#;; Specs { Ignis Scientia }
missregality · 7 months
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Dusty Specs
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st-highwind · 4 months
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Saw this and also wanted to share here one of the big reasons I never replayed ffxv
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inkfishie · 8 months
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Happy birthday, you absolute legend.
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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a doodle i did of iggy during the latest stream! 👓🖊️
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 8 months
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Gladio gave the smallest smiles as he hands the advisor a gift. A small box wrapped in dark paper topped with a small bow. Amber hues glance away towards the ground in a bashful way, something that if anyone else saw would call him out on. "Happy birthday, Iggy." In the gift was a set of new daggers, the colors of the Crown and the House of Shields. "I know they're not like. Beautifully crafted but they'll work if your set ever rusts out, y'know?"
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sanjismywhore · 1 year
Brain and Heart
Ignis Scientia x reader
Warnings: Fluff, rejection
Requested by @batsandbirdsposts
Tysm for making this request! I hope you like it!!! (I’m sorry it took so long 😭)
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Stepping outside, you stared out at the sky full of stars above. Even if they couldn’t deliver any comfort tonight, you needed this moment to clear your head.
Then you heard the soft crackle of the fire. When you turned your head, A small luminescent campfire glowed at the center of camp. Ignis was sitting next to the flame.
His features were softened by the glow of the fire. A soft streak of light highlighted his face. His hair was disheveled, contrasting with his usual spiked pompadour.
He looked content… almost ethereal, like some sort of celestial being. You approached slowly, to not startle him, “Hey there, Specs.”
He didn’t look surprised when he caught sight of you and simply said, “Care to join me?”
As he gestured towards the ground, you walked towards him and sat next to the small patch of grass he was patting.
Ignis shifted into a more comfortable pose before breaking the silence with his eloquence. “It’s not like you to be up so late…” Looking directly at the embers of the campfire, he continued. “Is something troubling you?”
“I could ask the same,” You tried to give him a smile despite the abrupt awkwardness in the silence.
For a short moment, Ignis said nothing. He kept his gaze firmly planted on the embers as they rose into the air. “It’s been difficult to fall asleep lately…” His voice softened, then so did his eyes as he looked at the sky.
A sigh left your lips as you ran a hand through your hair. “Same here… Something’s been on my mind.” You swallowed hard, almost too afraid to admit it.
You fiddled with your hands in your lap, staring at the fire alongside him.
His gaze drifted from the stars, towards you, and settled on your face. It seemed as though he wanted to say something else but he refrained. He merely kept his eyes on you, a silent plea for you to continue.
So you did, “It’s about Noct…” you paused, taking a deep breath. “How much I care about him.”
Ignis observed your face, his eyes boring into yours, which somehow brought you comfort. He sighed quietly, “I think we all feel that way…” He glanced at the flames dancing in front of him.
After a few moments, his voice returned to normal, sounding distant. “Perhaps you shouldn’t dwell on your feelings… But don’t forget who you are. We will never lose Noctis, but we should not hold onto him so tightly.” A faint hint of concern shone briefly in his eyes. “We all love him…” Then he added in a softer tone, “even if he has trouble showing it in return.”
That statement gave you pause.
“That’s not what I meant-“ You said, trying to explain your point of view to him. But then you realized that you weren’t even sure what you meant. “I just… wish things were different.”
“You wish he would’ve chosen you instead of Lunafreya? You have feelings for him, do you not?” He interjected with utmost speed and punctuation.
You shook your head vehemently. “Not really. I mean, yes. Of course, I do. But that’s not the point.” Iggy’s glass fogged up with surprise, but it was only faint. “What exactly is the point of this talk, (Name)?”
“I don’t know…” You replied truthfully, looking anywhere but at him. Silence descended on the two of you again. You leaned backward until you were laying flat on your back, staring up at the black sky. You felt yellow all over, going stiff from the anxiousness.
Neither of you spoke until Ignis broke the silence once again. “Do you love Noct?” His emerald gaze fell upon you once more. The question caught you off guard not because of its nature, but because of his tone when he asked. He sounded anxious.
It sent a shiver down your spine, making you want to curl into yourself even further. You wondered if you should lie. “Well… I… uh…” Words wouldn’t come to you. Cottonmouthed, all you could manage was a defeated sigh. “Yes, I love him…”
At that simple answer, Ignis visibly relaxed, although you could tell the tension in his shoulders wasn’t entirely gone. “I see,” he muttered softly.
The fire was beginning to die out, getting dimmer and dimmer. “And yet, you do not pursue anything. What happens to the relationship between you and him if you keep waiting?” The fire cast eerie shadows over both of you; the flickering light made it seem like the two of you were facing each other.
You slowly rose back into a sitting position. “I want to tell him, I do. But…” You paused again. The words stuck in your throat.
“But I don’t think it would go well.” You balled up your fists against your leg, looking at the ground sheepishly.
Ignis draped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. “A confession isn’t guaranteed to change the circumstances. All one can do is hope. That hope may be futile, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be attempted.”
You leaned your head against his shoulder, shrouding yourself in silence for yet another long moment. “How do you get to be so wise, Iggy?”
As expected, a warm chuckle escaped his lips. “Human nature I suppose.” He squeezed your shoulder gently before releasing his grip, “Though I’m not as knowledgeable as I seem.”
He turned his head slightly and looked at you. Although it might have looked innocent, it held the slightest trace of worry within it. “There are times when people need encouragement to make their way forward. And I am always here to assist.”
His expression softened, turning gentle.
You smiled weakly in response. Just after a while, he stood up from the ground, looking down at you and offering his hand. “Get some rest. Tomorrow might bring with it many chances for you.”
The next day, you woke up with a heavy feeling inside your chest. The sun shone brightly through the tent flap, painting everything orange and yellow.
It was a new day, and you were brimming with confidence thanks you Iggy’s encouragement.
Leaving the tent, you immediately searched for Noctis. Though he wasn’t at the camp when you searched around.
Noctis was sitting near the lake’s shore, holding a sword in the palm of his hand as he watched the water. He looked like he was roughed up pretty well; no doubt he was training with Gladio all morning.
Seemingly lost in thought, the prince had a vacant look on his face as though he was thinking deeply about something. Every so often his hand would run over the blunt end of the blade before looking at the lake once again.
His features were hardened by the reflection of the lake on his skin, shielding the scenery around him in a soft blue dye. His eyes were narrowed with a cold expression that gave you butterflies just by looking into them.
Hair disheveled, and skin covered in bruises, Noct managed to look as majestic as ever.
After a few moments of watching him silently, you took a deep breath and decided enough was enough. “Hey, Noct.” You greeted him in a cheery tone as you approached him.
