#:// this got heavy whooooops
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berthindeath · 2 months ago
@scvcnofswords asked:
Regin's already there, when Gwen returns. Honestly, how she always knows things- always has such perfect timing- she's never told, but she's sitting in Gwen's room when the necromancer enters in- rises to tug the other woman to sit with her. She doesn't say anything- but she does pick up a brush from the table, and start carefully running it through Gwen's hair, picking out any leaves or debris that had been caught in it from the other woman's excursions, and carefully-so very gently- undoing any tangles. The blonde storm-mage doesn't say anything for a long few moments- but she does reach and squeeze Gwen's shoulder gently, and begin to quietly hum, after murmuring. "If you want to talk, I'm happy to listen. But if you just want to exist- that's fine too. Door's locked." You don't have to be strong, indomitable Rook. It's just us. When she's finished detangling, she takes a small bottle from the table as well- a hair oil, smelling like cherries and cinnamon and cedar- and runs it through the strands, before carefully beginning to braid, starting at one of Gwen's temples, and working her way around- joining it to a matching braid she creates on one side, before starting again slightly lower with the same process, and then another, thick braid with the rest of the length. She ties off each braid with a silver metal piece, glinting in the light of the aquarium and sconces. When her hair is done, Regin tugs, gently, so she can hook her chin over Gwen's shoulder, wrapping her arms around the other woman from behind in an embrace. "I've got you."
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It's silent, the entirety of this moment. To be loved is to be seen and with Regin, there is no escaping the radiance of her affection. Their friendship had been a surprise, Harding having introduced them purely out of desperation, as a means to turn the tides of this conflict. But what bore of it was a companionship unlike one she's ever had. While she loves her companions, they've become like a family of sorts to her, her bond with the elven woman is something else entirely. One forged so swiftly, yet so strongly, that they've already reached an unspoken understanding with one another.
She needed her now. And here she sits as if she'd manifested her into being. It left her throat dry, her eyes burning almost immediately before sinking onto the lounge chaise at her side.
The attention that's paid to her is foreign; the way Regin's delicate fingers sift through the tangled mess that had been her hair, an act of care that has her heart thudding in her chest and her eyes swelling with tears she begs not to shed. Exhaustion lives in her bones, unable to remember the last time she truly slept for more than a few hours at a time.
She is tired. But not just from the burdens of her calling.
The other woman's words finally hit her ears, permission granted to just be. To exist. To feel. And it's in that moment that a tear slips free, trailing down the swell of her cheek as it sinks beneath her curve of her chin. She still does not weep, it is not felt in the entirety of her body but the veneer has cracked. The oil's fragrance stirs her senses and she can feel herself to start to choke up. Fingers ever so gently slip perse strands into a braid, but Gwendolyn is overwhelmed. The care, the gentle quiet of existence, it has her chest jumping, her chin trembling as she finally just lets go.
" I may lose him, Regin. " She whispers painfully, finally. Expressing something she's held in her chest so tightly ever since the ambition had left his lips. How she'd kept it in her heart, not showing just how terrified it made her. Who is she to tell him the direction of his path? To tell him that it frightens her at what would become of them if he were to go through with it. Could she wipe the horrors clean? Could she forget the flesh torn rot of the hand that rendered her flesh sullied? To replace it with his that would be kinder, despite the unbearable likeness?
She feels the arms that weave around her, the comfort of her touch as she feels her chin fall to her shoulder. She feels safe here, for once as her hands lift to grasp at Regin's arm closest to her so that she might rest her chin against her arm. Her heart breaks, and breaks, and breaks as she leans forward, taking Regin with her as she lets out a weak cry.
" Am I a selfish thing? "
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fatalrosecreations · 19 days ago
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Doing another give away! For hitting 3K FOLLOWERS ON PATREON WHOOP WHOOOOOP
Follow the link below to enter to win some free stuffs!
FatalRoseCreations | Creating Sims 4 CAS CC, Furniture and Poses | Patreon
CAN I JUST GET A WHOOP WHOOP FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT FROM YALLLL!!! I've been sitting here for like an hour trying to drum up a fun way to say thank you for 3K followers. I've got a CC set I'm working on but its not ready. Then I thought Id drop a fun little video but my brain was like that's not a gift for them, sooooo LET'S Do this!!!!
Like and/or Comment on this post and you will be entered into a raffle for this simmers gift box I offer that is worth $50!
