#<- new tag system maybe?
monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Okay so since I apparently never explained it...
The Carnival is an attraction I added to the Pizzaplex because Ruin had a scrappd map that was going to include a carnival and Help Wanted 2 had a lot of fairground kind of games in it. It's also an area mentioned in the books that we never see as far as I know, and I dunno I thought it would be fun to make my own version of it.
The Carnival actually has five different names depending on where and when you see it in the Plex. On paperwork, it's known as the Seasonal Carnival, but the public know it as the Snowfall Fair, the Flowering Festival (or Blooming Jamboree maybe?), the Creature Carnival and the Sunshine Pier. Each one of the non-paperwork names is for a different season, because the attraction changes by the season, with a different animatronic to match.
How do they do this? With incredible health a safety obviously!
Instead of scenery being painted onto the walls, it's all big, collapsable set pieces, that are alarmingly easy to drop. There's easy to move props everywhere and the various lights around the place change for different effects. There's some smaller rides and attractions that are also swapped out, with some bigger ones that aren't, and a whole load of games to play. Honestly, outside of the animatronics, this is probably one of the cheapest attractions they put together purely because of cut corners, cheap games, and relocating things from other Fazbear locations to fill out the space. The animatronics are deactivated and stored safely nearby (normally anyway) to be reactivated come their next season, but often times they're still wandering and fucking around regardless lmao Fazbear is nothing if not competent, right?
Anyway, the place is located (for now anyway) under the daycare and main lobby area of the Plex. It's got games like the Bonk-A-Bon and Fazerblast shooting games from Help Wanted 2, along with games like Hook A Duck, darts, the one where you climb up a rope ladder to ring a bell, the horse racing game where you all compete by throwing balls along a table into various holes to make the horse move, basketball, the ring toss, other ball throwing ones and whatever others I can't think of right now. The permanent rides are a waltzer, a small droptower, maybe a little rollercoaster, a small funhouse, one of those octopus rides, maybe a Rockin' Tug or whatever they're called, and then the carousel.
Most of the rides and games don't take up much space, but the carousel is the centrepiece of the attraction and is pretty damn big. It's like the one from Help Wanted 2 in that it has three belts of Fazbear characters that rotate around the centre pillar, with the middle belt going the opposite way to the other two. Except it looks more like a typical carousel, brighter, flashier, and only a few of the characters don't move up and down. The carousel closed a while before the whole Carnival closed for good due to an accident involving some teenagers, an animatronic and the staffbot that was operating the ride, as well as Fazbear refusing to care about anything but labour costs and profit margins. To put it on a timeline, the attraction closed about a year before Roxy debuted to the public which is a few years before you'd have the events of Security Breach. The carousel was at most closed a year before the rest of the Carnival.
Moving on, the Snowfall Fair is winter themed and set in a snowy forest clearing. All the set pieces are pine trees and glittery snow, with the lights all cold and fake snow and icicles on everything. The food vendors sell a lot of hot chocolate, there's a fake ice rink set up, and a bunch of winter themed prizes to win. They add a helter-skelter type of thing with a little sled you ride on to the bottom and they have an area for snowball fights which is basically just dodgeball with small, white, glittery foam balls. I don't have an animatronic for this season yet, but I'm thinking a polar bear Freddy or Nedd bear or something would work well here. Maybe even penguin Chica I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Flowering Festival (or Floral Festival, or Blooming Jamboree, whatever I decide to settle on) has a spring time theme. This is where my idea for an Easter Bonnie and Chica come into play as they'd fit right in here. The set pieces are all painted like the moors, full of grass, heather, butterflies, etc. It's a bit brighter and a lot more colourful, with fake plants and flowers everywhere and fake birds playing birdsong from speakers and stuff dotted around. There's hide and seek games, scavenger hunts, a game where you have to catch the butterflies, and flowercrowns as prizes. Probably other stuff too but I'm drawing a blank on spring themed stuff ngl
The Sunshine Pier is summer themed, being bright, warm and set on the amusement pier of a beach. There's a few kids paddling pools around that look like they came from a sale at Tescos, a big sandpit, a trampoline, a more traditional helter-skelter and I'm thinking maybe a Monty or a Happy Frog variant running it. There's a fake campfire like there is in Kid's Cove, fake seagulls sat on top of attractions, deck chairs and beachballs strewn around everywhere and a remote control crab for a special prize that the regular kids have an obsession over. You can get water balloons and waterguns pretty much everywhere and when Foxy was still around, he would get the kids to race boats with him in the paddling pools.
