you would be interested please comment! I really like when you guys like and comment so please. If you have any ideas on this OC I want to make or maybe Magnus's godly parent I'd appreciate it so much!
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noctilu-uca · 2 months
Im bored so heres my ranking of can i win a fight against the hypmics
1/10 - easy win. Didnt stand a chance. 5/10 - is an equal footing. 10/10 - im getting my shit FOLDED.
Im not a very strong person, i think, but i also tend to push my friends around as jokes and they end up flying or hurt so i dont know my own strength apparently. List under cut.
Ichiro - no. - 9/10 im not an evil person so i think he would hesitate in the beginning but then realize whatever i did probably deserves a beating
Jiro - maybe. - 5/10 i could outsmart him but also hes really strong and wild so theres no telling
Saburo - yes. - 3/10 i dont think hes very strong, but hes really smart so it might take a second
Samatoki - NO. - 10/10 im getting rocked
Jyuto - no. - 9/10 hes really strong but has a bit more restraint than sama
Rio- FUCK NO !! - 10/10 THERES NO WAY.
Ramuda - no. - 6/10 i dont think hes very strong physically either but hes really scary
Gentaro - yes. - 2/10 he is a writer do you gen think he has any strength
Dice - no. - 10/10 he plays dirty.
Jakurai - nope. - 8/10 he would question it a lot. Like a lot. But ultimately beat my ass. I would thank him for the hesitation though
Hifumi - YES LMFAOOO - 1/10 i am afab.
Doppo - no ? - 5/10 debatable really i think we would both get really pressed but then realize we both arent that strong physically
Kuko- hell no. - 10/10 he also plays dirty.
Jyushi - yeah - 1/10 not a single fighting bone in his body but kuko or hitoya might swoop in and beat me
Hitoya - no. - 8/10 he would rock my shit especially if i mess up his hair which ultimately will happen
Sasara - NO !! - 10/10 oh god i dont wanna think about it
Rosho - no. Not at all. - 9/10 hes SCARY theres genuinely no way im ever getting a hit on this man. Only reason its not a 10 is bc i wouldnt purposefully fuck with his students
Rei - nuh uh. - 10/10 i would punch him in his chest and his tits would be so solid it bounces back onto me and i break my hand. Then he would proceed to beat my ass.
Ok thats it uhhh yeah
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
Hi mlp tumblr and bluey tumblr! Im Pink! Im hoping to share my stuff on here and discover other stuff!
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This is my sona! She's a changeling but stays in her pony form almost all the time, just her preference :)
Im gonna start posting OCs and whatnot for both fandoms soon, but i wanna put here the list of Deviantart basemakers i used from at various points, mostly early on when i forgot to credit them. Hopefully I'll make new refs eventually and they'll have proper credits.
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I have a huge MLP and Bluey next gen thing to post too so either look forward to that or check it out if its out by the time you read this!
Other information about me, if you'd like to know:
I am 19 years old, white, American, and ace bi. I'm a ciswoman but I go by all pronouns, she/he/they/it and neopronouns are all acceptable, whatever you see fit or comfortable to call me!
Trans people of all kinds are welcome on my profile, alongside queer people in general! I am pr0-choice and pr0-p4lestine, I don't talk about my p0litical stances much but those are the two most important i can think to mention.
Disabled people, with both invisible and visible disabilities, are also welcome (these feel obvious but I've seen people who make it feel necessary)
Non-white people are also welcome (again, unfortunate that I feel the need to clarify that, but I use twitter so :/)
I also saw a random post about this but just in case, anyone with coping mechanisms (like age regression) are also welcome. I won't judge you for doing what you need to do.
If i look like im censoring some words by using numbers or symbols, that's a force of habit. I don't like appearing in search terms unless I actively want to, it usually invites the wrong people, so i "censor" terms that I think might draw the attention of bad apples.
Uh just some boundary stuff I guess? I love OC interaction and I also enjoy RP. I don't like giving my discord to people so any of that is gonna have to happen here. If that's inconvenient or not gonna cut it, then my apologies :(
Uh my rules for RP are a tiny bit strict but not in the way your probably thinking.
Im one of those "planning ahead" type of roleplayers who like to map out a scenario and key events before we begin and occasionally take pauses between major scenes to plot elements of the future. If you can handle that, then I'd say your golden! Im not picky with the length or detail in responses, as long as theres something to work with, I can usually move things along. The only other restriction i can think of is: when it comes to the sexualities of my characters, please respect them. Thats really it :)
I do platonic roleplays, adventure, romantic, and slice of life. I'm not much for action stuff unless its the spice thrown into the other types occasionally. I'm pretty flexible though, so we can talk about it individually if need be.
Oh, and no nsfw RP. I dont do s3x, and im not much for depicting "elicit substances" to put it lightly. Alc0hol might be the only exception, if its kept in small doses. If for some strange reason our characters end up in a s3xual scenario, we're skipping to the aftermath.
Edit: Some of my OCs have romantic interests made/owned by my boyfriend. This element can be removed for romance roleplays if need be (although they will still be with his OCs outside of the roleplay)
So yeah uhm I think thats it! Im not sure if you can edit things on Tumblr but if you can then I guess I'll update this as needed! Thanks for checking out my blog!!
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uncloseted · 2 months
I adore your account about Cassie but i genuinely hate effy.. she is the least likable charcater in the show, i mean yeah her mental disorder affects how she acts but couldnt they make her more likable? All of the charcaters in the show had problems but they were still more likable than she is, if for example her depression was caused by seeing tony getting hit by a bus, freddie's mother killed herself but he was still a caring sweet person unlike her and a lot of charcaters has been through worse than her but she acts like shes the only person w troubles lmao, divorce is sooo common that it doesnt even give the person an excuse to be asshole, she literally held hands with freddie in class and kissed him then goes at the end of the episode and fuck his best friend, she didnt deserve him any bit.
she also goes on and hits katie with a rock out of self defense but then doesnt tell anything to anyone and goes to fuck freddie and leaves her there? Come on now. she somehow feels like a side character even though most charcaters in the show like her because her personality is so hollow and boring and incredibly flawed more than everyone in gen 2.
yeah kaya is gorgeous and effys style is amazing, but i feel like thats the only thing likable the charcater has, i think if she was bad looking no one would even like her even Freddie or cook, because thats the reason they all liked her from the beginning isnt it? Just her looks. And anyways why the hell she only befriends girls that guys arent usually into like panda and the girl in gen 1? Is it some thing to make her feel better about herself and not feel threatened? , because she was clearly not interested in any of them
Im so sorry for talking a lot, i genuinely love your account and your opinions though! And im interested to hear your opinion about this
No worries at all! I love when people write a lot. I don't think you're alone in finding Effy annoying, which is fine. But I think the fact that she isn't always likeable is one of the reasons why the way they portray her mental illness is so realistic. Mental illnesses are illnesses. By definition, they impact people's lives in a negative way and cause them to make decisions that they wouldn't make if they were healthy.
And Effy is no different. If you were living with the delusion that falling in love would cause otherworldly demons to break through from the other side and come torture you, you'd probably do whatever you can to push the person you're in love with away, too, you know? And with the Katie/rock situation, I think Effy doesn't totally remember or understand what happened until they can't find Katie the next day - either as a result of having been on drugs or (and this is what I believe) as a result of being in the middle of a psychotic episode. Once she realizes what happens, she does call an ambulance to find and treat Katie. Does it suck to do those things to another person? Of course. She could have killed Katie, and that's very real and very serious. But Effy can only act within the context of what she believes to be true, and her beliefs about the world are heavily influenced by her mental illness. A lot of the time, she's not really in a headspace where she can make decisions that are coherent to the outside world. And that means that she's coming from a very different place than someone like Tony, who does awful things to other people on purpose just to see what he can get away with. I've always seen her as someone who desperately needs help, and the tragedy of her storyline is that none of the people around her can provide her with the help that she needs.
I also want to talk for a second about mental illness. You said that, "all of the charcaters in the show had problems but they were still more likable than she is", but that's not really how mental illness works. While mental illness can, and often is, triggered by trauma, people with no history of trauma can also be severely mentally ill, and people with a history of trauma can be totally fine from a mental health perspective. For Effy, it seems like she was just kind of born that way. This is someone who stopped talking around the age of six and didn't start again until she was fifteen. That's hardly a person who's mentally stable, even before you account for Tony getting hit by a bus right in front of her, her mother developing depression and a pill addiction, essentially taking care of both her mother and Tony through their recovery processes, her parents having a messy divorce, and essentially being abandoned by both of them when she needs them most.
