#;;hi babybel
boypussydilf · 1 year
it even affected jake sisko
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
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"No - Char, we already have cheese at home." You huff exasperatedly, trying to prevent your daughter's little fists from going at the babybel in the supermarket fridge for the third time in the two minutes you've been lingering in the dairy produce aisle.
"Red cheese!" She shrieks in protest, one of her hands clinging to the rumpled fabric of your dress, the other practically clawing at the glass of the fridge for her favourite cheese - cheese which you've got an abundance of at home.
Her little shopping trolley, which she insisted on having, overflows with snacks and the few essentials you'd needed to make dinner tonight, but mostly snacks. You'd only realised this morning that your fridge was almost entirely void of any sort of appropriate, adult dinner ingredients - a realisation you're glad happened this morning and not later, seeing as Simon was coming for dinner this evening for a not date but not not a date. Whatever that means.
You're pretty sure he's just trying his best not to freak you out - to ease you into the feelings blossoming in the space between you like a frightened animal. When you'd invited him for dinner? That had been an attempt at showing him that you wanted him, wanted to see his broad shoulders and messy blond hair in your apartment, as opposed to across the hall from it.
Another petulant little yell forces you from your thoughts, only to realise that Charlotte's petulance is actually excitement, something having caught her attention so much that she goes toddling off as fast as her little legs will carry her. "No - Charlotte!" You plead, trying to scoop her up before two massive, tattooed arms beat you to it.
"Easy, tiger." That deliciously rumbly accent soothes both Charlotte's excitement, and the worry roiling in your stomach. His eyes don't so much as relax you, rather melt you completely, until you're sure to be just a fleshy puddle on the linoleum supermarket floors. "Simon." You state dumbly, voice robotic and slightly detached as you take stock of the past few moments of having been on autopilot.
"Fancy seeing you here." He croons, slinging Charlotte to sit on his hip in such an easy manner - unfairly hot. Although, everything he does is unfairly hot. He's unfairly hot.
You're convinced your brain must've melted and dribbled out of your ears in the few steps from the cheese to the butter section of the fridges, because you're so dumbstruck and stupidly confused by his sudden presence (and how utterly fucking sexy he looks caring for you and your daughter with such instinctive ease) that you can't even seem to find your words.
"Charlotte wanted cheese." Is the first, and obviously the most embarrassing thing that comes out of your mouth, and the wry smirk that pulls at his scarred lips has you kicking yourself. Repeatedly. Hard.
"Mm. Course. Gotta get aaall the calcium in to get big and strong, hey Char?" He coos, and you feel as though you might've just died and gone to heaven, because never on earth did you expect, or hope, to see a six foot, semiretired SAS soldier so casually looking after your child as if she were his own.
After a few moments of gawking, and failing to hide said gawking, you reluctantly part ways with Simon, realising that not only do you need to get Charlotte to bed, clean the house, make dinner and get ready - you realise that you need to look good.
And put on fresh bed linen. With absolutely no ulterior motives in mind at all whatsoever. None.
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mobbothetrue · 2 years
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Baby boy liked his birthday cake :)
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OOh car cheese
MY DAD?????????????????
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qwimblenorrisstan · 3 months
Candles and Cuddles | Azriel x Reader
Summary: You take Azriel to get a personal wax mold of your hands intertwined, and after overcoming insecurity, settle into each other’s warm embrace.
Word Count: ~ 1.3k
Warnings: Mentions of past injuries, scars, insecurities, fluff, nothing bad.
A/N: Really liked writing this, hope you enjoy it <3
Requests are open!
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You had originally gotten the idea when you’d seen all sorts of cute pictures of couples getting wax molds and melts of them holding hands in a heart shape or fingers interlocked. It was, in your opinion, positively adorable, and so you decided to drag your mate along with you for this particular adventure.
“What, pray tell, are we looking for?”
Azriel’s deep voice, calm and gleaming with curiosity, spoke softly. His head was tilted slightly to the side as you walked excitedly down the bustling streets of Velaris, your soft hand holding his larger, scarred one and pulling him gently along.
