#<- in case y'all ask
beauregardlionett · 18 days
are going to judge
for finger motions?
Hold on, everybody - stop the game!
Laura Bailey
just shamed ME for a
sexual finger motion,
after THREE
and a HALF
I have seen everything!
Resume the game!
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rocketonthemoon · 4 months
I'm kinda new to the fandom and you seem to rec fics that I don't see around a lot. Any older SC fics I should look up?
Well I dunno how much I can vouch for my taste but SC fics I really like that are more than a few years old:
Where Lamps Go to Die by WastedOn - Kara pretends to be in a relationship with Supergirl and Lena gets jealous (probably my absolute favorite SC fic. One of the first I read and genuinely a lot of fun)
lena dies on a wednesday by @karalovesallthegirls - Lena is trapped in a loop, reliving the day she dies over and over again. She just doesn’t know it. (I think this was one of the first SC fics I ever read? absolutely fantastic)
in the shadow of that green light also by @karalovesallthegirls - Kara wakes from an accident with no memory and a mysterious caretaker who creates more questions than she answers. (I'm not normally one for horror but this is SO good and makes me want to rattle the bars of my enclosure it's so good)
1,370,911 by @pippytmi - Soulmate AND Singer/Songwriter AU (I reread this on the regular you don't understand the grip it has on me)
We Deserve Only Good Things by @thornedrose44 - Kara and Lena are working through how to be friends again and an alien has them meet the younger versions of each other (yeah this one wrecks me in the best ways honestly)
quiet when i'm coming home (i'm on my way) by @valkyrieskwad - Kara's a retired smoke jumper and has to figure out life afterwards (Kara learns how to fucking heal and I'm in love with this honestly)
and of course I gotta plug @i-am-robie's you're gunna find yourself someway, somehow - Morning Glory AU aka one of my favorite Kara fics ever
And then of course I gotta plug my own work.
These are only a small handful of course. This fandom is so talented there's so many good one's to choose! So like just go through my bookmarks and have a good time. Don't forget to leave comments!!!
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hypewinter · 11 months
Jazz wasn't crazy. People might argue that burning her childhood home to the ground with her parents still inside would be an indicator of insanity. But how else was she supposed to react after coming back home from college to find out her parents had brutally killed her brother via vivisection?
Dying her hair blonde wasn't crazy either before anyone asked. Plenty of girls dyed their hair when they needed a change. Besides, she could never live with herself if she kept the same hair color as that vile woman.
Admittedly Jazz would have to secede moving to Gotham had been a little crazy but it was the perfect place to start fresh and blend in despite her "quirks". She had even picked out a nice new identity for herself.
Clearly Jazz was not crazy as she had managed to land a job at Arkham Asylum as a psychiatrist. If she were really insane would they have ever hired her? No they wouldn't have.
Jazz was not crazy. She was very much sane. Just like her precious Mr. J.
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ckret2 · 4 months
Hello! As someone who is very confused on the layout of the mystery shack, I gotta ask: where does bill sleep??? Like I know he sleeps somewhere upstairs, but he doesn’t usually sleep in the attic since the door had been firmly shut prior to the tooth fairy arc. So does he sleep in the hallway?
he sleeps in the attic, he doesn't sleep in the attic bedroom.
the layout of the mystery shack is somewhat inconsistent, but we get this map in season 2 and for fic writing purposes and building in the sims 4 purposes I use this as the "canonical" layout of the Mystery Shack:
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Each room identified:
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For necessity's sake (i.e. we ran outta room on the first floor), i've decided that several rooms, most notably Stan's (former) master bedroom and the main bathroom, are on some kind of magical invisible impossible second floor that logistically can't exist since the staircase goes directly to the attic, but that we won't worry about anyway.
This is the attic:
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Notice most of it is a big open room. It appears to partially be used for storage (such as: when we see all Mabel's puppet supplies sitting around in the main attic in Sock Opera) but is mostly empty.
