#;lily answers
messrsmcrauders · 6 months
~ @consultingsister || ❛ this is the time to remember, 'cause it will not last forever. ❜ for lily ~
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Lily's eyes look at Cee through the mirror, a nervous little laugh dropping from her lips. "Don't say that - I'm sorta hoping that this marriage will last forever." It's enough to break the tension of her nerves, however, her lips splitting into a grin. "Do you think he'll like it?" She turns, hands smoothing over the front of the dress. It's a soft, flowy dress - One that seems like it exists solely to match the dreamy, romantic vibes of James and Lily's backyard wedding. Her red hair falls in loose curls, a few strands held back by her veil and gold jewellery that she'd thrifted a few weeks earlier. "Actually - Don't answer that - He has to like it, I don't have another option."
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outromoony · 24 days
If your comfort character isn't dead, traumatized, gay, or a mass murderer... are they really your comfort character?
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alexsays-no · 2 months
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Eyes are eyes people
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muzwoom · 2 months
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“Surely not…. It’s been 15 years… and anyone would have stopped before getting disowned, noone would lack *that* amount of care for themself”
And then basen doesn’t stop thinking about it for a week
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
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The Ancient Beast Order (Ancient Beast AU)
Ok, Kratos. I’m going to be tossing out ideas here, so you’re all more then welcome to give your own two cents.
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Pure Vanilla Cookie - The Prophet of Salvation (Virtue of Perfection)
Pure Vanilla Cookie thought that he could save everyone, that no cookie would have harm befall them if he was there to protect them. This thought plagued his mind as he resorted to..less then ethical Dark Moon magic to help heal all around him, refusing to believe that his use of this magic leads to fatal results, going as far as to raise the dead, just so he doesn’t have him or others experience the agony that death brings. Cookies around him voice their concerns, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. It was for their own good…no matter the result
White Lily Cookie - The Lady of the Lilies (Virtue of Order)
Shoutout to @t-t-tau-me for their ask being an inspiration for Beast Lily
Dark Enchantress Cookie and now the Beasts, everything seemed to crumble away around White Lily Cookie. She pondered, was this really what freedom does? Help cookies find who they are, but also allow monsters to roam about the land, destroying cookies in their path? No, she felt like the way for cookies to obtain peace was to establish order, so that tragedies like Dark Enchantress never happening again and she now had the Faerie Kingdom to back her up.
Dark Cacao Cookie - The Relusive Tower (Virtue of Nolition)
Dark Cacao Cookie never left his kingdom much, his warriors doing little to assists others and many cookies having to pay the price for this by having the villages to fend for themselves. It’s said that when the time comes where he would finally stand from his throne, that dark times for his targets would follow.
Hollyberry Cookie - The Lover of Passion (Virtue of Mania)
Hollyberry Cookie’s passion knew no bounds, whether it be for her subjects or her own personal interests. It can border on obsession when she finds something that drives her to do everything in her power to get. The fires of her passion can never extinguish, leaving The Lover as a relentless beast that never gives up what catches her eye.
Golden Cheese Cookie - The Gleaming Goddess (Virtue of Greed)
She had everything, her people, her riches, her kingdom. Yet, there was this nagging feeling in the back of her head that had her craving for more. The Gleaming Goddess wanted the surrounding villages, then the villages around those ones, her greed will never satiating until Earthbread becomes an empire in her image and she’ll crush anyone that stands in her path.
The Cookie Kingdom is the last safe haven in the land, taking in cookies who want to escape the grasp of the The Ancient Beast Order. This spelled bad news when the Beast Cookies themselves have awoken as well.
You wanted to be the beacon of light in a world plunging into darkness, but when 10 Beasts have their eyes set on your kingdom and on YOU in mind, you worry if your forces will be enough to fight back…
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sisalrian · 7 months
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“When we make it out of this, I’ll teach you to shoot.”
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spirit-doll · 21 days
Hmmm dark cacao you seem lonely
*randomly summons your friends if possible*
Love your art btw
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Congratulations!! YOU GET AN ACHIEVEMENT: "ALL THE ANCIENTS HERE!!!" (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
(Thanks for support) ❤❤
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harmonia-university · 24 days
any characters that are good at Dance Dance Revolution?
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Unfortunately yes
[ anon ]
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saintsenara · 3 months
Do you think harry is more similar to lily or James
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i think the assessment of harry's character which dumbledore gives to snape in deathly hallows is more or less the correct one:
“He is his father over again -”  “In looks, perhaps, but his deepest nature is much more like his mother’s.”
which i think can be expanded upon really interestingly as an example of something which the series does really, really well - how it obscures the fact that lily is the key to the mystery right up until the last minute.
the things harry has in common with james - not only his looks, but his quidditch talent, his impulsivity, his disregard for the rules, his arrogance, his cunning, his beef with snape, his adoration of sirius, his belief that his uncle is faintly ridiculous, and his bold, flashy courage - are big and explicit and demonstrative, and the text lampshades that they're inherited from his father at every opportunity.
