#<- edging into headcanon territory but whatever we have fun
alicenotalice · 2 months
A favorite Tangoism of mine is when he comes across some Ridiculous Doc Nonsense (the hourglass, the flood, etc) while streaming and just rolls his eyes, calls it “compensating” and moves on without further comment
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honeydewmuses-a · 2 years
@canon-fcdder said:
❝ You’re doing that thing. ❞ Dave says, glancing up from his tablet, an irritated scrunch to his brow. Lightly tapping his stylus against the side of his device in a rapid fidget, he tries to silence the tension buzzing beneath his skin. There’s no real need for it. He’s with a friend, after all. Someone he should be able to trust— and he DOES… mostly. Perhaps not with the same intensity as he does his Club, but that’s not Amy’s fault. More-so a matter of longevity, and what’s been subconsciously associated with her thanks to the group she calls her ‘ Japanese Animation Club ’.
Just thinking about that group makes Dave jumpy… So he sucks in a discreet breath, tensing his body as if he were made of stone, if only to keep it from trembling, and decides to elaborate. Because he’s learned that people tend to not know what he means when he refers to specific ‘ things ’ without more context. ❝ That THING where you look like you’re about to say something, but you haven’t said it yet— so now you’re just buzzing with unspent energy and I don’t know for sure what or if anything IS going to come of it. ❞
A bit wordy, but clear… Normally, Dave is better at waiting for the results of built-up energy, be it from Amy or Mort or Mark or Clyde. But he’s already on-edge today and the looming threat of the ‘ uknown ’— especially from someone as unpredictable as Amy —is too much for him to handle anymore. ❝ Are you going to say something, or is this just for you? ❞
Just so he’s not taken off-guard by whatever happens next. — (( *hands over a Dave who was feeling jumpy today* ))
“Whaaaaat?? Me?? Doing a… thing? Nah, I’m totally cool. No weird energy here!!”
Amy smiles, only half forcing it, but quickly deflates under Dave’s gaze.
“Alright, fine. I found your tumblr. Kinda stalked the whole thing trying to confirm it was you. Which it totally is. And now I know you’re weird in some of the same ways I’m weird but I wasn’t gonna bring it up. Even though I think it’s really fun.
"…I’m talking about the self ship comics, if you couldn't tell. The ones of you and Clyde? I know it’s your ocs. But also it’s soooo obvious."
Amy pauses just long enough to not get an immediate response, and then pushes forward. She has to say whatever the right thing to say is. Not because she needs more friends. She has plenty of friends. Just because she likes Dave, and she's maybe a little intimidated by him, and she doesn't want to make him mad.
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"Um. Sorry he’s in love with me. I mean Clyde. I mean, shoot, that sounded wayyy worse out loud.
"I do think you have a shot, actually. I headcanon him as gay. Or at least bi. And you guys would be cute. Tol and smol kinda vibes. Especially if we can get him to wear more pastels, or if you get a growth spurt.
"Is that weird? I’m getting into weird territory. Haha. But, uh, I think the theme you coded is really cool, and I would totally commission you to do mine if you wanted a little money, and I big time ship you and Clyde now.
"...I could help you with that. If you wanted. Or I could pretend I don’t know and we could talk about our ocs or something.”
She's pretty sure none of that was the right thing to say. But it does kinda feel good to have said most of it, and she's not exactly famous for having a good and consistent filter, so it's probably alright.
"Oh, and I won't tell anyone. Just wanted you to know I found you. Because I'd wanna know if one of my followers was someone I actually know irl. Right now it's just a bunch of randos and my online friends and Mark. Except not Mark, actually, cause he unfollowed me. Which is fine. I just forget he did that sometimes. Point is I'm trying to be cool and nice and we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
It's true. They don't have to talk about Dave's tumblr. Or his obvious crush. Or anything he doesn't wanna talk about. But, man, Amy hopes they can talk about something.
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
that dating headcanon was everything🥺 could u do an nsfw one??? l
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Note: SFW headcanons can be read here. Hope you enjoy, love bug!! I could go on for hours about this, but I tried to keep my rambling to a minimum. Requests are still open. Take care and tpwk.
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First and foremost, Harry radiates the most soft dom energy I have ever seen in a human
I think he enjoys a good power dynmanic and kink, but at the end of the day sex to him is about having fun and doing what feels good
“Team work makes the dream work,” is something I’m almost positive his corny ass would blurt out one night post coitus when you’re both coming down from your highs
I don’t even mean this in a nsfw way (but also I do), but I genuinely believe Harry is one of those boyfriends who likes to have his hands on you as much as it is physically possible
A hand on the small of your back when you’re in public, your bare leg hiked over his while you’re watching tv, his hand resting on your knee while he drives
He’s all about intimacy, even if it isn’t sexual in nature
With this being said, it definitely does turn sexual in nature more often than not
When you’re cuddled up on the sofa watching a shitty horror film and you accidentally grind yourself against him when you reach over for your mug and then you feel him growing hard against your backside, you know you’ve got approximately 7 minutes before the movie is long forgotten and Harry’s got you spread out on the cushions
He’s much more of a giver than he is a receiver 
(But let’s be honest he certainly doesn’t mind kicking back and letting you do all of the work from time to time)
He gets off knowing he’s the one getting YOU off
It’s almost addictive to him
So, clearly, he loves going down on you
One too many times have you been stirred from your sleep to feel Harry’s stubble grazing your stomach and moving down towards your navel and you know exactly what he wants
But he won’t give it all to you that easily
He teases you until you’re squirming and practically bucking your hips up into his lips, anything to feel more friction against the heat that Harry has created
Tiny, featherlight kisses on the insides of your thighs and around your core
Everywhere but where you need him the most
He thinks it makes you taste even sweeter knowing how badly you want his tongue on you
He loves eating you until your thighs are trembling and he has to force them to stay open by gripping them so harshly that you end up with ring marks pressed into your skin
He takes care of you, meaning he refuses to stop until he makes you cum
Not in an aggressive way, just that he doesn’t see the point in having sex if the two of you aren’t having equally as much fun, ya know?
As far as actual sex goes, Harry is a powerhouse
He’s got more stamina out of anyone you’ve ever met, and it sometimes has you wondering if he’s even human sometimes
He can go for quite literally hours without letting up even a tiny bit, his hips drilling into you until you’ve got bruises and are sore the next morning
Only to add to how much of a little shit we all know Harry is, watching you limp around his house the next morning is one of the most satisfying and entertaining things to him
I think he is the king of trying out new positions and working out what feels right and what doesn’t, but he’ll always prefer some good old fashioned missionary over any kinky, yoga sex position
It’s more intimate and personal to him, being able to see how pleasure washes over your face as he drives himself further and further into you
How your bodies are as close together as they can possibly be
It’s simple, but when you love someone, it’s enough 
However, I get the sense that Harry is totally down to experiment in the bedroom
As I said earlier, I am certain that Harry enjoys indulging in some of his kinks every now and then
First and foremost, this man has a BREEDING KINK 
He loves filling you up with his cum and watching it overflow and seep out of you and then gathering the excess on his fingers and stuffing it back inside of you
It is somewhat of a territorial thing, marking you as his and his only
But it’s also a trust thing, that you both love each other enough to indulge in the most primitive of acts, and Harry is all about that
I’m not going to go off on a tangent about how Harry eventually gets off on the idea of breeding you to actually get you pregnant, but it’s true so it must be at least mentioned in this post
Something about seeing you round and glowing with his baby, one that you created together, makes him feel some type of way 
If it’s possible, he’s even hornier when you’re pregnant 
He loves leaning against the headboard and having you ride him with your belly in between the two of you
Apart from the vanilla shenanigans and the massive breeding kink, I also totally see Harry as the type to have an entire marketplace of toys hidden in a trunk underneath his bed or in his closet
Whether it’s expensive leather restraints that he loves to tie you up with or an array of different types of vibrators that he loves to turn on and watch you get off without his hand, he’s got just about one of everything so he’s always prepared
There are also times when he loves to let you take control as well
Sometimes it’s when he feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and all he wants to do is let someone else take care of things for once or simply if he’s just in the mood to be submissive, the man truly has the range
But he will always reign as a soft dom
 When he’s on tour, he loves calling you to help him get off
He’ll always do the same in return for you, but he misses your presence so much while he’s away that taking care of himself alone isn’t nearly the same
Which is why you sometimes receive texts or calls at odd hours of the night from Harry asking you to talk to him while he strokes his cock
He loves watching you get off as well, so if the timing lines up, he’s prone to video chatting you so that you can both watch each other while you work your way over the edge
Not to be a crackhead, but Harry definitely bought of those Clone-A-Willy’s for you to use while he’s away
I wouldn’t say Harry’s so much into the act of risky, public sex as much as he really is just that horny and utilizes every advantage he can to get you both off, even if it means everyone knows exactly what you two were doing when you both come out of the same room with ruffled hair and are breathing heavy like you just ran a marathon
After a high energy show, when his veins are pumping with adrenaline and he swears performing makes him feel higher than any drug, he’ll beeline to the room where you were waiting for him in and have his way with you right there on the couch (or the closet, or the bathroom, or the back of his bus if he’s using one)
When he comes home from the studio to see you cooking in only one of his ratty t-shirts and your underwear, he sees no problem in hoisting you up on the cold, marble countertop and letting his dinner burn in the name of a good shag
I also think Harry is an angry sex type of guy as well
The last thing he wants is to hold grudges over you, so if you’re arguing and only going in circles and Harry is well aware you both will be over whatever it was that you were mad about in the morning, said argument usually ends abruptly when Harry backs you up against the wall and smashes his lips against yours
His thrusts are even more intense and sharp and you can see the slight snarl in his lip as he grips the headboard harshly and properly makes a mess of you
Harry really is an every-occasion guy when it comes to sex and that is a given, but I also think he leans on sex when he’s sad or upset?