The kids' room is closed off. Bill sleeps in the main attic, underneath the window seat:
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Except at the end of Journal 3 we know they threw out the window shaped like Bill and replaced it with normal glass. So it's more like,
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In the bottom right corner of the window seat pic you can see the top step of the staircase going downstairs; the attic window seat is in the open attic space, not in a "room" and not closed behind any doors.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
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I may be going insane
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scionsthings · 3 months
CHAVIER NATION ( composed by me and other 2 people i know ) TODAY WE RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL GIFT
My dearest friend @lilithkan wrote a Chavier fanfiction for us and it's AMAZING
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They asked me to publish it myself so here we go with a little highlight from me ( What did Bill do? Just read ;)) , comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated! Enjoy
Just for the ladies
Words: 1,597
Characters: Javier Escuella, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson
Rating: T
Warm flickers of flame from the candles created miniature light shows, while the popping noises from the bonfire created a peaceful atmosphere. It allowed the gang to have a calm evening, some of them were gathered at the table, but our attention is going to be next to the fire itself, where a couple of cowboys were sitting idly.
<<You want another drink?>>
Said Bill in a hoarse but playful tone, offering another one to Javier. Both their noses and cheeks were reddened by the effects of the tequila they were drinking.
<<O-of course, compadre!>>
Replied Javier, his tone of voice still cracking from laughing at a previous joke the two shared. Apparently… Bill thought that Charles, simply… Dressed terribly. Javier initially snickered at the fact that it was Bill Williamson, not exactly known for being well dressed himself, saying so about the hunter… But maybe the Mexican could lend the dark-skinned man some clothes and he wouldn't look too terrible as well.
As if it were foretold by fate… Or as they say, speak of the devil: Charles walked up to the bonfire, to then sit next to it, on a log. The mixed man had a plate of soup in his hands- apparently Pearson must've served dinner.
As Bill was pouring Javier another drink, the man currently wearing a sombrero turned to the hunter, who was idly minding his business, as usual. But the Mexican's inhibitions were partly gone due to the beverage he was drinking. So, as he sided towards Charles, Javier spilled some tequila on the ground due to the speed of the movement.
<<Hey! Don't waste it!>>
Bill's voice cracked, as if almost saddened by the waste. It did cost a lot, after all.
<<You know, the ladies said you'd be a catch if only you dressed a little better.>>
Javier said, with a small smirk drawn on his lips, implying subtly as a teasing joke to Bill that he was one of the “ladies”, due to reasons clearly unbeknownst to him. Bill didn't really seem to mind, either ignoring the joke or simply… Not understanding it.
Replied Charles, barely looking up from his food.
<<I could dress you up a bit, see how you'd look with a more… Thought out, outfit.>>
Added Javier, his tone was genuine due to the fact that the thought of actually dressing the other up like a doll seemed kinda… Fun, unlike how it felt just a moment before when he was laughing at the idea.
Javier took a couple sips from the remaining tequila in his cup, and brought it quickly down on the log he was sitting on, with a thud.
<<What do you say, you in?>>
He then asked openly, leaning forward to the other a couple inches. Charles looked at the man in front of him, then the other behind him, catching a glimpse of him drinking… Once again, his gaze was on his food. He took another bite, to then slurp the remaining soup.
<<Sure. Why not.>>
Replied Charles, his tone of voice low and serious as usual- as if the situation needed his usual dire manners. And with that, the three got up and, as the two drunk ones in particular left a trail of little snickers behind them, they all got to where Javier slept. His stuff was neat and tidy, in contrast with most of the others’ things around there.
<<So, what are you thinking, Charles?>>
Javier asked, his voice modulated and fluctuating, almost rhythmic as if he were singing a song in his head and instinctively imitated its sound with his tone.
<<Nothing fancy.>>
Replied the hunter, his only wish being to not be ridiculed.
<<Oooh, but we wouldn't dream of that, now would we?>>
Said Bill, his voice was made more accentuated and a little dramatic by the alcohol in his veins.
This was Charles response- and with that, the Mexican began looking around his stuff, to then take out a white shirt, black pants and a blue jacket. Then, he lent them to Charles, with a playful and slightly mischievous grin drawn on his lips.
Charles’ expression was hardened, but it softened just a moment as the sight of a Javier that seemed just so… Excited, about something. Something that stupid, might he add. So, a light hint of a smile was drawn on Charles’ lips as he took the clothes in his hands.
