#<- III // V - [ OUT OF CHARACTER ] - O N H X ->
lasplaga · 5 months
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⸸ 𝔦𝔩𝔲𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔡𝔬𝔰 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ; 𓆚 The sorrows of this world are without number. Study your heart & know this to be true. Incessant war. Suffering. & man turns a blind eye to the atrocities created, the blood on their hands, even now . Your hatred. Your grief. Your agony. I can relieve you of those burdens ! Like a babe in the womb, the subjects of my kingdom need only drift about in tranquility. Why would you rob so many poor souls of their salvation ?
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α ⸻ -;┊ 𓆙 #𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖆. An independent, highly selective & grimdark portrayal that is analysis heavy & a mixed-canon variation of 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐎𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕. The Holy Father of Los Iluminados & Lord of Las Plagas. | Worshipped by Veronica since 2017. 𝟚𝟜+. Pronouns she / her. | 𝟙𝟠+ & UNSAFE for abuse victims or cult survivors ! | 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔠'𝔰 & 𝔥𝔞𝔰 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔰 / 𝔠𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔰𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔳𝔞𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢 ! : Including World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, Bloodborne & more ! | 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 & 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 : (1) (2) (3) |◥ ⸻ Ω
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louellaby · 1 year
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne
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「 To My Dear Family 」
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"MC, we're leaving now. Take good care of the house with Soley until we get back. Make sure nothing bad happens or there will be consequences. Am I clear?"
The demon brothers were summoned to the castle by Diavolo. It seemed something so important, having the need to summon them so early in the morning. Lucifer said to make sure nothing bad happened while he was going on and on about minding the mansion, but you knew he wasn't talking about the building. He wanted you to make sure nothing bad happens to Soley. Otherwise, it's him you'll answer to.
"Yes, Lucifer. I heard you loud and clear. I hope you have a safe trip."
As soon as the seven of them departed without saying much to you, you headed towards your bedroom in hopes of studying the material Solomon gave you as homework. When you passed by Soley's room, you noticed how quiet it was. As if you were infected with the brothers' care for her, worry filled you, and you immediately knocked on the door. There was no answer, so you knocked once more. Just as you were about to knock again, you received a message on your D.D.D. from the girl herself.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Hello, MC. I went out today with a few of my demon friends.
Lucifer already knows this.
Don't worry about me though, I'll be fine on my own.
Do you want anything from the village?
I'll bring it back home for you.
To which village are you heading?
You should have told me that first before you left. Lucifer never said anything about you leaving today.
Well, maybe he forgot to tell you.
Although, I did tell him last night when we were in his office.
Maybe it slipped his mind because his paperwork's been piling up again.
That's weird...
Lucifer usually never forgets anything, nor does he let anything slide right by him.
Are you sure you told him?
Whether you believe me or not is up to you. It won't change the fact that I'm already outside, and I'm not telling you where I am since you'll just drag me back to the house.
I'm not a little girl anymore, MC, I can take care of myself. Tell Lucifer and his brothers that, too, because they tend to worry so much about me.
Too much even.
You really should be more careful, Soley. Those boys are worried for good reason.
I know you think you can handle yourself, but just remember that you're in the Devildom.
This place is dangerous for humans like us. So please tell me where you are so I can at least come and protect you in any case something happens.
... Soley?
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You didn't receive a reply, which made you anxious. Taking your coat with you, you dashed out of the house and headed towards Purgatory Hall. You had a feeling that Soley might have just ignored your message and didn't want to say anymore, but you couldn't risk it. You didn't want to risk anything at that moment.
As you were catching your breath from running a long way, you knocked at the door of Purgatory Hall. It opened shortly after your last knock and revealed a certain angel that displayed worry on his face the moment he laid his eyes on you.
"MC? What are you doing here? Did you run all the way here from the House of Lamentation?" Cassiel was there by your side when you almost fell to the ground. Not only were your legs trembling, but also your hands, and just your whole body. The angel first assumed that you were frightened, but a glint of a certain look in your eyes told him something different.
"M-MC!" The two of you heard a voice from down the hall of the entrance. A young angel came running towards you as soon as he saw you from the window of his bedroom. You tried to look as well as you could, but you couldn't fool him. Letting the older angel carry you inside, Luke followed the two of you shortly after closing the front door. Simeon and Solomon entered the living room where Cassiel placed you on the couch, and Luke handed you a cup of warm tea he brewed before you arrived.
But you knew you had no time for all of that. You told them what was troubling you. At first, they, too, were worried until a few seconds passed, and the thought came to them. Was it really a bad thing for Soley to disappear?
"Please help me find Soley and bring her back home! I... I need to make sure she's safe. Otherwise, my p—...p— I just.. —p-please....!" You bowed your head towards them after speaking as fast— or even faster than Leviathan whenever he's in one of his moods. They barely understood your words, so they missed the slip-up in your stuttering. You looked at all of them with your adorable puppy eye look. It was something you knew they could never resist, and something you very much needed.
Seeing a lot of ripples from the cup of tea in your hand due to your shaking, Luke grew more worried about you. You knew the young angel wouldn't allow anything bad happening to Soley, even when he wasn't fond of her as well. He was a proper angel in the making, after all.
"We have to find her quickly!" Luke exclaimed as he looked at Simeon and Solomon for help. Simeon nodded in agreement. Solomon hesitated. He looked at you, wondering if that's what you really wanted. When you nodded at him, he sighed deeply and agreed to help. He really couldn't say no to you.
Before the sorcerer could leave the room to prepare a way to locate Soley, he received a message from one of his pact demons. Barbatos himself. He then informed the rest of what the butler told him.
"Apparently, we don't have to worry about Soley anymore. Barbatos said that she's secretly being monitored, so if something happens to her, he'll be alerted right away."
Barbatos, huh? A wave of relief washed your troubles away, making you melt onto the sofa. Luke dropped himself on the spot next to you, and he rested his body against yours. He looked happy to see you again... It hurt. Why couldn't they look at you like that anymore?
After a few hours of catching up with them and getting to eat Luke's delicious cookies again, you headed back out. You agreed to let Cassiel walk you home, knowing he had something he wanted to talk to you about, and it was making you wonder. As if he could read your thoughts, he answered that question.
"Did you make up your mind yet, MC?"
"... Yes, actually.... I'm going to leave."
"I see... Back to the Human Realm, then?"
You smiled sadly in response. You looked around you and watched as the lights shone upon every demon in the streets. You passed by the stores filled with memories of you and the brothers. Memories that seemed to be too far away from your reach.
When you reached for the gates of the house, Cassiel grabbed your hand and squeezed it for a tiny moment. You quietly questioned his intentions before he spoke up, "When you ever need something, please don't hesitate to tell me. You may not think I'm as reliable as the brothers, but I'm sure I can help you in a way they can't.... So when that happens..."
The way the angel was acting made you wonder something about him. Was he always like that? Now that you thought about it, you've never had the chance to judge his character properly. You've never really seen him at the moments when he's most happy, sad, excited, or flustered. So, in the end, you ended up taking his offer. When you did, he smiled with content and waited for you to head inside the house before turning on his heels and heading back home.
You returned to your room, mind filled with thoughts. Disturbing, blurry yet clear, pretty little thoughts. Those were all you needed to pick up your pen and start writing on a piece of paper.
There, Soley sat on your bed as she fidgeted with a sealed envelope containing the letter you had just written. She recalled the sight of you when she had just returned home; you were walking down the stairs of the entrance hall, heading towards the front door with your packed luggage in hand.
"MC? Are you going somewhere?"
"Soley...! You're... home... Much, much earlier than I expected."
"Yeah, well... something happened... Never mind that— Where are you going?"
"I'm... I'm heading back to the human world."
Soley squealed with excitement, letting herself fall backwards onto your bed, hovering the letter she had already ripped open above her face.
"I left a letter for the brothers in my room... It's just on my pillow. So, if they don't see it tonight, can you give it to them tomorrow? I want you to make sure they read it after I'm already gone."
After she finished reading the contents of your message, she pushed herself up and ran out of your room. She rushed towards the common room, somewhere she knew the brothers wouldn't be around for long after just getting home. She made her way towards the fireplace and squatted down, carefully watching the flame dance before reaching the letter out to it. It didn't take long for the fire to engulf the whole thing, and the girl was smiling during the whole procedure.
The flame danced and danced and danced some more until there was nothing left of the papers but soot and ash. Soley jumped in surprise and got up on her feet when she heard the common room doors slowly creak open. She immediately dusted herself off and made sure she looked proper before facing the eldest born who had just entered the room.
"Soley, what are you doing so close to the fireplace?"
"Calm down, Lucifer. I didn't get hurt, I promise, so don't worry about me! I was just a bit cold, but I'm better now! Much, much better!"
"... Alright. We brought dinner from Hell's Kitchen, so head to the dining room. Everyone's already waiting."
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
To my dear family,
I just wanted to say that I still love you no matter what happens, and I want the best for all of you. I've never thought that things would go this way. Not since you accepted me as part of your family all those years ago. I really wished it didn't come to this, but it's too late for that now.
I want you all to know that I'm happy for you. You're all cheerful and content with how everything is, and... that makes me really happy...
I'm writing this letter as a goodbye. A goodbye to all of our precious memories together and to what could have been. I'm really sorry that I went with this instead of personally saying goodbye, but even if I did get the chance to speak with you, I knew I wouldn't be able to bear it. I can't part with you while I look at your faces, so this is the best way. And, if there was any chance at all, I wouldn't want you to stop me.
By the time you're reading this, I've already left for the human realm. If you ever want to see me again, I added my home address and contact information on here. Please find me whenever you want to because I know for a fact that I would want to see you again and be part of your family once more. But for now, it's goodbye.
