#;; tbh you not being present when boss got his face reveal is a good thing
yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
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I guess I can say that I've missed a lot XD (again?! ;; why do I leave at the worst times ever??? lmaoo)
Honestly, you missed probably a few things than the boss 😔 but it's okay Shiro, pat pat on the head. You're doing great man.
(tbh there's also portraits for Cupid and Eros. I haven't shown them off yet, but I plan on it soon lol)
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onyx-roses · 1 year
I finished re4r awhile ago and it was FANTASTIC.
I feel they really did the original justice. I enjoyed the QOL improvements that were made. Having your knife being able to parry is awesome and very satisfying. It's quite the game changer! The fact that you can use it even against one hit kill bosses like dr. salvador is so neat! While I don't like stealth typically, it's a welcome addition since the game doesn't force it on you. Having the option to pick off a few enemies silently is nice although I feel doing this made little difference in terms of making taking down the rest of the enemies easier tbh. Being able to simply kick and elbow barrels and crates instead of painstakingly having to shoot or knife them is probably an afterthought for others but i highly appreciated this. Crafting ammo and grenades is new feature that saved my ass a few times so needless to say love it lol. And next up the biggest change in the game, you can move and shoot now! Lol. Something I never quite got use to however was the 180 degree turn. In old RE, it was down + x (on ps at least). Now it's down + R1, which feels very unnatural to me. I dealt with it but eh, not very comfortable with this change. Leon overall controls pretty well despite this. I love that you can change weapons on the fly now instead of always having to go into the attache case. I do kinda miss seeing Leon on the side in the attache case menu lol. The merchant returns! With a nice little bonus, side quests! They are completely optional but doing them can net you extra rewards. The shooting range is back and I LOVE that they used 'The Drive' song and remixed it! Especially the way it amps up during bonus time, ugh so good. The fucking nostalgia man. Going on to story and characters now. I love that Ashley feels like an actual character and more realistic this time around. Her redesign is rly cute too. Luis being more present and fleshed out was great too. I have to say I think I actually prefer how his death was handled in the remake. It felt more emotional and impactful. Ok so with Leon. First off, I admittedly am always nervous with how characters are going to look because I'm not always crazy with how capcom handles redesigns and characters' faces. But holy crap, LEON THO. Every version of Leon can get it but Re4 Leon is my fave Leon so needless to say when I saw him for the first time in that reveal trailer, Me = deceased. He looks so goddamn good. I thought I had it bad for him back then, nah. Now, I'm fucking embarrassingly OBSESSED with this man. I want to devour him. It was hard to not stop every two seconds when playing to admire his....assets lmaooo. I think some ppl didn't like that he seems more grounded this time around but I actually don't mind it at all. They found a nice middle ground where Leon is def more serious than before but he still throws out one liners here and there. So his corny side is still very much present but he doesn't seem as cocky as before. Ada looks great and is as mysterious as ever lol. Story beats were mostly the same, a few things tweaked of course but I was satisfied with how the narrative was handled. And omg, was so nice to see certain costumes and weapons plus easter eggs make a comeback! The freaking gangster suit, armor for Ashely, the chicago typewriter and the reload animation, him sitting down on the chair and posing fabulously, etc. I'm just so over the moon for this game. It's one of my favorite games of all time and I couldn't be happier with the end result. I remember hearing when this was getting a remake and being like but why? Re4 doesn't need a remake. But now having played it, it's so well done and I'm so glad Capcom didn't screw it up lol. It was a blast reliving this masterpiece all over again 🥲.
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scribble-games · 4 years
Hi! Don’t know if you are still doing Angel vignettes, but here are some ideas :) :(A) Angel revealing the story behind a scar to 180, (B) the POV of Angel learning about 180s torture/backstory while at DIABLO HQs, (C) the aftermath of Angel making his first casualty on the job or finding the body of someone he knew. Thanks!
I chose C! I wouldn’t normally do big backstory stuff like this, but I’ve written it all up now, so just this once y’all can have a little spoilers. As a treat.
Content warnings: gore, eye injury, implied assault, death, drug mention
The man reels back, clutching at his face. His eyeball bulges out of the swollen lids, almost out of the socket, as red and angry as the man's mottled cheeks. His mouth hangs open and a guttural cry rips from his throat.
Noise. Fuck, if others come to help him...
Angel hadn't even realised that he'd made a note of the things on the desk, but his hand goes for the letter opener as if he'd planned it all along, and it's like the weapons trainer is speaking in his head. Soft spot under the chin. Blade's blunt, needs to be hard and fast, put your weight into it. He does, puts so much force into it that he knocks the man to the floor, falling on top of him.
The man's scream cuts off. His mouth gapes open as if in indignation, and Angel sees the glint of metal within, the blood oozing from his split tongue and pouring out of his lips. Still he's moving, limbs flailing; Angel bears down until everything, finally, stops.
Angel stands up. He rearranges his clothes. His shirt won't button right. There's some missing, must have been torn off. Where did they go? He looks down at the carpet, then shakes himself. Stupid. These clothes will need to be burned anyway, get rid of the blood and evidence.
He looks down at the body.
Now it's the spectre of Azazel with him, coolly judgemental. You didn't plan for this, did you? If there's going to be bodies, there needs to be a plan.
Angel grits his teeth. There was a plan. It just needs some - adjustments, now. He hurries to the door of the office and presses his ear against it. No sounds of footsteps, doesn't seem like anyone's rushing to see what's going on. They must be expecting a certain amount of noise, right? Don’t want to barge in and get an eyeful of the boss. A giggle tries to work its way up Angel’s throat and he forces it back down. It’s hard to keep from laughing, though. He feels… giddy, like a cocaine high, his heart pounding a staccato rhythm.
Ok. So. So, first he should do what he's here for.  
There was a box of tissues that got knocked to the floor when Angel was sitting up on the desk. He wipes the blood off his hands, then wraps some more tissue around his fingers as he starts going through the drawers. Just like the client said, there’s a little notebook locked in the top drawer with a password list. There’s also a revolver in one of the drawers. Its weight is reassuring, as is the familiar ritual of checking and loading the gun, swinging the cylinder back into place with a satisfying click before tucking the gun into the back of his jeans. He switches the computer on, finds the necessary files, and hesitates. The client said to send direct if possible, but after this? Fuck that. Angel wants to make sure he’s going to get paid what he deserves for this mess. He copies the folders onto a flash drive and shoves it into his pocket.
Now there’s just the one problem. He stares down at the body, willing some good idea to present itself. There’s no way to make this look like anything but murder. People don’t stab themselves like that. Could he take the letter opener and then shoot the guy in the same spot to cover it up? No, the noise. And the eye would still be suspicious.
He could just leave, right? But people saw them. He’d get away with it this time since no one knows him, but it wouldn’t look good for future jobs. DIABLO want ghosts, not people who leave a trail behind. But he can’t haul the body out of here by himself, not without being seen.
He catches sight of himself in the window. Wide-eyed, dishevelled, and -  he raises a hand to gently touch the sore skin – already there are livid marks showing on his throat. People would be sympathetic to that, right? Could he spin some story, get help? From who, though? Everyone here works for the dead man. Why would they feel any sympathy? Angel won’t have been the first cute young thing to be brought back here.
He traces the marks again, thoughtful. There’s an idea forming. Maybe not a good one, but the only one he’s got. But he’s going to need something to put the body in.
Very carefully, he cracks the door open and glances out. Empty, for now. Which door does he need? Where had the guy been trying to go, before Angel had cajoled him into getting a look at the office?  He takes a guess, and is relieved to find himself in a large bedroom. Bedding, good. Dry cleaning bags in the wardrobe, even better. He scuttles back to the office and begins to wrap the man up.
Several minutes and a swift descent down the drainpipe later, Angel drops to the ground with the dead man’s car keys clutched in one sweating fist. Gravel crunches beneath his feet. He moves towards the parked Jaguar as silently as possible and hides behind it. Sweat blurs his vision and he has to wipe it away with his sleeve. The giddiness is turning to nausea.
There’s a voice changer function on his phone. He must have collected enough of a sample of the man’s voice, the guy was a real talker. Now he just needs to remember… he screws his eyes closed, trying to concentrate. When they first arrived and the man had called over to his security guy, what was the name?
He licks his lips, then presses the call button.
“Sir?” comes the muffled voice.
“Marc,” says Angel, and the changer produces the wheezy tones of the dead man. “There’s been a small complication. Go upstairs, you’ll find a package that I need you to dispose of. I’ll be taking the Jaguar. If anyone asks, I’ve been out all evening.”
There’s a pause, and Angel bites his lip so hard he starts tasting blood.
“I don’t remember seeing you this evening, sir,” says Marc, and Angel punches the air in silent jubilation. “I will take care of that other matter.”
“Very good. I’ll be sure to reflect that in your pay this month,” Angel says, and hangs up. He has to force himself to go up the driveway at a casual pace, but once he hits the road he floors it. Adrenaline is surging through him and he’s riding the wave now, every inch of him alive. Time to meet up with the client again. Time to renegotiate some terms.
