hairtusk · 7 months
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Boxall House, Lewes, England (via inigo)
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bradfordbuzzard · 3 months
i love their outfits in these three musketeers lorcana cards. especially donald and daisy! my favorite is the amber donald, he just looks so happy
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cometchasinglove · 4 months
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That one scene in Bumblebee (2018), except it’s my Mer AU for my ship with Starscream.
Big thank you to @kusakichan15 for the art! Happy Mermay, guys!
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againstthegrainphoto · 7 months
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yyuangss-main · 1 year
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❝You get separated from the crew for a little while. You’ll return back to them but only after being an honorary member.❞
note ; it’s that time of the month again and this time strawhats’ media makes a comeback for @roronoaswifey only 🗣️‼️ this came out later than i had expected because school and work kept catching up to me 🚶‍♀️but here y’all go, let’s see if i still got it <3
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❝Taglist is now open! Send an ask, dm, or comment to be added! @peachtxa @owlight @roronoaswifey @gorepop @iwritetrashimagines @nintenlu @superboywife @omg-pandabunny-things-blog @kuroaka @bxbyyyjocelyn @gothgf-misaamanee @flamboyant-chaos @whatamidoing89 @hallowliliac @sxftiebee
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bubbysmith · 22 days
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tadpolesonalgae · 9 months
Mer!Azriel x reader: The Dregs of Tragedy - Part 4
A/N: a full twenty minutes of italicising later…
Word Count: 3,848
-Part 3- -Part 5-
The water cools the aching sizzle to your skin, firm, powerful arms wrapped around your waist, a single palm pressed between your shoulder blades.
Eyes crack open, and you suddenly realise you can’t breathe.
Muscles seize, locking as contractions rip through your body, spasming and clenching as you thrash against his constraints. Scarified fingers firmly stroke over your ribs, gills stuttering to life again as air is hauled down into painfully tight lungs.
Moments pass, calming your heartbeat, settling back into the powerful lines of his body, tail brushing idly against your bound legs, still taking care to monitor and measure. The bones in your legs ache, but not as much—little enough you find yourself wrapping your arms around his back, cheek remaining against his shoulder as you’re swept back into the depths of unconsciousness.
When you return to the world, he’s taken you above water, thumbing away mischievous strands of hair that had stuck to your forehead, plastering themselves to your skin.
“How do you feel?” He rasps lowly, forearm kept securely at the dip of your spine.
You blink wearily up at him, wishing to sink back into the water, finding the air too hot, too muggy. “How much longer?” You croak, head ducking into your shoulders, wanting to submerge yourself. “Likely a few more hours until the aches fade,” he responds, “you should stretch. It will help tomorrow, learning how to control your movements.”
That gets your attention, pushing up and away a little, enough so you can peer into his large, onyx gaze, able to see your reflection in his— Good Gods. You watch in the depthless black as fingers trace your skin, watching your own movements, pressing lightly to the lids of your eyes, now as round as his, equally dark. Ears stick from the sides of your head, like spines joined together by a thin layer of skin—similar to the webbed footing of sea creatures.
“It’s over,” he rasps, skin prickling beneath his touch as his hand soothes your back, sensitivity rippling across the area, a feeling of dizziness washing over you with such force you feel winded. His eyes widen marginally, hand snatching away, darting down to your side, vacating your spine hastily. Your pulse beats heavily in your ears, loud enough you could swear you hear the blood rushing. Breaths ease in and out, filling your chest as your heart begins to slow again.
“What’s over?” You manage, mind frazzled from the sudden torrent of sensitivity that’s racing across your skin, feeling tingly but…good. His throat rolls, and you mark it absently, eyes dropping briefly before returning to his, hardly aware of your own actions. He nods his head, and you follow his look. Instead of a pair of legs below you, lies a long, iridescent tail, sparkling with tiny, glittering scales.
You inhale sharply, startling as you automatically try to kick away from the foreign appendage but it moves with you. Azriel’s hands tighten on your hips, the rough pads of his fingers digging into the supple skin of your waist, keeping you from propelling yourself back into the barnacle-covered wall. Shakily, and with immense effort, you manage to still the writhing limb, finally settling to a halt.
