#:) you asked
thatsbelievable · 2 months
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bog-teeth · 10 months
transgender apollo justice mayhaps...
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aye aye o7
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To Cry Uncle
🐦‍⬛ Alright, alright, let's get this show on the road 🐦‍⬛
Does Two of us make a Murder of Crows? … Or an Unkindness of Ravens?
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The door slammed open, rattling the attic from its impact. Scattered papers shook, and even the inky letters spilled onto them seemed to tremble too.
A man in a top hat and feathered cape barreled in. From her writing desk, a girl cloaked in the same sleek, dark feathers bristled and set down her quill.
"U-Uncle?! Don't scare me like that," Raven gently chided him. "You could have at the very least considered knocking before barging in unannounced."
It was something which the headmaster of Night Raven College made a habit to do. Lectures, labs—he arrived whenever he pleased, then disappeared just as quickly. Some called him a whimsical genius (well, usually it came from his own mouth), but most called him mad and unpredictable.
But today he wore a frown instead of a smile, was less bird-like and more pitiable kitten drenched in the rain. Dragging out a sigh and a sob, Crowley threw his arms around Raven. His talons dug into his mark, the other hand woefully stroking her hair—hair which would have dampened if he had released any real tears.
"Raven-kun!!" he cried out, “Oh, it’s awful! Dreadful! The most preposterous thing happened to me on my morning stroll. You’ll hear me out, won’t you, my dear niece?”
Awful? Dreadful? Preposterous? More awful, dreadful, and preposterous than the slew of Overblots that had plagued their once-peaceful academy? She had her doubts, but entertained him nevertheless.
"… Alright, what has got you so out of sorts?" Raven asked wearily. (Her question came out muffled, on account of being pressed against her guardian’s chest.) She had learned to be patient with him, but prepared for the catastrophizing.
Perhaps the cafeteria ran out of his favorite meat pies. He’s been looking forward to that all week.
“I found a gaggle of students skipping class!” Crowley burst out, breaking their hug. Exaggerated distress turned his voice into a trill. “On Main Street, of all places! Before the very eyes of the most venerable Great Seven! They would surely be heartbroken to know that the children of today sullied the good name of Night Raven College!”
Raven tried to nod understandingly and pat his back. Quiet methods of coaxing him to let it all out
“Of course, I did my due diligence as headmaster of this esteemed institution and confronted the boys at once,” Crowley continued—puffing with a pinch of pride at the mention of his status before soon deflating. “Ooh, but I was so rudely rebuked!! The students ignored my very reasonable plea to return to class, then proceeded to ignore or insult me—ME!! Their beloved headmaster!
"Belittled and bullied by my very own pupils…" He sniffed loudly. "It’s a cruel fate, but someone has to discipline ignorant, misbehaving children--and so it fell upon my shoulders! I unleashed my Lash of Love upon them and deposited the hooligans back in Professor Trein's lecture!"
"You did what you could to resolve the situation, Uncle," Raven replied, her words carefully stroking his ego. "You are ever so magnanimous."
"I am, aren't I!" Crowley agreed. "Alas, a teacher's work is thankless! What has come of the younger generation?! And what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? All I've ever done is work tirelessly to ensure that our Night Raven College provides high-quality education!"
"Well... You don't exactly command authority with your attitude or how you carry yourself. Truly, when most picture the archetype of a 'headmaster of an arcane academy', they tend to imagine someone... different. If you want to be perceived differently, it may help to present new parts of yourself to the students."
Like maybe actually doing your job instead of delegating tasks to teenagers and having them solve all your problems..
"Show them your strengths and good points," Raven suggested, "traits worthy of respect."
Crowley's beady, golden eyes suddenly lit up. They bore into Raven from the pitch-black holes in his mask.
"That’s it!" he declared, perking up. “If I’m to garner respect, I ought to try and demonstrate the true breadth of my kindness. Perhaps then they will take note of the power hierarchy and bend an ear to my commands!”
