#<- in case youre french haha
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girlstressed · 1 year ago
I AM NOT !!!! i am canadian (baby french)
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golden-cherry · 8 months ago
deal - cl16 (34/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: The boat that's actually a yacht - and it's just the two of you.
Warnings: fluff, minimal angst, Google translated French, no knowledge of boats
Word Count: 3.9k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: we're back bitches!!! love you. feedback is appreciated!
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"What do we need?" you ask, taking a sip of your coffee. "Apart from Kika's spontaneous photos, I've only taken pictures of inanimate objects so far. And the one of you."
Charles shrugs his shoulders. "When Joris and I take photos together, we'll pack a bag of different clothes." When you raise an eyebrow in confusion, Charles purses his lips. "We always take several photos, for several posts. If we don't have time to take new pictures, we always have some in stock that we can use without them looking like old pictures."
"Okay." You put your mug down on the work surface in front of you. "Anything else?"
Your roommate grins. "Your camera."
"Haha." You toss it off with a kitchen towel. "I mean, do you need anything else in the way of props or anything?"
He shakes his head. "Actually, no. Everything you could possibly need for a photo shoot is already on the boat." He nods towards the hallway. "You just need long clothes in case it gets colder later."
You nod. "All right. Then you pack a bag with the things you need and I'll pack one with clothes I can wear if it gets cold later." You walk around the kitchen island towards the hallway. 
"And don't forget your camera." You can even hear the smirk, which is why you give him the middle finger without turning around. 
As you stand in your room, you don't really know what to pack. 
Although it's supposed to be twenty degrees outside - which sounds totally surreal for a day before Christmas - your weather app tells you that it's going to be almost three degrees at night. 
"How long are we staying on the boat?" you shout loudly so that Charles can hear you. You throw a large bag on the bed. 
"No idea," says Charles calmly. When you turn around, he's standing in the doorway. "You and I can leave after the pictures. Or stay there all day. Or the night." He shrugs his shoulders. "There's no time when the boat has to be back in port."
You sigh. "I'm afraid that doesn't help me much." You point to the bag on the bed. "I can't pack my entire closet, Charles. Tell me what to pack." You look at him pleadingly. 
"All right." He enters your bedroom and looks around before reaching for some clothes lying on the floor. "Here, the sweatpants are good. If you want to lie out on the sun bed in the evening, you'll need these." He tosses them to you. You catch them and fold them up to stow them neatly in your bag. "Do you have comfy socks or something?" 
"Ehm, yeah," you say, pulling some out of the pile of clothes Kika left there and tucking them into the side pocket of the bag.
Charles kneels down on the floor and sifts through the pile at your feet. "You'll definitely need a thick sweater. It's going to be pretty windy when we're out at sea." He rummages around in your clothes until he fishes out a black sweater and holds it out to you. "Tada."
The first thing you notice about the sweater is that it's not yours. The black hoodie is too big to be yours. The second thing you notice about it is that it's the sweater Charles gave you the night you went to your favorite place. 
The night Charles showed you his talent on the piano. The night you almost kissed. It feels like it was a lifetime ago. 
You can't tell Charles that you don't want to wear the sweater, even though it's incredibly comfortable. It certainly still smells like Charles, although perhaps not as strongly - after all, he hasn't worn it for days. You don't want to be wrapped up in his scent and be at risk of getting weak. The distance that needs to exist between you is the right thing to do. 
Charles looks at you questioningly from the floor and you realize you've already hesitated too long.
"That - that's not my sweater," you simply say. 
Your friend examines the sweater in his hand. "Really?" he asks, confused, smelling the collar. "But it smells like you."
You shake your head. "That's yours. You - uh - you lent it to me when we went to petits mondes," you explain as he folds the fabric and puts it to one side. 
"Oh. Right." He looks at the sweater before his gaze lands on you again. "You can keep it if you want."
You wave it off. "It's all right. Thanks for letting me borrow it. But it's yours after all, so..." You step nervously from one foot to the other. 
Charles watches you for a moment and then turns away. "All right, then. How about this one then?" He pulls another sweater out of the pile of laundry. This time it's actually yours. It's white, with red stripes on it and the collar reaches up to your chin. You definitely won't catch a cold in this. 
"It's good," you reply with a smile and catch it as he throws it to you. You fold it before putting it in your pocket as well. "What about your clothes? Do you want them in the bag too?" you ask him, hoping that he will take his clothes separately and not infect your clothes with his smell. 
Charles gets up from the floor. "I'll pack my own bag. You still have to pack your camera," he smiles, patting non-existent dust off his pants. "About the trip to the port..." he begins, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You grab your camera bag and stow it next to your clothes in your bag. Hopefully the spare battery is charged. "Hmm?"
"I suggest we take your car and I'll drop you off. Then you won't have to walk far to get to the boat," he explains. "I'll park your car in a side street and then join you. Then we won't be seen together."
You look at him, confused. "Can people just get on your boat like that? Aren't you afraid that some crazy fans will suddenly come out of - I don't know - your cabin?"
Charles has to smile. "Someone will be waiting for you there. They'll let you on the boat."
Embarrassed, you curl your lips into a thin line. Of course there's someone at the docks to make sure no one sneaks onto strangers' boats. "Okay."
You stand opposite each other, undecided, until Charles takes the first step. "I'll just pack my bag and then we can go." Smiling, he disappears from your bedroom. 
While Charles stuffs everything he can find into a bag, you gather some snacks in the kitchen to take with you on the boat. Charles has hinted that there would be a cook on site, but you might not be there for too long, so a proper meal wouldn't be worth it. 
As you prepare some sandwiches and put them in a bag, Charles appears behind you. "Are you ready?" he asks, leaning on the kitchen island. 
"Yep," you reply and place a few small bottles of water next to the sandwiches. When you look at Charles, he grins. "What is it?"
"Nothing." His grin almost reaches his ears. "There's water on the boat too, you know."
You roll your eyes. "I've never been on a boat before." 
Charles raises his eyebrows briefly before shrugging his shoulders. "It's not as special as you make it out to be."
You squint your eyes a little. "Only rich people say that."
He tilts his head. "Do you want to go on the boat or not?"
"Like I said," you start the sentence and grab the snacks, "only if I can steer it once."
Charles reaches for the keys to your Renault. "Don't you dare crash it," he warns you as you walk towards the elevator. He presses the button and a short time later the doors open. "That boat was expensive."
"Don't worry," you try to reassure him. "I'll just hold the wheel firmly and steer straight ahead." You wink at him and step into the elevator. 
Charles has to smile and follows you. "I think I'll only let you take the wheel on the open sea. There's much less risk of you ramming other boats."
"You have a lot of faith in me," you say with mock hurt and put your hand on your chest. 
"I do," he says seriously. "I'd trust you with my life."
You walk uncertainly around the various walkways. 
Before you got out of the car, Charles said there would be a man standing in front of his boat to help you find it. You would also have to say a password so that you would be granted access to Charles' boat. 
"For security," he explained. "We don't want everyone to get on the boat."
With your two bags on your shoulders, you walk past a few boats that certainly cost more than you'll ever earn. But nowhere is there a man to signal that you are in the right place. 
There are a few people at the harbor, but no one pays you any attention. They are chatting with friends, frolicking on boats and enjoying the warmth of the sun one last time before the year is over and winter finally sets in. You walk past them with your head down. 
Cautiously and indecisively, you walk on and the boats become yachts on which great parties are sure to take place in summer. They are big and nice and you wonder whether you should google one of the types to find out what price range the yachts of the rich and famous are in. 
You are torn from your thoughts by a man. "Madame? Vous cherchez quelque chose?" are you looking for something? 
Somewhat taken by surprise, you stop. You are standing in front of a large, white yacht. With its two floors, it towers above its neighbors by quite a bit. 
"Uhm," you look at the man uncertainly. "Je cherche le bateau d'un ami," you explain. I'm looking for my friends boat. 
The man raises an eyebrow as if he's wondering what you're doing here. Your uncertainty and searching eyes probably made you stand out immediately. You don't fit in here, that's for sure. 
When the man doesn't answer, you try the password Charles told you. "Chicken?" you ask uncertainly, but when the man smiles at you and reaches for your pockets, you exhale with relief. 
You've found the boat. Thank goodness. 
The man helps you onto the yacht and leads you past the sun bed into the interior, which is much bigger than you imagined, and places your bags on a couch. A couch. On a boat. How crazy. 
"Voulez-vous boire quelque chose?" would you like something to drink? He smiles kindly at you. 
