#<- honestly just reassuring myself it's been too long
pankomako · 5 months
as much as i would love to one day do some kind of content collaboration with boat, i feel like a lot of it would end up sounding like just two of the same guy talking to each other with slightly different voices except one is smarter and one is dumber. because ive noticed we have a LOT of the same mannerisms, some of which i probably picked up from him, and we think kind of similarly as well. so like. how would that even go
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
I'm gonna join the little crowd of canon Zuko dislikers who believe he becomes a lot more likeable character in Gladiator. He's not scarcely developed like he is in canon. I can notice how he grows from his anger issues that could lead to dangerous outbursts into someone who knows how to keep calm and in control. From self-centered to considerate of others. From entitled to responsible. From having a confused moral compass that depends greatly on Iroh to a man who knows how to make his own decisions enough to even call Iroh out on his mistakes (removing Iroh from Zuko's growth journey was something that greatly benefited him since Iroh burdening Zuko with expectations and plans for his life, with Zuko simply shifting from following a parental figure to another, at least according to my reading of canon).
Most Zuko stories I read are either focused on milking extra sympathy for him or washing the flaws down the drain into awkward turtleduck, and both of these narratives are cringeworthy, with the comics doing him no favors either but doubling down on these flaws.
So his characterizations in Gladiator was a breath of fresh air. That one line when Guru Pathik told him "He damaged your willingness to open yourself to others… to let someone else look after you, out of fear of being vulnerable, I expect." was moving and even relatable.
Ah, damn, thank you very much for saying so! You know all too well that I have plenty of gripes with Zuko's canon writing, so I'm really glad that you feel this way about my portrayal of him in Gladiator... I have to say, I think a lot of my issues with canon Zuko became clearer precisely because I was writing him from scratch in this story. I struggled to understand many things about him back when I watched the show, without my full awareness initially, and I genuinely realized what those things were once I started writing him in Gladiator.
My inability to grasp Zuko properly is one of the reasons why I chose to rewrite Zuko's entire journey. Not only did it make sense to do so in this setting, but the truth is that I hoped it would help me get a better handle of his character: I'd written post-canon content already and the one character I wasn't sure I was writing correctly was Zuko. People would tell me that I shouldn't write him being so moody anymore, that he had become more mature, that he had become basically a perfectly decent person, that he would be a better brother to Azula than how I depicted him, and that I had to work on that. I'd hear all that criticism and then I'd take a look at canon Zuko... and I'd wonder if I was missing episodes or something, since there were many instances, post-redemption, where Zuko made displays of many flaws (be it his temper, be it his narrow mind, be it selfishness, you name it) that a lot of people were constantly pretending he had relinquished completely as soon as he joined the Gaang.
So... it became clear that I just couldn't write him the way they wanted me to X'D it wasn't natural for me, the character they were asking me to write didn't feel like Zuko to me at all, and I honestly didn't understand why right away. And so, as Gladiator's idea crystallized, I realized I'd have a clear shot at writing Zuko's character arc from scratch, I'd get to develop him on my terms, and I'd be the one to decide which traits and flaws he'd preserve throughout his growth process. Doing this helped in a lot of ways, of course, as in changing his journey, I started to realize just what were the elements of his canon storyline that I wasn't 100% pleased with.
Even from the start, I've had readers who felt very sorry for Gladiator's Zuko (especially because Mai married someone else when he was hoping she would have been waiting for him) since he definitely was starting out in a very bad place and a lot of people were immediately emotionally attached to him because they already were in canon. Still, I think part of why he resonated with readers in a different way than canon Zuko was that the challenges I was giving him were different from the ones canon did. For one thing, I let him go home without having captured the Avatar: he knew that he wouldn't have the "approval" of his father from the start. Instead of using Mai as a manner of compensation for him, or as his only true bond in the Fire Nation, Mai was actually another source of anguish simply because she moved on with her life, something Zuko never anticipated she would do. Iroh's sudden interest in the Gladiator League, his sister being up to her own business and becoming a hugely popular public figure while he was mostly sorting out how to live life again... Zuko had a lot on his plate for sure from the very beginning.
Instead of simply making these inconveniences go away, though, instead of featuring every character validating him at every turn and grieving along with him over how unfair his life was, Gladiator's Zuko had to learn how to live with all those things that changed while he was gone. He learned to let go of so many things he couldn't control. He started developing his own interests, connecting with new people, and he tried to figure out how he wanted to live his life, above all else. If he was never going to reclaim his role as Ozai's heir because Ozai wouldn't let him? Zuko would have to decide what to make of himself beyond the idealized future on the throne that he used to cling to... and he did just that.
At this point, back in Part 1, I realized that a lot of what I was doing with Zuko had never really happened in canon. His personal worldview wasn't defied: his father's worldview, which he had adopted, but that he apparently didn't believe all that faithfully, was what he changed his mind about, and he wound up adopting Iroh's belief system instead. It's not Zuko's own beliefs that are contested and challenged: one example of that is his belief in canon that his sister was born lucky, that she didn't work for anything, that he was the one who had to struggle and that was why he was ultimately stronger than her: at no point does the story make him look at his sister any differently. At no point does he conclude that maybe it's fine if she's a stronger fighter because his convictions are the right ones, because his bonds with people are truer, because maybe the true worth of a person isn't how skilled they are at combat. He was never confronted with any of this, never had to think on it at all, and so, the story concludes by as good as rewarding him with a fight where he's beating up his sister and proving himself superior to her. How was his belief defied? It wasn't. It was only reinforced, confirmed, reiterated, and he got away with his dream scenario in which he "put Azula in her place". As in, chains and an asylum. How much of a challenge was this, in terms of conviction, for Zuko? It wasn't one whatsoever.
Along with that belief, he also believed the throne was his birthright (... and I reiterate that I don't understand why he treated it that way, considering that he spent many years of his life believing Iroh and Lu Ten would be Fire Lord and Crown Prince respectively, far more years than he spent being banished or being Crown Prince for Ozai...), but by the end of the story, he becomes Fire Lord indeed, so what he was chasing for happened anyhow: Zuko is rewarded, yet again, by the confirmation of the beliefs he held all along. Yes, he had a hard time throughout the show, but that doesn't change that when the story wraps up, he's exactly where he always envisioned he would be. So, as much as he may have changed and grown, ultimately his two primary beliefs ("Azula needs to go down", "I will be Fire Lord"), at the very core of his character, were never put into question.
This is without going into all those times where his behavior leaves much to be desired, where he acts irresponsibly, where he even withholds vital information from his new friends for reasons that don't make sense, and he gets away with all of it without even a slap on the wrist. There's no pushback, all be it so he can have, again, exactly what he wants: a group of friends who cherish him deeply, so much that he can do completely senseless things like attack them over their inaction due to their lack of information, which he didn't bother disclosing to them because "it was obvious" (it wasn't), and nobody finds that alarming or worrisome, anything he says or does is 100% fine because it's him and everyone must love him, of course.
All this flies against some of my fundamental passions as a storyteller. I've always enjoyed doing something that is, honestly, a really simple way to build a character arc: give a character something they want, and then take them on a journey of existential crisis that will eventually make them question whether or not that's really what they want anymore x'D I've been doing it since well before I got into ATLA, and it's 100% what I've done with a LOT of characters in Gladiator. There was nothing quite as distressing for someone like Azula than falling in love with the defiant Water Tribe warrior who refuses to bow down to the Fire Nation's alleged superiority, all of which leads her to question her beliefs, her assumptions about life -- is the Fire Nation truly superior? Is Sokka right to defy it and rebel as often as he does? Her father, obviously, doesn't want her to marry anyone outside Fire Nation nobility -- is he right to want that, though? Isn't it up to her to decide what she should do in life? If she chooses to be with Sokka, does it mean she's rebelling against her father? Is that wrong or right? After over twenty years of following Ozai's ideology, does she have the courage to turn her back on him and open her heart to a different way of living?
It's particularly easy to see it in Azula, but it really has happened with basically every important character in the story (save for the more villainous ones, I guess), and Zuko is no exception. The goals he sought, the people he idealized and idolized, have changed a lot in his eyes as he grows and changes too. And by specifically choosing every element of his growth, and how they impact him, I've also pushed his development all the way to the point where, like you mentioned, he meets Guru Pathik and, upon opening his fire chakra, Zuko is basically set free. Everything he went through up until that moment has been adding up to a conclusion he hadn't quite unlocked... until he did that day. It was difficult, it wasn't intuitive for him, but it's as if he had opened his eyes to the world fully for the first time, and he could see things so much more clearly because he finally knows how to do so. And it doesn't mean that he will be at all merciful with Ozai, just as it doesn't mean that he will condemn Iroh to hell for the horrors he's responsible for... but it means that he's ready to stand on his own, and to not let other people choose his identity for him, particularly these two.
I'm honestly surprised by how his development has reached the point it has. After all these years of being well-known for being ambivalent towards Zuko even at the best of times, I've honestly felt proud of this guy for the first time ever while writing Gladiator Part 3 xD it's not exactly common for me to feel that I'm in a good spot with Zuko, but it really took me breaking him down from the get-go, rewinding him to his earliest stages, with very little to no development, and taking his growth into my own hands completely. I'm sure a few people thought I was a mindless Zuko hater after everything I put him through in Part 1, and that everything I was doing to him was some manner of vendetta because he had a better outcome in canon than Azula, and I was overcompensating for that in Gladiator... well, I hope that, if any of those people are still here now, they'll actually see what the point was xD the point honestly wasn't to punish Zuko: I just needed to develop him on my own terms, and it wasn't an easy journey, but it's one I'm genuinely pleased with. His hard-gained maturity, his reliability, his strength of heart even when facing that the world isn't quite what he thought he was... all those things have led me to feel like I can actually write, at last, the characterization of Zuko that so many people thought I should have been doing since day one. But this time, I handled it myself. This time, I know this character personally, and I know that his journey adds up to the man he has become up to the newest chapters. I'm not standing on shaky grounds, confused about what I'm doing, the way I was with his character back when I was writing canon-based content primarily.
And indeed, in doing so, I've come to understand just why Zuko's canon journey didn't hit every mark I needed it to. I'm not going to pretend that I've handled him flawlessly, but I do think that I've let him be a version of himself that doesn't need to be coddled, doesn't need a second person to perpetually stand beside him, whispering in his ear what's right or wrong, doesn't need someone else to serve as his scapegoat, so he can blame all his misfortunes on them... above all else, it's a Zuko who can think properly on who he is, who he wants to be, and reflect on whether he's failing or succeeding at that endeavor. Yes, sometimes he'll feel the pull to be selfish, sometimes he'll be harsh, sometimes he'll be unsure of what path to follow, but ultimately? He will be ready to make the tough choices. He will also be ready to step out of his comfort zone to do right by the people he wants to protect. He will be responsible... he will actually learn to be a leader, and not simply for the sake of repurposing the skill for a future potential tenure as Fire Lord. That's not his ultimate motivation in this setting.
So, all of this really ended up putting in sharp focus for me that so many of these elements of growth are actually only implicit in canon, or outright non-existent. They hinge often on interpreting Zuko in the most positive light possible, in denying his flaws and in pretending the tropes he embodies are more representative of who he is than the person he actually proved to be through his actions and behavior throughout the show. In one breath, people will claim he's incredibly complex and in the next they will sweep away all such complexities to declare him exempt from all the consequences of his actions. As much as I can understand the protectiveness that comes with having a fictional character mean a lot to you, the fact that pointing out any single mistake or misbehavior by him in canon feels like such a threat to the character his fans think he is -- hence their immediate, alarming, wild arguments to defend him --, tells you that the idea of Zuko is more important than Zuko as a fictional character. It's all about what he "represents", and very little about who he actually is. In my experience, it's not common to find fic writers who actually handle Zuko correctly, and I sure love it when they do, but just as you said it, so many people bank on milking out extra sympathy for him (as if the show hadn't done a ton of that to begin with), and very little is about exploring him as a character in a deeper, more challenging way than what canon did.
As a long-time Zuko critic, I'll never stop saying that my problem with Zuko isn't who he's supposed to be, but who he actually is. It's in the writing flaws that make his growth process far more questionable in canon than it should be, and more than anything, that the fandom has taken to defending anything he chooses to do relentlessly, almost religiously. There are so many elements of his growth that could have been handled better... and as I wrote him in Gladiator, the clearer those elements became. Naturally, I'm working with an older Zuko, but similar beats could have happened in his character arc in the show and they simply didn't.
Anyway! All this is to say... thank you very much for sharing your thoughts :) I know there's been a ton of contentious arguments about these subjects lately, and I really am glad that I can write a Zuko that makes sense to those of us who are critical of him in canon. What I feel like a lot of the Zuko defenders don't understand is that we don't want him to be perfect: we want him to be treated in the same way other characters are treated, rather than getting preferential treatment where so many others, with similar traumas to his own, aren't given the same courtesy. But in my honest, sincere opinion, I wish I could love Zuko. I really wish I could enjoy his character as much as other people do. I absolutely believe I would, if the writing around him had addressed all the elements I needed it to address in order for his journey and character arc to add up successfully. And yes, it's fine by me if people love him exactly as he is: I don't have to, though. Neither do you. And if I'm writing a Zuko the two of us can genuinely enjoy, the better for us, am I right? XD
Thanks again for this ask <3
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unheavenlyvision · 4 months
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pairing: gojo satoru/reader
wc: 5.2k
summary: your close friend gojo is kind enough to let you stay with him for a while, it's just a shame that he's overly curious about what you read when he's not home
a/n; gojo is nosy and i stand by that, also, i can't seem to help myself when it comes to him... this was only meant to be 2k but i think i like him a little too much. that or he just yaps a lot
warnings: 18+ only, smut, pwp, dirty talk, fingering, tease!gojo, hickeys, p in v sex, clit slapping (once), creampie, afab!reader, no use of pronouns or y/n, big dick gojo, gojo likes embarrassing reader
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Somehow, you’ve ended up in Gojo’s fancy apartment… the ‘somehow’ is, he is one of your closest friends and the only person you could ask for help. It had already been a long day when you came home to a hole in your ceiling and a bath – that isn’t yours but the floors above – in your apartment, you wanted to give up on life. Your apartment was wet and some of your stuff had water damage.
Maybe if you weren’t so distraught and just wanting somewhere to stay, you would’ve asked someone else but you decided to call Gojo and while he was more than happy to accommodate you, temporary living with him has been… troublesome.
It’s not so much as what he’s been doing but how you’re feeling, you feel self-conscious and too aware of yourself. Constantly wondering if it’s okay that you’re here, that you’re sitting on his couch or using his kitchen. He goes away for days at a time and yet you still worry about whether or not it’s okay you’re here.
You don’t bug him too much with it, you know that can get annoying, asking for constant reassurance but you’re worried that you’re overstaying your welcome. Especially when your building manager keeps calling and telling you fixes will take longer than expected. At this rate, you might just have to live elsewhere.
Another call like that had just come in and when you walk back into the living room and plonk down on the couch next to Gojo, he can immediately tell you’re feeling disheartened, “Not ready yet?”
“I don’t even know if they’ve started yet,” you sigh, kicking your feet a little in your frustration, “I’m really sorry, Gojo,” you lean back into the couch more, head resting on the back of it.
“I’m not worried about it,” he hums, crossed leg bouncing slightly, “Stay as long as you like, it’s nice having someone here when I come home,” he leans his head back on the couch too but turns to look at you.
Turning your head, you meet his gaze, “Are you sure? I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” your brows pull together, “I can always find another place to stay, honestly, I won’t be offended if you’re sick of me… I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
He scoffs, “What inconvenience? You barely make a mess and move around the place like it’s made of glass,” he’s making fun of you a little, trying to get you to relax more, “You should chill out and get a bit more comfortable, it seems like you might be here for a while yet,” he shrugs easily, not at all worried about you staying.
You intake a breath, “Yeah but I–”
“–Plus, where else would you stay? I’m like… your only friend,” he snickers.
Frowning at him, you defend, “That’s not true and you know it!”
“Yeah? Then why was I your first call?” He’s smug.
Looking away, you mumble, “You have no way of knowing that.”
“Ah, but I think your reaction gave it away,” he chuckles, poking your cheek with his finger.
“I wonder if it’s too late to ask Shoko for her couch,” you grumble, ignoring him.
“Nooo~” he pouts, “Don’t leave, you’re such a good guest, I’m sorry for saying you have no friends.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Do you ever get tired of yourself,” you ask, side-eyeing him.
He smiles big, “Never.”
If Gojo were being honest with you, he’d admit he likes your company, he likes coming home and hearing you patter around his apartment, and he likes that you trusted him enough to call him when you needed help. He likes that he was the first person you called because he wants you to rely on him, he wants to feel wanted and needed by you. It’s just a shame a bathtub had to fall through your ceiling for it to happen.
He's not even mad that your building manager is downright atrocious at his job because that just means he gets to have more time with you.
You’re in his home… alone, just for tonight. Gojo said he had ‘super important and super-secret’ things to attend to, so you’re choosing to be scandalous and instead of reading your current novel in your room, you’re reading it on the couch.
Under a blanket and snuggled into Gojo’s nice couch is about as close to comfortable as you get these days. His living room is nice and you like it out here, though you tend to shy away from main areas when he’s home, afraid of disturbing his peace.
The book is in depth, the scenes heating up quickly, you quietly read, flicking the pages slowly, savouring the tension. It’s not often that you read stuff like this but you’re getting invested, finding a good book with plot and porn is hard to come by and you’re finding yourself getting more and more invested.
Gojo’s voice from behind you is a scare you weren’t ready for, “Wouldn’t it feel better to actually get fucked instead of just reading about it?”
“Fuck! Geez, Gojo, way to scare someone to death,” you huff, not at all ready for his comparably loud voice in the quiet room.
He’s leaning over the back of the couch, apparently reading over your shoulder, “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Yeah, that’s why you were lurking behind me for so long… because you didn’t mean to scare me,” you crane your neck to look up at him, your eyes showing your clear scepticism.
“Let’s change the topic back to how you’re reading porn out in the open,” he smiles.
You squint at him, “It’s a sex scene, not a porn book.”
He leans in a little closer, “Could’ve fooled me.”
“You’re nosy,” you accuse.
He clarifies, “I am curious.” He adds, “You were so involved in your book that you didn’t even notice my presence… now I know why,” his eyebrows wiggle at you.
You shoot your head back up so you don’t have to look at him, “Why are you back anyways? I thought you weren’t gonna be home until tomorrow?”
“I’m just simply too good,” he boasts. You grumble at him but pick up your blanket and stomp off to the spare room with your book, he calls out to you, “Don’t be like that, come hang out with me.”
“No,” you cement, feeling overly embarrassed. You know he was just kidding but you can’t help the way your skin feels all hot and the bit of shame that creeps into your bones.
When you’re in bed, you don’t continue reading, the moment ruined and now you just want to crawl into a ball and die. It’s too early to sleep though, so you end up just lying there lifelessly. Some time passes before Gojo knocks on your door, waiting for you to answer to see if you’re still awake.
“Go away,” you pout out. He opens the door at the sound of your voice, “That’s like… the exact opposite of going away.”
“I know,” he shuffles over to the bed and flops down next to you, making himself comfortable, “But I wanna talk about earlier.”
You groan, “Ugh, that’s like the last thing I wanna talk about with you right now.”
“You sure? Because there are plenty of other things I could think to talk about instead,” he smiles evilly, he sits up slightly, resting his weight on his forearm to watch over you.
Flat on your back, you scowl up at him, “Maybe we should talk about how lovely the weather has been lately.”
“It’s been raining for a week straight,” he reminds.
You cross your arms over your chest, “…Maybe I like the rain.”
“I am sorry,” he changes the topic.
“It doesn’t matter,” you try brushing it off.
“I made you uncomfortable and I didn’t mean to,” he looks away in thought, “I wasn’t trying to pry, I just wanted to know what you were so interested in and when I saw–”
“–Okay! It’s fine, I’m not mad.”
“It would be understandable if you were,” he flops onto his back again.
You turn to look at him, “If you’re still feeling bad, make me breakfast in the morning.”
“Look at that! I think all the guilt I had just left my body,” he smiles cheekily, also turning to look at you.
You can’t help the way your eyes drop to his lips, just for a second, you didn’t mean anything by it… you think. Gojo sees it because of course he does, he doesn’t miss a single thing and he decides to push the limits of your friendship, just a little bit.
He speaks again, “You know… I am curious about something though.”
Unamused, you raise a brow, “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“Does it do anything? I mean… reading porn like that? Does it actually effect you?” He knows what he’s doing and he knows the answer to his question, he’s not as dense as he pretends he is.
