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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“you know, when shit happens in a hallway, people talk.” pros and cons of living in gallagher really, everyone could easily know your business if it took place in public. “alex, i like you but you’re nothing close to a saint. come on, tell me!! did it really happen? to be fair, i would have totally come to your rescue.” she exclaims, grinning like a fool. “a fucking shoe. i bet they were mad.” 
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             “ i love being super popular ---- even if all they say about me are lies. “ only a half truth in his head but even then they’d all be lies to him.  “ ----- you like me ? “ he grins at her statement ignoring everything else.  “ why would you believe lies ? you’re like --- almost a spy , don’t believe everything you hear. “ yes , he absolutely got hit with a shoe , but that’s besides the point in his head.  
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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HIS HEAD NODS HEAVILY as a little, content grin stays on his lips. “ ria said i was adorable so i don’t think i need to try. ” he responds because, to luc right now, that meant he was simply the cutest being on earth. “ that one’s fair, i’m not asking anything ridiculous. ” he shakes his head — it’s a kiss with his boyfriend at midnight, that’s perfectly justified ! “ oh. ” luc lets the other pull him along and he feels a little dizzy but he kind of likes it as it’s in a nice, floaty way. he lays down on the bench, head using alex’s thigh as a pillow as his feet hang off the edge, swinging a little. he looks up at the blonde and he always feels so happy just looking at him. “ you remind me of italy. ” probably because he was there, luc. 
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               “ ria obviously doesn’t know you as well as i do , “ he smirks knowing luc would argue he was the most adorable but if he was sober he would hate it.  “ just for literal time to go back. “ he chuckles , but he checks his phone seeing they still have plenty of time before they actually get to midnight.  hand instinctively go to scratch at the other’s head , “ don’t fall asleep or you’ll miss it. “ he says looking around him.  brow quirks at the other’s words , “ why’s that ? “ but he can only imagine why , italy was great. 
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“all of last summer, and any time you talk to me. and luc is nice.” even though his cocktail choice wasn’t the best. and his taste in boyfriends could use some work. 
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            “ that’s not fair , you said i didn’t know how to do anything.  that really hurt my feelings because i’m actually good at everything. “ he pauses , “ are we talking about the same luc ? annoying little french luc ? “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴀɴʏᴛɪᴍᴇ
( ꜰᴇᴇʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴛᴏ ɢɪꜰ ɪᴄᴏɴꜱ ! ♥ )
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“ I GOT A MESSAGE SAYING THERE’S a sexy, hot single in my area… looks like i’ve found you. ”
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            “ you’ve got the hot and the sexy thing correct , but unfortunately for you --- very much taken.  sadly everyone else is ugly as fuck so i don’t know who it would be referring to. “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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SHE’S IN THE GYM AND STRUGGLING to really feel like anything she’s doing is helping — trying to remember everyone’s advice she’d gotten already but she just hasn’t found that drive, the intent to harm something… even if it was just a punching bag, she knew it wouldn’t always be. so when she sees alex, she tries to catch his attention with a small wave of her hand. “ alex ! hoi — ” her dutch is basic but she prefers to at least try in someone’s native tongue. “ … i don’t suppose you could help me a bit ? if you have time, of course. ”
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               head turns at the familiar voice , he never thought he’d see her at the gym but he supposed that this time of year brought everyone together.  “ help you with ----- “ he turns to her then to the punching bag.  “ you just punch it , soph. “ he says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.  “ pretend the punching bag just kicked a puppy --- now punch it. “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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                    “  …how  was  your  break  ?  ”  ⇢  @virtutiae​
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              he’s surprised she even acknowledges his existence , she hadn’t done it since the summer.  “ it was good , “ but she already knew that.  “ and yours ? “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
starter: @virtutiae​ location: driving track 
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“is it true that someone hit you with their shoe?” she had completely forgotten about that, hell, skylar wishes to have witnessed it first hand. “i just heard someone talking about it and i’m – where the hell was i? what did you do? no, let me guess! let me…” tapping her chin, a grin appears on the blonde’s face. “you slept with them and dumbed them, didn’t you? no wait… that’s too classic, it can’t cause anyone to go that far.” 
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              “ how did you hear about that ? “ he narrows his eyes. “ it’s not true , just so you know. “ he lies , but maybe she would see right through him ? he wasn’t too sure with the other.  “ i dumbed them ? what does that even mean ? do you hear how ridiculous you sound -- i am a saint , nothing of the sort. “ exactly what happened , but she would hold it against him for too long. 
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“ YOU CAN HAVE MY JACKET. ” he smiles at him, not wanting him to be cold and definitely not thinking about how it would probably be too small but he’d figure it out when the time came. luc barely notices the little moments of alex helping him stay steady, though he’s been drunk around the blonde enough times to know he’s looking after him. “ i’d demand another countdown. ” luc chuckles, cuddling in close. “ just because my legs don’t feel real does not mean i’m going to fall. ” luc protests slightly, shaking his head. “ — but yes, sitting sounds nice. ”
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                “ are you trying to be cute , luc ? “ lips curl into a grin looking down at the other.  he’s used to luc being drunk , he’d done it a couple of times and it didn’t seem concerning to him -- as long as the other knew to come to alex when he was finished or needed some help.  “ demand another countdown --- your demands keep getting more ridiculous. “ it’s what he liked.  “ that’s exactly what that means. “ he laughs. “ come , “ he says dragging the other until he finds a bench and sits , patting his lap so the other could lay his head. 
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“When your advice became useful, I guess… Like Christmas! I didn’t go and that was the right thing,” Ria drawled, definitely drunk. “Had someone kiss me because they think I’m into them but I’m only pretending to be into them because I’m bored.” The words came out in one long breath.