"Non, merci," you thank him and look around. On the floor, next to a couch and a small bar, is the steering wheel, which you hope you'll be able to take the plunge on later. To the right, a staircase leads down to the lower floor, where there are not just one, but three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. 
Astonished, you run your fingers over one of the large beds. The fabric is soft and pleasant against your skin and you can almost imagine how comfortable the bed would be if you snuggled up there after a day in the sun. 
"I was worried for a moment that you wouldn't find my boat." 
As you turn around, Charles is standing at the foot of the stairs, watching you. Without further ado, you sit down on the bed behind you. "I was looking for a boat too. Not a castle on the water."
He has to grin. "The boat is still relatively small compared to the ones that dock here in the harbor in summer."
You raise an eyebrow. "Really?"
He takes a step towards you. "Really. I'm the outsider with my little boat. There's nothing under five stories." He bites the inside of his cheek. "How do you like my boat?"
You nod. "Your yacht is really nice." You grin at him and take a look at the bed you're on. "But why do you need so much space at sea?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "I usually spend the summer break here with my family. Not all of the time, of course, but when we go out on it, it's quite a few days. And I'll be damned if I'm going to share a bed with Arthur."
You try to suppress your grin, but unfortunately you don't succeed. "Why? Does he kick while he sleeps?"
"No," says Charles, leaning against the bed at a little distance from you. "But he used to steal the blanket in the past and then I had to freeze all night."
You raise an eyebrow. "Couldn't you have just fought for it?"
"Believe me when I tell you I tried several times," he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "He practically wraps himself up like a burrito and when that happens, you've lost."
"Then I know who I'd never share a bed with," you joke, but Charles looks a little more serious.
"I hope so." Before the mood can turn negative, he smiles at you. "Are you ready? Shall we go out?"
You look at him excitedly. "Oh yes." You jump off the bed and smooth out the creases you've left in the comforter. "How long will it take us to get outside?"
"Not long at all. I think twenty minutes and that's it," he explains, turning to head up the stairs.
When you reach the top, Charles gets behind the wheel. You look at him, confused. "Are you driving the yacht?"
"All the time?"
"Yep." He grins at you. "Except for the time you're at the wheel, of course."
You want to jump up and down with excitement. "And where's the man who let me on the boat?"
Charles presses a few buttons and the display in front of him comes to life. "Thomas? He's left the boat."
"Are we all alone?" you ask uncertainly and sit down on the couch. "I thought you still had a chef on board?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "You brought some snacks with you. Thomas also packed some food in the fridge in case you and I want to cook something later."
You purse your lips. You would spend the whole day on the water with Charles. Alone. And you would take pictures of him, which he would post on his official Instagram profile. And you would cook in the small kitchen in the basement. The distance you want to maintain between you seems to be shrinking somehow. 
"You're not going out on the boat with me to kill me and get rid of me discreetly, are you?" you ask him jokingly. 
"Believe me. If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it on our first day," he grins and puts his hands on the steering wheel. "Are you ready?" Charles asks, glancing over his shoulder at you. His green eyes sparkle in the sunlight and small dimples form in his cheeks as he looks at you. 
You smile back. "I'm ready, captain."
He winks at you. "Let's go then."
Concentrating, Charles steers his yacht out of the harbor between the other boats. The rocking is surprisingly pleasant and not as bad as you expected, so you lie down on the couch and wait until you arrive at your destination. Charles remains silent for a while, so you don't say anything either, worried about disturbing his concentration, but while he steers the boat, you start working on your camera settings and think about which one would be best for your shoot. 
After twenty minutes, the yacht comes to a halt and Charles turns to you. "Alright."
Excitedly, you get up from the couch and follow him outside to the sun bed you had your eye on when you boarded. As you look around, you are amazed. You can still see the land in the distance, but you are so far out that it almost merges with the horizon. Although there is a sea breeze blowing around you, the sun is so bright that you don't freeze. It's reflected on the clear water and you want to put on a bikini and jump in. 
Charles seems to notice your gaze. "Next summer, I'll take you with me and then you can swim and sunbathe here until you get sunburnt."
You smile at him. "I'll gladly take you up on that offer." You glance back inside. "Do you need to get changed or are we going to start straight away?"
Charles snaps his fingers once before pulling his shirt over his head and disappearing towards the interior. You try not to stare after him and you ignore how wide his back is and how his muscles move under his skin as he puts his shirt down on the couch. He opens his bag and pulls out a white shirt. When he turns back to you, you turn away quickly, hoping he hasn't noticed you watching him. 
"Ready when you are."
Charles changes clothes more often than you can imagine. He has different outfits ready for every pose and every location on his yacht, which he slips into in order to take the best possible picture. In between, you take a sandwich break on the sun bed and enjoy the warm sun on your skin before getting back to work. 
It doesnt take long for you to figure that Charles is the perfect man for the job. He's so easy to work with, even though he jokes most of the time and you surely have more photos of him looking funny than serious. But you enjoy it the way it is. Happy, free, without a care in the world.
When you have finished and Charles is happy with the photos you took, he suggests going home in the evening. You nod and sit down on the couch. 
When he looks at you expectantly, you raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What is it?"
"I thought you wanted to steer the boat." In his hand, he holds a bandana that he ties around his head to control his hair, which is messy from the constant changing of clothes.
You widen your eyes. "I thought you were messing with me."
He furrows his eyebrows. "Why would I do that? There's nothing and no one here that you can put at risk. And you won't be steering for long." He leans against the seat in front of the wheel. "If you want, the seat is yours."
Excited, you get up from the couch and get behind the wheel. Charles explains everything to you and you try to concentrate on his words as best you can, but he is so close to you that his scent of perfume, a little sweat and him envelops you. 
With his help, the boat sets off and you jump up and down on the seat with joy. Your hair is blowing around your head and it's so loud that you almost scream. "Oh my God! How fucking awesome is that?" You don't even notice that you've let go of the steering wheel.
"Hands on the wheel, you crazy woman!" laughs Charles, holding the wheel tightly. As you look at him, you see a spark of the Charles you know. The Charles that existed before yesterday. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" you apologize and put your hands back on the wheel. "Oh my God! Can you take a picture of me?" 
Charles takes two steps back and pulls his cell phone out of his pocket. "Smile, please."
You grin so wide it almost hurts, but you can't stop. It seems so unbelievable that you are on a yacht and even get to steer it. 
You smile at Charles, tears stinging your eyes. A few days ago, you were almost homeless, all alone and on your own. There aren't enough words in the world to describe how grateful you are for the Monegasque who took you in. Who took you into his heart without hesitation. Who was there for you without batting an eyelid.
Fuck, you love him. And nothing in the world will ever change that.
"Thank you."
He lowers his cell phone. "For what?"
A tear escapes your eye and rolls down your cheek. "For everything." 
Charles takes a step towards you and you would love to take him in your arms and never let him go again. But he stops an arm's length away from you and smiles at you. "I would do anything for you."
You feel the blood rush to your cheeks, so you avert your gaze and look ahead again. Monaco is getting closer, but you would prefer to stay here. On the yacht and on the sea. You don't want to go back to reality yet - not if you can be here with Charles. The way it was before.
"I don't want to go back yet," he voices your thoughts and puts a hand on the wheel. When you look at him, he smiles a little brokenly. "I don't want to go back yet because I'm afraid that things won't be the same between you and me. That I'll lose you. And I don't want that." 
His words hit you so hard that you can't breathe. You would love to take him in your arms and kiss him and reassure him that you belong to him like the sand belongs to the sea, but that's not the way Charles means it. 
But you don't care how Charles means it. You belong to him - no matter which way.
"Then let's not go back," you suggest. "We - we can stay here and we won't go back until tomorrow."
Charles' smile looks forced. "And then?"
"Then we'll go home." You bite the inside of your cheek and purse your lips. "To our home."
Charles exhales in relief, as if the elephant that had been standing on his chest had finally gotten off of him. As if he had been underwater for too long and could now take his first breath. He would love to stay here forever, with you, far away from the reality of all the pressure he is under. 
As you smile at him, the pressure seems to fall off him. As if he has finally reached his destination, wherever that may be. Like he's home. 
Fuck, he'd do anything for you if you just asked him to.
He motions for you to let him into the seat, and as you swap places, he brings the yacht to a halt. As the engine shuts down, he slides off the seat and turns to face you. 
"Have you ever gotten drunk on a boat before?"
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 8 months ago
How would NRC (only 18+ characters) react to their fem s/o texting them "Come here, I'm horny"?
I'm so sorry these are so short. Your girls getting a bit burnt out as of late for some reason. Anyways, I hope you like them <33
Warnings: MDNI, fem reader, suggestive but not really smutty, mentions of boners.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,130.