If you live outside of the US, I encourage you to still participate, however, I may have to curate your box differently as this one is heavy and may be ultra expensive to ship overseas depending. Still apply and if you win, well figure it out together!
Males, while this is a box curated probably more to females, feel free to enter and we can curate a more male geared box if you win!
1. Like this post or drop a comment!
2. You must be willing to share your address with me via email!
The winner will be selected on Valentine's Day! 02-14-2025. Once a winner is selected, it will be shared in a video here and they will be contacted via email!
Here is a link to the product so that you can see the full description of what is included. I make everything myself <3
Link: The Ultimate Simmer's Gift Box Inspired by the Sims 4 - Etsy
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smilingperformer · 6 years ago
Mohn has zoroark, was on the way to repair Magearna. Like I'm expecting legendaries in his pokémon team and idk why it makes me feel that mohn is somewhere alive with his pokémon who are helping each other survive. Like remember how Ash got stuck in a snowstorm once in original saga and all his pokémon kept him warm and alive??
They actually discuss the current location of Mohn’s Pokémon in today’s episode, but it’s such a heavy dialogue scene that I’m unable to completely understand it. Might be that the Pokémon got lost alongside Mohn’s disappearance, so your feeling isn’t too far? Lilie straight up asks, ‘where are father’s Pokémon right now?‘ and Lusamine sounds…. sad. Saying something that sounds like she’s blaming herself for whatever happened to Mohn and his Pokémon partners. Their Butler James/Hobbes also tries to explain further it seems, and it kinda shows everyone in a sad state of emotions.
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It reaaaally gives me the vibe that Lusamine truly blames herself for what happened to Mohn and his Pokémon, and it makes her such a … human being. Then Lilie just cheers her mom on and Lusamine starts embarassing her kids. Hahaha.
I especially love this scene.
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Lilie pretty much stating ‘I’m not a baby anymore‘ and pushes Lusamine away, after which Lusamine just states such a silly, cute line.
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I think it’s along the lines of ‘Why do kids end up growing up?‘, to which Butler James just giggles. (I just happen to appreciate Lusamine’s character even more after today.)
I got sidetracked, whooooops. But yeh. Once subs come out, we’ll most likely know what exactly happened to Mohn’s Pokémon, as Lilie does ask about it.
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silversimp · 3 years ago
(Levi x Gender Neutral Reader) part 10
I completely forgot to post this when I finished it, whooooops. I've been struggling with writers block with this one unfortunately :/
Anyway here's Chapter Ten- Comfort and Birds
Ever since Wall Maria had fallen in the previous year y/n had been drowning in the extra paperwork. They took a deep breath waiting for Sarah to arrive with the day's mail, they already had an idea of the horrible news that was coming.
Two days earlier y/n had sat through a meeting with Erwin to take his notes for him, where they learned the government planned on thinning the herd after the sudden influx of refugees. Y/n was unimpressed with the government's choice, the king had plenty of food and supplies he could send out. Erwin, however, didn't seem to care much.
Y/n shuffled some paper on their desk, "she's running late today" they mumbled picking up the little clock on the edge of the desk. Y/n was always ahead of themself when it came to work, and ended up with lots of extra freetime they sometimes used to get more Intel for Marley. Lately they just didn't seem to care about all that though. After almost a whole year had passed no warriors attempted to connect, they had never met any of the warriors besides Zeke and weren't sure if they were supposed to look for him.
They opened their desk and took the letter from Zeke out from a false bottom, after rereading it a few times y/n came to the conclusion the only warrior they did know wasn't even on Paradis. After a soft knock at the door they returned the letter to its place.
"Come in Sarah" they called out, keeping their hands busy with a pen.
"Good afternoon mx. L/n, I have a pretty big stack for you today" she gave a soft smile as she piled the papers on the desk, "have a great rest of your day!" She smiled and waved as she left the office.
"You too!" Y/n called after her as Sarah rushed to the next office. They sighed and started skimming the papers, "Wow so many new exciting recruits" they said sarcastically as they read the list of refugees who were being sent alongside scouts to reclaim Shiganshina.
They worked quietly humming an old Marleyan song that had been stuck in their head all morning, after about an hour a knocking at the door pulled their mind away. It sounded almost like Hange's knock, but not exactly. They thought for a moment and the knocking continued, "Come in" they said, holding back their uneasy feeling.