“Er, that’s not exactly what I meant…”
Crowley swept away from her, beginning to pace back and forth. A finger curled at his chin, his mind set in deep contemplation.
“The issue now is, how will I appear approachable to begin with? My visage is far too grand to tamp down, and I’m afraid my decades of wisdom are useless against accusations of being ‘old’ and ‘out of touch’!!“
Those comments really hit him hard, huh…
“Have you considered taking up a hobby instead of fixating on public opinion? It just may help you clear your thoughts.” Raven gestured at her desk. “I myself partake in writing as an outlet.”
In an instant, the headmaster was at her side. He nosily peered over his niece, practically leering down at the contents of her papers.
Stories that started with Once upon a times and then diverged, walking along a multitude of paths to endings yet to be determined. Heroes and villains and the people that supported them, coming together in grand casts. New places, new experiences, new feelings.
Connections, ways of bridging the gap between hearts.
“H-Hey…! I never said you could look. These are private projects,” Raven protested, hurrying to cover up her scripts.
Too late. A giddy shine had already risen to the headmaster’s eyes.
Oh no. I know that look!
“Dearest Raven,” Crowley cooed, a clawed hand finding its way onto her shoulder, “how generous of you to lend your assistance to your sad old uncle! Fufufu, it appears as though the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!"
"What are you on about now?" It slowly dawned on her, and she paled. “Don’t tell me…”
"This is the solution for my... I mean, our predicament!" Crowley lifted a paper and a waved it around like a triumphant flag. “Written word has the power to influence. With your help, we can conduct an interview, spread stories of my great kindness and power, sway the consensus!”
Ah, a coordinated PR strategy. Raven frowned. His usual fallback.
The trick would work on most people beyond the campus grounds, but not on the students within. Not when there was already a narrative in place: the tale of the carefree, bumbling, useless man at the helm of the school. Pitiable, easily kicked around. And there was some truth to it--truth that could only be twisted so far before it fell into the realm of outright fantasy.
Most did not realize how truly frightening a man cloaked by the shadows could be.
“I understand wanting to spruce up your image, but there is only so much that can do for you. People will believe what they want to believe, regardless of what new information is presented to them."
Raven sighed, picking her quill back up and dipping it in an inkwell. Rich black fluid, darker than the darkest night, rose up into the nib. She offered the writing implement to her guardian, who stared at it in confusion.
"If you want their views on you to change, that is something you will have to earn for yourself. The words must come straight from its source and be genuine."
She pressed the quill into Crowley’s palm.
From here on out, the story is up to you.
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saytrrose · 4 months
What’s the WEIRDEST thing you’ve drawn with Kinger
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Man this au goes crazy
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blackbat05 · 2 years
Your Rock
Steven Grant x Reader
Plot: You’re knee deep in work and feel like nothing is working. Luckily, you have someone to give you a little TLC.
Genre: PG-13 (Themes of overworking)
A/N: Yet another self-indulgent fic along the same genre. Another loving Steven but this time it’s to tackle my final hurdle of uni. Reblogs appreciated!
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For a split second, you felt like you were going to combust if you stared at the screen of your laptop for any longer.
The words that you wrote were starting to jumble and merge into one. You were becoming increasingly frustrated as you didn’t do as much as you hoped to do. Moreover, you felt lost and clueless if you were even writing the right things. For once, you just wanted your academic life to go well.
As the door opens, you give a muffled scream into the stuffed penguin you were holding for emotional support. Steven sees your frazzled state and can put two and two together. Placing the groceries on the counter, he makes his way to your side.
Like the sensitive man he was, Steven carefully pressed your shoulders, undoing the knots that formed since you sat at the kitchen for god knows how long. You groan as sign of thanks.
“Love, how long have you been at it?”
“I dunno, but I was really hoping to finish this part. So that I can move on to my other assignment.” You blinked blearily at him, belatedly noticing the dark skies outside your shared apartment.