Trey Clover
Trey was working on frosting a cake with Riddle when he received the text from you. And thankfully Riddle was short because he damn near choked at the message. A blunt, “Come. I'm horny." Was all you had sent.
However, catering to your needs, he let Riddle know something important had come up and he had to go tend to a leak in your roof. Riddle of course sensing the urgency had nodded with a simple; “Go, I can manage the frosting." Trey felt no remorse for fibbing to his friend and dorm leader, and went off to find you at Ramshackle.
Entering the broken down household he smiled gingerly over at you. "You needed me, peach? Go and lay back on the bed. I'll take care of you."
Cater Diamond
Cater was at the Light Music club when you texted him, and just in case it was urgent or some spicy drama from magicam had checked his phone right away. It was spicy, just in a way he hadn't thought it'd be. His face slowly flushed a red, gaining the attention of Kalim, who had asked if he was okay.
Cater cleared his throat, nodding. “Uh… Yes! Ah haha, I'm okay! Sorry, I just got distracted there for a minute.” While Kalim was none the wiser, the old fae on the other hand, was.
After he finished the club Cater quickly made his way to your dorm, shoving open your door he crawled over you, leaning down to press a searing kiss against you. “Hahh.. Babydoll, you can't just text me like that out of the blue!”
Leona Kingscholar
You really think this man was anywhere but napping?
He was less than amused to stir awake from his phone going off, alerting him of a text message. And for a moment he wasn't going to even answer it, rather he'd just roll over and go back to bed but something prompted him to pick up that phone and boy was he glad he did.
A smirk formed across his face and he texted back a simple “Omw" before rolling out of bed, hair messy and clothes disheveled before making his way to your dorm. He was there in record time, falling across your bed and grasping your hips to make you straddle him. Yeah, some pussy was definitely better than sleeping.
“Feeling like a whore? Then sit on this cock and take it like a good girl."
Vil Schoenheit
He was at a photoshoot when you texted him. He'd frowned slightly at your blunt order but underneath was particularly amused. His little potato needed him?
"You're going to have to wait, lovely. Photoshoot is almost over.” He could almost feel the way your lips puckered into a pout on the other side of the phone as he got back into position for another photo after his short break. Thirty minutes later he was leaving the photoshoot.
And fifty minutes later he was coming into your dorm room, sliding off his shoes and over coat before leaning over you on the bed, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “I'm sorry for being so long. Let me make it up to you, potato.” He dragged your hand up his leg onto the crotch of his pants, before moving to straddle you.
Rook Hunt
Was enjoying nature up in a tree when his phone buzzed in his pocket. On pulling it out and seeing your text message, you received back a slur of French, with a few heart Emojis after them. “English, Rook." His lips quirked at your sass. “On my way as we speak, Mon amour." He texted back, pocketing his phone before climbing down the tree.
Fast on his feet and in the area, Rook arrived at Ramshackle within five minutes. He hung his coat on the coat wrack and took off his shoes before padding up to your room.
“My petite amour, I have arrived.” He cupped your face, pressing light kisses against your chin and jaw. "Do tell me which part of me you crave first, Mon lapin.”
Idia Shroud
Thankfully Idia was in his room like always when he received your text. Instant red face. (And instant Idia jr peaking up but we don't talk about that) Almost thought you were tweaking or had text the wrong person, despite being your lover. However after getting his shit together he texts you back.
“Can you come here? I.. Might be in a predicament where I am unable to leave my room for a while."
When you came to his dorm instead of the other way around he had a pillow over his lap and his face and hair were both a light red in color. Grasping onto the pillow you pulled it off and crawled onto his bed after shutting and locking his door. Idia’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling you down to straddle him. “Eheheh.. You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He grinned against your throat, before biting down on your shoulder to leave a hickey.
Malleus Draconia
Remains stone faced despite the very obvious tent rising in his trousers. If his tail were to be out it would've been wagging in slight excitement. Out of everyone, you might just be the only person to be able to boss around and command the prince of briar valley.
“You wish to mate with me? I will be over immediately, child of man." It takes him a moment to answer you. Not because he didn't see the message but because he still doesn't know how to use a phone that well still. Please be patient, he is very happy.
Appears outside your dorm as soon as he texts you back, eagerly knocking on your door in a beckon for you to let him in. As soon as you open the door he is grabbing you by the hips, guiding you against him. “My dearest peony, do feel free to seek me out everytime you have these feelings. I will be more than obliged to assist you.”
Lilia Vanrogue
Doesn't even answer your message. He was in history and then all of a sudden he was floating upside down in front of you. An amused look was on his face though despite the little grin his eyes were foggy with lust.
“Oh my what do we have here? Couldn't even keep your hands out of your panties in the short time it took me to get here? Fufufu~ let's have a look now, hmm?"
Lilia eagerly slots himself between your legs like he's always belonged there, nibbling and nipping at your legs as he makes his way up. “You taste exquisite, and I haven't even gotten to the main course yet.”
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giddyfatherchris · 10 months ago
📱skz texts — random texts with hyunjin
type. fluff, random texts series
warnings. gn!reader, cuss words but thats it
a/n. honestly i bulldozered through these BAHA inspiration struck and… here we are🫡 i love hyunjinnie sm, and honestly receiving his late night texts would quite literally kill me. also thank you to my bubs @httpdwaekki for inspiring the usage of the word "cunt" HAHA because yep, that situation was inspired by something that actually happened to me lol ANYWAY enjoy babes!!! xxxx
a/n2. oh and just in case, his contact name is french for love hehe
01. your friend bailed on you
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02. you prank him
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03. he texts you before going on stage
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04. he texts you while you’re sleeping
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kissmetwicekissmedeadly · 6 months ago
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The Midnight Cinderella app will be closed on Monday August 26th, 2024 (5 PM JST). The English version was actively updated from 2014 to 2021 when Cybird announced the ceasing of operations for MidCin, but the app remained accessible until today. I'm sure I'm not the only one who mourns the loss of it even after all these years of discontinuation, so I wanted to put together a post to properly say goodbye to it. Trying my best not to make it all too sappy - I'd rather look at it as a show that reached its final episode. Some things might be left unresolved but in the end, you remember the cast and the emotions they made you feel more than the actual plot. Nowadays there arguably may be better titles by Cybird out there, but for me, the simplicity of MidCin was what made the details so memorable.
1. VIDEO - POV: You're playing Midnight Cinderella (for 10 minutes)
The 10-minute version (without sound) is accessible via the link above (opens in Google Docs) This one I was really excited about recording! It's just your normal day playing midcin, I'm sure many will find it nostalgic and comforting. You log in, claim your daily bonus (I used the chance to do a present box reveal, 90+ items, many of which you might recognize from route grace checks), play the garden gacha (in my case, I used up all the points I had accumulated, 7800 which equals 39 solos), do your princess lessons, change your avatar, greet your friends, read 1/5 of today's free story parts, check the ranking and your stats, look at your memories directory. The video has no sound, as the game wouldn't let me turn it on (you will see me try to do so throughout the video...) but later on I got it to work so I recorded a one-minute video (the one imported above) of me replenishing stamina just for those iconic sound effects that you either loved or absolutely couldn't stand the volume of, haha.
2. A Midnight Cinderella playlist (spotify link)
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While I wasn't there for the early days of midcin, the songs I associated with the game almost always captured this very specifically nostalgic 90s-10s period, you'll see what I mean. Many of those are taken from 8track playlists dedicated to Midnight Cinderella, and if I'm not mistaken you can still look at what is left of them if you search them up. Others are just my very random interpretations of the route stories and the characters.
3. Fic recommendations
We have a lovely community of creatives and there are still so many works left behind which you can check out on the tags! But especially for fics I wanted to list some that truly touched me during the years (all links open in ao3) -
i'm on fire and its NSFW bonus scene bloodstream by a deleted user - words are not enough for this one. It's like it meant more than Nico's whole route for me at one point, and the songs are forever in my heart as Nico songs...
MidCin Works by DBMidCin (SoftSen) - ALL of these. This is my go-to collection of writings for midcin when I start to miss the game, it has a little bit of everything. The headcanon of Giles teaching his girls French for instance is one of the things I still remember reading like it was yesterday!
Bedroom Etiquette (NSFW) by RubyLeeRay - Because this is the dream. Doing something forbidden with your tutor Giles is the ultimate fantasy, I swear. I just love it.
