#;;keep piko safe we need him
darkjanet2 · 10 months
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 16: Return to the Place Where We First Met
Amy and Tails were crying. Amy was trying to pull herself together, but Tails was still holding her close in a bear hug, even when she was sobbing on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe it! Sonic’s gone!” cried Tails.
“Sonic…! hics Sonic…!” cried Amy.
Eggman turned to them with an evil smirk on his, pointing his gun at them.
“Now, we have some unfinished business to take care of!” Eggman pointed his gun at them again. “Don’t try anything funny…If you give me the REAL Emerald, I’ll release you both.” he threatened, aiming at Tails’ head.
Amy stopped crying for a moment, she stood up, wiped her tears, and angrily glared at him.
“You really think we’re just going to let you get away with what you did?! Sonic is gone because of you! And it’s your fault that he’s no longer here!!” growled Amy.
Tails stood up, too, angry as well. He stared Eggman down, determined to keep Amy safe. “Amy’s right, and if you hurt us, then it’s going to be all your fault!” said Tails.
“You dare talk to me like that?! You little brats! Do you know how much trouble I could have gotten into by letting you live!?” roared Eggman. “All you need do is say yes, and this will all go away! Now shut your yapping and give me the real Emerald!” ordered Eggman. Amy and Tails didn’t answer Eggman.
“If you want that Emerald badly,” Amy withdrew her Piko Piko Hammer from behind her back. Tails pulled out his own weapon as well. They looked straight into Eggman’s eyes, their anger radiating off of them, like a wave of heat from a burning log.
“You’ll have to beat us cuz we avenge Sonic’s death!” said Amy, preparing to battle.
“We avenge your death, Sonic! We’ll beat Egghead!” shouted Tails. They both charged at Eggman. Amy held her hammer high, to swing with her Piko Piko Hammer to his head, while Tails shot his laser gun strike at his arm, hoping to weaken him so Amy could knock him out with her Hammer.
Hiiiyyyaa!!” yelled Amy, as she swung her hammer, hitting Eggman square in the face. He fell back, shocked by the blow. Amy and Tails charged at Eggman, swinging their weapons around wildly. Their attacks landed blows on him, knocking him onto the floor, unconscious. Amy and Tails walked toward the unconscious form of their enemy.
“This is for Sonic, you asshole!” yelled Amy.
“Sonic… we did it. We avenged your death,” said Tails, his tears flowing down his cheeks. He grabbed onto Amy’s hand tightly. Amy smiled and gently stroked Tails’ hair. She knew they would never let their anger stop them. The two stood there, holding hands, planning to tie Eggman up.
“Let’s tie him up,” said Tails.
Amy nodded, they went to find the rope while Eggman crawled away from them and found the real Chaos Emerald.
Knuckles was strolling through the space corridor hallway, wandering around looking for any sign of his friends or his enemies. His feet echoed through the empty halls as he took one step after another. He reached the end of the hallway and stepped through the large doorway into the main room of the building. He stopped there as he felt something about the energy in the air shift. It made him uneasy.
'Huh? I feel some strange energy…' thought Knuckles.
As Knuckles stepped away from the door, something flashed before his eyes. He saw a blue hedgehog lying on the floor unconscious that possessed topaz Choas Emerald. Knuckles was confused. Why was Sonic lying on the ground unconscious? He quickly ran over to him. He knelt beside him. As soon as he got closer, Knuckles realized why Sonic was unconscious. There was no blood coming from Sonic’s side nor bruises or fatal injuries. He was fine. Knuckles shook him awake. Sonic groaned in pain. Knuckles was worried. What happened to Sonic?
"Sonic! Are you alright?” asked Knuckles. Sonic slowly opened his eyes. “Knuckles?" he weakly whispered.
He helped him to stand up to his feet. Sonic leaned against him slightly, almost as if he needed support to stay upright.
"Are you alright?" Knuckles asked again. Sonic looked at him with concern."Yeah…" he replied, "just a little dizzy." he rubbed his temples.
"What happened to you?” Knuckles asked.
"I remember. Eggman set me a trap inside the pod and threw me into space. And next thing I knew, I was able to use Chaos Control before it exploded," said Sonic.
"Chaos Control?" Knuckles asked, his brow furrowed.
"I'm getting worried about Amy and Tails. I hate to ask, but can you go help them? I have to go back to the Control Room and set the fake Emerald on Eclipse Cannon before it explodes," said Sonic.
Knuckles hesitated for a few moments. He wanted to help, but he didn't want to leave Sonic alone right now.
"Knux… please…" begged Sonic.
Knuckles sighed. "…Alright. I'll see what I can find," he assured him. Sonic smiled gratefully at him left Knuckles and went to the Control Room.
Rogue walked to the Control Room with the clacking sound of her heel boots. There were six Emeralds on the panel, each one connected to a different circuit board. Each Emerald had its own power source and the same power source was used by the rest of the control panels. Rogue placed a finger on the Emerald connected to the power source, which emitted a purple glow, and hummed happily. Rouge tapped the Emerald again, and the humming noise subsided. Rogue removed her finger.
"Legend has it when all seven Chaos Emeralds are collected. If the power creates a miracle, I'll have six of them, they're all mine!" exclaimed Rogue excitedly, grinning widely at the thought.
"I don't think so," muttered a voice behind Rogue. Rogue jumped slightly before turning around. A black hedgehog stood there with his arms crossed, it was Shadow.
"So that was your plan from the very beginning, huh? Or was it the direct order from the president?" Shadow tilted his head to the side slightly with a raised eyebrow. Rogue smirked confidently at his challenge.
Shadow pointed at her, "Now I know who you are. You're the government spy, Rogue the Bat, aren't you?" he asked. Rogue laughed in amusement.
"My, you already figured it out… But I guess you're not half bad yourself, Shadow. I should've seen that coming though. You've always been too smart for someone your age!" Rogue complimented.
Shadow narrowed his eyes. "Why do you care? You're pretending to work with us. You're probably the reason our plan failed…" He started approaching Rogue menacingly. "And now you must pay the price."
Rogue smirked. "Oh dearie me, I didn't realize my job required my cooperation. I think I'd rather not join with you. Perhaps you could just tell me who you really are, Shadow." She held up a copy of the file with the picture on it. Shadow was on the profile picture as well. He looked at the article in monochrome color with a serious expression on his face.