“Did I-”
Steven senses that you’re about to enter a breakdown. He hugs you close, letting you feel his presence. Once your breathing settles, he releases you gently.
“I got ramen from the Japanese shop three blocks down. Do you want to eat with me?”
Steven’s offer was tantalizing but your overactive mind didn’t allow you to forget your tasks. “Steven, that sounds lovely but I still have-”
His expression changes to a determined one. “No. You’re eating and that’s final. When was the last time you had something to eat? Scratch that. Can you even remember what you had for lunch?”
Steven’s barrage of questions make you think but you come up with a blank. Your inability to answer means a small victory for him. He opens the takeaway bags, taking out two containers of ramen. Under his watchful eye, you clear your stuff away and realize the fatigue starting to kick in.
Placing a container in front of you, you see the big juicy scallops floating in the spicy broth. Steven has gotten you your favorite ramen and suddenly you can’t help but to get a little emotional which he notices as he sorts out his own meal.
“What’s wrong love? Not to your taste?”
You shake your head, giving a watery smile. “It’s perfect. You read my mind Steven. You always do.” Taking a deep exhale, you see him patiently waiting for you.
“It’s ok to feel this way love. It just means you care about it. But you have to take a break. It won’t run away from you, you’ll finish it eventually.” He tells you softly, but the weight of his words have an impact on you.
As always, Steven was the wise one in this relationship. The anchor. Or maybe because it was his experiences that made him stronger. Your respect and love for him grew immensely once again.
You get off your seat to hug him once more and you can’t imagine, what would a life be without Steven?
“Probably dull.”
“If you didn’t crash into me in the lecture hall, your life would still have been mundane as ever.”
You pause for a moment before breaking into laughter. How could he read your mind so well?
“Hey! I didn’t crash into you! I was just… I was just-”
“Too busy looking at my adorable face?”
You pretend to gasp at his cheekiness. “Well look whose getting too confident! And here I was thinking who to bring for the ice cream buffet next week.”
“I’m sorry love! I just can’t help but to state the facts.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You slurp more noodles, tummy feeling satisfied. The haze in your brain slowly starts to clear and you start to feel the fatigue kick in. Steven notices this as he automatically clears the table once you were finished.
“Steven, I can do it. You bought the stuff.”
He waves you away. “Love, you had a long day. This is fine. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for our walk? And then we can head for breakfast?”
You nod, eager to take a break from that wretched computer of yours.
“Go to bed, I’ll be right behind you.”
You grab your things, preparing to head into the bedroom. You glance over your shoulder to see Steven washing the dishes with precision and placing the groceries into the cabinets.
You had no idea what you did to deserve him. He was always so willing to give, to support… he was simply your rock.
“Hey Steven?”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
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floofgryph · 5 months
(Question for Amy/Ames)
(What’s your favorite thing to play with your plushies?)
They carefully looked at Donkey, deep in brief thought before speaking up.
"I-I... Uhhhh... I like bi-big fantasy ad-adventures! They're fun! Uuhm... I can d-d-do some much wi-with it! The ideas in m-my head come to me nat-n-naturally... in those scenarios," Amy excitedly explains to Donkey with a cheerful smile.
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queenleighx · 5 months
Can we see you daily outfit
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Just today or do you want me to share it every day?
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popcornrya · 5 months
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The people have spoken… honestly I was kinda hoping for Raph or Leo but y’all really said no peace for Donatello so here we are 😅🤣
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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bog-teeth · 11 months
transgender james t kirk agenda 💪💪💪
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you don’t have to tell me twice i’m nodding vigorously and enthusiastically. transgender james t kirk real
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
Any HCs for a Zevlor with an Oath of Devotion Paladin Tav?
he's happy for them, truly, but it's also hard to be happy for someone who has exactly what you wanted. He knows it's not their fault, but there's a deep, twisted part of him that mourns the fact they still have their oaths
He supposes that's why he doesn't have his anymore.