At hearing your voice, Noctis looked up and blinked. “Hey,” he managed in an exhausted tone. There were dark rings under his eyes; not having gotten enough rest either. And didn’t seem to be in the mood to talk.
“Gladio beat your ass again?” You chuckled softly with an amused smile tugging at your lips as you crossed your arms.
Noct only scoffed and rolled his eyes at the comment, planting his sword on the ground. “Only cause he’s a monster. All about ‘power’ and ‘strength’… Stuff like that…” He groaned as he stood up, rubbing the hell out of his sore neck.
Stepping away from the rock you were just leaning on, you moved closer—leaving enough space between the two of you. “I could give you some pointers if you wanna try again-“ At the utterance of your suggestion, he cut your words short.
“Yeah right. I’m done.” He interjected almost comically, sitting on the grass and then falling onto his back. “I don’t think I can take any more of this.” He threw his arms out, causing the grass under his arms to rustle.
A small laugh escaped you as you sat beside him, looking up at the clouds in the sky, which appeared to be forming a perfect circle. “It’s only for a little while longer,” You turned to him with a hopeful look in your eyes.
“Once you get married…“
Suddenly the air was taken from your lungs. Your body went rigid as the words registered in your brain. “Married…” You repeated much quieter; your mood turned sour.
Noctis seemed to sense your sudden shift, as his gaze shifted towards you, softening as he studied your reaction.
For a brief moment, you saw confusion and uncertainty flash across his face before he completed your statement. “Yeah… Once I marry Luna, we’ll have an advantage over the empire.” He raised a brow at you as if you weren’t already aware of the fact.
You swallowed hard, trying not to grimace from the embarrassment you felt at the moment. “Right…” You managed to breathe out, clearing your throat. “Then you’ll be leaving… With her?”
Noctis raised both brows and leaned in your direction. “Of course not. Where did you get that idea?” Even though he didn’t sound annoyed, but rather curious, it still caused you to shrink down a bit inside.
You looked away, avoiding his curious gaze. “Nothing... just wondering…” An intense amount of heat flowed to your face, making you sweat.
Silence engulfed the pair of you again, and tension continued to grow stronger by the minute. It didn’t help that tears were beginning to spill from your eyes, yet you didn’t know why.
“What’s wrong?” He prodded, scooting closer to examine you. However, you were afraid of what might happen if you looked back at him.
You sniffled, “Because…”
Your head hung low from the embarrassment you felt. Taking a moment to wipe your eyes until they turned dark and puffy, you sucked up every ounce of courage you had left, forcing out:
“Because I love you.”
Noct’s hitching breath was uncomfortably audible, “What?” He was taken aback by your words. His body went stiff as he sat there wide-eyed and genuinely surprised,
“You love me?” He repeated a soft utterance of your words, leaning back on his palms and continuing to look at you. “Like, really love me?”
You only managed to nod your head. A few more minutes of silence passed before you began to curl up into a ball.
“I know it makes no difference when I tell you,” Your eyes stayed fixed on the grass in front of you. You couldn’t stand to even imagine the look in his eyes anymore. “But I wanted to.”
He sighed, running his fingers over the grass as he stared straight at the lake, “I always saw us as just friends. You, me, and the guys…”
Visibly uncomfortable with his choice of wording, Noct searched for a better term for his feelings. “I like you all the same.”
“As friends…” You returned in a gloomy tone.
“No, more than that…” He shook his head and waves his hand out in front of him like he was denying your statement. With a frustrated grunt, he forced out the only thing he would think of:
“I love you as a family!”
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. The word “family” hit you right in the feels and almost brought fresh tears to your eyes, but the heartache was soon replaced with a wave of relief.
“That’s the only way I can say it,” Noctis showed a hint of remorse for making you feel upset. “Sorry…” His apology was genuine, though I necessary since he wasn’t at fault for anything.
“I’m sorry for getting all mopey…” You uttered in a quiet tone, calming yourself down until your breathing was even again. “I knew what to expect and shot for it anyway,” You laughed softly, wiping your tears on your sleeve.
You felt pathetic crying over something like this, but Noct was surprisingly understanding.
He stood up from the grass, offering a hand to you. You accepted it, allowing him to pull you up off the ground.
After brushing yourself off a bit, you glanced back up at Noct and saw that his arms were outstretched. An invitation for a hug—something he rarely ever did.
You took the chance, hugging him tight. Closing your eyes, you used the time to lean into him and let your bodies sync in both pulse and movement. You sighed,
“Thank you for listening.” You mumbled into his shoulder, holding him tighter with a tender embrace. He patted your back gently, saying nothing before pulling away.
You could tell by the expression on his face that he probably wanted to say something else but decided against it in the end. “You gonna be okay?” He asked awkwardly.
You nodded, “I think so.”
Walking back uphill to the haven, you noticed Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis packing up the camp as they prepared for the next voyage.
As they spotted you walking toward them, they waved excitedly, “Yo! You’ve been gone for a while now. Did something happen?” Prompto inquired, dropping everything as he faced you.
“Was just talking to Noct over there…” You pointed behind yourself, continuing to walk towards them.
As Ignis stepped away from his makeshift kitchen space, he stepped towards you cautiously. “How did It go?” He whispered, placing his arm on your back and leading you away from the earshot of the others.
“Guess.” You groaned, leaning into his touch; eventually pressing your forehead on the upper part of his shoulder.
“You knew what would happen and told me to talk to him anyway. You set me up.”
Though your tone was more playful than hurt, a small part of you regretted even confessing to Noct in the first place. If only Iggy never talked you into it.
You felt his hand travel up your back, slowly making its way to your head—where he stroked your hair softly. “My apologies… it is simply impossible for someone to predict what will happen in a situation such as this.”
His eyes seemed to smile at you, yet you could hardly tell through the tinted lens of his glasses.
Sighing, you closed your eyes tightly, feeling your stomach churning... “I knew how it would turn out, and still told him like an idiot…” You felt nauseous.
Ignis gave a soft chuckle, “Well… I’m sure he won’t hold it against you.” His tone was hopeful and gentle as he squeezed your shoulders lightly. He always tried his best to make you feel better.
You nodded absentmindedly. “Still sucks though.”
Ignis, still holding you close, brought you to his cooking space—he hadn’t finished packing it all up just yet. “It will get easier once you get used to it. If you need to talk, you know I’m always here.”
Your lips curved up a bit as you felt a warm feeling enveloping your chest. “Thanks.” You mouthed, stepping away from Ignis and taking a seat on a log.
He stopped in his tracks when he saw you sit down, anticipating your next action behind a blank stare.
“Gonna join me, Specs?” Tapping the space on the log beside yourself, you gestured at him expectantly. Ignis looked over at where the others stood, who were doing well on their own, before nodding and following your instruction.