(tbh I could do option B, but it’s basically, Angel reads the file that says what happened and goes ‘huh, that’s fucked up’. They wouldn’t have any kind of strong reaction to it)
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
May I present to you- the babs
Okay so let me start off by saying I legit worked on these guys ALL day yesterday, mind you a few breaks of course! even then uhh breaks... didnt do me much good... my arm hurt like a b i t c h- but im super proud- god, just, these babs are gonna be fun to write with ....eventually- not now- god no- arm machine broke- I’ll put this under a keep reading btw so it aint too much a hassle
Names: Ashton (Ashton is the Sniper), Vincent (Vincent is the Spy and he's the leader of the group), and finally Erwin (he's the Medic) | Nicknames: Ash, Vin (Ash loves to call him Vinny much to his dismay but eh he'll be fine), and Erwin doesn't really have any nicknames he cares for tbh- just call him by his name | Genders: Male | Species/Race: Androids/Robots | Heights: Ashton is 8'7", Vincent is 9'5" making him the tallest of the group, and Erwin is only 5'0" making him the shortest of our lovely little group here | Hair Colors: Ashton's hair color (not that'll ye'll see much of it, he usually keeps his hat on) but his hair color is: Hickory Brown and honestly its just super messy underneath that hat, Vincent's hair is Pitch Black and slicked back, annnd finally Erwin's hair is dyed a: Mint Green (his hair is a Messy Undercut style) | Eye Colors: Ashton's is an Icy Blue, Vincent's is Imperial Red, and Erwin has heterochromia, his eyes are a light pastel blue and a Mint Green color | Appearances: Let's start off with Ashton bc why not, first off I gotta say- despite what the normal tf2 bots look like, these babs ACTUALLY look like r e a l mercs, real people, there's only a few ways to tell their androids and that's by looking closely at their open wounds which I'll get to all their prominent wounds in a moment, first up... Ashton usually wears punk-like clothing, or something similar- he has leather jackets with TONS of spikes on them, gloves with spikes on them, pants with the chains that hang down and don't forget them sweet sweet combat boots, he also tends to wear some of those face masks, most of the ones he owns has sharp teeth patterns on it but one in particular that he owns has eyes all over it (all of them are black, his clothing is either black or just REALLY dark colors in general) However, when Vincent and them aren't doing business stuff or whatever, he usually wears again, its mostly dark clothing but he doesn't give a shit what he wears like, t-shirts, tank-tops, whatever- that's when you can PROPERLY see his wounds and this android has a TON of them, v e r y open wounds that expose tons of wiring and robotic-y insides as well, so many various parts, so many w i r e s... just o o f- oh and for all of them I'll say they ALL have facial hair, Ashton has a circle beard, Vincent has a short boxed beard, and Erwin's is REALLY just stubble to get that out of the way, ahem- anyways, Ashton actually DOES have sharp teeth, a few rows of them actually. Now... Onto big boss man Vincent, Vincent is a fancy man for sure, fitting considering he's supposed to be an android/robot of the Spy, like Ashton, he H A T E S bright colored clothing but its for different reasons aside from bright ones just being irritating to look at, it also messes with his sensors actually, he's the only one out of the group who has that problem- the other's sensors aren't bothered at all by bright clothing, anyways- Vincent usually wears dark colored suits, not just black n brown though he has MULTIPLE options, dark red, dark blue, etc- I could go on- he has a LOT of fancy clothing, even his s h o e s are fancy, oh and uh he wears the typical leather gloves and that balaclava/ski mask lookin thing ya know the usual spy attire there blah blah, he also sometimes wears fedoras or some sorta fancy hat n stuff, unlike Ashton he doesn't have rows of razor bladed teeth, his teeth are just- normal tbh but that doesn't make him any less dangerous- he has a few wounds actually, one on his back that reveals some robotic parts and has a few wires sticking out although it doesn't seem to bother him too much, a has a really large stab wound on his chest that has some wires sticking out of there as well and reveals some rather serious looking parts- this one actually bothers him a little bit but he tries his damnedest to keep it hidden. and finally... Erwin, he usually wears pastel clothing with cute designs on them long sleeved t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters, etc- even his p a n t s are pastel colors! He does try to make sure the pastels aren't TOO bright or anything, he doesn't want Vincent's sensors to malfunction nor does he want to irritate his friends! He has TONS of openings that'd reveal a BUNCH of tattered wires, its a wonder he's even still functional at this point, a lot of his parts and wires are tattered and not in a VERY good condition, but he doesn't seem to let it stop him! His voice box is a little... messed up but he's still fully intelligible, sometimes it DOES make him stutter, sometimes it cuts out completely but he always somehow finishes his sentences in the end even if he has to start over, he's self conscious about his voice box messing up sometimes and he's DEFINITELY self conscious about all the scars he has over him, its partially why he wears hoodies/sweaters the MOST out of all the other clothing, he doesn't want people to see all his tattered wires n scars! He does have four prominent canines but other than that, his teeth are relatively like a normal human's. oh and as a bonus he usually wears circle glasses, it CAN technically help improve his vision a bit more but also they look cute so he loves them shh. | Personalities: Ashton's up first, now I will say even tho their robots and technically powerhouses compared to humans ANYWAYS- he IS the true powerhouse of the group, the b r u t e- BUT he's not all brawn and no brains, he's not stupid by any means even if he can act like a punk or cold rude bitch, he has a l o t of intelligence in fact- and he uses that to his advantage for sure, he's not entirely a cold rude bitch- to his friends he's relatively well, friendly and nice- even if he does mess with them sometimes- he loves to get on Vincent's nerves the most because he finds it funny mostly, but he knows when to stop so he doesn't take things too far, Erwin... messing with him can be... difficult, he uh- its not that he CANT do it, he can! He TOTALLY can its just... listen, shut up- Spy's his fave to mess with- He absolutely hates humanity, their creators especially more so- if he ever saw em or hell humans in general when he sees em- it always takes e v e r y t h i n g in his power to hold himself back from tearing them to shreds, he wouldn't even w a n t to use a gun against them despite being based off a Sniper, he'll take them apart with his strength and teeth alone if he REALLY wants! After all, making them suffer first would bring him such joy, he's not evil, none of them REALLY are, but I'll explain that all in side facts, for now (tl;dr: Ashton gets along quite well with his friends even if he messes with Vincent a lot and gets on his nerves, in fact that's when you'll see him a bit more cheerier than he usually is, now... towards humans or whatever, he's a g g r e s s i v e- he'll strike them down then and there if Vincent gives him the command, but even if he c a n t, he'll still be cold or rude to em at the very least, terrify them a little bit even- he does NOT like humans at all whatsoever) Vincent... as I've stated, he's the leader of the group, he's DEFINITELY got the perfect personality to be a leader for sure, first off he has MAJOR confidence- he's a super confident dude, he REALLY kinda has to be- after all, his role was the leader of this little group- it was forced upon him so he decided to go along with it- they wanted him to be leader so he'll fulfill that position but if he e v e r gets a hold of them their gonna wish they hadn't e v e r done what they did, he DOES have some narcissistic tendencies but its nothing TOO major, he can be suave and gentlemanly but that part is usually just an act to trick people, he plays nice and makes them think he's trustworthy and then that's when they strike, its a m a z i n g to him how naive and so trusting humanity can be, he can't w a i t to get his hands on their creators, what a f u n day that'll be! Now he's not all big and bad, he can be nice to his friends- he does have a bit of snark and sass but its all in good fun, he mostly keeps it directed towards Ashton but sometimes he'll dish out some snark or sass towards Erwin ...he seems oblivious to that part tbh- but he... even though he doesn't show it a LOT he does care about them a lot, they've been there for him ever since the day they were first created, he absolutely loathes and despises humans- he always uses an act to just lure them to either their death OR, to a little interrogation room where he tries to find out if they know a n y t h i n g about their creator, I mean either way they do kinda die in the end so it really doesn't matter and finally Erwin, he's... a lot nicer than the other two, he doesn't hold a grudge towards his creators nor especially not to humanity, not ALL of them are as bad as Vincent and Ashton think surely... not that he'd ever tell them he doesn't hold grudges or whatever, he's worried he'd ruin their plans or worse, make them mad at him- so he pretends to hate humans when their around, he's actually helped his fair sure of humans escape from the others as well, now sure he DID try and ask a few of them about the creator, when they said they knew nothing he managed to lead them safely away without the others detecting them, now I won't say he's ALWAYS been lucky- sometimes the other two... catch him in the act and he almost had something equivalent to an a n x i e t y attack when they caught him but he played it off by telling them he saw this human wandering around and he also tried to play it off like he interrogated them and they knew nothing about the creators, but of course they uh... wanted to... "take care" of the human for him and he couldn't risk arguing against they'd suspect too much bc he's never been one for killing or whatever (despite being a version of a Medic lmao), there's been a lot of those times where he's felt so guilty for letting them take the human... They didn't know anything, they didn't even seem bad, why kill them? He knows their angry, they want revenge but something seems wrong... but, he'd n e v e r go against his friends, no matter how he feels- they've been there for him through thick and thin and he cares a LOT about them despite this (p much he's a good boy, he can get nervous/anxious sometimes, he just... wants his friends to be happy and rest easy really, he cares a lot about them despite all they do, he's deeply afraid if they find out what he's done or that he doesn't have grudges, etc- that they'll be a n g r y with HIM) | Side Facts: Alright, so... the best run down I can give is this... They didnt really wanna be created in the first place BUT they tolerated it- like ok chill, we gotta tolerate existing now- but then like they were pretty much abandoned bc they were discontinued, bc the tf2 bots look like actual robots, im making these guys more like androids as you already know im sure- closer resemblances to the actual human mercs n shit- but ANYWAYS- something happened and they didnt want to continue making androids like them so the three of them got left behind and of course were thought to be shut down but surprise surprise, their still active, their still out there and their. fucking. l i v i d- first they didnt really wanna exist in the first place, ok they could chill out bout that bc they learned to deal with it BUT- N O W their being discontinued? They dont even have a full t e a m!! its bullshit so now their a wee bit- okay no they are absolutely fucking livid at the creators and humanity in general- except, as you know- Erwin can't hold grudges or anything- he doesnt think ALL humans are bad or at least he hopes their not, but either way- Vincent and Ashton p much feel hatred n coldness towards the creators and humanity. | AU: So a best bud of mine suggested since I had like t w o really good ideas for these lads and couldnt use both of them bc it'd like conflict with many things, to make an AU outta the second idea- I- honestly gotta thank em for fuckin reminding me that AUs are a t h i n g that e x i s t s- but anyways, this AU is basically where Ashton, Vincent, and Erwin died and the respawn, sorta... well broke for em, dont know why or how but it just did, so they died for reals and just... their souls wandered the earth for a bit until they found the bodies of these robots and decided to possess them p much, and now since they died for real- they REALLY wanna return the favor to the ones who killed em (of course, not gonna tell who that was e x a c t l y not yet anyways), I will say their personalities will probably differ from canon a LITTLE bit in this regard, like their still- well in this AU their MORE vengeful than they could EVER be in canonverse- even Erwin in this AU is vengeful, only towards those who did em wrong of course. and with a conversation I had with my partner, there was more expansion that happened, essentially- it was questions of the teammates and what'd happen there (thank you darling, I appreciate this bc this just gave the AU more expansion that I really wasnt just thinking bout on my own), bc if they didnt go back to their teammates they'd be without the supports and ahem, the medic- but anyways, if they did wwweeeellll... their team wouldn't EXACTLY recognize it as them, to them its just potential enemy bots that they need to dispose of orrr at least run off, and that's what they'd definitely do at first, now I will say, there's the chance oh Idk, Erwin interacts with the Heavy (listen... I dont have canon names for this team... im- im too tired to figure it out rn for all the team sdjkajdj they will have to wait for awhile) but Erwin and the Heavy were VERY good close friends, and Erwin could show him that, he's... well, his best bud- they ALL had certain things they used to do or say to their teammates- and ya know if Erwin proved that to Heavy- he'd- well, a lotta emotions would be running wild in that case, of course im getting a head of myself- I should have clarified, bc the team k n o w s the others died and weren't respawning which of course they absolutely tried to deny- they'd be back soon ....yeeaahh they werent, and like now they do find it suspicious these three bots showed up that are designed like the supports but they'd never go that far to say its their dead teammates possessing these... robots, that's a little far-fetched for them. So unless Erwin goes and tries to convince his best friend, who knows what'll happen- oh and I'll also say, aside from the personalities- the actual human versions of Ashton, Vincent, and Erwin would look a LITTLE different- they still wear the same clothes n have similar features, they have scars but those don't reveal tattered wires since their humans you know, and their eye colors- Ashton's eyes are Cobalt Blue, Erwin's eyes are baby blue, and Vincent's eyes are a Caramel Brown, they also don't have those sharp teeth or fangs- oh and their heights are different, Ashton is 6'4", Vincent is 6'8", annnd Erwin- eh he's the same height the bots of course, still retain the same look as in canonverse however so try not to get too confused by different appearances!
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X15 - Quiet Minds
What did the doctor diagnose Zelena with when she came complaining about knee pain?
Oz-teoperosis! XD
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I wish I could get you to a doctor! I’m actually pretty sad to watch this episode and I’m sure you know why. So let’s get to it. Under the cut is where you want to be.