The children played in the streets, vendors calling out their prices as some roamed the streets with baskets of fresh products or supplies to try or test, hopefully, to lure in some customers. It was a warm evening, a cool breeze blowing through that lifted the autumn leaves to stir around your feet, only to settle in piles before being further blown away, or gathered into piles as the children jumped into them.
“It’s a surprise, Az, you’ll know when we get there!”
You said, being drawn into the direction of one street corner by the warm light coming from the building, only to find exactly what you were looking for with a quiet sound of triumph.
A small smile graced Azriel’s face as he peered down at you curiously, studying your happy smile and the twinkle in your eyes, one that spoke of joy, and an innocence he would gladly protect with his life.
“You’re going to love this, it’s so cute.”
You said, eagerly entering the store hand in hand with him. He ducked to avoid the top of the doorframe, wings folding in tightly to not disrupt anything inside of the small business. His shadows curiously observed and watched, taking in information on the surroundings on instinct.
There was a small desk at the front with a woman who he assumed was running the main operation, and to the left of it in another open room were pots full of different colored melted max, with a few other people already dipping a dry white base into it to make their own custom candle. It looked..intriguing, he would admit. He was ashamed that he’d never come to see all these small thriving businesses in Velaris.
“Come on!”
You said, bursting at the seams with excitement as you paid the woman up front and eagerly pulled him along to the wax room. He’d been so caught up in thinking he’d missed your entire conversation with the other female. Oops.
He patiently followed along, until you were both standing in front of a blue wax pot, a deep, rich blue like the siphons he had. Blue was a nice color. Maybe even his favorite.
“See? We dip our hands in together, and it makes a wax outline we can keep.”
You explained, beaming up at him. He returned the smile, a warm one spreading across his lips as he intertwined his hand with yours.
“I understand, love.”
He replied, waiting for you to begin moving first before submerging both of their hands in the melted wax, letting it sit a bit before pulling it out and dipping it again, and that went on for a few more layers until both of your hands were covered in a thick layer of blue dried wax, about the consistency of a babybell cheese wrapper.
A worker came over and helped you both get the wax off of your hands, leaving the mold of your hands together before the worker spoke up. It was a male with short brown hair and ghoulish skin, and distinctly Fae eyes in a shade of chocolate brown. Maybe a mix between a ghoul and Fae? The shadows seemed to think so as well.
“We could use the wax mold to make a quick concrete markup?”
He offered, at which you eagerly nodded.
“I’d love that, how long would it take?”
You asked, at which the worker simply waved a hand.
“Not long, only like, five minutes. We got a new concrete mix, the stuff works like magic! I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t some sort of enchantment on it…”
The worker went on, before seeming to realize he was rambling and giving a little chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’ll have it ready for you in five, just take a seat somewhere.”
He said, gesturing to some of the seats in the small business area, before walking off to the back room with you and Azriel’s wax mold in hand. You both went and sat down next to each other, and he tried to pull you on his lap. You gave him a look. He only smirked.
“What? Shouldn’t we save space for any other potential weary customers?”
He asked with a playful tone, still smirking, at which you laughed and shook your head in fond exasperation, finally sighing and sliding onto his lap.
A few minutes later, the worker returned, the wax mold gone, but with concrete of you and Azriel’s hands intertwined together. He smiled and gave it to you, and after paying a bit extra for the stone structure.
After walking back home, and a short flight, you triumphantly set the stone structure on your favorite bookshelf in a space with good visibility.
“Don’t you love it?”
You asked Azriel with a happy grin, leaning back into him. He nodded, but when you glanced back at him, you saw a hint of worry and hesitation in his gaze. You turned to face him, wondering what was wrong. Had you done something to upset him? Had the wax made his sensitive, scarred hands start aching?
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
You asked, one hand sliding up to his cheek to move his face so he was looking down at you. He hesitated before speaking. That was odd. He never hesitated much, if ever.
“You don’t think my hand looks a bit…out of place? With all the..scarring against your smooth skin?”
His now tentative and quiet voice asked, eyes studying the structure with a meticulous gaze, picking apart every minor detailing of his winding burn scars the wax mold had picked up, and the contrast of it against your smooth, soft skin. You pulled his gaze back to yours, taking his hands in yours.