In terms of why people like her, I actually don't think it's just her looks. I think for Cook, that's maybe why he was interested in her to begin with, but for Freddie, I think he's more interested in the fact that she was willing to go up to a random stranger and lick ketchup off their face before walking away. I think Freddie means it when he says he wants to "get to know" her. To Freddie, Effy is exciting and different and kind of confusing, and he's just curious about who she is and why she acts the way that she does. And for Cook, while he starts out as being interested in Effy because of how she looks, I think he continues being interested because he idealizes Effy as this beautiful girl who will be his partner in crime and let him keep avoiding his problems. He sees her as someone who’s like him and who understands what he’s going through. And then for other people, I think they like her because she's mysterious and they want to figure her out, because her attention makes them feel special (since she doesn't often pay attention to other people) or her lack of attention makes them want to impress her, because she seems like she knows everything about them even though they know nothing about her, and just in general because she has a reputation for being fun. A person's looks can only get them so far, but their personality is why people stick around. I think a good example of that is Mini in the 3rd generation. She's absolutely beautiful, but she has a lot of trouble maintaining friendships and romantic relationships because her personality is hard to be around.
And then in terms of friends, I don't think she really chose to be friends with Julie (the girl from series 1) or with Pandora. Both of them just kind of decided they were going to be her friend and Effy didn't do anything to get rid of them. So I don't think it's Effy intentionally "[befriending] girls that guys arent usually into" or that it's "some thing to make her feel better about herself and not feel threatened", but rather that girls who are a little odd and maybe don't understand social cues are the only ones who will keep trying to hang out with her even though she's clearly not interested. And for what it's worth, I do think she loves Pandora very much, even if she's not always the best friend to Pandora. I think Effy feels like she can trust that Pandora isn't going to stop wanting to be her friend, no matter what happens, and that she really values Pandora's optimism and excitement for the world, since it's something that Effy doesn't naturally feel. Pandora is really important to her, which is why she's so hurt when Pandora sleeps with Cook, even though she doesn't actually care about Cook himself.
Like I said at the beginning, I don't think you have to like Effy, and I know a lot of people don't. But I think she's more complicated than people make her out to be and that she's not annoying for the sake of being annoying.
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cheiyunn · 1 year
Raison d'être [Part 2]
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Sekkun -> Sosui (in case it's confusing, because I completely forgot his name the first time whoops)
~Duck River office~
Sosui: I have led Wakakusa-san all the way to the front entrance. Shu-san on the other hand had jumped up and ran off somewhere though-
Ujigawa Gen: I don`t care, good work. 
Ujigawa Gen: Goodness, talking to a child is exhausting. You, pour me a cup of warm tea
Sosui: Understood. But sir, was it really the best choice to just tell them?
Ujigawa Gen: The thing about Duck River’s successor being Wakakusa-kun? Or is it the thing about how he and Shu are half brothers?
Sosui: Both. When the announcement of a successor is revealed, the fact that Wakakusa-san is your son will be obvious. Of course, plans to deal with the media are ready , however, the timing to reveal it to both of them was surprising, is what I thought.
Ujigawa Gen: Because Shu looked like he was about to make another out of pocket move. Before he becomes a thorn to Wakakusa-kun and FuRai, it was best to cut him off earlier.
Sosui: I see
Ujigawa Gen: As the face of Duck River, Fujin Rizing needs to be a successful band after all. For that, there being some minor sacrifices is a given
Sosui: Indeed, just as you said.
Ujigawa Gen: There is no use in keeping unusable pieces, time and money is finite you see. You simply just need to cut off ones you don’t need.
Sosui: …you’ve never changed, even from back then
Ujigawa Gen: Did you say something?
Sosui: Ah no, it's nothing. Your tea.
~Furai sharehouse~
Fuuta: Hey Ko-nii, has Aoi not come back yet? You think it's better if we go to pick him up?
Yamato: On the way there we can go to a convenience store, for some reason, I’m hungry.
Kohei: Yeah, but its not good if we miss each other. Someone should stay back
Misaki: Then what’d we do? Wanna decide this with rock paper scissors?
*Door opens*
Aoi: I’m back..
Fuuta: Ah, Aoi! Welcome back!
Yamato: Welcome back.  ..hm? You seem to be lacking spirit. Are you hungry as well?
Fuuta: What's wrong? I’ll grab Sakutaro here, wanna sing together? Then you’ll be back in spirits!
Aoi: No.. I’m fine, thanks though..
Kohei: Its pretty cold right? I’ll pour something warm for you so wait a bit
Misaki: Ah, I’ll help as well!
*Walks away*
Misaki: Yo.. Ko-nii.. What did the pres say to Aoi? Its pretty obvious that something happened, its written on his face
Kohei: Yeah, but I’m not sure its something we can force out of him. Even I don’t know, so maybe we should wait until Aoi talks
Misaki: But like.. Ain’t it something that affects us as well? Sooner or later we’ll find out anyways..
Kohei: Yeah, but if its bad news, seeing us all hurt by it, he’ll view it as the person who broke the news; his, fault
Misaki: You got a point..
Kohei: So, we should leave the time to talk about it to him
Misaki: Well, if you say so. But regardless of the news we’ll accept it, its hard seeing Aoi being the only one with a sad face
Kohei: Of course
*They return*
Kohei: Here you go, Aoi, cocoa. Its hot so drink with caution
Aoi: Thanks
Fuuta: Hey Aoi, what did the presi-
Kohei: Fuuta.
Fuuta: Oh. What’s up Ko-nii?
Kohei: Ah no, why don’t we leave that conversation for later?
Fuuta: …
Misaki: Yo Aoi. Something happened right?
Kohei: Oi Misaki..
Misaki: Sorry Ko-nii, I can’t handle it. If he doesn’t wanna say it so be it, but I don’t like it when Aoi is the only one suffering
Fuuta: Me too. Seeing Aoi lack energy is harsh, you think so too right Yamato?
Yamato: Yeah. You guys have gotten through everything together right? So I think that its better to talk to everyone and face the problem together.
Fuuta: Yup, and since Yamato is with us too
Kohei: Thats true.. Okay. Aoi, did something happen? Just say the things your comfortable with explaining, we’ll hear everything out.
Aoi: You guys.. Got it.. I’ll talk. The truth is-
(Aoi explains the situation)
Misaki: WHOA WHOA WAIT. This is a little too big to follow!
Yamato: To sum it up, your real father is Duck River’s president. Did you guys not know?
Kohei: We only knew about the parents in Nagasaki being Aoi’s adopted family of course
Fuuta: Is that so..?
Misaki: Aoi told us this when we were small right
Aoi: To me, my real parents are my mom and dad in Nagasaki
Kohei: But this time, that president is not only announcing your blood relation, he wants to name you his successor above all that.. This is a pretty unbelievable situation 
Misaki: Aoi becoming head of that big-ass company, thats big
Yamato: Thats right, but whats important here is us. Aoi, when you found out he was your real father, were you shocked? Or are you more troubled with the successor crisis?
Aoi: No..I didn’t really care about myself at that time. To me, what will happen with FuRai and you guys was what weighed on my mind the most.
Kohei: Aoi…
Aoi: FuRai being signed with Duck River and debuting was all because I was his successor, is what he said. I think the president wants to use FuRai and do whatever he wants.. At this rate, we’ll forever be that company’s lap dog! 
Aoi: But if I said that I didn’t want to become the successor, I’m sure our support will be cut off..
Misaki: But like! The most important thing here is your feelings. If you don’t want it then we don’t want it either. And if the opportunity disappears then so be it!
Aoi: But! You all saw how that company works! The reason FuRai is in this situation, is my fault… and plus, mom and dad.. Might become saddened by this.. I don’t want that!
Fuuta: Aoi.. don’t cry, I’ll start crying too…
Aoi: You guys… I’m sorry!
Kohei: No. You didn’t do anything wrong.
Fuuta: But, why does Aoi have to suffer through this? It would’ve been fine if we continued making music together as always, that we’d always be happy… — —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
Shu: Before I realized it, I fell asleep huh. I don’t… even know what time it is now. I don’t have the energy to wake up, I don’t even have the energy to take a breath in and out, its painful. 
Shu: Why.. do I have to wake up.. It would be so much better if I just… slept like this forever… 
Shu: … then I wouldn’t.. have to think about anything anymore
– flashback-
Ujigawa Gen: Duck River’s successor has been decided to be Wakakusa Aoi-kun.  I have no intention of supporting from now on. By now, you are no longer someone with any form of relation to Duck River. Whether you want to continue with you band, or go back to Kyoto, do as you wish.  You are no longer of any use to me. I don’t want to see your face ever again.
