pinktatertots99 · 5 years
I’m sorry but can you do morgagoshe fluff with them as a family with new goshe and Morga as their children? There isn’t much stuff of them out there...
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HOLY FUCK i been waiting for this advantaaaaaage!!!! i love this headcanon stuff too!!!
i’ll be using some human names to differentiate like the last time i did this kinda fic.
morga 2.0: megan
goshe 2.0: gayle
morganite and goshenite tho have their names or least will be written with them because i...just really wanted to. consider em nicknames jkhsdfkhjs the names are more to differentiate the 2.0′s with 1.0′s. the kiddos are bout...8 or so.
the seagulls caws echoed in the sky as morga looked up at them and to the ocean. only light wind flew through their long hair but was mostly sunny and warm. they looked to goshe who was busy unpacking in their tent, with gayle holding their bucket excitedly and megan seeming put off by the wind.
“ey guys!” morga exclaimed as they walked to them, gaining all their attention. “so, what does everyone wanna do today?”
“swim! no, fishing! no, kite flying!”
“s-stay inside?”
“maybe they should have lunch first morga?”
“hmmmm.” morga hummed as the three looked. “...how bout all?”
“not fishing though gayle.”
“and we’re gonna start by climbing the sand dune!“
“y-you sure morga? mean, the stuff though.”
“oh. oh yeaaah.” morga hummed as they looked around, seeing the familiar turquoise and blue dyed bob of hair. “OI PHOS!” they called out, bringing attention phos as they ran to em. “oi!!! your here too huh?” they asked as morga nodded. “we’re gonna go venturing. mind lookin over our camp?”
“just got done with scubba diving but sure.”
“good!” they put their thumb up. “now, steal any of my shit and i’m gonna break ya.”
“awwww ruuude i’d never!”
“i know you too much NOT to tell you not to.”
“hmph! such mean accusations.” they pouted as they sat on the blanket infront of the tent. “fine fine whatever delusional prevention your giving me i’ll abide.”
“good.” they stated as they started walking off with family in tow. wind picking up causing young megan to hide their face into goshe lightly as they walked. the waves picking up caught young gayle’s attention as their eyes sparkled.
“pretty!” they exclaimed as they ran it despite goshe’s attempt to call to them “careful!” morga watched as they filled their bucket with water, only for a wave to leer over their small form. rushing in they snatched them and put them back on the sand as the wave crashed onto the ground.
“ehehe l-lets keep a small distance alright bud?” morga asked, holding the others hand as they pouted but nodded. “kaaaay.”
continuing their walk all four stared up at the giant sand dune. “so, ready ta go gang?” morga asked. gayle raising their fist up excited while megan looked to it in horror, clutching to goshe’s leg as morga watched.
“uhh, me and meg might just wander bout here. that alright morga?” goshe asked, morga nodding lightly. “course. gotta enjoy the beach!” as the two started climbing goshe walked morga to the giant rocks close to the coast. “how bout we climb some rocks okay?” they asked, gaining a nod from the younger as both climbed one of them just in time for a wave to crash to it’s edge.
goshe watched as megan hopped off it only to start hopping on all the other rocks in excitement. this was their territory they thought to themself. as both slowly got away from the rocks they heard a light yelling that got closer.
“MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!” looking up gayle seemed almost flying to meg, bumping into and rolling into the sand both laughing as goshe heard a familiar “GAAAAAAAAAAAAYLE WAAAAAAI-” only to see morga roll and flop face first into the sand, slowly getting up and spitting it out as goshe giggled.
“i guess they had fun?” goshe asked as they unzippled their sleeveless vest, handing it to morga who wiped themself off with it. “yeah ehe-” they looked up to see goshe in a crop top, feeling their face blushing as they pushed the vest back to them.
“y-you tease! not infront of the kids.” they joked as goshe chuckled. “it’s a waterproof top it’s fine haha!” morga shook their head lightly of extra sand, hearing a clunk to the sand. looking down they found a small dollar shell. “oh, maybe i can get some money in the sea market.” they joked, gaining the attention of megan. they smiled as they handed it to them. “wanna find more? maybe some shells?” they asked, gaining an enthusiastic nod from the other as morga got up. “alright, lets find some while walkin back kay?” they asked as gayle rushed to them. “i’ll help too!”
on the walk the four found more and more dollar signs and shells of purple, white and pink shade that megan took to only carrying themself. “oi phos!” morga called out, looking to see them in their grey and pink hoodie.