As soon as he was seated, you reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly. When you released it again, he looked down at his fingers and smiled faintly. The two of you sat together without saying anything, just enjoying a platonic moment of intimacy in silence.
The calm breeze gently blew through your hair, bringing with it a cool feeling, making you sigh content.
Once again you leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder. It did feel like Ignis was the only one in the group who truly understood you. You could tell him anything so easily and he would listen with or without reply.
He would just listen with patience and understanding. That alone made you believe he cared about you, which made it easy for you to trust him more and more.
With his hand wrapped around yours, Ignis continued to rub soothing circles on your wrist, hoping that it would calm your nerves a little more.
You closed your eyes, humming softly under your breath and letting out a long breath.
The two of you remained in silent comfort and warmth, enjoying each other’s company while being able to do nothing but enjoy it.
When the others started to make their way back to join you at the camp, neither of you made any move to get up.
Instead, Ignis kept looking at you and smiling fondly as he watched you relax further into him. His hand squeezed yours again as he turned his head to look up at the sky.
Your breathing was growing softer and eventually, you fell asleep right on his shoulder. With a soft chuckle, Ignis continued to hold you against him while uttering quietly to himself:
“I love you, (name).”
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blossattic · 1 month
A kiss under the stars
✦ Ignis Scientia x Carmen Mirabile OC . : Warnings: SFW. Romance. Fluff. Original Character.
Summary: Carmen wishes to go stargazing but it's unable too. The boys plot a plan to make Ignis take the initiative and fulfill the lady's wish.
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A joyful tune fell from Prompto's lips as he exited the kitchen space and into the room. There, near the balcony, Carmen was looking at her phone, carefully reading something that the sniper couldn't figure out from that far. However, the look of disappointment that crossed her features and how she swiped at the screen did catch his attention.
"Hey, is everything alright?"
Carmen's face brightened in surprise at the blonde's voice. Her eyes softened as he approached her, but she was quick to dismiss his worry.
"Yes, I'm sorry- I was reading some news about a special event happening on the following days."
Prompto tilted his head in curiosity.
"There will be a meteor shower starting tomorrow night. The best spot to witness it will be at a location not too far from here."
Prompto didn't miss the spark of interest in her eyes.
"That doesn't sound bad! I heard Noct was gonna ask Iggy to go there while the big guy and I went to check that place you found suspicious. You could ask them and maybe join in the fun! "
Carmen's eyes dimmed a little.
"What is it?"
"I believe that spot can only be reached by foot. I would only slow them down," she said softly, dejected as she looked at her foot. The hint of the medical tape barely peeked out of her boot. However, after a brief moment, she raised her head, a small smile adorning her features. "I don't want them to miss it on my behalf. They should enjoy that beautiful view. I'll wait for you all at the hotel."
Prompto understood then. With pursed lips, he didn't press that matter anymore and changed the topic…
Until he disclosed the info to all the bros at night, at dinner.
All four men looked at each other, before all eyes set on the strategist. Noctis was the one to speak.
"Hey Iggy, wasn't there a route that could be traveled by bike?"
Ignis nodded briefly, vaguely remembering the descriptions they had heard from a few passersby that also discussed the topic earlier.
"It's a tad longer and difficult, but it can be covered by a motorcycle, not doubt."
Ignis looked at them, an eyebrow raised. "We don't own a vehicle like that, I'm afraid."
It was Prompto's turn to smile.
"I can talk to Hon, ask her if she can let us borrow those wheels for this special date~"
"Good to know Iggy here knows how to drive one, too."
Ignis felt his face heat up before he moved a hand to cover it, fixing his glasses quickly. The scheme his brothers had begun was a plan to set him up with the diplomat. All eyes continued to be on him, with a knowing glint too.
Ignis sighed.
"I suppose that can be arranged."
"Well, go on, Specs. Fulfill this request for the lady." A KISS UNDER THE STARS
The rustling of the motorcycle's backpack as Ignis checked that everything was in order had Carmen's hands grabbing the helmet with nervousness. Were they really going stargazing?
Despite him going the night before with the Crown Prince to check on that phenomenon, Ignis had knocked on her door and kindly asked her if she would like to accompany them once more the following night… Only that, this time around, they had prepared a vehicle to drive her there without problems.
While her heart had not stopped beating at a rapid pace since then, it was even worse now as she saw him confidently move around, the leather jacket hugging his shoulders, back, and arms so beautifully as he closed the bag and reached for his own helmet. Security was a must.
"All set, my lady. Shall we depart?"
Carmen gasped, embarrassed to be caught ogling him like that, before she nodded and donned his helmet carefully.
Maybe it had been a blessing that the helmet visor was down, as her eyes opened like saucers as she saw him move closer, a soft "May I?" being muttered as his hands carefully reached for the straps below her chin, his fingers moving quickly but gently to secure them properly on her head. His eyes, even in the sunset, were a beautiful shade of green, and Carmen felt herself blushing as he took care of her every step. She couldn't make a fool of herself, but she was almost afraid of stumbling on his way to the seat, seeing how weak her legs were becoming.
If only she knew how her proximity was affecting him too. The gentle whiff of her perfume reaching his nostrils as they got comfortable on the seat was distracting him.
"Is- Isn't Your Highness coming to join us?", she asked, her eyes looking around now that they were almost ready to go. Her hands hesitated over his back before she settled them there. Ignis straightened his back immediately.
"He will meet us there."
Ignis patted himself on the back for sounding so composed, but he felt his heart pick up the pace as soon as he started the engine, and her hands left his place on his back to come around his middle.
"E-excuse me. I feared I was going to lose my balance otherwise."
Before she could remove her hands, he quickly settled one of his over hers, squeezing lightly.
"It's quite alright. Please let me know if I go too fast or if you wish to stop."
"I will, thank you."
And so, with the purr of the engine, the bike rode off.
Talking while driving a bike was a difficult task. As the only way to hear one another was by speaking louder than usual, however, a passing comment here and there over a creature or the beauty of a certain tree wasn't missed.
Carmen had relaxed a lot since they left, as Ignis could tell. Her arms didn't wrap around his torso as zealously as before, but she didn't take them away. He was glad. Seeing how he was a source of security for her had made him more confident on the journey. His chest was full of a candid flame.
As they reached the spot, Ignis carefully squeezed her hands over his middle and let her know, before the bike came to a smooth stop. Carmen hesitated for a moment, her hands briefly pressing over his abdomen as the bike halted to a stop, before she quickly took them away in favor of slacking the straps of the helmet. The tight muscles there had felt so good under her touch… Ignis was a fit man, that had been one of the things that had been on her mind for a long while now. Ah, the heat with the helmet on was unbearable now. At least she could chalk it up to that as the reason for her flushed face and not her running thoughts.