Like if he’s just having a day where everything is getting under his skin and he feels small, he comes to you with those lust blown, yet dull-looking eyes that let you know he really just needs you right now
You let him take what he needs, because he does more for you than you could ever explain with words and if what he needs is a little bit of sex to make everything feel okay, even if it’s only temporary relief, it’s the least you feel like you can do
To feel his hips roll lazily into yours and to feel his warm breath trailing all over your face and maybe the occasional tear fall from his cheek that you brush away with your thumb as you cradle his face
Times like these often resort in cockwarming, where Harry just needs to feel you and know that you’re there and you’re not going anywhere
He tries not to let things get to him and often regrets the ways he choses to cope with how he sometimes thinks he’ll never catch a break, but he always talks when he’s ready, so nothing ever goes unmentioned
Plus, he knows he’d do the same thing for you in a heart beat
Harry is the softest lover and those are just the facts!
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
I’m sorry but can you do morgagoshe fluff with them as a family with new goshe and Morga as their children? There isn’t much stuff of them out there...
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HOLY FUCK i been waiting for this advantaaaaaage!!!! i love this headcanon stuff too!!!
i’ll be using some human names to differentiate like the last time i did this kinda fic.
morga 2.0: megan
goshe 2.0: gayle
morganite and goshenite tho have their names or least will be written with them because i...just really wanted to. consider em nicknames jkhsdfkhjs the names are more to differentiate the 2.0′s with 1.0′s. the kiddos are bout...8 or so.
the seagulls caws echoed in the sky as morga looked up at them and to the ocean. only light wind flew through their long hair but was mostly sunny and warm. they looked to goshe who was busy unpacking in their tent, with gayle holding their bucket excitedly and megan seeming put off by the wind.
“ey guys!” morga exclaimed as they walked to them, gaining all their attention. “so, what does everyone wanna do today?”
“swim! no, fishing! no, kite flying!”
“s-stay inside?”
“maybe they should have lunch first morga?”
“hmmmm.” morga hummed as the three looked. “...how bout all?”
“not fishing though gayle.”
“and we’re gonna start by climbing the sand dune!“
“y-you sure morga? mean, the stuff though.”
“oh. oh yeaaah.” morga hummed as they looked around, seeing the familiar turquoise and blue dyed bob of hair. “OI PHOS!” they called out, bringing attention phos as they ran to em. “oi!!! your here too huh?” they asked as morga nodded. “we’re gonna go venturing. mind lookin over our camp?”
“just got done with scubba diving but sure.”
“good!” they put their thumb up. “now, steal any of my shit and i’m gonna break ya.”
“awwww ruuude i’d never!”
“i know you too much NOT to tell you not to.”
“hmph! such mean accusations.” they pouted as they sat on the blanket infront of the tent. “fine fine whatever delusional prevention your giving me i’ll abide.”
“good.” they stated as they started walking off with family in tow. wind picking up causing young megan to hide their face into goshe lightly as they walked. the waves picking up caught young gayle’s attention as their eyes sparkled.
“pretty!” they exclaimed as they ran it despite goshe’s attempt to call to them “careful!” morga watched as they filled their bucket with water, only for a wave to leer over their small form. rushing in they snatched them and put them back on the sand as the wave crashed onto the ground.
“ehehe l-lets keep a small distance alright bud?” morga asked, holding the others hand as they pouted but nodded. “kaaaay.”
continuing their walk all four stared up at the giant sand dune. “so, ready ta go gang?” morga asked. gayle raising their fist up excited while megan looked to it in horror, clutching to goshe’s leg as morga watched.
“uhh, me and meg might just wander bout here. that alright morga?” goshe asked, morga nodding lightly. “course. gotta enjoy the beach!” as the two started climbing goshe walked morga to the giant rocks close to the coast. “how bout we climb some rocks okay?” they asked, gaining a nod from the younger as both climbed one of them just in time for a wave to crash to it’s edge.
goshe watched as megan hopped off it only to start hopping on all the other rocks in excitement. this was their territory they thought to themself. as both slowly got away from the rocks they heard a light yelling that got closer.
“MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!” looking up gayle seemed almost flying to meg, bumping into and rolling into the sand both laughing as goshe heard a familiar “GAAAAAAAAAAAAYLE WAAAAAAI-” only to see morga roll and flop face first into the sand, slowly getting up and spitting it out as goshe giggled.
“i guess they had fun?” goshe asked as they unzippled their sleeveless vest, handing it to morga who wiped themself off with it. “yeah ehe-” they looked up to see goshe in a crop top, feeling their face blushing as they pushed the vest back to them.
“y-you tease! not infront of the kids.” they joked as goshe chuckled. “it’s a waterproof top it’s fine haha!” morga shook their head lightly of extra sand, hearing a clunk to the sand. looking down they found a small dollar shell. “oh, maybe i can get some money in the sea market.” they joked, gaining the attention of megan. they smiled as they handed it to them. “wanna find more? maybe some shells?” they asked, gaining an enthusiastic nod from the other as morga got up. “alright, lets find some while walkin back kay?” they asked as gayle rushed to them. “i’ll help too!”
on the walk the four found more and more dollar signs and shells of purple, white and pink shade that megan took to only carrying themself. “oi phos!” morga called out, looking to see them in their grey and pink hoodie.
“I WAS COLD STINKY MEANIE TAKE IT BACK!!!” they threw it back at them, ultimately stopping their chase as goshe sighed humored while the kids laugh.
“GP phos is so funny!”
“of course i am!” they exclaimed, patting both their heads. “gotta be the best godparent to my godkids.” they looked to morga smug and sticking their tongue out at them. “oh just go ya weirdo!”
as phos waved them off the four huddled into the tent, morga zipping the entrance as goshe took out the lunches in the two mini cooler bags, handing them to their respected consumer as leftover sand shuffled on the floor of the tent.
“so, everyone have fun?” morga asked.
“yeah! i wanna climb that hill again!”
“i-i yeah, i liked the shells.”
“you made quite a good day morga.” morga chuckled smooching goshe’s cheek at that. “well, i do make good ideas...when i can atleast.”
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Here’s my weekly roundup of headcanons and other fun stuff. Send me your happy SW thoughts if you’re interested in having a little fun with me (either anon, or off, whatever you’d like). This week, we’ve got some rumors and spoiler head canons, some speculation about Ben’s role if and when he leaves the FO, and more!
