#;Muse ( GWAINE )
dryadalisliv · 1 year
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sorceress-queen · 2 years
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This gorgeous artwork I saw on pinterest made me think of:
Gwen & Lancelot as well as Arthur & Morgana. 💕 And possibly even if we look at possible AUs Morgana & Lancelot or her and Gwaine.
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Horizons Over Battlegrounds
Fandom: Merlin (TV)
Author: Zaharya @zaharya​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 14,519
Pairings: Merthur
Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Elyan, Leon, Percival, Aithusa
Tags: Canon Era, Episode: s04e04 Aithusa, Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Court Sorcerer Merlin, Powerful Merlin, BAMF Merlin, Angry Merlin, Protective Arthur Pendragon, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Humor, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Gwaine Being Gwaine, Teasing, Banter, Healthy Communication, the knights are idiots, Arthur has the brain cell
Teasing and banter have always been part of Merlin's friendship with the knights. But when a prank hits a sore spot for Merlin, the fallout is fiercer than anybody imagined.
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starchaserbaby · 2 years
apple pie cheese @angelwiththeblue-box
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wordsinhaled · 5 months
a little snippet of tooth-rottingly smitten merwaine for besties @mayapleiades @eviltoxicmosssauce and @fabledfrog 💕🥰
"Come away with me somewhere," Gwaine says suddenly as they walk alongside each other, shoulders bumping on every other step. He catches Merlin's hand, entwines their fingers in a loose hold.
The crush of people is thick enough in this part of the marketplace that no one ought to pay them any mind, but Merlin still feels his heart do a funny little patter at Gwaine's easy, unabashed affection. It’s been years since anyone made him feel this way, both pleasantly off-kilter and assuredly centered; an age, it seems to Merlin, since he let anyone near enough to try.
"Gwaine…” he starts, halfhearted, his usual token protest. Gwaine’s only answer is to slot their palms together decisively, his skin warm and welcome against Merlin’s, and Merlin doesn't pull away. Amid the noise and bustle of the lower town, it’s terribly tempting to imagine that they are not a knight of the Round Table and the king’s manservant—just two courting lovers who can do as they please. "Where would we go, then?"
"Oh," Gwaine muses, casting his eyes skyward in a show of deep thought, "I don't know. Anywhere you like. There's a spot about half a day's ride into the forest I’d like to show you. Lovely. Properly scenic. We could go for... a picnic."
Merlin laughs knowingly. "You just want to have your way with me in the woods."
“Aye, I might be guilty of that.” Gwaine’s grin is slanted and sunlit, as promising as it is fleeting, enough to make Merlin’s cheeks heat in a way that has nothing at all to do with the unseasonably nice weather. “And what of it? Arthur works us both to the bone. I can’t remember the last time I had you all to myself.”
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I rewatched Merlin for the first time in years and collected my thoughts.
Merlin was such a baby in the first season I forget just how tiny and innocent he was.
The number of times Merlin has been suspected of witchcraft and then got out of it is so hilarious like yea here’s this actual wizard but don’t worry he’s been cleared of all charges nothing to worry about here haha
accused by the witchfinder
sentenced to death as old man sorcerer
straight up confessing to Uther in order to save Gwen
Gaius is to old for this
Sir Leon puts up with so much shit from the Pendragon family
Somebody please give him a vacation he does not get paid enough for this (having to tell his boss that he married a troll was a real low point you can see him losing the will to live)
He's running on three hours of sleep and six cups of coffee
Corrie guard commander Fox reincarnated as a knight of Camelot (working for a maniacal tyrant in the most dramatic political court the world has ever seen will take a lot out of you)
King Cenred is the medieval embodiment of the King of Hybern like that is exactly how I imagine him when I read ACOTAR (Tom Ellis, as always, was a great casting choice)
Freya deserved better Ik she had to die to keep the Excalibur storyline going but she could have been such a great character (merlin was so sad bring his gf back poor baby)
Lancelot my wholesome baby you are to precious for this world you deserved so much better
I can't explain it but I just know Gwaine would have done well on book tok
Ok I know Morgana was a terrible queen and burned the crops but honestly props to her for paying attention to the paperwork
I can’t tell if Agravaine looked at Morgana like a daughter or if he was falling in love with her and honestly both are very disturbing to me.
