#;muse {cyrus}
vinnystaysawake · 6 months
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Rare more "intense" Cyrus art! Black and white as usual just because I like seeing my values more clearly.
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musesreunite · 3 months
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“Don’t move!”
The Time Lord bounty hunter stood in front of the person, pointing their weapon towards their neck. The person would be cornered by a dead end with no way out. “You won’t be able to escape from here alive. If you come with me, I will guarantee your safety. But if you try anything, I won’t hesitate to cause some harm.” He warned them.
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
Robbie: I thought we were gonna take a nap and talk about our feelings.
me: Honestly, Robbie, I think we have all been waiting on y'all to have time to talk about your feelings, and that's just what this is right now.
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playlistbyjo · 4 months
Me needing a perfect playlist for my 3 minutes drive to buy bread😬👍🏻
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agaypanic · 8 months
agaypanic's Carlisle Cullen Playlist
Twilight Masterlist | Main Masterlist
if you want something to listen to while you read my carlisle cullen fics, here you go! if yall have any suggestions for what to add on this playlist, lmk in the comments!!
Spotify Link
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Romantic Homicide - d4vd (live version)
Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift
E.T. - Katy Perry
Angels Like You - Miley Cyrus
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
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sgftxtinajb · 1 month
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dogsrotten · 4 months
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"i couldn't breathe until i saw you ."
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extreme-neutral · 1 year
Got re-poked by @ianthedebonair, a good use for a wip draft, so thank you!
Unusual Muse Associations
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Cyrus Becker - Nox - Fallen Hero
Seasoning: salt
Weather: foggy
Colors: shades of teal
Sky: before a summer storm - overcast with darkest clouds moving fast with harsh winds
Magical Power: talking with animals
Plant: echeveria (also tempted to say sunflower)
Weapon: poisoned throwing blade
Subject: Computer science, Engineering
Social Media: Live journal (cause it dead)
Makeup Products: I still can't come up with a single association
Candy: yes. Sugar cock. Shut up, I mean like this one
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Fear: betrayed trust
Ice cube shape: Mini dicks. Yes, really. 'Cause penis funny. A glass full of tiny penises is hilarious.
Method of Long Distance Travel: train. May be a pickup truck.
Art Style: romanticism
Mythological Creature: Uoroboros
Piece of stationary: unsafe scissors
Three Emojis: 🐕🥲😑
Celestial Body: a comet
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verythickskulled · 1 year
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album art from my most listened to songs on Spotify
from chartmymusic.com
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Amazed at whoever decided to hire someone to do a DARE presentation at the Inner Orbit meeting today.
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plixiedust · 6 months
Might draw danganmon fanart again. cypress on the mind
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persimminwrites · 3 months
in an effort to stop hoarding all of my notes on rawl/the 77th like a dragon - im going to start periodically posting them here! (as long as it doesnt directly spoil or reveal anything about the fic im planning). starting with answering some of these questions for calla and cyrus!!!
(btw calla is my jedi oc and cyrus is her master. linked some art ive done in the past of them <3)
How did they meet?
Cyrus is meditating one day in a garden in the Grand Temple. Calla is a Jedi Initiate at the time, age 7, and has snuck away to the garden during lunch hour because she loves plants and being in the garden. (She will often come back at the end of lunch hour with dirt-smudged cheeks, dirt under her fingernails, and a big smile on her face.) When she walks into the garden on this day, Cyrus is meditating in a corner right next to her favorite sapling. He is sitting, but he is taller than the little sapling that she has started to think of as a friend. (She’s a little bit shorter than the sapling.) The first thought that strikes her is that he’s taller sitting down than her friend, which makes her giggle. Cyrus doesn’t react to her giggle and continues meditating. Calla is fascinated by his montrals and lekku. She has a friend, Kili, who is a togruta, but Kili is still a youngling like her, and she has only seen glimpses of Master Shaak Ti in the halls. She walks up to him and plops down in the grass in front of him. He continues meditating, and she waits patiently for him, doing her best to mimic how he has positioned himself. As soon as she settles into position, he opens his eyes to look at her. “Hello, youngling.” She asks if he likes her friend as well, pointing to the sapling next to him. “Yes, it is good company for meditation.” From that day on, Calla finds Cyrus in the garden very frequently during her lunch hour. She often talks his ear off about the plants and which ones she loves and how she takes care of them. He often meditates while she gardens and spends her lunch hour there. She starts mimicking him as well and asking him questions as soon as he opens his eyes to look at her crisscrossed on the ground in front of him. She can be impatient, waiting for him to open his eyes, but she tries her best because she finds him so fascinating. He begins providing her with instruction, for meditation in particular, but he answers all of her questions. He helps her with tasks in the garden when she asks. She completes the Initiate Trials four months after meeting him in the garden, and he selects her as his Padawan.