What amuses me the most about the supposed 0G scene is that everyone assumes it will be a Rey vs Kylo scene and no one ever thinks what if it is Kylo vs KoR for example? Or the supposed bounty hunter Keri is playing? ;) those two options would make that scene soo much more interesting than just another rematch between Rey and Kylo, they will have one of course, they need to 'talk' and clear a lot of things, but i see that happening on the ground ;)
I’m on the fence concerning a rematch between Kylo and Rey. On the one hand, lightsaber battles are cool af and I get why people would be down for a rematch, on the other, I have a really hard time seeing them fight each other. Like, you’re telling me Mr. Holding you on the edge of a cliff and imploring you to be his student is going to be hardcore into fighting the girl he cries a lot over? I just... Have a hard time with it. And similarly, you’re telling me Ms. Shipped myself into enemy territory after crying over you, prettying myself up, fighting for you, and then crying some more about you is going to be super into it too? ReallYYYY? Lol I mean, people can imagine/headcanon/want whatever, but this is what I struggle with. But I feel you, nonnie, lol I see most of their “discussions” being on the ground naked. I’d love to see Keri kick some ass in 0Gs, so I’m down for that too! OO kick some KoR ass! Lol.
What plot do you think can involve poe finishing at the same time than 3po? Friend told me that just that day Joonas was returning to work, and then the next week was it R2 or BB who finished? So the last ones standing to the last day were Ben, Rey, Finn, Rose, Chewie and maybe Naomi's character, double date and chaperones?
Depends, Nonnie. There wasn’t much seen of Oscar on set after Jordan, so if they were doing some sort of pick up, or out of sequence shooting, it could be from anywhere. According to Oscar, he and Anthony had a lot of scenes together, so it’s possible they were finishing up whatever work they needed to film for 3PO and Poe.
Hi! So it's pretty common to compare Rey and Kylo to Beauty and the Beast, but I just realized something -- in Disney Channel's "Descendents", the son of Belle and Beast is also named Ben so... coincidence??
Haha, probably? I mean, Harrison’s son is also named Ben and, iirc, there was a name switch at some point, possibly with his input. Though, it also does tie into “Ben Kenobi,” aka, the reason Ben’s parents got together in the first place. But that is a fun coincidence!
What do you think Ben will do after he leaves the FO? Because I doubt he’ll go to the Resistance even though Rey is there. Even if Rey leaves the Resistance, I’m not sure if he will go to her since maybe he’ll think she would not want anything to do with him. Also do you think Rey understands or realizes that maybe the one of the reasons why he would not go to the Resistance is because maybe he thinks they would not accept him or they will persecute him? (A lot of ‘maybes’, sorry)
I don’t see him joining the Resistance either, Nonnie. I don’t see him dumping one cause only to take up another (and one that he seems to have a problem with, if his opinion concerning senators and the New Republic is anything to go by). I think his journey, like Rey’s, is with the Force and not so much being a part of the Resistance. They will bring balance and peace in their own storyline, while characters like Finn, Rose, and Poe (among others) will work towards their goals. I don’t really think that Rey will be that present in the Resistance, either, but I think their Force connection will help fill in the gaps between where they were and where they currently are at. These two need time and to talk to resolve their issues, and to take steps towards claiming their own happy endings, whether that’s together or not (though I think it will be together).
I think that Ben also thinks that the reason Rey didn’t killed him when he was unconscious was because she is a good person so it’s natural for her to show mercy but he doesn’t give thought that she also ultimately wants to be with him as a partner and lover. And Rey will probably think that she isn’t a good person but a selfish one because she went to Ben wanting him to leave with her not solely because it’s for the Resistance but because she wants him.
I think you’re onto something, Nonnie. I agree that their issues right now come from the fact that, instead of talking to each other about what they saw and what they want, they jumped to conclusions and made assumptions (that they both saw and wanted the same things, when they clearly didn’t). I think that, once they sit down and talk through their issues, it’ll be gravy.
How long do you think Ben will last as the Supreme Leader in IX? Do you think it will last until the 2nd act? Or he will be out of the FO very early on? Because based from the leaks, it seems his reign will last longer...? I am not so sure
For a hot minute lol. Someone on twitter stated that Ben had to become the Supreme Leader in order to realize that was never what he really wanted. And even Leia, in the Bloodlines novel, says that she doesn’t think Ben would be interested in retaining a title (as prince), which I think is true. I don’t see that much of his story taking place outside of what’s going on with Rey, but that’s just my speculation. I think he’s been told for so long what his destiny is meant to be that he’s never actually had a moment to sit and consider what he wants. It’ll be interesting to see what happens concerning this and the conclusions he draws in EPIX.
I am pretty sure that if Rey and Ben do reconcile and she sees that he finally becoming more balance like letting the light in and being more Ben Solo, she’ll defend him even against the Resistance if they are hell bent on killing him. If they give her the choice to either kill him and stay with them or be kicked out and marked as a threat for fraternizing with the enemy, she’ll gladly leave them.
I agree, Nonnie. I think a great aspect of Rey’s character (and one that, incidentally, Padme also shares), is her willingness to believe the best about people, but also the fact that she’s not afraid to call them on their bullshit. I agree that, if she sees him taking real strides towards righting the wrongs that he’s committed/coming to the Light, etc, she’ll go to the ends of the galaxy and back again to keep him safe. I’m interested to see how their Force Bond plays out once people in the Resistance know about it and whether that causes any tensions within the organization (I HOPE IT DOES MWAHAHA).
I am not afraid of discourse after what we went through in pre-TLJ days. Of course they are going to try to continue to sale Rey Finn and Poe as the trio just as they did with both TFA and TLJ to try unsuccessfully hide what truly is going on. We do know at some point in the film Rey goes off on her own for some reason. Personally, I think it only PARTLY has something to do with trying to hide her bond to Ben. Imagine how awkward it must be for her? lol. Looks like she's talking to herself.
Haha man, do I ever want the fanon thing where Rey is talking to Kylo with their bond and then someone walks in and sees like her or him talking to thin air LOL. I wonder if anyone else can see it? Doesn’t seem to be the case, if Luke’s reaction on Ahch-To is any indication. I definitely think her bond/and the scar she got defending him, will be some source of drama in EPIX and I can’t wait!
Cheers all! Thanks for chatting about SW with me and for your input!
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ontherockswithsalt · 7 years
The Morning After - a Jamie/Noble something
A/N: I’m so sad it’s over! I’ve grown attached to these losers. I hope you enjoy the conclusion to this little ~experience~. Please know that the headcanon never ends. I might possibly post this in full somewhere. Enjoy! ——————
“Holy shit,” I mumble into the pillow beneath my face. 
The sound of a garbage truck backing up outside pounds in my temples like this relentless horrible demon noise that might possibly make my head explode.
It takes considerable effort to even open my eyes. When I do, I focus on the sliver of light between the heavy closed drapes at the window – some window I don’t recognize. The way the bed faces, the feel of the sheets, the faint airy breeze from the ceiling fan – it’s all unfamiliar.
Noble. I crashed at Noble’s penthouse last night – shit.
Sucking in a breath, I shift quickly to survey the other side of the bed. It’s still mostly made, the covers barely pulled back. It was just me in here.
Closing my eyes, I attempt to piece together the night before. The moments just sort of fade in and out of my brain. Considering my miserable head, the bed feels incredible. I want so badly to just roll over and go back to sleep but I’m too disoriented about what time it is.
Eventually, I ease myself up. Glancing down in foggy confusion, I see I’m in my white t-shirt and boxers from the night before. 
My curiosity about Noble’s current state is what draws me out of bed. With dead tired limbs and a pounding head, I slowly make my way out from the covers and head to the bathroom.
Afterward, and feeling somewhat alive, I stop back in the room and pull on my jeans before making my way out into the apartment.
The kitchen mess from the night before remains. Empty wine bottles and glasses on the counter, dishes and pans in the sink. With the room so quiet, it takes me a moment to find Noble. 
Through the window across the way, I spot him out on the balcony. Lazily scratching the back of my head, I join him out the open door.