<<¡Ayy! Soy estúpido, dìos mio.>>
Javier looked at the button on the ground. One of his best shirts, damaged because he didn’t think about the fact that Charles’ body type was… Different from his own.
And oh, he sure did notice that the buttons were having difficulty holding on, but he didn’t really mind the sight. And got distracted by… Definitely, nothing in particular. So, the thought of making him change back didn’t even cross his mind… And now, as Charles looked kind of embarrassed, Javier didn’t hold back the jacket he was keeping for the hunter, and on the contrary, he held it out for him to take.
<<With your chest out like that you’ll definitely attract alllll of the ladies.>>
The Mexican commented, somehow trying to lift up again the mood, but kind of in a clumsy way.
Charles’ lips curled for a moment in a small grimace of confusion, but his expression quickly turned back to his usual harsh one.
<<Are you sure? I may ruin this too.>>
The hunter said, his voice rough, referring to the jacket Javier was lending to him, ignoring his comment. The Mexican brought back the clothing attire for a moment, to look at Charles with a raised eyebrow. He then rolled his eyes and brought back up the jacket towards the mixed man.
<<Sì. Take it.>>
And with that, the hunter took the piece of clothing the other was lending him, to then put it on- only one arm, as he immediately felt that it was way too tight around his forearm.
Charles looked at this, then raised his sight back up to the Mexican as he heard Bill’s laughter in the background at that ridiculous sight of a giant man trying to wear smaller clothes. Charles groaned lightly, as Javier looked at that sight as well- but his expression wasn’t one of mockery as the bearded man’s, it was one of awe. The hunter had quite the defined muscles, which you could clearly see underneath the tight clothing.
<<Fuck this.>>
Said Charles, feeling mocked by the both of them. He took off the jacket and then the shirt, quickly putting back on his own blue one and walking away.
Javier looked at the mixed man as he did this, a disappointed look drawn on his face for a moment, then one of slight frustration. He looked at Bill, to then give him a slap on the back of his head.
Bill looked confused as Javier stormed off as well, walking up to Charles.
The hunter got to the side of the camp, looking at the trees, right behind Arthur’s tent. Javier got up to him, stumbling around due to the still lingering effects of the alcohol flowing in his veins.
<<Came to make a mockery out of me some more?>>
Said Charles, his arms crossed.
<<Just wanted to say that it's not exactly nice to leave that way without even saying bye. Loved the scene though, seemed like a teenage girl.>>
Replied Javier, his tone still mocking for some reason even though he literally went there to say sorry on behalf of Bill.
<<I’ll take that as a yes.>>
Said Charles, to then begin walking away again.
<<No, espera->>
The Mexican said, landing his hand on the other’s shoulder. He turned back around, looking at him with a slightly raised eyebrow.
<<I’m sorry for Bill’s behavior, Charles. But don’t mind him, he’s just an idiot, he doesn't mean any harm.>>
<<But you were mocking me too. I saw your little smile.>>
Javier tilted his head slightly to the side, looking confused.
<<I didn’t and I wouldn’t->>
I mean, he would make fun of someone, but not Charles. Javier respected the hunter too much.
<<Yes you did. Don’t take me for an idiot. You thought I looked so ridiculous with your clothes that you became speechless.>>
<<I was just in… Awe, at… You have a great body, you know that?>>
Suddenly, Charles’ cheeks reddened but for a moment, drawing on his face a confused and surprised expression for the length of time of a flicker of the eye- easily missable.
He couldn't say anything else. And because of that, Javier’s cheeks became red as well for a moment. The two of them could thank God that it was night and neither of them could see the other well.
<<We could… You know, go shopping instead. Buy some clothes that actually fit you, you know?>>
Said the Mexican, bringing together his hands for a moment out of nervousness, but hit them together instead of playing with them or anything of the sort.
The hunter moved his eyes around, looking for God knows what. Probably Bill, thinking that this might have been another way to make a fool out of him. But he didn't see him, and Javier seemed oh so genuine in his proposal. With a light grimace drawn on his face, Charles sighed, looking down for a moment, but quickly raised his sight back up at Javier.
<<...I’d like that.>>
Replied Charles, with a light smile finally drawn on his face.