2. How long have these two characters known each other?
Calla is 24 at the start of the Clone Wars, so they have known each other for 17 years at the beginning of the war.
4. How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Cyrus would describe Calla as headstrong, stubborn and at times prone to impatience, but he would also describe her as an incredibly dedicated Jedi, one with an inquisitive mind, a drive to improve herself, and a boundless capacity to care for other living things. Calla is the first Padawan that Cyrus has taken, and he has a lot of respect and love for her. Calla would describe Cyrus as reserved and, at times, difficult to read. His silences hold as much weight with her as his words. (Not in a silent treatment way – he is just very careful with his words, especially once he becomes her Master.) She thinks he is wise, endlessly patient, and one of the most intelligent people that she has ever encountered. Beyond that, she knows that he is cunning – it is a trait that she associates most with him. And as with Cyrus, Calla has a lot of respect and love for her Master.
6. Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
They garden together, of course. It is something they associate so strongly with one another by the time Calla has become a Knight. It is one of Calla’s favorite things, to be around plants, and Cyrus initially uses it as a tool for his teachings. It eventually morphs into something they just do together, rather than Cyrus only using it as a teaching tool. They also play Go together. Cyrus loves Go and begins teaching Calla when she is young. Calla plays with him because she loves learning from him and asking questions, even though she isn’t very good at Go.
8. How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
Cyrus communicates more with actions than words. When he becomes Calla’s Master, verbal communication outside of what is considered “lecturing” is not something that comes naturally to him, but he works on it to be a better Master to her. Since Calla is young when they meet and eventually becomes his pupil, the way Cyrus communicates shapes her own communication as well. She often shows how she feels through action rather than saying it aloud. They are very different people, and are bound to disagree at times, though they have so much respect for one another it is not often a serious disagreement. When they do have a serious disagreement, apologies are shown rather than said. Calla will go get Cyrus’ Go board and set it up for them to play, or Cyrus will join her in the garden. As far as recurring phrases, Cyrus will often tell Calla, “Be calm. Look inward.”, at times when she is struggling or stressed. It is a phrase she begins saying to herself as she gets older – a comforting reminder of his teachings. As far as recurring gestures are concerned, Cyrus is not someone who displays physical acts of affection. He is very reserved, and though he isn’t truly isolated from the other Jedi in the Order, he does tend towards solitude. However, when Calla becomes his Padawan, he realizes that he can’t impair her development with his tendencies towards solitude. He encourages her to form friendships and doesn't discourage any physical gestures of affection she may show towards him, even if he does not initiate them himself. The gesture he uses most often to show affection/support/pride is resting his hand on her head. (He is 7.5’ tall, and I feel this is important to point out here lol.) He stops doing this as she gets older, but during some really trying moments during the Clone Wars, he tries to offer her comfort with this gesture. When Calla is younger, Cyrus is obviously so much taller than her. (He is like a giant to her, almost mythical in his size – this plays into some of her reverence for him as her master. He seems almost “larger than life”.) She gets his attention by tugging on his robes or fingers if she can reach them. She continues this into being a teenager – it is a gesture for attention but also one of affection. I would say that an act of unspoken communication or companionship between them is joining the other in meditation. Even once Calla is a Knight and no longer training directly on Cyrus, they meditate with one another often, and they always sit directly in front of one another – just like Calla did when she was a child.
15. Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
Absolutely. Calla would probably say that they have “unshakable trust” in one another. However, this trust is tested during the Clone Wars. Cyrus’ position as General of a battalion of spies, a battalion that typically deals with the darker sides of a war – like subterfuge, strategy and eventually assassinations, forces him to make decisions that a Jedi Master would not have had to typically make prior to the Clone Wars. These decisions shake Calla, and she begins to question many things, including Cyrus’ decisions. Cyrus trusts Calla as well. During the war, he trusts her with many thoughts and emotions that he does not trust with anyone else. He sees her resolve in him waver, but he always puts his trust in her. In a way, he puts too much trust and perhaps too much expectation on her and asks much of her during the war.