He sits in the same chair from last night, in loose dark sweats and a soft grey t-shirt. But it’s the black-framed glasses on his face that sort of destroy me.
“Hey.” A smile tilts across his lips when he notices me and sets a folded newspaper on the table. “He lives.”
I laugh softly and take a seat in the other chair. “Hey.”
“How’re you feeling?”
“I’m making it.” Although really I feel like my head is about to fall off but don’t want to acknowledge that a bottle of wine messed me up that bad.
“You want some coffee?” He nods to the table where a tray sits with a French press, an extra mug, cream and a glass dish of sugar. “Room service brought that, but I can order you whatever.”
“Yeah, no this is perfect.” I sit up and reach for the mug, pouring myself a therapeutic cup. “So… thanks for letting me crash,” I tell him.
“Of course.”
“I don’t even remember getting in bed. Did I like… I kept it pretty together last night, right?”
Dragging his teeth across his lip, a smile breaks there and he laughs at me. 
“I didn’t puke off your balcony or anything did I?”
“No.” Amused, he shakes his head, reaching for his coffee mug. “You didn’t puke off the balcony.”
“Alright, good.”
“I mean, we made out for a while last night, but I figure you remember that.”
My hand stalls as I lift my coffee and flick my gaze his way. I can feel the way one eyebrow slopes, confusion flashing in my eyes. “What–?”
“Dude, I’m kidding.”
The air feels trapped in my chest for an eternity before I finally let it escape.
“Damn,” he laughs. “No, we were out here and then you were pretty done so we went inside. I pointed you to that room and then I crashed in my own room.”
A soft laugh of relief escapes me and I ease back in the chair. I hesitate because it doesn’t seem too far off that I would have kissed him. The thought had floated through my mind since I sat in my apartment contemplating his penthouse key. 
“Well.” I let a warm sip of strong coffee work to reconnect parts of my brain. It settles the unease in the pit of my chest and helps bring me back to life. “Regardless. I had fun, man.”
“Me too. It’s been a long time since I had a night like that.”
“Hey the night before, you had a pool party with a bunch of half naked twenty year olds, so last night was probably pretty boring for you.”
“I told you, Officer, that wasn’t my party.”
A smirk tugs at my cheek. “Whatever.”
“And I’ve never had a boring night with you,” he reminds me.
I think back to the nights I spent with him when I was undercover, the near-O.D., the retribution in the back of some shady bar that he brought me along for, the night at his uncle’s club where I almost got thrown into the back of an Escalade and offed for good. But none of that was genuine. I was on the job.
I nod, sniffing a laugh over the rim of my mug. “You’re right about that.”
“But last night was actually you, so. I’d say it was my favorite.”
“It definitely was.”
He lazily stretches back, then pushes up his glasses before scratching fingers through his mess of curls. “So what’s a day in the life of Officer Jamie Reagan? What are you up to today?”
“Well I’ll probably go home and sleep in the shower until my tour tonight. But on most days, I’m not hungover.”
“What are most days like?”
I shrug. “Work. Hit the gym. And then not much,” I admit. “I don’t know. Hang out at home.”
“You live by yourself?”
“You have family in the city?”
“My sister.” I nod. “Dad back in Bay Ridge–”
He recalls the time he was brought to my father’s house where I made an offer for his testimony. “Right.”
“I’ve got a brother in Staten Island.”
He blinks this sort of far away look, nodding slowly, then glances out to the cityscape in front of us.
“What have you got going on today?”
“I head back.” Then he leans over and picks up his phone off the table where he checks the time. “My flight leaves out of JFK at one.”
The reality of him leaving sinks through me. I don’t know why this heartsick tug exists in my chest but it does, even though I know leaving is his only option. What would we even do if he stayed in New York anyway?
“Back to the Nick Salcedo life,” he sighs.
A sad half smile curves on my face and I sip from my coffee again. “I’ll have to come down and hang with Nick some time.”
“You should. You like Cuban food?”
“I’m not sure.”
“I know the best places.”
“Of course you do.”
“You’ve got the beach, palm trees, it’s beautiful. All the houses look like Easter eggs. I recommend it.”
I nod thoughtfully. “I hear the landscapers are cute down there.”
He blows out this laugh, caught off guard and the smile on his face as he shakes his head charms me. “God, you’re a jerk. Don’t do that to me.”
“Do what?” I tease a knowing glance his way. It’s cruel and unexplored territory for both of us, but it felt good to flirt with him. Like a sweet torture I would pay for later.
“Make me… regret everything more than I already do,” he says.
I wonder if I had regrets. If I’d never agreed to be a part of that undercover, I wouldn’t have gotten in so deep to begin with. “I know,” I murmur. “I don’t want you to have regrets.”
“I know the other night you said we weren’t friends, but. Maybe we can be.”
I look over him and offer a slight nod. “You’d have to give me your number. Or you can just… keep showing up in New York and having loud parties and hope I come shut them down.”
He grins. “No, I want your phone number. And if Officer Reagan has to show up here again, I’d rather it be off duty.”
I run a hand over my jaw, across my lips that flick in amusement. “Yeah me too.”
After our coffees, Noble and I retreat inside. I need to get home and he needs to pack. 
I find my shirt from the night before, leave it unbuttoned over my t-shirt, then my shoes, my gun and the rest of my things I had laid on the dresser in the spare bedroom. 
Scanning the room one last time, I flip off the light and make my way back to the kitchen where Noble stands filling the dishwasher.
“Let me do that,” I offer.
“No,” he simply decides and I shake my head, not even bothering to argue.
I lean back against the opposite counter, crossing one ankle over the other while I watch him. “Next time then.”
He shuts off the sink and glances back over his shoulder. Reaching for the nearby dish towel, he dries his hands. “Alright, next time you do the dishes.”
A misbehaving smirk plays at my face. “You don’t get to be the only generous one.”
The hard exhale that he blows out makes me laugh and he cuts me this warning look. “Don’t.” One of his eyebrows jumps. “You already told me not to start shit last night, and look at you.”
“Yeah, well maybe I want to start something.”
He narrows his gaze behind his glasses, then presses his lips together as he glances down and lifts the door of the dishwasher, closing it out of the way. Then he tosses the towel on the counter.
Turning to me, his listless approach takes all of two steps until he stands over me. The dip of his head draws my heavy gaze up before he touches his mouth to mine, the hard press of his palm on my side beneath my open shirt.
I meet his kiss, easy at first, settling back against the counter’s edge as one hand finds the solid curve of his arm.
Slowly his lips slip from mine but remain right there with a tempting graze. That didn’t feel like enough, and I capture the kiss once more as my palm trails up and into his hair.
The sensation prompts him to let go of a heavy breath, his hand skating a path to my back, urging me against him.
This had been a vague possibility since I don’t know when. If I claimed I wasn’t attracted to him from the moment I first saw him, I’d be a liar. But it wasn’t as if I was overcome with some unrelenting lust for him. It was always this sort of subtle impulse I couldn’t shake.
But last night tipped over whatever that wavering impulse was, spilled the gasoline and struck the match.
The teasing stroke of his tongue makes my grip tighten in his hair, earning the faint echo of a hum in his chest.
Slowly, his face tilts down, his nose brushing my cheek as his kiss falls away, leaving my pulse flickering in my bottom lip.
“You’re not supposed to be a good kisser,” he murmurs, then his raspy voice softens to a whisper. “Fuck, I like you a lot. And I can’t.”
I watch his mouth. The slow rise and fall of his chest against mine leaves me unable to maneuver out of this connection I have with him. So I just stay there, manage a deep breath while I drag light fingertips along the back of his neck.
“I know,” I tell him. “I can’t either.”
He offers a slight nod and lets the edge of his teeth slide across his bottom lip. He eases away, trailing his hands around to rest his palms against my chest before he clears his throat. “So we’re cool, right?”
My head drops as I exhale a soft laugh. “I don’t know what we are.” I look at him, taking a moment to calm my pounding heart. My lips twist in uncertainty and I tell him softly, “But I have to go. And you have to go.”
He just meets my gaze with this look that makes me want to fall back on his mouth. This would crush me later, I know it. But I try to stay present, not to disappear inside my own guilt.