he distances himself quite a bit because of this (unintentionally, yet he does so all the same). He still wraps them in his arms and kisses them sweetly, but there's a firmness to his smile that's never been there before.
this goes one of two ways:
it becomes too much and he parts ways with Tav, insisting it's not their fault, it's his. It's hard for him to wake up each morning and go about his day, watching someone else live his life, and it's hard for him to listen to those unkind thoughts twist and warp his mind. It's not their fault and they don't need him putting that upon them. He never goes far, keeping his eye out for them in the local news and trying to redeem himself and his faith by helping those who need it, until eventually, he gives up on it all and resigns himself to a cottage on the edge of a small town where no one knows his name and no one has reason to learn it.
he confesses this to Tav, most likely whilst drunk (too emotional to realize what he's done) and Tav finally realizes why he's been acting distant. Tav slowly spends their days finding ways to reforge his faith without him knowing, watching as he builds that confidence in himself back up again until it looks as if the universe has breathed fresh life into him. When he's ready, Tav takes him to a Cleric of Helm for absolution.
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allo-frouto · 9 months
Are you breedable?
So breedable you would lose your mind and soul.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
🎉- What was the date?
Maddie enlists a few of her friends in the same karate class as her to help her quite literally run into Vlad and Jack's dorm room, tie him up, and drag him out to the car where Jack is waiting. Maddie throws Vlad into the car and the three of them are off
Vlad of course thinks the two of them have finally inhaled too many ectoplasmic fumes bc hello they have just literally kidnapped him and they are both giggling like idiots about it and he would like to be let out of this car right this minute thank you very much
They just keep giggling and tell him they promise he'll like it
After a while, they pull up outside this old building downtown, and Vlad recognizes it immediately.
"Jack. Maddie," he says, with as much patience as he can muster (which, granted, is not a lot), "why the hell have you kidnapped me just to take me to the bar?"
But it's not just any old bar. This is a locally owned sports bar that's been around for as long as Vlad can remember. Sure, they might not have had fancy big screens like they do these days (this was the 80s, after all), but it was still as good a place as any to catch a game and a beer with a few friends. The food is honestly pretty mediocre, nothing to write home about, and it's a little dingier than some other bars, but it does the job.
And the reason why it's not just any old bar is because this is the bar Vlad's father would take him to every Sunday in the fall to watch the Packers game (or at least listen to it, if it wasn't on TV) when he was a boy. Vlad's father would always get whiskey, and Vlad himself would guzzle down Shirley Temples. They'd share a plate of nachos and cheer the Packers on to victory as best they could, and they'd go home happy and Vlad's mother would scold him for drinking so much sugar, but she would always smile at her two boys having fun.
Those were some of the happiest moments of his life up to this point. They'd even kept with the tradition through elementary school, junior high, and into high school. Too bad those happy times ended his sophomore year of high school when his parents got killed in that car crash. Needless to say, he hadn't returned to the bar after that.
Until this night, where Jack and Maddie have kidnapped him. And they just keep smiling at him. Well, more so they seem to be having a silent conversation with one another, until Maddie reaches down to dig something out of her bag, and Jack grins at Vlad.
"I, uh, heard this place was a great bar to catch the Packers game," Jack says shyly. "And I overheard a group of the guys from Organic Chem saying they'd be here to cheer on the Bears."
Maddie interrupts now. "We thought you'd like to help us drown them out," she says with a mischievous grin, waggling the cans of body paint and the garish green and gold paraphernalia.
Of course, Vlad's first instinct is to say "no, absolutely not," but he can't exactly do much except watch as Jack and Maddie deck themselves in head to toe green and gold, then proceed to do the same for him. Finally, once he's all gussied up, they untie him and push him into the bar, loudly.