"Here are the results of the research project called The Ultimate Lifeform. And that includes the true identity of the one responsible for creating the Ultimate Lifeform, but if this picture of the REAL ultimate lifeform named Shadow. Then exactly WHO or WHAT is standing in front of me?" asked Rogue, raising an eyebrow. She watched Shadow's expression closely. Shadow glared at her and he wanted to snap at her. However, his walkie-talkie came on.
"Shadow, good news!" It was Eggman's voice. "I have found all seven Chaos Emeralds! Furthermore, someone is heading to the Eclipse Cannon. There's no time to waste before the cannon fires again. Can you go over there and stop him?" he asked.
"If you want to live, leave the Choas Emeralds where they are. The fake emerald is good enough for you," Shadow walked away from her.
"Do you actually think you're the real Shadow?" asked Rogue, hands on her hip.
Shadow stopped his track and did not look at her, "No doubt." he replied.
"Even your memories might not be real, you know?" she continued, still smiling.
"Who knows? Even if my memories are not real, it's still me, Shadow," he turned his head to Rogue and clenched his fist in determination. "And I will fulfill my promise to Maria, that's all that matters to me now."
Shadow walked out to the Control Room and left Rogue silently staring after him. She sighed in frustration.
‘I wonder what kind of man he will become…’ she thought.
Meanwhile Outside the Colony
Sonic walked through the hallway, searching for the Control Room. After walking through several corridors, he noticed someone standing in the corridor, it was a black hedgehog just standing there. Sonic gasped and hid against the wall.
'It's him. It's Shadow.' thought Sonic. He recognized him immediately. His heart was pounding against his chest, his face turned red, and his breathing became shallow. He put his hand on his chest and tried to control himself.
'No… You need to stay focus, Sonic. You cannot falter now. You need to protect the city. You have no choice!' Sonic told himself. He then took a deep breath and calmed down. 'Just act natural…' he thought.
After he calmed down, he came out and met Shadow with a poker face. Shadow turned and saw Sonic there beside there.
"You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that the capsule you were in exploded in space," said Shadow.
The two hedgehogs walked through the corridor. Sonic closed his eyes and smiled.
"You know what I can say, I die hard!" he exclaimed. He took out a Chaos Emerald. "You actually saved me, y'know?"
"It was Chaos Emerald, wasn't it? There's no way you could activate Choas Control using the emerald that's fake," said Shadow unamused. Sonic smirked at him and Shadow looked at Sonic. "So, there's more to you looking like me. Just what are you anyway?" he asked.
Sonic started to run and Shadow started to skate. They were both at full speed.
"Heh, what you see is what you get. I'm just a guy who loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" said Sonic, pridefully.
"I see. But I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end," said Shadow.
"I got one question," said Sonic, Shadow looked at him curiously. Sonic's face turned into a serious expression. "Why did you kiss me? You came to me wanting to punch me or something. Instead, you kissed me. So why didn't you kill me?" asked Sonic.
Shadow scoffed, "Nothing personal. It was for my safety. As much as it would've been fun to kill you, there's no point in doing it. I have no interest in killing you. My goal is to bring about an end to the world. I won't allow people like you to interfere with it. Not even in death."
"Huh… So that's how it is," replied Sonic.
As the battle began, a mysterious energy began to manifest around the combatants. They began to sprint with a red and blue aura around them, running from the colony ark and racing towards the Eclipse Cannon. As they ran, the aura began to intensify and ripple, almost as if they were using some sort of superhuman speed. With every stride, the aura grew stronger, and soon enough, the two combatants started to fight each other.
In an epic showdown, Shadow and Sonic clashed in a battle of epic proportions. Shadow was first to attack, unleashing a flurry of yellow spears with powerful CHOAS SPEARS!! yell. Sonic, however, was too fast and agile and managed to dodge the attack. Not one to back down, Sonic retaliated with a charge and a punch to the face.
Shadow growled angrily and then curled into a ball before launching a homing attack and hitting Sonic in the chest, was thrown to the ground.
"Hah! That's the end of the game, you piece of crap!" yelled Shadow.
"Not quite!" shouted Sonic and he threw himself on top of Shadow. Shadow tried to push Sonic off, but it was useless. "Shadow!" shouted Sonic and Shadow groaned in pain.
"This is getting tiresome!" yelled Shadow.
"Shadow, for what you did was wrong, they didn't do anything to you!" Sonic yelled.
Shadow punched Sonic in the face to get off of him, and he fell to the ground.
"You never understand! They killed Maria in front of me!" argued Shadow.
"M… Maria…?" stuttered Sonic quietly.
"Yes, Maria. Her name is Maria. You knew that." Shadow answered coldly.
Sonic frowned sadly. "Oh…"
Shadow was silent as he stared at the ground, lost in his thoughts.
"Shadow…?" whispered Sonic, trying to catch his attention.
But Shadow wouldn't answer back, so Sonic decided to try another approach. He placed his hand on the side of Shadow's shoulder, surprising him and making him look into Sonic's green eyes, which held a glimmer of sadness.
"I'm sorry, you really loved Maria. I had no idea… What happened to her?" asked Sonic quietly.
Shadow looked away from Sonic. "Why do you care? It's none of your business," he replied angrily.
Sonic was taken aback by Shadow's reaction. "I don't want anyone else to suffer. I know that you love her, and I can help you if you'll just-"
"I don't need your help," spat Shadow, pulling himself away from Sonic. "You're just going to distract me from my mission."
Shadow ran away from Sonic and left him behind. Sonic then pursued Shadow and caught up with him. In order to teleport, he used the Chaos Emerald.
"Chaos Control!" he teleported in front of Shadow and knocked him out cold. Shadow lay unconscious on the floor, unmoving.
'Sorry, Shadow. But I can't let you destroy everything…', thought Sonic.
Sonic hurried to the Control Room in order to avoid firing the cannon before it was too late.
Meanwhile at the Control Room
Eggman walked to the control panel and placed the last Emerald into the stone panel. The Chaos Emeralds began to glow bright brightly and the Eclipse Cannon was preparing to fire the Earth.
"Yes! It's finally happening!! Now I can make the world of Empire of Eggman!" Eggman laughed evilly. He was to succeed; nothing could stop him now. He pressed a button and the control panel beeped as the cannon fired. In a split second, an explosion occurred at the tip of the satellite causing a massive shockwave throughout the entire cannon to accientally explode.
What?! shocked Eggman, his mind reeling with disbelief and confusion as he desperately tried to make sense of the bewildering circumstances. The Eclipse Cannon was completely damaged.