Aithusa is the most adorable dragon look at his little face Ik he gets attached to Morgana but seriously I can’t not love him.
seeing him so beaten and abused is so sad please get him some help
We should have seen more of him with Merlin
How Kilgharra hasn't cooked Merlin like a costco roast chicken is beyond me, this dragon must have some sort of immortality driven godlike patience in order to put up with that boy as long as he has.
Gaius please get a hair cut
I’m a few episodes into season five and I hit that point where I know what’s coming and it’s making me not want to finish the show. I don’t want to but I feel like I should.
I crapped out. I made it to the episode where Gwen uses the stable boy to try and kill Arthur and then never finished the season. I knew this was going to happen I haven't made it all the way through the series in years. If I ever make it through the end of season five again I'll be sure to give my thoughts but for now I've fallen back into a Gossip Girl rewatch.
Sometimes I forgot to write things then wrote it down later so it might be out of order but whatever enjoy my musings.
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the-pen-pot · 9 months
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Gwaine chortled as Percival tucked a silver coin next to his plate. 'Again?'
'Again,' he acknowledged mournfully. 'I thought you were exaggerating.'
'He was.' Leon spoke from where he sat to Gwaine's left, only for a pained expression to twitch across his face. Duty and honour meant the Knight Commander appeared to live in a happy world of denial, but even he could not ignore the evidence playing out at the High Table.
Gwaine ran his gaze along its length, not caring about the visiting nobles or Uther in his finery. Even Morgana, as lovely as ever, could not hold his attention for more than an appreciative moment. He was too busy watching Arthur and Merlin, who in theory were murmuring among themselves, but in practice were sharing some of the most prolonged, intense, indecent eye contact he had ever had the pleasure to witness.
'How have I never noticed?' Lancelot mused from the opposite side of the table. Feasts always started out with everyone facing towards the centre of the room, but it always dissolved into disarray as the evening went on. He and Elyan sat straddling the bench across from Gwaine so that, technically, their backs weren't to the High Table, but it meant they could all cluster together, rather than passing the conversation back and forth along a row.
'Because you're too busy making the same eyes at my sister,' Elyan teased, guffawing when Lancelot gave a quiet, wistful sigh.
'Lancelot's looking respectfully,' Gwaine pointed out with a grin. 'There's nothing respectful about that. They look like they want to –'
'Quiet.' Leon's warning was fond and friendly, but it was one to heed. The court, loud and raucous as they were in that moment, still had ears, and Camelot's rumour mill was vicious. Not that it needed any help from Gwaine. Anyone who cared to look would see their prince staring at his manservant like he was trying to work out the quickest way to get him naked and spread out under him.
'Well, they do.' Gwaine shrugged, grinning into his cup. 'Don't know why they don't put each other out of their misery.'
'How do you know they haven't... you know?' Percival asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
'Too much tension,' he replied. 'It's a miracle they're not setting things on fire, looking at each other like that.
Elyan let out a pained sigh as he rubbed at the bruise on his shoulder from that morning's training. 'Arthur carries a lot of frustration into the duelling ring, if you know what I mean.'
They all winced at that, because he wasn't wrong. Arthur was still the best of them, and he was a punishing taskmaster.
'Maybe one of us should interfere?' Gwaine mused. 'You know, give them a nudge in the right direction?'
'Absolutely not. Leave them alone, all of you.' There was more than courteous respect in Leon's voice. Something thrummed, urgent, beneath his words. He picked up his cup and took a drink. 'They'll get where they're going in their own time. Not before.'
Gwaine sighed, setting his goblet on the table and spreading his hands in surrender. 'If you say so.'
'Some things can't be rushed. Especially not love.'
That made everyone pause, all of them giving Leon a sideways look before, slowly but surely, turning their attention back to Arthur and Merlin.
Leon was a practical man, not often prone to flights of romantic fancy. Maybe that's what made Gwaine search a little deeper and realise that he was right. If it was just about what was in their breeches, Arthur and Merlin would have been at it like rabbits years ago. Instead, their hearts had got involved somewhere along the way.
Maybe it was when Arthur had defied his father to gather his knights to him, indifferent to their lack of so-called nobility. Perhaps it was when the secret of Merlin's magic had come to light, confessed to his closest friends. Or maybe it had always been there, right from the very first day.
