Main Story (Legacy): Modelista Arc — Chapter 1: Meeting
nvm guys here's ch1 right here lmao
The news regarding the strange seal that trapped Modelista within it managed to get the attention of many Rhymix citizens all across the globe. It had become the trending topic in various social media and got news coverage too.
It's to the point where the seal is dubbed as, "The Unknown Seal."
While many people made theories on what or who are the sources of the seal, the Gods are also holding their own meeting in the Realm of the Almighty to discuss this odd phenomenon.
According to Amazing Mighty...this is nothing that he had ever seen on the job before. Pandora Paradox could back up on that too, since she also has never seen something like this happen in Rhymix before. It's almost as if it was caused by a third party—a source outside of Rhymix.
The people of Modelista—the main victims of this strange seal—have also decided to take matters into their own hands. Some of them have decided to investigate on the matter a little bit, with some making research and others observing the seal above them a little more to see if anything will change.
Chronomia? She wanted to investigate things too. But she knew she can't do it alone.
So she called for her next best investigating partner—
"What did you called me here for, Ms. Chronomia?"
Professor Aleph.
"I need your help." Chronomia briefly answered, and from the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, Aleph could tell what she needed help with. "I see. Alright then. I already know what's going on here. I'll graciously help." He said, his mood becoming more serious too.
"But...where do we start?" Aleph asked, and Chronomia could only silently think. She didn't really thought long and hard on what to do first, but the least they could do to start things off is to ask around. "Maybe we should ask the people here if they know anything about this? Or maybe conduct a bit of research?" She then finally replied.
Upon the mention of "research", Aleph perks up. "Research?! Hmm, my...I wouldn't mind visiting the local library and search for answers." He said, the sparkles in his eyes becoming more visible. Chronomia sighs at that, before a smile appeared on her face. "Well, alright then. Let's go."
They didn't managed to find their answer in the library.
No matter how many books they find, no matter how many books they read, no matter how many books they have to stack up somewhere beside them in one of the reading areas, they didn't find a single hint or clue on what the true source of The Unknown Seal is.
Placing another book on top of a stack of many other books, Chronomia heavily sighs, feeling exhaustion weeping inside of her. She glanced at Aleph, who was frowning as he flipped through another book, before sadly closing it and placing it on top of another stack of books. "Nothing." He announces, and that's all it took to make Chronomia frown too. If their answer isn't in the library, then where else should they look?
"Hello~? Ale-Ale? You here?" A voice suddenly echoes throughout the building, catching the top hat wearing duo's attention. They quickly turn their heads to the source of the voice, before seeing a girl with white hair standing near the now closed entrance of the library. "Hey! At least be quiet! We are in a library, Ms. Destr0yer." Aleph quickly shouted back, annoyance very present in his voice.
The girl—Destr0yer—groaned as she approached the duo, who are sitting on one of the reading areas in the building. "What the hell are you both doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms. Chronomia raised an eyebrow at her. After all, she is quite unfamiliar with who this random girl is. All Chronomia could conclude right now is that she and Aleph know each other in some way.
"I should be asking you the same question. Well, more precisely, why were you looking for me?" Aleph asked back, and to that question, Destr0yer's face expression brightens up. "You both were researching about The Unknown Seal, right? I came here because someone I know wants you to gather somewhere with me and some others." She answered.
Aleph nodded, but then his face expression morphed into one of suspicion. "...For what?" He asked again, and Destr0yer groaned again. "It's about The Unknown Seal, you idiot! What else?! Just come with me—you can bring...uh..." She then trailed off, glancing towards Chronomia—the only person in the building she's unfamiliar with (though, to be fair, there's no one else in this building, so even if there were to be other people in the library, she would be unfamiliar with them too).
"Chronomia." Chronomia simply responded, a polite smile on her face. Destr0yer scoffed at her attitude. "Right. Chrono-something. You can drag her along in this too. Just follow me, alright?" She said, before quickly leaving the library. Aleph jolted up from his seat at that.
"Wh- hey! Wait! Give us some time to actually follow you! You idiot!"
After a few minutes of following and pointless bickering between Aleph and Destr0yer, the trio finally arrived to a place that only Chronomia is unfamiliar with. Truth be told, she doesn't really go to too many places here in Modelista, especially after The Unknown Seal made itself present a few days ago.