He presses off me, popping that invisible bubble around us when he takes a step back. “I have your number.”
“Use it, okay?”
“I will.” He nods, rocks between his feet and reaches out to smack a friendly pat against my cheek. “And you need to go shave, man. You look like you passed out on somebody’s balcony last night.”
I duck away, countering as I elbow check him in the chest. “Fine,” I laugh. “I’m out of here.” Hooking an arm around him, I bring him in for a hug. “And listen. Stay safe, alright?” I hold him for a beat, grasping the width of his solid back before I clap my hand there once.
“Alright,” he agrees, and it relieves me that he doesn’t attempt some indignant retort. “You too,” he adds, tightening strong arms around my back.
I tilt my chin down, pressing the tip of my nose, my mouth into his shoulder. “I mean it,” I mumble there before I release him.
Noble trails behind me as I head to the door. I pull it open and he grasps the edge over my head to hold it while I show myself out.
“Bye Jamie,” he says quietly.
I slide my hands in my pockets and I glance back at him once more. Before I come up with an excuse to stay a moment longer, I leave him with the flick of a smile at my cheek. The weight in my chest is heavy but for the first time in a while, a feeling deep there is provoked. And I know as I turn to head toward the elevator, that we definitely just started something.
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missconduct · 7 years
As Strong as Darth Vader
<p>“Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.” (Yoda, 1980, The Empire Strikes Back). I usually don’t begin an essay with a quote but in this case I feel it’s important. My theory here is just a theory based on how I’ve viewed this story for 35 years. If you don’t agree it’s ok take it with a grain of salt, my friends in Star Wars fandom, because it’s not canon lol this is all in my head. I’m speculating how the story could go, and that’s part of the fun in this saga is speculation.<br>
  The first time I heard they were making a new trilogy I cringed as a lot of people did fearing the worst for a story I love so much. I didn’t read spoilers, or cruise YouTube looking for theory videos. I barely watched the trailer. In fact all I saw of the trailer was a few glimpses of Finn wielding the blue saber (only because I was already a huge fan of John’s because of his character in Attack the Block). I stepped into this new world not knowing anything. I didn’t even know who Adam Driver was. I didn’t even know there was a girl protagonist in the movie. My canvas of TFA was blank.
  As I watched the movie quite a few things caught me by surprise. I’ll quickly list them; Kylo as a villain, the interactions between Rey and Kylo (that’s a huge ass one), where the hell is Luke? The symbolism in the story as a whole, and my deepest one is Kylo’s obsession with his grandfather. As I watched the movie these things caught my attention because the rest of the story is (and I saw it admittedly) a re-play of the original trilogy (which I think was a strategy to play on the nostalgia of the original). It intrigued me intensely though because there were all these twists in it that were obviously not a copy cat of the original trilogy.
  As I sat in the theater watching it for the first time the scene when Kylo is speaking to Darth Vader’s helmet began. I watched this clearly conflicted, confused, lost villain pleading with a dead man’s helmet to, “show him again, the power of the darkness.” I literally said in a whisper under my breath, “this doesn’t make any sense to me??? Vader’s greatest moment of triumph, his greatest strength was his ability to turn back to the light side. He chose to be good again, to do the right thing, to save his son, his family, from the darkness. Why would this mask show him anything dark???” I didn’t like it at first. The scene made me feel so sad. It was as if Vader’s sacrifice meant nothing at the end of ROTJ. Like his greatest moment was forgotten in this new world.
   Then I saw this girl who I viewed as confused and lost as much as the villain was. Trying to come to grips with where her life was going. Should she stay and wait for her family? Should she finally accept whatever the truth was and move on? Then she hears a call. I thought it was interesting that the call was a little girls cries, almost as if her own loneliness were calling to her. She touches this long lost relic that once belonged to Anakin Skywalker, and her life takes a turn that is going to forever change her destiny.
  I’ve watched Rey’s force vision way too many times to count and the 2 things that are consistent in them that stood out to me were 1: Kylo Ren, and 2: various voices from the past echoing through the force. Now a lot of people think that these past voices are the individuals speaking directly to her, but I didn’t see it like that. Even though Obi-Wan says her name, it’s more like the force is speaking to her through the echo of past force users. This is important because I’ll bring it up again later.
  Through my journey with Rey, I saw her frightened and alone after the vision. I know Maz is trying to help her, but it might freak me out if someone had just made me come to the realization that my deepest fear was true. That I had to accept the people who were supposed to care about me and come back for me were never coming back. She’s afraid, she’s alone (Finn just abandoned her also. He’s leaving her to go to the outer rim territory.) She runs, and who does she run right into? Our strange lost Villain. At this point, I was really wanting to know who and what was under that mask. Remember spoiler free, didn’t even know who Adam Driver was.
  Then he sweeps her away “Bridal carry” style onto his ship, abducting her! That had me on the edge is my seat because that whole scene had me trying to figure out where this was going. Was he a man under that mask ? Or a monster? Was this an endgame romance or a creepy stalker crush?
  Then I witnessed the “interrogation scene.” This is the most important scene in the movie for me, and not for the reasons you might think. Yes, my jaw dropped and (despite my very good looking husband sitting right next to me ) I almost wet my pants when Kylo took off his mask. I turned to my daughter and whispered in an awestruck voice, “I think he’s the leading man. How about you?” My 13-year-old daughter’s reply, “omg mom, damn” and we laughed. Yes, there is a lot of incredibly hot, passionate, sexually charged shit going down in that scene! That’s not why it’s the most important scene for me. As I watched, this girl rise to the occasion and step up onto the equal ground with this boy, she said those famous words that helped me piece my headcanon puzzle together, “you, you’re afraid, that you’ll never be as strong as Darth Vader!”
  Now a lot of people don’t pay much attention to this line. They simply think it’s just her calling him out on being a Darth Vader fanboy. Maybe the writers were going that direction, but I don’t think so. When I first heard that line I whispered under my breath “oooooooo that was deep.” And in my head it made sense. That was a huge foreshadowing of Ben solos redemption, and the part this girl is going to play in it. This part of the movie is what drew me deep into the story.
  So I went back and saw the film 5 more times after that, in the theater. Then immediately pre- ordered my iTunes copy to be available for download as soon as it was available. I watched, and watched, and watched it again, and again. I could even watch it again today lol. It wasn’t enough. I kept wanting to know more. I started cruising and just looking through fan bases, but it looked like the things I wanted to talk about weren’t subjects that were well received, so I didn’t venture into joining or posting in any fan sites. Then I started cruising YouTube and came across this channel called Star Wars Connection and found a video titled, “Visual Storytelling in The Force Awakens.” Omg, these ladies understood me !!!! They understood everything I understood in the movie!!! And listening to them helped me develop my theory about Kylo’s redemption and the connection between Rey and Kylo-Ben.
  During the second part of this outstanding podcast, they briefly talked about Luke’s journey into the cave on Dagobah. In that scene, Luke is confronted by Vader when he cuts his head off, and the helmet explodes revealing Luke’s own face within the mask. It got me thinking about Luke’s greatest fear and how it related to Kylo. They are similar but different. Luke’s greatest fear was falling to the Dark side and becoming just like his father. Kylo’s greatest fear is the (I hope this is the correct term) subverted version of Luke’s, that he will never be as Strong as Darth Vader, that he will never be like him. Is it possible that part of what went down between Luke and Kylo has something to do with this fact? This is all speculation but it got me thinking that if there are similarities between Anakin and Kylo, then wouldn’t there be similarities between Luke and Kylo also? When Luke sees his face in the mask it scares him. Kylo wants to see his face in the mask.
  While thinking about Luke and Kylo it leads me to Rey. These three individuals are key to what this story really is about. It’s not about who Rey’s parents are or aren’t that is irrelevant. I’m sorry to all those anti-Reylo’s out there who are gunning for her to be a Skywalker or Solo but in my headcanon, she’s not. Her part in this story in my mind is clear. It was a passionately romantic love that started all this, and it will be a passionately romantic love that will end all of this. 
