#honey 002 ;; university.
linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚜' 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚜 + 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 ]
they are finally here! so, as i've said before, the victims will be shown in a random order and their last names and personalities won't be revealed for now. their numbers are completely random and they're not connected to their murderers at all, same goes for their image colors, those are just their own personal image colors. it's possible that these guys will appear more often and maybe they will even get their own tags after their last names and official numbers are revealed.
(i feel like it's gonna be pretty easy to guess who their murderers were, if you just check their age or simply look at them and guess who they were related to, haha)
[ Victim 001: Hina ]
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Name: Hina (暖) (her name means "warm, gentle")
Age: 21 y/o
Gender: Female
Birth date: August 28th (Virgo)
Height: 162 cm
Blood type: A
Occupation: University student and a part-time babysitter
[ Victim 002: Takeru ]
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Name: Takeru (暁輝) (his name means "dawn" and "radiance, brilliance")
Age: 22 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: May 2nd (Taurus)
Height: 177 cm
Blood type: AB
Occupation: Cashier
Last words: "IT WASN'T EVEN A BIG DEAL!"
[ Victim 003: Chise ]
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Name: Chise (智世) (his name means "wisdom, knowledge" and "society, generation")
Age: 16 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: September 24th (Libra)
Height: 169 cm
Blood type: A
Occupation: High school student
[ Victim 004: Kae ]
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Name: Kae (佳笑) (her name means "excellent, beautiful" and "laugh, smile")
Age: 24 y/o
Gender: Female
Birth date: January 21st (Aquarius)
Height: 164 cm
Blood type: B
Occupation: Nail artist
Last words: "Hey.. Isn't this a bit.. too much?"
[ Victim 005: Satsuki ]
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Name: Satsuki (咲秋) (her name means "blossom, bloom" and "autumn, fall")
Age: 35 y/o
Gender: Female
Birth date: June 30th (Cancer)
Height: 171 cm
Blood type: A
Occupation: Singer
Last words: "I.. To be honest, I'm not feeling so well, haha.. I'm sorry, honey, I promise we'll go to see that movie tomorrow-"
[ Victim 006: Karin ]
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Name: Karin (佳倫) (her name means "excellent, beautiful" and "ethics, morals")
Age: 20 y/o
Gender: Female
Birth date: October 15th (Libra)
Height: 160 cm
Blood type: B
Occupation: University student + Blogger
Last words: "You.. you really are insane.."
[ Victim 007: Yue ]
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Name: Yue (友恵) (his name means "friend" and "blessing, grace")
Age: 18 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: October 31st (Scorpio)
Height: 178 cm
Blood type: O
Occupation: High school student
Last words: "But you will join me, right?~"
[ Victim 008: Misao ]
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Name: Misao (操) (his name means "to control, to manipulate")
Age: 20 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: May 27th (Gemini)
Height: 182 cm
Blood type: O
Occupation: University student
Last words: "Hm?.. Wait, what are you doing-"
[ Victim 009: Tao ]
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Name: Tao (大凰) (his name means "big" and "phoenix")
Age: 10 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: March 26th (Aries)
Height: 137 cm
Blood type: O
Occupation: Elementary school student
Last words: "Shut up! I know you don't care what happens to me! So stop acting like you're worried about me!.." *sighs* "I'll be home soon."
[ Victim 010: Rion ]
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Name: Rion (偉恩) (his name means "great, distinguished" and "kindness, favor")
Age: 24 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: December 3rd (Sagittarius)
Height: 185 cm
Blood type: B
Occupation: Journalist
Last words: "Okay, let's just calm down, let's take a deep breath and-"
[ Victim 011: Neiro ]
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Name: Neiro (音色) (his name means "sound, noise" and "color")
Age: 15 y/o
Gender: Male
Birth date: January 18th (Capricorn)
Height: 155 cm
Blood type: A
Occupation: Middle school student
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loversmeet · 3 years
honey tag drop !!!
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lovehurried · 4 years
TAG DROP  •  Jennifer ‘Jenny’ Honey (2/2)
JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  &  rudolpho. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  &  bruce bogtrotter. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  &  dewey finn.  ( mtrock ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 000.  ( undetermined ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 001.  ( childhood ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 002.  ( university ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 003.  ( pre canon ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 004.  ( canon ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 005.  ( post canon ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  *  verse 006.  ( school of rock au ) JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  answered ask. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  starter call. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  plotting call. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  open starter. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  wishlist. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  meme. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  dash game. JENNIFER  ‘ JENNY ’  HONEY  +  interaction.
