#<- just in cas e
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0vergrowngraveyard · 10 days ago
Hi. I don't know if anyone has asked you this before, but what would happen to Baby Tails in Sonic Forces? How would he deal with losing Sonic and reuniting him? If you can give me an answer, story, or image, I'd appreciate it.
short answer: it’s complicated because toddlers don’t know anything
long answer:
starting this off by saying that baby tails is not alone in eggman’s territory during the six months! the resistance does take care of him! don’t worry!!!
anyway, since he’s a literal toddler, tails doesn’t really understand the concept of death. all he knows is that something big happened, everyone around him is upset, and sonic hasn’t been home in a long time
i think vanilla would be the one to explain to him what happened to sonic (or at least what they believe happened) since she’s the one who mostly watches over him during the war itself. he asks her a bunch a questions about it, trying to understand what exactly she means by “sonic is dead” as kids of that age group tend to do. he doesn’t know what “dead” is
his separation anxiety gets cranked up to 11 and he’s extremely anxious because everyone around him is feeling very big emotions all the time, and also because he missed his big bro. during the first few months of the war, he’d toddle around the resistance looking for him and would start crying when the hedgehog was no where to be found. (it’s happened to him before, y’know? people leaving and never coming back…maybe sonic left for the same reason?)
eventually, sonic does get rescued and returns to mobius. cue the wholesome reunion
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sonic doesn’t hug his 8 yr old brother in the game, but he sure as hell will hug his 1-2 yr old brother if i have anything to say about it. and i have a lot to say about it
tldr: he spends his time during the war being very confused and anxious and scared because he doesn’t really understand where his big bro went. why is he gone? where did he go?
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strangecowplant · 10 months ago
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nox-scrie · 3 months ago
Sărbătorile se simt din ce în ce mai obositoare pe măsură ce îmbătrânești, iar singura scăpare e ficțiunea clișeică? Mai jos găsiți remediul pentru această afecțiune ce poate fi fatală!
Da, am terminat în sfârșit fanficul cu Luceafărul x Cătălin x Cătălina (Hypecat!!). Da, e mult mai cheesy decât îmi închipuiam că poate ieși.
În această poveste, Hyperion, mare magnat ce știe mult prea bine că banii nu pot cumpăra fericirea, încearcă să o invite la un date pe femeia de care este îndrăgostit, pe numele ei Cătălina, ce este administratora + propietara unui lanț de pensiuni cu numele de Luceafărul. Motivul pentru care Hyperion (thinks he) fumbles pe una dintre cele mai frumoase persoane pe care le-a întâlnit vreodată? Ei bine, Cătălina este măritată de mulți ani- și de ce este oare soțul ei, Cătălin, tot atât de frumos pe cât este și ea?
Hyperion ar vrea să dispară de pe fața pământului de rușine când își dă seama că voia să se bage pe o femeie măritată (și pentru o secundă și pe soțul ei), dar nu o face, căci datorită unui mecanism narativ foarte folositor (fenomenul înzăpezirii), Hyperion este obligat să stea cu aceste două bomboane de propietari și să navigheze sentimentele complexe și conflictele inutile pe care aceștia le trezesc în el ca simpli moldoveni queer. Serios, fanficul ăsta e doar Hyperion fiind a loser în cel mai aesthetic și adorabil mod posibil.
Dacă vreți să vă alăturați lui Hyperion, Cătălinei și lui Cătălin, alături de doi invitați speciali complet irelevanți, anume Mihai Eminescu și Ion Creangă, găsiți link-ul mai jos. Acestea fiind spuse, lectură frumoasă și aștept să aud de la voi orice fel de opinie, emoție sau gând demn de a fi împărtășit pe urma lecturii.
Crăciun fericit! 🎄☄️🌄❄
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graciereadshannigram · 1 month ago
can we talk about how much the Amara plotline of season 11 is dumb as hell?