"Good afternoon" Levi spoke as he walked through the door, "normally you know it's me before I come in, what's with the stupid look on your face?" He put down a stack of paperwork and got himself busy with the kettle.
"So you did Hange's knock on purpose?" They raised an eyebrow studying the back of the man.
"I think it's interesting that you know everyone by their knock" he leaned against the wall facing y/n, "how did you know it wasn't Hange?"
"It wasn't heavy enough" they nodded their head confidently, Hange had a rapid heavy knock but always waited for y/n to call out to them to enter, "their knock does seem like it would be easy to mimic though."
"They knock like an excited kid" he huffed, crossing his arms.
"I guess you could say that" y/n laughed picking up the papers Levi brought, "this seems like a lot more than usual Captain" they pulled the papers in front of themself with both hands.
"It's Erwin's and Hange's as well" he turned at the sound of the whistle and began making the two of them tea, "I know you hate when it's late, and those two always bring it to you late" he set the cups down before sitting across from y/n.
"Captain Levi or messenger boy?" They rolled their eyes with a small laugh before skimming through the papers, "but thanks, this report from Hange is important. Last week they brought me a report from two months ago" y/n put down the paper and sipped their tea.
Levi let out a small scoff and shifted his weight in the chair to face the window. Y/n worked quietly as Levi watched some birds nesting on the window ledge. It wasn't the first time Levi had sat in the office while they worked, before he had only brought his own work.
A few hours passed by and Levi had migrated around the room to the small couch by the door. Y/n finished the last of their work and filed away all the documents, to their surprise Levi was still there. He sat quietly reading a book off the end table, he always looked so beautiful in the dim lighting in their office at night. Y/n watched him for a moment, his nimble fingers turned a page in the book. He was reading slowly with concentration painted on his face.
"It's getting late Captain, I have a hard time believing you don't have anything to do besides sit in my office reading" they strode across the room toward the man.
He looked up from the page holding his spot with his ring finger, "I don't" he looked tired and his voice was low.
"You should head to your room and get some rest Captain" they started packing up their things to head out as well, "It's late and your report mentioned some training early tomorrow morning" they motioned for him to stand as they locked the last cabinet of documents.
Levi folded the corner of the page he was working on and placed the book back on the small table. He stood slowly and opened the door beside the couch, "tomorrow I have a free period after lunch, if you're in the office can I come back to keep reading?" He held the door for y/n as they rummaged through their keys for the right one.
"I suppose, you're so quiet I usually forget you're here anyways" they smiled, locking the door behind them, "what book is that anyways?" The two started walking toward the dormitory area.
"It's about birds, I saw it in the library a few weeks ago" he spoke softly as if he didn't want any passerby's to know the feared Captain Levi was spending his time leisurely reading about birds.
"You took out a library book and you're leaving it in my office instead of just taking it to your room?" They raised a brow at the man, his actions thoroughly confusing them.
"It gives me an excuse to waste my free time there, I don't want to have to carry the book around everywhere" he shrugged before giving a wave goodbye at his turn. Y/n waved back and headed to their own room trying to figure the man out.
As the weeks passed the casualties reports grew larger and larger until finally the king seemed satisfied with his work. Y/n stretched their arms over their head after reading the most recent casualties report paired with a report about ending the reclaiming missions for now. A rapid knocking at the door took their attention, "Come in Hange" they smiled getting up for the enviable hug.
"Y/n!" They exclaimed, hugging the secretary, "it feels like it's been forever since I saw you! Levi keeps offering to take all my paperwork for me!" They pulled away to hand y/n an envelope, "I was asked to deliver this to you" Hange shoved the paper into y/n's hands.
"Oh okay, great" they started opening the letter, "it's from Shadis?" They looked up at Hange puzzled.
"He wants us both to come visit him, he's training the new recruits now!" Hange plopped down on the couch and watched y/n read the letter.
"Wow, well I guess I should start packing" they put the letter down on the desk, "do you have your reports for me to file?" They leaned against the desk raising a brow at Hange.
"Levi has them" Hange sprung to their feet, "well I have to get back, I'll see you around!" Hange booked it to the door giving an aggressive wave as they left.
"Okay" y/n sighed picking the letter up again, Shadis wanted them to visit to help organize his new office, "guess the old man misses me" they couldn't hold back their smile, they missed him too. Sure he was an angry military man who couldn't quite cut it as commander, but he made sense to y/n they understood each other and worked well together.