“What— When did that happen?” You whisper hoarsely, hands subconsciously gripping the muscle of his upper arms, using him to anchor yourself. “While you were asleep,” he rasps in return. “You slept through it.” The edges of his mouth soften slightly, amusement gleaming in his dark eyes. “But I had hours left,” you argue quietly, “you said it would hurt, and would last until sunrise.”
“It’s past sunrise,” he answers, tail brushing against yours, making it flinch with curiosity.
You blink in surprise. “It’s…past sunrise…?” You repeat doubtfully, making the corners of his soft mouth quirk further. “Recently past,” he corrects, still with that gleam to his eyes.
“So it’s over…” you murmur hesitantly. “I’m not…it’s gone?” He nods, keeping you still in the water. “Are you ready to swim out?” He asks, and again you feel doubt flutter in the fit of your stomach at the raspy tone. “Swim out?” You question, brows fashioning themselves into a skeptical line. “Your muscles will begin aching and cramping shortly if they aren’t already, so it’s best to start using them to familiarise yourself with our movements.”
Not knowing how else to respond, you nod uncertainly—is he going to take you out from this cave?
“Remember to breathe,” he instructs quietly, before pulling you under, the cool sea water instantly soothing the warmth of your steadily drying hair. Gills flutter open, bringing in air via tiny capillaries, and he guides you down through the submerged tunnels. Though he doesn’t speak, you swear you can see amusement in his gaze while he swims leisurely through the water, watching as you gingerly pull yourself along the rock cave, tail occasionally twitching when you move to press your feet into the stone.
When you reach open water, you hesitate, peering out from the safety of the dark tunnel, staring into the open expanse of water before you—nothing but blue.
You flinch, head snapping in his direction, shooting a scathing glare. His laugh echoes in your mind, hairs rising at the nape of your neck, something squirming in the pit of your stomach at the sound. What— How are you doing that? You think warily, fingers gripping tight to the jagged rock. He swims forward, and you instinctively want to shift further back into the cave but stand your ground.
How do you think we communicate underwater? He asks, hand beckoning you forward, out into the open. Doubtfully, you take it, palm pressing to his as you try to wiggle your tail. He blinks briefly, before his mouth softens almost imperceptibly, reaching out his other hand for you to hold.
I hadn’t thought about it, you answer honestly, focus directed on staring down at your tail, trying to connect the muscles to movement. So you can all freely communicate with one another? Anytime you want? You ask, shifting your gaze to meet his.
There are some requirements that need to be met, he replies, but for the most part, that’s right.
Your brow furrows. Why couldn’t you call for help when you were stranded? Surely you could have called for someone?
One of the requirements, he repeats, dodging the question. Curiosity licks up your spine, and you fix your gaze on him. You said we couldn’t have that conversation then, you remind him, but did you know my husband?
I thought we agreed he wasn’t your husband.
Your tail flicks sharply with irritation, sending you abruptly lancing forward. Azriel’s hands tighten on yours before swiftly moving to your shoulders, keeping you in place, moving so he’s slightly below you in the open water. A muscle in your jaw ticks, but you remember to keep your lips sealed shut. Did you know Alaric? You reiterate, fixing your gaze on him. In a sense, he replies casually, large dark eyes locked with your own, intensity simmering within the glittering onyx.
Stop avoiding the question, you seethe quietly, brow tightening. Give me a straight answer.
How about I give you an answer once you’ve figured out how to swim a little?
You glare at him begrudgingly, but relent. It’s not like you can force him to tell you. You’ll just have to go along with him for now. How do I do it? You ask, attempting to shift your tail in the motions he uses.
Azriel’s lips lift at the edges, before he’s shifting below you, hands coming to rest on your waist as if he’s lying on his back. Try just moving slowly, seeing what connects to where. Then become accustom with those movements. You send him a doubtful look, then try what he’s suggested. It sends you tipping forward, hands flying to press against his shoulders, keeping you from knocking him in the head with your own.
No sound enters your mind, but you feel his mirth whisper along your bones, warm and soft. It takes a while, but eventually you’re able to move how you want, but there are so many muscles it’s difficult to remember what goes where.
Now try rolling your tail, he instructs, and you stare at him blankly. Like I do, he reminds, a deep chuckle underlying his words. Azriel shifts again, and his hand brushes across the bare skin of your stomach. You bite back on the instinct to jerk away from the intimate touch. Most of your control will start here, he guides, palm splayed out, your pulse picking up as skin tingles. The muscles that connect to the tendon start here, and near the base of your spine. Then lower are the ones that help with angling your fins.