Meanwhile in the Main Control Room
Tails and Amy were sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall, feeling sad that Sonic was gone. And Eggman had escaped from them and he succeeded in destroying the Earth.
Tails' walkie-talkie beeped, he was surprised by the sound, and he answered his walkie-talkie.
"Awesome job, Tails," it was Sonic's voice.
Tails smiled in exclaimed and relief. "Sonic! Thank goodness you're alright!"
Amy held her head up that Sonic was still alive and well. She felt a sense of joy when hearing his voice. She was relieved that her love was alive.
"Look outside," said Sonic.
Tails and Amy took a look outside the window. There was an azure hedgehog hanging on the pole. He scratched his nose. And he flashed a smile and gave Tails a thumb up.
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celticsorcerer1 · 4 months
Sonic thr Hedgehog blinked as Amy Rose told him the last thing he’d ever think he’d hear from her. “Any, are you sure?”
Amy Rose nodded. “Uh-huh… but look on the bright side. I won’t chase you around anymore. In fact, I’ll stop butting in your adventures. I’ll have some of my own.”
Sonic nodded. “So, um… if ya don’t mind my asking… how did you find out?”
Amy sighed. “Me and Rouge were teamed up to infiltrate one of Eggman’s bases and we got pinned down. We had no idea where the hell you were. Things looked bleak. I asked Rouge if she had any regrets. She said “Just one.” before she… kissed me,” she blushed. “And it… awoke something in me.”
Sonic nodded. “Gotcha. So… are you and Rouge…?”
Amy laughed. “That floozie? God, no! I have some standards!” She looked out at Green Hill Zone as the sun set. “I guess I’m just… waiting to see if Ms. Right is out there, you know?”
Sonic smiled. “Right on, girl. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. It’s your story. I just run through it.”
Amy smiled and kissed Sonic’s cheek. It was purely a sisterly kiss. There was no romance in it. “You’re a great friend, Sonic. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”
“No harm, no foul, Amy.” Sonic smiled. “Just… keep in touch. Especially if you ever need a rescue. For old time’s sake.”
—A few months later—
Amy frowned as she came upon a factory in the Chemical Plant Zone. She had heard from a reliable source that, though Dr. Eggman had moved on from this zone, he still had some operational badniks in the area.
Amy hefted her trusty Piko Piko Hammer. “Guess it’s time to bust some badniks.”
No sooner had the words left her mouth that a scream tore through the air.
“Someone’s in trouble!” Amy raced toward the source of the scream until she came upon a quartet of Motobugs and a Buzz Bomber cornering a female red panda against a factory wall.
Amy gripped her hammer. “Not on my watch,” she put her fingers to her lips and whistled. The badniks turned and regarded her. Amy fearlessly put her hammer on the ground and rested her foot on it. “Look, Sonic’s obviously not here to show you jerks how to behave. Too bad for you. At least, then, this would be quick.” With a shout, Amy charged forward and brought her hammer down on the Buzz Bomber, smashing it to the ground.
The Motobugs angrily barreled towards her, but she just knocked them into next week (and each other) with a single swing. “Well, I was wrong. That was quick.”
She then turned to the red panda, still cowering in fear. Her red fur was matted with soot. She had rings of white fur around her bright blue eyes, her muzzle, and her tail. Her elegant white dress was torn and matted as well. The satchel at her shoulder was banged up and close to falling apart. Her small red feet were bare and heavily bandaged. Clearly, the poor girl was far from home and in more trouble than Amy previously thought.
Amy gently approached her, dropping her hammer and raising her hands. “It’s ok… you’re safe now. My name’s Amy. Amy Rose. I’m a hero.”
“You…you are?” the red panda looked at all the broken robot parts. “Are…you strong?”
Amy smiled. “I like to think so,” she looked down at the girl’s bandaged feet. “You’ve been walking a long time, haven't you?”
“Many moons,” the panda girl bowed. “My name is Blossom. I come from a mountain village. My people, the red pandas, were medics, healers, and shamans. We had no quarrel with any living thing. But then… we were attacked by a man in a flying egg and his beasts of iron.”
Amy’s fists clenched. “Dr. Eggman…”
Blossom nodded. “He… destroyed my village. My parents helped me to escape and promised they would find me again… but that was moons ago…” she started to tear up. “I don't even know if they’re alive…any of them.”
Amy’s temper flared at the thought of Eggman destroying more innocent lives, but she forced herself to let go of those feelings. Eggman was the concern of Sonic and his team of Freedom Fighters.
Right now, Blossom was Amy’s concern.
She put a hand on Blossom’s shoulder. “Hey, you can't lose hope. You’ll find them.
Blossom sniffled and wiped her eyes. “Thank you, Amy Rose. You are very kind.”
“It’s what heroes do. Now, why don't we get you to a doctor? Then we can see about getting your dress patched up.”
Blossom nodded. “Very well. I would be honored.”
“Excuse my hands.” Amy picked Blossom up and held her bridal style. “You’re not walking another step.” she made her way back to Green Hill Zone, unaware that her new charge was blushing under her fur as she gazed at her hero.
At the Green Hills Infirmary, Blossom winced as the doctor unwrapped the bandages around her feet. “Ai…be soft…” she begged.
“Apologies, young lady,” the doctor said gently. “But perhaps you should invest in a pair of shoes once you’re all healed up.”
Blossom sighed. “If I must… but in my village, there was never a need to cover our feet and cut off our connection to Mobius.”
Amy, who stayed by Blossom’s side to make sure she was alright, raised an eyebrow. “I thought you said your people were healers and medics and stuff. Why didn't you heal your own wounds?”
Blossom put her palms together. “It is against our ways to use the knowledge we possess to heal ourselves. We are meant to share knowledge rather than hoard it.”
Amy nodded in understanding. “Gotcha,” she looked at the doctor. “How bad is it, Doc?”
“Miraculously, not as bad as it could have been. Some minor cuts and bruises, but no infections. A few days of bed rest and some healing balm, she should be right as rain.”
Blossom smiled. “Small blessings.”
Amy smiled too. “Well, you’ll have to stay here until your feet heal, but I’ll come by every day to check up on you. If that’s ok.”
Blossom nodded. “I would be honored. It will give me time to come up with a way to properly thank you.”
“Aw, come on, I don't do this for thanks.” Amy insisted.
“Amy Rose, please,” Blossom fixed her bright blue eyes on Amy’s green ones. “You saved my life. Allow me the honor of repaying your kindness.”
Amy sighed as she relented. “Well, alright.”
The next day, Amy, fresh from a shopping trip, knocked on Blossom’s door. “Hey, it’s me. Can I come in?”
