#;Hidden Histories of Legends || Headcanons
imladrisweek · 2 months
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Here are the prompts for Imladris Week! You can find them written out below - feel free to let them inspire you, or do your own thing!
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Day 1: Imladris in the Second Age
Imladris was founded in the Second Age after the Fall of Eregion, as a refuge from Sauron and an Elven stronghold in Eriador. What were those first years like, during the Siege and after? How did the people of Lindon and the refugees of Eregion come together to build their new home? What was discussed at that first meeting of the White Council? And how did life in Imladris continue during the remainder of that Age, up until the Last Alliance?
Founding and Siege of Imladris | Refugees and Survivors of Eregion | First White Council | Last Alliance
Day 2: Imladris in the Third Age
Throughout the Third Age Imladris stood as one of the last seats of Elvish strength east of the Sea. A refuge and sanctuary, a place of counsel and lore, of rest for the weary and shelter for the oppressed – a timeless haven with a long and eventful history.
Aftermath of the Last Alliance | Last Homely House | Fostering of Isildur’s Heirs |  War with Angmar | The Dúnedain | Council of Elrond and War of the Ring | Departure of Elrond
Day 3: Imladris in the Fourth Age and Beyond
It is said that after the departure of Elrond, his sons Elladan and Elrohir remained in Imladris for a time, and that Celeborn dwelt there with them until it was at last abandoned. What were those last years like for the last inhabitants of Imladris? And what became of it afterwards? Could it still be standing today?
Imladris in the 4th Age | Imladris Abandoned | Later Ages | Imladris throughout History and in Modern Times
Day 4: Imladris as a Place
A hidden valley amidst the foothills of the Misty Mountains – Imladris must be a beautiful place, judging by its real-world inspiration, Lauterbrunnen. Tell us of the animals that live there, the plants and fungi that grow in the valley and on the mountainsides, of the Bruinen river that flows through the valley, and of course of the houses and buildings, bridges and arches, gardens and courtyards that make up the Last Homely House!
Architecture and Buildings | Nature | Animal and Plant Life | The Bruinen
Day 5: Culture of Imladris
A place with a history as long and inhabitants as diverse as Imladris must have a rich and interesting culture – what is it like to live there, or to be a guest in Elrond’s halls? What traditions have emerged over the centuries, what cultures have influenced Imladris’ customs? What knowledge and legends of Ages past are gathered there? And what alliances and conflicts with the other realms and people of Middle-Earth have emerged over time?
Festivals and Traditions | Hospitality and Guests | Knowledge and Lore | Relations with other Realms
Day 6: The People of Imladris
Of course a house is nothing without the people that live there. We know and love Elrond, Lord and founder of Imladris, his family and all those background characters that fandom has lifted from the shadows, but certainly the Last Homely House has space for more. On this day all inhabitants of Imladris have a chance to shine; from high Lord over fan-favourite counsellor to your own darling OCs.
Elrond and his Family | Background Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel, Lindir and Others | Original Characters
Day 7: Free Space
Imladris, with its millennia of history and plenty of interesting inhabitants, contains so much more than one week of prompts could ever encompass. What do you love most about Elrond’s hidden Valley? What thoughts, headcanons and wild ideas do you harbour of the Last Homely House?
The Magic of Vilya | Passage of Time | Alternate Universes | Anything and everything you can think of!
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glossamerfaerie · 5 months
Gwyn = future High Priestess?
This is an out-there theory, one that I’m only mildly attached to. But we’re going to wait a long time for the book, so why not indulge in wild speculation, haha. This was inspired by a headcanon I saw about Gwyn and Az being the reincarnation of High Priestess Oleanna (who dipped Gwydion into the Cauldron and gave it to Fionn to overthrow the Daglan) and Enalius (Illyrian warrior who possibly fought the Daglan at Ramiel; original wielder of TruthTeller). It’s a fun crack theory, but Oleanna got me thinking about High Priestesses. We learned a lot about them in ACOMAF due to Ianthe, but they’ve been a non-entity since ACOFAS.
Let’s review the facts. Spoilers for the entire series under the cut. It’s a long post, sorry!
There were 12 High Priestesses before Ianthe died. I don’t know how succession works or if that’s the maximum number possible. I’m inclined to think 12 total slots because it’s a nice round number. I doubt it’s tied to court lineage since they seem to operate independently (if occasionally collaborating with the High Lords). It’s unclear how they gain the position; we know that Ianthe (Tamlin’s childhood friend and a nobleman’s daughter) was the youngest High Priestess and lived in the Spring Court before Aramantha. She fled to Vallahan during the 50 years of tyranny.
Among the High Fae, the priestesses oversaw their ceremonies and rituals, recorded their histories and legends, and advised their lords and ladies in matters great and trivial… […] … Priestesses could marry, bear children, and dally as they would. It would dishonor the Cauldron’s gift of fertility to lock up their instincts, their inherent female magic in bearing life, Ianthe had once told me. So while the seven High Lords ruled Prythian from thrones, the twelve High Priestesses reigned from the altars, their children as powerful and respected as any lord’s offspring. — Feyre’s thoughts in ACOMAF
We later learn that Rhys dislikes Ianthe (for good reasons). But!! His dislike isn’t limited to her. He has an issue with all High Priestesses.
“I find the High Priestesses to be a perversion of what they once were—once promised to be. Ianthe among the worst of them.”
“The High Priestesses have burrowed into a few of the courts—Dawn, Day, and Winter, mostly. They’ve entrenched themselves so thoroughly that their spies are everywhere, their followers near-fanatic with devotion. And yet, during those fifty years, they escaped. They remained hidden. I would not be surprised if Ianthe sought to establish a foothold in the Spring Court.”
“You mean to tell me they’re all black-hearted villains?”
“No. Some, yes. Some are compassionate and selfless and wise. But there are some who are merely self-righteous … Though those are the ones that always seem the most dangerous to me.”— Feyre and Rhys in ACOMAF
Notice how Rhys talks about the High Priestesses. A perversion. They’re corrupt — he’s implying that they don’t serve the Mother’s will with good intentions.
The High Priestesses hid and escaped Aramantha’s wrath while the High Lords suffered. Like most organized religions, these High Priestesses seem power-hungry and selfish. It sounds like SJM was inspired by Dune’s Bene Gesserit. Their motivations have changed from the High Priestesses of Oleanna’s time. Rhys’s cynicism was warranted: we later learn that Ianthe was resentful of bowing down to the High Lords, allying herself with Hybern to gain influence.
But!!! Not all of them. Rhys himself says that some are compassionate. I wonder who he’s talking about?
“You speak rather informally of your high priestess.”
“Clotho does not enforce rank. She encourages us to use her name.” — Nesta and Gwyn in ACOSF
While we meet Clotho in ACOWAR, she is NOT referred to as a High Priestess. To be fair, Feyre is briefly introduced to her so she wouldn’t know unless someone said so. In Silver Flames, the High Priestess status is linked to Clotho’s name at least five times in the text. I presume that Clotho was a High Priestess before the attack that led her to live in the Library. The text implies that Clotho — along with Rhys and Mor — is the person who created the sanctuary.
Five days later, Cassian sat before the desk of the library’s high priestess and watched her enchanted pen move. He’d met Clotho a few times over the centuries—found she had a dry, wicked sense of humor and a soothing presence. He’d made a point not to stare at her hands, or at the face he’d only seen once, when Mor had brought her in so long ago. It had been so battered and bloody it hadn’t looked like a face at all. He had no idea how it had healed beneath the hood. If Madja had been able to save it in a way she hadn’t been able to save Clotho’s hands. He it didn’t matter what she looked like, not when she had accomplished and built so much with Rhys and Mor within this library. A sanctuary for females who’d endured such unspeakable horrors that he was always happy to carry out justice on their behalf. — Cassian in ACOSF
IMO, Clotho doesn’t have much communication or power over the High Priestesses or temple governance. They might know she lives in a Night Court Library with many vulnerable priestesses, but they likely don’t know the details or precise location (after all, the existence of Velaris was secret until recently). Clotho seems wholly focused on the Library and not the outside world.
Remember what Rhys said to Feyre?
“Some are compassionate and selfless and wise.”
Rhys is likely talking about Clotho, the anthesis of Ianthe’s character. He has to be. What other High Priestess is Rhys acquainted with where he can make that assessment? By his own account, they stick to Winter, Dawn, and Day. None of them were imprisoned Under the Mountain because they hid, so he wouldn’t have met them there.
Which brings me to this:
“At the Court of Nightmares. I allowed her to visit after she’d begged for years, insisting she wanted to build ties between the Night Court and the priestesses. I’d heard rumors about her nature, but she was young and untried, and I hoped that perhaps a new High Priestess might indeed be the change her order needed. It turned out that she was already well trained by some of her less-benevolent sisters.” — Rhys in ACOMAF
Before Aramantha, Rhys was interested in fostering a connection between the Night Court and the High Priestesses. He hoped that a brand-new High Priestess could change the organization. It didn’t go well. I’m not going to quote the entire passage (Chapter 21 in ACOMAF) because it’s a long flashback, but Ianthe shows up naked in Rhys’s bed, attempting to grab his genitalia without his consent. He doesn’t kill her because he doesn’t want to deal with the High Priestesses, but he uses his power to threaten her.
She’d hounded him relentlessly—stalked the other males, too. Azriel had left last night because of it.
Rhys leaned close to breathe into her ear, “Don’t ever touch me. Don’t ever touch another male in my court.” His power snapped bones and tendons, and she screamed again. “Your hand will heal,” he said, stepping back. “The next time you touch me or anyone in my lands, you will find that the rest of you will not fare so well.” — Rhys flashback in ACOMAF
We know that Ianthe is a grade-A bitch, for many other reasons I didn’t mention (poor Lucien). But you know what’s interesting about Ianthe now?
Ianthe is DEAD. Unless the High Priestesses appointed someone else to the twelfth position off-page, there are currently ELEVEN High Priestesses in Prythia. One spot is potentially open.
And… I wonder who can possibly take on that role? Someone pure of heart and devoted to the Mother. Someone who would mark a return to what High Priestesses OUGHT to be for the Fae. Someone who already has positive ties to the Night Court. Someone who would encourage Rhys to develop a relationship between the Night Court and the High Priestesses, something he wanted to do centuries ago. Maybe a certain teal-eyed Valkyrie priestess that we met in ACOSF.
Gwyneth Berdara
I know what you’re thinking: but Gwyn is already a Valkyrie and researcher at the Library?! She’s helping train the other priestesses! She might have relevancy in the Illyrian rebellion storyline with Emerie and Az! She doesn’t have the TIME to become a High Priestess!!