Either way, neither one of them would be the man they were today without the other's presence. If not for Merlin, Arthur would still be an arrogant, bratty prince, too wrapped up in himself and the lessons of his father to be the king Camelot needed. Without Arthur, Merlin would never have found his purpose. He'd have been forced to drift through the shadows of a half-life, always hiding, all the power that was his to command and nothing to feed it but his own loneliness.
The gods knew how that might have ended. Arthur would probably have become like his father, harsh and cold. For his part, Merlin may well have ended up as barmy as the other sorcerers they found, drunk on power and lacking in compassion, filled with nothing but hatred for a world that reviled him.
Instead, they brought out the best in each other. Together, they were the fulcrum on which the scales of Camelot's future hung. They were the ones who would tip the balance from greed and corruption. They'd rewrite laws and peel back decades of hardship, not just for the kingdom, but for each other. He was pretty sure they'd lay the whole world at each other's feet, given the chance.
Gwaine picked up his goblet again, letting his gaze sweep around the room as if seeing it for the first time. Already there were subtle changes. Normally the tables would be groaning beneath the burden of their bounty, but for once there were signs of moderation. While some lords were deep in their cups, loud and boisterous, others spoke companionably with each other, their expressions intent and lit with a hope that had not been there a year ago.
Uther may be present – living still – a man made of shadows and resentment, but he was no longer the one to whom the court turned. Gwaine knew how these games were played. He'd been noble once.
Now, people went to Arthur for help. They spoke to him, quietly, of their concerns, and he was not the only one. Maybe Merlin was nothing more than the prince's manservant, but the councillors listened when he spoke. They respected him. Maybe they, too, could see the future that awaited them.
One with two good men ruling side by side, rather than a tyrant standing alone.
'Love?' he asked, his voice little more than a murmur. 'Yeah, I can see that.'
'And so will Uther, if he looks closely,' Lancelot warned, all trace of his amusement fled. He stared at the King like he might an enemy on the battlefield, all anger and dread. 'He'll try and put a stop it.'
'Then we don't give him the chance.' Gwaine shrugged, draining his goblet and setting it aside, feeling his resolve settle in him. 'We keep him busy and let those two get on with it.'
'You think they'll admit how they feel?' Elyan asked.
Gwaine raised an eyebrow as Arthur leaned in to gain his father's attention, no doubt making his excuses for the night. He spoke quickly and respectfully, but Gwaine didn't miss the way that, when Uther nodded, Arthur cast a slow, hot look in Merlin's direction, nor that Merlin returned it, full of promise.
'Maybe sooner than you think.'
They watched them go, and not even Leon bothered to hide his subtle grin. Gwaine returned it with one of his own and wondered if they were all thinking of the future they hoped to one day witness.
He'd lived in bitter, corrupted courts. He'd seen first-hand the hardships that the powerful could rain down on the helpless, and he had promised himself he would never be part of it again. Yet he could see, with a clarity any seer would envy, how the world Arthur and Merlin would build together would be different – better. Not only a powerful citadel and a mighty throne, but a prosperous, peaceful kingdom that anyone could call home.
And Gwaine, who had never stayed in one place for long, would be happy to do just that.
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magikborn · 3 months
INTERACTING WITH THIS POST, you give a starter from arthur pendragon of various lengths.
fandoms: merlin bbc, narnia, ouat, arthurian, red white and royal blue, modern, crossovers
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wanted connections: merlin, guinvere, morgana, uther, gaius, gwaine, lancelot and more. OCs welcome!
multimuses please comment which muse for arthur to interact with
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oppulcnce · 22 days
"i don't care what they say, you and i will get out of here." Gwaine took her hand before pressing his lips along her knuckles, "They're out of their minds," he said hearing the sounds of bells and mummuring knowing they were out there having a sham trail, "are you able to walk?"
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plot: feeling a "witch" hunt vibes. gwaine just wants to get your muse out after having such an unfair trail.
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How about a scenario where you are cuddling with arthur near the fireplace in the evening? 🤤
Sure!💖 He deserves this XD
A Night By The Fire
After a stressful day, Arthur just needs you to be in his arms.
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He’s had a rough day.
First, he was stuck with hours upon hours of council in which one of the members was also missing, causing much confusion. Then, when he got time to train, Gwaine was drunk, and much chaos ensued. Finally, to top it all off, Merlin had been missing the entire day.
When evening finally fell, all he wanted was to go back to his chambers and remain undisturbed. With you, of course.