“Please.” Blossom responded.
Amy walked in. “I brought some food in case you were hungry, a couple of different fabric swatches so we can get started on mending your dress, and-” she trailed off as she noticed Blossom sitting upright with her knees tucked under her chin. “Hey…are you ok?”
Blossom shook her head. “Close the door. I don't want to be overheard. It’s embarrassing.”
Amy shut the door, set the bags down and sat on the foot of the bed. “What’s wrong?”
Blossom looked at her bedside table. A small pot full of a blue past sat there. “The doctor said that the healing balm has to be..” she looked down. “Rubbed in once a day for the next five days. But… I don't like the idea of strangers touching my feet. They’re so… sensitive. I never covered them back home. The grass was so soft…”
“Hey, I understand your hesitation, Blossom, but you have to get better if you want to find your family. These doctors are professionals. They know what they’re doing.”
“I know… and I do want to get better…” she raised her eyes to look at Amy, her ringed tail shyly coiling around her feet. “Do you think… you could do it?”
Amy blushed. “M-me? But… you hardly know me better than the doctors.”
“True, but you…saved my life. I can just feel that you are truly a good soul,” Blossom looked away. “Of course, if it makes you feel uncomfortable…”
Amy shook her head. “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll do it.”
She got off the bed, grabbed the balm, then sat back down, patting her lap. “Alright, put your feet on my lap.”
Blossom did so. “J-just…be soft.”
“I’ll do my best.'' After carefully unwrapping Blossom’s bandages, Amy removed her gloves and rubbed the palm on her palms. Then, she began to rub it into the cuts on Blossom's white soles. The red panda squirmed and giggled, but kept still.
Amy smiled. “Your feet are really soft, Blossom. And…kinda cute. What’s your secret? Cuz it can't just be a secluded barefoot lifestyle in the mountains.”
Blossom giggled. “Okay, so maybe the mountain range we lived in had thermal pools rich in minerals. But I’m sure you have something similar here,” she blushed. “Your hands are quite soft themselves. They feel…wonderful.”
Amy blushed. “W-well, maybe I can come by and do this for you every day until you’re better.”
Blossom nodded. “I would like that.”
Once the balm had been applied and Blossom’s bandages were switched out with fresh ones, the two young ladies chatted casually over food and compared fabric swatches. Amy talked about her friends, how she became a hero, and about Sonic. She was embarrassed to admit her past obsession with him. “I confused his genuine care and offer of friendship for love. It took me years to realize that I didn't actually love him. But we’re still good friends.”
Blossom smiled. “We all have a path in life. It may have twists and turns, but it is the path we walk,” she wiggled her toes. “Some more literally than others.”
Amy scanned Blossom’s tattered white dress. It had long billowing sleeves and stopped just short of her ankles. A golden line of cross stitch designs traced from the nape of her neck down to the hem. “Your dress is so cute, by the way. I hope we can get it repaired. What’s it made out of?”
“Bamboo fibers from my village,” Blossom smiled sadly. “It was a gift from my mother, and now it is ruined.”
Amy frowned, feeling sorry for her new friend. “There’s nothing close to the material among these swatches? I grabbed as many different ones as I could,” she looked down at her lap. “Once you’re cleared to leave… maybe we can venture back to your village and see if any bamboo survived.”
Blossom reached over and put her hand on Amy’s knee. “Don't worry yourself, Amy Rose. You have done more than enough to honor me,” she smiled. “But if you truly wish to see my village, I would be honored to show you the way.”
Amy smiled back. “You know, you can just call me Amy. We’re friends.”
“But Amy Rose flows so beautifully,” Blossom blushed, not that Amy could see. “And it fits with my name. Rose and Blossom.”
Amy blushed too. “Oh… I guess it does… well, then, I guess you can call me by my full name… Oh, I nearly forgot!” Amy reached into one of the shopping bags she had brought and pulled out a pair of white slip-on shoes. “For when you get out. Just to be safe.”
Blossom looked at the shoes with disdain, but nodded. “If I must…”
Over the next few days, Amy was as good as her word, visiting Blossom every day and helping her rub the healing balm into her injuries. Afterward, Blossom would reach into her old satchel and pull out scrolls. “These are stories of my village. I packed them before I left because knowledge of every sort is sacred.” She would first read the story in her native language, which sounded wonderful to Amy’s ears, then translate as best she could. “I’m sorry some things get lost in translation, Amy Rose.”
Amy giggled. “It’s alright, Blossom. I'm still honored you’re sharing the stories of your village with me.”
“There is no one I would rather share them with.” Blossom replied.
On the fifth day, the doctor came in, removed the bandages, and examined Blossom’s feet. He smiled. “Any lasting pain? Numbness? Anything?”
Blossom shook her head. “None. I feel fine.”
“Then you’re all clear.”
“Alright, way to go, Blossom!” Amy cheered.
Blossom put her hands together and inclined her head. “I wouldn't be here if not for you, Amy Rose. Please, allow me to repay you. Properly thank you for honoring me with your kindness.”
Amy smirked. “Hold that thought. Now that you’re cleared to leave,” she gestured to the white slip-ons by the bed. “You gotta wear these.
Blossom pouted. “Fine. But allow me to start paying you back by cooking you dinner at your house. Surely, I won't have to wear those ridiculous things indoors?”
Amy giggled and shook her head. “No, you won't. And I accept your offer.”
Once the two reached the beach hut that served as Amy’s home, Blossom eagerly slipped off the slip-ons and wiggled her liberated toes. “Free at last. I don't understand how other people can wear those things. They stifle one’s connection to nature.”
“Most aren’t as in tune with nature as you.” Amy chuckled as closed the door behind them, then reached down and started to undo the straps of her boots.
“Amy Rose, wait. Allow me.” Blossom sat Amy down on the living room couch, knelt down, undid the straps of Amy’s boots and gently slid them off.
Any blushed hard. “Blossom, what are you doing?”
“Repaying you. You gave my feet attention. Let me do the same. Being a hero can't be easy on them.” Blossom replied.
Amy’s blush became so deep, she hid her face in her hands. “Just…be gentle.”
“As a summer breeze.” Blossom promised. She began to gently knead Amy’s tan soles.
Amy could feel stress that she wasn't even aware she had start to melt away. “Oh, wow…” she wiggles her toes with delight. “I guess I needed this.”
“I am honored to be the one to provide it,” Blossom moved down to Amy’s heels. “Ai, so much stress. Do you stand with your weight on your heels?
