#tired i must go again woosh
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bugdogg · 1 year ago
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Akita doggg
also heres some new info, I decided her actual name is Blanch, i may switch between the names as i adjust but she goes by both depending on the person. Blanch is her real name.
also while she is an akita in dogmatsu and in a dog-themed band, her favorite animal isnt even a dog breed, she likes badgers and bears
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dialovers-translations · 2 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Maniac [04]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall at Banmaden
Yui: ( Well then, I’ve done everyting I needed to, so I guess I’ll go relax in my room now? )
Kino: Hey there, perfect timing.
Yui: Hm? 
Kino: I’m bored out of my mind right now. So will you hang out with me for a bit?
Yui: Ehーー? 
Kino: Please? You don’t mind, right? I mean, I’m sure you’re tired of having to always keep that King company, no?
Yui: That’s not true. Carla-san is a wonderful man, and I feel comfortable around him. 
Kino: Hmー? Seems like you have nothing but praise for him. ...I don’t like that.
Yui: Eh? 
Kino: But you know, don’t you think cheating on him every once in a while could be very exciting? 
I’ll make you feel much better than that King ever could, you see? 
Yui: ...What are you thinking of doing!? 
Kino: Isn’t that obvious...? 
ー Kino approaches her
Yui: ?
Kino: Give me your blood. Fufu. I’m a Vampire, so it only makes sense that’s what I’d ask for, no? 
Yui: No...Stopーー!
Kino: I won’t. So keep still and let me suck you...!
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Help me...Carla-san...!
Carla: ...What are you doing over there?
ー Carla approaches them
Kino: Uwah, he actually answered her call. What’s this? Are you actually a hero in disguise? Or were you watching us the whole time? 
Carla: Let go of her arm. 
Kino: Ehー? Why not share her with me every once in a while? 
Carla: I refuse. I suggest you leave if you do not want to be turned into ashes. 
Kino: W-What are you getting all serious for? This was just a little joke, that’s all. 
Carla: ...I shall not repeat myself. Choose, life or death. 
Kino: ...I know!
ー Kino pushes her away
Yui: Kyah!?
Kino: This seriously pisses me off. See you.
ー He leaves
Yui: Haah...Um, Carla-san, thank you so much for saving mーー
ー He approaches
Yui: O-Owーー
Carla: Why did you give him an opening?
Yui: Eh...? He just struck up a conversation, that’s all. 
Carla: And that is how he nearly sucked your blood? 
Yui: Well...I thought he was only messing with me. 
Carla: ーー Do you truly believe that?
Yui: Well...
( I mean, I did think it was kind of odd...But I didn’t know what to do. )
Carla: Cat got your tongue? It only makes you look even more suspicious. If there is something you wish to share, fess up.
→ I was careless (M)
Yui: ...I’m sorry. I was careless.
Carla: You leave yourself far too unguarded. Are you aware that you are not just any woman, but my woman?
Yui: Wellーー...
Carla: ...Hah. The fact you do not clearly nod your head in understanding is your problem. 
If I let it slide this time, you will simply make the same mistake again, no?
→ Rather than being my fault... (S)
Yui: ...Rather than putting the blame on me, I believe it was Kino who came to pester me beyond my own control.
Carla: So you cannot admit your own mistake? 
Yui: Eh...? 
Carla: Regardless of who came to pester who, from the second you failed to deal with it appropriate, you made a blunder. 
Yui: That’sーー... 
Carla: Still looking for excuses? 
Carla: Seems like I must show your body who you belong to.
Yui: Ehーー...?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Kyah...!? 
ー Carla bites her
Carla: Phew...Nn...Hahー...
Yui: Aah...!
( Carla-san’s fangs are thrusted deep inside meーー )
Carla: Nn...Phew...Hah...Nnh...
Yui: ( So intense...As if he’s venting off...all of his frustrations... )
Carla: ...Tell me, Yuiーー Nn...Who do you...belong to...?
Yui: To...you...Carla-sanーー.... 
Carla: Exactly...Imprint the pain I give you into your brain and remember it every time you interact with someone...
Yui: ...Yesーー 
Carla: ...Very well. Well then, I shall carve my mark into you even more...Nnーー 
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un-holly-chaos · 1 year ago
Here it is!! (Under the cut)
I'm going to post the thing Here(on this blog), full chapters as soon as they're written folks! Until someone gives me a better idea or the book is finished xD
Chapter One
There is a point, Holly thinks, when you must accept that you are bad at everything, and that this is how your life will go. Every day you will wake up, and put a new attempt into the world, and watch with bright, hopeful eyes, as it falls apart in front of you. She has gotten very good at this, and is quite accustomed to the routine.
She put her amulet in the amulet-slot on the door of the massive, square marble building, in this otherwise empty-for-miles grassy field. The door didn’t respond, and it made her irritable. She had been walking through this ridiculously empty field for hours and hours and it had been loudly raining, and her magic umbrella kept disappearing and water would come splashing all over her head and be cold while doing so. And the door was ignoring her. She tried the amulet again, and instead of opening the door, her umbrella spell flickered again, and she got rained on some more. A gem fell out of her amulet when she removed it from the door. She held in the screams.
As she was putting the gem back into the amulet, the door was manually opened by the handle on the inside, and she was let in. The person who had been so kind as to operate the mechanics of this contraption for her, was Trudy. Trudy was decent at everything, and often let Holly in when the door ignored her.
“We need to put the handle on both sides of the door.” Holly announced. The lively bar room took no notice.Trudy shuffled awkwardly for a moment, then opened her mouth. “See, I told Baringer about that, like you asked,”
“And?” Holly glared at her.
“Well, yes. And he said we can’t put a handle on the outside of the door, because the raccoon would get in, and… you know. He just really doesn’t want a repeat of that incident.”
“Well then maybe Baringer should put up a raccoon ward like I suggested and we could have a double-sided door handle!”
“Yes, but that costs, and he has other priorities, and you’re glaring at me again, and honestly argue with him yourself next time? And I’m going to go finish my game now. Bye.” And Trudy waved and walked off to a table with people and cards, and sat there. Holly wanted to keep arguing, but she was tired, so instead she found her way to the bar. This took some doing, as it was crowded, and crowds made the bar restless, so they kept wheeling it around the room. She collapsed onto a stool, and the bartender approached her. “Randy,” she said, “I need a Dry Wine.” He didn’t say anything, but looked at her sodden robes, nodded, and stepped off to grab a bottle and glass. He returned, “We only have apple left.”
“I don’t care what flavor it is, I just want to not squelch in my boots anymore.”
He poured her a glass and set it on the bar. “So… Why don’t you just try an umbrella spell?”
“Randy,” she said patiently, “if one more person questions me tonight, I will summon every raccoon in this damn meadow, and I will caffeinate them.”
“Okay.” He said, and stood there. “So, I’m not asking, but don’t you normally struggle to summon things?”
“I struggle with all spells, now shut up and leave me alone.” She wished she could get a potion that would make the people around her tactful and perceptive. She drank the Dry Wine, which wooshed quite a lot of water out of her hair and clothes, and left her bedraggled, but dry. She sighed. Footsteps suddenly separated from the crowd, and stopped behind her. She ignored them, hoping they would go away. They sat down next to her, and belonged to her boss, Danrius.
“Hi Holly,” he said
“Danrius,” she begrudged
“Where’d you uh, put the burglar?”
”I couldn’t catch him.”
”Cool, cool. What do you mean you couldn't catch him? Cause like, call me cuckoo, but I did give you this assignment, of a non-magical burglar, and I teleported you there, to where he was, with my personal office portal, and you had your amulet and everything, and you just… didn’t catch him? I’m just making sure I understand this correctly…”
”Yes, Danrius, that’s- he got away from me.” She rubbed her face.
”Okaaaaayyy, how’d he do that? You’ve got the magic cage spell right? Did you try casting that on him?”
”Yeah, but it didn’t work and he ran, and the magic bolo spell broke on contact, and the running-through-mollasses spell just made a puddle on the ground, and then I had an asthma attack and my inhaler was empty. I filled it up at the pharmacy on my way back.” She stared dejectedly at the empty glass in front of her. There was a long pause, as this information trickled into Danrius’s brain.
”You had an asthma attack?”
”From running after him, yes.”
”Right, ok. See, this is the kind of thing I’m talking about; you don’t even think to cast a flying spell on yourself to save the trouble. Or like, use a floating disc, that’s a classic move. Look Holly, as much as I like you, I’m kind of having an issue, and if you can help me with it that’d be great, but there’s a point where I can’t put more money into an employee than I get out. You have, kind of, not brought in a single bounty this month, and there’s this guy who interviewed with me yesterday, who’s pretty powerful looking. He conjured a whole rainstorm, and it’s still going from yesterday, and as the guy who directs the hiring and maintaining of the wizards here-“
”The manager.”
”Right. As the manager, it’s my job to uh, keep people who can, y’know, consistently cast spells. It’s the main point in the job description on the application.”
”Yeah, but I can do that though, I cast spells all the time!”
”For sure, for sure. But the spell, working, is kind of the point, and if I recall correctly, last two times you brought someone in, you had one tied up in physical ropes, and the other in a pair of, how’d you put it, ‘borrowed?’ Handcuffs? And I just feel like those are pretty non-magical solutions to magical problems, and I’ve been ignoring it for a while, but there’s this guy, Theobold the Thunderous, and he shoots lightning out of his fingers.”
”Are you…? Dan look, if I get the job done, does it really need to be with magic? It just feels like semantics,”
”Somatics, Holly, and no, not really, but, he shoots lightning out of his fingers, and it’s still raining. Look, I’m not happy about this either, but I can’t afford another add-on to the payroll, so as much as it pains me to say ths, I’m gonna have to let you go. We’ve had good times working together, and I know you’ve been putting a lot of hours in, so I’ll give you a few days to say goodbye. As long as you turn in your room key tomorrow, cause I told Theobold he could be moved in by the weekend. Big thanks Holly, I appreciate it!” He stood, slapped her shoulder, and flashed his teeth professionally. Then before she could collect her words, he stepped back into the crowd and was gone.
In two hours, she would collapse face down on her bed. In fifteen hours she would be standing outside the front door, in the still-drizzling rain, trying to summon raccoons. For now she just waved Randy over and asked for a potion of inebriation while she still got free bar. It looked and tasted like rice-milk, and was fully indistinguishable from the real thing, except for its attribute of getting you quite high or drunk, depending on the day. There are more specific potions out there, but they’re more expensive, so naturally, they weren’t here. She fought around the large ice cubes for several minutes before thinking to take them out and depressedly watch them melt on a napkin. She got the next one without ice.
A good while later, she gave up trying to remember the speak-with-marsupial spell, and got up. A headrush became very noticable. It didn’t go away. She compromised, and simply willed herself in the direction of the elevators. Her body successfully took her that way, rather clumsily, but she arrived. It was a magic elevator. The kind with no walls, and a levitator platform. She stepped in, and looked up trepidatiously. The long tunnel swayed above her like a willowy tree trunk that she was somehow inside of. She felt like a bug. She put her amulet in the slot on the pedestal to make it go up. Nothing happened. She realized she forgot to actually do the spell, and tried again, with magic this time. The elevator pad slowly began to rise. She breathed a sigh of relief, and contemplated whether life would be easier beneath the bark of a tree. Her conclusion was interrupted when the pad stopped at the next floor. That was the problem with this elevator, it stopped at every floor, and you had to magic it into going again, every time. She never got it to work every time. The whole place was like that, what with doors with no handles, and elevators with no automation. Wizards were wholly pretentious, she decided. She put her amulet in again, with magic. Nothing happened. She blinked slowly, praying to the god of small mammals (raccoons were still on the mind) that this place would one day go down in wonderfully warm, dry flames. A person swam into her awareness by entering the elevator, and magicking it to go up with their own amulet. She went back to picturing herself as a bug. She wasn’t sure what kind of bug lived in trees, but if she imagined it in first person instead of third person it wouldn’t matter; except she got hung up on how many legs she would have as an unspecified tree bug.
She realized she wouldn’t notice when she arrived to her floor with her eyes closed, so she set aside her insectoid ponderings, and focused. She had no memory of how many floors she’d passed, so she checked the rune stone on the side of the pedestal. It had all the floor numbers in descending order, and each one would light up as the pad stopped there. There were only three left until hers. The person there with her got off of the elevator. She amuleted the pad, with magic.
It took her all of three excruciating minutes to get the pad going again, and then only a few tries at the next stop. She finally reached her floor, and climbed off the pad with great relief. When she felt steady again after what felt like an hour, but was definitely not more than a minute or two, she counted the doors down the long hall till she got to her room, and rediscovered the wonders of old, beat-up mattresses.
Fourteen hours later, here she was, standing in the drizzle attempting to summon raccoons, an hour late on her day’s schedule. It had taken her over an hour to pack, despite only having a duffel bag and her amulet. Said amulet steamed. She wasn’t typically a vengeful person, or very wrathful actually, but ever since she had set foot into that horrible, grand, elegant, fake-marble bounty-wizard-hub, she had been having problems with it. Everything was magic powered, but nothing was automated, so she got stuck everywhere, and hated it. She fiddled with the gem, trying to adjust the rubber band so she could try the summon again. The spells were always worse when the gem got loose, she figured it was something about keeping the etching connected like a sort of circuit. Raccoons were tree animals too, so she didn’t know why they were even here, but Baringer hated them, and they kept setting everything on fire whenever they got inside, thus the one-sided door handle.
She cast the spell again. Her amulet sparked, and after a moment the grass rustled. A small face, familiar with the allure of arson, and well acquainted with the improved flavor of stolen foods, appeared. It was only one raccoon, but it would have to do. She put amulet in door-slot, and focused her magic very poignantly. It opened. She ushered the little creature in, and closed the door behind it, walking away. The grey sky hung heavy, and the pale grass scratched against her robes, but she was an unemployed woman, and couldn’t muster anything resolute to think about it.
After a few hours the sun came out, and she felt a bit better. She wondered about the success of her raccoon, and was in a faintly good mood when she arrived at the nearest inn that night. She booked a room and slept uneventfully.
The next day she entered an actual city, and wandered about a bit. At one point she found an abandoned silk scarf on the sidewalk. It was red with nice geometric designs, so she tied it onto her belt. She bought a pastry from a gluten-free bakery, and felt optimistic about it. The pastry was dry, flavorless, and over-priced, but it was so rare she had pastries she could eat, that she didn’t mind. She decided she would refill her water bottle and find a new place to work. Who knows, maybe a flier would advertise a cool new job she’d be really good at, like taking care of lizards. She found a public drinking fountain, and gratefully filled up her water bottle. As she turned to face the city street, bustling with people and new opportunities, a damp newspaper found its way to her face, and stuck. She peeled it off, debating if it could be considered horror-enough to be the last straw. She decided to read it before she decided.