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emmkitt · 1 year ago
um. ok. i. anon writing this. uerm. i have had like a huge crush on mephone4 (i still do) and looking. Looking at your human design of him was making me want to shove him against the wall and. Good lord. Im simping again. Oh lord
take this as a compliment i love your mephone design. Ok. Anyway
anyways anon youre so real for that. men…./pos
on a slightly unrelated note i wish mephone was real so he could teach me how to evade my taxes
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softietrait · 1 year ago
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BC Challenge: Loading . . .
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deathb1oomsarchive · 1 year ago
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@darkstarsriseㅤ. . . ㅤharsh light. what's worse? the hangover or that you can't recall the sender's name.
ㅤ ㅤ does your internal biological clock work even when nothing else is working? somehow , that was the first thought to pop into her head as she began to regain consciousness. her eyes hadn't even thought about opening yet , the lids feeling heavy with more than just sleep. it was with this thought that the headache came , a mixture of dehydration and the aftereffects of the alcohol from the night before. it would be a rough day , but she'd get through it. it wasn't the first time that she'd drank herself into a hangover , and probably wouldn't be the last.
ㅤ ㅤ without opening her eyes , the brunette reached her arm out from beneath the warmth of the comforter to search for her water bottle. she never went to bed without a water bottle on the bedside table , a victim of the midnight thirst , but her fingers crashed into the side of something hard and smooth. brows furrowed as she jerked her arm back , clutching it to her chest as she tried to make sense of what had happened. her bedside table wasn't usually so tall , and now that she was thinking about it ― the comforter she was using to cover herself wasn't her usual. another thought brought the realization that under the comforter , she was completely nude. 
ㅤ ㅤ her body tensed as she pulled her arm back under the blanket , foolishly covering herself as if that would protect her. but protect her from what , from who? 
ㅤ ㅤit only took a moment for her brain , pushing past the brimming migraine that was manifesting itself in her temples , to remember the night before. a few of the girls from one of her classes had dragged her to a club that didn't really care to card people , celebrating a birthday or a passing grade or a breakup , anything was worth celebrating to these types. Nancy could remember agreeing to shots before moving to the dance floor , not really looking for anyone specific to dance with just wanting to move her body. she'd broken up with both Jonathan and Steve before coming to college , needing some time to find herself before going back and having to choose between then two. 
ㅤ ㅤ that's how she knew without opening her eyes that the body laying beside her wasn't either of them. though it felt like her lids were glued shut , Nancy knew it was time to open them ― time to find out what she'd gotten herself into. 
ㅤ ㅤ after a moment's pep talk , she forced her eyes to open , searching what she could past the mess of brunette curls in her face. she was laying on her side , facing away from the person who's bed she was occupying , to see a tall dresser beside the bed and a window on the other side. it was very obviously morning , and it didn't look early. that thought kicked her into gear , wrapping one arm around the blanket covering her body as she shot up. " phone? " she asked in a panicked voice. " clock? anything? " 
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ㅤ ㅤ finally she turned to the person laying beside her , brows furrowing because she didn't recognize him at all. she didn't believe they had any classes together , or even that he went to IUPUI. she couldn't , in that moment , even remember his name! who had she gone home with?
ㅤ ㅤ she didn't want to pull the blanket away from him , but there was no way she was standing up to get dressed and exposing herself. the fact that he'd obviously seen her body the night before didn't matter. " h―hey.... can you help me? "
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bugdogg · 1 year ago
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Akita doggg
also heres some new info, I decided her actual name is Blanch, i may switch between the names as i adjust but she goes by both depending on the person. Blanch is her real name.
also while she is an akita in dogmatsu and in a dog-themed band, her favorite animal isnt even a dog breed, she likes badgers and bears
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hautevaux · 1 year ago
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Devestated noises.
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bnt0 · 2 years ago
when you accidentally make a 100 note shitpost?? I was dragging myself bc my lack of sims content feels egregious but it honestly makes me feel a little better that y’all relate lol
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sapchats · 1 year ago
sapnap singing waterparks and im pretty sure he was singing a point north song earlier like can he please just fall in love with me right now pelase pleape laepslaopelpakse
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chunkofchange · 2 years ago
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dreamed about pikmin dungeon crawler
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years ago
Hi! I love your writing and your posts. Your tags make my day.