Amy shrugged. “Maybe sometimes…”
Blossom rolled her eyes. “Heroes…” As she continued to massage Amy’s feet, she smiled. “You know, you told me that my feet were soft and cute, but you clearly don't give yourself enough credit. What is your secret, Amy Rose?”
“Occasional spa treatments,” Amy blushed. “Though… you could give their masseuses a run for their money.”
“Perhaps I should stick around for a bit to judge them for myself. If that would be alright with you. I’d hate to intrude. No honor in that.” Blossom said.
“I wouldn't mind,” Amy replied. “Maybe we should take a few days to relax before we set out to find your people.”
“We?” Blossom asked, halting the massage.
“What, did you think I was going to send you out on your own?” Amy shook her head. “We’re in this together, Blossom. I saved your life, it’s only right that I help you find your people.”
“Amy Rose…” Blossom stood as she began to tear up again. “You do me too much honor… I can't possibly repay you…”
“Aw, Blossom,” Amy stood and gently took Blossom’s hands. “You don't have to repay me. I'm helping you because I like you and helping people, especially people we care about, is what heroes do,” she gently brushed the tears away. “If anything, you do me the honor by being my friend.”
Suddenly, Blossom leaned forward and kissed Amy. Amy was surprised at first, but as the kiss set off fireworks in her brain, she let her eyes close as she kissed back. She felt Blossom wrap her arms across her shoulders, so she wrapped hers around Blossom’s middle.
When Blossom pulled back, Amy was almost disappointed. The two opened their eyes and looked at each other, emerald meeting sapphire.
“Amy Rose, I… I didn't know how else to thank you for the honor you've shown me.” Blossom whispered shyly.
“Shhh…” Amy gently ran a hand through Blossom’s head fur. “You don't have to explain yourself. I liked it. A lot.”
Blossom smiled a little. “Then will you do me the honor of doing it again?”
“And again and again for as long as you want,” Amy promised before leaning in for another kiss. Blossom happily acquiesced.
When the second kiss parted, Blossom rested her forehead on Amy’s. “I love you, Amy Rose. I am yours.”
“I love you too, Blossom.” Amy went in for a third kiss but was stopped by her stomach growling.
Blossom giggled. “I suppose I should get started on dinner, then. What are you hungry for?”
“Just a good salad will do.” Amy requested.
Blossom smiled. “A fellow vegetarian. What are the odds?”
Amy chuckled. “Kinda makes me wonder how things would have worked out if I was in love with Sonic. He loves his chili dogs.”
Blossom pulled a disgusted face. “In my village, such a hedgehog would be regarded as a savage.”
Amy laughed as she followed Blossom into the kitchen. “He’s also a brave and noble hero,” she pondered something for a moment. “And he’s been around Mobius a time or two. Maybe I should give him a ring and see if he knows anything about the whereabouts of your people.”
Blossom nodded as she searched for a salad bowl and tongs. “Is he respectful?”
Amy nodded. “He may be a bit of a glory hog who can be full of himself, but at heart, he’s a loyal friend. I think you’d like him.”
Blossom rolled her eyes. “If you say so. When will you call him?”
“Tomorrow,” Amy hugged Blossom from behind and rested her head on the red panda’s shoulder. “Tonight is about us.”
“I like the sound of that.” Blossom said with a smile.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Who will read?
Stories I have planned to write:
1. Sonic and the Chaos Seas (Sky and sea Pirate AU) - Much like the amazing prompts I did, I have an idea for a Sonic Pirates AU, much like my Medieval AU- where Sonic is the captain of the Bablyon Jewel, which houses the Master Emerald stolen from Angel Island... buuuut since it’s Guardian can’t part with the Master Emerald, and can’t seem to convince Sonic to turn the ship around, Knuckles joins piracy... unwillingly. Tails is his first mate, who is a genius with the ship’s ancient technology, except that Jet and Storm refuse to leave their family heirloom, as Jet is the rightful owner of the commandeered ship. They need the Master Emerald to locate, which Tails’s machines, the 7 emeralds to prevent the terrible ‘Tsunami of Skies’ event depicted in Silver’s future scrolls... the day the sky became the sea... and wiped everything off the planet! Shadow was stolen along with the feared Pirate Gerald’s research... and his granddaughter’s wereabouts remain a mystery... after Sonic accidentally wakes up Shadow, he agrees to let Shadow have his revenge on the Royal G.U.N armada who are secretly working for Eggman, who has convinced Queen Elise that he’s gathering the Emeralds for the world’s sake... Captain Rose and her all female-crew have an old score to settle with Captain Sonic, and Team Chaotix have a specific client looking for their rabbit daughter... who they believe was kidnapped by Captain Rose. It’s a journey that races against time..! But Sonic..? a Sea captain..? Nay! A sky-flying pirate who hates the sea but believes in the justice of the free winds! Shall we all head aboard? (Chaptered story, Pirate AU, Some Sonic couples like Sonamy.)
2. Sonic Storybook Series - Consisting of Oneshots of different stories. Travel to the desert land of traded goods and magical artifacts to discover The Desert Jewel (Aladdin), or perhaps travel the woods and find ancient curses with howling results? (Little Red Riding Hood), maybe you’re more a kingdom missing it’s royalty, kinda guy? (Twisted Cinderella) Which ever you preuse in your readings, care to still take the perilous dive into the Books Of Wonder!? Sorry, Sonic... you don’t have a choice. You’re evil doubleganger, born of your friends insecurities, is going to make sure you’re never the hero again! (Series of Oneshots - so multiple story-chapters - some Sonamy lol)
3. Sonic Family - Set in the distance future... Discover a secret deal, arranged out of love, before the nefarious Eggman infuses half his mind with a metallic computer to keep himself from falling to Alzheimer's. However, the machine turns him in-human, and takes over his fleshy-side. Older Sonic has to give up the oath he made so many years ago, and abandon his friends in pursuit of Eggman. It’s a deadly fight, but with the evil-counterpart ripped from Eggman’s head, Eggman finally shows his age... And Sonic is forced to place him in a home for the elderly. “Oh look! A talking hedgehog!” as Eggman is wheeled into the nursing home, Sonic, after so many years away, returns to his family... Only to find it’s a complete mess! His eldest is trying to get his mentor, Shadow, with Sonic’s wife! Amy wants another baby, and if not, then Sonic needs to be a decent father for a change... His second oldest is having fights at school, his third youngest is Tails’s apprentice and doesn’t really know much or care to learn about his father, only racing and science! His littlest is barely on her first word... can Sonic reunite with his friends and form the connection with his family he gave up long ago? And when Eggman’s mind returns to him, placing the last bingo piece into place,... does this mean Sonic’s family isn’t safely hidden anymore!? Find out! In Sonic Family~ (Sonamy and other Sonic Couples story, future AU, chaptered.)