They sat down to organize their desk, Shadis wanted Hange and them to leave the next afternoon so they needed to make sure they had everything put together before leaving. All their work was done aside from the reports they needed from Levi, "he has Hange's so he probably has Erwins too, what a weirdo" they smiled at their hands.
A few hours passed and y/n sat waiting for Levi to show up, he usually came around 13:00 after his lunch with the Commander. They checked their little clock which read 13:48, "Come on Captain where I are you, I want to finish the papers quickly today" they tapped the desk with their fingers quickly.
Levi knocked at the door a few times, surprised y/n wasn't calling for him to come in. He knocked again, getting annoyed, the door was unlocked so he decided to let himself in. He walked in ready to give the secretary an ear full when he found them passed out on their desk.
He studied them for a moment, he sat across from them and put the papers down slowly and quietly. Levi left his hand hovering over the paper next to the arm y/n's face was buried in, as he pulled it back his finger traced along their forearm leaving goosebumps along the path. He expected the touch to wake them, but y/n continued softly breathing into the desk.
"Y/n?" Levi whispered leaning in, they didn't move, "wake up" he said giving their arm a little shove. They continued sleeping, he noticed a letter in their other hand. The hand writing was familiar, "who wrote you a letter?" He went to take the paper from their hand as they started to raise their head.
The two stayed still looking at each other for a moment, their faces were close y/n was trying to figure out if they were dreaming still, "Levi?" They spoke in a hushed tone.
"Goodmorning" he cooed backing up into his seat, "I didn't mean to ruin your little nap."
"I didn't mean to fall asleep" they rubbed their eyes and grabbed the clock, 17:39, "why are you so late today? I have to get everything done now" they groaned picking up the new stack of paper.
"Hange said you were leaving tomorrow with them to meet with Shadis" he pointed at the letter, "is that what that is?"
" Yeah, and I was hoping to finish early today so I could pack tonight" they rubbed their temples, "why were you so late?" They started getting to work as they spoke.
"We had a meeting go long today, I missed my lunch because of it" Levi stood to make himself tea now that the kettle whistling wouldn't be a problem.
"About the reclaiming mission being cancled?" They powerd through Levi's neat reports before turning to the mess that was Hange's handwriting.
"Yeah. Erwin isn't happy about it, but these people aren't fit for the job" he sighed, "I admire him for having such big dreams, but sending a bunch of homeless old people to fight titens with no training just isn't going to accomplish anything" he stared down at the kettle.
"I know, hopefully tomorrow I'll meet some of the new recruits and I can convince them being a scout is more worthwhile than joining the mp's circle jerk" they pulled the paper closer to try to distinguish what Hange was trying to write.
Levi laughed a little, "how vulger" he leaned against the wall. Y/n looked up at him, at the familiar sight of the man waiting for water to boil with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I'm working overtime because of you, excuse my mood being a bit different" they smiled back at him.
"You can blame the king and his little friends for that one, I would of preferred spending my evening reading here instead trust me" he looked over at his book still making its home on the end table.
"You know Sarah the mail girl asked me the other day if you and I were an item" y/n said nonchalantly as they flipped through the last of Hange's papers.
"Gross" Levi spoke bluntly pouring his tea, y/n just laughed in return, "you told her no right?" He sat down on the couch picking up his bird book.
"Oh no, I told her you're madly in love with me. I can't keep you away, you know since your such a hopeless romantic" they teased starting Erwins report.
"You might as well tell her I'm seven feet tall if you're spouting nonsense like that" he sipped his tea looking for the folded corner.
"How tall are you?" They asked without thinking, worry hitting them as soon as the realized what they said.
"You're getting too comfortable mx. Secretary" he shot them a look of disgust.
"Apologies Captain" they nervously smiled at the man. He didn't reply, instead the two began their silent time together. Y/n worked through the longest of reports from Erwin as Levi slowly made his way through the wonder of the Bluejay.
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babylon-bitch · 7 years ago
Just Friends ~ Cat's Out Of The Bag (part 76)
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A/N: this is the second to last chapter whooooop. Idk how I feel about the last scene, but it'll do.
Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It's a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Scrolling through my Twitter timeline on my laptop as I rest my head on top of Luke's stomach, enjoying the half-hearted head massage from him.
"This is the first time I'm going on Instagam since we got together." Luke states.
"If you don't stop doing that, I'm going to punch you." I reply. "Plus we've only been dating for a few hours."