- end of flashback - 
Shu: …why… did papa not look at me…? why… did papa throw me away…? 
Shu: Why… was it that since I was small, papa and mama were never by my side..? At school events, important days, even the day I caught a fever.. Why was I always alone..
Shu: …thats why I…made a song for papa… If its a song I put my heart into…surely it would reach him… if what I thought… but that, was all a lie…
Shu: I’m sure… the people who listen to my music are the same… 3 years in the future, 5 years in the future, even after this… there won’t be people who will always be there to look… at my music, at me.
Shu: If they get bored, it’ll all just be thrown away… aha… just like a toy they don’t need anymore.
Shu: The most ridiculous thing here is…me
Shu: In the end, I was just a worthless kid that they could’ve found anywhere…if that's the case then why… am I here…
Shu: why… am I alive…?
Young Shu: Mr.Felix! How do you read that french word..?
Felix: Ah.. this is “Raison d'être”
Young Shu: Raison de..? What does it mean?
Felix: Hmm.. Raison d'être.. In Japanese I suppose it could mean; A reason for living, possibly?
Young Shu: What does a reason for living.. mean?
Felix: Thats a quite philosophical term hence putting it simply is a bit difficult. Hmm.. lets see.. Its something that means that above realizing your reason for life, one must come to terms with the despair present within..
Young Shu: Thats too hard..!
Felix: Ahaha~ You’re right, even for grown ups, its a hard to define word after all..
-end of flashback-
Shu: One after another, useless memories keep popping up… my head… is filled with words..! If I don’t spit them out… my head feels like it might explode..!
Shu: Keh.. My notes… where did I put them… 
*Sound of writing*
Shu: Aha~ My hands are shaking… so much… that I can’t write properly… its suffocating… but, I need to write it out… everytime I write, I feel like I can breathe… just a little more…
Shu: I wonder… what happened to the notes I had burnt… what was written on them… was it words written in pain like the ones now… 
Shu: …or were they filled with lovely memories… I wanted to keep…
Shu: …I hope my words… will reach someone, someday…
~Epsi sharehouse~
*Knock on door*
Reiji: Shu, I brought food. Even if you eat only small portions, its better to have something- may I enter?
*Knock on door*
Reiji: Pardon me, I’m opening the door.
Reiji: He’s not here? …shit, since when?! …there's no note or anything too
*Dials phone*
*Shu’s phone rings from inside the room*
Reiji: He left his phone..? And wallet…?
Tadaomi: How’s Shu-kun’s condition? …oh? He’s not here… where did he go?
Reiji: Tadaomi, sorry but I’m going out for a bit!
Tadaomi: Reiji-kun-!
Reiji: I went to all the places I suspected he’d be but nothing.. Shit. Where is he? Since he left both his phone and wallet, there’s no way he’d be back in Kyoto. When I called the secretary, he said that he hasn’t come around either. If thats the case…where? There shouldn’t be a place that Shu can rely on, since he doesn’t have a single reliable friend after all..
Reiji: Am I… in a good mood? If I look at everything I’ve been through, I feel slightly better. ..but, the one I swore revenge on isn’t Shu; its his father. Him and my father… in the past he had made a wreck of my father’s Skyfox Records after all. If Shu falls here, that’ll be a big problem..! 
Reiji: And, he’s only a child. The only ones that protect him, protect his music, is only me. Then, there’s only one place to go.
~Duck River office~
*Knock on door*
Ujigawa Gen: Who is it?!
*Door opens*
Reiji: Karasuma Reiji.
Ujigawa Gen: Ah you. What is my secretary doing.. I don’t have any appointments with you.
Reiji: I have hasteful issue at hand. Shu has disappeared.
Ujigawa Gen: Disappeared? Hah. Isn’t that just his normal act, sooner or later he’ll come back anyways
Reiji: But he hasn’t brought both his phone nor wallet and simply left home..! If we use the people from the company we should be able to find him immediately, could you please assist in the search?
Ujigawa Gen: You’ve always been painfully swung around by Shu all the time right? How about you use this chance and grow a pair of wings or something?
Reiji: Wha-
Ujigawa Gen: Its simply his common lash out for attention, there’s no use in worrying. My god, what a bothersome kid..
Reiji: Isn’t it because you’re like this, that Shu grew up to become that sort of kid 
Ujigawa Gen: Oh, you say funny things.
Reiji: With no doubt he is selfish and self-centered. As time passes, he grows further from being an adult and instead pivots into caring less and less. And you say you really don’t know the reason why..?
Reiji: Shu wanted to be loved by you! He wanted to be loved, praised, acknowledged by the father he loved so much! All his actions were done so you would simply look at him!
Reiji: And yet despite all that, you haven’t done a single thing as a father, at the very least find him, and say something to him..! 
Reiji: Apologize to him!
Ujigawa Gen: Fuhaha!
Reiji: Apologize to Shu!
Ujigawa Gen: You seem to be very heated. IS that truly the attitude when asking something from others?
Reiji: ugh..!
*Reiji bows on the floor*
Reiji: Then as this..!
Ujigawa Gen: Aha! To grovel on the floor is another old-fashioned tactic. I have seen many grovel in front of me, but to have someone this young is a first..!
Reiji: I beg…of you…
Sosui: Oh my, Shu-san. Since when have you been here? To eavesdrop here is a bit..
Shu: Ah!
Sosui: To have such a servant that thinks so much for the master, are you sure you shouldn’t go in there to help him? To say, I’m here, to him.
Shu: *Runs away*
Sosui: Fufu~ This reckless behavior given by youth warms my heart, however, it seems that they need a bit of an adult’s helping hand after all…
Fuuta: hah… it feels like today’s practice wore us out
Yamato: It can’t be helped.. Right now there isn’t anything else we can do..
Misaki: Talks between Duck River have become wishy-washy after all, well what we’ll do hasn’t been decided either so..
Fuuta: Ah c’mon… even walking feels like a drag and I’m kinda hungry how… Ko-nii, why don’t we grab a bite somewhere and then go back?
Misaki: Sounds good… lets eat somethin’ good and get our energy back
Yamato: As longa s there’s white rice I’m good with any shop
Kohei: I got it (2x), we should do that once in a while too. Aoi, what do you want?
Aoi: …I’m good… I’ll take a walk and get back home okay? Don’t eat something too expensive, okay? Then I’ll be off…
Misaki: Oi, Aoi..! Well he left…
*Aoi walks off*
Kohei: We should give him some alone time
Yamato: Thats sounds good
Kohei: If it gets too late, we should go pick him up together
Fuuta: Yeah..
Aoi: Woah..! It suddenly started raining..! Maybe, I should be better getting back home.. Huh? That person sitting on the bench…?
Aoi: Uhm… Ujigawa-kun…?
Shu: You… what do you want?
Aoi: Erm.. its started raining, if you stay here you’ll catch a cold
Shu: You’re a sore, go somewhere else
Aoi: Even if you say that, I can’t just leave you here alone… and I, have been wanting to talk to you…
Shu: You’re noisy, shut up.
Aoi: No… I won’t shut up. Ever since that day, you face was burned into my mind. I, I know. Thats a face from a person that had fully given up.. But I didn’t know what to do…!
Aoi: It’s not like I was close to you, and you may not even want to see my face…! Even now, I don’t know for sure what to say, but..! Seeing you sitting all alone in the cold was something I couldn’t just let be-
Aoi: Wait! Ujigawa-kun..!
Aoi: Where are you going this late at night empty handed?! Do the other epsi members know? Since its started raining, I’m sure they’re worried too…!
Shu: WHAT’S WITH YOU?!! You appear all of a sudden and suddenly start acting all brotherly?!
Shu: WHY IS IT YOU AND NOT ME..! When I had it all… from the beginning… if only you…weren’t here..! Just disappear now! DISAPPEAR FROM MY SIGHT-!
Aoi: No. If I disappear now, then you’ll be all alone again..!
Shu: WHY!
Shu: GUH-!
Aoi: There was a time that I thought you were scary but, you’re really an amazing kid. To have that much talent, and to be able to make music enough to move adults..! Surely your music… can reach even the furthest of people..! 
Aoi: But from now on, regardless of whatever path you take, when you’re feeling alone and lonely, I’ll be here by your side until you’ll be able to say you’re okay.
Shu: …why… are you crying…?
Aoi: …because Ujigawa-kun… Shu-kun, you’re crying as well
Shu: …eh..?