I'll be leaving my D.D.D. with Diavolo and Barbatos, so please don't contact me there anymore. It would be useless as I won't be able to see your messages.
Well... this letter has gone off long enough, so I'll stop here. Just remember that I love each and every one of you. I'm looking forward to you reaching out to me.
With all the love and wishes,
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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lightwing-s · 2 years
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!! My masterlist is your main source of knowing who I'll be writing for, so please check this out before requesting. However, you can still ask for another character to see if I can possibly write for it, but no promises will be made in regards to that.
last updated: january, 13th | ♤ angst ♢ smut ♥︎ fluff
picture © lomlisyou on pintrest
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g e n e r a l h e a d c a n o n s
✾ the batboys' favorite male marvel heroes
✾ the batboys as spy movies
✾ the batboys as 2000s pop hits (female vers.)
✾ the batboys as 2000s pop hits (male vers.)
✾ the batboys as words
✾ the batboys when mute! reader writes 'i love you' on their backs
d i c k g r a y s o n
i m a g i n e s
✾ home ♥︎
✾ midnight kiss ♥︎
✾ impressions | pt ii | pt iii ♥︎
✾ hello officer ♢
b l u r b s
✾ loving all his sides | pt ii
✾ migraines
✾ the better detective
✾ my pretty boy ♢
✾ cupid
✾ one bed
✾ curious
j a s o n t o d d
i m a g i n e s
✾ midnight kiss ♥︎
✾ i want to k__ you | pt ii ♢
✾ i'll teach you ♤
✾ gravity ak!jason ♤
✾ shower thots ♢
s e r i e s
✾ baby steps ongoing
b l u r b s
✾ making a playlist
✾ nice catch
✾ please don't leave me
✾ moon
✾ shoot me with your arrow then, cupid?
✾ red like roses
✾ you're in love with me, ew
✾ I failed to protect you
✾ aftercare
✾ overuse
✾ flustered easily
✾ biker!jason | x | x | x | x | x | x |
✾ study late at night
✾ food vlogger series
t i m d r a k e
✾ late night park walks ♥︎
b r u c e w a y n e
✾ affection in the workplace
w a l l y w e s t
✾ winter warm cuddles ♥︎
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p e t e r p e v e n s i e
✾ not the best at being discreet ♥︎
✾ post duty affair ♢
✾ jealous confession ♥︎
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s i m o n ' g h o s t ' r i l e y
✾ secret haven ♥︎
j o h n n y ' s o a p ' m a c t a v i s h
✾ soon...
j o h n p r i c e
✾ soon...
k y l e ' g a z ' g a r r i c k
✾ soon...
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g e n e r a l h e a d c a n o n s
✾ soon...
s i r i u s b l a c k
✾ soon...
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camillathe6th · 2 years
Writing & art prompts: a fallen hero edition
@marshalortega​ and I thought it might be fun to have a prompt list with FHR flavouring all over, so here we go. The idea is that you can pick and choose, or mix and match, one, two, three ideas, or more! 
If you’re in need of inspiration regarding characters, here’s a Fallen Hero characters picker wheel: CLICK HERE.
If you’re all for extreme randomising, here’s a random number generator to help you choose your prompts: CLICK HERE.
And here are the prompts and challenges. You’re welcome to use them or add to them if you want! Hope you have as much fun as we did MWAH ♡
1. "You shouldn't be here." 2. "Who have you been all this time?" / "This isn't you!" 3. "Take off your mask." 4. "Either you join me, or you stand against me." 5. "I can't move." 6. "I'm too far gone." / "It's too late now." 7. "I don't know what's happening to me." 8. "You're just like me." 9. "This is the day you die." 10. "I'm not like the other villains." (haha unless?) 11. "Do you want to come inside?" 12. "It takes one to know one." 13. "That's not how it happened." 14. "Take this, you look like shit." 15. "Hey, be careful." 16. "You look better on your back." (a classic)
A. Scar / tattoo(s) B. Chase C. Layers D. Mirror E. Memory F. Armor / Skinsuit / Mods G. Dream / Nightmare H. Mindscape / telepathic conversations I. Puppet(s) J. Grave / Graveyard K. Gender L. Nightcall M. Sparring / training N. Wounded O. Party  P. Lies
I. Write in audio recording format II. Use only dialogue III. Use no dialogue IV. Make it an interview scene V. Write from a point of view you've never used VI. Set your snippet at the Farm VII. Make it a confidential file excerpt VIII. Keep it under 500 words / set a timer for 30 minutes IX. End with a cliffhangher X. Put your character in a situation they can't get out of easily XI. Role reversal: the villains are the heroes and the heroes the villains in this one. XII. There should at least be one kiss in there.
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
last updated: 6/21/2021, 4:19 pm est
* = smut/nsfw (all characters are 18+, even when not explicitly stated)
~ = fics for my 100 followers celebration
rules for requests!
pending requests!
like this post to be tagged when I post my monthly roundup of fics!
(in alphabetical order)
Choji Akimichi
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
*A Taste of Heaven
Smut alphabet (K, W, X)
Hinata Hyuga
My Valentine
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Ino Yamanaka
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Iruka Umino
No Longer Lonely
Fluff alphabet (B, C, F, K, L)
*Smut alphabet (I, R, U, K, A)
Iruka as a lover
Itachi Uchiha
Special Guest
Torturous Betrayal
Half Good
Fluff alphabet (R, W)
*Smut alphabet (A, O)
*Smut alphabet (C, I, U, W)
headcanons for Itachi and Sasuke with an older sister!
Itachi as a lover
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
Kakashi Hatake
Sweet Surprise
Working Late
retail worker headcanons!
headcanons for Kakashi telling his friends/teammates that he has a girlfriend!
Torturous Betrayal
headcanons for Kakashi comforting his crush who’s hiding from her abusive boyfriend!
~Painted Shinobi
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
Never Again
~His Hands
~Take a Break
~Safe with Me
Fluff alphabet (B, C, J, N)
headcanons for Kakashi w/ a s/o who’s the 3-tails jinchuriki!
Fluff alphabet (D, E, F)
Fluff alphabet (F, G, S)
Kakashi as a lover
Kakuzu as a lover
Down for the Count
Kankuro as a lover
Kiba Inuzuka
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Ten Years
*Smut alphabet (K, I, B, A)
Fluff alphabet (K, L, P)
Minato Namikaze
Night Off
Drive Me Crazy
Naruto Uzumaki
*What a Night
retail worker headcanons!
No Longer Lonely
Tiktok Famous
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
headcanons for Naruto with a small tiddy s/o!
~Beach Day
Okay with This
*Smut alphabet (F, S, U, V, Y)
Fluff alphabet (B, C, F, G, J, K, L)
Naruto as a lover
Neji Hyuga
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Surprise Party
Neji as a lover
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
Rock Lee
*Training Exercise
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~My Flower
retail worker headcanons!
Sakura Haruno
retail worker headcanons!
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Stress Relief
Sasuke Uchiha
Hard to Get Chapter I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII / VIII / IX / X / XI / XII / XIII / XIV / XV / XVI / XVII / XVIII / XIX / XX (completed)
*Tied Up
Special Guest
No Longer Lonely
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~Cooling Down
Fluff alphabet (J, D, X, V, E, R)
headcanons for Itachi and Sasuke with an older sister!
Sasuke as a lover
Shikamaru Nara
Under the Sun
~Picnic Date
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Fluff alphabet (A, D, J)
Shino Aburame
*Out in the Forest
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~Just Tell Him
Shisui Uchiha
headcanons for Shisui crushing on someone who’s very shy!
Suigetsu Hozuki
*Smut alphabet (A, L, R, W)
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Tobirama Senju
Fluff alphabet (C, H, K)
*Fluff alphabet (F, I, J, M) and smut alphabet (P, R, U, Y)
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
retail worker headcanons!
Yamato as a lover
*Smut alphabet (A, C, D, O)
Like this post to be tagged when I post my monthly roundup of new fics! You can also send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in only specific posts, such as only when I post fics/headcanons for Kakashi 🥰
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therainrogue · 3 years
🎃 Frightful October ’21 {21/21}
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We are back for another year of Frightful October!
As usual, I started this super late (as in I decided to try and do this on September 25th, just six days before October) so I decided to shorten it a bit. Instead of three chapters per act, I'll be doing two this year. I doubt these will be any creepier than the first set but I'll do my best to at least make them a decent read for the best season of the year.
Thanks for checking out this set! I hope you found enjoyment within and I hope you'll let me know what you think. Have a safe and happy Halloween 🎃!
Anything marked with ✓ has been written. Anything marked x has not been written yet and the character/prompt may change.
