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smilepilled ¡ 3 months ago
coining community... please add me to your taglists, for ANYTHING you make, editblr and coiningblr... i love being tagged and reblogging everything all at once. please, pleeease let me be in ur taglists. im the reblogger. please. im begging here. i love seeing your creations per request. please. please subject me to your creations. pretty please.
my taglist will be below. ur free to ask me to be added to mine. please dont be shy i prommy i dont bite. unless ur mean to me then i bite. but i dont otherwise... please!!!!
Taglist: @\\\\\\\\radiomogai, @lovesse, @lunentity, @rwuffles, @kiruliom, @nqvo / @cheruvic, @inknoidd, @h-halos, @puppfie, @gender-mailman, @hypnosiacon, @losergendered, @rabidbatboy, @acronym-chaos, @daybreakthing, @gengernoway, @calypsoscyclone, @local-maneater, @scr-ppup, @sevvys, @puriette-archived, @floraeth, @bluecube-coins, @idwl. Please, feel free to ask to be removed from/added to the list. (You're also welcome to ignore this!)
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barbiewritesstuff ¡ 2 years ago
Fairground Fun
-- Why are fics so hard to title??
Thank you @lgg5989 for helping me with this <3
Taglist: @unsurebuttrying @dempy --
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"Whoa," Rooster says as soon as you walk into the Hard Deck that night, you're wearing your civvies. The flight suit makes you uncomfortable and the uniform is unflattering so you go for your usual clothes. You're wearing a cute pink dress with a nice pair of fuschia heels and you've clearly done your hair because your usual pin straight hair has been curled neatly so it falls over your shoulders in a very attractive way. 
"Don't get excited, she has kids. I'm single though," your friend says, her eyelashes batting at the tall aviator. You look at her to say 'what the fuck', your eyes quickly darting to Jake’s from across the table. He had taken you out on a date last week, and you didn’t find the right moment to tell him that you were a package deal, coming with not one but two kids.  
Jake watches the interaction from his place across the pool table. He hadn’t even met the girl and he already felt nothing but pure hatred towards her for making you feel bad. So much so that he hasn't even had time to compute what she said. The penny falls a minute later when he crosses your eyes and sees nothing but pure fear.
He tries to give you a warm smile, because the truth is: Jake is mad about you. He probably always has been, but that revelation shows him that maybe he always will be because while it should have shaken him or made him hesitate, the fact that you have kids feels like nothing more than a fun fact about you. He still feels weird about it though, and as much as he wants to comfort you, he feels himself withdrawing for the rest of the evening.
By the time Penny calls for last orders and he drinks the last of his beer, he's made up his mind. You all spill onto the parking lot and quickly spread in all sorts of directions. Rooster walks off with your friend.
"You need better friends," Jake says as he comes up behind you, nodding towards the couple. 
"You didn't tell me," he adds in a quiet whisper.
Jake thinks he might need some new friends too, because when you hum in agreement, hurt crosses your face, and he's ready to fight Rooster for sleeping with the girl behind that expression.
"I didn't want to ruin a good date. I'm sorry, I know it's so selfish of me but I had so much fun and…" you trail off but Jake can only concentrate on the fact that you had fun. You didn't want to ruin an evening. That statement shouldn't carry as much weight as it does.
"What happened to the dad?" Jake asks
"Living in Spain with his new family," you reply, "They're lucky to even get a call on Christmas."
"He moves fast," is all Jake could find to say
"It helps when you get a head start while you're still in a relationship," you reply. 
Despite your answer there's a comfortable lull in conversation as he walks you home, and it gives him time to think back. You were a relatively new addition to the team but you charmed just about anyone, even him. He'd been working up the courage to talk to you for weeks and then he caught you after training one day last week and finally asked. You had said yes, giving him a bright smile that had made him weak in the knees and Jake had to admit that the crush he thought he had might be a lot more. In fact, he thought he might have skipped right past the crush stage and gone straight to desperately in love but he didn't really care.
He took you to his favourite restaurant and spent the entire evening overthinking everything. He agonised over whether he was talking too much, or too little. Was he talking too much about himself? Was he boring you? Were you having a good time? Would you want to do this again?
Surprisingly, you didn't seem to notice and admittedly had a good time, enough that Jake figured he'd at least try to ask you out again.
"I'm playing tomorrow. If you want to come," he ventures. He told you he played football for the Navy's team during your date, after you told him that going to see a game live was one of your bucket list items.
"I'd love that," you reply, a smile so bright it could power San Diego.
"Babysitter cancelled. I'm sorry," you text him at lunch, right as he's about to step in the shower.
"But how will we win? You are my lucky charm," he texts back, fake pouting at his screen to hide real disappointment.
Jake can almost hear you laugh at his text right through the screen and his heart actually skips a beat. It feels funny but not unwelcome, in fact, he'd like you to do that again.
"You'll do fine :)," you text back and for a second Jake actually feels desperate, like everything hangs on you being there to cheer him on. Like they'll win if you come, which is weird, because the team he plays for has been doomed since the start of the season. 
It's the desperation that texts back, "Why don't you bring them? We can hit the fair afterwards?" and the desperation is very surprised to find that that was pretty much exactly what Jake was planning on texting you anyway. 
He can feel it stir up gossip among his neurons.
"He must really be into her," one of them says.
"I hear he's already picking engagement rings," the other one replies.
"Okay, if I don't catch you beforehand, I'll be the lady in blue and white holding two kids," you text back and his heart skips another beat. 
He can see you telling him this, a big smile on your face. The kind of smile that makes him want to kiss you -- oh, who is he kidding? He always wants to kiss you. In his daydream you're in front of him in the rec room, your hair in a navy bun, but one of your locks of curly blonde hair has escaped the gelling and is hanging in front of your forehead. Your eyes have a glint in them and Jake likes to pretend it only appears when you talk to him. 
And then it's time for him to get ready and go. The whole way to the field, every single song playing on the radio is about you. He parks, gets ready and right before the game starts, he gets your tickets for you, giving the salesperson your name and your description. One of his teammates catches the interaction and gives him shit for having a girl and finally settling down. Jake doesn't even bother correcting him, because if it goes the way he wants it to go, you'll be his girl soon enough.
It's time. They're jogging out of the building and onto the field and Jake looks around. As if trained specifically for this, his eyes find you immediately. You are dressed in blue with a navy football team jersey tucked into a skater skirt. Your hair is up in a casual ponytail but you have a second scrunchie around your wrist. Your kids fit the color scheme too but with the way your daughter is pouting at you, pinching the edges of her shirt and glaring at it, he thinks it might not be voluntary. Your son doesn't seem to care too much, he's far too busy trying to eat his own hand.
Too distracted by the sight of you, Jake trips. He doesn't fall though and he thanks God for it, because he doesn't want to embarass you like that. 
The game starts a little bit after and ends in record time. The game was lost almost as soon as it had started but he doesn't care because you cheer for him like he cheers for the Longhorns: loud and proud. Even the little one is startled out of the munching of his fingers and joins in the clapping. Your daughter doesn't.
"I wanted to be a Princess," she says when Jake joins you after the game. 
"That's Anna," you introduce, "And this is Teddy."
"I wanted to be a Princess," she repeats with enough poison dripping from her tone that Jake has no doubt that she thinks this is entirely his fault. You tell Anna off in a hushed tone and he's grateful for it but he doesn't really mind. He's not there for the kids, he's there for you.
Except, as the evening goes on, he starts being there for the kids too.
Jake's not the type of guy who's always dreamt of having his own kids. In all honesty, he's not great at thinking about the future. He does the bare minimum. He invests his money, and he saves for a nice retirement but other than that, he tries not to think about things too much. The thought that there might not be a future at all is so anxiety inducing that it gives him a nervous rash. But here and now his brain is running a mile a minute, making him a movie of everything he could have with you and your kids if this date goes well enough that you might say yes when he asks you to go steady. The movie is Oscar worthy and even has him tearing up a little by the end of it.
"What kind of princess?" He asks your daughter as they wait for you to finish changing Teddy, "You said you wanted to come as a princess… what kind of princess? What's her name?"
"Cinderella," she replies with zero hesitation. 
"That's a good princess," he agrees, feeling suddenly so very awkward about the fact he can't make conversation with a two year old.
"What's your favourite one?" Anna asks, seemingly warming up to him a little.
"Tiana, from the Princess and the Frog," he replies. It's not even a lie. It's the only Disney he has on dvd and the only film outside of Die Hard and the Ocean's franchise that he knows every word of and he's not ashamed to admit it.
Anna nods after a moment, approving of his answer.
"Okay," she says.
"Okay, all done," you say brightly, walking out of the mother and baby bathroom of the mall and joining them back out into the street. Teddy doesn't walk yet so you have to carry him, but with the big and bulky bag you carry his stuff in, everything's looking a little precarious.
Jake leans towards you, meaning to take the bag but Teddy leans in to meet him and suddenly he has the baby in his arms. In all fairness, Ted's not a baby anymore but Jake's scared to call him a child because being confronted with the fact that your baby isn't a baby anymore might make you frown and that would break his heart.
Teddy feels surprisingly cool against his chest, despite the fact that it's late summer and still quite warm, so the baby curls up into him and Jake's heart almost bursts. 
"You tell me if you want me to take him off you," you say, fussing with Teddy's collar and then brushing a loose eyelash off of Jake's cheek. He knows it's your kid, but he still has to fight off the urge to tell you you'll have to rip the baby off of him. 
Ted eventually falls asleep on him despite the fact that there's loud music at the fair, and that Anna got over her disapproval of her clothes and is now screeching with joy whenever she gets to go on a ride. 
"You sure you don't mind staying behind?" You ask, he shakes his head and even waves at you when you get onto the ferris wheel. Jake finds a nice bench to sit on. He unzips his hoodie and shimmies it from underneath the sleeping boy to wrap him inside it. Teddy lets out a happy sigh.
"How old is the little lad?" The man sitting next to him asks. He's carrying a baby in one of those chest carriers Jake doesn't know the names of.
"Err, I don't know. He's not mine," he answers.
"Oh," the man says, his eyebrows shooting up. Jake winces, only just realising how strange this looks.
"He's my date's," Jake expands, "She's up on the wheel with her little girl," he adds.
"Oh, right," the man looks relieved, "My wife's there too, with her sister."
"That's nice," Jake says, trying to quell that burning feeling in his chest, the one that told him he liked being mistaken for Teddy's dad. The man stands up and leaves, clearly unhappy with the conversation but Jake honestly doesn't care because Ted is bunching up his shirt with his chubby little fist and it's just about the cutest thing he's ever seen in his life.
"He likes you," you say when you come down with Anna on your hip.
"He's cute," he replies. You lean in and place a little kiss on Teddy's little head and then one on Jake's cheek and he feels dizzy all of a sudden. 
He takes you to get some food and a drink. You and Anna share a gigantic vat of candy floss while he eats a tornado potato. It's a nice evening, the stars are shining bright and the fair is fun and right now, Jake realises there's nowhere else he'd rather be.