Before you can clock what he’s doing, his hand has slid lower, past your abdomen, moving to slip between— He pulls away, having spotted the way your muscles contracted. There’s nothing there for you to worry about, he reminds wryly, having you shoot him a heated look, lips pressed tight together. Keep your hands to yourself, you think back, having his own lips quirk.
He releases you, swimming out and away, coming to a stop the distance of about three small fishing boats away from you. Arms open tauntingly, hands beckoning with a gleam in his charcoal black gaze. Come over here, and I’ll answer your question, he challenges.
Are you serious? You snap, already feeling like you’re sinking despite not moving thanks to the air steadily flowing in and out of your lungs. Are you no longer interested? He asks.
Teeth grit together, and you instinctively open your arms to balance, feeling sensitive and overexposed in the water, no clothing concealing your skin from his intense eyes.
Slowly, you begin to shift your tail, moving haphazardly, with quick, jerking movements. This is ridiculous, you mutter, arms flailing as you try to keep in a straight line. You have to learn somehow, he counters, waiting patiently without hurrying you along. Allowing you to figure things out on your own.
After what feels like hours, the pads of your fingers brush over top his shoulders, broad and powerful palms settling around your waist, connecting you together. That was good, he says into your mind, you just need to practice, then you’ll be able to swim freely.
Don’t divert, you reply, staring at him, mind aching from frustration and concentration. His mouth shifts into a faint smile, soft and muted, and you become aware of the placement of his hands. The rough but gentle press of his fingers into the supple skin of your waist. You knew Alaric.
The smile slips away, mouth settling into a serious set. I did.
For how long? You ask, peering up into his onyx eyes.
I’ve known about his family line since humans settled there.
So a long time, you push quietly.
A long time indeed, he replies, signs of amusement long gone. Your brow dips at the seriousness of his expression. What happened? You ask, wariness lacing your tone. His features remain neutral, eyes unreadable, no matter how deep you try to peer into his mind.
Mer are difficult to kill for humans, but not impossible, he begins quietly. The scale he wears around his neck is one I know, and was familiar with. You wait for him to continue, but he seems reluctant to give anymore, and you feel hesitant to push. You have no idea how recent this is for him, only that you first noticed the scale a few years ago. Does time feel the same for him, or is a couple of years similar to mere months?
Was the person special to you? You ask quietly, wary of prodding old wounds.
As special as most of mer are to one another, he answers, as a dwindling species, we have to look after our own and take care of ourselves.
So how did you end up caught in that wire? His expression hardens, skin prickling at the look, unable to remove your gaze from his, a magnetic pull keeping you attached.
They’ve begun lacing wire with a poison that reacts to our kind. A nick alone could be fatal to a child with how badly it reacts with our magic, he explains calmly, ice underling his tone. And that wire had the poison on? You ask, already having guessed at the answer. He nods, and your eyes drop to his throat, voice still raspy from where it had sliced and constricted. It’ll heal, he says quietly into your mind, reading the question in your gaze. Or perhaps you’d already thought it aloud.
I’m sorry that happened to you, you think softly, still watching him silently, unable to look away. The pads of his fingers press a little harder into the softness of waist, but you don’t try to wriggle away. I’m sorry you ended up with a husband like him, he replies, having your features sour. But then they soften a little. I don’t think it was all bad, you murmur. Azriel’s brow narrows, peering down at you.
Don’t try and make excuses for him, he warns lowly, you didn’t deserve someone who hurt you.
I wasn’t going to make excuses for him, you reply tersely, features shifting to match his own before relaxing. But I wouldn’t have gotten out otherwise.
He watches you silently, an indiscernible expression upon his features, something flickering through his gaze at your admission.
Maybe it isn’t all bad.
Much to your irritation, he’d made you swim most of the way back to the cave system, saying it would help to get as much practice in as possible to help keep the aches at bay. At least until your body is fully healed from the sudden change. He’d taken you through another series of tunnels, leading deeper and deeper, going slowly to make sure you didn’t crash into any of the walls.
The cave opens up into a large cavern, and sea water nearly fills your mouth, fighting to resist the urge to part your lips in awe.