To which I say… excellent point, lol. It does seem like a lot of responsibility to shoulder. But I’m uncertain whether the High Priestess position needs to be a 24/7 gig. Clotho is at the Library and seemingly not that concerned with the outside world. To be honest, I’m unsure if the High Priestesses are even in frequent communication with each other post-Ianthe’s death. They might be scrambling with the High Lords back in power and unable to exploit the power vacuum anymore. Remember that Hybern attacked the temples and killed priestesses in order to steal the Cauldron parts; I imagine the High Priestesses are still grieving and recovering from that loss. They might be a perversion, but none outside Ianthe allied with Hybern. The High Priestesses aren’t a lost cause just yet. They simply might need someone (Gwyn) to set their priorities straight and refocus their goals in aiding Prythian and worshiping the Mother.
Clotho is compassionate and wise, but seems uninterested in untangling High Priestess politics. She can’t even control Merrill in her own library. I adore Clotho, but I don’t really see her confronting the other High Priestesses and enacting social reforms. Clotho will support Gwyn, but she won’t be the one to initiate change.
“Only Clotho can really make her fall in line, but Clotho lets her have her way, mostly because Merrill throws those windy tantrums that can send everyone’s manuscripts scattering.”— Gwyn in ACOSF
And honestly, maybe the High Priestess responsibilities are light for Gwyn. Maybe she just chills in the Night Court and oversees ceremonies/holidays for Rhys. That’s basically what Ianthe was doing for Tamlin’s Spring Court in ACOMAF/ACOWAR.
I also think it’s OK for the Valkyries to have other responsibilities. I see Nesta as a diplomat or emissary in other lands and courts. Emerie might take a central role back at home, training and helping Illyrian women. Just because they’re Valkyries first doesn’t erase their other identities.
Gwyn has been training as a priestess for her entire life. She’s experienced discrimination due to her nymph heritage, from Merrill and probably other priestesses in Sangravah. I believe Gwyn can enact real social change within the High Priestesses, advocating for species inclusivity and a return to their original duties (like in Oleanna’s time). No more power-hungry political schemes — the Mother and citizen wellbeing should be their #1 priority.
Aside from her personality, Gwyn is a good candidate for two reasons. First, Gwyn is foreshadowed to have strong magic (she glows while singing!). Gwyn’s voice inspires Nesta to have a vision of the Harp. Maybe Gwyn has fire magic from her Autumn grandfather. Maybe she has abilities from her nymph grandmother. Maybe she’s starborn. The possibilities are endless. The point is, Gwyn is magically powerful enough for the role of High Priestess.
Second, I suspect that she’s related to the Autumn Court and Eris. As a High Priestess, Gwyn would have the trust of two High Lords: Rhys and Eris (let’s assume Beron dies soon, lol). Per Rhys, the High Priestesses have mostly entrenched themselves in Winter, Day, and Dawn. That means Autumn (Eris) and Night (Rhys) currently have no connection to the High Priestesses. Gwyn would bridge that gap.
Assuming that Gwyn is Lucien’s grandniece or some other relation, Gwyn also has ties to the Day Court and Helion. I’m very sure that Gwyn and Helion will be fast friends over their love for pegasi. 😉 Having the ear of three High Lords would cement Gwyn’s status as a High Priestess.
Anyway… I wrote all this and now I’m not sure at all. 😅 What do you think about my theory? Too out there or a genuine possibility in the Gwynriel book?
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giriduck · 10 months
The sudden realization that there was a massive increase of Legend of Zelda players who got into the series through BotW, and only know Ganondorf in his TotK incarnation. Many players who have not played nor researched the older games are thus only familiar with arguably the most simplistic version of Ganondorf, and they don’t have the history of how one version of him found the Triforce, nor how another version of him was mysteriously granted a Triforce segment.
Then realizing that the Triforce itself is also weirdly absent from the later LoZ games, so many of these newer fans are also unaware of what used to be the central lore to the prior stories.
So, from the perspective of a new player to the series, how Ganondorf’s story (and the many blorbo headcanons that exist about him in the fan base) intersects with the vestiges of an ancient, hidden, cosmic pantheon is a moot point, because all context for all of that in the later canon is also completely gone or was retconned into dust.
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This work is a part of my Hyrule Historian AU, for more information, check out my masterlist.
A/N: This post in particular was inspired by @orcusnoir and their weird chain headcanons. I wanted to take my own spin on the topic and include some weird headcanons for the historian! reader.
Secrets ran just as swiftly as blood through the veins of the chain. Little did they know that the historian joining their group also had their fair share of secrets that they kept hidden under lock and key as well.
The Hero of the Wild is starting to remember his past life more than he likes to let on. He doesn't want to be held to the same standard as the version of him from the past, he doesn't think he could ever go back to being like that, not after he got a taste of the freedom that adventure brings with it.
The Hero of Time can tell the moon's phase even during the brightest part of the day when the sun is at its peak. This effect remains the same even if the chain has recently changed eras. He is extremely anxious the first time they end up in Wild's Hyrule, he can sense the blood moon even if it is weeks away. He can sense the great dread and power that comes along with it, and it suffocates him.
The Hero of Legend can sense when magic courses its way through an object even from a considerable distance. He can feel the spirits that have attached themselves to many of the masks that the others carry with them. Their voices whisper to him in his dreams.
The Hero of Wind can always tell which direction the nearest body of water is. This skill comes in handy when finding a good spot to set up camp.
The Hero of Twilight sees figures in mirrors, and he knows no one else can see them. They drive him nuts and plague his nightmares. He hopes that one day one of the figures will be her, but he doesn't think he'll remain sane enough to see the day that happens.
The Hero of the Sky can understand the songs the birds sing, and the horror stories that pass through their beaks. This ability is why Sky likes to sleep in, past when early morning chirping from the local birds has ceased.
The Hero of Warriors can tell the second something dies. He has faced so much loss on the battlefield, that he knows the second a heart stops beating, this also applies to the hearts of enemies.
The Hero of Hyrule always knows what direction the nearest town or settlement is in, it doesn't matter if the chain is in his Hyrule or not. His feet will always lead him back to the people he has sworn to protect.
The Hero of the Four Sword can tell when people mask their personalities from others. The colors are quick to point out how a person is holding their true selves back. Being near the chain can be overwhelming because of this phenomenon. Being a hero of courage often lends itself to self-concealment for the greater good, or at least that's what they all try to claim. In reality, masking one's personality also works wonders at masking one's sins.
The Historian knows things they should have no logical way of knowing, things that the history books never recorded, things that happened thousands of years before their time. They know things people have never even spoken out loud, but somehow they still know. They understand the heroes they travel with because of this ability, and frequently have to stop themselves from spilling secrets that do not belong to them.
The Historian can hear the whispers of the shadows, which makes sneaking up on them almost impossible. The shadows are quick to warn them of the impending danger and who is coming, even if that danger is really just a squirrel or even one of the members of the chain. Because of this ability, sleep does not come easy. The historian often stays up late, feeling the eyes of the forest against their skin.
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greyborn2 · 2 months
*with occasional headcanon
Gosh, so this one took a while. What follows is a complete summary of maormeri lore as it currently stands. Mostly taken from ESO since, well, that's been are biggest source so far really. Everything written in blue is as near to fact as we can get. It is either directly stated or pretty clearly inferred from the pieces of lore we have. HOWEVER... well, I couldn't help myself. I'm a theorist. Everything not written in blue is more theorizing and worldbuilding on my part. As a general rule I've kept to a 'connect and fill in the dots' approach rather than wholesale making stuff up. So while a lot of this isn't canon, I'm doing my best to keep to its spirit. Also; this is a long ass post so feel free to just skip around to titled areas that interest you!!
Altmeri and Maormeri history (and faith, on the sea elves’ part) understandably differ somewhat on the topic of king Orgnum. The Altmer hold that he was once a nobleman, and priest of Auriel, and a phenomenally powerful sorcerer who turned from his god. He, they go on to claim, would start a cult in reverence of himself, bankrolled by arcane relics he forged. The Aldmer eventually being forced to break a part of their homeland away, cast it into the sea, and weave powerful mist magicks around it to contain their enemies.
The Maormer claim and fervently believe, for their part, that what the other Mer worship as Auriel is simply a small fragment of the whole truth. Their faith sticks surprisingly close to that of the Redguards; that the time god is both beginning and ending. The serpent god Satakal who bites on and eats his own tail. A god not unlike a synthesis of the traditional Auriel and the Nordic Alduin. They say Satakal, coiling serpent of time, upon who's scales all reality rests, would fall in love with the Mother Sea; from their union all the beasts of the shores and seas came. And so in love with the Mother Sea and his children was Satakal that he would shed his godly scales, for this rotation of time, walk as an elf. King Orgnum. From there the Maormeri and Altmeri tellings converge. They speak of Orgnum attempting to speak the truth to the Aldmer, of how most rejected him, and how he and the Maormer were banished.
While Orgnum-as-Satakal is the primary god of the Maormer, much reverence is also paid to the Mother Sea as well.
Some tellings draw more parallels between the story of Satakal and Mother Sea to that of Anu and Padomay, with each related to the other respectively. By this account Orgnum, as the second incarnation of their telling of Anu, can be seen as a synthesis of Anuiel and Auriel into one.
Maormer see Orgnum as not just their king, but king by right of all the seas, of his love. By this reasoning all islands, from the tiniest rock to the summerset isles themselves, are his by right.
Legend claims that Orgnum made the Maormer his children, and the children of Mother Sea, by ''spilling the spirit of the sea'' into their blood, and it was this that transformed the Aldmer into the Maormer.
When Satakal assumed the skin of Orgnum, his visage as serpent god of time still shone through his mortal form. He began looking as an ancient Mer, and as this rotation of time slowly shortens so to does his mortal life, growing younger and younger by the centuries instead of older. In the current era, it is rumoured, that king Orgnum looks as an adolescent.
Though king Orgnum's full face is almost never seen, everything below the eyes being hidden by a long veil, those who have seen it say he possesses an otherworldly beauty. Some priests and priestesses to Satakal adopt this item of fashion.
Another mark of Orgnum’s divinity is his third arm. Legend says that one can reach toward the past, one the present, and one the future. Though little has been seen of his ability to manipulate time beyond minor miracles.