   Rey and Kylo have collided. I have seen a lot of speculation about whether or not they knew each other prior to their meeting on Takodana. Through all the speculation I’ve seen the only one that makes sense to me is that they have seen each other in dreams and visions. In the novelization, it even says that Rey knows this man from a dream or a nightmare. I believe she has had dreams of him her whole life. Which is why I think he smiles when he sees her image of an island. Anakin had dreams of people and future events, why can’t Rey. I believe Kylo has had dreams of her as well. In my headcanon dreams and visions are two different entities. A dream coming to you in your sleeping state, a vision coming to you through a waking moment through something else. Rey has visions of Kylo when she touches Anakin’s lightsaber in the castle. Is it possible that Kylo has had a similar vision of Rey? Someone speculated that maybe Kylo had Obi-Wan’s lightsaber somehow. (Thank you Rebel Scum Podcast for twisting my idea lol to present it as yours, but you got it all wrong) Kylo doesn’t need anyone’s light saber to have a vision of Rey. He has Anakin’s mask. Part of my speculation is that Vader/Anakin’s mask is Kylo’s transmitter for his force vision.
  Now I know a lot of people probably think of Vader’s mask as a Completely Dark side relic. I’m sorry though I don’t see it that way. Remember I told you that the first time I saw the movie while watching this scene I kept thinking that the mask was more a representation and symbol of Vader’s greatest strength and triumph. Think about Vader’s last moments while wearing the mask. The moment Luke told him he could feel the conflict in him, and he knew there was still good in him. His sadness feeling torn, watching the emperor torture his son, Padme’s son! almost to death. The pain he must have felt being torn apart between the dark and the light at that moment. Vader chucking the old guy over the railing into the abyss to save his family, to do the impossible, something that Yoda said couldn’t be done. He came back to the light. Even the walk with Luke carrying him to the shuttle. Still trying to save his father. Removing his mask peeling it off of his face so he could look at his son one last time with his own eyes. That mask in my opinion saw a lifetime of light before Vader/ Anakin passed away and became one with the force again. I view that mask as potentially being a grey instrument of the force. If the mask has given him visions both light and dark it would make sense that he would ask it to show him again the power of the darkness. A lot of people think that individual characters from the past are directly speaking to both characters, as I pointed out earlier. Could Kylo think that Vader speaks to him through the mask. Is it possible that this is just purely THE FORCE itself using voices of powerful Jedi of the past? The force is just using these voices as an echo to bring these two very powerful force, sensitive individuals, together. Why would the force will this?
  I try to clear my mind and recognize what Yoda says over and over numerous times in the saga. It is this entity that binds everything together. It has a will all its own. It calls those bound to it, it is a force sensitive beings choice if they will answer the call. If they will choose the light path or the dark. Perhaps there is a medium ground.
   No matter which religion it is there are light and dark sides to it. Without one the other cannot exist. In my theory the force is trying to bind Rey and Ben together, and yes I do believe it is trying to bind them together using a romantic passionate love. The evidence of this is clear in TFA. Kylo is already addicted to her presence. He can’t just hand her over to Stormtroopers like he did Poe, he has to carry her. He’s not trying to intimidate or frighten her. He takes off his mask for her. He speaks softly and calmly. I’m sorry but when I was growing up if my brother was interrogating me for any reason (Like where I hid the remote to keep him from changing the channel.) he was never nice, never calm, and it usually ended with blows aiming for the head or the gut, and furniture flying across the room, and the last person we wanted around was the other one. Kylo is not her brother or cousin. Sorry folks it’s not in the story. He wants her in his life! He pretty much begs her to let him teach her, he needs her in his life. Which is a big reason Otze’s essay about force bonds is now my favorite Star Wars Reylo essay. If they are related, I will still love it, because it’s Star Wars.The story can still be explored through different characters in a future trilogy, but I will be reading and writing tons of Reylo fan fiction to get over it lol!
  While I believe that Kylo will be redeemed through this love he has for Rey I do not know how it will end for him in my head. I do not think it’s going to end well for him. I see them both being bound together through the force and I think it’s very foretelling that each one has a connection to a relic that once belonged to Anakin Skywalker. The lightsaber was Anakin’s. He was the first to wield it. The mask also belonged to Anakin. Anakin is still being chosen by the force to achieve balance. Using relics of both sides of his life To bring these 2 people who share this connection in the force together. I think this could foreshadow one of them (probably Ben) making a self-sacrifice to save the other. I really don’t want that to happen though, I want Kylo to survive. Maybe going on a journey of penance, wandering the galaxy trying to help others to pay for his past. IDK if that will happen either but I’d love that, and it could spark an animated series. (lol)
  I believe it’s possible. As many have said in fandom his character still has a lot of growing up to do. I’m so on the edge of my seat to watch that unfold. I want to know if in the end, he will fulfill his ambition and his destiny and truly become “As Strong as Darth Vader!”
 I went on for a long while now and I hope my day dream about this awesome passionate story made people think, maybe even daydream a bit themselves. I’m sure I’m probably completely wrong about this whole headcanon of mine lol (@Scavengershoard ) Like Rachel and Kirsty are always saying though it’s always fun to speculate. Have a great rest of your weekend everyone and thanks for reading
Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think(Please be kind though, do unto others right!) ❤️⭐️
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metalpiratequeen · 8 years
Though I was still thinking "organic Cybertronian" for the AU like combining my world and yours, everyone organic. Lazarette's pirates threatened by Galvatron's expansion and empire, ships being attacked and hunted, the pirate Lord requests a special task of Lazarette and her crew--- the impossible, really. Get to Cybertron. Get to the highly guarded estate where Galvatron's little one is housed and kidnap the child out from under her very violent beastformer bodyguard (Dinobot) and, if Cyclonus is around, dodge the spawn of Unicron. Then get the child off-world. And they'll ransom her for whatever they want or try to kill her as payback for all the blows Galvatron and Nova have dealt them. For all I know Galvatron blew up some of the planets the pirates had used traditionally as safe havens, she'd have eliminating pirates in her territory on her top 5 list, where before her perhaps they were not targeted but (it's honest... prolly Cyclonus' idea he cannot stand any kind of chaos he wants order, pirates would irritate him, simply knowing they existed in Cybertronian ruled spaces)...
OMG that's pretty awesome. I was thinking something similar along the lines of combining the two, perhaps Lazarette is a native, going back to her military routes and working for the royal family's army and expanding their empire. She knows very little of Tetta outside the few public gatherings, and after the d-void incident there is talk that the ruler has gone mad and she gets roped into helping Scourge get Tetta old-world after he is imprisoned and Cyclonus and his men are on their tail (She even takes a heavy blow as they try to embark). They get branded as outcasts and without Scourge they have no idea where to go or who to trust with the princess. Both are good.
Oh man yours is fucking awesome too T__T oh god I wanna do that
Human Laza is obsessed with styling hair by the way. She never has the same style for too long, and even braids precious stones or tokens that mean something to her into her hair. I can totally see her running into Tetta in one of the crystal gardens after slipping away from a party. Marvelling at her lilac hair and if she would let her, tie a single braid with a sea green gem into her hair.
Tettares would be maximum level pathetic for awhile. I love writing Scourge too... maybe he escapes with Lazarette, especially if Galvatron has already killed his family thinking it would bring him to his knees and back in line, he could be killed later on too. They would be marked as traitors, god Galvatron and Cyclonus would be out for blood. I could see Scourge grabbing Lazarette by the elbow, "Walk with me." Getting her involved in this, very dangerous, inner-workings of the royal line. For awhile, she's trying to carry out her duty with a mountain of scary insider information that Galvatron is insane, infected by some kind of evil, and Cyclonus is falling to it, and Scourge himself says he feels it creeping along his skin. Asks her why she thinks Tettares has vanished from the public eye? Why he's lost his rank? Why his wife and child suddenly died in an accident. It was no accident. Dinobot is normally her bodyguard in this, I love writing him as an organic I have a picture...
god dammit he's my fav thing ever
He was created in a lab to be a warrior. "friend" of Cyclonus, who gave him his job even though he's seen as a secondclass citizen because of his creation. He could help them too, I have a few stories where he does, takes Tettares and runs. He may be in on it with Lazarette and Scourge. I'd love him to escape with Lazarette and Scourge, we can kill Scourge later (lmao god Scourge my poor boy). Dinobot is loyal to Tettares and has some sort of honor within him though is ... well he's Dinobot hahahahahaha but I love writing him. Might be kinda neat, if they become pirates, like re-writing Lazarette's past in a way. Dinobot would follow her. He wanted to be part of the military, go to the academy and become an officer, but they don't allow his lot to study, he was lucky to be given a job as Tetta's guard but he was infamous for his talent as a fighter, Cyclonus liked him. Thought he'd be wasted as a grunt (so instead has him stand outside a door 24/7 lmao).