"Jake, I'd like another child. I just thought I'd say that right off the bat, so you can figure out if you'd like this to go further." You say all of a sudden and Jake laughs because while you were talking, the only thing he could think about was that you had been pregnant every year so far, and Jake wonders if you'd like to be pregnant this year too.
"What?" You ask
"Sorry, it's just -- that's awfully forward from someone who didn't tell me they had kids til after the first date," he lies
You look at the floor, "I figured that maybe you might like me… you did tell me to bring the kids, I don't think you'd do that if you weren't interested,"
"I am interested," Jake replies, weighing his words.
"But?" You ask, looking deep into his eyes. Maybe he's dreaming but Jake thinks he can see something a little like apprehension in your eyes and that's when Jake realises you might actually like him back. Despite the fact, the rational part of his brain laughs, that you agreed to two dates, let him meet, hold and watch your kids and that you're now talking about more kids with him. 
"I don't think I want just one," he says, looking at his feet as you walk up to a small enclosure where people are keeping some livestock. Standing between the two of you, Anna is straining to look at the animal.
He does what he does with his nephews and he lifts her up so her feet rest on the fence and she's sitting on his shoulder. She's perfectly still, Jake's not sure she's breathing. Maybe she's scared of heights, or she's scared of him, he suddenly thinks but she lets out a big breath and wiggles on his shoulder, it's controlled and she won't actually fall but the second he feels it, Jake's hand flies up to hover near her in case she needs catching. She relaxes then, like he's passed her test and she now knows she's safe with him. Anna even rests her little hand on top of his head.
He's scared to look at you for a bit, but he desperately wants to so to stop himself he points things out to Anna. After a minute, he feels your hand on his chin, turning his head. Instinctively, he takes a hold of the little girl and puts her back down. You capture his lips in a kiss he'll never forget. His heart is beating out of his chest and his brain has gone quiet for the first time in his life. When you break apart, because Anna asks to go home please, you look into each other's eyes with such intensity that it sends a shiver down his spine. 
You carry the little girl to your car and buckle her in while Jake takes care of Teddy. His chest feels cold when he places the boy in his seat. Clearly Teddy doesn't like it either because he wakes up and his bottom lip trembles. You make your way around the car and stroke down from his forehead to the tip of his nose, Ted falls back asleep in three strokes.
"I was wondering if -- I don't know -- I figured you might like me… and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" He blurts out as soon as you close the car door.
You smile at him, his heart skips a beat again. Jake thinks he might get addicted to this feeling, because the way endorphins rush his brain makes him euphoric. 
"I'd like that," you reply in a soft and shy tone of voice and for once, he doesn't fight it, he leans in and kisses you. He's pouring every ounce of love he has towards you into that kiss. Eventually, he has to break away from you, not to breathe but to stop himself from just proposing right there and then.
"I should go," you whisper, pointing at the car. Jake opens the door for you and you climb in, driving out of the parking lot with a smile wave.
In the back seat, Anna shifts slightly in her seat and waves at him too.
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floralcyanide ¡ 3 years ago
The Extra || Austin Butler x OC
Chapter Two
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Pairing: Austin Butler x OC
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking
Word Count: 2375
>> welcome to chapter two! thanks for all of the lovely feedback across the platforms I post on, I appreciate it so much. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter <3 if you do, please let me know! feedback fuels my writing.
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January 2020
I’m on the verge of panic when I get back to my apartment. I hadn’t expected to see Austin any time soon, let alone work with him. Would I still be here if I had known he was playing Elvis? I honestly don’t know. So far, it’s been fun being an extra for the movie, and I love my coworkers. Baz is a super nice director and excellent to work with, but knowing I have to see Austin and be up close and personal with him in scenes makes me feel some way. It’s been a year, but I don’t think I’m ready to have an actual conversation with him. I know acting like I don’t know him will be difficult, but I don’t want anyone to treat me differently. And pretending I don’t know Austin probably seems childish, but I don’t want him to acknowledge me anymore. Maybe giving off that I don’t care will make him not interact with me. 
There’s a knock on the front door, and I reluctantly go to answer it. When I swing the door open, it’s Tyler, who looks concerned.
“Is everything okay? You left set pretty quickly.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” I say, looking down at my feet.
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to Baz because he’s wondering where the girl with the money shot went,” Tyler chuckles, a pleased smile on his face.
“Money shot?” I ask, “What do you mean?”
“That look on your face when Austin grabbed your jaw was priceless,” Tyler says, “Baz wants you to do that exact face in every shot of the scene.”
I raise my eyebrows in shock, “Really?” 
Tyler nods, “Yes. What made you leave the set like that anyway? You are okay, right?”
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone,” I bite my lip nervously.
“My lips are sealed,” Tyler says, moving his hand across his mouth as if he was zipping his lips shut.
“Austin and I dated a few years ago. I had no idea he was playing Elvis, and I wasn’t ready to see him,” I lean against the doorframe and avoid eye contact.
“Oh, damn. Do you think you would’ve taken your part if you had known Austin would be in the movie?” Tyler asks, not really reacting as crazy as I thought he would.
“I don’t know,” I say quietly, pursing my lips.
There’s a silence before Tyler speaks up, “Well, you might wanna return to set and come up with a good excuse for why you had to leave.”
“You’re probably right,” I sigh, peering up at Tyler as a smile cracks on my face, “Thanks for not being freaked out that Austin and I dated.”
“We all have that one relationship, darling. Trust me,” Tyler mumbles, guiding me outside of the apartment.
When we arrived back on set, I quickly told everyone that there was an emergency in my apartment that I had to tend to. Thankfully, Baz feels that the shot we got of the Trouble performance was good enough not to have to film it over again. That is a major relief because I don’t think I could’ve dealt with Austin grabbing my face again like that. The next scene we film will be the Louisiana Hayride performance, and I’m one of the screaming girls in the crowd. I’ll have a wig that’s a different color from my natural hair, which we used in the Trouble performance. That way, I won’t be easily recognized between scenes if a viewer just so happens to notice me. 
Filming for the Louisana Hayride won’t start until tomorrow, so everyone is sent home for the rest of the day. I’m getting ready to go when I hear someone approach me from behind.
“Roman, right?”
I turn around to see Olivia DeJonge, the actress who plays Priscilla Presley. She’s been hanging on set since her scenes aren’t being filmed quite yet, so I’ve seen her around. 
“Yes,” I smile politely, “What can I do for you?”
“Well, some of the cast and crew are going to get drinks later, and we were wondering if you’d like to join us?” Olivia smiles back.
“Oh, really? Not to be weird or anything, but why me?” I ask, hoping Austin wasn’t a part of this somehow.
“Your acting earlier was really good, and we just want to know more about your career. I’ve noticed you’ve been in a lot of stuff,” Olivia says, “It seems interesting, is all.”
“In that case, I don’t mind joining. Not many people seem interested in what I do,” I shrug.
“We are all very interested,” Olivia grins. 
“Where exactly are we going for drinks?” I ask.
“It’s just a bar not far from here. It’s right next to the hotel down the street. Is seven okay?” Olivia asks, checking her watch.
“Seven is good! I’ll see you there,” I say, tossing my bag over my shoulder.
I hurry back to the apartment, and it’s a quarter past six when I get there. I decided on a tank top with some ripped jeans, a belt, and a leather jacket for my outfit. Nothing too fancy, plus in Australia, it gets a little cooler in the evening. For makeup, I just touch up what little I had on from filming earlier- winged eyeliner and a red lip. I pull my phone out and glance at the clock. It’s 6:40, so I go ahead and leave for the bar. I have a weird feeling about tonight, but I shake it off. Probably just the residual feeling of impending doom from earlier. 
The moment I arrive at the bar, the cast members call me over. Luke Bracey, who plays Jerry Schilling, is here along with Dacre Montgomery, who plays Steve Binder. Olivia is sitting between the two of them, and to my surprise, Tom Hanks is also at the table. I’ve been around plenty of stars and have met just as many, including Roger Taylor and Brian May, but Tom Hanks is something else entirely. I haven’t gotten the pleasure to come across him on set yet. 
“Everyone, this is Roman Todd. I’m sure you’ve noticed her already,” Olivia stands up and introduces everyone to me.
The three men stand up to shake my hand, and they’re all smiles. Olivia offers to grab my drink from the bar whileI settle in.
“It’s an honor to meet all of you, I love everyone’s work,” I say, taking a seat. 
“We love your work so far, young lady,” Tom comments, taking a sip of his drink. 
A blush rises to my cheeks, “Thank you, that means a lot. What I do isn’t much, but-”
“Your work is essential,” Dacre interjects, “Without extras, there’s not a crowd at a show or people waiting outside Graceland. You help make the movie.”
“Not to mention how you did in your close-up for the scene at Russwood. That was impressive,” Olivia points out as she sits my drink down, “Even Baz was shocked at how well you captured your own response, even if it wasn’t exactly scripted that way. He loves changing things up.” 
“Have you ever considered an acting career outside of being an extra, Roman?” Dacre asks around his drink.
I stare into my vodka as the dreaded question comes my way for the umpteenth time.
“Not really. I’m comfortable where I am. I don’t really enjoy the spotlight,” I laugh nervously under everyone’s gaze, “Being an extra is what I’ve always done. People still notice my presence, just not as much as they would if I were an actress, and that’s enough for me.”
Everyone at the table nods understandingly.
“Being in the spotlight is certainly not for everyone,” Tom pipes up, and there are murmurs of agreement from everyone at the table.
“What’s your favorite movie or show you’ve done so far?” Luke asks.
“My absolute favorite so far is Bohemian Rhapsody. Elvis is becoming a close contender, even if we just started filming,” I say, thinking back to the fond memories of filming with such great actors.
“Oh, there you are!” Olivia gets up from her seat to greet someone behind me, “I was starting to think you weren’t showing.”
She’s hugging someone, I’m not sure who, until she lets go of them. My blood runs cold. 
“Just had to get across town in this traffic,” Austin laughs, flicking some hair out of his face.
I turn back to my drink and down it in one go.
“Jesus, Roman, are you good?” Dacre chuckles at my sudden change in demeanor.
“Yep,” I say, popping the ‘p,’ “I just really love vodka,” I wink.
“Roman, this is Austin. But you’ve already met him, right?” Olivia ushers him over to me.
“Not really,” I frown, standing up from my seat, “But we did somewhat talk earlier on set. It’s nice to actually meet you,” I fight back a grimace as I hold out my hand for him to shake.
There’s an annoyed look in Austin’s eyes as he takes my hand and shakes it reluctantly, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again.”
It feels like ages that he’s been shaking my hand, and an awkward silence begins forming at the table at our interaction. I clear my throat, “I’m going to get another drink. Does anyone need another?”
Dacre stands up, “I do. I’ll come with.”
I inwardly cringe. I was hoping no one would tag along, but Dacre seems cool.