King Orgnum is able to adjust his form, taking on the shape of the largest sea serpent ever seen. This silver scaled beast is the terror of the Altmeri navy and has been seen swallowing entire ships whole. It is Orgnum’s duel nature of man and serpent that the common Maormer echoes by bonding with a sea serpent at birth.
Pyandonea is a floating island chain, kept above the sea by a vast 'bed' of roots beneath her, massive deposits of the naturally floating frog metal, and a small amount of lingering Aldmeri magicks.
Pyandonea, and her surrounding sea, is eternally shrouded in unrelenting mist. Without magical aid the mist is quite literally impossible to traverse. An unaided Maormer could no more leave the isles than a mainlander could enter it. Only with the aid of Sea Witches can passage to and from the isles be formed, as well as between island settlement and island settlement.
The landmass of Pyandonea is that of dizzyingly vast mountain archipelagos overflowing with verdant jungle rainforest, from which mist and waterfalls pour down constantly. The seas around her a maze of kelp which grabs, entangles, and drowns unwary sailors and ships alike, or smashes them against the rocks... though it is only with the aid of these grasping kelps holding onto the underlying root bed of Pyandonea that it stays in one place at all. Sea beasts and water spirits prowl water and land, only adding to the danger. She is a land designed to keep people in, and out, with no passage between; and it took the Maormer much skill to escape her and turn her defences to their advantage.
Maormer settlements are often built in or around the remains of huge emperor crabs, whale carcasses, or otherwise slain titans of the deep. Maormeri ships hunt them, drive them against the shores, and harvest what meat they can; but there is often enough leftover food to support a population for the years necessary to build up a new port or town, and so some of the crew stay behind. Further inland are overgrown Aldmeri ruins, some still inhabited as strange cities that look indistinguishable from the abandoned ones from outside, only within the vines cut away and replaced with signs of civilization. Orgnum himself holds court and rules (when he is not at sea, which he is for most the of year) in one such overgrown city of ruins.
Shades of blue and white are the most popular architectural colours, just as they are most popular in fashion. White marble walls with blue shingles, deep blue sunshades spread between the whitened ribs of old krakens, sky blue tents in bustling markets. It is seen as representative and in honour of the sea; of both her waves and her crashing foam.
Despite the jungles and humidity, Pyandonea is still quite unlike the forests of Topal or the Niben. Unlike both of those it is much further from the equator, almost down to the southern ice sheets, and thus even without snowfall it can be devastatingly cold. Unprepared travellers can find themselves soaked in the mist and losing an entire limb to frostbite... if they are lucky.
Maormer are split into, very broadly, two categories. The majority of Maormer are milky white in skin and eye colour, with predominantly white, black, or grey hair. Their ears end with fin-like ridges, and they are able of safely consume salt water - their tongues have an adaptation to safely filter out salt from water, an ability that even remains for a while even after death and removal. Contrary to popular belief, they do not have gills or any special ability to breathe underwater. Finally, almost all possess a mouth of sharp teeth, specialized in tearing meat and breaking shells. So called 'leviathan' Maormer are a minority, making up perhaps a tenth of the overall population. Theirs is a bloodline that has been altered by powerful magicks - sorcery combining their ancestors with beasts of the sea. While most leviathan Maormer are descended of sea snake-hybrids, having faintly white scaled skin, fangs, gills, and springy bones that flow through water at terrifying speed this is not the case of all leviathans. Some have chitinous shells, others semi-translucent jellyfish skin, some even bearing tentacles and bioluminescent patterns. There are as many shapes of leviathan as there are fish in the sea. All are larger than their kin, though, all more at home at sea than land, and all both feared and respected by their fellows. Any captain worth their salt has a coterie of leviathans in their crew.
Maormer are naturally resistant to lightning, though fire and heat can be potentially debilitating - drying their skin out far faster and leaving longer lasting damage than it does to mainlanders.
Maormer possess the uncanny ability to 'blend' into the background and go unseen until they move, or make a noise, oftentimes to the shock of those who forgot they were even there to begin with. While the ability seems chameleonic it doesn’t actually alter the colour or texture of their skin, indeed, even a Maormer in full armor has this power. This ability is most obvious in mist and fog, where they can achieve something even surpassing invisibility.
Maormer are naturally attuned to find their balance on moving ground, be that on the deck of a ship or on the shores of their floating island-homeland of Pyandonea. When forced onto stationary land almost all seem to fall into a strange, staggering, swagger, and many suffer from so-called 'land sickness'.
Maormer society is organized more as a fleet than a traditional nation. Orgnum presides over the entire kingdom as both god and king. Beneath him are the many Sealords, occasionally referred to as ‘Coastal Princes’, each commanding over a fleet and clan, with many holding seaports and territory on Pyandonea itself. These Sealords are the admirals of their people. Beneath them are countless captains of near endless degrees of power. Some are near-rivals to Sealords, commanding small fleets, and ports, all across Maormer territory. Most command a single ship and crew, however. All Maormer, from the lowest sailor to the highest Sealord give a tribute of their take to those above them. All wealth trickles toward their king.
Maormeri society is traditionally a strict meritocracy. When a Sealord dies, their most powerful captain takes the role. When a captain dies, their first mate assumes command and is expected to assign the most capable Maormer under their command to their former position. Nepotism is a grave offence, a betrayal of those that serve under them.
Maormer often take slaves, as well as plunder, in their raids. Those who require too much work to keep are often killed or abandoned, with the fit potentially remaining with their new crew and captors for the rest of their lives. In dire straits, slaves are sacrificed to power Maormeri sorceries. It is not entirely unheard of for a slave to eventually earn their freedom, either remaining with the crew as a true member, or being left on the mainland once more.
A Maormer ship is nearly entirely self-sufficient, and can remain at sea indefinitely barring repair work. The sea provides adequate food and water for a Maormeri crew, and captured supplies can support whatever slaves the ship has.
Every ship keeps one or more Sea Witch, incredibly powerful mages able to command weather to devastating effect. Most Sea Witches are then further accompanied by a throng of apprentices, called Stormcallers.
Maormer trade with both Khajiit and Redguards as often as they prey on them, though some travel further afield. Even far-off Skyrim is at least partially known to them.
Almost every Maormer owns a sea serpent. When a new Maormer is born, the serpent who hatched nearest to the event is assigned to them. The two care and protect each other, forming a deep symbiotic bond. Though few sea serpents are afforded the food needed to grow to ship-crushing sizes, those who do make terrifying mounts for their bonded Maormer. Rider and beast attack as one, the intelligence of their Maormer given to their mount's terrifying strength in pure harmony.
Those Maormer who, by some means, lose their serpent are often paired again with likewise orphaned serpents - if such an opportunity is possible.
After a raid, the take is surprisingly often most distributed fairly and evenly amongst the crew. A captain or Sealord who denies his people their fair share is seen as betraying their service, and rarely long for this world.
Those Maormer unable or unwilling to live a life at sea will most often instead find themselves working as shipwrights or any number of other occupations in Pyandonea's ports. They are a small, but vital, minority.
While all Maormeri ships and crews are combat-able, not all are pirates and raiders. Some work as merchants, trading goods between Pyandonea and the broader fleet. Others make way as diplomats between the Sealords. Many more are simply 'civilian' ships; little different from a mainlander village save for the fact that they are always at sea and farm kelp and fish in place of grain and livestock.
For those Maormer unable to breathe underwater, drowning is a terrible fear. Many legends are of drowning Maormer being saved at the last moment from this fate, and their armor and clothing is designed to adapt as best it can to water and save them from drowning. Fabrics and leathers (mostly from porpoises and ornaugs) are kept resilient to water retention and wet-weight, boots are either designed with mostly uncovered feet or such that they can easily be shed, and the only metal broadly used is frog metal, or orgnium, a metal strong as steel but bearing incredibly buoyancy.
Mainlanders are often seen as clumsy, stumbling, and ill-suited to life at sea. The phrase 'groundwalker' is thus used as both a clear statement of fact but, also, often an insult to the clumsy or foolish. The irony that Maormer are just as clumsy on land is utterly lost on them - or, more likely, they simply believe it more important that one be at home at sea.
Treason and mutiny are one and the same, and both are rare indeed. The offence and mistreatment a captain must provide their crew with is incredible before the bonds of loyalty (and often blood ties too) are broken.
Song and music are major parts of Maormeri culture. From the rhythm keeping slave chants, to the sailors’ shanties, and and even the popular tunes of a pungi in a seaside town, it is hard to go long in Maormeri company without someone striking up a song or tune.
Maormer are far, far, less obsessed with breeding, pedigree, and lineage than the Altmer, or indeed most elven culture. In their eyes, their blood is only a very small part of what makes them better than mainlanders. Theirs is a sense of cultural superiority more so than racial, and those who integrate are often treated little differently than born Maormer - save perhaps for the occasional joke at their expense as they fail to find their sea legs. The endless forms a leviathan Maormer can take have almost enforced this view of accepted diversity amongst them.
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doktor74 · 5 months
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Recently i remembered that the Happy Mask Salesman appeared in Oracle of Ages and this just spawned a bunch of ideas and theories that i'd like to just dump here:
aight so, i'm sure we're all familiar with the Zelda timeline, OOT being of course where it splits into three (let's ignore BOTW and TOTK for a moment)
HMS (i'm calling the mask salesman this for simplicity) appears in two timelines The Downfall timeline where the Oracle games take place and The Child timeline where Majora's Mask take place in
the origin of Majora's Mask is shrouded in mystery, but we know that it was created by an ancient tribe, and at some point the HMS heard about it and found it
what if the ancient tribe that created Majora's Mask was from Labrynna, that's why the Happy Mask Salesman is there, HMS doesn't really have that big of a role, he's just... there, being hangry then gives you a mask if you give him food, and nothing else, what if this Mask Shop is just a temporary thing he set up while he was out looking for the mask
which brings me to my next ramble, Majora's mask is still out there, the mask is an ancient item that existed before the timeline split and obviously still existed after it, we see it in the Child timeline where it was rediscovered by the HMS until it was stolen by the skull kid then *insert events of Majora's mask* where it was defeated by the Hero of Time, but what about the other timelines?