Before you is a magnificent cavern, lit by glowing little creatures that stick to the walls, multi-coloured coral scattered across the sandy bottom like a hand-knitted blanket. A beautiful arrangement of aquamarine blues, waterlily pinks, and starfish oranges. Seaweed coats the walls in thick patches, waving like tall grass with the current that passes through the tunnels. Speckled, shimmering fish dart in and out from smoothed out stones littered in mother-of-pearl shells, shimmering like silver as colourful tails flicker with energetic life. Across the floor tiny crabs scuttle, painted a pretty red like the horizon on a clear sunset.
What is this place? You manage to think, eyes darting repeatedly from one side of the cavern to the other, each time picking out new things to peer at and examine. The edges of Azriel’s mouth lift into a smile, and he swims deeper, evidently familiar with the haven. I made it, he responds, passing through a patch of seaweed, small fishes already gathering and moving with him, tiny flashes of silver as they match his speed and direction.
You made it? You echo, staring at him.
Well, some of it was already here, he replies, and you can hear the low laughter in his tone, deep and rich. I didn’t carve the cave out, that was already here. Same as the coral. But the creatures and a few other other things—I brought those in.
You stare in wonder at the cave, so beautiful and thriving with life and an undercurrent of energy. It’s amazing, you think as he swims up to your side, making to bring you further into his world—still at the lip of the tunnel. There’s another cave like this, deeper out at sea, he thinks, and you manage to rip your gaze from the cavern, sensing what he’s about to say is important. It’s called the Rainbow, he says quietly, it’s much larger than here. The coral is thicker, life is more prominent, and the whole place glows.
Eyes blink, trying to comprehend a place more beautiful. Is that what made you want to create this? You question softly, meeting his onyx gaze. The Rainbow? He nods, inky hair swaying with the motion. Come, he says, there are more creatures at the bed.
You don’t have it in you to resist as he swims to be above you, hands gently latching to your hips as he helps guide you lower, able to see more flashes of colour as life becomes apparent. More crabs scuttling, tall and spiralling sea shells that gleam with pearl, strange purple blobs that have a slightly red hue and look gooey and gelatinous. Starfishes are plastered to the rock, colourful plants that look like tubes sticking out while fishes dart about the bed, stirring up wisps of sand.
How long did this take? You ask him, managing to swim lower as he releases you, lips stretching when you peer beneath a rock, finding a red and blue speckled octopus napping in the shade. Centuries, he responds, watching as you explore, pulse thumping in his chest. It’s still developing, and will continue to do so long after I’m gone.
You swim further, selecting a shell to pick up, examining it in the pretty lights, watching how the colours shine across its surface. A red, white, and black striped fish swims past, and you follow after it, using your hands to scale the rock instead of your tail.
Try swimming, he reminds, chuckling. You won’t get any better if you crawl everywhere like that. You shoot him a glare over your shoulder, the fish vanishing from sight in the brief moments you looked away. It’s been less than a day, you snap, pulling yourself along the rock stubbornly. I’m allowed to take a break from practicing. Besides, if I solely use my tail, I’ll end up looking like you.
Looking like me? He asks, mirth clear, and you feel the rush of water as he swims by, dipping behind a nearby rock. Yes, you reply, narrowing your eyes at where you last saw him, but you’re steadily realising there are so many spots to hide, with the large stones, the coral, and the thick seaweed.
And what do you mean by that? He asks lowly, and you look behind yourself, checking to see if you can spot him, the water feeling eerily still without his visible presence. You turn to survey the expanse before you, and he glides up from a dip between the rock you’re perched on, coming to a stop before you, but you refuse to yield your ground. I’m a woman, you say, as if it’s self-explanatory. You certainly are, he replies, eyes gleaming with something that has your skin prickling. Tightening. It takes quite a lot of effort not to pull back, to keep your ground when he’s so close before you. But I don’t understand what that has to do with not being able to move efficiently.
You roll your eyes, stomach fluttering as tiny fishes dart around your hair, brushing against the bare skin of your arms. I don’t need all those muscles, you say as nonchalantly as possible, giving him a dismissive look. Maybe not all of them, he concedes, a faint smile on his lips, pushing forward a little. But some of them, if you want to swim.