“So,” Dacre drawls, “Are you sure you’ve never met Austin before?” he leans against the bar.
Ignoring his question, I tell the bartender my drink and motion for Dacre to let him know his.
As soon as the bartender walks off, I inhale sharply, “I’m sure. He looks like he’d be recognizable.”
Dacre scoffs, “Well, I was just wondering because when he walked up, it looked like you had seen a ghost.”
I stare blankly at him, “Are you sure you aren’t imagining things?”
“It was just a question,” Dacre says, putting his hands up defensively before taking his drink from the bar, “Ready to head back to your ghost?”
I make eye contact with Dacre and decide that he absolutely knows Austin and I know each other, “Don’t say anything,” I mumble, “Please.”
He nods solemnly. I knew that he had to have known. The two of us head back to the table. Austin has taken the empty seat next to mine, much to my dismay. When Dacre and I return to the table, his face is unreadable. I almost want to say it looks like jealousy, but Austin has nothing to be jealous of. I brush it off and take my seat.
“So,” Austin says, “What were you guys talking about before I got here?”
“We were asking Roman about her career as an extra,” Luke says with a smile.
“Yeah, she was just talking about how she was in Bohemian Rhapsody,” Olivia wiggles her eyebrows.
“Oh, really?” Austin asks, sounding a little shocked.
“Yeah, I was talking about it’s my favorite movie I’ve worked on so far. Elvis is starting to become close to being my favorite, though,” I say, stirring my drink and not really making eye contact.
“What would make it your favorite?” Tom asks, eyebrows raised.
I hum, “The cast and crew are what make the movie for me, and so far, you guys are really making it hard to choose,” I chuckle.
A comfortable silence falls over the table until Austin asks, “What else do you do when you aren’t being an extra, Roman?”
Hearing my name fall from his lips again sends chills up my spine, but I ignore them, “I write. Mostly fiction.”
“Interesting. Anything published?” Austin questions.
The urge to make him shut up is becoming very strong. He knows I was working on a book before we broke up, but because of said break up, I haven’t had the inspiration to write anymore. But he doesn’t know that, at least. But I worry his questions will become more personal and telling. 
I clear my throat, glancing up at everyone waiting expectantly for my response, “Not yet. I was working on something, but um,” I lick my lips nervously, “I just lost inspiration.”
Austin goes quiet at my answer, nodding in understanding, “I’m gonna go get a drink.”
I almost sigh in relief at him being gone. 
“So, what do you think of Austin so far?” Dacre asks.
I bore my eyes into him, “He’s alright. I haven’t really warmed up to him yet,” I shrug, not breaking eye contact.
“He’s a great guy when you get to know him,” Olivia says, “One of the best people I’ve met.”
A pang of nostalgia hits me in the chest at knowing who Austin was before this. He absolutely hasn’t changed in some ways, but I’m sure he has in others.
The rest of the night is spent with everyone talking about their former roles and how much fun they had with them. Every now and then, I’d mention some other shows and movies I’ve been in, much to everyone’s genuine enjoyment. Austin seemed pensive whenever I brought up my past, but he played along with not knowing anything.
The group is laughing at something Luke said when Tom says, “I must be going everyone, early morning tomorrow.”
“You’re absolutely right,” Olivia gasps upon looking at her watch at the time.
It was nearing midnight already.
“Well, thanks for inviting me out tonight, Olivia. I really enjoyed it,” I smile, sliding off my chair and grabbing my jacket before giving her a hug.
“It’s no problem. Feel free to join us any time,” she says, hugging back.
I shake the hands of Luke and Tom again, and Dacre just nods a goodbye instead. The group leaves Austin and me, both of us not knowing how to acknowledge each other.
“I guess I should get going,” I begin to say, but Austin is also saying it simultaneously. We laugh awkwardly, and I scratch my neck before sticking out my hand.
“It was nice to meet you, Austin.”
With a small, defeated exhale, Austin takes my hand and shakes it, “It was nice to meet you too, Roman.”
taglist: @cozacorner @onxlymnsn @anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @jolovesfandoms @austinbutler17 @slutforblueeyes @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @popeheywardssecretgf @bobbykennedyfan
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thisbeatchachinglikemoney ¡ 4 years ago
What Do You Think?
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Part 4 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Yoongi x Jimin
Summary: Yoongi goes to the fansign without Y/N as she feels that she is going to be shunned and hated by the rest of the members. There, he realises that they aren’t all angry with him.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, Yoongi being a slight dick to Tae
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup​, @lindsayjoy444​ ​​​​​
AN: If any of you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know and I will add you :)
Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Taehyung POV:
It was hard to describe what I felt when I was that girl with my boyfriend. My Yoongi. He had his arm wrapped tightly around her way. He called her baby. That was my nickname. I was always his Taebaby. Kookie was his prince, and Jiminie was his pretty boy. 
Yes, I was jealous. Yes, I was angry. I had hoped that none of us would find our soulmates because I didn’t want our dynamic to change. We were fine just the seven of us. We didn’t need anyone else in the equation.
I glared at the pair of them as they checked out. I wasn’t really in the mood to buy new lingerie anymore. The girl turned to look at me, Joonie, and Hobi, and me and her made eye contact. Suddenly, colours flooded into my vision. I stumbled backwards, my back colliding with Hoseok’s chest. He and Namjoon both looked equally surprised.
“Taebaby, you okay?” Namjoon asked, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me steady. No, this was not okay. I was not okay. This wasn’t possible.
“It doesn’t make sense.” I mumbled. “It’s not possible.” I shook my head. “No, no, it’s not possible.” I repeated. “What just happened? Why can I see colour?”
“I can see it too.” Hoseok admitted quietly.
“And me.” Namjoon agreed. He looked confused. I glanced up at him, silently asking what we should do. He knew my facial expressions. When I got nervous, I sometimes wouldn’t talk so Namjoon had learnt to read my face to know how I was feeling. “I don’t know what we should do, Taebaby.” He looked over to where Yoongi and the girl had been stood, but they were gone now. “We’ll talk to him tomorrow at the fanmeet.”
“Is it possible, hyungie?” I asked, looking at Namjoon.
“I don’t know. It is, but I don’t know why.” Namjoon replied. “Do you want to buy anything or go home?” He asked, looking at me and stroking my hair out of my face.
“I don’t know.” I said looking around. All the lace and silk was tempting me. “I’m not really feeling it at the moment.” 
“Okay, baby, we can go home and cuddle?” Hoseok suggested. I nodded.
“That would be nice, please, hyung.” I said, allowing Hoseok to pull me into a hug and the both of them to lead me out of the store and back to the dorm.
I twisted my fingers around nervously. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with the plan anymore. They hated me. It was clear to see. Taehyung was glaring at me. I was sat in the living room, letting all the thoughts cloud my head. Taehyung was never going to like me.
“Baby, dinner’s ready, are you okay?” Yoongi raced to kneel in front of me. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“They hate me!” I said, letting the tears roll down my face. “It’s not going to work!” I sobbed. “Taehyung was glaring at me, and Namjoon looked so disappointed and disgusted!”
“They what?” Yoongi looked pissed. “Okay, baby, look at me.” He took hold of my hands. “They don’t hate you. They are angry because of what happened.”
“But that’s not my fault!”
“I know, jagiya, I know.” Yoongi kissed away my tears. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to come to the fanmeet tomorrow, okay?” He said. “Not if it’s going to upset you so much.”
“I’m sorry.” I apologised. I didn’t want him to be disappointed with me.
“Don’t you dare apologise.” Yoongi said. “Don’t worry, okay, let’s eat and then we’ll cuddle and watch a movie.” He said, taking hold of my hand and pulling me up with him.
Yoongi POV:
My alarm went off early the morning of the fanmeet. I groaned and sat up, turning it off not wanting to wake up Y/N. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips before leaving her a note and getting dressed. I was out of the door within ten minutes, knowing I would have be at the dorm before the van came to pick us up. 
I made it to the dorm ten minutes later, the cold air biting at my exposed skin on my face above my mask, and my uncovered hands. I shivered, pulling at my beanie as I realised that the van was already waiting outside. I walked over to it and got on. There was no one there yet so I decided to sit right at the back, making sure to put my bag on the empty chair next to me. 
The six of them appeared at the same time. Instantly, the van was filled with awkward tension as none of us knew exactly what to say to each other. I was angry at them, and they were angry at me. My phone buzzed with a message from my princess. I smiled as I read it.
Jagi ❤️️: I love you too, oppa! Don’t get too angry at them today, remember ARMY is always your top priority. Send me a pic of your outfit please! Have fun and don’t be too grumpy!
I chuckled at her message, quickly typing one back. I missed her already.
My lil meow meow ❤️️ 🐱: I’ll try not to be too grumpy, princess, but I’m annoyed at them for how they treated you yesterday. There’s some leftover noodles in the fridge if you want those, or you can order something if you want. There’s money in the drawer by the front door. Be safe!
She sent me back a red heart along with a screenshot of her breakfast order, saying that she was having both. I looked up from my phone, seeing that Jimin had turned around in his seat and was staring at me carefully. It was hard to tell what he was feeling - he was always good at hiding his emotions if he wanted to. We made eye contact and he shot around in his seat, leaning his head on Hoseok’s shoulder, earning a forehead kiss. I felt a pang of sadness shoot through me. Usually Taehyung would be sat next to me, curled up into my side, scrolling through social media and giggling when he found something funny. Now he was sat next to Namjoon, not even bothering to look at me.
My phone buzzed with another message. It was a picture from Y/N showing her breakfast. She had also taken a selfie with the leftover noodles, saying they were the best thing ever. The van stopped, signalling we were here. The others got off first and then I followed, wanting our interaction to be as little as possible.
Hair and makeup sped past and I found myself dressed and ready, waiting to be called out. I was first done, and then it would normally be Taehyung. I sat on my phone after sending Y/N a pre-fansign selfie. The door opened. I looked up and saw Taehyung. I looked back down at my phone, knowing that if I talked to him now, I would explode with anger. 
“Hyung?” Taehyung sat down on the couch beside me, leaving some space to be respectable. “I need to talk to you about something.” He said. 
“About what, Taehyung?” I asked, not even looking at him. He needed to know how annoyed I was. He needed to know what he had done wrong.
“It’s about your soulmate.” He said, making me scoff. Y/N was the one thing I didn’t want to talk to him about. 
“What do you want to tell me this time, Taehyung? That she’s a gold digger? That she’s just using me for money? All of that is a lie, Taehyung! And I am sure of that, okay?” I said, my voice harsh. He flinched at the tone of my voice.
“I wasn’t going to say that, honestly.” He said, his voice small.
“Until you apologise to me for what you said, I honestly don’t want to hear it.” I said, pocketing my phone and standing up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and calm down.” I walked out of the room.
I knew I was harsh with him. I waited until the door was properly shut behind me before I slid down the wall, burying my face in my hands. I loved Taehyung with all of my heart, but what he said was wrong. He had to know that Y/N was going to be a part of my life now, whether he liked it or not. 