"We arrived on time! We could set up camp and eat something before the meteor shower starts. Don't you agree?"
As Ignis took off his own helmet, Carmen thought there was no way she could focus on anything more than the flushed cheeks and the nice shin of sweat that made his skin glow under the mellow light of her chest flashlight. The smile and the gentle and joyful light in his eyes. He was a handsome man.
"Is something the matter?"
"Yes… Of course."
Ignis perked up at her answer, fixing his flat hair into its previous style as she continued to look at him funnily. Did he happen to have something on his face?
Carmen opened her mouth only to close it again and swallow. Her hands were moving quickly in front of her to dismiss the attention.
"I- got distracted. Please, pay me no mind."
Ignis' timid smile sent her heart racing. He moved gracefully from the seat and carefully took care of the helmets, secured a small backpack on his arm, and then helped Carmen to his feet. Like a true gentleman, he offered his arm and guided her on her first steps on the rocky ground, mindful of her weakened ankle.
"I hope I don't serve as too much of a distraction now. It would be a terrible anecdote to share if you came back injured while under my care."
His playful tone made Carmen chuckle and slap at his arm in kind. Was he flirting with her now?
"They wouldn't believe what a terrible bodyguard you could be."
"I must ensure that my honor is not tarnished, then."
They laughed and continued trekking down, slowly but surely. The clear safe haven was only a few feet away. There, Noctis and the rest of the party awaited. Greetings were shared before the camp was set up quickly under Gladio's instructions. And while the food was being made, a small conversation sparked under the barely lit camp. They couldn't risk dampening the view from the night sky with brighter ones, and, truth be told, those dim lights served as a perfect helper to share sneaky glances between Carmen and Ignis, most of the time with them not being directly aware of the other's eyes on them.
As the right time approached, however, only their chest flashlights remained on, and everyone was quick to disperse to the vast ground to have a nice view of the stars.
Carmen stood up and began to wonder how this could be a beautiful excuse for a date if the circumstances had been different. Would Ignis have agreed to accompany her, the two of them alone, to enjoy this occasion?
Nonsense. She quickly scolded herself. A man with such responsibilities wouldn't be able to.
The woman stopped in her tracks at the touch of a warm hand on his arm. Her eyes followed the sound of her name as she met the strategist. A folded blanket was hanging from his other arm as he approached her. Her eyes went from it to his eyes.
"We could stargaze from that spot over there, if you care to accompany me."
Out of instinct, her hand moved to grasp the one he had offered to her, but she only took one step before she froze and looked back in the directions of the others. Were they setting them up? Not one of them turned their heads to spy on their interactions, and Carmen felt her belly and cheeks heat up at the possibility.
She turned to Ignis and took a long look at him. He seemed a little… nervous with how quickly he quickly fixed his glasses over the bridge of his nose.
"It is best if we remain here. Noct and the others wish to watch the stars from a different spot, but it would be hard for you to make that walk now."
"I understand. Please guide me."
The look of relief that briefly passed his features made her smile. With both hands on his, Ignis guided her carefully until they reached the place. The thick blanket made an excellent cushion for their heads and backs against the hard ground as they lay down side by side. In the quiet of the night, while they waited, both of them had their eyes on the sky, waiting. Ignis had softly shared why this event was dear to him, and Carmen heard him with full attention.
"Stargazing… is really special for me, too", she murmured.
"How so?"
"That custom of making wishes upon a star… I have done that since I was little. There's beauty in how there are millions of twinkling lights that can both be the safeguard of a secret wish and the magician that can make it come true."
Carmen turned to look at him and smiled shyly when he looked back at her in return. She continued, just as softly as before.
"I know it's childish. Even if that's not the case, anything under the stars is prettier: magical, poetic, romantic, even."
Ignis didn't say a thing but gazed at her with tender affection. Indeed, under starlight, her eyes shone brighter and more beautifully. Her lovely face was cast in the gentlest, softest sheen of pearlescent blue.
"Shall we lose that joyful wonder, too, when we grow up?", she continued musing. "Could we keep that part? Keep the hope of light alive in the darkness?"
Ignis was about to reply to something, that he later wouldn't remember what it was, as a dash of light crossed her eyes and her surprised gasp interrupted him. Her hand quickly grabbed his and squeezed as the other pointed above them, guiding his eyes to the majestic phenomenon happening.
Beautiful, dashing stars fell across the night sky like rain. It was the most marvelous sight, one that had them distracted and looking everywhere to witness one after another.
They stood like that for a few minutes, pointing vaguely in the direction of each falling star, smiling kindly as they pointed at the same one, and laughing softly as they settled down after a while.
Throughout the event, they weren't aware of how close they have moved to one another, as Carmen's head was gently leaning on his shoulder as they continued to gaze at the stars above. Their joined hands stayed together comfortably the entire time, fingers becoming intertwined in their hold. With the lack of leather from a glove, Carmen could feel the natural heat of his body, even more when Ignis squeezed her slightly colder one in his.
Time stood still when they noticed.
Carmen closed her eyes, trying to even out her breathing before moving away a fraction, turning to look at him, and stopping as she felt his bare hand graze his cheek.
"Don't", he pleaded quietly.
Ignis was so close, so warm beside her, and so focused on her.
His eyes closed on her pillowy lips, then on her eyes and back again into them, slowly moving closer. If she hesitated, Ignis vowed to part and let this be as it was. But, as she leaned on her side and moved closer to him to meet him halfway, he didn't dwell on it anymore.
Their lips met and stayed pressed for a moment before they parted, only to meet again just as carefully. His hand had migrated to the column of her neck, keeping her there, a thumb playing with the soft edge of her jawline as hers caressed the fabric of his shirt over his chest.
With a sigh, they parted at last, but they didn't move too far.
"Did you happen to make a wish this time?", Ignis barely mumbled.
Carmen smiled, leaning to rest her forehead on his.
"It was already fulfilled, too."
* :· ✧ ·: *   * :· ✧ ·: *   * :· ✧ ·: *   * :· ✧ ·: *   * :· ✧ ·: *
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heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
reality can wait - an ignoct one shot
Title: Reality Can Wait Fandom: FFXV Pairing: IgNoct (Ignis Scientia x Noctis Lucis Caelum) Rating: Explicit (NSFW - Explicit Sexual Content - Blow Jobs - Anal Sex - Minor Angst with a Happy Ending) Word Count: ~4600
Summary: Ignis enters into a complicated relationship with the crowned Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum.
A/N: Hello! Here is my gift for the lovely @brigriv for the @ignoctgiftexchange. They had the following request - prefer submissive/compliant Ignis and possessive Noctis. ^^ Could be lighthearted or more serious!