“No. Not at all. Your hands are perfect just the way they are, and they look perfect in mine, and they belong there. If you ever start talking about them like that again, I’m revoking hand privileges for a week.”
He raised a brow because of the last statement but seemed a bit comforted by your statement, going to pull his hands away, but you wouldn’t let him, instead going to kiss every inch of his scarred hands until he was a blushing mess, his shadows looking more purple than usual as they crossed and danced around you in an embrace.
“Alright, love.”
He murmured, a small smile gracing his lips as he began gently pulling you towards the bed, a sign that he wanted to go to bed. You laughed softly, relenting as you pulled your bra off from under your loose shirt, tossing it onto the floor as you crawled into bed.
Azriel shimmied out of his leathers and crawled into bed wearing only his boxers, settling under the blankets before wrapping his arms and wings around you in a cocooning embrace, his head in the hollow of your neck, deeply inhaling your scent as he allowed himself to relax.
“Goodnight, Azzie, love you.”
You murmured, already sleepy. He smiled against your skin, shadows dancing before gently settling around you and him, before closing his eyes and replying.
“Goodnight, love.”
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catboymoments · 20 days
I rly hope this doesn’t sound egotistical but. also. regarding the concept of “if my nextgen was an actual show that I ran” I’d still do the thing I mentioned earlier where hyacinth being a Grimwalker and subsequently, of Philip, wouldn’t be outright said or shown at all outside of visual implications at least until like. Much later. But I do think that people would at least catch onto it pretty easily. Like he has magenta eyes and babybel’s face and no magic outside of his palisman or glyphs. And while some people could still argue “he might just be huntlow’s bio kid but he got the magenta eyes because Hunter’s brown eyes r from flapjack!” It’d still be like. Theorized. But I think what they wouldn’t see coming would be why specifically hyacinth was made.
If anything I think watchers would be like “oh maybe Hunter rescued him from belos’s late followers who were trying to resurrect him!” Or “maybe hyacinth was supposed to be belos’s last resort of a Grimwalker!” Only to be hit with, at the right time but in the “casual/natural reveal” way the show does, “Hunter made Hyacinth on purpose. he had a ptsd related episode and wasn’t thinking clearly, but he and Willow love their kid so much for who he is.”
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
Steve closed down his computer after his last therapy session of the day (it was a short day – it’s only three in the afternoon), and swiveled around in his chair to look out the window onto his backyard.
It’s nice out. He could go for a walk around the neighborhood or putter around the yard for a while –  probably one of the last opportunities before the fall weather starts to turn on them.
He knows he isn’t going to do either of those things though. Instead, he’s gonna sit around keeping one eye on his phone because he knows his oldest daughter Moe’s course schedule and he knows she’s about to be heading to her next class which means she’s probably going to be calling him just like she’d done two other times today.
Sure enough, only a few minutes later, Steve’s phone started to ring with a call from Moe.
“Hey,” he said as he answered the call.
“Hi Pop,” she replied, her voice coming through the phone a little crackly, broken up by the sound of wind and city traffic around her.
“You on your way to class?”
“Uh-huh. That chem for engineers course – Pop, you wouldn’t believe the shit that rats get up to in this city. It’s crazy. I literally just saw a massive one dragging a whole bag of those little…you know…the red cheese – well, the cheese isn’t red, it’s just–”
“Babybels,” Steve finishes for her.
“Yeah, those! Pop – an entire bag of Babybel cheese being dragged down the street by a rat," Moe exclaims before immediately heading down another tangent.
Two months into Moe’s freshman year of college, Steve thinks she might be a little bit lonely.
She’s always been independent (sometimes to a scary extent, if he’s honest) and she’d handled most of the transition like a champ, but that kind of independence has its ups and downs, and Moe’s never been all that great at the social stuff. Unlike her sisters, she hadn’t had a big group of friends in high school, just a few good ones that she’d made early on in school and stuck with until graduation.
Now, he thinks she might be having some trouble with the whole making new friends piece of moving to a brand new city (goddamn New York City, because these kids won’t let him see a second of peace, and even though he trusts Moe and knows she can take care of herself, Steve still isn’t really in a place yet where he can sleep easy knowing she’s out there on her own).