4. Amy Rose Origin Story: The Piko Warrior - Ever wonder where Amy came from? Sonic never bothered to ask... until that is, her past catches up with her. Warriors from an culturally-rich and brutal era have sworn to find The Rose’s Last Line before a dangerous evil finds it first and wipes out the last of the Piko Warrior’s bloodline! But... the Rose’s bloodline is a traitor? Amy Rose was raised by wandering Gypsies that taught her fortunes and tarot cards, right? But you’re wrong... Will Amy tell the secret of her Piko Piko Hammer and finally tell her team of friends the truth about her brutal past? Stay tuned for this, Amy Rose’s Origin Story! (Sonamy chaptered story + Amy Origin)
5. Amy's Judgement (Judgement spirit and King Spirit. FIGHT! lol) - Unaware of her orphan past, Amy simply wants to spend the rest of her life chasing Sonic and being apart of his world... but the Gods deem otherwise. When the team discover an ancient spirit haunting the world with his undead army, it’s only up to Sonic to connect with the Spirit King, the most powerful soul in all the afterlife, in order to acquire the legendary power to fight with Spirits! (In the flesh, it’s no good!) However... The Spirit King seems to hate Sonic,... but why? And why does he look so sorrowful when seeing Amy Rose? Will the team discover their families they’ve never really known in the spirit world? Find out, in this devastating war of the living and the dead! (Chaptered story, everyone’s origins revealed, moderate Sonamy.)
6. Yugioh OC story (Will give official name later) - While Atem is enjoying his afterlife, Mana admits that there is something missing, but perhaps without it, he could continue on in blissful ignorance, but it’s not enough for Atem. Learning that there are Cursed Millennium Items that were thrown from the first batch, the Ring being cursed in secret, he rises from his rest through the Millennium Puzzle, returning to his Partner to seek his aid. Yugi is elated to see his old friend, but deeply concerned. Atem has many enemies now... and old rivals who will take advantage of this situation. Atem must recover the parts of his memory that were sealed away in the cursed items... Then they hear singing? Join this remarkable quest as the old gang gets back together to find the missing items, stop an evil Egyptian witch, and discover the missing power of the Millennium Heart, which can bring monsters and spirits... to life! “The Falcon shall find the split Dove again...And carry it’s heart to the seeking Anubis. Only then can eternity be completed, and the Pharaoh at last, rest with all his lost souls.” (Yugioh characters x Many OCs and just epic dueling lol chaptered story, it’s also just a story not all about romance XP)
7. Amy Rose's Fanfiction (Headband and puppet universe.) - When Canon Amy Rose begins to wonder if she’s satisficed in her universe, a unique opportunity presents itself... grab Chaos’s brain and create her own universe! Without knowing how she did this, the gang is informed from Tikal that Amy has created a separate universe, and they must unite with the many other universe’s to find her and get her back! However, Amy Rose creates a Fanfiction Universe with ‘puppet’ forms of her friends. Enjoy the story of Amy Rose trying to live out her dreams and fantasies through Puppet Amy Rose who begins to see suffering and fights the control of her Canon-counterpart. Can they convince Amy to return to the Canon that needs and misses her? Only by jumping from Comic, Boom, Anime, Classic, and Game universes can Tikal stretch out her power through Chaos Control and find Amy... somehow bringing her back or convincing her to return to where she belongs! (Chaptered story with adaptations of Sonamy: dark sonamy, sonamy au, modern sonamy.)
8. Softer Shades (shadamy) - Yall already know lol. Chaptered Shadamy story.
                                          Which would you read?
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meiluka-enthusiast · 4 years
Curtain Call part 3
--Thursday, November 1st, 20XX--
All of us get up early to pack the next morning. Although we aren't leaving until after lunch, we need to make sure everything is shipshape.
Asuka and Hinata are renting us a bus for transportation. We have to pack canned or nonperishable foods to eat, since we won't be staying in any hotels and won't have enough money to always eat out.
I get my suitcase from its place in the closet and look at the packing list I have on my phone. Choosing outfits is easy, it's deciding what extra things to bring for entertainment that's hard.
Once I finish packing, I head downstairs for breakfast. The others are already there, except Meiko. For some reason I feel uncomfortable when she's not around. Maybe it's because I trust her more than the others. We grew up together, went through the same things.
I sit down at the table and run my fingers silently over my earrings. One memory of Meiko that I always recall is the first time we escaped from our captor. I remember running after her in the rain to an abandoned summer camp that she used to go to when it was in business. She stopped in front of one of the burnt-up cabins and I remember how much she cried. She always said that camp was the only place she felt safe.
I am torn away from my thoughts as I feel someone cover my eyes and chuckle. I can tell by his stronger voice who he is. "Good morning, Gakupo." I say as he takes his hands away. His eyes seem to smile in the morning sunlight coming through the window.
"Did you sleep well?" He sets a cup of coffee in front of me and takes a seat beside me.
"Yeah, I slept well. You?" I sip the coffee and close my eyes.
"Snug as a bug in a rug," he chuckles and then walks off into the kitchen.
As I look off into the hallway, I feel my face go red. Even in her old T-shirt and athletic shorts, Meiko is beautiful.
"Morning, everyone. Morning, Luka." She places a soft kiss on my cheek and then plops into the chair beside mine with a grin. "What's poppin'?"
I hear Miki laugh from the kitchen. "Meiko, nobody says that anymore!" Daina calls. I can't help but laugh along with them. Even Flower, who usually looks like she wants to kill us, is smiling.
Everyone seems to be dressed in a casual way, or in their own quirky sense of style. Flower is wearing a white blouse and grey shorts with suspenders from one of her songs. Dex is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a band tee. Daina and Miki are matching, both wearing a teal top and white cutoff shorts. SeeU and Piko are wearing their usual outfits. Kaito is wearing a navy blue T-shirt and brown pants, Gakupo is wearing a gray shirt and jeans, and I'm wearing a pastel green tunic and black leggings.
Breakfast is quieter than normal, as everyone is thinking about what they're doing. Dex, Miki, Daina and Flower are staying home because apparently they get bad travel anxiety and would rather chill than tour. The rest of us are leaving this afternoon, excited.