22. When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
There is A Scene during the war that I have jotted some thoughts down about, and it is where they are most vulnerable and at their most volatile with each other. :)
i didn't answer all of the questions for them. mostly just cherry picked what i wanted to think about because i've been meaning to do more development and brainstorming on their relationship. thank you so much @jgvfhl for sending me those questions i will be using them for a few other ocs <333333333
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
Down on the first floor, where the Employee 100 offices are, the lights of the offices of former Employee #'s 121-129 flicker several times, for several minutes, before going out completely. They do not come on again, despite Dorian's efforts of sending more power in that area of its body.
Upstairs, it complains, "Urrggh, Cyrus, mate, I do hate to bother you, but I've lost power downstairs in some more of my offices. I'm- I'm feeling quite tired from it. Could have you a look, please? Thursday hasn't been able to get the ones in 200-205 back on yet either."
Cyrus' chair creaks as he turns to look at the monitors in the areas that Dorian has just indicated that it has lost power. Sure enough, those areas are utterly dark.
He sighs. "Yes, Dorian, I'll ask her to have a look at them. I'm afraid none of us are electricians, and especially none of us know how the inner workings of a living building like you work. We'll do our best, lad," he tries to reassure the Office.
"I know, and I appreciate it," Dorian replies softly, trailing off into silence.
Cyrus presses his lips together in thought as he sends a text off to Thursday about the situation.
This unusual malaise from Dorian definitely doesn't bode well.
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musesreunite · 4 months
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"Sure, of course I'm fine." Cyrus grunted, trying to pull himself up to support his back. He would be fine in a couple of minutes, but it didn't help stop the pain he was dealing with.
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A Sun shines. Light that should have long passed this destination is caught; the cold having slowed it. Protagonist, antagonist. A glimpse into the past.
This is… strange. I suppose I can use it while I regain my strength as long as I don’t lose sight of my goal…
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greysccle · 2 months
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i keep these coffins in my mind, i put my fears inside.
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄, grayson cyrus 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄, cyrus 𝐀𝐆𝐄, thirty1 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘, august 30 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂, virgo sun, aqua moon, scorpio rising 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇, kingston upon thames, england, united kingdom 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘, straight 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑/𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒, cis-man, he / him 𝐌𝐁𝐓𝐈, enfj 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓, neutral good 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, seeley booth ( bones ), sam winchester ( spn ), carl grimes ( twd )
Before he was even born, his parent's relationship was not ideal. His father was deployed in the United Kingdom, succumbing to the beauty of its culture and people. He was born to a woman who he still doesn't know if she's alive or not. Just two days old, his father swiped him away when his deployment was finished and moved back to the states with his son, Grayson. Not knowing your mother has its own challenges, but it was nothing near living with his father, Derek. He followed a military schedule, strict and absolute, one hair out of line meant fifty pushups. Along with moving around, he never made friends besides the other military kids that he was forced to become friends with. Once, he was old enough to enlist, he did. Not because he thought it was the right thing to do, but because he wanted to get away from his father. Only to find that he wasn't a US citizen, so he worked on getting his citizenship in order to enroll. When he was available to, he did and enjoyed the experience even more. He moved up the ranks and found his 'found family'. He was out with other troops when the outbreak happened. When he went to check on a kid who looked to be rummaging through an older lady's stomach, his Sergeant had to shoot the kid down from Grayson freezing up. He became apart of a surviving group without knowing it as they went back to the barracks they were occupying to find the entire place swarmed with these things. They didn't clear the place out, instead just locked it up and moved over another settlement, finding himself at the unfinished mall in San Francisco, California. A natural defense made by inhabitants, it was a perfect spot for them to protect and safeguard for new members to inhabit and grow.
Grayson is by the books, so when the outbreak started trickling into his life, he was lost. He didn't know what do to, where to look for help, or how to move forward with the fact that he now has murder on his hands. He is moral-coded: be good, do no harm. If he breaks all his values and left with a damaged foundation, what else keeps him from falling into something he won’t recognize.
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