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Can you talk abt tide man? I love them
(If you haven’t talked about them already)
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i love him too so i can absolutely talk about him!! tide man infodump under the cut
tide man is an aquatic robot master who works in coral reefs! he's more or less an undersea janitor, hauling garbage or debris that's damaging the ecosystem back to shore. he also monitors the health of the coral and resident marine life, and helps with efforts to cut down on pollution and improve the water quality of the ocean. he lives in queensland, australia, where he's part of a massive ongoing effort to clean up the great barrier reef, but he's been called out to help with other coral reefs all over the world. he's based on the unused concepts for ocean man both in-universe and in real life, the same way vesper woman is based on the concept art for honey woman, and he was redesigned and built by dr. astil! unless archie mega man returns from the dead and gives the number to someone else, his official serial number is DAN-002
he's very easily stressed, even by small things, and his perfectionist tendencies only make this worse. he often places unrealistically high expectations on himself due to the [largely incorrect] assumption that, as a robot master initially designed by dr. light himself, they're the expectations that everyone around him also has. because of the unnecessary pressure he puts on himself, he's chronically anxious and prone to panic attacks, and struggles with depression and very low self-esteem. he has a short temper and tends to shout at people when he's freaking out, but he tries really hard to keep this in check and quickly apologises to anyone he upsets. once he's had some time to calm down, he's polite and good at working with others, if a little socially awkward. life isn't easy for tide but he's trying his best
despite the stress it causes him, tide is committed to his job and takes it Very Seriously. while it's partially due to his desire to be seen as competent and valuable and deserving of praise, his dedication mostly stems from a genuine love of the reefs he watches over. he has a high level of empathy for nature, especially sea life, and feels he has a responsibility to protect it. because of this, he's very conscious about things like recycling and treating natural environments with respect. he's appeared in a handful of psas about recycling and keeping the beach clean and not littering and all that to help raise public awareness about taking care of the environment. nothing angers him more than senseless littering, and he has a particularly seething hatred for plastic waste due to the damage it causes to ocean ecosystems
like many water-themed robot masters before him, tide is more suited to moving underwater than on land. his body is much denser than it looks, allowing him to sink to and walk along the ocean floor without assistance, but not so heavy as to impede his swimming speed or agility. he usually moves very slowly so that he doesn't accidentally break any coral or scare any marine life. the harpoon gun on his left arm is mostly used to pull up particularly large pieces of debris - he's permitted to use it for self-defence if he absolutely has to, but so far he's never fallen into such a situation. his weight and lack of a left hand make him clumsy above water, but the caution he takes while moving helps to alleviate this somewhat
tide absolutely loves animals, especially the sea life he interacts with on a daily basis. he tries his best not to give them attention and risk disrupting their behaviour patterns, but a lot of the fish and other animals in the great barrier reef recognise him as nonthreatening by now and will come up to him or swim alongside him of their own accord. being around animals calms him down, and if he's having a panic attack he can usually bring himself out of it by going to the beach and chilling with some seagulls or fish for a while. usually if he isn't busy he'll just sink gently to the bottom of the ocean and watch all the sea life swim past and get lost in that for a while. his absolute favourite animals are sea turtles! he loves the way they look and move and finds their social patterns fascinating. he couldn't choose a favourite species if he tried, though. don't ask him. he will get decision paralysis and he will cry
when he gets his laws of robotics surgically removed, tide man forces every human and man-made influence on basically the entire coast of queensland out of the ocean with the threat of gratuitous robot violence, then goes to sit at the bottom of the reef and scowl and occasionally vent his frustrations with incredible destructive force at any ships unlucky enough to still be floating through the area [then spend a few hours cleaning up the mess he made]. it's unclear how this gets wily any closer to world domination, but at least it gives tide something to do with his pent up frustration. the pressure of having to take over the entire world dials up his stress responses even further, shortening his temper from irritable to outright explosive. he sometimes tries to take charge of the group or set an example for his fellow robot masters, but in practice he isn't nearly intimidating enough to give anything stronger than a suggestion
his stage begins with a scramble through the robot-infested wreckage of a ship he took out his anger on, then once you reach the end and jump out it becomes the obligatory water level. there's a lot of downward movement in the second part as you travel deeper and deeper into the reef to find him. naturally his stage has plenty of thematically appropriate hazards - shards of coral as spikes, bubbles as temporary platforms, robots based on all his favourite marine animals, the works. in true tourist-in-australia fashion rock teleports in and immediately gets swooped by 40+ seagulls
tide is weak to sleet foot because he isn't well equipped to handle the cold. he was built under the assumption that he wouldn't ever encounter freezing temperatures, since he lives in queensland [one of australia's warmest states] and coral reefs only form in warm waters. when he gets cold, his movement becomes stiff and even slower, and if ice crystals manage to form in or around his joints they can quickly and completely incapacitate him. sleet foot being a low kick also gives him trouble, since his body's density means it takes some time for him to get up if he's knocked over
designing tide was interesting since i was actually referencing canon mega man designs instead of just making stuff up. in addition to basing him on ocean man's concept art, i also took a lot of design cues from plant man, since he's the only other robot master canonically built by dr. astil so i thought it'd be nice if they had some design elements in common! it's probably because of this heavy referencing that he arguably looks the most like a 'real' robot master in terms of design. [i don't think that by itself makes him a better or worse character design, it's just something interesting i noticed!] i'm particularly proud of taking the pattern on ocean man's helmet and turning it into the coral-like decal that tide has on his, even if it's a bit of a nightmare to draw lmao
due to sharing a creator, he and plant man consider each other brothers! their work doesn't overlap what with them being in different countries most of the time, but whenever they both have time off they take the opportunity to catch up and talk about how things are going. having each other there really helps them both with their depression [one day dr. astil will finally make a robot who isn't chronically sad], and while he's too shy to admit it tide really looks up to plant and is kind of awestruck by him. this is objectively a bad idea because plant is an emotional disaster, but tide is a baby sibling so he's too busy thinking his big brother is cool and awesome to notice
i think that's a good place to wrap up the tide man post, thank you so much for asking about him! as always here's the unfiltered and transparent versions of his art
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rosiebutler · 3 years
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001.    THIS MUST BE THE PLACE (COVER)   by  SURE SURE home is where i want to be  /  pick me up and turn me around  /   i feel numb, burn with a weak heart  /  guess i must be having fun / the less we say about it, the better /  make it up as we go along  /   i love the passing of time  /  never for money,  always for love  /  i’m just an animal,  looking for a home. 002.   PUTTING THE DOG TO SLEEP   by  THE ANTLERS prove to me i’m not gonna die alone  /  put your arm around my collarbone  /  and open the door  /  don’t lie to me  /   my trust in you is a dog with a broken leg  /  you said i can’t prove to you  /  you’re not gonna die alone  /   but trust me to take you home  /  and clean up that blood all over your paws  /  you can’t keep running out,  kicking yourself off the bed  /  kicking yourself in the head  /  because you’re kicking me too. 003.    NO SMOKE  by  BENDIGO FLETCHER pain is permission from the universe  /  to free yourself from worry and settle the score  /   the mind underwater’s gotta come up to breathe  /  when i can pay attention to the books i read /  i know i’m in the right psychology  /  no smoke on the trail  /  no crowd communication  /   you’re on my side even when  /  it hurts you,  baby. 004.   NOTHING’S GONNA HURT YOU BABY   by  CIGARETTES AFTER SEX whispered something in your ear  /  it was a perverted thing to say  /  but i said it anyway  /  made you smile and look away  /  nothing’s gonna hurt you baby  /  as long as you’re with me,  you’ll be just fine  /   and we’re laughing in our microphones and singing  /  with our sunglasses on, to our favourite songs  /  nothing’s gonna take you from my side. 005.    FEELS RIGHT  by  BIIG PIIG and since there’s two of us  /  let’s put the tunes on up loud  /  i wanna see what you make me do  /  and how  /  i know you think it may be too soon  /  come round and show me what you’ve got  /  i heard you wanna be in the drivers seat  /  so keep up  /  and do you promise me that you’ll honour me  / don’t give up  /   honey,  there’s no ties,  no net  /  you’ve gotta follow with your instinct /  what’s next  /  no sense in trying to find reason or regret  /  cause nothing’s set in stone  /  and it feel right. 006.    LET ME DOWN EASY   by  GANG OF YOUTHS honey,  it’s no secret that with matters of the heart   /   i’m reserved,  i’m irrational and rarely ever start  /  since the world’s dark and often inhumane  /  we relish our condition,  come drinking in the rain  /  we all decided the best way to fight it was to  /  drink wine,  dance,  heal and pray  /  and make love that lasts with a vengeance  /   you can stay afraid,  or slit the throat of fear and be brave  /  and scratch a little itch ‘til you’re moving like a motherfucker  /  up in this bitch  /  not everything’s as simple as making lemonade /  so give me a good reason to be heartsick again  /   it’s not a bad time,  time spent with you  /  we never have to talk again,  whatever,  up to you  /  but since you’re putting up with me  /  here’s another toast just to you.
