#;; Adran;;
zephyr-draws · 1 month
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it's been three years.
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rebe-p-arts · 10 months
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If you're a DM, never be afraid of a TPK.
It's merely an opportunity for your villains to taunt the world into despair :)
(they're fine btw)
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tryingtimi · 2 years
13 & 29!
His Little Brother
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Thank you so much for the numbers! 💙 Well, it was a lovely combination of two IQRUS song, Goodbye by Ramyes (from Arcane) and Doom by Imagine Music. So, since I already planned to write this scene in the near future, I've lived with the opportunity now. Context: The cult experimented on making a specimen of the mix of a human and a zaphrin (angel/lesser god-like creatures) that can erase other zaphrins. Adran happened to be the best candidate to this role, so they made him insane and turned him into an eldritch monster, then went to the Everocean to destroy Auva and kill Dane. It's almost the end of the book.
Adran’s jaw – that nauseating, deformed piece of his face where his sharp, shark-like teeth slumbered – clenched together with an ear-shattering crunch. His Evolved hand closed over Dane’s neck with ease. It seemed so tiny compared to his clawed arms that Dane tried to draw blood from with his weak fingers. To no avail, however. The scales that grew over Adran’s translucent, slithery skin could stop lasers from slicing them through. A mere scratch of a human being was not near to harming him.
Adran’s neck twitched as he saw his brother’s tears escaping from the side of his face.
“Ad…ran…” he forced out the letters with the air that rushed out from his lungs but couldn’t get back anymore. His face slowly turned into the purple of the sunset behind him. “Fight… it…”
ɪᴛ ɪs ᴛɪᴍᴇ, ɪɴsᴇᴄᴛ.
He watched Dane struggle, desperation and terror pooling into his ocean-blue eyes. No. ʏᴇs. His brother let out a gutwrenching cry as Adran’s claws tightened, his neck bruising visibly. No! NO!
ʏᴇs, ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ. ɪᴛ ɪs ᴛɪᴍᴇ.
Electric shockwaves ran down across his skin, right into his bones, the little sparkles popping up here and there in the ooze that dripped from his whole body. His mind had been out of his reach, thick fog and froth washing Adran farther away from himself. Numbness sunken him deeper and deeper locking him into a dark corner of his existence. He’d seen his grotesque, eight feet tall self lifting Dane higher through an old screen, not his eyes. He was lost. He was doing what was best.
It was the best for Her. And so it could be the best for the world as well.
Adran saw what he was doing. Through a screen. Through… he saw his arms and a scar on the sensitive skin between two lines of scales.
A scar.
His scar.
The scar he got when he saved Dane. From falling. From dying. He stirred in his numbness. Adran looked down at Dane’s remnant of his mechanic leg. He ripped it out of their fitting. He trashed in the shadows of his mind, trashed for air and freedom.
He was choking Dane. The one he saved and has scarred himself for. Dane lost his leg that day, the day he got his scar. When they were kids. He saved him. From falling. From dying. His Dane.
Adran looked at his gagging, deepening red face.
At his little brother.
Adran’s mind buzzed and whirled, it melted and bled as he screamed his throat raw when he finally forcefully took the control back over his body. He immediately let Dane go, then with his eyes jumping everywhere at an insane speed, he turned around to look at the source of this bone-crushing unease, this madness.
At Icharo Astin, The Golden Prophet.
He couldn’t describe the guttural loathing that his form presented under the golden robe, and he didn’t try to. With the thin thread he could grab of his sanity, Adran charged towards The Golden. The vessel’s floor thumped under his large, oily feet, the air around him resonating and tearing apart. The Golden did not move as if he was sculpted from stone-cold confidence. He stood there as the grand statue of lunatics. He was indestructible. Death couldn’t lay a hand on him.
Adran, however, was worse than death.
And so he broke through the invisible, yet crushing resistance that this man’s, this monster’s cosmic protection had lifted before him. There was a slight hint of surprise in The Golden’s unreadable, faceless expression when Adran soundlessly roared at him and began to rip him out of existence. He surprised a God, after all. ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏ. ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟꜰ. Adran felt an endless shock of pain in his core, in his bones, in his mind. He started bleeding from everywhere as he sucked the skin, the bone, the life out of The Golden before him.
What he was consuming, was a part of him already. And he couldn’t bear it. It was too much for his body.
Jarring gurgling exploded from The Golden’s mouth. Deafening agony resonated in the air, as both he and Adran shrieked.