Of course I want to swim, you counter, wondering if you imagined him coming forward. Just not now. My stomach hurts from all the movement.
That’s good, he responds, that faint smile still playing on soft lips.
It’s painful, you reply, frowning. I don’t like it.
It means you’ve used them, he says, and you swear he moves forward again.
I suppose I don’t have the best relationship with pain, you think, then blink, eyes widening. The smile slides from his face, and you tense. You weren’t— I just mean pain is pain. Obviously I don’t like it.
You make to turn away, but rough, scarified palms slide overtop your hands, keeping them gently but firmly pressed to the smooth stone, preventing you from breaking off from him.
You don’t have to lie to me, he says, watching you silently, eyes locked with your own, and you once again find yourself unable to pull away. You don’t have to hide it from me.
Because you saw him try to kill me? You manage wryly, fingers pressing against a small group of barnacles.
Because you’re out, he replies, hands sliding to fully encompass your own, thumbs swiping at the skin.
Head dips down, peering at the way his hands have latched over yours. The flecks of colour in the rock, speckled about.
Will you tell me how you got those? You ask, trying to change the subject. His hands tense over yours, and his attention slides downward also, the two of you observing how your palms are intertwined. This isn’t a conversation for now, he says, and you feel more than see his walls building up. Hands pull away from yours, and before you can help yourself you’ve moved forward. Palms shakily pressing overtop his own, reversing your previous position so the pads of his fingers are the ones against the small group of barnacles.
Was it from humans? You ask silently, peering into those deep, dark eyes. Is that why you don’t like us?
I got them from other mer, he replies shortly, but quietly, tension clear in the powerful frame of his figure. Shock sparks in your chest, blinking as you stare at him. A—mer? A mer did that to you? But aren’t those—
Burn marks.
Your throat rolls, and your hands pull away, enough to reveal the scarred flesh beneath. His gaze weighs into you, emotion heavy but you’re unable to pinpoint exactly what it is.
My—… Alaric once set my hair on fire, you admit quietly, peering down at his hands so you don’t have to see what’s in his expression. He tipped the table over, and a candle got mixed up. I had to have it cut short because such a large portion was burned off. Thumbs swipe across the rough skin, how he’d done for you, and you manage to meet his eyes. Depthless and dark.
Peer quietly at the warped flesh, twisted and swollen from the burning lick of flames, sizzled and popped to mould it into what it is now.
You manage to meet his gaze, deep and swirling, like a whirlpool, suctioning you deeper into his mind. I’m sorry that happened to you, Azriel, you think, holding his attention, fingers still settled over his. Something beginning to shift and soften between you. Something quiet and ineffable.
He swallows, but nods briefly. I’m sorry your husband did that to you.
No smile raises your lips, but amusement curls with your tone. Ex-husband.
Right, he returns, something dancing in those onyx eyes of his. Ex-husband.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut
tdot taglist: @mika-no-sekai-blog @blueeclipsepaperstudent @lalaluch @v3lv3tf0x @acourtofbatboydreams @coureurs-de-bois9
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cyclicsilencesys · 16 days
Some tips for headmates with accents from someone with an accent not native to the body:
Start small with pronunciation. It can be as small as just typing how you would say certain things whether that be with slang or forms of abbreviation like this: G'day mates how ya doin'
When you want to start trying to talk verbally, be wary. Sometimes it can be strange and uncomfortable to hear yourself out loud. It might not come as naturally to you as you'd hope.
That being said, again, start small. I found it's easier to just use small inflections at first. It doesn't have to be too heavy, in fact most natural accents aren't always that exaggerated. Implementing small vowel inflections are a good start. You don't have to dive into it head on.
Research your accent! Listen to people who have it natively, research the language if it's tied to one, if you're an introject from a source with voice acting analyze how your source talks and use it to train your voice.
Do background checks on the culture surrounding it and learn the slang. (Disclaimer: I am NOT endorsing cultural appropriation or claiming to be a part of a different culture in real life. In fact that's why I'm encouraging research. Discretion is up to you.)
Look into vocal warm ups! This is important when you're doing any kind of voice training.
Don't be ashamed if you slip up, even after you feel you've mastered it. You aren't any less valid. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to make do with our situations and feel more comfortable living. You can't control it and it's not your fault.
I haven't seen anyone else talk about this much so I decided to share my two cents. Hope this helps someone out there.