The Creature Carnival is Halloween themed and the original animatronic got scrapped somehow maybe (haven't got that far yet but I'm thinking a Monty or Bonnie maybe?) and is later run by former daycare attendant, Jack-O-Moon. The set pieces are of a spooky graveyard and abandoned buildings, with some minor smoke machines to give the place a foggy look. The ceiling lights are completely off for this one, and instead, the attraction is well lit with lamps, streelight props and the usual floor lights. There's a 'Trick or Treat' game where various staffbots hidden around the place will give you cheap sweets and sometimes arcade tokens, and they add a ghost train and haunted house.
The attraction is pretty fun and a good money maker, but it's not one of the more popular attractions. Fazbear Ent. also use it for special events since it's very easy to switch things up in there by design, and this doubles as a way for Fazbear to see what would be good for permanent attractions on a smaller scale. It's also their go-to if the Plex is dwindling in popularity to just greenlight random shit to get throwin in there to see what sticks and what brings people back in. They've had all sorts of shit in there lmao it keeps it interesting
Aaannndddd since this post is already stupid long, that'll do for now!
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happy pride!
the bible - a lot of dudes
"wives, submit yourselves to your own wives, love wives, love wife, care for the wife"
submitted by @justabouttocombust
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capricioussun · 5 months
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A comm for @gemknightau of their fell gem knight Papyrus Sharp! Grabbing him in my minds eye like a squeaky toy
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noctlas332 · 4 days
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gyahhh heres my galasynth piece for this year,, i think i could have posted it earlier but i dont like making non art posts so i sat on this one to say it was my birthday yesterday and i am 18yo now,,,,, turns into ash and blows away in the wind
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astralfandoms · 4 months
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the host's asleep post the cog relationship chart meme that we made months ago
anyway uhhh i'm not tagging everyone because I Would Rather Die but for any of your relationship needs <3
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natade-art · 6 months
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two very different 'fucking around with different techniques' zeldas. first was intended to be like 'official render' style art for my classic zelda from ages ago but this new one was just trying to find nice fast techniques lol
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spacerockband · 10 months
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laststandx3 · 11 months
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@stolperzunge, something like this?
Medieval AU 🐎🛡️👑
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listentothelittlebird · 2 months
I would be embarrassed at how quickly i did this but frankly i’m not! So @skizzlemanweek hi :)
Day 1: calm / chaos - I think I’m supposed to pick one but. Uh. I didn’t
word count: 1079
AU: idk man i made it up. Brain go brrrr
enjoy :D
This is what Skizz knows: elytras do not agree with him. This is not because he does not know how to fly. Moreover, he knows how to fly too well. Born in the air, flying his whole life, and only learning to walk as a teen. 
When he joins Hermitcraft, he brute forces his way through learning elytra until Impulse brute forces him into talking with Xisuma. Now he flies with his wings, though the wind will not answer his call, has not answered him since he left his home.
This is what Skizz, and all the hermits, have discovered: that the new world has brought them enemies that command the air. That their droppings, when grinded down, form handheld blasts of wind, pockets of air that they can twist to their will.
“You got the wind charges?”
Impulse is just a speck of yellow in the distance, nearly indistinguishable against the sunlight. Skizz has to use his communicator to talk to him, with how far away he stands. 
“Yeah, I got them.” A pause, a message flying through the worldwide channel. “Oh, hold on. Tango wants to watch.”
“Get him to bring his own wind charges!” A shadow zips over Skizz’s head, Zedaph descending onto his own haphazard column of red sand. It makes Skizz feel like the widest sandwich on earth, with Impulse on one side and Zedaph on the other.
Skizz shakes out his wings, idly catching a stray feather as it floats around his face. His skin feels restless, though the heat is probably just as much to blame.
Skizz waits for Tango to join their voice channel before he starts pestering him.
“Hurry up!” He bellows, cackling when Tango responds with muttered blaze noises and the sound of whistling rockets.
“Have you guys tested this yet?” Tango asks, as he quickly assembles his own pillar into the sky, slapping together a frankly unnecessary amount of scaffolding.
“Nope!” Zedaph chimes brightly. “Well, Impulse says Grian tested it out, but only Gem was with him to throw the wind charges. And Grian’s not even windborn! I bet Skizz can do much more than blow some guardians out of a lake.”
“At least Xisuma’s around.” Impulse pauses as he types a message, and relays the replies to them. “He’s got a backup copy saved. Feel free to let loose, Skizz.”