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in the adult timeline, wherever it was hidden away, it's now most likely at the bottom of the ocean after the world was flooded, HMS probably never found it, heck, he probably died during the flood, the legend of Majora's Mask was forgotten and the mask itself lost to history
but as for the downfall timeline where HMS makes an appearance, well as mentioned before, we saw him WHILE he was still looking for the mask in Labrynna, setting up shop along the way, at some point during or after the events of oracle of ages, he most likely found the mask, i like to think things went normally after that, either staying in Labrynna or leaving going from town to town again, no skull kid to steal the mask that almost causes the apocalypse
or maybe something similar like that DOES happen and he's forced to get help from the Hero of Legend again, maybe some kind of sequel that takes place after Link's awakening (the last game where we play as the Hero of Legend)
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but WAIT there's more! i've still got more to yap about, in OOT during the time skip and when Ganon took over Hyrule, HMS was nowhere to be found UNTIL the end credits where we see him dancing, meaning he survived, but what did he do during that time? my idea is that he fled to Labrynna because 1. he's familiar with it because he heard that's where Majora is and 2. it's in general relatively close to Hyrule (i mean Link managed to get there)
after Ganon was defeated he went back to Hyrule and did his little dance but if Ganon won (leading into the downfall timeline) he stays in Labrynna where we see him in Oracle of Ages
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alright time to talk about BOTW and TOTK, they're their own timeline, apparently the two games are at the very end of the timeline (doesn't matter which three) it takes place so far into the future and that all the events that happened in previous games are considered myths and legends (really puts the "legend" in "legend of zelda")
but somehow after all that time Majora's Mask still exists, which further proves my idea that "Majora's Mask is still out there"
why is it in Hyrule and not Labrynna? simple, a long time has passed and the mask got moved around a lot by different people including HMS
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interestingly Majora's Mask also appears in a Link Between Worlds, which takes place in the downfall timeline but after the events that featured the Hero of Legend
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anyways that's about it, thank you for listening to me ramble if you got this far, this isn't really meant to be taken seriously as an actual theory but just a bunch of random ideas and headcanons i came up with, the Zelda timeline is just so fascinating, now that the Hero of the Wild's story is finished the next Zelda could be anything honestly not to mention the movie that's coming at some point, i'd be interested to see them experiment with other genres like BOTW and TOTK, like a side scrolling Zelda Metroidvania, that'd be cool
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nightseeye · 7 months
I spent several hours yesterday just. Drawin ponies and makin headcanons after an offhanded thought i had abt changelings lol
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Also a buncha headcanons under the cut also:
Thinking more abt Gossamare (changeling queen oc i just made up .5 sec ago). She was plenty ambitious, as most queens are, but her attentions were turned more towards making sure the Hive had stirdier, longer lasting structures. The reasoning was if there was less time being spent rebuilding their home after an attack, or if smthn just crumbled, than that was less stress and more energy that could be spent Elsewhere (like getting food). I think changelings were pretty nomadic as a species beforehand, and while Gossamare didn't introduce a sedentary lifestyle, it was still a fairly new thing, so permanent architecture wasnt really. Good. So it fixed that. Discovered changeling-equivalent concrete, except better bc it was also pretty damn flexible. And self repairing to some extent. Stole architecture from ponies. Even talked with celestia a few times (also fought celestia a few times) (bc she was stealing. It got cleared up but Still). Was stern and kinda strict but Fair. Left its hive in a pretty prosperous era, even if the queens after the next fumbled it kinda badly.
Genral timeline idea: crystal empire era -> [queens after it falls] -> [queen who became sedentary] -> [queen] -> [queen] -> Gossamare -> [2-3 generations of queens] -> Chrysalis -> Thorax (will be poking at this more as i figure out more changeling things, i want the crystal empire to be kinda far back in changeling history, a legend, but not quite mythical status)
• Changelings were nomadic, though they generally (peacefully) stayed around the crystal empire just bein buddies. Cue Sombra fuckin it, and bam. No more good food source and also their buddies are gone. And its Cold. Changelings skeedadle, become true nomads, separate into diff hives for whatever reasons and settle into different nations. Now following the hive that settled into equestria, changelings are. Wary. Decide to stay hidden. Prob the traditionalists+idealists who didnt want to stray too far from the empire in case it came back soon. They settle, roam around, til one day a queen just plops down and doesnt move. Thus the end of the nomad life, although changelings still have little satellite location away from the main hive. Just lil bases and shit yknow? Still not super fond of this enforced hiding thing, but reveals tend to always go super bad, if not from the get-go, then some shit happens later that usually kills the parties in question. So. Hiding it is.
• (Re; the crystal empire: canon says its been gone 1k years, but LUNA was gone 1k years, so ive decided its maybe like. 7k years for the crystal empire. Or just, longer than 1k!!! I want that to be a collective fail on Celestia AND Luna's part, not just Celestia)
• Theres probably stories in changeling history referring to crystal ponies, and a good portion of the empire's population are changelings, or have changeling heritage. Possibly when changelings intially fled, there were a good portion of crystal ponies among them, but their descendants are now just changelings (maybe with a slight sparkle, or having an easier time shifting into ponies.idk)
• When the Crystal empire returned, there definitely an awkward readjustment period, not only from Sombra's tyranny, but that a solid third or more of their population was now... disdained, to put it lightly, by other ponies and now also their new monarchs! And when they found out about the whole Canterlot wedding incident, well. They kept that to theirselves. Its not til Thorax is accepted as a citizen that the crystal ponies reveal that some of them are crystal changelings as well, and it goes over-! Pretty well! A little strained, and more awkward readjusting happens, but overall it goes well (Cadence is pretty sad that she made her citizens feel they had to hide this, but understands. Thorax is mildly upset but it puts some earlier events before that episode happening into better perspective)
• Queens generally die one of 3 ways: Being overthrown and killed, dying against an enemy, or starving bc the amount of love gained can no longer support their appetite. Generally the 3rd happening tends to cause the first, as sometimes those particular queens will start eating into the stores of love meant to support the hive as a whole, thus starving the entire hive along with her. So the hive kills her to stop that. Other times the queen will go out as gracefully as possible, either dying against an enemy in combat, or simply. Starving. Its stressful as fuck to watch, esp if the changeling respect that queen, even if its known to be the better of several options. Theyre generally pretty long lived (abt 500 years give or take) but when its over its Joever (at least until Thorax but not talkin abt that).
• Job is ya gender. Changeling language doesnt really have singular pronouns, mostly just [job][description][name] type deals. Queens have special pronouns though. Changelings have also adopted pronouns from other languages sometimes, but it tends to be more of a like. Curiousity than anything super serious
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expectiations · 4 months
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Ohh I love headcanons. Okay, uhm...
River Song and number 2?
Level 2 Headcanon takes elements from canon and explores them in a transformative way, and views canon through a lens outside the intended way it was written. [it's from this post btw]
Because I am who I am, I'm gonna bring my favorite "River is Patience" headcanon into this and include time babies because I can.
River has a secret family with the Doctor hidden somewhere in the universe. These children have aspects of both Time Lord and Child of Time abilities and have their own adventures across time and space, subtly influencing major events in the Doctor's timeline without his (or early versions of River's) knowledge.
I have, unfortunately, forgotten my tags for my 'River is Patience' yappings 😭 glares at self but anyway...
The Doctor barely talks about their family on Gallifrey, of Susan, Susan's parents (her father is his firstborn child apparently according to TARDIS wiki), of his first wife.
So what I know is based on the TARDIS wiki, which apparently got things wrong with Patience? idk i have yet to listen to the audios where Patience appears. I did get into an argument because this one person insisted that Patience, the Doctor's wife, and Patience, who emptied the Sea of Life because she wanted a baby, are different people and just got mixed up.
Patience, the Doctor's first wife, and Patience, who broke Pythia's Curse, may be different people. Or not. (e.g., the Woman who Murdered the Doctor and the Woman who Married the Doctor ended up actually being the same person).
That's the thing with being a legend. People get things wrong and mix things up.
We know River herself is a legend, is part of countless legends, is the cause of legends. Putting that in mind, I don't find it far-fetched that she somehow turns out to be Patience. Also, what we know of Patience seems steeped in legends and myths (very River-coded, yes?). Even her name, Patience, was coined by Tegan Jovanka. So she quite likely is known by another name (again very River-coded).
The following excerpts from Patience's TARDIS wiki page has held my interest for so long:
Despite Pythia's Curse, Patience wanted to have a child. She sought out experts all around the Capitol, but none could help her except the Stranger on Mount Perdition, who handed her an empty sack to fill with water, instructing her to draw from the Sea of Life. According to the Eighth Doctor, she emptied all the Sea of Life in her attempt, though the sack bore a hole. When all of time had soaked up on the shore, she found a child there. She broke the Curse. (AUDIO: Patience)
Her husband, one of the first to explore the Time Vortex, married her upon his return to Gallifrey. Together they had thirteen children. Their eldest child together would become Susan Foreman's father.
Also this excerpt made my River-coded mental alarm bells go crazy.
Patience's body vanished; the Doctor believed her to have simply died, (PROSE: Cold Fusion) but in actuality, Omega had used his control of history to take her into his anti-matter universe and restore her ability to regenerate. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors) Indeed, the Ferutu told the Doctor that "it's not the first time you've met her, nor will it be the last". (PROSE: Cold Fusion)
and oh yeah she was also married to Omega. who else do we know has had multiple spouses? I'll let you all ruminate on it.
"It's not the first time you've met her, nor will it be the last." Who else do we know has had multiple "first meetings" but no actual "last meetings"?
"Despite Pythia's Curse, Patience wanted to have a child." Who else do we know wanted a child?
Also keep in mind that this was "according to the Eight Doctor" who is notorious for his Swiss cheese memory, so errors are bound to happen.
"According to the Eighth Doctor, she emptied all the Sea of Life in her attempt, though the sack bore a hole. When all of time had soaked up on the shore, she found a child there. She broke the Curse." Who else do we know has broken something (time and space) because she wanted to accomplish something (tell the Doctor he is loved)?
I believe the Doctor has mentioned that their entire family died in the Time War(?) a long time ago. Since we're making River his first wife on Gallifrey, we're also insisting that his entire family is alive and well, thriving and multiplying like rabbits across the universe. They have got to be masked like River used to be when meeting younger Doctors.
One last thing before I end this yapping session (isn't there always?), I headcanon that the child Patience found after emptying the Sea of Life is actually pre-Library River's child.
This may be a reach but I don't care. I love River. I love twisty myths and legends and playing with time.
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thatboreddrake · 1 year
Castellans of the Shaded Castle:
Wanted to include this with yesterday's post, but that one took longer to explain than I expected. More of a mini-theory/headcanon, but I feel like it fits well.
As usual, we start with our research (item descriptions as always):
Marais Mask: "Mask in the image of a white-haired young noble. Customarily worn by the head of House Marais. Increases arcane. The Marais family has a dual history spanning generations, serving as both executioners and castellans of the Shaded Castle. This mask bears the likeness of the first of their line."