“Hyungie?” I looked up, seeing my precious little Jimin. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Jimin.” I said, sighing slightly as I sat up, leaning the back of my head against the wall. 
“No, you’re not.” He said, sitting down next to me. “What’s wrong?” He reached over and took hold of my hand, his small fingers wrapping around mine.
“None of this is my fault, Minnie.” I said huskily, knowing that I was on the verge of crying. “I can’t chose when I meet my soulmate or who they are. And nobody understands that!”
“I understand that. I know it’s not your fault.” Jimin said, looking at me, his eyes full of sympathy. “I wanted so badly to come over to your apartment and see you. I really want to meet her. I think we all need to get used to her being around and possibly being a part of our relationship otherwise our dynamic is going to be off.”
When he said this, my heart skipped a beat. At least one of them cared about me still. “Why didn’t you come over?” I asked softly.
“Joonie wouldn’t let me.” Jimin said. “He said we needed to give you time and space, but I knew that was something you didn’t need. I wanted to speak up so badly when he told you to leave but I knew my opinion wouldn’t matter to him.” His eyes searched my face. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey you do not have to apologise. You have done nothing wrong.” I said, stroking his hand. “You tried your best, Chim, and that’s all I’ll ever ask.” He smiled slightly at that. “Tell you what, after the fansign, how about you come home with me and you can meet Y/N.” I suggested.
“Is that her name? It’s beautiful.” He said.
“You’re beautiful, pretty boy.” I said, making him blush. I stood up, pulling him up with me. “I missed you so much.” I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“I missed you too, hyungie.” He said, kissing me gently on the lips. I groaned slightly, feeling myself go hard.
“Do we have time for a quickie?” I asked, checking the time, seeing that we still had thirty minutes. “Okay, come on, quickly. I need those pretty lips around my cock.” I dragged him into an empty bathroom, pressing him against the door and attacking his neck with my lips, being careful not to leave any marks.
“Yoonie.” He whined, pressing his hips against mine. He was hard against my thigh. 
“Okay, baby, take off your clothes and put them neatly on the counter. I don’t want the stylist noonas to kill us.” I ordered as I undressed myself, folding up my clothes neatly.
“Hyungie please.” Jimin begged, palming himself through his boxers. He looked desperate, his full lips shiny red. His tongue swiped across them as he let out a breathy moan.
“Shh baby.” I said, pushing him down slightly so he would drop to his knees. “Now suck my cock like a good boy and I’ll eat you out after.” He nodded eagerly and pulled down my boxers, freeing my dick from its confines. It sprung up, the head a dark red colour. He stroked it a few times before taking the tip in his mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop. “Fuck Chimmie.” I groaned, having missed the feeling of his mouth. “You feel so good, baby. Gonna make me cum so hard.”
He smiled around my cock and swallowed, deepthroating me. My hands itched to pull at his hair, but I knew it would ruin all the stylist noonas hard work, so I grabbed hold of the counter behind me. He hollowed out his cheeks and moved his head up and down before taking me out of his mouth and licking the prominent vein on the underside of my cock, staring up at me seductively.
“Are you gonna cum for me soon, hyungie?” He asked, taking me back into his mouth and sucking hard. I could feel the knot begin to form in the base of my stomach. His lips were stretched around me as he gagged slightly from the intrusion in his throat.
“Fuck!” I moaned when I felt my tip hit the back of his throat. “Yes baby, I’m gonna cum.” I said, tightening my grip on the counter so my knuckles were white. “Stay still and open your mouth.” I thrusted into his mouth, his hands coming up to rub my hips. His 13 tattoo showed through the bracelets he was wearing on his wrist. “Fuck baby, such a pretty mouth.” He smiled up at me around my cock, swallowing as I entered his throat.
When he did that, the knot in my stomach became impossibly tight. “Baby, I’m going to cum!” I groaned, thrusting a few more times before the knot snapped. “Good boy, take it all.” I crooned as he closed his mouth around me to keep all my cum in his mouth. I pulled out of his mouth. “Swallow.” I ordered. He opened his mouth wide to show me that he had swallowed it. “Such a little slut.”
“I’m hyungie’s slut.” Jimin purred as he pulled down his boxers. I pulled him close to me, thumb brushing over his nevermind tattoo on his chest.
“Want me to eat you out, or finger you kitten?” I asked. He hummed in thought.
“Both please, hyungie.” He requested, bending over so his upper body was resting on the counter.
“You are such a little slut for me, kitten.” I said, running my hands over the globes of his ass. I pulled them apart slightly to expose his hole. I bent down and moved my tongue over it, making him shiver and moan out softly. ched round and pushed my fingers into his mouth. “Suck.” I said. He got to work, swirling his tongue around each individual digit, coating them in saliva. After a few minutes I pulled them out of his mouth before pushing two into him, making him cry out. I use my tongue as well, making the wet muscle lick over and around his hole.
He moaned out as he panted slightly, his legs shaking. “Already close, baby?” I asked, knowing the tell tale signs of him about to cum.
“Yes, hyungie. Ahhhh.” Jimin moaned as I added another finger, moving down to lick at his perineum. “Hyungie yes, right there.” He cried out as I pushed against his prostate. “Can I cum, please, can I cum.” He begged.
“Go ahead baby.” I said, allowing him to splatter his cum on the counter in front of him. “Such a messy boy.” I chuckled, making him whine in embarrassment. 
“Thank you hyungie.” He said, catching his breath. I grabbed some tissue and wiped him down. 
“I love you, Yoongi.” Jimin said, pecking my lips.
“I love you too, pretty boy.” I replied. “Come on, get dressed, they’re going to be looking for us soon.” He nodded and quickly got dressed, putting on some leather pants that clung tightly to his ass and thighs. “I think you just gave me another boner, pretty boy.”
“Oh really?” He smirked, turning around, his chest bare.
“Put your shirt on.” I laughed, making him giggle. It’s strange that you never realise how much you miss someone until you see them again.
Throughout the entire fansign, Jimin stuck by my side, sometimes holding my hand underneath the table or I would have my hand on his thigh. We took selfies together and made each other laugh. It made me realise just how much I missed being around them and also how different things were going to be now, and just how ready I was for it. 
The other members noticed this, and some had small smiles. But Taehyung and Namjoon still looked unsure. It was as if they didn’t trust me anymore, which is something I didn’t want.
Before long, the fansign was over and we were piling back into the minivan to take us back to the dorm. Jimin was tucked up next to me, his legs pulled up and curled to his side. He was scrolling through his weverse, replying to some comments from ARMY. He soon came across the selfie that I posted of me and Y/N, making him smile.
“She’s really pretty.” He said softly as the van pulled off and started driving. 
“She is, but she’s had a really horrible life.” I said, making him nod in understanding. “So just be careful with what you say about here. And don’t, whatever you do, bring up her ex.”
“Why?” Jimin asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.
“Because he abused her a lot. She had run away, which is how I met her. She was going to sleep in the park.” I explained. “He just wasn’t a very nice person, and she was terrified of him. But that’s okay because she has us to protect her.”
“Is she an ARMY?” Jimin asked.
“Yes, she is.” I replied. “She was dancing to ‘Spring Day’ when I found her. She’s a dancer too.”
“Really?” Jimin sounded excited. “That’s so cool. We can do dances together and stuff.” 
“Yes, we can.” I said with a smile, wrapping my arm around him and holding him close. My phone started to ring, making him jump. It was my baby.
“Hey, baby. You okay?” I asked as I answered.
“Yeah, I was just looking at photos from the fansign today. Have you and Jimin made up?” She asked, making me smile knowingly.
“Yes, we have. Is it alright if he comes over? He really wants to meet you.” I said, making her gasp.
“Really?” I knew how insecure she was about meeting them as she thought they all hated her. 
“Yes.” I nodded. Jimin tried to grab the phone from me. “He wants to talk to you.” I said, making her give an okay.
“Hi!” He said excitedly into the phone. I could hear the murmur of her voice as she spoke back to him. He chuckled. “Yeah, it was fun. I got a lot of things from ARMY.” He paused as she spoke. “Really?” He laughed. “Of course. Oh, please order some of that. I’ll tell Yoongi.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He mouthed “She’s ordering food for us.” I nodded. “We are almost at the dorm, so see you in about fifteen, twenty minutes. Of course, I can’t wait. See you soon!” He handed the phone back to me.
“Jagi?” I said, seeing if she was still there.
“Yes, oppa.” She replied.
“Are you okay?” I asked. “Feeling any better?”
“Yes, actually. I’m really excited to properly meet Jimin. It sounds like he is really all for me being added to the relationship.” She said, sounding happy. “I’ll see you soon. I’ve ordered pizza for us and we can have a movie night.”
“Sounds good princess. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hung up the phone and turned to Jimin. “Excited to meet your new girlfriend?” I asked, making him nod, a big smile on his face.
“I can’t wait to give her cuddles and lots of kisses.” He said, settling back against my shoulder. “We’re going to watch a movie together tonight. Can I stay over, we have a day off tomorrow?” He looked at me giving me puppy eyes. “Please hyungie?”
“How can I ever say no to this face?” I asked, cupping his cheeks and squishing them together, making him giggle. I pushed his blond hair out of his face as the van pulled up outside of the dorm. “Do you need to grab anything?” I asked.
“Nope. I’ll just steal your clothes.” He said with a small smile. “Come on, come on, come on! Let’s go!” He took hold of my hand and pulled me off the minivan and started dragging me towards my apartment.
“Jiminie, where are you going?” Namjoon shouted after us.
“I’m going to stay at Yoongi hyung’s tonight.” Jimin replied. “If you have a problem with it, I really don’t care.” He turned to me, dragging me again. It was quite sweet seeing him so determined to meet my soulmate. He really did care. Especially since he sassed Joon like that. “Come on, let’s go! The pizza is probably already there!”
“Okay, Jimin, we’re going!” I said with a laugh, allowing him to lead me to my apartment. 
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mystery-star ¡ 5 years ago
Threshold of Space - Chapter 1 To Pass or not to Pass
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Pairing: Spock x OC
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death
Words: 6246
All Parts: 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
With a deep frown, the brunette stared at her fellow cadet who had just passed out in the captain’s chair.
“I guess that’s it then” Carissa’s fellow helmsman muttered to himself “The simulation is over” he got up with a shrug
“Wait a moment” she called “This may be a simulation, yes. But if this was real, you couldn’t just get up and leave”
“And what do you suggest we do, Wiley?” he asked
“We need an Acting Captain”
“We have no First Officer”
“Then we vote” she said “But quickly” she added, glancing at the screen to the many Klingon vessels
“If you’re so eager to complete this damned thing you do it” Carissa shrugged as some others murmured in agreement
“Is there anyone else who wants to take charge?” no one said a word “And is anyone not happy with me taking over?”