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acheronist · 3 months
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don't you know? didn't you hear?? it's strong as fuck ice mummy monday again. ⚰️ @jartnell asked for more liam+jartnell and @petoskeystones asked for silly hockey au
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sultrycomets · 29 days
Steamy Waters
Warnings: 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 710
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Sunlight peered in through the cracks of the alcove. On the rocks, Juniper leaned forward with her knees and palms planted firmly on the smooth, wet surface. Cold, smooth waves lapped at her legs while the salty air swept into her nostrils. Behind her, the merbot pumped his spike into the torn hole of her wetsuit, providing her with the relief she so desperately desired. The lower half of his body remained in the water while the upper half loomed over her tiny body. She could see his claws, creating marks in the rocks beside her. From his own body, droplets of saltwater sprinkled onto her covered spine. 
Her toes curled, and her tits bounced inside her wetsuit with every thrust from him. She moaned, her green eyes glimmering.
“Starscream! Please!”
Above her, there was the sound of breathy, heavy cackles. 
“Begging already?” He lowered himself slightly to whisper into her ear. “What…nngh…more do you want, my scientist?” 
Juniper wailed out in rapture, her head dropping while her red hair dangled over her shoulders. 
“I want…I want you!” She pounded the rocks below her. “I…ahh…want your semen, dammit!” 
Again, Starscream chuckled, swaying his peduncle.
At his correction, she closed her eyes tight.
“Fine! Whatever! Just give it to me!”
Starscream wasn’t just a mer. He was someone mechanical as well. If she listened more closely to her study, she could hear the sound of various clicks and whirrs emitting from his frame. 
“Tsk. How impatient you are.”
He increased the speed of his thrusting.
“Fine, Guppy. I shall…haaah…give you what you want.”
And then, Juniper swore that she could feel his grin.
“Unless, of course…you overload first.”
Using one of his servos, he lifted a claw and drew it down her back, ripping her wetsuit even more. She shuddered at the warm, sharp touch. Due to that very action, her eyes snapped open, and she came. She actually came on his word. Juniper’s pussy rippled around his cock, squeezing it tight before releasing it in rhythm to her orgasm. Stars flickered across her vision as she tossed her head upwards, crying out to the rocky ceiling above her.
“Beautiful.” Starscream withdrew his claws to return them to the rocks, gathering a steady hold. “Moan for me, my darling. Moan only my name.”
Juniper had no qualms. She repeated his name, over and over again, chanting it as though it were the only name that mattered in the world, perhaps the very universe. Once her orgasm passed, the merbot accelerated, his dick plunging just deep enough to cause her intense pleasure instead of pain. 
“Juniper…I’m-” His voice crackled. “Juni…”
He was close. He was right behind her. She noticed it in the way he quickened his pace. Starscream was just as insatiable as she was, and she found that to be very, very attractive.
With a noisy moan of his own, he reached his climax, unloading himself inside her. Hot, sticky seed rushed into her cunt, instilling her with a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. The woman panted, her limbs trembling on the rocks as she forced herself to remain still as could be, otherwise she would slip and fall.
Regardless, Starscream was careful with her, keeping her upright as his peduncle smacked against her ass.
“My Juni,” he growled, “I crave you…”
Tears streamed down her face as she accepted him wholeheartedly, delighted to be filled to the brim by him. She was the scientist, and he was her study. She intended to give him only the best sessions she could ever offer him. 
Once he finished, he lingered in the same position for a moment, heaving and moaning. And then, he retracted himself, finally pulling himself out of her until she was dripping. He slipped back into the water as Juniper plopped down onto the flat rocks. With her belly pressed to the surface, Starscream swam beside her in the water, meeting her gaze. With a burst of strength, he then rested the top half of his body on the rocks alongside her. Smiling, Juniper reached outwards and touched the crimson crest on his helm.
“We should…do this again sometime.”
Starscream nodded, smirking at her and touching her cheek with the tip of his claw.
“Agreed, mammal.”
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Divider Credit: @/inklore
Tagging: @boredandwiredkitty, @theunspeakablehorror, @jokerislandgirl32, @monochromatictoad, @nobodys-party, and @skyler-c!