Vibrant red and sparkling gold blood bled onto the floor, pooling under them.
Yet, Adran had only one thing stuck in his mind. One thing he was holding onto; that last thread of sanity. Golden-red blood oozed from his face as tears, when he looked at the terrified Dane from the corner of his eyes.
“Save them,” he… forced his mouth to form the words.
Then, with the thought of his little brother, Adran howled in sync with The Golden one last time, before he tore every part of him out of the worlds and destroyed himself in the process.
Completely and permanently.
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chesapeakewoman · 2 years
Yeah, sorry, your boyfriend is a pile of soul mush, and also stuck inside my head. Yeah he sometimes takes over my body when I'm unconscious. No he doesn't want to talk to you right now, but he will sing to you later when you are asleep.
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Beatrice: Adran, can I ask you a question? You don’t have to answer. Adran: Bea, you once caught me one night sneaking out of the kitchen naked with a biscuit in my mouth. We have no secrets. Ask your damn question.
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syrips · 9 months
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me, the dm: -jamming to ddr battle theme in the background as the party screams irl-
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reiignonme · 1 year
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mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
[  PUBLIC  ] ;  the sender touches the receiver in public. TO JOSEPH / FROM ADRAN.
Joseph didn't mind a little bit of teasing in public, provided that there was somewhere they could go if it all got too much. Resting against Adran at the bar, he felt the other's hand move between his legs, causing him to spread them ever so slightly so he could get a better feel. "What's on your mind handsome?" He asked, hoping not to draw any attention to them in that moment.
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I saw your post about dog breeds in welsh <3 and wondered if you had welsh names for welsh cobs/mountain ponies etc? I'd love to hear them if you do.
As a poor exchange, I know the Cornish word for pony is "hobba".
Sure thing! Not much excitement though, pretty much the English is a direct translation tbh:
Welsh mountain pony: merlyn mynydd Cymreig. Although I have heard merlyn bach y mynydd, which is "little pony of the mountain"
Welsh pony: merlyn Cymreig
Welsh pony of cob type: merlyn o deip cob
Welsh cob: cob Cymreig
Plus, the Section A, Section B thing is Adran A, Adran B, etc in Welsh.
'Hobba' is extremely charming, however!
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zephyr-draws · 1 year
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the rise before the fall
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rebe-p-arts · 1 year
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Any character design is vastly improved by tattoos, specially if they're god-given
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llyfrenfys · 7 months
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Y llyfr heddiw yw 'A Practical Guide to Searching LGBTQIA Historical Records' gan Norena Shopland, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2021.
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn wych iawn ar gyfer ymchwilio i hanes LHDTC+. Mae'r hwn yn llawlyfr defnyddiol i unrhyw ymchwilydd a fy hoff lyfr wrth ymchwilio hanes LHDTC+. Mae pob adran yn dangos enghreifftiau mewn archifau papurau newydd, llyfrgelloedd, amgueddfeydd ac yn y blaen. Os ydych chi'n ansicr sut i chwilio am ddogfennau hanesyddol LHDTC+, mae'r llyfr hwn yn dangos sut i ddefnyddio gorchmynion Boolean i chwilio archifau ar-lein ac yn dangos sut i ddefnyddio fethodau eraill i ffeindio unrhyw ddogfennau hanesyddol LHDTC+. Un o fy hoff lyfrau ymchwil!
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn?
Today's book is 'A Practical Guide to Searching LGBTQIA Historical Records' by Norena Shopland, published in 2021.
This book is very great for researching LGBTQ+ history. This is a useful handbook for any researcher and a favourite book of mine when researching LGBTQ+ history. Each section showcases examples found in newspaper archives, libraries, museums and so on. If you are unsure how to search for LGBTQ+ historical documents, this book shows how to use Boolean commands to search online archives and shows you how to use other methods to find any LGBTQ+ historical documents. One of my favourite research books!
Have you read this book?
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betomirandaart2 · 6 months
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Adran Netyoive is an elf fighter, with golden eyes and short, curly black hair. He is a champion warrior, specializing in the agile use of his dagger and shield buckler in combat. Adran possesses an indomitable spirit, often mocking his opponents during fights. His military career began as a quest to enhance his combat skills, after a tragedy left him disfigured and blind in one eye.
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Some villain: Be still! The noblest prey ends the hunt in silent dignity. Adran: Prey? Silent? Dignity? Wow, you don't know me at all.
