#<- jake when uhh Steven
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ask-jake-wilson · 29 days ago
“Eh. Take your time you two. Something something you got this. Gay.. or whatever-“
hello! It’s been a couple days so I thought I’d stop by…
“Oh. Hello! How have you been?”
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kittenninja14 · 2 months ago
this might be unpopular and totally hated but… is it weird that I’m kinda glad that moon knight doesn’t have a season 2??
b4 u get outraged, here me out xd
Look. I wanna see Marc again. I wanna see Steven. I wanna see Layla. I wanna see my babies go on epic adventures and do amazing stuff. But… then there’s Jake, my precious lil blorbo.
and like im terrified that they might ruin Jake.
cuz like…there’s a lotta dif interpretations of him throughout the comics and like the fandom (kinda?) has one almost-unified view of him but we know marvel nowadays… they don’t usually listen to the fans much 😔
so what if s2 they ruin him? What if they don’t dive into the trauma that Jake clearly has? Cuz like my baby is the protector! And um… I highly doubt it that he hasn’t got some trauma throughout his life.
and like. What if they don’t do a good job with characterizing him? What if they lean more into the evil-alter stereotype?? Cuz that’s not who Jake is. He’s a protector! But what if s2 doesn’t do a good job showing him as a protector?
idk y’all. As much as I want more Jake screentime, I’m kinda nervous how mcu might portray him. And since lately marvel has been more focused on money than actually making good stuff… idk man lol
just nervous lol
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ivystoryweaver · 9 months ago
Your 2-year-old with grabby hands at your new bf “Seeben,” “Mawk,” “Dake”
Can tell them apart, even before they speak
Can see Khonshu, laughs and points
Stares intently, enraptured by Steven’s stories
Climbs all over Marc
Jake speaks Spanish and fussing instantly stops
Asks for them when they aren’t around
You’re like, “Uhh, sorry, didn’t know we were gonna be this much of a package deal.”
Steven’s like, “we know the feeling”
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years ago
baby scarab || 65
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, layla el faouly x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, violence, language, angst, kinda rushed? kinda angst at the end, many mentions of throwing up, underage drinking, more drunk teen stuff, let me know if i missed anything.
"alright let's go over this again- what time are you supposed to be home?"
"11 at the latest"
"and how will you get home?"
"you pick me up or khonshu walks me home"
"and what do you do if you get uncomfortable?"
"tell evie then call you"
"that's right" marc says and you sigh, feeling your leg bounce up and down due to the nerves.
your first highschool party. technically.
evie went to your school, but you didn't see each other at all. except when she would occasionally walk home.
marc parks the car at the side of the road, and you look over to evies house which was booming with music and colored lights.
and that was when she came out.
she was in a sparkly red dress that only reached to the middle of her thighs, and she had sparkling jewelry in every possible place she could.
you opened the door to step out of the car when you looked down at your own clothing- which consisted of plain black shorts, a white t shirt and jakes leather jacket.
"awwww! you look so cute!" evie compliments and you look down to the sidewalk shyly.
"hey" marc calls out behind you so you turn around. "don't do anything stupid, okay?"
you smile at him. "i won't. i love you guys" you say before shutting the door and walking to evie.
"that guy is familiar.. is he that cabbie that yells at people and causes scenes all the time?" she asks, leading you to the door.
"yeah... that's my dad"
"oh okay- wait- that's your dad?!"
she interrupts you by laughing. "i've heard him yell the funniest things at people-" she keeps laughing as she opens the door.
you laugh along with her until you see the amount of people inside the house.
evie senses your nerves and turns to you. "if you get overwhelmed just tell me and i can hang out with you in my room if you want" she offers and it makes you feel better about going.
"thank you"
"now- for drinks we have apple juice, water, some sprite, and i think someone brought a bunch of alcohol but i don't drink-" she leads you to the kitchen.
"apple juice?" you ask almost excitedly and evie nods.
"well i can get you some and you can go hang out if you want, get to know people?" she suggests and you nod, walking to the huge living room where there's maybe 15 people dancing about on the floor, and you choose to go stand in the corner of the room and watch everyone as they have fun.
that was when someone came up to you.
"heyyyyy! i haven't seen you before! what's your name?!" a boy looking around your age starts, leaning against the wall next to you.
"i'm.. im y/n"
"ohhhhh! evies friend! i've heard so much about you!!" he slurs out taking a huge gulp of whatever liquid was in his red solo cup.
"uhh.. yeah. i'm evies friend-"
"well i'm bradley it's wonderful to meet you- you're so pretty!" he brings a hand up to brush down the bridge of your nose, making you lean away a bit.
"oh- i'm sorry force of habit" he pulls his hand away and puts it in his pocket.
"my ex used to let me admire her" he looks down at the ground and you watch in shock at the boy's dramatic expression.
"but she cheated on me!" he tears up, leaning to you again and hugging you, spilling all of his drink on the floor.
you just stand there and awkwardly pat his back.
"she- she cheated on me with my brother!" he sobs violently into your shoulder and squeezes his arms tighter around your waist.
evie comes back with your apple juice and looks shocked at the position you're in.
"what happened?" she whispers as she comes up next to you.
"this is my new friend bradley. i think he's wasted or something" you shrug and evie chuckles before rubbing his back, making him let go of you to wipe his tears, by dropping his empty cup on the floor.
he adjusts his beanie you didn't know he had on, which conveniently has embroidered writing on it saying 'sad boi' with a frowny face next to it.
he takes your hand in his and kisses it. "i'm sorry- you're just so pretty- are you single? would you ever cheat on me-?" he asks while still slurring his words together.
evie starts leading him away from you. "she's happily married, now let's go" she starts. "i'm just taking him up to the guest room really quick- i'll be right back" she hands you your cup of juice and you nod.
you look down at the wet spot on the floor from when bradley spilled his drink and cringe, moving to another corner of the room.
trouble just always seems to come your way and another boy approaches you.
"what's that you're drinking?" he asks nodding his head at you.
you just stare at him for a moment. "apple juice"
he lets out a single laugh. "yeah? and what else?" he asks completely serious.
you just stare at him again. "it's just apple juice-"
"awww, you got invited to a party and you're not even gonna drink? just a little bit?" he talks to you in a tone a mother would her child.
"come on, just take a sip" he holds his cup out to you and you look inside it, just seeing clear liquid. you could smell it from there and you lean your head away from it.
he chuckles again. "this your first time? come on, just a little"
"no thank you-"
"what are you? chicken?" he scoffs with a smile.
"what? no!" you get defensive, standing up straight.
"yes you are! just take a sip you pussy!" he shouts, making a couple people turn around to watch the exchange.
you notice the cup was about half full of probably many different kinds of alcohol, so you yank it from his hand and chug the whole thing in one breath.
you throw the cup down while the small crowd watching you cheers in delight.
you feel a sudden urge of confidence as a girl comes up to you while her friend pours both vodka and tequila in a red cup at the same time until it was almost all the way full.
you look to the boy from before and he nods. "come on my new friend! don't pussy out!" he jokes and you take the cup, again chugging the whole thing without taking a breath.
the crowd goes wild as you wipe the excess liquid from your mouth and you start coughing due to the sting of the burning sensation in your throat.
you throw the cup down again. "another!" you yell, causing the boy next to you to pour the tequila into your apple juice.
you take a breath before chugging that as well, then crushing the cup in your hand after feeling your stomach gurgle.
you put a hand to your stomach and breath slowly, feeling something reach your head.
now everything felt.. fuzzy. like when you try on your friends glasses and see how blind they truly are.
or taking your own glasses off and not being able to see shit.
you stumble back into the wall behind you and the boy wraps an arm around your shoulder and shoves another drink in your hand.
"drink up, you're the life of the party now!" he shouts, earning cheering from everyone again, who's attentions were all on you.
you slowly bring the cup to your lips when evie takes it from you, and you get surprised at the fact that she appeared out of no where.
"what are you doing?" she asks and then turns to the boy that still had an arm wrapped around your shoulder.
"did you pressure her into doing this?" she asks him angrily and he moves closer to you.
"nah, she just isn't a pussy" he looks over to you and turns your head towards him with his thumb and forefinger on your chin.
before you could register what was happening his lips were on yours and when you realized it you pushed him away and tripped him so that he was on the ground below you.
you bent down and grabbed a handful of his shirt and got in his face. "what the fuck is wrong with you?! you can't just kiss someone like that- i have a boyfriend!" you slam him back down and walk away, evie following you.
you find yourself in her kitchen, which was void of people, sitting at the island on a barstool.
"you okay?" she rubs your arm. "i'm so sorry about him- he's always like that"
"why are you friends with him?" you counter and she sighs, sitting on the stool next to you.
"he acts all goody goody in front of my parents and blackmails me into inviting him to parties" she says and you look to her.
"that.. that's not right.." you shake your head and she smiles at you.
"it's okay. he's just annoying" she scoffs and you let out a laugh.
"yeah like who just kisses someone like that- i don't even know his name!" you laugh again. "oh my god casper is going to be so mad at me. "you mumble, putting your head in your hands.
evie rubs your back. "he's not, he'll understand" she starts. "do you want to come dance with me?"
a couple hours later- about 10:30- you were guzzling down all the drinks people were shoving in your face.
they were all cheering you on for not passing out considering you've probably drank the equivalent of a whole bottle of vodka of all the types of alcohol in the house.
you were just about to drink some more when evie approached you again.
"heyyyy y/n- how about we take a break-"
"but evie! i'm not a pussy!" you retort and she takes your wrist and drags you from the crowd.
"hey- why'd you do that..?" you manage to slur out.
"i think it's time for you to go home- but! i had fun! and you had fun and i'll invite you over again but i think it's passed your bedtime"
"i ain't got a bedtime-"
"yes you do, now are you okay to walk home?"
"yeah i got someone"
"...okay.. well i'll see you later okay?" she leads you to the door and you adjust your jacket.