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              “ my advice is like christmas ? “ he asks confused. “ you’re welcome. “ he still takes the compliment of course.  “ well , you need to fucking stop because that’s rude. “ he scolds her like one would a child.  “ weren’t you the one complaining that you weren’t receiving enough attention and now you got it and it backfired ------ don't’ blame me. “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“ I’LL KILL YOU ! ” her feet scuffle a little closer to him before she lifts one leg to kick him on his leg — though a bit gently because she knows she’s already a little wobbly as it is. “ i did not forget about you ! ” she tilts her head up a bit before rolling her eyes. “ yes, i know they exist and yet you’ve not texted me, either, so ! ” cori shrugs. “ — maybe it was just the sex i liked. ” she acts serious but she’s simply teasing.
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               “ you’d miss me too much , “ he counters. “ or maybe not since you’ve been ignoring me this whole time ! “ jaw drops as she kicks him and he resists the urge to kick back.  “ yes you did , you liar. “ he narrows his eyes , “ that’s because you were always so excited when you texted me. “ he points at her , “ you only wanted me for my penis didn’t you ? “ there’s a dramatic gasp that follows.
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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     “you used to, i thought i got over it by now,” landon says, pouting and looking down at his feet acting as if he was caught. as alex continues, he drops the act, nodding his head. “yeah, kinda wish i was still back in new york, but it’s whatever.” landon shrugs before asking, “how was your break?”
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              “ with this face ? it’ll probably never happen. “ he shakes his head as if shaming the other.  “ i’ve never been to new york , is it dirty ?  i heard it’s dirty. “ he makes a slight face but then again he did like the grungier stuff even if he always said he was made for finer things.  “ i was in california , went to visit my dad -- it wasn’t really eventful.  “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“no, you’re mean. whether or not someone is nice. just ‘cause you have a boyfriend now doesn’t make you any less mean.”
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             “ when have i ever been mean to you ? “ he pauses. “ and don’t say now , now doesn’t count. “ he makes a face , “ luc would probably make me meaner if i’m being honest.  he hates almost everyone. “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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IF LUC TRUSTED THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE in the ballroom then maybe he would be asleep across two chairs but he does not, and he’s been waiting too long to bail now.  “ — it’s nice outside, ” luc tells him, in case he hasn’t been out yet, and his smile, while small, is constant as he holds his grip around the other, shuffling his feet behind as he follows until he releases just enough to skip ahead to be beside him. fingers find alex’s to intertwine and he’s swaying a bit as he walks, gentle little bumps into the blonde every now and then. “ for a moment i almost thought — almost... that we, well, i, missed it, the countdown. ” luc says, words slow and slurred, soft gaze to alex. 
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                   however , he knew luc was paranoid , a bit too paranoid for his own good , but given what had just occurred maybe it was a good thing ?  “ it’s a bit cold , “ but luc liked the cold , he’s noticed.  they get a bit out the way from everyone before luc moves besides him , intertwining their fingers together.  he smiles as luc sways a bit , but luckily alex is there to keep him at least a bit steady.  “ no , i think you’d be angry if that happened. “ or at least a bit bummed , plus alex wouldn’t let it happen.  “ do you want to find some place to sit before you fall over ? “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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A loud sigh of relief left her lips as she spotted the other - without Luc in tow - and she grabbed his arm to tug him to a quieter corner of the room. “S.O.S.” At this point she didn’t even care if she got a wayward compliment on her outfit (okay she did), this was an emergency. closed @virtutiae​
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                   “ since when did i become your in person speed dial ? “ he chuckles as he’s dragged along to another part of the room.  “ what did you do ? “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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“ THEY’RE NOT FREAKISH. ” she defends quickly, going to give him a whack with her hand but having to retreat the attack as she feels her dress slipping. it’s definitely unfair alex can touch her like this without the intention to take OFF her dress but she’s still rolling her eyes at his words. “ i’m a busy person, you know ! plus, you can’t tell me you’re not preoccupied elsewhere.. ” relationships ruin everything !!!
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                  “ they’re a little freakish , “ he chuckles as she basically has no way to punch him.  “ i know you’re busy , but did you just forget about me ? ! “ he furrows his brow.  “ i am not preoccupied all the time , phones exist you know. “
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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IT WAS GETTING CLOSER TO MIDNIGHT and that mixed with the fact he’d been drinking for a couple hours now made luc feel so TIRED even though he was also incredibly excited to have his first official new year’s kiss. he’d never say that out loud, of course, though maybe to alex tonight and definitely to max whenever he calls her but right now his boyfriend is the only thing on his mind, soft little smile as he watches him end a conversation with whoever — luc’s opportunity to inch closer until he’s behind him, arms wrapping around the blonde as his head leans against him. “ can we go outside now ? ”
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                he’s surprised he hadn’t received any complaints from luc since it was getting late --- an ungodly hour for the other.  he almost expected the other to be asleep across two chairs with his coat over him.  he had been talking to a classmate about something stupid , as soon as the other walked away he felt a pair of arms wrap around him.  a hand instinctively goes to caress the other’s hand.  “ yes , we can go outside now , “ he states as he begins to walk despite the other’s arms around him , he’d just have to follow. 
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virtutiae · 4 years ago
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     landon jumps at the feeling of an arm around his shoulders, but he’s eased when he realizes it’s just alex. “feel like you almost made my heart skip a beat,” he says, hand over his heart to make sure it’s still beating. “but i’m alright, how are you?”
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                “ i should do that all the time --- just by you looking at me should be enough , “ he argues , but it might be futile with landon.  “ i’m okay , could be better but as long as i’m here i’ll always be a bit meh. “ though it was getting better with the help from some people. 
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