“Rough day?” You asked from your place on the couch before the crackling fireplace. One look from Arthur said it all, especially after he dramatically dropped his things on the floor for Merlin to pick up later.
“That bad, huh.” You said with a slight frown.
“All I want is one day where I don’t have to worry about doing anything.” Arthur complained while he marched over to sit beside you, the first time he’s gotten to sit in a long while.
“Hard to do when you’re the king.” You mused with a slight smile, especially when Arthur rolled his eyes.
“Tell me about it...” He muttered. The two of you sat in silence, but it was clear that something was on Arthur’s mind. Something that was irritating him. It became clear to you what that was when he sat up rigidly, glaring at the doors.
“And where the hell is Merlin?!” Arthur asked angrily, but you were quick to push him back down, moving closer.
“Arthur...let’s not trouble ourselves with that at the moment. Can’t we just enjoy each other’s company?” You asked him sweetly, cuddling into him. Of course, it was that easy to convince him.
He smiled softly at you, calming down immediately. 
“You’re right, my love. I’m sorry...” Arthur apologized before moving to wrap an arm around your shoulders. You cuddled into his chest, resting your head on his shoulder as you heard his heart rate finally calm down.
As you enjoyed him, Arthur eyed the fireplace before you guys.
Even though the stresses of today were enough to make him kill someone, he was glad he could come back to this. If being king and dealing with all that meant he got to come home and do this, it was worth it.
“Thank you, daring...” Arthur said while placing a kiss to your forehead.
He didn’t even have to see your face to know you were smiling.
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uniasus · 11 months
Whumptober - Day 19 - BBC Merlin
This is part larger fill that's already on Ao3 if you wanna read the whole thing.
“Catmor can’t see him,” Arthur whispers, and the secret Arthur thinks they all know but won’t voice haunts his sentence.  
Merlin tried to hide the impact the collar has on him, and he’s been doing a good job. But he stays too close to the Camelot knights and they all noticed the way he struggled while wearing it. A struggle the other slaves – temporary or not – aren’t sharing. Merlin’s reaction is unique, and the answer came to Arthur the second night as he watched Merlin sleep. 
The collar looked like jewelry, but it was iron.  
Not pure. Too much gold had been pressed into, or some other ore in its forging. But enough. He’d whispered it to Leon and Gwaine just that morning, a simple statement of fact. “There’s a chunk of iron in the collar.” 
It took Gwaine longer to catch on, but when he did, he simply nodded. Way more accepting than Arthur’s light night musing, or Leon’s pressed lips.  
Iron is known to have properties that only harm one type of creature.  
If Catmor knows, Arthur has no clue, but for all that magic hasn’t been a topic of conversation the past three days, there is a dearth of it in Midden. Catmor seems smart enough, or at least his backers are, to know most kingdoms in the Isles don’t approve of magic. He could be building affinity between Midden and the other Five Kingdoms, only to bring sorcerers from across the sea to launch an attack next year. Or he could truly see no place for magic in his kingdom.  
Either way, he doesn’t want him to find out about Merlin. Nor any of the other kingdom’s emissaries.  
“If you leave this room for breakfast,” Gwaine snarls, “Merlin will have to be at your side, collared. We don’t know how much he’ll recover tonight, but he’ll sure as hell need more than a night’s sleep.” 
“He didn’t eat supper,” Arthur confesses. “I tried to sneak him something at the feast, but I don’t think he noticed.” 
“No,” says Leon. He reaches for Merlin’s boots and pulls them off.  
Arthur watches Leon and Gwaine make Merlin comfortable, not able to allow himself to touch the other man. It feels wrong. Arthur is supposed to protect Merlin, keep him safe, and he is failing. He has no right to help settle the man.  
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witchthewriter · 2 years
What music do you think the knights of camelot and merlin would listen to? like if they had spotifys what would they be filled with? this is such a random thought I had omg im so sorry but id love to hear your thoughts!
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I love this question!
・Merlin, Gwaine and Lancelot are diehard Whitney Houston fans
・Unholy by Sam Smith would definitely be in Arthur's and Gwaine's playlists
・They ALL love Ms Jackson by Outkast. It could probably be their group song - like when girls get excited in the club and all look at each other when their song comes on
・He would LOVE Fleetwood Mac, especially Rhiannon and Dreams. He would turn that sh*t up and dance around the room with his eyes closed, absolutely vibing
・Kate Bush!!! Running Up That Hill!!!
