#;; musings
orbitaldeathwoomy · 10 days
[The next day, Akihiko is calmly wating for Cerrin's parents to arrive at his home. Cerrin, on the other hand, is internally panicking as he waits, his hands shaking as he tries to keep his breaths steady.]
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"Cerrin, please try to relax. Everything will be fine."
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"How can I relax?? You never told me what you plan to do, and regardless of what it is there's no way my father won't try to attack you over--"
[At that moment, there is a rather loud knock at the door. Cerrin freezes for a second while Akihiko moves to answer it, a heavy breath passing the older Octoling's lips before he opens the door and gestures for Susano and Tsukuyo to enter.]
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「Come in.」
[Susano and Tsukuyo enter, barely even acknowledging Cerrin's presence.]
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「Why did you call us here so suddenly, Mr. Aroz?」
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「There's something important we need to discuss. Please, follow me.」
[Akihiko then moves to walk toward the dining room, with Cerrin following closely behind. Susano and Tsukuyo look at each other for a second, simultaneously shrugging a little before they follow as well. When everyone else is finally seated at the table, Akihiko clears his throat.]
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「I'd like to ask you to please stop harassing Ursula and Cerrin, and return underground without them.」
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「We have no reason to abide your request. Ursula and Cyren are our children, and you have no say in--」
[Akihiko suddenly slams a folder on the table between the two soldiers, opening it to reveal what seems to be multiple files on both of them. One of them in particular alerts them both, and Susano immediately stands up, his expression a mix of anger and genuine shock as he looks up at him.]
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「Where did you get that?!」
[Akihiko gives an amused huff.]
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「I have my ways. But, I can't help but wonder: Why are you so worked up over it?」
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「I won't say this twice; Get rid of it, or I'll--」
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「Hm? Does that mean I'm right in assuming that the incident outlined here -- when you assualted and poisoned one of your subordinates -- was covered up, former Second Lieutenant Izumi?」
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「W-Wait, what??」
[It's Tsukuyo's turn to stand up now, her expression matching her husband's. She opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by Akihiko.]
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「I wouldn't act rashly if I were you. It would be rather easy for me to leak this information to your superiors, and I'm sure news of this scandal would spread quickly.」
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「You wouldn't dare...」
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rctrouvailles · 1 year
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tag dump. <3
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hwangbiz · 2 years
Scenario 3: There’s always whispering in the industry. Chatter that says false information or rude comments about your idol and their fellow peers. Unfortunately, they overhear a conversation that they shouldn’t. What will be their reaction? Walk away? Speak up for themselves?
Last summer seemed like a lifetime ago. The first time that Hwang Eunbi had seen the BPM building, she’d felt an overwhelming sense of nostalgia mixed with regret. She’d remembered the first time she’d seen the Source Music building and of course, at that time, Source hadn’t had any money and she was just a trainee. No one knew who she was and barely anyone knew what Source was either and despite the fact that she didn’t know where her career would go from there, she had been satisfied that she was still working hard towards her dream. That was not the same as this. She was an adult now, not some scrawny 16-year-old with precise coordination and an attitude so disciplined that she’d sometimes forgotten to let herself have fun, and BPM was as small as Source had been back then but BPM had money. A set of wealthy men worked together to take experienced idols and give them the treatment they deserved. This was what she needed. It was a second chance to do things without regret, but again, that seemed like a lifetime ago. Last winter and this winter, she felt like two completely different people. 