Please enjoy!
Gentle fingers comb through his hair, quick to turn rough which draws a rich moan from Ignis’ chest. He tilts his head back, the moan becoming richer as that tight hold on his follicles continues, rousing him from the light sleep he’d fallen into. He shifts his weight on the bed, pushing himself down onto his stomach, making his intentions clear to the person who is pulling his hair with a roughness that is making him painfully hard. 
He exhales another deep moan as he feels the weight he’d been hoping for touch his back. Pushing his hips back, he feels something long and stiff slip between his asscheeks. “Someone wants it bad tonight, don’t they?” Lips touch his ear, as the hand in his hair returns to pulling with that same roughness that Ignis craves. 
“C-Can you blame me?” Ignis pushes his hips back, groaning as a hand forces his hips to stop moving, keeping him locked in place. “Noctis…” He begs the Prince, who only grips his hair harder, forcing his shoulders to rise up off the bed as he’s toyed with. 
“You’ll get what you want soon enough, Specs.” Noctis releases the grip he has on Ignis’ hip, allowing him to wiggle suggestively as he can feel his stiff cock pushing between his cheeks. “Now, tell me again what I want to hear.” 
Heat rushes through his body as he struggles to concentrate on what Noctis wants. All that’s going through his mind right now is how good his body feels, and how good it feels to be in this position with the crowned Prince of Lucis. “Please, Your Highness…” 
The tone that Noctis uses to say his name makes his stomach roll, and his cock drip with precum. “You’re the only person I desire.” He whispers his mantra to Noctis. “The only person I see in a crowded room.” 
“Don’t you forget it.” 
Ignis tosses his head back with a loud moan as Noctis’ cock pushes back into his body, stretching his inner walls to their limit. Closing his eyes, he sinks back down into the bed, and readies himself for the ride that he knows Noctis is about to take him on. 
~Five Months Ago~
“Hey, Ignis. Got a second?” 
Lifting his head up, he sees Gladio standing at the door to his office. A sharp pain goes through his chest, but as quick as it appears, it disappears. “Of course, Gladiolus. What can I do for you this afternoon?” 
“The Prince is being a brat again.” Gladio walks into the room, and shuts the door with a firm click. 
A year ago, if Gladio had done such a thing, Ignis would have soon found himself on his knees, worshiping the piece of flesh that was hidden by clothing. They’d had a good run together - it had been a whirlwind of a romance. One night at a party, Gladio had invited him back to his place, and one thing led to another. Ignis had gotten his first taste of needing to be submissive to his lover through his relationship with Gladio. Day in and day out, he was responsible for so much, that being able to do the complete opposite in the bedroom had been a startling revelation. Luckily, Gladio had shown him how easy it was to get into that frame of mind. That only lasted for so long, though, as their duties made it clear that their relationship was always doomed for failure. 
It didn’t help much either that Ignis had always had his eye on a certain individual. The same individual that Gladio is now complaining about, and who he has plans on seeing in a couple of hours. 
Pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose, he leans back in his chair. “You know that he does this to taunt you. To get a rise out of you.” 
“Well, it’s working.” Gladio drops down into the chair in front of his desk, making himself comfortable. “What he needs is to get laid.” 
Ignis’ cheeks flare with heat at the comment, quickly turning his head as to not show Gladio how that comment affects him. “Not all of us are as lucky in that department as you are, Gladiolus.” Ignis clears his throat, hoping that it doesn’t cause Gladio to question him. 
“Tsch. I’m not doing so hot right now.” Gladio leans his head back to look up at the ceiling. “I’m serious, though, Ignis. That kid needs to figure shit out fast, otherwise he’s going to be insufferable when we head out to Altissiaa to meet up with Lunafreya.” 
“I’ll be sure to address it with him when I meet with him later.” Ignis returns to looking at his computer monitor, needing to distance himself a bit from his ex-lover, who thankfully is still looking up at the ceiling. “Is there anything else bothering you, or is it only Noctis?” 
Gladio sits up and flashes a grin at him. “Is there anything else besides the brat? Nah. Just him.” Ignis rolls his eyes, but offers a half-smile to Gladio, who takes it upon himself to stand back up. “Thanks for listening to me vent, Ignis.” 
“My door is always open to you, Gladiolus. You know that.” He pauses his reading to look back at Gladio, who has opened the door and is on his way out of his office. 
“I know.” Gladio nods his head towards him, then exits his office. 
A long sigh leaves his mouth as he realizes that he’s going to have to talk with Noctis about his behavior. Which causes another wave of heat to hit him, as he knows where it will undoubtedly lead. He closes his eyes, and places his hands on his desk. Yes, he will talk to Noctis, but Ignis knows that it won’t do any good. 
“Are you coming up?” Noctis asks, as Ignis pulls into the garage of where Noctis’ apartment is. It’s only a few blocks from the Citadel, but it’s also about four miles away from where he lives. “Thought we were going to have dinner together tonight.” 
He grips the steering wheel with a bit more pressure than necessary. “If I come upstairs, it will be strictly as a business matter.” He wants Noctis to understand that they need to draw some lines. “Are you okay with this, Your Highness?” 
“Of course, Specs. Why would I not be?” Noctis smiles, and it hits him in a way that makes the world disappear for a quick second. “Let’s order pizza, and I promise we can go over the data I know you’ve been hounding me about.” 
“Very well.” 
Parking the car in his usual spot, Ignis follows the Prince up to his apartment. As soon as the door shuts, though, whatever sort of agreement they’d come to in the car is soon forgotten about as Ignis is pushed up against the wall by Noctis’ magic, and then feels his lips connect to his with a strong kiss that Ignis can’t ignore. 
Hearing Gladio talk about how the Prince needs to be laid had almost blown his own secret. No one in the kingdom knows that he’s engaging in what some might call a risque relationship with the Prince of Lucis. Ignis knows that it’s not the best thing, not when the Prince is betrothed to someone else. Not just any person either - the Oracle that protects the population at large from the Scourge. Because of course he has to jump from one complicated relationship into a much more complicated relationship. 
But, by the Six, Noctis truly knows how to kiss. 
He moans into his mouth, lifting his arms up to put them around Noctis’ neck, as the Prince moves his body to be closer to his own. Ignis finds himself slipping, his own neediness of wanting to be everything the Prince needs taking over him completely. He leans his head back, Noctis breaking off the kiss to leave marks on his neck. Marks that will be gone by the morning, as Ignis has stockpiled elixirs in his apartment for that very reason. 
“N-Noctis.” He moans, his fingers digging into his shoulder as he tries to keep himself steady. Noctis’ hips roll into his own, their clothed cocks coming together. He releases a shuddering sigh, the physical need to be with the Prince becoming one he can no longer ignore. 