“We should’ve done this at your base, then!” Skizz shakes his wings out again, looks around at the barren landscape of their sand collection point. 
They know Skizz well enough, by now. Even with a backup saved, just being near to their precious architecture would make Skizz dial it down by the dozens.
Here, though, is no man’s land.
“Okay!” Tango has finally ascended his scaffolding. “Reefy!”
“Great!” Without warning, white wisps explode towards Skizz from Zedaph’s pillar. The gust kicks up the sand beside him, ruffling his feathers. “Oops, sorry! Test shot!”
“Wait, wait!” Skizz eyes the horizon and plops down his bedroll. “Let me snooze.”
It gives him a moment of calm, a chance to settle his thoughts and get into the space he needs to do this well. By the time his bedroll is rolled up, his valuables stashed away in his ender chest, he can feel the difference.
The air in this desert is warm, slowly floating upwards from the sheer heat of the sand. When he breathes, the air shifts. It does the same near Zedaph, near Impulse, near Tango.
Skizz closes his eyes. “Fire another test shot for me.”
The burst of wind comes from Impulse this time. Skizz sidesteps the blast and opens his eyes to take in the impact as it collides with the sand. The white wisps glow brighter now that Skizz is concentrating, and he diligently tracks as the magic fades. 
“Alright. When I say go, just keep firing until you run out of blasts, okay?”
Skizz nods as his friends agree. 
“Right. Three, two, one…go!”
Skizz tracks the first wind charges as they whizz towards him, not with his eyes but with the honed instincts of a windborn. The wind charges part the air like icebreakers in the ocean, barreling towards their destination with no care for detours.
Three seconds before the wind charges reach Skizz, he spreads his wings. Two seconds, and he flaps them, feathers glowing aether white. One second, and a swirling ring curls around Skizz, just in time to catch the wind charges.
The ring quickly engulfs Skizz’s sight, shooting far past his head faster than any time before. It takes a moment for Skizz to hear his friends cheering through his communicator, because the wind is so loud it creates a veritable vacuum of sound.
When Skizz tilts his head up, he can only gape. The wind charges have gained a glow akin to his wings, swirling upwards in a spiral that can only be described as a tornado. The pure white has become a dusty maroon, sand sifting through the currents like an ocean on land.
In the middle of it all, the eye of the storm, stands Skizz. For the first time since leaving his birthplace for good, the skies have bent to his will.
“Skizz!” Impulse yells through the communicator, barely restrained glee in his voice. “We’re out of wind charges! How’s it looking in there?”
Skizz takes in everything one more time, the way the vortex seems to turn without a sign of slowing, and can only laugh. 
“Oh, it’s looking pretty calm here. I could take a nap.”
“You’re nuts!” Tango yelps. He never got used to extreme weather in the overworld, and it still shows. “I’m about to fall off all this scaffolding, and you want to take a nap?”
Skizz grins, and shifts his feet. When he moves, step by step, the tornado follows.
His wings have to stay outstretched to keep the tornado going, but flying around has kept them more than strong enough to hold the air for a little while longer. 
“Want to join me, Top?”
It takes a moment, but then Tango is letting out a blaze shriek and firing several rockets at once, to the unhelpful cackling of Impulse and Zedaph. Skizz elects to ignore them for now. The day is still young, and their own whirlwind terrors will come soon. 
A test jump is enough to tell Skizz that the wind will carry him, far faster and further than any elytra there is.
Skizz grins, and gives chase.
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crunchchute · 7 months
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holy moly. just hit 1k. thank you!!
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cowardlychimera · 23 days
also gonna ramble a little about my crossover au I've been obsessing over for ages, since I'm working on some art for it right now...
I'm Doing It Scared though so under the cut it goes !
okay so. it's a crossover of omori, yume nikki, yume 2kki, and .flow! yay!! fucked up dreamers!!!
I'm really happy with it though because of the worldbuilding I've had to piece together using stuff from all the games, and I'd say how dream worlds work in this au is pretty neat...
anyway, since omori is the only game with a clear story, for the other 3 I just picked some themes from the games and theories I like that I thought would work well together, and I think I did a decent enough job to make Madotsuki's, Urotsuki's, and Sabitsuki's stories in this au pretty interesting!
okay now for a simple summary: it takes place after the good ending, a bit after Sunny's moved and settled in a little in his new house. Sunny could say he's doing better, but that leaves out the fact he's still struggling to reach out and open up. until one night he ends up on a balcony instead of white space.
after learning he's not the only dreamer out there, Sunny makes it his mission to find and help as many as he can! helping others like him counts as helping himself, right? (spoiler: wrong <3)
one last thing, I do eventually want to throw in more yume nikki fangames because I think it'd be even more fun. whole family of mentally ill dreamers yay <3
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2014 vs 2024 Uranus
2014 is a lot more friend-shaped but also childish, Neptune had to look out for him. 2024 is a lot more mature, and is far more observant than he appears.