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bravadoseries · 4 years
002 Sam x Olivia because they are so cute
thank you !!! 
when or if I started shipping it: i knew i wanted sam to get more love and olivia wasn’t specifically designed to be paired with him because i had this meet cute idea with a baker planned before who i planned it to be him, but pretty soon after i created her.  
my thoughts: wholesome, healthy.  they’re so cute and i think they’re both two people whose lives just got a lot weirder thanks to the people they associate with (steve for sam and annie for olivia) so it’s like they help ground each other.  
What makes me happy about them: they support each other wholeheartedly; olivia never judges sam for putting himself in danger through work and he never judges her for putting herself in danger to afford school.  if things are bad, they deal with it together, because they do everything together
What makes me sad about them: post civil war they’re separated for a long time :(
things I look for in fanfic: i’m just gonna do some tropes here to look forward to, so: meet cute, action couple, power couple, honey i’m home, wholesome protagonist, anything to avoid student debt, background mafia plotline
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i love sam w steve and also with bucky!! i could see olivia being in a relationship with steve too in another universe even though they have no history or anything in this one 
My happily ever after for them: I think Juliette actually starts a network for accountability that tracks corruption and government overreach and organizes against it and Sam joins that; it’s saving the world, but with less danger.  They have two kids—Maya and Riley.  Olivia opens up a bakery that does kind of what Homeboy Industries does with like providing opportunities to recently incarcerated people.  They lived down the street from Bucky and Juliette and Steve and Darcy in Brooklyn.  
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dwindledglow · 4 years
FULL NAME: indigo blu bertrand. PREFERRED NAME: indigo. NICKNAME/S: indi. DATE OF BIRTH: august 12th, 1993. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis female & she/her. ORIENTATION: bicurious. RELIGION: agnostic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: engaged to william coleman. OCCUPATION: fashion journalist, fashion director and entrepreneur. RESIDENCE: boston, massachusetts.
HOMETOWN: marseille, france. NATIONALITY: french and american. she obtained dual citizenship following eight years of living in the united states. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: filipino, irish, spanish and french. LINGUISTICS: french which is her native language, english in a fluent level and she can lead a conversation in spanish and italian. EDUCATION: she, primarily, attended central saint martins in order to get her BA in fashion communication: fashion journalism and, afterwards, she attended parsons school of design where she got her MA in fashion studies. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: second. FATHER: pierre anton bertrand, born on march 16th, 1964 in provence, france, currently residing in between marseille and paris. he is the CEO and owner of the bertrand group. MOTHER: ophelia amelie bertrand, née deneuve, born on july 28th, 1963 in bordeaux, france, currently residing in between marseille and paris. she’s a retired teacher at ifm, central saint martins and parsons school of design, and a high-profile fashion stylist who, nowadays, only does selective work for some of her dearest clients. SISTER/S: brielle clémence bertrand, born on january 14th, 1991 in marseille, france, currently residing in tokyo, japan and working as the CBDO of the bertrand group. BROTHER/S: jean-claude bertrand, born on september 2nd, 1999 in paris, france, currently residing in boston, massachusetts where he studies economics at harvard university and competes in the ncaa basketball league as a part of the harvard crimsons. christian guillaume bertrand, born on may 30th, 2001 in paris, france, currently residing in paris, france and working as a model and song-writer.  SIGNIFICANT OTHER: william coleman. CHILDREN: rey alexander coleman, born on october 2nd, 2019 in boston, massachusetts. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: lawrence rhodes, brielle’s husband thus brother-in-law. EX/ES: luca debuchy and jaylen aldridge. PETS: roux, a hotot bunny, blanc, a pomeranian and rogue, a german shepherd.
