#▓ ▌❛ ⋯ ABOUT 📨 ◢  the tomboyish writer!!
unladylikc · 2 years
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the lover.
love has brought you to this place, and it will not let you leave. fear clutches you, constricts you, and it will have you killed– and yet, it is still no match for the bounty of your heart. you will try as hard as you can to protect the object of your affections. evil is nothing in the face of your warmth. even if you are successful in protecting your lover, that does not guarantee your own survival. your heart has doomed you, but what greater death is there than dying for love?
TAGGED BY: @s-talking​ ( thank you for mentioning me and giving me something else to queue other than a reply! to be honest, i didn’t wanna have it posted on the same day my partner replied to it even if i had nothing else i owe, so i was at loss on whether or not i should post an inbox call, a headcanon post, or a meme, but you ended up helping me decide... so again, thanks a lot! )
TAGGING: whoever sees this on the dash... you are now tagged.
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unladylikc · 2 years
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「 anonymous​​ 」 — writes:
"Are you a coffee or tea girl?" @katsu-at-the-bottom
always accepting → unprompted asks !!
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     “Oh, I happen to like coffee more, if only because it’s the manlier drink! Tea is also quite good, though; in fact, I’m personally partial to matcha, but aesthetically speaking, the butterfly pea flower tea Lexy would sometimes make me is my favourite. It’s such a pretty blue, I just find myself mesmerized by it’s beauty! Still, I digress... anywho, Katsu-beam, why do you ask? Did you want me to treat you to a nice cup of joe or something?”
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unladylikc · 3 years
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( thinking about how vivian has the mentality of ‘unfortunately, i am attracted to people regardless of gender’, not because of misanthropy or hatred towards people who don’t identify as female/male, but the belief that they’re just more complicated. cause unlike fictional characters in dating sims, real people actually have free will, so it takes time, effort, and hard work to actually get closer to someone and even then, they’re not guaranteed to fall in love with you once you establish a connection with them.
on top of that, vivian hates being attracted to ‘three dimensional people’, because she worries they’ll be uncomfortable by this revelation, especially when she views herself to be a hideous freak, which isn’t really helped by society’s unkind opinions regarding autistic folks. plus, due to her hypersexuality, she tends to mentally objectify those she finds attractive, which then leads her to feel guilt and shame further down the line.
also, with how frequently she has experienced rejection, vivian’s insecure and does not know how to do relationships, for no one has ever really expressed interest or bothered pursuing her. )
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unladylikc · 3 years
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tagged by: @s-talking ( thank you so very much for mentioning me!! <333 )
tagging: @ardensfides / @lacedmagic ( lacie ) / @katsu-at-the-bottom / @illdivine / @cosmicstardreamer / @afacere​ / @lostprotag / @flxwergxrden ( toni ) and uh… whoever else would like to do it, i suppose!
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unladylikc · 3 years
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( so i’m reminded again that vivian personally owns these bottles... )
manlyᵀᴹ Moisturizing Shampoo
manlyᵀᴹ Hair and Scalp Conditioner
Invigorating Seaweed Shampoo
Minnesota Wood Body Wash
BANDED Masculine Body Wash: Blood Orange
( and i’m just like... ‘GDI, why can’t you just buy normal shampoo and conditioner like everyone else, vivi??’ )
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unladylikc · 3 years
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「 @getofflikeagun​ 」 — writes:
attraction : for my muses top five physical traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
attraction : for my muses top five personality traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
attraction : what is the first thing my muse notices when they’re attracted to someone?
attraction : what will instantly ruin the attraction my muse has for someone?
still accepting → romantic ship meme !!
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attraction : for my muses top five physical traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
LIPS — Bonus points if they happen to be male presenting and are usually always seen smirking... but in all seriousness, the lips are the first thing Vivian would notice about someone’s face, because she isn’t that big on eye contact. When it comes to women, though, the lips she tends to find most attractive are plump, lightly glossed ones.
CHEST — It doesn’t really matter if it’s a mans or womans chest, to be honest, because as long as their outfit features a boob window, Vivian would discreetly stare the first chance she gets. 
ABS — This is more so in regards to men who have a six pack, to be honest, because as stereotypical as it might seem, she does enjoy looking at a man who visibly works out.
FINGERS — Whether they are shorter or longer compared to hers, Vivian just really likes fingers.
EYEPATCH — They don’t have to be visually impaired, but if someone happens to wear an eyepatch, they automatically become ten times more attractive to Vivian. 
attraction : for my muses top five personality traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
Answered here!
attraction : what is the first thing my muse notices when they’re attracted to someone?
The first thing she would notice is how she just can’t take her eyes off of them, to be honest. Like, if Vivian thinks someone is attractive, you can bet she will zone out in their general direction and just fantasize about them from a distance.
attraction : what will instantly ruin the attraction my muse has for someone?
There are quite a few things that would ruin the attraction Vivian has for someone, but the biggest ones are when they reveal themself to be a misandrist, misogynist, or a race fetishizer. She also tends to lose her attraction to men if she finds out they are strictly bottoms due to her massive maledom kink.
