#part of me did want to explore pirate Lazarette kidnapping the heir
metalpiratequeen · 8 years
Though I was still thinking "organic Cybertronian" for the AU like combining my world and yours, everyone organic. Lazarette's pirates threatened by Galvatron's expansion and empire, ships being attacked and hunted, the pirate Lord requests a special task of Lazarette and her crew--- the impossible, really. Get to Cybertron. Get to the highly guarded estate where Galvatron's little one is housed and kidnap the child out from under her very violent beastformer bodyguard (Dinobot) and, if Cyclonus is around, dodge the spawn of Unicron. Then get the child off-world. And they'll ransom her for whatever they want or try to kill her as payback for all the blows Galvatron and Nova have dealt them. For all I know Galvatron blew up some of the planets the pirates had used traditionally as safe havens, she'd have eliminating pirates in her territory on her top 5 list, where before her perhaps they were not targeted but (it's honest... prolly Cyclonus' idea he cannot stand any kind of chaos he wants order, pirates would irritate him, simply knowing they existed in Cybertronian ruled spaces)...
OMG that's pretty awesome. I was thinking something similar along the lines of combining the two, perhaps Lazarette is a native, going back to her military routes and working for the royal family's army and expanding their empire. She knows very little of Tetta outside the few public gatherings, and after the d-void incident there is talk that the ruler has gone mad and she gets roped into helping Scourge get Tetta old-world after he is imprisoned and Cyclonus and his men are on their tail (She even takes a heavy blow as they try to embark). They get branded as outcasts and without Scourge they have no idea where to go or who to trust with the princess. Both are good.
Oh man yours is fucking awesome too T__T oh god I wanna do that
Human Laza is obsessed with styling hair by the way. She never has the same style for too long, and even braids precious stones or tokens that mean something to her into her hair. I can totally see her running into Tetta in one of the crystal gardens after slipping away from a party. Marvelling at her lilac hair and if she would let her, tie a single braid with a sea green gem into her hair.
Tettares would be maximum level pathetic for awhile. I love writing Scourge too... maybe he escapes with Lazarette, especially if Galvatron has already killed his family thinking it would bring him to his knees and back in line, he could be killed later on too. They would be marked as traitors, god Galvatron and Cyclonus would be out for blood. I could see Scourge grabbing Lazarette by the elbow, "Walk with me." Getting her involved in this, very dangerous, inner-workings of the royal line. For awhile, she's trying to carry out her duty with a mountain of scary insider information that Galvatron is insane, infected by some kind of evil, and Cyclonus is falling to it, and Scourge himself says he feels it creeping along his skin. Asks her why she thinks Tettares has vanished from the public eye? Why he's lost his rank? Why his wife and child suddenly died in an accident. It was no accident. Dinobot is normally her bodyguard in this, I love writing him as an organic I have a picture...
god dammit he's my fav thing ever
He was created in a lab to be a warrior. "friend" of Cyclonus, who gave him his job even though he's seen as a secondclass citizen because of his creation. He could help them too, I have a few stories where he does, takes Tettares and runs. He may be in on it with Lazarette and Scourge. I'd love him to escape with Lazarette and Scourge, we can kill Scourge later (lmao god Scourge my poor boy). Dinobot is loyal to Tettares and has some sort of honor within him though is ... well he's Dinobot hahahahahaha but I love writing him. Might be kinda neat, if they become pirates, like re-writing Lazarette's past in a way. Dinobot would follow her. He wanted to be part of the military, go to the academy and become an officer, but they don't allow his lot to study, he was lucky to be given a job as Tetta's guard but he was infamous for his talent as a fighter, Cyclonus liked him. Thought he'd be wasted as a grunt (so instead has him stand outside a door 24/7 lmao).
Dinobot is lovely. Lazarette would be honoured to make him her master gunner :) Happy pirate family.
God they would have to do so many terrible things to protect themselves. I think it'd be safe to say the bonds were broken so, at least they couldn't track Tettares that way. But Cyclonus could track Scourge, they have a bond, so he'd have to either dagger his own spark in an attempt to severe his bond to Cyclonus or leave, to lure them, hoping they will assume he has the child... acting as the sacrificial lamb to buy Lazarette and Dinobot time to flee and disappear.