It's just a building used for important events and the like. It didn't belonged to anyone, so anyone could just use it as they please. As the three of them went inside, Chronomia decided to ask a question. "Hey, Ms. Destr0yer?" That managed to catch the white haired girl's attention. "Hm? What's up?"
"Who is this person who you said wanted us to gather here, exactly?" Chronomia then asked. Destr0yer then showed a rather smug expression towards the top hat wearing girl. "He's right there, onstage." She simply answered, and for a moment, Chronomia couldn't understand what she meant by that. But then, she looked at what's infront of her, and she was shocked enough to find out there's a stage there.
And just like what Destr0yer said, someone's standing on it. Chronomia doesn't know who he is, but judging from the symbol of the badge that's stuck to his blazer, she could tell that he may have some connections to the Gods of Rhymix.
Chronomia also takes the time to look at her surroundings. There are several other people she is either familiar with or unfamiliar with. She could see a familiar shade of red standing out amongst the rest of the people in the building. She could also see a girl with just the colors black, white, and pink. Chronomia is also rather familiar with who she is, she's famous for a long period of time before she stepped down the world of being a celebrity.
"Uh...alright! Is everyone here?" The man standing on stage asked, and Destr0yer only shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on whether anyone else is gonna come in and bring in some other bitch." She said, and Aleph scoffed at the use of the word "bitch". "Doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna come in, though, Destr0yer." The red haired man Chronomia saw earlier said.
Destr0yer rolled her eyes carelessly. "Eh, whatever. You can go on and start, Felys." She said, and the man onstage—Felys—nodded. "Alright, everyone. I gathered all of us here today because I wanted to discuss something important. It is per Amazing Mighty's request, so I might as well oblige." He explained.
"Yeah, because he's your—mmf!" A girl's voice immediately gets interrupted. Chronomia quickly turns her head to look at the source of the voice. It's just a purple haired girl getting her mouth covered by a boy's hand. The boy, who Chronomia is sure she's familiar with, gave a thumbs up with his other hand, a rather forced grin on his face.
When Chronomia turns back to look at Felys, his face looks slightly red, before he decided to just ignore what he just heard and saw and let out a sigh. "Right...anyways, I'm here to discuss about the results of the meetings between the Gods and what we're all going to do onwards." He then said, before going on the explain the basics.
"After a brief meeting between the Gods, it has been decided that they'll all investigate this matter further. However, since this problem is something completely new that not even Amazing Mighty has ever encountered before, some extra help is needed. That's why he personally asked me and Ms. Conflict in the back over there to gather some trustworthy enough people to investigate this matter with us."
"So...all of us are going to...?" Chronomia then asked, and hearing that question, Felys nodded with a smile. "Yep! I hope we can all work together, and I hope you all can cooperate well with Ms. Conflict and I." He said. After that, silence.
"...So...when are we going to start this?" A young boy who looks no more than 12 asked. "Anytime, if you want. Or maybe we can do it separately and report back anytime." Felys answered, the same smile on his face never wavering. The only thing Chronomia could think of is; Wow, Mr. Felys sure is nice.
And in a sense, he is nice. He really doesn't know when to say no, though.
A few time has passed, and the meeting finally concluded. Everyone stayed behind to probably introduce themselves to each other, though.
"I know most of these people! So I'll give you a rundown on who everyone is." Aleph said to Chronomia, and while saying this, he whips out a notepad and flips it open to a certain page, before showing what's written on it to the clock enthusiast. "You...wrote everyone's names on here...???" Chronomia asked in disbelief. To think that the teacher would write everyone's names down is...certainly an odd feat.
"Why yes! Because I knew I had to introduce you to them either way. I even gave a few specifications on who is who so that you can look for them yourself." Aleph said in a cheery tone, before ripping the page from the notepad and handing to Chronomia. "Keep it. Just in case you forget~" He then added. Chronomia looked at him in disbelief, before sighing as she took the piece of paper from Aleph's hand. "Well alright then. Thank you, Professor."
Chronomia then settled on looking at what's written on it. She could already see how delicate and clean Aleph's handwriting is, but nonetheless it's still clear enough to read. She then reads each word on the piece of paper;
"1. Nhelv (red haired guy with the horns) (pretty close friend of mine!)