HEIGHT: 5′8″ or 177 cm. WEIGHT: between 121 lbs or 55 kg and 130 lbs or 59 kg. BODY BUILD: she has a banana ( otherwise known as rectangle ) shaped body which, all in all, means she has a rather slim figure or, what would be deemed by some as, the classic supermodel-like look. naturally, it’s easy for her to maintain her desired weight and her flat stomach. indigo has slim shoulders and hips, and thanks to her workout routine, she has toned legs and a more toned bum. she has a small bust — she’s a 32B — and despite being considered petite, she still has some adequate curves. EYE COLOR: her eyes are a dark shade of brown, at first glance. if you pay close attention, you’ll notice how while her right eye is brown, her left eye is black. this becomes more prominent when sun or light are directly lighting up her eyes. EYESIGHT: due to her job and how long she spends on a laptop, as well as reading different articles and books, indigo has eye fatigue and, often, gets blurry vision. in those cases, she wears glasses to help her and so she doesn’t get a headache of any sorts. on the regular, however, she doesn’t wear glasses or contacts. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: naturally, her hair is a dark shade of brown, almost black. currently, it’s dyed in a chocolate brown shade. within indigo’s line of work, appearance is easily one of the most important things and what people base their first impression of you on. alongside her fashion choices, posture and makeup, her hair happens to be a pivotal thing for the girl. in its natural state, indigo’s hair is wavy and, often, that’s how she prefers to wear it — of course, most times she uses the right products and equipment to give it some help and loosen the waves. if she’s looking for a casual, distressed look, she enjoys going for the beach waves or throw her long locks in a messy bun, but for events or other important occasions, indigo tends to go for a sleek high ponytail or sleek straight hair. DOMINANT HAND: left. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: the most notable and distinguishable of her physical traits is the color of her eyes — while her left eye is black, her right one is a lighter, coppery-brown shade. her model-like body and, often referred as, towering height are two other things that stand out, along with her long, toned legs. additionally, her long, silky hair that is always kept in perfect condition is another one of her notable physical traits. SCARS AND MARKS: there’s a small scar above her belly button due to a surgery she was submitted to when she was born but, other than that, she doesn’t have any other noticeable scars. scattered through her body, indigo has some freckles. she has a birthmark on her right foot and another one on the small of her back. TATTOOS: on the inside of her left wrist, she has a small camera — reference. in small, cursive font placed inside her right arm, indigo has the lyrics satisfaction feels like a distant memory. on the side of her left ankle, she has a feather tattoo — reference. along her left hip, she has the lyrics kissing to cut through the gloom in small, handwritten font. indigo has a hanger tattoo — reference — on the side of her left arm, nearing her wrist and she has a small world map inside her right wrist — reference — and a eiffel tower tattoo right next to it — reference. a little above the junction of her lower and upper left arm, she has the quote be yourself first in cursive font — reference — and on the side of her right ankle, she has three small birds — reference. she has cote d’azure tattooed in small font, on the left side of her rib cage. she has a matching tattoo with alana, a flame on her right hip — reference. on her ribcage, below her left boob, she has the lyrics pour dire la vérité, je te veux just toi — dvsn’s the line’s lyrics, meaning to tell the truth, i only want you — a subtle tattoo she has gotten for will. beside it, she has an eleven — reference — tattooed in cursive font, her boyfriend’s shirt number. PIERCINGS: she has her regular lobes pierced and two tragus piercings on her left ear. VOICECLAIM: shay mitchell. ACCENT & INTENSITY: when she says certain words, you can hear her subtle marseille accent underlying what is, otherwise, a new york accent. likewise, if she’s angry or if she has returned home after spending some time in france, her marseille accent becomes more prominent. in general, however, her french accent isn’t particularly strong anymore and, more often than not, the new york one overpowers it. ALLERGIES: cats and hayfever PHOBIAS & FEARS: snakes, being forgotten and trypophobia. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: she has rhinitis. ALCOHOL USE: she drinks on social situations and she doesn’t say no to a glass of rosé after a long, stressful day of work. SMOKING: no. NARCOTICS USE: she used to experiment / do hard drugs during university but she quit that. she smokes weed on the rare. INDULGENT FOOD: yes, food is definitely one of her comforts and every so often, she indulges in it. SPLURGE SPENDING: yes, on occasion. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: writing. FAVORITE ANIMAL: dolphin. FAVORITE BOOK: milk and honey by rupi kaur. FAVORITE COLOR/S: dusty rose, soft grey and burgundy. FAVORITE CUISINE: mediterranean cuisine. FAVORITE DISH/ES: bouillabaisse, any kind of pizza but especially italian pizza cappricciosa and pizza calzone, rollatini and shakshuka eggs. FAVORITE DRINK/S: salted caramel mocha frappuccino and minted lemonade, the black rose cocktail, rosé wine and don pérignon. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: black orchids. FAVORITE GEM: sapphire. FAVORITE MOVIE: coco avant chanel by anne fontaine. FAVORITE SONG: time by sevdaliza. FAVORITE SCENT/S: açai, cakes baking in the oven, cinnamon and wine. FAVORITE SHOW/S: grey’s anatomy, american crime story, the resident and the good doctor FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: basketball, she’s a cleveland cavaliers fan but she always roots for whatever team william is playing for, and soccer, she supports olympique de marseille.  FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. VACATION DESTINATION: anywhere in southeast asia, particularly in indonesia and harbor islands, bahamas.
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randomestfandoms · 5 years
002| Rilaya :)
ooh anon you know me well!
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when  I started shipping it: the very first episode that I watched was Girl Meets Pluto and… I was sold immediately?  It’s why I started actually watching the show
my thoughts: I’m going to fight the next person who feels the need to put one down to comlpiment the other
What makes me happy about them: PEACHES & HONEY
What makes me sad about them: the entire Girl Meets Goodbye plot?  I cry so hard
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I hate the exaggerated “lazy maya” or “idiot riley” stuff?
things I look for in fanfic: friends to lovers all the way baby
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: tbh anything but Josh*ya
My happily ever after for them: They fall in love throughout high school, go to different universities to pursue their passions (I… hate the “following someone to school” thing in life and in media) but visit and talk all the time, then they graduate and move into an apartment together and Riley does a masters and then phd in astronomy (and proves that pluto is undeniably a planet, maybe is involved in something exploring it?) while Maya becomes a teacher and continues to paint and then down the road they adopt lovely children or get a sperm donor (Lucas or Farkle is the biological dad because I can see Riley wanting that experience) or maybe both, and then we get Twins Meet World about their children and everyone lives happily ever after
Ask for my opinion
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gwennhadu-bug · 5 years
julerose if you still want questions for the ask game :)
Yes! Yes I’ll still do it!!
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I think I started with Reflektor...? I believe that’s the first time they were in the forefront enough for me to think OH HONEY THAT’S GAY. AND CUTE. AND I LOVE IT.
My thoughts: I love them!!! I love that they are that wonderful adorable wlw trope of goth and pixie, how they support each other, how canon they are. But I get a little miffed that they aren’t truly confirmed out loud. We don’t get to see them kiss or call one another affectionate terms or label their relationship, when other kids TV shows have done that. I know France is kinda slower than most countries on this, but I still get...disappointed.
What makes me happy about them: How they look at one another. :) They are DAAAARLING.