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foilfreak · 1 year
I think Buggy missed out on a grand opportunity to gaslight the shit out of Luffy about Shanks when they first met in Orange Town. Maybe gaslight isn’t the proper word to use but for the life of me I can’t figure out how Buggy, witness and conspirator to Shanks’ childhood antics in all its chaotic glory, looked at this scrawny little rubber twink who was going on about being king of the pirates and wearing Shanks’ hat and saying shit like “Shanks is the coolest ever, I wanna be a pirate because of him” and the first thing out of his mouth wasn’t “oh I might have some stories that’ll change that, kid 😈”
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cherrytoru · 2 years
when the wind blows aka roger comforting his daughter when she needs him
warnings: fem reader obvs by the title lol, this is really just a self indulgent fix cause i’ve been feeling bad recently and watching the roger flashbacks
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the sea was quiet: a rare sight especially on the grand line. but still there was a certain silence filling the oro jackson. it was painful almost. the normally jolly crew had been shushed as soon as the smile on their captains face dropped, also a rare sight.
“something’s wrong.” roger finally spoke up.
“what’s could possibly be wrong, roger?” rayleigh quipped a small laugh leaving his mouth. roger was not amused by his best friends joke. “roger, everything is fine. it’s just a quiet night is all.”
roger huffed, “maybe i’m just tired.” as if they knew something everyone else didn’t, shanks and buggy shared a look before silently skittering away. taking another sip of his drink, roger glanced around at his crew.
“they head in for the night, not like anything is jumping for your attention right now, captain.” roger nodded in agreement to what gaban had said, setting his mug down and pushing himself up.
“right, i’ll head in then.” with a final nod, he moved towards his cabin.
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when he finally approached the door to his quarters, there stood shanks and buggy firmly blocking the door. “can i help you two?”
“sorry captain we can’t let you in here.” shanks was the one who spoke up, not to much surprise on rogers behalf.
“and why is that?”
“strict orders captain.” buggy nodded while speaking
“stricter than those of your captain?”
the blue haired boy paled a bit but shanks stood his ground, “yes sir, she said she’d kick our asses if we let anyone in until she said we could.”
oh. oh.
it made sense to roger now. not just the boys standing unwavering in front of his door but also why it felt so quiet. “i’m afraid you’re just gonna have to have your asses kicked boys.” they shared a look, “or if you let me in now, i’ll put in a good word for you.”
the two nodded at eachother before splitting ticket roger through. “but if she asks, you fought us to get it! we didn’t give up easily!”
roger laughed slightly and nodded, pushing the door open. “sweetie?” stifled sobs rang out from the corner of the room.
they belonged to a lump in the sheets that quivered every few seconds when a particular loud cry would sound. “no one’s here, go away.”
humoring her, roger sat himself on the floor next to his own bed. “hmm we’ll if no one is here then i guess i can crawl in my bed and sleep then.” he emphasized his words by pressing down onto the wood boards below which let out a strong creaking noise.
“go away, dad.”
“oh so there is someone in here! i got worried there was a ghost for a second!” turning around on the floor, roger lifted the blankets covering his daughter. “what’s got you like this, kid?”
he crawled in next to her, holding her close. she shook her head into his chest. “no. it’s embarrassing.”
“cant be too embarrassing right? would it make you feel better if i told you something embarrassing first to make it feel better?”
“maybe, it depends.”
roger smiled before pretending to think hard about what he was going to share. “let’s see, back when it was just me and uncle rayleigh i spent a dumb amount of time trying to figure out what outfit would be the best to wear incase the marines took my mug. well one day i was take a bit longer than normal and uncle rayleigh walked in on me half naked in this ugly frilly shirt.” Y/N sat there giggling in his arms, “see? makes you feel a bit better about you right?”
she nodded slightly before frowning again, “i miss mom.” roger stiffened. he too missed rouge, it had been a few weeks since they had last seen each other. “see it’s embarrassing!” tears once again threatened her eyes but roger just held her tighter.
“it’s not embarrassing sweetie, i miss her too.” he combed his fingers through her hair, “but we’ll see her soon. we’re on our way back right now remember? and then she’ll be on the ship with us for a while.”
“i know, it’s just. sometimes i just feel like i need someone to talk to and she’s not here and,” she continued to ramble on before roger interrupted her.
“you know you can always talk to me right?”