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daedelweiss · 2 years
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pages 10-18 of “The Buried Memory” is up on patreon!! they will be available publicly on wednesday 8:30 PM EST 😄 this set has a lot of cutesy but also sad moments so i hope you guys enjoy them 🥺
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s3 episode 22 thoughts
this episode was SO good. it was funny, it was heartfelt, and it was entertaining. but- and i'm sure you fans who have seen the show before know- something happened that is making me cry.
yes, actual tears! boy, there must be some real serious astrology stuff going on in the world, for actual tears are down my cheeks, something that almost never happens to me in movie and film watching experiences, and this episode did it to me. i usually just get a bit misty and that's the extent of it- even in one breath! but man. apparently i have a weakness.
sigh. we shall get into it, like we do.
reading the episode description: it's loch ness monster-like creature time!! i’ve been eyeballing this episode for a while, it sounds really interesting. a lake trip!! a trip to the lake!! 
we begin, and it is frog time!!! time for a frog!!! an endangered frog!!! dr. farraday is fighting for their rights. oh, he just used the term “frog holocaust” in his talk to this dr. bailey fellow, which is something. serious frog beef going down between these professors, for dr. bailey does not think that dr. farraday's research proves that humans are responsible for the fate of the frogs! how infuriating.
dr. bailey is going back to his car but lost “his beeper” so he’s looking by the lake for it. OH! his beeper meant a pager. i know what a pager is!!!! do not think i am uneducated!!! just never heard it called as such.
he finds the beeper but he is EATEN. by a BEAST!!! while a frog watches. 
if only this was the fate that all people who deny the need to protect the environment met! eaten by a lake beast! how much more just this planet would be...
intro time. and the first time i watched an episode and i heard the theme i started laughing hysterically because i didn’t realize that noise was the x files theme; i had just thought it was a well-known spooky noise used in vines and stuff and then. everything clicked into place. and it was soooo funny. anyway.
road trip to georgia!!!! WITH THE DOGGY!!! mulder calls it “a thing” SO RUDE????
“you wake me up on a saturday morning, tell me to be ready in five minutes, my mother is out of town, all of the dog-sitters are booked, and you know how i feel about kennels” <- help i’m CRYINGGGGG tell him how you feel!!!!
(love that they have already had a conversation on the morality of kennels before)
((but also truly what did he expect 😭😭 and he did all this on a SATURDAY!!!! she ought to have been way meaner!!!))
so he made her leave town with the puppy on a SATURDAY for a missing person’s case… omg do they even get paid overtime???
also mulder is lost which is soooo funny because WHY is he perpetually behind the wheel... he doesn’t have any sense of direction!!!
he makes a stupid pun about the killer being “large” and she straight up asks what he’s leaving out LMAOOO
(he points to a billboard advertising “big blue, the southern serpent) <- “oh, tell me you’re not serious” LMAOOOO
so they’re going to talk to dr. farraday and i think it’s so cute that scully is in some more casual-y clothes. anyway, they’re going over the serious frog beef between him and the victim. farraday does NOT miss dr. bailey’s loser ass... ijbol!!! why should he give a damn for one man when so many species are going extinct!
farraday said “has anyone ever told you two you have a great problem coming to the point?” after mulder asks if any native species attacked humans... lmao he is rude as hell!!!
AND ASKING ABOUT BIG BLUE MADE THINGS WORSE!!! now farraday is going on about how if anything requires real thinking people turn to UFOs and whatnot which is like.... um okay rest assured that if someone is gonna think it’s gonna be mulder. he's gonna think about any and all explanations on a sliding scale of plausibility.