He is too good for this world.
And then Lazarette can get everyone involved with pirates, masking that they are running away from the Cybertronian Empire. Prolly have to dye Tetta's hair and make her wear a contact to change her eye color... I think the humanized verse sounds fun though, I'd love to see traditional military Lazarette being invited to the estate to a formal prestigious party that might advance her career, the royals around, could be before Galvatron starts to go mad, and she slips away like you said, to the beautiful gardens where she finds the next-in-line little warrior there among the crystalline roses with her frowning scale throated bodyguard standing nearby. That way she'd be able to compare what she saw then to a few years later when people have begun to fray at the edges with madness and the child vanishes
That would be awesome ;-; For them to already have a history. Lazarette not wanting to believe Scourge about Galvatron's descend into madness, vowing to serve the crown and him having to tell her that Tetta is in danger and her duty should be to the future queen. So much politics.
Yeah the fall from grace for Galvatron and Cyclonus is a big one indeed heh I mean Galvatron has always been dangerous but never crazy.
My poor girl just wants to rise through the ranks and colonise planets for the honour of Cybertron and now she gets pulled into conspiracies, rebellions and a bloody revolution. She did not sign up for this. Being a wanted outlaw/kidnapper
Would Lazarette be special somehow? Where she might live on the estate (it's a pretty big place) like a military protégé that might be a favorite of Galvatron or Cyclonus? Cyclonus frequently picks favorites and brings them into the upper folds? If we wanted to draw Lazarette closer, to make the betrayal or choice to side with the child over her Queen a bigger... decision. I know the estate has a building with apartments and housing for guards and some of the soldiers who are privileged. That way Lazarette would have been able to observe the royals (and catch sight of Tetta more)? Galvatron greatly favors women, too. I always wrote on organic Cybertron females were a lot rarer than males but we don't have to use that in this verse...
I image it would have to go something along those lines. Ironically the reason Lady Auxiliary took should a keen interest in Lazarette was because she's such a good leader and tactician. A Great swords woman and pretty good at thinking on her feet. She was literally programmed for this role. I imagine she would probably reach a higher rank had she not defected, so I bet either Cyclonus or Galvatron would notice her. I don't mind the woman Headcanon if that is how your world operates. I hope her natural black hair and brown eyes won't be a problem.
No, any hair/eyes goes. I always wrote the red eyes was a warrior-mark same with the purple hair, specific to people of Tetrahex. Galvatron's violet eyes that Tetta gets, the same, a mark of the bloodline. I think they are prolly "odd" among the population in that regard. we could do some scene building with time skips... Galvatron will kill those that fail her though, she's always done that, even sane. Cyclonus not really. Neither spend much time with Tettares, they're busy. GOD Cyclonus approaching Lazarette in the hall oned ay, her alone, holding his toddler and introduces the little one to the "upcoming Commander", and hands off this small toddler to a probably stiff Lazarette. I'd love Lazarette to be a favorite among the royals...
OMG lazarette knowing Tetta since she was an infant. That's precious. Lazarette holding the kid like a football. ::what do I do?! what do I do?!::
Cyclonus would do it just to see Lazarette be uncomfortable. Gosh we could start it when she first comes to live at the estate, Tetta a little baby, Dinobot also brand new to the estate as the baby's guard... I really don't know exactly what the estate looks like other than it's very big and has several buildings, a huge garden, and is shoved up against a nature preserve... god thinking about Lazarette holding baby Tettares is so sweet T_T
Sweet I love that Lazarette has such a different relationship with the people who tortured her and raped her in the main verse xD Young naive officer following Cyclonus around trying to make a good impression and vowing to protect Galvatron and her empure.