Half of it was smeared by being damp, but in the middle of the page was an advertisement looking for “Fresh Wizard College Graduates, Looking For Their First Job!” She’d graduated two years ago, and had lost three jobs since then, but she was qualified, and that was what they were really asking. “This is serendipity. This one’s gonna work, I’m gonna get this job, and not fail miserably!” she lied, to no one in particular. She felt confidence rushing through her, along with the paper pulp rubbing off on her fingers. She dutifully took the paper to the bin, and bought a new copy of the same one so she could read the address listed. It was 154th Kennings Ln, just off of Side St. She began her purposeful meander, in hopes of finding a directory board. Or one of those bus stops with the maps on them.
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umseb · 2 years ago
sebastian vettel, p1, in the post-race press conference, japan - october 4, 2009 (transcription under the cut)
Interviewer: "So here we have the top three finishers in the Fuji TV Japanese Grand Prix: the winner, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, fourth career victory, third of this season; in second place, Jarno Trulli, Panasonic Toyota Racing; and third, Lewis Hamilton, Vodafone McLaren-Mercedes. Sebastian, an utterly dominant weekend for you; fastest in qualifying, you totally controlled the race. You must feel great." Seb: "I do. [laughs] I mean, what a race. Obviously yesterday already with pole position. Also, I think strategy-wise, we were the favorite, but first of all you have to do the start and we were pretty confident. I mean, we had good starts in the past. That wasn't always the case in the beginning of the season, but therefore we were confident to defend the position. But it was closer than I thought it would be [laughs] going into turn one. All of a sudden I saw a silver arrow [wooshing noise] on the lefthand side, and obviously I had the inside so it was my advantage, but it was closer than I thought it will be. And after that I just, yeah, head down and tried to push every single lap, and the car was fantastic. I was able to pull a gap quite quickly, a big one, enough... I mean, obviously, with the strategy we were two laps longer than Lewis, a lap longer than Jarno in the first stint, so it all worked out until the end. I mean, I was pretty much in control up to the point where, yeah, I fit the soft tires for the last stint and I wanted to have a little bit of fun. Yeah, did one very quick lap-I think 32.5-and then my engineer came on the radio and said, 'Yeah, okay, be aware of your tires. There might be a safety car or anything.' Two laps later there was the safety car, so obviously it's not what you're hoping for when you're in the lead by roughly ten seconds, but nevertheless I was still taking care of my tires and at the restart was able to use it and obviously had a bit of a cushion with Grosjean behind me, a very good restart, and then, yeah, I think three, four phenomenal laps again to build a gap that was safe enough to win the race in the end, so fantastic. I mean, as you said, utterly... Finally we made it. I was screaming on the radio. I think the last couple of races was a little bit up and down-sometimes we had the pace, sometimes we didn't-and yeah, finally we made it, so it's good to be back on first position also on Sunday." Interviewer: "Well done." [time jump] Interviewer: "Sebastian, you touched on the start in your first speech. You took a very assertive line right down the middle of the racetrack. Just tell us about your tactics there, to keep Lewis out." Seb: "Well, first of all, tactic was to get a good start, so focused on my own, and yeah, the pull away was good. And after that, basically looking right, looking left. So on the righthand side, Jarno, to see if he obviously has a better start than I have, and on the lefthand side, Lewis, and then quickly I noticed, okay, I'm somewhere... I mean, a decent start, seems to be good, so I stay in the middle, I stay where I am, and then was ready to go to the inside in case Lewis had a really good start and then tried to obviously get to the inside of turn one and two. Wasn't the case, so I stayed in the middle, and then all of a sudden he came on the lefthand side, alongside me, nearly, but then obviously I had the advantage going into turn one, so yeah. Fortunately, apart from that, I didn't have wheel-to-wheel racing this race. Was hoping for a clean race. Obviously when the safety car came out, as I said before, it's not what you are hoping for, but nevertheless the speed of the car was fantastic. Great. I mean, this circuit is unbelievable. When I was crossing the line for the last lap, I really enjoyed the first sector again. I mean, it was similar to those two like qualifying. Every single lap, pushing to the limit of the car in the esses, uphill, is fantastic, especially when the car works that well around here, it's great. So I really enjoyed myself today." [time jump] Interviewer: "Final thought, then, Sebastian. You've taken the championship onto the last two races, sixteen points behind the leader. As Lewis knows to his cost from two years ago, when Kimi Räikkönen closed that margin down, it can still be done. What are your thoughts on the last two races?" Seb: "You said it all. It can still be done. Obviously it's looking much better now. Would be nice to have a couple more races left, but two races to go. So we are here to fight and obviously the best thing we can do is win, like today. I think we have a great car. Still improving. The boys back in the factory are pushing very hard and we'll see what we can do. We're focused on us, on ourselves, and simply try to win. Whatever Rubens and Jenson are doing, it's in their hands, so I will surely keep pushing."
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steampunk-swift-arrow · 2 years ago
Fanfic: F-it! Un-Tom King's Your Riddler!
(Since AO3 has been down due to attacks, here's a fic that I wrote a while back and just haven't posted yet)
Summery: I really hated Tom King’s Riddler origin story so I wrote my own. Skips over the actual origin and just talks about the current time. Somewhat hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of cancer, chemotherapy, and fear of death.
Characters: Riddler and Batman
Word count: 2090
“Hey, my daughter really liked that last one,” the guard bringing him lunch informed him. “‘What’s got a bottom at its top?’ She’s been running around saying it and shouting out ‘Legs’, real cute.”
Edward was a flight risk, his cell was never allowed to be opened. It felt demeaning to sit at the door and then pull in the tray of food like an animal. “I thought the cleverness of that one might resonate with some people,” he commented. “She sounds like a smart little girl.”
“She is,” the guard was more than happy to talk about his daughter for a minute. A proud father. Edward was a little envious. “Got any others like that? Y’know, dirty but like kid-dirty. She loves a good fart joke.”
“I can’t say that any springs to mind but I’ll think on it,” Edward told him. “I don’t have much else to do right now.”
“A straightjacket? Really? Commissioner Gordon, I feel I should remind you that I have a history of escaping those, in case you actually expect that to work, I don’t want to disappoint you,” Edward said as he eyed the white jacket. Why was it always white? Was it really too much for them to make straight jackets in colors?
Arkham put him in one often enough he was pretty sure they owed him a fully customized one, green with purple accents and an actual challenge to escape. Maybe he’d have it made and sent to them for next time.
As much as he was annoyed with the jacket, at least it wasn’t a tranq gun or knock-out drugs.
“We’ll start with rubber bullets,” Gordon said.
“That won’t be necessary, I have no intention of fighting you,” Edward assured him. “I’d very much like to talk to Batman, if you’d be so kind as to call him.”
Gordon paused and seemed to study him for a second. “I’ll call him if you agree to wear the straightjacket,” he bargained.
Edward sighed. He really didn’t want to let someone get close enough to put that on him, not right now, but there wasn’t an actual choice. “I accept your terms,” he agreed.
He was definitely going to be late for his appointment and he desperately needed it.
It wasn’t fair. The treatment was supposed to help him but it left him feeling just as tired, if not more tired, than when it started. It took every fiber of strength that he had, more than he thought he even possessed, to try to hide the pain and fatigue he was going through. He didn’t want to appear weak in front of Batman. He’d even over-done it on the green makeup so that it would hide the bags under his eyes.
He was idly playing basketball when he heard the tell-tale woosh of a cape off to the side of the court. Batman had arrived.
“Gordon said you wanted to talk with me,” Batman said, unmoving from the shadow he’d found.
Edward let the ball roll back over to him and picked it up. “I did, I do,” he answered. “I-...” he stopped, finding himself unable to say what he wanted -no, needed- to say.
“If you’re at a loss for words, it must be something big,” Batman stated.
“Something like that,” Edward muttered, playing with the ball again. He didn’t feel that he had the strength to throw it but he could still dribble it or just hold it.
“I was also told that after Gordon called me the first time and asked me to meet you here, you escaped with a desperation he’d never seen in you or anyone before,” Batman continued. “He said it was like your life was at stake. You’ve been behaving oddly well according to the guards at Arkham. I’m told you normally drive them crazy with mind games or escape your cell just to mess with them, but you haven’t at all during your last stay.”
“I’ve told a few riddles,” Edward shrugged. “One of the guards said his daughter’s been getting into them, I made up some for her.”
“Making up riddles for a kid is not the same as your usual brand of crazy.”
“I suppose not. Can we move this conversation over to the benches?”
His body felt like he was about to drop over, he was glad Batman followed him to the benches so he could sit down and get the pain to lessen.
“There’s no easy way to put this and not many people to ask how to, but…” Edward paused and sighed. “I’m quitting the whole crime thing.”
Batman seemed surprised by that.
“It was fun, telling riddles to lead you to my next crime, throwing obstacles in your path to slow you down but knowing you would still be right behind me, knowing that any person who was involved was safe because you wouldn’t let them be hurt, the priceless items I stole, and of course the attention of media, it was all fun.”
“But you’re quitting?”
“It’s been losing its charm, the pattern has become a rut. I can’t… I don’t want to fall into a rut like that.”
Batman was quiet for a second. “You’re in pain,” he observed. Even resting, the pain was catching up with him, he had as good a chance of not getting caught by Batman as he had of escaping the pain. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
“Yes,” Edward admitted. “And not just in my usual way. A good therapist can’t help with this, not that there are any of those in this city. Thankfully we have several dozen hospitals, I was able to find help in one of them but I’m not sure it’s working.”
Just rip off the bandaid and say it. Quick and painless. It doesn’t have to be drawn out.
“I… I have cancer,” Edward said, finally telling someone about it for the first time. “Stage three, it’s not looking all that promising.”
He didn’t even need to look at Batman to know that he moved closer, he felt his presence next to him on the bench in an instant.
“It’s hard to get treatment and be a super criminal, I suppose,” Batman muttered. “That’s why you decided to quit and wanted to see me, right?” he checked.
“Part of it, yes,” Edward answered. “Look, the doctors said it doesn’t look good, they told me to get my affairs in order. Easiest task I’ve ever done, I don’t have loved ones to call, I know the police are just waiting to seize everything I have and lock it all away in an evidence locker, no one would really care if I died… except for maybe you and the daughter of a guard at Arkham. If anything else, I figure you were the most fun to interact with so if I had to tell anyone, it might as well be you.”
“I had a friend growing up, he lost his mother to cancer, we drifted apart over the years but I vividly remember the struggle she went through before passing, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone in the entire world, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.”
“I’m not a good person, I always figured I’d die from someone getting revenge, from pissing off another rogue or a hero who doesn’t have a no-kill policy, something that would be quick and deserved. But this… this is nothing like that. It’s slow, it allows for time to tie up loose ends, and while it’s slowly breaking down my body, it’s killing my mind. Even if I wanted to continue to be a criminal, I literally can’t. I tried to do a crossword while in chemo today and just couldn’t do it. Some rogues can do the spontaneous criminal work but that’s just not who I am…”
“As much as I want to see you give up being a criminal, I want it to be because you decide to try a different path in life, not like this,” Batman said.
“I know I always said I didn’t care about death, that if I died I’d finally solve the greatest riddle of all but…” Edward trailed off as he tried hard not to start crying. “I… I’m scared.”
“I know. I’ve faced death enough times myself to know the feeling. But you can relax because you’re not dying.”
“How can you be so confident?”
“Because if you die, who’s going to provide me with the challenge that you think I need? Who’s going to take your place? The Joker? Jokes and riddles are similar but not that similar.  You said yourself, you’re not a good person, but you could be. Remember how you were a private investigator for a while?”
“I have a near perfect memory, or at least I did before the cancer, of course I remember.”
“That just proves you could be a good person. You never killed anyone, scared them mostly but you said you knew I’d save them.”
“I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say anymore.”
“You’re not dying because I won’t let that happen,” Batman said. “I know some of the best doctors in the world and out of it, I know people who can literally do magic, you’re not going to die. After you beat cancer, which you will, we can talk about the whole quitting thing again.”
“You seem awfully confident,” Edward said with a slight hum. “Just in case you’re wrong, can I ask for a small favor? I promise to take it to my grave.”
“What is it?”
“I’ve had a hunch for years and I want to know if I’m right. Who are you under the mask?”
Batman was still for a minute, long enough Edward figured he was probably waiting for him to start talking about something else and move away from the identity thing. To his surprise, Batman simply pulled the mask away like it was the hood of a jacket.
“I was right,” Edward uttered in shock. “You’re Bruce Wayne.”
“You figured it out before, I figured the likelihood of you getting it right the second time was high enough I can just tell you. Besides, I know you’re not going to do anything with the information.”
“Because I’m dying.”
“No, because what good is a riddle that everyone knows the answer to?”
“I suppose that’s also a good point,” Edward hummed.
“Edward,” Bruce began. Without the cowl, he sounded completely different, like his voice and mannerisms were also part of his mask. “I know you think no one would care if you died but you’re wrong, there are people who care about you, I care about you, and I’m going to prove it to you.”
In the months that followed that, both men researched as much as they could to find any form of a cure, the cancer continued to get worse.
During that time, Edward had put together collections of his riddles into books and published them: ‘1,001 Riddles for Young Geniuses’ and ‘the Riddler’s best Riddles’. He signed a copy of the first one and sent it to the guard for his daughter, he didn’t see anyone’s reactions but he was told by Bruce that they were thrilled.
Bruce walked into the hospital room where Edward was currently reading a book while doing chemo, an IV tube hooked into his arm and slowly releasing the medication. In order to keep a low profile, Bruce had put on a ‘disguise’, mainly glasses and an outfit he wouldn’t normally wear in public.
“That’s your idea of a disguise?” Edward asked with a slight laugh.
“Don’t knock it, it’s actually a really good one, I learned it from a friend of mine,” Bruce said. “Clark used to confuse people all the time whenever he lost his glasses, you’d be surprised how big a difference they can make.”
“I highly doubt people are actually going to fall for-”
A nurse walked in to check on something and paused, looking straight at Bruce. “Hello, who might you be?” she asked.
“A friend,” Bruce answered. “Just wanted to come see how my friend’s doing. You’ll need a ride home after this, right?”
“Uh, yeah, actually,” Edward agreed. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Bruce waited until the nurse left and they were alone again. “I think I found a cure.”
“There’s no cure, I’ve been looking.”
“You’ve been looking at the records of scientists, I went beyond that,” Bruce corrected him. “Have you ever heard of the Lazarus Pit?”
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mortal-mayhem · 2 years ago
Amnesia Rules 2.0 - This Shit Again?
Wukong x Reader x Macaque
Warning: Suggestive Themes, typos because I don't have the energy to proof read, I wrote this in discord like months ago.
Notes: I haven't posted in a while, so have this shot that's been sitting in my drafts for like two months. Amnesia rules Macaque, eh? Has a reference to Sweet n Sour Hearts, too.
You were just chilling on the sofa when you heard the chatter.
Wukong had asked you to stay put, needing to leave in the middle of your game sesh. Mk messaged him about something and, though he totally CAN read, he figured it'd be easier to handle in person.