Things are definitely awkward at first. The Bears fans are looking at them like they want to vaporize them where they stand, and other patrons are simply looking at them like they're crazy. Jack and Maddie couldn't care less what everyone else thinks - they're hooting and hollering and Jack is beginning to get just a bit tipsy (Maddie is the DD) and they're having the time of their life.
Vlad never thought he could return to this place and enjoy himself, but he finally starts to loosen up a bit and remember just how much he loved spending time here somewhere around his second Heineken (or is it his third) and suddenly he's finding himself hooting and hollering right alongside those two, cheering oh so loudly for the Packers and driving the Bears fans so insane they leave the bar. Major success.
The Packers lose by nearly 3 touchdowns that night
The trio doesn't care at all though. At this point, Vlad and Jack are fairly wasted, and Maddie, while not drinking herself, is somewhat deliriously drunk on how much fun they're having together. Really, if any of them could seize a moment in time and immortalize it, it would be this one.
Wait - except that changes once the karaoke system gets rolled out. Then the iconic moment would be Vlad and Jack stumbling up onto the karaoke stage, belting out a Dead or Alive song and then, in their drunkenness, sharing an admittedly sloppy kiss in front of the whole bar, much to Maddie's delight (the only disappointment is that they will most definitely forget it ever happened, on account of how wasted they are).
The three of them leave shortly after that, having been kicked out of the bar by the bouncer.
No matter. They're still very much high on life in all the good ways, so Maddie drives them out to the park, grabs one of the old emergency blankets from her trunk, and drags her two boys out into the grassy lawn to lay down and look up at the stars, Vlad sandwiched between her and Jack.
Jack falls asleep immediately, hugging into Vlad so deeply that his hand is reaching all the way across him and holding onto Maddie too.
Vlad, still very much drunk, marvels at how different it felt to be in that bar again, and Maddie looks at him in surprise as he proceeds to spill the story about the little tradition between him and his father and how his parents got taken from him too early.
She's honestly stunned to hear about this - it's the first she's ever heard of it, really. But then she remembers something:
"Jack's the one who wanted to bring you there to have a good time," she tells him, even though she knows he probably won't remember once he's sobered up. "All he told me was that you mentioned that place once or twice and that you seemed to like it, so that's where he wanted to take you. Where we wanted to take you."
Vlad considers this information before promptly falling asleep as well.
He's the first to wake of the three of them in the morning, and God does his head hurt, and why on earth are they sleeping on a blanket in the middle of the park?
Fragments of memories come crashing back to him, but one thing he definitely remembers is going to that bar last night. And something about telling Jack... something. Maybe that he'd been there before.
Except no, he realizes that unless if Jack somehow remembered the single time he ever mentioned the bar and his connection to it, then it was all just a big coincidence. Nothing special about it, really. Which is kind of a disappointment, for some reason he can't identify.
He doesn't think of it again until a week later, when Jack is asking what he thought of that night (and of course it was wonderful and wild and freeing and he loved to just have the chance to exist with the two people closest to him), and he realizes that yes, somehow Jack did remember that single time the backstory had been even partially explained to him. It had only been in passing, he didn't even know if he'd ever mentioned the name, but somehow, Jack remembered and wanted to take him there - no, though Jack may have remembered, both of them wanted to take him there - and make new, happy memories there with him.
It's only the first of many spontaneous excursions between the three of them. Jack and Maddie quickly learn that Vlad secretly enjoys being "kidnapped" away to hang out with them, especially if they have a way that actually involves him in the hangout and doesn't leave him as a third wheel.
It isn't until the seventh or eighth excursion that Maddie has finally had enough and explains that duh, there's a reason the two of them keep taking him out like this! Was he really that clueless? (the answer is yes, yes he was)
Anyway Tumblr is yelling at me about character limit but yeah, that's a little bit how it goes hehe
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@chaosteddybear tagged me in the following game and the autism won. I decided to make an extra challenge for myself: a themed playlist with 1 'outsider' or anachronistic track that still fits the overall vibe. We begin... with Disco Funk.