What makes me sad about them: They don’t get to be truly “out” on the show. At least not yet, I hope.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Confession, I don’t really read Julerose fanfic...? Although they are a background couple in almost everything I read and write, so to use that to answer this question:  I often see Juleka getting overexaggerated in how quiet and “invisible” she can be.
Things I look for in fanfic: n/a. But if I were to be in a Julerose mood, I love “how they got together” stories.
My wishlist: Hmm. Well, enough free time that I can actually read some of the cute Julerose fanfic that’s already out there!!! I would love suggestions for when I start!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I would LOVE Rose to have a fling with Alya, or Juleka to have a fling with Alya, but my HC’s line up better with Rose. I’m quite interested in Juelka/Chloe and could be happy with them ending up together. 
My happily ever after for them: Rose is the four-times pregnant lesbian PTA mom. Juleka quietly keeps the household together and plans the sweetest of dates, slow-dancing on the Seine. They inherit Anarka’s houseboat, grandfather themselves into legally living on the Seine (somehow). They’re the first couple married right out of lycee, first year of University....and they have ups and downs, but they never forget who they are and who they love.
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borelle · 7 years
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oh hey a new reverse lego universe character named captain clock. she’s a descendant of a maelstrom mythran who's main weapon was a trident rather than a sword and shield and an imagination mythran who could manipulate time to a certain extent. ill put a log under the cut of the player’s first encounter.
Player Log 002: The Captain of Time
Your first official mission was to go to General Cypress at Point Nova on the Green Isles Island to get his overdue report of the maelstrom there. Of course, getting there wasn’t easy. You had been spotted by the maelstrom while flying to the island, and one of the burners on the ground hit your small scout ship. So, here you were, walking through the overly dense forest of the Green Isles. Needless to say, it wasn’t really green. 
Soon, you managed to get to the coast of the forest, but it wasn’t the coast that lead to Point Nova. This coast was clearly owned by maelstrom, and your presence alone alerted the seemingly pirate-like stormlings there. They swarmed behind you, most charging at you. One of the closer stormlings was just about to hit you, when there was a sudden wave of air. The colors faded into black and white, and you saw the stormling in front of you looked as if it was a statue - frozen in time. 
Above you, you heard a female’s voice. 
“Aye! You better get up ‘ere before my spell fades!” the female voice said. Looking up, you could see a ship’s hull, what looked to be oars on the sides of the ship (which were presumably keeping the ship up in the air, yet you didn’t know how that worked.), and a woman looking down at you. A ladder soon fell down, and you began to climb it. 
As you pulled yourself up onto the ship’s deck, you felt the same blast of air flow through you. Color returned to everything.
“Sorry ‘bout that, honey. You were lucky I saw yer ship crash into the forest,” she said, leaning on what appeared to be some sort of trident. “M’ name’s Captian Cynthia Clock, or Captain Clock. But ye can call me whatever you wish, honey.”
Her trident seemed... familiar to you, yet you didn’t know why. Maybe there’s a connection between that trident and you in some way?
...Maybe Cypress knows.
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prosecrastinator · 4 years
Top 50 Favorite Songs of 2019
(Spotify Playlist)
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#050. “Incapable” by Róisín Murphy (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#049. “Twerk” by City Girls featuring Cardi B from Girl Code
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#048. “Sugar Honey Iced Tea (S.H.I.T.)” by Princess Nokia (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#047. “STRANGE DAYS (1999)” by HEALTH from VOL. 4 :: SLAVES OF FEAR
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#046. “Superbike” by Jay Som from Anak Ko
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#045. “Scripted” by Zayn from Icarus Falls
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#044. “Freelance” by Toro y Moi from Outer Peace
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#043. “Landslide” by Beirut from Gallipoli
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#042. “Flood” by Vagabon from Vagabon
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#041. “Do You Love Her Now” by Jai Paul (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#040. “Nights Like This” by Kehlani featuring Ty Dolla $ign from While We Wait
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#039. “You and I” by Caribou from Suddenly (2020)
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#038. “ZORA” by Jamila Woods from LEGACY! LEGACY!
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#037. “13th Century Metal” by Brittany Howard from Jaime
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#036. “When I’m With Him” [Empress Of cover] by Perfume Genius & Jim-E Stack (b-side)
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#035. “Movies” by Weyes Blood from Titanic Rising
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#034. “All Mirrors” by Angel Olsen from All Mirrors
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#033. “spaces” by Dawn Richard from new breed
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#032. “STFU!” by Rina Sawayama (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#031. “Mixer” by Amber Mark (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#030. “Jungle Juice” by Ganja White Night x Liquid Stranger (single/b-side)
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#029. “In Your Head” by Nilüfer Yanya from Miss Universe
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#028. “Patience” by Tame Impala from The Slow Rush (2020)
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#027. “The Night King” by Ramin Djawadi from Game of Throne: Season 8 (Music from the HBO Series)
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#026. “True Blue” by Mark Ronson featuring Angel Olsen from Late Night Feelings
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#025. “MEGATRON” by Nicki Minaj (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#024. “Not” by Big Thief from Two Hands
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#023. “Unshaken” by D’Angelo from The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2 (Original Soundtrack)
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#022. “Confessions” by Sudan Archives from Athena
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#021. “Roof” by Rico Nasty x Kenny Beats (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#020. “Way to the Show” by Solange from When I Get Home
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#019. “Virile” by Moses Sumney from græ (2020)
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#018. “Bags” by Clairo from Immunity
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#017. “EARFQUAKE” by Tyler, the Creator featuring Playboi Carti, Charlie Wilson, and Jessy Wilson from IGOR
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#016. “Motivation” by Normani (single / from forthcoming LP...?)
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#015. “Juice” by Lizzo from Cuz I Love You
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#014. “NASA” by Ariana Grande from thank you, next
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#013. “I’m Not In Love” [10cc cover] by Kelsey Lu from Blood
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#012. “Violence” by Grimes featuring i_o from Miss_Anthrop0cene (2020)
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#011. “bad guy” by Billie Eilish from WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?