LMAO mulder is being sassy right back while scully screams with her eyes. farraday gets even more pissed and leaves… honestly i’m sorry about the frog population king, but you’re not really winning any friends with influence to help you lobby on behalf of the frogs. or winning any friends at all. 
so mulder and scully and the doggy go to a bait and tackle shop, and the sight of them sharing an umbrella with a dog on a leash healed something in me, something i didn’t know was in need of healing but it was. and they’re reciting the different creatures that live in lakes- apparently scully read about cryptids as a kid!!!! 
she says they’re folk tales and he says “well, how many folktales do you know that can eat a boy scout leader and a biologist?” and she looks soooo annoyed. but then they go in, and he is a proper gentleman and shakes off the umbrella 
at the shop they see a “scale from big blue” and scully says it looks like “a carapace, something from a beetle” which again reminds us that she WAS studying bugs in bio, thank you very much!!
they’re chatting with the dude that sold mulder a map, and he’s talking about his own experience with the creature while wearing a hat that says “show us your bobbers” which is crazy, but we keep going. he claims he heard a cow get eaten by big blue as a kid. and in walks an alleged expert, ansel… whose daddy’s cow was eaten way back then!
ansel is buying more film to someday achieve his dream of catching a picture of the beast and scully looks deeply pained in the background lmaoooo i love her 
someone is putting a worm on a hook in order to fish on the lake. a big one bites!!! a real big one. OH! it’s actually a human body. the fisherman goes and gets the dude from the tackle shop and by proxy our agents.
OH! there is only half a body. they’re bickering on what could have eaten half of a human body while hiding together under an umbrella, and it’s really cute but where is the dog?
the tackle shop man is out in the swampy part near the lake wearing dino-shaped boots to try and make some convincing tracks LMAO. king of the hustle. but something approached him as he gets stuck in the mud!!!! and he is dragged into the dark lake with only a dino boot left behind!
apparently his name was ted. rip ted and your bobber hat and funny boots.
mulder seems to believe that the tracks are legit and tells scully and the dog to watch where they’re walking as to not disturb them (and the dog is named queequeg i’m gonna CRY!!!) 
the sheriff is OFFENDED by mulder’s suggestion to close the lake, because clearly this is just a bunch of drunk people falling overboard!! and then getting run over!! well if that happens as frequently as you seem to think it does, we need to do something regardless of if any beasts are involved.
scully is not buying that the tracks are from a real creature because they did not leave very deep impressions. but the dog yanks her away!!! he’s off investigating the dino boot! the prints may be a hoax, but the blood on the shoe is very real!
cut to some stoners on the lake talking about hallucinogenic toads. he holds a local frog and licks it. but someone interrupts his toad licking session coming back to the surface from a scuba dive?
oh no!! scuba dude is pulled by some sort of creature!!! and his head is removed from his body. well that is not good.
time to locate the head. both of our agents are in fun little jackets, and still bickering over what went down.
ansel the big blue photographer is serenading his camera, preparing for the perfect shot, which he has set up by filling an inner tube with meat. something bubbles beneath it. BUT NO!! it skips the meat on the tube and goes right for him!!!!! he snaps a picture as it gets him!! three attacks in one day!!!!
mulder asks the sheriff again to CLOSE DOWN THE LAKE and he again refuses. scully says it’s inconclusive still, which is echoing the dr. bailey saying about the fate of the frogs being inconclusive!
the sheriff falls in, and out there he brushes into something big. he immediately proclaims that the lake shall be closed down, calls state police, AND wildlife fish and game. well okay that gets results i guess.
they’re examining the photos from ansel, and mulder things that this blurry thing COULD be a tooth. it is very funny.
AWWW the dog needs to go for a walk, and mulder offers to go with her :,) she lifts up her jacket to show her gun, says she’ll be fine, and smiles. STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
why is this episode making me emotional with their little lake visit. also something bad is definitely going to happen now. she says goodnight :,)
aww the dog is MAD and she’s talking to him in that kind of voice you reserve for a little creature... but he wants to go into the woods!!
no!!! he runs too fast!!! NO!!!!! WHERE DID HE GO???? HE ISN’T ON THE LEASH????
oh my gosh, she is sitting in the chair, holding his collar in grief…. she is literally spaced out into another dimension mourning her little friend and mulder is rambling about the lake…. i want to slap him… NOOOO. she asks him to repeat himself because she was so out of it…
(if this doesn’t end with a dog reunion i will drop this dumbass show. BET.)
mulder asks if she can drive a boat. psh can she drive a boat? it’s natural to her bloodline.
she is piloting the boat and he’s telling her where to go, and she’s braver than me because if i lost my dog at this moment i think i would need two weeks to begin to even SORT of get a grasp on reality. 