[and not only in how many characters mention that he looks like james. voldemort - for example - mentions james' demonstrative bravery - facing him "like a man" - every time he and harry interact; sirius and lupin never mention lily when discussing harry's personality, even when what they're talking about is how he's not like james.]
the text also goes out of its way to suggest that similarly big aspects of lily's character have not been inherited by her son - the most obvious example of which is that, in half-blood prince, the incandescent talent at potions which has slughorn raving about how like his mother harry is... is actually the result of harry cheating [and cheating from a textbook he's convinced for much of the book might have belonged to james].
the only thing the text emphasises again and again that harry has inherited from his mother are his eyes.
and - in doing this - the series is actually telling us something very clear about what it understands harry to have in common with lily.
eyes are a frequent motif throughout the text, which are almost always connected to the themes of authenticity and truth.
dumbledore's eyes give away his true feelings in goblet of fire - when the "gleam of something like triumph" comes into them after he learns that voldemort used harry's blood to resurrect himself - before serving as a metaphor for the way the information about the prophecy is being withheld from harry in order of the phoenix when he refuses to make eye contact with him.
[dumbledore's eyes also stop "twinkling" after voldemort returns, in a sign of how serious the situation - which the ministry never appreciates the full gravity of - is becoming.]
occlumency and legilimency - the obscuring and seeking of truth - depend on eye contact. the teenage tom riddle's eyes - with their gleam of red - give away his true depravity, even when he's still outwardly charming and beautiful. the teen snape sees the reason for his obsession with the marauders "wrenched from him against his will" at the force of lily's glare [and the adult snape frequently averts his own gaze from harry when he clearly doesn't want to risk seeing anger or pain in lily's eyes]. ginny's love for harry - her "never giving up" on him, her willingness to wait and endure while he goes off on the horcrux hunt - is communicated by a "blazing look". the basilisk kills by looking - but doesn't kill anyone in chamber of secrets, since the truth about the culprit isn't known. and so on...
which is to say - the series regards the eyes as the windows to the soul [an idea which is connected to a verse in chapter six of the gospel of matthew - the verse immediately preceding which, "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also", is inscribed upon kendra and ariana dumbledore's graves] and to the true, inner nature of a person.
in mentioning again and again that harry looks like james except for his eyes, what the narrative is doing is hinting to the reader that harry's big, obvious, showy similarities with his father mustn't let them miss that the more subtle traits of his personality - his steadfastness, his quiet courage in the face of hopelessness, his ability to love so much it changes the entire course of history - come from his mother, and that what he inherits from lily will be much more important to the resolution of the story than the things he inherits from james.
this is a clue it plays with really nicely - particularly because harry doesn't really care at any point prior to the last third of deathly hallows about what he inherits from lily more than he cares about what he inherits from james.
we - as readers - go through his experience of learning that his mother is the key to the whole mystery in real time - when we join harry in snape's memories - and we walk into the forest with a harry who now knows the whole truth: that he's more like his mother than he's previously realised, and that he'll therefore be able to do the same thing that she did, and die so that others might live.
“You won’t be killing anyone else tonight,” said Harry as they circled, and stared into each other’s eyes, green into red. “You won’t be able to kill any of them ever again.”
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modcroissant · 4 months
I just want to ask
Can you show me the other Ancients[Like GoldenCheeseCookie and Pure VanillaCookie]'s design seen in your latest post?
That is if you meant the others like hollyberry, dark cacao and white lily, their designs are not like fully revealed since it's just their upper half that is revealed.
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But yeah, this is best you got currently, will work on the three soon.
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messrsmcrauders · 6 months
~ @pointedprongs || ❛  now listen, i'l tell you what to do. if you stay here, they'll find you. i'll distract them while you get away.  ❜ - have some jily pain ~
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"James - No -" The words hissed out of Lily, her hands grasping to pull him closer so that the Death Eaters wouldn't spot them. It felt like they were closing in, it was only a matter of time before their hiding place was discovered. She rested back against the wall, hand dropping to her stomach, trying to soothe the baby's kicking. "You're not leaving us." There was an emphasis on the 'us', a gentle reminder that she needed him. Whilst the baby wasn't born yet, they were already a family, and she wasn't letting him rush out into the path of Death Eaters for anything. "We'll figure it out together." Reaching for his hand, Lily placed it on her stomach, grounding James to the moment. Eyes darted around, searching for a solution, forcing herself to stay calm as she evaluated all possible options. They couldn't apparate - Her pregnancy made it too risky.