"y-yeah" you stutter, then hiccup.
evie softly smiles at you before closing the door and khonshu appears behind you.
"you are not well" he says and you turn around slowly, and stumble down the stairs from evie's house.
"i'm fine- m' jus' tired all of a sudden" you close your eyes for a second and when you open them you're right in front of the door to the apartment.
"i am a god. don't be stupid" khonshu says, walking through the wall into the apartment, and you try to do the same only to end up hitting your head on the door.
"fuck!" you shout, trying to get the key out of your pocket to unlock the door.
let's just say when you get inside, marc is giving you a really weird look as you try to lock the door again.
"did you have fun..?" he asks, getting up off the couch to approach you and you struggle to get your shoes off.
"yeahhh" you say, almost tripping off your shoes to go and hug marc, leaning all your weight against him.
he was surprised until he smelt a familiar aroma. he takes your face in his hands and sees how bloodshot they are.
"have you been drinking?" he asks and you nod.
"i had some apple juice" you start laughing.
marc looks down at you in shock. "you- you reek of alcohol" he tells you and you look back up at him.
"well b'cause i'm not a pussy" you explain and he sighs.
"dude she is drunk" jake points out.
"i think you mean wasted" steven corrects.
"hey i can hear you!" you yell at the mirror, seeing steven put his hands up in surrender.
"and i'm not drunk!"
"oh yeah? tell the time" marc argues.
you slowly turn to the digital clock on the oven. "i am not drunk!" you say to the clock and marc sighs tiredly.
marc takes both your shoulders and guides you to your room. "you stay here, i doubt you've eaten anything lately" he makes you sit down on your bed to go get pop tarts from the kitchen.
you sit and begin to not feel well, like as if you swallowed acid.
marc comes back and see you visibly turning pale- and rushes you to the bathroom.
right as you get there you empty your guts into the toilet- and it burns even worse coming back up than it did going down.
you threw up for almost a whole minute and once you were done you were a sobbing mess.
marc carefully wiped the puke from your bottom lip with a wet towel, and used a different one to place against your forehead.
"take it easy-"
"dad! i'm sorry! i- i was being called a pussy for not drinking an' i don't like being made fun of anymore for i drank a little bit!" you cry, and marc just picks you up and carries you to your bed, setting you down and adjusting the cold cloth on your forehead.
"it's okay, kid. we'll talk in the morning okay? we love you" he says, gesturing to the pop tarts and glass of water. "please drink some water, okay"
"goodnight darling"
"buenas noches, dulce niña"
you woke up twice in the middle of the night to throw up.
and both times your dads were there to calm you down and make you drink water so you didn't get a headache.
they brought you pedro and luna who cuddled with you, knowing somehow that you were sick and needed a pick me up.
and it was the dreaded morning now, where you woke up with a pounding, ear splitting headache.
you groan and squeeze your eyes shut, running your hand down your face only to open your eyes and see steven sitting at your windowsill reading a book.
"what.. what are you doing..?" you grumble, trying to adjust to the light.
steven closes his book and sets it down beside him. "care to tell us why you came home drunk?" he asks.
"i don't know.." you say quietly, still feeling some effects of the alcohol. "i just.. it happened so fast" you sit up and sway a bit where you sit.
steven looks at you expectingly and you look away from him. "look- i didn't know there were drinks there-"
"so why did you do it?" marc asks, deciding to front. "do you know what underage drinking can do to you? you could've been poisoned" he starts and you scoff.
"poisoned by a bunch of seniors?"
"don't get smart with me right now. we can't keep fighting y/n" he ends quietly.
"it's been months since our last argument, but i can't let this slide" he says, making you look over to him sadly. "please explain yourself. and don't lie, please"
you look over to marc before starting. "this guy.. he kept calling me a pussy so i only drank a little bit.. at first" you add at the end.
"and everyone started cheering- so i took that as a good thing- so i started chugging cups of.."
"cups of what?" jake asks from your mirror.
you shrug nervously and marc shakes his head.
"that's extremely dangerous, y/n. you're lucky there wasn't anything too toxic in it- you could've gotten very sick!" he shouts and you nod.
"i really regret it.... i really shouldn't have done it. i feel like shit right now" you tell them honestly and marc nods.
"we need you to promise anything like this won't happen again" marc says and you nod.
"i promise dad- i mean it" you look into his eyes as you promise.
he nods and helps you up off your bed to bring you into a hug. you hug marc back until you feel your stomach acting up again.
jake sensed something was wrong and fronted to rush you to the bathroom.
once you got there you knelt in front of the toilet and spilled your guts again.
jake watched in pity as you finished, flushed the toilet and sat back against the bathtub on the floor.
you looked up at jake. "i'm sorry papa.." you whispered, looking down at the floor after.
"just.. clean up the kitchen and scoop the litter box. that's all for now" he tells you, so you smile and stand up, hugging him before he gently pushes you back.
"brush your teeth first, puke breath"
"fuck you, papa"
and of course, all three of your dads were thinking about all the activities from last night even after the first time you were forced to go to bed.
the first time you woke up, it was to call casper. to tell him you were drunk and that somebody kissed you and you felt super bad- and you needed to make sure he still loved you.
he said yes even though you were crying so hard you were drooling all over yourself.
and then you got forced to go back to sleep.
and then when you woke up the second time, it was because you were hungry- no, starving.
you ate two packages of pop tarts and some black olives. you almost ate the raspberries before marc hurried in because he heard noise, and helped you as you threw up again.
you slept soundly throughout the rest of the night, and now back to the present.
you ate some plain toast on the couch next to steven and the cats, who were cuddling on the armrest to your right.
"you feeling any better?" steven asks and you nod.
"thank you" you start. "definitely never doing that shit again- i hate throwing up" you shiver at the thought.
"glad you learned your lesson" steven says, and you lean your head against his shoulder as you start to fall asleep again.
steven smiles down at you, turning the tv off so he could get some sleep as well.
a nice sleepy morning for all of you, without anything to worry about at the moment.
except the fact you got wasted the night before and threw up a bunch.
but you'll be okay.
you'll all be okay.
A/N : love you guys, and i know exactly how many chapters are left >:)
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01 @kult6 @deadthings-pdf @0scars1saac
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ao3feed-moonknight · 6 months ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AsjUXud by Hateys Mundane life, oh how you longed for something new. Someone new you asked? No, SOMETHING new Same thing. (Not proof read, I never do sorry about that gang) Words: 4301, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Marc Spector, Steven Grant (Marvel), Jake Lockley Relationships: Marc Spector/Reader, Steven Grant (Marvel)/Reader, Jake Lockley/Reader Additional Tags: uhh idk gang, im just back on my moonknight bs dont come after me!!, self indulgent and VERY self depricating, it gets better dw... i think., afab but i dont really mention it, you're a plant person just like me!! omgg twins fr.., not sure if and when other canon chars will cameo but ill let you know gang, so sorry if formatting is ass i write everything on a notes app, i am in fact not qualified for this job read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AsjUXud
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official-mr-knight · 1 year ago
(again another angst :) )
Jake's goodbye to steven, when jake finally completed the mission him, steven and marc had. After protecting the two too.
Jake: i've come to say goodbye
Steven: where are you going?
Jake:... Uhh.. Just on a little trip..
Steven: jake... Will i ever see you again?
Jake: sure...sure you will Cariño..you know goodbyes aren't forever
Steven:.. Then, goodbye jake.. I love you
Jake:.....yeah...i love you too, Mi sol...
(inspired by: alldogsgotoheaven)
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izboolive · 2 years ago
1. Bo Sinclair, Adam Faulkner, Peter Strahm, Michael Myers, Luke Danes, Lorelai Gilmore, Jake Peralta, Elio Pearlman, Boris Pavlikosky, Chandler Bing, Charlie Dalton, Lindsey Perez.
2. Lighter
3. yeah
4. I could rant about this forever so I'll spare you the pain
5. grey
6. because I wanted to
7. hair ties
8. one, unless you count monster cans then like 20
9. depends on the day but usually hot
10. hm idk thas kinda deep
11. writing or editing :)
12. sunny, warm, stressful but productive
13. about 20 minutes ago I had a packet of crisps (chips for the Americans out there)
15. I have a budgie and a group of friends that require constant care so yes.
16. Nope
17. nearsighted
18. uhh shampoo, conditioner, some like 20 in 1 spray and heat protectant
20. neither I just say either what it is e.g. sprite or I just say "can you get me a drink" or smth
21. A little ladybug teddy
24. stargazing or just chatting :)
25. perfume
26. I have too many
27. Uh for frame of reference I got 2 and a half last night soooo
28. no
29. pretty warm but not like scorching
30. yep..
or anything by Alex g
32. not really no
35. at the moment BST (British summer time)
36. once
37. one of my best mates from primary school, josh. known him for about 14 years
38. I dont use soap bars but a soap that smells good is one some Berry one I get but I can't remember the brand or anything
39. sometimes yeah :)
40. yeah I had a packet of crisps and a cereal bar :) not in that order tho lmao
41. 1 sugar, no milk
42. tiktok, Pinterest
44. myself.
45. sort of
46. Either love actually, the holiday or home alone 2
47. uh it was me telling my friend to kill herself 😭 she knew it was a joke dw I'm not that mean
48. when I was like 8
49. idk
50. SURE
here’s weirder asks
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
when was the last time you ate?
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
what’s your timezone?
how many times have you changed your url?
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
a soap bar that smells good?
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
what’s your take on spicy foods?
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
can you remember what happened yesterday?
favorite holiday film?
what was the last message you sent?
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
can you skip rocks?
can i tag you in random stuff?