Press Release
Neal finds himself back in Storybrooke and yearns for a way to reconnect with his son Henry, whose memories of his father are gone, while also trying to find his own father, Rumplestiltskin, whom he has just learned is alive but missing, and Regina discovers a possible connection with Robin Hood. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was over the past year, agonizing over the death of his father, Neal - with the help of Belle and enchanted candelabra Lumiere - attempts to find a magical solution to bring back Rumplestiltskin from the dead.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
I like how Belle and Neal’s past conversation is almost meta like in their discussion of the nature of Rumple’s sacrifice (Ex. Belle debates that Rumple saved everyone whereas Neal debates that he saved just his family). I like this discussion so much and wish that we had more Neal and Belle moments because these kind of discussions about Rumple’s morality are so interesting! Neal is much more critical of Rumple’s every act, be in kind in nature or not while Belle is more lenient, choosing to believe in him. I can’t help but wonder how these two would’ve worked together going forward had Neal not died. Would they have been able to get along because of those differences? Probably, but I could see the occasional fight break out between them. And it’s interesting to see how in the end, Neal is right. While undoubtedly the thing anyone would do -- save their child over the dagger -- it was selfish for everyone who now had to deal with the consequences of that decision. Rumple saved his family -- not the grander scheme of things. BUT that’s not framed as a terribly bad thing either, and rightfully so, as evidenced by neal calling it a “true sacrifice” during his death scene. It’s still legit.
I like how Neal’s lack of magical understanding -- one of his biggest character flaws -- is what gets him into this mess, as well as his impatience to get back to his family. I some ways, it reminds me of a reverse version of “The Crocodile.” There, Rumple’s need for vengeance, over-reliance on magic, and impatience costs his best chance at getting back to his family and the same happens here.
The dialogue between Zelena and Rumple has much more meat to it in hindsight than during the first go-around. There’s this whole other layer to the conversation that’s completely missed without the context that Rumple was Zelena’s tutor and taught her basically how to be evil and powerful!
The story in the present section is definitely one of those “all come together moments” where the plot is more of the driving force than a story and it works fine enough here.
Because of that...well, let’s talk about Neal’s death, why don’t we?
I feel like when talking about Neal’s death, we have to do it in two parts: The first is how the death worked on its own (I.E. the staging, how it fits into the story of the episode, etc.). The second is how it worked as the death of a character (I.E. what this character’s death left people desiring, was it an appropriate death, why this death happened, last impressions of the character). I’m going to focus on the first part here and the second part over where I talk about the cultural elements of the show.
So within a vacuum, how was Neal’s death handled in the confines of this episode? Eh. Neal is so adamant about getting back to his family and making things right and just leaps at his death without looking for another option. I just can’t help but feel like Neal would be a bit more stubborn with that. He’s giving up his chance to be alive with him family. If this was the only way and alternatives were explored a bit more, that would’ve been one thing, but they’re not. Belle reads exactly one book and they don’t even try to consult Blue or Regina before going to this final resort. It’s not impossible to believe, but it is hard.
But that’s not all there is to a death. Some of it can come down to his goodbyes to other characters and Neal had the benefit of dying beside the two people he was closest to: Rumple and Emma. And while Henry is absent during the scene, and understandably so given the story, his absence of presence and memories creates an extra layer of underlying tragedy to this death that thankfully is brought up in the next episode. But let’s keep our focus on Emma and Rumple. Now, I like talking about shippy stuff at the bottom of my review and I will further elaborate on my points there, but to sum it up, it was honestly so beautiful and touched upon every point it needed to. I genuinely loved it. As for Rumple, it’s perfect. I love the sharp denial Rumple has for Neal’s passing, jumping between every stage of grief and being left so emotional as he finally passes. Every touch is so important and emphasized and I think the staging of Emma holding Neal so those touches would stick out more was a masterful choice.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-Zelena, I don’t recommend wearing that Wicked Witch cosplay while trying to blend in!
-”Beautiful one.” Not really selling me on adoring your monkeys when you sound like you’re about to butcher a puppy, Zelena!
-FUCK! Rumple can run! Does Storybrooke have a track team because if so, put him on that track team!
-Oh jeez. While funny (And I do believe that’s what they were going for, and it works), I am so glad Killian gave Belle a better apology later on in the series.
-”What the hell?” What the hell’s right! Lumiere is more than a touch creepy!
-Yay! We’re finally starting to really touch upon the Captain Beauty friendship!
-”I got you breakfast because I am supermom.” I love the way Emma says that line and sinks into that big armchair as she says it like, “Yeah, I’m a boss.”
-”That’s a bagel?” Emma, I am so proud of you for instilling such a good taste in bagels into your son. *Tear falls*
-In case there was ever a doubt to Henry being noble as all hell, he’d rather go back to SCHOOL than be lied to!
-Not gonna lie: Neal looks REALLY hot in that t-shirt!
-Watching Neal hear about how Henry not only doesn’t remember the bond they’ve formed, but how he does remember him as a jerk is so harsh and heartbreaking!
-I love how Zelena just concots this whole fucking story for Lumiere that is so typically Rumple! XD
-So I’m looking at the cover to the book that Belle’s reading about The Dark One and it says “IN A AKY ACAZ CA KAWO.” Does anyone know what this means?
-”Born out of -- well -- darkness.” More like vengeance, but sure, whatevs.
-Neal! Why did you blow Lumiere out?! And without a warning?! That was just rude!
-”Says more about them than it does about you.” I don’t know about that, Zelena. Your story was pretty convincing, tbh.
-For all of Zelena’s strengths as a villain, the woman is as subtle as a brick to the face! XD
-Not to get into shippy stuff, but that’s 2 couples so far that have explored this farmhouse!
-JELLO! I still mourn for the jello scene that never canonically was, but fuck, I love this one!
-I love the shot of the clearing by The Dark One’s Vault! The snow and wintery atmosphere makes it so gorgeous!
-Once again, Robert Carlyle is creepy and awesome as hell for it!
-Seriously! Someone get Rumple on a track team!
-I can’t help but feel like it may have been a better idea for the candle to not be revealed as a villain until Belle discovers it. Like I get that he’s supposed to be redeemed, making this a double twist of sorts, but I wasn’t feeling it.
-”The Wicked Witch?” Belle’s tone to me implies that Belle has either seen or read “The Wizard of Oz.” Thoughts and HC’s?
-Like father, like son with that impatience!
-Neal, when things start to glow, we take our hands off of them!
-He loves pizza! I like how just like with the underlying softness between Robin and Regina, there’s that underlying memory of Henry and having pizza with his dad.
-The special effects team must’ve had a fucking FIELD DAY with that transformation in the woods! The actual hell?!
-I love how Lumiere calls his bit of goodness a flash of conscience because damnit -- that’s what it is!
-”I’ll be watching over you guys from somewhere.” Good HEAVENS! I have one HELL of a theory about the nature of the Underworld for Neal and Rumple. Remind me to tell you about it some time!
-”Let go.” NO! Rumple, save him!
-I feel bad laughing given that we just lost Neal, but WHY do the Charmings have two doors to their bathroom! Even the architects in Storybrooke are so fucking extra! XD
-”That was rather ill-timed.” Zelena, you fucking bitch!
-Okay, when Zelena stepped over Neal’s head, I was terrified she was gonna crush him.
-We get a nice bit of Golden Swan in this episode! Not only are they mutually grieving Neal’s loss as he dies and for a few moments afterwards, BUT we see how Rumple has faith that Emma will rally everyone to defeat Zelena!
-I’m not gonna lie: I’m kind of loving this Rumple whump. Having the dagger shoved quite literally in his face -- I don’t know how to describe it, but it does stuff to me, okay!
-I don’t know if Zelena makes him walk back to his cafe instead of poofing to torture him or if he voluntarily does that so he gets some time to himself to mourn, but either way is so sad!
-That having been said, seeing Robin and Roland play together is fucking precious!
-Take that, people who say no one cares about Belle! Snow goes over there and checks on her! :D
-Oh sweet! The lake is back, which will henceforth be known as The Mirror Lake! Like seriously, the entire crew was having a fucking field day with this half season. These shots! These effects!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Wicked Witch - Once again, Zelena gets to show off how intimidating she truly is! In the present, she continues to manipulate everyone into thinking she’s a good person and even when she’s exposed, she still manages to kill Neal in the process. And in the past, her plan is straight up devious and so cleverly put together. Even as she’s now exposed, getting there only took four episode and didn’t lag too much at all. Also, there’s still so much to get into that there’s enough fresh ideas to keep the arc chugging along. Also also, I REALLY get how so many people wouldn’t want a redeemed Zelena after this moment. Hell, I don’t think I want it anymore either! Like, Zelena is fucking wicked and just as much as wicked always wins, seeing her laud Neal’s death -- a death that she cause -- over Rumple fucking hurts to watch!
Emma Accepting Home - I think that Neal’s death was an important thing to depict to show Emma the dangers of being in Storybrooke and to reinforce her desires to leave with Henry for a life in New York.
Favorite Dynamic
Neal and Killian. Look, we had a bunch of good dynamics here, but this was a sad episode and I need something lighthearted to fangirl over. This is about as good of closure as we were ever going to get between Neal and Killian and I utterly LOVED it. The jello Killian offers Neal is funny as all hell, I love their conversation concerning the nature of the good and evil deeds they’re doing and...THAT HUG! It’s sweet and and awkward and a little uncomfortable, but is also so earnest. And fuck me gently with a spoon, Neal calls Killian...well, Killian! There aren’t a lot of characters who do that and the implication of them doing so is that on some level, they get who he is, so to see Neal join those ranks is just beautiful.
Kalinda Vazquez is our writer today, and boy was she stuck with a difficult episode. Killing a major character is NEVER easy, especially such a big one. Until the the end of Season 5, this was a burden left solely on her shoulders alone (Unless you thought Rumple did die during “Coming Home,” I didn’t). And with that difficult situation, I think she made something very solid. Neal’s death, while not ideally set up in some ways, IS a tragic scene that allows for Neal to get a degree of closure with the three most important people in his life. I can talk about the rest of the episode, but that was where the writing needed to work, and thankfully, it did.
I feel like I should preface the discussion about Neal’s death as an overall factor on the series as a whole by talking about my original experiences with the character. I binged Seasons 2 and 3 a few months apart, so a lot of Neal’s time on the show passed for me in a blur. I didn’t hate him by any means, but he didn’t leave a big impression on me.
This rewatch changed things. I started to pay more attention to him as a character. That happened mostly I think because there’s always been such a controversy surrounding him and because I didn’t pay much attention to him last time in favor of some of the flashier characters, I wanted more than anything to form my own opinion on him. Much to my pleasure, that opinion was positive, and as I closed in on his death, I began to get sad at the thought of it -- so much so that I put off the start of this review basically all day.
Anyways, let’s talk about the larger factors of the death (I.E. what this character’s death left people desiring, was it an appropriate death, why this death happened, last impressions of the character). I talked about my last impressions of him, so we’ll get into everything else.
Now, I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I can speak for me when I say that I was left desiring a lot more development with Neal’s relationships with both Rumple and Henry. While I like the resolution Neal and Rumple got, i can’t help but feel like it had to zip dash to the finish line when Neal’s introduction back into the series implied that this was going to be a harder road. We only got a few episodes of them being at odds and while those moments were mostly great, they’re so little compared to all of the baggage they had. There’s no point where Neal sees the scale of what Rumple did cursing this land and reacting to it and he barely gets to spend time with Belle.
As for his time with Henry, yeah. I would’ve liked to see more of them. After Neal’s death, Henry carries so much grief over him throughout the other seasons, mentioning him at least once a season until we hit 7, but in terms of the time they spend together and how that time is spent, we come up really short. They play games and have pizza and that’s all well and good, but I feel like it would’ve been great had Neal occasionally given Henry some advice or left him with a phrase or something that would’ve equaled out to all the love that Henry has for him. Like, where Neal’s “with great power comes great responsibility” Uncle Ben moment? What we got was fine enough, but I would’ve liked to honestly have seen a bit more meat to it.