Both are always seen smiling though.
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dandyshucks · 7 months
blinks tiredly. i decide "hm maybe i should try to expand my circle and step outside of it a little, lets go look at the main community tags" and im just greeted with a bunch of edgelords who think saying "fiction doesn't affect reality, don't like don't read" is peak activism and "fighting censorship". head in my hands. this is partially why i do not ever go into the community tags, my nervous system cannot handle blocking fifty weirdos every single day just so i can have a normal experience in the community tags hfdsjkl
#I HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE BLOCKED ALREADY. i am TRYING to curate my experience 😭😭😭#and i have so many tags blacklisted fjdsjkl like. so many. every single variation of tag to do with those chuckleheads#which helps avoid them a lot of the time tbh bc it'll flag posts that ppl rb if the original post was tagged w any of those#so i can avoid rbing posts that have chuckleheads as the op most of the time#i also usually double check OP's blog before i rb stuff now bc man this place is rife with these weirdos#ANYWAYS. yes i want to try to engage w the community but i do not think i can handle it if theres gonna be so many edgelords jkdslfl#the only way i follow new ppl now is when yall do promo hour and i sometimes see a new face pop up fdsjkl#every now and then i have energy to try to engage with new ppl but its so difficult when so many ppl are such insufferable edgelords !!!!#''im the nasty pr-sh-pper your parents warned you about 😎'' cool man you sound like the most insufferably obnoxious person ever. :/#''if you like CENSORSHIP-'' i am hitting block immediately bc u have a fundamental misunderstanding of what censorship actually is 👍#I'M TIREDDDD WHY ARE PEOPLE SO DUMB ABOUT THIS STUFF. ''fiction doesn't affect reality'' I GUESS PROPAGANDA DOESNT EXIST THEN ????#what a strange world they live in honestly. they dont understand how stories have served humans since the dawn of time. sighing loudly.#vent //#SORRY FOR THIS ONE IM JUST. ARGH. ppl talk abt encouraging community but i think maybe im not cut out for community#i want desperately to partake but i cannot handle it if it means dealing w all these bozos#it frustrates me to no end fdhsjkl and it upsets me so much and i wish i could deal w it better but. my nervous system is broken fdsjkl#i will try to expand my circle every now and then but i cannot do it often bc of this 😭 im not going to give up entirely though fdsjkl#(also this is partially why i dont tag my posts w community tags anymore bc i am just. so scared of these freaks getting their hands on it)#(the most i'll do is s.afeship or variations every now n then bc supposedly they're not in those tags fdsjkl)#delete later#dandyshucks
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deus-ex-mona · 11 months
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the way this was the last new image featuring daimeggle th o u g h
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echoheart0324 · 2 years
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Gotta relax somehow.
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I literally don’t know how to talk about and process this without sounding like some sort of weird incel but maybe that’s what’s going on
#like#I just want a support system it’s not that deep#but I hate feeling all triggered and emo and whatever abt it as if I’m some sort of tragic martyr#I’m just another 20 something living in USA with no good social support services#like this is just what happens#like I’m processing to myself in the tags and it sounds like something some drag queen would roast you for#like hi you never got enough attention from your parents and it’s obvious#like girlllll??????#I need to chill#no I do need to let myself process these emotions like I know what the healthy mindset is for this but GODD#a nerve was hit apparently#like there’s no more looking for parental figures the older you get#the people you wanted to be your parental figures are now just like your age???#what the fuck do I do with that#volunteer at a nursing home I guess#how do people stop pitying themselves forever about this and just live their lives like what the fuck#how do u do that when u still feel like u don’t have a solid support system irl like I guess really no one was coming to save me from#my parents like I’m just stuck here with no idea of where else to go#I have been getting very good at keeping myself open to change and new beginnings and whatever#but holy FUCK can someone hurry up and like let me live at their place for free and be nice to me and I will also be nice to them and maybe#I will be able to make money in a way that is not traumatizing and then we pay off our house and are friends with everyone and can handle#whatever life throws at us#like what about that huh#like what the fuck#ok I think I got all the weird ranting and being stupid and processing out
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