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therealmilfdennys · 3 years ago
Give us the pegging Steven hc NOW🤤🤤
Alrighty first of like four lol. Stven Grant Pegging Headcanons  cw: pegging obvi, sex onbvi, praise/degredation kink, femdom (but kinda reads like trans male too so) Jake Lockley’s good natured bullying, and obviously sub!steven grant. mndi please god i dont want to be sued
Alright to start off he 100% does not bring this up the first time. He wants to, desperately, but the words can’t escape him. He feels like his jaw is glued together permanantly everytime he tries to bring it up.  You bring it up casually, over dinner, and he almost chokes on his veggie wrap. He flushes red and his eyes widen and he looks os sweet sitting there with a leg suddenly thrown over the other.  He’d finish chewing and clear his throat, running a finger around his collar. Lockley in the back of his head making some snarky little remark, something about him being  pillowbiter he doesnt know for sure. He’s focused on your warm hands pressing against his cheeks.  He’staring up at you in a daze, eyes a little hazy. You get scared for a moment because you’re genuinely afraid you broke the poor thing. Until he pouts a bit and goes “Here I am working up the courage to ask and it’s like you’ve read my mind”  It probably forces a little “HA!” out of you, your own cheeks heating a bit.  He leans up and kisses you a bit. You hadn’t been planning on doing it this afternoon but he’s making you want to. 
Needless to say you order your equipment. A nice soft beige colored harness and the smallest dildo the website said was good for ‘begginers’, whcih you felt was safe to assume of Steven.  He’s bubbling over with excitement when the packages arrive, scooping them up in strong arms to drop on the bed and unwrap while you’re at work.  He stares at them for a good bit, lube, toy, harness, all laid neatly on the made bed. He psychs himself out, once, twice, and then decides he trusts you with this with some coaxing from Marc and some gentle teasing from Jake. 
You return home to a shirtless Steven Grant which is odd but not unwelcome. He’s fidgety, keeps throwing you simmering little nervous glances. His cheeks and ears seem eternally stained pink. “We uhh, we got a few packages in the post today. Thought- Well I thought I’d let you know.” He states what he hopes is casually.  He’s burning up inside and he fucking HOPES you can’t see actual steam rolling ot of his ears like some silly cartoon Jake watches.  It makes you laugh through your nose, hi lack of subtely. He’s been walking around half naked (by his standards at least) all evening and he knows the only things you’ve ordered have been the ‘equipment’. It’s sweet of him to try. 
He ends up on his back, holding his left hin to keep himself open wide enough for you to work betweeen his legs. HIs thighs quiver every couple of seconds, He’s whimpering and keening quitely as you work him open, slow and sure. One hand patting at his thigh as the other rubs at his hole gently, dipping in for a few seconds every now and then. 
He has his head thrown back when you finally wiggle two fingers in. He’s relaxed and pliant underneath you, staring dazed up the slanted ceiling.  “Feels so good...” “S’so sensitive lovey..” “Oh please love...”  He’s talking to distract himself from the overwhelming feeling and his stiff cock laid against the softness of his tummy. He swears you spent an hour getting him worked up and now you’re spending another hour stretching him open.  “I’m ready, I’m ready please sweet thing. Wan’it so bad.” He whmipers pitifully, arms lsung over his burning face.  The first stroke in has him gasping for air he cant seem to get. It worries you for a moment, but the drip of pre that slides from the tip of his pretty cock makes you stop short of stopping our hips.  When you finally slide hom he drops from his seized position to partially sprawl himself across the bed, a dizzy little grin on his lips. 
“That feels lovely,,” “I’m so full darlin...oh its heavenly..”  He gets praisey when he feels good, knows how much you like to know he’s enjoying himself. This is one of the only times he feels brave enough to voice it.  The first couple of thrusts pull out little choked sounds from deep in his chest. He almost sounds pained but the bliss in his eyes is enough to tell you he’s not.  ONce a steady rythym is built, hes moaning like a common whore and you tell him as such. “Sweet boy you sound like a slut..” “Sound so pretty bub, know you can be louder though, don’t think the neighbours can hear you yet.”  It’s all in good nature, and you know he knows if his answering groans are anything to go off of.  His cock is slick when you grasp it, thumb sliding up and around the tip just to make his hips twitch for a minute. He’s desperae to cum, eyes honest to god a little teary, looking pitiful in a way only Steven can. It’s endearing honestly. 
Your own thighs feel a little slick as you watch him unravel beneath you, on the silly bright pink plastic cock you’d bought just for him.  When he cums its with a punched out little sound that you can tell comes from deep in his tummy. He tries to curl in on himself but he cant, so he makes a mess of himself, flushed head to toe, making little whimpering sounds as he comes down, tears finally leaking from the corners of his eyes.  He falls to the bed in a haze, euphoric bliss written across his face.  You kiss his chest and praise him gently. Telling him how well he took it, Telling him you’d definately be doing this again.  He giggles a little when you lean up to kiss all over his damp cheeks and forehead. 
He obvously eats you out like a man starved after he calms down a bit, absolutely heartbroken at the thought of leaving you unsatisfied. 
anyway! hes a slut and i love him :(
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leviathanspain · 3 years ago
we all fall in love sometimes
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warnings: death, blood, cursing, pregnancy, miscarriage, murder
marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader
synopsis: eros & psyche myth! reader is the talk of egypt, khonshu wants her soul for the things she’s done but marc has a change of heart and instead of killing her, he takes her back to his apartment and she falls in love with him.
you couldn’t believe that you had an egyptian god chasing you right now. you ran, your feet failing to go as fast as you needed them to when suddenly, you felt the ground rumble underneath you, and you fell, head hitting the pavement. a buzz in your head and the whispering of a voice before you blacked out.
arguing with khonshu was like arguing with the cheapskate seller from the corner store who hassled you three dollars for a pack of gum. marc was having none of it, he had tracked the girl down like he asked but upon completing the deal, he faltered, and found himself gathering her unconscious body in his arms, and taking her back to his place. khonshu couldn’t harm the girl, all he did was yell marc’s ear off about killing her. khonshu was hellbent on the girls death, ‘kill her! or i’ll get lockley to do it.’ khonshu threatened.
marc set her down on his bed and whirled around on khonshu, “you wouldn’t dare!”
khonshu cackled, ‘oh but i would!’ he blew a wind to her face and sneered, ‘she should be dead for the crimes committed against egypt and the gods! she’s insulted us for staying alive for so long. osiris would love to have an audience with her once she’s dead.’
marc growled, “since when do you count yourself in the same lot as the gods? they turned their backs on you! you’re a fucking doormat!”
khonshu hissed, ‘mark my words, marc spector. i’ll have my payment soon enough.’
marc didn’t know what he wanted to do with her. she looked so peaceful sleeping on the bed, if you ignored the dried blood from the cut on her head and her double black eyes. was she really as dangerous as khonshu said?
do what the bird wants, marc. what makes her any different from the others? steven remarked.
jake was radio silent on the entire matter, and frankly, marc didn’t know if he had gone dormant since that incident in cairo or if he just simply chose not to interact with the latter. steven said he couldn’t find jake either, but not to be alarmed.
“there’s something about her..” marc couldn’t say out loud that he felt that he had to save her from the death he would’ve inflicted, khonshu would have choked him out in a heartbeat.
she began to stir and marc hissed, “i cant let her see me..” he thought out loud and he had a great idea, he grabbed a sleep mask and set it over her eyes, just a little something until he could get her to calm down while he explained the situation.
you awoke with a start, and found your eyes blinking against a silk fabric. “what the fuc-“ you moved your hand to peel it off your eyes but another hand clasped yours and stopped you, “stop. let me explain.”
your years of mercenary work had your body yelling for self defense but you found your aching body to be little to no use, and you were still exhausted. you would hear him out, at least before you killed him.
“keep that over your eyes, it’ll be the only way we can make this work.” the voice again spoke, and you nodded, sitting up against what you could only assume was the headboard.
“so my uhm..boss? i guess- he’s after you. i saved you and well you can’t go back out into the world or else he’ll try to kill you.” marc was a shitty liar, but he tried his best to explain without letting too much on about who he was or what he was actually planning to do, “so you have to stay here, for your own safety. and for my own safety as well, you can’t look at me.”
you nodded, “well this wouldn’t be the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
marc seemed a little surprised at your reaction, “really? you don’t want to escape or do anything?”
you sighed, “listen uhh..” you realized you had never gotten his name.
“i cant tell you my name.” he commented.
you shrugged, “again, wouldn’t be the weirdest thing ever. anyway. i’ve always had to deal with death, ever since i’ve been involved in these types of things, i’ve lived with the risk of dying and now that my death is highly guaranteed, i’m not really in a mood to test those waters.” you blinked against the fabric and yawned, “plus i’ve always wanted to retire.”
marc nodded, taking the information in, “well, i’m glad we could work this out. i’ll obviously be feeding you, this is your home now pretty much, and whatever you want, i’ll give you.”
you nodded, “sounds like you’ll be having a challenge then, sir.”
marc nodded, still wary but he felt he could trust you, “so about the eye mask- you don’t have to wear that all the time. i just wanted that as a precaution but i’ll only be home at night, and it’ll be so dark that you won’t be able to see me.” marc seemed to take on a very serious tone as he continued, “promise me that you’ll never dare to look at me, curiosity can bug you forever but this will all go to shit if you dare to look at me.”
you gulped, but nodded, “ok. and my name is y/n.”
he left the next morning. he didn’t even say a goodbye or anything as you woke up and found the apartment empty. taking in the sight without your eyes being covered, you realized that he was a normal man. or at least he seemed to be. clothing was a mess, fridge was barely stocked and there was a little fish that seemed to only have one fin. you smiled, trying to settle in as best as you could.
television kept you busy, along with the phone he had provided you with. granted, you could only listen to music and take calls but never call anyone else. it was odd, but you didn’t mind, you felt like a princess.
he came home on the first night and you shut the television off, the light of the tv would’ve illuminated the man and you didn’t want to spoil this, not yet anyway.