“Do whatever you want, Wiley. The examiners will stop this scenario now anyway since Evan is out, so better hurry if you want to shine”
“Then I shall take over until they declare that it is over. Now get back to your post” with a shrug, David did as she ordered. It felt strange to have that much responsibility and she was glad that this was only a simulation.
“Yes, Captain” he said mockingly as he sat back down “What are your next orders, huh? Shall we all go to a corner and cry?”
“A bit more seriousness. We are under attack” she replied and turned around to the Communication officer. “Jackson, can you reach the Kobayashi Maru?”
“I’ll try” he said and gave an affirmative answer a couple of seconds later
“Good. Ask them if their transporter is working, if not tell them to evacuate their ship”
“The Klingons would continue to fire on the pods”
“I know. But I am sure they won’t waste their time to follow all of the pods. Besides we can beam them aboard like that. Now do as I say or it’ll be too late”
“We can’t save everyone” she nodded.
“But we can try to get as many out as possible. We should start a diversionary maneuver. Let’s give these Klingons a nice taste of our Phasers.” she rubbed her hands and prepared everything before turning to the fellow helmsman
“Take evasive actions, 60 degrees to the right”
“But their shields are up, firing on them will be of no use”
“Do you think I am blind? I know that, I only want to distract them a bit to give the Maru time for the evacuation so that we can beam them aboard later on. Jackson, let us know when they are ready and sent off their first pods”
“Yes, Ma’am” Carissa couldn’t help but smile. Although she had never wanted to be Captain, it was nice to be addressed so formally. “They’re ready” Jackson informed them only two minutes later.
“Very well. Tell the transporter room to lock the signal on as many pods as possible and beam the people inside aboard”
“The Klingons are firing on us” David shouted
“Keep diverting” Carissa told the other helmsman “Let’s make it difficult for them to get us. Jackson, keep in contact with the transporter room and tell them to keep us updated as on how many crew members they could rescue.” he confirmed and did as requested.
“Shields at 47 percent. Three more hits like the others and we’re dead”
“Inform that Kobayashi Maru that we might not be able to save everyone. Maybe they should use shuttlecrafts, so that we can beam them aboard quicker and needn’t lock signals on different pods”
“Captain, they want us to stay and rescue them” Carissa bit her lip. Of course, they wanted to be saved. But they had to understand that there was no sense in staying to get them killed as well.
“Shields at 19 percent”
“That’s it. We have to leave. Head back to… the nearest space station.  Transporter room, how many people could we save?”
“48” Jackson told them
“That’s not too bad” Carissa muttered more to herself “Inform the Starfleet Command we’re heading back to the station and that we could only save 48 crew members of the Kobayashi Maru” she wiped some sweat from her brow with her sleeve
“Captain, one of the ships is following us”
“Shit” she could feel the blood leaving her face “Faster. Give us everything the Trainor has”
“Aye, Aye” Jackson said but after about a minute later, his mien changed “Ma’am the Warp drive failed. We’re only running on impulse now” she got even paler.
“The Klingon vessel’s slowed down to sublight speed as well and seems to be getting ready to destroy us”
“Fuck” she took a deep breath. Although she understood why it had been programmed that it won’t work like you wanted and add complication after complication, she made a mental note to have a serious word with Spock for scaring and challenging her that much. Somehow she wished the examiners would stop the simulation so that she could get out of here.
“What now? We can’t get away and they’ll destroy us”
“Hail them. Hail them!” she shouted in panic. Jackson merely nodded and pressed some buttons
“They don’t answer”
“Then send them a message that we surrender”
“What are you planning to do?” she licked her lip
“We’re trying to bait them by telling they can have the ship. Once they lower their shields to beam on board we fire everything we got at them”
“That may work” David mused.
“No it won’t” Jackson said bitterly “Still no answer”
“Tell them we can have the ship, which means they can get to the station without being noticed. Try it on every frequency we’ve got. They need to answer!” she got up and pressed a button on the arm rest of the Captain’s chair
“Crew of the USS Trainor. We need to evacuate the ship” she repeated the order before sitting down at the helm control “That applies for you as well. Out with you” she told the bridge crew. David and his friend got up, the rest remained seated.
“I’m still trying to reach them” Jackson explained. “But I’m pessimistic about it” another thundering noise and blinking lights told them that the Trainor had been hit again.
“The shields are down. The next hit will destroy us”
“Leave too. I’ll try to distract them a little longer” she took David’s seat and tried to dodge a little
“That won’t work with impulse drive”
“I know. But I can’t just sit here… and I ordered you to go and save yourself”
“What’s going on?” she heard a slurry voice behind her and Carissa saw Evan getting up slowly
“Well you passed out and I took over the bridge and as it seems we’re all gonna die now. We’re evacuating the ship” she told him “Go and get a rescue pod” he looked at her and nodded. However, he didn’t make it out because the Trainer was it one last time and all lights went out. Carissa had failed them and they all died. Shortly after the door opened and Admiral Foster stepped into the room.
“Cadet Cook.”. Evans, who was talking to David, wanting to know what had happened, looked at him
“Did I pass?”
“Yes you did pass. Pass out!” he showed him to follow with a simple head movement. “The rest may leave. Except for Cadet Wiley. You’ll come with me as well and wait in front of my office” she hung her head and got up after a nod. It seemed like she was in trouble. She shouldn’t have taken over like that. When they were going to the Admiral’s office Evan shot her angry glares more than once. Now she wished she had just followed David’s lead and left the simulation after his friend got unconscious. Once they reached the office, Admiral Foster told the male cadet to go inside before turning to her and ordering her to wait here. With a nod she leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. She really was in trouble. If only she wouldn’t be punished for what she did. It seemed like the only logical thing she could do had this been a real situation. Although, if a cadet passed out during a written exam, you couldn’t take over for them either. So it had to be a violation of the rules. But David should be here too. He was the one who had been defiant all the time and left his post before he was relieved off duty.
“Cadet Wiley” at the sound of the familiar voice she turned to see Spock, a professor and her boyfriend, coming towards her.
“Professor” she commented, smiling and holding herself back from touching him since they could be seen “What are you doing here?”
“Admiral Foster had let me know that he wanted to speak to me about the programming of the Kobayashi Maru scenario. As it seems, a cadet succeeded in finding an option which I have not considered and therefore not programmed. I would ask you what you are doing here but seeing that you have been participating in the simulation I can only conclude that Admiral Foster wanted to speak to you as well. The reasons for this, however, must be unknown to you as well”
“Yes, Sir” she said “But is an option missing good or bad? I mean isn’t it a bad sign if someone managed to… I don’t know reach the limits of the simulation?”
“It is neither. But once the addition programmed, this option may provide a whole new scenario, which would theoretically increase the chance of effectively winning by 6.3 percent”
“And what kind of addition are we speaking of?”
“I was told that Cadet Cook tried to hail the Klingons upon being alone with one of their ships. But that could not happen since I have not made an interaction with the enemy in that situation available yet” now she actually smirked
“It seems like you’re misinformed. No offence. I was the one who tried to contact the Klingons. Not Evan” he raised an eyebrow
“I must admit, I did not expect that. Since it was Cadet Cook taking the test, I figured that it had to be him as Admiral Foster did not say any names. May I ask how it came you were the one to order hailing the enemy ship?”
“Oh… Evan passed out just after we realized there suddenly were nine Klingon ships and that they started firing on us.”
“He has lost consciousness? But that would have resulted the examiner in ending the simulation”
“Well they didn’t… I mean as soon as I realized that Evan was out, I told the others they had to stay in place until we were told that it was over… so uh… it happened that I became Acting Captain and gave new orders” again he raised his eyebrow
“Then the examiners have decided to see how you were doing until the end. Now I believe I know the reason you are here. Admiral Foster must want to discuss your performance with you”
“What?” Carissa shrieked “Do-do you think they marked me?”
“It is possible. However, given the fact that you were not actually designated to take this test, I believe that they will not make this an official evaluation unless you choose to. But you did show great quality by taking over charge in such a situation” she shrugged
“But are you not mad that I… well… broke your simulation?”
“As I said, what happened is neither positive nor negative, it merely showed that I did not consider all possibilities, cadet”
“But there must have been other cadets that tried to contact the Klingons?”
“There were, but that is something I have thought of. However, you were the first one who managed to be alone with only one of the Klingon ships. It is only logical that the Klingons will behave differently when they are on their own”
“So you could contact them at the battle place but not when you’re further away because of the different reactions?”
“Exactly. As long as they have back up, Klingons would never negotiate and merely tell us their conditions for our surrender. Provided the fact they choose to not just destroy us without giving us a chance”
“This means when Jackson said we received no answer from the Klingons this was because the simulation could not provide any?”
“And do you think it is likely they would have agreed to take over our ship and beaming on board?”
“I would say so. While I cannot tell you how high the chances are exactly, I would estimate them to be about 73 percent, depending on how damaged the USS Trainor is at that point. However, the chance that they would kill your crew once they are on board is at 96.2 percent”
“Well I did not actually plan to let them take over the ship, Sir. I just wanted them to lower their shields so that we could fire at them and destroy them”
“That sounds logical and the chances of success are about 81.5 percent”
“So you’re saying I could have done it if you had had already programmed the option to contact the Klingons when…” the door opened and Evans walked out
“He’s asking for you” he said, not sounding very happy and shot an angry glare at her. It was not her fault he passed out, so why was he hostile towards her? After all it was his idea and request to be an actor in this simulation.
“Cadet Wiley, please come in”
“Coming, Admiral” she informed him and turned back to her boyfriend “See you later, I guess?” she asked quietly
“If I am not obliged to make the modifications right away, yes” she nodded and entered the office.
“Cadet Wiley” Foster said with a smile. Maybe Spock was right and he wasn’t mad at her after all? “Is Instructor Spock already here?”
“Yes, he arrived some minutes ago”
“Could you ask him in as well?” this made her heart sink. What if he had found out about their relationship? Or had he just heard the rumors and thought there was more to it? She’d rather be in trouble for taking over during the test. Because if he found out about the relationship id didn’t only affect her but Spock as well. She nodded and did as she was told. Her boyfriend entered and closed the door
“You have asked to see me, Admiral?”
“Indeed. I take it you know Cadet Wiley?”
“I do. She is in one of my classes” the Admiral nodded.
“Good. And you know she was supposed to take part in Cadet Cook’s Kobayashi Maru scenario?” Spock nodded “However, he passed out after mere minutes into the simulation as more and more ships arrived”
“And Cadet Wiley took over. I have been told already”
“Yes. That is the reason you are her. Because I wanted you to see her performance and tell me what you think the result would have been. After all she has tried something that was not programmed”
“Of course” he crossed his arm and when Admiral Foster showed them a video of the simulation, starting from the point where Evan passed out, Carissa wanted to drop dead. She couldn’t help but throw occasional glances to either of the males, to find out what they were thinking. Oddly, she got more information from the Vulcan’s stoic mien than from the older man. Finally, the tape ended and the brunette breathed out in relief. “Interesting” was her boyfriend’s only comment.