"Throw something -" Eyes looked back to James. "If we throw it over there -" She pointed with her wand. "It'll distract them. We can go through the door behind them then."
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storiesoflilies · 2 months
i’d actively kill for more gladiator! tengen or toji or even both because i’m actually hooked … that was so good
oh my darling nonie!!! you only need to ask, and i will provide. i hope this real quick little piece is okay :3
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gladiator!toji was completely uncontrollable.
he now fought with a violence nobody had never seen before – full of cunning, with malice and vengeance in every stroke. his strikes used to be effortless and precise; now they aimed to spill as much of his enemies’ blood as possible, and as messily as he could. his master was less than pleased, for the crowds of the colosseum were more horrified than entertained by toji’s antics.
he was making a spectacle, and not of the good sort.
“where is he?” she all but screamed into the night, bloody and raw crescent moons embedded in her palms. “you! where is he?”
gladiator!tengen sat at the edge of his bed, disturbed by her and her… flapping.
he groaned loudly, exasperation at the forefront of his tongue. “it’s late, woman. i want to sleep.”
“you know where he is, don’t you?” she screeched, her tears of fire burning down the curve of her cheeks. “tell me.”
she reached the bars of his cell, all but collapsing in a heap in front of him, gripping the metal like a vice. a broken bird, a mess of blood and bones, unable to ever fly free beyond the confines of her cage. she was as much a slave to the mass as he was. tengen swallowed thickly, his resolve unusually fragile, a thin eggshell decorated with cracked veins and scratches.
why was his heart aching?
he sighed heavily, long and full of pity. his thin sheet rustled as he stood, sweat glistening from his muscles thighs as he walked to her. she looked up at him, a baby doe in a heap of jumbled, useless limbs, powerless against the lion that had crouched in front of her.
she had never seen tengen this close before.
his hair was free, untamed, a rolling avalanche of snow. his features were carefully maintained, but that signature heart-stopping grin of his was gone, and his eyes were like the bottom of a red wine barrel. made of swirling hues of purple and scarlet; deep, bottomless and seemingly infinite. what lay hidden beneath the surface was unknown to everyone except himself.
she didn’t like it.
tengen suited unbridled joy better than melancholy.
“the master has sent him away,” he revealed quietly, grappling with an unfamiliar gentleness that threaten to overwhelm him. “but to where, i don’t know.”
her ensuing sob was a thunderclap of despair.
before his mind could protest, tengen reached between the bars of the cell, drawing her closer to him. the lukewarm metal bars pressed against her cheek, and she gasped as her bare forearm brushed against his fingertips.
“he’ll come back,” tengen mumbled softly. “the master will send for him again when he has learnt his lesson.”
“i don’t understand why,” she whimpered defeatedly, voice muffled against the marble of his chest. “but i feel this is all my fault.”
a stab of guilt tore through tengen’s heart, and he winced painfully. her heartstrings were completely shredded, trampled and spit on, and it was all because of him – tengen had to fix it.
“what do you need me to do?”
“please, bring him back to me.”
for you, i’ll do anything.
“i will, i swear it.”
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©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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agent-aquato-and-co · 10 months
How are the Superstar Agents (Sasha, Milla, Oleander) doing? Are they retired, or still in the field? - think-fast-psychonaut
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It’s well-known fact around the Motherlobe that if Sasha stops wearing a turtleneck, he will die.
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bklily · 7 months
Does Luka ever accidentally stumble into Adrien's Mind Palace when Marinette accidentally calls him the wrong name?
(Not trying to salt here, I think it would be hilarious)
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He doesn't so much as stumble in- Luka has free access to anyone's mind whenever he wishes really.
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He does use those powers for good though
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brittle-doughie · 8 months
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How Shadow Milk Cookie tries to win back Y/N Cookie after wreaking havoc on the Faerie Kingdom
You guys cook so hard, so I swear-
Pure Vanilla is kicking and flailing on his strings as White Lily tries to free him.
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They only have mere seconds, Shadow Milk Cookie is preparing a lovely song for you on his instrument as he gifts you PV’s flower staff, the staff itself seemingly accepting of the situation too.
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Devs really love their matching poses lol
Pure Vanilla is going to give it a stern talking to…right after he and White Lily are done beating the tar out of Shadow Milk. AND tossing him back in the tree.
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spirit-doll · 21 days
Can he draw?
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-White Lily: That's very beautiful.
-Hollyberry: Haha! You're quite an artist!
-Golden Cheese: Hmm, well, not bad, buddy!
-Pure Vanilla: It's a great job, my old friend.
(Now I wear this drawing under my phone case (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ). I am sure that according to my head canon, he can draw. After all, it is important for the king to be not only strong but also trained in literacy and art.)
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