“Invasive question,” you squint at him before letting your face relax, “I can always read it to you and you can see for yourself,” you joke.
His smile grows, “Fantastic idea!”
Your eyes widen, “No! No it’s not! I was kidding, I’m not reading porn to you Gojo.”
“Boo,” he jeers.
“You’re so weird,” you sigh.
He offers you an alternative, “I’ll settle for an answer to my question if you don’t want to read me porn.”
This man is getting on your nerves, “Who would want to do that in the first place?”
“Me, I will read porn to you right now if you like,” he offers.
“Okay let me rephrase, what kind of sane person would want that?” You’re hoping to guide him away from this topic.
“Ouch, words hurt,” you can see his face light up with his joke, “And arouse, apparently.”
“What do you mean apparently?” You ask, “I haven’t even answered your question, very presumptuous of you.”
“Yeah but if the answer was a simple ‘no’ you would’ve just said that and moved on,” he looks proud of himself right now, “Sometimes… not giving an answer is almost as telling as giving one.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you move your head to face the ceiling again, “Get a load of Socrates over here.” You sigh, “What do you want to hear? That it does arouse me, that I get sooo wet reading porn on your couch while you’re gone?”
He’s quiet, at a loss for words really, which is shocking to you. His prolonged silence has you looking back to him. His eyes look a little darker than before, his gaze far away. You’re starting to feel bad, like maybe you’re the one who took it too far now, “Gojo, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you–”
“–No… go on,” he encourages, “Tell me all about what you do when I’m not home,” his eyes glimmer.
“I– nothing really– I’m not…” you’re starting to heat up, his gaze on you not helping, “I’m not being creepy while you’re gone…”
“I didn’t say you were being creepy,” he moves so he’s being supported by his forearm again, your eyes follow him as he ends up almost hovering over you, “I said I wanted to know what else you do when I’m not home.”
You hesitate, “This might not be–”
“You don’t have to tell me, if I’m being pushy, if you’re uncomfortable… tell me, I’ll leave you alone,” he wants this bad but he’s not going to force you, he wants you to want it too.
“It’s not… I am uncomfortable but only because,” your thighs press together slightly, seeking pressure, you’re uncomfortable because he’s turning you on and he’s not done a damn thing.
“Ugh, Gojo,” your hands cover your face, trying to hide yourself from his eyes, “Because you’re…” you mumble, trailing off.
He leans in a little closer, smug smile loud in his voice, “I’m sorry, what?”
You peak through your fingers, “…You’re…turning me on…”
“I still didn’t get that,” he feigns ignorance, he heard you just fine, “Maybe move your hands properly?”
“You’re being mean,” you mutter from behind your hands, “I know you heard me.”
His gaze lowers, scanning your body, taking in how your breathing has sped up, how your thighs clench together, fighting the urge to rub against each other. “No idea what you’re on about, I can’t hear a thing from behind your hands.”
You drop your arms with a huff, “You’re really quite unkind, you know?”
“I think I’m perfectly kind,” his tone is jovial, happy with your acquiescence, “Now repeat what you said, I wanna hear it loud and clear.”
You’re gonna hit him, you wanna hit him. Taking a breath, your hands reach out for his face and move him so he’s looking you dead in the eyes, “Gojo… you’re making me really wet and needy,” your tone is coquettish, “I need your help, please.”
His eyes brighten, deliciously satisfied with your words and confession, “Tell me what you do when I’m not here then.”
You stare at him, you thought you had one up him but he readjusts alarmingly well, you’ll just have to double down, “I lay on your nice, big couch and I fingerfuck myself, hoping I get to cum before you get home.”
“I already like coming home to you,” he leans into you, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, “I think I’d like coming home to the sounds of you playing with your wet cunt even more.”
Oh god, he might kill you, he’s clearly much better at this than you are, his words have your eyes glazing over slightly. Just his presence is suffocating, “Gojo, please… touch me?”
He pulls back, “Hmm, giving up already? Where’s your fighting spirit?”
“You’re an unbearable tease…”
“Tease… yes. Unbearable? I don’t agree, you’ve put up with me for this long,” he all but singsongs, he’s so smug – you want to get up and walk away from him but you don’t have the strength.
“Either kiss me or I’m changing my mind and pretending that tonight didn’t happen,” you glare at him.
His smile doesn’t falter, “Now who’s unkind?” You make a show of trying to get up but he pushes you back down into the mattress, his lips finding yours. You moan into his kiss and he huffs against you, “Open your mouth more,” he speaks against you.
You do as he says and his tongue slips into your mouth, he licks at you and you tentatively meet him half-way. If kissing someone felt this good surely you’d have remembered it, so why can’t you remember a single kiss that feels as good as this one.
He crawls onto you more, your hands move to find his shoulders before wrapping around his neck, tugging him closer. He groans into the kiss and you swallow it down, your head is swimming, he sounds hot, he feels hot, he’s making you feel hot.
He pulls back, “Fuck, I gotta touch you, let me touch you.”
“Mhm, yeah, please,” you’re all too eager to agree, not missing the thinly veiled desperation in his words.
His hand is quick to snake down your body and into your pants, slipping past the waist band of your underwear. A shiver runs down your spine as his fingers carefully part your folds and slide through you’re very wet cunt. Gojo groans, he wasn’t expecting you to be this aroused, his head swimming with just how slick it must feel to fuck balls deep inside your pussy.
His dick twitches in his pants, he’s been horny since he started this stupid conversation, not that you noticed, too self-conscious to take note of the semi he’d been sporting while teasing you. Fuck, he needs more, his finger moves to your entrance, his eyes watching your expression carefully as he slips it inside you.
Your brows turn up and a soft sigh leaves your lungs at his finger entering you, he doesn’t move straight away, his thumb instead rubbing into your clit. He can feel the way your walls twitch around his single digit; he might go crazy before this is over.
“Gojo~ more,” you want more, you wanna feel full.
“Anything for you,” he teases but pulls his single finger back, easing in another with it.
They curl when reaching their hilt, caressing inside you, the pleasure makes you whine and your stomach jump. He pumps his fingers languidly, enjoying the view, delighting in how you squirm and whimper underneath him from just a couple fingers.
He looks down to his hand underneath your pants, your thighs shake slightly, “That’s cute,” he murmurs.
He pulls his hand away from you, “Wait– Gojo what are–”
Laughing at how frantic you are, he reassures, “–Shh, it’s fine, I just wanna see how your pretty pussy sucks my fingers back in is all.”
You feel like you could faint, he’s so crude and for what reason? Just to embarrass you? Or to turn you on? Or is it just a bonus that he manages to do both at the same time?
Your pants and underwear are tugged off at once, he kneels between your legs and very lewdly pulls them wide apart, his eyes greedily watching the way your cunt opens up for him. He salivates at the way your pussy glimmers for him, cunt drooling from your tight hole, down your ass cheeks and onto the bed.
He wastes no more time and fills you back up with his long fingers, his mind registering that you got wetter, fuck you can get even wetter. The realisation hits him like a ton of bricks and he has a feeling he knows exactly what did it.  
A grin on his face, he asks, “You know you could get this wet? Or are you shocked?” It’s not rhetorical, and to demonstrate what he means, his fingers speed up and you can hear the loud and obscene noises of your wet cunt sucking them back in.
You clench around his fingers at his words and his smile grows, now fully understanding the effect he has on you. The delight he takes in it could almost be diabolical, the enjoyment he’s getting out of knowing he can be a little mean or lewd with his words and it will only turn you is immense.
“Come on, I want an answer when I ask a question,” he reminds you.
You gasp as his fingers crook up, purposefully making it harder for you to answer, “I –hah– I didn’t knooww–”
And you didn’t, not to this extent, it’s mortifying, how much your cunt gushes for him. You’re ashamed and also… so ridiculously turned on. His voice doesn’t help, not only the content of his words but just the sound of him, it’s setting you on edge.
“I find that quite shocking, only realising just how turned on you can get and it’s for your good friend? How scandalous,” he tsks at you, his words holding no malice, he truly is amused by how things have unfolded.
“Stop t–teasing me, Gojo,” you frown at him but it’s not nearly as effective as it normally would be. To him you look like a cute mess who’s making a mess on his fingers and spare bed sheets.
His thumb presses into your clit again, steady pressure rounding it, “I like teasing you though~”
Your head tilts back, your eyes unable to focus on anything, you’re going to cum, you’re so fucking close, you just need him to not stop, “Gojo, please, d–don’t stop –ngh– please, please, please please pleaseppleaseplease,” you’re begging him to show mercy – pity, you don’t care what you just want him to make you cum.
“You think I’d be so mean as to not let you cum?” he asks like it’s not definitely within his character to do something so cruel, “I’d never deprive myself of the sight.”
Your toes curl and your head presses back into the pillows hard, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. It feels like your stomach does flips as you moan out for Gojo, your hands clutching the sheets as you shake pitifully with the force of your orgasm.
He massages your walls through it, fucking his fingers in and out of you steadily, letting you ride out your high. He keeps going even as you reach overstimulation, he likes seeing you twitch and shake with your sensitivity, makes his cock leak into his pants at how you clench pathetically around his fingers as he strokes in and out of you as he pleases.
“Gojo… is too much,” you mumble weakly.
He hums at you but pulls his fingers from your sopping cunt, he holds his two fingers up and pulls them apart, watching the way your cum coats them and connects them by sticky strings. Fuck it’s a sight to behold to him, he shoves those two fingers right into his mouth, sucking them clean and savouring the taste.
Pulling his digits out of his mouth, he comments, “I think… if I didn’t wanna stick my dick into you as badly as I do… I’d shove my tongue inside your little pussy and eat you until you came again and again and–”
You’re gonna burst into flames, “–Do you get off on your own words or something?”
“I’m not the one getting off on my words,” he grins knowingly.
The words you were going to retort with die on your tongue as he suddenly tugs his shirt off, exposing his bare skin to you. How are you meant to reply with anything smart when he’s constantly able to throw you off kilter, you can’t win against him.
He undoes his belt and nods towards you, “Take your shirt off.”
“…Bossy,” you pout out.
He stands up to undress completely, “You into that?”
“Could’ve fooled me, you take directions so well,” he smirks, clearly poking fun at how you took off your shirt as soon as he asked you to. He gets back on the bed and taps your thigh, “Hands and knees,” you look at him with an unamused expression and he tacks on, “Pleeeasseeee?”
You get up and spin round onto your hands and knees, feeling vulnerable like this, extra so because you can’t see what he’s doing. One of his hands slides from your lower back up your spine, gentle pressure behind his touch, encouraging you to push your upper half into the bed, cheek pressed against the mattress by the time he reaches your neck.
“Yeahhh, you take directions so well,” he means it as a compliment but it feels degrading.
Soft clicking noises of him fisting his cock fill the room, he’s spreading his precum all along the shaft, collecting it at the tip. He needs to be slick if you’re gonna take him, though he figures you’ve done most of the work on that end already.
You wiggle your hips back at him, feeling impatient and dazed from your previous orgasm. He chuckles at your eagerness but doesn’t keep you waiting, you’re far too enticing for him to tease any longer. He swipes his dick through your folds a few times first, letting you feel him and also let your cunt drool onto him a bit.
He wants to slam into you quickly, he’s so sick of waiting, he’s harder than he’s been in his life and he’s itching to have your pussy swallow him whole but he doesn’t want to hurt you. If he fucks this up he’ll never forgive himself, he needs to give you the best dicking of your life so that you keep coming back to him for more.
His initial thrust is shallow and barely gets the head of his cock inside you, this is going to be a slow process. He’ll have to take his time, not that he particularly minds, the longer he takes, the longer he gets to spend fucking you. This is a responsible decision on Gojo’s behalf, unfortunately for him, you’re not quite so patient. You’re horny beyond belief and have the sudden urge for him to be as deep as he can possibly get, you want to feel him in your guts, you fucking need it.
Bracing yourself, you spread your legs apart further and push back, his cock slipping deeper suddenly, the stretch has a delicious feeling crawling up your spine, or maybe that’s Gojo’s hand. His hand reaches around your neck and pulls your back to his front, a whimper tumbling from you as you slide down his cock further.
He breathes against you, “Desperate thing aren’t you?” He nips your ear and then trails his lips down to your neck, leaving marks in his wake.  
His hips thrust up, forcing you to take more of him, “Ah~ sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry~ I think it’s very endearing,” his voice is dreamy, “Very flattering, willing to hurt yourself just to take me?”
Ah, of course he’d find a way to boost his own ego through all this, “–ngh– You really do love yourself, huh?”
You can feel his big smile against your skin, “Not as much as I love this pussy,” he thrusts inside you deeper, punctuating his words with his hips.
You can’t do much else but moan and take it like this, though, you’re pretty happy to take it like this. Your slick gushes from your cunt and leaks down his shaft. The mess you’re making on the bed is beyond lewd and you have no idea if you should be more embarrassed of the state you’re in. You’re not here though, you’re elsewhere, head in the clouds as your eyes glaze over.
“Aww~ you’ve gone stupid and I’m not even fully in yet,” he coos at you.
He drops you back down onto the bed in your previous position, face buried into the blankets with your ass in the air, back arched deeply. Gojo thinks he has enough room to slip in completely now so he does, when he does, he knocks something so deep inside you that your cunt quivers and you make the smallest, fucked out sound.
It makes him moan deeply, your pussy gripping him for dear life as you sound out gasped whimpers, you’re a fucking mess in more than one way and he’s gonna paint your walls white before too long if he doesn’t get it together. Your cunt is sinfully tight, snug and warm around him, spilling out around where he’s stuffed you full. Your eyes are glassy and fucked out and you look like you might cry, drool dribbles from the corner of your mouth from how deep you can feel him.
Tentatively, he pulls back, his thrusts initially shallow, wanting to get you used to the motion, you really are not capable of any coherent thought, everything coming from you right now is downright pornographic, you don’t even think you could string together enough words to beg him to let you cum.
He’s ruining any future sex you may have and he’s barely started fucking you, his rhythm, is slow but constant. The pressure you feel slowly building in your abdomen makes your pussy cry on his cock.
“You literally have–” he cuts himself off with his own gasped whine, “–the most perfect cunt, holy fuck.” What he did in life to deserve sticking his dick inside you, he has no clue but he’ll keep doing it if it means fucking your tight hole.
You chant his name at him, it’s all you’re really able to do, in your brain fog you spill out, “S’toru sobig, you’re –hng– so deep~” You can’t think.
His hands grab your hips tight, the pressure bruising, his thrusts are speeding up, growing frantic, desperate. He’s fucking you like it’ll be the last time he ever gets to be inside you. One hand reaches around and lands on your clit, furiously rubbing at it, the stimulation has you biting back a cry as tears slip from the corner of your eyes.
Your pussy spasms and twitches on him violently, you’re so sensitive, in general and to him. His hand pulls you back against him with every thrust in, the resounding smacking of skin on skin and your sloppy cunt are like music to his ears. You’re so messy, such a beautiful and delightful mess, he wonders just how fucking messy he could make you; he’ll need to remember this thought if he ever gets another chance to have you… though he’s probably never going to be able to think of anything else after this.
The muscles in your legs are quivering, you’re not going to be able to hold yourself up for much longer, not with how he’s fucking you. You’re going to cum and then promptly pass out, your vision is dotted and you’re barely able to comprehend your surroundings, the only thing you hear is Gojo’s moans.
“Need you to cum for me, now,” he urges, his words hissed through his teeth, fighting off his own orgasm.
His fingers on your clit speed up, he slaps your clit once and harshly, the sudden contact makes you shake. Your orgasm comes out of nowhere, your legs would’ve given out if he weren’t holding you up, you’re actually just crying now, the force of your orgasm shaking you to your core, it’s so overwhelming that it’s all you can feel.
Gojo moves both his hands to your ass cheeks and spreads them, looking at how he’s plowing into you over and over, watching how you grip him tight, trying to milk his cock. The sight of this, of your pussy clenching around him, has him cumming, he bites out your name before stuffing his dick all the way inside you. His cum dumping itself deep inside, his cock twitching as he spills. The amount he cums is immense, leaking out around the base of him and down onto the sheets, the mess you’ve both made only growing.
He stays seated inside you for a while, letting you both come down before even attempting to move. When he does slip out of you, it’s with a hiss, he holds you up for a bit longer, watching the way his cum seeps out of you, his eyes transfixed on how much he came inside of you, how much of him you took. He’s addicted.
Laying your lower half back onto the bed gently, he flops down next to you, evening out his breathing more. He turns his head to the side to look at you, your eyes closed and a stupid smile on your face, tear stains on your cheeks and a little bit of drool still present in the corner of your mouth.
He reaches out and wipes it way with his thumb, “Fucked dumb taken to a new level, huh?”
“You’ve ruined me,” you mutter back, not really paying attention.
A cocky grin takes its place on his face, “In what way?”
“S’many,” your words slur together.
He jokes, “Better than your book though right?”
You can only hum your confirmation, all your limbs are heavy, you might die, you’re fighting it though, the unconsciousness that’s threatening to take over.
Gojo moves closer to you, kissing your arm, “Hey, sleep, I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs into your skin.
That’s the last thing you hear before you’re dead asleep.
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lyneira · 25 days
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♤♡ the first morning ♡♤
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-> the morning after your first, passionate night with Malleus
malleus x fem!reader | fluff with some suggestive parts! (VERY suggestive towards the end ;))
based on this request!
but also a sequel to this post -> Nightly Visits + Your First Time with Malleus
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I just know he'd be the first one to wake up, wanting to take the time to savor your sleeping expression. He'd fawn over you, admiring your figure as the rising sun begins to shed its warm rays onto your skin. He'd then smile since it would be reminiscent of how you enveloped each other in warmth the night prior, embracing one another closely as you two made love.
Honestly, he might not even have gotten much sleep at all. He'd have spent the rest of the night caressing you gently, trying to lull you to sleep, ever so softly humming a lovely tune so that you might have good dreams
On the other hand, he wouldn't have needed to sleep to have good dreams. He was already experiencing them, especially after that magical night you two became one, he would be replaying all of those events in his mind over and over again.
But as the sun was rising, he knew that it would soon be time to get up and start the day. Though, he really wouldn't want to at all. He'd wish he could stop time and lay in bed here with you forever because as long as he had you, he no longer felt so alone. He didn't need anyone else. You are his safe place. You are his home.
With that notion, he'd become so protective of you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he'll hug you and curl himself up around your body, like a dragon protecting his treasure (which is you).
He would feel so happy and safe at that moment, knowing you two were together, so intimate, so close. It was a joy he'd never felt before, and he'd hope that he could feel this way with you every morning. He'd nuzzle his face into your neck at the thought.
All of this, in turn, would wake you up, suddenly feeling so much physical contact over your body. Noticing you had awakened, Malleus' eyes would soften with tenderness as you faced him, and they met with yours.
"Good morning, my love," he'd whisper with a sweet smile. "How are you feeling?" he'd ask, bringing his hand down to rub circles on your hip. He remembers how intensely he had given all his love to you the night before and hopes that it didn't cause too much of a consequence this morning.
After greeting him back and reassuring him that everything was okay, though your hips really would feel a little sore, he'd sigh with relief. "I'm glad. Forgive me if I was too rough," he'd cup your cheek with his other hand and gently press his lips onto yours. "I simply couldn't... hold myself back", he breathed out with a slight, sultry tone as he recalled the night once again.
Indeed, he couldn't. It had been the first night you two had gotten to one of the highest levels of intimacy, that he couldn't resist giving the entirety of himself in those moments.
And how could he not? Especially with the way you looked at him so lovingly, held him so closely, squeezed him so tightly, and called out for him numerous times that night, it was only right that he reciprocated your fervor and the intense love you were giving. It was the same way he felt for you, after all.
Just thinking of it was making him feel much hotter than he already was, and you'd feel the peak of that warmth pressing up against you.
This would earn a small blush from him but a big smile from you, as you would ask him if he'd like for you to take care of it.
And so you two would go on to take care of each other that morning, the first of many mornings such as this ;)
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a/n: it feels good to write again! Maybe I'll make an explicit smutty part two of this 👀 y'all lmk in the comments if you guys would like that :> i just love writing for this precious guy 🥺
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chestersturniolo · 2 months
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Summary ; dealer!chris visits y/n for a top up of her usual, but intrigue consumes her and she decides to try something new.
Pairing ; fem!reader x dealer!chris
Warnings ; (MDNI) strong mentions/use of drugs (don’t do them!) , use of y/n & pet names , not really proof read 
after a long, long day, i trudge through the door of my apartment with a deep sigh. 
i throw my bags down by the door and immediately head to my bedroom, to the pretty glass jar stashed in my dresser. 
i fumble around the draw and pull it out,eagerly snatching the lid off. 