So, alone with the monkies, you were left on the mountain to wait. It wasn't so bad. You even got a little nap in.
Eventually, though, Wukong came back. And he had someone with him.
"Good to be back! When did we leave, anyway?"
Is that..?
"For the last time, you- Don't just go in there!"
You saw the door begin to open, two figures standing just outside of it. It shut again, however, and you heard Wukong try to ramble out some sort of threat, but it fizzled out with a sigh.
You didn't pay much attention to the rest of the conversation, standing up with caution. You stepped towards the door, the wood under your feet creaking. The voices stopped.
You heard a small ~woosh~, followed by Wukong yelling 'NO'.
And then you had arms around your waist and a tail trailing up your leg.
"So, this is why you didn't want me in here,~" Macaque spoke, his sultry voice right next to your ear. You tensed up, flinching as the door slammed back open.
The King seemed rather irritated.
"Wukong-?" You spoke, trying to step away from his counterpart. He let you, watching with a mischievous grin and curious eyes. You looked between them both, "What's going on?"
"First name basis already?" Macaque spoke with a playful scoff. You eyed him with confusion, watching his tail flick as he started matching your gaze intently, "Well, that's not fair.~ You got a head start!"
"What...?" You grumbled, eyebrows furrowing at the dark simian as he plopped himself down on the couch, legs spread with his arms draping over the back of it. You pouted, "Macaque, what are you talking about?"
His ears petked up and his smile grew, his tail swaying in delight. His eyes seemed locked on you.
"Oh, so you do know my name," he cooed, "Good.. you'll need it.~"
"Wukong, what in the fuck is happening right now?"
Macaque burst into laughter at your blunt, tired tone. The Monkey King, however, was rubbing his eyes in irritation.
"I- Look, remember when Pigl- Pigsy gave me that pepper? During our little journey?"
You flushed, the memory flashing in your mind.
"No, no, no, that won't do. You belong to the Great Sage now, m'kay?~"
"... Vaguely." You lied, looking away out of the corner of your eye.
You stole a glance at Macaque, who was lounging with his eyes closed. His ears, however, were pointed towards you both. He was listening closely.
"Well-" Wukong tossed his hands in the air in exasperation, huffing in frustration as he motioned to his once sworn brother, "Yeah."
"... So... That's why Mk needed you?"
"Nice kid," Macaque interjected before Wukong could speak, making the King glare at his counterpart, "Enough about all this, though-"
You yelped as you felt yourself being yanked forward, Macaque's tail wrapped around your waist as he placed you unceremoniously into his lap. He placed on hand on your hip, opening his eyes to gaze down at you, his fangs extenuating his grin.
"I'm more interested in you, pretty thing.~"
You blinked owlishly, feeling heat slowly rise up your face and to your ears.
"H-.. huh?"
"So where'd he pick you up, hm?" He teased, his other hand reaching to your neck. He used his finger to trail his claw up your neck to your chin, inspecting you with intrigued eyes, "He hasn't brought anyone home before.. You must be special, princess.~"
"Alright, put them down!" Wukong growled, "That's enough!"
The King rushed forward in an attempt to grab you, but you felt a sudden rush of gravity. You sunk into the couch below you with Macaque-
And then popped up onto the lounge chair instead.
This time, however, you were draped over his lap sideways, your legs hanging over the arm rest and his hand resting on your calf. His tail resting around your shoulders now, holding you up in your sitting position so you wouldn't have your back pressed into the other arm rest. You flailed around a bit when you first emerged, but he didn't seem to mind.
"I was right!" The Puppeteer cackled, eyes wide in wonder and amusement. His tail lightly thumped against your shoulder as your eyes darted back and forth.
"About what?!" Wukong loudly spoke in frustration, throwing his hands up.
"You're courting them!"
Macaque laughed as he spoke, his tail retreating from your shoulders so he could instead place his arm over them, tugging you closer. You could only blink in surprise, in confusion, as it all happened. You looked to Wukong for an answer, but he simply avoided your gaze with red cheeks. You felt your face heat up a bif, too.
"Macaque.. Let. Them. Go," Wukong growled, fur bristling.
The charcoal furred simian let out a deep chuckle, using his newly found grip on your shoulder to turn you around. He wrapped his arm around your chest, pulling back into his own while his tail wrapped around your waist. His other hand, now no longer on your leg, trailed up your arm to your neck.
"Oh, Wukong,~" the macaque purred, his hand gently yet firmly grasping your throat, the tips of his claws grazing your skin. You felt your breath catch as you froze up, feelimg the blood rush to your cheeks, "I don't think they mind. Do you, dollface?~"
"I- uhm.. w-what-?"
"Besides- You finally courting someone? Well.."
Macaque placed his chin on your shoulder, making you look at him out of the corner of your eye. He caught your gaze with a sly grin.
"They have got to be interesting.."
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lirusstories · 2 years ago
Egotober - Ink
Warning: Nightmare at the beginning and food
He’s hiding again, in one of those weird miracle booths from the thing with a camera for a head, hand slammed over his mouth as he muffles his breathing. He watches as it stops past before stopping as it turns it's head around as it looks for him.
It turns back around and Shawn wishes he could sink into the ground like the creatures made out of ink do.
He trembles as it stomps closer, ducking down right before it's light shines through the eyehole. He stays quiet as it turns away and he does his best to withhold a sigh, or a sob, he’s not sure what would come out at this point. He just wants with all to stop, he just wants to be free from this hell.
He hears it stop away and after what seems to be five or so minutes, he uncovers his mouth and lets out a shaky sigh.
It’s quiet for a few moments before the door suddenly slams open with a blinding light.
He wakes up before he can even scream.
He awakes with a strangled gasp, throwing off his far to hot blankets as his heart feels like it's threatening to burst out of his chest.
He's quick to turn on the lamp by his bed, relieved when it turns on and chases the darkness away.
He sits at the edge of his best as he controls his breathing even if his anxiety refuses to go away.
After a few minutes he decides fuck it, grabbing the flashlight on his night stand before turning it on and making his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He breathes deeply when he doesn’t see anyone but someone had left the oven light on.
He goes to the cupboard, grabbing a cup then going to the sink before freezing as he hears the carpet on the stairs shift. 
He can feel his heart rate pick up again as his adrenaline spikes. He can hear his heart pound harder and harder every step taken down the step until he hears, “Shawn? Are you okay?”
He can feel the tension and adrenaline woosh out of him as the lights turn on and he turns around to see a tired but concerned Chase.
He wonders how disheveled he must look in order for Chase to look so concerned, he gives him a barely smile, “Nightmare.”
Chase gives him an understanding look before going over to him, “Go sit, I’ll make us something to eat.”
“No it’s-”
“Sit.” He doesn’t raise his voice or change his tone but Shawn ducks his head a bit as he goes and sits at the table with his water.
Chase goes to the fridge pulling out a large tub of leftover broccoli ham and cheese soup from the fridge.
He scoops some into a pot before putting the tub away before going over to Shawn. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks softly.
Shawn hesitates before shaking his head. Chase only nods before going to the soup. “I understand, if you ever need or want to talk about it, we’re here for you. I’m here for you Shawn.”
Shawn doesn’t reply but he does feel a bit better having Chase around.
“Try not to pay too much attention to them, it only makes them worse, we all get them. And sometimes it’s best to ignore them and remind yourself, you’re not there anymore, you’re safe now, those things can’t hurt you anymore.”
His voice stays soft and Shawn doesn’t know why, but he feels like crying, he feels better but now he feels like crying before suddenly whipping around as he hears bare feet step onto the kitchen tile. He relaxes when he sees it’s Jackie, squinting at the light but looking a little concerned.
“Is everything okay?” His voice is groggy and he seems to be focusing on Shawn and he can’t help but feel embarrassed. Jackie must’ve woken up because of the talking, he keeps forgetting about his enhanced hearing.
Shawn just nods as he sits back down as his heart rate goes back to normal for the nth time that night.
“Figured you be up, don’t worry, I’m making some for you too.’
Huh, thats why he’s heating up so much.
“Thanks.” Jackie says as he gets himself some water before sitting across from Shawn at the dining table. 
“You sure you’re okay? I heard you hit the wall a few times.” Jackie’s voice is more awake now and full of concern.
Ah, so thats why his knuckles hurt. “Yeah… Just a nightmare.”
Jackie frowns but gives him an understanding look. “If you don’t want to be alone when you have a nightmare next time, feel free to come wake me up, I won't mind, really.”
Shawn’s anxiety begs to differ. Chase nods along as he begins to scoop the now hot soup into bowls, giving Jackie and Shawn’s first.
He wasn’t really hungry when waking up, but the soup smells so good and comforting that he nearly falls asleep in his bowl. 
“Easy there dude, you look like you’re nodding off.”
“Sorry…” Shawn mutters, a bit embarrassed.
“You don’t need to apologize man,” Chase says as he sits down with his bowl, “Just, eat what you can, we’ll stay down here with you.”
“Oh, you don’t-”
"I'm gonna stop you right there, you're our brother, Shawn, we want to help you." Jackie quickly cuts in before Shawn can try and talk them out of it.
Shawn goes quiet again, feeling rather guilty as it is.
"It's okay Shawn, you're not inconveniencing anyone. You aren't a burden and you aren't making us stay up with you." Jackie reaches over and puts a hand over one of Shawn's. "It's okay, we've all had nightmares, and we all help each other."
Shawn swallows but nod's, keeping his head down as his eyes burning with tears, he can't help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for the two brothers in front of him.
"Can I hug you Shawn?" Shawn stiffens and he can suddenly feel the ink crawling over his skin, trying to get under it.
He frantically shakes his head and Jackie is quick to calm him down, “Hey, hey, it’s okay, if you don’t want me to I won't. Do you want me to let go of your hand?”
Shawn takes a few breaths as he registers what Jackie says, he hesitantly squeezes his hand before hesitantly pulling back, he’s been getting better about touch, but after the sudden feeling of the Ink, he didn’t know if he could handle it.
Jackie just gives him an understanding smile before pulling his hand back.
“Eat,” Chase says after a few moments of silence, “Eat what you can then we’ll move to the couch. Okay?”
Shawn nods, still not quite looking up at them but he does eat.
It’s quiet sans the sound of the spoons hitting the bowls near the end but when they finish, Chase takes the bowls and spoons and puts them in a sink before urging Shawn to get up as Jackie does.
Shawn does and follows them into living sitting on the corner of the couch. Jackie tosses a blanket next to him, the obvious intention there for when he falls asleep before Chase asks, “Any specific movie you want to watch?”
Shawn goes to shake his head before pausing and quietly asking, “Robots?”
“Oh fuck yeah!” Jackie exclaims as he flops onto the recliner, Chase quickly hushes him, reminding him the others are still asleep.
Jackie merely winces and mouths an apology before chase turns back to the TV and puts the Robot's DVD in the DVD player before going and sitting on the other end of the couch.
Almost as soon as the movie starts Shawn’s out like a light.
“Well, at least he’s sleeping,” Jackie murmurs quietly. Chase looks over, rather tired himself and nods.
“Good, hopefully he can have a nightmareless sleep.” Chase mutters as he yawns, snuggling under his own blanket
Jackie hums, nodding off again himself, “Night Chase, sleep well.”
Chase hums as he closes his eyes, “Sweet dreams Jackie.”
He opens his eyes one last time to check over on Shawn, and seeing him with a peaceful look on his face, Chase feels a bit better falling asleep now.
Tags: @malaboos-bodacious-blog @glitchyartist @protectjj @immabethehero
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writing-in-april · 4 years ago
Poe Dameron x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader can’t get Poe to stop calling her kid so she’s tries a new method of getting him to stop.
A/N: Hey guys!!! Here’s my sixth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April— I had a really fun time writing this all out lol- I feel like it’s very telling when reading this what I like lol 😂 I hope y’all enjoy it and I’m always looking for feedback or really anything my followers want to talk about- you can send me an ask here- I’d love to hear from y’all 🥰
Warnings: 18+, Age Gap (never specified specifically how large it is), Reader overreacts just a bit, Sub Poe, Smut, Hate fucking, Dry fucking, Oral sex (M receiving), Choking, Edging, Unprotected sex, Creampie
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.4K
Your nerves were alight with frustration and annoyance, your jaw clenched tight enough to give you a small pressure headache. Poe seemed to always know exactly how to push your buttons perfectly. He knew- he knew how you felt about the nickname he had chosen for you. You didn’t know why he continued to call you that, maybe it was just to push your buttons because he thought it was funny or worse because he actually thought of you as inferior to him.
Despite your arguing thoughts trying to tell you that Poe is only doing this to get under your skin, you couldn’t help but get angry every time he said it. You knew he respected all of the younger pilots, maybe he just thought you weren’t as skilled- even though he had complimented your flying skills many times.
You had asked him not to use the nickname over a million times it seemed. It boiled your blood to hear it, making you feel like he didn’t respect you fully because you were somewhat younger than him.
“Hey Kid!” He shouted out as you retreated away from him in pure anger. It didn’t really matter what you had been arguing about, your anger boiled over as soon as you heard the nickname out of his mouth.
You had both just returned from a mission together along with the rest of your squadron that Poe commanded. You were exhausted and Poe just had to get under your nerves at the prime time.
Stomping from the hangar all the way to your rooms was somewhat of a long walk, you encountered people but you brushed them off as quickly as you could. There was no doubt that Poe was hot on your heels, probably in an attempt to make amends. Though every time he promised that he wouldn’t say it again- he of course broke that promise.
Both of your rooms were in the exact same hallway on base, one reserved for upper personnel. If he cared to acknowledge it he’d notice that you’re not the kid he claims that you are, you’re upper personal for fucks sake. You stomped off down the hallway not caring if he followed you or not, you’d just shut the door in his face if he tried to continue.
He did in fact follow you as you suspected, not for the purpose of going to his own room right next to yours. He followed you to continue the argument.
“Come on don’t walk away I just want to talk!” You scoffed, he didn’t want to talk, he wanted to argue. Paying him no mind you pressed the key card in far too hard to woosh open the door to your room.
Somehow Poe managed to scoot in through the door frame just as you were going to close it. Your fists clenched in anger, not wanting to turn to look at him as it would only make the fire in your belly rage more.
“Well- Kid you gonna tell me why you stomped away from me?” He was hunched over breathing heavily from chasing you down. You wanted to stomp your foot in indignation over frustration due to the fact that he absolutely did know why you had stomped away from him. You whipped around to face him finally, annoyed that he was in your room now- just another thing to add to the list of grievances.
“Stop calling me Kid!” He chuckled in response to your fury, just like he always did, acting like your anger was completely unreasonable. Maybe it was, but you were tired of him going against what you had specifically requested.
He was about to retort after he finished chuckling, his mouth opening in a way that was obviously going to become a sassy remark.
You grabbed the front of his flight suit in anger and pushed him onto the cot you slept on every night. Anger was radiating through you, with no intention of abating, you needed to get rid of it somehow.