As she leaned against the stainless steel banister of the glass-wrapped porch she looked out onto the streets of Seoul. Despite being wrapped in a fuzzy winter coat, her body felt slightly warm. That was because of the fact that she’d just gotten done trying to dance out her frustrations and been left unsatisfied. She’d tried everything so far to clear her mind: binging Netflix, visiting with her family, playing with Ankko, and even spending extra time in the gym. Dance was her last resort but instead of clearing her mind, it only made the thoughts swirling in her head, even worse. When Yuna had pulled her aside at the Winter Gala to give her a soft interrogation about her best friend, she’d thought nothing of it, at first, but now, it consumed her. If anyone were to be able to tell what Eunbi’s hidden feelings were, it would be one of her members, right? Five people knew her better than anyone on earth, and Yuna was one of them. Yuna had crossed her mind that day, too, when she’d arrived at BPM. They’d done so much together as GFriend. There was a part of Eunbi that didn’t know who she was an idol without the “SinB” being followed by a “of Yeojachingu” because, after six years, it became her life, and then, boom, it was taken from her just like that. Even without the title of a group, though, they were still family. Sowon who acted in the role of a concerned mother trying so hard to get Eunbi to behave despite knowing that she didn’t listen. Yerin who was her best friend. A friendship so intense, they wrote a song about each other. Her partner in crime. Eunha who had known her since long before they ever reached Source or were in a group together. Her soulmate who never left her side. Yuna who would put up with the petty argument that Eunbi started with her just for jokes and always entertained her when she came up with silly ideas. Yewon who in all her quiet glory was powerful and strong in ways that people didn’t realize, reminded her of a Disney princess and was funnier than most people would ever get the pleasure of knowing. The five of them were her sisters. She’d gotten to stay with Yewon and Eunha, at least, and she was thankful for that, but still, sometimes, she felt like something had been stolen from her. The life she’d become accustomed to was taken from her and she’d had little to no say in it. Maybe it was just about how hard change was. At the end of the day, no matter how it had ended, even if they were all still at the same company together now, it would feel different. It would have changed. Everything changes in the end. 
Even friendships change. As she closed her eyes and slid down with her back against the glass wall, her face pressed into its cool surface seeking some release from her body’s overheating from exertion. She could practically see the joy and shock on Yuju’s face as she thought of that moment. She’d been inside drinking champagne, which she knew nearly nothing about but had been learning from Jimin, and having the time of her life. She always did when she was with him and apparently, it hadn’t gone unnoticed. She’d thought Yuju was in trouble and that there was some sort of emergency but when she’d emerged from the glamoured hotel ballroom, it turned out that she was the one in an emergency. Everything her older friend had said seemed like a blur in hindsight. Yuju had been watching them like a hawk all night so far and although Eunbi had caught her a few times, she didn’t think anything of it. That was until her friend had asked if she and Jimin were finally together. Finally. That word… Had this been something that Yuna was waiting for? Eunbi had been so confused and blindsided that she’d just chalked it up to her friend being silly. The two of them and the rest of their members always laughed about the rumours of them dating their good friends. Eunbi and Moonbin. Umji and Seungkwan. Sowon and Jeonghan. They’d been asked about it in interviews before and her  answer was always the same. It’s not impossible for men and women to be friends. That was the resolution they always told interviewers and it was true. Being in the idol industry since she was a child meant that she had plenty of friends, men and women, who also became idols and debuted following their dreams just like she did. It didn’t mean that she was dating any of them, but with this one…a small part of Eunbi understood. She’d known about the rumour of Jimin dating a GFriend member that had been going around for an unreasonable amount of time and dating her best friend surely wasn’t the worst rumour going around about her. 
Eunbi had heard all sorts of things said behind her back. It was almost always by people who didn’t actually know any of the girls very well but she’d heard people call her names, assume that she must be rude because of her facial expressions, and even some people say that she’s not as talented as people hyped her up to seem. She’d always been a person of strong conviction, though. She didn’t care what others thought. What mattered most was if she was satisfied with herself and she was. At least, she thought that she was. She’d had that dark period for a few years but redebuting had pulled her right out of that. Of course, when she thought back on that dark period, those who knew her best made it easy to rely on them. Even if she didn’t believe in herself, she had them cheering for her and she felt like she could do anything because of it. The rumours usually never mattered to her. This was different, though, because it didn’t feel wholly untrue. If it was just a rumour amongst staff, then it would be different, but it was her own eonnie who pulled her aside and asked if the date between she and Jimin was a romantic one and after that, she’d been so conflicted that she’d wanted some sort of confirmation and so she’d gone to her favourite stylist.
When they’d left Source Music, they didn’t take any staff with them, no, but some people had come voluntarily. That was how close they’d become with their stylists. They felt like a part of an extended family, too. Saying goodbye to them had been one of the most difficult things to do but they’d been presently surprised to see some of them at BPM when they’d started working there, too. It was a few days after the gala and they had schedules to film a present for Christmas for Na.v. Eunbi, who never normally got up early, had snuck out of the dorm before anyone could see her. She’d practically begged one of their managers to get her to the venue earlier than Eunha and Umji so she could have time alone with the staff. Her excuse of taking her role as interim leader seriously and wanting to know what went on behind the scenes before the girls’ arrived was so easy to see through but the older woman hadn’t called her out on it and instead just told her what time to meet in front of the dorm. She needed to know the truth about this rumour and where it had come from and more than that, she wanted so badly to hear someone else say that it was silly so that she wouldn’t have to face the reality of the feelings that had been hiding in the back of her mind since she’d first heard of it a few days prior. 