“fuck” i mumble to myself, whilst staring down at nothing but pathetic crumbs laying at the bottom of the jar. i let out a frustrated huff,setting it down on top of my dresser.
i reach to my back pocket, pulling out my phone 
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the upside to running out is needing more…and needing more meant seeing him. 
chris was my first ever dealer. and my only one since then. at first i was terrified of him, i had never smoked before. so having to meet a scary stranger guy to be able to do so, made it even more nerve wracking.
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my heart is in my throat as i walk towards his car. the soft glow of the streetlights that flicker slightly not helping my nerves. meeting a random guy in his car at night for illegal activity? what could go wrong?
the only thing that keep those thoughts at bay (not really) is the fact i got his number from a close friend who i trust. 
“here goes nothing” i sing to myself before reaching out to the handle, plopping down into the passenger seat. i keep my eyes at my lap, too nervous to even make eye contact. 
“uh-hi” i mumble, barely audible
“what’s up… what do you want, and how much?” 
i tear my eyes away from my lap, to meet the boys gaze.
i open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out, partly because i didn’t expect him to look like this , and partly because i had no idea what to say. or how any of this works. 
i just sit, staring like an idiot , mouth agape.
“helloooo” he says with a slight underline of frustration in his voice, waving his hand across my eye line to grab my attention. 
“what do you want” he repeats, 
i force myself out of my trance “um…weed?” i squeak, coming out more like a question 
“okaaay? and how much?” he presses.
his face emotionless and stern
once again i have no idea what to say. this should be so simple, but i have no idea the terms and phrases, how much is too much, how much is too little????? i try my best to hide the thoughts running through my head with a simple “just a little i guess…”
what the fuck is wrong with me 
i watch as his eyebrows raise and he lets out a soft chuckle
“you’ve never done this before have you” 
i wave of embarrassment washes over me as i feel my cheeks burn up, realising that my inexperience is so blatantly obvious. my gaze once again falls to my lap.
“uh..no..no i haven’t” 
he must notice my humiliated state, as his whole demeanour shifts.
“hey,don’t worry about it” he reassures, his voice now soft. 
“i’m just glad you came to me” 
i glance up to him once again, a new set of eyes now looking back at me. warm and reassuring.
a soft smile on the corner of his lips.
“i’ll help you out okay? i don’t think you should do it alone” 
i nod softly. for some reason i trust him.
•••••••flashback end•••••••
the rest of that night was spent with chris. he wasn’t so scary after all. we went to a backstreet and he talked me through everything. we smoked, we talked , we laughed. 
he made me feel so comfortable and safe. and i will forever be grateful for it.
i have been going to him ever since. although it’s not just a transaction.
we’ve hung out every now and again (a/n iykyk) and an unspoken connection has been built between me and chris since we met that night. i’m honestly not sure what it is. 
i’m not just a customer.
he’s not just my dealer.
we care for eachother.
i change into an oversize T and some shorts to get comfy, whipping my bra off and basking in the free feeling. 
i hear my phone ping, i look over to see a text from chris 
i smirk and slip some shoes on, not bothering with any extra clothing, making my way out the the apartment. 
i see his car parked in the complex lot, i rush over ,goosebump’s engulf my skin as the cold night air whips around my legs. i swing the door open, plopping into the passenger seat of the warm car, the smell of chris’ familiar cologne fills the air. 
“hey ma” he chirps, shooting me his signature smirk whilst his eyes trail down to my legs and back up again.
“want your usual?” he asked, starting to rummage through the backpack on his lap.
“pleaaaaseee” i smile. 
chris starts pulling out handfuls of baggies placing them on his lap, whilst looking for my usual. 
my nosey eyes fall on the pile, examining the contents of each bag. 
one in particular catches my eye. the bright white contents staring back at me. 
i had never had any interest in anything else other than smoking. but for some reason,in this moment, my intrigue was strong. 
“here” chris says, holding out a familiar bag. 
i grab the bag without looking up 
chris notices my fixation and follows my gaze down to his lap. 
“oh absolutely not!”  
i snap my head up, his slightly widened eyes already on me. his eyebrows are raised as he looks at me with a face full of disbelief. this quickly turns into a stern look.
“no way, i’m not selling that to you” 
“why not, you sell it to other people?” i challenge with a slight pout. 
chris sighs and tears his eyes away,setting them on the dashboard. 
“yes, but they’re other people ma. you’re you.” he glances back to me 
“i’m not selling that shit to you y/n” 
i roll my eyes with a defeated sigh. 
“fine” i mumble, crossing my arms, turning my head frontways away from chris.
“don’t sell it to me. i just kinda wanted to try it i guess” i speak quietly, whilst making sure the disappointment in my tone was clear. 
see i knew chris was a softy deep down. at least for me. so i figured i’d try and make him cave. but just incase that wouldn’t work, i had the perfect saving grace
“i’ll see if y/f/n has any other contacts, maybe they’ll sell it to me” 
“god dammit” i hear chris hiss under his breath through gritted teeth.
i feel him grab my jaw, guiding my head back towards him. his eyes staring intently into mine.
“one try” he states. pointing a finger at me with his free hand. 
my lips turn upward into a smirk
he notices my satisfaction, releasing his grip on my jaw. he sighs with a shake of his head. stuffing the scattered baggies on his lap back into his bag, before opening the car door and stepping out. i watch him as he comes round to my door, opening it and reaching a hand out. 
“come on” he orders. 
i grab his hand, he pulls me up and starts leading me back to my apartment. 
my leg bounces anxiously as i perch on the edge of my couch, watching as chris wades through his bag once again. finally he pulls out the bag i was fixated on. 
he holds it up to our eye level, his eyes move from the bag to me.
“you’re sure about this?” he asks, with a dead serious expression. searching my eyes for any traces of hesitancy.  
i nod my head 
“talk to me” he presses 
“yes chris i’m sure”
he gives a soft nod of his head before opening the bag.  i watch as he brings his finger to his mouth giving a small suck to the tip, getting it wet. 
he pauses, glancing up to me
“you trust me?” 
i nod once again  “of course” 
he reaches into the bag dipping his finger into the powder. i watch curiously as it sticks to his wet finger tip.
he scoots closer to me on the couch and uses his free hand to hold my jaw. 
“open sweetheart” he whispers, giving my jaw a small squeeze.
my brows furrow slightly, but i obey, slowly opening my mouth.
chris brings his other hand towards me , and slowly slides the coated finger into the side of my mouth. i feel him find his way to my gums, slowly rubbing up and down. his reassuring eyes not leaving mine. 
he repeats the action to the other side,then slowly pulls his finger out, planting a sweet kiss onto my cheek whilst still holding my jaw. before placing the finger that was in my mouth, into his own, taking off the excess. 
he sits back into the couch and watches me.
a mixture of anticipation and nerves start to wash over me, my leg returning to its bouncing state. the fear of what will happen next starts swirling in my brain. 
chris noticed my shift immediately , he reaches over and grips my knee, holting the bounces. brushing his thumb in small soothing circles. 
“hey hey-” he coos, bobbing his head down slightly to meet my gaze that’s now resting on the floor
“-it’s okay ma, i’ve got you aight?” 
a/n - thankyou for reading loves🤍🤍🤍 and thankyou again for 500 of you!!? this was a fun one i hope you enjoyed. requests open 🥰
- 𝑺𝒂𝒈𝒆 ♡
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simplyraeblue · 30 days
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ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP !femreader x !virginshoto you've had a crush on your friend shoto for a long time, and unbeknownst to you he's been crushing as well. not only that, he wants you to be his first time; for everything WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing, fluff, suggestive, shoto is kind of a simp word count: 2,707 A/N: oopsy daisy real quick short post because I couldn't help myself and the idea of sweet shoto wouldn't leave my brain... little cutesy filler part before they hit home base (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ also I was listening to The Archer x Not Strong Enough while writing this... linked here if you want to listen while you read!
part one | part two | part three |
part four | part five
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you were desperate to ignore the incessant barrage of notifications from Mina. just moments ago, you had dragged yourself off your feet, finally collapsing onto the couch after a grueling day. the minute you sank into the cushions, your phone erupted with a flood of calls and text messages. exhaustion weighed on you heavily, and each buzz and ping felt like an assault on your already depleted energy. it wasn’t until the hundredth call that you finally gave in and answered.
“what do you want, Mina? I’m absolutely wiped out,” you groaned, trying to inject a note of humor into your voice despite how drained you felt.
Mina’s voice came through the receiver with an overly enthusiastic tone, almost too cheerful for your weary brain to handle. “get dressed up; we’re going to a fancy restaurant!”
you sighed heavily, rubbing your eyes in frustration. “did you not just hear me say I’m exhausted? I have zero energy left, and honestly, I’d rather not spend any more money right now.”
Mina’s response was an impatient tsk, filled with exasperation. “I don’t care how tired you are or what you want. put on something fancy and forget about the cost. be ready by seven-thirty, or I’m coming over there to drag you out myself.”
you wanted to argue more, but the stubborn resolve in Mina's voice told you this was a battle you wouldn’t win. plus, deep down, you knew she was right. maybe a change of scenery and some good company was exactly what you needed to recharge. with a resigned sigh, you checked the time on your phone—it was already past six.
“fine, fine. I’ll be ready,” you grumbled, hoping your tone conveyed the minimal enthusiasm you felt.
“great!” Mina replied with an exaggerated cheerfulness. “see you soon!”
you hung up and stared at your reflection in the darkened screen of your phone. despite your fatigue, you found a sliver of motivation. you stood up, stretched, and began to rummage through your closet. picking out a sleek dress and a pair of heels that hadn’t seen the light of day in months, you couldn’t help but feel a small spark of excitement. maybe this would be a good distraction after all.
as you prepared yourself, you tried to push aside the lingering thoughts of your long day. you opted for minimal makeup and a quick hairstyle, focusing on just enough to look presentable without draining what little energy you had left. by the time you checked the clock again, it was nearly seven-thirty.
just as you were about to head out the door, you heard an unexpected knock. you’d assumed Mina would just text you the address and meet you there. curious and a bit puzzled, you opened the door and started to say, “Mina, I promise I’m ready—”
but it wasn’t Mina standing there. instead, Shoto was at your doorstep, impeccably dressed in a sharp black suit. he held a bouquet of flowers, the rich colors and delicate petals contrasting with his formal attire.
“apologies for letting mina trick you,” Shoto said, his voice gentle and warm as he offered you a reassuring smile. “I wanted this to be a surprise.”
“Shoto, what’s going on?” you asked, your confusion mingling with a touch of excitement as you accepted the flowers, your cheeks flushing at the unexpected and thoughtful gesture.
“I’m taking you on a proper date,” Shoto replied, his eyes meeting yours with a sincerity that made your heart skip a beat. he extended his arm toward you, a subtle invitation. “I figured it was about time, especially considering the… less conventional things we’ve been up to.”
you stared at Shoto for a moment, your mind racing to process what was happening. the bouquet in your hands felt surprisingly heavy, its fragrance filling the air with a sweetness that contrasted with the formal setting.
“a proper date?” you echoed, trying to reconcile this unexpected turn of events with the casual plans you had made with mina.
“yes,” Shoto affirmed, his tone steady and sincere. “I wanted to do something special, something more meaningful. and mina kindly agreed to help with the surprise.”
you took a deep breath, a mix of nervousness and excitement bubbling up inside you. “this is… really unexpected. but also, kind of amazing.”
Shoto’s smile widened, and he gently took your hand, guiding you out the door. “I’m glad you think so. I’ve been looking forward to this. let’s make it a night to remember.”
as you walked down the stairs and into the cool evening air, you glanced back at your apartment, feeling a mix of disbelief and anticipation. Shoto’s presence was reassuring, his calm demeanor helping to ease your lingering fatigue. he led you to a sleek, black car parked by the curb, its polished surface reflecting the city lights.
“where are we going?” you asked as he opened the car door for you, his touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
“it’s a surprise,” he said with a playful glint in his eye. “but trust me, it’ll be worth it.”
you settled into the plush leather seat, watching as Shoto got in beside you and started the engine. the car glided smoothly through the city streets, and you found yourself enjoying the rare luxury of simply being present in the moment.
Shoto made small talk as he drove, his voice soothing and easy to listen to. he talked about the restaurant he had chosen, the dishes they were famous for, and the ambiance he hoped you would appreciate. the conversation flowed effortlessly, and you could feel the genuine interest and care behind his words.
when you finally arrived at the restaurant, it was even more beautiful than you had imagined. the elegant exterior was bathed in soft, warm light, and the interior exuded an atmosphere of refined sophistication. Shoto guided you inside, where you were greeted by a host and shown to a private table with a stunning view of the city skyline.
“Shoto, this is insane,” you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper as you gazed out the window. the city below sparkled like a sea of stars, the lights stretching out as far as the eye could see. the extent of it all hit you suddenly, making you acutely aware of just how much effort and expense this must have entailed. “you didn’t have to go all out like this. I would’ve been perfectly happy with something more… quaint.”
Shoto extended his hand across the table, his touch gentle yet reassuring as he clasped yours. his smile was soft and genuine, a look of quiet pride in his eyes. “I wanted to do this. for you.”
throughout the evening, Shoto’s attentiveness and thoughtfulness made you feel cherished and valued. the meal was exquisite, each course a culinary delight, and the conversation never faltered. as the night progressed, you realized that Shoto’s surprise was not just about the setting or the food but about the effort he had put into making this night special for you.
by the end of the evening, as you sat back and savored the last of your dessert, you felt a deep sense of contentment. Shoto reached across the table, taking your hand in his once more.
“there’s actually another reason I planned this night with you, y/n,” Shoto said, his voice a bit hesitant. he lifted your hand gently, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. as he pulled away, you noticed a faint pink hue spreading across his cheeks, a blush that made him even more endearing.
“okay, now you’re gonna make me worry,” you joked lightly, trying to ease the tension with a playful laugh. but his nervous gulp made your own anxiety spike, and a flutter of unease began to settle in your stomach.
“I… shit, I don’t know how to put this,” Shoto murmured, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to find the right words. he turned his eyes to the sprawling cityscape outside, and you felt a pang of anxiety, your heart racing in your chest. “I care about you, quite a lot.”
“I care a lot about you too, Sho,” you responded softly, hoping to reassure him. his eyes met yours again, filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope.
“I’m sure this might feel very sudden, and maybe a tad rushed,” Shoto continued, his voice trembling slightly. he squeezed your hand with a tenderness that sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “but, after all these years of having a crush on you, and the past few weeks of growing closer, I think… no, I know I’m falling in love with you, y/n.”
the room seemed to hold its breath as Shoto’s words hung in the air. you could feel the weight of his confession pressing gently against your heart, and the enormity of the moment made your mind swirl with a mix of emotions.
for a moment, you were silent, processing the depth of what he had just shared. Shoto’s fingers still rested lightly around yours, his gaze searching yours with a blend of hope and trepidation.
“I… wow,” you finally said, your voice soft and trembling with emotion. “I had no idea you felt this way.”
Shoto’s cheeks reddened further, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I didn’t want to rush things or make you feel pressured. I just needed you to know how I really feel.”
you took a deep breath, feeling a surge of warmth and affection for him. the realization that he had been holding these feelings for so long, and that he had chosen this special evening to reveal them, made your heart swell.
“I’ve been feeling the same way,” you confessed, your voice gaining strength. “I didn’t know how to say it either, but I’ve been falling for you too, Shoto.”
a look of pure relief and joy spread across his face, and he squeezed your hand once more, his eyes sparkling. “really? you mean that?”
“yes,” you nodded, smiling through the tears that had formed in your eyes. “I mean it. I’ve been feeling this way for a while, but I didn’t want to rush things either.”
Shoto’s expression softened into a tender smile, and he leaned forward, his forehead resting gently against yours. “I’m so glad we’re on the same page,” he murmured. “I want to take things at a pace that feels right for both of us. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
you closed your eyes, savoring the closeness and the sincerity of the moment. “I want that too,” you whispered, your heart full of hope and happiness. “let’s see where this takes us.”
as you both leaned across the table, your lips yearning to mold against his, Shoto suddenly smirked and broke the moment. “hopefully to home base,” he joked, the playful glint in his eyes causing you to snort with laughter. his smirk widened as he heard your reaction, and he leaned back in his chair, letting out a hearty laugh that was both infectious and endearing.
as Shoto continued laughing, you felt a wave of boldness and excitement. standing up from your chair, you made your way around the table, feeling a sense of exhilaration that made you disregard the curious glances from other diners. with a determined stride, you leaned in close to his ear, your breath warm and tickling his skin. “let’s take this special evening home, shall we?” you whispered, and you could almost sense the shiver of anticipation that ran through his body.
Shoto’s reaction was immediate—his face flushed with a deep, embarrassed pink. this wasn’t the end goal for him tonight, not by any measure. he wanted you to understand that his confession was heartfelt and sincere, and he hoped you knew that it wasn’t just a pretext to move things forward physically.
“I—seriously?” Shoto asked, his voice dropping to a low, almost incredulous murmur. you could see the nervousness flickering in his eyes, and it only made you more determined. reaching out, you offered him your hand with a reassuring smile, trying to convey your genuine affection and support.
“unless you don’t want to make a home run?” you teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. Shoto’s reaction was immediate and comical—he stood up from his chair with such urgency that he almost knocked it over. “wow there, eager are we?” you laughed, watching as he fumbled slightly, trying to regain his composure.
“if you keep teasing me, we’re not making it back to your apartment,” Shoto groaned, his voice tinged with frustration and amusement. he pulled you gently towards him, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. as he lingered there for a moment, you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, making your heart race. “I’d hate to have to take you in my car,” he added with a playful edge, clearly struggling to keep his own excitement in check.
his warning tease almost came true, because when you two made it to the car he nudged you against the side of the vehicle, letting his hands roam a little too much for the public as he kissed you fervently.
you would’ve let him take you in the car, white hot desire burning inside of you so quickly that you felt like you’d die if you didn’t have him on top of you.
even when you made it back to your apartment, you both barely made it in the door as he started pawing at your dress. Shoto had to restrain himself from ripping the tight fabric that fit so well around your ass, thinking he needed to try and remain as gentlemanly as possible.
you became a tangle of limbs as his lips met yours, hungry and needy, the two of you stumbling your bedroom. you guided him to sit on the edge of the bed before you started to work on the buttons of his shirt, sliding it over his shoulders and discarding it on the floor.
Shoto could only watch in awe as you stepped back, slowly working on the zipper of your dress (thank god you chose one with a side zipper), before letting it drop to the ground.
“you’re so beautiful, y/n,” Shoto whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. his gaze remained locked on yours, though he clearly wanted to let his eyes wander over your now exposed skin. he had seen you like this before, sure, but it never failed to take his breath away, each time more intense than the last.
you settled yourself on his lap, your body fitting comfortably against his. a soft, tender smile played on your lips as you leaned in to place a gentle kiss on his mouth. “you make me breathless, Sho,” you murmured, your lips brushing against his as you spoke. “absolutely, and utterly, starstruck.”
Shoto’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment, savoring the kiss before pulling away slightly. his gaze was dreamy, half-lidded with a wide, affectionate grin spreading across his face. “will you be mine?” he asked, his voice filled with earnest desire. “call me your boyfriend, and I’ll call you my girlfriend. we’ll make our friends sick with pda, go on dates all the time, and I promise I’ll treat you like a princess. we can cook together, sleep together, do everything you want to do. I’ll follow you, I’d follow you anywhere.”
your heart swelled with emotion at his heartfelt words. overwhelmed by the depth of his promise, you kissed him deeply, pouring all your passion into the embrace. the kiss was intense, a shared declaration of the love and commitment you both felt. “that sounds perfect to me, boyfriend,” you whispered, the term feeling both exhilarating and right as it fell from your lips.
the moment you said the words, shoto’s arms wrapped around you tightly and flipped the two of you so that you laid bare underneath him.
“can I make love to you, girlfriend?” Shoto’s face was pink with lust and emotions, and his gaze was filled with a deep desire that made you feel like the only girl in the world.
“yes, Shoto.”
Link to Bakugo x reader here
(word count: 2,328)
Link to Kirishima x reader here
(word count: 902)
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ taglist: @ellielover69 thank you so much for all your support! if you'd like to be added to the taglist send a request in my inbox! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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edlucavalden · 27 days
Im too exausted for proper(ish) essays, but im so crazy over this scene. i can't contain myself
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TW for: S/A !!! (For the nature of the writing and well—the scene itself)
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He's confused at first. he doesn't know what is going on. This slight pause isn't because he's scared or frozen but to assess the situation. After all It was kinda sudden.