“hi.” you spoke into the darkness upon hearing his shuffling, “hey.” he replied.
you stood up and walked over to him, grabbing his hand, they were rough, calloused. you smiled to yourself, “what did you bring me, sir?” you let out the last word with a pur that you were sure made his skin crawl.
“please don’t say it like that.” he murmured quietly as his fingers trailed the bare skin of your arm, up to your shoulder.
you smiled, “why not, sir?” again, the same tone.
he let a laugh ripple out of him and he set the plastic grocery bags on the counter and dumped the other bag filled with clothing by the edge of the dining table.
he paused at the table and grabbed your hand, setting it on his face, “tell me what you feel.”
you began to gently caress his face, “thick eyebrows. but not too thick where it’d be weird. clean shaven..” you paused upon feeling his nose, “a big nose. perfect to take a spin on..”
he laughed, “i bet you’d like that, huh.”
you cursed yourself, “you’re not wrong.”
you continued, “soft hair..curly, thick as well.”
he couldn’t help himself to continue the sexual jokes, so he smiled, “wouldn’t be the only thing that’s thick.”
you chewed on your lip, “i already mentioned your eyebrows.”
he let out a chuckle, “that’s not what i meant.”
“i know. you just seem easy to tease, like you’re on edge all the time.”
you wouldn’t be wrong, marc thought. he wasn’t sure how she’d take this, but considering she were flirting with him and practically draping herself on top of him, he took it as a good sign.
“come to bed now, im exhausted.” she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed, but marc paused.
“so you’re okay with this?” he was more talking about sex now, and the assumed arrangement that had been made.
she shrugged, “seems only fair i fuck you for the things you provide me. im not even being a whore, it’s the basic guidelines of any misogynistic marriage.” she seemed to be deep in her logic and marc didn’t want to argue that this was anything but a marriage, but she seemed to know that.
he sat on the bed, his shoes were kicked off in an instant and you sat down next to him, reaching out for him in the dark. he grabbed your outstretched hand and set it on his waist, and he pulled you on top of him.
words weren’t exchanged as he kissed your neck, and you began to unbuckle his belt. it was only when you began to sink yourself onto him, your panties torn with the graze of his hand, that you both let out a string of curses.
you moaned deeply as he filled you to the brim, “let me hear how bad you fucking want it.” he whispered, and you rocked on his cock, his jeans a rough fabric against the soft skin of your ass and thighs.
he gripped your waist tightly and you hissed as he bucked him hips into you.
“fuck!” you hissed, moving to tug on his hair and he let out a groan as he leaned into your shoulder, closing his eyes as you bounced on his cock.
you didn’t even so much as blink as he came, and you were torturous as you continued to fuck yourself on him, chasing your own orgasm as all he could do was sit and shudder at the friction to his sensitive cock.
eight months later…
he was aware of your growing belly. you had let him know and he was so much as shocked as he was happy. he was ecstatic, he hugged you and promised you that he’d never leave your side.
these past months had led to the two of you to a path full of love. he worshipped you, and you kept your promise to never gaze upon him. the thought next bit at you until you were looking at yourself in the mirror, gazing at your belly and wondering what parts of him your child would have. would your baby have his eyes? his hair? his coloring?
you weren’t sure. of anything and sometimes that thought kept you awake at night.
he had revealed his name just a few months ago, after the discovery of the other people he called “alters” you learned to navigate life with marc, steven and the personality you had yet to meet, jake.
steven was doting, excited for fatherhood while marc retained his protectiveness. he wanted nothing more than to make sure you were safe.
you were laying next to marc after another day of your typical activities, eating, sleeping, eating and worrying about the man next to you.
“do you think we’ll move soon? the baby won’t be able to live here it’s too cramped..” you worried and marc seemed to nod in the darkness, “im working on it. don’t worry, i don’t want you to get sick.”
marc went to bed unaware of the plan you had. you moved from the bed upon hearing his typical snore. you waddled to the bathroom, hands holding onto your swollen belly. you didn’t bother to shut the door as you lit the candle, grabbing the holder and waddled back to the bed.
you swallowed your guilt as the light hovered over marc’s face.
you held in your gasp as you looked at him.
he was beautiful.
the moment of shock didn’t last as marc woke up, eyes fluttering open with pure rage as he saw what you had done. he got up and bumped against you, the candle wax spilling down the front of your belly.
you cried out, screaming as the hot wax burned you. marc didn’t say anything as he rushed out of the apartment, leaving you alone.
it had been days. days since marc had abandoned you, and days since you had committed your grave mistake.
you begged, every night, to anyone or anything who would hear you out.
“please! return marc to me, please! anything, i’ll give anything!” you cried, sobs racking your body. you were still heavily pregnant, the burn on your belly was barely healing and it still caused a lot of pain.
you weren’t sure of what the future had to offer for you and you often contemplated leaving the apartment, for what would be the first time in almsot a year. but you had always been too afraid to even turn the doorknob.
‘don’t worry, my child.’ a harsh voice cut into your thoughts, and you stopped your crying to see a bird like creature towering over you as you sat on the bed.
‘i am marc spector’s patron. im the reason he is alive and i’m also the reason he met you.’ he seemed to sneer at you, ‘he failed me, foolish idiot he is. i told him that not doing as i asked would come with great consequences, and that one day, the deal would be fulfilled.’
you gulped, “where is he? is he safe?” you thought back to the burn on his shoulder, and cringed.
‘he is recovering. i’ve given him refuge, so he can rehash his mistakes and not let this,’ he motioned to you, ‘cloud his judgement. it’s happened once before, it’ll happen again.’
“what was the deal?” you finally asked, unaware of the true circumstances that led to you being there.
‘marc spector was tasked on killing you. he failed and instead saved you and let himself fall in love with you.’ the words fell like a heavy stone in a pond. you wanted to explode but the bird in front of you didn’t seem like he’d enjoy that all that much.
the bird continued, ‘you can save him. in exchange for one thing.’
the words seemed to fly out of you, “what?! anything!”
the bird cackled out a harsh laugh, ‘your child. your child’s life for the life that marc owed me.’
you wanted to scream, beg for anything else but before you could say anything else, your body was slammed into the headboard of the bed and it began.
the pain was indescribable. if you could compare the pain of the bird reaching inside your womb, shredding your child to pieces, and ringing your body out like a towel, it would be a fate worse than death. you weren’t sure how many times you had blacked out, or how many times you screamed, but your throat was raw and the bed underneath you was soaked red.
‘two lives for the price of one’ the words echoed in your head as you stumbled towards the bathroom. and you weren’t sure if you’d ever see marc again, the twisting of your heart in your stomach as you realized what was happening. you had miscarried, and you were dying.
“marc..” you croaked out one last time, before the pain subsided and your eyes fluttered shut.
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jake-g-lockley · 3 years ago
hey akka<333 I just saw your requests are open!!
can i please have a moonboys x desi!reader(doesn't have to be tamil, im only half tamil, so~) where moonboys have to go to india(her hometown, maybe hyderabad? ) for like a mission and reader begs to tag along because she hasn't been there in months and so when they're there she takes them along to all the monuments and introduces then to like indian food, AUTHENTIC indian food and like Jake is going feral over everything, Marc is enjoying the food and steven is drooling over the monuments. and reader runs into her old friends who were toxic and made hr=er her feel like shit and shes kinda gets into a spiral about herself and moonboys reassure her that they love her and calm her down? THANK YOU AKKA YOU ARE BY NO MEANS IN ANY WAY PRESSURE TO DO THIS, THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU
Hyderabad Diaries (Steven Grant x desi!reader, Marc Spector x desi!reader, Jake Lockley x desi!reader)
Summary: Your boyfriends are going on a mission and you wanted to tag along :) Warnings: Swearing, a little angst, mentions of weapons. Word Count: 2.7k words
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A/N: Here you go! Again thank you so so much for the requests sweethearttt <333 I tried to make this as fluffy as possible. (Also ik the song above is about friendship but I THINK ITS CUTE FOR THIS OKAY)
Tagging: @brekkers-desigirl @wordacadabra @pakhiya @ahookedheroespureheart @swiggy-needs-mental-help
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You always hated it when your boyfriends had to leave for missions. You knew the suit they had would most definitely protect them and keep them away from harm but you worried endlessly about them and would constantly curse the moon god that would drag them around for these missions.
“Darling, it'll only be for one or two weeks, I promise, we’ll be safe and we will text and call.” Steven says, neatly folding his clothes and slotting them into the luggage bag.
You pulled a sweater that he just folded out of the bag and hugged it close, nuzzling the soft material with your nose, smelling the faint smell of Steven’s cologne. Your eyes threatened to tear up again. You couldn’t do it, your heart was aching.
“Where are you guys going anyway?” you say, trying to distract yourself by helping Steven.
“Oh umm, top secret, mission things.” Steven mumbles, avoiding your eye, making you frown.
“Steven, what are you not telling me?” you say, your heart speeding up.
“Uhh, ohh, I think Marc is better at handling this.” Steven mumbles again and dipped so fast that you don't have time to react.
You stare unbelievingly at Marc who gives you a nervous smile and backs away slowly from the table that you were sitting at. You got off the chair and glared at Marc.
“What are you guys hiding from me, Spector, you better tell me, or I swear I will torture it out of you.” you say clawing your fingers as you approach him.
“OKAY! FINE, I’LL TELL YOU WHERE WE ARE GOING, PLEASE, STOP!” he screams, gasping for air as you tickle.
You sit back on your legs, satisfied with your work.
“We’re going to Hyderabad.” Marc mumbles and your jaw drops open.
“No way, really?” you say, unable to contain your surprise and Marc nods.
“Please take me with you, please. I haven’t been home for months, please Marc, baby.” You plead instantly, scooching closer to him.
“I knew you would ask me, that's why I wouldn't tell you.” He frowns. “I can’t take you along for a mission, sweetheart.”
