cvo2v2 · 9 years
cvo2a: $
$ for a lying text
02月 04日to: len
00:21:43 ▸ we’re out of frosted flakes00:21:16 ▸ can you get more00:23:39 ▸ were out00:24:11 ▸ it wasnt me
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cvo2 · 10 years
PUNCHES U -cvo2a
          — { ♪ } ❝You can’t do that, you’re me…?!!1❞
                               To some degree at least;                                — but then again, maybe that’s why he did it?
                                 What a weird world.
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crv1v3 · 10 years
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                       ♛ . ❝Len-kun, be nice to your counterpart, or else you're grounded.❞
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
uhh you're like a cool person to be with yknow. i don't want you to change for anyone. -yellow ranger
before 2014 ends, inbox me one thing you’ve always wanted to know or say to me. 。* ヽ( ´⌔ ` ⑅ )ノ *✲゚*。
     awh… check it out. mr. yellow ranger has a soft spot too, huh?     he’s a weird one, alright. what a kid.
                         > pff same to you. only change for yourself, lil bro.                            also you owe me a new tin of pudding because i                            kinda did clean up the room haha on u, i told you                            i could do it, ohohoho, rinrin out \m/
                                                            — love, defender of justice & pce                                                       overlord supreme kagawryyn ranger
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
birthday kiddo:
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       he’ll give her a chance…
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         "——birthday!!"                           ne, ne, let's do this thing!
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
Battle me in DDR and I might consider coming back (again)
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
Is that how you summon me
      « ♬ » ; ❝Heh..❞
                                     ❝..—-It's some form of that.❞
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
gives u omelette with the word 'loser' written from ketchup
      « ♬ » ; Nonchalantly using the ketchup bottle to squirt                        the words 'len is' before the, uh, other term.
                                 (everything is smeared now, but whatever, thanks for the meal, loser)
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
CAN I SEND URL THat is the meme
send a url and ill say stuff
u are the meme, lame-o
Do I Follow Them?: 
Do We Role Play?: 
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: 
YEAH ALL THE TIME TBHyoure 1/2 the reason im kagamine rin tbh, i love i love i love
An Plot/AU Idea For Our Muses: 
akldfs;dsjafklasdjlkf pranks with tetochan, escaping meikonee, late night dares, recovering from horror movies, screams also rin finding out who len likes, idk len-rin-miku things, tbh anything
A Song For Our Muses: 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that one revolution song bc the kagamines will take over one day omg ww
Do I Ship Our Muses?: 
no but that doesn’t matter because they have this rlly unbreakable counterpart-bond where he knows the most about her and they both understand each other more than anyone else, and they can prank each other and laugh it out together (most times at least), and tbh to rin, that’s more than a ship nd more than just a friendship, she kinda rlly loves everything he does for her and puts up with but she wont say it out loud ever ehue
What I Think About The Mun: 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love you and your writing and punches thru 250 walls, youre great, youre great, i love talking to you even if i usually have to go to sleep in the middle of it ahaa sorry about that but youre super nice and fun to talk to and i enjoy all conversations yeah!!
Overall Opinion: 
when we take over the world (or do something cool at least, im flexible), ill buy us a cake to celebrate and you can get the first slice if tetochan doesnt fly in too because i love you and your blog so much, everything is precious, tbh lens blog is my favorite, look how cool we are with matching icons (and rinchans chest is her icon nice choice)
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 5000000 omg
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
its dio brando
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
whats the second word huh
      « ♬ » ; ❝It's a secret..~❞
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
♦ uh yeah u know
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
      « ♬ » ; ❝. . .     . . .      . . .
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
aRE YOU LOSING ( cvo2a )
      « ♬ » ; ❝Nope, but my counterpart is..~❞
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
      « ♬ » ; ❝Oi oi—-!!❞                   She hates Kagamine Len.
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                      ❝..If you back down, you lose, got it?❞
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
puts cvo2a here like how dio brando slams a steamroller to u
call me cool first and then ill do it loser
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cvo2v2 · 10 years
give me ur opinion about wakabayashi
      « ♬ » ; ❝Wh...white haired anime boy...❞
 Called it.
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