All he doesn't like this feeling. he feels uncomfortable and that some sort of boundry has been breached. But he hasn't fully processed it yet.
And right before he fully comprehends and does something about it—
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He suddenly becomes compliant?
It's like he forgot what he was gonna do—like He loses the motivation to enforce his boundaries.
he still feels uncomfortable. that doesn't change. But he isnt aware of that. Well, that makes sense... since he never really did fully process what was happening. It's like he lost the will to care about or process it.
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This panel. Christ... Thistle finally builds up the power to say stop. It's weak—confused and disoriented. I dont think it's even directed to anything specifically. Its intentions are vague.
But god... and the lion's response? Reassurance. how he can't help it, he needs this to live, he's been waiting for so long—oh, and don't worry, I'll take care of you.
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It's just so chilling after this.
Thistle's powerless, weak, and complaicent. It's out of character for thistle. This entire scene is. However It's still thistle. His behavior and actions are his own, and for me that's the terrifying part.
This wasn't... Forced? There's no fighting and thrashing— Its just a complete submission. he reacted yeah but he didn't resist. he didn't fight back even if he had the ability to (we know bc he has, for 1000 years in fact). The lion didn't directly force him either. It didn't violently force him to have its way. But it's still violating. And that's the thing; the assult wasnt violent, but passive.
Hi guys just to reiterate that I did NOT mean to say that sexual cohesion is not an act of force. this part is ment reiterate that it "wasn't forced" in the sterotypical way of resisting, i followed it up by saying that it is still violating despite that. it is ment to emphasize the passive yet transgressive nature of cohesion. i SINCERELY apologize if that was the message that was interpreted from that part. I did not intend it to mean that way.
The demon has slowly but surely torn down thistle's sense of self so much it turned him into a completely different person. Like his identity was shattered and rebuilt to submit.
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It starts small, building up the situation, taking away his desire to resist and enforce his boundaries, then it gives a rose tinted explanation of what is happening. Finally, it comforts and praises him. This is what gives thistle the illusion of choice, a passive way of getting him vulnerable.
You can see how it affected him vividly through this part. it's like he forgets what he was fighting for. He forgets his boundaries, his identity, the things he cares about, everything. It's being ripped away from him.
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Thistle never stood a chance.
It wasn't his fault he submitted. It was the demon's for putting him in that state. His complaicency is due to the fact that he had no power for any other way.
it never mattered that thistle never fought back. Even if he did fight back or didn't, even if he succeeded or not—what then? it would never change the demon's nature. One who seeks consumption will always consume. In other words; it will always find a way.
I honestly dont think it was the demon's intention to harm thistle. It's selfish but not moralisticly evil (nothing ever is). It seeks fulfillment and not suffering. But its blind pursuit for satisfaction caused suffering, That's what makes it malicious. It doesn't matter if he intented or was aware of it or not. the demon benefited from something that could harm him and did it despite that. And that will never change.
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hauntedrain · 2 months
F1 Drivers First Date Headcanons .ೃ࿐
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✧*̥˚ Includes Charles, Max, and Oscar. *̥˚✧
✮▹A/N: IT'S BEEN FOREVER, and to be fair I didn't write this recently, it's been in my drafts. but I hope it's okay for now. I've been having a writing block for a long time and haven't had inspo to write anything. I can make more parts if requested.
✰▹Warnings/Notices: maybe unrealistic a bit, honestly kinda a shit post, fr tho not anything mad just fluff. NOT EDITED, NOT PROOFREAD.
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Charles Leclerc ⋆୨୧˚
would definitely be really worried about the date. Not that he's scared about you or anything, but about if he planned the right thing, picked the right outfit, or something along those lines. He just wants to make a good "first impression".
He would be Facetiming/texting Pierre or Arthur every 10 minutes for confirmation and reassurance. "Be honest, do these pants make me look stupid. I can't have her thinking I'm stupid, and can't properly dress myself." He asks while fixing his hair for the 100th time on Facetime. " Charlie, if you're calling me this much then maybe, just maybe... You can't dress yourself properly." "Not funny, but for real. Is this fine?"
He would probably get even more nervous as he meets up with you or picks you up like would be messing with his bracelets, blushing or sheepishly smiling a lot. But after a while, he would calm down and get more confident being around you and talking to you.
He probably asks himself how he was even able to ask you out in the first place considering how nervous he is right now.
For the date idea, he would really want it to be something that you would enjoy. He would message you or ask your friends what your favorite things are and things to do.
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Max Verstappen ✧.*
I think he would be more collected when talking about first dates, however, he would still be nervous about certain things. Would it go well? Is the only reason you like him for his title? What if it's really awkward?
But by the time he's there and starts talking to you those worries fade away and he starts to open up more and be more him. He would definitely not be able to keep a smile off his face after that.
I think the first date you guys would have is just talking over dinner, nothing too crazy, but he also wouldn't want to plan something boring so maybe you guys would do something afterward. Like a walk around a park or going into small stores on the way home? Idk but something that wouldn't just be a simple dinner.
I feel like during the first date, if he doesn't already know you, he tries to get to know you well. He wouldn't just be asking questions like "What your favorite color?", "Favorite season?", etc. Not that its inherently wrong to want to know but he wants something different, like knowing a deep passion or dream of yours. Or even memories and moments throughout your life. Something deeper.
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Oscar Piastri *ೃ༄
I think he would want to do something more casual as a first date. Something like a picnic or going to a cafe. But at the end of the day if you just wanted a dinner somewhere he would be fine with that too.
I don't feel like he would be nervous like others are nervous for first dates, he would be more nervous about just going out and doing things than if the actual date goes well.
Like not freaking out about what to wear, or first impressions, but worrying if this is the right thing to do, or if the date plan was enough (kind of like how Charles cares about what the date was for you.)
Maybe brings a few flowers or something small, especially if you guys already knew each other. He would try a nice gesture but nothing to crazy, just something sweet and simple.
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: It's been FOREVER since I posted actual writing. I apologize if this makes no sense or is stupid, this has been in my drafts forever and I never really went back over it before now. I've been out of ideas so plz request something! I will literally write for anyone about anything (in reason)
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themoonsbeloved · 9 months
I still need help
Its now the 8th of January and despite being told by my friend who spoke with her boss 3 weeks ago during their meeting that he was to hire me in the beginning of January and would reach out to me, he hasn't. I'm hoping somehow, eventually, when this man finally bothers to, he will contact me for a job offer since he reassured me back in november that he still intends to hire me. But since I have no idea when that will be, that means I'm left hanging completely.
long story short I am mentally ill and disabled who was dismissed from my last and only job that I struggled 2 years to get, only to be fired in 2 months in June because of my chronic fatigue and abusive managers. I rely a lot on my henna but bookings are not consistent enough to make regular income, and majority of the money ends up going to contributing to house bills for my family.
My therapy picks up again this week, very honestly been the only thing keeping me from harming myself at this point with how painful life has been and I want to be able to continue getting it low cost (£25 per session), my therapist is so amazing and we recently came to the understanding that I have complex-PTSD, and plan to look into it more this year. I'm too mentally ill to try and look for jobs right now and am basically doing 3 jobs already (one being joint caring duties with family members for my grandparents since I live with them, which I'm not paid for obviously) with inconsistent money coming in/sessional work that I will be paid for once completed further into the year.
I have so many other costs that are coming in the near future, like paying for more medication, and for more lazer hair removal sessions for my severe hirsutism, which usually is around £300 if I'm lucky to catch offers. This is another I thing I mentally can't afford to stop doing, struggling with severe hirsutism and the trauma of it all my life means its important I can feel and live somewhat comfortably in my body. Lazer hair isn't permanent and I'm looking into electrolysis, but again, I don't have that money yet and would prefer to not leave a huge gap where I don't do lazer and the mental torture of watching my body hair grow back. I also haven't gotten my eyes checked in over 3 years, and know I will need a change in perscription and need new glasses. I hate nothing more than what its come to. I'm just exhausted and burnt out from the constant anxiety and depressive episodes, I'm barely eating or sleeping, I'm sick of everything and everyone and I just wish god would give me a break.
With all of the above in mind I'm aiming for about £600. This is all basically to help me just function and continue getting the things that help me not succumb to my mental health issues. If anything, my birthday's coming up in feb so I would appreciate it if folks gave some money if they have the means to. Anything is fine at this point.
Thank you so much
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ohmyamor · 1 year
he’s kinda hot | K.HJ
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Pairing: Demon!Hongjoong x reader
Summary: After a decent run with your boyfriend, you finally decide to end it when his paranoia becomes too much. Except, maybe he wasn’t crazy. And now you have a demon who refuses to leave you alone. 
w.c. 4.6k
Warnings: fluff, slight angst if you squint, minor character death he’s a dick don’t worry, mentions of blood and icky sounds but nothing is seen directly, suggestive content, cursing, desire hongjoong lives in my mind rent free
There’s something wrong with your boyfriend. 
You first began to notice his odd behavior a little over a month ago, but for the past week, it’s gotten progressively worse. 
What started off as slight jumpiness and anxiety has now turned into full fledged paranoia, to the point where he refuses to ever leave the house, having breakdowns over this ‘person’ who’s after him.
“What do mean you can’t go with me?” You sighed exasperatedly, crossing your arms and staring at the sad excuse of a man standing in front of you. 
A few months ago, you might’ve cared about how tired and worn-down he looked, but now? At this point in your relationship?
You really couldn’t care less. 
“Are you crazy?” Your boyfriend all but shouts at you. 
You feel your jaw clench at his tone.
“Do you know what’ll happen if I go out there?” he continues shouting like a madman. “He’s going to get me! They’re all going to get me! It’s not safe for me out there!” 
There’s a crazed look in his eyes and you feel a slight chill run up your spine. 
You don’t think you want to stick around any longer to find out what his tipping point is going to be. 
“Okay, then stay,” you spit, marching over to the couch to grab your wallet and keys. “Stay here and rot for all I care because you have been nothing but a paranoid piece of shit lately and you refuse to get help.” 
“I’m not going to sit around and wait for this episode or whatever you want to call it,” you wave your hands around, “to end, because I have a life and I am not going to sit around waiting for you to get it together.” 
“So this relationship ends here,” you glare at him. 
“Good luck getting by without anybody who cares about you,” you let the words hang in the air as you walk to the front door and exit the apartment, slamming the door shut behind you. 
Huffing, you shove your wallet and keys into your pocket and begin the trek to the grocery store. 
After spending a few hours running errands and killing time, you’ve calmed down significantly. 
You had called your close friend Seonghwa on the way to the market, telling him what had happened between you and your now ex-boyfriend. 
“He sounds crazy,” Seonghwa had said over the phone. 
“I know Hwa, which is why I decided to end it because I refuse to stay in another relationship where the other person expects me to solve all of their problems,” you groaned. 
He hummed over the line. 
“Plus,” you continue. “There was this look, in his eyes and on his face, like he genuinely believed there was something out to get him.” 
Seonghwa is quiet. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh. “It just gave me a really bad feeling and you know how I feel about gut instincts. I’d rather trust myself and be safe than sorry.” 
“Yeah of course. Honestly honey, I think you did the right thing. I never liked him from the beginning, but you were happy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, but I agree, if you have a bad feeling about something, you should always trust your intuition,” Seonghwa reassures you. 
You let out a small laugh. 
“And don’t worry,” he continues, “You’re an amazing person and a great catch, so it’ll be no time before you have someone else falling at your feet.” 
You roll your eyes. 
Even if he can’t see you, Seonghwa’s known you for long enough to anticipate your habits. 
“Thank you Hwa,” you smile into the phone. 
The two of you chatted on for a little bit more after that, with Seonghwa letting you know he always had an extra room in case you needed to crash at his place for a while. 
You thanked him once again but refused his offer. After all, the lease on the apartment was under your name, and you paid most of the bills, so if anyone was going to be leaving, it’s going to be your ex. 
The conversation was definitely much-needed, and after the reassurance that you weren’t crazy for ending your relationship, you felt much more confident to head back to your apartment and kick out the man living there. 
Once you finally made it back to your building, you exited the elevator and walked down the corridor to your apartment door. Taking deep breaths, you began to steel your nerves in order to prepare for whatever breakdown the male might have. 
As you approached your door, you noticed that it looked slightly open. 
You pause in your footsteps, narrowing your eyes to see if the door was truly open or if it’s just a trick of your eyes. 
Dread begins to build in your stomach when you realize that your door is, in fact, open. 
It’s fine, you attempt to reassure yourself in your mind. Maybe he finally got the hint and left. 
Cautiously, you approach the door and push it open with your foot. 
Stepping inside, you notice how eerily quiet it is. 
Normally when you come back from work or running errands, your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, you remind yourself, is doing something to keep himself busy in his self-appointed quarantine. Whether it’s playing a video game or watching T.V., there’s always some kind of noise echoing throughout your small apartment. 
But now, there’s nothing. 
It’s also incredibly dark. 
Dropping the grocery bags onto the floor softly, you reach into your pocket to pull out your keys. You move to the turn on the light switch that’s on the wall, but freeze when you hear whimpering coming from somewhere in the room. 
You opt to not turn on the light, unsure of where the noise is coming from and also slightly terrified of what’s going on. 
You keep one hand on your phone, ready in case you need to call the police.
Quietly and ever so slowly, you make your way to the bedroom where the whimpering noise is coming from. 
The door to your room is slightly ajar, allowing a few rays of light to peek through. On the carpet in the hallway is a dark trail of something. 
You swallow thickly, hoping it’s not what you think it is. 
You stop in front of the bedroom door and strain your ears to listen to the noises coming from the room. With your heart pounding loudly in your chest, you come to the realization that the whimpers are coming from your ex-boyfriend. 
“Now, now, now,” a voice that is certainly not your boyfriend’s rings out. 
“Crying isn’t going to get you anything,” the voice chuckles. “You knew what the price of the deal was, and yet, you still tried to double-cross me.” 
There’s more muffled crying. 
“Silly human,” the voice says sinisterly. 
“Didn’t anybody ever warn you to not make deals with the devil?” 
The sound of flesh being torn reaches your ears along with pained crying, and you feel sick to your stomach when a metallic smell reaches your nose. 
You bring your hands up to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from gagging. You have no clue what you should even do at this point. Whatever’s in there with your ex is either an incredibly deranged human being, or something not even human. 
You don’t want to find out which one it is.
After what feels like forever, the muffled crying stops, and your stomach sinks when you come to realization that your ex might now be dead. 
The person inside the room sighs. 
“Open the door sweetheart.” 
Your blood runs cold. 
Raising a trembling hand, you move to push the door open, bracing yourself for whatever gruesome sight awaits you and whatever monster you’ll see standing in your room. 
Except, you see neither. 
There is no body in your room, nor is there any blood or gruesome mess. 
There’s also certainly no monster. 
Instead, a man sits on a single chair in the middle of the room. 
He has bright red hair and a slightly pointed nose. Jewelry adorns his ears and hands, and he wears a pair of dark dress pants with a white shirt that’s tucked in. His sleeves are rolled up on his arms.
If it weren’t for the small splatters of a red substance on his otherwise pristine shirt, you might’ve thought that what you heard before never happened. 
Your eyes drag over his figure before coming to rest on his face. The two of you make eye contact and a shiver runs down your spine at the wicked smile he sends you. 
“Did you enjoy our little show?”
You say nothing. 
The man sighs and places his hands on his thighs, pushing himself up off the chair. He takes a few steps forward until he stands less than a foot away from you. 
I’m going to die, you think.
I’m going to die a horrible and gruesome death and no one will ever know and i’ll never see my friends again and i’ll never say goodbye to my parents and-
The man chuckles.
“You’re not going to die.” 
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the man reaches his hand out to gently grab yours. He bows slightly, bringing your hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of your hand while maintaining eye contact.
“My name is Hongjoong and I’m the demon who just took care of your pesky little boyfriend problem.” 
Was laughing out loud to the man’s, demon’s?, introduction the best choice?
Probably not. 
But you cannot be blamed for your habit of laughing in awkward situations. 
After all, here is this man, who just admitted to killing your ex-boyfriend, introducing himself to you as a demon and also kissing the back of your hand like the two of you were in the 1700′s. 
What sane person would have a normal reaction to that?
As soon as the sound made its way out of your body, your free hand immediately slapped itself over your mouth and your eyes widened in horror. 
If the demon didn’t have any plans on killing you at first, he’s definitely going to now. 
The man doesn’t say anything, simply raising a brow as a small smile takes over his face. 
“I’m glad you found my introduction so amusing sweetheart, but I can assure you, this is certainly real.”
As he said that, you watched in slight horror as his eyes faded from a soft brown color to dark pools of black. Swallowing, you attempt to tug your hand out of the demon’s grasp to try and back away, but his grip only tightens. 
He clicks his tongue and within a fraction of a second, his eyes have returned to brown. 
“Why are you here?” You finally muster up the courage to speak. Despite your attempts to sound even the slightest bit brave, the waver to your voice was obvious. 
Hongjoong sighs, annoyed. 
“That sorry excuse of a man you called your boyfriend was in my debt. I made it clear to him when he made a deal with me what the price would be, and he still attempted to evade me.” He rolled his eyes and for a split second, the demon reminded you of a parent whose child wouldn’t listen. 
“What deal did he make?” You question, your curiosity getting the better of you. 
The demon looks back at you. 
“Nothing that concerns your pretty little self,” he winks. 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at his actions. 
“Considering you just killed him, I think it’s safe to assume it was a pretty important deal,” you challenge. 
A grin creeps onto Hongjoong’s face. 
“So you have the looks and the brains to accompany it,” his smile widens. 
You try to fight back the heat that was rising to your cheeks. 
Yeah, maybe he’s a demon who killed your ex-boyfriend, but he’s also an incredibly attractive demon who just called you smart and beautiful. Who are you to deny his compliments?
“But,” Hongjoong continues. “If you must know, he wanted to become wealthy and successful.” He takes a glance at your reaction. “And he wanted lots of women.” 
You can’t hide the disgusted look that makes its way onto your face. 
“That piece of shit,” you mutter under your breath. 
After everything you did for him, he still had the audacity to go behind your back, make a deal with a demon, and wish for wealth and women?
I really know how to pick ‘em, you think bitterly. 
Hongjoong continues, noticing the look on your face. 
“But no need to worry, sweetheart. I’ve taken care of your little problem, and I do think you come out of this fiasco the winner.” 
Your eyebrows furrow and you stare at him in confusion. 
Hongjoong leans in close, close enough where you can feel his breath on your face and his lips are mere inches from yours. His eyes have slowly begun to bleed black and another wicked smile makes its way onto his face.
“Now, you have me.” 
It seems as though demons share the unfortunate similarity to human males where they seem to be extra sensitive in between their legs. 
Unfortunately for Hongjoong, you had taken advantage of his proximity to knee him where the sun doesn’t shine. While he doubled over in pain, you take the opportunity to run out of your bedroom and head straight for the front door. 
I just need to get out, I need to call someone, I need to call Seonghwa-
Right as your fingers brush against the door handle, a hand grabbed at your wrist and yanked you back. 
Grunting, you land harshly on the floor, the breath being knocked out of you. A weight over your body makes you wince. Opening your eyes, you watch as Hongjoong straddles your waist, his hands coming down to rest near your head. 
He clicked his tongue. 
“Nice try cutie, but you can’t get away from me that easily.” 
Struggling, you attempt to shove him off of you, but despite his slightly smaller stature, the stupid demon won’t budge. 
“I didn’t make a deal with you!” You cry out, punching his chest. “You got what you wanted, so leave me alone!” 
Hongjoong lets out a chuckle. 
“I don’t think you get it sweetheart. I want you.” 
“Why?” You pant, your adrenaline slowly fading and confusion taking over. 
Hongjoong shrugs. 
“You intrigue me.” 
You can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“How romantic,” you say sarcastically. 
“See, this is what I mean,” he gestures down at your body that is still laying on the floor. “When I was dealing with your boyfriend, you heard what was going on and instead of leaving, you stayed behind the door.” 
He knew I was there the entire time?
“When I introduced myself, you laughed, and even after our entire conversation, you still had the gall to hurt me to try and run away.” He stares into your eyes so deeply that you can’t help but squirm slightly. 
“It’s called a fight or flight response.” 
Hongjoong giggles, and if it weren’t for the fact that you are currently pinned down beneath the demon, you honestly might find it kind of cute. 
Sighing, you let your hands fall to the floor next to you. Hongjoong looks at you slightly amused. 