He knows that Moe will find her people just like he had done years ago. In the meantime, she's been fulfilling that human need for social interaction through lots of calls with him and Eddie (and he'd once even caught Moe and Robbie on a video call together, which he's pretty sure had never happened before).
Steve’s not gonna complain. He’d pretty much drop anything to talk to his kids.
After a few minutes, the background noise coming from Moe's side of the call fades away.
"Okay, I have to go," Moe says, "I might call you later."
"I'm around," Steve replies, because for her (for all his kids), he'll always be.
"'Kay. Love you Pop."
"I love you too."
He waits a beat for Moe to end the call and when she does, he gets up, sticks his phone in his back pocket so he'll know when it rings again, and goes on with his day.
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startagainaprologue · 2 months
Little bit of Ageswap AU writing!!! bit after Babybelle and Babybeau first meeting and llord they r so nervous
{text} -mirabelle
[text] -isabeau
{You had done it..! Sort of!!}
{You had gotten yourself a new ally for your journey!}
{They uh… weren't a defender.. like you had hoped. But they were better than nothing!}
{You glance back over to them.. they were another kid, around your age you think? Although they were a bit taller than you.}
{They were nice back when you talked in Jouvente. But they were also… very quiet. Especially right now.}
{Not that you blame them of course!!! You were quiet too right now. You didn't want to bother… but you should probably say something, right????}
{If they were going to be your ally for the rest of this you should atleast.. try to get to know them, you thought.}
{Despite this thought. You stayed quiet for a few more minutes, quietly trying to hype yourself up in your head to say a word.}
{Finally, you worked up the courage to open up your mouth and-}
{Ohh oh oh no no no wait wait- oh Change-}
{Ahhh oh no no did you forget to ask earlier??? That's so embarrassing!!!!}
{Well you couldn't ask now could you??? It's too late for that now!!}
{Ah… but you kind of had to didn't you… It'd be even MORE embarrassing to not know their name even further from now, right??}
{You took in a deep breath, okay Mirabelle!! You could do this!!!}
{They turned their head to face you. You stared back uncomfortably for a few moments.}
["WAIT wait- um.. uh. Can you slow down..? I have.. no clue what you just said."]
{They look nervous as they speak.. Change you are messing this up so bad.}
{"R-Right. Sorry.. but uh… I don't think I caught your name earlier? I'm so sorry I guess I just wasn't paying-"}
["…My name?"]
{Their voice was… so quiet. You only barely caught what they said. But it still made you pause.} {They thought for… a good while. Their brow furrowing as they did so. You waited. You didn't want to interrupt.}
["C..Could you call me Isabeau..? And- and um!! He/him..please?"]
{"Of course! Thank you Isabeau, it's.. nice to meet you!"}
{You smile at him, and his eyes practically light up as he looks at you.}
{Oh- Oh Change!!! Is he crying????}
{Uh oh uh oh!! You have to fix this Mirabelle- oh Change-}
{"A-Ah um!! I'm sorry-"}
["Nono no it's.. it's fine.. Thank you.."]
{He reaches up to take off his glasses and wipe away his tears.}
{When he puts them back on, he smiles at you.}
["Thank you Mirabelle, it's nice to meet you too!"]
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vamprisms · 3 months
wizard mouse in his wizard mouse tower (chimney stack with a few loose bricks). pondering his marble. doing spells to make big cheese small sized. this is how they make babybels
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sainamoonshine · 10 months
I love how, when you fill all their needs and establish a relationship of trust, almost all animals I have met have exhibited the following behaviours;
What’s THAT 🤨
What are you doinnnnnnng lemme see 👀
What are you eating????? Can I have some???? 🥺
Pet me yessssss more scritches 😚
Oooooh soft surface. Mine now. 😴
No pets! Only pets. 😡
Like no joke I was expecting this from cats and dogs and bunnies, but our betta fish???? A goddamn fish?????? You can’t stick your hand in the aquarium to move something without him getting all up close to your hand like whatcha doinnnnng and he keeps looking at me when I have food and swimming up to his feeding ring like he expects me to share???? Sir you are a fish. This is a babybel. No you can’t have it??? It’s not for fish??? But he’s all like « but what if… it was for fish… 🤔 »
Idk I just love how curiosity and playfulness are apparently core animal behaviours shared across all species
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padfoot-lupin77 · 3 months
When your mind starts speaking in Percy Jackson characters and it produces something actually funny (I know it starts like that old incorrect quote but bear with me):
P: *bursts in* Annabeth guess what!