“Did Gladio come and see you today?” Noctis murmurs into his ear, as his hand finds its place on top of Ignis’ cock. “He left pretty quickly when I was being a brat to him.” 
“Y-You were doing it intentionally?” A sharp gasp leaves his mouth, then quickly turns into a moan as Noctis’ fingers wrap around his girth. He pushes against his hand, aching in all the right places. “Why?” 
“I can’t stand knowing he’s slept with you.” 
Ignis’ stomach drops to the floor, and all thoughts leave his head as he stares into Noctis’ eyes. “Does it bother you that much?” 
“I don’t want anyone else touching you.” Noctis gives his cock a good hard squeeze, making stars dot in his vision, a wanton moan dripping from his lips at the way Noctis is behaving. It’s exhilarating. It’s intoxicating. 
It’s what he’s always desired.
Ignis groans as Noctis pulls his hand away, and brings it up to his lips. He licks each finger tip with a slow, purposefully stroke, all the while keeping his eyes locked onto Noctis’. “I’m yours,” he whispers. “Only yours.” 
“I know.” Noctis pushes his hand to be against the nape of his neck, Ignis closing his eyes as another rough kiss touches his lips. “Come to bed with me.” 
“I will.” There is no other place he would rather be. 
A button flies off of his shirt as Noctis tugs hard on the tie that’s around his neck. Ignis puts his hands on the hem on Noctis’ shirt, pulling it over his head as his own button up shirt is pulled off of his arms. Pants are next, and then socks and underwear are removed. Ignis gets on his knees, his lips coming into direct contact with the tip of Noctis’ cock, who holds it to be against his lips. 
“Show me that you’re mine, Ignis.” Noctis’ voice is rich with lust, lust that he can feel burning hot in his own veins. “Prove it to me.” 
He puts his mouth around the tip of his cock, and begins to suck on it with an eagerness that should shame him. He’s acting like a horny teenager, when he’s anything but that. There’s something about the way that Noctis wishes to possess him, like he’s an object and not a person, that really drives him to the brink of insanity. No one has ever wanted him like that, and to have it be Noctis? Ignis can’t help but submit himself to him, as it’s all he’s ever wanted in his life. 
Noctis pushes more of his cock into his mouth, and rather than fight it, he rolls with it, moaning low as the thick appendage is pushed back and forth against his own tongue. Ignis palms his cock, then drops his hand back down, knowing that Noctis is no doubt staring at the way precum is dripping from the tip. Both of his hands are on Ignis’ head, controlling his every move. 
“Suck harder, Specs.” Noctis commands him, and he does as he’s asked. “Yes, like that. More, Specs. Suck on it more.” 
Drool spills past his lips as he bobs his head to the tempo that Noctis sets. His eyes roll back as the tip of Noctis’ cock pushes against the back of his throat. He can feel him throbbing against his tongue, and knows that he’s soon going to be swallowing his thick cum. The hands on his head pull hard on his hair as a warning, and then Ignis is gulping down the Prince’s release, savoring the way his spunk sticks to his tongue before sliding down his throat. 
Looking up at him, he has difficulty seeing him but smiles anyway. “Is that enough, my Prince?” He knows it won’t be. It won’t be enough until Ignis is screaming his name, over and over, as he’s made to endure the way Noctis likes to fuck. 
It’s music to his ears, as Noctis wipes his lips with the pad of his thumb. Ignis opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, as he knows the cum Noctis has wiped up belongs on his tongue. He leaves it there for a moment, knowing that Noctis is watching, and swallows it with a pleased smile on his lips. 
Noctis pulls him up off the floor, and over to the bed, where he’s made to lay face down, his body bent in half as his feet stay on the carpet. He moans low as Noctis teases him with the tip of his cock, pushing it against his twitching hole. Warm lube drips onto his ass, and he feels Noctis smear it on him with the tip of his cock. 
“Tell me you want it, Ignis.” Noctis’ chest is now pressed against his back, while Ignis is struggling to stay present as the entire act of submission is making him feel high. “Tell me this is what you want.” 
“I w-want it.” He begs him without any shame. “Give it to me, Noctis.” 
“How bad?” Noctis teases him with the tip some more, making him salivate as his hips try to lift up and get the tip to push a little deeper inside of his body. “How bad, Ignis?” 
“Bad.” He whines, pushing his hips back. “I only want you, Noctis!” 
“That’s better.” Warm breath hits his ear. “Your cock is mine, Ignis.” 
A shuddering moan leaves his mouth as Noctis drills his cock home into his ass. A deep, satisfied moan comes out next, as he pushes his hips back to feel more of that thickness penetrate him. “Yours…” 
The Prince pulls his hips up, pushing his cock even deeper into his body. Ignis wails, his body feeling like it’s being split in two with how rough Noctis is being. All he can do is hang on for dear life, letting go all of the stress from the day as it disappears through this carnal act of sex. Noctis wraps his fist around Ignis’ cock and begins to pump his thickness, Ignis receiving pleasure on both sides. It’s enough to push him firmly over the edge, a rich cry leaving his mouth as he ascends into beautiful oblivion. 
“Yes, Ignis.” Noctis speaks into his ear. “Now come again. For me. Only me.” 
Ignis proceeds to come two more times, as Noctis draws it out of him with expert touches and pivotal thrusts. He’s a verifiable mess by the time he feels Noctis’ warm cum coating his inner walls, the deep moan ringing in his ears as Noctis spills his seed inside of him. He falls onto the bed, panting hard as sweat covers his entire body, thoroughly spent. 
He’s moved to lay on his back by gentle hands, Noctis’ lips now leaving kisses all over his face as he slowly comes down from his sexual high. He moans softly, loving the touches that the Prince bestows upon him. He remembers the first time they’d done something like this - it had only been a few weeks ago, and it had happened purely by accident. One minute they were in a heated argument, and the next, Ignis was submitting himself to Noctis, doing whatever the Prince requested of him. And now, here they are, still going as strong as they had that very first time. 
Noctis pulls him to rest on his chest, which he does with a soft sigh. “Are we going to be able to do this when we go on our trip?” Noctis asks, his fingers now idly playing with the hair on the back of his neck. 
“We will need to be careful.” Ignis nods, knowing that there is no way they can stay apart from each other. Not when they both have such a deep need for the other. “Things may get a little difficult when we make it to Altissia.” 
Holding his breath, he waits to see how Noctis will respond, and hears him exhale a soft sigh. “Right. The engagement.” 
“We don’t have to discuss it right now.” He can tell the Prince doesn’t want to face reality. In truth, neither does he. But he knows that the Prince of Lucis has an obligation, and while it is not in his favor, he understands that this is how it needs to be. 