“So what, you’re gonna stick around and when you eventually get bored, you’re gonna kill me and take me soul?”
He tilts his head to the side. 
“I can if you want me to.” 
With wide eyes, you shake your head no. 
“That’s what I figured,” Hongjoong chuckles. “No, you haven’t made a deal with me, so I won’t take your soul. You’re just stuck with me now.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. 
“Great,” you sigh. 
In Hongjoong’s defense, having him around isn’t that bad. 
For the most part, he sticks to himself, observing you as you go about your day. 
“That’s really creepy,” you mentioned offhandedly one day. 
“What is?” Hongjoong questioned. 
“This whole, standing and staring thing you have going on,” you waved your hand around. 
“Would you prefer me to be up close and personal with you?” In the blink of an eye, Hongjoong is standing directly against you. 
Taking a step back, you raise your hands in front of you. 
“No, I’m fine, you can continue with your staring.” 
On occasion, he can be pretty helpful, too. 
You slam the door to your apartment open, stomping inside and throwing your bag on the floor. You throw yourself face-first onto the couch and let out a muffled scream. 
From where he sits at the dining table watching Netflix on your computer, Hongjoong stares at you, amused. 
“Is everything okay sweetheart?”
“No,” comes your muffled reply. 
If Hongjoong didn’t have incredibly sharp hearing, he would have a hard time understanding you. 
“Stupid Eric from work thinks he can just treat all the women like pieces of meat and get away with it because he’s the boss’s son,” you spit. 
You miss the way Hongjoong’s face darkens. 
“Did he do something to you?” He questions. 
You’re silent for a moment, debating if you want to say it out loud.
“It’s just,” you trail off, unsure how to say it.
Hongjoong hums, letting you know that he’s listening.
“He’s always made comments to all the women in my department, and those are easy to ignore, but today he got really close to me when we were in the break room.”
You can feel your body tense up as you relive the moment.
“Honestly, I thought he was going to try and do something, but luckily, one of our coworkers walked in before he could do anything,” you admit.
It’s silent for a few seconds.
“I’ll be back,” are the only words that come out of Hongjoong’s mouth.
You sit up abruptly from the couch.
Before you can even finish speaking, Hongjoong is gone.
“So much for moral support,” you grumble, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back against the couch.
It’s not until late that the demon returns.
You’re sitting on your bed with a face mask on, scrolling through work emails when Hongjoong appears suddenly at the foot of your bed.
You jump slightly, only calming down when you realize who it is.
“Fuck dude, you can’t keep doing that,” you chastise him, trying to calm your racing heart.
Hongjoong says nothing, staring at you.
It’s only then you notice the way his eyes are completely black and he’s breathing abnormally hard.
A shiver crawls up your spine.
“Are you okay?” You ask hesitantly.
Still, Hongjoong remains quiet for a moment before rolling his shoulders back, a deep exhale escaping him.
“You don’t need to worry about that Eric anymore,” is all he says before walking out of your room.
Although you’re slightly horrified at the implications of his words, you also can’t deny the fuzzy feeling in your chest over his actions.
The most annoying part about having him around, though, is the teasing.
Hongjoong seems to have made it his mission to fluster you. 
You had just stepping out of the bath, a satisfied sigh escaping you as you wrapped a fuzzy towel around your body.
After a long week, the long, warm bath was incredibly needed.
Softly combing through your hair, you hum slightly as you go through your nighttime skincare routine, being extra thorough and gentle.
Once you finish, you open the door to your bathroom and step out into your room, only to gasp when you see Hongjoong laying on your bed.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You exclaim as one of your hands reaches up to tightly grab the towel that’s wrapped around your body.
Hongjoong glances over at you, drinking in the sight of your damp body.
“Enjoying the view,” he winks.
You roll your eyes, walking over to the bedroom door and opening it.
“Get out.”
The demon pouts as he sits up on your bed.
“C’mon, don’t you think I’ve been good lately?” He stands up slowly and begins making his way over to you.
Hongjoong gets closer, a small smirk making its way onto his face.
“Don’t you think I deserve a reward?”
You stand completely still against the wall, gulping harshly. There’s a heat that builds in your lower stomach as you stare into his hooded eyes.
One of Hongjoong’s hands creeps up to gently toy with the edge of the towel that lays against your chest.
“If you ever feel so kind,” Hongjoong leans in to whisper against your ear. “You know where to find me.”
He leans away from you, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Wordlessly, he walks out of your bedroom and shuts the door.
You quickly place the lock on it before sitting down on your bed. Placing a hand over your chest, you feel it beat harshly against your chest.
What the fuck was that?
Today is a particularly bad day.
From running late in the morning, missing your normal bus to work, and being reprimanded for a mistake you didn’t even do, you think your last straw is when it starts pouring on your way home.
Of course, the weatherman certainly did not predict this today, so you were left umbrella-less and with only a thin blazer to shield yourself from the elements.
And, with your incredible luck, a call from your mother nagging about why you haven’t visited in a few months and how you need to start thinking about a more serious career really seemed to tip you over the edge.
You don’t even make it all the way home, instead opting to go to the nearby park to sit and be alone for a little while.
The rain hasn’t stopped, but it no longer bothers you. In fact, you welcome the harsh sting of water against your skin. It’s the only feeling you seem to be able to comprehend at this moment.
You sit on the swing and stare numbly at your feet. There are tears making their way down your cheeks, but you cannot distinguish them from the rain.
You’re not sure how long you sit there alone.
Only the sudden lack of water pelting down on you causes you to look up.
Standing next to you in casual clothes is Hongjoong. He holds an umbrella over you, the rain beginning to soak his left side.
You hadn’t even notice him approach.
“You know, if you wanted to get killed or die from a hypothermia, this is a for sure way to do it,” he jokes.
You don’t respond.
Hongjoong notices your lack of response and furrows his eyebrows.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?”
His tone is gentle, probably the softest you’ve ever heard him speak.
You can’t stop the sobs that leave your mouth at his words.
Without hesitation, Hongjoong drops the umbrella and falls to his knees in front of you. He brings his arms up as you fall into the chest, your face burrowing itself into his neck.
He says nothing as you cry, rubbing his hands softly against your back and stroking your hair.
It takes a few minutes for your sobs to die down and when you do, Hongjoong gently pulls your body away from his to look at you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He questions, eyes searching your own.
The look of despair on your face breaks Hongjoong’s heart. His chest physically hurts at the way you seem to be in so much pain, and him, unable to do anything about it.
He can’t remember the last time he felt so distraught over a human.
“I’m so tired,” you breathe out, closing your eyes. 
A few stray tears make their way down your cheeks and Hongjoong cups your face with his hands, gently brushing them away.
“Then use me,” He says.
“Rest on me, take your anger out on me, hurt me, laugh at me, I don’t care.”
The raw honesty in his voice causes you to open your eyes and stare at him.
“It hurts me to see you in pain,” he frowns.
You let out a weak chuckle.
“I didn’t know demons could feel pain,” you attempt to joke.
Hongjoong doesn’t reply, only continuing to stare at you as if he’s trying to commit every inch of your face to memory.
“I feel so strongly for you it hurts,” he whispers.
Your eyes widen and you stare into his, trying to search for any inkling of deceit that will let you know he’s lying.
You can’t find any.
Your mouth parts, but no words come out. Hongjoong runs one of his fingers over your bottom lip.
“If you let me,” he glances from your lips up to your eyes. “I want to be your everything, the same way you are mine.”
The only thing that leaves your lips is a breathy sigh of his name. He leans in closer.
“May I?” He asks lowly.
You barely have a chance to nod before Hongjoong is crashing his lips onto yours.
The kiss is passionate, slightly desperate in the way he clutches onto your face and pulls you closer, as if you’ll disappear from his hands if he leaves even an inch of space between your bodies.
Hongjoong lightly nibbles on your lower lip and you let out a soft sigh. One of his hands has moved to your hip, where it rubs soft circles.
Eventually pulling away from each other, you lean your forehead against his.
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone,” Hongjoong admits to you.
You let out a small laugh and shake your head.
“You’re like a million years old, I find that slightly hard to believe.”
He shakes his head no, grabbing your hand and bringing it up to rest against his chest where his heart is. Underneath your palm, you feel the way his heart pounds.
“This is all for you,” Hongjoong smiles.
“Only for you.”
You and Hongjoong were enjoying a night in, laying down on your bed as a movie played on the T.V. Hongjoong had draped himself over your lap, resting his head on your stomach as you gently combed your hands through his hair. 
“You know, for a demon, I thought you would have horns or something,” you mumble, eyes focused on the screen. Hongjoong’s body shakes with slight laughter. 
“Just because I’m a demon doesn’t mean I have horns. That’s kind of stereotypical of you to assume,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes, lightly smacking him on the back of his head. 
“I do have fangs though,” he mentions after a couple of seconds. 
Your eyes widen. 
Hongjoong hums, leaning up slightly to face you. He opens his mouth and you watch as his teeth slowly become pointed. Gaping, you bring your hand up to softly run your fingers over the sharp edges. Your breath hitches slightly when you press the pad of your finger on the point of his tooth and it leaves a small wound. 
Grinning, Hongjoong crawls on top of you. 
“Do you like them?” he asks. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he’s leaning down and leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses on your neck. You let out a breathy sigh, moving your head to side to give him more access. You can’t stop the whimper that escapes when he drags the tips of his sharpened teeth against your skin. 
Pulling back to look at your flushed face, Hongjoong smirks, black seeping into his eyes. 
“Oh sweetheart,” he purrs. “We’re going to have so much fun.” 
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Let's Eat!
(That is, let's live, want, connect... oh, you know what I mean by now)
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I like how Yaad and the other living villagers can casually talk with the ghosts, because for all intents and purposes they were also ghosts... In fact, those who stayed and spent centuries going through the patterns of life even though all true meaning had been lost long ago were MORE "ghosts" than those who lost their corporeal forms because they wanted to escape so badly that they went wandering... That's so fuckin' good. I wanna eat this writing.
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Kabru just randomly walking out of the bushes the second Laios starts considering politics...love him. He was summoned. His PR spidey senses were going off.
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look at my boy, establishing his own authority.
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Lol this was me when we moved house last month, and my job was to just stand in the new living room and tell people where to put which box or piece of furniture. It's an important job in a task with a lot of people!
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fucking love the trope of "one savvy friend in the crowd who deliberately gets a supportive chant going." Of course it's Kabru.
Though it's important to note that the first thing someone called was, "The demon-eater's here!", and there was muttering while no one was entirely sure if that was a good thing or not... Kabru didn't start the rumble of the crowd; the rumble of the crowd is unavoidable, and you have to be aware of that. Laios has always been aware of that, he's just never known what to do about it, and so tried to avoid it. But he's not avoiding it anymore - so Kabru started the hype of the crowd.
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They're both right! In order to eat, you need to kill! A memento of a meal IS a spoil of war!
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They're unhappy bros... /laughing
Shown: man desperately reassuring himself, and psyching himself up to eat this stupid dragon meat
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DADCHUCK. Istg my father has said the same thing to me.
p.s. oh thank god he's fully dressed again. it was indecent.
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Marcille is so resigned to this, and so...determined to see it as her own choice. "We all agreed", "I've got to go" - and I'm sure she does see it as her own choice, in a way, because this is how the world has always worked and she knows that. She knew that going in. Those who do ancient magic are arrested by the Elves of the West, that's just the "natural" consequence. She might've gotten away with it if she'd gone undiscovered, or if she'd stayed in the dungeon forever, but she didn't - she chose to pursue her craft, to save Falin, and to do everything after that, too, and so she implicitly chose the consequence with it. If it's unfair, well, thinking that changes nothing, so it's better not to think it.
Until Laios is like, "Actually, I might have political power now? And I'm SO goddamn tired of myself and people I love being punished just for being different, and interested in unconventional things. Let's try something."
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WELL-FUCKING-PLAYED! GET THEIR ASSES, LAIOS! It's especially great because I'm pretty sure he knows the answers to all of this by now? Power move!
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Is she sitting there completely nude except for jewelry and a short robe. Icons only, honestly. Though "we have the luxury of time" feels like so much of a threat from an elf.
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Hey, you did objectively defeat him! Okay arguably the Lion did but Laios did it first, he just also then talked to him, and got grabbed by friendly vine-tentacles. You didn't kill him, but that's not what Delgal asked for anyway!
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thinking about that post that observed that Thistle's driving madness was specifically getting Delgal home for dinner, to eat all together as a family again, and he wakes up to the sound of the people of the Golden Kingdom eagerly inviting the (new) king to eat, and him responding...crying... What is lost is lost, but life will go on.
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The moment when a character decides to lie to another character for their own good is always so compelling. The little moral quandary microcosm.
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So Yaad did know something of what passed between Delgal and Thistle, that drove Thistle down the path to dark magic. He know what it was his grandfather blamed himself for.
This is SUCH A GOOD AND QUIET-SAD DEATH SCENE, but as a consummate fan of 'actually, living is much much harder than dying, and much more interesting too', I do like to think Thistle lives and has to...figure out what to do with his life. And that 'what to do with his life' ends up including ancient magic mad science with Marcille.
...But honestly, even though that'd be fun for me, it seems almost cruel to Thistle. He's been alive for so long. Those he loved most are gone. He held the demon back from the surface, trapped in those books, for so long, even if it was in no way whatsoever with the good of the world in mind. If anyone deserves this peaceful death in (what he thinks are) his brother's forgiving arms, it's him.
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Unfortunately, my love, as has been ceaselessly proven in this story: that's life.
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Marcille has caught onto one of the major themes! However, this story still isn't in favor of afternoon special Moral of the Story - not of letting the characters wrap things up with a bow, at least. You just go on living and wanting and learning about and connecting with and killing new things, forever! That's how it goes! You never know everything and you're always a little bit starving!
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I really love this grumpy old man, and I want him to stick around and be one of Laios's advisors. He's an old gnome, he'll die as soon as an average tallman would anyway.
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This is a) very touching coming from Mithrun, who is only just regaining his own will to live, and b) almost tautalogical in this story EXCEPT that it is also clear that merely "wanting" doesn't mean you get to continue to live, it only means that you're alive in this moment - you also need to want to live MORE than whatever's trying to kill you wants to live.
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And then it's so small, so small that she could leave it behind entirely but Falin is still so kind that she picks it up anyway! Falin who looks at everyone and everything - ghosts and brothers and mad mages and dead dragons, the latter of whom were both violently oppressing her soul - and thinkgs "I gotta help." She's so good!
I'm really going to need to write a like 2k post-canon character study about how Falin has part of the spirit of a dragon in her chest which unfurls while she travels abroad and curls up again and hides when she's home with Marcille and especially with Laios, and how it's a metaphor for her own independence but also literally there is the spirit of a dragon. At the end of it she figures out how to nurture and commune with the dragon enough to have her own flight-capable wings.
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fuck it, have a collage, because this bitch-ass website is about to cut off my photos-per-post. It can't HANDLE the sheet joy of Falin resurrection reunion hugs!!
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so many people love her, or at least are really emotionally invested in this now!! /sobs
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Laios: wracked with food poisoning because he ate raw walking mushroom Falin: great distress! Marcille: trying very hard to help, also thinking sooo hard that He Is An Idiot. [btw I love how it looks like she takes up holding her hair back with a band] Kabru: having his weekly moment, as he has for the past many years and will continue to have until he dies, of wondering if he shouldn't really have just killed this guy rather than let him become king
Kabru definitely wrote this whole ending narration btw. This is his press release from like 40 years in the future. And those kids! An orc kid and a kobold kid, and zooming out to show kids of other races, all playing together and going to lunch together!!
And then they all lived, and hungered and ate and killed and wanted and sought understanding and connected with one another and were part of the great circle of life, as happily ever after as one can get.
This story truly was delicious...in dungeon!
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ursemma · 3 months
Guilty as sin
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Nate Archibald × F!reader
Summary: How can I be guilty as sin? Without ever touching his skin?
Warning: angst, masturbation, little smut.
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We're just bestfriends right? So why do I imagine him being on top of me, or holding my hand while walking down the streets of nyc?
I looked at him as he arrived with Blair at the kiss on the lips party, they looked so happy together. But I can't help but imagine myself with him.
I shook my thoughts away as I see Blair making her way towards me, she's my bestfriend I can't do this to her, "heyy y/n! You look fabulous!" She compliments me and pulls me into a hug.
"thanks B! You look fabulous too!!" I returned the hug, and we pull away as we see Serena making her way into the party.
"what is she doing here?" Blair asks as she glares Serena's way. "I don't know but whatever it is it better not ruin the party" I sighed feeling defeated, their catfights honestly gets my energy drained.
I watch as she goes to find chuck, and Nate stands besides me, "hey everything's fine? You look tired." He asks as he offers me a glass of champagne, "yeah I'm fine, just drained from everything you know?" I looked into his eyes as I answered him, and saw his gorgeous face, those eyelashes, those blue eyes, the little freckles, and his lips- omg.
I looked away as I felt those feelings creeping into my mind, "you know you can count on me right?" He reassured me, while pulling my face towards him to face him.
"I know Nathaniel, it's just, you know those catfights between Blair and Serena, and how I'm the one left hanging in between them needing to make a choice when I just want everything to be back as it was before." I took a deep sigh and replied as I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth either.
"yeah i know but it's not going to be how it was before, atleast not anytime soon. But don't worry, you have me okay?" He said with a sincere look in his eyes, "I know" I gave him a weak smile.
Soon Charles and Blair came, "care to dance with me Nate?" Blair asked him for a dance and he joined her.
"you should tell him you know" chuck said as he watched me look at him with a longing eyes.
"he doesn't feel the same." I sighed as I took one more shot, only chuck knew how I felt about him, how? I don't know.
"you never know." He encouraged me, that's what he's been doing since a long time.
"he's with Blair, Charles and they look happy!" I protested, honestly when it comes to confessing, I'm not good at it.
"are they though? We all know Nathaniel doesn't feel a shit for Blair, he's doing it for his family's sake." He instead me and tbh he wasn't wrong, but what about Serena, now she's back he'll be with her ofcourse.
"Charles, Serena is back. We all know he loves her. I don't stand a chance, unless and until I'm willing to be a rebound which I'm not."
"okay fine, I won't force you but promise me to do something about it."
"only if you tell Blair how you feel" I said with a smirk and I watch his face turn pale.
We both knew alot of things about eachother, including our secret crushes, which no one knew.
We're like brother's and sister's, shocking right? The first girl who Charles bass didn't tried to bang out of respect?
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I gasped as I felt wet kisses trailing down my neck, and then sucking my skin leaving a hickey.
"oh my" I tried to breath when the kisses went down to my Naked breasts and nibbling my skin and sucking my nipples as they harden.
The heat in between my legs was growing and so was the tension.
"I need you" I moaned louder as I felt my panties get wet, "yeah what do you want darling?" He said while going down on me.
"you, everything give it to me." I said while breathing heavily, "okay" he smirked and started to tease me with his mouth.
"don't tease!" I gasped when his mouth met my clit, stroking and sucking it slowly.
He started abusing my clit with his mouth, while his hands were circling my skin.
"oh my Nate I'm gonna cum" as I reached my climax I felt the door being knocked.
"miss y/n!! Wake up you're going to be late!" Dorothea shouted.
I groaned as I woke up from my slumber, and I remembered what I dreamt of.
Flushing in embarrassment I pulled my duvet over my face, "miss y/n!!" Dorothea shouted again.
"yes dorthy I'm awake!" I responded her letting her know that I'm alive.
I felt the heat between my legs growing hotter and hotter.
Should I? Fuck it.
I went into the washroom and put two fingers inside my clit massaging it, hoping for some relief.
I imagined Nate touching me, and I left a moan at the thought.
As I was pleasuring myself I suddenly heard my phone ringing and I groaned at it, and picked up without looking at the number.
"y/n?" Fuck it was Nate, in his morning voice. I felt myself getting wetter and gasping for air.
Even his voice had this effect on me.
"y-yes Nathaniel? You need something?" I tried to maintain my composer.
"hey what happened to you? You sound not so fine?" He asked with his voice filled with concern.
"nothing just the morning workout you know" I replied quickly, "okay if you say so, I was actually wondering if you want to come with me and Blair in our limo? The route of her and your house is same that's way" he asked me, I thought for a while and decided it's better to stay away, "actually I'm running late today so you guys go ahead I'll come on my own" "okay I'll see you then" "yea" and I hung up.
I decided to get freshed and leave for school.
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I got out of the limo and looked around and saw Blair and Nate walking together.
"sight to sore eyes isn't it" I turned to see Chuck looking at them, "indeed" I replied and we started walking together.