Was the death appropriate, or rather, was it warranted? Certainly more so than Robin’s (I’ll get to that one), but to tell you the truth, I’m not sure. I think that it opened up story possibilities that were taken good advantage of and Neal’s death was given the dignity he deserved, making the death more than just something done for shock, but as a story point that would follow Henry, Rumple, and Emma for a while. I think the broad strokes with Neal’s character were taken care of prior to the death and while I have my issues with it in regards to the finer details of some of his dynamics, Neal was pretty complete. That having been said, the issue of if a death needed to happen is a valid one and it opens a lot of points that, to be honest, I just don’t know if can delve as deeply into it as the topic deserves. There are so many factors that go into this conversation, up to and including the magical world of OUAT and the resurrections that take place afterwards. So my answer is a light yes, but there is so much room for nuance in this conversation that it’s nothing I’d give a ride-or-die answer to.
Now here comes the “fun” question: Why did Neal die? A lot of people attribute it to Captain Swan and bringing an end to the love triangle, and that is not a line of thinking I agree with. And I know, it makes sense that I’d say that as a CS shipper, but I beg you to follow my line of thinking here.
Neal was killed because of the choice to make Rumple a baddie again. When you look at Season 4, Rumple plays a gambit on everyone. If Neal were alive and in character, he would not have been able to do that without getting caught by someone other than Killian. I’ve mentioned before, but what makes Neal a great character and a great contrast to Belle is that while Belle is willing to often give him the benefit of the doubt, Neal isn’t. Neal would’ve been on Rumple’s ass the second he heard something shady and Rumple’s so shady, he makes the space underneath a pine tree look like the Sahara on a cloudless day. And look, that’s not Rumple’s fault, or even the writers necessarily, but I’m gonna say that they had some idea of what they wanted from Season 4 by this point and they understood that there had to be a trade off for Rumple’s development of an evil plan and his returned love for his power. And Neal, just as he was in this episode, was the price. I’m not happy about it -- I hope that’s something I’ve made clear -- but that’s my thought process.
9/10. Everything about this episode was going to come down to how well Neal’s death was handled. Fortunately, it was done well -- not flawlessly, but well. The story was solid and it delivers on giving the audience a level of closure for the character, closure that will continue for the rest of the season. Even the past segment offered something unique in that regard, making for a weird kind of love letter to Neal. It’s an episode that really does encompass his character and a send off that is divisive, but for me, more satisfying than not.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Swan Fire - You really see just how determined Neal and Emma are to get back together here and it works so much! Even Belle ships it, explicitly reasoning the safety of Emma’s necklace was a result of it originating from their “True Love.” No matter what you get from that line, I think the role that that necklace took on for both of them as well as its presence throughout the series shows how special Neal and Emma were to each other. Also, I love seeing Emma and Neal bonding over their evil significant others. Watching them laugh together in the forest just shows how in-tune they are with each other. Seeing Neal remorseful for how things with Walsh turned out is so sweet. Finally, let’s talk about Neal’s death. Neal’s attention to making sure Emma knows that she can find love and happiness is so important here. Neal cares so much about Emma and you see it as he shakily holds that necklace up to her, begging her to continue on her story. And seeing Emma barely able to hold herself together while watching Neal die guts me. The acting from both of these guys is amazing! And that hug as she cradles him to her chest choked me up and got some tears welling!
Rumbelle - “I love him -- all of him -- even the parts that belong to the darkness.” I really like this line and it leaves a lot to be discussed when it comes to the nature of Rumple and Belle’s love. It’s important not only to see as a point about the depths of Belle’s love for Rumple, but also as a point about that love’s limitations. As I said in my “Skin Deep” review last summer, Belle is one of the only characters who gets to show amusement at some of Rumple’s antics. But I like this line because it gels well with the breakup we see in Season 4, Belle likes the darkness, but has clear limits on what how much Rumple can let that darkness effect him. It makes Belle a good character with human-like limits, but showing that there is something attractive to even a good person about the darkness. ANYWAY, let’s just look at Rumple and Belle’s reactions to Rumple coming out of the vault. Belle’s got freakin’ tears welled up and Rumple’s first word is her name! It’s -- to quote a sexy narrator -- straight out of a telenovela!
Outlaw Queen - Once again, I like their banter a lot! I also like the gentleness that’s formed between them because of their adventures in the Enchanted Forest. While they don’t remember it, there’s an underlying feeling of trust that you can just tell is there and watching it is really fun. Like, they’re really cute and despite later seasons really taking me out of OQ, I do sincerely love their origins here. Also, I want to talk about this line: ”From where I’m standing the ‘Evil’ moniker seems to be something of an overstatement.” I know this line gets a bit of criticism, but I actually think it works. For me, part of what works about Outlaw Queen is that Robin, from his perspective, is a redeemed villain and he’s hanging with and will come to court a redeemed villain. From his current perspective, he sees her in her current more redeemed form and thinks that she’s on his level, but currently has no idea what he’s getting into. That’s what makes the Marian twist at the end of Season 3 so big and why I’m so annoyed that that nuance isn’t brought up later! ...Sorry I got a bit off topic back there. Finally, I love their chemistry! Sean and Lana have some sexy chemistry in 3B! I love the way Robin and Regina are basically flirting over drinks! It’s cute as all hell!
Wow. That was… a lot. This episode left me with a lot to think about in terms of fictional deaths. Please don’t take anything I say here as ultra definitive because I promise you, I could see my mind being swayed by a good enough argument.
Anyways, thank you all for reading that and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales! Love you all and see you all soon!
Season 3 Total (145/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (39/60) Kalinda Vazquez (26/40) Andrew Chambliss (27/50) Jane Espenson (20/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (30/40) Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (20/30)
* Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. Tumblr now take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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One where Graves spends all his time trying to escape Grindlewald after he’s captured to the point that Grindlewald is completely distracted at work, agonizing over the thought that the Real Percival Graves could burst into MACUSA at literally any minute. I mean like, one day Grindlewald took his lunch and found Graves in the alley next to MACUSA literally seconds from entering the building. It’s to the point that people are asking Grindlewald As Graves if he’s ok, if his mother is sick, etc.
Grindlewald is seriously anxious about leaving Graves alone every day. He’s had Graves for like 2 months and there’s only been 10 days of that where he was sure Graves couldn’t escape. He’s stressed the fuck out and can’t deal with this anymore. So he decides he needs to make Graves harmless. Tries transfiguring him into household objects, a dog, a bird, making him tiny, etc. but Graves is so pissed that nothing holds for longer than a few hours.
Grindlewald is getting desperate at this point he’s considering just giving up tbh and then there’s a case where kidnappers are turning adults into children to make them easier to deal with. Potion only lasts like 5 days and has to be readministered but it works. Grindlewald gets the recipe and ingredients and gives Graves the potion that night.
Only now he’s got a new problem because Graves is like 11 and absolutely tiny, all knees and elbows, and heavy eyebrows set in a sweet little face. His bangs fall into his eyes and he curls up around himself into a tiny ball and now Grindlewald feels terrible bc this is a sweet little boy and he’s scaring him.
Graves doesn’t know who Grindlewald is, he’s got his memories up to age 11 (his other memories will return when he reverts) but his Papa is Important and his brother Lance got kidnapped just last year and Papa was So Mad and “just you wait and see, mister. Papa will get you and you’ll be sorry!”
But Grindlewald feels much better about leaving the little guy like this. He chains him to the kitchen island, which is bolted to the floor, so he can get food when he wants and even puts a comfy arm chair in there for him. The little guy is angry but mostly scared, and most importantly doesn’t know anything other than basic spells and can’t do wandless magic. He’s as harmless as can be in there and can’t do anything but elaborately threaten Grindlewald, and he’s even running out of steam for that. The most recent one was “you’re being really mean and not even apologizing...and, and you CAN’T apologize because this is Too Bad so you’ll just be bad forever because I Can’t Forgive You!” Which is just adorable bc the kid clearly doesn’t know that holding a kid against his will and not keeping him comfortable isn’t the worst thing he’s done.
And then Graves gets sick. And suddenly Grindlewald is anxious again and leaving work early bc if Graves dies his disguise is gone. It’s been almost 2 weeks and he’s had to buy cold medicine for the kid. People are getting suspicious but he’s so distracted he doesn’t even notice. And when Tina whispers to Newt that the aurors can’t move against Graves, but Newt can, Grindlewald barely notices the whispered “revelio” And is captured before the end of the day.
Picquery declares Graves dead and is shouted down by a whole team of Aurors. Grindlewald has already revealed where Graves is bc he’s that worried about the little guy (he gets his cold medicine twice a day and he’s past due for it) even tho he can’t use him anymore.
They go to his house expecting an adult Graves in terrible shape or even dead and instead find a little boy with big sad eyes curled up in an arm chair in the kitchen. Gallagher undoes the lock around his little ankle with a simple Alohamora and gathers the little guy, blanket and all, up in his arms.
“There, lad, it’s alright,” he whispers in his Irish lilt, and the boy blinks up at him and curls his little fist in the lapels of his suit.
“Papa?” He asks, and Gallagher is fully ready to adopt him now, he doesn’t care who this kid is or where his parents are, he is now in Papa Bear mode and fiercely protective. Gallagher carries him outside and sits down on the step, the boy curled in his lap coughing a bit. Tina gives him her thermos and he sips that while he munched a few crumbled cookies Gallagher keeps for his own children, pulled from the pockets of his coat.
The search turns up nothing but the boy and by the time Picquery finally arrives to oversee operations Gallagher is ready to say “fuck it” and just take the little lad home and get a good meal in him. No one has thought to ask him his name, but to be fair he’s coughing a lot and most of the ones who WOULD ask are too concerned about his illness.
Picquery notices the boy right away and comes over, sitting down next to Gallagher on the step. Gallagher, frankly, is shocked. He is pretty sure Picquery doesn’t like children and she never speaks to witnesses. That’s what she had Graves for.
Picquery peeks over at the boy, then holds out her hand, which he shakes. “Percival-“ she says, but is interrupted by the collective gasp of every Auror present.
“Jesus Christ,” Gallagher thinks, “I’ve had Boss sitting on my lap, snacking on my wife’s cookies for over an hour! What a fuckin day!”
Picquery looks around, her displeasure evident. “It’s obviously Percival, he’s the only one who was in the house. And besides that, look at his eyebrows! Are you Aurors or imbeciles? There’s even pictures of him AT THIS AGE hanging up in his house. I mean, really. He’ll be very disappointed in you all when I tell him.”
She stands up, “Gallagher, with me.” And Gallagher has no choice but to follow, Little Boss cradled in his arms while the lad coughs over his shoulder. The two apparate to MACUSA where Darrow, an Auror interrogator, greets them and explains about the potion Grindlewald administered.
“If that’s all, Darrow, and it’ll wear off in two days, we really don’t need to worry. Gallagher, take Percival home with you. You have children his age, yes?”
“Uh, yes, but Madam-“
“Excellent, then he’s best off with you”
So Graves spends two days terribly ill with Gallagher, his wife, and his two youngest children before finally reverting back to his adult form. One second Little Boss was eating his soup at the table wrapped in a blanket, then he sneezed into his bowl and it shattered in Boss’ much stronger hands, while his child-size clothes burst at the seams and the blanket suddenly didn’t overwhelm him.