Saw that you recently posted a pining!cas ficlet. Do you happen to know more fics song the same lines? Jealous pining!cas? Feeling a bit vindictive so looking for some petty things to read.
It's an area of writing that I think is really underserved! I would like to read more in that very specific area but there isn't much, or at least I'm not willing to sieve through all of AO3 to find exactly the right vibe. I mean, I'm not vindictive, lol -- I am secure in my canon joys -- but there's this really narrow slice of wincest-with-pining!Cas that is really interesting to me. I'll actually just crib from a convo I had about this ages ago--
--but agree, I love unrequited destiel/pining!Cas in concept, but finding fic for it is soooo hard. I don't want meanspirited wincest writer shit, and I don't want alas poor Cas :((( shit, and I don't want shipper-on-deck!Sam or weird homophobe Dean or all of the other hundred pitfalls (…that said, 'alas poor Cas' might be kinda reasonable for s13-15. Dean was straight-up mean to him, lol) [...] I guess part of the trouble is the same trouble with finding good gen. You've got to be on board with the emotional incest dynamic with Sam & Dean, even if you're going to keep it on the brotherly side, and understand that that is 50% of why Dean & Cas will never happen (or at least never happen the way Cas might wish it would). ((this aside from any potential sexuality barrier for Dean.)) then you have to be interested in enough in the canon dynamic to write a fic where they specifically don't hook up the number of people willing to write it in just that way is… uh… conservatively I'm gonna say 4
So those four people -- sing out! Tell us where the fics are! Friends who want a similar dynamic, pls rec stuff to us! Me and anon want to read it, it would be so interesting, give us it 🙏
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cjbennet · 5 months ago
'disabled people are not horror the same way silly people are not comedy' was an honestly really awful and hurtful thing to read. i know you absolutely didn't mean it to be, but all the same it really stung.
since silly people ARE absolutely comedic/a source of comedy while not BEING 'comedy' themselves, your choice of phrasing very strongly implies that while disabled people aren't themselves 'horror', they ARE horrific/a source of horror. silly people and comedy are not like disabled people and horror, and being disabled isn't comparable to a personality trait like being silly.
Oh my goodness! I've got an ask! Is it Christmas already?
And now to your question
I didn't say "funny", I used "silly". Because, well, I didn't want want to use the word "stupid". The kind of people who get their std check-up results and say 'Cool! It's says "positive", so all is good!' And yes, those people do exist.
I also point out people with health problems are not horror buuuuuuut things that happened to them are. Compassionate people with normal psyche (aka not psychopaths) automatically imagine struggles and pain of a sick person when they see one. It's a natural uncontrollable reaction. And things they might imagine are scary. 'Feeding tubes are horrible. I can't even comprehend how nauseating this must have been for this poor guy. ' Even for me, feeding tube and living with it IS scary, but definitely NOT people who have live with it.
This what I meant about education. Even though you might be afraid of scars or blood
a) you're fine and safe now. This isn't happening to you at the moment
b) look beyond disabilities even it's hard to overlook. There's a person like you. Their health issues are only a tiny part of them
The same applies to "silly" people. They are far more than uncomfortable situations they get in.
You're also correct, I'll take this. There's a difference between people who endure a disease and people who get into troubles (veeeeeeeery general term here) by their own volution. So not a solid comparison here.
Although I'm not backing with my point about the body horror genre I'm sorry if I made you sad. This wasn't my intention, so I apologize. And why an anonymous ask? I'm not aggressive or angry towards anybody =)
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mistyechoes · 1 year ago
shsgwgvwgwyrhf I just played the sims for like 4 hrs straight
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helgaolgaroemer · 1 year ago
black berries by Olga Roemer Photography by OLGA ROEMER a/k/a/ HELGA ROEMER
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