“i know the difference between expectation and hope. seek and ye shall find, scully” <- this is a genuinely fantastic line said by mulder, but i’m still in dog mourning so we can go analyze that later 
map facts with scully :)
until the monster comes STRAIGHT AT THEM!! i like how she kept asking “what is that, mulder?” because it reminded me of when she kept asking mulder to get the bugs off of her in darkness falls… like the blind hope/faith/desperation that he would hold the answers and have a solution… ohhhgghh
big crash into the boat!!! it is leaking and she picks up the radio and calls a distress signal (another natural feature to a scully) but the boat is FILLING with water!!
mulder gets some life jackets for them and they barely get them on in time as the boat sinks. whew! a conveniently placed rock for them to perch upon is nearby!!!
but there goes the $500 deposit :( 
mulder says to swim and she is GAGGED “in which direction?!” lmaoooo
mulder is unsettled by how dark it is, because you forget these things in a city… and scully says you forget a lot of things in a city; her father taught her to respect nature, because it has no respect for you. or your dog, i guess :(
they both pull out their guns as they hear splashing!!!! mulder whispers that it was big blue, but scully asks “so what if it was?” <- NOOO you took her dog and her deposit, you’ve broken her spirit!!!
mulder says he wants to know because it could revolutionize science, and so many of the things they chase are intangible, but it’s a creature within the confines of a lake, it should be right HERE- and she isn't buying it for a second
she says she saw HIS FUTURE in ansel’s photographs, a man listening only to himself and seeing nonsense; she can’t figure out his motives, and things are approaching angst levels on this rock in the middle of nowhere, but SOMETHING APPROACHES!!!!
it’s a duck. okay so it could be worse!!! he says he’s still tempted to fire and she slams into him LMAOOO 
sleepover on the rock. “hey scully, do you think you could ever cannibalize someone?” <- LDHDMDNSMDNSBBDNSND I’M GENUINELY YELLING LMAOOOOOOO HOLD ON. hold on i need a minute to handle all that. (she gives a thoughtful and scientific response) <- that’s Them. that is their dynamic right there.
“you’ve lost some weight recently, haven’t you?” “yeah i have, thanks for-“ (glare of realization) LMAOOOOOOOO WHAT EVEN IS THIS EPISODE
“poor queequeg” she says, and i’m gonna CRY. but mulder has a better response now to her grief instead of just babbling on about the lake, asks why she chose that name. she shares that was the name of the harpoonist in moby dick, which her father used to read to her from.
and as she says this, she realizes how much mulder is like ahab, “so consumed by your personal vengeance against life, whether it be it’s inherent cruelties or it’s mysteries, that everything takes on a warped significance to fit your megalomaniacal cosmology” <- the words of a girl who was REALLY into a book as a kid and is also experiencing near-death levels of hypothermia and grief
LMAOOOOO HIS RESPONSE IS “scully, are you coming onto me?” yes. now kiss on the rock.
and she keeps going, talking about how his search for the Truth will take down everything he loves, just as it did for Ahab.
OH! he starts talking about how he always wished for a peg leg, even as a kid, and it first it seems like another of his many jokes but he says it’s because maybe then it’s enough to Persist despite the difficulty; without, “you’re actually expected to make something of your life- achieve something, earn a raise, wear a necktie” so perhaps he is the ANTITHESIS of ahab, for with a peg leg he may be more pleased! 
woah. that got deep. i’ll be gnawing on that one for a bit.
but a splashing approaches… and they draw their guns…. CUT TO A COMMERCIAL BREAK!!!!
it’s dr. farraday??? he says he hopes he’s not INTERRUPTING anything!!! wait so was the shore right there the whole time LMAOOO (silent walk of shame to the shore) BAHAHA
so what is this dude doing out here?? obviously it’s frog science! he’s been breeding the frogs to get their numbers back up. 
mulder is thinking…. if there are fewer frogs for a dinosaur to eat… it would have no choice but to turn to different food sources! (cutscene to serious arguing between mulder and dr. farraday whilst scully watches)
sheriff rolls up!!! another person had their arm bit off, and so he has thirty boats searching that area. but mulder says we have to search THIS cove, where the frogs have been going missing!! he blatantly refuses.