Fact #1: the Marais family has inhabited the Shaded Castle and served as executioners for a very long time (unclear how long)
Fact #2: the Marais Mask boosts Arcane, a stat which among other things increases build-up for bleed and poison. For our purposes, we'll be focusing on the poison.
Fact #3: the Shaded Castle is built directly on top of a poisonous swamp.
Poison Armament: "Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice."
Fact #4: poison has a direct connection to rot and death as a method of rebirth.
House Marais has operated as bringers of death, executioners, for an unspecified length of time. Given its hidden and out of the way location, I presume that they have operated since before the establishment of the Golden Order.
Mushroom Crown: "Long ago, great lords served the scarlet rot. Perhaps such fungal bodies served as their crowns."
I propose that these "great lords" were indeed the scions of House Marais, representing death and its connection to rot, decay, and eventual rebirth. They well understand the importance of rot and death in the cycle of death and rebirth, dwelling in a castle beset by poison.
Mushroom Head: "To those enraptured by the scarlet rot, they are holy vestments that root one to the earth."
They built the Shaded Castle either on top of a poison swamp or cultivated the swamp because poison and fungus is sacred to worshipers of rot. Then, the Golden Order comes along, the god of rot is sealed, and House Marais elects to bend the knee and become executioners for the new regime rather than go down with the ship. I believe this is supported because the Marais Robe is incredibly similar to the Official's Attire, worn by Marika's Inquisition (Ghiza).
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See what I mean? Anyway, fast-forward to the present day (ish).
Antspur Rapier: "Scarlet rot is an old legend, of which Maleigh Marais of the Shaded Castle was a private believer. And indeed, he eventually found his own personal goddess."
The Marais line carries the legend of the god of rot with it, but it is a closely guarded secret among the heads of the family. Marika would not take kindly to her executioners continuing with their heretical religion.
Marais Robe: "The sons of House Marais are all sickly born. Little wonder that Maleigh Marais would be so beguiled by the beautiful and fierce goddess who was born into rot."
Maleigh Marais becomes the head of the family. Considering that the family is consistently in "not great" health, I would imagine he's pretty young when he takes over this role. Naturally, he has official duties to attend to, mostly ceremonial (there's not been much need for executions since the end of the Second Liurnian War). Anyway, he's at court in Leyndell one day for some reason or another and encounters the Twin offspring of Queen Marika and King Consort Radagon.
He is captivated by Malenia, both for her beauty and for her position as the vessel of the rot god. This is about the time when the Twins are preparing to leave Leyndell and establish the Haligtree. Given the Shaded Castle's secluded location, it's the perfect spot to offer inconspicuous passage to the Consecrated Snowfield (remember that the Forbidden Lands are strictly off-limits). Eager to prove himself to his goddess, Marais offers his services. Miquella is skeptical of his intentions: people feel sorry for his sister, but they are never as nonchalant about her curse as Marais is. However, he needs his help so they strike a deal to use the Shaded Castle as a port (this part of the lore courtesy of @catcas22).
In return, Maleigh requests a simple boon: a token of Malenia's favor. Perhaps he could serve as caretaker of her prostheses when she outgrows them?
Valkyrie’s Prosthesis: "When Maleigh Marais, Lord of the Shaded Castle, embraced this prosthesis, he claimed to feel the presence of his personal goddess."
Obviously, this prosthesis is protagonist-sized, as it fits Millicent perfectly. Thus, it must have been one of Malenia's earlier models from before she grew to demigod stature. This is largely why I say that Maleigh became involved with the Twins early in the Haligtree's development. I imagine that this was the first prosthesis that Malenia granted to him, thus explaining why this one was particularly special to him.
So, yeah
Conclusion: House Marais served as executioners to continue the cycle of life, death, and rebirth during an age when the god of rot was a natural part of the world, and Maleigh was thus enchanted by Malenia as the return of his family's deity.
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
I wanna request headcanons for Yuk,Kyo and Momiji sohma with a s/o who know much about the mystic/sobrenatural side of Japan (like ancient Legends and myths,rituales and spirits/yokai and kami,haunted places and rituals/) and it's conscious about the zodica say this "when all the zodiac,Even the cat,the rat and the god are together at the same time the cycle finished", please
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• Yuki Sohma, initially captivated by his S/O's profound knowledge of Japanese folklore and the supernatural, finds himself delving into a world that he had only scratched the surface of before. Their ability to provide historical context and explain the significance of rituals, legends, spirits, and yokai enthralls him, igniting a deep intellectual curiosity within him.
• Engaging in conversations with his S/O about ancient myths and legends brings Yuki immense joy. Together, they immerse themselves in the symbolic meanings behind different spirits and yokai, weaving connections between these entities and their own experiences within the Sohma family. Through their discussions, they gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their shared connection to the supernatural realm.
• When Yuki's S/O introduces the concept of the completion of the zodiac cycle and the potential end of the curse, Yuki's mind is set ablaze with introspection. He starts questioning the origins of the curse, searching for answers to the mysteries that have entrapped him and his fellow zodiac members for far too long. His desire to find a way to liberate themselves from the eternal cycle intensifies.
• Yuki and his S/O embark on a dedicated journey of extensive research, immersing themselves in ancient texts and seeking out individuals who possess specialized knowledge in the supernatural realm. They become avid scholars of Japanese folklore, exploring different avenues of study and unearthing hidden knowledge. Their shared dedication to unraveling the secrets of the curse becomes the driving force behind their research.
• As Yuki delves deeper into the supernatural world, he begins to question the very fabric of his existence. He yearns for freedom from the eternal cycle and actively seeks ways to break the curse that has bound him for so long. His S/O becomes his partner in this quest, offering unwavering support and motivation.
• Their research takes them to the far reaches of ancient texts, unearthing forgotten rituals, and seeking out individuals who possess specialized knowledge. They meet wise elders, encounter reclusive hermits, and engage in profound discussions with fellow enthusiasts of the supernatural. Each encounter brings them closer to uncovering the secrets that may hold the key to breaking the curse.
• Through their shared dedication and thirst for knowledge, Yuki and his S/O forge a deep bond. Their research not only fuels their intellectual pursuits but also strengthens their emotional connection. Together, they navigate the intricate web of Japanese folklore, uncovering hidden truths and gaining insights into the very essence of their existence.
• As they continue their journey, Yuki's perspectives shift, and he becomes more attuned to the supernatural world that surrounds him. He discovers the interconnectedness between folklore, history, and his own life, realizing that the answers he seeks may lie in the depths of ancient legends.
• Ultimately, Yuki's pursuit of breaking the curse becomes intertwined with his own personal growth. His S/O's extensive knowledge and their shared research empower him to challenge the constraints of his fate and explore the possibilities of a different future. Together, they strive to find a way to break free from the eternal cycle, embarking on a path that will test their resolve and unravel the secrets of the zodiac curse.
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• Kyo Sohma, known for his initial skepticism towards the supernatural world, finds himself gradually drawn into the fascinating realm of ancient legends and haunted places through his S/O's extensive knowledge. As he spends more time with them, witnessing their encounters with spirits and yokai, Kyo's curiosity is awakened, urge him to explore the unknown.
• At first, Kyo may have dismissed supernatural phenomena as mere myths and tales. However, his S/O's ability to bring these stories to life through vivid descriptions and personal experiences captivates him. He finds himself listening intently, intrigued by the eerie and captivating nature of their narratives. Slowly but surely, Kyo starts to develop a deep fascination for the intricacies of Japanese folklore.
• While Kyo may have been skeptical about the zodiac curse initially, his S/O's knowledge enlightens him to a connection he hadn't considered before. Their understanding of the zodiac cycle and their theory that the curse could potentially be broken through the completion of the zodiac cycle piques Kyo's interest. He starts to contemplate the possibility of finding a way to free himself and the other zodiac members from their eternal curse.
• In the company of his S/O, Kyo embarks on thrilling adventures, venturing into haunted places and seeking out locations associated with spirits and yokai. The adrenaline of facing supernatural encounters together strengthens their bond, and they provide unwavering support to one another. Kyo learns to face his fears, finding solace and courage in the presence of his S/O.
• As Kyo delves deeper into the supernatural world, he begins to appreciate its hidden beauty and complexity. He sees beyond the surface of legends and myths, recognizing the rich cultural heritage that lies within. His perspective on the supernatural shifts, and he discovers that there is more to it than he had ever imagined.
• Together with his S/O, Kyo immerses himself in the exploration of Japanese folklore. They seek out ancient texts, conduct research, and engage with knowledgeable individuals who can provide insights into the mysteries they encounter. Through their shared adventures and discussions, Kyo's understanding and appreciation for the supernatural deepen, enriching his own personal growth.
• As their journey continues, Kyo and his S/O uncover hidden truths and untold stories, piecing together fragments of knowledge that may hold the key to breaking the zodiac curse. They draw strength from their shared passion and determination, continuously pushing the boundaries of what they believe to be possible.
• In the end, Kyo's initial skepticism transforms into a genuine admiration for the supernatural world. He becomes an eager participant in unraveling its mysteries, and his S/O's influence plays a significant role in this transformation. Together, they forge a unique bond, unearthing the secrets of ancient legends and haunted places while embarking on a path towards breaking the zodiac curse.
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• Momiji Sohma, upon meeting someone who shares his passion for the supernatural, is filled with overwhelming joy. He hangs onto every word his S/O says about ancient legends, rituals, haunted places, and yokai, absorbing their extensive knowledge and being captivated by their firsthand encounters. Their shared enthusiasm fuels his excitement, and he eagerly contributes his own stories and experiences to the mix, eager to share in the wonder of the supernatural realm.
• For Momiji, exploring haunted places and embarking on adventures with his S/O is an experience filled with exhilaration and delight. The thrill of encountering spirits and yokai fills him with a sense of wonder and adventure. He deeply cherishes his S/O's ability to bring the supernatural to life through detailed explanations and their profound understanding of Japanese folklore. Together, they create a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences, their passion for the supernatural drawing them closer.
• When his S/O introduces the concept of the completion of the zodiac cycle and the potential end of the curse, Momiji's heart swells with hope. The mere thought that there might be a way to break the curse and liberate himself and his fellow zodiac members from the eternal cycle fills him with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He clings to this belief, nurturing it with unwavering optimism.