And of course, many, many more. There are currently 166 works on the midcin tag in Ao3, and I'm sure there are a lot of hidden gems here on tumblr as well! Reminder that writers LOVE it when you interact with their old works, it's not weird, you shouldn't hesitate doing so if you find yourself enjoying any of them! <3
4. My own humble collection of MidCin writings on my writing blog @xxsycamore!
Maid, Butler, Chamberlain (NSFW) - Nico x MC with Giles joining them
Grabbles: 💋 Demand for a kiss, right here, right now (GILES); 👔 Stealing their clothes to cuddle when you miss them (BYRON); more coming soon as there are still some in my askbox and I plan on including midcin in future short writings request openings too.
Shared Moments (NSFW) - Nico x Reader - Secret relationship
Ice-cold heat (NSFW) - Byron x Reader - Temperature play
Double the Surprise - Alyn and Leo birthday fic
Leo Crawford having a misadventure with a cat (ao3 link) - crack fic featuring most of the suitors
5. Out of context Midnight Cinderella screenshots
This is a sideblog of mine dedicated to posting out-of-context funny screenshots that I took while playing the routes - @oocmidcin . If you have some of your own that are not on there, you're free to submit them and add to the archive!
6. The perfect MidCin song - The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
When I first discovered this song back in 2020 I dreamed of making it into a midcin music video with simplistic art and animations... It ended up being just something you daydream in detail about while in the car, but that's alright. I could at least share my vision with you! Disclaimer, this is just an interpretation and obviously it can't fit all characters ideally - In the brackets, I explain how the lyric is related to them and usually it reveals their backstories. Some of the details I've already forgotten, sorry if it's inaccurate.)
Tell me once again
I could have been anyone, anyone else
Before you made the choice for me
(Giles - his family making the choice for him since birth and later disowning him once he failed to become a knight due to his illness)
My feet knew the path
We walked in the dark, in the dark
I never gave a single thought to where it might lead
(Nico - wandering the streets with his mother once they were thrown out of Stein castle because she was a commoner having an affair with Byron's father, the King)
All those empty rooms
We could have been anywhere, anywhere else
Instead I made a bed with apathy
(Robert - the empty rooms of the once flourishing palace of the country that Robert ruled and led to demise, nowadays becoming a mere court painter)
My heart knew the weight
Ten years' worth of dust and neglect
We made our peace with weariness and let it be
(Leo - the years in which Alyn didn't speak to him, after the death of their parents)
The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
(Albert - loyally standing in king Byron's shadow)
Name your courage now
We could have had anything, anything else
Instead you hoarded all that's left of me
(Sid - his relationship with his fiance that he agreed upon just to find out more about his parents by getting close to her father)
Swallowing your doubt
Like swords to the pit of my belly
I want to feel the fire that you kept from me
(Alyn - searching for answers about the murder of his family and the fire that burnt down their home)
I shine only with the light you gave me
(I could have been anyone, anyone)
(Louis - being a nobody and MC being his sun)
7. It goes on
I went to read what I could of chapter 4 of Rayvis' route, using my last two chapter tickets as well, thinking it won't make me cry. And then I'm hit with those familiar things.
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So let's close this with a word about the things that never change in the universe of Midnight Cinderella.
Stumbling down the grand staircase and right into the arms of somebody. Escaping the palace at midnight with Nico's help. Sitting at breakfast with Giles giving you your schedule for the day. Nico's teasing little smile as he accompanies you everywhere and listens to your relationship troubles. The way he's just a little suspicious at times. Finding Robert painting in the garden of Wysteria palace. Going to the room of your chosen suitor for the first time and meeting a pet there. Leo teaching you history and politics in his office. Dance lessons with Louis. Needing those dance lessons because King Byron is coming to Wysteria and a ball is going to take place. The bureaucrats being unhappy with you as a princess elect, no matter what. Galloping on a horse with Alyn who just protected you from an enemy attack. Getting information from a certain flirty merchant at a bar. Albert bickering with Nico, Sid teasing Louis. Being introduced to Archduke Herneit at Stein castle. King Byron appreciating the night sky. The sight of your yellow and orange princess elect room where on the large bed with its blue bedframe and tall see-through canopy you lie awake and think about the events of the day and how would a wise future Queen of Wysteria deal with the current situation. But ultimately you fall asleep, hearing the melancholically beautiful sounds of a violin coming from somewhere deep within your dream, and leave it all to the following day.
Thank you for everything, Midnight Cinderella!
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dedalvs · 8 months ago
Hey! Sorry if you’ve answered this before or if it’s a bit above your paygrade for a Tumblr ask, but how do you imagine the dialect of Low Valyrian spoken in Lys to differ from High Valyrian (primarily in terms of phonology)? I know GRRM described it as a “musical, flowing, liquid tongue,” but that’s a bit too vague for my purposes, haha.
This is a big ask, because Lyseni and High Valyrian are different languages. They're related, but they're different in the way that Latin and French are different. I haven't given it careful thought you because it's potential future work for some potential future ASoIaF series. I hope to one day be able to create it. If I don't, I hope it'll be a fun exercise for a future conlanger.
Incidentally, if these GRRM books have lasting interest (assuming society lasts that long), it may be the case that these things are rebooted or expanded upon again and again in the future. Consider what's happened with Star Trek since the very first series aired. If some day after I'm dead they really start exploring the rest of the physical territory on Terros (so help me if you come at with "Planetos" I will block you), I hope a future conlanger finds it fun to use High Valyrian as a proto-language. They can, of course, always decide to ditch everything I did and do something new, but if it were me, I would find that fun, given that there is significant material that has been faithfully documented, to the best of my ability. That is, I was trying my best to get everything down. I'm sure there's mistakes (I correct them as I come across them), but it's better than the lack of records that exist for other things. I'm not saying they won't curse my name a few times for some of the absurd choices I made, but I hope on the whole, the experience would be a positive and rewarding one.
Anyway, I think it'd be fun to do a good chunk of the daughter languages of Valyrian, but I'm not sure I'll ever get the chance. Here's hoping.
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lecfavs · 2 years ago
spanish villa 〆 charles leclerc
summer break series I
you travel to spain, your country, with your boyfriend charles to spend the summer break (instagram au)
Mallorca, España
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liked by pierregasly, carla.brocker and others
yourusername unos días en casa a few days at home
view all comments
charles_leclerc amor de mi vida, siempre los mejores días junto a tú ❤️ love of my life, always the best days with you
fan1 omg, this is so cute!
yourusername babe it’s ti
charles_leclerc what?
yourusername it’s not “tú”, in this case you have to use “ti”. but good try, we’re getting there
charles_leclerc yes, at least my spanish is better than your french
yourusername well, you have a better teacher i guess
fan1 this is even cuter, god i love them 🥹
carlossainz55 jamón icónico
leclerc_pascale super! 😍 cool
yourusername tu nous manques ❤️❤️❤️ on t'aime we miss you, love you
fan2 i don’t know if i want to be her or be with here anymore
charles_leclerc hey don’t try to steal her from me ✋🏼
fan3 haha charles really said fuck off to his pr team
fan4 @yourusername remind charles to use sunscreen, we don’t want 🍅
yourusername i try!!! i promise but he’s so stubborn. he just likes to match his car colour 🤦🏽‍♀️
fan5 thank you for the content y/n
fan6 our instagram queen 👑
fan7 alongside kika! we love our instagram royalty
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erabu-san · 5 months ago
First of all, I would like to thank you so much for all your support and your kind message !! Thank you so much for being patient with me too !! (you will see, I thanks a lot in this post lol)
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Haha tbh I believe that ignoring and move on is a great way too! Yeees when I read this anon ask, I was wondering if they are living somewhere where pale person are oppressed and they are personally in this case and it affects them so badly that they have so much hate in them or they are just being hateful toward poc w/o any explication ? It was a bit uncomfortable And what is appealing with Genshin Impact (for me) is the fact that they use real culture to create their game ; even in the last survey, they ask if we like Natlan's authenticity (weird they only ask abt environment and music, i think they know they have issue with character design bahaha). I learn a lot about persian, algerian, but also chinese and even about french culture ! It is because people recognize themself that they start talking about it. I know there is a lot of controversial topic in Natlan, but because of this, I learn a lot on Hawai'i 's culture too. So yes, even if it is fiction, representation *is* important. And it is because they take inspiration of their culture that there is people who want a better representation, and in my opinion, this is something to not ignore !