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🔖 Act I _ a u t u m n 🍂
001. Pumpkin Pie ⋩ Robbie Reyes (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)
oct 1st / fluff, slice of life
002. Decorations ⋩ Cobra (High&Low)
oct 2nd / fluff
🔖 Act II _ s p e l l b o u n d 🔮
003. Spellbook ⋩ Sagara Takeshi (Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!)
oct 4th / fluff, slice of life, magic
004. Magicktownville ⋩ Sima Yiwu (Prince of Tennis ~ Match! Tennis Juniors ~)
oct 5th / friendship, magic, fluff
🔖 Act III _ d e m o n o l o g y 💀
005. Contract ⋩ Hyuuga Norihisa (High & Low)
oct 7th / supernatural, comedy
006. My Pen! ⋩ Zhuo Zhi (Prince of Tennis ~ Match! Tennis Juniors ~)
oct 8th / friendship, fluff, comedy, supernatural
🔖 Act IV _ b l o o d l u s t 🍷
007. Blood Donations ⋩ Jaebum (GOT7)
oct 10 / friendship, supernatural, vampire, family
008. Kidnapped ⋩ Ootori Choutarou (Prince of Tennis)
oct 11 / friendship, angst, violence, supernatural, vampire, high school au
🔖 Act V _ h a u n t e d 👻
009. Morgue ⋩ Fuuta (High & Low)
oct 13 / angst, supernatural, romance
010. The Legend is Real ⋩ Hiyoshi Wakashi (Prince of Tennis)
oct 14 / fluff, mystery, magic, age gap, supernatural
🔖 Act VI _ b a d l u c k 💥
011. Murder at Hillrest Inn ⋩ Zhuo Yu (Prince of Tennis ~ Match! Tennis Juniors ~)
oct 16 / mystery, comedy, friendship, fluff
012. Spilled the Salt ⋩ Nakagoshi (High & Low)
oct 17 / fluff, slice of life, romance
🔖 Act VII _ t r i c k o r t r e a t 🍬
013. Cyanide & Sugar ⋩ Izumi Kousuke (Ookiku Furikabutte)
oct 19 / fluff, crime, comedy
014. Fight for Candy ⋩ Zhuo Zhi (Prince of Tennis ~ Match! Tennis Juniors ~)
oct 20 / comedy, fluff
🔖 Act VIII _ t e r r o r 🔪
015. Michael Who? ⋩ Niou Masaharu (Prince of Tennis)
oct 22 / comedy, fluff
016. Bookclub Psycho ⋩ Chiaki Ryou (Water Polo Yankees)
oct 23 / fluff, horror
🔖 Act IX _ u n d e r t h e f u l l m o o n 🌕
017. Zombies Attack! ⋩ Kuboyasu Aren (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. LA)
oct 25 / romance, apocalypse au, violence, horror
018. Werewolf Carnival ⋩ Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
oct 26 / family, comedy, supernatural, fluff
🔖 Act X _ h a l l o w s e v e 🎃
019. Charitable ⋩ Atobe Keigo (Prince of Tennis)
oct 28 / drama, fluff, friendship, high school au
020. Spoopy Games ⋩ Zhang Baiyang (Prince of Tennis ~ Match! Tennis Juniors ~)
oct 29 / fluff, comedy, slice of life
🔖 Act XI _ s p o o k y s c a r y s k e l e t o n s 💥
021. Happy Halloween! ⋩ Jim Pickens & Grim Reaper (The Sims 4)
oct 31 / angst, family, supernatural
Thanks for Reading!
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
2020 - archived
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single wrestler I’ve written for so far.  If its’ not linked, then I haven’t posted it yet or it’s a placeholder. If it’s bolded/has an m out beside it, it is most definitely mature and only meant for a mature (18+) audience. If there’s an asterisk (*) out beside the title, it belongs to or is part of something else that I have on the blog.
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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adam hangman page | take you home | spring | mature.
adam hangman page | baby fever | winter| mature.
adam hangman page | darlin | summer | mature. 
baron corbin | right now | winter | mature.
darby allin | the sound of silence | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | somebody watching me | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | alpha | winter | mature.
ethan carter iii | worship you | winter | mature.
jon moxley | duality| summer | mature.
jon moxley | allnighter | summer | mature.
jungle boy | touch myself | winter | mature.
jungle boy | unnamed as of yet | summer | mature.
kevin owens | morning | summer | mature.
kyle o’reilly | backseats and phone calls | spring | mature.
kyle o’reilly | the quiet game | winter | mature.
mjf | dessert first | winter | mature.
mjf | sweet | summer | mature.
mjf | morningafter | summer | mature.
roman reigns | alpha | winter | mature.
sammy guevara | dirty dancer | winter | suggestive.
sammy guevara | cheater | summer | mature.
trent beretta | blackout | summer | mature.
trent beretta | sneaky | fall | mature.
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adam hangman page | whatcha gonna do by hinder | angst / comfort.
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adam hangman page | push my buttons [ suggestive] | 
adam hangman page | i’m erasing myself from the narrative | i’m putting myself back into the narrative | may you always be satisfied | the story of tonight. 
adam hangman page | second one to know |  dancing around an open fire | | 
adam hangman page | dreaming of a wedding dress | | 
adam hangman page | the love boat || | 
adam hangman page | sweet cherry pie || that dress is begging to come off [ virgin oc; mature af } 
adam hangman page | | honey on my table suggestive | motion of the ocean - cruise romance au, mature | 
adam hangman page | alone among the couples | 
adam hangman page | im yours - alphaverse au | won’t you stay with me alphaverse au |  bathtub mermaid - alphaverse au/suggestive | 
adam hangman page | she’s a nutcracker | 
adam hangman page | virginia on my mind, angst | fuck you and the horse you rode in on [ an au of what ifs second chapter, holy shit mature]  | | punishment pretty please, goes with wildside/whatifs holy shit mature | pour some sugar on me, mature | | 
baron corbin | everything you can do i can do better | 
baron corbin | follow me | prince not so charming | 
baron corbin | love on the rocks | 
curtis axel | | | boop [  mature ] | be kind rewind [ roommates au, mature ]| 
curtis axel | discount chocolate day | | 
drew gulak thoughts of yesterdays | august rush | lost in your eyes [ suggestive.]
drew gulak | he loves me, he loves you not [ miiild suggestive, alphaverse] | | leave her wild [ suggestive alphaverse..kinda] | 
drew gulak |once upon a dream [ soulmate au] |  starcrossed lovers and other strangers [ suggestive ] |
drew gulak | valentines day episode | 
drew mcintyre | marionette | | just between me and you | 
drew mcintyre | burnt homemade chocolates [ conclusion to my alphaverse short fic, suggestive and fluffy ] | 
edge x ofc x christian | seeds of unrest | 
elias samson | couples costume contest | 
elias samson | waiting on your friends to leave 
ethan carter III | winners remorse | rewrite history [ a retelling of w.r] | |
finn balor | after an endless dream | 
jay white | graveyard smash | punch drunk princess [ vampire au; mature] | it should’ve been you [human version of vampire au]
jeff hardy  | it all started with glow paint [ suggestive; bordering mature ] | 
jeff hardy | do i look lonely |  my lips are up here [suggestive]
jon moxley | hurt me so good | if I loved you less I could talk about it more | can’t find a better man [mature].
jon moxley | bloody valentine | 
jon moxley | your days are numbered | spared but not forgiven | nature adores a virgin [mature]
jon moxley | all the guys want cheerleaders | ps i lo- | no more almosts | warm desert wind | | dark as night [ roommates au / suggestive ] | 
jon moxley | siren song [ soulmate/pirate and siren au | 
jungle boy | sweet boy | 
kyle o’reilly | can I see through you | | death of a bachelor | 
mjf | did you just grab yourself on tv | 
mjf | candy hearts taste like chalk | 
pete dunne | you jump i jump jack | | you can’t win | I’m melting
pete dunne |bitter bite alphaverse au |  aftershocks suggestive |
roderick strong |  trying not to smile | 
roderick strong | kisses like cruelty [suggestive,borderline mature] | | | 
roderick strong | walking the line | put ‘em up | 
roman reigns | patchwork heart | 
roman reigns | slow roasted | 
roman reigns | anorgasmia | 
sami zayn | farmers market | moonbeams on pumpkins
sami zayn | heart and soul |
sami zayn | reflecting light | 
zack ryder | rough rider 
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12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist 2020
My entries for the 12 Days of Christmas on both my writing blogs can be found on this post right here.  [ merry christmas clicky ]
New Years
Valentines Day
Other Holidays / Special Occasions
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original character, Adeline x | 
original character, Kasey x | 
original character, Violet x | 
adam hangman page x [m] | x - soft hangman | x -hangman does halloween | x hangman on your first date [ fluffy,suggestive]|  x [soft] | adopting a dog | enemies to lovers | roommates to lovers | softly mature | more halloween hangman | 
buddy murphy x [ mature, sex life] | 
cash wheeler x [ suggestive ] | 
chuck taylor x [soft]| x more soft | 
damien priest x [ mature ] | 
darby allin x[soft] | x [mature] | 
drew gulak x | 
drew mcintyre x [ mature ] | 
eddie kingston x | x | x mature | enemies to lovers | 
elite x celebrating Halloween with the Elite | 
ethan carter iii x [m] | 
finn balor x [ m] | x [m] | 
heath slater x | 
jeff hardy x[m] | sick female!SO [pms mentioned briefly] | 
jon moxley x [m] | x [m] | 
jungle boy x[food/cooking] | x [ actual! jungle boy in love ] | fall softness | 
kenny omega x [ suggestive ] | x | x [halloween] | 
kevin owens x [m] | 
kyle o’reilly x [ mature - werewolf!kyle ] | 
luchasaurus x[mature+soft] | 
marko stunt  x soft and mature | x mature | x soft | x daddy kink of sorts |
matt jackson x [m] | x more m | enemiest to lovers -suggestive | 
nick jackson x [suggestive] | losing a basketball game to you | x mature/soft mix | 
orange cassidy x [lowkey m] | 
Pac x [suggestive fluff] | 
pentagon jr x mature | 
pete dunne x [ mature ] | 
prince devitt x mature | 
ecw era raven x [soft ] | x [m] | x[halloween] | 
roderick strong x [ adopting a kid with ] | 
roman reigns x!HeelRoman, slight nsfw | 
sami callihan x [ music preferences ] | 
trent beretta x [lowkey m] | x [ soft ] | x [ more soft ] | 
tyler breeze x [ enemies to lovers, polyamory hinted at | 
undertaker x [ gender neutral baker / biker taker SO] | 
wardlow x [ m ] | x [m] | x [ soft] | x[ halloween] | x mature | x Christmas with Wardlow | 
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- adam hangman page [ f s v ] | o i d | c m x | k l | 
- cash wheeler [ i l s ] | [ m o r ] | c s u | 
- chuck taylor [ j m w ] | [ a d l ] | [ c  v ] | i k w | n u x | 
- darby allin [  k o t ] 
- jack evans [ b t h ] | 
- jon moxley [ a k r ] | 
- jungle boy [ d m o ] | 
- matt jackson [ k q w ] |  [ b d e ] | f i o | u y | c j v | 
- mjf [ s k v ] | b m u | 
- nick jackson [ a b g ] | [ m o ] | c i o | 
- orange cassidy [ f h x ] | [ o ] | [ i p v ] | [ k w ]
- pac [ d m x ] | [ i p u ] | [ f o s ] | 
- santana [ a o q ] | 
- trent beretta [ j m u ] | 
- wardlow [ d j w ] | [ k u ] | [ b m r ] | [ a o v ] | c i p | 
- chad gable [ b o u ] | 
- damien priest [ d i v ] | 
- drew mcintyre [ b e d ] | i p w | 
- jinder mahal [ g i w ] | 
- roman reigns [ c u m ] | 
- timothy thatcher [ c j y ] | f k | d | 
- tyler breeze [ l x y ] | d j u | 
- heath miller [ b e d ] | 
- jay white [ d f k ] | k u m | b j w | 
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dominimalitiae · 3 years
◣ F I V E   T H I N G S !! ◥
fill in the categories with 5 things that your character can be identified by. repost, do not reblog !!