what if it was her little dog that bit the dude’s arm off…
scully politely asks for him to send a few men over and immediately gets results LMAOOO he quietly mumbles “thanks”
but a distant scream is heard!!! it’s dr. farraday!!! they run and find him!! something grabbed his leg and was shaking it. his leg is messed up really bad so scully is tying a tourniquet, and mulder’s running off after the mystery creature…. no self preservation instincts….
so he’s off with a gun and a flashlight chasing the human eating beast…. only to find some frogs. but something is approaching him?? quickly!!! and he’s firing his gun!!!
into a GATOR??? not a fancy lake beast!!
he’s staring out into the water… claiming to be fine. but he said he wanted the monster to be real, that he saw hope in such a possibility. she says there is still hope, that people want to believe, which is why the stories have endured for so long. 
GASP! the minute they leave, we see a big sea beast…
i’m literally so torn because i was CONVINCED the dog was going to come back 😭😭😭 and this episode was so good but WHY did they have to throw that in there… like i can’t even make an objective analysis of how this went because i’m so sad. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?!?!
“oh juni there have been lots of human people that die in this series” which i mourned for too! but. i have felt the pain of losing a beloved and innocent creature and i do not wish for it to return and being reminded of its inevitably is not something i wish upon anyone MUCH less dana scully, who has already suffered in mythological levels.
really though, the episode was good. it was genuinely fantastic. it just clearly hit a bit of a nerve with me so i'm not going to do a thoughtful wrap up in the manner i like to think i usually do. but here are the things i liked, beyond the whole aesthetic and mood: bickering, umbrella sharing, scully at the helm, joint quoting of moby dick, deep introspection in the form of projecting onto book characters, cannibalism debates, outlandish creature as a monster of the week, rock sleepover, and fighting over frogs
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arkarti · 3 months
is the william afton saga going to end in a ship-type thing? absolutely no hate if it does !! I've been interested, and I just don't want to keep up with something that'll make me uncomfortable. do whatever you want forever, of course !
valid - no worries
well, this run/ chapter is more of a test of character first 👀
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dailyjermasparkle · 8 months
Hey sparklers!
I've been having a bit of a rough time in my personal life lately, so I might not be making many, if any at all, posts other than the daily sparkles, and any donation commissions.
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fullmoondelinquent · 6 months
AJHQ posting something on insta/tiktok: "Hey guys here's our new den bundle available now for sapphires :)"
Nostalgia-blinded, rose-tinted glasses wearing, incessant AJC fans: "if you don't add a new animal to Classic I'm going to skin you alive."
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random little jason grace hcs:
thumb rings. he wears thumb rings
huge physics nerd. like, he's not particularly good at it. but he loves it!
obviously transmasc aro
proficient in like every weapon, like every weapon. bow & arrow, battle-axe? yeah sure. but also, mace and chain, bagh nakh, gauntlets, deer horn knives, flails... fuck, he can even use a shotgun.
can run like really really fast. he's a runner. that being said he can also run really far. (like, roman soldiers walk up to 20 miles every day. with full armour. his endurance is fucking off-the-charts.)
most obscure music taste ever
very iffy about using his powers beyond the occasional electricity stuff, just because how much people in CJ would be terrified/rumour-y/plain weird about it.
loves drawing
actually a nerd in everything, not just physics.
has definitely bashed in someone's head with a shield at least once
huge fan of rollercoasters, hates horror movies
before fights he like to clean his glasses, for no reason at all.
people have told him countless times to not wear glasses during a fight because that won't end well if you're punched in the face but he keeps them on regardless. his reflexes are too good to get punched anyway 🤷
obsessed with barbie
no like. he and apollo do matching "i am Kenough" hoodies all the time
also besties with literally half of the gods across multiple pantheons
scribbles with pen on his hand all the time
chronic migraines guy
he goes feral in a fight then one second later he's like 🥺 'hey guys glad we got out of that one unscathed. y'all saved my ass'
he's never received any proper sort of love or affection (specifically during his younger years), so he deals with that by showering all of his friends with unlimited love <3
all the demigods and all the minor gods and some of the major ones too love him. hence he has a bloody huge, well-deserved protection squad
he tore out krios's neck with his teeth and then smashed him to literal pulp with his own armour
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deadwooddross · 5 months
How's Croc doing?