About taking well what anon said, thank you so much ! If i can be honest tho, I didn't take it very well neither, or just I don't know how do I really felt at the moment I am an adult but I still hard time to distinguish what is morally okay or not, what is bad and good ? So if someone doesn't tell me they are explicitly a bad person with bad intention, I won't get it haha (ofc I grew up and now I identify my value and morals, but I still questionning if my morals are objectively great or not- yeaaah i was called weird for that, I am aware) Since forever I always try to understand other so I can communicate properly (at least I try), and that's why I am always interested on how does people think, why do they react in this specific way etc etc. Pro, I am patient and can take even the most violent take "well" (all depends. I am still a human) Con, I give free speech to those who have a "bad" take </3 and I apologize for that aaaa
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KFSDLFSD I wish to express my angryness sometime but I just don't know if it is really adequate What if I interpret their text in wrong way as they initially try to say ? I wasn't feel offended by what they said, I was just uncomfortable because their opinion is something I consider hateful. and what if i was wrong??? But reading you all's opinion just affirm that's they were indeed rude ! I should stop overthink, life would be easier Maybe next time I have a doubt I will ask my friends's opinion before answering ksdkfsf
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Oh my god thank you !!! If i can be honest, I draw Kinich this way because when I draw him w a darker skin for the first time, I thought "Oh !!! he looks so cool !!!!" and seeing a lot of positive comment abt my Kinich just makes me happy so I keep him like this ! And thank you for sharing with me informations !<<333 This is not overstepping at all ! And it is a reciprocate feeling anon ! It might be a bit weird but "angry" is such a complex feeling for me. I feel it but I don't really know how to express it in the most healthy way and it is super frustrating. So... seeing people getting mad at something I also disagree on makes me feel better !! And for this, thank you all !
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I SNORT SO HAAAARD Damn Macron you again..........!! I didn't put all ask here but I read them all !! Thank you for sharing with me your opinion and reaction, it is truly interesting (and way more relaxing that the hater anon kskskss) !! and again, your support is truly meaningful for me. You all have sincere gratitude Hope y'all have a great day !! Stay hydrated too <3
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months ago
Hello, first of all... Your art is a blessing from Marika ! I love your interpretation and your theory about elden ring lore.
So I have an ask, cause you are a reference for me about elden ring and I need to talk about the shadow ( like Maliketh, I'm French so I hope the name will be the same). We know Marika has one and Ranni too (Blaid) and if I'm not wrong Malenia and Miquella are empyrean too. So who are their shadows? Or it's not working like that?
I would love to have your tough about this subject if it's interest you 🥰
have a nice day, you are amazing !
thank you for your kind words! 🥹🥹
tbh the Shadows is still kinda a ??????? area to me. i do believe they are given to all Empyreans, but i have no idea where is the Empyrean's twins Shadows tbh. i was hoping the DLC would reveal them, but then it plays out the way it does...
i am curious because Miq and Mal's situation is very different from Ranni. Ranni wants to rid herself of the Two Fingers' influence entirely, so Iji feels it's necessary to imprison Blaidd so his assassin sleeper agent won't be activate and turn him against Ranni. the same way Marika seems very distant towards Maliketh during the time leading up to her betrayal of the Two Fingers (shattering the ring).
but Miq's goal has always been to become a God first, other things will be cleaned up later. while he denounced his bloodline, he never denounced the Two Fingers' guidance. even Ymir was talking in circle about how Miq didn't realize it's the Fingers that were relaying false messages this whole time. so i don't think it's a case of the twin distancing themselves from their own Shadows or locking them up somewhere.
imo From is saving those Shadows for future installments of the franchise (Gwyn's firstborn aka Nameless King didn't appear at all until the third game lol), same with other mysteries. Hell, i like to think even Marika's story isn't finished yet. But we'll see how it goes haha.
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etirabys · 10 months ago
Apologies if this is personal and you don't want to answer (or you don't want to answer for any other reason!); if that is the case no worries. But anyway by virtue of the fact that I am (sort of) a linguist I often get curious about people's language situation. You speak English obviously but spent your childhood in Korea, and often went to the English language book store while there? What is like, your personal linguistic history? Like, what language(s) did you grow up speaking, which ones did you learn later and when, etc? How fluent do you consider yourself in both English and Korean? If you don't mind my asking.
Haha, this is a dream scenario for me (someone asking about a situation I find fascinating about myself because I've never met anyone else with that background, but is probably boring to most people). Here's a longer story than you probably want:
My parents emigrated to the US before I was born, stayed for a decade, and moved back to Korea right after I was born. They're conversational in English, and my sister (12 years my elder) is fluent. Speaking English is valuable in Korea, so they raised me to be bilingual. They taught me the alphabet, bought me English language children's books, and sent me to an English language school run by Christian missionaries for preschool, kindergarten, and part of first grade.
My sister left the country when I was three to go to a boarding school in the US, but she came back every year for holidays, spoke exclusively in English to me, and refused to let the conversation move on if I mispronounced a word.
When I was six, my parents moved further away from the missionaries' school and switched me to a neighborhood public elementary school. At this point I was mildly more fluent in English than in Korean. Reading (English books) was a self-sustaining reaction I spent every free hour on. There were fewer interesting Korean books for children. Korea had industrialized ~30 years prior, and the hangeul writing system had only been in full use ~50 years at that point. As far as I knew, there was no CS Lewis of Korea, no Tolkien, no Diana Wynne Jones. In Korean bookstores, many of the prominent books on display were translated – The Little Prince was popular for children, and there was a children's fiction fad around another French author (who afaik never made a splash in the States) whose name I forget.
So I'm reading like 10 hours a day, at the dinner table, on the escalator when my mom takes me while she's shopping, sometimes under the desk at school flipping the pages with my toes, because the teachers don't care. (This is a huge W as far as I'm concerned for Korea – public school teaching is a somewhat competitive and standardized government job, it attracts people who lack great passion for either teaching or controlling children.) Meanwhile my peers don't like me much because my vibes are rancid: I have a compulsive laugh tic I haven't gotten under control, and I don't seem to understand their preferences very well or actively seek to understand them. Fair enough. I have one friend at any given time and she's usually on the fence about me.
When I'm old enough to take the train on my own, some weekends my mom gives me 5000 won for the train ticket + lunch, and I go into Seoul to visit one bookstore that has a 10-shelf English section. I pick a book, spend the day finishing it, and go home. Instead of my English language skills lapsing and being overtaken by the language I'm immersed in, I'm going deeper into English. Which increased the disconnect between me and my peers. I remember overhearing a conversation about an anime (The Black Cat) and eagerly asking if they'd also read the Edgar Allen Poe short story. I wanted to much to talk about shared interests, but it didn't occur to me to "invite myself into their interests" by picking up the manga they talked about.
...this all made my childhood weird in ways that have shaped me hugely but are difficult to describe. I was isolated and not, happy and not, stimulated and not, developing unevenly...
At eleven I discover fanfiction.net, probably one of the most impactful events of my life. I'm running out of physical books, I've read everything five or ten times, but then the computer! has made a deal with me! It contains INFINITE LITERATURE, although sometimes people seemed to misspell things on purpose and I didn't know why. (I had, approximately, never encountered misspellings in written material before.) In return the internet would take MY SOUL FOREVER although I didn't realize this at the time. I post a 100K Harry Potter epic over the next year where Harry is trained by a special assassin cult that lives under a mountain.
My parents have no idea what is on the internet. They're on a new temporal continent with no clue there's a parasite that can turn your daughter into a fujoshi. They do know that they have a worrying child. But! Her grades are really good, especially when she's testing in English. Good enough that although they originally intended not to send me to the US (my sister got depressed and burned out, and they attributed it to sending her to a different country for school), it made much more sense for me to go. I was on track to get a full ride at an Ivy, a carrot they were Not Immune to, and I obviously despised Korea and wanted to leave.
When I arrived in the States, I was terrified of speaking English to real native speakers. My language experience was "reading/writing: 95% English, speaking/listening: 90% Korean". I could perfectly pronounce any English sentence when I tried, but I'd occasionally and bizarrely mix up R and L, or the vowel sounds "ih" and "eeh" if I weren't paying attention. This went away after a year but I felt extra shy and didn't talk much. I'd guess 80% of my social cachet in freshman year came from writing funny Facebook posts.
I remember my time in Korea without feeling bothered by any single aspect, but overall I still have a big sense of "wow I didn't like that", have avoided non-Americanized Korean people since getting here (ten years ago), and now speak Korean haltingly. I'll try to teach it to my children so that they have the option of that cultural connection, but I don't think I can do a good job. It's feels 90% true thinking/speaking Korean is just a normal skill, a thing I do sometimes on the phone – and 10% true that the happier and more whole I become in the US, the more unsettling it feels to speak Korean at all.