The moment that she’d climbed out of the van, she’d made a beeline for hair and makeup. Her little furlined crocs smacked against the pavement but when she’d reached the door, she was stopped in her tracks. She heard her own name, and at first, she thought that she’d simply been spotted by their stylist but as she neared the dressing rooms, she realized that everyone inside had their backs turned. She knew better, usually, than to listen in on conversations that didn’t belong to her but her brain had been so scrambled for the past couple of days that she was almost desperate to hear something that would confirm her suspicions, even if it meant only hearing the tail half of statements made about her.
“-announced that they’ll be doing their military service soon. You know how much she hates being alone,”
Military service? They couldn’t be talking about BTS…right? There was no way they were talking about Jimin. Yuju had imagined what she’d said to Eunbi. She was sure of it. 
“She’s not alone, though. She has Yewon and Eunha and she has us,”
The uplifting positive voice behind that statement was exactly the stylist she’d come to speak to. 
“I’m only concerned because of how long their relationship has been.”
“We don’t even know that they are dating for a fact.” “Isn’t it obvious? She practically had stars in her eyes watching him during their return to music shows this year,”
“Lots of women have stars in their eyes when they look at Park Jimin,”
“Not the way that she does. She looks at him like she’s in love,”
There it was. Eunbi stood up straight and cleared her throat making her presence known as she pushed the door open. She was good at putting on a brave face. It was her talent. That was why she’d been able to go on with the rest of her day acting like nothing had happened and she hadn’t heard anything. It worked for her until they’d gotten home and then, she’d fallen apart so easily. She had thrown herself on the bed, buried her body under the covers and sat thinking for longer than just a while. She’d even told Jimin they’d had to cancel their plans that day which only made the situation all too real when she realized that canceling felt like she was missing something immensely. The worst part of all of this is that Jimin was the person she would usually talk to about things like this but she just couldn’t. Not this time. She would have to tell him eventually, sure, but it wasn’t fair to try and navigate this with him while her feelings weren’t clear to her. 
She rolled over, determined to find a resolution to this new information, and pulled out her phone. 
“Okay,” she said looking over at Ankko. The pup had been there for just a few days as they’d had fewer public schedules and more rehearsals. It was a good chance to see her. “I’m going to sit here and I’m going to look through my phone objectively like…from another person’s point of view, you know? Just to see if this is the phone of Park Jimin’s girlfriend,”
She knew it was somewhat ridiculous to talk to her pet but thinking out loud was really helpful sometimes and she was further encouraged by the fact that Ankko left her place to come lay next to Eunbi. She held her phone high above her face careful to keep a good grip on it as she rested on her back. Eunbi had flings before, yes, but never a real relationship so she wasn’t even sure where to start in deciding if this was truly something to be concerned about. She decided to begin with her camera roll first. 
Surely if there were any weight to this rumour, there would be some evidence of it there. She’d taken plenty of videos and pictures with Jimin. Of course, a lot of that leaned heavily on their hobby of learning dances together or teaching each other what they knew when it came to the videos but the pictures were just things Eunbi took when they hung out. They were only in her phone and Jimin’s as they’d never dare break the carefully constructed barrier between their friendship and the real world but Eunbi loved taking pictures and documenting memories. She and Jimin had a lot of memories, that was for sure. 