Aoi: I’m sorry…I’m not able to comfort you when you cry..
Shu: …I’m…not crying in front of you…
Shu: … ah, what… is this…
Aoi: …I have…times that I cry when I really don’t want to…
Aoi: …but at times like that… isn’t it better to cry it all out until no more tears fall..?
— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
Reiji: Shu!
Shu: …Reiji…
Reiji: You were in a place like this..? Your clothes are soaking wet as well. Goodness. It’ll be quite a problem if you don’t specify your destination beforehand. Come, we’re going home, are you okay?
Shu: …I’m okay… I got it, I’m going.
Reiji: Wakakusa-san, thank you. We will repay this someday.
Aoi: Ah, okay..
*They walk away*
Fuuta: Ah! I found Aoi! You guys, this way!
Misaki: Ah, seriously! Aoi..! You good?
Aoi: You guys…
Kohei: We were so worried. You didn’t come back so we went out to search for you. You’re chilled… here, have my jacket
Yamato: Its good that you’re safe. Fuuta and Misaki were making a big scene about what would happen if you got kidnapped or something. So we all ran out in a panic.
Misaki: I didn’t say that.!
Fuuta: Hm? Aoi, did you cry again?
Aoi: …I didn’t cry!
Misaki: You sure? If you’ve putin’ on a show we won’t believe it
Aoi: Nope, I’m really fine. Thanks for picking me up together
Kohei: Of course we would, c’mon lets go back. We got your portion to-go
Fuuta: It definitely feels more safe when we’re all together
Yamato: Even if we’re missing one, it feels really off
Misaki: Yeah! We’re the best like this, no takeaways!
Fuuta: Hey (2x) Maybe tomorrow we should really go to Duck River..? Its best for this stuff to get dealt with earlier
Misaki: Ooh… we sneakin’ in? I’m all in
Yamato: Sounds fun
Kohei: Come on you guys…
Fuuta: Even just now you were complaining nonstop about the company too!
Aoi: Ahaha… is that so?
Yamato: Yeah, if anything happened to you, he would've blown fists away into the company(?)*. He’s always been such a calm person though…
Misaki: Oho? I know right?
Fuuta: Then lets immediately start making a plan when we get back. We, won’t lose to anyone!
~Epsi sharehouse~
Kohei: Apologies for being late..!
Fuuta: Pardon the intrusion, coming in~!
Yamato: Comin’ in…
Misaki: Uweee~!
Aoi: Thank you for the hard work~
Kanata: You’re late- Did you get lost on the way or something? This is why country bumpkins are a hassle~
Misaki: aH? Not like y’all are from Tokyo either?
Fuuta: Yamato is from Tokyo though! Within us, he’s the most City Boy! 
Kohei: and with that Yamato, he is also the reason we came late… even though its his hometown..
Haruka: Any area thats outside of Tokyo is already considered the outer countryside though..
Tadaomi: Its nice to see everyone in FuRai in good spirits though. Since I heard your plans for debuting fell through, we were worried that you’d be all down in the dumps or something…
Kanata: Not even debuting, you guys snuck into Duck River and got fired right~? Aha~ Wow, lame~!
Yamato: No, rather than being fired, there was a difference in opinion so our contract got annulled. So we said “That's our line” to them.
Haruka: Ahaha…that's funny
Aoi: Well, that just means we’re back at the startline! We’ll just have to start from one again, together.
Shu: Okay~ with the proud babysitter at tow~
Reiji: Shu, since everyone is here, we should start soon
Shu: Yeah~ Okay everyone listen up~ From now, I’m going to be making a very~ big announcement 
Yamato: Is it… another scheme you’re planning?
Shu: No worries~ Today is just good news after all~
Shu: First, the label that I made; SkyFox Records is going to start full scale soon.
Kohei: The label you made..? But you’re only still in middle school right? How in the world is a child going to represent a company?
Shu: Aha~ Just like what you said, a child can’t represent a company~ being said is something I’ve already anticipated. So the representative of the company is someone we all are familiar with instead
Tadaomi: Someone we all know..?
Shu: Sorry for the wait, you can enter now~
Sosui: Hey everyone, its been a while… or not
Fuuta: Huh? You’re Duck River’s secretary… why are you here?
Sosui: Aha~ thats |previous| secretary to you
Aoi: Previous..? So that means?
Sosui: I have already cut ties with that company. Well then, let me do a re-introduction; my name is Sosui Sanetomo. From now on, I will be acting as SkyFox Records’ representative.
Kanata: Eh~ Even if you say previous, its still someone from that company in an important position like this~
Misaki: Well it ain’t a problem with us, as long as we ain’t dragged into messy problems like before yeah?
Shu: Oh don’t worry~ this old man, is on our side after all
Sosui: Eh~? To you all I’m already an old man..? Oh well, putting that aside, SkyFox intends to place the people here; Fujin Rizing and Epsilon Phi, under an artist contract.
Aoi: EH?!
Fuuta: Aoi? What does that mean?
Haruka: An artist contract is the same one you guys were under with Duck River. It means that both you and us are debuting under SkyFox. Am I right?
Shu: Thats right~
Kanata: Hm~ I’m still a little iffy about being on the same level as them but since we’re able to debut I guess its fine?
Tadaomi: Yup, its really good news..!
Kohei: This is something we didn’t ever ask for…so why?
Sosui: I’m sure that during LRFes, you all already faced up against other bands, but that was only on an amateur level. From now on, It’ll be a head-on fight as pros.
Fuuta: Head-on…as pros
Sosui: Yup, from now on, only bigger challenges will open. In this world of rivalry between bands, the bands SkyFox bets on winning are Epsilon Phi and Fujin Rizing.
Yamato: I see, and we don’t want to go back to being a company’s lap dog
Fuuta: And I only want to be with everyone. From now and forever, with the FuRai that I love and making the Skaa music that I love
Sosui: Of course, both you and Epsilon Phi are to continue making the music you each want. SkyFox is a label for that reason after all
Misaki: Ko-nii.. How we feelin’
Kohei: I have a few question but for now, I got it. You guys, we’ll talk about it later
Aoi: Yeah, lets discuss it together
Kohei: Thank you very much. Let us have a more thorough discussion afterward
Sosui: Oh course, anytime
Shu: Well, of course you could fail as well. We’ll think about that if it happens. Lets see how far we can go
Sosui: I have no intention to fail though~ Well for everyone here from now on, what you want to do in the future, why you chose the path of music, is something I want you all to ponder over seriously. I have high expectations
Shu: Okay thanks~ So for everyone here, you’ll start being more busy~ There won’t be any breaks until the world knows SkyFox is the best~
Misaki: Seriously?! Is this seriously gonna become a “black company”?!
Fuuta: Eh?! A dark company means-!
Aoi: I’ll explain it all later!
Shu: Ah Reiji, I have something to ask of you later
Reiji: Understood
— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
Shu: (In the past, the SkyFox Record that Reiji’s father made, and my father destroyed. Its the same name, but not the same. The one here, the one who made this label, is me.)
Shu: (The SkyFox I made, today has let out it’s first cry. The past and Duck River, I could care less about. The one thing in my eyes are the future from where I stand.)
— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
~Epsi sharehouse~
Shu: Raison d'être… you say
*Door knock*
Reiji: Shu. The item you ordered has arrived
Shu: Ah, wait a moment. Okay (2x)
*Door opens*
Reiji: The haircutting scissors you ordered.
Shu: Thanks~ I wanted to freshen up a bit~
Reiji: You’re going to cut your hair yourself? I think you can book an appointment at a hairdresser somewhere
Shu: Nope~ I want it now. Plus, the person who’s cutting it isn’t me, its you.
Reiji: Me?
Shu: Yeah. I’ll sit here all quiet. I’ll warn you in advance though, if you give me a weird haircut, I’ll turn you into a monk (haircut)
Reiji: I understand
*Hair cutting noises*
Shu: There. You can cut it shorter
Reiji: Okay
Shu: (Why does Reiji, listen to my words… why is he still by my side? Reiji had always been by my side solely to swear revenge on my papa…)
Reiji: This time, look down… hm? Shu? Are you lost in thought?
Shu: Hm? No, its nothing
Reiji: If you keep spacing out you might get injured
Shu: I know.
Shu: (Shouldn’t it be fine for the me that is hated to get injured..? That time, Reiji-)
Flashback Reiji: (Shu wanted to be loved by you! He wanted to be loved, praised, acknowledged by the father he loved so much! All his actions were done so you would simply look at him! And yet despite all that, you haven’t done a single thing as a father, at the very least find him, and say something to him..! Apologize to him! Apologize to Shu!)