・Also loves Greta Van Fleet, especially their song Heat Above
・His music taste is very indie, pop-rockesque
・Kings of Leon, would blush when he first heard Sex on Fire but absolutely fall in love with their 'Come Around Sundown' album
・Loves House of the Rising Sun but the cover by Muse
・The Arctic Monkeys. He would have their album AM, 24/7. It drives Merlin insane
・Really likes Leonard Cohen, particularly
・One of his favourite songs is O' Children” by Nick Cave. Another is Hoist That Rag by Tom Waits
・Leon likes music that touches the part of him that he doesn't show. The deep part, the emotional part.
・LOVES MITSKI!!!! Even though Mitski talks about women's issues, Leon can feel her through the music. He feels the exact emotion that Mitski does
・ABBA he would die anytime Dancing Queen came on. Like do this lil squeal and pull Merlin onto the dancefloor
・Loves Kylie Minogue's Spinning Around - would totally make up a dance for it
・Lana Del Rey! Oh my god he would so romanticise himself when he listens to her music
・This could be argued but I kinda feel like he'd love heavy metal. Like Black Sabbath, Metallica, Led Zepplin
・Would LOVE the band Idles, especially Never Fight A Man With A Perm
・Is strongly against the fact that Elvis stole a lot of songs from the black community. Elyan showed him Big Mama Thornton's original of Hound Dog and he nearly transcended when he listened to it
・Destiny Child - can sing Say My Name word for word. Literally has perfect timing.
・Loves loves loves soulful, passionate music that has a lot of history or a story behind it
・Young Hearts Run Free by Candi Stanton
・Labrinth; Yeah I Fcken Did It & All For Us
・Double Trouble by Otis Rush. I think Elyan would love the electric guitar, the saxophone, but I also think he'd be really good at playing an instrument?? I'm thinking the drums or maybe even piano. Like a headcanon that his father or mother made him learn it when he was young, and he hated it but later on in life it's useful
・He would love movie soundtracks/scores. Like Flying with Mother by John Powell (How to Train Your Dragon) and Dance of the Druids by Bear McCreary. He would have so much knowledge about movie scores that it shocks the other knights
・Tame Impala's One More Hour
・El Tango De Roxanne
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merlinbingo · 1 year
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July is over and done, which means it's time for another one of these round up thingies.
Things were a bit quieter last month, but that's okay! We all need a bit of downtime now and again (or, for some of us, a month spent furiously working on our ACBB works because we started writing it in 2016 and were absolutely determined that this was the year we finished the thing).
Of the 41 fills people created, 34 were fic, 5 were art, one person created a lovely artwork-poem combo, and another wrote and performed a song!
In terms of ships, Merlin/Arthur are again the most popular (19 fills), followed by gen (nine fills). Merlin/Leon hit their personal best with four fills, coming in joint third with Merlin/Lancelot. Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine got two fills, and then Merlin/Gwaine, Arthur/Gwen and Gwaine/Lancelot all got one.
But enough numbers - on to the main event! You'll find the July fills hidden below the cut, sorted by ship and then by rating. Remember to check out the warnings, and practice self-care before clicking on anything that might upset you!
Gen/no ship
Chaotic duo by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Good Morgana (Merlin), Morgana Knows about Merlin's Magic (Merlin) ,BAMF Merlin (Merlin), Crack Summary: Where Merlin ends up helping Morgana with her magic and they become some kind of chaotic magic heroes duo but with a bit of a plot twist
Revenge is Best Served Cold by demitimelord42 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: friendship, revenge, but in a besties kinda way Summary: What better way to get back at your friend than to serve them something cold?
And Then There Were None by demitimelord42 Rating: General audiences Warnings: Major character death Major tags: hurt no comfort, angst, major character death, but canon compliant character death Summary: Merlin says goodbye to Lancelot
The Babysitter Swap (The Aithusa Just Wants To Have Fun Remix) by willowsmarika Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: shirtless gwaine, tiny aithusa, tarot card Summary: Aithusa had enough of Lancelot's protectiveness, she wants a fun babysitter for once. Enter Gwaine, who even manages to loose his shirt during the day, because why not?! And it's Gwaine...