She scrolled to the very top of her camera roll. Pictures the two of them had taken together at one of the schedules that BTS and Gfriend had around the time of her group’s debut. She remembered how hard she’d laughed that day, having to pretend like they weren’t as close as they were for the sake of avoiding scandal. Back then, they’d only been friends for a few years but they’d known each other for at least ten years. He was one of the very few people able to see past her pouty demeanor during her trainee days and even though, he was struggling with his own things independently, he’d gone out of his way to befriend her and help her. When it came to dancing, they were both perfectionists and what she lacked in ability when it came to having the smooth and flowy movements needed for Gfriend, he had gained from years of contemporary. Alternatively, BTS had debuted with a hip-hop concept and that was her specialty. They balanced each other out and as it turned out, it wasn’t just in dance, either. It was no secret that Eunbi had a slight reputation for being a little cold around her trainee days and while she was always kind to other idol hopefuls, she was intimidating to them, too. She was well aware of it. She rarely ever cried or complained or showed any feelings besides discipline or her sarcastic joking playfulness. No one would know how hard she always was on herself in private or how many times she’d have privately convinced herself not to give up. Jimin, of course, was the opposite. He was the type of person to show his feelings freely. Eunbi, over time with her own group, had learned to be less guarded with her emotions, too, but as she looked at the old photo, all she could think of was how opposite they had been back then. 
She couldn’t help but think of how many milestones there were in her life since they’d met. Even in just the past three years, it felt like her life had been whipped up in a whirlwind and then changed. They’d been at the same company and then her group had disbanded and all of the self-hatred that she’d felt since Fever era had come crashing down on her. All of those times that she’d watched herself on the monitors and wanted to do everything over and over because it wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t perfect enough. Those feelings that she’d been afraid to share with her members. They were emotions that she had to hold close to her heart because she didn’t feel that anyone would understand. Who could understand being told that you’re beautiful and talented every single day but still hating seeing yourself perform? She’d felt so…ridiculous and absurd. Even people who didn’t know much about Gfriend agreed that she was one of the best dancers of their generation of Kpop but those things were hard to listen to when she wasn’t satisfied with her own performance. And who exactly was she to say all of this to? She couldn’t share it with Buddy. After all the times that she’d told them that it was important to love themselves first, she would sound like a hypocrite. After all of the times that she’d confidently called herself pretty, even recently, she felt like a fraud back then and it had taken the disbandment and Viviz to wake her up. It had taken those events to make her realize that even after years, she was doing well and not only was she doing well but she was doing what she wanted to do. She was living a dream that an eight-year-old Eunbi would hardly be able to believe now. Through all of those events, if she really thought about it, he’d been there for her. Even when things were hard for them both, they’d always supported each other, but…dating?
Even just laying here looking through her photo gallery, her eyes began welling up with tears as the realization started to hit her. She’d had flings before but never anything serious. She��d never been able to get fully emotionally invested in anyone. In her mind, it has always been because she’d been so busy with Gfriend activities and then with Viviz but…the more she thought about it that couldn’t have been true. After all, she was emotionally invested in the friends she’d made, in her group members, and even in Ankko. She hummed as she looked over at the pup who nuzzled her face closer to Eunbi’s neck. Eunbi chuckled and gave the white furball a pat on the head before turning back to her phone. She pressed the button and the screen turned black before she chucked it halfway across her bed.
“Ankko…could it be that this entire time we’ve been dating and I just didn’t realize?” she furrowed her brows at the thought. “In that case, poor Jimin oppa. His girlfriend doesn’t even kiss him,”
She let out a loud laugh which startled the dog on her chest but she couldn’t help it. The thought was silly. She was sure, now, that if she didn’t know then neither did he. They were close friends and they did the things that close friends normally did with each other. They spoke about their troubles and helped each other when it was necessary. They were just being kind to each other…right? For a relationship, romantic feelings…of love were necessary. 
It was then that it was brought back to her mind. Before Yuna had ever uttered a word of the idea of Eunbi and Jimin dating…she’d felt it. She’d felt it and she’d so easily dismissed it because she wasn’t sure what it meant, but…hadn’t she felt her cheeks practically burst into flames when he’d told her that she’d look pretty the night of the Gala and the sensation of her own heart swelling in her chest when she realized how nice they looked together. Those weren’t feelings that someone felt for a friend. Her fingers ghosted up to her lips and brushed over them slightly remembering how they’d met his cheek that night. Something small and not unusual for them…but significant to her at that moment and she hadn’t been able to figure out why. How was she supposed to know if she loved someone if she’d never known before? Was it when you missed that person even when they were with you? When you wished that you could be around them all the time? When you knew your life would be so much worse without them than with them? When you smiled simply thinking of them? When tears came to your eyes at the idea of being away from them for long? When they came to your mind every time you saw the smallest thing related to them? When seeing them happy made you happy? When you felt a deep sense of warmth and safety with them? Maybe…when you knew that you wanted them to be in your life for as long as they were willing…
She felt all of those things for Jimin and more. It would be a risk telling him so…in case, all of this…everything the stylists said and what she was thinking…if it was all just in her head. She’d be breaking her own heart...but she owed it to herself to move on if it wasn’t true and she could only know it if she told him. She sat up grabbed her phone and with her fingers clutched tightly around it…she placed the call without hesitation. 