• Momiji and his S/O find themselves completely immersed in research and discussions about different legends, myths, and rituals. Their shared curiosity propels them to seek out clues, hidden knowledge, and individuals who possess specialized expertise in the supernatural realm. They explore dusty libraries, consult ancient texts, and venture into remote places in search of elusive answers. Their shared passion for the supernatural deepens their bond, as they become each other's pillars of support, constantly encouraging and motivating one another.
• As they lose themselves in their shared quest for knowledge, Momiji and his S/O uncover fragments of forgotten wisdom and connect the dots between various supernatural phenomena. They engage in deep discussions, weaving together different threads of folklore and mythology to unlock the secrets that may hold the key to breaking the curse. Their research becomes a captivating journey of discovery, strengthened by their unwavering determination to find a solution.
• Throughout their shared exploration, Momiji's perspective expands, and he begins to view the supernatural realm not only as a source of wonder but also as a realm of possibilities. He realizes that the answers they seek might lie in the very fabric of Japanese folklore, waiting to be unveiled. Their shared passion and dedication infuse their journey with an unbreakable bond, as they support and uplift each other through every challenge they encounter.
• Ultimately, Momiji's journey of discovery and hope becomes interwoven with his personal growth. His S/O's extensive knowledge and their shared research empower him to believe in the possibility of breaking free from the eternal cycle. Together, they become catalysts for change, fueling each other's determination to uncover the secrets of the curse and find a way to shape their own destiny.
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greenteaandtattoos · 4 months
my biggest theory/headcanon about humans in the pokemon mystery dungeon universe is that the pokemon world was the original world where pokemon and humans lived side-by-side. until, that is, the battle against dark matter.
after the human player and mew were able to temporarily seal it, many humans and pokemon were terrified of it reawakening and were tired of fighting, so they sought and begged for a way to go to a place where they wouldn't have to deal with dark matter ever again.
arceus heard their pleas and sensed their desperation and created another universe where humans and pokemon could choose to move to. that is the "human world". many pokemon did. most humans did. but not all. most pokemon and some humans stayed in the original world, now dubbed the pokemon world, due to pokemon overwhelmingly outnumbering humans.
while pokemon are aware of humans, there are so few humans left that they are rarely seen or heard from, and thus are mostly viewed as folkloric creatures, hidden in obscurity, that may or may not be real in the way stories and history and legends portray humans to be.
the player characters from rescue team and gates to infinity are brought from the human world, the alternate world that arceus created where humans and pokemon could live in peace, while the player characters from explorers and super are descended from humans that stayed in the pokemon world.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hey CC, first of all I hope you jad a nice day, I just wanted to ask you smth. Does devildom have like knowlegde of the not found answers of the human world? Like do they know it all, all the mysterious legends, myths or histories in general, for example...
Listen, I'm half-Greek half-Albanian but I was raised in Albania, a literally a poor invoremnent with a very high sexism which is hard for us girls to live in, not to menrion ppl are really savages and disrescpeftul. Anyway what I wanted to say is that, albanians along with some of the rest of the world, believes we have a story and a culture, just like others, but the truth is, that we don't. My dad is Greek but was raised in Albania, he is a journalist he has the answers and his opinions but he also studied. When Albanians, along with other origins, were captured by the Turks during the Ottoman Empire, that's when Albanians were created, along with their culture and outfits. Now, in 2024, our mentality is still very old, and we are like the modern Ottoman Empire. It's hard to accept, but in my opinion, we don't have a culture. It means Albanians are not the descendants of Illyrians. I think it's a lie to manipulate us, while some want to have a culture and history to be proud of.
We, Albanians, dont have a culture, or a history, we are made of muslims, but here also live catoliths and orthodox, all together. In my opinion Albanians are like, Turks living with Italians and Greeks, as we have their culture and etc, ofc this is not clarified, everybody has their own opinions, even Skanderbeg isn't clarified of what origin he was from, yet Albanians still think he is their hero or is from their origin.
You might not know this and is ok it was just an example
My question is that, does Devildom has the answers that the human world doesnt? Do they know the real existence of albanians?
Hi there, anon!
Hmm. This is an interesting question. Does the Devildom have knowledge of things the human world doesn't? As in this example with Albanians?
I think it's possible. The game itself has an overall sense of the Devildom having knowledge that humans don't have. Such as magic and the very existence of angels and demons. While it seems to me that most Devildom knowledge comes from the Devildom itself or is about its history or the uses of magic there, I don't think it's a stretch to say that they have some hidden knowledge of the human world.
Since sorcerers and witches seem to have been interacting with demons for as long as the Devildom has existed, it stands to reason that there's been some intermingling of things. And that might include secret knowledge, stories, or even ancient books. Things that have passed into the Devildom by way of these humans that have contact with its denizens.
If this did happen and there was an exchange there, then that information would last much longer in the Devildom than it would in the human world. Humans forget things or lose things because their lives are short. But I could see demons hoarding such things for their entire existence and that might be millions of years.
It might be hard to find, depending on how old it is. If the demons were given clay tablets rather than books, for instance. Or even more with oral history - like the witch or sorcerer gave the demon a secret but only in a whisper. Maybe demons have ways of storing such information (here I am getting whimsical and thinking of a bottle holding a single whispered secret), but they might just remember it too.
In the end, I think it's possible! Since we're dealing with a fictional location, you can sort of incorporate these details however you need to in order to make what you want happen. I don't know how canon any of that would be, since they don't really give us this much detail. But for your own story or headcanons, I think it could work!
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fyngrot · 6 months
ga'hoole fics masterpost
links to various ga'hoole fics i've written under the cut, includes published + WIP
i will always be here
-WC: 3,158
-status: complete
-summary: coryn is troubled by a great many things, and after reading the legends of hoole, one passage in particular causes him to question his reliance on his uncle—his main support in these new and confusing times. soren, of course, has a solution.
-notes: reread to be a king and thought a lot about that part where grank asks hoole not to call him "uncle", and how coryn would probably freak out a little (a lot) over that after projecting it onto his own situation. i personally hc that soren formally becomes an adoptive father to coryn so this is an exploration of that!
who i am today
-WC: 2,296
-status: complete
-summary: soren, while getting to know his nephew, discusses regrets of the past with coryn—as they prepare to turn towards the future.
-notes: basically just my take on why soren and eglantine weren't directly involved in the events of the hatchling/outcast, the guilt soren feels for not taking action, and resulting emotional moment between soren and coryn. owl family lives rent free in my mind
none but the forge
-WC: 618
-status: complete
-summary: a rogue smith is meant to be alone. gwyndor is no exception.
-notes: i love gwyndor and i love the depth gwynneth's existence in wotb adds to his character. what's his deal? how did he become a rogue smith? how did gwynneth I die? why'd he basically abandon his daughter with thora? just a short little headcanon backstory that answers these questions and explores gwyndor's emotional baggage.
blood moon lullaby (AU series)
WIP lutta lives AU turned alternate ending to ga'hoole. after a meeting with the spirit of hoole himself, coryn learns of great danger to come. the key to protecting owlkind lies within a hidden fourth volume of the legends, detailing the survival of lutta and diving further into her history, including her youth alongside her 'sister', kreeth's final creation. once he learns the rest of her story, the ancient spirit of lutta awakens to guide coryn, but she is not the only one who returns...
this AU is a huge passion project of mine since i'm a firm believer that lutta deserved a much better ending than she got! it involves an expansion on lutta's character arc and dynamics with other characters, canon-based original character, recharacterization of hagsfiends and their role in the plot (no more of that inherently evil bs), in-depth exploration of coryn and nyra's hagsfiend ancestry, and a completely new ending to ga'hoole itself.
there are/will be 4 fics in this series but only one is published thus far. progress is pretty slow but i'm always chipping away at it and hope to have more posted soon!
by the light of the ember (prologue)
-WC: 2,538
-status: complete
-summary: coryn has retrieved the ember of hoole—but with proof of his noble spirit comes the inheritance of an ancient legacy he has yet to understand. in a place where time’s flow stands still, a fated meeting with the first king himself reveals a great catastrophe to come.
of darkness and light (part 1)
-status: WIP
-summary: coryn is granted a vision by the ember that leads him to a hidden fourth tome of legends.
struck down by strix strumajen, lutta is severely wounded—wounded, but alive. managing to escape, she tends to her injuries as nothing more than an outcast. rejected by owlkind, yet disavowing the brutal ways of hagsfiends, she turns towards the only other living being she believes would understand—kreeth’s final ‘experiment’—and in the process uncovers a part of her past she thought she left behind. but when things don’t go just as she had hoped, and the threat of a new battle looms on the horizon, she is thrown into a conflict she never wished to happen as she struggles to prove that she is more than she seems.
in the shadow of the eclipse (part 2)
-status: WIP
-summary: lutta's spirit has awakened in the present, and now coryn and lutta face a threat all too familiar to both of them. with war imminent, hagsfiends on the verge of revival, and nachtmagen seeping back into the world, they must prevent the ember of hoole from falling into the wrong talons. or so they think- before coryn realizes what he must do to change the world for the better.
to dream of stars (epilogue)
-status: WIP
-summary: with the war of the ember's end, a new era for the owl kingdoms begins.
i can't summarize much else here without spoiling the whole ending rip
other WIPs
the blacksmith's collier
-status: WIP
-summary: soren finds himself drawn to one of the owls that helped bring his nephew to him, in a way he isn’t quite sure he’s ever felt before.
-notes: my beloved soren/gwyndor gay owl romance, full of loneliness, past regrets, and new beginnings!
to be a guardian
-status: WIP
-summary: coryn's arrival to the great tree has been heralded and rejoiced beyond his belief. but when the young king finds himself having trouble fitting in, soren thinks up a way to help.
-notes: it's always seemed that by becoming king, coryn just starts being considered a guardian by default. i think he would want to go through training and take the guardian oath just like any other owl, and soren would agree- thus i started writing something short yet emotional about it. it's almost finished but i don't know when i'll ACTUALLY finish it so... eventually
-status: WIP
-summary: on a trip to the beyond together, gwyndor and soren chance upon someone unexpected.
-notes: more gwyndor/soren stuff! i think gwyndor would want to introduce soren to his daughter (gwynneth) eventually, but isn't sure how to go about it and keeps avoiding the topic. what better way to solve that problem than running into her by accident! takes place at the beginning of book 15, because i thought it would be cool to retell gwyndor hearing namara's howling, but with soren and gwynneth there. gwyndor and gwynneth both understanding what it means (which also showcases the similarities between them, distant as they are) while soren stands there looking confused as all hell is beautiful to me
more to come!