Shu: (To even grovel to him… but, then I’d…)
Reiji: Shu, today you’re quite out of it. ..I’ve finished. I am no hairstylist so this is to the extent of my ability. Later on, do schedule an appointment to get it cleaned up.
Shu: Hmph, its fine like this~ Now its your turn to sit down here~
Reiji: Me too?!
Shu: Well because~ You’re a person to be used by me right~? If thats the case, you need to be cooler. You’ve always had this hairstyle after all. Okay~ Take a seat~
Reiji: At the very least spare me from the monk hairstyle
Shu: Ahaha~ Well then~ What to do~
*- I couldn’t quite catch what Yamato said, any help will be appreciated.
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zeravmeta · 3 months
I try not to be too reductive or assumptive in talking about yugioh, since I don’t play. But it still feels like inevitably any time a boss monster has no limits or super loose ones like “four monsters but just one has to be Fire” it feels like they’re always broken with people calling for bans. Like I swear even back when I was in high school and Xyz Monsters were new this was a trend. Feels weird it’s not something Konami has killed yet.
(and dont take this the wrong way) yeah I can tell you don't play ygo bc thats a very... outsider looking in take. thats the thing with progression in these types of games, powercreep is just kind of inevitable but that doesnt mean it has to be a bad thing.
think about it in terms of how Pokemon does powercreep (its something of a similar scenario), as the game goes on we get more playable pieces that make older ones... maybe not obsolete, but just not optimal to play anymore. These are games of optimization in order to complete your combo/achieve your preferred gamestate, so as time goes on the game developers NEED to make stronger pieces for the players to work with, and there's nothing wrong with that. If the same game and same pieces just kept being remade in the same way then it's just boring (side note this is why I cannot fucking stand goat format or yugiboomers in general defending the launch version of the game)
The issue then comes from when powercreep is too extreme: they become centralizing forces which render niche/unorthodox playstyles COMPLETELY irrelevant, and if you arent using the strongest pieces then youre at an active disadvantage. For pokemon this came in the form of certain centralizing legendaries like mega rayquaza sure, but far more infamously and unhealthily in the forms of gen 8 legendaries like zacian, calyrex-shadow and That Fucking Punching Bear, pieces so powerful that they actively warp game balance around them and render balance mechanics moot
I know you mentioned things about Synchros and XYZ being seen as OP, but that's more in line with yugioh design around that point leaning more into the Extra Deck as a resource: The Extra Deck is an incredibly powerful resource in Yugioh for the singular reason that it's always available, while you may need to search for key combo pieces through your deck via draw and search, you dont have to search for your Extra Deck monsters, they're always available as long as you fulfill the summon requirement (note this is why floating effects/searches are super rare on Extra Deck monsters, the amount of recursion and search power they would allow would be fucking broken. And Look At What Happened With Links Lol). However, the Extra Deck as an actual mechanic to be built around fundamentally improved yugioh as a whole, and the extra deck serves as one of ygos most unique markers among card games. The issue just started with Links being TOO broken
There will always be a crowd of people thinking that a strong monster = a broken monster, but Links as a whole are just so mechanically strong that it sped up the game to an insurmountable degree (which ive already explained before), meaning that now whenever someone whines about a broken boss monster, They're Probably Far Likelier To Be Right This Time
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terraliensvent · 2 months
ok mod, im gonna be /gen. im mostly against terras but i read all the asks and i think its weird how you automatically say any criticism ones are “meatriding” “braindead” and “white knighting”. some of them make alot of sense 2 me, mainly abt the assets cuz even if it was for a species, it was for their own species so its not like they ever expected 2 be banned. any artist has the right to request their art taken down even if their annoying on th unless it was for money, which it wasnt. yall using words like “vandalism” and “literally disgusting” abt this comes off reactionary. not everyone criticizing how yall talk ab this is here to defend coy/civ, im def not i think their annoying af. but if u wanna be fair u gotta hear out others points without assuming and insulting them. i lowkey agree with anon who said some anons r obsessed bc of this
heres the thing, its got a lot to do with wording to me.
if you want to be the guy who says “errrmmmm….yeah you guys are a little obsessed its just furry pngs” or the guy who says “uhm civ and coy put BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS into terras and now theyre being thrown out and discarded in the rain!” thats whiteknighting to me. youre not engaging or making any sort of argument.
additionally, with the assets whiteknight, i call it “whiteknighting” because they refuse to look at the evidence in front of their face. cal said that they would redo all the assets that coy wanted removed, however they also said that its not something that can be done at the drop of a hat. whiteknights are acting like cal and staff turned up their noses sneering “you cant make me” thats literally not at all what happened you guys just refuse to read
for your last point, nobody has said anything about “wording.” its someone who, again, refuses to actually engage with an argument and just spout nonsense. but if were talking about wording, yes i would consider going in to the site and making unapproved changes, possibly causing issues for others but not having care whether it does or not, yeah i would consider that vandalism. i would also consider coy’s history of doing petty, immature shit with little to no concern for the consequences of their actions “disgusting.”
im not gonna tone police myself on my blog, ive said before that i will use hyperbole for humor, but when its time to be fully serious ill tone it down. i think that part of the reason coy especially has been able to scoot by any and all criticism is because people are SO intent on handling them with kids gloves, when theyve shown to be incredibly vindictive, even talking shit about a community they themself cultivated but then acting like they had no part to play in it
i answer all asks here, however if someone just barges in being stupid im gonna handle it like theyre stupid. when people actually have something to say, i am willing to entertain it. im willing to agree with people and change my mind and ill post opinions i dont necessarily totally agree with, but the catch is you actually have to say something instead of burying your head in the sand about counter arguments. (also ive never called anyone braindead as far as i remember but i think were getting into semantics)
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im gonna start putting this at the bottom of all my posts just so you guys know im not saying i think coy should be sentenced to the firey pits of hell for all eternity, just that theyre shitty and immature and refuse to learn from their mistakes
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ooh youd never watched mh before? like not the og series either? i also really like the new show!
Never! Think might have heard about the toys once, a few years back? A bit isolated out here heheh, and the internet speed is... well
okay so far i've only seen what's free on youtube and The Monstering and that's enough to tell me something Very Important about this show. Well. A few Very Important Things
when was a kid (one million years ago) i was Obsessed with the idea of Halloween Town and loved imagining all these stories about my version of it
(accessed via a well, for some reason)
imagined being a pumpkin headed scarecrow (legit my first self insert OC, before I know those terms) and hanging out with MY ghoul friends (werewolf, vampire, skeleton, ghost, the usual)
drew fanart for it and daydreamed about it all year long...
my neighbor, the kid i played most with bc neither of us had anyone else, liked playing animal uprising in barbie town and wasn't so keen on the spooks, so my desire for a funky creepy friend group VESTERED. like worms. or maybe maggots
There've been other shows or movies that TRY to do this, but they either go too dark for me, or the spook stuff is so surface level it's like halloween decorations
soft core body horror via Frankie! Oh hey Cleo has bugs crawling under her wrappings! The teens are eating EYES and BRAINS and sloppy joes made from TOES?
The students are ACTUAL spooks! Draculaura can turn into a bat! She's got NO reflection! Frankie keeps falling apart- Literally! Ghost students!
Creative use of the spook! Here's an eyeball to record your class project on!
it's VIBES
the vibes are EVERYWHERE
2.) This show feels safe. Comfortable. Cozy.
Meet Frankie. They use they/them pronouns
Clawdeeeeeen and the school...
the students go from AHH A HUMAN!! to sneaking around trying to eves drop on Clawdeen and the headmistress and now they don't look scared they look curious, they're interested in this human talking about her love of monster stories and how she doesn't fit in with humans and just wants to stay here with them- it's sweet. It's so sweet.