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speedsosonic · 4 months
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Well it’s time .. / tag dump.
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afsurgence · 2 years
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isolcted · 3 years
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❝ from those who've fallen to those who rise a prayer to keep us ever by your side. an undying promise that we just might carry on in a song. pray don't forget us, your bygone kin with one world's end does a new begin, and should our souls scatter unto the wind. still we shall live on. 
          STAND TALL, my friend, may all of the dark deep inside you find light again. this time, tumbling, turning, we make amends.
                                                    ETERNAL WINDS FROM THE LAND ASCEND
                                                                  HERE TO LIFT US THAT WE WON’T END  ❞
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heartsawaken · 4 years
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underneath  the  read  more  you  will  find  headcanons  that  have   collected   in   my  mind  lately   of   my   muse  ,  elijah  baek  ,   a  twenty - five  year  old university  student  .
✶  grew  up  struggling  to  connect  with  his  classmates  .  he  had  similar  interests  of  the  kids  his  age  (  bugs  ,  dinosaurs  ,  animals  ,  arts  and  crafts  ,  etc  .  )  but  he  tended  to  take  an  extreme  interest  them  and  left  him  wanting  to  learn  everything  possibly  about  them  .  most  kids  were  just  interested  in  finding  a  caterpillar  ,  not  about  their  scientific  and  common  name  ,  life  span  ,  and  if  they  turned  into  a  specific  type  of  butterfly  or  not  .  he  was  often  deemed  ‘  weird  ‘  for  his  nearly  obsessive  interest  in  things  .
✶  his  hyperfixation  on  things  growing  up  has  made  him  a  walking  encyclopedia  .  he  has  a  very  good  memory  ,  especially  for  things  that  interest  him  .  pretty  much  has  a  fun  fact  to  give  out  every  day  and  most  of  the  time  it’s  relating  to  the  current  conversation  ,  but  sometimes  when  there’s  silences  and  they  begin  to  make  him  uncomfortable  he  throws  out  some  of  the  most  random  things  in  an  effort  to  break  the  silence  .
✶  very  easily  startled  and  flinches  at  any  raised  ,  angered  voice  .  growing  up  he  was  often  the  target  of  his  father’s  constant  yelling  about  his  lack  of  trying  in  everything  and  inability  to  excel  in  sports  .  his  dad  had  thought  having  a  son  would  mean  somebody  who  would  play  football  and  wrestle  in  high  school  ,  join  the  military  and  be  a  mini  version  of  him  and  instead  he  got  a  shy  bookworm  who  refused  to  exert  himself  in  any  way  because  it  meant  sweating  .
✶  has  recently  began  questioning  his  career  path  .  ( courtesy  of  river  and  @threesofcup​  )  he’s  currently  an  english  education  major  with  plans  of  working  as  an  esol  teacher  in  the  states  or  as  an  english  teacher  in  another  country  BUT  now  is  wondering  if  he  should  possibly  look  into  a  psychology  and  /  or  criminology  route  because  of  his  slightly  worrisome  interest  in  serial  killers  and  the  inner  workings  of  their  minds  .
✶  his  closet  consists  of  a  lot  of  neutral  colors  ,  plain  colored  tees  and  hoodies  ,  sweaters  that  he  can  pull  over  collared  shirts  ,  black  ripped  jeans  ,  plaid  pants  , grandpa  cardigans  ,  fun  socks  ,  boat  shoes  ,  backless  loafers  ,  and  oxfords  .  he  owns  a  pretty  decent  amount  of  high  brand  clothing  but  all  has  been  bought  second  hand  off  from  second  hand  shops  and  apps  such  as  poshmark  and  depop  
✶  does  not  have  his  license  .  his  father  parents  did  not  think  he  needed  one  since  his  older  sister  had  one  and  could  drive  him  to  school  and  then  that  he  had  friends  who  could  after  she  graduated  .  he  keeps  meaning  to  get  one  but  between  school  ,  internships  and  bulking  up  his  future  resume  he  just  has  never  found  the  time  to  .  back  at  home  he  rides  a  bike  everywhere  and  it  works  just  fine  since  he  lives  so  close  to  campus  and  there’s  never  parking  anyways  (  so  he’s  been  told  .  )
✶  he  jokingly  tells  people  that  he  needs  at  least  twenty - four  to  forty - eight  hours  to  prepare  for  outings  but  he  isn’t  actually  joking  .  he  suffers  from  social  anxiety  and  literally  has  to  build  himself  up  and  mentally  prepare  himself  for  things  especially  when  it  involves  large  crowds  . 