Yeah same here. Cyclonus is a vain spoiled pet known for his luxurious tastes and self-pampering but still a formidable warrior, he has the most influence with his mate. She's had him since he was... a child, really (she's older than he is). He's also intimate with Scourge but that's a bit hush-hush though most who live on the estate know, Scourge's wife is a darling too. Not a warrior, she weaves flower crowns, would always put one around Lazarette's neck or in her hair even if she didn't like it. Ahhhh *mind explodes all over thinking heh God though infant Tettares with her big violet eyes and daddy's lavender hair, warm and innocent in Lazarette's arms, smelling like powder and lavender oil, dressed by her father in overly stuffy expensive baby clothes, jewels attached across her forehead. Trying to take one of the buttons from Lazarette's uniform and put it in her mouth, watching light moving across the ceiling. "I have grown fond of diamond against her skin but our Queen complains, says I will make her weak with my pampering." The Temple born trailed in exhale. The infant had her mother's nose and soft mouth but the shape of her father's eyes, his skintone, and hair. She was beautiful but small. When she failed to steal a button she looked at Lazarette's face, making small content coos. I die. T_T Tetta is a runt for a royal baby heh poor thing
The officer stares in bewilderment at the nest of lavender hair, wide lilac eyes and brown hands resting over her jacket. Lazarette never claimed to be good with children and she was terrified one wrong move would end with her dropping the princess and being beheaded for assassinating the royal heir. "Pampering is good in moderation." She partially agrees. Coming from the lower levels Lazarette thought her upbringing made her strong, but she also believed child innocence deserved to be protected and pampered because of how fleeting it was. "She'll make a fine queen." Her eyes pull away from the hypnotic gaze of the princess and she carefully tries to pry her off. "I think she wants you to hold her again." please take her back before I break her!
Cyclonus smirked, betraying expression that was usually guarded in public. He took the infant who squealed happily to feel her father's fields again and brought her to his chest. "I have chosen a personal guard for her, a beast, but he is a phenomenal fighter and has talents beyond most of us. He is out of sorts among the finery, I hoped you might remind him of the existence of manners." Cyclonus made a deep sound, distracted by his baby. "I would consider it a personal favor." Crimson eyes glanced at the up-and-coming commander. // could be a good lead in for how she and Dinobot know one another... Lazarette taught him how to not get his head cut off being a rude ass to important people, Dinobot would have been out of his element upon first arrival at the estate lmao
a beast? How does one teach manners to a beast? "Understood my liege." She says, recognising the order.  (I'm gonna love watching her grow a backbone) And it will be fun watching them learn from each other. Lazarette can be just as wild (her pirate side didn't come out of nowhere, that was the result of millennia worth of repressed feelings and strict rules) So he may be the only one she can snap at and lose her temper with.
Dinobot has a chip off his shoulder but he'd be an idiot to not take the job as the little one's personal guard but he pretty much hates his betters, being treated the way he has been. He tends to take every opportunity he can to insult or fuck with them especially with Cyclonus willing to defend him (of course he doesn't mess with the big names but someone like Lazarette, oh my god he'd try too hard to razz her until he realized she's not a piece of shit). The blue throated beast scratched his thick scaled neck and glowered at her. He was sitting in the sunlight outside the east building, snorting and gurgling with his boots off. He was filing the black claws on his toes, ignoring baffled and disgusted looks from anyone coming and going. "Unless you want to buy me a drink, girl, you are blocking my sunlight." He said, voice fluxing tiers of rough.