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macabr3s · 17 days
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🧛‍♀️  🍷  ╰     davika  hoorne  ,  32  /  100  ,  demi  woman  ,  she/they     𐫱     ›     hey  ,  isn’t  that  THEODORA  "THEO"  SINCHAI  ?  i’ve  heard  that  they’ve  lived  in  bearhold  for  three  years  .  rumor  has  it  that  they  can  be  rather  evasive  and  detatched  ,  but  hey  ,  that’s  just  in  their  nature  as  a  DAYWALKER  VAMPIRE  .  they  totally  make  up  for  it  by  being  charismatic  and  adaptable  .  if  you’re  looking  for  them  ,  you  can  probably  find  them  at  their  work  as  an  OWNER  at  ivory  tea  room  .
[  ✰  ]  PINTEREST.
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  21+  ,  pst  )
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001.     ↻     BASICS  .
[  ✰  ]  full  name:  karina  chaiyasit
[  ✰  ]  alias/nickname(s):  theodora  sinchai  (  goes  by  theo  )
[  ✰  ]  age:  32  (  physically  ),  100  (  mentally  )
[  ✰  ]  date  of  birth:  06/10
[  ✰  ]  place  of  birth:  savannah,  ga,  usa
[  ✰  ]  ethnicity:  thai, belgian
[  ✰  ]  nationality:  american
[  ✰  ]  gender:  demi  woman
[  ✰  ]  pronouns:  she/her,  they/them
[  ✰  ]  orientation:  bisexual  /  biromantic
[  ✰  ]  language(s)  spoken:  thai,  english,  dutch,  german
[  ✰  ]  mbti:  ESTP
[  ✰  ]  element:  water
[  ✰  ]  western  zodiac:  gemini
[  ✰  ]  character  inspiration:  georgia  miller  (  ginny  &  georgia  ),  emily  nelson  (  a  simple  favor  ),  selina  kyle  (  dc  comics  ),  asami  sato  (  the  legend  of  korra  ),  ahsoka  tano  (  star wars:  the clone wars  )
002.     ↻     BACKGROUND  .
NOTE:  this  is  a  quick  summary  /  tldr  of  theo's  background  .  for  a  more  detailed  bio  ,  please  CLICK  HERE  !
(  tw:  mentions  of  death  ,  abuse  &  alcoholism  )  born  the  eldest  into  a  privileged  life  in  savannah  ,  georgia  as  karina  chaiyasit  .  her  idyllic  childhood  shatters  with  the  death  of  her  mother  and  sent  her  father  spiraling  into  alcoholism  and  abuse  .  despite  the  chaiyasits’  wealth  and  social  standing  ,  they  had  endured  years  of  neglect  and  violence  behind  closed  doors  before  finally  escaping  at  sixteen  .  she  disappears  with  a  significant  portion  of  her  family’s  fortune  and  reinvents  herself  as  theodora  sinchai  .  always  on  the  run  .  never  looking  back  .  turned  into  a  vampire  sometime  in  the  1920s  where  they  start  to  go  by  different  aliases  to  avoid  suspicion  before  resurfacing  again  as  theodora  sinchai  .  due  to  sheer  coincidence  has  found  themselves  in  the  town  of  bearhold  as  the  enigmatic  owner  of  the  ivory  tea  room  .  a  perfect  place  to  maintain  a  low  profile  and  keep  their  history  hidden  .
003.     ↻     HEADCANONS  .
NOTE:  this  is  a  work  in  progress  so  more  will  be  added  at  a  later  time  !
only  responds  to  theo  and  hardly  ever  goes  by  theodora  .  rarely  will  they  ever  introduce  themselves  by  their  full  name  and  will  more  often  times  than  not  introduce  themselves  as  theo
coming  from  the  south  ,  theo  speaks  with  a  southern  accent  .  and  despite  how  she  could  mask  it  ,  she  opts  not  to  .  it’s  quite  possibly  the  only  connection  she  has  to  her  former  life
(  tw:  weapons  )  owns  a  gun  /  knows  her  way  around  a  gun  and  various  other  weapons  .  always  keeps  a  weapon  of  some  sort  on  her  .  it’s  a  safety  thing  !
classically  trained  in  ballet  and  likely  would’ve  gone  on  to  be  a  professional  had  things  not  gone  badly
a  founding  member  of  one  of  america's  earliest  biker  gangs  .  safe  to  say  they  know  how  to  ride  a  motorcycle  too
obtained  a  degree  in  political  science  from  university  of  pennsylvania  and  other  degrees  from  various  colleges  throughout  the  years
somehow  managed  to  convince  the  previous  owner  of  the  ivory  tea  room  to  sell  to  her  so  here  they  are  !
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birbmonster · 1 year
The Full and Detailed timeline of the Monster World (Part 2)
I probably should’ve posted this earlier-
Read the 1st post please- https://www.tumblr.com/birbmonster/718583552743211008/the-full-and-detailed-timeline-of-the-monster
DISCLAIMER: You do not have to agree with this! It is inspired by the official lore, but blended heavily with my own headcanons and ideas. Please do not yell at me in the comments.
Quick note:
Monsters are species for this (with the expection of Legendaries and Celestials), with thousands of each in existence.
Before- Just days before the unavoidable Cataclysm, Galvana created the Wubboxes and buried them underground, hoping they’d be protectors of the monster world when the Celestials couldn’t do anything.
During- Earthquakes crashed all across the continent, splitting it into 6 pieces, one for each natural island as well as the volcano.The outer islands were all destroyed in some way. Party Island was left to drift as a pile of rubble after Party the Glubpole escaped into the ocean, Space Island and Cloud Island plummeted, and Cave Island collapsed. This killed off hsomewhere between 85% and 95% of the monster world population.
The Fire monsters on the continent did not have a suitable place to live. The ones that happened to be nearby quickly scuffled into the Volcano to hide, led by a Kayna named Dawn.
The energies of the Cataclysm also somehow created Mythicals. Each of them hid away on their respective islands, except Cherrubles, for Fire Oasis didn’t exist yet, who lived in the living ocean. Most lived in small clans hidden from society, until they finally revealed themselves.
The Cataclysm also affected the Pocket Dimension, sending some single-element Ethereals and Magicals to the main one.
Great Pause
Right after the Cataclysm, as the smoke lifted, monsters slowly started gathering themselves together.
Natural Islands- The respective Ethereals were discovered hiding on each one after a few days. No Fire Monsters were found, so everyone assumed they were extinct. The respective Collossals each imbued their spirits into the islands. If they hadn’t done this, more of monsterkind could perish.
Fire Haven
Dawn gathered together the remaining Fire Monsters, and the few Naturals who had preferred to come too. They became one of the few rulers in the history of the monster world, and decided it was best to hide in Fire Haven until the other monsters uncovered them again.
Outer/Magical Islands
Far fewer monsters survived on the Outer Islands. They wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for the islands each landing on or near their respective Titans, where the Magical Singles first showed up. Turns out, it was possible for them to cross-breed with the Naturals, creating the Natural-Magical mixes seen on the Magical Islands today.
This era lasted an unknown amount of years.
Contemporary Era (also known as the “Extinguished Age” by some)
0 CE- The Contemporary Era began with the reestablishment of contact between the Natural Islands. Fire Monsters are already beginning to fall into legend. It is the beginning of a very different time.
12 CE- Holidays, such as Spooktacle and the Festival of Yay, begin to be celebrated again as Seasonals return.
104 CE- Possibility of ‘ascension’ is discovered, allowing Monsters to go to Gold Island.
232 CE- The first ever Wubbox is uncovered on Plant Island.
456 CE- Ethereals, which, even the ones hatched on the Natural Islands, always felt out of place, finally found out how to return to Ethereal Island and travel back and forth from there. Of course, some still decide to chill on the natural Islands.
502 CE- G’joobs and Yawstritches reveal themselves to the outside world.
532 CE- Strombonins reveal themselves to the outside world.
534 CE- Anglows and Hyhehes reveal themselves to the outside world.
4230 CE- A Wubbox awoken many years ago decides to try their hand at creating life of their own. After a few failed attempts, they finally managed to create the Wublins, and fled to a new, artificial island to give them a place to live. The island was surrounded by the stormy byproducts of a mortal creating life, so it is very hard to access.
4692 CE- A brief war broke out on Wublin Island, mainly between the Whajjes and Zuukers. Members of other species either hid from the war, or joined a certain side. The Wubbox of the island, who’d been living there since its creation, had to step in to stop it.
5320 CE- Mythicals discover the ability to travel to Mythical Island. This goes similarly to the discovery of Ethereal Island several Millennia ago.
9862 CE- The Collosingum first appears, where a few naturals decide to start hosting tournaments there, for they discovered that they have the power to manipulate their elements by singing. The starting words of each competition- “Sing till one falls!” have been kept throughout the generations.
10,000 CE- A ship called the Island Seeker sails out on a voyage, led by Captain Mako. Surprisingly, they discover a new island, where they free a mysterious creature frozen in Amber. She does not remember anything about her past or who she once was, but from legends, the monsters on the Island Seeker realized she was a Kayna. Since she had no recollection of her previous name, one of the crew members decided to name her Memory.
10,004 CE- On the horizons of the recently-named Tribal Island, a Volcano was spotted rising from the depths. Memory remembers something about her past, and decides to venture down into the caves below. She discovered her old drawings, and remembered who she truly was- Basalt. She and a few others who were still residing on the island sailed to the volcano, to find that inside, some Fire Monster species were still alive.
10,842 CE- With the knowledge that Fire Monsters are not extinct, nor legends, a group of monsters take it upon themselves to build them a new home. They begin building Fire Oasis. Cherrubles from the oceans around were invited to join in, since most of them wanted a place to go on land.
10,859 CE- Fire Oasis is officially completed. Some Kaynas and the other single-elements on the Oasis move in, and eventually some new fire monsters of previously extinct species are born from the breeding structure.
11,049 CE- This was a huge year for exploring and frontiers, for it was the year the Magical Islands were rediscovered by the general population. After speaking to the monsters who’d been living there for years about their islands’ history, it was soon found that these were once the Outer Islands from the Dawn of Fire era.
11,093-11,095 CE- The most recent war in Monster World history, the Fiddlement war, was a conflict between Light Island and Faerie Island. Likely named after the species of the one who started it, it ended in a victory for Faerie Island.
11,322 CE- The final fire island is discovered- Amber Island. With a series of mysterious rituals, Fire Monsters who had passed during the Dawn of Fire. They remembered… some things about their previous lives. A couple are revived every few years.
11,900 CE- A human named Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit shows up in the Monster World. When Spurritkind... somehow appears, the species is named after him due to the striking resemblence.