✶  he  gets  overwhelmed  in  crowded  ,  loud  and  rowdy  places  very  easily  and  often  can  go  only  about  an  hour  before  he  needs  to  get  away  and  find  somewhere  quiet  to  decompress  .  growing  up  this  drove  his  mom  crazy  because  —  like  clockwork  —  about  an  hour  in  at  the  mall  or  when  grocery  shopping  or  at  school  or  family  events  ,  elijah  would  be  ready  to  go  or  have  a  meltdown  if  they  didn’t  . 
✶  can  solve  a  rubix  cube  in  under  five  minutes  .
✶  all  around  a  very  intelligent  young  man  .  he  enjoyed  learning  and  sharing  that  knowledge  .  he  tutors  back  home  as  his  main  source  of  income  and  usually  is  the  one  to  set  up  small  study  groups  for  his  classes  .  if  it  weren’t  for  him  his  roommate  would  probably  failed  out  of  all  his  classes  .
✶  very  organized  and  has  beautiful  small  block  handwriting  .  carries  a  planner  with  him  in  his  messenger  bag  and  if  it  isn’t  on  his  person  when  plans  are  made  he  puts  it  into  his  phone  and  then  writes  it  down  in  his  planner  when  he  gets  ahold  of  it  .  he  uses  it  too  and  it’s  basically  his  lifeline  .  his  planner  is  also  every  girl’s  dream  :  color  coded  with  fancy  typography  and  stickers  .  he’s  quite  proud  of  it  . 
✶  elijah’s  body  loves  to  give  away  when  he’s  embarrassed  .  the  tips  of  his  ears  get  red  easily  as  does  his  face  .  normally  focused  mainly  across  his  cheeks  though  and  he  hates  it  .  hides  his  face  in  his  hands  ,  turns  his  face  away  or  drops  his  head  when  he  can  feel  it  heating  up  .
✶  nervous  habits  include  :  biting  and  /  or  picking  at  his  nails  ,  holding  himself  with  his  arms  across  his  waist  and  shoulders  hunch  ,  and  rubbing  the  fabric  of  his  sleeves  between  his  thumb  and  pointer  finger  .  many  sweaters  he  owns  now  sport  a  thumb  hole  in  them  because  he’s  worn  the  fabric  down  so  much  .  
✶  on  top  of  being  fluent  in  english  and  korean  ,  he  also  is  proficient  in  japanese  ,  working  proficient  in  mandarin  as  well  as  spanish  .  this  has  a  lot  to  do  with  the  fact  that  he  had  a  huge  interest  in  different  languages  starting  when  he  was  four  years  old  and  his  mother  wanted  to  push  that  interest  knowing  that  being  fluent  in  multiple  languages  is  extremely  profitable  when  looking  for  a  job  .  
✶  a  master  of  destruction  .  things  just  .  .  .  break  when  he’s  around  because  he’s  1)  clumsy  and  2)  adamant  that  he  was  cursed  as  a  while  .  he  has  two  left  feet  and  when  things  get  in  the  way  of  his  tripping  they  usually  break  .  he  is  constantly  having  to  get  the  glass of  his  phone  replaced  because  of  dropping  it  and  refusing  to  get  an  otterbox  because  they’re  ugly  .