Safe Here 'Til Morning by huniths-muse Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: lullabies, emotional hurt/comfort, sung by the author Summary: Hunith sang Merlin a lullaby when he had trouble sleeping. When Arthur has trouble sleeping, Merlin sings him his own version of it
Run, little boy by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Nerd Merlin (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Gwen & Merlin Friendship (Merlin), Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Alternate Universe - High School Summary: After applying for college, Merlin has to have at least one mark in PE. He isn't happy about it. Fortunately, he has his two best friends with him
Something that matters more than anything else ~ chapter 2: Merlin by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Lancelot Dies (Merlin), Protective Lancelot (Merlin), Minor Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), POV Lancelot (Merlin), Lancelot & Merlin Friendship (Merlin) Summary: The veil. Lancelot's decision
bitter is the antidote by lit-in-thy-heart Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Merlin's Magic Revealed, Injury, Jealous Gwaine, Self-Isteem Issues Summary: The first hiccup in Merlin's plan to save Gwen from the flames by aging himself was not being able to undo it as easily. The second hiccup was Gaius not showing up with the potion to do it for him. This third consequence feels less like a hiccup and more like a soul-crushing revelation. Well, fourth. Ending up on a lit pyre is a rather significant consequence.
The Things I’ve Done by s0mmerspr0ssen Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 05, Golden Age, Everyone Lives, Morgana Dies Summary: When Arthur learns more about the meaning behind Emrys, the past comes back to haunt him.
They Ought To Be by paceprompting Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Established Relationship, Getting Together, Polyamory, Pining, Gratuitous Smut Summary: Arthur and Merlin invite Gwaine into their bed for one night during the Midsummer celebration. One night, which quickly turns into many. And the more their life expands to include Gwaine in it, the more the three of them have to figure out what it means to love another person as much as they loved one.
i wanna touch your body, so fucking electric by Saurus Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern Era, rockstar merlin, Drummer Gwaine, manager Arthur, merlin has tattoos Summary: Arthur loves his job as the band manager for Emrys and the Knights. He loves the work and the guys he works with. The only problem is two very distracting members of the band who seem intent on teasing Arthur to within an inch of his life.
sit by me (the everything seems alright remix) by eachpeachpearplum Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, established relationship, bathtubs, storytelling, hair washing Summary: "Tell me a story," Merlin says, tilting his head back further, far enough to meet Gwaine's gaze for a moment before he closes his eyes. "I like your stories."
it's easier with my eyes closed by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Canon divergence, ghosts, afterlife, tenderness, hopeful ending Summary: All Gwaine remembered was that he was fighting to save someone’s life.
Tell me a story by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Modern Era, Lancelot & Merlin Friendship (Merlin), Supportive Lancelot (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic Summary: Merlin didn't chose to wait Arthur for all his life. He choose to live, to make experiences he could tell his friends about. He couldn't make best decision.
there was only one bed :0 by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art Summary:
The Little Merman by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fanart, merfolk Summary: The little mermaid au
so easy, and the words so sweet by eachpeachpearplum Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: only one bed, fluff, get together, canon era Summary: "You can't sleep there!" Lancelot says, his protest emphatic but very sincere. "I'm not going to take your bed from you." Or: There's only one bed, and neither Merlin nor Lancelot is willing to let the other sleep on the floor.
Ice skater au by kingani Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: merleon, merlin x leon Summary:
The Safety You Bring by thetreeofwillow Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Tenderness, Asexual Relationship, Angst, Comfort, Bathing/Washing Summary: After the events of 'The Coming of Arthur' Merlin and Leon share a quiet moment together in the tub.
It Can't Continue by thetreeofwillow Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining, Mutual Pining, Gwaine POV, Dramatic Gwaine, Slight Crack Summary: It’s happening. Yet again. Once more the Knights of Camelot are out on patrol with their king and once more, they are being assaulted with the full force of Merlin and Leon’s bloody pining. It’s not even funny anymore, and this is coming from Gwaine. Now it’s just frustrating.
Wait for Me by Seravia Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Arthur Returns, Post-Canon, Angst, Happy Ending, Getting Together Summary: “I have a way into Avalon, Merlin. For you.” -- Merlin journeys to Avalon to plead for Arthur’s return. The Sidhe agree to let them go, but there is one condition. Merlin must lead the way, and he can’t turn around to make sure Arthur is following. Not unless he wants Arthur to be sent back to Avalon forever. Based loosely on the musical Hadestown, and the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.