A: oh hey what happened to “hello”, “how are you?”
P: hi, hello, Annabeth, guess what!
A: I’m all ears
P: the Babybel wrapper is indeed edible.
A: the fu- no it’s not.
G: *bursts in, out of breath* don’t tell him!
A: *starts laughing* oh I see
P: really, Grover? I didn’t expect that YOU of all people would lie to me about this
A: run me through the conversation, it must have been funny
G: so I was eating a Babybel, with the wrapping of course
A: makes sense, you’re a satyr
P: oh. Oh fuck.
G: and Percy thought that proved his point that the wrapping in indeed edible.
G: and it was so funny I didn’t want to break it to him
A: *facepalms*
P: I trusted you, Grover.
A: but the wrapper is waxen Percy, you can’t eat something waxen
P: waxen. Heh. That’s a funny word. But why waxen. Why not waxy.
A: it’s just the suffix
P: if something made of wax is waxen, something made of, say, fox, is foxen?
G: BAH how can something be made of fox???
P: *covers Grover’s ears* fox skin I mean
G: this conversation isn’t for me *runs*
A: you can’t add the suffix -en to an animal. It doesn’t work that way.
P: yes it does.
A: example?
P: fishen
A: that’s not a word
P: of course it is! Fishen chips, chips made of fish.
P: does the silence mean I’m right?
A: I- No just… Percy, my beloved idiot. That’s fish AND chips.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
pony should embrace his inner whiter white boy and have a huge thing for cheese, specifically babybel cheese
curly doesnt understand it, in fact he hates cheese, and shits on pony for eating it, however he loves playing and molding w that wax cover for babybel, pony gives it to him just to get him to leave him alone about eating cheese
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"Masks can hide a lot.."
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Pairing: Caregiver!Captain John Price + Little!Simon 'Ghost' Riley.
Summary: Price comes up with a creative idea to help support Simon..
Warnings: Not accepting regression, bit angsty, mentioned little!Soap and Gaz, Nicknames (Bud, Buddy, Si)
A/N - An idea due to one of @little-babybell posts!!! <333 I'd like to add that I'm quite tired atm and I'm in quite a bit of pain so this might not be the best but it was fun to write and a good distraction!!!
NOT Proofread
Simon was still getting used to accepting his regression. Now the team were incredible when it came to showing support, even if that was just in the form of also regressing and being protective over Simon as they regressed older, showing him that it was okay to do so. However he just wasn't comfortable.. it didn't matter happen times he was told that "it's okay" he couldn't, wouldn't believe it.
It had been a particularly rough mission. Both Gaz and Soap were surprisingly not regressed however both men had decided that after the drawling mission that they definitely wanted a shower and to go to bed. Ghost wasn't exactly in that situation though. God how much did he want to though. He was sat in his room, gear still on. He rocked back and forward on his bed, dirt and grime crumbling onto the once clean sheets.
Price always checked on the boys after missions. And so after checking on both Kyle and Johnny he knocked gently at Simon's door.
"Ghost? You alright in there?"
A quiet and muffled sob could be heard from behind the door. That was all Price needed to step into his room, quickly closing the door, Simon wouldn't want anyone to see him in this state. Price slowly crouched in front of the crying boy.
"Simon.. buddy.." He paused with a small sigh before speaking again. "Can we get you out this vest..? You don't want all this icky uniform on right now do you?"
Simon nods slowly, lifting his arms in a way to signal that he wanted help. Price chuckled a little before helping him. By the time Simon was dressed into a hoodie (of Soaps) and some joggers he had calmed down a little.