Dinobot is lovely. Lazarette would be honoured to make him her master gunner :) Happy pirate family.
God they would have to do so many terrible things to protect themselves. I think it'd be safe to say the bonds were broken so, at least they couldn't track Tettares that way. But Cyclonus could track Scourge, they have a bond, so he'd have to either dagger his own spark in an attempt to severe his bond to Cyclonus or leave, to lure them, hoping they will assume he has the child... acting as the sacrificial lamb to buy Lazarette and Dinobot time to flee and disappear.
He is too good for this world.
And then Lazarette can get everyone involved with pirates, masking that they are running away from the Cybertronian Empire. Prolly have to dye Tetta's hair and make her wear a contact to change her eye color... I think the humanized verse sounds fun though, I'd love to see traditional military Lazarette being invited to the estate to a formal prestigious party that might advance her career, the royals around, could be before Galvatron starts to go mad, and she slips away like you said, to the beautiful gardens where she finds the next-in-line little warrior there among the crystalline roses with her frowning scale throated bodyguard standing nearby. That way she'd be able to compare what she saw then to a few years later when people have begun to fray at the edges with madness and the child vanishes
That would be awesome ;-; For them to already have a history. Lazarette not wanting to believe Scourge about Galvatron's descend into madness, vowing to serve the crown and him having to tell her that Tetta is in danger and her duty should be to the future queen. So much politics.
Yeah the fall from grace for Galvatron and Cyclonus is a big one indeed heh I mean Galvatron has always been dangerous but never crazy.
My poor girl just wants to rise through the ranks and colonise planets for the honour of Cybertron and now she gets pulled into conspiracies, rebellions and a bloody revolution. She did not sign up for this. Being a wanted outlaw/kidnapper
Would Lazarette be special somehow? Where she might live on the estate (it's a pretty big place) like a military protégé that might be a favorite of Galvatron or Cyclonus? Cyclonus frequently picks favorites and brings them into the upper folds? If we wanted to draw Lazarette closer, to make the betrayal or choice to side with the child over her Queen a bigger... decision. I know the estate has a building with apartments and housing for guards and some of the soldiers who are privileged. That way Lazarette would have been able to observe the royals (and catch sight of Tetta more)? Galvatron greatly favors women, too. I always wrote on organic Cybertron females were a lot rarer than males but we don't have to use that in this verse...
I image it would have to go something along those lines. Ironically the reason Lady Auxiliary took should a keen interest in Lazarette was because she's such a good leader and tactician. A Great swords woman and pretty good at thinking on her feet. She was literally programmed for this role. I imagine she would probably reach a higher rank had she not defected, so I bet either Cyclonus or Galvatron would notice her. I don't mind the woman Headcanon if that is how your world operates. I hope her natural black hair and brown eyes won't be a problem.
No, any hair/eyes goes. I always wrote the red eyes was a warrior-mark same with the purple hair, specific to people of Tetrahex. Galvatron's violet eyes that Tetta gets, the same, a mark of the bloodline. I think they are prolly "odd" among the population in that regard. we could do some scene building with time skips... Galvatron will kill those that fail her though, she's always done that, even sane. Cyclonus not really. Neither spend much time with Tettares, they're busy. GOD Cyclonus approaching Lazarette in the hall oned ay, her alone, holding his toddler and introduces the little one to the "upcoming Commander", and hands off this small toddler to a probably stiff Lazarette. I'd love Lazarette to be a favorite among the royals...
OMG lazarette knowing Tetta since she was an infant. That's precious. Lazarette holding the kid like a football. ::what do I do?! what do I do?!::
Cyclonus would do it just to see Lazarette be uncomfortable. Gosh we could start it when she first comes to live at the estate, Tetta a little baby, Dinobot also brand new to the estate as the baby's guard... I really don't know exactly what the estate looks like other than it's very big and has several buildings, a huge garden, and is shoved up against a nature preserve... god thinking about Lazarette holding baby Tettares is so sweet T_T
Sweet I love that Lazarette has such a different relationship with the people who tortured her and raped her in the main verse xD Young naive officer following Cyclonus around trying to make a good impression and vowing to protect Galvatron and her empure.
Yeah same here. Cyclonus is a vain spoiled pet known for his luxurious tastes and self-pampering but still a formidable warrior, he has the most influence with his mate. She's had him since he was... a child, really (she's older than he is). He's also intimate with Scourge but that's a bit hush-hush though most who live on the estate know, Scourge's wife is a darling too. Not a warrior, she weaves flower crowns, would always put one around Lazarette's neck or in her hair even if she didn't like it. Ahhhh *mind explodes all over thinking heh God though infant Tettares with her big violet eyes and daddy's lavender hair, warm and innocent in Lazarette's arms, smelling like powder and lavender oil, dressed by her father in overly stuffy expensive baby clothes, jewels attached across her forehead. Trying to take one of the buttons from Lazarette's uniform and put it in her mouth, watching light moving across the ceiling. "I have grown fond of diamond against her skin but our Queen complains, says I will make her weak with my pampering." The Temple born trailed in exhale. The infant had her mother's nose and soft mouth but the shape of her father's eyes, his skintone, and hair. She was beautiful but small. When she failed to steal a button she looked at Lazarette's face, making small content coos. I die. T_T Tetta is a runt for a royal baby heh poor thing
The officer stares in bewilderment at the nest of lavender hair, wide lilac eyes and brown hands resting over her jacket. Lazarette never claimed to be good with children and she was terrified one wrong move would end with her dropping the princess and being beheaded for assassinating the royal heir. "Pampering is good in moderation." She partially agrees. Coming from the lower levels Lazarette thought her upbringing made her strong, but she also believed child innocence deserved to be protected and pampered because of how fleeting it was. "She'll make a fine queen." Her eyes pull away from the hypnotic gaze of the princess and she carefully tries to pry her off. "I think she wants you to hold her again." please take her back before I break her!
Cyclonus smirked, betraying expression that was usually guarded in public. He took the infant who squealed happily to feel her father's fields again and brought her to his chest. "I have chosen a personal guard for her, a beast, but he is a phenomenal fighter and has talents beyond most of us. He is out of sorts among the finery, I hoped you might remind him of the existence of manners." Cyclonus made a deep sound, distracted by his baby. "I would consider it a personal favor." Crimson eyes glanced at the up-and-coming commander. // could be a good lead in for how she and Dinobot know one another... Lazarette taught him how to not get his head cut off being a rude ass to important people, Dinobot would have been out of his element upon first arrival at the estate lmao
a beast? How does one teach manners to a beast? "Understood my liege." She says, recognising the order.  (I'm gonna love watching her grow a backbone) And it will be fun watching them learn from each other. Lazarette can be just as wild (her pirate side didn't come out of nowhere, that was the result of millennia worth of repressed feelings and strict rules) So he may be the only one she can snap at and lose her temper with.
Dinobot has a chip off his shoulder but he'd be an idiot to not take the job as the little one's personal guard but he pretty much hates his betters, being treated the way he has been. He tends to take every opportunity he can to insult or fuck with them especially with Cyclonus willing to defend him (of course he doesn't mess with the big names but someone like Lazarette, oh my god he'd try too hard to razz her until he realized she's not a piece of shit). The blue throated beast scratched his thick scaled neck and glowered at her. He was sitting in the sunlight outside the east building, snorting and gurgling with his boots off. He was filing the black claws on his toes, ignoring baffled and disgusted looks from anyone coming and going. "Unless you want to buy me a drink, girl, you are blocking my sunlight." He said, voice fluxing tiers of rough.