As soon as we finish breakfast, Asuka and Hinata knock at the door. Meiko stands up and lets them in quickly.
"Good morning, everyone! Before we begin loading up, I have an important announcement!" Asuka calls. "Dex, Daina, Flower, Miki. You four are leaving Curtain Call."
The four of them grinned and stood. Dex cleared his throat. "Sorry guys, I just don't think we're cut out for music." He smirked a bit and led the other three out of the house.
I frowned. Dex seemed...mean. It was quite surprising, as he had always been at least okay to all of us. I guess he was tired of who we were...but, I mean, why quit being a Vocaloid? Then again, he was never too interested in singing.
If they had just been going to join the normal Vocaloids, I bet SeeU would have gone with them. The only reason she's still in Curtain Call is because Piko needs her. Part of me is disgusted at that, but I shouldn't be...because I feel the same way about Meiko as Piko does about SeeU.
"Luka! Quit staring into space like that!" SeeU giggled. I looked up, taken away from my thoughts, and sighed.
"May I be excused?" I spoke quietly, standing up and picking up my plate.
"Go ahead." Gakupo smiled at me. "I'll put your dishes in the sink."
I nodded and went out of there, into my small bedroom. I opened my suitcase and double-checked that I had everything I needed. Once I was sure, I zipped my suitcase and took out my backpack. All I needed was my cards, some books, and my coloring/sketch book.
It didn't take long to finish packing. I sighed and curled up on my bed, looking at the photo on the nightstand. It was a photo of me and Meiko when we were little, petting a kitten we'd found in the park.
There's a knock on the door and Asuka pokes her head in. "Hey, Luka. Everything okay?" She comes in and sits down by me.
I nod. "Everything's fine. I just needed to finish packing."
"Okay then. Can I load your stuff in the RV?"
"You rented an RV?"
"It belongs to Hinata's parents."
I shrug. "Go ahead. I'm coming out anyway." She nods and picks up my bags, carrying them out of the room. I follow a bit later, messing with the black-and-teal bracelet on my wrist.
"Everyone ready to go?" Hinata calls from the door to the garage.
"Ready!" I call. The four of us head outside and get in Asuka's van. Hinata will be driving his car behind us, with the RV in tow. Kaito will be going with him to help with navigation. The only one still missing is Meiko.
I turn back to the house just in time to see her exit. She looks beautiful. Her earrings were golden in the sun. She's dressed now, wearing a white tunic with black leggings and a rose pin in her hair.
As she locks the door, she grins at all of us and runs to join us by the van. Seating arrangement was done easily. Gakupo sat in front with Asuka, Piko and SeeU in the back, and Meiko sat in the middle with me.
As Asuka put the van in drive, I felt a wave of anxiety. I had people that I needed to see. Or did I?
No. I didn't. Not since a few years ago. And hopefully never again.
I never wanted to do anything like that. I never wanted Meiko or Gakupo to do it either.
I hate what we've been through. I hate it desperately. I know Meiko does too, because she'll talk to herself about it. She tends to talk to herself often, more so when she's mad. I feel bad for her, because she has such strong emotions and doesn't know how to express them. I don't know how to express myself either, so I just keep quiet.
I hear the others having a conversation about friendships. Talking about the benefits and drawbacks of things, or past friendships.
All of a sudden, Meiko turns and snaps at them. "Friendships are overrated and stupid. And even when you do have someone you really trust, when you really need them they'll fucking betray you."
Everyone turned to her. "Shut up Meiko, we were just talking. You didn't need to ruin it by being such a bitch." SeeU hissed.
"Fuck off, ASSHOLE," Meiko shot back.
"G-Guys, let's not fight..." Piko murmured.
"I agree with Piko," I say softly. It brings everyone back to silence.
That night, I lie awake on the pullout couch in the RV. Meiko snores softly next to me.
I just can't sleep. Maybe I'm nervous about our first performance tomorrow...or maybe I'm scared our group will fall apart. I sigh and try to clear my mind, rolling over and turning my back to Meiko. I'm tired of being clingy and shy...weak.
Maybe I can be stronger, just maybe...
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
give me ur opinion about wakabayashi
      « ♬ » ; ❝Wh...white haired anime boy...❞
 Called it.
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Hi I'm really enjoying ready a lot of your prompts. I'm not sure if you have answered something similar before but my question to you is if you could explain why do you think Amy is in love with Sonic and possibly why do you think Sonic 'might' like Amy in return. Thank you so much and I really appreciate it if you could answer these questions.
I would love too! It’s been a long while, so I might as well collect ‘new evidence’ right? :)b Also, thank you so much! I’m sorry everything is on shutdown (except Commissions! Rules link: x Pay link: x ) but I’m always excited to write a prompt when I get around to it! lol
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Let’s start with the beginning. According to her creator, Amy was made with many “Fingers in the pot” and one of the main traits he mentioned was that he wanted Amy to be cute and have her focus set on Sonic. Since Sonic is always moving towards the next adventure, not really focused on anything else, he needed someone who would be completely concentrated on him. In Japanese culture, devotion/loyalty is an endearing characteristic, and it’s clear that Amy exhibits a sole fidelity to Sonic. This was intentional but perhaps mistranslated when interrupted by American culture.
Rosy the Rascal was meant to, based on fan speculation, set up the world’s perception of Sonic. He was famous for his heroic deeds, but in Sonic Adventure, we learn that he never considered himself a hero. He tells Shadow he’s just a guy who loves adventure, and according to the Canon Timeline, Amy was the first ‘friend’ Sonic ever had. His first ‘saving the damsel’ act, that defined a hero (especially in those time periods) was set up by him saving Classic Amy Rose.
She, therefore, has a small backstory explaining how she admired his heroism, used Tarot Cards to find out where to meet her ‘destined’ and was soon kidnapped and rescued by him. This only solidified her feelings for him, showing that not only did Sonic have a fan, but now he had a devoted self-proclaimed girlfriend in the process as well.
It was important that Amy was ‘self-proclaimed’ because besides being ‘shy’, Sonic is also not one to demonstrate a lot of emotion. This correlates with the ‘cool’ image that is reflective of Japanese young heroes. So, Amy set up that Sonic was a popularly recognized hero and even had fans, but she also revealed that most found Sonic attractive in his deeds and personality. “He’s so cool!” kind of stereotype. But besides being a rising star, Amy fell in love with him for his good deeds and risking so much to save her.
This is stage 1, let’s move on through the timeline.