TAGGED BY: @blightedtongue TAGGING: @taminnmacar, @feanors-daughter, @servant-of-namo and whoever wants to steal this.
Extending a hand.
Blood red.
Charcoal grey.
Burnt flesh.
Molten metal.
The One.
Iron armor.
Lashing out.
Maniacal control.
Clenched fists.
Bared teeth.
Hands behind back.
Head held high.
Dark sorcery.
Giuseppe Verdi — Messa da Requiem: Dies Irae.
Antonín Dvořák — Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, “From The New World”.
Antonio Vivaldi — Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, “Summer”.
Sergei Prokofiev — Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64, No. 13, “Dance Of The Knights”.
Carl Orff — Carmina Burana: O Fortuna.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Oh my Fuck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
by pathologic_trash
This is sooo freaky lol!! You gotta read it to believe it!!!! Comment like subscribe there’s more to come my little fandom freaks!!!!!!
Words: 43, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Мор. Утопия | Pathologic, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sanders Sides (Web Series), Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Stanislav Rubin, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Loki (Marvel), Loki, Self-Sides (Sanders Sides), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Tony Stark, Vlad "The Younger" Olgimskiy | Vlad "The Younger" Olgimsky, Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh & Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Stanislav Rubin, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Stanislav Rubin, James "Bucky" Barnes/Thomas Sanders, Dogma (Star Wars)/Hunk (Voltron)/CT-5385 | Tup
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, No Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Original Character(s), Past Relationship(s), Original Character Death(s), Relationship(s), Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Interspecies Relationship(s), Major Original Character(s), Loss of Parent(s), Long-Term Relationship(s), Assassination Attempt(s), Dead People, Presumed Dead, Talking To Dead People, Nobody is Dead, Everyone is Dead, Inspired by The Walking Dead, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is Robin, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc References, Waterbending & Waterbenders, Water, Water Sex, Waterboarding, Watercolors, Water Balloon Fights, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Based on a Tumblr Post, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, NSFW Art, Art, Digital Art, Inspired by Art, Podfic Cover Art, Gift Art, Alternate Universe - Art School, Alt Modes, Alternate Universe - Alternian Invasion, Alternate Universe - Altered Carbon Fusion, Episode: e044 Crisis of Leadership and Oatmeal, St. Patrick's Day, St Mungo's Hospital, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Top Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Hurts So Good, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Sobbing, So Married, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bottom Keith (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Top Jeon Jungkook, Top Toni Topaz, Top Harry, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Don't Examine This Too Closely, To Read, Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, To Download, To Rec, To Comment, Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Unrequited Love, Friendship/Love, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, Late Night Conversations, Late at Night, Ten Years Later, Years Later, Latex, Late Night Writing, Tags May Change, How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Contain Spoilers, Tags Are Fun, Dog Tags, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, AO3 Tags - Freeform, DONTNOD Entertainment, Saarebas, Sabaody Archipelago, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, WWE NXT, Where We Are Tour, We Just Love Each Other, Strong Woman/Weak Man, Wow, Reverse Ed Edd n Eddy, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Episode: s09e01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here, Threesome - F/M/M, Episode: s01e13 Le Morte D'Arthur, E-mail, Episode: e002 Living Pictures, Episode: e001 The Coldest Cut of All, Episode: e003 River of Night, Post-Ending E (NieR: Automata), Episode: s07e01 Makaukau 'oe e Pa'ani? (Ready to Play?), Chuck E. Cheese's, Moaning, Mob Boss Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Mobfell (Undertale), Park Minkyun | MK-centric, SPN A/B/O Bingo, Human E. Aster Bunnymund, Good W. D. Gaster, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Inspired by Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., Parent W. D. Gaster, Pre-Accident W. D. Gaster, W. D. Gaster Being An Asshole, Underfell W. D. Gaster, Goopy W. D. Gaster, Face-Fucking, Fuck Or Die, Fucking, Breast Fucking, Fuckbuddies, Phrack Fucking Friday, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome - F/F/F, Pre-Timeskip | Academy Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Firebending & Firebenders, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Earth, Middle Earth, Earth C (Homestuck), Homelessness, Home, Homecoming, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Male Homosexuality, Homosexuality, Alex Mercer's Parents Are Homophobic (Julie and The Phantoms), Wraith, Wraith (Stargate), Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Modern Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Leonardo da Vinci is an Assassin (Assassin's Creed), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Assassins & Hitmen, Attempted Sexual Assault, Quintessential Works for Everyday Reasons To Yield (QWERTY), Villain Ojiro Mashirao, Song: Bitch Lasagna (Dylan Locke ft. Felix Kjellberg & Party In Backyard), Community: hh_sugarquill, community: xmen-on-lj, Episode: s09e10 Pio Ke Kukui Po'ele Ka Hale (When the Light Goes Out the House is Dark), H/D Food Fair 2018, H/D Erised 2018, H/D Fan Fair 2019, H/D Career Fair 2017, Episode: s05e02 Good God Y'all!, Pokemon X & Y Spoilers, Episode: s02e05 Smell Ya Later, Ya Dead Ya Dead (Achievement Hunter), Hydra (Marvel), Post-Civil War (Marvel), Arachnophobia, Alternate Universe - Arabian Nights Fusion, Arab Character, عربي | Arabic, Racism, Rabbits, Race, Alternate Universe - Race Changes, RuPaul's Drag Race References, Lesbian Catra (She-Ra), Episode: e045 The Great Race, Racist Language, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), Racing, Fairy Tail: When We Take Different Paths, Renaissance Faires, Fabletown (Fables - Willingham), Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game), Mentioned Demon Brothers (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Murphamy Week Winter Weekend, Cute Ed (Ed Edd N Eddy), JJ Style Week, Studio Ghibli, Butt Plugs, Butt Slapping, Butterflies, Butterfly Effect, Peanut Butter, Butt Dialing, Butterfly Miraculous, Wade Wilson Likes Peter Parker's Butt, Butterbeer (Harry Potter), Steve Rogers's Butt, Protective Star Butterfly, Butterfly Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Ass Play, Assassination, Ass to Mouth, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassin's Creed III, Video, Embedded Video, Video & Computer Games, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Video Format: Streaming, Video Game Mechanics, Porn Video, Were-Creatures, WWE Draft, WWE SummerSlam, WWE Royal Rumble, WWE Extreme Rules, WWE Money In The Bank 2016
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
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lasplaga · 2 months
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-;┊ 𓆙 𝕺𝕺𝕮 ; ◥ 𓆙      —      𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐄𝐒 --- ( 3/?) 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐑'𝐒 (𝟏𝟓𝐭𝐡) 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐑 & 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘
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Suddenly inspired by @punishdsin to post a thought but attempting to convince Osmund that indiscriminate murder, cannibalism & parasitism of human beings is wrong / something he should feel sorry for will never be possible. Osmund, with the brain & biology of a highly intelligent parasitoid, is more familiar with the eusociality & nature of insects than he is with human beings. He is hardwired more in the sense of arthropods, which can suggest why his emotions are so cold & utterly disturbing at times. It is why he is naturally drawn to group organization or group thinking, with bugs behaving as a biological hivemind colony ( obviously not telepathically ).
He views humans ( for the most part ) in the same lens as a parasitic wasp seeing a caterpillar as prey. It is necessary & part of his species survival to inflict mass amounts of suffering in order to procreate. He is not going to feel guilty about being born what he is & that he plays a predatory role in a vast ecosystem of hosts, but it is something that he wholeheartedly acknowledges & will express. Osmund, as well as the other zealots, are aware that they are 'cursed' & have uncontrollable lusts for blood, flesh & implantation. It is what separates them from other human beings, which are infected but 'passable' on the inside & out. They mutated generationally from their descendants, it is in their DNA.
Of course, there will always be outliers, gradual scales of behavior & some parasitic species may act strangely towards / with their prey if it is mutually beneficial. It's also researched that wasps can recognize "good" & "bad" faces, that they can learn routines & even be fed / cared for by humans. The zealots are intelligent enough to exhibit these same behaviors with outsiders, but they will always value their kind FIRST, which is the important distinction. If you set them off, they swarm, just as insects do.