“Gallagher,” he breathes through his runny nose and red eyes, “what ave ya done to ma?”
In the end it takes Graves another two months to recover from his illness. Turns out he was allergic to something in the potion Grindlewald was using. Picquery teases him mercilessly about his “second childhood” and Graves’ allergy to corn pollen while Gallagher is terrified he’s going to face Graves’ wrath too when he sees Graves storm out of Picquery’s newly hexed office while she scrambles to protect her papers from the sudden rain storm.
Instead, Gallagher finds a little bag of cookies on his desk without a note. Graves nods at him the next time Gallagher goes by his office.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2019 // the car crash
-"stop acting offended" oh god sis 😰🥶
-"lucy knew hudson family secrets in the past, tiffany knew hudson family secrets in the present. both of them are dead." and you ARE a hudson family secret, hes trying like a pretty little liar to keep it 😭
-"you suspect everyone of everything, you always have since you were little" 🤔 *professor voice* "the ad hominem is a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.
An ad hominem is more than just an insult. It’s an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. Verbally attacking people proves nothing about the truth or falsity of their claims" https://thebestschools.org/magazine/15-logical-fallacies-know/#adhominem
-"if you keep suspecting the people closest to you of horrific crimes you're gonna end up alone" this quote becomes fascinating in the context of our future knowledge of nancys parentage foreshadowing "i've been alone my whole life" threatening nancy with solitude comes off weird. the price of being too perfect i suppose.* wonder about ryan's take on this as a parent. strangely i think she honestly wouldn't mind being alone (on some level anyway)
-wonder what exactly makes captain tom a "legend". he was featured so prominently in the press that a serial killer engaged w him and made him out to be a hero.
-"didnt want his mom to see" where was aces mom this ep and w the poisoner? wonder why they only chose to reveal her s2. maybe to give captain tom more of a feature?
-"he was letting us down" ...or just you?
-"you two are that kinda close" its been like 2 months since they met sis i guess that is 'close' to you
-"how are you and your family?" laura says that to ace in the recording --> s2 ironyyyyy
-love how mcginnis forces the nurse to update these random strangers at the hospital lmaooo
-i love how nancy kinda thinks shes the only one doing supernatural things like shes always surprised to find people who think its legit, even hannah gruen who takes it so straight faced and seriously, nancy always respects her but gives off a little "you might be taking this a bit too seriously" vibe imo
-bess w that unintentional save on the phone to nick lmaoooo
-rawley side eyes the fuck out of nancy as she literally breezes past him to get to mcginnis 😂
-wonder how mcginnis owes tom exactly
-mcginnis looks just as reluctant to admit he cares about ace as nancy does lmfaoo
-damn she knows him really well, all he communicates to her are fucking facial expressions (and her back lmao)
-"theyre not my friends" vs "i'd try anything to save my friend" - is ace the first one she calls a friend? like, the actual f word? 👀😳
-in sharp contrast to nick, george is ironically good at mysteries bc shes always suspicious of everyone
-"okay. dead lucy-" *everyone groans* 😂
-*breezes past carson in his own house* what a mood lmao
-wonder if adam beach supported this feature or if he thought it was disrespectful/cringe
-"there are many things you and i need to discuss" 👀😳🙈👗👑🤰😰🥺🤱😔
-so do we think ted has been corrupted by simon when bess opens that door orrrr was that just ted doing 8 year old things
-love this nick/bess bonding tho
-so carson-wolf, nancy-whale, george-turtle and ace-bear. wonder if those specific animal choices have any particulr meaning. 🐢"a turtle, cool" 😂
-carson definitely has his white "do not understand but dont wanna offend" face on 😭🙈
-when i first watched this ep i could not stop saying "nifty!" the whole time 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
-carson's like "okay ive had enough of indulging this make believe crap dont tell me somethings wrong w my very clearly wrong kid"
-"this is serious" lmfaooooo at this point nancy only appeases mcginnis' beliefs bc shes desperate for answers at any cost (ie "i can just ask tiffany what happened")
-wonder how long carson has worked on this cover story for when nancy inevitably asked (the fact that he got the most curious child in the world is so fucking painful yet funny)
-nancy like 😌👉🏻👈🏻"hey mom, my friend accidentally wandered into your world for a minute, could u help find her?" lmaoo
-"are we even dating?" its been a week baby chill lmaooooo
-lisbeth + hairstroking 💙
-okay bess nails her with this clothing/fashion analysis but everyone dismisses fashion so readily as frivolous that bess gets underestimated on sight
-15 years ago + "i made you that promise when you were six" = ace is 21
-"the moment he thought his father was going to die" i'll take carson - irony for 1200 alex
-wonder who tom was chasing before his crash
-"these boots dont belong" god damn george's big sister instinct activated on sight 😭
-wait how tf did she get that bear in her hand
-"you made a difference, right?" whens the last time someone told you that
-nick and bess are the weakest fucking links w mysteries lmfaoooo
-UNPOPULAR OPINION : "you're a cop!" nancy + cops - mcginnis and rawley fuck her over/view her sexually/as competition and let her down along with karen- but she likes lisbeth who is the opposite, suspected her from the beginning due to the previous people "betraying" her (she and the chief start this show in an odd place with zero trust bc she thinks she can do it better) but lisbeth passes the test; lisbeth is willing to bargain with them and doesnt question where they got the hudsons info. now nancy does not hesitate to call lisbeth for the murder of owen (ie the hand prints) and going after josh on the roof, even tells her the blunt truth about calling the agleaca (lisbeth is NOT woke to the supernatural btw) "use me" she does want to work with police, which she is infamous for not doing previously, because of her connection to bess? because they were men? karen didnt have enough power, or didnt take her seriously? what makes lisbeth so trustworthy? or is it only nancys desire to avenge owen? but she just didnt trust the other cops to get the job done- maybe she still doesnt, but at least she trusts lisbeth for the time as an authority figure when all others have failed. all cops (karen, chief and rawley) in nancy's trust lose her respect/secrets out but Lisbeth has to prove her worth to get in. maybe its something about engaging w women. i mean women can still fail her of course (lucy kind of, kate+reveal, karen) but in terms of feminist themes, the show capitalizes on these exchanges between women for the living and the dead: ghosts/demons who are male (ie simon) are pure evil (think "mr roper" at the asylum being in particular focus when it was the whole family who died) but something like the agleaca (of human origin) is made to be a sympathetic case/highlighting how women have suffered historically and are take revenge as ghosts, able to find power in death that they did not have in life, and circling back to nancy trying to give them previously denied justice through working with other women.
-"let me do it" 👀👀could it be? empathy? a sacrifice on behalf of someone you still wont call a friend?
-"killer boots." *struts like a badass with 'im a bitch, im a boss' playing in the background*
-okay lbr. how on earth did lucys dress come off her body in the ocean? like. is that legit??
-"it's just so not how i would handle things" SIS THIS SHIT COULD ALMOST PROVE YOU TWO ARE DNA RELATED FOR HOW YOU FUCKING HANDLE THINGS like nancy? are u on crack? lmfaooo carson absolutely came for u and he absolutely should have
-"i understand that impulse, it runs in the family" make it a true daily double, alex🙃
-"you stole evidence and sent it out of state because you believed it was the right thing to do" no, you just think you know better than everybody else tbh
-wowwwwwww i cant believe lisbeth really decked her but another half of me can i fucking love lisbeth
and lastly
-oh ted. 💔🥺
0 notes
kitsumiekat · 6 years
Omittance - Koichi x MC (IYAT) Part 1
Pairing: Koichi x MC
Rating: PG
Setting: Koichi loves his wife, really. He really does. But he just doesn’t know how to show it sometimes.
Author’s Note: Koichi get’s a LOT of flak in the other route’s, and tbh when I played his route I was quite skeptical. But my heart just melted when he finally revealed why he found it so hard to be a properly married man, and after that the way he tried so hard to make it up was just.. ugh. I can’t. <3 I love that man. And he doesn’t get enough love in the fanfic world for IYAT. xD
You really never expected much from the day. Sure, you knew Koichi loved you, he proved as much when he was so insistent upon the second wedding, from the way he held you in his arms at night, from his gentle yet firm words and how be caressed you when you made love.
Koichi loved you, that much you knew was true
But as he kissed you on your forehead before you parted ways at the train station, you couldn't help but call out. "Koichi!"
He turned and gave me a questioning look. You were struck again by how handsome your husband looked. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why you had agreed to your arranged marriage, so long ago, but that didn't mean it was the main reason why you loved your husband. He was kind, caring, adorably shy despite his affections being absolutely obvious. You knew Koichi had a reputation around his office for being a doting husband.
"Will you be home early tonight?"
"Oh, um." He hesitated, a look I couldn't read crossing his face. "Maybe not. I... have a project I need to work on."
"Oh." A sinking feeling churned in your stomach. "That's alright! I'll have your dinner in the oven." You pasted a smile, giving a wave before turning to head to your station.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you smiled when you saw Akiko's name flashing on your phone's screen, and smiled when you saw her message, as you remembered that you were supposed to have a celebration with the girls tomorrow. At least you knew you were guaranteed to have one good time.
'Happy birthday, Asami!'
Aiba had discreetly went out to buy cake with Akiko before lunch, and the whole office managed to surprise you with a fried chicken and cake party for lunch. You were surprised at how they had managed to convince Ebihara-san to agree to a celebration when it would mean a few hours of downtime from their work, but at the same time you knew your boss, Hana-sama would've had a hand in convincing the uptight Ebihara.
It was a great time with your office mates, especially when Hana told you to take off early today. It was rare for you to be able to witness the orange sky of the sunset as you stood in the packed train on your way back home. 'What should I cook today?' you thought, remembering that Koichi had mentioned he would be home late today.
At the memory, your heart sank again. Did he really forget? Sure, your birthday's wasn't exactly something the two of you put a lot of importance of. You knew he remembered the date you two met for sure, with the dinner he had planned when the two of you were on Miyakojima island the last time.
Yet, you had made sure to plan a dinner of his favorites, and even bought a cake back on your way back from work. You had presented him with a tickets to Katsuyama, to visit the 'Jurassic Park' of Japan with robo-dinosaurs (although you aren't too sure if that present was more for yourself, since you found it absolutely adorable the way he marveled and wondered like a child the whole time).
Did he really forget?
You heaved a sigh as you stepped out of the station and walked your way back home, your mind warring with itself on reasons and excuses for your husband.
Unlocking the door, you soon begin your familiar routine of chopping vegetables and marinating meat, intending to make a hamburg steak with roasted potatoes and vegetables. At the very least if your husband had no plans to celebrate your birthday with you, the least you could do was to treat yourself, right?
Whistling as you worked, your heart did a happy skip when you heard the meat sizzle as you slide it in the pan, and it wasn't long before you were digging into one of your favorite meals of pork hamburg steak. The explosion of umami flavors managed to bring up your mood. Finishing your meal, you tidied up the kitchen and placed Koichi's portion in the oven on heated mode, before heading in to the shower. Curling up on the couch, you fully intended to wait for your husband to wake up, but your eyelids fell extremely heavy, even as you did your best to concentrate on the television program you had turned on.
"Asami?" A soft voice pierced through your sleep-filled subconscious, and you stirred, but refused to open your heavy eyes.
You felt soft hands sliding under your body, and a familiar heat and body holding you close. Instinctively, you nestled closer, recognizing the scent of your husband, his cologne lingering on him. "Koichi... What time is it?"