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noir-chien · 4 years
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𝕾𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖚𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐
𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢
𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼’ 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓴  𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓪 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓭: 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒
January 25th, 1979, Masquerade hosted by Khadijah Zabini
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virtutiae · 4 years
                     “ we shouldn’t be this kind of tired
                                                                              at our age. “
                    Alex thought it was a tremendous feat to go to three prisons and two graves and not shed a single tear.  He was almost proud of himself but there was one person he had yet to see and he went with pride.  It was the Friday before he had to return to Gallagher, saved the best for last in his eyes.  The only person he truly wanted to see , the only voice he wanted to hear.  He wanted to see for himself that the man he loved and cherished so much was okay.  However , as she sat , well stood , in the waiting area he could feel his mouth becoming dry.  He licks his lips mistaking it for dehydration and lack of chap stick.  Once the guard tells him he could enter , it’s almost as if he’s transported back to three years ago when he had to wear that horrid uniform and shave his precious hair.  He didn’t like the feeling it brought , his steps seemed slower , everything seemed to be getting much slower.  
                 Sad smile graces as he sees his father , the other immediately stands , with tears in his eyes.  Somehow the man had already gotten acquainted with the guards and even the warden --- because of course he had.  Alex almost runs into his father’s arms as the older man kisses the top of his head and that’s when Alex begins to breathe a little heavier.  His chest heaves higher than higher as he feels the shaking begin -- the first time it happened he mistook it for a heart attack , they said it was normal.  His father doesn’t notice it at first but Alex begins to struggle with his breathing as his arms wrap harder around the man -- much stronger than any other feeling he had ever experienced.  The transition had not been easy and he had Danny to help him through and he would always be grateful for him but he just wanted his life to return to normal.  
                  “ Hey , Hey , “ William notices as Alex averts his eyes and falls to the ground.  The guards rush toward him but William pushes them back having seen this behavior in his own self when his wife was killed.  “ Look at me --- Alex look at me , “ Alex can’t focus on anything but the blurriness in his vision and the lack of air he feels.  William’s tears begin to rush out as he cradles his son in his arms.  “ I hate it , “ Alex finally lets out in a cry.  “ I’m sorry , “ he follows that as he continues to gasp for air as his father continues to shush him.  The guards turned around , to give them privacy , to let them have this sacred moment all to themselves.  The ache in his chest doesn’t stop and neither does the shaking but William never let the embrace break , instead embracing his only son tighter.  “ I hate that stupid school , “ he lets out in a choke as he looks up at his father noticing the tears in the other’s eyes.  He hates how he only hurts the people around him , he’s always noticed how it was a common theme.  He begins to mimic his father’s breathing , though often getting stuck in between breaths.  
                  After minutes of just attempting to catch his breath , the dizziness continues and he is finally able to sit up on his own.  Sad eyes look at his father as the older man asks , “ How long have those been happening to you ? “ Alex shakes his head , “ This is only the second time. “ He’s so tired , he definitely didn’t intend for it to happen , but he hadn’t seen the man in three years , the constant worrying , the loyalty , the anxiety --- it was exhausting.  It wasn’t okay for Alex to be this tired and yet , he felt it was necessary to keep those around him safe.  William finally took Alex’s hand , “ I put you as my number 2 because i know you could handle it. Don’t you dare think Fynn’s death had anything to do with you. You’re a Mueller --- we’re strong motherfuckers , “ the both chuckle , even if Alex’s falls short due to a lip tremor.                   The two talk for ten minutes, it's mainly filled with Alex complaining about Gallagher and how it's bullshit while his father laughs and smiles at his son’s antics. The two almost forget their sitting on the cement floor of a prison , but they’ll count their blessings. The guards inform the two that William had to return before anyone got too suspicious.  They both rose as they embraced once more , “ Don’t forget about your old man , “ William mutters as he presses a kiss to his son’s forehead.  “I could never , “ he says with a shake of his head as the both part ways.  
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 6 months
[A few days later...]
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"Hey, Urs... Are you feeling alright? You've seemed kind of off since the other day."
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"It's nothing. I just thought I saw someone following me when I was on my way home from the Turf War lobby."
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"Ugh, that's so creepy. If it happens again, let me know okay? I'll make sure whoever it was stops."
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"Thank you for your concern, but--"
[Suddenly, there's a knock at their door. Ursula gets up to answer it, looking through the eyehole on the door... And immediately takes a few steps back, eyes wide and heart pounding.]
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「N-No... It can't be...」
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「Ursula? What's wrong?」
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「It's my... my parents...」
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「What? Really?」
[Kori gently moves between Ursula and the door and looks through the eyehole. Sure enough, there are two older Octolings standing outside -- a woman with hot pink tentacles and a beautiful face, and a man with blue rings spotting his deep purple tentacles. She can definitely see the resemblance between them and Ursula. Her voice then lowers to a whisper.]