Instead of screaming like you normally would have you did something you never thought you’d have the guts to do, you kissed him. The kiss wasn’t filled with sweetness, it was hot, heavy, and full of your frustration. He definitely tried to overpower the kiss, yet eventually accepted defeat- maybe for the first time in his life.
“Do you want this? I won’t be gentle.” You asked while holding the front of his flight suit, bringing his face close to yours and holding eye contact. He nodded with a gulp and you released your grip on his orange suit. Nonchalantly you then asked while moving to close the door to your room, “What’s your safe word?”
“I use the color system.” You nodded in confirmation, coming back after shutting the door so you could escape prying eyes. When you moved to straddle his hips you could see his eyes darken further, pupils blown wide in lust.
To start your journey to ruining him you rested your still clothed center to rest right over his growing bulge. Starting with slow light movements seemed to frustrate him, you didn’t care. He wanted to contest your dominance over him, but not too much as he did not move to touch you, waiting for your permission. The only time he allowed himself to move was when you captured his lips into a bruising kiss, bringing his face up to meet yours by your fingers tangled into his inky curls.
He whimpered underneath you as you ground your hips harder into his bulge. There were still many layers of clothing you had yet to take off, you could still firmly feel how hard he was through them all. He tried to reach up to grab your hips, but you didn’t let him get very far. Instead of letting him touch you you took both of his hands and pinned them above his head.
“Maybe I would let you touch me if you behaved.” The sneer in your voice made Poe flinch away and whimper again, though he did not say anything. You then tried to goad him into speaking, “Are you going to apologize to me?”
Despite his pathetic little whimpers that showed you his submission to you he still refused to budge. His head shook back and forth, telling you no to your request. In response to his refusal you scoffed and didn’t give him the satisfaction of a stinging retort for now. Instead you started to grind into him harder with a faster pace that had him close to falling apart in his flight suit.
When you could feel him starting to approach his release, his cock twitching in the flight suit, your movements stopped abruptly. You had to remove one of your hands from where you had them pinned on the cot to slap it over his mouth when a broken cry that would have been too loud tried to escape.
You chuckled darkly at his desperate look, his eyes watering a little, “If you would just apologize I would let you finish.”
He tried to make a noise, but underneath the pressure of your hand it barely made a sound. When I removed my hand his bratty attitude re-emerged, “I won’t apologize.”
His indignation made your jaw tick, he must have been looking for a punishment at this point. It was now your job to make sure you gave him one that he wouldn’t enjoy, otherwise it wouldn’t be a punishment.
You released his hands so you could begin to undress him, his flight suit had a small wet spot on it from his precum. It made you wonder how soaked his boxers were underneath. They were just as wet as you expected. You run your fingers around the spot, making his hips buck a little which you stopped by pushing them down with your other hand.
When you then peeled his boxers off of him along with his flight suit you decided to give him a taste of what he wanted, planning on ripping it away again just as he was about to finish.
You shuffled your body down his until your mouth was resting over his cock, it looked painful to you. Flushed a deep red with precum leaking down his shaft and was hot and heavy in your hands. You didn’t have any plans on letting him finish anytime soon, you couldn’t imagine he could stand it much longer before breaking and giving you an apology.
His fingers twitched at his side when you blew cool air onto his length, you sneered again, “If you touch me I’ll stop.”
He did follow that direction at least, leaving his hands by his side and fisting the sheets. As a slight reward or even more of a punishment from a different perspective you let him feel your mouth around him. Suckling the tip slightly made his toes curl, but he still did not say anything. Maybe he would be harder to break then you thought.
You began to work on him with more effort, using your mouth and hands wrapped around his length to send him close to the edge again.
“Please!” He begged as you took him as far back into your throat as you could, gagging a little each time it hit the back of your throat.
You pulled off him for a second to answer his plea, “You know what to say if you want to cum.”
His head flopped back at your words and a groan of frustration came out. You worked him up to the edge two more times- he still wouldn’t break even when you were goading him while sucking on his balls and stroking his cock.
You were absolutely soaked, your own arousal getting frustrating. Damn him and his stubbornness you thought. Fuck it- maybe he’d break when he was finally inside you.
In your anger you ripped the zipper of your flight suit as you tore it off of your own body. You weren’t looking forward to explaining why you needed a new one to Leia tomorrow. For now you were focused on getting rid of the ache between your thighs while punishing Poe further.
A collective groan came out of the two of you as you sunk down on his cock slowly. You were so wet from just the anticipation that you could have taken him perhaps a bit faster, but the wrecked look on his face was even better. You relished in his desperation as you began to create a steady pace, still not as fast as he probably wanted you to go. He did follow at least one of your rules, keeping his hands fisted in his sheets. It made his knuckles lighten from how hard he was gripping them, showing how desperate he was to not let you win.
He was nearing his breaking point, you were sure of that. His whimpers had gotten even higher pitched when you started to swivel your hips in a certain way. Tears were also prickling at the corners of his eyes almost spilling down his tanned cheeks that were slick with sweat. He still had some fight in him though apparently, he was resilient as steel.
“Go faster- Kid.” Oh- he definitely knew what he was doing. He stoked your anger on purpose, finding it funny that you got so riled up over a simple nickname.
In your anger your hand then wrapped around his throat and with each bounce you spoke to punctuate your point, “Don’t.” “Call.” “Me.” “Kid.”
His legs were shaking hard underneath you, thoroughly overwhelmed by your all encompassing touch. You had complete control over him and his finish. His mouth opened and closed a few times, like he was trying to finally apologize but couldn’t get the words out. Deciding to tease him further and test his limits a bit by saying, “Are you finally going to apologize?”
There was a slight pause in conversation while you continued to keep your pace going, waiting patiently for a response. Your own orgasm was beginning to rise within you. You could finish now, torturing him even further by feeling you spasm around him in pleasure, but you wanted to finish together if possible so you tried to be as patient as possible. Just when you were about to prompt him again he finally found the words you had been looking for.
“Yes! I- I won’t callll you kid again, I’m sorry!” The apology that you had been waiting for was so broken that it took you a second for you to understand what he had said. Your hips slowed their movements for a moment to then lean forward while tightening the hold you had on his neck slighting. You dragged your tongue from the bottom of his neck to the bottom of his ear before then whispering into his ear, “Thank you, you can cum now- and touch me.”
You clenched around him when his hands gripped your hips hard, using them as leverage to begin to thrust into you hard. Your own orgasm washed over you when after the last few thrusts he rubbed your clit before filling you.
After you had both rode out your releases you slumped forward onto Poe, trying to catch your breath. His fingers moved to slowly trace up your spine, which helped relax you.
“Hopefully I won’t have to teach you a lesson about what nicknames you can use on me again.” You breathed out with a chuckle, moving your own hand to trace his skin.
“I don’t know- I kinda liked the lesson you taught me.” A cheeky smirk was most definitely on his face as he said those words, which made you lightly tap his shoulder.
You clenched around his softening cock that was still inside you as retaliation, causing him to groan. You started to roll your hips at a languid pace, just so you could hear his whimpers again, this time from being still slightly sensitive from his first release. His cock was becoming hard inside you again, almost ready to go for a second round, “Do I need to teach you another lesson?”
You did have to admit though that the nickname was growing on you, not that you were going to tell Poe that anytime soon.
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith (I will keep trying to fix this 😡). New tag lists (no one has asked to be on these yet)
Oscar Isaac Characters: Poe Dameron/SW:
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uwuwriting · 4 years ago
Wearing his jersey w/ Daichi, Kageyama and Osamu
Request: hi!! can i req the ‘wearing their jersey’ with daichi kags and osamu plss! i loved the one u wrote for kuroo akaashi and ushi. -anonymous
Okay I haven’t written for my Haikyuu babies for quite some time and that sucks. Everyday is Haikyuu day and I simp for a different character every hour of the day lmao. Although my new found obsession with Nanami is taking up most of my time. Oh well guess he’ll have to share my spare time with one of the Haikyuu boys every time. Love ya. 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff, I don’t think there are any warnings for this one. 
Sawamura Daichi
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-Captain Daichi thirst is active 24/7 lmao. 
-He is used to you taking his clothes.
-From hoodies, to t-shirts to his sweatpants, it has become a regular occurrence in your relationship. 
-He loves seeing you in his clothes. 
-They are always too big on your body, his hoodies almost reaching your knees and it makes his heart go doki doki. 
-He just wants to hug you to his chest and never let go. 
-He has given you one of his t-shirts to wear to sleep cuz he loves the idea of you having a little part of him with you even if it's just a shirt.
-You two were having a sleepover before one of his major games and of course you were helping him unwind. 
-You helped him make his duffle bag and double check for his knee pads, gave him a massage for his sore muscles after a long week of non stop practices and finally forced him to take a self care evening after he asked you to help him practice with his receives. 
-While putting on his face mask you were going on about something random when you noticed the furrow of his brows. 
- “Everything is gonna be fine baby, you’ll see. You and the boys have practiced really hard for this match and you;ll make it I know you will.” 
-Smiling up at you he gave you a peck on the lips, careful not to smudge your own face mask in the process. 
- “I know or at least I think I do. I just feel off knowing you won’t be there.” 
-Oh that’s right….You weren’t sure you would make it in time to catch the beginning of the match due to a family obligation but you were certain you would get to see the later half of the game. 
-Though Daichi didn’t have to know that yet. 
-Kissing him again you reassured him that the team didn’t need you to be there to wipe the floor with the other team’s ass, that he didn’t need you there. 
-The pout on his lips said otherwise though but he didn’t push it. 
-When the time came for the match to begin, he kept glancing at the stands mainly out of habit but also because he half expected you to make it on time. 
-No such luck though, you were nowhere to be seen. 
- “Oi Daichi focus!!” 
-Suga nearly karate chopped him in the stomach when he didn’t stop looking for you. 
-Everyone could see that their captain was a little out of it but they chose to keep quiet.
-You on the other hand, were sprinting through the streets of Miyagi to get to your boyfriend’s game as fast as possible, his jersey spurring you forward as you pounded down the school’s courtyard. 
-In a flash you were in your regular seat in the very front of the bleachers, chest rising and falling frantically as you tried to catch your breath. 
-You took off your jacket and rushed to the railing, tracing the ball with your eyes as the opposing team spiked it right into your boyfriend’s arms. 
- “GO DAI!!”
-His eyes found you immediately, quickly shooting down to your chest where the number 1 of his dark jersey rested proudly flushing at the sight. 
-The game was over rather quickly after that. 
-Daichi was in top form, his receives being immaculate while his serves were on point. 
-The first thing he did when he walked out of the lockers was to hug you, hug you so close and tight you could barely breath as he thanked you for coming.
- “You r-really thought I w-would miss this???” 
- “........Baby I can’t b-breath.”
Kageyama Tobio 
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-Flustered babyyyy.
-He will never get used to seeing you in his clothes. 
-You have worn his hoodies before and he has had a heart attack every time. 
-It reached a point where you thought that he hated seeing you in them and you stopped asking for his hoodies or jackets even if you were cold. 
-That caused the frown on his face to deepen and a very shy confession that he indeed loved seeing you in his clothes. 
-Ever since that day you always have at least one of his hoodies in your closet. 
-Now your relationship is a secret. 
-Considering who his teammates are, you both agreed that it would be wise to keep your relationship under wraps, neither of you want to go through their reaction in this lifetime at least. 
-Keeping that in mind, you never wore his clothes out in public so you wouldn’t draw unwanted attention to you. 
-You go to all his games of course, being his best friend before becoming his girlfriend does that to a person, plus he had convinced you to become a manager alongside Yachi.
-So even if you wanted to skip a game you couldn’t. 
-Now that you think of it this must have been part of his plan since now he can be near you all the time. 
-You couldn’t bring yourself to be even remotely mad at him, he was just too cute. 
-You were so proud of your boys for making it to nationals that you decided to hype them up a bit. 
-Convincing both Yachi and Kiyoko you stole three jerseys from the team while they were changing before you took your seats in the sidelines. 
-Many would think that you wearing Kageyama’s jersey was a mere coincidence. 
-You chose him because he is your best friend, not because something else was going on. 
-Sugawara and Tsukishima aren’t most people and you soon found yourself in some hot water with those two. 
-Apart from the fact that Kageyama couldn’t look your way without having a stroke, he whipped the floor with the other team, gasps and applause filling the stadium every time he dunked the ball on the other side of the court. 
-It got to the point where the other less observant member of the team started noticing the significant difference in his attitude. 
- “Kageyama why are you playing so aggressively the ball keeps going like WOOSH and BAM without me even hitting it.” 
-Poor boy almost chocked on his water at Hinata’s words and when you went to help him he turned 50 shades of red in a matter of 0.0005 seconds. 
-This whole charade ended with your relationship being exposed after Noya begged you to wear his jersey and Tobio wasn’t having it, three nosebleeds and a whole lot of teasing. 
-He moved to your room that night despite the fact that the third years kept teasing him about being safe and wrapping it before tapping it. 
-Held a small grudge for like five minutes. 
Miya Osamu
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-Love of my life number 20.
-The superior twin and this will make it evident. 
-Atsumu is always being a little shit about your relationship and how you don’t look like a couple cuz you don’t make out in the hallways all the time. 
-Em sir excuse you!
-Anyways, you know to ignore him at this point figuring that he’ll get tired and stop but no such luck; he irritates Osamu to no end resulting in one of them needing bandages at the end of practice. 
-PDA is not something you are both comfortable with and you prefer small reassuring touches throughout the day. 
-This has led to many believing that you two aren’t a couple just like Atsumu says and other people have confessed to you or asked you out WHILE Osamu is with you. 
-It doesn’t bother him much since he trusts you but it still tugs at his insecurities. 
-And because of those insecurities you get a new wardrobe. 
-Literally a whole ass new clothing line made by none other than Osamu Miya himself. 
-What is in this new clothing line you ask? 
-Osamu’s hoodies and shirts in general. 
-Every time he stops by your house he brings a new item of clothing with him, something that he has worn recently and others have seen just to get his message across. 
-You aren’t complaining, you love wearing his clothes, they are always so big and they completely swallow you plus they smell like him. 
-It’s like you have him with you. 
-Now Osamu might not show it often but volleyball stresses him out, like a lot. 
-It means the world to his brother and despite their fights and bickering, he loves seeing him happy and if that means he has to play the sport like his life depends on it so be it. 
-Osamu would do anything for Atsumu. 
-So you can understand the pressure he is under as a spiker. 
-His distress is you basically and you give him a small pep talk right before he enters the court. 
-Imagine his surprise and pure childish glee when he saw you making your way to him wearing his jersey. 
-It reached just above your knee and it made you look so cute he wanted to bottle you up and keep you forever. 
-Atsumu and Suna could be heard in the background teasing the living shit out of Osamu who remained frozen in place, the whole stadium turning into white noise as the only thing in his view, the only thing that mattered in that moment, was you. 