“Dude, it's my home, I’ll be safe, please, I promise, just lemme come with you, yea?” you say, gripping his bicep, rubbing circles.
Marc glares at you but you could tell that he was slowly giving in, his eyes betraying him.
“You’re lucky that we love you so much.” Marc scowls and grumbles and you crush him in a hug and smother him with kisses.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
On the day of departure from Heathrow Airport you were literally bouncing up and down with excitement.
Marc, on the other hand, was on his weird ‘father duties’ whereby he didn’t let you do a single thing, checking in the bags with his hands on his hips and making sure for the hundredth time he had the correct passport and tickets. You watch him with a small smile and shake your head at his behavior, realizing that he would make a really cute dad.
The flight took off without any issues and soon you were soaring through the skies. Three hours into the flight, the flight attendants came around with their food carts.
“Would you like anything, ma’am.”
“Just a coffee please!” You say smiling up at the flight attendant, but your smile flattered when you saw where she was looking.
“And a side of stop-eyeing-my-man.” You mumble.
“Sorry ma’am?” The flight attendant asked
“Nothing.” You smile sweetly, taking the coffee and curling your fingers around Marc’s bicep, tightening your grip on him.
“Possessive much, sweetheart?” Marc whispered, chuckling as you glared at the air stewardess’ retreating figure.
“You’d do the same, asshole.” you say pinching him softly and he pretends to die from the pain, making you laugh.
The nine hour flight was quicker with Marc by your side and the second the both of you stepped out of Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, you were greeted by Jake, who stretched and yawned from the long flight, grabbing your bags and pecking your cheek.
You breathe in the familiar smell of home and feel it envelope you. You spot your cousins at the entrance and run up to give them a hug, Jake trudging behind you.
“Anu, Hari, Vani, this is my boyfriend, Marc. Marc, my cousins Anushri, Harini and Bhavani. And this handsome man is my uncle, Vas.” you quickly introduce the lot. Jake smiles at your cousins and shakes your uncle’s hand, helping him load the stuff to the car.
Jake sat in the front, making small talk with your uncle while you and your cousins squeezed into the back seat of your uncle’s car. Within 20 minutes, you were at your grandmother’s home where you and Jake were welcomed with an aarti and loads of hugs. Jake leaned down and touched your grandma’s feet, seeking her blessing, which made your heart almost explode with adoration for him.
“Ma, you didn’t tell me that this handsome man was so charming over your calls?” your grandma gushed over Jake, reaching up to pat his face as he gave her a dopey grin.
“You talk to your grandma about me?” Jake whispered as he and you followed your cousin up the stairs.
“No, I talk to her about Gus the flippin' fish on a daily basis.” you say blandly, rolling your eyes at him, making him chuckle. “Of course I talk about you, dummy.” you continue as the both of you part to go to different rooms.
You were to sleep with your cousins and Jake got one of your cousins rooms. You knew that the boys would be out most of the time and you've already made an excuse for him as to why he would be out for long hours, telling your family that he would be going to a few meetups for an artifact, which was not exactly a lie.
You knew that Khonshu probably is sending them to find another world-ending artifact that the gods had left lying around Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago.
“Amor, I'm gonna excuse myself. You have fun and stay out of trouble.” Jake enters your room and kisses your forehead.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” You say poking his chest and he chuckles again before exiting the room, leaving your cousins to stare at you open mouthed.
“What?” you stare back and exaggeratedly widen your eyes, eyebrows furrowing.
“Spanish?! And the FOREHEAD KISS?!!” Anu shouts, making you hiss.
“Oh, yea. And Arabic, some French and Ancient Egyptian, for obvious reasons.” You say, counting off the languages, grinning from ear to ear.
“Arabic, French and Spanish? The holy trinity of beautiful languages? And he looks good too. You didn’t tell us he looked that good, you just said he was cute?” Vani questions.
You throw a decorative pillow at her and she laughs.
“Why don’t you ask him when he comes back for dinner?” you challenge her.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The boys didn’t arrive for dinner and you made a sly excuse for them to your family, stating that he was having dinner with the artifact dealers. Despite feeling extremely tired, your cousins dragged you to get ready to go out and meet some friends at an open bar. You reluctantly agreed to it and sent a text to the boys before leaving.
Going to an open bar to meet up with old friends, hope everything is alright, love you xxx.
You hit send on the text and sigh, the pit of your stomach swirling with worry. You look up to the full moon that is shining amongst the stars and smile, telling yourself that they will be fine.
The open bar was lovely and you sipped a little sunset martini as you caught up with your friends.
“So, Y/N, how's life?” one of your friends, Shahira asks.
“Pretty normal. Um, my job is steady and I’m relatively happy in London.” you say with a smile.
Your life was far from normal, but you definitely wouldn’t admit your little secret to your cousin and friends.
“She’s being humble,” Anu says, nudging you, “You should see the hottie that she brought back here.”
Just as she says it, you hear the words ‘mummified vigilante’ float into your ears and you whip your head around to the TV that was switched to the news channel. And there he was, clear as day, your “hottie” running at an unfathomable speed in the Moon Knight suit, trying to get away from the press camera, cape swishing in the wind. The people around you gasp and you turn around, downing your sunset martini in one go, eyes wide.
Well that's one way to find out that they are okay.
Clearing your throat, you frown at your friends. “Who the hell was that?” you said, masking your worry with confusion.
“Dunno. Never saw ‘em before.” your friend says.
After a while the bar simmers down and everyone is back to their own business but your heart is pounding against your chest and you take slow breaths to calm yourself down.
“So, as I was saying, Y/N’s hunk of a boyfriend is living with us. He speaks five languages and is American!” your cousin says and you glare at her for going on and on about your boyfriend.
“Got a picture? Let's see him then.” one of your friends says and before you could say no, your cousin whips out her phone and shows a picture of him.
“Dude, did you sneakily take a picture of him?” you hissed at her while your friends stare at the picture. “He’s a very private guy!”
With a lot of enemies.
“Damn, Y/N, did you use a love potion on this guy? He’s so out of your range.” Shahira says, making you frown.
“I..don’t follow?”
“He’s hot and you’re, you.” She says, gesturing at you, smirking as your frown deepens.
“You’re too drab for someone like him, Y/N. You probably bore him, like you bore us. Or maybe he likes ugly girls.” She continues, miming shoving two fingers down her throat and pretending to puke.
You stare in disbelief at Shahira, a friend that you've known for years, who was dragging you down for something so impervious.
“I don’t get it, are you, like, jealous or something?” You ask before you can stop yourself, your cousin staying silent beside you.
“Jealous? Of you? Plain, old, drab, Y/N? Oh please, I could take him away from you with the snap of my fingers.” She smugly says.
“Unless of course, you paid him some money to come with you? That's why he’s not here right now with you, hmm?” Your friends around you giggle like a bunch of school girls and you feel your face heating up.
Your blood boiled and you wished you had one of Marc’s crescent darts, Steven’s batons or even Jake's gun in your hand right now. You stood up and pulled a few notes out of your purse and slammed it down onto the table, making the glasses clink.
“You know what, I’m leaving. You all can keep making more of your theories, just never speak to me again. And Anu? I’m so fucking disappointed with you.” You say and turn, stomping away, trying to hold back your tears as you frantically call a cab.
You cried all the way home; the alcohol, the constant worry that you had for your boyfriends and the embarrassment you felt just now, piling together into one big emotional landslide.
You kick your shoes off at the landing and run up to the boys’ room, which you presumably thought was empty, so you flung the door open and attempted to dive onto the bed but instead you collided with a wall of muscle.
“Darling? Why are you crying? Bollocks, are you hurt? Did something happen, my love?” Steven’s frantic voice travels into your ear and you hug him tightly. He tips your face up to meet his eyes.
“Don’t look at me, I’m ugly.” You mumble as Steven scrunches his face into a confused expression.
“What happened, honey? Did something happen just now?” He says softly, wiping your eyes with the pads of his thumbs, cradling your face in his palms.
You shake your head, tears threatening to leak out of your eyes again.
“It’s ok, I’m here when you're ready.” He said soothingly, one hand leaving your face to pull you closer to his chest.
“Do I bore you, Steven?” you whisper into his thin t-shirt.
“What? No, no darling, you don’t bore me at all.” Steven says, shifting slightly to look down at you. “What makes you say that?”
You slowly tell him what your friends said about you and him.
“Oh please, we’re not teenagers, my love, we’re adults.” Steven chuckled. “Besides, Marc and Jake are not that good looking, maybe I am but the other two are- OWW!” You look up to see Steven pulling and twisting his own ear and a laugh escapes you instantly.
Steven sinks into the parquet floor and drags you down, pulling you onto his lap. You immediately press your forehead into his neck as he holds you.
“We personally think you’re gorgeous and probably the most interesting person out of the four of us.” Steven says into your hair. “Don’t let their words get to you, my love. I don’t think they really know the real value of you, the way me, Marc and Jake see you. You’re our perfect angel.”
You nod and stay there a little longer, absorbing Steven’s energy.
“I saw you guys on the news.” You whispered.
“Oh yea, pesky news van didn’t wanna let us go, the bastards.” Steven chuckled. “But great news, we found the thing that Khonshu was looking for. Didn’t expect to finish the job so fast, innit?”
He pointed to a little gold bracelet on the table and you grinned.
“Does this mean you have time to spend with me here?” You say, looking up at him.
“Of course, we can have all the fun you want.” He smiled.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The next day was probably the most amazing day you had spent with the boys in a long time.
You woke up to a beautiful authentic Indian breakfast spread made by your grandmother that you and Jake finished in less than ten minutes and still wanted more. Jake showered your grandmother with flattery which only made her feed him more food.
“Ammama, you're going to turn him into a lazy hibernating bear, I wanna take him around town!” you tell her as she attempts to serve him again.
She pinched his cheeks and ruffled his hair, making him grin and stick his tongue out at you. You glare playfully at your grandmother.