“What do you think would have been the outcome had she managed to contact the Klingons?”
“I am sure they would have agreed to take over the ship after Cadet Wiley told them of the opportunity to get into the station unnoticed. As for the planned destruction of the bird of prey, I cannot say if it would have succeeded before the USS Trainer would have been destroyed.”
“Alright, thank you, Commander” Admiral Foster nodded at him “I would now like to talk to Cadet Wiley alone and have a word with you again afterwards” Spock agreed and left the room.
“Am-am I in trouble because of what I did, Sir?” she asked carefully.
“You are not. Captain Thomas wanted to stop the scenario once your fellow cadet was out but when I saw that you were taking over I told him to wait. I wanted to see how you would react and I must say I am rather impressed. We had two similar cases where the cadet taking the test either left or passed out. But no other participant of the simulation had the idea to finish the mission in their stead. You showed a great sense of responsibility and your performance was indeed impressive, especially when you consider that you decided everything spontaneously since you had no time to prepare yourself for the scenario”
“So you are saying what I did was right?”
“Yes. And therefore the other examiners and I have decided to evaluate your performance if that is your wish”
“This means you will mark me and make it official?”
“Exactly. And I strongly advise you to let us do this for all I have seen you could actually pass. If not, what do you have to lose?”
“You are right, Sir” she smiled “Then I would like you to evaluate me. Although I don’t think I would ever want to be Captain. It is too much responsibility”
“No one says you have to become Captain just because you passed the Kobayashi Maru scenario”
“Oh right”
“Very well. Then I will inform the other examiners and inform you about the outcome as soon as possible” she nodded with a smile.
“I don’t need it immediately” she assured him.
“Alright. That is it from my part, Cadet Wiley. You may leave”
“Thank you, Sir. Goodbye” she nodded at him and left the room, throwing a short smile at Spock as he got called inside.
“How was the simulation?” her best friend and dorm mate Nicole asked as they were on their way to Diplomacy class the next day “Did Evan kill you all?”
“Actually I killed us all”
“How that? Did you do something wrong?”
“No” she grinned and told her the story and her friend laughed
“So you not only brought the test to its limits but you probably also passed the whole thing?”
“Instructor Spock must be fuming”
“He’s Vulcan” Carissa only said
“Right” she chuckled “But if he lets you fail his class you’ll know why”
“I don’t need him for that. I can fail by myself” she sighed. She just couldn’t get the knack of it and hated almost everything about the subject. The only thing that made the lessons bearable was the fact that Spock taught them.
“For heaven’s sake. Just go and get help. It’s of no use if you fail”
“I-I really don’t want to bother him” besides, when they started their relationship they had agreed they wouldn’t talk about anything that related to the courses so that she would not be in an advantage.
“He’s our teacher. He is obliged to help” Carissa shrugged
“I’ll see” they arrived at the classroom and talked to other classmates. Suddenly Evan appeared, angrily tapping Carissa’s shoulder.
“What did you do?”
“What? About yesterday?”
“You just took over!”
“So what? I thought if this was real that was supposed what someone should have done”
“You stole my chance”
“Look, if this had been real we couldn’t have just waited until you were conscious again. I am sure the examiners wouldn’t have paused the scenario if I had done nothing”
“I swear if you benefit from my attempt, you’ll pay”
“Mr Cook. I hope you won’t make these threats come true or you will be in serious trouble” they heard Professor Bennett’s voice behind them and shot a quick glare as he walked past the flock of cadets to open the door. Evans glared daggers at his classmate
“Your lover may have saved you this time. But I will find ways” he whispered in her ear before leaving.
“Oh God. Is he now claiming too that you have something going on with Bennett?”
“Just because of your grades? Or because he’s mad?”
“No idea. But someone needs to be on top of the class. I can’t help that it’s me in most classes…”
“Well I need to admit, your grades are not just top of the class. They’re perfect almost every time. Not that I’d believe the rumors but I can understand that they think like that.” Carissa shrugged.
“Just let them talk. I don’t care. I know the truth and so do my friends” technically, her friend’s didn’t know the whole truth. Although she wasn’t dating Bennet, she still was in a relationship with another professor.
“That’s the spirit. As long as no one suspects you’re actually liaised with a professor” she felt her heart bumping
“Exactly” they entered the classroom and sat down.
The rest of the day flew by and before she knew it, Carissa was trying to complete some homework when she saw a new message. This must be her results from the Kobayashi Maru and her heart made a leap. A part of her wanted read it now, but she decided against it, wanting to finish her homework first.
“What’s this? Got a love letter?” she was asked
“Nothing” she replied, not wanting to brag that she completed the Kobayashi Maru. But she knew that should she pass, sooner or later everyone would know. And she was quite afraid of Evan��s reaction.
“Why don’t you read?”
“I can imagine what it is. And I want to finish this first” she looked at her friend before focusing on her essay again. But Lucie just crossed her arms
“Fine, then I’ll hack into your account and read the message myself”
“Stop this” she hissed.
“Oh come on, Carry, I want to know what it says. Is it really from Admiral Foster?”
“Yes. As the name says”
“Please?” she looked at her friend with puppy eyes. Carissa sighed and read the document, ignoring her friends, exited shrieks and handclapping.
“How old are you exactly?” she shook her head but grinned. The grin disappeared when her eyes scanned the evaluation “Oh my God. Oh my God” she couldn’t help but shriek
“Good news?”
“Yes. I passed the Kobayshi Maru scenario”
“Wait what? When? How?” once again she found herself telling the story, this time with a broad smile. “That sounds fantastic. You’d make a perfect captain”
“I’m not so sure. I’d prefer to be more of an advisor. Then I don’t need to be the one making a decision”
“Fair enough” she squeezed her shoulder “Oh Carry, I can’t believe it. Not many pas this simulation. And you weren’t even prepared”
“I think they took that into consideration as well”
“What are we even sitting here?” Lucie asked and put her PADD away “Let’s go and celebrate” Carissa shrugged, throwing a glance at her essay. She would finish it later as she probably couldn’t concentrate.
In the next morning she regretted her choice. The moment she walked into Spock’s classroom she realized that she had forgotten to finish her essay. Trying to hide in her seat, she took out her things and stared at the table. Her head only snapped up when the lesson started.
“Your essays from last week have been graded” the whole class gasped.
“Will this grade be official for the semester grade?” a classmate asked
“No, but it is for you to see how you are doing” he took a bundle of papers “please hand in your new ones within the next five minutes.” Carissa kept getting more and more nervous and she opened the corrected document. She stared at the numbers of her essay and let out a sad huff 37.7 out of 100. Nevertheless she felt a slight smirk appearing on her face, after all Spock was the only professor who used decimal places. Sluggishly, submitted her unfinished essay and raised her hand to tell the truth.
“I uh… couldn’t finish it” she admitted. The Vulcan only cocked up an eyebrow “It’s just… I’m not trying to justify anything but I got this news and well…”
“That news being?”
“Kobayashi Maru?”
“What?” Evan exclaimed “Don’t tell me you passed. That was cheating”
“Cadet Cook, I do believe this is no concern of yours” Evan mumbled something she didn’t get. “Please see me after the lesson, Cadet Cook. There is something I wish to discuss with you” obviously he must have heard what he said. Carissa bit her lip to hold back a smirk. “With you as well, Cadet Wiley” he said. When he started the lesson, she let out a small sigh of relief.
For the remainder of the lesson she couldn’t help but dread the end of it. It really sounded like she got into trouble. Once the rest of the class was allowed to leave, Evan threw an angry look at Carissa as Spock told them to sit down in the first row.
“Cadet Cook, I expect you to explain your behavior towards your fellow cadet, Miss Wiley”
“It can’t be that she got to do this Kobayashi Maru. It was my test, not hers. This is not fair.”
“Your anger towards Cadet Wiley is out of place since none of this is her fault”
“She should have just kept her mouth shot like she always does. She stole my chance”
“Mr Cook, is it Cadet Wiley’s culpability that you lost consciousness during the simulation?” Evan shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but got cut off “Then I can only emphasize how inacceptable your behavior towards her is and I demand you to stop this. Else I will be obliged to inform my superiors of this case” Evan glared at her and she wished Spock had just let it be. He had probably only made it worse with his lecture.
“Evan look, I am sorry” she said “I never meant to steal the show or whatever”
“Then why did you take charge?”
“I just wanted David to wait until it was over officially. But let’s assume this would have been a real situation and your Captain passed out. Would you do something or just sit there and wait?”
“But it’s just a damned simulation. That’s the fucking point”
“There is no need for such foul language, Cadet” Spock reminded him “Besides your classmate is correct. It could have been real. Then everyone expects you to show responsibility, even if you are not a Captain. Cadet Wiley did exactly that and I daresay this is the reason that she has passed. Though her splendid approach must have had something to do with it as well” why, oh why couldn’t he just shut up? Did he not see he was making everything worse? Carissa wanted to be anywhere but here.
“Teacher’s pet” she heard Evans mutter and she clenched her fists. It probably wouldn’t have affected her that much if it had been any other professor. Luckily her boyfriend kept quiet this time and the brunette had the impression he did not even know what the words meant.
“Professor” she said, looking at Spock “thank you for your help but I think I can handle him by myself. He’ll just be mad at me for a little time but it will pass. After all we never had a problem before”
“If you say so” she nodded. “Cadet Cook, you are free to leave” Evan jerked up and wanted to storm out of the room “But be warned. If I hear of any other nastiness towards your classmate I will take action as I cannot tolerate such behavior” he stared after him until Evan left the classroom and closed the door before he turned to his girlfriend
“That wasn’t necessary” she mumbled
“He had no right to treat you like this. Besides, his hatred towards you is highly illogical because none of what happened is your fault”
“Well tell him. He’s just…”
“Acting out of fierce emotions”
“Yeah” she chuckled “dead on”
“However,” he continued “I wanted to talk about your latest essay, cadet”
“The one I forgot?” she asked shyly
“No, not that one. The one I have corrected”
“Oh right. But… am I in trouble because I didn’t finish the other?” he raised an eyebrow
“This is your first time neglecting homework, thus there will be no consequences. In case it happens again, you will need to complete supplementary work or any other form of compensation”
“Okay, thank you Sir” she breathed out in relief. “And what about the other essay?”
“I could not help but notice that your essays are getting and getting worse. If you do not change something you will fail this course”
“I uh…” she swallowed “I don’t really get the hang of this”
“Are you trying to say that you have difficulties in understanding the subject?”
“A bit more maybe. I’m clueless” she admitted
“And why did you not consult me?”
“I-I thought… when we got together” she looked at him “you said that we mustn’t talk about topics that are related to classes and all. So I tried to teach myself by reading books. But that didn’t help”
“I would have gladly taught you anything you wanted to know if you had just asked. Just because I am with you does not mean that I would not tutor you if necessary. When I said this, I meant that I cannot tell you more about the exams or any other matters that could give you an advantage”
“Well, I guess I didn’t want to bother you”
“Bother me? You would not be the first cadet I am tutoring. Moreover, I am teaching advanced topics to cadets who wish it.”