I felt rush of emotions. Embarrassment, love, lust, heartbreak and mostly guilt.
He's my bestfriend's boyfriend and one of my bestfriend and yet I'm here imagining us together.
But mostly, without ever touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin?
Is he written mine only in my mind? Is there not even 1% of hope for us?
I shook my thoughts and sat near Blair, looking at her exchanging looks with Nate and chuck and I eyed eachother knowingly.
I sighed and thought about everything, why does my life has to be complicated.
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astarionancuntnin · 5 months
Die For You
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summary: the ascension changed the person Astarion was, or so you believed. you broke up and parted ways after defeating the netherbrain, thinking it was for the best, but when you see him again 6 months later at the reunion, you realize you never truly moved on.
and it seems neither did he.
rating: E
word count: 3.9k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader) (fic wide), shadowheart x you (chapter 1 specifically)
cw: 18+. angst, smut, porn with plot, porn with (some) feelings, ascended astarion, bad breakup, awkwardly avoiding your ex, alcohol induced sex, rebound sex (in the sense that youre trying to forget about your ex but you might have feelings for that other person too), oral sex, fingering, stalking, kidnapping, mild violence.
a/n: i have been working on this for over a month now, i have 2 other chapters also ready BUT im undecided on which ending i want for this, so yall get chapter 1 as a teaser, let me know whatcha think :eyes:
a/n²: this is the start of a long fic (my first one, phew)! i intend to update it weekly-ish, i GREATLY appreciate comments as it helps me test the waters on whats to come with it
read on ao3
next chapter
or keep reading down below~
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I like (I like) what you like (what you like) Long hair (no bra) that's my type (that's right) You just told me, want me to fuck you Baby, I will 'cause I really want to
The ascension was complete. He actually went through with it. 7000 souls, gone. 
Astarion, The Vampire Ascendant.
He convinced you that it’s what was necessary. You thought this would bring him peace. It’s what he wanted. You loved him, and you would’ve gone to the ends of the world for him; in your eyes, after everything he'd been through, it's what he deserved.
“I can hear it at last, how all the lowly creatures of this plane are begging to serve.”
But now that it was done, you couldn’t tell if he was still him. If the vampire before you was still the same you spent that first night in the woods. That same one who admitted to have fallen for you. The same one who thanked you for taking a stand against Araj at Moonrise Towers. And if he wasn’t, who was he now? Did he have anything left from his previous self? And could you still love him if he didn’t?
"The world will stir in fear."
The walk back to camp that day was dreary. As Astarion walked ahead of everyone with his newfound confidence, you were dragging your feet behind the rest of your party. The weight of what you had done, slowly setting in. Your friends asked about your well-being and you reassured them all that everything’s fine! It was just a big day! And you simply couldn’t wait to finally rest. You didn’t have the heart to admit that you were regretting what you had encouraged Astarion to do.
Back at the Elfsong, you wave to your companions an early good night as you are heading to bed, before Astarion pulls you aside.
“My consort, we are so close to our triumph, I can almost taste it.” Even his tone was different. What you used to qualify as theatrical was now leaning towards dramatical.
You freeze and look at him dead in his eyes. Every part of you is looking for any proof at all that he was still himself. After all, you had no way to know if the 7007 souls sacrificed also included his own.
“I think we need to talk,” your voice comes out colder than intended.
“Little love, whatever could be the matter?”
“Just– what in the Hells happened to you in there?” The words come out of their own, tainted with sadness.
“It's quite simple, really: I became a better version of myself. The very best, dare I say. And I have no one else but you to thank for it.”
You cross your arms and evade his eyes, your shame for your actions creeping up on you. “I don’t feel great about it, honestly.”
“Well, what’s done is done, and there’s simply no point in dwelling on the past, is there?”
His disdain for the enormous sacrifice that was made makes you scoff, incredulous. “You’re nothing like the Astarion I knew before.”
“I know. I’m better, stronger than he ever was. Finally free of my past.” He smiles, satisfied. “I’m who I always wanted to be. I have everything I ever wanted, except you, by my side.”
His hand reaches out to you and you quickly understand the offer he’s making: to make you a spawn, his spawn. The whole situation is bittersweet to you; of course you’ve always wanted what he wanted, what was best for him, and you would've spent your lifetime with him in another context, but with how he turned out following the ascension, this future isn't something you can imagine yourself in. Now that this choice is given to you, you know better than to accept. 
You shake your head as you step back, “No… I won’t do it.”
He sighs, dropping his hand to his side, “Seems I misjudged you. I thought we might have a future together, eternity, even. Perhaps you’re not worthy.”
His condescending tone sparks a fury within you. “We’ll defeat the elder brain together. But after that, I want nothing to do with you,” you say as you try to contain the anger rising in your chest. His brows furrow, matching your energy. “So be it. You will regret leaving me, more than anything you live to regret.”
You give him one last angry look before walking to your bed, muttering to yourself as you feel tears swelling up. 
“I regret letting you go through with that damned ritual.”
You follow through with your promise. With the Netherbrain gone and your tadpoles vanished, nothing kept you together anymore. You parted ways with all your companions, going out on your own, wherever your next adventure guided you. Finally, a normal life, or something closer to it, anyway. You did miss most of them, for what it’s worth; you considered them your family. You often wondered how Wyll and Karlach were faring in the Hells, and how Lae’zel’s quest to take down Vlaakith was going; you even considered offering your help at one point, but after ending things with Astarion, you needed to be alone. The breakup hit you harder than you expected, it left your heart with a void. He looked happy following his ascension, so why couldn’t you be happy for him? Why was this so hard on you? It’s not something you had ever experienced in your past relationships, usually able to move to the next one rather quickly. You didn’t naturally get attached to people, you used to think that nothing lasts forever, and relationships weren’t an exception. This damned vampire proved to you once again that you were right, although you wished for once you weren’t. He took up all your thoughts, and you had to do something to wash him away.
You occupied your time best by helping people in need, taking bounties left and right, roaming the lands and fighting monsters. When you could afford it, you’d spend the night at the local inn, drinking to numb the feelings. On nights when you were most drunk, you ended up sharing someone else's bed, whoever proposed it to you on those nights. With the alcohol in your veins and your eyes closed, your mind let you believe that you were in his arms again. That it was all a bad dream, and you would wake up next to him, only to be hit by the harsh reality the next morning.
You did anything that you thought would help keep your mind busy. It did work for some time; as long as you were actively doing something – focused on the task at hand – you didn’t think about the past, but the moment night fell and you laid to rest alone, you were back at square one. 
You felt guilty about Astarion’s ascension. Guilty of the impact it had on him and your relationship, guilty of the power you let him have and the consequences that it meant. Even guilty of how you felt about it; it was a vicious cycle that plagued you.
It had been your one and only mistake. You let yourself be blinded by the rose-coloured glasses of your love for him, and although you meant well, you’re very conscious of the damage this decision had on him and potentially the city, but also the 7000 souls sacrificed in the process. Granted, they were already spawns and there was no way to save them from this fate, they could’ve at least have had a chance at living in the Underdark. Yes, you had saved the city – damages aside – lifted a curse, freed everyone and yourself from the Absolute, defeated the chosens of the Dead Three, bla bla bla, but your mind always drifted to Astarion’s fate. What if you had stopped him? Surely, your life would be different now. You would be roaming the streets with him, probably. Maybe living together in the Underdark. He would’ve stayed himself. You would’ve been… happier.
When you receive Withers’ invitation to the reunion, it’s the first time in months you’re actually happy, excited even, to see your friends at long last, but also anxious. Your mind drifts to the vampire you used to love. Would you see him at the reunion? Would he have changed at all? How has he been?
Did he still think about you, too?
Looking forward to the night, you treat yourself out to a nice outfit from the local seamstress. You settle on a simple, yet elegant, black long dress with an open back. The summer night is nice and fresh; you’re glad you went for a long sleeved dress. Your hair, which you decided to let down, also partially covers your exposed back, covering you from the breeze. You reach your old campsite to find out you’re the last to arrive, as you see all your friends already mingling. You decide to talk to Shadowheart first, as she was the one you missed the most, as you had grown particularly closer to her during your adventure. In another life, you would’ve been together, you think. You felt bad about not contacting her sooner, but her joy upon seeing you washes away all guilt. She greets you with a smile and a large embrace.
“Come here you! Gods, I missed you!”
You hold her tight, enjoying her strong hug. 
“Tell me everything! How have you been?”
“Oh you know, a few killings here and there, little shenanigans all around, I’m sure whatever you have to share is much more interesting.” You wish you could say something different, but your adventures really had been that bland. 
She rolls her eyes playfully at your deflection, “And how have you been feeling?”
“Greaaat, every day is a new adventure for me to discover.” You give a poor excuse for a laugh as an attempt to convince her.
She tilts her head forward and raises her eyebrow at you. She knew you better than you gave her credit for. “You know what I meant.” Her gaze points to the side behind you and you give a quick glance to see Astarion disdainfully looking at his surroundings, a silver cup in hand.
You sigh as you turn back to her, the facade falling at once. “I try not to think about it. I… hated what he became, and felt guilty about it. I did take part in it, I could’ve stopped it, but I didn’t.” You cross your arms, recollecting your thoughts. “But I’m starting to think that maybe I jumped to conclusions too quickly when I left him. I miss him and it’s… frustrating. Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Seeing him again so soon is more difficult than I originally thought.”
“Did you talk to him?” “I was actually trying to avoid him,” you confess.
“And you think that's healthy?” “It's the only way I'll be able to move on.”
“And how’s that been going?”
“I–” You’re unable to answer her, the truth being that it was going horribly.
She grabs you by your shoulders, bringing your attention back to her, “Hey, you know if you need anything, I’ll be there for you.” You smile, sheepishly, as she brushes your hair behind your ear, softly cupping your cheek. “And if you’re looking for some company to take your mind off of a certain vampire, well, I would be glad to offer mine.” You get lost in her eyes, with her hand soft and warm against your skin. Her invitation is tempting, and your gaze falls on her lips as you speak up.
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “I wouldn’t mind the company.”
“Come meet me when the party's over.” She smiles back, giving you a quick peck on the cheek before walking away. 
You spend the rest of the night catching up with all your friends, always keeping an eye on Astarion, who you notice has been eyeing you as well, as if he was expecting you to approach him, but you never do. You’re convinced nothing good will come out of it and even if you did talk, you’re not sure where you would even begin, so you keep your distance.
As the night settles down, you bid your close friends farewell and sneak out two bottles of wine to share with Shadowheart as she walks you to the inn she’d been staying at. The road is peaceful, and you reminisce about the past with the cleric, indulging in the leftover drinks you stole from the party. When you finally reach the inn, you're both a giggling and stumbling mess, empty bottles of wine still in hand as you enter her room.
As she closes the door behind her, you hear some patrons through the walls yell at you to shut up – it was late and your entrance had been pretty noisy – and you mockingly hush your friend, pressing a finger on her lips.
“Shadoooow, shhhhh” you whisper, your speech slurred. “You’re bothering people.”
“Oh, I’m bothering people? Care to remind me who stumbled their way up the stairs?” She says, laughing, her cheeks blushed by the alcohol.
“Hey– it’s not my fault their steps are so high and your room is so far,” you pout.
“Oh, my apologies,” she takes on a chivalrous tone. “Does my lady require assistance to reach her bed for the night?” 
You answer, matching her tone. “That would be most welcome, dearest.”
You squeal as she picks you up in her arms with an impressive strength, and carries you to the large bed. You giggle when she drops you off, and she leans over you.
“Is my lady satisfied with my service?”
You fail to keep a straight face when you answer. “Most definitely. Thank you, my liege.”
She smiles back softly before crashing next to you, both of you staring at the ceiling, taking in the first moment of silence of your night. A second later and your mind is already thinking about Astarion and you sigh heavily. Your companion instantly notices your change of mood.
“It’s him again, isn't it?”
You groan, grabbing your hair in frustration. “Was I wrong? To let him go through with that damn ritual? Why does he get to live his best life and I’m still feeling awful abo–”
She cups your cheek and pulls your face close to hers, cutting you off with a kiss. 
“How about we get to work on ‘forgetting about him’, hm?”
You nod slightly as you stare into her eyes, and she grins, her hand curling around your neck before crashing her lips against yours once again. You moan into the kiss, feeling the heat spread across your face and to your chest. Her kisses travel from your jaw down to your neck. She pulls your dress down, gradually exposing your flushed chest, before pulling back to take a good look at you, her own face matching your colour.
“You blush so beautifully.” Her voice is soft like velvet, each word making your heart pounce, as she continues to kiss her way down your navel, eventually discarding your dress on the floor.
You hide your face between your hands, trying to conceal the warmth coming from your cheeks and she comes back up to take your hands in hers, revealing your flustered state.
“You’re too pretty to hide yourself like that,” she reassures you with another kiss. “Let me admire you.”
You struggle to keep eye contact as one of her hands makes its way between your legs, teasing your entrance. Her fingers slide easily between your folds, earning her a moan out of you. She finds your clit and rubs you softly, your entire body twitching in reaction to her touch, and you shut your eyes to focus on the feeling, throwing your head back. Shadowheart takes this chance to trace the curve of your breast with her tongue, closing her mouth on its peak and sucking over it. Her tongue works wonders on you, and you whimper as she lightly bites you. 
“Keep singing for me,” She says between kisses, her voice thick with lust. “I love the sound of your voice.”
Her name on your lips is like a prayer as she ravishes your breast, leaving a few love bites over your chest. She pulls back temporarily to remove her own clothing before climbing back in bed, resting between your legs. You barely manage to raise yourself up when she pushes you back down against the bed.
“Lay down love, and let me take care of you. Just the way you deserve it.”
She throws your legs over her shoulders and kisses the inside of your thighs, leaving more love bites and she makes her way to your cunt. Her tongue finally finds its way between your folds and she laps at your juices, making sure to lick you clean.
“Gods, you taste divine.”
Her hands dig in your thighs as she devours you and you arch your back at the sensation, taking in the feeling of her tongue entering you. Your hips soon follow the movement, wanting more contact, and she takes the hint, moving to your clit to give it the attention it deserves. You whine when she enters you with a finger, and a second one, slowly thrusting into you, as her tongue circles your sensitive bud. Your chest rises higher and faster as your breathing quickens, and she knows you're close. Your eyes are long gone, but she looks up to you, admiring your state before she speaks up.
“Let it go, love. Come for me.”
She sucks once more on your clit, her fingers pushing harder against that sweet spot inside of you. You throw your head back, grabbing the bed sheets at your sides as you scream her name with the remaining air in your lungs and a crashing wave of sensations washes over you. For a moment, your mind goes blank, there's nothing but pure bliss. You want to stay like this forever; finally at peace, content. As you come down from your high, your legs give out and you pant excessively, trying to catch your breath.
You feel the bed shift beside you and open your eyes to see Shadowheart lazily making her way next to you.
“But– what about you?” you ask, breathless and tired.
“You don’t think I enjoyed myself just now?” She laughs and kisses you. “You’re simply adorable.” She cups your cheek lovingly, brushing your hair away. 
“Tonight was all about you. Plus, I doubt you'd be able to accomplish anything in the state you're in. You can always make it up to me another night,” she grins and boops your nose, smiling tenderly, before snuggling against you.
You watch her as she drifts to sleep next to you, moments before you cave into your own exhaustion. For the first time in months, you get a good, restful night of sleep.
When morning comes, you’re awakened by a god-awful headache, the consequences of last night’s drinking catching up to you. On the bright side, you find Shadowheart wrapped around you from behind, with her face nuzzled in your neck. You smile and hold on to her arm around your waist, linking your fingers with hers. She awakens soon after and greets you with kisses on your shoulder. You turn around to properly kiss her good morning, but the pain throbbing in your head has you groaning and holding your head instead. She catches on quickly and casts lesser restoration on you, fixing your headache instantly.
“Thank you, doc.” You sigh, content, and turn your head to face her. “How will I ever repay you?”
“I'm sure you'll think of something.”
“Mmh, I might have an idea.”
“Oh?” She chuckles. “Colour me intrigued.”
You flip yourself above her, pinning her down before kissing her lovingly. When you pull away, you find her looking at you with the same lust she had for you the night prior. Her eyes fall on your lips before she speaks again.
“You should follow me on my next adventure. I think it would help you clear things up.”
You pull back, now sitting on her, as you take a moment to answer. “I have a few errands to run, but I might take you up on that offer.”
“I still have the room for a tenday,” she raises herself up on her elbows and gives you a pensive look before continuing her thought. “Let me know when you make up your mind.”
You get dressed up and kiss her goodbye, eager to go back to your own inn to get changed and take a much deserved bath. Since the room you had rented was yours for a few days, you might as well take the chance to shop around while you were there; you were in dire need of new equipment for your next adventures. You spend those days getting upgrades for your gear, and visiting the city. Day after day, something felt odd; you had the weird feeling that you were being watched. Every time, nothing would happen, and neither did you see anyone suspicious, but the feeling never left. One night, as you were making your way to your inn, that feeling only got stronger. The streets weren’t busy per say, but everyone you could see was minding their business, discussing amongst themselves. You pressed ahead to reach the inn faster; maybe it was all in your head, but just in case your intuition was right, you didn’t want to take any chances.
As you turn the corner to take a shortcut in a back alley, two figures block your path. In the dark of the night, you can’t make out their identities, but their threatening auras are enough to make you back away. You bump into two more imposing shadows, somehow having managed to sneak up behind you, who quickly grab your arms before you can think of escaping. You try to fight against them but their combined forces pin you down almost completely. You were strong, you shouldn’t have had any issue fighting them off, but their strength almost felt… surnatural. If you had learned one thing during your misadventures, it was that when brute strength wasn't an option, you had to aim for their egos.
“Come on, four against one? How's that fair? Are you so weak that you can't face me alone? Let me get the chance to fuck you up, one after the other.” You smile cheekily, your blood running hot, ready for a fight. Karlach would be proud.
The bandits remain unphased by your taunting, with only one of them answering to your banter.
“We won't fight you. Our Master requested that you be brought alive.”
“Aw, poor lil pup can’t do anything without its master's permission,” you say, mocking them, and you laugh disdainfully at them. “You’re fucking pathetic.” 
The figure moves towards you and you’re slapped with a strength that would’ve made you fall to your knees, had you not been held by the two other goons.
“ENOUGH!” Another figure speaks up. “Remember the Master mentioned that she be left unharmed.”
You lift your head back up, your breathing ragged by your furor. “How about you bring me to that master of yours so I can show him who he’s messing with?”
You wish you could take back your words as another figure appears, stepping out from the shadows, this one all too familiar.
“Hello, my sweet.”
I bet they planned it all out like the shows Went everywhere I go Walked in the store right behind me Stood in line right beside me and followed me to my home I'm sure they figured it out early on That I would never run That they could shoot, but that's no fun 'Cause then they're killing the stolen son, oh
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forest-hashira · 7 months
2 Be Loved
this has sat in my drafts for... idk exactly how long, a month at least, because i was trying to decide if i even wanted to post it here. i wrote this for myself when i was Going Through It with my depression. now that i've sat on it a while, and i've generally been doing better, i've decided it's time to go ahead and share this. i hope you all enjoy it, and that it brings you some level of comfort or reassurance if you need it 💜
read on ao3 here | wc: ~2.4k | cw: gender neutral reader, plus size reader, mental health issues (reader is in a depressive episode), emotional hurt/comfort, some fluff at the end, really this is very self ship coded
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You’d spent practically the whole day in bed. And the day before that, and the day before that, and probably the day before that, too. You’d lost count, honestly; all the days bleeding together and blurring in the fog of your mind. 
This was far from the first time this had happened, and you knew it would also be far from the last. Your emotional state had been a rollercoaster for most of your life, and had only become more volatile in the last few years. You would be fine, until you suddenly realized you were decidedly not fine, with some realizations being more gentle than others.
Like this time, for example. You hadn’t suddenly buckled under the weight of the world, but instead had woken up one morning and felt paralyzed; even just the idea of getting out of bed, for any reason, felt insurmountable. So you simply… didn’t. You stayed in bed and slept between episodes of your favorite TV show, grasping for anything that might stop you from sinking further into the depths of your depression. 
Satoru had been as patient as ever, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and whispering a little “I love you,” before he’d left for work. He knew you struggled this way sometimes, and had never been anything but supportive and loving. Suguru had called in “sick”, opting to spend the day taking care of you, which mostly consisted of slipping in and out of sleep all day and occasionally bringing a snack from the kitchen. Satoru had joined you back in bed as soon as he got home from work, effectively squishing you between himself and Suguru, where you were helpless to do anything but let them love you.