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End Credits song
Spotify Youtube Music
1. AFRO CUBAN BAND* - Something's Gotta Give -
Dreams have done their share of dying love cries out but no one hears - oh, Something Something's got to give We can't, We can't go on like this
Is it a little on the nose? Sure. But a midnight revelation that he simply couldn't continue his life as it was going put Zell on the road to discovering his own path. He aches for the hurting, broken world he was brought into; he may not have the answer for fixing things, but he has to try something. Even if he's unsure of himself, even if he's convinced of his own fragility, he can fake strength if he can get out. He can't do anything while locked away in a Hellknight compound in Lepistadt, so he goes. And so it goes...
2. ARTIE SHAW - Nightmare - (Instrumental)
The problem with having an unclear sense of purpose and underdeveloped, poor self-esteem is that it can lead one down a path of introspection that keeps one in a spiral. Zell is an outsider when he isn't a rebel, never fitting with any authority and rarely synchronizing with any group; uncomfortable in his own body even when he's done everything he can to feel like himself. He desperately wants to solve the conundrum of connection - even when he's successful he has doubts that haunt him, especially in the lonely hours in the night.
(It's called Depression but they haven't invented therapy in Golarion yet)
Why this is the Anachronistic Outsider - Zell himself is a man out of time... even he doesn't know how old he is or how long he spent in Areelu Vorlesh's "care."
3. DEODATO - Also Sprach Zarathustra (instrumental)
I'm being a little bit of a shit with this; historically the misinterpretation of Nietzsche's Zarathustra have been that the title character is a teacher of doctrine/great leader/himself the 'Übermensch' he urges humanity to become. The actions of someone who wishes not to speak to the masses but instead live his own life of contemplation - and if he ever leads, to do it by example - often get twisted into fanatic parasocialization... if that isn't the life of the Knight Commander I don't know what is. Plus, this is just a bop.
Ooh-ooh, it's a, oh-oh, it's a shame (Shame) oh-oh, it's a (Shame) mama** just don't understand Oh, how I love my man (shame) It's a, oh, it's a (shame)
Falling for someone when you already don't like yourself a whole lot can be hard, but it's much harder when nobody else likes the someone you love. Sometimes you just have to whip around and be assertive: the real shame would be abandoning what you have. Especially when it's this good.
5. C.J. & CO - Devil's Gun***
Get a new direction Well, well, well another resurrection Well now don't wait hesitate Or it's gonna be too late Flames are getting higher Got to jump out of the fire
I felt this fit as a big combat piece for Azata path especially; deeply anti-authoritarian theme about bringing together the community and avoiding the Devil (literal, figurative, and so on) and rebuilding? Yes please.
6. FRANCO MICALIZZI - Stridulum Theme (Instrumental)****
I wanted to close us out with something that felt a little magical and strange; this is a longtime favorite that really fit the bill.
TAGGING~ @Rlainarin @thedosianexplorer @arendaes I'm pretty sure two of you have already been tagged so feel no obligation, naturally.
*Had to transcribe the lyrics here myself so I'm not 100% sure I got them on the mark. Frustratingly I think this group only did one other track, which was the b-side for Something's Gotta Give. Real bummer, I love what I've found.
**Mama in this context is 100% Irabeth. She does NOT approve of this obviously farcical union. She's watching Arendae like a HAWK .
***YES, OF COURSE I played this during the Mephistopheles fight, who do you think I am?! TBH it was a real close call between this and Stayin' Alive but Devil's Gun won out for thematic reasons.
****I've had this track on Zell's playlist for a long time simply because I love the sound. It's the theme to a truly bizarre 70s Italian horror flick called The Visitor / Stridulum that's worth catching if you're curious. Free on youtube via the link.
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GUYS. I FINALLY HAVE SHIRTS FOR SALE! (only took three years 🫥🙃)
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hutchlover69420 · 2 months
Rorke, would you ever date a man
depends on what man ...
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