"Best few hours of my day?" He says but it comes out as a question.
"Hm." I grunt, going back to my laptop. "Hey!" I whine when he pushes the screen down.
"I wanna cuddle." He mumbles.
"Cuddle your pillow."
"But it's not warm like you."
"Put a hot water bottle in it then." I tell him, look in up at him.
"Harper." He throws a tantrum like a little boy.
"But I'm so comfy." I pout.
"Be comfy with me up here."
"Fine." I exaggerate a sigh, and sit up, laying down next to him. "You have to give me tickles though." I request, putting my arm out on top of his stomach.
He huffs, looking at me in disapproval but trails his fingertips up my arm. I smile smugly, pressing a kiss on his clothed shoulder, as I play with his fingers.
"This is nice." Luke comments after some time.
"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow, tilting my head to look up at him.
"Mm," he hums, "lazy is nice."
"Excuse you, I've been building a plan on how to kill someone without anyone knowing."
"And how does that plan go?" He asks intrigued but slightly amused.
"Well, I'd probably take them somewhere cold, then I could stab them with an icicle so the evidence of that is gone." I begin.
"Then what would you do with the body?" Luke questions, intertwining our hands.
"Feed it to a polar bear, or just leave it there, because something will eat it." I answer, looking up at the ceiling.
"Right..." he trails off. "What about when you go back home, won't their family ask you what happened to so and so?"
"Well I hadn't got that far yet, but I've got a couple options." I tell him.
"Go on." He laughs,
"Pick someone who doesn't have any family, go off the grid for the rest of my life and hope I appear on Buzzfeed Unsolved."
"Is that your dream? To appear on Buzzfeed Unsolved?"
"Infuriating the whole world because they have no idea what actually happened, can you think of anything better?" I reply.
"Would you kill me right now if you could?" Luke proposes.
"Do I get away with it?" I ask.
"I'll tell after you decide what you would do."
"I'd kill you."
"What? Why?" He asks, severely offended.
"You get kinda annoying sometimes." I shrug.
"You absolutely do not get away with it, you spend the rest of your life in prison."
"Solitary confinement?"
"I could throw you out the window right now." He huffs, and I roll on top of him.
"Go on then, pretty boy." I smirk, pressing a feather like kiss on the corner of his mouth.
"I would, but I think you're a little heavy for me to lift." He sheepishly says, and I feign a gasp.
"Now that's just rude." I reply, slightly pouty.
"Saying you'd kill me is rude as well." He tells me, poking my nose, which I try to bite.
"You win some you lose some." I shrug.
"I'd say I've won today." He smirks and closes the gap between us, burying his fingers in my hair.
After some time of lazily kissing, there's a knock at the door which makes both of us spring apart.
"You guys better not be naked in there." The voice of Calum Hood speaks up.
"Why would we be naked?" I question and the door opens, in comes Calum, Ashton, Michael, Erika and Maddie.
"I don't know what you do when we're not here." He shrugs, sitting on Luke's desk chair.
"So you assume we have sex?" Luke raises an eyebrow.
"Last time you two left alone you did." Michael remarks.
"Fuck you." I groan.
"Nah, that's Luke's job."
"Oh my god." I groan in annoyance but it ends in laughter.
"What are you guys doing here anyway? It's like 6 P.M.." Luke questions.
"We were bored." Erika shrugs.
"So you decided to come here?" Luke asks.
"Originally we were going to go to Harper's but then we saw her car here." Ashton explains.
"Great!" I sarcastically reply.
"Feeling the love as always, Harper." Ashton smiles.
"You know it, Irwin." I stick my tongue out.
"Should we go downstairs as there's more space down there?" Luke offers.
"Yeah." Maddie nods, and soon they all pour out.
"Guess we're back to this again." I say as Luke holds his hand out to help me get up.
"Sneaking around." I answer, placing my arms on his shoulders, fiddling with the hair on the back of his head, making him wrap an arm around my waist.
"Ah, back to the good old days." He jokes, pressing his forehead against mine.
"Shut up." I laugh.
"Can't deny that I don't like the thrill of sneaking around." Luke says.
"Yeah?" I inquire as he nudges my lip with his.
"Mhm, the fact that we could get caught any moment now." He mumbles, grazing his lips against my jawline.
"And then the secret is out." He whispers, biting my lip.