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#010. “Woman” by Karen O x Danger Mouse from Lux Prima
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#009. “Can’t Believe The Way We Flow” by James Blake from Assume Form
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#008. “Juicy” by Doja Cat featuring Tyga from Hot Pink
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#007. “The greatest” by Lana Del Rey from Norman Fucking Rockwell!
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#006. “Seventeen” by Sharon Van Etten from Remind Me Tomorrow
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#005. “Gone” by Charli XCX featuring Christine and the Queens from Charli
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#004. “Unemployed” by Tierra Whack (single/from forthcoming LP...?)
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#003. “We’ve Got To Try” by The Chemical Brothers from No Geography
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#002. “Running Up Freestyle” by Megan Thee Stallion from Fever
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#001. “cellophane” by FKA twigs from MAGDALENE
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yasdnilmac · 5 years
2019 favourites
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1. Angel Du$t: Pretty Buff (Roadrunner)
2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen (Bad Seed Ltd.)
3. Sorry Girls: Deborah (Arbutus)
4. Weyes Blood: Titanic Rising (Sub Pop)
5. Men I Trust: Oncle Jazz (Return To Analog)
6. Aldous Harding: Designer (4AD)
7. Clairo: Immunity (The FADER Label)
8. Charli XCX: Charli (Atlantic)
9. Royal Trux: White Stuff / Pink Stuff (Fat Possum)
10. Carly Rae Jepsen: Dedicated (604/SchoolBoy)
11. The National: I Am Easy To Find (4AD)
12. Vanishing Twin: The Age of Immunology (Fire)
13. Purple Mountains: s/t (Drag City)
14. Tyler, the Creator: IGOR (A Boy Is A Gun)
15. Vampire Weekend: Father of the Bride (Columbia)
16. Ariana Grande: thank u, next (Republic)
17. Young Guv: GUV I & II (Run For Cover)
18. Drugdealer: Raw Honey (Mexican Summer)
19. Teebs: Anicca (Brainfeeder)
20. Nilüfer Yanya: Miss Universe (ATO)
21. Tengger: Spiritual (Extra Noir) / Spiritual 2 (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
22. Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow (Jagjaguwar)
23. Drab Majesty: Modern Mirror (Dais)
24. Caroline Polachek: Pang (Perpetual Novice)
25. Private Agenda: Il De Reve (Lo)
26. Taylor Swift: Lover (Republic)
27. oso oso: Basking in the Glow (Triple Crown)
28. Pretty Matty: Pretty Matty (Get Better)
29. black midi: Schlagenheim (Rough Trade)
30. Deerhunter: Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? (4AD)
31. Empath: Active Listening: Night on Earth (Get Better)
32. Better Oblivion Community Center: s/t (Dead Oceans)
33. Badge Époque Ensemble: s/t (Telephone Explosion)
34. Bart: Today, Tomorrow, & The Next Day (idée fixe)
35. Crumb: Jinx (Crumb)
36. Synkro: Images (Apollo)
37. Anna Meredith: FIBS (Black Prince Fury)
38. Corridor: Junior (Sub Pop)
39. Flore Laurentienne: Volume 1 (Costume)
40. Jayda G: Significant Changes (Ninja Tune)
41. Jacques Greene: Dawn Chorus (LuckyMe/Arts & Crafts)
42. Le SuperHomard: Meadow Lane Park (Elefant Spain)
43. The Twilight Sad: It Won/t Be Like This All the Time (Rock Action)
44. Barrie: Happy To Be Here (Winspeak)
45. Phillipi & Rodrigo: Paciencia (Deewee)
46. Death & Vanilla: Are You A Dreamer? (Fire)
47. Bodywash: Comforter (Luminelle)
48. Panda Bear: Buoys (Domino)
49. Pedro the Lion: Phoenix (Polyvinyl)
50. Skinny Pelembe: Dreaming Is Dead Now (Brownswood)
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1. Sorry Girls: One That You Want