As Amy kept reappearing (after Sonic met and befriended Tails and even Knuckles) she asserted herself into his circle to be closer to him. She gained a new strength, the Piko Piko Hammer and drew new expressions out of Sonic that normally wouldn’t have been seen before. Because Sonic doesn’t show many personal emotions, Amy has emotion enough to spare between the both of them. It’s relevant that this behavior, common in Japanese anime stereotypes, is frowned upon in the American fandom, but it’s actually praised and regarded with admiration in the Japanese fandom.
Another Sonic official on Twitter stated that if Sonic didn’t have a boy’s heart(A.K.A, wasn’t a young boy), he would probably choose Amy. I believe that’s because “The one who stays in the race, finishes the race” is true in this regard. Because Amy chases Sonic (A healthy part of any romance) she is constantly there (In sight, in mind.). So it’s safe to say one of the reasons Sonic could be more fond of her than he lets on is because he recognizes that she’s always there. She won’t abandon him nor her feelings for him. This level of devotion is praised in Japanese culture, and I would imagine he reciprocates this.
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He rewards her efforts for this loyalty time and time again. Not only by saving her, but by also allowing her to do as she pleases. He never really goes against her. He never fights back with her. In fact, in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 battle, directly resulting after the Classic Era, it shows Sonic’s consideration for her feelings.
“Amy…. Take care of yourself.” In the Japanese version, Sonic pauses a considerable amount of time as Amy expresses the horror of his supposed sacrifice to protect her. He gives her one last cool pose, preparing for whatever may come, and reveals that in his heart–he felt it was his job to take care of her.
This correlates with Classic Sonic’s feelings, although not fully expressed in words and mostly done through deeds.
Amy’s feelings only grow stronger after this point, resulting in her being even more forward about wanting to marry Sonic, as it is her way of saying she’ll be his forever, and love him for all eternity. It is stated by SEGA that Amy can never get over Sonic, there will never be a ‘another love interest’, though they have explored Sonic being charming to other girls. Due to his already stated ‘attractiveness’ because of his heroic deeds, many girls have swooned over Sonic, and he’s treated this with patience and a heroic smile. He comforts girls, but he always returns to Amy’s side. Why is this? You may say, “Well, it’s because you just said she’s devoted to him, so he’s returning the gesture.” Well, you’re half-right, but it’s only half the tale.
In later additions, Sonic is shown to also get exasperated with Amy’s overly energetic flirtations with him. It’s actually more an anime stereotype once again, where the boy is embarrassed by the girl’s forwardness. In Japanese culture, the demure girl is praised as the most attractive quality for a woman. Amy is the stereotypical opposite, due to Sonic’s aloof nature, she has to be bold in her declarations of love for him. You can see the ‘demure’ type of girl found in Cosmo, Vanilla, Elise, Shahra, and even some in Blaze. Rouge is the stereotypical ‘older matured woman’ to put it lightly, but Amy is the energetic girl in anime stereotypes, bold and quick to anger or at times bossy.
In a Japanese translated bio online, Amy is stated to ‘cheerfully embarrass men’ which is shown in many incidents in Sonic X and the video games. In this regard, we could deduce that Sonic silently enjoys the praise as well as reciprocates her devotion. She loves him because he won’t hesitate to do what’s right (Heroism) and always follows his heart (cool and willful personality) while Sonic stays relatively close (in spirit) and is always devoted to protecting or being there for her.
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These are the biggest traits that define Sonic and Amy’s feelings for each other. Mostly demonstrated in Sonic X, we see Sonic returning home to Amy, their telepathy ability when Amy is thinking hard about Sonic, and revealing that Sonic was thinking solely about rescuing her. We also see it in Sonic saving Amy from drowning, and Amy diving in to save him from the Metarex. There is also stated attraction on Sonic’s end for Amy during the ‘dress’ scene (But Amy is canonally stated to be a ‘pretty girl’, which is subtly expressed in the Video Games as well. Silver stating this world is beautiful, but pausing to blush and look away when Amy tilts her head while the sun highlights her is just an example. Sonic flirting with The Lady of the Lake and having a date with Amy is another example from Sonic’s POV.)
So, to conclude this little essay, I’ll say that the real answer is- “Sonic returns to Amy because she’s his perfect match. Her devotion is of course included in the mix, but it’s also because she expresses her feelings for him so openly, it’s touching how she’ll risk everything for him and he would willingly do the same.” They both care so much in such different ways, and the different ways they express it is perfect for how the other wants to be loved. Sonic doesn’t always like the forward attention, but he appreciates that he never has to question her devotion to him. Amy loves Sonic because although he’s shy, he finds ways to still show he cares deeply about her.
Although these two are still very much children, they have a foundation of mutual fidelity and trust that can’t be broken. (Sonic won’t destroy Omega, Sonic protectively defends Amy against Jet, and Sonic accepts Amy’s bracelet for him, A.K.A shows he accepts her feelings for him.)
Many in the fandom argue that Sonic can be inconsiderate of Amy’s feelings, which is true. He’s still a young boy and makes mistakes, but there is supportive evidence to suggest he does this in the presence of Eggman or others. I also support the theory that he doesn’t want her to get hurt because of him, so he keeps his distance during crowds, but as it is often player choice, he also goes on dates off and on with her from time to time.
In conclusion, these are just some things that result in Amy’s love and Sonic’s crushing. I say ‘crushing’ because Sonic isn’t quite fully there yet. He’s devoted but rarely speaks his honest opinion of her.
Even Omochao states in Sonic and Mario Winter Olympic’s: “No one knows if Amy is or isn’t Sonic’s girlfriend or not.” He never tells. Could this be because of his fear of her getting hurt by his enemies? Or his shyness? Possibly the fact that he never does say how he thinks about Amy?
Ever notice that?
But he constantly thanks Amy, and I think that subtle, “Thanks, Amy. I appreciate it.” Is honest. It may not be “I love you” but it’s something along those lines. Amy’s “Marry me!” Is her way of saying it, but moreover, what she wants to say is– “I don’t want to give you an ultimatum, because how you live your life is wonderful! But at least let me and my love for you be a part of it!” Which I believe he does return in full freedom of allowing her to love him in the way that suits her best.
He may refuse her advances, but he never has refused her heart.
She may not like it when he doesn’t consider her feelings, but she will always believe in him.
This is what I believe Sonamy is today.
There is plenty more, but I believe this is what needs to be stated, and perhaps this is too long already, so that’s how I’ll leave it for now ;) Thanks for the ask!
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