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bittersweetbark · 8 days ago
A few... months ago I promised to take pictures when I make Sauerkraut. Well, I just did, so here it goes, how to Sauerkraut:
When my grandmother was a little girl in Hungary... haha lol no. I had 650g of shredded cabbage left over from cooking with the rest of the head, so that's just a very small batch but it also wasn't too exhausting to make. It looked like this:
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That's just about one third of it - it stomps better if it's not too much at once.
You can stomp using a potato stomper. I use this solid steel rolling pin, which weighs about 5kg and is deadly (that's just the handle):
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I guess you could also stomp with a filled glass bottle - I wouldn't. If it breaks you'll have a lot of regret. I stomp in that white plastic bowl, you can also use a sturdy metal pot - obviously no glass or pottery.
So you stomp the shit out of your cabbage. (I imagined Merz' face but you can use Trump's or Musk's.) It'll look like that then:
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Don't be fooled by the dryness, we're not finished yet.
I then put the whole amount of stomped cabbage back into my plastic bowl, added half a head of chopped garlic and 20g of salt. The ratio is 20g salt per 1kg of vegetable. You mix the salt well in and then stomp again. Stomp stomp! It'll get slightly more mushy and foamy now.
Then you fill that into your jar - in my case I like to use french press coffee makers - that's a 1l pot, I could have easily gotten 1kg of cabbage into it:
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Gently compress it using your potato stomper or a spoon - no stomping in a glass container! Now you can judge if it's juicy enough or not: the mass needs to be suspended in liquid. I added 5 tabelspoons of water. Then compress everything, so it stays beneath the surface:
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If you don't use a french press, you'll have to achieve that effect by other means. You can look it up on the internet, there are specific jars for it or you fill water into a ziploc bag and put that on top of your jar. But the fermentations needs to be anaerobic, i.e. no oxygen touching the cabbage. And don't put a lid on! There will be gasses that need to escape.
Now we're going to wait and in 10 days we'll feast :) Until then, put it somewhere cool where it can smell. Because it's going to smell. Not bad! But quite a bit.
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 year ago
Ignore it if you're uncomfortable💕
Reader catching Steve eating um... "meat" or put suspicion on foods he cook cuz it's a little different from usual meat😔
Idk choose one or maybe both or maybe none
This will be a story told in infrequent, anachronistic snippets, as I love the story idea but don't really want to commit to another WIP. I hope you enjoy!
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📖"Amuse Bouche"
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steve Kemp x Reader
Tags: cannibalism, held hostage, basement wife, captor/captive, dark Steve
Summary: Amuse-Bouche (/əˌmuːzˈbuːʃ/; French; N.) : to delight the mouth.
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You feel your ears buzzing as you sit across the island, frozen in place. The soft sounds of Steve's knife against the cutting board drumming in your ears inordinately loud, warring with the drum of your own thundering pulse. You lick your lips nervously, biting your tongue to keep from saying anything.
"Everything okay, Hon?"
You blink, startled out of your thoughts and surprised to find Steve staring at you from where he's working, his eyes boring into you, rather than the raw meat under his hand, the chef's knife in the other. Your heart pounds hard in your chest, and you're sure he can hear it, can tell exactly what you're thinking.
What are you thinking?
"Y-yeah," you stammer, forcing a smile. Oh god, he can tell. He knows what you're -
"Good." His smile is sweet and honest, unsuspecting, and he goes back to his work on the cutting board. You swallow, your mouth horribly dry. "Just hungry, huh?" Steve smirks down at his bloodied hands. "Really worked up an appetite this afternoon."
You chuckle nervously, shifting in place on the barstool. "Haha, yep. Yeah."
"Mm. Well I know how to fix that," he says. Eyes still on the meat.
You look down nervously to it again, and away again before he can catch you looking and see the thoughts going through your head. You avert your gaze around the kitchen. - the beautiful kitchen.
It'd seemed like such an easy mark. Middle of nowhere, no visible security. Single occupant who went away for hours at a time. It'd been easy to case. You'd thought you'd make out good on this one. Just one more job. A little more money to get you in a good spot. Then you'd go straight.
It hadn't worked out that way.
The links on your cuff make a quiet sound as you shift. You reach for your wine glass and take a big sip. It slides over your tongue in a burst of flavors: fruity and lush, decadent yet light. It's red wine, a Beaujolais, your favorite. Steve always pours it for you before dinner, and you always drink it as you watch him cook.
Lately you've been drinking it faster.
Your eyes are back on the bloody cutting board when Steve's amused voice jars you back to attention,
"Need another pour already?"
Your eyes jerk up to him in fright, and it must show on your face, because he sobers. "Hon? What is it?"
You fake another smile - something you've gotten quite good at, ever since you woke up one day in a carpeted cell. "Nothing," you assure him, batting your eyelashes and drinking the last few sips from your glass. You set it back down on the counter. "I think I would like some more, please."
Steve squints at you briefly, concerned, or maybe suspicious, but your smile seems to do the trick and he sighs good naturedly. "Okay, why not?" He sets the knife down on the cutting board and turns his back to you, going to the sink to rinse his hands. "I'm chilling a white for the main, and I thought we could have that honey wine with dessert."
"Oh." You can't keep your eyes off the cutting board - on the carefully trimmed hunks of meat that don't taste like anything you've ever had before ... and on the knife. "That sounds nice."
Steve chuckles. "My little woman loves her dessert wines."
You could reach it. It's within reach. If you just leant across the counter, you'd be able to -
Steve 's hand appears in your field of vision and you flinch. He's reaching to take your empty glass. He eyes you knowingly as he pours from the bottle of Beaujolais. You expect him to say something, but he just finishes pouring and slides the glass back across the countertop to you. "There you go," he says, staring at you.
You lick your lips and swallow heavily, feeling caught. He knows. "Thank you, Steve," you whisper.
The edge of his mouth twitches up. "You're welcome, Little thief."
Your guts churn at the words he's somehow turned into a term of endearment. Steve's no fool. He knew you'd look. He put the knife within reach to test you, and you've failed the test. Internally you sigh, and you meekly sip your wine. You've got a long time to go before you'll be able to get the better of him.
"What's for dinner?" you ask, resigned, eyes back on the mystery meat.
"What?" You look up at him, catching the tail end of something indecipherable in his eyes. "Rosemary?" you ask, heart beating faster.
"Mm." He nods and goes to pull something out of the fridge. He returns with a bundle of green herbs. Your shoulders slump. Oh. rosemary. Right. "I'm cooking it sous vide with herbs," he says, and starts plucking the needles off the stalk. "Rosemary, Thyme, bit of sage."
You nod vacantly, thinking of the Francisco Goya that Steve has hanging in the hallway: Saturn Devouring His Son. You used to appreciate his quirky taste in art, had planned to get rich off it. But now you're starting to suspect there's something else to it.
Still, you know it'll infuriate Steve if you refuse to eat the food he's prepared for you, so you focus on sipping your wine steadily, hoping to maybe get another pour in before the meal.
You don't ask what it is that he's cooking sous vide. But deep down, you think you know.
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This has been a fill for: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky / sarahyellow
Square O4: Kidnapping
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asordinaryppl · 2 days ago
A3! Omnibus Event - Omnibus Performances: The Stranger & Nocturnality - The Stranger Omnibus: Epilogue - May We Meet Again
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Zen: … Should be done.
Omi: You’ve roasted it beautifully. As expected of you, Zen-san.
Taichi: Is this much salt okay, Omi-kun?
Omi: Just a little more. If you stick to the recipe, it won’t be enough in the end.
Sakyo: What’re you cooking so early in the morning that you even got Zen-san involved?
Izumi: They’re offerings for Nachi-san.
Izumi: Zen-san is making sunny-side up French toast, and Taichi-kun is helping out with the handmade cheese & imitation cod snacks.
Sakyo: That so? I could bring some alcohol, in that case.
Izumi: … Should I bring some of the curry I made yesterday?
Sakyo: I’d say no.
Nachi’s father: Thank you so much for coming here today, everyone.
Nachi’s mother: I’m certain Nachi will be happy as well.
Izumi: (Everyone is here… Nachi-san’s parents, Omi-kun and the rest of the Autumn Troupe, Keiku-kun and Zen-san, as well as the members of Wolf…)
Azami: Man, I didn’t expect you guys to come in suits.
Ryo: I told y’all to come prepared and it turned out like this…! ‘S my fault! I’m sorry!
Banri: I get their efforts, but this ain’t what a respectful grave visit is supposed to look like…
Keiku: … I dunno what I’m supposed to do here.
Zen: Long story short, we start by cleanin’ the grave. Then we put our hands together in front of the grave…
Juza: The water’s over here.