2. Normani: Motivation
3. Clairo: Bags
4. Nasty Cherry: What Do You Like In Me
5. Lauv feat. Anne-Marie: fuck, i’m lonely
6. Charli XCX feat. Christine and the Queens: Gone
7. Aldous Harding: The Barrel
8. Daphni feat. Paradise: Sizzling
9. Ariana Grande: NASA
10. Grace Ives: Mirror
11. Weyes Blood: Everyday
12. Taylor Swift: The Man
13. Jai Paul: He
14. BTS feat. Halsey: Boy With Luv
15. FKA twigs: Cellophane
16. Carly Rae Jepsen: Too Much
17. The National: Rylan
18. Vampire Weekend: This Life
19. Grimes x i_o: Violence
20. Jessie Ware: Adore You
21. Kesha feat. Big Freedia: Raising Hell
22. Purple Mountains: All My Happiness Is Gone
23. ROSALÍA: Aute Cuture
24. 100 gecs: Money Machine
25. Caroline Polachek: So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings
26. Lauv feat. Troye Sivan: i’m so tired…
27. Georgia: About Work the Dancefloor
28. Magdalena Bay: Mine
29. The 1975: Frail State of Mind
30. Shawn Mendes: If I Can’t Have You
31. Angel Du$t: Big Ass Love
32. Tame Impala: Patience
33. Taylor Swift: Cruel Summer
34. Lil Mosey: Live This Wild
35. Jenny Hval: Ashes To Ashes
36. Kitten: Memphis
37. Claud: Easy
38. Helado Negro: Running
39. Caribou: Home
40. Teebs feat. Panda Bear: Studie
41. Post Malone: Circles
42. DJDS: Magic Loop
43. Tyler, the Creator: I THINK
44. Banoffee feat. Empress Of: Tennis Fan
45. PUP: Kids
46. Charli XCX feat. Lizzo: Blame It On Your Love
47. Deerhunter: Whatever Happens To People?
48. Royal Trux: Suburban Junky Lady (Ariel Pink Remix)
49. Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein: Starcourt
50. Little Jesus: Los Años Maravillosos
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1. Dry Cleaning: Sweet Princess/Boundary Road Snacks and Drinks (It’s OK)
2. Malibu: One Life (Joyful Noise)
3. Magdalena Bay: mini mix vol. 1 (Luminelle)
4. SASSY 009: KILL SASSY 009 (Luft)
5. Ducks Unlimited: Get Bleak (Bobo Integral)
6. Skee Mask: 808BB/ISS004 (Ilian Tape)
7. Daphni: Sizzling (Jialong)
8. girl in red: Chapter 2 (marie ulven)
9. Koffee: Rapture (Promised Land)
10. Octo Octa: For Lovers (Technicolour)
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Compilations and Reissues
Autoclave: s/t (Dischord)
Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man: Out of Season (UMC)
Dinosaur Jr.: Green Mind / Where You Been / Without A Sound (Cherry Red)
Duster: Capsule Losing Contact (Numero Group)
Emerson: If You Need Me Call Me (Kalita)
Galerie Stratique: Horizzzons (Public House)
Greg Belson's Divine Disco Volume Two: Obscure Gospel Disco from 1979 to 1987 (Cultures of Soul)
Hefner: Fidelity Wars (Where It’s At Is Where You Are)
His Name Is Alive: His Name Is Alive All The Mirrors In The House (Home Recordings 1979 - 1986) (Disciples)
Insides: Euphoria (Beacon Sound)
Jonathan Fire*Eater: Tremble Under Boom Lights / Wolf Songs For Lambs (Third Man)
R.E.M.: Monster (Craft)
Royal Trux: Quantum Entanglement (Fat Possum)
Seaside Lovers: Memories In Beach House (Ship To Shore)
Sloan: Navy Blues (murderecords)
Stereolab: Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements / Mars Audiac Quintet / Emperor Tomato Ketchup / Dots and Loops / Cobra and Phases Group Play Voltage in the Milky Night / Sound-Dust / Margerine Eclipse (Duophonic)
Steve Hiett: Down On The Road By The Beach (Be With/Efficient Space)
Supercrush: Never Let You Drift Apart (Debt Offensive)
Super Furry Animals: Guerilla (BMG)
Team Dresch: Personal Best / Captain My Captain (Jealous Butcher)
The Blue Nile: Hats (The Blue Nile)
The Springfields: Singles 1986​-​1991 (Slumberland)
Thrush Hermit: Clayton Park (New Scotland)
Various: A short illness from which he never recovered (Blackest Ever Black)
Various: Brought To Light (FatCat)
Various: Pacific Breeze: Japanese City Pop AOR & Boogie 1976-1986 (Light In The Attic)
Various: The Daisy Age (Ace)
Various: The Sound Of Love International 002 (Love International)
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rookieskrp · 5 years
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• •  PARK, CHAEWON  ▸  001119  ▸  UNIVERSITY STUDENT  • •
“honey, you got a big storm comin’.”
SINGING〈 002 〉 DANCING 〈 001 〉 RAPPING   〈 004 〉 CHARISMA〈 005 〉 CREATIVITY 〈 003 〉
I HAVE BEEN  ▸ ▸ ▸   spoiled. I AM  ▸ ▸ ▸   a princess to all. I WILL BE  ▸ ▸ ▸   my own queen.
▸ ▸ ▸ WHO AM I.
• • •   the camera showed a girl sitting at a dutch angle, but that was because the camera fell sideways before the light turned on. the girl muttered a soft “oopsies~” as she set it up right on top of some hardcover books. she had to make this quick. “hello pretty people, my name is park chaewon and I’m eighteen years old. nice to meet you!” all of this was said with a pep in her voice; she had no intention of faltering any time soon. “I was born and raised in seoul– the only time I’d leave the city is to go to the family vacation home in busan.”
▸ ▸ ▸ WHY AM I HERE.
• • •   this was too easy for her to answer. “well, so far I’m aspiring to get a job in things I like. so I’d day dream about becoming a make-up artist. or a fashion coordinator! I’m not sure where to start, though…”  
• • • ROOKIES ! is a closed, literate KRP that follows the triumphs and heartaches of original characters living in Seoul and trying to find their way in the competitive world of K-Pop. From the struggles of training to the moment they finally debut and beyond, ROOKIES ! takes you on the journey from starry-eyed dreamer to idol star. THINK YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE IT TO THE TOP?  • • •
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lovecsdeep · 6 years
so i realize as i’m working on replies that i never really ? put an intro up ? so here’s my LATE intro , please still love me ! i’ll be finishing them up tomorrow . 
FIRST OF ALL , i’m honey , i’m going to be using christian yu as my mascot bc i luv him . i just turned 21 at the end of july & currently go to school for film ! besides that i’m also a shift at starbucks which is , uh , fun . 
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               001 .    /     MIECZYSLAW STILES STILINSKI  !
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nicknames : stiles .  age : eighteen .  sexuality : pansexual . gender / pronouns : cismale / he & him . relationship status : single . occupation : prev . fbi intern .  / cur . unemployeed . species : human . universe : teen wolf . based off : the fall after graduating . ( end of season 5 [ 2018 ] )
          - coming soon .   “ i’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones . sarcasm is my only defense . ”
     01. roommate .       02. someone trying to figure this out with him . (  lots of researching , little results  )       03. someone who is 
                002 .    /    EMMETT CULLEN !
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nicknames : em . age : twenty / 100 + . sexuality : bisexual . gender / pronouns : cismale / he & him . relationship status : single . occupation : sooo unemployeed . species : vampire . universe : twilight . based off : post breaking dawn ( 2016 )
AFTER being amuled by a black bear , emmett mccarthy died & emmett cullen started his life . ever the wild child , emmett’s confidence & easy going nature followed into vampirism . but , so did he love for trouble . thankfully , rosalie along with the rest of the cullens were able to riegn him in , creating the ever lovable kind vampire we have now . big , goofy & immature , emmett was transported to cedar grove when he’d gone through a door that had MEANT to be the garage & is currently looking for his family . 
     01. roommate .       02. someone he’s teaching how to fight .       03. someone who goes on early morning hikes with him .       04. someone who discovered he’s a vampire .       05. someone who he said he would help out .
             003 .    /    DAMON SALVATORE !