Even before she turn out to be part werewolf, the feeling is, the students like her. They'd be happy to have her stay. There's a connection here even WITHOUT being a monster
like Draculaura and Frankie and Duce want to help Clawdeen figure out what kind of monster she might be SO SHE CAN STAY. the framing is, turning out to be a monster would be the EXCUSE for her to be here, with friends. The ones she already has, now
my heart
dont touch me
3.) the... the expectations of what a body should look like.... break them and be joyful
Clawdeen the werewolf girl is worried for a sec that she doesn't have ENOUGH armpit hair
for fun we get to see it growing THROUGH her SHIRT!
also i dont know why but it feels like this is one of the first times i've seen weregirls with leg and arm hair that has actual, noticeable, fur tufts. not just smooth with a fur coloring. this has Texture. these girls are HAIRY
and again it's just another thing, it's normal at monster high
hey i love it
Iris is on the fear squad
the monster who is fat and has one giant eyeball is on monster high's version of the cheerleading squad!
metal leg? Clear and obvious scar stiches all over their body? yep! zero self image issues this monster is just out there grooving!
hey this merdude has a tail with no legs he uses a wheelchair no biggie
i have EXTREME dysphoria and no money to do anything about it
i want to go to monster high, too
it looks safe
last and most important of all....
character voices. CHARACTER VOICES.
a lowbar, you might think, and yet i've spent good money on media written for adults that DOES NOT HAVE THIS
i've watched maybe, four five eps? and already i can HEAAR the characters in my head! i can feel the TONE of the show! i can imagine my own little adventures for them bc it's easy to feel what they'd say or do!
you know what i hate? things that arn't set up! things that are forgotten!
eleven minutes and so far not ONCE has something happened that wasn't set up before hand
Oh everyone's out of the camera ghoul yay- wait. I don't see cleo in the pile. did they forget to animate her?
She's still in the camera monster's pocket dimension!
as set up by her having trouble even buying coffee bc her id doesn't look like her, as set up by her new photo also getting ruined accidentally by Frankie, as set up by her getting caught by the monster when she came back to demand another photo!
the way the three bell chime "ding, ding, DOOOM" are used when Clawdeen is exchanging thumbs up with the wolf pack only to cut on the DOOOM to her going into the woods for the pack meeting against her instincts
nervous ding nervous ding BIG DOOOOOM OF THIS IS A BAD IDEA
brain candy
that's brain candy for me
i feel like a zombie media student
"gOoOoOd eDiTtInG....!" i moan, shambling towards the next episode with arms out stretched
there's so much of this tbh its always there
ok i have to stop this rant this is getting ridiculous
---- VOice acting! I'm sensitive to stiff acting and these ppl are haivng FUN i can FEEEEEEL it. Cleo and Spectra stand out for me. And Lagoona especially. i love Lagoona
---- DESIGN AND COLORS aye it's pretty! my eyes are having fun!
---- MUSIC AND SOUND DESIGN they are on point and make everything ten times better
----- WORLD BUILDING i don't need to explore it but it feels like there's a world and a history of monsters out there and that sells the whole school
----- THE FEELS so far Draculaura in the Food Fight ep hits the hardest. Girl giving a presentation against witch craft, while secretly practicing witch craft, to convince herself it's bad... needing confidence to cast spells correctly, only she loses hers... all of the wanting to be a witch, it makes her feel like her, and then- the realization that that MAKES her a witch. She already IS one. She wants to tell her dad but, just, can't. And her friends support her.... oh, that hit good
And also, of course, Frankie the nonbinary monster!
who isn't a split of guy and girl, or a multiple personality deal. They're just. Nonbinary. They don't need a reason or an explanation.
sure you could say, it's cause they're made up of parts from other people, but the show doesn't say that. Frankie calls those parts their "past" selves/lives. this is their life though and they are their own self. silly, sweet, emotional, curious Frankie Stein. who goes by they/them
as someone with zero gender, who can't introduce my self as they/them, that feels so good
this SHOW feels so good
cleo/frankie is really cute, very adorable, but i think im just bitten for the whole show now. i don't care what happens in particular just let me frolic gleefully in the childhood i wish id had :)
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mutual canonically-a-genloser tell me all of your randy delusions right now (threat)
ohhhh theres so fucking many this is gonna take me a bit IMMA START WITH AUS
i have multiple of the aforementioned universes in my brain and mostly the only differences between these aus are the amount of children that him and henrik adopted and took from showfall, and sometimes that changes up the timeline in which things happen
i don't have one where it's just sneeg and charlie throughout the entire story even though i Should and it is absolutely something to consider
there is one with rgb and in this one he marries henrik in showfall and charlie and sneeg are the only ones there for the wedding. (the wedding is to me a Canon Event. this is spiderman) now this one has two possible endings that i have considered. either A) randy (and potentially henrik) die hours later and randy later saves ranboo after the box when charlie and sneeg are trying to escape with them or B) randy is revived unbeknownst to charlie and sneeg but they don't find out until after they've been out of showfall for years and randy escapes and finds them
now i have another one where randy and henrik have all five kids (rgb, niki, and hetch) and it's the version of the wedding i described where hetch officiates it but it's not quite as central of a plot point in this one. randy still dies but is reset and hetch, charlie, and sneeg dont know. but in this one they all escape during the end of generation 1. all the show up to the box happens, and randy and henrik manage to save all five and just leave. this one is probably my favorite because of all the dynamics and it's so fun to think about. i could go on and on about how they would all be so fucked up but still so so codependent and despite hating each other sometimes they still care about each other because they're quite literally the only ones in the world who can understand each other and they are so aware of that it makes me crazy and also i just love love love randy being the best girl dad (<- this one is the Fucked Up Showfall version of the delulu cabin au)
okay so moving on from au paragraphs, one thing about randy and ranboo interactions. to me at first he is genuinely pissed at them even though he knows he shouldn't be because they were not in control when they killed his kids. but it's the days when charlie and sneeg hate him for letting them die and watching niki be the only one willing to comfort him is when he starts changing his mind. and then one night ranboo comes up and apologizes to randy for what happened in gen 1 because they know hes upset at them for it and thats when it hits randy like "oh yeah okay im actually Emotionally Attached to this kid now"
also on a more silly note. we've recently brought up henrik being a hairdresser. he probably knows how to do makeup and nails too. i will bet you he taught randy how to paint someone's nails really well and he would do it with niki and ranboo. sometimes charlie and sneeg would probably join in too i think. hetch Might. if there were black
also this has been bouncing around in my brain for a couple of days but sometimes i imagine what if randy could play like four songs on the guitar. he barely knows anything outside of these songs but if someone genuinely asks him to play for them he will. and just imagining these seven people who just escaped showfall and they're in a shitty rv and huddled together because the windows dont close and just. falling asleep to it. im insane sorry
also to me randy drinks insane amounts of coffee. like Insane. its probably the reason hes so anxious half the time (i am Choosing to ignore showfall)
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royal-they · 9 months
hi so i kinda happened to fall in love with your art.....and i wanted to ask a few things!!! (if its ok!)
uhmm first of all how long did it take you to get that art style and perfection it etc etc?
also do you have any tips for anatomy? not big complex full body anatomy, just like...idrk honestly, some tips related to anatomy or hands or just the body that helped/help you?
and uh yeah if you just have any general tips on whatever to improve my art/art style i'll take litterally anything 😭
again, i love your art, i love what you make! keep doing what you do, you're awesome!!!! sending love and support <3
ah!! tysm <333!! thats so cool to hear!!!!!!!!!/gen
ive been drawing forever honestly. i've always been really into it. im fifteen so thatd be like 12 years. and obviously i wasnt always studying it super seriously or anything. idk. my art isnt perfect by any means. i just dont really post the shitty pieces lmao. i struggle with sm stuff and will be continuing to study probably till the day i cant hold a pencil anymore lol. (i draw too much, my hand hurts ;w;) its a never ending process and honestly thats why i love it sm.
as for anatomy i think the main thing to keep in mind is that anatomy and just drawing people in general is really hard. i heard this in this old video about how pixar used to do 3d animation is that the reason they didnt do animations of humans for so long is because we ourselves have very specefic ideas of what a human looks like. i think this also applies to art. which is a really long way of saying, trust the process.
i use photos personally! you can find a lot on pinterest but there are a couple things id keep in mind when it comes to photos people edit their bodies sometimes so their proportions so be careful, it will defeat the purpose of the study if the bodies inaccurate.
idk here are some that might be good for starting off. dancers and people like that are super helpful. remember to not to focus too much on the lines but more copying down the shapes,
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
for hands i would just look at your own hands and try to capture them quickly. i say quickly mainly bc i shake a lot lmao, maybe youre different. or you could just be smart and take a picture of your hand but im very lazy and dont like getting up to grab my phone.
for art style id just save stuff that inspire you. could be animations, comics, album covers, cool photos, just stuff that gives you like vibes. literally ANYTHING.
like, omg this is making me think of a cool idea rn!! save it! even if you cant execute it now you can always execute it in the future when your skills are more developed :)
style studies are also helpful! try copying art you like, seeing different peoples techniques however some things to keep in mind with this are
you might accidently copy down an artists mistakes or bad habits without realizing it so try to have some variety in your artists
dont post the art. some people are okay with tracing but the vast majority of artists dont like it and it makes them uncomfortable. so id just like keep it in your sketchbook or whatever :) better safe than sorry.