11,950 CE- Four mysterious eggs were found, which soon hatched into the Werdos. They ceased to physically age at 25 years old, and are now celebrities that hop between islands to sing.
12,000 CE- And that brings us to today fellas!
Historical figures:
Dawn (Kayna) (14,979 DOF- Unknown (Great Pause)
Dawn was the Kayna who led the Fire Monsters into the Volcano/Living Core when the Cataclysm struck. They were also the one who came up with the name "Fire Haven", and composed it's song after realising there weren't enough species around to really play the original of the Continent. They fell into the local legends of Fire Haven and their story is still told there, sometimes exegerrated.
Basalt (Kayna) (14,991 DOF- Present day)
Currently the oldest living monster, Basalt was trapped in Amber right after the Cataclyms, when she was only 9 years old. She was freed 10 thousand years later by the crew of the Island Seeker. Nobody knows how, but even when out of the Amber her aging is slowed dramantically.
Mako (Pummel) (9,959 CE- 10,030 CE)
Capitain of the Island Seeker, one of the freers of Basalt. He became the first cheif of Tribal Island when some Naturals decided to stay there permamently.
There were definatley more historical figures, but I couldn't think of any. And I'm not sure whether to include Wardin here lmao
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sweatforged · 6 months
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silas. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • prompts.
pedro pascal, homosexual, male + he/him, fighter «—◦—→ well met, silas rivera! the godling born child of kratos. it’s been 45 years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their loyalty, protectiveness, + strong will? or will their stubbornness, callousness, short temper hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
full name — Silas Rivera age — forty-five (december 7th) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — homosexual occupation — musician, us army, mma fighter + champion, musician hero ;) deity connection — kratos  class — fighter weapon — tba clothing style / armor — jeans + flannel & layers, so many layers / tba
face claim — Pedro Pascal hair — brown / eyes — brown height — five foot & eleven inches build — kinda like a T, broad af shoulders, semi-muscled torso, slutty waist (it be thin ok), everything else is yum scars — a faint one across the bridge of his nose, cut underneath his left eye, many many small ones littered across his body tattoos — notes in the back of his neck (he was grounded forever for getting it) like so, wolf on the inside of his left arm like so, front right thigh like so piercings — ears special characteristics — generally quiet, comes off a little distracted sometimes, will snark without reason, some dare calling him grumpy sexual preference— sorry y'all, this boy's a bottom sub (he thinks he's a switch but he's really not(in bed anyway). don't tell him tho.)
alignment — chaotic good positive traits — protective, caring, strong-willed, loyal negative traits — short-tempered, stubborn, callous, grumpy hobbies — training, music, kendo/kenjutsu, cooking, enjoying the quiet
mental — ptsd physical — when he was younger, he got his shoulder dislocated and his older half-sister thought she could pop it back in. she didn’t and broke his shoulder. he couldn't work for months, nor could he use the bow for even longer, now he can’t lift his right arm as high as the left one still, but only few know phobias — claustrophobia, pisantrophia eyesight — 20/20 although avrae tends to disagree dominant hand — left hand drug use — nop alcohol use — no !! diet — healthy, balanced. always makes his own food so he knows what's in it.
birthplace — new haven, CT parents — Marin Rivera (mother), Sarah Rivera (step-mother) & Haruhito Shindo (step-father) & Kratos (biological parent). siblings — older sister, Luisa Rivera (she be mortal) pets — floof, stray cat coming by the gym, died in a car crash right outside education — high school drop-out notable skills — krav maga, can wear cowboy hats with anything, can sing, has a mean left hook
Marin Rivera had everything in life one could wish for. She was born the youngest daughter of a wealthy family, her father dealing with property and her mother a former goddess of ballet. Money - for her, would never be an issue, but money wasn't what Marin craved more than anything in the world. It also wasn't top class education or how many horses she could own, no. What she truly desired was love. Only she wasn't meant to ever find it.
She fell for a man she couldn't have, a man who knew of her desperation and the many digits on her bank account and he saw his chance. His marriage would be a secret for at least two years of their relationship, his wife hidden away downtown, sated and distracted with money he got from naive Marin who saw the world through rose-tinted glasses.
Up until the day she wound up pregnant with a child. Before she could explain, he packed his bags and ran. It wasn't his! But she found out about his wife the day before and believe it or not - heartbreak and alcohol was never a good combination. A beautiful - if rough around the edges stranger approached her and she gave herself to him willingly, if only to forget about the pain for a night.
Silverspoon or not, Marin had only recently turned nineteen, had barely seen the world or found her way in it - too busy chasing a man who clearly was poison for her. So when she came back home, bags packed and head hung low, she was ... well, not quite welcome and yet her parents were grateful she gave them the option to hide her away. If she wanted a chance at a proper husband, she couldn't bring a little boy or girl into this life. No way.
When Silas was born, Marin .. still hoped. She hoped to raise him as her own, given she had lost everything to protect the little boy she held in her arms, but it wasn't going to be her son for long. She was sent abroad to study only a few days later and Silas was raised the youngest Rivera offspring. A miracle, given the age of his "mother". With Marin's bad decisions running in his blood, Silas was watched quite closely. A strong, strict hand would surely do the trick, right?
It didn't.
At first it did, indeed. He grew up with everything onee could possibly want. He pointed at a horse, they got him a horse. He pointed at a man on TV playing the guitar... they got him lessons. It wasn't like Silas missed anything... nothing materialistic anyway. He was signed up for language courses before he could walk and for the longest time .. he did well. When it was still all games and fun. Children's brains are spectacular, aren't they? But the older he grew, the worse it got. Diagnosed with ADHD at the age of six, one would think his parents went easier on him. They did not. Don't let the child get bored, they said. And they didn't.
His father brought in even more for him to learn. Inspired by his own heritage, he felt it useful that Silas was taught in the art of archery, japanese sword fighting and the like. Due to an infinite lack of talent when it came to tea and calligraphy, he was spared in that regard at least. All that set aside, both parents had been raised with a very clear set of rules themselves. Anything less than perfect is a failed opportunity to prove your worth.
All that pressure did not bring forth the expected rewards, in fact - they witnessed the opposite, both in school and at home. He failed time and time again. Far from a social butterfly, Silas ... struggled in school and found himself more enemies than friends, in a way - without trying. Too rich, too spoiled, too slow, too stupid. Silas was a many things, clearly. And at home, he would be ridiculed and lectured on his shortcomings.
They were lucky Silas lasted as many years as he did before he snapped, because no child could thrive under that amount of pressure. When he did snap, he was in school. P.E. was his least favorite time of the day despite him being fitter than every single kid in school simply because there wasn't a single day he didn't break anything. He tried not to. It just .. happened. And then one of the other boys laughed... it wasn't even that he was embarrassed.. it just.. he was tired of it all. He was tired of not belonging, he was tired of scrutinizing eyes on him twenty-four-seven, he was tired of working as hard as he could and still failing.
That kid never laughed at Silas again. In fact, nobody did. Not after the boy spent a month at the hospital, mostly unconscious. The outrage at home... unbearable. But for the first time in his life... he felt content. It lasted a few mere minutes, but he remembered. Sure, music got him to almost that feeling, it did, but it wasn't exactly the same. He'd ... felt peace. And so he chased it. Plenty of kids at school to experiment with. Many of them eager to fight him. Rich kid schools, worse than public in that regard. Most kids were trapped in their family's shadow and knew they needed to perform or else..
And oh, he found that feeling again. And again. Every time his fist connected with a body, every time his knuckles found bone to crack, he felt alive. School was far from happy, but a generous donation had the majority of teachers look away. Or maybe they just didn't care.
Highschool went the exact same way, only Silas was slowly growing into himself. Taller, still incredibly thin, which was the reason he was underestimated regularly, only to then surprise everybody. Silas was convinced people were either born smart or strong; he was definitely the latter, so school was .. a necessity he barely managed, only he never meant to go much further than graduation.
At 19, Silas found out a twisted version of the truth. Marin .. was dead. To him, she was a sister he never met, the one his parents always spoke about, but a guest at the funeral mentioned something he couldn't forget and when he brought it up with his parents, they told him Marin didn't want a child and they never knew the father.
That explained so much. Not even his parents wanted him. His life ... a lie. All of it. That night, Silas grabbed his guitar, packed a bag and ran. Nobody would see him for a long time, but his issues never subsided. Even the US army struggled to contain him, because just like before .. he found plenty of potential victims among those who didn't know to keep their opinions to themselves when he was around. Though he got lucky and found a sponsor among the corporals, one who seemed to be ready to help. Come what may.
Anger management therapy in combination with meditation and straining daily workout sessions seemed to do the trick for a while. Order and guidance instead of pressure seemed .. to work and while beating up punching bags wasn't quite the same thrill, it .. was okay. He even found time for music again.
And then it wasn't okay and he .. had to leave. Again. But this time he wasn't alone. Corporal went with him (and brought his daughter). They built a life for themselves in New Haven, Silas was working as a cleaner at the local gym and Corporal got into the mayor's office, sure to work his way up the ranks quickly. A few months later, first relapse. It should've cost him his job, but .. it didn't. Instead it granted him a new opportunity. Even though it would ultimately cost him his family.
He was battle-trained, had spent the majority of his life training so becoming an MMA fighter sure.. sounded like a great opportunity even though he was too old to properly get into it, they said. Silas didn't care. One, because he knew he could and two, because he didn't care about prizes, the knowledge that he could thrive in doing the one thing he was truly good at.. that was all he needed.
When he won his first title only a few years later, nobody could believe it, really. And then he held it. Year after year. The Lion - as they called him, stood strong. Silas was growing older and he was getting closer and closer to that age, at which point he was considered too old to contest, even though he felt fine and stronger than ever, the constant training sure wearing down his body's reserves, but ... his will remained unbroken and his performance unbeaten. Rules and regulations were merciless. He held several titles until he retired and returned to the gym in teeny tiny little New Haven, which felt ...lacking after he'd seen the world, so he once again packed his bags, grabbed his guitar and moved to Los Angeles.
Part of him regretted the choice he made. Fame for family. But at the end of the day he knew it'd been for the best. They were better off without him, surely. Being single wasn't so bad either. Being somewhat famous ... surely helped potential hookups look past his lack of social ... affinity. It also helped pushing his career as a musician up to the point of semi-regular income with little gigs and a few released albums. Life was .. going.
That was until he found out the truth.
The actual truth.
Obvious choice, wasn't it? He had nothing to lose.
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