The newly appointed commander stares down at the lounging reptilian with contempt. "You are the royal guard for the future of this kingdom. You wear the monarch's symbol." She explains courtly, purposely not stepping out of his light. "You represent the crown when you wear it and all eyes are on you wherever you go. Bad behaviour and poor etiquette is a reflection on the royal family. You should be at your best and not clipping your toenails in a public place!"(edited) ((OMG I forgot how much if a killjoy she was in her younger years. Still kinda is actually xD))
Dinobot slouched foreword, elbows on his knees. He eyed her level, thinking. His tan skin covered with reptilian patterns; brown, russet, bits of orange and gold flake. His palms, throat, and dashed in the corners of his eyes was a bright cerulean blue, vivid. Slit pupils narrowed, "Have you been sent to teach the animal his manners?" He growled low. "I have had enough of your kind, I will serve that child with my heart out before my every word and action. I doubt clipping my toenails soils her radiance, whoever you are, my daily annoyance, it seems." // she can be a killjoy, Dinobot is a crabby bara lizard his art did not do his muscles justice, I find it hard to find people who draw my characters as I see them, they end up smaller and more pretty but I see Dinobot with that big chest and upper body, big arms, solid muscle... oh shit I forgot to add all his teeth are sharp like they are as a bot he also likes to argue LOL
She does not like his attitude, not one bit, and loathes the idea of working with him just as much as he does her. At his statement, she clicks her heels together and brings herself to the position if shun. "I am Lazarette of the Mithral Sea. Commander of her majesty's fleet and your newly appointed instructor in the art of manners...what is your name exactly, beast?" //such a dork xD
Dinobot snored, a sound he couldn't control, nasal and froglike. He stood abruptly and tossed the chair he'd been sitting on aside, muscles tense, a line along his thick neck bulging but he wouldn't touch her. He knew better. He forced his overly long fingers to relax, and standing there shoeless in his earth colored tunic as if ready to shed and step into the showers he pressed his blue tongue against sharp teeth. Fine. He had to deal with this one. "Corporal Dinobot," He said roughly. "Exactly." He had little rank, though a respectable rank for what he was. It hadn't been easy for him to climb those few steps but he was aware how little it mattered, how little he mattered. He tilted his head, gurgling reptilian air. "Am I on duty? Am I under orders to learn manners? No I am not," He stooped and snatched his shoes. "I respect those I must to keep my head on my shoulders and beyond that I politely ask to be left alone, Commander."
He is considerably taller than her but she does not stand down from attention, keeping her gaze level even as she observes the movement of scales over tight muscles and the change in coloration under direct light. Her appearance is pretty normal in comparison, dark skin and toned muscles under her standard uniform. Thick black hair tied back so not to obscure her handsome face, wide nose and brown eyes with a subtle ring of golden flecks. "No one has ordered you to learn, but Consort Cyclonus wishes it regardless."
Dinobot stilled, Cyclonus was another thing entirely. He was loyal to the man. His body language lost some of its tension, "I see," He snorted, deciding. "You know I have only spoken to two females in my life, three if you count the babbling of my Lord's infant. I suppose I will heed your words, why not buy me a drink, woman?" He grinned, horrible predatory teeth showing along his blue gums. "Or bring something nice to my room, E207, drinking helps things sink in." He tapped the side of his head, short auburn hair healthy in the sunlight. // lmao Cyclonus gave Lazarette a truly shitty task
Her optics narrow in disgust but she quenches the fire crackling inside if her before it could combust. She takes no offence to the remark against her gender, she is a rarity and of higher rank than himself, in a position if power only few other females have achieved in a male dominated environment. "I'll remember the number. You may join me at the bar for the evening if it helps things sink in." Maybe the drink would do her some good, it was a more relaxed environment and they did get off the wrong foot. //be careful dinobot, Lazarette works hard and plays hard. A few rounds and all sensibility goes out the window with her xD
"The bartender will not serve me." Dinobot said without any sound of unease. It was the world he lived in, it no longer surprised him. He turned, holding his boots, and stalked back into the building leaving black nail clippings on the gray concrete. // that's alright hahaha
That didn't surprise her in the slightest. She had never met anyone of his species before and her people were a proud prejudice sort, sooner to invade a peaceful civilisation than offer a hand if friendship. "Meet me at the wolf and the door at eight if you want that drink." She calls after him, the door closing behind him. Business complete, Lazarette turns on her heels and marches across the square to return to her regular duties. Part of her knew this was a foolish task, you can't teach a wolf to act like a dog, but she would do as she was told.
And thus Lazarette begins a long and humiliating friendship with a gurgling snoring beastman who frequently loses his temper and flips tables, throws chairs, and slams people's heads into the bar, shouting nonsense about his ill-treatment and how he's going to skin everyone and hang their hides on the wall.She can prolly figure out when he's about to freak out and calm him down after a few months of hanging out with him...
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