-He noticed your glare as you told his brother off, saw the way you played with the hem of his jersey as you walked near him and the furrow of your brows when he didn’t answer your calls. 
-Wordlessly he enveloped you in a tight hug, picking you off your feet and twirling you around a little bit much to the dismay of his fanbase in the stands. 
- “Hi.” “Hey ‘Samu”
- “Whatcha wearin?”
- “Oh this old thing? I figured you might need the motivation.” 
- *cue kissing assault*
Arcana-Fan-at The @-FIC @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez @ storage11037 @ezoyscorner @letscheereachotheron @ wolfkid22 @ Dark-Thoughts-and-Red-Roses @threeamwriting @ysatrap @yashinosakura @yongboxerrr​ @meena-in-a-nutshell​
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honyakuninakunaru · 4 years ago
Mithra's Guidance Around the Country of Snow? // Mithra SSR Card Story
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(City of Frost)
Mithra: "Hello, Master Sage."
Rustica: "Good day, Master Sage."
Akira: "Ah, hello, both of you. It's rare to see you together, are you on a walk, perhaps?"
Mithra: "No."
Rustica: "Yes."
Akira: "W-Which one is it? (They gave completely different answers just now...)"
Rustica: "Mithra was showing me around the beautiful, clad in pure, white snow Northern Country. Ah, right, how about you join us as well, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Really? I'll gladly accept if you don't mind! Thank you as well, Mith— Um, where did he go?"
(Muffled footsteps)
Akira: "Ah, there you are!"
Mithra: "And why may you be following me?"
Akira: "..... W-Weren't you out for a walk together with Rustica?"
Mithra: "What are you talking about? He's the one who's been bothering me and following me around for a while now."
Rustica: "Oh my? It would appear I have misunderstood the situation. I suppose I must apologize."
Akira: "Is that how it wa—  Ah! He's gone again..."
Rustica: "He went right ahead, let's catch up to him."
(Forest of Frost)
Upon arrival, Rustica and I found ourselves in front of a shimmering, snowy landscape. A spontaneous sigh escapes me as my entire field of vision becomes filled with this sheer white, fairytale-like sight.
Akira: "So pretty..."
Mithra: "It looks the same everywhere. More importantly, why are you following me again?"
Akira: "M-Mithra!?"
Mithra: "Do you happen to have time to spare, Master Sage?"
Akira: "I guess so... Wait, no, we were looking for you! You suddenly disappeared before we could even notice."
Rustica: "It seems that I had arbitrarily tagged along on your walk, Mithra, for which, I beg your pardon. However, had it not been for you, I wouldn't have witnessed this splendid, Northern sight. You have my sincere thanks."
Mithra: "Is that so."
Rustica: "Would the powerful wizard Mithra be willing to show us around the Northern Country some more?"
Mithra: "....."
Akira: "Mithra...?"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Akira: "Ah, he's gone again...!"
Rustica: "Wonderful, seems like he's willing to."
Akira: "I-Is that what that was just now?"
Rustica: "Surely it must be. Shall we catch up to confirm that? I feel like something exceptionally fun will happen if we stick together with Mithra."
Akira: "I... somehow get what you mean."
Rustica: "Then, by all means, hold on tightly."
Akira: "Yep!"
(In the sky)
Akira: "Rustica, I see him! He seems to be lying on the snow."
Rustica: "Maybe he's taking an afternoon nap?"
(Snow-covered plane)
Akira: "Mithra? Are you asleep?"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Akira and Rustica: "Ah...!"
The moment Mithra uttered his spell, Rustica and I fell face-first into the snow.
Akira: "D-Don't scare us like that, Mithra!"
Mithra: "It was getting noisy, so I wondered if that would make it quieter. And indeed it did.
Akira: "What...?"
Rustica: "....."
Akira: "Ah, R-Rustica, are you alright? Did the snow hit a bad spot..."
Rustica: ".....Fufu. This snow is so soft I just had to authenticate its feel."
Akira: "Y-You're right! It's not cold in the slightest and feels really good...! Is that also a part of your magic, Mithra?"
Mithra: "Yes. I cast a spell around this area to make it more comfortable for sleeping."
Akira: "I never knew you could do that. Amazing as always!"
Mithra: "Oh well, it's not that hard to do."
Rustica: "Had I never laid in the snow like this, I wouldn't have found out that powdered snow shines as bright as a jewel. Thank you for showing us such a magnificent sight, Mithra."
Mithra: "Right."
Looking to the side, Mithra, who was lying facing the sky until now, rolled around in our direction.
Mithra: "What's with you two, thanking me left and right. I really don't understand why you're doing that."
Rustica: "Why, it's because you've shown us around such wonderful places, of course. It's only natural that we'd be grateful."
Mithra: "I don't remember showing anyone around. You're the ones that decided to follow me."
Rustica: "Well, that's unfortunate. However, it was really thoughtful of you to have done so before we got the chance to ask."
Mithra: "..... Master Sage, do you not get tired of talking with this person?"
Akira: "Not in the slightest. Rustica is always friendly, after all."
Mithra: "If that's the case, please be his chatting partner."
Rustica: "Not to mention, we were really lucky to have your guidance, as the Northern Country is a rather unrelenting place."
Mithra: "....."
Akira: "True. Most of the time, the twins and even Oz prevent us from coming here because it's so dangerous."
Rustica: "It's comforting to have someone like Master Oz carefully watch over you, but I also think it's splendid and thrilling to have someone like Mithra show you around various places and have fun."
Mithra: "So all Oz does is stand there and tremble in fear? If that's the case, I ought to show you around a bit more."
Akira: "You mean it?"
Rustica: "What kind of place will we be visiting this time?"
Mithra: "An exceptional one."
(Northern Cave)
Akira: "This is... a cave?"
Mithra: "A strong bear lives here. Powerful creatures are very North-like, wouldn't you say?"
Akira: "Yeah... Bears are... Bears!? Y-You mean like, a real bear?! The ones that are dangerous and eat people and all that...?"
Mithra: "That's right. But it shouldn't be a problem since I'm strong."
Akira: "It might not be a problem for you, but...!"
Rustica: "Speaking of, I've heard bears are fond of honey. Had I known we'd be coming here, I would've brought some as a souvenir, but alas..."
Mithra: "How rude. If you are willing to give it honey, give me some as well, you know. It's all sugary when you lick it, and it puts me in a good mood."
Rustica: "Not only that, but if you let it melt into tea, it becomes just as savoury."
Akira: ("Should they really be having such leisurely chit-chat in this situation...? Though it does feel like they've somehow gotten closer...")
Turning my head in the direction the sound came from, I saw a colossal, horned creature resembling a bear charging at us from the depths of the cave.
Akira: "G-Guys, something's coming...!"
Rustica: "Speak of the devil. It must be angry since we haven't prepared any honey for it."
Mithra: "You think so? What a greedy bear."
Akira: "Eeek!"
It appears to have targeted me, as it relentlessly ran in my direction.
Akira: "Y-You don't think it's coming for me, do you!?"
Mithra: "It seems like it's taken a liking to you."
Akira: "I appreciate the feelings— no, wait, I don't! At this rate, it's going to crush me, so I'd really like some help! Mithra, please!"
Mithra: "Have you had enough of this tourism thing?"
Akira: "Yes, I have! I most definitely have!"
Mithra: "Hmm, I see. <Arthim>"
As soon as Mithra finished chanting his spell, we found ourselves back to the City of Frost within a hair's breadth away from the bear crashing into us. Relieved, I slumped on the ground.
Akira: "T-That was close... Thank you, Mithra."
Mithra: "Yes, please do shower me in gratitude, if you will."
Rustica: "That sure was scary. But to think that the North can offer such thrilling and heart-throbbing experiences on top of being beautiful! What a splendid country this is! We ought to bring that bear some honey next time we go to visit. Can I request your escort for when the time comes again, Mithra?"
Mithra: "I don't mind, but do have a portion of honey prepared just for me."
Rustica: "Ah, right! As thanks, I shall show you around the Western Country next time."
Still in a state of shock and seated on the ground, I watched their peaceful exchange. Noticing this, Mithra grabbed my arm and yanked me up.
Akira: "Wah! Sorry..."
Mithra: "And you? How did you find it?"
Akira: "It was an overly hardcore experience..."
Mithra: "Is that so? Good for you then. If I feel like it, I'll take you along again."
Akira: "A-Ahaha..."
Thank you @optimismisgone for providing raws for this story!
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pokegalla · 3 years ago
Just a Regular Day
I stretched and rolled around my bed for a bit. For a moment, I forgot where I was…I blinked a few times before forcing myself up. After freshening up, I walked down the castle’s long hallway. Right…I’m staying with the bad sanses. I know in my stories and even some people in the fandom say that they’re pretty cool….but shouldn’t I still be concerned that they could still kill me with no remorse….?
I slapped my face a bit and cupped my cheeks. Stop being such a chicken. YES they are murderers and YES they could kill you….but hell so can a rock. Or a dedicated animal. Besides not everyone is born evil….and they had a rough past. They aren’t really just….need help. A lot. Oh what’s the worst that could happen?
“Heads up,” Someone shouted. A woosh sound flew past my face and I turn to see a knife had almost hit me. Ah yes….accidental death by zooming sharp objects thrown by magical skeletons. The ‘fuck go back’ meme is popping in my head….no! I must be strong! I just smile and head to the coffee machine. Maybe coffee can help me….
“Hey kitten~. I see you’re finally up. How’d yah sleep?” I looked to see it was Killer who asked. I gulp slightly. Honestly I haven’t slept well since Nightmare’s deal required my negativity….so that meant having bad dreams as well.
But I just smile, “Pretty good. But I’m always tired. Just need my bean juice and I’ll be alright.”
I noticed he gave me an understanding look. He and the others must be aware of the deal….I finished making my coffee and sat to drink it. After awhile I felt a tap on my shoulder. I went stiff seeing Horror behind me, standing menacingly. But I quickly relaxed seeing a plate of food.
“Here….I made this….for you,” He said quietly. He looked pretty bashful presenting the plate.
“Really? For me? You didn’t have to….what about you? Didn’t YOU eat yet,” I asked. Why oh why do I ask so many questions-?
Horror just placed the plate in front of me, “Just eat.”
Honestly I didn’t even hesitate. It smelled incredible….and oh my god it tasted incredible!
“Thank you so much! It tastes amazing,” I said happily. Horror gave me a large, sweet smile. Killer smiled at the interaction while Dust rolled his eye lights. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all….
“A prank,” I asked.
“Yup. On ol’Dusty. Me and Horror already set it up,” Killer said.
Horror nodded eagerly, “It’s gonna be….epic.” I kinda doubted that it’s gonna end epic….
Killer picked up on my worry, “Don’t worry kitten. We’re experts at this! Tell yah what….why don’t you be our little cameraman? Just film his reaction.”
“But uh what if Dust gets mad…?” I asked.
“Don’t worry….I’ll protect you~,” Killer said flirtatiously. For some reason I feel more concerned. But I decided to film it anyway as we hid behind some furniture. We waited until Dust came in. Killer pointed at the chair, a swivel chair at that with a blow horn at the bottom. Huh….never seen this prank before. Dust didn’t notice it and he looked around suspiciously before sitting down….only to jump back up, falling on his tailbone from the loud noise. We all laugh, completely giving ourselves away.
“GEEEEEET HONKED ON,” Killer shouted. Dust glared at us and began glowing. Oh shit….Killer quickly picked me up bridal style as we all ran from Dust’s attacks. Jeez he’s trying to kill us!!! Horror then grabbed Killer as well and managed to outrun Dust. We all laughed even more.
“That was….awesome,” Horror managed to say.
“Beautiful work as well cameraman! You even filmed the chase! Told yah I would protect you~” Killer said. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I gathered some things.
“Yes yes you did as promised. And I owe you my life good sir,” I said jokingly.
“Whatcha doing though kiddo?” Horror asked.
“Giving a gift to Dust. Don’t want him to stay mad y’know? It’s only fair….at least that’s how I feel. I’ll just leave it by his door….” I said.
Killer tilted his head, “Aw that’s nice of yah.” They followed me as I left the ‘gift’ for Dust. We hid again and watched Dust see it…..a bottle of premium ketchup and a plate of spaghetti for Papyrus. His eyes widen and sees the note with it. A little apology note from all three of us. Dust stared at it before smiling a bit.
“Dumbasses….fine. Yeah I forgive yah,” Dust muttered.
“Awwww you dooooo~?” Killer said jumping out of hiding to hug him.
Dust growled, “Don’t ruin it.” I smiled at the three. These guys….are even better than the stories.
Just random fluff and scenarios….but I want to write a second part since this got mad long and I still need Error and Nightmare. Welp until then, enjoy!
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ashnagog · 4 years ago
Day 7 alt 4 – Sharing a bed
Post season 5 hurt/comfort? Yes. Self-indulgent? Extremely.
Ahsoka felt lost. In the past week, she went from fighting on Cato Nemoidia to investigating the bombing of the temple to trying to prove her innocence after she’d been set up by, as it turned out, one of Barriss’s old friends.
In the end, she was proven innocent. But the Jedi, her home, people who she considered family, had tossed her out without a second thought.
Only her master and Barriss had believed her, and tried to help.
And now, she had to leave them behind. And it hurt.
She walked aimlessly, stuck in her thoughts, until she suddenly realised where she was.
Her feet had carried her to level 1490, right to Riyo’s apartment.
She hadn’t even had time to visit her when she’d come on planet, hadn’t even had time to call.
The by now familiar sensation of being bone tired set in, and she leaned against the building. Had she believed that Ahsoka had done the bombing? She thought. She felt a trepidation at entering that she hadn’t ever felt before.
Suddenly, the door beside her opened, and Riyo stepped outside.
“Ahsoka?” she breathed out, clearly surprised. Then she took her in a bone-crushing hug. “I was so worried about you!” she exclaimed. Then she regained her composure. “Come on, let’s go inside. You must be tired after... All that’s happened.”
Ahsoka nodded wordlessly, leaning into the small stature that was her girlfriend.
Riyo wordlessly led them both to her apartment, hugging Ahsoka to her side as she did so.
When they entered her home and Riyo had shut the door behind them, Riyo let go. “You should take a shower” she said. “Ill make some tea and then we’ll go to bed, alright?”
Ahsoka nodded, silently unclasping her boots. It struck Riyo that Ahsoka hadn’t said a word the entire time.
She went into the kitchen, grabbing the dried leaves and setting some water to boil. After the tea was done, she put a cover on the pot to keep it warm. She then grabbed her comm-link.
After a few minutes, it was answered. “Padawan Offee here.”
“Hey Barriss” Riyo said, activating the hologram function. Barriss looked tired. “Ahsoka’s here. She needs you.” Her gaze softened. “And I’d like to see you as well. Come over to my apartment, please?”
Barriss stood up. “I’ll be there in five.”
“Alright, feel free to let yourself in” Riyo said in response. “Love you.”
“Love you too” Barriss responded, then cut the connection.