“Good. I don’t want to think about it.” Noctis touches his face, drawing his attention to look into his eyes. “Kiss me, Ignis? Kiss me, and show me again how you’re mine?” 
He shifts his position, slowly arranging himself to be straddling Noctis’ hips, as he brings his head closer to him. “It will be my pleasure, Your Highness.” 
They speak no more about Altissia, and the things to come, and instead find solace in the way their bodies behave when connected to one another. 
The death of Regis comes to a shock to them all. Ignis can see Noctis is fighting to keep his composure, when all he wants for him to do is show his anger. Show his emotions. So he isn’t at all surprised when Noctis suggests to Prompto and Gladio that they go and spend the night on the beach, allowing him to have his space. 
“Specs will keep an eye on me.” Noctis tells them, as they both look a little skeptical. “Right?” 
He nods his head, and looks at Gladio. “It will be alright, Gladiolus. Return tomorrow morning for breakfast. We’ll head back to Insomnia together.” 
“Alright, fine.” He can tell Gladio doesn’t want to leave, not when the news of their home being sabotaged in the way it had been. “Call if you need us to come back.” 
Noctis nods. “We will.” 
“You sure, Noct?” Prompto asks, as he approaches his best friend. “This news…” 
“It’s okay.” Noctis rubs his temple. “I need to be alone for a bit.” 
Ignis watches the two of them leave their suite. As soon as the door closes, he prepares himself for what will happen next. “Ignis.” Noctis sounds broken, which hurts his heart. But he knows what the Prince needs right now, as it will be something familiar. Something that can carry him on to the next part of this madness. 
“Let’s go to bed.” Ignis offers his hand to Noctis, who takes it without a word, and they head to the bedroom together. 
There is no need for submission tonight, as he knows he has to take care of the Prince. But in doing so, it’s his own way of showing his desire to his lover. Noctis lays on top of him, and he lets the Prince take him, over and over, as they both cling to each other. Some might call it an act of love, but Ignis knows better. Ignis knows that this is what they both need right now. Their home is gone; the King is dead; but this - this is something that can never be taken away from either of them. 
He clings to Noctis as he comes for him, again and again. Noctis thrusts into him over and over, their bodies fused together as they chase after the sexual high, needing it tonight. And as they finish, Ignis holds Noctis in his arms, as the Prince mourns the loss of his father, and the loss of their King. 
“Luna is gonna be so happy to see you!” Prompto teases the Prince from the front seat of the Regalia, his camera in his hand. “Are you excited?” 
“Yes.” Noctis answers with a stoic look on his face. 
Ignis snorts. He can tell when the Prince is lying. “Why don’t we go up to Lestallum tonight?” He suggests. “We have plenty of gil now.” 
“Why are you even asking?” Gladio groans from the backseat. “Let’s go! I want to sleep in a nice bed tonight.” 
“More like you want to dick down on some of those girls, am I right, big guy?” Prompto teases Gladio, who doesn’t bother to deny it. “I, too, vote for Lestallum.” 
“Your Highness?” He asks, as he looks at Noctis through the rearview mirror. “It’s your call.” 
“What’s another day?” Noctis nods. “Lestallum it is.” 
They travel to Lestallum, arriving just as the sun begins to set. Ignis heads to one of the stalls, and begins to bargain with the woman who is running it. He turns on his charm, smiling at her in a way to help get himself a better deal on the spices he’s haggling for. She falls for it, and he is quick to pay her before it wears off. She invites him to dinner, which he politely declines, as he has someplace he has to be. 
As he heads away, he sees Noctis is standing there, his arms crossed over his chest and has a sour look on his face. Ignis immediately regrets what he’s just done to save a little money, but surely Noctis can’t be upset about this, can he? They keep delaying their return to the lighthouse, which is where the boat that will take them to Altissia is.
He looks at him, and then moves past him. If he wants to act this way, fine. He will explain himself later. If Noctis has been listening, he will have heard him turn down the offer for dinner. 
They had separate suites this time - Gladio is bunking down with Prompto, while Ignis is with Noctis. Because that’s how it always is. He is always by his side. While he may be his Adviser, the real reason he stays by his side is because he is in love with him. The only person he sees is Noctis. 
“What was that about?” Noctis is already back in the hotel room, no doubt getting back before him by using his Armiger. “Huh, Ignis?” 
“I’m not sure what you’re asking.” Ignis plays dumb, knowing that it might be his demise but it’s already too late to go back. 
“I saw you.” 
“You saw me?” He turns towards the Prince, who is now glaring at him with an anger he can feel in his gut. “You saw me purchase some spices to make the meals that you like?” He pulls them from his pocket, showing the Prince. 
“I saw you flirting with that woman.” Noctis spits out the last word as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. 
“I was getting a better deal.” 
“So, you’re admitting you were flirting?” 
“And if I am?” 
Noctis moves across the room in the blink of an eye. Ignis steps back, his back now pressed against the wall as the Prince stares deep into his soul. “No one gets to flirt with you, Ignis. Only me.” 
“You.” He seethes, glaring right back at him. “You don’t get to tell me how to act, Your Highness.” 
“You’re mine!” Noctis bangs his hand against the wall next to where his shoulder is. “No one else’s!” 
“How convenient, when you belong to someone else already.” He returns. 
Blue eyes widen, and then narrow. “How dare you.” 
Ignis pushes him away, and heads over to the small kitchenette, where he puts the spices he’d procured down. “I know this is difficult for you to hear, Noctis, but you need to hear it. It isn’t fair that you get to act this way when we both know you are engaged to be married soon.” 
“I will not.” Ignis keeps his back turned, feeling it would be easier to speak than look directly at Noctis. “Yes, I will always be yours. But you have never been mine.” 
“That isn’t true!” Noctis exclaims. “Ignis, you don’t believe that, do you?? You know I love you!” 
“You love the idea of me. You love possessing me.” Ignis’ shoulders drop as he feels his own stomach start to twist in on itself. “But you’re in love with your future bride.” 
“Stop!” Noctis repeated, this time as an angry shout. “Don’t do this, Specs!” 
Ignis leaves the room, and goes to the bedroom he’s sharing with Noctis. Two strong hands touch his waist, and force him to turn around as Noctis pulls him into a hug. He struggles for a second, but then stops as he falls against his body, a rough sob leaving his mouth as he clings to him. 
“It’s okay, Ignis.” Noctis whispers into his ear. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not.” He shakes his head, his sobs continuing. “This isn’t fair, Noctis. I love you. I want to be with you, and only you. You know that I’m yours. I’ve always been yours.” He lifts his head, tears still streaking down his cheeks as he locks eyes with Noctis. “And yet, you question me. Why?” 
“Because I’m afraid.” 
“Of what?” 
