hermit who likes clubbing, friend to unfinished thoughts, lover of cosmic bodies
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Missing and Pleasure and
I don’t want to miss anything. I am awake.
I don’t want to miss anything.
Like that woman with the blue trousers and flower top who is eating her breakfast outside on the jetty while the black cormorants watch the baby pink sunrise.
I don’t want to miss it. I want to see, where I am. Feel, where I am. I am so happy I am so happy I am so happy I slept three hours I am happy Not like a week ago, when I was manic happy. Now I’m quiet happy.
happy happy happy happy yes yes yes yes and and and and no nono no no nono buts buts buts only butts butts butts
This morning I saw the little craters in my thighs while I stretched my legs open wide. Just to stretch, not to invite some other inside. No, no, no. I need to do that by myself again first,
first first back to the
first, first, first When I was eight I started to discover. I couldn’t stop, it was just too good to be true:
“I can make my own body feel like this? Yes please more please! Did you know if you touch yourself like this you feel really, really good? Did you know that, do you know that, do you know?”
It started out as just feeling nice, tingly and fun. It wasn’t until my first boyfriend that I had a full blown, power cutting, fuses out orgasm. I didn’t even know that was possible, or you know I had heard the rumours... but they never spoke about that ripple.
That ripple through my whole entire body; all the fuzzy hairs, skin, spine, nerves, blood vessels, brain. Every cell on. Awake, whispering...
Hey, you’re here. Hey, hey, hey, hey, you’re here, you’re here , you’re here! Feel me, me too, me too, feel me too! And me, and me, hey, hey, yes, yes, bit more, bit more, bit slower, bit faster, alright go on.
Guiding me guiding him.
I remember imagining it as my own videogame: each time a ripple came up – or the ripple got bigger – a little heart got added to the top right of my thought screen. One, two, three, four all the way up. Buzzing like tiny pixels they filled my entire minds’ eye. As the amount of hearts grew my voice did too. Until there was no more sound. Just breath. A long low grunt.
It sounds like I forgot about the boyfriend and that’s kind of true. I had to in that moment. I was enjoying myself.
It can be different though. If we catch the same wavelength. Flowing together through ripples of pleasure then they are no ‘other’ anymore. For those few moments we are one organism, our cells communicating carnal desire. Giving to ourselves, to our body. Feeling everything.
If you want I could keep you for a while...
Come inside and nestle in between my folds Look up from down under Feel the glistening light penetrate your pores You flesh turned stone relaxes
Fibres smoothen, cells tingle, energy ripples Ripples all the way from head to toe From your crown to your pinkie All rosy, your skin peachy
Almost ready to come out again
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Tutorial Realness
Make up, make up
Make up for what?
Make up for me?
Make up my face, my face disgrace
Made up make up. No rules they say
Still I keep seeing
The same
The same
The same
The same
The same full lips, full brows, full cheeks
I scroll through skin brushed sleek
And catch a scratch in the red
Of my carefully painted nails
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People say I got energy like I got a big dicc
But in reality it all comes from my clit
Soft but fit she hides behind lips so thicc
Looks tiny yet science says inside she’s big
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Egoslag // Masochisten epistemologie
Ik ben een Judgement Junkie
Ik wil bewijs ik zoek bewijs
Ik ben een Judgement Junkie
Ik herken eerlijkheid als harde woorden
pijn weet dat ze bestaat
Ik wil geen puppy play
Ik wil de kat met negen staarten
voelen in m’n rug
Ik wil naalden die schaven en een gaatje achterlaten
Naalden die dikker prikken dan in de accupunctuur
Ik wantrouw complimenten
ik wil geen meelij ik wil geen meelij
Ik wil discipline, striemen als stramien
want ik ben er nog niet
Ik wil er ook niet komen
alsof er een er is
alsof er een vaststaand gegeven is
Dit is geen stenen wereld meer
Die bestaat alleen nog als de gele route op toeristen kaarten van Venetië
En ook die verkopen niet meer als vroeger
Ik maak me geen illusies
Met genopte tentakels
En glibberige taaie huid
Zuig ik me vast als octopus
Klamp ik me aan losse spaanders
En spuw ik zoute inkt
DIY style
Tot iemand me iets zinnigs zegt
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Lost in translation
‘I love you.’ You said it once or twice after some wine and pressed your lips heavily on my mouth when I whispered it back some moments later.
Did you really mean it as well?
I knew her through what you were missing. The dog you could keep.. he’d watched me as I fried the eggs sunny-side up, while you took a shower.
Giving and taking, that’s a relationship right?
Your small trophies of better known people are more prominent in this bare house. With quelled pride you watch me read a newspaper column from the angry old man in which you swiftly pass by. ‘I’m not sure if I can make it’, I said. ‘You’ll get it’, you said.
How can you know a thing like that about me?
As we spooned on the couch you’d whisper to me about horseback riding on the beach at your getaway place. ‘So nice and peaceful to go horseback riding together’, I mused. You didn’t stop me as I continued about walking the dog during long weekends on the countryside where I had grown up not that long ago.
I don’t know in whose fantasy I am anymore.
One sunny morning that old gentleman, that other old friend of yours, gave me an encouraging wink at the breakfast café. Later you told me he thought I was pretty:
‘Yes, pretty. They don’t know you yet, so we could only talk about appearance. I answered all of his questions in a very diplomatic way.’
‘... oh’
I am afraid that you will never give anything but diplomatic answers.
I talk like a little schoolgirl in love and you, you talk like a diplomat.
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Hard Style Poetry
I push my heels into the ground
Stamp it, stamp it out
I push my heels into the ground
Lift and drop ‘em down
I drop it low and scream
I drop it low and scream
Hard style Heart style
I drop it low and scream
Hands clench fist, raised pumpin’ pumpin’
I go hard, voice growlin’ gruntin’
Drop it low and scream
I push my heels into the ground
I drop it low and scream
Make muscles shake, flesh over bones
Skeleton take the beat
The beat the beat the beat the beat
Rampant without end
I push my heels into the ground
Stampin’ like my toddler years
Temper tantrum head bangin’
I beat I beat I beat I beat
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I can't sleep
I can’t sleep
I can’t sleep ‘cause my head is aching
I can’t sleep ‘cause my mind is wondering
I can’t sleep ‘cause my muscles are twitching
my right eye won’t close
it don’t close
i want to dose, to doze off
away and softly
off the page into the dream
turning over
Body take the lead
Clean out my toxins
Wash me clean while I sleep
Spill fluid through tissue
Unknown carer
Unknown healer
I will take care of you again tomorrow
Dead of night
On and on, never ending stream of words
Obsessively searching connections
Insight! Insight!
I see it!
I see it all so clearly!
But the brain wants more
It’s feeding time for the brain..
Brain eat my brain
Eat my sleep to satisfy your hunger
Ever hungry never full
Addicted to that spark
The fire, the flash of light
Yes, yes we want more
We want that me and my brain
No not my brain, my mind is hungry
My brain just wants sleep
Poor, poor brain
Feeding my mind with that sweet sensation
That phantom fuel of dopamine
Unknowingly signing its own death.
I can’t sleep
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City Cranes
city cranes mounted in acid green building ground rise rise up into the stars constellations my father taught me on the roof of our orange brick house orange city hazes surrounding our rural life encroaching like the life of adults into my place, my, my, my place
City cranes rising Building futures Alien lives Mars shines bright I feel his hunger His violent desire He goes where we destruct Arrives when the holes are blown and masses run City cranes rising Waging war on our living Living wages where are the living wages? Stardust and microbes survive and I? I smoke dust In vertigo on nicotine I rush High like city cranes into the sky
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