With that settled, Riyo walked to the refresher. She heard the sound of running water, and soft, muffled sobs.
She sighed softly, punching in the override code. As she went inside, she started to slip out of her clothes as to not get them wet, then stepped into the shower.
Ahsoka was sat down, knees pulled up, hands covering her eyes as water streamed down her head and back. Riyo wordlessly sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her and stroking her montral. Ahsoka uncurled from her position, curling around Riyo instead and burying her head in Riyo’s shoulder.
“It’s going to be alright, Ahsoka.” She whispered into her montral, before pressing a soft kiss to it. “you’ll be okay.”
“They just-“ Ahsoka gasped. “They just kicked me out without a second thought. They just left me. And now, I left, and it hurts. But I couldn’t stay”
“I’m here for you, Ahsoka” Riyo said. “And Barriss will be here soon. You’re not alone, you hear me? I won’t leave you behind. I love you. Barriss loves you. You’re not alone ahsoka.” She paused for a moment. “you never have been.”
They sat like that for long moments, Riyo whispering sweet nothings in Ahsoka’s montral, until her crying subsided.
“Come on” Riyo spoke, “Lets go to bed”
She quickly dried both of them off, then grabbed some sleep clothes. Ahsoka slipped under the covers, sitting up against the headboard. Meanwhile, Riyo moved to the kitchen to grab the tea and some mugs, before heading back in and doing the same.
She handed Ahsoka one of the steaming mugs, then pressed herself into Ahsoka’s side, laying her head on her lover’s shoulder. “We’re going to be okay, Ahsoka.”
Ahsoka shrugged. “I don’t know, Riyo.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Riyo said in response, kissing Ahsoka’s cheek.
With a soft woosh, the door opened, and Barriss walked in.
“Hey Ahsoka” she said softly, “hey Riyo.”
“Hey Barriss” Riyo answered in an equally soft tone. Ahsoka simply smiled.
Barriss dropped the heavy cloak she was wearing, then the rest of her robes, until only an undershirt remained. Even her short, black hair, usually covered by her hood, was on display. She then put on some sleep clothes, and slipped into the bed on Ahsoka’s other side, pressing her body into her lover’s in quiet support. Ahsoka leaned her head on barriss’s shoulder, sighing softly.
“Come on” Barriss said, “We should sleep. We’ll figure out what to do tomorrow.”
The three of them then slipped further under the covers. Riyo and Barriss both wrapped ther arms around Ahsoka, pressing themselves close to her. Barriss was at Ahsoka’s back, a steady, grounding presence as she pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Riyo was at her front, leaning in to kiss her on her lips, then closing her eyes and dropping her head on her pillow.
When the tears came again, they held Ahsoka without judgement, simply letting her bask in their love.
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dialovers-translations · 3 years ago
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Original title: 誓��� & エピローグ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 11 Tsukinami Carla
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Translator’s note: It is no secret that Carla is not my favorite Diaboy, so I wasn’t super excited for his CD despite really enjoying the DAYLIGHT series so far. There is quite a lot of difficult dialogue in this one as well and with no written dialogue, it can be tricky to figure out what Carla is saying. However, I do like how it gives us some more information about the Founders’ lore and their powers. I definitely did not expect this kind of plot twist either. Knowing how cold he is during the start of his DF route, it’s crazy to see him put his own desires aside and completely prioritize his S/O.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
*Cling cling*
[00:11] “...Heh. How many times have our eyes met during this meal?”
You apologize.
“Is it something to be sorry about? I cannot blame you. My gaze also keeps drifting your way subconsciously. …When I realize that this might be the last time, I cannot help but want to engrave this sight into my memory. ーー The sight of the woman I love, I mean.”
You tear up.
“Do not cry. …No, actually, I do not mind. You can weep all you want. Your tears are dear to me as well.”
You shake your head.
[01:03] “Heh. …You are strong. No matter how fragile your physical body may be, you actually made a homemade meal from scratch and managed to suppress the tears to show me a smile. I think your soul is truly precious.”
You sob.
“Fufu…Did I make you cry again? Well then, let us continue our meal. While I can imagine it must not be easy right now, you should try to eat as much as you can as well. There is only little time left until I have to depart, so why don’t we enjoy our final banquet to our heart’s content?”
*Cling cling*
[02:35] “Hah…It was a lovely meal. I feel thoroughly satisfied.”
You agree.
“Wait a few minutes.”
Carla gets up and leaves the room before returning shortly after. 
“Drink this.”
You ask him what it is.
[03:09] “It’s fruit juice which has been slightly diluted with water. I got my hands on fresh fruits from the human world and high-quality water. …In the end, you weren’t able to eat very much of the meal, were you?”
You apologize.
“It is fine. I understand your situation. This should be easy to ingest and it’s packed full of nutrients. Drink it, even if it’s just a little.”
You take a sip.
“Fufu…How is it? …Good?”
You nod and thank him for cooking for you.
[03:59] “Haha…I don’t think this would count as ‘cooking’, but somewhat, I suppose.”
You yawn.
“...Hm? What’s the matter?”
You explain.
“You’re sleepy? You must be tired. In that case, I do not mind if you go lie down.”
You suddenly pass out. 
[04:32] “...Haah. Forgive me. I couldn’t have you stay awake for this though.”
Carla lifts you into his arms.
“...She’s so light. To think she would seem so fleeting, in such a fragile physical state. Even so, she continued to strongly express her feelings for me.”
“...My irreplaceable partner.”
*Rustle rustle*
*Drip drip*
[05:32] “...Haah. This should do. While I may be suffering from an illness, it is still Founder's blood. A contract will surely be made…between me and my partner. What is necessary is for both parties involved to feel strongly for one another.
…Well then…I, Tsukinami Carla, King of Founders, officially declare the commencement of this ritual…
Carla cuts himself.
*Drip drip drip*
[06:56] “...Ugh!”
*Rustle rustle*
You run up to Carla.
“...!! So you’ve awakened…Cough, cough…!”
He coughs up blood.
“...Oh, do not worry about this. It’s the price I have to pay.”
You frown. 
[07:23] “...Hah. Color has returned to your complexion…I could almost mistake you for someone else. …In theory, any spell - no matter how high-level it may be - should succeed without fail when exchanged for a Founder’s life but still…Haah…I feel relieved now.”
You ask what he means.
“Fufufu…Just like you always did, I chased after my own happiness. There would be no point…in a world where you no longer exist.”
You disagree. 
[08:14] “...You fool! Do not talk down on yourself like that! Your soul…is the most precious thing…in this whole world…Your pure, noble feelings…willing to sacrifice everything for my sake…as well as your deep love…I simply could not let those things fade away…”
You remind him of his ambition to help the Founders flourish again.
[08:51] “Fufu…I do not need any dreams or ambitions, if it means having to sacrifice you to fulfill them…I have already sent out a message…I am confident that Shin will most definitely inherit my ambitions. …My world is right here…You are my world…So why would I not offer my own life for it…? …Cough, cough, cough…!!”
[09:37] “Go ahead and live your life…as you wish…Farewell…My beloved…Haah…”
You shake his body, begging him to wake up.
*Rustle rustle*
You run to grab a knife, drawing blood before running to Carla’s side to try and feed it to him.
“Haah…You…Don’t tell me…Did you give your own blood…to me?”
You nod.
[10:43] “...It is true that your blood has always been the most effective way to soothe my symptoms but still…I would have never fathomed that it could bring someone back to life as well…In the end, you still harmed yourself in an attempt to save me…You truly are hopeless…
However, I will not last very long. I used a high-level spell which sacrifices the caster’s life in exchange. Even if you managed to bring me back now, you are only prolonging the inevitable…Are you prepared to have to…say goodbye to me once more?”
You claim to be prepared for that.
[11:42] “...Despair which comes right after joy is a painful thing. But you do not mind regardless?”
You nod.
“...!! …Fufufu…Good grief…Just as I thought, you really are my woman. My one and only partner…who is so very strong, and overflows from love for me. ーー That being said, to think you would get the King of Founders to go this far for you.”
[12:32] “You’re quite the handful. You won’t get away with this. …I shall not let you go, no matter what happens. So better be prepared.”
You nod. 
[00:20] “...Take your time going down. I’m here to support you.”
You slowly go down the stairs together.
*Thud thud thud*
You apologize for making a selfish request. 
“...Hmph. This does not count as being ‘selfish’, trust me. ーー Besides, I do not dislike going around and viewing the different paintings displayed in this castle. Especially when doing it together with you.”
You remember something very similar happening in the past.
[00:56] “Yes…We exchanged our opinions on the artwork here once in the past as well, did we not? I rarely ever speak of my own interests to others though…Heh. I guess that back then, you must have already had a special place inside my heart.”
You grow flustered. 
“Fufu…Your reactions are always so genuine. Whether you’re happy or sad, it shows on your face right away. You should value that pure, honest heart of yours.”
You nod.
[01:47] “Let me repeat myself ーー but I will leave this manor today. As much as it pains me, I simply have no other choice.”
You frown. 
“You should only focus on looking after yourself. Please do not worry about me.”
You refuse.
[02:15] “Do not say that. However, time flows differently in both worlds, so you might have more alone time ahead of you than you initially thought. You can think of Banmaden as your safe haven…the castle where you can live in peace.”
You ask him if that is why the two of you came here.
“...Heh. Right. That is one of the reasons why I decided to come here. …However, can you blame me for wanting to spend as much time together with my partner as possible? 
You thank him.
[03:04] “I am the one who should be thanking you. I feel truly blessed, having the best wife imaginable.” 
Carla embraces you. 
“Come on…Give me a better look at your face. Right now, I want to burn that sight into my memory, rather than that of the paintings.” 
He caressed your cheek.
[03:31] “Your scent…the way your skin feels underneath my touch…I’ll brand it all in my mind. If I were a painter, I would surely put it down onto the canvas with my brush. …In my case, I shall trace it with my lips instead.”
“Your forehead…”
“Your cheeks…Andーー”
“...These lips of yours as well.”
ーー THE END ーー
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yamadadzawa · 4 years ago
The good news: I’m finally getting some writing done again
The...less good news?: It is none of my current wips and is instead something new because I genuinely cannot get my brain to function on any of my existing works right now
So. I guess here’s a snippet? I will eventually ease back into using this blog and will answer the asks waiting in my inbox but here’s this for now
There’s another harsh, bone rattling cough from All Might that cuts Izuku off, followed by a woosh of steam. Izuku recognizes the figure left behind when the steam clears. He’s drowning in civilian clothes this time instead of a hero costume, and the only blood is what’s staining his lips. But he remembers.
“Oh,” Izuku chokes out softly. He thought...he didn’t realize how old this form was. At Kamino, when it was revealed to the world, Izuku thought it was something Father did. The effects of a quirk.
Izuku realizes it must have happened after their first fight, if Father gave as good as he got. He’d grabbed onto All Might because he wanted to warn him, to tell him about the awful future that was coming, but now…
Now, as All Might tells him how this came to be, as he shows him the wound on his torso, Izuku understands. There’s no way he can tell him. Because All Might will either not believe him, or worse, he will, and he’ll want to know how Izuku knows, and he’ll find out the truth. And then no one will believe him, not when he’s the son of the worst villain in Japan, maybe even the world. They’ll lock him up, or worse, and he won’t be able to save anyone.
So when All Might asks what made him grab on, what he wanted to say, Izuku blurts out the first question he can think of. “Do you think it’s possible to get into U.A. without a quirk? Into the hero course?”
All Might’s face does something funny, and he’s looking at Izuku differently now. Appraising him. “You want to go to U.A. huh?” When Izuku nods, All Might sighs, tired and so, so heavy. “I dunno about the hero course, kid. I admit it’s pretty impressive how you handled that villain without a quirk. But I can’t just say that means you can be a hero without one.”
Izuku holds his breath and clamps his teeth down on his lip, the only defense he has against the words that clang against that barrier, threatening to tumble out. He can feel All Might’s answer carving at something inside of him, something already so hollow there’s not much left to break away.
“But,” All Might says firmly, grounding him once more. “That doesn’t mean you can’t get into U.A. There’s the other courses. General Studies, Support, Business. You can still be part of it all, if you want to help people.”
“Save them,” Izuku blurts out, wincing when All Might startles and stares. “I have to save them.”
All Might smiles, a small, ghostly echo of his usual beaming grin. “You can try for the other courses,” he repeats. “Or look into police work. Saving people is an admirable goal. I don’t think you should give up on that, but it’s better to be realistic.”
Izuku gets it, he really does, and if this conversation was happening back then, before, maybe he’d even agree. But Izuku can’t afford to be realistic. It’s U.A. or nothing. It’s the hero course or nothing.
