#; a free elf ( dobby )
hyunpic · 2 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
Dobby called me to tell me that he's moved to Egypt and became a belly dancer there. He kept saying that everyone wants him at gigs and how he's so successful. He kept sending me pictures of himself till I had to block him because he kept blowing up my phone.
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dowehaveadeal · 6 months
this guy right here! i love him!
took me SO long but im finally done.
whoever gets the reference (far right) gets a cookie!!!
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mireyaaaaaaaaa · 6 months
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I was evil for spamming these first thing in the morning
@yeeteddemigod lolol sorry
Now I'm going to go spam pjo too>>
(Think about Sirius, Lupin, Lily, James, Mad eye moody, hedwig; to cry some more)
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worlds-worst-ships · 2 months
Do you ship it?
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youre-a-w1zard-harry · 2 months
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Dobby’s fan-made grave in the precise location from the film
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sfaira · 10 months
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I'M DONE! Here is the interior design for the main base of operations of magical investigators in the rp of mine and @sardolutra. It's based in wizarding world, but with personal flavors, changes and development. This project was made to challenge myself, force to render a full, detailed interior design and was lying in my files for two years while I slowly chipped away at it. At this point I'm not entirely happy - there are design and technical choices I would make differentely after all this time. But alas, it is a big project I can call finished. I persevered!
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ilrew · 8 months
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Harry potter fan arts ≧◠ᴥ◠≦✊
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calmlyerratic · 8 days
does anyone wear matching socks or are we all just out here honoring dobby?
"Socks are Dobby's favorite, favorite clothes, sir!" he said, ripping off his odd ones and pulling on Uncle Vernon's. "I has seven now, sir. . . . But sir . . ." he said, his eyes widening, having pulled both socks up to their highest extent, so that they reached to the bottom of his shorts, "they has made a mistake in the shop, Harry Potter, they is giving you two the same!"
"Ah, no, Harry, how come you didn't spot that?" said Ron, grinning over from his own bed, which was now strewn with wrapping paper. "Tell you what, Dobby—here you go—take these two, and you can mix them up properly. And here's your sweater."
He threw Dobby a pair of violet socks he had just unwrapped, and the hand-knitted sweater Mrs. Weasley had sent, Dobby looked quite overwhelmed.
"Sir is very kind!" he squeaked, his eyes brimming with tears again, bowing deeply to Ron. "Dobby knew sir must be a great wizard, for he is Harry Potter's greatest friend, but Dobby did not know that he was also as generous of spirit, as noble, as selfless—"
"They're only socks," said Ron, who had gone slightly pink around the ears, though he looked rather pleased all the same.
—GoF, Ch 23
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nobelnarcissa · 26 days
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When you have to go to the muggles world, as muggle, just to trap Dobby.
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kinsleygenesis · 2 months
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"What a wonderful place to be with friends..." ~Dobby
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alperen1emre · 8 months
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death-notex · 1 year
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Bonus: Remus Lupin looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you
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dude I would kill for a PEAK at your inbox because your anons send you the fucking FREAKIEST shit 💀
And I love them for it!!! ❤️💋❤️
I have about 50 asks but only 20 % of them are freaky though. Where my freaks at?! I'll try to tackle more asks during the upcoming weekend, such a treat honestly after a horrible week 🍽
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thecrochetgremlin · 2 months
A birthday gift for my sister <3
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worlds-worst-ships · 5 days
Do you ship it?
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This one is my OTP
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