“So this means you will help me?”
“That would be the only logical thing to do” she nodded with a bright smile
“Thank you”
“But I will contact a few of your classmates as I have seen that some others seem to have troubles as well”
“Sure. It’s better to learn in a group anyway. Besides, then I won’t feel so strange when it’s just us. I mean, then it doesn’t feel like you don’t waste your time on me”
“Carissa” he said softly “Any time I spend with you is not wasted” she giggled at his sudden informality.
“And why again did you think you can’t be romantic? This might be the cutest thing anyone’s ever said to me”
“Then I suppose it is good to hear that telling you this simple fact has made you feel happiness”
“Of course it makes me happy. And do you know what else makes me happy? Being with you” since this was now getting a bit strange when she sat at a desk and he was standing in front of her, Carissa got up as well. A part of her wanted to touch him but they were in a classroom and anyone could come in any moment so she held herself back.
“Are you getting ready to leave?”
“There are only 6 minutes and 23 seconds left until the next class starts. So maybe it would be best if you headed there. My next cadets should arrive soon as well”
“Oh sure” she said, grabbing her bag. “See you around I guess? Or at the tutoring?” he nodded
“I will let you know when I have gotten into contact with the other cadets to let you know about time and setting for the tutoring” now she couldn’t help but place a hand on his arm
“Thank you”
“I see no point in thanking me since this proposal bases on logical conclusion and thoughts”
“It means a lot to me anyway” she replied “so thank you” she gently squeezed his arm before pulling back and leaving the classroom.
Much to her surprise, Evan actually left her alone. Sure, he mentioned the matter another few times in the following days but he seemed to have calmed down after a week. Carissa had the impression that word about her success at the Kobayashi Maru scenario had gotten around and she had the feeling as if everyone from her year who wanted to take the test wanted to have her on board. Since she found it a good way to learn more about the life on the bridge, she mostly agreed, unless she didn’t like the cadets at all. She was a little surprised, when suddenly someone a year above wanted to have her participating in her test. And after that, also a few other people from years above hers asked her to join them. If she was honest, Carissa didn’t like the attention too much. Somehow she had the feeling as if she was something like a mascot for them.
One day, as she was sitting outside, an older cadet plopped down on the bench next to her
“You’re Clarissa Riley, right?”
“Carissa Wiley” she corrected. He wasn’t the first one to get her name wrong.
“Well anyway. You’re the one who somehow beat the Kobayashi Maru test. How did you do it?”
“I just made the right choices” she replied “and as you might have heard, I wasn’t actually supposed the test. I took over”
“So you cheated?”
“Hell no”
“But I heard the test had to be reprogrammed after you took it”
“It didn’t had to be reprogrammed. They only had to add another feature. I just was unlucky enough to be the one to find out. But I was told, if the feature had been there, my chances of surviving would have been quite high”
“Nevertheless, you passed”
“So what?”
“I heard you’ve taken a liking to take part in other cadet’s test”
“Would you to me the honor to join me for my attempt?”
“Okay, why not? When?”
“In two days at 11AM. You know where.” only after he left Carissa realized that she didn’t even get his name.
Only about half a minute after the simulation had started, she regretted her choice to participate as an actor. He seemed too confident of himself and didn’t take it serious at all. Obviously she wasn’t the only one who wanted to slap him.
“So what are we gonna do about the Klingons?” Carissa asked, suppressing a sigh
“Oh just leave it all with me, sweetheart”
“Excuse me?”
“Three more Klingon vessels are approaching”
“Alright. Inform the Med Bay to take all the injured from the other ship”
“Shouldn’t we do something about the Klingons first?” Carissa wanted to know, already sensing they would be destroyed any minute.
“Captain, love, you forgot the Captain”
“You can’t be serious, Captain” she sneered “We could die any moment and all you can think of is your title, which you don’t even have by the way and won’t get if you continue like that”
“I didn’t invite you here to be such a spoilsport” he pouted. She was that close to choking him. “But you are right, we could die any moment” he walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glared at the hand as if she could burn a hole into it. “So why not…”
“Captain! Shields are only at fifty percent. Maybe we should fire back?”
“Nah” suddenly the power went out
“This can’t be, we can’t have lost already.” Carissa said. Or were the examiners fed up and stopped the simulation? Suddenly the power came back on.
“Oh no, don’t worry, sweetie. Now the real fun begins.” he said with a smirk as he plopped down in the Captain’s chair again and bit into an apple. “Open fire! Let’s send this bastards to hell”
“Jim, their shields are still up”
“Are they?”
“So what are you waiting for, sweetheart? Destroy them” the cadet called Jim said and winked at her “The sooner this is over, the sooner we two…”
“Captain!” she protested “I hope you know that I have a boyfriend” she blurted out. This actually was the first time she mentioned this to anyone. If only no one asked questions… with a sigh she did as he requested and locked target on the birds of prey. It all went smoothly and not even a minute later all Klingon ships were gone.
“Now we can start the rescue mission” everyone started at him as Jim got up “Let’s sum this up… we have destroyed all enemy ships, no one on board was injured and we can now save the crew of the Kobayashi Maru” Carissa stared at the buttons in front of her. She had participated in more than 18 simulations in the past months. And it had never been that easy. Something was wrong. No one ever managed that much. The simulation went off and the participants were allowed to leave. After stepping outside, she saw Spock marching past her, looking puzzled if not irritated. Suddenly Jim’s behavior towards her during the simulation. He had touched her and flirted with her. She could have slapped herself, he must be jealous. If that even was a thing among Vulcans…
Next Chapter
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barnesthesarge ¡ 7 years ago
I Found (Part 3): Sugar Sugar
Bucky X enhanced!Reader
Warnings: Just some slight angst, not really any flashbacks in this one! Lemme know if I need to add something!!
Summary: Summary: as someone trying to get their life together, Bucky understands why you’re not coming around right away. He’s helpful in every way possible but there’s something more to his actions, when you get taken away from him you start to notice that.
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The bright lights in the café made Bucky’s eyes appear even more blue, Y/N couldn’t help but think he looked handsome. She had never seen him that way, she tended to avoid thinking of anyone as attractive, it would only make her nervous.
Needless to say, she was nervous. “Do you know what you want?” He asked.
“I think maybe just the cinnamon coffee, it sounds pretty good.” She could barely hear Bucky over the sound of her heart.
“Go pick out a table for us, I’ll order.” She nodded and found a table in the very back, she set her phone down on the table and checked her father’s Facebook page again.
He had shared a video of her, well somewhat her. It was a news source that had a video clip of her using her powers during a mission. The title of the video was “New Avenger?”
He didn’t say anything about the video but Y/N was sure he knew it was her. She was so absorbed in the video she didn’t even notice Bucky sit down with their drinks.
“You alright?” He asked, sliding hers in front of her.
“Yes.” She said without hesitation, “Thank you.” She tucked her phone away.
“Did you look again?” He sounded disappointed, Y/N wanted nothing more than to get rid of the sad sound in his voice.
“My dad, he knows who I am.” Y/N’s fingers were trembling.
“And how do you know that? What’s wrong with him knowing who you are? You do great things for the planet.” She looked down.
“He shared a video on Facebook of me, he didn’t say anything but there’s no way he didn’t realize it was me.” Y/N took a sip of her drink and smiled, “this is really good. Thank you.”
He smiled in return, “So um, would it be weird for me to try and get to know you while we’re here? I don’t want to say something wrong.”
“Why do you want to get to know me so bad?” Y/N inspected Bucky, his hair was back in a bun, a loose strand pulled back behind his ear.
“It’s been stupid of me to not try and help you. You’ve been here for so long and none of us has tried enough. I figured being around you would make you notice me and talk to me first but after so long it was stupid of me. Everyone was so distant to me when I first got here and at first I liked it. It sucks isolating yourself and I don’t want you to do the same.” He drank his coffee black.
“I guess I understand. Being alone sucks. The day I..disappeared, I was with my friends. There was five of us and we were at the mall, I remember that we were getting clothes for school and my one friend Lindsey drove us all. We got jumped by these huge men, my friends couldn’t fight back well and neither could I, one girl was left there unconscious because she was too small. They knocked us all out with this disgusting gas that I swear I can still smell.” She grimaced, Bucky reached across the table and put his flesh hand on her wrist, cautiously.
“You don’t have to tell me this.” He spoke warmly, he gave her a soft squeeze on her wrist and she felt her cheeks turn bright red.
“What do you want to know?” She asked softly.
“Let’s start with your favorite things? We don’t have to talk about what happened to you doll, it doesn’t define you.” She nodded softly.
“I’ve always loved music. I had a stupid dream to be a musician someday, like singing my own songs to a crowd. I never really mastered them, but I played a couple instruments. My family was supportive and liked to hear me. I don’t know, when things get bad I listen to music from when I was younger.” He grinned, his white teeth on full display.
“What instruments did you play? Can you sing?” She rolled her eyes in response.
“I’m not bad, but don’t you dare think of this as an invitation to hear me. I could play guitar, piano, and ukulele. Not very good of course but I could. Don’t tell anyone or I’ll destroy you with my bare hands.” Bucky smirked and drank the rest of his coffee.
“What’s wrong with people knowing about who you are?”
“Familiarity is not only terrifying but dangerous.”
“Ms Y/L/N, Mr. Stark has requested your presence in his office.” She groaned, she had enough social interaction to last her a lifetime.
“Alright thank you FRIDAY. Call me Y/N from now on. Congrats your on firstname basis with me.” She said sarcastically.
“Yes ma’am, Y/N it’s my job. He wants you to hurry up.” Y/N sighed and put her shoes back on, rushing to the elevator.
Once on the floor, she noticed his door was already open so she walked inside, noticing Bucky standing by Tony’s desk.
“Am I in trouble?” She chuckled and both men shared her gaze in return.
“Close the door and lose your attitude. I have a mission for you two.” Y/N rolled her eyes and shut the door.
“What’s the mission.” Y/N decided to keep her attitude just to throw Tony off.
“Stakeout, I got a tip from an anonymous watcher I have that this man, Everett Gilbert,” he pushed forward a picture of a middle aged man, “is selling alien tech he’s been stealing. And I want you two to pose as buyers to see what he’s doing. My tip also told me how to get in.”
“Tony, I hardly see how I’m needed for this mission. This is a one man job. Barnes is perfectly capable to do this on his own.” She tapped her fingers impatiently, waiting to be dismissed.
“Actually, maybe you should let me finish and you’ll see your roll, Y/N.” He snapped, “I want you two to pose as a couple, go in there all grossly to distract them from your identity’s, buy something small and let me analyze it, and if it’s what we’re looking for we’ll go right ahead and infiltrate and take everyone down.” She felt her stomach drop.