“I’m her favorite now.” he whispers, smirking.
Avoiding your cousins, you and Steven decided to leave early to take a bus to Golconda Fort. You listened intently to Steven’s explanations about the place that he read out of the book and animated it to you with his expressions.
You had been here before for a school trip but you have to admit that Steven made the experience more entertaining than you had intended. Sooner or later, people started to gather around and listen to Steven instead of the actual tour guide.
“Steven, Steven, baby, we’re gonna get kicked out.” you whispered as Steven smiles shyly at the crowd around him and you.
Marc had found some street snacks and after a long few hours of walking together, you both slumped onto a bench.
“Good god, Steven really talks a lot doesn’t he? My jaw hurts from rambling so much.” Marc says, rubbing his face.
“Are you sure it's because Steven talks a lot or because you and Jake clench your jaw to the point of damage.” you tease, cupping his face in your hands and squeezing his cheeks together, making him pout like a duck.
“Maybe both.” he mumbles and rolls his eyes.
You laugh and let go of his face, leaning your head onto his shoulder and continue to savor your snack.
“Thanks for letting me come with you guys.”
“I was scared to death thinking that you would tickle me to high heaven if I said no.” he says back.
“Don’t be a wuss.” you chuckle.
“Yes, yes, love you too.” Marc says, nudging you.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Hyderabad: Hyderabad is the capital of southern India's Telangana state.
Amor: Love
Ammama: Grandma
Golconda Fort: Built by Qutub Shahi Kings, this fort presents an impressive structure, with eight gates and 87 bastions.
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steven-reblogs · 4 months ago
“One: what the fuck do you mean.”
“Two? Don’t talk about that with Steven. I doubt you would but. Just.. makin’ sure.”
“Also? You’re fine. I get it. Trauma response. But I know he wont do shit like that. Why? He has his reasons. I get you may not trust em. But- still.”
[Key appears. Hands Steven a box, and walks away.]
(They sensed a disturbance in the force. The box has got Foxy-themed stuff and flower seeds btw :3)
[He placed the box aside!! He’s probably lying face down at one of the booths.. but it’s okay! Bc he has his Kids.]
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plethora-of-imagines · 3 years ago
Jake may have gotten Steven his job back, but neither he nor Marc or even Konshu can get him back his confidence. Armed with stevens personal library of Egyptian history (and Konshu's literal egyptian godishness) you set out to receive the best museum tour ever- but Steven doesn't know he's giving one 👑🦇
Raising up onto your tiptoes, struggling to keep your balance as you scanned the floor for the familiar dark curls you were seeking out. Trying to see over the heads of the many museum patrons. Of course the one time you need to find Steven before he leaves for the day the museum is actually busy at such an odd hours. You suppose you were too accustomed to him working till the closing, the rare treat of him getting out early not something that you were used to. You just didn’t want him to sneak past you back home before you could find him.
A flash of dark curls caught your eye, “Steven!”
Ignoring the hordes of people who turned to look at you for yelling out you rushed forwards to him as he made his way to you.
“Love? What are you doing here?”
His bewildered gaze was so cute, all wide eyed and mouth parted. The urge to surge forward to kiss him almost overtook you.
“I figured I’d never actually seen most of the exhibits here, and who better than you to show me around the museum you know so well,” you enthused.
“Oh, uh well there is probably a tour still going that we could join?” He looked around in vain for a group. 
That simply wouldn’t do. You wanted Steven to show you around, not some boring tour guide that just recited a script!
“Please Steven,” you begged with purposely glassy eyes. “I want you to show me your favorite things they have on display here. Not some stranger, you.”
“Um, alright. I can try, I mean I’m not good enough to be a tour guide but I can show you a few things without messing up... It’s not going to be a proper tour mind you”
It broke your heart to see just how shy and timid he was working here. You knew that he knew more than anyone here. He could have a PhD in Egyptology if he wanted one, wouldn’t even have to study. With a bright smile hiding your worries for him you gestured for him to lead the way.
The first few items he told you about he stayed close, leaning in to whisper information to you. Every hum and question that you asked him, he got more and more excited. Opening up and starting to gesture to the objects, to point out details and explain context. Soon he was leading you around while practically walking backwards as he spoke.
He was so invested in his own excitement that he didn’t notice the group that was gathering to follow the two of you from object to object. You smiled at how infectious his excitement was, and how he hadn’t even noticed his group growing and growing.
What he had intended to be a short little showing grew to be a full half hour tour. Steven finally took a breath when you were back where the two of you had started. And was promptly shocked to be met by an enthusiastic applause from the tour group he had unintentionally gathered around himself.
“What,” he looked behind himself to find how they were trying to cheer for. The lack of a recipient after a lengthy search told him that it must be for him.
His cheeks burned a bright red as people came up to him with questions and congratulations. He practically melted when someone asked him where he was finishing his PhD and if he wouldn’t mind being stolen away from that program to work with the Institute of Archeology from University College London.
“I’m uhh, not a student-”
“Oh so you finished then, how about being a supporting Professor. You would do wonders helping teach the more serious undergraduates!”
“I'm flattered but I don’t actually have a degree?” Steven was looking like a lost puppy who’s owners were leaving the house for a walk without him.
You could see the academic lust filling the man’s eyes. He wanted Steven to join his program at any cost. 
“Stevie, what the hell are you still doing here? Your shift ended and if this is some misguided attempt to get me to consider making you a tour guide you are sorely mistaken!”
The second that Steven heard Donna’s voice he wilted. You were filled with fury that once again Donna was talking down to Steven. 
“Oh, he works with your conservators then.”
“What?” Donna was affronted. “He’s not a bloody conservator, he just works in the gift shop!”
“The gift shop? Well you’re wasting him there! He should be giving tours! This man knows more about this exhibit than the whole group of your tour guides combined!”
The man was offended on Steven’s behalf.
“He’s a bloody nuisance that’s what he is,” Donna refused to accept that Steven was worth anything.
The man glared at her before rummaging through his bag for a pen and paper. Handing off the items to Steven.
“Write down your contact information, Steven was it? I'll get in contact with you and we can get you started with the program as soon as possible. I’ll convince them to give you a stipend and maybe work in our school museum for more funds.”
Steven somehow looked even more lost.
With a small nudge you convinced him to write down his contact information. 
The man looked at Donna in disgust, “And I’ll be sure to put in a complaint to your superiors about how you treat your workers and squander their talents too!”
Once the contact information was handed back, along with your personal number in case Steven didn’t answer. You both started the trip back to his flat. Slowly Steven came back from his stunned silence. He looked at you with awe.
“Did I just accidentally get accepted to a PhD program?”
You couldn’t help your overjoyed giggles, “yeah I think you did.”
(984 words)
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ivystoryweaver · 7 months ago
Still With You
A With You standalone sequel - can be read on its own
"Salvaging discarded things knocked the edge off wanting to drink."
"...but where Marc's hands restored and your hands healed and Steven's hands inspired and instructed, Jake had brutal hands."
Tumblr media
based on this nonnie and this @purple-amaranthe request
Pairing: Marc, Steven, Jake x gn!reader || Word Count: 3.2k
Content: they're all trying hard ok, domestic life, self worth probs, mentions of alcoholism/drinking, angst-ish, domestic fluff, moon dads-to-be, romance, sensual content, but nothing explicit
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
10:58 A.M.
Florescent lights flickered out an annoying buzz in the otherwise silent waiting room.
Thumbing through an outdated parenting magazine, you intermittently pointed out cute toys or outfits to your husband, who would grant you a curt nod each time.
Realizing you likely weren't helping the situation, you set the magazine aside and covered his hand with your own, if only to stop his fidgeting. "Almost time."
Marc squeezed your hand, grateful for your grounding touch. "You're sure we're not late?"
"We're right on time. It's still not even 11:00."
"Okay," he huffed out, his knee bouncing of its own accord. The cheap vinyl of his chair squeaked as he shifted, attempting to externally calm and internal storm.
You smiled at him sympathetically, remembering how far he'd come to even get to this point.
Just yesterday, he paced the floor half the evening, pushing his hands tormentedly through his curls over and over.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
"They'll never approve me," he lamented. "I'm not...they'll think I'm not ready."
"Baby, we've taken all the classes. We've passed the home inspection." You nodded around at your new bedroom, eyes landing on the salvaged and restored night table he presented to you a while back.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Marc had taken on several projects since then, turning one bedroom of your new place into a workshop and the other into a nursery.
"Do you think she'll like girl colors?" He asked, flipping through paint swatches at the local hardware store.
"Uhh, what are 'girl colors'?" You smirked.
He swatted your nose with his finger. "I'm trying to pick out what color to paint that vintage toy chest I restored for Akeyla."
Your heart melted at the sound of your future daughter's name, not to mention the fact that Marc had put together nearly every piece in her nursery himself.
When he wasn't on a mission for Khonshu, he liked to keep his hands busy. Sometimes that meant his hands were all over you for "stress relief." Otherwise, he would drive around town in the old truck he bought, looking for unwanted and discarded furniture to fix up, repurpose for the house, or sell.
He still labeled himself unemployed, but he sold a few refurbished pieces a month, which more than paid for the hobby, his truck insurance and even left some spending money.
Salvaging discarded things knocked the edge off wanting to drink.
"Maybe like...turquoise?" He prodded, tracing his fingers over a row of various blues and greens. When you neglected to answer what you assumed was a rhetorical question, he assumed it was a no.
"Or purple? Sweetheart?" The full intensity of the Marc Spector stare fell on you as he waited for the verdict.
"Sorry." You smiled at him, nodding toward the turquoise swatches. "Trust your instincts. You're always right." Leaning closer, you kissed him adoringly on the cheek.
"That's not what you said about the yellow bench," he chuckled, selecting a swatch labeled "Ebbtide".
"That's pretty, I like it."