anyway ah this is so longgggg! sry im so bad at being concise lol. theres probably a lot of youtube videos that could help you with this stuff if you want more explanation. the channel ive been watching a lot in since this summer is sketches of shay. she makes a variety of stuff but her art studies and resources are also very helpful :)
Sketches of Shay - YouTube
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smaradog · 1 year
time for an introduction
hello! im smaradog but you can call me smara or mar for short, i have a weird sense of humor that feels edgy but i dont do jokes that are at anyones expense, or say weird things, since its not really something thats part of me at all, making others feel bad and/or uncomfortable is against all i stand for, at the same time my humor can kinda be silly/catgirlesque for lack of better description?? (??? ihave no idea what im saying) and kinda fecalfunny style humor overall.
dni if youre a bigot or a terf or some stupid shit like that
anyways im a neurodivergent asexual trans girl (she/her, it/its fae/faer, sli/slime pronouns please!) who speaks spanish and stuff idunno!! (i am not from spain dont pile me on with them IHATE SPAIN!!!! /j)
so yeah i draw a lot of lesbians and whatever else comes to mind
[art tag!]
i WILL start talking about something im working on or something i like for WHOLE PARAGRAPHS so be WARNED!! and heres some insane things i do!
the insane things i do in question:
art (digital and traditional)
pixel art
sound design
3d modeling (learning the basics)
music (regular music and chiptunes, and whatever weird experimental thing i can make also it kinda sucks but shh)
modding/romhacking games
kind of a jack of all trades really! so yeah thats basically it! have a list of me dumping like a million interests i have
music: the strokes, arctic monkeys, gorillaz, daft punk, indigo quest, red vox, muse, crx, albert hammond jr., royal blood, enjambre, bandalos chinos, comisario pantera, lemon demon, tally hall, the voidz, fish in a birdcage, nelward
chiptune (counting psg chips, fm chips, low quality samplers, etc.) [fade, tim follin, jeroen tel, squarewave, shoob2000, 4mat, rushjet1]
animated shows:
the owl house
one piece (at enies lobby arc rn)
yu yu hakusho
jojos bizarre adventure (i cant deny it even if i dont talk about it, stopped at part 5)
one punch man (kinda, dont remember a lot)
adventure time (havent kept up since grass sword episodes)
ok ko (literally dont remember what the last thing that happened was)
regular show (stopped keeping up at some point) showing interest in: gravity falls, infinity train, hunter x hunter and mob psycho
literally any spiderman movie from anything 2002 - now (i know theres older obscure ones)
(cant think of anything else whoops)
halo (anything pre 343 sorry)
castlevania series
omori (kinda lost interest)
doom (classic series, havent played 2016 and eternal)
half life series
sonic series
mega man series (classic)
minecraft (kind of? i'd rather play beta 1.7.3, but especially a fan of better than adventure)
celeste (havent finished, one of the few insane people that didnt use assist mode at the hotel chapter)
umjammer lammy
parappa series
castle crashers & battleblock theater
serious sam series
splatoon series (havent played splatoon 3)
dont starve together (i dont play often and im not super familiar with the lore) night in the woods (looks nice but. didnt finish at ALL)
portal series (i 100%ed the first game)
vargskelethor joel (probably on top along with jerma)
vinesauce vinny
grayfruit (i watch sometimes)
simpleflips (i watch very rarely)
i also like a few webcomics but honestly i dont remember at the time of making somehow, you can ask me about one of them though! (its not homestuck i swear /gen)
i ALSO also have super weird interests over niche little 80s - 2000s technology and stuff
due to personal reasons, i have 3 things i dont wanna hear about, but im not gonna mention them on this post.
if you made it this far reading you are insane honestly but shoutouts to you
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violet-amet · 1 year
owl house spoilers, and thinking back on what could had been. so yeah. rambling again. but, i will say, i loved it, and it left me an emotional mess. not as much as ffxiv's shadowbringers and endwalker, but still p good without comparison.
i enjoyed the ending tbh. i love titan-luz esp. there was a lot of things i found interesting in the world building, that i wish that if the series wasnt cancelled, could had been properly explored with time, and king can unite with his father, but unfortunately... yeah. but you know, despite all the good, i do feel that having the big bad have so much mystery, but no time to explore makes his death a bit weak.
like it feels good to have him beaten down as he was, and killed straight up, but i wish i could had learned more about his backstory. his reason to be there. yes luz caused him to get where he is, but like, thats only one piece to a bigger puzzle that is the big bad's story.
i wish i could had learn more about the collector's kind. what really happened to them and what happened to the titans. i wish we could had learned more about the collector as well, because giving just three episodes to the other big "bad" isnt enough, imo, to grown attached to him. but i do think he is adorable. just a kid with too much power and too little guidance. its a shame really.
thing is, im just a viewer, not a writer, and so idk what happened or what the creators were thinking to make what they did, but i still enjoyed it. there was too much that disney missed out on, and honestly, i wish the owl house existed when i was a kid. it would make me feel proud to not only be hispanic, like i always wanted a hispanic heroine, but also glad to be weird and different. im glad that this show exists for kids that exist today.
but it is what it is. im not angry at the mouse, im more angry at the people who direct the mouse. the mouse isnt to be blamed here.
anyway thats just summoning up my thoughts on it, and i nearly did cry at the end, to see a proper happy ending after so long. i havent finished steven universe, because i heard that the ending for that is p bad, and like, honestly, i just watched a few episodes of future, and felt content with just finishing it off pre-movie. but i know that even su suffered a lot from corp meddling. it sucks.
still, despite corp nonsense, im glad these shows are being made today, and for future gens to enjoy. i hope to see more shows like these continue to be made, despite corp nonsense. i want to see more good stories.
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halloweenrazorcandii · 7 months
I mean if you know me by now you should also know that I'm not in the best headspace either, therefore I've been getting over it whilst still being upset about it if this paragraph makes sense
i knew it was going to happen eventually I just never wanted to say anything,, I've known since the Eli era baby (a little less but I've still had suspicions)
what upset me was the "I wish I never met you guys" but honestly at the same time i was just "sure whatever you say" in an I honestly don't have time to entertain whatever this is so I don't care right now way.. and I didn't really care after for a bit
the couple of times me and Kevin talked after I didn't bother asking about you because, well if you wish you never met me then why would I //neu but by that point I was kind of over it and way overdue for a therapy appointment so
i talked to myself a lot about it after and I know I'm self aware, so yeah I guess I still cared about it even after.. it just baffled me how you said that knowing wasn't in a good headspace and I had to think back like. did I ever say that to you at one point when you spiralled (nono, genuinely I'm still thinking about it, because what prompted that)
I'm STILL not in a good headspace which is why this is lengthy and it's a thought-spill because I don't have the energy to sugar anything
all of this isn't in //neg btw,, like even after then I didn't have any //neg feelings towards you but more of my usual "it's whatever" things
I do not mind talking to you after this or whatever, and I apologize in advance if I seem a little more callous than I normally would
but if you still wish you hadn't met me we don't have to talk we can just keep doing whatever we were doing before //gen
most of this is rushed because I'm being pressured to do chores jfc
im dizzy and awaiting a trip to the hospital in questioned time and i didnt know if i should respond to this yet because it wouldnt seem serious but i want you to know that i am im just not in a physical or mental state to sound as genuine as posisble though i am geuine so i apologize for spelling mistakes and or questionable sentences that dont make sense whatever i say i dont mean to self cneter or try to justify i have half a mind for what im saying rn /srs/gen i dont know where to start i know youn arent in the best head place or place at all and i dnt know or remember what this happened for but it did happen gradualy so i guess itwas building up i physically nor mentally more than 85% of the time cannot control what ido when i outburst especially with influence i have a disorder it will not be helped and i cannot say that i will not outburst because i literally yk cannot help it because i am a different person when i outburst hence cause - bpd n bipolar / insensity - other things and im being so serious when i say this and i am so sorry for saying that or saying that i wish i never met you guys thats what i was feeling so i said it and i shouldnt have and i am sorry and words cannot describe how confused i am on how to apologize correctly but i did not mean it for the most part i will be honest sometimes i have sour feelings when i am ghosted or ignored - this attatchments built up over the course of many years and if its being taken away then i am irrational and that is mostly explanation for why im so frequently upset - more than 2 weeks later it is still object of outbursts this explanation is not meant to feel guilt it isjto give reason because maybe its needed i give warning not to speak to me if it will be an issue i give warningthat if my issues will be problem like they have been then js dont try because you dont haveto do that to yourself though probably all too scaredto admit im a backgrounder now and i shouldve left yuou all alone long ago and im so glad you have newer and better friends and seem to be making a good place here from my perspective it seems your better off if we branch off but thats not my choice i do hope you and the rest of whatever is left of that old group continue to grow and i again apologize about all of this and i have reason for shame andm i hope your a ltleast doin g better and having fun with everyone i still warn that js do whats bets fro yourself we arent close anymore nor related if you consider so it doesnt really matter abt my show i js wanted to make a point to poorly and breielfy i do recognize apologize and tell you you deserve good and all great and youve done so much for everyone and i hope you get better from here yeah idk what to say im kind of dizzy in the head rn but i do mean it wehn i say you deserve better and im sorry ijsdont know how to show it i wish i couldve made this better but mi blank i appreciate your codnsideration
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angeltiique · 10 months
i just realised.