Greed by Robin_Fai Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: longing, immortality, art, poetry Summary: Art of Glastonbury Tor with a poem.
heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, camelot remix, digital art Summary:
Dogs and owners by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: POV Merlin (Merlin), Pining Merlin (Merlin), Pining Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Modern Era Summary: Merlin has a dog, Aithusa, and he doesn't like to talk to other dog owners. Then Arthur made his appearence.
Splitting the Road by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Merlin's Magic Revealed, Captivity, BAMF Merlin, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Merlin and Arthur get kidnapped. Unfortunately for their captors, it really is a tremendously stupid idea to put magic itself into cold iron.
magical mishaps by radioactivesunflower Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: merlin's magic does it own thing, smitten arthur pendragon, idiots in love, romantic comedy, Summary: merlin's up the nile, arthur is trying his best and Will just want's to play dungeons and dragons. staring a love spell that didn't exist in the first place.
You're My One & Only by TrebleMaker07 Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Episode: s01e04 The Poisoned Chalice Summary: In a world where magic doesn't exist, soulmates and soulbonds are the exception. What will become of Merlin when he gets deathly ill? Will Arthur save him in time before the unthinkable happens?
The Life and Death (and life again, and death again, and life again) of poor Hud Merlin- chapter 1 by tora-the-cat Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pre-cannon, immortal Merlin, Good Sibling Morgana, pre-meeting Summary: Merthur soulmate death timer au
every saint has a past and every sinner has a future by Saurus Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Modern AU, Mob Family, Eventual happy ending, blood and injury, slow build Summary: The Pendragon crime family is the only life that Merlin has known. He does what he's told, no questions asked. But now he has a personal mission that he must complete without the Dragons knowledge. He has to save Arthur Pendragon's life.
The Hopeful Conclusion (the 'The Debate' Remix) by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern with Magic, Protests, First Kiss Summary: Almost exactly one year after the nightmare of a debate, the trial against the assailants finally takes place. Outside the court building, a protest in support of magic users is held, with Merlin Emrys and Arthur Pendragon at the head of it. As it turns out, the day has more than one surprise in store.
I wish I'd known then by Zaharya Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Roommates, Feelings Realization, Pining, Getting Together, Heartstopper Summary: When Gwen becomes obsessed with a new Netflix show called Heartstopper and makes Arthur and Merlin promise to watch it, Arthur thinks the worst that’ll happen is having to suffer through four hours of cheesy romance. He isn’t prepared for Nick and Charlie to be, well, *them*. Them, but *together*. Or: the one where Arthur realises how things could have gone between him and Merlin.
Candere by Polomonkey Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Hurt/comfort, Merlin's magic revealed, touch-starved, pining, canon era Summary: Four times Merlin attempted to get a hug from Arthur, and the one time Arthur gave it willingly.
me for me, you for you by Sage_Owl Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics, canon divergence, good Morgana, secrets, sexual slavery Summary: Arthur Pendragon is the Golden Alpha Prince of Camelot, and he's been keeping a deadly secret since he was sixteen.
I know what happened last summer - Honeymoon by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Mature Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Female Merlin (Merlin), Smart Merlin (Merlin), POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Caring Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Honeymoon Summary: Merlin and Arthur just got married. Clearly, the honeymoon shouldn't be chose by Merlin. Arthur should have thought before.
life for you has been less than kind by Saurus Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, Canon era, Merlin has scars, simp Arthur Summary: Merlin finally shows himself fully to Arthur.
Not Our First Time Around by Seravia Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Time Travel, Established Relationship, Threesome, PWP Summary: “Arthur?” comes Merlin’s confused, slightly slurred voice. He stares at Arthur, who is standing pressed against the door, then his head whips around to face the older, bearded Arthur behind him. “Am I losing it or are there two of you?” Or: Arthur finds himself in the future, and his older self teaches him exactly how to please Merlin.
The Best Thing To Ever Happen (Is An Allergic Reaction) by SauraUnderscore Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Allergic Reaction to Food; Hurt Merlin; Worried Arthur; Magic Revealed; Scars Revealed; Arthur Knows about Merlin magic; Fluff and Smut; Explicit Sex; 69 (sexual position) Summary: While on a diplomatic visit to Nemeth, Merlin vomits in the middle of the banquet. Could it be food poisoning? He had only tried a bite of one of the plates served and nobody else had fallen ill.