It is a bit similar to the parable of the scorpion & the frog, with the scorpion unable to resist its natural urge to sting, but it also chose to be honest about it to the frog. This level of frankness gives the scorpion a certain charm & tragic dignity. Yes, they did form an entire religion about propagating their species, but hosts at their core, without outside influence, will always seek out other hosts to infest. They are, by nature, self-destructive, only concerned about the preservation of their Master, & the Master of his own body.
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louellaby · 1 year
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass
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「 Smile and Ignore 」
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"MC! Hey, MC! Are you listening to me?!"
You snapped out of your thoughts at the loud snap of the voice next to you. You turned your head to find Soley looking angry for a moment until you blinked your eyes and her face softened. Maybe you were just imagining that angry expression?
"H-Hey, Soley," you greeted her with an apologetic smile and tilted your head in wonder, "I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts for a moment there, wasn't I? Can I help you with anything?" You asked, wanting— hoping for a chance to hang out with her again. Just as you've missed the brothers, you've missed her as well. But you found out luck wasn't on your side the moment she opened her mouth and stated her reason for finding you.
"No, I was just looking for Solomon since he was in the same period as you, but I only found you here. Alone. For some reason."
You looked around and noticed that the classroom was indeed empty of students. It was only the two of you in there. You shook your head and laughed sheepishly as you started to pack your things up with a slight more hurry.
"Solomon was indeed in class with me earlier, but it seems that he already left. Something urgent must have come up since... well, he usually waits for me."
Soley narrowed her eyes and sighed quietly, but enough for you to hear. She crossed her arms and turned around to face the doorway.
"Are you really that important to everyone?"
"Huh? Did you say something?"
"What? No, I didn't. Well, I'll be going to find Solomon then. See you at home."
Before you could respond, she was already out of your sight. Looking at the clock, you saw that it was already twenty minutes after class ended. You must've been zoning out pretty deeply that you didn't hear the school bell ring, and apparently, your D.D.D. as well, which had a missed call from Solomon.
After packing up every single one of your things, you took your phone and pressed on Solomon's profile. You called him back, but your call was denied before you could even hear it ring for the first time. Instead, you received a message from the sorcerer himself.
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Hey, MC.
I can't answer the phone right now, but you can teleport to me if you want to.
Sure, but why can't you answer?
Did something happen?
You can say that...
It's not dangerous or anything, though. Otherwise, I wouldn't let you come to me, but it's just mildly annoying.
I'll explain later when you get here.
Just teleport directly into my room.
Not in front of Purgatory Hall, not in front of my door. Just directly in my room.
Got it...
I'll be right there.
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You did as you were told, teleporting into Solomon's room. There, you found him at his desk, books on the table in front of him, an exasperated expression on his face, and a series of loud knocking on his bedroom door. The moment he saw you, he smiled and immediately placed his point finger on his lips. Be quiet.
You turned your attention to the door where the knocking didn't stop. Then you heard Simeon's and Luke's voices coming from the hall. They sounded tired from talking and convincing the knocker to stop.
"Soley, I don't think Solomon's home right now," you heard Simeon say. "Maybe you can come back later? I'll send you a message when he's back."
"No, I'm sure he's home." Soley insisted, not moving away from the door and continued pounding on it, calling Solomon's name after every set of knocks. "Solomon, come out of there! I need to speak with you!"
"... How are you so sure he's in there?" Luke wondered. He then flinched when Soley laid her eyes on him.
"I asked around, and people said that he went home. The neighbours also said that he entered the house not too long ago."
"Uhm... okay..? But he might not be in his room."
"Nonsense, Luke. I already tried opening his door when I got here, but it's locked."
"Yes, well, Solomon sometimes locks his door whenever he needs to keep people away from his experiments, so it's not at all weird." Simeon continued to argue. Luke held his hand for support, slightly trembling under Soley's gaze.
"Y-Yeah, and maybe he teleported away somewhere. I heard him mention in class earlier about taking MC out for the day."
"Well, MC was all alone in the classroom before I left RAD. Solomon wasn't anywhere near, and MC said that they don't know where he is."
You turned to the man at his desk who was painfully trying to keep a smile on his face. You quietly made your way towards him, making sure your footsteps were as silent as that of a mouse's, and offered your hand, which he took and pressed against his cheek. He still kept quiet as he closed his eyes and held your hand close. Then, you knew what he meant by annoying. Soley had no intention of leaving, even when Simeon and Luke kept telling her that the sorcerer might not be home. You didn't think she would be like this. Especially not in front of the angels.
"Is there something in particular which you need from Solomon?" Another voice interrupted the girl. You heard another set of footsteps slowly growing closer and closer, along with a slightly familiar voice.
"It's none of your business, now is it, Cassiel? I have private matters to discuss with him. He's the only one who can help me."
"Well, I apologise, Lady Soley, but Solomon left a few moments before you arrived," Cassiel informed her, which momentarily stopped her knocking. After a bit more convincing, and a message from Lucifer telling her to come home, Soley finally decided to admit defeat and leave.
"Fine, I'll be retreating to the House of Lamentation. But send me a message the second Solomon gets back home. Got it? The second."
Without waiting for a reply, the girl stomped her way out of Purgatory Hall and back into the streets of the Devildom. Cassiel told the other two angels that he'll be heading out to buy groceries and make sure Soley gets home safely.
Once it was all clear, another set of knocks were laid on Solomon's door. This time, it was Simeon's.
"She's gone now, Solomon."
"W-Wait, Solomon's really in there?!" It was to be expected that Luke didn't know anything about the matter. The sorcerer laughed, a hint of relief in his voice, before he let go of your hand and walked towards the door to open it.
"Thanks for your help, Simeon," he sighed in relief and placed a hand on Luke's head, "You too, Luke."
Luke's face flushed, not because of the head pat he was getting but because he was embarrassed of not knowing he was home and lying to Soley like that. He turned to Simeon with a red face, fists clenched. "S-Simeon! How could you lie like that?! So naturally, too! Did Cassiel lie, too?! Angels aren't supposed to do that!"
"I know, Luke, but Solomon asked us to help him out, and we did. Isn't it also our job to help those in need?"
"I.. I guess.... Yeah!" Luke smiled brightly before turning back to meet the sorcerer's gaze. "But Solomon, what about your outing with MC? Did they have other plans?"
The human grinned at him before he turned his head to look at you, his gaze ushering you forward, and out of your hiding place, you went. The two angels were surprised, but you could tell they were delighted to see you again after a while. For the last few months, you did try your best to reconnect with the brothers, so you were slowly drifting away from the three of them.
"MC!" Luke exclaimed, immediately rushing forward and wrapping his arms around you. He unconsciously nuzzled his cheek against you, which he didn't notice himself. "I didn't know you were coming today!"
Hugging him back in response, you giggled and shook your head. "I didn't know I was coming here either. I'm sorry for the intrusion."
Simeon chuckled and shook his head in disagreement. "You're always welcome here, MC. We're happy to have you no matter the occasion."
"Thanks, Simeon! I'm really happy to be here with you all... and I'm really happy to know that... that you're happy to be with me..." With every word, your head drooped down as the smile on your face slowly faded along. The three exchanged worried glances; the two older men knew what was going on while the little one looked slightly confused, but he knew enough to know that you needed a break.
With that, Luke suggested you stay over with them at Purgatory Hall, where they promised to make sure to put a smile back on your lovely face. You were grateful but also worried how the brothers would react. But should you really worry?
You gave them time and time went on, making everything worse for you. They decided they didn't need you anymore and stopped hanging out with you altogether. Whenever you tried to reach out, all you ever heard from them were excuses. They didn't run out of them. Maybe it was time for you to leave? And I don't mean leave just the House of Lamentation.
Leave the Devildom.
"MC, there you are. I've been looking all over for you."
The moment you stepped into the house, Lucifer came to greet you. It wasn't like he was actually waiting for you to get home. He was just passing by the entrance hall when you arrived. "Where have you been? Soley said she didn't find you anywhere at RAD after classes. You were supposed to walk her home today, weren't you?"
Soley didn't find you anywhere after classes? But she just—
Ah, so that's what it was.
Soley lied about not seeing you. But why?
And Lucifer.
He wasn't worried about you at all. He was worried about Soley walking home by herself. It made sense since she was just a normal human without pacts with any demon, but he could have still worried about you a little bit, right?
... Right?
You wanted to explain everything to him. How Soley lied, and you were together before she stomped off. But was it really worth it? Would he even listen and believe a word you're saying?
You wanted to believe he would. You wanted to believe that the Lucifer you knew would never doubt your words. But arguing with him now when he's in a bad mood wouldn't do you any good. So you just left it at that.
You apologised to the eldest while hanging your head low. You felt like all you ever did since Soley arrived was apologise for every single thing you did, even when you did absolutely nothing wrong. But why did it feel like that? Why did it feel like you were the one in the wrong all this time?
Lucifer sighed and crossed his arms. You knew that sigh. He was disappointed. You dared not meet his gaze and just kept staring at the floor, waiting for him to finish his business with you.
"Make sure you're prepared for the ball tomorrow evening. I want everything to go without problems."
"... yes, I understand."
"Good. Now go back to—"
"Wait, Lucifer, I have a favour." You managed to get enough courage to look him straight in the eye. For a moment, he looked surprised.
"What is it?"
"I... C-Can I stay over at Purgatory Hall tonight?"
"Please, Lucifer..! Just this once...?"
You held your breath, staring back the flooring, occasionally taking glances for a reaction. With every ticking silence, the atmosphere grew heavier. It was almost hard to breathe. Until you heard another sigh come from him.
"Fine. I'll bring you—"
"Thank you, Lucifer! I'll pack up my things and head out as soon as I can!"