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irisacherontia · 24 days
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Joining the open tag of @willtheweaver
Rules: Which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
Lust: Nyloth
He wants to satisfy his desires without regard for the people he might hurt in the process, sometimes tossing caution and pragmatism to the wind for the sake of the pursuit of a whim.
Envy: Maszenkain
He envies the fact that Aelar has a caring brother while his brother is... well... Nyloth. He is also somewhat jealous of the bond Aelar and Immeral share. To be fair to the poor little meow meow, he does have his reasons.
Wrath: Adran
In both versions of the story I'm writing he has plenty of things to be angry about: Hunter and co. dragging the honor of the city guard through the mud and him being stuck with a drow are just the tips of the iceberg.
Greed: Another one for Nyloth.
What he has isn't and will never be enough.
Gluttony: Xune
Hunger for power and prestige describes every single priestess of Lolth.
Sloth: no character comes to mind.
Pride: Thamior
He may cast his pride aside for the sake of his people, especially his sons, but oh does it hurt his ego.
Tagging: @paradoxvictor + open tag
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syrips · 10 months
Other People's Adored OC/PC list (loosely alphabetical)
hi im making this to add in other peoples' ocs/pcs. if you want me to gush about your character or do art of them please reply/DM/message me/let me know and ill add to the list. also i wont do nsfw art of them unless with your explicit/direct permission!!
Achlys Ghost-Speaker - @ immortalarizona (CoS)
Adran Farith - Imperial (CoS2)
Aihara Cannolis - @ razeshepard (GURPS. WP:CS.)*
Caden Lamorak - Kaiser (CoS2)*
Captain Darryl Shepard - @ razeshepard (GURPS)*
Cathus Deldrach - Kaiser (RoT)*
Cayn - @ razeshepard (GURPS. WP - 1. WG.)*
Chester - Mango (CoS2)
Cryxafil - Kaiser (TSC)*
Dharosa - Kaiser (WP:CS)*
Duke L'Orange - @ kidheart (CoS)
Ezra Sunstar - @ mx-lamour (CoS)
Faire Lira - @ chronoscalamity (CoS2)*
Gristle Soot Beard - Kaiser (SwI)*
Itamachi - @ razeshepard (WP:PC)*
Kasia of St. Andral - @ lemonsdaily (CoS)
Lugh Varrenguard - @ razeshepard (CoS2)*
Mori - Kaiser (DL:SotDQ)*
Notac - @ razeshepard (GURPS)*
Ozan Varrenguard - @ razeshepard (CoS1. CoS2.)*
Reagan - Kaiser (WP1)*
Reccet - Kaiser (WG)*
Saer'llith Dyrr - @ theseusdevorak (CoS)*
Silas Xavier - @ mxvanrichten (CoS)*
Tree Guy - Kaiser (WP:PC)*
Taltos Vasha - @ chronoscalamity (CoS2)
Verafim Razori - @ razeshepard (GURPS)*
Viola Varrenguard - @ razeshepard (CoS2. PF.)*
Irl Stuff (Vtuber / In Game Name / Username)
Keita - @ / razeshepard
list of 'what stuff means' i forgot the name for that
CoS = Curse of Strahd campaign. Syrips is not DM
CoS # = Curse of Strahd campaign, numbered. Syrips is DM
DL = Dragonlance
DL:SotDQ = DL: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
GURPS = umbrella term for other campaigns under GURPSystem
PF = umbrella term for other campaigns under Pathfinder system
RL = Ravenloft
RoT = Rise of Tiamat
SwI = Stormwreck Isle
TSC = The Sunless Citadel
WG = Weazel is DM
WP = Winged Paradise world, created by Syrips
WP # = WP campaign, numbered. Syrips is DM
WP:PC = WP: Prison Campaign under GURPSystem
WP:SC = WP: Cyberpunk Strahd under D&D 5e system
little star thingy* = Syrips has permission for nsfw fan stuff
OCs/PCs I adore but the op/artist didnt request / doesnt know about this list (aka i put them here just for organization purposes)
Caladium - @ secondsundering
Ezra Vilisevic - @ guardianinthemist (CoS)
Faline - @ todderwodders
Helene Crow Stoneraven - @ crowholtz (RL)
Immren - @ astarionz
Jack Punch - @ victorgrwrites
Tino - @ luinen-bluewater
Vex - @ laezels
Virgil - @ gravedigg
Zenith - @ feniksido
See Also: syrips OC/PC list (loosely alphabetical)
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