Izumi: We arrange the flowers and the offerings…
Taichi: The sunny-side up French toast, the handmade cheese & imitation cod snacks, alcohol, and the pork soup Nachi-san’s mother made…
Taichi: What a crazy and fancy spread!
Omi: Haha, it’s almost like a feast.
Zen: (I’m not gonna sprinkle any salt, so come by the restaurant if you’re feelin’ hungry. Your buddies and I will welcome ya with open arms.)
Keiku: (Seems like I somehow became part of Wolf. I dunno. Well, cheer on me anyways.)
Ryo: Go ahead, Omi-san.
Omi: Yeah.
Omi: (… Nachi, I’m spending another day working hard as an actor, surrounded by so many people I cherish.)
Omi: (You’re included in them.)
Omi: (That’s why, keep watching over me…)
Nachi: Omi, you’re my friend and the partner I’m proud to have. Forever and ever. … So come visit me again.
Ryo: … Omi-san?
Omi: Hm? Ahh…
Omi: I thought I heard Nachi’s voice for a second there.
Juza: … Come visit me again.
Omi …! Did you hear it too, Juza?
Juza: Ah, nah, I didn’t. ‘s just…
Juza: If it were me, I think that’s what I’d say.
Omi: … I see.
Omi: I’ll come again. Partner.
Banri: Oi, you ready or what?
Juza: This is happening ‘cause you won’t stop scootin’ your ass away.
Banri: Ahh? That’s ‘cause you won’t stop shakin’ next to me!
Sakyo: Geez… The sun’s gonna set before we’re done at this rate.
Azami: Why are we takin’ a group pic, anyway?
Taichi: ‘Cause we didn’t take any this time! I wanted us to take one after our final omnibus performance, actually…
Taichi: But you guys took off your costumes and makeup as soon as we were done!
Taichi: We took a pic when there were only 5 of us during The Stranger’s first play...
Taichi: But I wanna put one of my new yellow stickers on a group pic with A-chan in it!
Omi: Alright, I’m done setting up the camera.
Banri: Oi, move your ass a lil to the other side. You’re in the way.
Juza: Hah? Why don’t you just get your ass over there?
Azami: … I shoulda done everyone’s lips at least.
Sakyo: Don’t think that’d change anythin’.
Izumi: Come on, guys. Look at the camera!
Omi: Here goes—
Taichi: Everyone, put on your brightest smiles! 3, 2, 1...
previous episode | masterpost | next episode (nocturnality)
(1) there's a shinto tradition where after visiting a cemetery and before returning to their homes, visitors will sprinkle salt in the entrance of their houses, as well as on their shoulders, back and legs, then gently brush off the salt on their bodies and step on it in order to purify themselves and create a "barrier" between the world of the dead and the world of the living
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year ago
The idea of Seonghwa with 24,36 and 69 has me rattling the bars of my enclosure 👀🥵
SAME. Ok so this fic is rly smth else and I hope you'll like & enjoy it anyways xo
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Ateez!Seonghwa x Soloist Idol!Fem reader
Word Count: 2k
Tags/warnings: Idol!AU, one night stand/fwb vibe?, breeding kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk, both are switches, oral sex (f and m receiving, like LOTS of tongue for both of em), small bit of anal play (only m receiving), 69, praise, cowgirl & kneeling amazon position (which is basically cowgirl but with his legs around her waist,, I suggest you google it for a clear idea haha)
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123 @mjyungi
It wasn't uncommon in the industry that idols hooked up with each other, dating or not dating. Nearly everyone had the same thing to lose so when it came to secrecy they could do it very well. You honestly don't exactly remember how you and Seonghwa had gotten in contact but in this moment you didn't truly care.
Seonghwa had booked a lovely hotelroom in Paris for the two of you and you made sure to wear a different wig and a mask to disguise yourself, just in case an employee would recognize you. He took your hand and brought you up to your room. 605, you read the golden numbers on the black wooden door.
The room wasn't too big but it was quite luxurious, a nice little pantry, a bathroom, a closet and a kingsize bed: obviously everything you needed for the kind of night that you had planned with him. The view was lovely, honestly. It didn't have a view on the famous Eiffel tower but the scenery of the French buildings were still the most lovely sight you had ever seen. You turned around to look at Seonghwa, and smiled softly. You had been quite excited for this.
It wasn't your first time planning a sex-date with another celebrity, but it was your first with Seonghwa. He was very sweet and from what you've seen of him he seemed like a soft-type of guy; not the type of guy who would agree to a night like this with just anyone.
The two of you discarded your disguise and gave each other a smile, not totally awkward but with a little hint of nervousness. "So, do we... just... start?" Seonghwa asked. You grinned and sat down on the bed and gestured him to sit next to you.
"You have never done this before, have you?" You guessed. "Oh, oh I have had sex before, I'm not a virgin," Seonghwa clarified. "No, honey, I mean this type of arrangement." "Oh. Well yeah, that's true," he grinned, "I haven't."
"Do you want to talk about likes and dislikes first?" You offered. "I don't have any... extreme kinks, I just like... to pleasure and to be pleasured... There's nothing specific except...," he halted. "Except what?" You wondered.
"My breeding kink."
Your mouth nearly went dry at the thought of Seonghwa breeding your pussy. "Breeding kink?"
"Yeah, it's kinda... Yeah. Yes. But I don't have to do th-" "Oh no, you are definitely gonna breed my pussy now," you said as you climbed onto his lap. "You're gonna breed my pussy and stuff me full of cum, that's what you're gonna do."
Seonghwa's eyes went wide at your words, cock hardening in his jeans. "Already?" "S-shut up," he muttered before he kissed you passionately.
The two of you shared a heated kiss, your body tingling with excitement. His hands moved down your spine to your ass, copping a feel before sliding over your thighs. Your mouth left his to press wet kisses down his neck, licking a stripe up from his exposed collarbone to his adam's apple.
"Help me with this zipper please," you panted out as you got off him, standing up and getting your hair away from your back. You felt his fingertips brush over the skin in your neck before taking the cold metal between his fingers, unzipping your dress, revealing your body.
He swallowed thickly as you turned around, breasts bare and panties so tiny you could barely call them that. Seonghwa took off his shirt and shimmied down his pants, a little clumsily, resulting in laughter from the both of you.
You wanted to get on your knees but Seonghwa was quick to stop you. "You don't want me to blow you? You don't like that?" You asked. "Oh, no I do but I make sure I let my partner come at least once before I do," he explained. If you weren't excited about sleeping with him at first you would be now because wow. What a man.
You laid down on the bed instead, feeling the soft fabric of the rose-colored sheets on your skin. Seonghwa pulled down your panties and you spread your legs instantly, earning a little gasp from your new lover.
You smirked and bit your lip seductively. "Such a pretty pussy," Seonghwa said underneath his breath. Before you say anything he dives right into your core.
Seonghwa was everything you had hoped him to be, a fantastic lover so far, with an extremely skilled tongue. The man knew just what to do and where to go, eating you out like a starved man.
His tongue swirls over your sensitive bud, earning the most sinful moans from you, making himself grow harder in his boxers. The way he satisfied your desire made your mind hazy and foggy with lust.
Seonghwa lifted your legs over his shoulders for even better access and your moans only grew louder and louder as Seonghwa explored your hole with his wet muscle.
"Oh babe, fuck, Hwa, that's so good," you moaned out. He worked you up enough before focussing entirely on abusing your clit, roughly swirling his tongue and sucking on it until you felt your sweet release coming up, clit pulsating under Seonghwa's tongue.
"Your tongue's so good! S-so good I'm gonna cum on it baby, gonna cum on your tongue!" You cried out. Your legs trembled, your body tensing as Seonghwa worked you through your first orgasm of the night. The man cleaned you up without touching your sensitive clit, making sure not to overstimulate you as you came down from your high.
After few minutes or you regaining your breath and Seonghwa caressing and kissing your body you properly calmed down and switched positions. You now positioned yourself between Seonghwa's legs as you pulled his underwear down, revealing his rigid cock.
"Hmm, that looks good," you smirked as you peppered kisses over his shaft. He bit his lip to keep from smiling as you admired his member. Your tongue ran from the underside of his dick up to the tip, making Seonghwa whine softly.
You took his cock into your mouth and sucked on it, bobbing your head up and down. You couldn't help but moan around his length as Seonghwa moaned too. You always loved it when a man was confident and not afraid to get vocal during sex.