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unladylikc · 3 years
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「 @arscarrietia​​​ 」 — writes:
5,8,14,and 19! <3
still accepting → romantic ship meme !!
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dating : what is my muses first date perfume/cologne/scent & why?
Answered here!
intimacy : does/would my muse have a one night stand?
Did Vivian ever have a one night? Nope, this girl is sadly a virgin. Would she have a one night stand, though? Well, it kind of depends on who it’s with, because if it’s someone she doesn’t know, then it would definitely not happen for ‘stranger danger’ reasons, but if... say, she has a friend that propositions her and said friend happens to be someone she’s sexually attracted to, then I could see it happen. Of course, Vivian wouldn’t actively seek out one night stands, but I can see her agreeing to having casual sex with someone she at least likes on a platonic level.
Granted, if she’s already in a monogamous relationship with someone else, then the answer would be ‘no’, for Vivian would certainly try her best to stay faithful to her partner. To say she wouldn’t be tempted to, however, would be a lie because she is hypersexual.
intimacy : who was my muses last kiss?
By natural default, it’s with @illdivine​‘s Judith, but in verses where she stays single or has never met Judith, the answer would be ‘not applicable’, because this girl isn’t the type to ask people out or have assertive secret admirers. With Judith, however, it’s different because their relationship is more so a platonic one despite the fact they’re close enough to be casually affectionate with each other.
in a relationship : how soon in the relationship is my muse likely to say ‘i love you’?
It depends on how long she has known the person, to be honest, because if they hadn’t known each other for more than year, she would only acknowledge she has a crush on them, but if they had been friends for years before dating, she would probably say it a week into the relationship once it finally sinks in that someone actually returns her feelings. Honestly, if it’s the latter case, then Vivian would have already reached the point where she’s in love with them; therefore, she’ll probably just let it slip while having sex or when she’s laying with them one day.
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unladylikc · 3 years
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「 @cosmicstardreamer​​ 」 — writes:
attraction : for my muses top five personality traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
dating : what is my muses first date perfume/cologne/scent & why?
still accepting → romantic ship meme !!
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attraction : for my muses top five personality traits that they’re attracted to in a potential partner
CONFIDENCE — Of course, it probably is no secret that Vivian likes assertiveness in a man, but if she notices someone exhibits a self assured attitude and has faith in their abilities, she finds herself immediately attracted to them. This is mainly because those traits are what she herself lacks, but at the same time, it’s still possible for her to dislike a person who displays these traits (i.e: Percival from Granblue Fantasy). Granted, she’ll still find arrogant men attractive and may secretly admire individuals who are overly optimistic, but developing a romantic attraction towards them is a different story altogether. 
OPENMINDEDNESS — Since Vivian is accustomed to recieving insults and people being needlessly cruel to her, she’s far more likely to fall in love with someone who isn’t judgemental. As long as they’re kind and understanding, she would want to be around them all the time, hence why someone like Kensuke is someone she’s very fond of. Basically, when it comes to a potential partner, they have to be someone who accepts her for who she is before she can even consider commiting to them.
DEVIOUSNESS — This is more so in regards to men, but considering Vivian has a maledom kink, male presenting people who have sadistic leanings are those she can’t help being attracted to. If they’re the type to tease or humiliate her, then chances are high she would eventually become smitten with them. In her defense, though, Vivian is a closet pervert, meaning her tastes are a bit... degernate compared to the average person’s.
SENSE OF HUMOR — Vivian does enjoy laughing, so while someone not having a sense of humor isn’t a major deal breaker for her, she does have more chemistry with a person who she can crack jokes with. Being serious all the time just... isn’t her thing, unfortunately, so anyone she considers bland bores her immensely, especially if they happen to have the personality of sandpaper; therefore, someone who can smile and laugh alongside her recieves extra bonus points with her.
LOYALTY — Do keep in mind Vivian has personally experienced ‘friends’ ditching plans they had together for what she calls ‘dick appointments’, so she likes people who can consistently keep their word and commit to any schedules she establishes without bailing on her. Of course, Vivian is already insecure, to the point where she’ll be hurt yet understanding if someone decides to cheat on her, especially since she herself is hypersexual, but what’s important to her is that they can follow routines. 
dating : what is my muses first date perfume/cologne/scent & why?
Not gonna lie, I don’t really see Vivian wearing any perfume to a date. Of course, cologne might be a different story altogether, especially if said scent is one she finds ‘manly’, but she is the type of girl to just shower, put deodorent on, and call it a day; besides, perfumes and cologne bottles are just so expensive, she would prefer to buy stuff that is much more affordable. Provided someone bought it for her, though, Vivian wouldn’t be against putting on cologne.
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unladylikc · 3 years
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「 anonymous 」 — writes:
still accepting → romantic ship meme !!
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intimacy : what touch/act of intimacy will make my muse melt?
Honestly, if you were to simply caress her face with your hand or gently run your fingers through her hair, Vivian will instantly melt. Of course, she’s already quite touch starved, so generally speaking, any affectionate touch would be acceptable, but the quickest way for her face to turn like this
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is if you stroke her cheek or play with her hair. Seriously, though, please do these things, because this girl has practically went without physical affection all her life, to the point where she only seeks it out from Judith now, because she think
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