"Do you wanna watch a movie in the living room bud?" Price could deal with the dirty sheets at a different time, right now his priority was keeping Simon calm. The taskforce had a designated living room area so Price was confident that noone other than taskforce members would be able to access the room.
Simon nods and after a bit of coaxing and the two ended up on the sofa.
Simon ended up choosing to watch The Good Dinosaur. As the colourful movie played on the screen Price reached into his pocket and pulled out a plain black pacifier offering it to the small boy. Simon whined, his eyes said he wanted nothing more than to use the Paci but he also couldn't bring himself to use it, he couldn't bring himself to be that vulnerable. Even despite trusting Price with his life.
"Hey Si.. I have an idea.." and so Price proposes the idea of using the pacifier but behind his mask, almost as though using it as a safety blanket. After a moment of thinking about it Simon nodded and slowly took the pacifier from Price's hands, placing it in his mouth and adjusting his mask to make sure it was fully hidden. He ended up nodding off about half way into the film, Pacifier resting in his mouth discreetly.
It was a small step forward in getting Simon to accepting his regression for what it was, a healthy coping mechanism that helped him greatly...
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honeystar112 · 5 months
Incorrect quotes compilation- Part 6 (Ft.Mario)
Smg3: Mario and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us  Smg4: *Sighing* What did Mario do?  Smg3: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...  Mario: Who wants a steering wheel?
Smg3: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Smg4: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Mario: Smad.
Smg3: How's the sexiest person here~? Smg4: I don't know, how are you~? Smg3, flustered: I- Mario, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Smg3: Smg4 and I are having a baby.  Mario: That's gre-  Smg3, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Mario: I'm not that stupid!  Smg4: Mario, you literally ate the wax from a babybel.  Mario: SMG3 TOLD ME IT WAS EDIBLE!
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tricktster · 1 year
Does your boyfriend have a clone that might be interested in dating me? Because that burrito story is adorable
okay i am already seeing a lot of this sort of nonsense in the notes and I would like the record to reflect, before we throw around any more of these “keeper” and “adorable” assessments, that on thursday night this man fucking decided to unexpectedly join me in the shower whilst actively eating a babybel cheese. also he had another unopened babybel and a string cheese in his free hand, which he proceeded to eat.
have you ever witnessed a grown man eating individually wrapped cheeses in your bathroom in the nude at midnight on a work night? is this the life you aspire to?
i’ve already made my decisions but it’s not too late for the rest of you.
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stardustandash · 5 months
Some j:fo headcanons for the day since it’s May 4th, with the theme of secrets.
-Cal can cook, and cook moderately well, but in the “makes a breakfast sandwich by melting babybel and cooking an egg at the same time in the microwave” or “make ramen fancy with a hot plate” kind of things. He doesn’t know how to use the cooker and at this point he’s too afraid to ask. He hasn’t told Greez about this skill yet.
-Greez is the one who loves romance holodramas and books. Cere has walked into him crying over a sappy romance novel in the middle of the night far too many times to count. He always picks up a new one at every stop. With the kids on board it’s now his mission to keep this fact from them, especially Merrin
-Merrin doesn’t like space travel. Or rather it’s fine, but it makes her dizzy and slightly nauseous, like motion sickness. She will never admit this weakness in front of the others and if she disappears to her bunk for hours on end during a long period of travel, they can chalk it up to being a moody teenager, and she will encourage that idea.
-After her first experience at Nur Cere began to have a sort of scholastic fascination with the Sith & their methodology and ideas. When they have a chance she’ll pick up information or books on sith ideology. She doesn’t let the others know, she’s not really sure why she wants the knowledge herself. To rescue Trilla from herself? Or to understand the darkness that always threatens at the edge of her consciousness.
-BD-1 talks to the Mantis. It’s not exactly conscious like he is, but there’s still a ship computer. It still has basic functionality even if it’s nowhere near his level of intelligence. It likes to fly around, be useful. BD-1 shows it the places they’ve been in a way it can understand without eyes. He doesn’t let the others know, because what would they do about it? Greez already babies the ship, and the others take care of it, in their own way. It’s not like the ship has audio and photo receptors to hear or see them talking to it. But the Mantis is BD-1’s friend, and he cherishes it.
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