2. Destr0yer (white haired girl who dragged us over here to begin with) (also close friend of mine!)
3. Perfect (girl with beret) (pretty famous, maybe you've heard her name from somewhere?)
4. Felys (guy who was onstage earlier) (also has relations with Amazing Mighty, for some reason...? I wonder what kind...)
5. Conflict (purple haired girl) (also a Goddess, by the way)
6. Upshift (guy who silenced Ms. Conflict earlier) (also a known DJ here in Modelista. Maybe you've also heard his name from somewhere)
7. Random (the only young looking person in here) (knows Mr. Nhelv personally)
That's everyone, I think. Hope this helps somehow, Ms. Chronomia! :)"
...The note ends there.
Chronomia folds the paper and tucks it into the pocket of her coat, before nodding at Aleph, who smiled back at her earnestly.
She'll have to work together with these people now, as unreliable as some of them are.
But it's fine. It's okay. She'll manage.
There's also a chance more people will join them eventually, so she'll see how things will go.
"You're back. How did it go?"
"They're assembling or whatever."
"That is...a clear enough sentence for me to understand. Seems like they have decided to start a little investigation group."
"What are we gonna do now, Boss?"
"...I will think of something.
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dotted-clouds · 6 months
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mary-kasexual · 26 days
hi *throws this at you and runs headfirst into a lamppost*
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#dandys world#dandy's world#dandys world shelly#dandy's world shelly#dandy's world sprout#dandys world sprout#my art#YIPEEEE#been wanting to give my shelly design a mild update since looking at it more ive been a bit dissatisfied with it#shes got tentacle tails now!!! they have a mind of their own and sorta just move around idly/used for expressing emotions#also for the face itself i gave her rounder eyes to emulate her weird soulless expression in-game bc i love that sm#i never elaborated on it in my og design but i like shelly being super active and outdoorsy since shes a paleontologist#so the bandages on her arms are mostly from cuts or injuries she's gotten while searching for fossils#unrelated detail but i think it'd be funny if she was like. comically strong aswell#anyways sprout!!! he is also here.#no but I love drawing sprout hes such a fun guy to draw. i love his fuckass hot yaoi base looking skull he so triangular#ofc i gave him freckles bc look at him. he deserves those.#struggled a bit with the colors and decided to just lean into the striped pink + green fit he had going and thought it worked out fine#naturally had to give him the charm i mean come onnn ppl!! he usually keeps it tucked in underneath his sleeve so its not damaged#also its sorta unclear in canon but i thought it'd be cute if sprout had the sweet charm and cosmo had the savory charm stead of vice versa#they just keep a little bit of eachother wherever they go <3#damn been a bit since ive rambled in my tags#watch out chat the yappers back at it again 😈
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riceonrye · 7 months
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Fanart for To Hell in a Hand-Basketcase by @birdsaretoddlers, in which Alastor’s mother is confused as to why her son is in Hell and he needs an in-the-moment explanation that isn’t ’I killed and ate people’.
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zemi-noelle-art · 3 months
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So at my work we sell calico critters which are near and dear to my heart, and I've also been super into Trigun Stampede lately, so naturally my brain gave me this wonderful concoction that I had to draw and share with you all.
Also because my coworker suggested it, I made them into stickers! Links below :) Vash sticker Wolfwood sticker
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cottage-fr0g · 4 months
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my contribution to the tumblr rayman fandom, despite being a fan since being a wee one.
it is pride month rayman.
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swearingcactus · 6 months
Cassandra, and literally everyone in the Inquisition: the Champion of Kirkwall?! The guy who saved Kirkwall from Qunari invasion by agreeing to SINGLE COMBAT with the Arishok? Who was there day ONE of the mage-templar rebellion? A man among men, with wit and charm beyond parallel, AND the man who has KILLED Corypheus ONCE before; he's COMING to HELP us?!!?
The Champion of Kirkwall in Skyhold:
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wodania · 7 months
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Boat dad and boat son my beloveds. Don’t put him on a throne put my boy on a ship!