You cut him off, not giving him the chance to change his mind as you dashed up the stairs and back to your room. You also didn't want to hear anything more from him. You took your outfit for the ball out of the box where you carefully hid it in case something went wrong. This outfit was something much different and more beautiful than what Asmodeus and Soley gave you. And this was much more special since it was Barbatos himself who made it especially for you.
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
To my dearest, MC,
May this give you the best memories and the warmest of smiles. I look forward to seeing you at the end of everything, once again outshining the brightest star in existence.
Yours truly,
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You held the handwritten card to your chest, a smile appearing on your face as you completely ignored the ruined outfit sitting in your closet. That's all you had to do, MC. Just for a little while. Just smile and ignore.
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lightwing-s · 2 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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This rules post got a lot larger than expected, took me longer than i imagined to write it. I guess the main reason was because of the way I structured it to look like a legislation or a treaty, divided in chapters and all (nice way to let people know your degree lmao). I hope this isn't overwhelming to any of you, as I don't want you to think I'm too criterious, or that i'm annoying in some way.
!! Please, read this before requesting.
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C H A P T E R 1 a b o u t w h o i w r i t e f o r
art. i. I’ll only write for a few specific characters, as it’s not all characters I’m comfortable writing for.
§1. I have a preference with the characters I have listed on my masterlist, but I may have left some out of it due to misremembering.
§2. Even when it comes to characters on my masterlist, not every topic will be written with all characters.
§3. If you have a different character you’d like me to write for, you can request it. However, i don’t promise to write it for the reason expressed above.
art. ii. Do not request anything even remotely NSFW involving characters who are underage.
§1. Aging up characters who currently are minors will also not be allowed.
art. iii. I only write general headcannons or 'x reader' stories. No 'character x character' until further notice.
art. iv. I only write female!reader or at least as gender neutral as I can.
C H A P T E R 2 a b o u t t h e t h i n g s I w r i t e
art. v. As of December 2022, this is a SFW blog. However, NSFW content may be reblogged, so minors DNI.
§1. Furthermore, I aim to write about NSFW content in the future, and discussions about it might appear sometimes in this blog.
art. vi. Topics I won't be writing about are:
a) rape, incest, pedophilia and hebephilia;
b) racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of prejudice;
c) yandere or any abusive relationships.
C H A P T E R 3 a b o u t r e q u e s t s
art. vii. I'll accept any requests as long as they that abide by the rules.
art. viii. However, I can deny any request I don't feel like writing, even without explanation. I'm not a machine lol.
art. ix. Don't be too specific with your requests. As well as I appreciate your enthusiasm with the topic, sometimes it's hard to find motivation to write something that does not leave room from own my creativity.
art. x. Please, be patient. I postponed creating a tumblr for my writing as I feared I wouldn't be up to par with the requests and deadlines required. I'll do my best to write as soon as possible, but as said in art. ix, I'm not a writing machine, and sometimes things get in the way.
nav // m. list // request or let's talk
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olympivnshq · 5 years
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congratulations izabella !  deliberating on EURYDICE was really intense for us because we got two applications that were equally beautiful. what stood out for us was how much of an individual you made this character in a way that made us believe she is the tragic protagonist of her own story. your passionate advocation for that came through in every section in your application, and while it was a tough decision, we know we ultimately made the right one. we’re happy to welcome you with your first faceclaim choice: BENSU SORAL.
☆゚*・゚  OOC INFO.
Hi there! I’m Izabella, I’m 22 years old and I currently live in CST. I’m super excited to apply, especially since I’m such a fan of greek mythology. I’m also a gif maker in my free time for the rpc!
Eurydice, Female, (23-27)
Adara Phillips, Cabaret Dancer & Waitress, Greenpoint
i. The pale orange sky of a 5am morning ii. Flowers growing back as thorns iii. Ripped fishnets paired with boots iv.The lonely howl of wind through an empty apartment v. A single spark of hope vi. Smudged eyeliner vii. Standing in a crowd of strangers viii. Cracks on the ceiling ix. An old leather jacket, well worn x. The smell of hot coffee xi. Cherry lips, a smart mouth xii. A canary in a golden cage xiii. Guarded walls xiv. Winter snowfall on the city xv. The hazy lights of a club
E U R Y D I C E; A playlist (listen here)
ft. H.E.R, Frank Ocean, Billie Eilish, & more
i.  Sweet, sweet fate I had about all that can take You’re my living in the breath that I make Is it yours? I wonder
ii.  Shower your affection, let it rain on me Don’t leave me on this white cliff Let it slide down to the, slide down to the sea
iii. Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Whoa, we get what we deserve Way down we go
iv.  It’s seeming more and more Like all we ever do is see how far it bends Before it breaks in half and then We bend it back again
v.  I’d be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around And I’d be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me!
vi.  But nothing is better sometimes Once we’ve both said our goodbyes Let’s just let it go
vii. And we were grown on the same round little blue dot Although the answers will take their time and the spinning won’t stop So could it be that the nightmare is upon us And heavy hearts can’t decide when they’ve had enough
viii. Two drifters off to see the world There’s such a crazy world to see We’re all chasin’ after all the same Chasing after our rainbow’s end
( y o u t h )
Disillusionment. Adara is no stranger to the darkness the world has to offer, too many times has it plagued her path. Born into a poor family, each breathe was a struggle. There was never enough food on the table, never time for love to blossom when her parents were forced to work graveyard shifts. In a house that threatened to fall apart, Adara began to understand just who she could rely on: herself. Still, little inklings of childhood dreams would float into her mind. Was there a life out there waiting for her, warmth and yearning pushing her to try and find it. So she did- at the naive age of eighteen, she packed a bag of her belongings and disappeared into the world. The greyhound bus took her from her empty South Carolina town into the heart of New York City. For the first time in forever, she could taste a possibility on her tongue: the kind of future where she didn’t have to live day by day.
It wasn’t like that.
( n e w y o r k ‘ s l i g h t s)
She’d gone from place to place, landing in a rundown apartment that was far from being a home. The cracks on the ceilings mirrored that of the girl, each one growing more severe with every encounter. What money she had she hid under her mattress, the dollars beginning to dwindle under New York’s gaze. In an act of desperation, Adara found herself in an interview for a cabaret bar. The flier’s bold letters made a claim: be a star, shine like a dream. That was all she really wanted, a chance. So she took it head-on, promises coming back to tie a rope around her neck. Instead of a glimmering stage, she was tossed into the works as a waitress and dead beat dancer. The crowd was reminiscent of sharks in bloody waters- the disgusting comments made them high, all at the expense of Adara. And kindness? It was as prevalent as water in a drought.
Dreams withered away and the knife twisted in further.
( t h e h e a r t a c h e)
What little solace she had was in a neighbor. He’d introduced himself with a soft smile, eyes that shone like brilliant emeralds. It was hard not to lay all her hope into him, when every other hour spent was under the shadow of skyscrapers. Falling in love was something Adara had never done before, and it terrified her. We’ll run away from here, we’ll find something better. They were promises again, made under linen covers and the stars. Yet once she was ready to give herself away completely, heart in the palm of her hands, he left without a sound. No note, no word, nothing but the wind blowing through an empty apartment. It was a lesson learned- trust no one but yourself.
( t h e d e b t )
Money was what made the world around, and she never seemed to be able to get enough of it. Each dollar made was stuffed away, rent looming overhead, demanding to be paid. The first of the month would arrive with a fury, and Adara would struggle to make the payment. She’d fall short another hundred, and her debt would begin to rise. The threat of eviction notices began to pile up at her door, and she’d plead with the landlord to give her another chance… however the question remains, how many chances does she have left?
( e u r y d i c e & a d a r a )
What I wanted to do was have Adara’s life mirror that of Eurydice’s. I think that the original version is someone that was plagued in her own fate, a tragic hero that despite her hope, was taken apart by the world. She was known for being resilient and putting her faith in others, only to be betrayed. Such was the case when it came to Adara chasing her dreams and the man she was willing to fall in love with. I think a common thing between each character is their transition from innocent hopeful to a realist. Both approach life as a pragmatist, after understanding that in order to survive, they cannot hold onto things like hope… however being human, this is something that they desperately want in their life (despite not being willing to admit it). A sense of warmth, someone to hold. Adara, like Eurydice, carries the heavy burden of being alone and it’s an extremely tiring thing. They each trudge on because they have to, but if given a better option, both can be swayed into falling for a trap. For Eurydice, this is the encounter with Hades or even marrying Orpheus. For Adara, this was the lure of the big city and promise.
All of these factors determine how I would portray the character if given the chance, both Adara and her mythic counterpart: as someone whose weathered, someone who finds complications in giving away her heart too easy because of fear, someone who understands that the world can sometimes be a machine that takes people and spits them out… and someone who desperately wants this to not be true.
Personality traits
+ Resilient   +Independent  +Complex  +Fiery
+/- Cunning
-Desperate  -Unhappy  -Disenchanted   -Guarded
*please include both how’d you play their “mortal” version, as well as their original, unadulterated selves.
answer these questions: 1. are they more likely to stand with the pantheon or against it?  ( if you are choosing a god they may endeavor to dismantle it for whatever reason )
I think that Eurydice would potentially stand against the Pantheon, after all, she sees the gods and goddesses as beings who have everything. It’s their job to help take care of the mortals, but she herself has been left to the devices of the world. It gives her little to believe in, and if it’s beneficial to stand against the pantheon and serves her, then she would do it. 2. what is their stand on mortals?
Mortals are unkind. Mortals have been put through hell and back, Eurydice included. However if they can tap into their human nature, maybe just maybe, the world can begin to bloom again.