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nicknames : n/a . age : twenty - five . / one hundred seventy .   sexuality : heterosexual . gender / pronouns : cismale / he & him . relationship status : single . occupation : professionally unemployeed . species : vampire . universe : vampire diares . based off : damon was trying to escape a prision world with bonnie . (  season 6 : e 4 . “Black Hole Sun″ [ 2015 ] )
 - coming soon . 
    01. roommate .     02. partner in crime .      03. someone who reminds him of someone from home . & he’s just bored enough to neer leave them alone .      04. someone he’s using as a blood bag .      05. drinking buddy . 
004 .    /    SIRUIS BLACK !
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nicknames : padfoot . age : twenty - two . sexuality : bisexual . gender / pronouns : cismale / he & him . relationship status : single . occupation : unemployeed . species : wix . universe : harry potter . based off : after hogwarts graduation . althernate timeline where there was more time between graduation and james / lily’s death .  (  1982  )
           - coming soon . 
     01. roommate .      02. someone who he banters back & forth with .       03. someone who he’s decided to bother / pester for the time being .       04. someone who he’s showing magic to .       05. competitive friends . 
005 .    /    CLAIRE DANVERS !
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nicknames : care - bear . age : eighteen . sexuality : heterosexual . gender / pronouns : cisfemale / she & her . relationship status : single . occupation : lab intern . species : human . universe : morganville vampires . based off : post ghost town . ( 2010 ) 
FOREVER a wallflower , claire had a total of one friend where she’s been born . being the freak who skipped three years of school and a problem getting out a full sentence with stuttering . after graduating high school at 16 , claire tranferred to tpu where she found much more than a hot little college town in the middle of texas . after being bullied to the point of fearing her own life , she moved out of the dorms and into the glass house . living with them & discovering the secrets that were buried in the town , claire has been pretty much trying to balance coming up with a cure for the vampires in town who seem to be getting sicker & sicker & passing all of her courses . 
    01. someone she is teaching .     02. someone who she trades books with .      03. skinny love .      04. someone trying to break her out of her shy shell . 
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nicknames : jackie . age : twenty - two . sexuality : pansexual . gender / pronouns : cisfemale / she & her . relationship status : single . occupation : prev . personal assistant .  / cur . fashion designer . species : human . universe : that 70′s show . based off : late november , just . (  season 6 : e 21 . “5:15″ [ 1980 ] )
   - coming soon .
    01. someone who is trying to catch her up to the twenty first century .      02. someone who she does all girly things with .      03. someone who she’s decided to take under wing . ( prob includes a makeover )       04. a newly formed squad ! mix mathed from dif universes . 
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gaearise · 4 years
finally a tag dump smh,,,
#aerith gainsborough . –––– she sprouts love like flowers and gives it away to the universe . * ◟#cloud strife . –––– but he’s just a boy‚ grieving ‘til he too is just a thing to grieve . * ◟#zack fair . –––– he lives on in honor‚ his very downfall . * ◟#tifa lockhart . –––– her veins were filled with honey‚ but her nerves were made of steel . * ◟#aesthetic . –––– adorned in calla lillies and silver lace . * ◟#study . –––– fallen petals reveal her roots . * ◟#inbox . –––– may lilies for the exchange of happiness . * ◟#headcanon . –––– pansy for thoughts . * ◟#caith sith . –––– with naiveté crushed under isolation‚ he is tired of the always puzzle of living and doing . * ◟#ooc . –––– bloom . * ◟#music . –––– hum of the earth . * ◟#001 . –––– ahead on our way . * ◟#002 . –––– bloom for me‚ flowers of my own . * ◟#003 . –––– the maiden who travels the planet . * ◟#004 . –––– a flower blooming in the slums . * ◟#vincent valentine . –––– he perishes‚ a living corpse . * ◟#nanaki . –––– his legacy hides‚ so he pulls apart the dark and challenges the stars . * ◟#yuffie kisaragi . –––– girls like her were born in a storm‚ with lightning in her eyes and chaos in her bones . * ◟#sephiroth . –––– ash and burning‚ rage and ruin . * ◟#cid highwind . –––– you tell icarus to stay to stay away from the sun‚ but he longs to touch the sky . * ◟#barret wallace . –––– watch him weave the shattered pieces of the world back together . * ◟#tag dump.
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double-croche1 · 7 years
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[TOP EP 2017] Notre liste des 20 EP qu’on a préférés cette année. Plein de bonnes choses à découvrir sur format court ! 💿✨
Exit Someone - Dry Your Eyes The Lemon Twigs - Brothers of Destruction Smerz - Okey Hater - Red Blinders Puma Blue - Swum Baby Pascale Project - 7AM Tennis - We Can Die Happy Moon King - Hamtrack '16 Keep Dancing Inc - Initial Public Offering Pépite - Renaissance Anohni - Paradise Kamasi Washington - Harmony of Difference Moodoïd - Reptile Weyes Blood & Ariel Pink - Myths 002 Honey Harper - Universal Country Los Porcos - Isla De Los Porcos Yaeji - EP2 Hundred Waters - Currency Halo Maud - Du Pouvoir Heaven - Lonesome Town
~ ~ ~ Pour retrouver les interviews qu’on a faites avec Exit Someone, The Lemon Twigs, Hater, Moon King, Pépite, Moodoïd, Weyes Blood, Ariel Pink, Los Porcos et Halo Maud, c’est par ici : ☞ Exit Someone : http://bit.ly/2CH02Vj 🍇 ☞ The Lemon Twigs : http://bit.ly/2klLyU1 🍈 ☞ Hater : http://bit.ly/2BNFT35 🍉 ☞ Moon King : http://bit.ly/2BeUll7 🍊 ☞ Pépite : http://bit.ly/2yXOPgF 🍋 ☞ Moodoïd : http://bit.ly/2CHRw8t 🍌 ☞ Weyes Blood : http://bit.ly/2yYPz5m 🍍 ☞ Ariel Pink : http://bit.ly/2BBkc3L 🍎 ☞ Los Porcos : http://bit.ly/2AZTiS6 🍑 ☞ Halo Maud : http://bit.ly/2yYqSpN 🍓
EXCLU : Interviews de Puma Blue, Keep Dancing Inc, Honey Harper et Hundred Waters à venir bientôt ! ✌ ~ ~ ~
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