It had reduced you to tears, shoulders shaking as ugly, half choked sobs tore themselves from your chest. They had let you cry, not rushing to try and quiet you as they might have done when they were younger; they let you get it out of your system, only stepping in to comfort you when you started to speak. 
“I’m sorry,” you’d cried, eyes shut tight as you tried to avoid their gaze. “I’m sorry I’m…” you’d struggled for words then, losing them between your hiccuping sobs and the darkness that clouded your mind. 
“I’m too much,” you’d come up with eventually. “My emotions are too messy, and my mind doesn’t work right… I feel like all I do is cause problems for both of you. Like all I do is hold you back and drag you down.”
You hadn’t seen the look they’d exchanged, the pain that pinched their features, but you had felt the way they pressed in closer, as if they could crush the depression out of you. 
“You are not too much,” Satoru had murmured, gently tilting your head up to meet his gaze, his cerulean eyes sparkling in the low light from the lamp on your bedside table. “You could never be too much, not to me – to us.” His thumb brushed lightly along your cheekbone, delicately wiping the tears from your skin even as they were replaced with more. “We love you so much, y’know? I love you so much. Taking care of you is not a chore, or a burden.”
You’d shaken your head, unable to believe his words. “You can’t possibly mean that.”
“But we do,” Suguru had been the one to speak that time. “You mean it when you tell me the same thing when I’m depressed, right?”
“Of course I do.” There wasn’t any hesitation as the words left your lips. “Taking care of you is a privilege.”
“Then why can’t you believe we feel the same way about taking care of you?”
His words had left you reeling, so much so that you almost didn’t hear Suguru when he continued. 
“Satoru’s right, angel. I love you. We adore you, and we want to take care of you. Always.”
As Suguru had hugged you tighter with one arm and pressed gentle kisses to your shoulder, he’d placed his other hand on your white haired lover’s hip, keeping him as close as possible. Satoru had been eager to oblige, snuggling into you as much as possible. He’d brushed your hair from your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead, one hand cradling your face while the other reached across you to settle on Suguru’s hip. They had effectively caged you in, both with their bodies and with their love. It had shattered you, reduced you to tears again, but they hadn’t minded; they were there to hold you together, to pick up the pieces when you couldn’t do it alone. 
Through some unspoken agreement, your boys switched places the next day; Suguru had gone into work while Satoru had called out “sick” to take care of you. They did their best not to leave you alone for too long whenever they could help it, but they could only get away with calling out sick when everyone knew the two of them were perfectly healthy; when the higher ups knew that you were the one keeping the two special grades and teachers from fully doing their jobs.
A few days passed with your lovers taking turns staying home with you, until one day they both called out to stay home, though you didn’t realize that at first, since Suguru was quick to return to you in bed, holding you close as you drifted off again, faintly away of the sound of the front door closing and locking before you were fully asleep. 
When you woke up again, the first thing you were aware of was the fact that you were alone in bed. At almost the same moment, though, you heard music coming from what you guessed what the kitchen, though you couldn’t quite tell, since the bedroom door was shut; wherever it was coming from, it was definitely upbeat pop music, so you knew for certain Satoru was the one who had turned it on.
With no small amount of effort, you pushed yourself into a sitting position, rubbing your eyes for a moment and yawning before you crawled off the bed on Satoru’s side. You shuffled over to the dresser then, opening drawers and grabbing clothes pretty much at random. You wound up in a black sweatshirt and a pair of light blue sweatpants, both of which were at least two sizes too big for you, which even your fuzzy brain knew meant they weren’t actually your clothes; they belonged to your two giants of lovers.
Once you were dressed, you turned back to the nightstand, grabbing one of Suguru’s hair ties to pull your hair out of your face with, and, after a deep breath, you decided to brave the kitchen.
Opening the door to the bedroom allowed you to fully hear the music that was playing, and you were a little surprised to realize it was in English, rather than Japanese. Satoru liked to listen to anything that was happy and upbeat enough, but he – understandably – had a bit of a preference for J pop music. 
Still a little surprised by the music choice and a little foggy from sleep, you make your way to the kitchen in a bit of a daze. Both Satoru and Suguru were in the kitchen: Suguru at the counter, mixing something in the stand mixer, while Satoru danced around to the music, occasionally trying to steal a bit of whatever Suguru had in the mixing bowl, and being effectively swatted away every time. You stood in the doorway for a few moments in silence, just watching them in utter adoration.
Eventually, though, Satoru noticed you, and he got a bright grin on his face as he raced over to you. “You got out of bed!” he gushed, wrapping you up in a tight hug and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m so proud of you, mochi,” he murmured against your scalp, and something about the nickname in combination with the praise made you feel like you were going to melt into a puddle right then and there. 
Just as suddenly as he had engulfed you in a hug, the white haired sorcerer was releasing you, lunging for where he’d left his phone on the counter by the bluetooth speaker he was using for the music. You watched curiously as he opened his playlist, hastily skipping through a handful of songs before he got to the one he was apparently looking for. Seeming pleased with himself, he made sure the song was playing, turned the volume up a little bit, then turned back to you with that sparkling grin of his. 
You blinked in surprise when you heard the singer’s voice, and you looked up at him with a look of complete bafflement. “I didn’t know you listened to Lizzo.”
He sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. “No, baby, you gotta listen to the lyrics!” he insisted, taking your hands and doing a very small little dance with you right there in the doorway. 
Though part of you wanted to argue, you had never been good at resisting your energetic lover, and this time was no exception. Before you even nodded, Satoru already knew you’d given in to him, and he pulled you a bit closer to himself as he started singing along with the lyrics. And not quietly, either: he sang them with all the enthusiasm in his body, and though you hated to admit it, it was contagious, even in your depressed state.
By the end of the first verse, you were smiling, a small laugh escaping you at your lover’s almost puppyish behavior. When the chorus came around, you started singing along as well, and you noticed belatedly that Satoru was singing the lines of the background singers, rather than the main chorus, like you were. 
“Am I ready?”
“You deserve it now.”
“‘Cause I want it!”
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about.”
“Am I ready?”
“You gon’ figure it out.”
“To be loved, to be loved.”
Your singing faltered then, and you stared up at Satoru for a moment, suddenly realizing why he’d picked this song to serenade you with. He stopped singing as well, smiling gently down at you as he watched you fit the puzzle pieces together in your mind.
“We’ve always been ready to love you.”
The sound of Suguru’s voice from behind you caused you to startle a bit, but you looked up at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. 
“Are you ready to let us love you again?” His tone held no resentment, no bitterness, only gentle adoration, and you were certain that if Satoru didn’t still have a solid grip on your hands, you would have sunk to your knees with the overwhelming realization of how much these two men adored you, despite how much your mind sometimes tried to convince you they shouldn’t.
Unable to find your voice, you nodded, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks. You allowed your eyes to flutter shut for a moment as Suguru leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, but just a few seconds later, Satoru was tugging you back into his space, spinning you around so your back was to his chest. The song was still playing and he was apparently still determined to get you to dance with him.
Suguru laughed softly at his lover’s antics, shaking his head slightly at Satoru and offering you a slight shrug when you looked up at him for some sort of explanation.
Now the subject of Satoru’s whims, you allowed him to dance around the kitchen with you in his arms, still singing along with the song, though now his volume was lower, as he sang the words down at you. You smiled, allowing yourself to get lost in the warmth of his love, even if his fingers were cold where they wrapped around your own. 
“He call me Melly, he squeeze my belly.”
Your eyes flew open as Satoru sang the words, his chilly hands coming down to squeeze at the soft flesh of your stomach, the touch pulling a rather undignified squeak from your lips, but he just continued to beam down at you. He wasn’t going along with the lyrics of the song to make fun of you – he’d expressed to you enough times that he adored the soft pudginess of your body for you to know he meant it – but it still surprised every time he made sure to pay special attention to the squishier parts of you.
The sound of your squeak pulled another laugh from Suguru, and though at first you were planning to glare at him, you couldn’t go through with it; not when his expression was full of so much love and relief. He crossed the kitchen to reach you again, whatever was in the mixer long forgotten in favor of you. When he reached out for you, going to him was easier than breathing. He pulled you close, pressing his lips to the crown of your head as he swayed around the kitchen with you. The movement didn’t match the energy of the song at all, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You were safe and secure in his arms, and Satoru had enough energy for all three of you; it was impossible not to watch him as he danced around the kitchen, white hair and blue eyes shining, and he flashed you that brilliant grin of his every time he caught your gaze. 
Things weren’t suddenly perfect; Lizzo and dancing in the kitchen was not a magical fix-it for the irregularities in your emotional state, but it was certainly a stepping stone back to your normal. And you knew, without any doubt in your mind, that you would have the support and full confidence of your lovers behind you every step of the way. They were your way back to yourself, after all. Suguru was your anchor in stormy seas, tethering you to something real, something sturdy; Satoru was the lighthouse calling you home when the waters calmed enough for you to move again.
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i hope you guys have enjoyed seeing some of my other stuff i hadn't yet shared here! though i can't promise when i'll have anything new, know that i am working on things now + am preparing things for my upcoming milestone event!!! take care of yourselves as best you can 💜. divider by cafekitsune
tagging: @kentohours @mitsuristoleme @marinnnnnnnnn @witchbybirth @peachdues
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natsgrave · 5 months
YOU'RE LOSING ME | wanda maximoff
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? do i throw out everything we built or keep it? and you know what they all say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime!! masterlist
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What are you really willing to do for love? For someone so important to you?
Well, for me, I'll do everything and anything for that person. Even though it hurts. So much.
I rolled to my side and smile instantly crept into my face. There she is, my girlfriend looking so peaceful. I admire her sleeping state and curved her figures inside my mind.
"You know, it's rude to stare." She suddenly spoke making me laugh.
"What? Can't I admire my gorgeous girl?" I teasingly asked.
She slowly opened her eyes revealing my favorite green eyes, "Good morning, Y/N." she whispered with a smile.
"Good morning, witchy." I softly said with a little laugh that I tried to hide causing her to throw a pillow at me.
I love morning like this. Just us not caring about the world.
Just like the clock works before we know it, we already have to leave the bed to face reality.
"It's nice to finally see you awake, love birds." Tony said as he took a sipped of his coffee.
"We're not love birds, Stark." Wanda replied with the roll of her eyes.
Ah, yes, we're secret because she said and I quote she's not yet ready to come out. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt me one bit because it does. All I want is to love her, out in the open and not like this.
I felt a hand touches my shoulder causing me to go back to reality, I look infront of me and met Wanda's soft gazes, "Are you okay? I've called you so many times."
"Oh, yeah. Don't worry, I'm good." I breathed out and walked away not giving her any second glance.
I walked towards the kitchen and make myself coffee when Natasha spoke.
"Still keeping it a secret?" I didn't even notice she's here. And yes, she's the only one who knows about our relationship. We didn't tell her for the record, she just walked in on us… making out.
Anyway, I look up at her and gave her a defeated smile, "Isn't it obvious?"
"How long are you going to ignore that pain inside your chest?" she asked and I didn't answer because honestly… I don't know either.
"Y/N, when are you going to choose yourself? When are you going to see what your worth really is?" She continues holding my shoulder forcing me to face her.
"I love her." I whispered.
"And I know that, I can see that. Hell, you wouldn't even ignore and bare all this pain if you don't." Nat said and lift my chin, "You're like a sister to me and I don't say this often but I do love you, Y/N. I care for you and it's really hard seeing my little sister getting hurt whether she does it unintentionally." She softly added.
"Nat, I-" The words I was about to say instantly cut off when I heard Wanda's laugh ringing loud. I look behind us and see her laughing with Vision. The fucking red walking toaster.
"Are you sure the reason why she's keeping you both a secret is because she is not yet ready or…?" She asked trailing her last word knowing that I'll know it instantly.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I reassured her but deep down, it was for me.
Days turns into weeks which also turn into months. Months and nothing changed, not even a single thing. Every time I try opening the subject to Wanda, she always find a way to divert it into different subject but today, I wouldn't let it happen. Not anymore.
"Wanda, we need to talk." I sternly said as I enter her room.
"Hi to you too, baby." she replied still sitting on her bed.
"We can't go on like this." I directly said starting the topic.
"Y/N, can we–"
"No, we can't. We're going to talk about this right now. God, we've been together for almost three years, Wanda. Three long fucking years and not even single effort you made to change our status."
"Y/N, you know damn well I'm not yet ready to make us public." She said nearly shouting.
"Three years is not enough for you? I didn't say that you make us public, all I want is for the team to know. Just them. I'm tired being your little secret, I'm tired of you being mine just around this goddamn four walls. I respect what you want and need, Wanda. For three years, I prioritized what you want, this, but you have to understand that I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this anymore. I kept pushing my needs aside because I love you, but I can't do it anymore. I want to love you, freely. I kept choosing you, I kept giving you all my best me's until there's nothing left for me. I can't choose you anymore." I ramble, on the verge of crying but I kept all my emotions under control.
"Y/N, I… I'm sorry." Wanda softly said standing infront of me.
"Are you apologizing because you're now realizing all of this or are you apologizing because you still can't give the only thing I want?" I asked quietly.
"I'm sorry because I hurt you and I keep on hurting you."
"THEN TAKE IT AWAY! MAKE THIS GO AWAY BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THIS! DO SOMETHING!" I shouted as my tears finally left my eyes.
"Wanda, I don't know anymore. Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? I'm getting tired. I tried, I keep telling myself to wait until you're ready but every time, this voices inside my head kept telling and asking me, are you even going to get there?" I cried out.
"Are you… Are you tired now, Y/N?" she shakily asked.
I nod and wiped my tears, "I'm so tired, Wanda. I feel so lost, this between us made me doubt myself so much. Am I not worth the risk for you? I'm tired of wondering how can you just pretend everyday like we're nothing." I sobbed and sat on the bed as I rest my face on my hands, "I'm tired of saying that I'm okay, that it doesn't hurt. I'm tired of pretending everyday. I'm tired of waiting for you to fulfill your promises. I'm tired of defending you against Nat especially myself. I believed in you, Wanda. I kept waiting but it seems like in this relationship, it's not us against the world. It's me against you." I said between cries looking at her to see her crying as well.
"Y/N, I know whatever I say right now wouldn't change anything. It won't take the pain that I've caused you but trust me, I love you. I really do. I can understand how hurtful it must have been for you. I know that I failed to treat you with the love and respect that you deserve. I am truly sorry for any pain or suffering that I have caused you. It was never my intention to hurt you, and I can only imagine the amount of pain that I have caused you. I want you to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us. I am willing to work on myself and our relationship to ensure that this does not happen again. I know that sorry is not enough to fix the mess I have made. I promise to do everything I can to show you how much I love and value you as my girlfriend." Wanda sobbingly said as she held my hand.
"There, you're making promises once again. How many time did you promise me that you'll make it up to me? at first you'll make such effort but eventually, you'll stop and forget about it. I don't even know if I can trust anything that's coming out of your mouth right now." I said and walked away from her, "It hurts me to think that we can't share this part of our lives together with those who are important to us. Am I not important to you? Do you not trust me? Or is it just too scary to go against the norm? I can't keep pretending not to be in love with you when we're around others. I want to hold your hand, introduce you to my friends and family, and just be able to love you openly without any fear or shame." I added. "I don't understand." Wanda said. I chuckled, "I know you don't."
"Do you want to end this? Us?" She asked with fears in her eyes.
I stayed quiet for few seconds thinking what I really want before looking back at her meeting her eyes, "Yes." I husked out causing more tears to fall out of her eyes.
"I'm just so tired, Wanda. I'm tired of the stress and the pressure that surrounds us every day. I'm tired of asking 'how long?' I'm tired of feeling like there's never enough time to do everything we want to do. I'm tired of constantly feeling like we're not doing enough, or that we're falling short somehow. Most of all, I'm tired of feeling disconnected from you. It feels like you've been so busy, so caught up in your own life, that you don't take the time to connect with me. I miss those intimate moments where we could just talk about anything and everything, and I feel like we don't have those as often as we should. It has to be done and I don't want to place blame on anyone— not myself, not you, not anyone else." I walked towards her and wiped her tears before pressing our foreheads together, "I'm sorry, I never thought that this day will come. I'm sorry I got tired and couldn't wait anymore. I love you but I can't be with you anymore. My heart won't start anymore." I finished before lingering a long kiss on her head.
"I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry for not showing it enough. I'm sorry I failed us." She sniffles before looking at me and caressed my cheeks, "I love you… in every universe."
I finally understood that true love isn't always about being together; Sometimes, it's about letting go. Because love alone, wasn't enough.
Both ends of rope were held, but they were held by me, and only me.
I love her too much and that's my biggest mistake I'll never regret, and if I'd ever meet her again in another lifetime, I'll beg the god to let me have you this time.
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 29
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Friday, January 1st, 2:30 AM - Manchester Street.
- "What was I thinking, listening to you?" I grumbled, following them through the freezing cold of the city. "And on top of that, we’re wandering around in skimpy outfits in the middle of Manchester ! If we run into any shady characters, you'll see!"
- "Are you done complaining?" Mapi chuckled. "You're exaggerating with the 'skimpy outfits' bit. We’re just dressed for a party."
- "Are we almost there?" I asked, ignoring her remark.
- "Yes, yes, I can see them from here!"
- "Is it those three over there?"
- "Yeah, she said she’d be with some friends."
I tried to make out the people Mapi was pointing to, but they were still too far away to see clearly. The dizziness from the alcohol wasn’t helping my vision either. Mapi had tried to get me drunk, but I managed to keep it under control by passing off my drinks. I could honestly say I drank in moderation. Well… sort of. It was around two in the morning, and I was walking as straight as I could. She had me downing drinks since midnight, and this time, I couldn’t escape. Then the other wanted to go outside to light some fireworks, so we took the chance to sneak out, thanks to Maya and Ella, who we swore to secrecy in case anything happened. Alessia would have been informed too, but she was busy dancing in the living room. She was probably the most intoxicated of us all, thanks to Mapi's little game. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. We were walking in heels through the snow, with only tights covering our legs. If I catch a cold because of this nighttime adventure, they’ll be hearing about it for a long time!
The people we were supposed to meet were at the end of the street. As we got closer, I could start to see them better. Jennifer was easy to spot, I could see, she was just as beautiful as she looked in the photos Alexia had shown me. As for the other girls, they had their backs to us, so it was hard to tell what they looked like. They were laughing together, seemingly oblivious to us. I felt uneasy at the thought of meeting new people. I wasn’t as open to it as I used to be. Alexia had reassured me, though, saying I had nothing to worry about. She also informed us at the last minute that she’d be with two friends, probably knowing I would’ve refused to come if I’d known earlier. She would have been right.
Without warning, she started running towards them halfway to catch up faster. Her excitement must have taken over since she told me they hadn’t seen each other in a month. It must be hard for her to maintain this kind of relationship. I would find it tough to be away from the person I love for so long. Their relationship must be built on a lot of trust. Proof of that: she’s with two girls, and she doesn’t care. We finally reached them. Alexia was already in her girlfriend’s arms, wishing her a happy New Year while kissing her. As for us, we stayed back from these new people. At least, that’s what I thought until I met the gaze of one of the girls who had noticed us.
- "Oh no, I can’t believe it," she laughed.
I froze, my lips slightly parted. My first instinct was to immediately look at the second girl, who turned around at her friend’s comment. What the hell? What are they doing here?! I quickly remembered that Jenni used to be an instructor at Camp Wiegman. From their surprise, I could tell they weren’t aware of this awkward plan either. Mapi nudged me lightly to snap me out of my shock.
- "Do you know them?" she whispered to me.
I still couldn’t find my voice. It wasn’t until the girls reacted faster than me that I really pulled myself together.
- "You must be Mapi?"
- "Uh, yes?" she answered hesitantly, looking at me strangely. "Are we supposed to know each other too?"
Alexia burst out laughing at our awkwardness. That girl was going to pay for organizing something like this! And while I’m drunk too!
- "So, are you going to introduce us?" my best friend huffed.
- "Mapi... This is Bronze and Engen, instructors from my school."
She didn’t react immediately, probably taking a moment to process who they were. Her confused expression suddenly turned into a big smile.
- "Nooo way! You’re kidding, right?"
The awkwardness returned. If there was one thing I didn’t expect, it was meeting my boss and my best friend at the same time. Mapi didn’t hesitate to scrutinize them closely now that she knew who they were. She was probably trying to figure out which one was Lucy. Still, she didn’t say anything and instead wished them a happy New Year. I realized that with everything going on, I hadn’t had the chance to do so either. So I also went around, starting with Jenni. This girl was just as beautiful up close as from a distance. I was almost jealous Alexia of for being with someone like her. I moved on to Engen, then finally reached Lucy. For her, I allowed myself a reunion hug. I had missed her a lot. She accepted my embrace, wishing me a happy and better New Year, which I really hoped for.