"Fuck, baby, take it just like that," he moaned out when you nearly swallowed his entire dick in your mouth. "T-that's so good," he cried out. When you felt him buck his hips up into your mouth you held his hips down tightly and let his cock out of your mouth with a pop.
Before he could protest you already dipped your head down lower, licking his balls and coating them with spit. It wasn't enough to make him cum but the way you licked and sucked his balls made his cock leak pre-cum, thick droplets rolling down the head.
"Fuck, love the way you take my balls baby, god, that's good," he moaned out. You kept working on his balls for a few more minutes before deepthroating his cock, making him moan loudly. His length twitched in your mouth, informing you that he was going to cum any moment now.
You kept going, eager to swallow Seonghwa's cum, and so you did. The salty seeds landed in your throat and on your tongue. You smirked as you got off his cock again and swallowed all that he gave you. "Fuck, you are amazing... let me pleasure you again, baby," he panted out. "What if we both pleasure each other then?" You proposed, to which he agreed.
You laid down, gesturing him to get on top. The common and easier way would be the other way around, but something about having to work for it, reach up to swallow his cock made something tingle inside your body.
As the considerate man that he was Seonghwa held his hips up at first when he went down on you, not wanting to overwhelm you with his cock. You weren't like that though, pulling him down immediately, swallowing his half-hard cock into your mouth.
The way it slowly grew bigger and thicker in your mouth made you moan as Seonghwa kept licking your clit. He moaned on your pussy as you took all of him in your mouth, sucking roughly on it. Eventually you felt yourself run out of air so you took the base of his cock in your hands and pulled your face away from it.
You pulled Seonghwa's hips down and licked a stripe from his balls to his puckering hole, making him gasp and tense up. You did it again when you realised he kept working on your clit and he moaned on your sex again, hot breath panning over your pussy.
He clenched down on nothing when your tongue played with his rim but he pulled away of you soon enough. "I need to fuck you now or I think I'll die," he said dramatically, making you laugh. You laid him down and got on top of him. "Don't die just yet, I'll take you to paradise, you just wait."
With those words you sank down on his cock, letting him fill your cunt up entirely, making you let out a long moan. "O-Oh God, Hwa," you whined softly as you adjusted to the stretch. He grunted as you moved your hips, slowly grinding your hips on him.
He moaned out your name as he rested his hands on your ass, making you grind your pussy on his cock. "Yeah, just like that baby, ride my fucking cock," he moaned.
"Your cock feels so fucking good in my pussy, Seonghwa, such a good fucking cock, oh God," you moaned, throwing your head back. Seonghwa seemed to be able to hold himself back really well, letting you build up your pleasure and letting you decide the pace.
Funny enough, that only made you more stimulated. You were in charge and he was not the type to cum after 10 seconds and get out. Seonghwa was a real man, letting you bounce on your cock and let yourself feel good without feeling pressured to orgasm.
Your moans grew louder and your body moved automatically. You were sure this was the best sex you've ever had; feeling so comfortable and free, combined with the prettiest man and prettiest cock you'd ever seen.
"S-slow down, baby, I'll cum," he suddenly grunted after a minute or five. You stopped your movements and panted out, not even realizing you'd been riding him so hard. You pulled up his legs and made him wrap them around your waist. "Hold them like that," you ordered him.
Your hands rested on Seonghwa's knees as you started bouncing on his cock again. Seonghwa moaned and winced, crossing his ankles behind your back to keep himself in the new position you introduced to him. "Are you a fucking kamasutra goddess or what?" He breathed out as your moans grew louder.
This position made him reach even better inside you and gave you even more control. You couldn't help but laugh at his remark and roll your eyes.
You leaned back slightly and fucked yourself harder on his cock. "Fuck, I cannot hold back much longer, Y/N," He cried out, brows furrowed.
"Yeah? You're gonna cum? Fuck, me too baby, I'm gonna cum on your cock as you cum inside me. You're gonna fill me up nicely right, Hwa? Gonna breed my little pussy?" You moaned out, speeding up.
"Yes, yes God, gonna fucking breed that pussy, breed that pussy, g-gonna breed that-"
Seonghwa came with a loud, long string of moans, sending you over the edge as well. You rode out your orgasms and laid next to him, panting and recovering from your highs.
"What the hell was that position?" He laughed, "Not complaining though, it was very affective." "Mhm, I said I'd take you to paradise didn't I?"
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pigeonstab · 1 month ago
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Surprendre! Bird hugs!!
(The owl kicked me out for getting too many things wrong so that one's from google lol I couldn't find how you say "Surprise!" like you're jumping out at somebody so maybe that's not a thing over there)
Anyway hello!! How are you? I hope you're doing okay and your food from last night was good (>^-^|^-^<)
Haha we do have it. 'surprendre' is the infinitive of the verb you just yelled 'the act of surprising!!' though I guess you guys don't have verb infinitives do you? You just say 'to surprise'.
Anyway to yell surprise in french just say 'surprise!' ;] it's a transparent word when it's an interjection. (Which is like 'Oh' 'ah!' or even 'fuck!' but those are in both languages. Would be pretty stale if we didn't have those lol) Now then!
Birs hugs!!!! Yippeeeee!!! I love the gifs you find ^^ I'm alright! Got what I needed to get done today so I can go to work on my art shtuff lol. The croque monsieurs were very very good. I wish I'd taken a picture now. I might just make more now.
Ps. (You do find infinitives in some cases like 'je me suis fait surprendre' but in English you'd translate that 'I was surprised [by something]' that's really weird don't really know the rule for when to use the infinitive. I guess you guys can't make sentences like that, it's understandable that you had issues with it. I'll look it up for you.)
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 1 month ago
Heart Killers day! Feed me, please!
Nothing tells you things are not right more than a sad and quiet Style.
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But also there's no way Fadel or Bison can handle a full stop in contact, they're gonna break for sure.
Lol, normally I love our boys in glasses, but those frames on Khaotung are enormous!
With Joong, may be having some thoughts about a story of a mild-mannered office worker who strips at night...
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... just me?
Oh, I'm glad they're not just killing first - ask questions! Get the truth!
With her own hands?
Oooh, no wonder she trained them as hitmen, if she started out the same way.
Also glad Fadel gave this guy a few whacks, he's still the kind of dude to hire a hitwoman, so there's no way he doesn't deserve it.
I do love the consistent characterization of our boys. Bison gets enraged right away, Fadel compartmentalizes until he can process and let it out. Bison is run by emotion, Fadel is driven by logic.
Nooo, Fadel tears hurt so much!
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This does have to hurt so badly. It is wild how we can all go through things with people where in hindsight it seems obvious how they are manipulating us, but at the time, you normalize it and make excuses.
Oof, this meeting with Lilly where literally everyone is lying to each other while being so surface-level pleasant...
Also, I'm not remotely on Lilly's side in this case, but damn would I love a series where a young woman becomes a hitperson for hire, leverages what she learns to build power, adopts some orphans to train as her squad, and takes down a bunch of powerful men.
Why size differences are adorable.
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Also this is giving me FirstKhao vibes more than KantBison, lol.
Haha, knew they would break so quickly!
Omg, not Kant listing his duplicity as a qualification.
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Lolol, these boys are so whipped, and I love it.
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Such a perfect encapsulation of their relationship:
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But also I love that we have all four of them working together. Way too many shows do the "I will push you away for your own good" thing, and I need more series to say, "nah, I respect the agency of my chosen life partner".
These two turn so many frames into straight up art.
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(Not to minimize the cinematography & direction, but the prettiness sure helps!)
Haha, Bison has a costume kink.
Um, Fadel, you maybe should have mentioned Keen was the shooter before this moment.
A moment of appreciation for this fit on Pepper!
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Haha, not Kant and Bison consistently switching up who's horny in the moment. So Bison is turned on by outfits, Kant is turned on by competency.
Lilly, if you want a good-looking caddie, you got gorgeous right there! Though I do appreciate that she's not dumb, and wants to be in control.
God, First looks giant here.
These plans definitely fall under the category of "romcom hijinks" more than any kind of solid strategy. But I don't mind.
C'mon Keen, see the light!
Omg, not the Titanic debate making it to Thailand.
Not me wishing Bison had said the "draw me like one of your French girls" scene.
They are so fucking cute.
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An empty pool would not be my choice of makeout spot, but they make it work.
Oh, poor Fadel. He just keeps getting hit.
You boys are wrecking me!
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And this is why Style is so perfect for Fadel...
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because he can say, with pure authenticity, "I love you, not despite who you are, but because of you who are".
And for the first time in his life, Fadel can completely fall apart in the safety of someone's arms.
I'm fine. Super fine.
Uh, wow... all the things happening next week!
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