“well yeah but you’re busy, i don’t want to distract you because of my dumb troubles.”
“nothing you say could be dumb to me sweetie. you’re still my daughter.”
she nodded, “thank you dad.”
“of course.” the pair sat there in each others arms for a few minutes before a knock came from the door. it opened to reveal shanks, buggy, and rayleigh. “how much of that did you guys hear?”
“say Y/N, do you want to see the picture of your dad in that shirt?”
“don’t you dare rayleigh.”
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bradfordbuzzard · 3 months
All Disney Lorcana cards from sets 1-4 featuring Donald Duck
What kinds of Donald Duck cards are you hoping Disney will make?
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cometchasinglove · 5 months
💀 - "you could've died!" have fun :3
Ask Game
Warnings: Mild Descriptions of Drowning
Word Count: 543
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She felt her feet slip out from underneath her body. She felt the cold temperature of the water, temporarily shocking her as she struggled to find a breath of air. But the waves persisted, knocking her deeper and deeper into the sea. She kicked the water, using her arms to propel herself towards the surface. But she was too stunned, unable to tell the difference between up and down. She held her breath for as long as she could, straining her lungs and her limbs. 
But due to her lack of focus, everything soon went black.
Suddenly, her hands gripped onto something warm and metallic. It was a familiar sensation, nothing she had to fear. Her head broke the surface of the ocean. She coughed and gasped frantically. She glanced ahead of her, water splashing in her face, her vision dim and blurry. More water resided in her lungs, begging to be released. She held tightly onto his crimson fin, feeling his power as he soared through the sea at great speeds.
The woman closed her eyes and succumbed to her exhaustion. The Merbot cradled her in his claws, meeting the shore and positioning her body on the wet sand. She heard her name repeatedly, a sharp digit poking her face. 
And then, there was a forceful push on her chest.
The scientist spluttered, lifting herself at the waist and freeing her lungs from the cold water. She coughed until her sides ached. Still, she managed to gather a proper breath of air. It was relieving as she touched her wetsuit, feeling her body settle again. Her read hair clung to her cheeks. Slowly, her vision returned, a big, silver and red blob gradually becoming a face. Juniper locked eyes with her study looming over her, staring directly at her.
“You foolish mammal!” He glared at her, scoffing. “What were you thinking? Surfing without my guidance? You could’ve died!”
A brief flash of fear shook her mind. Her arms went rigid, and her heartbeat skyrocketed. She remembered her sister, her twin who almost drowned years ago in the ocean. It was a memory that stuck with her for life, forever reminding her to be afraid of the water. 
“Hmph. You’re welcome.”
Embarrassed, the woman glanced away from him, muttering at the gray clouds.
“The weather was fine. I thought I could…I thought I could do it.”
Starscream huffed at her, his tail smacking the water behind him.
“You ambitious, little thing.”
Despite her situation, Juniper found humor. 
“I could say the same thing about you, Starscream. And…thank you.”
The Merbot’s scarlet optics narrowed on her. It was almost as though he was angry at her. But soon enough, his facial expression softened. Using his armored arms, he held Juniper closer beneath his body, cradling her. She leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth from his frame. The small waves rippled across her legs, soothing her and easing her into a state of tranquility. 
Starscream’s voice rumbled.
“We must go about this another way.”
Juniper paused, thinking to herself until a smile crossed her lips.
 “Hey, instead of using my surfboard, why don’t I use you?”
Starscream moved his arms to look at her, giving her a puzzled look.
“Eh, what?”
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Divider Credit: @/saradika
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againstthegrainphoto · 6 months
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…Dunner was asking the trainer for a towel……and borgy gave him a high five….🤣🤣🤣
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yyuangss-main · 2 years
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❝A date that you have been oh so looking forward too. At least that’s what you thought.❞
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Y’all said y’all wanted the date with Zoro, I have delivered. This one is for you Zoro lovers 🫶😩 The taglist is still open so send in an ask, comment, or dm me to get added. Yeah uh idk what else to say so I love you guys mwah
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❝Taglist is now open! Send an ask, dm, or comment to be added! @peachtxa @owlight @roronoaswifey @j-siya @gorepop @iwritetrashimagines @nintenlu @superboywife @omg-pandabunny-things-blog @kuroaka @bxbyyyjocelyn @gothgf-misaamane
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