"Almost 11PM." he murmured, using his feet to gently push open the door to your shared bedroom. Your body jumped for joy as he laid you on the bed, tight from cramping up on the sofa. "I told you to go to sleep if I was ever late."
"I wanted to wait for you." you replied, finally managing to pry your heavy eyes open to blearily peer at your husband. He was perched by your side, his hand stroking your head as he looked at you tenderly. It was the look you knew Koichi reserved only for you. You had never seen him look at anyone else that way. You frowned when you notice a shuttered look in his eyes, as if there was something he wanted to tell you, but couldn't figure out how.
"Koichi? What's the matter?" you asked, twining your fingers with his.
He paused in his actions, and then sighed. "Happy birthday, my wife."
"Oh." your eyes widened, and then a gentle, loving smile curled your lips upwards. "Thank you, Koichi. I thought you forgot."
"I'm... I'm sorry. I- I'll make it up to you, okay?"
You shook your head. "It's okay. I'm just happy I get to see you before the day is over."
He sighed, and leaned closer to press a gentle chaste kiss to your lips. "I love you, Asami. Go to sleep, you look exhausted."
That weekend, Koichi brought you on a five-course omakase meal at the top of the tallest building in town, and the dinner was complete with a bouquet of a dozen roses. After the dinner, you strolled hand in hand down the street towards the train station, happily enjoying each other's company.
"Asami, do you mind going somewhere with me first?" Koichi suddenly asked, much to your surprise.
Your eyes widened but you shook your head. "Of course not. Where do you want to go?"
"Just come with me."
He tugged at your hand as we got on the train, surprisingly packed for a 9PM weekend night. Your heart warmed at how Koichi urged you against a wall, and then literally used his own body to form a barricade around your own, keeping you away from all the jostling of other people before he motioned at you to get off at a station two stops away from your home-station. 
Curious now, you followed his instructions, and he led you down the street before coming to a stop at a stairwell leading down to the river canal that ran through your city. There, a boat was waiting, fairy lights twinkling. You looked back at Koichi in disbelief, not really sure if this was where he intended to lead you, but Koichi just gave a self-confident smile, and placed his hands on the small of your back, giving a light push. "Go on, get on. I've booked this for us."
"But Koichi-"
"It's your birthday, Asami. Do you not think I would consider it an important date?"
"But I thought you forgot." you blurted out, unable to contain your surprise.
He helped you in, and settled down on a seat with you, signalling at the boatman to start rowing before he turned to you again. "I didn't. But... my plans for the day was derailed one after the other, and the next thing I knew, everything I had planned for you had fallen apart." He had such a dejected look on his face, you couldn't help but internally give an 'Awww' while you took his hands. "But I had to make your birthday special. It's your birthday. If you weren't born I... I would still be that cold, unfeeling man who had no care for anyone else. I... You've taught me so much, Asami, and I... this is just a fraction of a fraction of what I can do to thank you for all you've done for me."
"Oh Koichi," you murmured, placing your palm against your husband's cheek and rubbing your thumb against his cheek, a tender smile on your face. "You really don't have to. I'm happy enough to know you love me."
"I love you, so much, Asami." he muttered, pulling you closer and burying his head in the crook of your neck, holding you so close. You relished the feel of his firm body against yours, the way you moulded together as if you were made for each other. Who would've thought an arranged marriage could bring you so much happiness?
"I love you too, Koichi." More then you imagined you ever would.
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To Admin Hoshit: Santa’s Helper (G)
Pairing: Admin Hoshit x Soonyoung Request: “tbh write anything as long as it ends well and no one dies” + “longish fic?? if possible???” Word Count: 2,843 Genre: Crack Warnings: Don’t do drugs, kids
A/N: Lmao I had a lot of fun writing this for you. Sorry it took so long. But Merry Christmas Hoshit, hope you enjoy this piece of nonsense lolololol I think it’s pretty obvious who I am at this point tbh, but have fun guessing, lovelies!
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“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do this anymore… I’m leaving you.”
“W-what? But we were doing fine all along! Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it anymore, okay? Look, it was really fun and exciting when we first started out, but right now, the feeling’s fizzed out. I’m hella tired of this. We have to go our separate ways from now on.”
“You can’t just leave me alone after all that we’ve been through together! There’s still so much we’ve not done!” You stand up, rage filling every vein of your body. “NAKAMOTO YUTA, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!”
“THIS IS SO NOT WORTH SIX DOLLARS AN HOUR!” The man snaps his head around towards you. He slams the roll of tape down on the table, throwing his hands towards the pile of neatly gift-wrapped boxes. “I’ve been at it for ages now, and I’m already considered a saint for staying back a whole hour past my shift to help you! Let me go home to rest, damn it!”
“We’ve agreed to sign up for this winter job together!” you yell back, “You can’t ditch me now!”
“You’re the dumb one who signed your entire life away to this job so that you can buy your dumb merchandise,” Yuta remarks snarkily, ignoring the offended scoff you send his way. “Anyway, I’m out. Girl, I love you, but there’s only so much gift-wrapping I can handle before I turn completely insane.”
“The moment you walk out of this gingerbread house, you’re dead to me, Nakamoto.”
“Been dead since Day 1, babe.” And Yuta leaves with a sassy final wave goodbye, whipping off his reindeer headband and tossing it into the bin. “Have fun dealing with the kids.”
You let out a resigned puff of air to blow your bangs out of your face. Your only friend on this job is gone, and now you have to spend the rest of your 10 hour shift with either a total stranger or… that guy.
You stand up, stumbling a little after being seated on a god-forsaken kiddy stool, and made your way towards the record sheet containing the names of the part-timers pinned on the wall. The way your name occupied a large area of the excel sheet made you wince.
It had sounded so easy on the advertising site: wear a silly costume, give out complimentary gifts to children that attend the Santa Meet-&-Greet event at the mall. You sold your soul to the devil without thinking twice. But no, this job has taken a significant chunk of your sanity. Between the Meet-&-Greet intervals, you had to wrap an endless pile of gifts for the endless number of children. On more than one occasion, you had to stay behind to hit your quota, returning home when it’s almost midnight.
But then again, with the exorbitant amount of albums and merchandise of your favourite band you have yet to get your hands on, overtime pay is good.
Your name was under the ‘Santa’s Helpers’ list; every ‘Santa’s Helper’ would be paired up with a ‘Reindeer’ for each shift. You had thought it was a lot less embarrassing walking around in public in an elf’s costume compared to a reindeer’s -- you thought wrong. It’s tight, it’s itchy, the ringing of the silver bell adorning the tip of your hat had annoyed you two hours into your first day you snipped it off without hesitation. All the “reindeers” had to do is wear a damn onesie with cute reindeer horn headbands to match.
Your eyes scan through the ‘Reindeer’ list for the partner you’d be tied down to for the rest of the day. Yuta’s name is aligned with yours up till 5PM, and the person underneath Yuta is… Kwon S-- Jesus Christ.
You tilt your head back with a sardonic, almost maniacal grin. Your day is just going splendidly, isn’t it?
“The kids will be coming in 10 minutes, please be on standby…” the manager’s voice trails off as she only registers one other presence in the gingerbread house. “Where’s the reindeer?”
A breathless wheeze, followed by a series of thundering footsteps cause the both of you to jump as Devil’s Spawn himself bursts through the fragile styrofoam doors. “Sorry, there was a line at the washroom, I couldn’t change until just about a minute ago…”
Both you and your manager scanned the boy’s bedraggled appearance simultaneously: his purple hair was frizzled and stuck out in all directions imaginable, his cheeks are shining with a sheen of perspiration, and apparently he hadn’t learnt how to button his clothes properly as a child.
Your manager tuts and waves him away, “Elf, you have 10 minutes to make this reindeer remotely presentable to the public. I have other matters to attend to.” With that, she whisks herself out of sight.
Soonyoung tilts his head, confused, until he lays his eyes on you. Then, his already small eyes narrow into hostile slits. “Oh, hello brat.”
“Tool,” you retort cooly, stepping up to fix Soonyoung’s mismatched buttons. “I thought you’re supposed to be a reindeer, not the grandma that got run over by one.”
“Hohoho, you’re hilarious,” he drawls mockingly in a high tone, slapping your hands away. “I can fix those buttons myself, thanks. And pass me one of the headbands from the bin, I left mine at home.” Rolling your eyes in disbelief, you proceed to fish out Yuta’s abandoned reindeer headband and throw it to the male.
“It’s Yuta’s, so I’m not sure it’ll go over that fat head of yours. I reckon you give it a try.”
“Meanie,” he mutters, grabbing it and fastening it over his head.
“Album wrecker.”
“Salty brat!”
“Son of a--”
“Mommy, look! A reindeer and a gremlin!” You both instantaneously abandon your banter to slap grins on your faces as a chubby kid waddles into the gingerbread house. Looks like your evening shift started early. Soonyoung bursts into a fit of laughter at the boy’s words. You curl your hands into fists in chagrin, forcing yourself to maintain the smile.
“The last time I checked, reindeers. Can’t. Laugh.” You discreetly but painfully jab him in the ribs before approaching the child, ignoring the pained yelp he lets out in response. “You’re done meeting Santa, kid? I’m one of Santa’s elves and I live here in this gingerbread house! Can I interest you in a free toy from under the tree?”
Against all odds, you manage to upkeep your professionalism throughout your shift, though you can’t help but let out a crotchety remark or two.
“Don’t go too close to that reindeer over there,” you’d say, one hand cupping your mouth while the other made pointed gestures over to Soonyoung, “I heard it eats children for breakfast.” Looking back, you wished you reserved that comment for someone more impressionable. The bespectacled twelve-year-old had stared back at you with an eyebrow raised, completely unimpressed.
Completely spent, you abandon your uncomfortable post on the kiddy stool to crashland on the carpeted floor with a satisfied groan. That’s 11 out of 12 days of Christmas down. Only one more day in this stinking job and you’re free for the rest of the holidays.
“God…” Soonyoung sighs, shedding off his thick reindeer onesie to reveal a white tank top that has been turned translucent with his sweat. “If I had to sing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer one more damn time, I would have ran myself over with a sleigh.”
Normally this would result in a comment about him being weak from you, but this time, you are distracted by how his muscles stand out from under the thin material of his clothes. As insufferable as this guy can be, he sure does know how to have a good body-- wait, snap out of it, damn it!
“Oh, good! You are still here!” a sing-song voice cuts through your unholy thoughts as your manager enters the gingerbread house with paper bags lined with grease. “I got the both of you dinner. It’s a job well done today as usual!”
Both you and Soonyoung exchange suspicious glances. Free food and a chirpy attitude to boot? Those are two things you’d never associate with your boss.
“What do you want us to do?” Thankfully, Soonyoung lacked the tact and asked the question you were afraid of. At once, your manager drops her cheery facade with a nervous laugh. “I’m afraid I’ll have to buy a couple more hours of your time… See, an orphanage just called in to say that they will be dropping their kids down tomorrow at 8AM to visit Santa so that’s a hundred children’s worth of gifts to wrap and prepare by then…”
“But you don’t mind, do you?” She blinks sweetly at your direction. “I know this is last minute, but I’m sure the overtime pay will be enough to cover the costs of your guinea pig’s operation, right? That’s what you mentioned during our job interview?”
Behind you, Soonyoung can barely retain his snort of disbelief. “Guinea pig, huh? Is that what they call K-pop albums nowadays?” he guffaws just loud enough for you to hear, and you reward him with a merciless stomp on his big toe while never letting go of that faux angelic smile of yours.