this is my blog.
i can do whatever i want.
so heres a giant fucking ramble with as many thoughts on Shenggou Ye as i can manage (who if you dont know is an oc belonging to my wonderful best friend reese aka rai aka rai.diate and her story universe Liar Liar Chaos Fire 😁 she doesnt know im doing this, this is for me):
if you dont know how did you NOT know shenggou ye accidentally became a biiiiiiit of a hyperfixation for me (exaggerating). reese and i can't exactly pinpoint when it started but we think its around the time we started a zombie apocolypse roleplay with us two and another friend <3
i love him so much i daydream and fantasise about him every moment i get. i see the colour red, or a wild dog or hyena, something to do with kung fu, or any obscure thing that i manage to tie him to and i go absolutely FERAL. hyenas are now my favourite animal because of him. i see a ricecooker and laugh at how he loves rice because his asian ass is so goofy (just like me fr). i love the colours red and teal which are his main colours. my favourite songs are loose cannon by set it off and mama by mcr which are his songs. he is TAKING OVER MY LIFE /POS
i feel bad that i dont get like this with other characters, especially my other friends and even my OWN, but thats just what ended up happening and i cannot seem to control myself lol
i even made up a list of why i kin him do you want to see it well too bad youre seeing it anyway i told you this is a megapost megalist mega fuckfest okay not a fuckfest but you get the idea:
- large hearts, both literally and metaphorically
- imposter syndrome (self-doubt, feeling like a fraud/liar)
- scared of being disowned/losing loved ones
- making jokes during serious moments (struggling to cope so makes light of the situation = ends up brushing it off/ignoring it)
- loving our best friend from high school fr fr /gen /pl and being so excited when we see them <3
- saying fucky ass and baybee (im the reason he says it LMAOOO)
- gayass motherfuckers (both bi)
- WE BOTH HAVE PUSSIES LMAOOOO and we aren't really dysphoric about it hell yeah (im trans and sheng is intersex 💪)
- lying lying chaos crying (i know a lot of them lie but shhhhhh)
- not being good at voice regulation/shutting the fuck up LMAO (apparently its a sign of autism... shenggou ye autism real!!? /j)
- having silly laughs <3 idk my mama makes fun of my laughs and he has a silly laugh it counts sshhhh
- he probably sits on surfaces weirdly or on places you wouldn't normally sit on, and i sit weirdly so YEAH
- sex jokes? yes please (they are funny !!!)
- dramatic as hell but its because we are silly goofy
- annoying as fuck but its slash pos
and thats all i had but theres probably more in fact im doing things because he does them, like saying "L" LMAOO BUT i mean it in an endearing way 🫶
ive also been calling my mother mama a LOT more like thats WHAT ive been calling her exclusively and i know for a fact its because shenggou calls HIS MOTHER mama and the song mama by mcr again. tsk tsk this hyperfixation is legit taking over. but i love it so much.
hes all i want to daydream about. we (friends and i) have a running joke that he is my husband, i love calling him my dearest darling husband shenggou ye. its great. but i like thinking about him with me during the day, maybe doing something stupid or dangerous and laughing at him, him helping me calm tf down when im stressed. its a weird coping mechanism but strangely effective!! i prefer keeping to myself but thinking about him with me makes me feel more seen and heard and loved. and reese is a bit like him, so its also like having my best friend with me even if shes not really. i like to think i can tell shenggou anything because thats how i feel about her. again, its all really stupid and cringe but its really nice and fun
im only now realising this is probably just turning a friends oc into a para. or like. something like a para. i mean the daydreams do get vivid.. Huh!
anyway thats about all i feel like sharing, i dont expect anyone to see this like all my other posts, i just enjoy screaming into the void and seeing if anyone screams back. let it be known, having weird coping mechanisms is cool and youre so.valid. /gen biggest hugest thank you to my bestie reese for creating this goober i am obsessed with. without her art that captures his handsomeness and her writing that demonstrates his personality i would never have fallen so deeply in love with him to the point of delusion.
Now if you'll Excuse me. i am going to dream the Best dreams (shenggou will be in it). thank you and Goodnight ^_^
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mosviqu · 1 year
huge engene yes true no lies were detected in ur statement!! they do be sounding like slam poetry but i love it ngl.-. DONT EVEN START DUDE I DONT THINK BELIFT WILL REMOVE IT CUZ THEY PROBABLY THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN BUT BOY WAS I PISSED WAKING UP TO KENGENES SENDING A TRUCK OR EHATEVER AND THEN SEEING THE SUNGTAROOKIES NEWS WAS THE WORST MORNING I HAD IN A WHILE LITERALLY DIDNT GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THAT DAY I WAS SO UPSET so yeah i saw it lmao😃 if i really try to i kind of see it but i would have never thought about it ngl but now i love it even more🤭 it do be screaming camp rock vibes!! and i'm so glad u like the album🥳😭
i hope zbone wont do noise music cuz i will be pissed oh god;-; SO TRUE BRING THE CUTE ONES BACK PLS!! idk if u talked about it or heard about them but the new hybe boy group does have happy vibes with no noise music but somehow i'm just so not vibing with it.-. i'm trying my best to do so cuz we have 3(!!!!) 03liners in there lmao
i think my minecraft addiction shows here as well but i would be so happy to find that out lmao i think i would probably have the same reaction when i found out giselle made lps videos when she was younger (although idk if that was actually her) i so understand the wilbur brain rot!! YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND WAS A CULTURAL RESET IM HAPPY HE LIKED IT
no cuz same i stared at the video for a while💀 i think seventeen atp will just remind me of u cuz i saw dino pink hair and i also immediately thought of u upon seeing him!! it would be so great if they did the tiktok part of it atleast wahhhh
I COULD NEVER DO A BRITISH ACCENT AND THAT MAKES ME SO SAD but im glad u are living the best british life in ur head sometimes lmao😌 we will see but it will stay like this for a while till i figure out something more okay lmao (liebestraum anon💕💗💞)
AHAHAH nothing bad with slam poetry At. All. 😌😌 ngl i do get where youre coming from, they must have expected this reaction. I am honestly glad they kept it despite the trucks and all 😭 but are those fans not embarrassed. like bestie......get a life 😭😭😭😭 dont even mention sungtaro tho bc i am still mad and heartbroken over this 🤠 they really debuted them....for no reason..? oh lord. im burning the SM building down as we speak!
LITERALLY like noise music had its era but i think we can put it behind us now.....please.... like some of the 4th gen debuts are a whole CIRCUS 😭😭 AND I DID TALK BAOUT BOYNEXTDOOR ACTUALLY AHAHA i listened to one of their songs and i actually vibed with it so hard ive been waiting for a fresh concept. THREE 03 LINERS ARE U KIDDING ME now if this doesnt lure me into stanning 💔
GISELLE DID WHAT NOW ???? I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THAT 😭😭😭😭😭 iconic. sO iconic. Your new boyfriend was a cultural reset but i remember my brother showing it to me before i knew of wilbur and lovejoy and i was like what the actual FUCK is this.
jihoon had us masmerized 🤡🤡 omgomg thats so sweet actually 🥺 svt are one of my ults hhh i recently got back super into them hhh also dino reminding u of me as he should!! boyfriend ❤😌 still waiting for treasure super challenge altho i think we are not getting it 😔 at least i got cix seunghun version to ease the pain💔
NO BC ME NEITHER my account is like the weirdest mix of everything bc i taught myself english pretty much,, so my source of accent is whatever media im obsessed with in that moment 😭😭😭 but my british accent sounds very bad thats why it always stays in my head only❤
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