Marc needed to hear your words. After a couple years of marriage, you knew this now more than ever. Whether telling him what you needed in bed, or giving your seal of approval for his newest restoration project, he valued your opinion more than anything and it meant so much to him to hear you voice it.
Akeyla's nursery had been ready for weeks. The vintage toy chest was the final touch. Marc found a rocking chair, a book case that Steven requested, and chest of drawers to restore. You drew the line at a creaky old toddler bed. Steven went with you to pick that out, brand new.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
It was finally here. Today was the day you would meet your little girl.
You weren't ready to take her home yet - that was longer process - but you would meet her and start visits. Very soon, she would enter your home through the foster system, and after a while, she would be yours forever, by adoption.
"What if they change their minds?" Marc urgently whispered, there in the waiting room, gripping your hand so tightly it hurt. "They'll want to put her somewhere without someone - "
"Marc," you reminded him, "they know all about us. It's okay."
"I know, but - what if they find out about Khon- "
"Hi, are you the Spectors?" a kindly voice interrupted Marc's fussing.
A smartly dressed young woman holding a tablet adjusted her glasses and smiled.
"Yes," you quickly answered, standing up and pulling Marc with you. "That's us. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She shook each of your hands. "Ready to meet her?"
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
"What if I..." Marc whispered against your temple, holding you against him in bed the night before. "I want to be there to meet her, but if I'm not, it isn't because I..." He shifted restlessly, trying to explain.
"You know what I always say," you gently reminded him, raking one hand through the curls resting above his ear.
"It's our body," he repeated your words back to you. "Whoever's there is there. It's not a problem."
"Exactly," you remind him. "I know you want to meet Akeyla as much as Steven, Jake and I do. I know that."
"I do," he breathlessly repeated, and you realized it might be a long night, when he added, "I just don't want to scare her. What if she doesn't understand, you know, how we are?"
"Baby, come here," You pulled his head down to your chest, wrapping him up tightly, pressing soothing kisses along his hairline. He wasn't voicing any fears he hadn't already talked through a dozen times with you, his sponsor and his therapist, not to mention his alters.
"Sorry," he murmured against the smooth column of your neck. Shifting pleading eyes up to yours, he relaxed, as your soft smile soothed him. "I'm so nervous."
"I am too," you sympathized. "Believe me, Marc. I mean, we're meeting our daughter. I'm just as nervous as you are."
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Marc tangled his fingers with yours as you shuffled down the hallway toward the room that would change your lives forever.
The woman in front of you, who had identified herself as Elsie, paused before opening the door. "Ready?"
You glanced at your husband.
Sometimes he was so adorably terrified you were certain he forgot it was actually his idea to adopt.
Granting you a nod, he swallowed thickly. "Ready."
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
9:22 P.M.
"So tense, mon cœur," your husband breathed against your neck, trailing tempting kisses over your damp skin. Strong forearms flexed against your abdomen, pulling your back closer to the slick heat of his bare chest.
Thick thighs surrounded you as you rested in your garden tub together, soaking in a bubble bath. Your head dropped to his shoulder as he whispered sensual French words on your ear. Long fingers traced down the shape of your abdomen, naughtily slipping between your legs.
"Steven, this is supposed to be a relaxing bath. Oh shit - " You moaned as touched you right where you craved. His other hand gripped your jaw, turning your face to his for a wet, hungry kiss. You went boneless in his embrace, completely at his mercy.
You should have known sweet Steven would seduce you during your "relaxing bath."
Later that evening, he sat beside you on the sofa, each of you working on a puzzle book from the "couch basket", enjoying a quiet evening in your new home.
“Got those pictures you wanted, love,” he commented. “The garden ones. Found another book too.”
You smiled adoringly at him, so excited to see them framed and hanging in Akeyla’s room. You had asked him to track down pictures of gardens from all over the world. Since Marc was in charge of furniture, Steven helped you pick out some unique decor.
He acquired a couple of first edition classic Children’s books as well. But you reminded him they would have to be stored way up high, away from the grabby hands of a toddler.
So he curated a brilliant little collection of toddler friendly board books for the lower shelves, as well as children’s books for her to grow into.
Steven had finished his bachelor's degree and was now working on a Masters of Anthropology. Already fluent in French, he was also studying Egyptian Arabic in an unofficial capacity, and toying with the idea of studying archaeology or linguistics as well. He just loved to learn and could never get enough.
After all was said and done, he'd probably end up teaching, which was a perfect idea because, in front of the right crowd, he was absolutely enthralling when he was passionate about something.
He still worked at the university library and thanked you almost daily for making most of the money for this little family, while he studied, and he, Jake and Marc worked part-time jobs.
You reminded Steven that their three part time jobs kind of added up to one job - plus as a student, you would give him a pass.
"Besides, you're going to be a sexy professor in another year or two, so I really see no downside," you'd tease him.
“Can’t wait to read to her every night,” Steven mused, pulling your mind back to the present.
Setting your puzzle book down, you snuggled up close to his side, wrapping your arms around his. “She’s always going to remember us reading to her. You’re going to be such a good dad, Steven.”
His throat bobbed. “You really think so?”
“I do. I know it.”
Gripping your hand almost as tightly as Marc had earlier in the afternoon, his head rested against yours. "Can't wait to meet her. Tell me again how she looked."
You warmly chuckled, nuzzling into his sleeve. "You've seen her picture a hundred times."
"I know, but...tell me again. What does her voice sound like?"
So you told Steven all about meeting your daughter for the first time, that afternoon, with Marc.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
4:07 A.M.
The jangling of keys in the deadbolt dragged you from a foggy half slumber you'd managed in Steven's chair by the front door.
Jake had finally made it home after another night driving people around, and serving as Khonshu's fist of vengeance.
When he spotted you there, looking so adorably uncomfortable, he pulled his cap off his head and tossed it onto the entry way table with his keys.
Kneeling down in front of you, he smiled warmly. "What are you doing up, mi vida?"
"Mmm," you mumbled, relief surging through you at the sight of him. Leaning forward in the chair, you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. "Missed you."
"Missed you too." He held you for an indulgent moment before gently placing you back into the chair and standing to remove his jacket and gloves. Before you could whine out a protest, he helped you up just long enough to sit in the chair and pull you back down onto his lap.
Tucking you against his body, he reached for his jacket and draped it over you like a blanket. Jake knew you well enough. If he told you to go to bed, you would bristle and defy him, but if he held you like this, you would fall asleep in sixty seconds flat. Win win.
Your body settled against his and your breathing slowed, but you blinked up at him pleadingly. “Where have you been?”
Frowning in confusion, he rubbed his hands up and down your back soothingly, underneath the jacket. “You know where, cariño.”
Looping your fingers around his tie, you coaxed his temping lips to yours for a lingering kiss. Jake shifted underneath you, sighing against your mouth as you held him there for an indulgent moment.
“I haven’t seen you all week. I miss you.”
“I see you almost every night,” he volleyed back.
“You know what I mean.” Realizing you were tired and there was an edge in your tone, you touched your forehead to his. “I know you guys don’t exactly have a schedule. I just wanted to tell you about Akeyla.”
His eyes flickered away as his jaw clenched. You and Marc met your daughter yesterday. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
For a while, Jake had to be asked or reminded to participate in regular, daily things. Sometimes, you would go a week, only seeing him in your room at night, so you would ask him to eat dinner with you or take you out somewhere.
You started late night dates with Jake, just to build memories with him, in his world. It was never really your scene before, but you'd been to bars, out dancing, to late movies and your favorite - midnight bowling.
In fact, you all adjusted your schedules to fit the boys' night owl tendencies. You moved to second shift and Steven didn't take any more morning classes. You all slept in as late as possible, ate brunch or lunch and then got started on your day.
So it was not unheard of for you to wait up for Jake, but sleeping in Steven's chair until 4 A.M. was a bit unusual.
"I was busy tonight," he cryptically remarked, which tended to indicate he was probably doing Khonshu's bidding. "I wasn't trying to stay away."
"I'm not mad," you sleepily assured him, laying your head down on his shoulder. "I can't wait for you to meet her. And with her coming home soon, everything could change.”
"Change how?"
"Well for starters, I doubt a toddler will let us sleep in as late as we do. She'll probably climb all over our heads at like 5:30."
Jake was uncharacteristically quiet and you were half asleep.
"I'm not mad," you drowsily repeated, curling into him, murmuring "missed you" as you drifted off.
He rocked you gently, his heart burning with how he'd possibly disappointed you. Now that you were finally asleep, he didn't dare wake you, so he laid his head on the back of the chair, hoping to join you in slumber.
Jake had seen the horrors of this world, and of worlds adjacent. Terrifying, supernatural threats had met the crunch of his fist, and his vengeance.
But the thought of caring for a little girl shook him to his core, and in a different way than it did Marc.
Marc was always worried about his alcoholism, his past, the fact that they were a system, but he wanted Akeyla so badly. The whole thing was his idea in the first place. Steven was ready to show this kid the world, both metaphorically and literally.
Jake loved you, and he would love his child. Beyond that, he had no idea what to do, or how to contribute. The urge to not take time away from Marc or Steven was so strong it almost felt like instinct.
You, Steven and Marc had lovingly and rather expertly crafted her a dream-worthy nursery, but where Marc's hands restored and your hands healed and Steven's hands inspired and instructed, Jake had brutal hands.
Unwilling to disturb you, he pondered how he could prove to you he was still in this with you.
Reaching into his the pocket of his jacket, which still covered the top half of your body, he pulled out his phone. Opening up a picture of Akeyla, he smiled, studying her cute, chubby cheeks, dark, round eyes and her tightly wound curls.
Tracing the shape of her face with his thumb, he wondered what he could possibly give his sweet angel, besides protection.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Sleep came for a short while, but as the sun rose, so did you. Jake was asleep but his phone was playing a long playlist of videos. Hoping to not disturb him, you carefully removed the phone from his hand.