“I WAS COLD STINKY MEANIE TAKE IT BACK!!!” they threw it back at them, ultimately stopping their chase as goshe sighed humored while the kids laugh.
“GP phos is so funny!”
“of course i am!” they exclaimed, patting both their heads. “gotta be the best godparent to my godkids.” they looked to morga smug and sticking their tongue out at them. “oh just go ya weirdo!”
as phos waved them off the four huddled into the tent, morga zipping the entrance as goshe took out the lunches in the two mini cooler bags, handing them to their respected consumer as leftover sand shuffled on the floor of the tent.
“so, everyone have fun?” morga asked.
“yeah! i wanna climb that hill again!”
“i-i yeah, i liked the shells.”
“you made quite a good day morga.” morga chuckled smooching goshe’s cheek at that. “well, i do make good ideas...when i can atleast.”
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
Can you write smut for Morga goshe?
well...talk bout blunt but alrighty! under the cut cause DUH why else? i hope you mean the original morganite/goshenite cause i’m doing those two for this fic. also human au cause potatoes.
both panted lightly as morganite pushed further on the double sided dildo, hearing the panted whimpers of goshenite. “h-heh.” the pink haired other let out as they moved closer to the silver haired other. “ya sound...really cute~.”
“m-morgs~.” goshenite panted out as they moved further down the double dildo. “this...oh god~.” they moaned out, feeling the firm hands hold em close and a firm kiss to their lips. their own hands pulling the pink wild hair as morganite moved to biting them all over.
“getting...close~?” they asked, gaining a moan from goshenite in reply. “guess...that’s a yes~.” moving to a side of the dildo morganite flipped the switch, causing the device to vibrate, catching goshenite off guard so quickly they felt their release already. noticing it morganite giggled lightly. “so quick~.” they chuckled, only to moan and let their own out with the firm double tugs at their hair.
“nyeh rude!” morganite pouted as goshenite giggled holding them close. “well i didn’t wanna leave you, high and dry as they call it~.”
“i’ll get ya for this.” they grumbled as goshenite petted their pink mane.
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
Can you write something where baby goshe walks in on morganite and goshenite havibg sex?
....this is...raaaandom???? i’ve...never gotten a request like THIS before but alright then?? human au cause fuck it. goshe and morga are bout 14 in this. also decided to give some human names so i’m not confusing everyone.
morga 2.0 = megan
morganite = morgan
goshenite = gen
goshe = goshe ‘consider it a nickname’
“c’mooon meg’s.” goshe ushered as they opened the door. “we’ll call your big sib here it’ll be fine.”
“it’s just, i-i dunno.” they stuttered out as they walked in past goshe. “i mean, did they know we were going to the skate park? what if they got taken or, just, did they lose their phone? i know they don’t answer it often but still i mean-”
goshe slammed the door a bit harder then anticipated and patted the younger’s head. “it’s alriiiight. i’m sure gen probably knows where they are. their both basically surgically attatched to the hip.”
“y-yeah yeah they-...wait what?”
“just go to my room i’ll call my sib and they’ll know what to do.” they ushered meg, who nodded as they walked off. goshe soon dialed their number, soon they could hear gen’s phone going off somewhere in the house. “huh, their home, weird.” they mumbled as they walked down the hall to their room’s door. without any thought they opened it.
“ey dude gen you know where-” they paused as they heard two shrieks. looking they saw gen alright, along with...morgan? in bed??
“GET OUT!” they felt a pillow hit them in the face which they quickly shook off and looked to morgan who threw it. “ey! you should’ve picked up your phone we had to walk all the way back here you meanie!”
“well..i mean...i thought it was something else.”
“goshe what’s going on h-” megan soon walked in seeing them all, their face getting redder then usual as they looked away. “oh...so that’s why you didn’t hear my call.”
“ey gen does this mean morgan and megan are our new step sibs? or wait would that make me and meg’s cousins?”
“this is why we go to your place morg’s.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
Send me a fandom and I'll name everything I ship: the depressed gem drama also known as Houseki no Kuni
GOOD SHIT HELL YEAH also something to aid me during this writers block! also we shall NOT be going over crossover ships cause man we’d be here all day if i did. also under the cut cause it STILL got long.
ametwins x phos ot3
red beryl x obsidian
variegoshe 2.0
variemorga 2.0
flashback slim slug lady x rutile
lapiphos (the actual ship ship.)
cinnibar x ventri
and uhhhhh dats bout it lmao.
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