"Can't have that," I tell him, going for an open mouth kiss and he hums in agreement. I take his tongue between my lips and flick my tongue against it, provoking a moan from him,
"Are you guys coming or what?" Someone asks from the bottom of the stairs.
"Yeah." I reply, pulling away from him with a smirk, leaving him hot and bothered
"I'm going to miss you guys." Ashton sighs.
"Cool story, bro." I mumble, not taking my eyes away from my screen.
"Stop running from your feelings, Harper." He tells me, flicking my arm.
"Ow." I whine, lifting my head up from his shoulder.
Some time has passed, Luke's family invited everyone to stay for dinner and we're now all waiting for dinner to be served. I did offer to help, but Liz ushered me out of the kitchen.
"It's going to be weird not seeing you guys everyday." Maddie says.
"Yeah, but we'll get used to it soon enough." Calum reassures.
"Be right back." I mumble, getting up and going upstairs to get my laptop.
Trotting down the stairs back into the lounge, I place my laptop on the coffee table, sitting on the floor by Luke and Michael.
"We should throw a party for you guys when you leave." Erika comments.
"Because you're happy we're gone or as a nice send off?" Luke questions.
"Both." Maddie answers.
"Maddie you just like getting drunk." Michael states.
"It's not as fun getting drunk on my own." She sighs.
"And you like organizing things, lists, and decorating." I add.
"Don't forget being a psycho." Calum chimes in.
"And unnecessarily mean." Luke says sitting up, picking up a bunch of my hair to twirl around his finger.
"At least I'm not unnecessarily obvious about my feelings." She remarks.
"That doesn't even make sense." He replies.
"Hm." She hums.
"Dinner!" Liz calls from the kitchen, and I hear plates being placed onto the table.
Everyone gets up, making their way to the dining room. I hold my hand out for Luke to help me up, and he intertwines our fingers before he pulls me up.
"Thanks." I mumble, beginning to walk with the others before Luke pulls me back with my hand.
"Where do you think your going?" He raises an eyebrow, tucking me impossibly close against him.
"To see my first and only love." I reply. "Food."
"Um, that's incorrect." He comments.
"It is?" I ask.
"Yeah, and you know it." He answers, kissing my lips briefly. "Now let's go see my competition." Luke teases, pulling me along by our hands to join everyone else.
Pulling my chair out, I sit down, Luke sitting in the chair next to me, sparking up a conversation with a mixture of people. Glancing across the table, I notice Erika and Calum staring at me.
I raise an eyebrow as a silent question, and Calum looks between Luke and I. I shrug, trying to steer the silent conversation away and pick my cutlery up, beginning to talk with some people.
"You're going back to England soon?" Jack questions from beside me.
"Yeah, next week." I nod.
"Are you going to miss me?" He coos.
"I barely see you." I deadpan.
"Speaking of which, you never texted me back."
"Because you only send me pictures of your dog." I reply, amused.
"I want everyone to see him, he's worth the look, you just don't understand dogs." He exclaims.
"I've had dogs before and I just prefer cats."
"You would say that."
"As always, lovely to talk to you Jack." I smile.
Putting my napkin on the table, finishing my meal as I'm so full that I just want to lay down and sleep for 48 hours.
Sitting back in my chair, against Luke's arm that is draped over the back of my chair.
"You okay?" Luke asks, facing me as he drifts away from his conversation, brushing his fingertips against my arm.
"Yeah." I nod, dropping my head against his shoulder briefly.
"You tired?" He questions.
"Little bit, guess someone never did let me sleep this afternoon." I answer, having to talk in his ear as everyone is talking so it's quite noisy.
"If someone else heard that, they'd think it was a very different scenario." He chuckles.
"Shame it wasn't, huh?" I tease, with a small smile, making him raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah it was." He replies.
"Maybe next time, Hemming." I smirk.
"I'll hold you to that." He winks.
"Didn't doubt that for a second." I tell him, giving him a look.
"Do you know what could happen in seconds?" He asks.
"What?" I ask, then feel him place his hand on my thigh, slowly travelling upwards. "Um that's rude, I last way longer than you."
"Really, do you remember that weekend your parents were away?" He smirks, stopping his hand on my upper thigh, and my eyes widen slightly at the memory.
"That was one time." I exclaim and he gives me a look. "Okay twice!"
"Exactly." He mumbles into my ear.
"Okay Hemmings, do you remember every time we've ever done it?" I ask and he laughs.