“I’m not comfortable with acting grossly with anyone. Natasha would be better.” Her Y/E/C eyes stared at Tony desperately.
“Y/N, the sooner you get to doing your job the easier. Barnes, are you rusty at holding hands with people?” He raised his eyebrows at Bucky, who hadn’t said a word.
“I don’t think you should push her on this.” Bucky mumbled, it sounded threatening.
“I want you two on this mission for a reason. I think it would be healthy for her to try and come around to people. That and both of you avoid the public eye so he might not recognize you.”
“Stop talking about me like this, I’m literally right here. I’ll do the mission, but you’ll owe me Tony. This is a lot for me. If I fuck it up, it’s on you.” He cracked a smile.
“Works for me, Barnes?” He looked at Bucky with an eyebrow raised.
“Alright. I’ll look over our instructions.” He took a folder from Tony and left the room without another word.
“How was your coffee hangout, I remember you calling it that and insisting it wasn’t a date.” Y/N huffed.
“Refreshing I guess.”
“You guess about a lot of things.” She chuckled.
“It was nice to talk to someone and not have it be solely about my messed up head. Is that better?” Tony nodded, he handed her a folder.
“Do you want to look over this together? Otherwise I can give it to FRIDAY and she can discuss it with you.”
“We can look over it together sure. It’s not too demeaning, is it? I can barely stand hugging you.” Tony laughed warmly.
“You said I stink. As far as I know James is quite groomed. I don’t think you’ll be hugging him. You just need to play the part I’ve given you.” They sat down on the couch and opened the folder.
“You want me to play as his sugar baby!? Tony what the fuck. I cannot stand you. This is crossing so many lines.” She buried her head in her hands.
“It’s a good thing you’re sitting down then. I think you’ll like it actually, it’s a fun role to play. You just get to mess with him, get to act ditsy, you just gotta cling to his arm and be all affectionate towards him. Look at my notes for you.”
“I fucking hate you.”
Bucky read the notes carefully, his mouth agape and horrified. There was no way he wanted to do this, pretending to be in a relationship with Y/N was bad enough, but from what he was reading, this would strain their relationship.
Sam thought the situation was hilarious, “You get to be a sugar daddy! Hey this might be good, maybe she’ll realize she likes you after this. Play the part well Bucky, you never know!”
“Sam, have I ever told you I fucking hate birds?” Bucky looked at him evilly.
“What’re you gonna do? Kill me for laughing at you?” He smirked and left Bucky to go tell Steve about it.
Bucky left his room to talk to Y/N in her room. He knocked on the door and she opened it, she was sitting on her bed reading their instructions.
“Hey Y/N. You mind if I come in?” She looked up at him with a smirk.
“You just can’t seem to stay away from me, huh?” She teased, “come on in.”
“Are you uncomfortable with-with our mission?” She chuckled.
“Bucky, of course I’m nervous. I trust you and all, which is difficult for me to say. It’s weird. I guess I understand though, Tony is right, the whole PDA thing is distracting and makes people uncomfortable. I can play the part if you can play yours.” He sat down on her bed beside her.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I know.” She replied. “We leave in the morning, don’t be late.”
Bucky nodded and left her room, going to his to pack up.
A/N: hecc
(Message me if you wanna be added) TAGLIST: @animegirlgeeky @yafriendlyfangirl
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hereiamhereigo ¡ 7 years ago
The Nanny Chapter 4
Chapter 4 [Harrison Osterfield X Reader]
The Nanny
Pairing: Harrison O x reader (Tom in a starring role)
Warnings: Cuss words (sorry, I ain’t no lady) 
Plot: Y/N is the nanny for the Downey family. She loves her job and can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. Maybe a boy with breathtaking blue eyes?
Author Note: This is my first shot at this, so please be kind and patient. If you have any tips, please let me know! Also, huge shout out @thewiseandfree for helping so much!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Chapter 4
She heard the door open, the family of four enter the house. She heard the commotion of everyone getting into the home and going to get ready for bed. She did not know if she should go seek out Robert and Susan or if she should instead wait for them.
She did not have to make a decision, Robert came into her room, leaving the door slightly ajar. He glanced over at the bags sitting by the door but made no comment about them. He looked over at Y/N and sat in the chair of the desk in the room. He looked like he was prepared to say something, but Y/N interjected.
“I’m sorry. I screwed up and you have every right to fire me. I am asking that you don’t because I have never made a mistake before. I got distracted and I made a poor judgement call. For that I am so sorry and if you are going to fire me, I completely understand.” She looked down, no wanting to meet his eyes.
“You’re right, we do have the right to fire you” Y/N winced, knowing that was a stupid move. “However,” Robert continued “you are also right that you have never made a mistake and apparently you believe that we do not know how to forgive” he said, indicating the bags by the door. “Luckily we do and we want you to stay. However, we need to talk about how to handle these situations in the future, so this does not happen again.”
“Absolutely and I promise to not allow this to happen.” Y/N said, visibly relaxing. Robert got up and started to head to the door. He stopped, hand on the door.
“I’ve learned to not make promises I 100% cannot keep. You never know what the futures holds” with that he closed the door behind him.
Y/N relaxed, the tension and anxiety leaving her body. She realized now she needed to unpack all of her possessions. She quickly started to unpack, trying to get everything unpacked in case she was needed.
She was almost done when there was a knock on her door. She opened it to see a red-faced Avri being held by an exasperated Susan.
“Avri did not want to take a bath with me, she wants you to give her a bath and tuck her in.” Y/N took her from her mother wordlessly and began to head down the hallway.
“Y/N” Susan called. Y/N halted and turned, not knowing what Susan needed.
“Yes, Mrs. Downey?”
“When you are done, please meet Robert and I downstairs,” Susan said, turning and heading downstairs herself. Y/N sighed, but kept going about her duties.
Once she got the bath ready, Y/N turned to put Avri in the tub, but she saw tears in Avri’s.
“Avri, what is wrong love? Is something wrong?” Y/N began to look over her Avri’s body, looking for any physical harm.
“ ‘m sorry” Avrimumbled.
“What do you have to be sorry about?”
“I got you in trouble and my parents go real mad.” Y/N paused in her cleaning of Avri. Why would they fight about this? About me? Y/N thought.
“Well, everything is quite alright and I completely forgive you. We will just have to talk about our feelings more often huh?”
“Yes, I will not yell. It is not nice to yell.”
“You’re right Avri, it’s not nice to yell” Y/N said while pulling the plug on the bath. “Let’s hey you tucked in, yeah?” Avri quickly got her jammies on and picked out a book. Y/N read to her until she fell asleep. Y/N quietly snuck out of the child’s room and headed downstairs.
Once downstairs, she quietly followed the sounds of raised voices and came to the den, where Robert and Susan seemed to be in a heated discussion.
“There has to be consequences to this Robert. If we don’t have any, she may forget in the future.”
“What do you suggest Susan? She doesn’t take sick days off, or any days off. She doesn’t request nights off, she has never gone out-“
“Maybe have her take a few days off, without pay.”
“Why? What would that prove? She is the only one who has lasted more than six months. She doesn’t request anything of us, never gives us reason to question her attendance or her ability to do her job.”
“I didn’t realize you were so enamoured with our nanny.”
“Susan that is not what I meant and you know it. She is a great nanny and she made one mistake. We can not punish her severely for that. She said sorry, we are going to establish more guidelines for her, and we are going to move on.”
“I still think we should put her on probation. If she makes around mistake in six months, we fire her immediately.”
“I think that’s harsh. Maybe make it a month, as per her contract. Is that not in there?”
“Hers was different that the others, it’s three months, but that has to do with attendance.”
“Pull it up, let’s look.” Susan went to go pull out her computer, and Y/N decided to make her entrance.
“Hi, you wanted to see me?” Y/N cautiously asked.
“Come on in, take a seat” Robert said, while taking a seat himself. Y/N quickly went in and sat down in the closest seat.
“We have been talking about how to avoid this in the future” Robert said, sitting down at the opposite end of the couch. Susan was quickly pulling up the the contract while walking towards the couch opposite of the other two.
“We have also been talking about consequences” Susan said, sending Robert a look.
“Uh, of course” Y/N stuttered, feeling awkward and completely unsure of herself.
“We ask that you review your contract, as I have highlighted some sections. I re- emailed it to you. We have agreed that you are on probation, just like when you started with us. I think it goes without saying that this will not happen again. In the future, when our children misbehave it is to be dealt with that instant. We are not to hear about our children misbehaving from others. Are we clear?” Susan said.
“Crystal” was all Y/N managed to squeak out.
“Good, now that is over, let’s go to bed, yeah?” Robert said, ending the conversation as he rose from the couch.
“Of course. What time are we leaving tomorrow?” Y/N asked, not wanting to be late.
“We are leaving at eight. Please have the children ready by seven thirty” Susan instructed.
“Definitely, I will have everything ready by then Mrs Downey.”
“Thank you and good night” Susan said, dismissing Y/N. She did not need to be told twice, and made her way up to her room.
Once inside and the door shut, Y/N allowed herself to sag by the door. She could not believe how close she came to messing this up. She could not afford to lose this job, it was paying so many bills.
She booted up her laptop, and decided to check her phone. She had dozens of missed calls and texts. She decided she needed to call her mom back and explain. Her mother answered on the first ring.
“What’s happening that you are calling?” Her mother questioned.
“There was an issue earlier, but it got worked out. Everything is fine now” Y/N, trying to calm her mother’s nerves.
“Oh thank god. I thought you got fired or something. That would have been real bad.” Her mother said, relief clear in her voice.
“Yes, that would have been quiet terrible” Y/N commented.
“Well we would have been behind again and you remember what the landlord said last time.”
“Yes mother. That’s why I cover all the bills” Y/N said, feeling stress take her body over. She was hoping that her mother would take away her stress, not add to it.
“I’ll talk to you later then?” Her mother asked.
“Of course, talk to you soon” Y/N hung up, then glanced at the other missed calls. All of them were from Tom and Harrison.
There were messages that went along with them, saying how sorry they were and how they hoped they didn’t get her in trouble. She had to scoff at that. Trouble? It was not trouble, you almost got me fired. She knew that she could not hold it again mat them, they did nothing wrong. She chose to ignore the calls and texts instead. She wanted to know what parts Susan had highlighted. She pulled up the PDF, scanning through.
The parts highlighted were exactly what she expected, about her behavior and job description. However, the part that caught her eye was the part about interactions with others within the MCU. Susan had highlighted, bolded and underlined two lines- that she was not allowed to have any sort of romantic relationship with anyone in the MCU but the second line made her heart stop- if they believed that she was becoming a distraction or flirting with anyone, they could fire her immediately.
Oh lord.  
TagList ((OPEN)):  @daddarioissues @multifandomlove2002 @maggiepalmaminibog @rsublett @verynachoenthusiast @spider-mendes @lyssilinn @hazismyboo @the-claire-bitch-project
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