A mosaic of pink and orange painted the sky, dawn falling on the city that never slept. For a moment, she could hold onto a sense of calm. No streetcar horns, no sound of the train rumbling past her apartment, no neighbors airing out their Saturday morning grievances. Peace. If only. It’d been another late-night shift at the bar, a job that left little to be desired considering the clientele. Come on sugar, how about you ditch the drinks? When she’d been younger, she always dreamed of becoming something great- one of those actors that shined under the spotlight. Maybe a dancer at the ballet. Unfortunately, life had cast aside dreams in favor of reality. There was no room for fantasies when she needed to survive. So, another grimy eight hour was another table set with dinner.
Cigarette extinguished into the ashtray, her eyes looked across the street at a familiar bedroom. The light was on, he was probably headed to work again. They’d met on the NQ train, each encounter furthering the blush that threatened to creep in her cheeks. But it was always the same. The minute life offered a warm bed and a hand to hold, a sense of doubt nudged her heart aside. There was no room for love, not for a woman who didn’t have the luxury of falling. Another person was a liability, and wouldn’t they only hurt her and disappoint her like the rest? Adara’s gaze lingered for a moment, the myriad of what-ifs swimming in her mind before she cast them aside. Life didn’t work that way. Life wasn’t kind.
here is adara’s muse tag
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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THE BOOK OF TOBIAS Or Tobit* - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 5
This Book takes its name from the holy man Tobias, whose wonderful virtues are herein recorded. It contains most excellent documents of great piety, extraordinary patience, and of perfect resignation to the will of God. His humble prayer was heard, and the angel Raphael was sent to relieve him: he is thankful, and praises the Lord, calling on the children of Israel to do the same. Having lived to the age of one hundred and two years, he exhorts his son and grandsons to piety, foretells the destruction of Ninive, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem: he dies happily. Ch. --- The Jews themselves have a great regard for the book of Tobias; (Grot. Sixtus Senens. viii.) which Origen (ad Afric.) says they "read in Hebrew," meaning probably the Chaldee, (C.) out of which language S. Jerom translated it, preferring to displease the Pharisaical Jews, rather than not to satisfy the desires of the holy bishops Chromatius and Heliodorus. Ep. t. iii. W. --- The Greek version seems to have been taken from another copy, or it has been executed with greater liberty by the Hellenist Jews, between the times of the Sept. and of Theodotion. C. --- Huet and Prideaux esteem it more original; and Houbigant has translated it in his Bible, as the Council of Trent only spoke of the Latin editions then extant; and S. Jerom followed in his version the Hebrew one of a Jew, as he did not understand the Chaldee. H. --- The Syriac and the modern Hebrew edition of Fagius, agree mostly with the Greek, as that of Munster and another Heb. copy of Huet, and the Arabic version, both unpublished, are more conformable to the Vulgate. The most ancient Latin version used before S. Jerom, was taken from the Greek; and the Fathers who lived in those ages, speak of it when they call the book of Tobias canonical. S. Aug. leaves it, however, to adopt S. Jerom's version, in his Mirrour. The copies of all these versions vary greatly, (C.) though the substance of the history is still the same; and in all we discover the virtues of a good parent, of a dutiful son, and virtuous husband, beautifully described. H. --- "The servant of God, holy Tobias, is given to us after the law for an example, that we might know how to practise what we read; and that if temptations assail us, we may not depart from the fear of God, nor expect help from any other." S. Aug. q. 119. ex utroque Test. --- The four first chapters exhibit the holy life of old Tobias, and the eight following, the journey and affairs of his son, directed by Raphael. In the two last chapters they praise God, and the elder Tobias foretells the better state of the commonwealth. W. --- It is probable that both left records, from which this work has been compiled, with a few additional observations. It was written during (C.) or after the captivity of Babylon. E. --- The Jews had then little communication with each other, in different kingdoms. Tobias was not allowed to go into Media, under Sennacherib; and it is probable that the captives at Babylon would be under similar restrictions; so that we do not need to wonder that they were unacquainted with this history of a private family, the records of which seem to have been kept at Ecbatana. The original Chaldee is entirely lost, so that it is impossible to ascertain whether the Greek or the Vulg. be more conformable to it. The chronology of the latter seems however more accurate, as the elder Tobias foretold the destruction of Ninive, twenty-three years before the event, which his son just beheld verified, dying in the 18th year of king Josias. The accounts which appear to sectaries to be fabulous, may easily be explained. Houbigant. --- Josephus and Philo omit this history. C.
* One of the seven Deutero-Canonical books, missing from most non-Catholic Bibles.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 5
Young Tobias seeking a guide for his journey, the angel Raphael, in shape of a man, undertaketh this office.
[1] Then Tobias answered his father, and said: I will do all things, father, which thou hast commanded me.
Tunc respondit Tobias patri suo, et dixit : Omnia quaecumque praecepisti mihi faciam, pater.
[2] But how I shall get this money, I cannot tell; he knoweth me not, and I know not him: what token shall I give him? nor did I ever know the way which leadeth thither.
Quomodo autem pecuniam hanc requiram, ignoro : ille me nescit, et ego eum ignoro : quod signum dabo ei? sed neque viam, per quam pergatur illuc, aliquando cognovi.
[3] Then his father answered him, and said: I have a note of his hand with me, which when thou shalt shew him, he will presently pay it.
Tunc pater suus respondit illi, et dixit : Chirographum quidem illius penes me habeo : quod dum illi ostenderis, statim restituet.
[4] But go now, and seek thee out some faithful man, to go with thee for his hire: that thou mayst receive it, while I yet live.
Sed perge nunc, et inquire tibi aliquem fidelem virum, qui eat tecum salva mercede sua : ut, dum adhuc vivo, recipias eam.
[5] Then Tobias going forth, found a beautiful young man, standing girded, and as it were ready to walk.
Tunc egressus Tobias, invenit juvenem splendidum, stantem praecinctum, et quasi paratum ad ambulandum.
[6] And not knowing that he was an angel of God, he saluted him, and said: From whence art thou, good young man?
Et ignorans quod angelus Dei esset, salutavit eum, et dixit : Unde te habemus, bone juvenis?
[7] But he answered: Of the children of Israel. And Tobias said to him: Knowest thou the way that leadeth to the country of the Medes?
At ille respondit : Ex filiis Israel. Et Tobias dixit ei : Nosti viam, quae ducit in regionem Medorum?
[8] And he answered: I know it: and I have often walked through all the ways thereof, and I have abode with Gabelus our brother, who dwelleth at Rages a city of the Medes, which is situate in the mount of Ecbatana.
Cui respondit : Novi : et omnia itinera ejus frequenter ambulavi, et mansi apud Gabelum fratrem nostrum : qui moratur in Rages civitate Medorum, quae posita est in monte Ecbatanis.
[9] And Tobias said to him: Stay for me, I beseech thee, till I tell these same things to my father.
Cui Tobias ait : Sustine me obsecro, donec haec ipsa nuntiem patri meo.
[10] Then Tobias going in told all these things to his father. Upon which his father being in admiration, desired that he would come in unto him.
Tunc ingressus Tobias, indicavit universa haec patri suo. Super quae admiratus pater, rogavit ut introiret ad eum.
[11] So going in he saluted him, and said: Joy be to thee always.
Ingressus itaque salutavit eum, et dixit : Gaudium tibi sit semper.
[12] And Tobias said: What manner of joy shall be to me, who sit in darkness, and see not the light of heaven?
Et ait Tobias : Quale gaudium mihi erit, qui in tenebris sedeo, et lumen caeli non video?
[13] And the young man said to him: Be of good courage, thy cure from God is at hand.
Cui ait juvenis : Forti animo esto : in proximo est ut a Deo cureris.
[14] And Tobias said to him: Canst thou conduct my son to Gabelus at Rages, a city of the Medes? and when thou shalt return, I will pay thee thy hire.
Dixit itaque illi Tobias : Numquid poteris perducere filium meum ad Gabelum in Rages civitatem Medorum? et cum redieris, restituam tibi mercedem tuam.
[15] And the angel said to him: I will conduct him thither, and bring him back to thee.
Et dixit ei angelus : Ego ducam, et reducam eum ad te.
[16] And Tobias said to him: I pray thee, tell me, of what family, or what tribe art thou?
Cui Tobias respondit : Rogo te, indica mihi de qua domo, aut de qua tribu es tu.
[17] And Raphael the angel answered: Dost thou seek the family of him thou hirest, or the hired servant himself to go with thy son?
Cui Raphael angelus dixit : Genus quaeris mercenarii, an ipsum mercenarium, qui cum filio tuo eat?
[18] But lest I should make thee uneasy, I am Azarias the son of the great Ananias.
Sed ne forte sollicitum te reddam, ego sum Azarias Ananiae magni filius.
[19] And Tobias answered: Thou art of a great family. But I pray thee be not angry that I desired to know thy family.
Et Tobias respondit : Ex magno genere es tu. Sed peto ne irascaris quod voluerim cognoscere genus tuum.
[20] And the angel said to him: I will lead thy son safe, and bring him to thee again safe.
Dixit autem illi angelus : Ego sanum ducam, et sanum tibi reducam filium tuum.
[21] And Tobias answering, said: May you have a good journey, and God be with you in your way, and his angel accompany you.
Respondens autem Tobias, ait : Bene ambuletis, et sit Deus in itinere vestro, et angelus ejus comitetur vobiscum.
[22] Then all things being ready, that were to be carried in their journey, Tobias bade his father and his mother farewell, and they set out both together.
Tunc paratis omnibus, quae erant in via portanda, fecit Tobias vale patri suo et matri suae, et ambulaverunt ambo simul.
[23] And when they were departed, his mother began to weep, and to say: Thou hast taken the staff of our old age, and sent him away from us.
Cumque profecti essent, coepit mater ejus flere, et dicere : Baculum senectutis nostrae tulisti, et transmisisti a nobis.