"How about that time when I snuck over to your house that summer?" I remind him.
"That was only because I hadn't seen you for a while." He claims, getting defensive.
"You saw me like 2 days prior." I explain.
"Who can even remember that far back anyway?" He shrugs. "Time doesn't really exist, that's just kinda how the world works."
"Sure, Hemmings." I laugh.
"Real talk for a second though." Luke says.
"Yeah." I look up at him.
"When are we going to tell everyone about us?" He asks and I naturally look over the table at our friends, who seem to be in a conversation with everyone.
"When do you want to?"
"Sooner rather than later."
"Whenever it is, do not do it tonight because I will leave you." I warn.
"Nah, I couldn't do that to just yet, I'd like to keep you around a little bit longer." He smirks, tucking a some stray pieces of hair behind my ear.
"Just a little bit?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, get bored of you otherwise."
"Funny you've never said that in our 19 year long relationship."
"You know I wish we weren't around all these people so I could shut you up by kissing you." Luke states.
"Shame, you'll have to wait a little bit longer, lover boy." I drawl.
"We could just start making out and that way everyone will find out." He suggests.
"What like last time when the boys and Erika walked in on us?" I laugh.
"It worked didn't it?"
"Not to be dramatic or anything but I'd rather die than start making out in front of your family."
"Love my dramatic little baby." He laughs.
"Do you guys want pudding?" Liz interrupts us, as she puts a hand on Luke's chair.
"Not for me thanks." I decline.
"What even is for pudding?" Luke asks.
"Uh, sure." He nods.
"Hey." I smile at Ashton as he opens the door.
"Hello!" He greets, closing the door, following me into the kitchen.
"Hey guys." I wave, walking through the doorway as a series of greetings go around the room.
"So what's going on?" I ask, situating myself beside Luke leaning on the work top.
"Nothing interesting, Maddie is thinking about getting a new car." Calum sighs.
"Wow, we really need to get lives." Michael says.
"Speak for yourself, the car I'm looking at is super cool." Maddie claims.
"Let me rephrase it, you need to get a life."
"It's weird when you're at this point because everything is booked, you're just stuck waiting around for a week." I point out.
"Can't relate." Erika speaks up.
"Uh, uni?" Luke reminds her.
"Oh yeah."
"It's going to be so good getting away from the heat." I say.
"Lucky you." Erika replies.
"Let's go up to my room." Ashton suggests.
"'Kay." Calum mutters, following his best friend down the hallway.
"Hey." I say to Luke once everyone leaves the room.
"Hi, I missed you." He smiles, placing his hand on my neck.
"You saw me yesterday."
"Exactly." He says before connecting our lips.
"What are you guys doi- oh shit!" We get interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Oh no." I mumble, not turning around yet.
"Yeah just checking your dental hygiene, it's all good." Luke states, then giving me a friendly pat on the shoulder, beginning to walk away.
"Not so fast."
I turn around, seeing Michael slightly wide eyed but with a growing smirk leaning against the fridge.
"So did I just ruin a moment or is this a thing now." He questions.
I look over at Luke in the doorway and he looks as speechless as me.
"Um, it's a thing now." I admit.
"Really?" He excitedly asks.
"Yeah, why are you so happy?" Luke asks.
"I don't know, you guys always seemed so happy together, and I was just waiting for you guys to wake up and realize it." He explains, making Luke and I make eye contact. "And I bet on January, so I win $50."
"You guys bet on when we'd get back together?" I question.
"Yeah, it was obv-" he cuts short when he sees the look in my eye. "I mean, yeah, it was obvious I would never do that, pfft why would I bet on something like that."
"I hate you guys." I pout.
"So how long has this been going on for?" He asks.
"Since the middle of last week." Luke answers.
"Really? I thought it would've been earlier than that."
"Why?" Luke raises an eyebrow.
"You seemed all loved up for a while." He shrugs, opening the fridge.
"We only made it official the other day, it all started on New Years." Luke fills him in.
"Ew, I just remembered we're going to see you make out every 5 minutes now." Michael groans.
"We?" I ask.
"Yeah, you're gonna tell the others now, right?"
"Um no." Luke shakes his head.
"Um why?"
"Because we just want to keep it on the down low, see if this is going to work out again." Luke explains.
"Fair enough, I guess." He shrugs. "How long do I have to hold this in for?"
"I don't know." Luke shrugs.