- "I’m starting to understand why you asked me not to mention your friends," Jenni commented. "Can someone explain what’s going on?"
- "This is Ona," Engen introduced me, pointing in my direction.
- "Ooooh!" she responded. "So, this is your little protégé?" she asked Lucy.
- "Oh, please, don’t start," she rolled her eyes.
That remark left me puzzled. It was as if they’d already talked about me tonight. The thought that she might have talked about me to her friends made me smile. Then again, I wasn’t getting my hopes up. Knowing her, she probably mentioned me with a lot of professionalism. I didn’t have time to figure anything else out because Engen started speaking again.
- "And you must be Mapi, her fearless best friend?"
- "Fearless?" Mapi laughed. "Is that what you call me around here?" she asked, turning to me.
- "Actually, I’m the one who calls you that," Lucy cut in. "It seems you have a tendency to drag Ona into parties."
I stepped back, suddenly remembering the state I was in. Oh God, now is not the time for her to notice. She knows me too well for that to slip by. It would be a shame to start the new year on a bad note.
- "Yeah, well, Ona’s old enough to go out when she wants."
- "That doesn’t change the fact that you influence her."
- "Yeah, well—"
- "Whoa, girls," I laughed. "Let’s avoid a showdown over me during your first meeting, shall we?"
- "She started it," Mapi pouted.
Lucy rolled her eyes in response and turned to Engen, who she started chatting with.
- "By the way, you have good taste," Mapi murmured to me, so only I could hear, with a teasing look. "You described her perfectly."
I would never understand how this girl could change her attitude in two seconds. But I blushed at her comment, not helping my case at all.
- "Stop, not here," I replied quietly.
- "Oh, don’t be shy," she said, letting her finger trail down my cheek. "I’ll leave her to you for sure. She doesn’t seem to like me much anyway."
- "I’m not interested in her. How many times do I have to tell you?"
- "Who are you talking about?"
We looked up to see the girls had finished their conversation. I realized we weren’t as discreet as we’d thought.
- "No one," I answered before Mapi could reply. "So, did you know about them?" I asked, pointing to the couple behind them to change the subject.
The girls turned to look at them. This brief moment gave me a chance to observe them, and I noticed they were both wearing dresses too. It was even stranger than seeing Lucy in jeans last time.
- "Jenni’s a friend of ours, so yeah, obviously."
- "I didn’t know you were," Lucy added to Engen’s response.
- "I wasn’t going to tell you and risk getting Alexia in trouble."
- "She’s not wrong," her friend laughed. "That’s not something you tell your instructor, you know," she said, nudging her.
- "What do you know? We tell each other a lot!"
- "Sure," I scoffed. "You don’t tell me anything! It took me forever just to get your name."
- "Hey!" she protested. "I’ve told you things too!"
- "Oh, right. Now that you mention it, I did know about your relationship status and orientation before your name. I forgot about that," I teased.
I ignored Engen and Mapi’s reactions, focusing only on my boss, who suddenly looked at me strangely. The alcohol had given me the courage to respond with such tact. I chuckled, realizing my mistake, which made Lucy narrow her eyes. If I had been discreet up until now, I think I’d just blown it. I bit my lip to stifle my laughter, but it was no use.
- " Ona..." she began in a threatening tone. "Are you drunk?"
- "What, me?" I said innocently. "Nooo. Of course not," I giggled nervously. "What makes you say that?"
I was in deep trouble. I took a step back as she stepped forward. I’ve always said I was a terrible liar. It’s not for nothing that I turned off my phone before we left. I didn’t want her to find out about the party through messages or photos. I wanted to avoid facing her when I got back. Now I had to deal with it face-to-face right now.
- " Ona..." she warned, stepping closer as I backed away. "Don’t you dare make me run in heels!"
As soon as she said that, I turned and fled. I grabbed onto Mapi in my haste, but managed to break free. My smile widened, realizing just how much I had missed this kind of situation. I loved being the center of her attention, even if it would have consequences. That was the least of my worries at the moment. I regretted wearing heels too, which prevented me from running faster. I struggled to stay upright, and it didn’t take long for it to show a few meters ahead. My ankle twisted involuntarily, but I was caught by arms that prevented a ridiculous fall. I blushed at the unexpected closeness with Lucy, who sighed into my ear, as if relieved that we’d avoided the worst. I was still unsteady, but she continued to hold me firmly until I was standing on my own. I bit my lip now that she had caught me.
- "I’m sorry," I giggled. "I swear, I tried to be reasonable! It’s the girls who insisted, and the wine was really good. Did you know I love white wine? I don’t think I even knew that myself."
Lucy blinked at my rambling. I laughed uncontrollably, realizing how happy the alcohol had made me. Or maybe it was because Lucy was in front of me? I couldn’t say. Lucy analyzed me carefully, making me giggle again. I knew I was in trouble, but I couldn’t help it. The girls had joined us by then. They were worried at first, but eventually smiled when they saw how happy I was.
"Relax a bit, Luce. Look at her, she didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s the first of January. You’ve had a few drinks too. »
- "Ah!" I unintentionally provoked her. "You dare forbid me something you don’t even follow yourself?"
- "It’s different," she narrowed her eyes. "And at least I can still stand in my heels!"
She nudged my shoulder slightly to prove her point. I wished I could be stronger and stand straight, but my body didn’t seem to want to cooperate and started to wobble.
-« That doesn’t count! I can barely walk in heels when I’m sober! »
- "I confirm, snorted Mapi.
- I should throw you into the snow to sober you up.
- You wouldn’t dare, I chuckled.
I squeal when my feet no longer touch the ground. Shit, shit, shit! I immediately start struggling, squirming on her shoulders and hitting her back. It’s useless given how easily she holds me by my legs and waist.
- Hey! Put me down!
- No. Let’s see who’s too scared! That’ll teach you to provoke me and not listen to what I say.
I gasp, feeling the cold on my bare legs when she drops me onto a pile of snow by the roadside. She tries to get up afterward, but I pull her down so she falls on top of me. She retaliates instantly, throwing handfuls of snow at me, most of which end up in my mouth. I cough to spit it all out.
- Stop, stop, stop. Please stop! Okay, I get it, I get it! I’m wide awake now!
I stop wriggling when I realize the snow is seeping through my jacket. Lucy seems to pity my pleas because she stops immediately. I grin mischievously at her naivety, grabbing some snow to fight back. My reflexes must not be my own anymore because she grabs my wrist before I can throw it.
- Don’t even try.
Her threatening voice makes me shiver. I immediately drop the snow, which was starting to burn my hand, admitting defeat. I wasn’t trying to make her angrier; besides, her punishment was well-deserved. It’s also very effective, as clear thoughts start to return. I blush in embarrassment, already regretting my actions. Lucy notices my state and sighs in relief as she releases my wrist.
- I’m cold.
My words are accompanied by shivering, making Lucy smile. She helps me up after her, making sure I stay on my feet by keeping her hands on my shoulders. She looks at me for a moment, rubbing her hands on my arms.
- I think it’s slipping under my dress…
- Take off your jacket then.
- No, it’s cold.
I groan in a plaintive tone. She doesn’t seem inclined to change her mind. She unzips my jacket herself. A shiver of cold runs through me immediately. I try to ignore Mapi and Engen’s laughter, who are now at a distance from us. I feel my cheeks heat up as she takes off my jacket, fully revealing my dress. Mapi chose one of the sexiest ones in my wardrobe. Maybe I should have thought about a sweater now that I see myself in this outfit.
- Turn around. We need to act quickly.
I sigh, twisting around in small steps to give her my back, then cross my arms to preserve what little warmth I have left. The only thing motivating me to let her do it is that the last time I was in this situation, I caught the flu. I tense up when I feel her reach for the zipper of my dress.
- We don’t want you getting sick again, huh? she murmurs calmly. I doubt you’d want to go back to eating soup.
- It’s not funny, I grumble.
- I know you secretly like it.
- No, I grimace. I’ve had enough.
- It’s not that bad.
- No, I sigh. But—
- You’ve had enough, she finishes for me, mocking me. There, I’m done.
I realize she only distracted me while she zipped up my dress. I glance over my shoulder to see her holding a now damp tissue in her hand, then I look up into her eyes. She smiles gently at me as she lifts my jacket, which she had kept between her legs. Without a word, I slip my arms into one sleeve after another.
- Thank you, I murmur.
I quickly close my jacket and cross my arms again. I slowly turn back toward her. She rubs her hands on my arms again to help me warm up. Now that the buzz from the alcohol has passed, I feel tired. The girls approach us with big smiles. I hope they didn’t see any of my nudity. Lucy was behind me, so she must have made sure they didn’t see anything.
- Starting off the New Year well, huh? I chuckle.
- Hmm, she simply replies with a smirk.
- You were nice. I expected worse revenge, I admit, making her laugh.
- Take it as a New Year’s gift. You just wasted my only generous punishment of the year.
- I’ll make sure to remember that, I mumble, making her smile broadly.
I look at our friends who are whispering amongst themselves. It’s strange to see them so friendly so quickly. The whispering stops when they notice us. I raise my eyebrows, silently asking Mapi what’s going on. She just shrugs with a sly smile.
- Girls, we need to get back, says Alexia, who is desperately clinging to Jenni. Is Alba driving you crazy with phone calls too, Ona?
I pull out my phone to check. I groan when I see she’s right. I knew this plan was a bad idea. We snuck off without telling her. I look at the girls, who clearly don’t seem eager to leave. I’m surprised that I don’t want to either.
- Yeah, but there’s no way I’m walking in this state. My feet are freezing, and I’m not getting blisters over this, I say as my only excuse.
- You and your heels, Mapi laughs.
- Stop making fun of me! You’ll soon find out where I’ll stick them if you keep acting like this!
She bursts out laughing, knowing full well I’m referring to her behavior all evening. She hasn’t done anything to me directly, but she’s still driven Alessia to drink herself into a stupor.
- Admit it, my idea was brilliant! she snickers. Damn, she made a face when I put my hand on your thigh under the table!
- What is she talking about? Lucy asks me.
- She wanted to prove to me that Alessia has a crush on me, so she spent the whole evening cozying up to me.
- It was funny, admit it, she grins even more. I bet she’s passed out on the couch right now, given the state she was in when we left.
- Are you proud of yourself? I growl. The poor girl is going to get ideas about us now!
- So what? You told me you’re not interested in her.
- That’s no reason to play with her feelings.
- Hey, don’t go talking about feelings. She doesn’t even know you, she snorts. Maybe attraction, but not feelings!
- What do you know? She’s a nice girl!
- Hello, girls. Who cares? We have another problem right now! says Alexia, waving her phone around.
- Why don’t you all come up to the apartment for a bit? Jenni suggests.
The idea was appealing, but we hesitated because of Alba’s harassment. None of us really wanted to return to our party, especially knowing what awaited us. So we all agreed to stay. I took it upon myself to text Alba to let him know we were fine and would be back soon. We’ll probably get an earful when we return, but whatever.
- Will you carry me? I asked Lucy.
- What? she frowns. Carry you? Are you serious?
- Please! My feet hurt! You owe me this.
She sighs, but to my surprise, she agrees to let me climb onto her back. She crouches down so I can wrap my arms around her neck. I make sure my dress is in place before she starts walking, holding my thighs firmly to support my weight. Our friends lead the way to the elevator that takes us to the fifth floor. Jenni opens one of the doors on the floor, and we enter the apartment. We’re immediately greeted by a medium-sized living room. A table stands in the middle of the room with several used plates, a sign that they’re not the only ones celebrating here. I don’t have time to see more before Lucy sets me down next to Mapi on the couch.
- Want something to drink? Jenni asks.
- Vodka orange for Ona, snickers Mapi.
- Stop, I grumble. You’ve made me drink enough tonight. I had to get rid of half the glasses you served me.
- Is that why Alessia is passed out on the couch?
This girl exasperates me so much that I stop responding. It seems she won’t drop the issue with this poor girl. Despite my asking, she kept at it again and again.
- Sorry, she finally says when she sees I’m ignoring her. Can I have a coffee, please? Mapi asks.
- No problem, Jenni smiles. Ona, Ingrid?
- Coffee for me too, please, Ingrid replies before Jenni turns her eyes to me.
- Nothing, thank you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. I don’t like coffee, and I don’t want anything else.
- You don’t like coffee? Lucy asks me.
I shake my head in response to Lucy, who is already in the kitchen with Alexia to prepare the drinks. Jenni joins them to help. My roommate is the first to return with the two coffees for the girls. I groan when Mapi starts up again, sliding her hand discreetly onto my thigh. I smack it away and scoot as close to the edge as I can on the other end of the large couch.
- That’s enough. You’ve had your fun tonight.
-Oh, come on! Stop ignoring me! Just wait until we’re in bed tonight if you think this is “handsy.” »Voici la traduction en anglais :
"Keep it up, and I'll make you sleep on the floor or with Alexia."
"No way," Jenni retorts from the kitchen. "Not if she has wandering hands," she adds, making us laugh.
I don't know how many glasses my best friend has had, but it's way too many if she's acting like this. I thought she had drunk less than me. Lucy returns to us, handing me a cup. I frown, especially since she has another one in her other hand.
"I said I didn't want anything."
"It's hot chocolate. You need to warm up."
In the end, I smile at the thought that hot chocolate would be nice and thank her. She sits down between Mapi and me, much to my delight. At least she'll leave me alone now. I take the liberty of looking into her cup and grimace when I recognize coffee. She brings it closer to my nose, making me pull back.
"Do you want to taste it?"
"No, thanks."
"I'm sure you've never tried it."
"No, but I don't want to. It's not something that appeals to me."
"Too bad for you," she says, bringing the cup to her lips.
I smile and bring mine to my lips as well. It's so good. It's just what I needed after this hectic evening. It soothes me and makes me even more tired at the same time. I don't even know what time it is. With this thought, I let my head fall tiredly onto her shoulder.
"Hey, don't cheat on me!"
"Shut up, Maps, we're not married."
"Not yet."
"You're such a pain, you know that?" I ask, lifting my head to look at her.
"We're bonded, remember?" she says, tugging on her necklace.
"Bonded, my ass!"
"Hey, I remind you that I'm in the middle here in case you didn't notice!"
Lucy pushes us, pointing out that we had gotten closer during our interaction. Just after that, she surprises me by taking my pendant in her hands to look at it.
"Is that your Christmas present?" she asks me.
"She's afraid of losing her best friend status," I scoff.
"Isn't that the kind of gift you give when you're, like, twelve?" she asks Mapi, letting go of my necklace.
I burst out laughing at her disappointed face. Lucy sure knows how to get to her tonight. I didn't dare say it, but I had exactly the same thought when I opened the box.
"No!" Mapi replies, completely vexed. "We're far from each other, so it was obvious I had to give her something that reminded her of me."
"Hmm, sure," Lucy responds indifferently.
I smile and rest my head on Lucy again. At least I'll have some peace now that Mapi is sulking. I observe the couple on the other couch across from us. I envy their hugs and kisses at the moment. I miss those affectionate moments, and seeing them in their own little world doesn't leave me indifferent. I had been avoiding that kind of relationship since Feli. I regret that an asshole like her made me forget the good things.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asks me.
"Hmm... tired."
"Did you manage to get some rest?"
"Yes, well... not so much in the last few days, but I'm fine."
"I've been waking up in the middle of the night for the past few days, but it's okay."
"What? Why didn't you wake me up then?" Mapi suddenly wakes up at this response.
"I manage to fall back asleep. I didn't see the point."
"Hmm... don't hesitate, okay?"
"I know."
"Did you two sleep together the whole vacation?" Lucy asks us.
"Correction, she crashed at my place the whole vacation."
"You're the one who said you didn't mind!" Mapi retorts.
"Do you really think I was going to let you spend Christmas alone?"
"No, but kicking me out because I'm annoying, yes!"
"You know that's not the case," I roll my eyes before sitting up. "Except when you act like tonight. Then you are annoying."
"Oh, come on! I just wanted to have fun. Admit it was funny!"
"You're not the one who has to deal with the consequences."
"Everyone has their own mess, right?"
I groan in exasperation against Lucy. That was the last straw. I would never have the last word with her anyway if I kept responding. Seeing that I'm not reacting anymore, she tries to move her hand towards me, but Lucy intercepts it, much to my delight.
"Are you done now?" Lucy scolds her.
"Mph, fine, I'll stop," she says, pouting.
"We should head back, right?" Ale chimes in. "Albal is going to lose it otherwise, and I don't want the others to get caught in the crossfire..."
"We'll walk you back with Ingrid," Lucy announces. "She won't be able to say much with us."
"No, it's okay. Don't bother. We can handle it," Alexia replies.
"We're walking you back," Ingrid insists this time. "She won't dare say anything if she knows you're with us We'll just say we ran into you and helped you find your way back."
"Come on, it's decided," Lucy concludes, slapping my thigh. "Up you go."
I groan at this gesture. I finish my cup before following the girls' lead. I thank Lucy when she takes our cups to put them in the kitchen. We then put on our jackets while Alexia properly says goodbye to her girlfriend. She doesn't come with us since their group of friends is expected to return soon from their nighttime walk. Besides, Alexia prefers to avoid Alba seeing her for the moment. We say goodbye to Jenni before leaving the apartment with our two instructors. I asked Lucy to carry me again, but this time she didn't give in.
"By the way, was that your apartment?" I asked her.
"If it were mine, I'd have the keys, don't you think?"
"So it was Jenni's then?"
"Yep," Ale responds. "cool, right?"
"Are you talking about the apartment or her?" Mapi retorts. "Because you sure spent a lot of time revisiting her mouth tonight."
I give her a light smack on the head, even though she's right. She tries to smack me back, but Lucy saves me again by telling us to stop our childish behavior once and for all. I smile, noticing that she had the desired influence on Mapi. The warmth I had just regained evaporates once we're outside. I'm not usually sensitive to the cold, but since I've been here, it's been a different story. The return is quick with Mapi and Ale chatting nonstop, getting along perfectly well. As soon as we arrive in front of Leah and Alessia’s house, Alba bursts out. She must have been spying behind a window to have noticed us so quickly. She was about to start yelling until she saw the people who had taken the trouble to walk us back. The poor girl starts stuttering, losing all her credibility. Our other friends soon follow her out. Some of them are in pretty bad shape, like Patri, who tries to hug Lucy while wishing her a Happy New Year. She immediately turns her down but still wishes her a Happy New Year.
"But... what the... what the hell is going on? Where were you all this time? » Alba exclaims.
"Calm down, will you?" Engen responds. "We're the ones who delayed them when we ran into them. Got a problem with that?"
"You were together all this time?"
"We ran into them on the way," Lucy repeats. "We just came to diffuse the situation, so try to leave them alone. We'll know if you don't."
Alba reluctantly nods. The two instructors still wish everyone a Happy New Year and remind us to be ready for the start of school. Most of my friends go back inside now that the most interesting part is over. They managed to calm Alba down, much to everyone's surprise. We say goodbye before going inside. I was about to follow the girls, but Lucy stops me.
"You know you can reach out to me if you have a problem, right?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then do it, even if it's in the middle of the night. Okay?"
"Hmm..." I reply, averting my eyes.
"Look at me."
I sigh, meeting her green eyes. It seems my nighttime awakenings didn't fall on deaf ears.
"We're friends, right?"
"Really?" I ask in surprise. "You've always said otherwise."
"You know our relationship has always gone beyond instructor-student," she chuckles, running a hand through her hair. "You can contact me whenever you want."
"You too," I let slip, which makes her smile.
"Go inside and get some sleep. You need rest. I can see your dark circles from here. I want you in good shape for Sunday night, okay? By the way, how are you coming?"
"No idea, I'll figure it out."
"Hmm. We'll talk about it again then. Go on now, they're waiting for you."
I turn around to see that Mapi and Alexia are indeed waiting for me at the door, along with Alessia. I give Lucy one last hug, which she doesn't refuse. She orders me once again to go to bed immediately, which I nod to, though I'm not sure if I will. I also say goodbye to Ingrid before joining the girls. They immediately suggest we go upstairs to avoid Alba's wrath now that we're alone. This suits me given my supervisor's last order and the fatigue that hasn't escaped her notice. I hope this situation will be just a passing phase; otherwise, I'll have something to worry about in the future
@okaybronze everything for your happiness
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