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nerosdayinanime · 8 months
Restraining Order<3
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bonus birthdayboy
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lifemod17 · 9 days
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me escorting anyone who doesn’t respect his privacy out the exit
you're a lot better than me because I would not be that smiley, I would look more like
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And just stare them down until they leave
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slimslamflimflam · 16 days
Wait if all the journal 3 pages were restored after Weirdmageddon why does Bill’s book insist there were still missing pages that just conveniently happened to pertain to his incredibly sad backstory and concepts brought up earlier in that same book
#going off of memory here for that first bit but iirc the journal gets chucked into the bottomless pit alongside the other two#with all of their pages still intact#right?#so then why would bill have more pages if there shouldn’t be any more?#gf#screw it this goes in the general tags too#gravity falls#the book of bill#ANSWER ME YOU FUCKASS TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ALSO if the answer is supposed to be “ford tore them out of the journal out of shame” wouldn’t it make more sense to leave them in as a-#cautionary tale? he already left the “my muse” pages in why should these be any different? to protect his identity? fiddleford’s?#the last half of journal 3 throws all anonymity out of the window too#so then if he didn’t tear the pages out himself… why would bill have them? HOW would he have them; he’s stuck in the theraprism!#did he stow them away somewhere? nope; he burnt the journals and then got punched into oblivion. could one have popped up at the theraprism#nope; specifies its journal 3 lost pages! how could he have gotten journal 3?#okay so the pages are fake. what about the events that happened on them?#look into my eyes and tell me you really believe fiddleford won against the krampus. the guy who built a mind eraser gun after getting-#snatched by a different monster.#sure SOME events could have happened— who’s to say they didn’t? but when you take into account everything else about the pages and the book#how believable is it really?#how believable is anything he says for that matter? how much are truths? half truths? lies on paper but truths from a different angle?#“LIE UNTIL WHAT YOU WANT TO BE TRUE BECOMES TRUE.”#“LIE UNTIL YOU CANT REMEMBER WHATS A LIE AND WHAT ISNT.”#“LIE UNTIL YOU ARENT LYING ANYMORE”#how much are lies that he wishes were true?
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asmogorna · 3 months
//implied SA, bright colors
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hyperfixation leads me into places i wouldnt go with a gun /ref
a scene from one of early beetlejuice movie scripts (available publicly in case i need to state that idk my laws) that made me sick but at the same time created a picture in my head that i wanted to put into art
colors r a mess i know and its not exactly what i had in mind but i still like how it turned out ..
more context to the scene below
once again warning for sa
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mary-kasexual · 13 days
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uhhh think this is how these work idk *dies and goes to hell*
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goobersnoots · 4 months
Cyn if they were awesome ‼️
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Thinking about Ted singular from midnight burger podcast.. what a guy
#imagine having your entire world rocked by some fuckass mcnobody less than like what. just a few hours after meeting them#then as your highly advanced spacecraft is being boarded by whag you think is a fucking space pirate he just.#shoves you into the only escape pod and practically sacrificing himself for you#a dickhead with an attitude problem fucking 180s your life with the power of solely his ability to be annoying and stubborn#AND gives you an identity crisis as well#I love you ted singular from hit podcast midnight burger#I miss him a lot#come back home pls#I dont see a lot of romantic ship possibilities in mb but.#casted has got smth in it that has me in a chokehold#let ted singular have an annoying human boyfriend just for the hell of it#I’m only a few eps past the ted episode rn so no one spoil shit for me#I should make a ted singular post I think#and yes ‘singular’ is now his surname according to me#anyways yeah I like him a normal amount#also theres a dreadful lack of casted fics on ao3. do better people (/hj)#midnight burger#ted (singular)#caspar midnight burger#do I tag this as casted#yeah I’m gonna#casted#unrelated mostly but I find it funny how in the casted tag there’s literally just. people with casts on#like do they ever just have a moment where they sit down and look at the gay alien and a guy and just wonder#‘who are these two and why are they being gay in the casted tag for people with casts.’#makes me giggle#sorry not sorry for the egregious amount of tags
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subsequentibis · 8 months
i think part of what Gets me abt metalocalypse is how clearly the people making it really love metal music, like i've mostly seen it in extras and non-show material (skwisgaar guitar lessons, charles on the phone talking abt vintage guitars, defense of speed guitar in the comics) but then of course like. all the music for the show whips ass as genuine metal songs of their own accord, they put the effort in on music videos & visuals, it all just rings true with this genuine passionate love of the genre and i truly don't think i'd be half as interested without that beating heart at the core of it.
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