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chosendestiny · 4 years ago
Wolf's awakening: Chapter 2
The trip to the city was quiet. The Guardian sat in her seat, with a distant look plastered on her face. It's been an hour or so since Ghost got the jumpship driving, and she didn't use this chance to sleep.  Her Ghost transmatted to her shoulder as he went to man the controls. Once he finished with that, he flew to her line of view. "I suppose you have questions." She nods as a response. "What am I?" She asks. "You are a Guardian. You protect the last city and the solar system from the Darkness." He chirps. "And what are the Fallen?"  "The Fallen are Scavengers - alien pirates picking at humanity's remains. There are different types of Fallen." Ghost shows various holographic imagines of the types of Fallen she met already; The shank, vandal, the Captain, and finally, the Archon. Ghost told her, "You already know about the Dreg, so I left them out."  As Ghost showed her the images of the Fallen, he explained their rank and who they were. The shank are drones used by the Fallen. They are used as scouts, fire support, and even a distraction. The stronger Fallen is a Vandal. They're stronger and in a higher class than the Dreg. Next was the Captain, they command of the Fallen Crew. Ghost showed the final image to the awoken. "And finally, this is the Archon. The one you saw before I transmatted you to the jumpship. They are the high priests of the Fallen." With that, his optic flickered, stopping the holographic presentation. "You got that, right?" She nods once again. "I can't believe I actually found you." He says. If he could smile with such happiness, he would. Ghost soon made a chirping sound as he looked out the window. He looked happy in a way. The little Ghost then turned to face his Guardian. "Now, we're about to reach the city," He said pleasantly. The jumpship continued soaring throughout the sky, driving towards a storm of thunder and lightning. As the ship maneuvered itself across the mountains, the clouds cleared, it glides into the light of the morning. And in front of the jumpship was a mountain range. The sight was beautiful. She wishes that she never gets tired of this view, hoping that this sight would always stay spontaneous. Soon later, Ghost and his Guardian saw an immense city sat below an enormous tower, so tall it nearly brushed the clouds. Floating above the city was this huge sphere.  The Guardian points at the sphere then turned to her Ghost. "That's the Traveler. It's the source of our light." He says. He faces his Guardian as he watched her look at everything with amazement, she reminds him of the children from the City. After the jumpship circled the large tower, it stopped above the platform. The Guardian and her ghost transmatted from within the ship to a large plaza area. She looked up in the sky to see her jumpship fly away, and then she looked at her Ghost. "Welcome to the last safe City on earth. The only place the Traveler can still protect." Ghost's optic fixated at the Traveler. The awoken looked at the Traveler while attentively listening to her Ghost. He turned to face his Guardian, floating a few inches away from her face. "It took centuries to build. And now... We're counting every day it stands." He shot to the other side. "And this tower is where the Guardians live." The awoken looks around to see some people wear armour, while some people were wearing regular clothing. She had gotten a few stares from guardians and some workers. She thought that it might be because she was new. As she made her way around the plaza, she's heard mutters and whispers. "Do you think-?" "It can't be." "I thought she died.." "She's still alive!" "She looks different than how I remembered her." She decided to ignore it, thinking that it was meant for someone else. The awoken saw a small building with a robot inside. Her eyebrows pinched slightly as she narrowed her eyes towards the robot. "That's Kadi 55-30. She is the postmaster in the Tower. If you have any mail, lose any weapons or armour then you can go to her. Someway, somehow, she always has it ready
for you to pick up." She nods as confirmation.  "The Tower is run by a group called the Vanguard. They lead the three different classes: Hunter, Titan, and Warlock. You go to them to pick which class you'll be in, then you report to whichever class you pick. But if you ask me - I think you're a hunter. Based on how you fought the Fallen." Ghost continues. His tracker led his Guardian down the small yet wide flight of stairs. Down the stairs, there was a bunch of guardians there who were running and jumping around. She came to a halt once she saw a wall in front of her, and on either side of the wall were two short sets of stairs leading out to a hall. She went towards the right side of the wall, and the hall led to a large room with an entire wall of glass. In the room, there was a huge table with three guardians standing around it. It must be the Vanguard that Ghost told her about. Ghost drifted towards the three Guardians and circled them simultaneously. They shifted their attention from Ghost to the Guardian as she approached them. Their expression on her looked as if they saw something familiar, especially the one with the cape. He was about to open his mouth to say something but closed it instead. He put his finger over his mouth for a moment as if he was trying to find the right words to say, then clasped his hands together. "Well, hey there, stranger. Welcome to the tower. I'm guessing you're a hunter, but I might be a bit biased here." He says with a smile. She tilts her head, slowly processing what he said, and nods as a response.  "Excuse, Cayde. He seems a little excited to meet new guardians." The dark-skinned Guardian says. "He believes that he can tell who'll be a hunter." "Hey! I'm right almost all the time.. But hey, no pressure in picking your class." He assures the awoken Guardian before him. "I'm guessing your Ghost has informed you about the classes?" The woman asks. She nods as a response. “Guardian, this is the Vanguard. Ikora Rey, Zavala, and Cayde-6." ghost chimed. "Cayde leads the Hunter class, I lead the Warlock class, and Zavala, the Titan class. Hunter specializes in stealth and athletics. Warlocks have their knowledge, and Titans have their strength.” Ikora quickly explained. "Nice to meet you all." The Guardian quietly says. Ikora kindly smiles. "likewise, Guardian." "Have you picked your class yet?" The Titan, who the guardian believes is named Zavala asked. The awoken nods sheepishly. "My ghost says I should join the hunter class." Cayde did a little fist pump in the air. "Yes!" "You should've seen her. She was like woosh- boom! She was so agile!" Ghost exclaims. Ikora chuckles quietly, then faces the hunter. "Cayde, you know what to do. She's your responsibility. Teach her everything she needs to know." "Don't worry. She's in safe hands." He says as he motioned the young hunter over to him. She listened. "So, rookie. Do you have a name I can call you by?" He asks her. She looks over to Ghost, then back at Cayde. Ghost sighs, drifting close to Cayde. "Uh, she doesn't remember anything. Not even a name."  The two looked at the Guardian, who was nodding in agreement. "I see.. Well, you should make a name for yourself." He says. Cayde puts his hands over his eyes, slowly moving his hands apart from one another. "So, imagine this. You hunt down the enemies. You kill them and leave. The boss'll come to see them dead, then be like 'who did this?!'" Cayde continues as he deepens his voice. Then he turned to the other side on his knees. "I-it was The Guardian, sir." "The Guardian, eh? I'll just have to deal with this myself." Cayde's little play finished with a small bow and earned a small giggle from the young hunter. He got back up, and handed her a chest piece. "Take this, kid. It's wild in the woods, ya know. Make sure to keep your eyes clear." She nods and takes the chest plate, but it disappeared before she can try it on. "I thought you were gonna call her 'the Guardian'." Ghost argued. "No, I'll call her, kid. They'll call her the
Guardian. Get your facts checked, little ghost." Cayde points at Ghost. The little orb rolled his optic and looked at his guardian. "We should go see Banshee. I believe he has a gun for us." Ghost insists. "Wait, lemme see your gun." Cayde says. She hands him her auto rifle and watches Cayde examine it. "Wow, this gun's a mess. Kudos to you for making it out of the Cosmo with this thing. You'll definitely need a new gun from Banshee." He says as he gives the young hunter the gun back. The young hunter waved off before she ran left. Cayde waved her farewell as he watched her leave. "You don't think that was-" He sighs. "It's her. But you heard her Ghost, she doesn't remember anything." "And we'll keep it that way. You know the rules," Zavala interrupts. "I know, I know," Cayde says, looking down at the map before him. ----------------------------------- She followed her Ghost's directions to see an Exo in front of her. He was cleaning weapons. "This is Banshee-44, the gunsmith." Ghost says. The Exo looked up from the stash of guns laid out in front of him. "Morning, Guardian. You're new, right? Pick a gun. I've been keeping them cleaned and prepped. Won't jam. That's important." Banshee says. The hunter looks down at the guns laid out on the table. There was a hand cannon, pulse rifle, auto rifle, and scout rifle. It took a moment, but her eyes landed on the hand cannon. She picked it up and examined it.  "That's a Duke MK.10. The impact is good. You should switch your guns." Ghost suggests, and his guardian listened. She replaced her auto rifle with the hand cannon, putting the hand cannon in her holster while Ghost transmats her auto rifle in her backpack. "Before we go anywhere, we'll need an update on our ship. It's been out of action for years. So, we should go to see Amanda next. She's a pilot, but she personally repairs and modifies guardian's ships and sparrows. She also sells some. I sent her a transmission if she could give our ship some repairs, she gladly accepted." He said. She nods with her eyes fixated on Banshee. "Thank you, Banshee." She says, then left to meet Amanda. Banshee looks up, confused as to who said that but shrugged it off. Her ghost led her to the Hangar. She looked around the area, seeing that her ship was in one of the landing pads. She walked up the stairs to see a young woman with blonde hair, who was sitting atop one of the counters. "Morning. Names Amanda Holliday. I'm the Tower's shipwright." She stated with a southern accent. She held her hand out, and the hunter shook it. "The Arcadia Class ships always were resilient. Shame about the warp drive, though. Still, luckily you didn't explode on take off! I'll see if I can take care of this piece of work, then I'll get you a new ship." The hunter frowned slightly. "Do you think you can fix it?" "Yeah, why? You wanna keep it?" She nods. "If it's alright with you." "Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, I'll get to work. While I'm at it, head to Zavala. I sent him what you need to get for me." She nods and made her way back to the room. She runs down the stairs and walks up to the Titan. "Hello, Guardian." "Hello." The hunter replies. "You must be here about the report, yes?" Zavala asks as he held the datapad. She nods as a response. "Holliday is a skilled technician." Zavala puts the datapad down. "Your ship is fixed, however, her report says you're missing a warp drive." He activates the holopad on the war table to show the Guardian an image of the warp drive. "Is there a way we can find another one?" Ghost asks. "There should be one in the Cosmodrome. Return there, and get the replacement." "We're on it." Ghost replies. He then transmits the guardian to the jumpship and drives it off orbit.
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sargeantwoof · 4 years ago
Lean Back And Breathe
In a school full of geniuses Peter expected to keep his secret?
Yeah, right.
Luckily for him, those who know aren't that interested in exposing that tidbit of information.
Peter shuffled to the side, dragging his face buried in his arms across his desk, missing the looks the team shot him. MJ cleared her throat, her face impassive aside from the minor tightening of her eyes.
"Well," she said, "The Yalta Conference was held when? And it was about what?"
Peter slid to the side again, his head getting dangerously close to the edge, knocking pens and papers from the desk. The muted thuds startled him, his head shooting up as he looked around panicked. His eyes caught on Ned first and then MJ, his body softening as he realized where he was.
"Peter?" Betty said quietly, causing Peter's face to swing to hers, his eyes blinking owlishly. When he realized where he was, in the middle of Decathlon practice, his face turned bright red and he groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "Peter," Betty continued. "Are you okay?"
He waved his hands at her, not bothering to lift his head. Above him, Ned and MJ exchanged a look, the glance not missed by anyone else in the practice. The silence lasted another beat before Ned cleared his throat, blushing lightly as the rest of the team swung to look at him.
"Peter- he's, he's fine," Ned said, his voice growing stronger with each word. "He- uhh, he had to get- help his aunt late last night."
"Right," Cindy said, her brow arched. "That's why he's always tired." 
Peter groaned again, lifting his head up, tired annoyance etched across his face. "Why do you guys care so much?" He rubbed his eyes, unaware of the sweet picture he was portraying. In the back of the room, Flash snorted, covering his mouth at the glare MJ shot him. Peter yawned, dropping his hand. "I just- I had a lot of stuff to do for Mr. Stark and Aunt May."
"Oh, I'm sure you did," Flash muttered, keeping his gaze focused above Peter's head to avoided MJ's worsening glare.
Peter scrunched up his nose, blinking at them again, as if he had just realized where he was. "What time is it?" He asked, frowning. He glanced down at his watch, freezing for a moment before swearing and scrambling for his stuff. "Shit!" He cried. "I gotta go, Mr. Stark-" he shoved a pencil in his mouth, shoving his chair back, the two muffling the rest of the sentence. "Gottagobye!" He ran for the door, never looking back.
MJ sighed, dropping her head into her hands. "Well," Abe said brightly. "It really is never dull in practice is it."
"Are we continuing?" Charles asked, glancing around. "Even though Flash is his alternate he really doesn't offer much."
"No," MJ said, sliding her notebooks in bag. She stood, Ned rising across from her. "We will reconvene tomorrow. 3 pm sharp." She offered the group a blank stare and a nod before she turned to go. "Later losers."
"Yeah, bye!" Ned called cheerfully as they left the room.  
There was a moment of silence after they left. One beat, two beat, before the rest of the team drew closer together.
"So," Betty said, raising her eyebrows at them. "They really think they're fooling us all don't they?"
Abe snorted, Charles rolling his eyes. "Uh huh," Cindy answered, her tone vaguely fond. "Parker thinks he's slick."
"I still think you guys are wrong," Flash said, scooching closer to them. He ignored Sally's scoff and lowered his voice, leaning in even closer. "There's no way that it's true."
Abe rolled his eyes, irritation flashing across his face. "Peter has to be."
"DC?" Sally said, interrupting. "C'mon Flash he has to be."
"No," Flash repeated, the word sour in his mouth. "Because if he is, why hasn't he decked me yet?"
Betty huffed, . "It's Peter, Flash. It's like you've forgotten that you, and most of us," she gestured around the group. "Grew up with him." She shook her head, eyeing him with disbelief. "He cried when one of us stepped on a beetle in 2nd grade, obviously he's not going to punch you."
"He's protecting people," Charles cut in. "You were gonna say, 'but now he's out there punching people' - and yeah," Charles admitted. "He is." He looked over at Flash, taking in the tense lines of his body. "But the difference is that those people deserve it."
"I called him Penis."
"You still call him Penis," Sally said, a wry twist to her mouth. "I think at this point we all assume it's more of a weird fond nickname than an actual issue."
"But nothing," Cindy said, slapping a hand down on the table. "We all know Peter is Spiderman."
A clap echoed from the doorway, the six of them tensing and spinning to look. MJ stood there, backlight by the harsh hallway lights of Midtown. "God," she said, raising an eyebrow. "It took you idiots long enough."
Tony Stark: I may have bugged your classroom.         4:23 PM
Peter Parker: mr stark???       4:25 PM
Tony Stark: c'mon Pete, like you didn't have my number before.       4:25 PM
Peter Parker: i didn't realize u'd know mine??        4:26 PM
Tony Stark: You thought that I'd not know your number - that I'd know you were the spiderling but not know your        4:27 PM  number?
Peter Parker: … in hindsight that feels dumb        4:28 PM   wait, y'd u bug my class? Tony Stark: why wouldn't I?        4:29 PM
Peter Parker: basic privacy laws???        4:29 PM
Tony Stark: those don't apply to me. I'm Tony Stark.        4:30 PM
Peter Parker: I think they still do        4:30 PM
Tony Stark: whatever, not the point        4:30 PM The point is that I bugged your classroom and your fellow nerds know Peter Parker: know what?        4:31 PM     wait, mr stark??   they know what??        4:34 PM    mr. stark?? ***
Peter scrambled from the car, his face flushing when Happy sighed behind him. He had told Mr. Stark that he was more than capable of swinging to him after school but the idea had been vetoed every time. He shut the door behind him, mindful of slamming it. The last time he had forgotten about his strength he had crumpled the car door. Mr. Stark had thought it was hilarious but Happy had been more than a little upset.
"Bye Happy!" He called over his shoulder, slinging his bag over his arm and scurrying in through the doors Friday was holding open for him.
"Good afternoon Peter," Friday said, her voice a familiar tone in his ears. "Boss is waiting for you in the lab - would you like me to take you there?"
"Yes, please!" Peter said, glancing down at his phone. Around him the elevator hummed, the doors clicking shut behind him as it began to rise. He frowned at the sight of Mr. Starks texts, still open on his screen. He sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket, resigned to having to ask Mr. Stark what he meant in person.
The doors opened, a tiny woosh of sound, the hallway empty in front of him. Peter glanced through the windows as he walked towards Mr. Starks labs door, taking in the scattered tools and bits of machinery strewn across the tables inside. He pushed through, the sudden noise almost overwhelming him.
"-And you need to stop!" Tony said, staring at Dum-E, a fond look on his face. He shook the wrench in his hand at the bot, ignoring the way the he drooped in response. "If you go towards the fire extinguisher one more time-" Friday cut the music, startling him into turning around. "Fri- Kid!" He said, grinning at him. "Just in time!"
"Just in time for what Mr. Stark?" Peter asked warily, sliding his bag off his shoulder and setting it on the table closest to the door.
Tony blinked at him, the gleeful expression dipping for a moment. "Are we not re-calibrating the webs today?" He rubbed his forehead, smearing oil over his eyebrow. "I thought we were?"
"We are," Peter said, biting his lip to keep from laughing. "I was just - nevermind." He cut himself off, instead wandering closer to Tony. "Friday can you bring up the schematics from the last time I was here?"
"Of course Peter," Friday answered, the outlines unfolding in front of him in a haze of blue.