The newly appointed commander stares down at the lounging reptilian with contempt. "You are the royal guard for the future of this kingdom. You wear the monarch's symbol." She explains courtly, purposely not stepping out of his light. "You represent the crown when you wear it and all eyes are on you wherever you go. Bad behaviour and poor etiquette is a reflection on the royal family. You should be at your best and not clipping your toenails in a public place!"(edited) ((OMG I forgot how much if a killjoy she was in her younger years. Still kinda is actually xD))
Dinobot slouched foreword, elbows on his knees. He eyed her level, thinking. His tan skin covered with reptilian patterns; brown, russet, bits of orange and gold flake. His palms, throat, and dashed in the corners of his eyes was a bright cerulean blue, vivid. Slit pupils narrowed, "Have you been sent to teach the animal his manners?" He growled low. "I have had enough of your kind, I will serve that child with my heart out before my every word and action. I doubt clipping my toenails soils her radiance, whoever you are, my daily annoyance, it seems." // she can be a killjoy, Dinobot is a crabby bara lizard his art did not do his muscles justice, I find it hard to find people who draw my characters as I see them, they end up smaller and more pretty but I see Dinobot with that big chest and upper body, big arms, solid muscle... oh shit I forgot to add all his teeth are sharp like they are as a bot he also likes to argue LOL
She does not like his attitude, not one bit, and loathes the idea of working with him just as much as he does her. At his statement, she clicks her heels together and brings herself to the position if shun. "I am Lazarette of the Mithral Sea. Commander of her majesty's fleet and your newly appointed instructor in the art of manners...what is your name exactly, beast?" //such a dork xD
Dinobot snored, a sound he couldn't control, nasal and froglike. He stood abruptly and tossed the chair he'd been sitting on aside, muscles tense, a line along his thick neck bulging but he wouldn't touch her. He knew better. He forced his overly long fingers to relax, and standing there shoeless in his earth colored tunic as if ready to shed and step into the showers he pressed his blue tongue against sharp teeth. Fine. He had to deal with this one. "Corporal Dinobot," He said roughly. "Exactly." He had little rank, though a respectable rank for what he was. It hadn't been easy for him to climb those few steps but he was aware how little it mattered, how little he mattered. He tilted his head, gurgling reptilian air. "Am I on duty? Am I under orders to learn manners? No I am not," He stooped and snatched his shoes. "I respect those I must to keep my head on my shoulders and beyond that I politely ask to be left alone, Commander."
He is considerably taller than her but she does not stand down from attention, keeping her gaze level even as she observes the movement of scales over tight muscles and the change in coloration under direct light. Her appearance is pretty normal in comparison, dark skin and toned muscles under her standard uniform. Thick black hair tied back so not to obscure her handsome face, wide nose and brown eyes with a subtle ring of golden flecks. "No one has ordered you to learn, but Consort Cyclonus wishes it regardless."
Dinobot stilled, Cyclonus was another thing entirely. He was loyal to the man. His body language lost some of its tension, "I see," He snorted, deciding. "You know I have only spoken to two females in my life, three if you count the babbling of my Lord's infant. I suppose I will heed your words, why not buy me a drink, woman?" He grinned, horrible predatory teeth showing along his blue gums. "Or bring something nice to my room, E207, drinking helps things sink in." He tapped the side of his head, short auburn hair healthy in the sunlight. // lmao Cyclonus gave Lazarette a truly shitty task
Her optics narrow in disgust but she quenches the fire crackling inside if her before it could combust. She takes no offence to the remark against her gender, she is a rarity and of higher rank than himself, in a position if power only few other females have achieved in a male dominated environment. "I'll remember the number. You may join me at the bar for the evening if it helps things sink in." Maybe the drink would do her some good, it was a more relaxed environment and they did get off the wrong foot. //be careful dinobot, Lazarette works hard and plays hard. A few rounds and all sensibility goes out the window with her xD
"The bartender will not serve me." Dinobot said without any sound of unease. It was the world he lived in, it no longer surprised him. He turned, holding his boots, and stalked back into the building leaving black nail clippings on the gray concrete. // that's alright hahaha
That didn't surprise her in the slightest. She had never met anyone of his species before and her people were a proud prejudice sort, sooner to invade a peaceful civilisation than offer a hand if friendship. "Meet me at the wolf and the door at eight if you want that drink." She calls after him, the door closing behind him. Business complete, Lazarette turns on her heels and marches across the square to return to her regular duties. Part of her knew this was a foolish task, you can't teach a wolf to act like a dog, but she would do as she was told.
And thus Lazarette begins a long and humiliating friendship with a gurgling snoring beastman who frequently loses his temper and flips tables, throws chairs, and slams people's heads into the bar, shouting nonsense about his ill-treatment and how he's going to skin everyone and hang their hides on the wall.She can prolly figure out when he's about to freak out and calm him down after a few months of hanging out with him...
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jessicanjpa · 8 years
Do you have any headcanons on what the Romanians are up to recently? (:
I’m so confused on *where* the Romanians hang out.  Apparently they can never settle in one place for very “long” (whatever that word means to an ancient vampire) because Aro occasionally sends Demetri to hunt them down and keep them on their toes, and they clear out.
But what acutally transpires in these little visits?  Are there battles- like are they consantly raising up new little armies and Aro just laughs and stamps them out every 50 years?  (this one doesn’t jive with The Guide but it’s hilarious and I can just see Aro and Caius laughing over it) Are they doing some kind of slow-motion master plan like Amun, and Aro just wants them to be homeless so it never goes anywhere?  Or are we supposed to assume it’s really just these two and all they do is sit and be weird and shake their fists over toward Italy? Does Demetri just show up and do that “I’m watching you” thing where he points to his eyes and then back to them, and then watches smugly while they scramble to run away?
It seems to me that Stefan and Vladimir actually have a lot in common with Maria, in terms of how they’re handling their “Hello my name is ___ you killed my mate, prepare to die!” vendettas. Like… they’re not accomplishing anything and apparently they’re fine with that?  “Wait until another world vampire power arises” is a pretty lame excuse… almost as lame as Maria making new armies every year and ruling a sustantial territory (which has the unique, HUGE advantage of containing at least part of the US/Mexican border) and yet she can’t manage to kill the one vampire who killed her mate? If she couldn’t pull it off with Jasper there to keep things awesome, what does she think she’s going to accomplish now?
So like Maria, I think the Romanians realize, at least subconsciously, that their vendetta is really all they have left.  They know enough about these things to know that once they do enact their revenge, they’ll completely fall apart.  So, like Maria, they’re *stalling big time*.  Their anger and grief, while still “fresh” in an immobile vampire sort of way, have become integral parts of their identities that they’re totally able to function with it.  Granted, they’re sort of deranged now, but that just follows the whole “lose my mate, lose my mind” theme.
But as far as what they’re actually Up To lately?  Sadly I think these two live really boring, standard nomadic lives. They drift around the globe, watching humanity from a distance (and sometimes participating in full costume, when they’re bored) and muttering to themselves about the good old days and their plan to overthrow their enemies.  But they both have an unspoken agreement that Until Something Happens, they won’t make any detailed plans.  Whether they truly *want* something to happen anymore is anybody’s guess.  I’d say yes from some of their lines in BD (and the fact thet they showed up at all), but otherwise they seem pretty lazy/hesitant about it.
I have no clue how they heard about the gathering in Forks.  Those events haven’t changed their habits, though now they’re watching Things with a heightened interest.  They’re ready to jump in again if it starts to look exciting, but they’re also afraid of it.  If nothing else, they’re feeling very smug at the hit the Volturi’s reputation is going to take after The Renesmee Trial. They’re considering the idea of stirring up a revolution while everyone’s still on edge, but they’re too nervous to actually do it.
Meanwhile they just keep muttering and pranking the human world big time.  Nomadic vampires have endless fun creeping the humans out- all they have to do is rush around the room behind the human’s backs and change things.  So the next time you blink and your coffee suddenly tastes like pepper, there’s a good chance you’ve been visited by a vampire like these guys.
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