“Sure, ma'am… But uh, my overtime pay will still be one-and-a-half times that of my average, right?”
“But of course! And you’ll have Reindeer over here to help you, so I’m sure you’d be done in no time!”
“I’ll be what now?” Soonyoung gapes dumbly.
“Great, I knew that I can count on you two! See you tomorrow~!” she merrily waves in farewell, making way for two toy store clerks lugging sacks-full of toys. The thin material of the sack rips, and a mountain of toys barrel out, leaving you and Soonyoung stunned.
But in retrospect, the sack is still holding on better compared to your little tether of sanity.
Soonyoung exasperatedly rubs his nape, carefully dragging the sack towards your work table. “Well, let’s just get this over and done with.”
He reaches over to the roll of wrapping paper, but stops short with a jump when you slam your hands atop of his. “Nuh-uh, there’s absolutely no way I’m trusting you with these.”
“What? Why not?”
“You’re going to ruin them with your sub-par fine motor skills and subsequently crush the dreams of a hundred little kids.” You let out a feral hiss, scrabbling at the wrapping papers, scissors and tape towards your bosom protectively. Soonyoung looks beyond peeved.
“I will not!” he cries. “My fine motor skills are, as they call it, FINE!”
He hazards an attempt to slide a pair of scissors out from under your arm, but you lunge out, snapping your teeth at his fingers and he withdraws, visibly intimidated. “What’s wrong with you, woman?” he yelps, obviously offended.
“Look, that was just that one time!” he cries in defense, ignoring a woman’s concerned glance into the gingerbread house. “And don’t you have like, twenty of the same damn album? If I’d known you’d still be this hung up about it after 2 months I could have just bought you a new one!”
“How dare you, every single one of my albums are unique and precious and--” your eyes snap wide open when you register his previous words. “Did you say you’d buy me a new album?”
To your surprise and delight, Soonyoung shrugs. “I mean why not, these things can’t be that expensive, right?”
You beg to differ, but then you consider the fact that Soonyoung (lord knows how) is a lot more well off than you are as a freelance dancer. You abandon the lingering doubt to slap on what you hope is a face of a pleading puppy dog at the purple-haired male.
He audibly blanches. “Alright, let’s get to work now, can we? Good thing there isn’t anything in my stomach to hurl out, yeesh...” He tries once again to snatch the pair of scissors from your possession, but the icy glare you shoot at him makes his actions falter.
“You’re still hopeless at crafts, by the way,” you inform him, the image of your ruined album, hastily patched together with silver strips of adhesive with dog-eared pages here and there, surfacing in your mind. You can’t help but laugh at that ridiculous scenario. “Duct tape, really?”
“Oh shush, I panicked. At least let me feed you while you wrap, okay?”
You both reached an efficient compromise whereby you handle the wrapping while ever so often opening your mouth such that Soonyoung could slip a french fry between your lips, him munching on his own burger as well.
“Eat!” Soonyoung snaps when you refused the tenth fry. He’s realised by now that you had an awful habit of not eating whenever you’re too absorbed in something. “How are you going to wrap the presents for the kids well on an empty stomach?”
“Who cares about the kids,” you drone, your words coming out as more of a statement than a question.
Letting out a puff of air at his dark violet fringe, Soonyoung tries again. “How are you going to get your paycheck to buy more merchandise if you’re working on an empty stomach?”
“Ah,” you part your jaws and Soonyoung feeds you again with a resigned sigh. “Who knew you’d be this whipped for your favourite artiste?”
“Who didn’t?” you point out, throwing aside the finished toy car with reckless abandon.
“Yuta was complaining the other day that you barely have the time to hang out with him because you’ve chained yourself to this job. And for what, money for more merchandise and concert tickets?”
You hear the incredulity in his voice and you purse your lips. “Look, think whatever you want, but they make me happy. This world sucks and their music is a form of escapism for me. I’ll be willing to work day and night for the boys that make my life just that much brighter. Like it or not, they will pretty much occupy the majority of the space in my heart.”
You both fall silent while you catch your breath from that revelation. From the corner of your eye, you see Soonyoung shifting his eyes nervously. “Then… is there at least space for one more person in your life?”
The scissors in your hand slip and clatter onto the table noisily.
“I mean--” Soonyoung stutters, knowing how his words must have sounded like. “I want to make it up to you, you know. We started off on a bad note because of me, and I’d like it if we can have a do-over. Let’s go out for lunch or dinner sometime after this stinking job ends.”
Surprisingly, that sounded good to you, but there’s no way you’re letting him get the impression that you’re warming up to him this quickly. “Fine, I’ll see if I can squeeze you in.”
“Great!” His eyes, already tiny like the that of a hamster’s, light up like a child’s on a Christmas morning. “We’ll head on out for dinner after our shift tomorrow, then we’ll head on to the shop to get your new album, sounds good?”
Dammit, I like this kid already.
You nod, and you both resume work. At some point, you turned on your Spotify playlist to let Soonyoung get to know the kind of music you’re listening to, and he actually enjoys them. In return, he lets you listen to his favourite bands and musicians.
You even let him try his hand at wrapping a relatively simple box-shaped gift, only to grab it back in utter horror when he sticks the wrapping paper inside out.
You don’t know how long you’ve been going at it, but Soonyoung stiffens in fear when you both hear a resounding metallic click from a few metres away.
“W-was that the mall custodian locking up?” he whimpers, but he turns befuddled when he sees you looking completely nonchalant.
“Yeah, the mall closes at eleven, the doors will open again at seven in the morning.”
At this point, Soonyoung can’t even begin to feel surprise anymore. “How many times have you been locked in here because of work?”
“Eh, thrice counting this.”
“God, you’re hopeless.”
“But this means we’ll be first in line to grab some drinks at Starbucks tomorrow. We can have our date then. You in, kid?”
And Soonyoung actually laughs, whether it is out of amusement or of sheer despair, you can’t really tell.
“Oh geez, what have I gotten myself into…”
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Starters From Shit Said In Gaming Streams:
Some NSFW and potentially triggering content
“Yeah sometimes those big zombies just don't take the hint and then half their bodies come after me.”
“Stop throwing up zombies. Its unsanitary.”
“Thigh highs fit for any _____.”
“Stop keeping quotes about the shit I say when I'm _________.”
“...whatever the fuck that shit is.”
*sarcastically* “Oh nooo... an ambush. Like, whatever will I do.”
“Y'know I would've fallen from whatever height that was and I would've gotten up.”
“Ew it popped.”
“____lord disapproves.”
“Rocking that [name]licious scarf.”
“Oh, shit, that's a lot.”
“Of course half of them had to live.”
“Oh did you die finally? Thanks for the money! Even if you only had ___.”
“You made people suffer enough when you were alive. Can't you, y'know, give it a rest?”
“I'm little red riding hood~”
" 'Just got [name]'d'. WOW. You really gonna go there?”
“Already went there.”
“Okay I'm bored. I'm gonna leave it. I'm gonna leave it alone.”
“Op she's vomitting zombies.”
“[name]licious used Swift! Its super effective!”
“Please stop.”
“Whoa that star kinda freaked out.”
“Pop goes the zombubble.”
“Y'know whenever people say [ran him through with a sword] I think of someone like literally running and PLUNGING their sword through someone.”
“If ur sword-running game ain't as strong as Season 2 Suzaku's y'ain't doin it right.”
“We don't talk about that ending. That still hurts me.”
“OF COURSE WE DO. You know what we REALLY don't talk about?"
“The goat people!!! And the trees...”
“We've got demonic goat people, I think some frogs... yep, definitely a frog.”
“This house is on fire but it wasn't me.”
“Ooooo legendary shoulders.”
“Oh great, they explode.”
“Biiiirb. Birb birb birb birb. Caw caw motherclucker. BIIIIIRB.”
“I'm going to name this bird ______, and it will be the best ______.”
“Did you just name that ____ after [name]?”
“[name]licious and [name]. Nice(tm).”
“You could've lived if you just stayed still like a good tree.”
“Swift Game Intensifies.”
“Cat Fight!”
“Long time no dick shot.”
“Holy shit that was a trip.”
“The sweet sound of projectile evisceration.”
“Anybody alive on this side? Okay good I don't need that kind of drama in my life.”
“Story of my life.”
“I love how you got literally blown away.”
“Fuck your _____-- SHIT, FUCK--”
“We forgot to start a swear count.”
“Explode, explode, explode-- yyeeaaaaa.”
“Don't you give me your patronizing pats I don't need them.”
“See if I ever give you sympathy pats again.”
“I'm still keeping quotes just fyi.”
“Fucking gasp.”
“STOP TAKING QUOTES, [NAME] oh my god--”
“I need to take that guy over there with that freaking shotgun Hell nya.”
“Eeeeew he ragdolled...”
“Uuuh what did you guys see-- actually nope no I take it back I don't wanna know I don't wanna know what you guys saw.”
“2 much swear 4 utube.”
“I... read that as [do you know how many brain dead dick heads I've hung in my life] and I was like... since when did you kill people?”
“If I killed people you would know because I wouldn't be able to keep my disgusting disection pictures to my fucking self.”
“I was going to laugh if you pole-vaulted to your doom.”
“Well, no, you can swing across. Me? I'm gonna get fUCKED.”
“I'm like... expecting something to blow up at this poi-- aaand there it is.”
“I don't know what you're reaching for cuz God ain't gonna help you.”
“Wouldn't it be funny if he hit the window and he just... didn't go through it. Just hit the window with a loud THUNK like a bird hitting glass.”
“That rocket launcher is gonna become my best friend.”
“Fuck off, I don't want what you're selling-- I DON'T WANT WHAT YOU'RE SELLING.”
“Fuck your turret gun.”
“Fuck it.”
“How did that not just shove his nose into his skull?”
“I wouldn't have gotten back up, I would've been down. I would've probably been knocked out or... winded... and crying.”
“Yea fuck you _______ I don't like you either.”
“Her name is _____ lady and _____ lady it shall stay.”
“I can't wait to-- Oh look another fucking _______.”
“When I die, I want to ragdoll.”
“Why ragdoll like an Uncharted NPC when you can ragdoll like a Skyrim character leaping off the top of the Throat of the World on the back of a horse.”
“The music is so nice when you don't pay attention to the destruction around you.”
“I want to glitch through the ground, stretching for miles across the land while twitching enough to unnerve the most bad ass fucker before flipping off into space like a goddamn hyper speed rubber band.”
“You want the weirdest things...”
“But they are simple things.”
“How is her makeup still straight. Eye liner still on point.”
“HEY LOOK ITS YOU-- I'm just kidding.”
“You hurt my feelings, that IS totally me.”
“Worship me and my big blue ball.”
“Oh that werewolf fucker. Fucking closet furry.”
“Manicure my _____ nails.”
“I know, I have to fix your ass because all your shit is where its not supposed to be.”
“You know I just kinda realized how weird of a pose that is.”
“Tbh -- its taking a huge shit.”
“For some reason I forgot the water drains and thought the statue's loin cloth lifts to reveal a doorway between its legs.”
“God damn it, tired of your bullshit. Have to keep fixing your stuff. Keep fixing your ______...”
“This isn't a dagger. Its a _____. But I'd still stab someone with it.”
*Opens my chastity belt.*
“You know its actually kinda romantic down here---no its not.”