[24] I wish the money for which thou hast sent him, had never been.
Numquam fuisset ipsa pecunia, pro qua misisti eum.
[25] For poverty was sufficient for us, that we might account it as riches, that we saw our son.
Sufficiebat enim nobis paupertas nostra, ut divitias computaremus hoc, quod videbamus filium nostrum.
[26] And Tobias said to her: Weep not, our son will arrive thither safe, and will return safe to us, and thy eyes shall see him.
Dixitque ei Tobias : Noli flere : salvus perveniet filius noster, et salvus revertetur ad nos, et oculi tui videbunt illum.
[27] For I believe that the good angel of God doth accompany him, and doth order all things well that are done about him, so that he shall return to us with joy.
Credo enim quod angelus Dei bonus comitetur ei, et bene disponat omnia, quae circa eum geruntur, ita ut cum gaudio revertatur ad nos.
[28] At these words his mother ceased weeping, and held her peace.
Ad hanc vocem cessavit mater ejus flere, et tacuit.
Ver. 2. I cannot. Gr. "as I know him not; and he gave him the handwriting, and said to him: Seek," &c. H. --- The Gr. &c. had not before noticed this token. C. --- Hitherto Tobit had spoken in the first person. H.
Ver. 5. Beautiful; resplendent with celestial majesty. C. --- Gr. "he found Raphael, who was an angel, and he knew it not, and said to him: Canst thou go with me to Rages, of Media, and art thou acquainted with the places?" H. --- This angel prefigured Jesus Christ, who took indeed Our human nature. V. Bede. W.
Ver. 7. Israel. This is not in Greek, &c. But the old Vulg. has, "Raphael answered, of the children of Israel, thy brethren, I am come hither for work," (H.) or employment. C.
Ver. 8. Often. Gr. "lodged with Gabael, our brother, and Tobias," &c.
Ver. 11. He saluted. Gr. "they saluted each other." H. --- The rest till v. 16, is omitted also in Syr. and Fagius. But the Heb. of Munster nearly agrees with the Vulg. C.
Ver. 18. But lest. Gr. Comp. "and Tobit said, brother, I wish to know thy race and thy name. But he replied, I am of the race of Azarias, and of Ananias, who is also thy brother." Whitaker would have this to be a lie. H. --- But the apparitions of angels are not to be examined by the ordinary rules of life. They take the name of God without scruple, as they acted in his name. Gen. xxxi. 11. C. M. T. --- Azarias. The angel took the form of Azarias; and therefore might call himself by the name of the man whom he personated. Azarias, in Hebrew, signifies the help of God; and Ananias, the grace of God. Ch. --- Tobias had not inquired whether he was a man or an angel, as Houbigant answers the objection of Prideaux. H. --- The "help and medicine of God" nearly correspond. W.
Ver. 19. Thy family. Gr. Syr. &c. add, "Thou art my brother, of a noble and good race. For I know Ananias and Jonathan, sons of the great Semei, as we went together to Jerusalem to adore, carrying the first-born, and tithes of the produce; and they did not join in the error of their brethren. Thou art of a great stock, brother. But tell me what reward I shall give thee? A drachm a day, and what may be requisite for thee and for my son. And I will give more than the hire if you return in health. And they agreed; and he said to Tobias, Be in readiness for the journey, and may you be directed: and his son prepared the requisites for the journey," &c. H.
Ver. 22. Then all. It was not easy to procure provisions on the road. --- Together. Gr. and Syr. add, (C.) "and the dog of the child with them."
Ver. 27. Angel. This was the persuasion of the ancient Hebrews, approved by the gospel. Mat. xviii. 10. Some of the fathers also believed that each person had an evil angel tempting him to sin. Orig. S. Greg. Nys. Vit. Mosis. Cassian, col. viii. 17. C. - But this opinion is discarded. H.
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unladylikc · 6 years
◣ F I V E   T H I N G S !!  ◥
fill in the categories with 5 things that your character can be identified by. repost, do not reblog !!
TAGGED BY. @illholy ( god, this was so much fun to do! as always, thank you very much for tagging me. ) TAGGING. @royal-botanist ;; @noircisaint ;; @idoloatria ;; @princelylight ;; @risiox ;; @allisgiiven ;; @favoritedolly ;; @hydrangeaguard ;; @anxietyisms && anyone else who hasn’t done it yet!
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  01. Concupiscence ( strong sexual desire; lust )   02. Amusement ( state or experience of finding something funny )   03. Self-conscious ( undue awareness of oneself, one’s appearance or one’s actions )   04. Sheepish ( showing embarrassment from shame or a lack of self-confidence )   05. Impassive ( not feeling or showing emotion )
  01. Enthusiastic or lackadaisical waving, accompanied by a tight lipped smile as if not wanting to show teeth.   02. “ Oh, a wild [name/nickname] appeared. ”   03. A casual utterance of “ Hey ” or “ Hey, little birdie ” if the person in question is shorter than her.   04. Absentminded blinks of coal black eyes, before the beginnings of recognition dawn on her face upon finally noticing said individual.   05. Tight hugs, hand squeezing and affectionate kisses reserved only for close friends [aka Judith] or lovers.
  01. Blues ( Masculinity and somber emotions [aka sadness, gloom, fear, loneliness, etc] )   02. Black ( Inner strength, determination and rebellion )   03. Oranges ( Creativity, fascination, attraction, success, stimulation, desire, sexual passion, pleasure and thirst for action )   04. Dark red ( Willpower, rage, anger, courage and longing )   05. Browns. ( Stability and masculine qualities [aka outspokenness, protectiveness, deference to truth over feelings, etc] )
  01. Natural musk that contains both earthy and sweet tones.   02. Herbal essence’s ‘Cucumber and Green Tea’ shampoo that has a clean and fresh fragrance to it. If nearby, you can catch a slight whiff from her hair.   03. Coffee grounds. Though faint, one could detect it through her clothes while hugging her, usually because she spends a lot of time hanging around in a coffee shop or making herself coffee.   04. A mixture of dried ink and books ( mostly consisting of manga, borrowed novels from the library and a bible Judith gifted her ) that permeates her apartment. While typing on a laptop may have it’s merits, she also has a multitude of pens taken from her parents house that she would primarily use to write her poetry or initiate stimming through clicking or unclicking them.    05. Hand soup that may oftentimes vary from smelling like vanilla to coconut water. With how frequently she slathers it along her hands, one may think she is trying to hide something or overcompensating in some way. 
 01. Thick heavy set glasses. They are also black like her eyes, as if blocking out anyone from seeing directly into her soul.  02. Fidget spinner. For some reason, you are most likely to find it in the huge pockets of the jacket worn around her waist, where her two phones and wallet tend to reside.  03. Several notebooks that not only contain poems but journal entries of either herself or other people she knows, written in neat lettering.  04. Old worn leather backpack she carries around with her whenever she’s travelling to her college campus or bringing along her laptop.  05. Black Gothic choker attached to a silver chain. Apparently, it was a gift from her mother who tried her best in catering to what she thought was her daughter’s aesthetic in accessories. Because she didn’t have the heart to refuse it at the time, that elegant thing would always be seen hanging around her neck to this very day.
  01. Objectification of men and women. During the few first encounters you have with her, she might see you as nothing more than a sexual object, instead of an actual person.   02. Addiction to viewing pornographic material and masturbating. As a result of an undiagnosed hypersexual disorder that happens to coincide with her autism, she’s... kinda a mess.   03. Self deprecation. Due to a verbally abusive mother and the rejections she has experienced throughout her life, she lacks confidence in regards to her physical appearance and doesn’t have a good overall opinion about herself.   04. Gluttony. Not only does she binge eat in order to cope with emotions, she also does so for pleasure.   05. Absentmindedly picking at the acne along her face. Despite having a high metabolism, she does tend to have an assortment of pimples accumulating from excessive eating.
  01. Legs spreading wide open while sitting, since she almost never wears skirts or dresses.   02. Averting her gaze either towards the direction of her feet or from left to right when flustered.   03. Hand resting along the side of her face, accompanied by far-off look in her eyes. You start to wonder if she’s still even here, with how distant from reality she seems.   04. Stroking her chin while deep in thought.   05. Leaning back against walls.
  01.  A weeb’s paradise: anime wallpapers decorating her bedroom wall, collection of manga volumes resting on shelves, a body pillow of Kizami Yuuya sitting by her bed and further merchandise of the husband-o strewn along her front desk.   02. Blue butterflies. Somehow, they always seem to have a calming effect on her.   03. Short, unpainted nails caked with dirt or blood.   04. Band aids along her fingers for nursing occasional paper cuts.   05. Large assortment of plates filled with food.
✖   X. SONGS.
   01. Catch my Breath - Kelly Clarkson    02. On my Own - Ashes Remain    03. Lose Control - Evanescence    04. Balsam - Yuzuki Yukari    05. Lie - Luka Megurine
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lasplaga · 4 months
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𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
Listed from most desirable plots to least :
A feminine RE4R aligned OC that's written as his religious servant(s) so I can explore a very morbid, albeit "somewhat" romantic dynamic.
Mendez, Salazar, or Arias roleplayers, which is a huge ask, I know. I don't want to overwhelm my friend with her juggling so many different accounts & irl responsibilities. Unfortunately I love really unpopular villains.
A thread or ask prompt where I can depict his intermediate phase form or irreversible final form.
The chance to discover what Osmund would be like with full humanity & without his curse.
Someone entertaining my WoW crossover verse so I have a reason to make icons / graphics for it. Another huge ask, I'm aware.
Plot where a muse is kidnapped, religiously sacrificed or put under a ritual. Because who doesn't love scary scenarios, gore & body horror?
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