"Wow, helpful." He sighs.
"Just keep it to yourself for a while, I'll repay you some day." I plead.
"I'm still waiting on that $10 I gave you back in year 9, I'm not going to trust you at all." Michael says.
"Here." I huff, placing $10 on the counter and then walk over to Luke, taking his hand in mine, dragging him upstairs.
"Who took my last M&M?" Erika asks accusingly.
"Not me."
"Not me"
"Not me."
"Not me."
"Not me."
Everyone but me answers, and Erika looks at me expectingly.
"Oh, I don't care." I reply, going back to my phone.
"Okay, so it wasn't Harper." Erika concludes. "Calum stand up."
"Why?" He asks.
"Because I've got a suspicious feeling."
"Even if I did have it, it'd be gross as I was sitting on it."
"Just stand up!"
"No." He protests.
"This is why I don't like liars."
"Ash, tell her, I don't have it." Calum points at Erika.
"I'm so done with this group." Ashton sighs.
"Hey, I didn't do shit, name names don't put me in a group I don't belong in." Maddie unnecessarily defends herself.
"Well you belong in that group now, because you overreact to everything!" Ash exclaims.
"Erika I don't have it, stop whining." Calum says.
"I will when you stop being an ass." She responds.
Soon enough Calum and Erika are arguing over absolutely nothing, and Ashton and Maddie are following in their footsteps.
"I was the one who broke your phone." Erika confesses in the heat of their bickering.
"Yeah, well, I'm the one who changed your password when you needed to finish writing your essay but I forgot it so you went down a grade." Calum fires back.
"You bitch."
"Oh my God, you're so bossy." Ashton groans
"Someone needs to grow up here." Maddie huffs.
"For someone who is grown up, why do you still live with your parents and why didn't you confess to it being you who kicked a hole in my room?" He asks as I tune into Ashton and Maddie's arguing.
"Oh shit." I laugh with Luke.
"Hey, that wasn't all me! Michael made it a lot worse than it was originally."
"Dont bring me into this!" Michael innocently exclaims.
"When one of us goes down, you bring everyone down." She says.
Luke and I look at each in annoyance when everyone is bickering, both of their arguments joining into one as they throw around insults they don't mean at all, and confessions are being made left right and centre.
"We should get a better friend group." Luke tells me.
"Maybe we could sneak out as they're all so distracted." I suggest but I speak too soon.
"Luke and Harper are dating." Michael admits and they all go silent, Luke and I looking at each other.
"What?" Calum questions.
"Yeah, what the fuck." Erika agrees.
"Oh, is it my go?" I ask. "I stole your M&M, it was really good thanks. Luke you want to have a go?"
"Sure, Harper and I are dating again."
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porcelain-engine · 8 years ago
@yllo-line​  My biggest laundry tips in general are too always use a cool wash (for the most part) every time. I also, esp w/ cottons, hang dry/lay flat my clothes to dry. Heat from warm water and from the dryer will set a lot of stains, chief among them deodorant &/or sweat stains,  what I am trying to deal with today. 
I have had some luck w/ baking soda and vinegar in the past. Sweat stains for instance are not even caused by sweat, they are caused by a chemical reaction between deodorant and sweat. So you don’t even have to sweat all that much or at all for a white tee shirt to look gnarly. Baking soda, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and simple table salt can be used to make a paste. And that can be directly applied to the stain. Works well with dirt and grass and WINE (whooooops!) too. If you have other whites that need washing (sheets, for instant) these can be tossed in with the treated clothes and the washout is a nice lil’ brightening treat for these guys too. I have def brought items of clothing back to life with this trick. As for smells, which I am super paranoid and fixated on, are a result of time and (again) deodorant, and heavy-duty laundry detergent. Basically, the products build up and trap smells. In that case soaking the whole garment in white vinegar and cool water for 20 minutes. I also typically apply the vinegar directly to the afflicted area. And wash in cold water. I find that sweaters notoriously catch smells so I love this treatment for this. But whatever the garment it can take up to multiple Another perk, that vinegar and baking soda will be good for ur washer too. It’s pretty musty in portland laundry rooms and machines and this will help w/ any funky smells there.  Oh and fabric softener is YOUR WORST ENEMY. You don’t really need it and it also will trap smells. Plus if you got sensitive skin like me it’s just a disaster. Clearly I have a major obsession and insecurity about these things. Shrug.
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