"Thanks Fri," Peter said, his eyes catching on a mistake he hadn't noticed before. He fiddled with it for a moment before glancing up and catching Mr. Stark smiling at him. He flushed, yanking his hand back from the schematics. "What?" He said, self-consciously.
"Nothing, Pete," Tony said, his face fond and open. "Just proud of you."
Peter blinked at him, blushing an even deeper red, his mouth dropping open. "Me- me?"
Tony snorted, rolling his eyes. "Who else would I be talking to here?"
"Friday?" Peter squeaked.
"Incorrect," Friday said, her voice as fond as she could get. "Boss is proud of you Peter."
Peter looked down, the action doing nothing to hide the shy smile on his face. "Thanks, Mr. Stark."
"Of course kid."
Peter fell silent, reaching back towards the schematics, his hands much slower than they had been. He worked for another moment before realizing that he had never asked Mr. Stark his question. "Mr. Stark?" Peter said, getting a nod in response, though he didn't look up from what he was working on. "What did you mean earlier?"
"Earlier?" Tony said, highlighting a section of code to be revisited, willfully ignoring the fact that the entire section was basically neon yellow. "Like when I said I was proud of you?"
"No-" Peter said, a tiny smile on his face. "Like with the texts?"
"Oh," Tony said, looking up. "Your nerd friends figured out your Spiderman."
Peter frowned. "MJ and Ned already knew that Mr. Stark."
"No," Tony said, raising an eyebrow. "The other ones who are on your team." Peter's face drained of color. Tony stood, setting down the tablet and striding over to him. "Did you really not know kid?" Peter shook his head, completely mute. Tony sighed, slinging an arm around him. "If it helps, it sounds like they've known for a while."
"What?" Peter said, his face shocked and voice strangled. "Since when?"
Tony bit back a smile at the obliviousness of Peter. "Since DC?" He said, the smile coming out full force when Peter groaned and dropped his head into his hands.
"God," Peter said, his voice slightly muffled. "They must think I think they're idiots."
"MJ, heyyyyyy," Betty said, her face slightly panicked. "How long- how long were you standing there?"
"Long enough," MJ answered, her face impassive. Ned appeared over her shoulder, his expression equally unreadable. They slipped inside the room, MJ locking it behind her. The six in the center of the room swallowed hard, fear flickering through their eyes. Though they knew that Peter would've never laid a finger on them, MJ was a complete anomaly.
"We were just-," Flash began.
"Shut up Flash," MJ said, her voice betraying nothing. She slung herself over a chair, turning it so she was bracing her arms on the back of it. Beside her, Ned followed, snagging another chair and sitting in it, his face completely serious. "Here's how this is going to go," MJ said. "We're going to have ourselves a little discussion."
Ned leaned forward, staring each of them down. "No one is going to tell anyone about this discussion." They nodded, Ned leaning back once he was satisfied. He glanced at MJ, gesturing for her to go ahead.
"If Peter Parker was Spiderman," MJ began. "Then he would have quite a reason for being Mr. Starks intern." She glanced at Flash, taking in his rapidly paling face and didn't fight the coil of satisfaction that settled in her stomach. "And,  he would have a well-deserved reason for missing so much practice." She smiled at them with more teeth than needed. "Isn't that just so interesting?"
"He sure would always be tired," Ned said, his voice low. "Would be hurt far more than most." He glanced around the room again, taking in Betty's pained face, Abe's pressed lips, Charles' tightening grip on his water bottle. He blinked rapidly, his face suddenly pained. "Of course, this is all speculation."
"Of course," MJ echoed. "However," she leaned in close to the group, the others leaning in almost unconsciously as well. "If word were to get out that this rumor was spiraling, well," she exchanged a look with Ned. "Someone would have to go down for it, wouldn't they?"
For a moment no one moved, the room falling even quieter, as if the school itself had heard MJ's warning and was committing it to memory. In front of her, Sally shifted, everyone's gazes snapping to her. She blushed, almost lowering her gaze from MJ's but soldiered on.
"No one here would do that," she said, her voice quiet but firm, her conviction backed by the rapid nods of everyone around her. "And we're the only ones who ever even thought-" she cut herself off, her voice quieting. "You don't need to worry."
MJ sighed after beat. "I like you guys," she said, smirking a little bit at Flash's shocked face. "Yes, even you Eugene. But," she said, her face dropping back into impassivity. "This is Peter's life we're talking about." Beside her, Ned coughed suddenly, his eyes wide.
"Uh," Ned said, his eyes on a familiar figure on the window. "I think we're about to get some company."
"Activating," Friday said, in response to Peter's query about the listening devices. "Broadcast begins in 3, 2, -"
"Shut up, Flash," MJ's voice came through, Peter's brow furrowing. "Here's how this is going to go. We're going to have ourselves a little discussion."
"Is this old?" Peter asked Mr. Stark, frowning.
He shook his head, his face placid. "This is all live, kiddo."
Ned's voice began. "No one is going to tell anyone about this discussion." There was a beat and then MJ started speaking again.
"If Peter Parker was Spiderman - then he would have quite a reason for being Mr. Starks intern." Peter groaned suddenly, gesturing for Friday to stop the device.
"I have to go," Peter said, glancing at Mr. Stark who was smiling at him.
"Keep your stuff here," he said, reaching over and ruffling his hair. "You and your partners can come back after. I know Pep wants to meet them."
Peter flashed him a smile, pushing his chair back and heading to the bathroom off to the side to go change. "Can you ask if Aunt May can come?"
Tony spluttered. "Your hot aunt can always come," he said, ignoring Peter's familiar Mr. Stark!
He strode out of the bathroom, fixing a glare on Tony before it melted off his face. "Can- can you send Happy to pick us up?"
Tony held up his phone. "Already texted him kid." He raised an eyebrow at him. "Got a change of clothes?"
Peter nodded. "Ned made me stash one in my locker."
Tony stood up, tugging Peter into a hug. "See you in a few hours kiddo."
Peter pulled back, smiling up at him. "Thanks, Mr. Stark," he said, his smile shy. "Love you."
"Love you too, Petey," Tony said, swallowing down a lump in his throat. "Friday can take you up to the top so you can swing from there."
Peter grinned, turning to go. "MJ's gonna wanna have words with you," he called cheerfully over his shoulder. "She doesn't like being bugged." The door shut behind him, Tony watching as he slid his mask on, bouncing up and down in place as the elevator doors opened. He turned, waving at Tony before Friday shut the elevator, bringing him up to the balcony.
Tony smiled, shaking his head. "Friday," he said, the AI already bringing the audio from the device back up. "Keep playing and continue to record. I want to hear these threats."
"What?" Sally said, before the window slid open and Spiderman tumbled through.
"Oh shit," Flash whispered, his face dropping. "We're about to die."
Spiderman stood in silence for a moment, the whites of his eyes narrowed at Ned and MJ. In front of them, the others were mostly frozen, their hands tangling together in their sudden nerves as if that would protect them from a pissed off superhero.
"Goddammit," Spiderman said, reaching up and yanking his mask off, the brown eyes of Peter meeting MJ's. "I told you not to threaten anyone."
"I knew it," Cindy muttered, her face splitting into a massive grin. She yanked her hands back, knocking her fist gently against Flash's shoulder. "Ha! You're the idiot now." Flash groaned, his eyes never leaving Peter who flashed Cindy a smile before going back to stare at MJ.
Surprising everyone but the three of them, MJ cracked first. "Protection?" She offered, her mouth twisted. "Cause you wouldn't do it yourself?"
"I wouldn't do it myself because I thought it was just rumors," Peter stressed. "If I had known that Cindy had figured it out, I would've done something."
MJ shrugged, her elbow knocking into Ned's. "We were trying to help." Ned shot her a betrayed look and she shrugged again. "It was a group plan Leeds."
Peter shifted his gaze to Ned, ignoring the fact that the others were enthralled in their discussion. Ned sighed. "You do too much sometimes," he admitted. "We wanted to take something off your plate."
Peter sighed, looking impossibly fond all of a sudden. "Just a little warning next time?"
"To be fair," Betty said slowly, looking between the three of them. "It was very spur of the moment I think."
"Oh," Peter said, blinking. "Just don't do it again?" He offered, grinning when MJ shrugged and Ned nodded.
"How did you know?" Abe said, wonder in his tone. He flushed lightly at the looks he got. "That this was happening?" He clarified.
"Wait, yeah," Sally said, her brow furrowed. "Do you know when people figure it out? Who you are?"
Peter laughed, snagging a chair and sitting in it, neatly sliding into the group. "No," he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. "Nothing like that." He glanced around the room, nothing sticking out to him. "Mr. Stark bugged the room."
"What?" Flash said, his voice strangled.
"That's illegal," Charles said, though his voice was light.
Peter's mask crackled to life, Mr. Stark's voice suddenly coming out of it. "And I'm Tony Stark, what of it?"
The room froze, Peter rolling his eyes at his mentors ego. "Mr. Stark," he said, ignoring the looks everyone but Ned and MJ gave him. "Please stop bugging my classrooms."
The mask was silent for a beat before his voice came through again. "We'll talk about this at dinner," he said, evading the plea. "MJ, Ned, you're coming with him, right?"
"Mr. Stark!" Peter said, fond irritation in his voice. "You know I haven't asked them yet, please, please stop interrupting this."
"Fine," Tony sighed. "I'll leave you to it." The mask crackled once more and when silent.
"Er," Peter said, glancing up at them. "Sorry about him."
Abe grinned at him. "This is the best day of my life," he said. "You've proven me right and I got to hear Tony Stark harass you?" Peter grinned back, grateful that someone was pleased with the turn of events. Abe shook his head. "It's an honor Spiderman."
"Oh geez," Peter said, flushing. "You don't - please-"
"I have questions," Cindy announced cutting him off.
Peter nodded but turned to Ned. "Can you-"
Ned cut him off. "I'll grab the change of clothes." He turned, leaving the room, exchanging a fond look with MJ as he left.
Peter smiled after him, turning back to Cindy. "Sorry about that- your questions?"
"Yeah, how are you Spiderman?"
"Do you produce those webs?"
"When did you become Spiderman?"
"What do you do with Mr. Stark?"
"Have you met the Avengers?"
"Okay!" MJ snapped, her glare silencing them all. "Peter can-"
"MJ," Peter said quietly, reaching out and squeezing her hand, the rest of them watching avidly. "It's okay." She glared at him for another beat before squeezing his hand back. "Right," Peter said, turning back to Cindy. "One at a time?"
Cindy smiled at him, her normally open face even more delighted than usual. "How are you Spiderman?"
"I got bitten by a spider," Peter said, rubbing his thumb over MJ's knuckles. "It was, uhhh, biologically altered and so it altered me."
"What the fuck?" Sally and Charles said in tandem, blinking at each other and then back at Peter.
He shrugged. "It was an Oscorp spider," he said, as though that made it make sense. "It died after it bit me."
Flash snapped his fingers, pointing at him, things clicking into place. "You- you were sick for like a week after," he said, ignoring the look MJ shot him. Peter nodded, smiling tentatively at him. Flash flushed, dropping his eyes and falling silent.
"So," Abe said, breaking the slightly awkward silence. "Those webs- do they come out of you?"
Peter snorted, glancing over at the door and dropping MJ's hand. "It's Ned," he said, nodding to it right before the knock sounded. MJ rolled her eyes but stood to get it as Peter ignored the slightly shocked looks he was getting. "No," he answered, turning back to Abe. "I made the webs myself, and Mr. Stark helped me improve both them and the web shooters." Abe wiggled his eyebrows at him and Peter huffed. "You are not going to get to wear them."
"Damn," Abe muttered, a grin on his face. "I really thought I had you."
Behind Peter, MJ let Ned slide through, relocking the door. Ned tossed the clothes to him, nodding at the teachers closet. "Best place for you," he said, grimacing. "Someone on twitter posted that Spiderman was out swinging so people are frantically looking for you - phones are everywhere, even in the hallway."
"Fuck," Peter said, dragging his hand over his face. "I really thought I could be stealthy this time." Ned poked him, urging him up and towards the closet. Peter sighed but complied, trying to change as fast as he could.
MJ snorted, leaning close to Ned. "He definitely needs to listen to Natasha more," she said in an undertone.
"Hey!" Peter said, popping his head out of the closet, yanking the sweater over his head as he reached behind him, tapping the suit as it folded up. "Not cool, MJ!"
"You heard that?" Betty asked, her face twisting. "I barely could and I'm right here."
"Oh, yeah," Peter said, slipping the suit into Ned's bag and reseating himself, scooching closer to him, his hand snaking out and gripping his. "I've got like super hearing and strength."
"Like how-"
"Stronger than Captain America," Peter admitted, frowning when Flash shrunk in on himself. He glanced at Ned and MJ, only to see the both of them shaking their heads at him. He arched an eyebrow, sighing when all they did was shrug back at him. "Anyways," he said, turning back to them. "I actually do have to be somewhere now," he said, sighing. "I wasn't even supposed to be here, I had stuff to do with Mr. Stark in the lab today."
"That's okay, Peter!" Sally said, cutting off everyone else. "We can definitely text you questions later, right?"
"Sure?" Peter said, before frowning again. "Though I think I'm gonna have to ask Mr. Stark if it's okay - secret identity and all that." His face suddenly got serious, all the humor leaving his eyes. "I really really really need this to stay on the dl," he said, biting his lip. "I will do all I can to answer your questions and stuff but I can't have this getting out."
"Of course," Cindy answered, the rest of them following. "We've kept a secret all this time, we can keep doing it."
Peter smiled at her, the relief clear in his eyes. "Great!" He said, standing up from his seat and tugging Ned up with him. "And like, not a threat, but if Mr. Stark finds out someone leaked it-" he shrugged, his face not nearly as amused as it had been. "He takes that shit seriously."
"Got it," Charles said, shooting a look at Ned's backpack, where the mask lay. "We won't piss off Mr. Stark."
"Awesome," Peter said, grinning at them. "I'm gonna go," he said, gesturing to the door and holding his hand out for MJ to take, which she did with a sigh. "See you guys tomorrow!"
MJ unlocked the door, the three of them exiting, Peter's excited chatter carrying through the hallways for a moment before they rounded the corner and the sound muted before disappearing entirely.
"Oh fuck," Flash said, his face pale. "I'm going to die."
"Well," Sally said, her eyes alight. "I think that went really well." She exchanged a look with Cindy and Betty, the three rising together. "We're gonna go chat about this in a classroom that isn't bugged," she said. "My place?"
"Sure," Cindy said, Betty nodding in agreement. The three gathered their stuff, leaving as quickly as they could without outright running down the hall.
"Fuck," Flash repeated, staring at nothing. "I used to bully Spiderman."
Charles began laughing, Abe grinning at Flash. 'Well," Abe said, his voice bright. "At least it's a 'used to'."
Flash sighed, burying his face into his arms. "My life is a fucking nightmare. God." He sighed again once more before muttering. "Fuck!"
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