she's relaxing on vacation right now while I put Thavu (And Umami) in the blender instead, but she's never truly safe from the whims of the blorbo pain machine Keeping her safe in my pocket for the day I feel like doing a deep dive into a bounty/monster hunter type spin again tho...I didn't quite splash in there enough last time
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stabbyfoxandrew · 8 months
happy wednesday! your writing is a treat and I hope you're having a lovely day <3
WIP Wednesday (1/31) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 93)
Andrew How much gas did you use? 10 Eh. Twenty bucks worth, I guess. Andrew You spent twenty dollars on gas just to burn a building? What are you, rich? 10 I'm not super wealthy, but I've got money. Besides, it was a special request, if you recall correctly. Andrew No it wasn’t. It was a suggestion. Wait. No. Scratch that. It was just an idea. 10 An idea that YOU gave me. :) Mr. Firefighter. Andrew I told you to knock that off. 10 Didn’t say I would. Andrew You’re annoying. You’re annoying and you might be stalking me. Why am I chatting with a potential stalker? 10 I might be annoying, but I’m not stalking you. Not my crime of choice. And… as for why you’re chatting with me. I think it’s because you like me.
Andrew’s eyes widen. Well, yeah. Duh. 10 is hot and witty and stupid. Of course Andrew likes him. But 10 isn’t supposed to know that.
10 Or, you think I’m interesting enough to talk to. By the way, *you* messaged me. Which means you took my number from a confidential case file. Thus, you’re the stalker.
Andrew sucks his teeth. Fuck. He’s almost got a point. But,
Andrew I got your number off the station’s phone when you called.  10 Stalker. Andrew Stop saying that. 10 Fine. I’ll say something else. I like you, too. You might actually be my first friend. Congratulations. Andrew An honor, I’m sure. 10 Mmhmm. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m starving to death. I’m going to get some dinner. Don’t follow me. Stalker.
Andrew huffs and rolls his eyes. He sort of wishes he could figure out where 10 is going for dinner. He wants to see him again. The picture in his head may be perfect but it’s not enough. He wants to sit across from this man and talk for real. Maybe one day.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
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2h Portrait, charcoal and sanguine
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the--firevenus · 2 months
I saw your post on who has the best tits chest. There is an easy solution! They all have the best chest for their factions.
Hogan-Lightbearers [it's not even a competition, I mean look at him 👀]
Which now raises the question. Who has the best chest for Graveborns and Wilders?
[If only this was Arena, I would say Hodgkin and Oku 😞]
YOU SO RIGHTTTT!!!!! also this just makes me realize the lack of buffy man in wilder and graveborn 😭💀
I have to go to the heroes archive in the game to inspect one by one LMAO, so here what I came out with!
Graveborn - Thoran.. NOW HERE ME OUT LET ME COOK!!! — originally I want to with Igor, yes he hunch back but out of all graveborn men he seem to be the only one with decent muscle mass, not too lean and very tall too (but again he hunch back and crouching so it's kinda hide it) ((side note: his waist is very small compare to his torso... Dev.. My eyes on you dev))
But then I looked more on Thoran and realize.. He has much more bigger torso... He hunch back A LOT and you can't see it but when he did this idle..
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YOU SEE IT?? YOU SEE IT??? guy maybe old af and short but he has a unit!!! Very well hidden, this is why he's my king lmao
For the wilder I have even harder time cuz the men's are build very... Lean, I think?? There wasn't a whole lot of muscle, my original thought was to gave it to bryon cuz he's seem very fitted to me, but then I scroll to the other wilders men and got conflicted!
On one hand, by default Kafra SHOULD be the winner here cuz his overall mass are bigger than bryon, however.... Ulmus came with a steel chair on me (I'm sorry I didn't paid attention to him.. 😭) (( HE'S A TREE PERSON... CAN HE EVEN COUNT???))
So uhh you let me know who win for the wilders side
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This is a very serious discussion 😔😔😔
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