Key to Freedom by s0mmerspr0ssen Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con Major tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sexual Slavery, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Upon the advice of his uncle, Lord Agravaine, a young and inexperienced King Arthur is ready to negotiate a peace treaty with King Cenred. The King of Escetir gifts him a sex slave to mark the occasion: Merlin. But not all is as it seems...
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wordsinhaled · 5 months
a little snippet of the one where merlin never ends up at camelot and goes off to live alone in the woods instead. he and gwaine meet by chance anyway, and honestly your honor, i don't know what to tell you—they've got it bad. i can't help it, i just feel like they need their own romance novel plot
Truthfully, Merlin had not expected to see Gwaine again, and certainly not so soon since they'd last parted.
Gwaine was not the sort of person who would linger—Merlin could sense wanderlust in a man, just as he could see into the secret, labyrinthine lives of animals or plants or sense the paths of the faraway stars. And Merlin himself was not someone people wanted to tarry long with, generally speaking. Perhaps it was his gold-glimmering irises, which they had chalked up to a ploy of the torchlight one too many times for their own comfort. He had a way about him. A way of scaring folk off.
And yet... not so with Gwaine, it seemed. For here he stood once more at Merlin's door, like a trick of the night. His crooked smile caught Merlin's heart sidewise and held fast.
It was as though he'd never left.
"Come in out of the rain," Merlin told him, at the same time as Gwaine said, "I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"I'd bet you try that on every man whose home you happen upon in a storm," Merlin said, but a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth nevertheless.
"Only when it's true," Gwaine countered, one part contrite to three parts earnest. That was one of Gwaine's gifts.
Merlin busied himself with banking the fire to keep from staring. He didn't need to, after all; Gwaine's presence was a tangible thing, it filled the little room, pressed all the air out of it and Merlin's lungs both. It would have taken half a thought to add more kindling with magic. Instead Merlin did the task by hand, because his errant fingers itched to reach for Gwaine. To unfold him like a weathered map there before the hearth, and learn where he'd been journeying, and take his cares from him.
After weeks of customary solitude, Merlin found it jarringly easy to slip back into what was there between the two of them: the banter, the laughter, the warmth. The feeling that Gwaine caused to well up from the untapped depths of him, no less fierce for being syrup-slow and sun-bright. Merlin tried not to name it love, because his fate had spoken of many things and never made mention of this.
Maybe, he thought, when he allowed himself to muse on it—maybe destiny was fallible, after all. For how could it grasp such a one as Gwaine?
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drummingncise · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
The Master (Doctor Who)
The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Harry Osborn (Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man 2)
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen (Marvel's Spider-Man 2 pub. Insomniac Games)
Merlin Emrys (BBC Merlin)
Peter Parker (Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2)
Wade Wilson (Deadpool 1, 2, & soon to be 3)
Sebastian Monroe (Revolution)
Miles Matheson (Revolution)
RK900 "Nines" (Detroit: Become Human & Octopunk Media's DBH fanfilms)
RK800 "Connor" (Detroit: Become Human)
Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock & Co)
A whole bunch of OCs, including Parker James
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert/Prince Horace of the Dark Kingdom (Tangled and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure/Tangled: the Series)
Jim Moriarty (BBC Sherlock)
Leo Monroe, OC son of Sebastian Monroe (Revolution)
Enjolras, Courfeyrac, and Jehan (Les Miserables)
Sir Gwaine (BBC Merlin)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Noiz (Dramatical Murder)
The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
Crowley (Good Omens TV)
Leo Monroe
Sir Gwaine
Kyo Sohma
A whole bunch of OCs, including Parker James
tagged by; i stole this from pj's blog lmao no i'm not procrastinating finishing my dane icons
tagging; @auroradicit @sclfmastery @rpwithoutlimit @inhcritance @localwebslingers @watsonjackpot @deathxproof @theresastargirl + anyone who wants to!
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freezegirl · 3 months
🍓 🥰
🍓 ↪ @himbohotel
listen all of your characters are so hecking cool! and you write so many of my favorites! like gwaine! and alec hardison! let's fucking go! (age of the geek, baby!) and hercules, of course, i think almost all of my muses have met him at this point and two of the phantoms, as well as baby larusso (sorry ant!) and chozen! you've got a whole roster of muses; each of them are from very different universes but you switch so easily, almost seamlessly, between their voices! it's a treat to watch, truly. and to read, too. i hope that we can write a bunch more in the future, across all of our respective blogs! <3
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