“I transcended the ban like a boss.”
“I really hope I get that job so I can buy that shirt that says [_______] I've been wanting.”
“No, the part with the ice caves, before you meet Furry McFuckgoat.”
“While that is a very metal fucking way to die -- it also seems extremely uncomfortable.”
“I was surprised there wasn't anything supernatural... or weird. I mean besides the exploding mummies.”
“What a dick! Making me throw that grenade without meaning to!”
“You know I just shot him... a clip full... in the dick. I didn't mean to but... it happened.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Have a grenade.”
“Yeah you're not allowed up here. You have a ______. We don't serve your kind here.”
“New user -- who dis”
“I might regret this decision later.”
“[Name], please, stop playing peek-a-boo.”
“That dead guy just... waves goodbye as he ragdolls.”
“You know what, just as well. I have regrets. I didn't mean to throw that grenade.”
“Okay that guy was defying gravity for a while there, that was kinda weird.”
“YOU'RE NOT FANCY-- Oh my god he twirled.”
“REGRETS. Aaaah, regrets. A lot of regrets.”
“That death twitch... as seen on Twitch TV.”
“Little man, compensating much.”
“Right in the Shnoz.”
“Make-up still on point. Hair still flawless.”
“Where would you laminate a map in ______? What do you think there's a Kinkos around the corner?
“Oh man that is the best twirl I have ever seen.”
“Fab. He practiced.”
“I just had to process Impressed because I heard it as Imp Breasts.”
“Drama queen. Fucking clutching his chest to die. Just ragdoll like everyone else.”
“Hey, what has more brains than the gunmen right now? The wall behind them.”
"[that didn't attract too much attention] YOU RAN A TRAIN THROUGH A BUILDING.”
“I am just a soggy man.”
“I have water logged fingers.”
“Yeah. YEAH. I forgot about these actually. Ah... ha ha... I forgot about these...” *cries*
“Her tits are always bigger from the side. The fuck is with that. They never the same size either. Watch. Watch them titties grow.”
“All Aboard the Pain Train.”
“Push your ass off the train-- BYE.”
“REALLY. YOU-- who has the strength of a shit ton of fucking monkeys... can't kick that through?”
“My heart just did A Thing at being called [they].”
“I never actually see the scenery on this train because I'm always dying.”
“BANE OF MY EXISTENCE RIGHT HERE. Guess my streak of Not Dying is gonna end right here.”
“AAH I ALMOST DIED-- I almost died there too.”
“Oh, I'm gonna have to fight a big guy. I really-- please don't make me fight a big guy.”
“Damn he thicc.”
“Here, its a present~” *throws a grenade*
“I think they want a receipt for their present so they can return it.”
“Bye-- I think that was a dick shot.”
“I love the sound of glass breaking.”
“I missed...” *tsk* “That's a problem.”
“Hey. For stress relief, fling yourself. Right there. To the left.”
“Just fucking launch into oblivion for stress relief.”
“I just ate someone else’s half eaten burger like the trash goblin I am.”
“I am both mildly disgusted with myself and yet satisfied because it was a good burger.”
“Oblivion is to the left. Just launch into it. Embrace it. Fly like the majestic fucking eagle you are.”
*singing* “Life... hates me. I hate life.”
“Did he just die crab walking.”
“Died doing what he loved. Being a crab. Snip snap.”
“Am I the only one here who sees perfect opportunities to fling myself off a cliff and actually does it?”
*whimpers* “WELLIguessitwasallfornothingbecausenowIhavetodiebecausethisasshole--”
“That's the sound of when you get your ass shredded.”
“Good lord--”
“Shredded Wheat [name]s.”
“I hope if I ever die by gun, its to one of those. I wanna look and feel like swiss cheese.”
“You gonna one-punch fuck me like jason borne?”
“FUCK I got stuck in the wall...”
“STAY AWAY FROM ME I was trying to get away from you.”
“That cat is looking at me like [Why are you yelling so much?]”
“Man you eat more bullets than dogs in Resident Evil.”
“Fuck my life, Terminator.”
“That's not his liver...”
“That's totally his liver.”
“Well that's what you get for not paying for your train ticket.”
“Train stops here.”
“Guess they got... sidetracked.”
“You could say he's got a one-track mind.”
“You could say its been derailed.”
“I don't think this is the best train of thought for this situation.”
"I think I can, I think I can...”
“I hope I took them out wiTH MY DEATH.”
“Fucking gave him a sliding icy nut shot.”
“Packed some powder onto those donut holes.”
“I didn't say I was coming naked to this place.”
“Just barrel roll over a fucking corpse it coo'l.”
“Where do these fuckers get grenades at like... they need to shove their grenades up their ass.”
“I don't know what the fuck you think you saw but it wasn't me.”
*Hands you voreos*
“Get out of here with your voreos.”
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iamacolor · 5 years
yousana secret santa again! wow, that light exhibition sounds lovely!! I'm sure you had a great time. so a little q/a, I'm good with fanvideos or fanfics, is there any preference for one or the other for you? also do you like soft songs or something a bit high tempo? and lastly, totally unrelated but I see you watch kdramas from your blog, so many of my friends have been wanting me to watch them, which one would you recommend?
hello dear secret santa, hope you’re doing well!!!
oh I very very rarely watch fanvideos (i don’t really know why tbh? I have friends who’ve made some and I’ve loved them, I think it’s just that I’ve never really searched for it) but I do read fanfiction and I think I prefer reading about scenes/moments/dialogue that can’t be found in canon
that song question is very tricky because although I listen to a lot of soft songs, I’ve recently come to enjoy different styles so I think it depends why I’m listening to music for (in the street, while working on writing or on designing, while reading, just listening..) - not a very clear answer I’m sorry!
oooh nice question!!! i’ve started watching kdramas less than a year ago now so I’ve mainly watched shows that came out a few years ago and few that came out this year, I only followed one in real time but that means all the ones I recommend are easily found online with english subtitles!
recommendations are quite tricky because I’ve watched some very different genres so I guess it also kind of depends on what you like? but still here are some of the ones I’ve enjoyed the most/that touched me the most (oh there’s always a love story more or less important to the plot):
- just between lovers (quite sad because it deals with a lot of trauma and survivor’s guilt but in a way I found very respectful and not too “drama and tragedy for the sake of it” and the dynamic between the two leads was really good! despite the pain the characters go through you finish it feeling soft)
- catch the ghost (not the best plot and pacing for a crime show let’s be honest but the characters and their dynamics were so great and made up for it!! I loooved the two leads so much each individually as well as their pairing - my blog’s been full of them lately lol there’s so much care and understanding between them and aslo the show can be really really funny)
- her private life (a very, very, very nice rom-com, just enough tropes and new twists on fake dating and hidden identities, well crafted-well written-complex main characters!! I coul’ve done without a few stuffs but overall it was a really great and sweet show -without being too sweet!)
- 100 days my prince (the only historical drama I’ve watched so far and I like the balance between the romance and the political/court plot, one of the lead has amnesia for a long part of the show which can be a tricky subject but I thought the show dealt with it well and the use of tropes (romantic or dramatic) didn’t bother me as I liked the characters)
- Weightlifting fairy kim bok-joo (the first one I watch so it’s special to me, it’s a very nice and soft one even if it’s not always super happy, but it has a great “ennemy-quickly friends-to-lovers” relationship and great representation of friendship and what it’s like to go through college)
- fight for my way ( this one has a great childhood-friends-to-lovers relationship without it being the center of development for the characters as I felt it mostly dealt with young adults trying to figure out how to live out their dreams and to make choices for their lives and career in today’s world)
- miss hammurabi (didn’t really think I would like this one at first as it’s set in court, it’s set in a group of judges dealing with civil cases when a new young female judge full of empathy and desire to change things start working there, the issues that they dealt with in their cases and the debate over the ethics of their work were super interesting and touching and felt very contemporary, the intrigue of the court behind-the-scenes and the power of the hierarchy were sometimes shocking but very well discussed and if I remember well it was written by an ex-judge, the romance is quite low-key in this one but the relationship between the different judges and the court personnel is very rich and I was touched by a lot of cases they dealt with. The only thing I’m uncomfortable with in this drama, is that in the 1st episode when trying to prove a point about how women should not be criticized for what they wear the lead female character wears a burqa and one of the judges get overly scared of her but it’s never dealt with)
- healer (from what I understand it’s a classic even if it’s not really old but it’s got everything!!! great heros, some good, some more morally grays but all well written and touching and going through a learning/self-discovery curve, great balance of the plot between action-journalistic investigation-romance-team building, there are a lot of flashbacks as it often deals with the outcome of the actions of a group of people in the 80′s and there are great relationships developped over the generations and between characters that can seem too different but work well together, i really liked the main pairing!! and the main team was really great)
- my id is gangnam beauty (the synopsis intrigued me as it tells the story of a young girl starting university after having a full facial surgery, she still has issues with her self-esteem and how she views herself and when she enters college thinking no one will recognize her, a boy does. It deals with some serious themes over the expectations put on women to look a certain way and the behaviour they adopt because of it while also dealing with a first love experience (really like the pairing and the way the relationship developed) and getting into college)
- one spring night (it’s one that felt very “grown-up” to me without being too heavy, the story can seem quite simple - a woman who already has a boyfriend that she doesn’t really get along with anymore and whom she doesn’t plan on marrying meets ayoung pharmacist who is a single father. From there the relationship is explored in a very delicate way even if they face many obstacles from the “ex”-boyfriend and the family - just wanted to slap them sometimes- and I loved the production and the directing, the characters aren’t tropes)
- age of youth (i’ve only watched the first season -it’s evry rare that kdramas have more than 1- and I loved it but the second season changed the casting for one of the main character and it put me off since she’s the one who starts the story- it’s about 5 girls living in a shared house in seoul -most of them are college students and they all have very different lives and issues to deal with but a certain camaradery and care is built between them as they live together and support each other, it’s got a bit of everything and none of the girls felt like tropes of clichés to me and all were very interesting)
- coffee prince (this one is a real classic from the 2000′s and it deals with the story of a young woman who pretends to be a man for her job, problem is her boss and her develop a very special connection and she doesn’t want to reveal she’s a woman while he questions himself, it’s also about how they work togetehr and with a team to create a new coffee place and the bond between the team members and how their relationship affects that - it’s very well acted and despite the touchy subject it never feels like it’s too much, it’s always very touching and it’s very angsty!)
- father is strange (this one is a loooong one, most kdramas last 16 episodes, this ones has 52 I think? I definitely didn’t bing that one but I highly recommend it. It’s a great story about family - both blood family, living with your relatives and growing up to see your parents as people and not just your heroes and found family, what makes a family? a young actor goes looking for his father and the man he finds has a family and 4 grown children - one of his daughter being the actor’s assistant- he starts living in with them only he doesn’t know the man isn’t actually his father. You follow the story of each daughter and the actor as well as the parents dilemmas over revealing their identity or taking care of the actor. Each relationship is well crafted and goes through highs-and-lows - there’s one very annoying couple, the in-laws of one of the daughter- and despite the lenght I never felt bored because each character was well taken care of and well written)
I can’t make short lists and short presentations I’m sorry, I tried in the beginning but kind of gave up by the end! I hope you’ve found something to watch in these recommendations, if you want more infos on some of these shows or want to know about the others I’ve watched (I might’ve forgotten a good one that I liked and that would fit you more) don’t hesitate to ask! and if you start watching one of these, please let me know what you think!!
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