The video showed a young girl getting her hair styled. In fact the whole playlist was of dads styling their daughter's textured hair, including what products to try, and cute and useful clips, combs and the right brushes to help.
Chewing on you lip for a moment, you tapped on the search bar and saw that he had typed in, 'how to care for textured hair'.
Just the notion of Jake pulling off his gloves and styling your little girl's hair made your heart explode with love.
"Are these for Akeyla?" You whispered mainly to yourself, shifting your weight from one of his thighs to the other.
Jake groaned as circulation returned to that leg, making it tingle as he awakened from a very short nap.
"Sorry," you softly laughed. "I should let you get up, shouldn't I?"
The corner of Jake's mouth curled, but he nodded.
You helped him climb out of the chair and the two of you washed up. Jake slid into Steven's pajama pants and the two of you went to bed.
Already drifting back to sleep, Jake presented his small offering to you. Something to let you know he was all in.
"I think I could learn how to fix Akeyla's hair," he drowsily murmured, eyes already closed. "Watched a bunch of videos about it."
He couldn't build things and he wasn't book smart and he wasn't you. He wasn't even supposed to have a family. But you loved him so hard that he couldn't resist you and now he was about to gain everything he never knew he wanted.
Maybe the brutality of his hands could be used to do this tender thing for his daughter.
"I love you so much," you whispered, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes.
"Te amo," he whispered.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
“What’s your favorite color, Akeyla?” Marc asked on your next visit to with your soon-to-be-daughter. He sat beside her, adorably hunched with her at a child-sized table, coloring and drawing.
“Do you like red?” He asked, holding up a few choices of crayon.
“Fav-wit color wed!” She agreed, reaching for a yellow.
“Ohhh, you like yellow.” He winked at you, thinking of the yellow bench at home. “I like it too.”
“Yeh-yow,” Akeyla repeated, scribbling determinedly. Swinging her legs back and forth she repeated, “Yeh-yow, yeh-yow.”
“That’s right. We have a big yellow bench at home that I painted. We can sit on it together, just you and me. Is that okay?”
Akeyla seemed to ignore him, reaching over his arm to scribble yellow on his coloring sheet. Once she had saturated the paper to her satisfaction, she laughed out, amused with herself. “Yeh-yow bench. Okay, Dad-eee.”
Her nose scrunched as she showed him a silly toddler grin. Your heart completely melted as you watched them together.
“This is a good drawing,” Marc complimented, pointing to his paper she drew on. “Can I have it?”
Reaching out with chubby fingers, Akeyla scrunched the paper in her tiny grip, presenting it to Marc. “Here go. You hab it.”
“I can keep it?” He nodded hopefully. “Can I have a hug?”
She threw her arms around his neck. Lifting her up from the table, Marc offered one arm out to you and invited you into to this little family embrace.
Akeyla touched her forehead to yours, already a signature move for the two of you. Then she scrunched her nose and showed off that silly grin again.
"Want me to take your picture?" You offered. Grabbing your phone, you snapped a few selfies of you and Marc with Akeyla.
As soon as you were finished, she reached for your phone. "I watch Bluey."
And so it began.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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berrymoos · 3 years ago
literally just had the cutest idea of khonshu seeing steven, marc, & jake regressed for the first time, but khonshu isn't up to date on what that exactly means - so when steven (who's fronting at the moment) tells him he's small, khonshu analyzes him really closely, then goes “your body doesn't seem to have gotten any smaller.”
n steven's giggling & trying to tell him that regression doesnt mean actually, physically regressing, but he sucks at explaining things in his current mindset ╥﹏╥
“ah, nevermind. spector can explain.”
“"nuh-uh"? surely he can explain better than you.”
“bu’ moo-moo's small, too! he's– he's tiny.” (stevie can hear marc goin “ ‘teeben! not ‘posed to tell!” (•ˋ _ ˊ•) n he whispers “sorry!”)
“...i'm assuming "moo-moo" is spector?”
“...i see. then lockely, perhaps?”
“uhh...” steven scrunches his nose. “no. wif moo-moo.”
“...are you insinuating that lockely is also "tiny", as you said spector was?”
steven blinks, very confused about what that means. khonshu sighs
“are you trying to say that lockely is tiny, as well?”
“oh! uh ... mhm. bu– bu’ jay's not tiny! jus’ small.”
if khonshu had eyes in his sockets he'd be doing that fast, confused blinking 💀 “"small" and "tiny" are synonymous with one other.”
“"small" and "tiny" are one in the same.”
“oh ... nuh-uh! small's small, bu’ not really small, an– an’ tiny is reaaaally small, like– like– like ... a ant, bu’ a baby ant!”
khonshu is ... incredibly confused
(bonus: he goes to taweret for some help ... but she's too busy playing with a regressed layla to give a great answer 🤭)
khonshu: taweret, i'm in need of some assistance: what is this “age regression” that grant speaks of?
tawaret: not now khonshu, i'm looking for layla
khonshu: what? you lost el-faouly? oh, spector is going to have your head–
taweret: she's not lost, bonehead! we're playing hide n seek
khonshu: oh.
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marckinggrant · 3 years ago
Jake: Yo Stevie uh can we chat?
Steven: Sure! Of course we can chat. What is up with you? *he puts down his put glancing over to Jake*
Jake: Nothing nothing. I just wanna say somethin.
Steven: *Steven tilts his head, furrowing his brow* Okay… Ok then! Don’t leave me in suspense.
Jake: I feel like you got the hots for me Stevie! Like c’mon you can admit it, your eyes like glossin over me. I maintain myself pretty well yeah?
Steven: What are you talking about? I’m not up here for your jokes at this hour Jake.
Jake: I’m not jokin. I just wonder why you look at me so much whenever I’m in control. It’s like your eyes shine beams on me all the time. I know I’m handsome and all like that but I just feel… just feel there is something more. I'm sorry bout that especially since I can't really give you more than a good show heh *Jake shoots a smirk* That's not enough for someone like you.
Steven: *he gasps surprised from those words, suddenly Jake is all serious* Well… I am curious. Jake may I ask you something?
Jake: You sure?
Steven: Please~ *Steven beams a small smile*
Jake: …Heh shoot it muchacho. You can always ask me anything! *Jake rests his head on his palms casually leaning back*
Steven: Do you ever uhh.. get... the hots for me?
Jake: Wow, you’re going straight for the kill with that one Stevie.
Steven: You don’t get to pull that on me! *Steven pouts* You’re the one bold enough to call yourself handsome and call yourself someone who can’t give enough. Now out with it if you please.
…And quit calling me Stevie!
Jake: … *he sighs and draws in a deep breath, Jake gulps and stares right into awe inspiring eyes* Si. Yeah, ...Yes Steven.
Steven: Oh! Jake.
Jake: It’s okay if you aren’t the same. I just wanted to let you know bud, that’s all.
Steven: …W-well what do you like about me? Mmmh… Just tell me all that you know about your feelings. Be honest Jake. Let it all out. *Steven plainly looks at Jake in expectation* Pfft, sorry that was a little strong even for me to handle.
Jake: *he sends a soft glance to Steven before racking up to his brain to think of it* ...It all started from me being curious. Curious about a little guy that was late to school every day. Gotta say, I was a little bit of a bully back then because I always found myself laughing at the little guy who ran to the bus every day.
It felt like I was sneaking in some morning tv screentime every time I looked at him. The clothes I saw him wearing told me what's up with the weather. And looking into his school life felt like I was watching one hell of a show.
It was fun seeing how he thought of the day and trying to make the best of it, trying to get good grades for his mama and feeling very happy with himself, and trying to always push himself through the day in general through whatever means necessary. Trying to survive... However, when things started to get a lil hairy for the young kid. I started to feel very invested in him knowing his past, and relating to him. I started to become more angry than usual for this kid. That's when I realized something.
Steven: What was it?
Jake: I started to have a small crush on this fun character I have been watching every day through my anger. I felt a bit heated in every way possible just thinking about anything about Steven Grant. I can see why Marc was a big fan ahahaha! He was a big fan because you were someone that made one's day amazing. Amazing from being... amazingly kind, amazingly soft, amazingly pretty and pretty handsome, and... b-being... amazingly Steven.
Steven: O-Oh wow! I can't begin to say what I'm thinking right now. Ugh, my brain feels like it's gone to mush! Although it sounds quite cheesy haha...!
Jake: Gahhhh, why do you make my brain go to mush every day cariño~?
Steven: Hmph. Now you're trying to kill me, that's the game you're playing on me Jake?
Jake: Well, I do like playin games. Sounds good for a date right?
Steven: Hehehe! I just hope Marc doesn't mind if we cut back on control for a while. I would like to play some darts with you. We'll talk to him later about this.
Jake: Ok! But wow, you plan on targeting a bullseye on my heart or somethin? If so, ya already did darling~
Steven: !!!!!! *Steven blushes harshly as he tries to put out the fire Jake keeps igniting in his cheeks* I-I actually will if you don't stop being a cheesy joker!
Jake: Heheh, will stop for you Stevie~
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ao3feed-moonknight · 6 months ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3EsWGq5 by Hateys Mundane life, oh how you longed for something new. Someone new you asked? No, SOMETHING new Same thing. (Not proof read, I never do sorry about that gang) Words: 4301, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Marc Spector, Steven Grant (Marvel), Jake Lockley Relationships: Marc Spector/Reader, Steven Grant (Marvel)/Reader, Jake Lockley/Reader Additional Tags: uhh idk gang, im just back on my moonknight bs dont come after me!!, self indulgent and VERY self depricating, it gets better dw... i think., afab but i dont really mention it, you're a plant person just like me!! omgg twins fr.., not sure if and when other canon chars will cameo but ill let you know gang, so sorry if formatting is ass i write everything on a notes app, i am in fact not qualified for this job read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3EsWGq5
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