“Of you leaving me.” 
“Oh, Noctis.” He shakes his head. “I will never leave you. I told you, I’m yours. For better or worse.” 
The Prince wipes away the tears on his face, and holds his head with both of his hands. “I love you, Ignis. I belong to you.” 
“You belong to Lunafreya.” Ignis refutes, shaking his head with a sad sigh. 
“Not anymore.” 
Noctis kisses him with a passion of a thousand suns. Oh, the Six, how Ignis has longed for a kiss like this from him. It carries all the weight of his feelings in it, and he returns it with an equal amount of excitement. If Noctis is telling the truth, then this is it. Now he truly belongs to him, and vice versa. 
Their kiss comes to an end with Noctis getting on one knee. “Be mine forever, Ignis.” He pulls a plain silver band out of his pocket. “I need you. I love you.” 
“I will.” More tears fall, but these are much different than the ones that had fallen upon his return from the night market. 
They resume kissing each other, and then the Prince guides him to lay down on the bed, then flips him over to be on all fours as that is Ignis’ favorite position to be in. He moans loud and long as Noctis pushes into him, his head spinning from both excitement and desire. The simple gold band sparkles in the soft light of the room, his fingers digging into the sheets as Noctis’ cock fills his ass. 
He moans over and over, as he submits himself fully to Noctis, who makes him come three times before giving him the satisfaction of being able to feel his own release deep inside of him. He begs him for more, and so they go at it again, the two of them thirsty for each other, now that they know they are each other’s. 
The night market is still in full swing as Noctis’ chest presses against his back, the two of them coming down from another delicious sexual high. “Are you sure about this, Noctis?” Ignis asks, as Noctis is touching the ring he’d put on his finger only a few hours ago. 
“Yes, Specs.” Noctis nods his head, giving him a strong smile. “Luna will understand. She knows how much I care for you.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
After a few more slow kisses, Ignis rolls onto his side and feels the Prince press up against his back. “How about we stay here for a few more days?” Noctis’ voice rumbles into his ear. “Please, Ignis?” 
“We might have to take another hunt to afford living here for a few more days.” Ignis hums softly, pressing  back against the warmth of Noctis’ body. 
“I’ll gladly go on as many hunts as necessary if it means we get to stay here longer.” A kiss brushes his cheek, then Ignis turns his head to meet Noctis’ lips with his own. “Don’t say no to me, Ignis.” 
He smiles, looking into Noctis’ eyes. “We’ll prepare for the hunt tomorrow morning.” 
“Good.” Noctis grins, and then kisses him again. The kisses lead to more delicious things, Ignis moaning into Noctis’ mouth as he’s made to come again and again. As Noctis falls asleep, he listens to him breathing and smiles to himself. 
Ignis knows that there is still a lot they need to deal with, but he will live in this bliss for a little bit longer. Reality can wait a few more days. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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the-glacian · 2 years
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(shout-out to the wonderful people in the discord server who made it a fun event)
Final Fantasy XV
❄️ Part 1 - The One With A Promise
Prompt: Best/Worst Christmas Morning Ever
Pairing: IgNoct
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Summary: “Please, no,” Noctis says groggily when he’s being woken by a gentle tap on his shoulder and handed a cup of hot coffee with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon on the top. “It’s the Winter Solstice. Why do I have to get up, Specs—”
Or, it's just like any other morning...
❄️ Part 2 - The One With Antics
Prompt: Sweaters (Ugly or Otherwise)
Pairing: IgNoct, Promptio
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia
Summary: “Where’s Iggy?” Prompto asks when the next night Noctis shows up at the bar on his own. There’s a short-lived spark of curiosity in his eyes that wanes as soon as the side of his face is hit with an olive.
Or, in Ignis's absence Noctis notices things he usually doesn't...
❄️ Part 3 - The One With No Reason
Prompt: Unexpected/Unusual Gift
Pairing: IgNoct
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Summary: Ignis might've been living in the office lately, but he isn't living under a rock.
Good Omens (TV)
❄️ Part 1 - First Of Many I
Prompt: First Christmas Together
Pairing: Ineffable Husbands
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Summary: A quiet evening with a book is Aziraphale's everyday pleasure. Just not when it's Christmas and Crowley's there.
❄️ Part 2 - First Of Many II
Prompt: Hot Chocolate
Pairing: Ineffable Husbands
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Summary: Crowley takes Aziraphale out on a date. It isn't their first.
Supernatural (TV)
❄️ Mother Knows Best
Prompt: Bringing Home a Fake SO For the Holidays
Pairing: Destiel, Saileen
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy
Summary: Mary might've been dead for longer than she's been alive, but some things are self-explanatory. Like when one of her sons brings company to a family dinner.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
The One With A Promise
read it on AO3 Here
by The_Glacian
“Please, no,” Noctis says groggily when he’s being woken by a gentle tap on his shoulder and handed a cup of hot coffee with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon on the top. “It’s the Winter Solstice. Why do I have to get up, Specs—”
Or, it's just like any other morning...
Words: 499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 30plusFanfic December Event
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Winter Solstice, dumb boys in love, Discord: 30+ Fanfic, 20/22 IgNoct, Alternate Universe - No Prophecy (Final Fantasy XV), Tooth-Rotting Fluff, No Plot/Plotless
read it on AO3 Here
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Reaching a Fever Pitch//Closed RP
“Looks like we’ll have to go the long way around,” Noctis said looking at the fallen rubble. It had separated him and Ignis from Gladio and Prompto. At least from the sound of it the others were okay.
He started on that path that should lead them back to the others although he was beginning to feel out of sorts with himself. His steps seemed a bit slower and heaver, his breath shallower and heavier. His heart was hammering in his chest and his body felt on fire but ice cold all at once.
Noctis knew he should say something to Ignis but didn’t want to cause the other any alarm. It was bad enough they were separated from the others, but he didn’t need him worrying about being ill on top of that.
As they pressed on daemons began to appear. Noctis, wanting to get this over quickly jumped into battle, thinking being a little sick wouldn’t change anything. However, he was wrong. His movements were sluggish and poor in form, something Ignis would definitely pick up on.
He went to swing at an enemy but he was easily batted away and unable to warp out of it in time. He hit the dungeon wall hard and fell to the ground. It took a long moment before he was able to get himself to his feet again and jump back into the fight.
Once the daemons were defeated, his weapon vanished and he stood there panting to catch his breath.
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missregality · 2 months
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I love it when they just do this
49 notes · View notes
chilledfoodtin · 3 years
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Ignis in the classic frames
90 notes · View notes
stayanix · 3 years
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Ignis screenies set 2/?
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kapperson · 4 years
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} Chibi heads of the loves of my life 🥺💖
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wxlla13 · 4 years
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