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「Okay... Okay. Let's just. Not answer it. Maybe they'll leave if they think we're not home.」
[She then moves to lead the terrified Ursula to her bedroom.. Until their door is literally kicked open.]
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「Hey! The hell do you think you're doing?!」
[The two ignore Kori completely, their focus on Ursula as they approach her.]
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「So this is where you've been.」
[Ursula nervously nods.]
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「And your brother?」
[Ursula remains silent, much to the ire of her father. He forcefully grabs her, digging his venomous claws into her arm.]
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「Answer me when I'm talking to you, traitor!」
[He slaps Ursula across the face hard, before pushing her to the floor.]
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「Now tell me where your brother is.」
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「I... I haven't seen him since I last visited Inkopolis.」
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「And where exactly did you see him?」
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「Like that's any of your--」
[Ursula shakes her head at Kori, effectively silencing the yellow Octoling before she hangs her head a little.]
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「There's... a sweets shop he frequents, near the plaza...」
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「Good girl.」
[Ursula's mother then gestures for her husband to follow her out the door, only looking back to give Ursula a wicked smile.]
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「Don't get too comfortable. Once we've given him his just desserts, we're coming back for you.」
[Ursula's parents exit the apartment, leaving Ursula and Kori stunned in their wake. After a moment, Ursula shakily stands up and makes her way to the table where she left her cell phone.]
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"Wait, you're father's a blue-ringed, right? We need to get you to a hospital!"
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"I'll be fine. But I... I need to warn my brother..."
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loversmeet · 4 years
honey tag drop !!!
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fckinmuses · 4 years
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aubrey reznikov • stephen james• 34 • cis male ( he/him ) • pansexual • mma fighter
tw: murder
Aubrey’s family migrated to the US from Russian before he was born, lucky enough to gain citizenship ( and lucky enough to be a part of a mafia and had connections to get such things ) 
When he was just 8 years old he and his older brother walked into a crime scene that was once their home. Their parents had been murdered, and Aubrey’s brother knew that it was to do with the mafia. His parents not paying their dues, not doing what was asked of them in return of them getting their parents to America.
Thankfully Aubrey’s brother was fifteen and was taking care of them - of course it wasn’t easy and he worked really fucking hard. But they made it without letting Aubrey into the foster system.
But while things were great and good, Aubrey never really coped with what he had witnessed. He had nightmares and terrors all throughout his childhood, adolescent years and even now into his thirties. 
He never went to therapy for it, instead he took all his worries and fears out training and training other people. 
When he’s in the ring he’s a totally different guy, but when he’s not he’s rather soft and just needs someone to show him that it’s okay to not be okay. 
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burkesfm · 4 years
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nolan burke    —     task 004 :     instagram moodboard .
do i exist in your heart? or did the ship sail away? while I was in the gift shop, you swam with the sharks. and i know we're worlds apart .     ( worlds apart by wallows )
pinterest link .
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xmargot · 4 years
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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TASK 001;  𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕘𝕟𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕤 & 𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤. 💎
mч єчєs wαnt чσu mσrє thαn α 🅜🅔🅛🅞🅓🅨 lєt mє ínsídє. sunflσwєrs sσmєtímєs kєєp ít  s  w є є t  ín чσur mєmσrч í wαs just tσnguє-tíєd
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afsurgence · 2 years
Tags - character
🔪 》  ` a returning threat ` IN CHARACTER
🔪 》  ` memoires of violence ` MUSINGS
🔪 》  ` man in purple ` IMG
🔪 》  ` buisness notes ` HEADCANONS
🔪 》  ` bloodied hands ` ASETHETIC
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isolcted · 3 years
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❝  you  were  gone,  i  paid  your  price.  you  left  your  mark,  MY  SACRIFICE.  this  open  wound  where  you  can  hide.  to  look  away  and  bite  the  knife.  cauterize,  when  it  bleeds,  burn  away  the  broken  lies  that  I  still  believe.  meet  the  flame,  let  it  inside,  and  cauterize,  I’LL  CAUTERIZE  YOU.  the  innocence  you  pretend,  THAT’S  MINE.  the  proof  of  you,  is  written  on  my  skin. ❞ 
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