#/trau reblogs
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year ago
I feel like a modern au Azul would be the type whose advertising looks like those scam ads where only incredibly desperate or gullible people fall for them. Except Azul's aren't a scam, per say. Like his contracts, he gets him money's worth, but he still keeps his word and gives what the person wants. And that person will show the add to their buddies, being like "Dude, I saw this add and tri3d it out and the guy totally hooked me up!" And everyone pities him cause it's so obviously a scam, but when they actually see that person getting/using what he got from Azul they'll be like "Wait, for real?!?! Oh my goooooood!!!!" And want to buy from Azul too, but by that point he's moved on to a different market.
tbh yea i could see azul dabbling in many different businesses and being wildly successful in some of them, but i don’t think he would abandon all his cards. like maybe he would make it seem like he left the market for something, but he would actually be working on making a related businesses too (e.g. he’s in the restaurant business, and then he would start making a high-end restaurant chain OR he’s in the skincare business, and he’d branch out to cosmetics too)
i’m sure that many people wouldn’t have much trust in him bc he’s an up-and-coming businessman, but i BET that after a while his name would be a brand in and of itself. anything that he touched people would start wildly investing into, because he values the quality of his products too
ok this is getting a bit long, but tl;dr azul would DEFINITELY be trying out each and every business that interests him (after doing ample research ofc)
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years ago
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if they wanna be a disney princess LET THEM BE A DISNEY PRINCESS
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zgvlt · 2 years ago
Hello again, this is the same anon from here
Honestly any fanfic would do, a series or one shot that seems to have really good writing. I've been trying to look for well written one shots for awhile on tumblr. My friend on here actually introduced me to your blog, they speak very highly of you. But other than your blog I did find people who write in detail but they're from another fandom sadly:(
A questio, do you know the self aware twisted wonderland AU? It's a very interesting AU. You should see the one shots made for the AU although they don't write in detail as much but their ideas for said AU is very interesting, nowadays most of the things being posted about the AU is all about writing letters to your favorite characters instead of one shots so that's why I was hoping you could give me a few recommendations:)
ohhhh i think i understand better now yes. and yes, i know about the self-aware AU! it was popular in the mysmes fandom too haha, it's a fun au for any game. i think a couple of writers have done their take on it so i don't really know who you're referring to or who did it first haha
regardless i guess i'll recommend fics (and honestly? just writers) i personally enjoy, and you can see if they're to your taste as well! or you can scroll through their masterlists yourself! and also this is my opportunity to talk about my talented mutuals oopsies
sorry for the tags pls forgive me hehe 🤗
i already talked about this in a post a few months ago, but i love anything written by @traumxrei-archive !! one of trau's leona fics titled "the shape of one's heart" is an easy new favorite of mine, i love character studies so much and screams and falls into a pit. and speaking of series! trau has a mini series based on fairy gala, fittingly named "the fairy gala collection"... and then and then just... trau's fics <3 heart eyes only!!
these are short but intimate... which makes sense because "fondness found amongst fleeting intimacy" [part 1 w/ idia, vil, mal, crewel] [part 2 w/ savanaclaw boys] by @twsthearts i just think about them every so often, the title itself enraptured me and i was just compelled to read and i had no regrets knox if u see this i adore ur writing sm i always feel like i'm reading one of my poetry books or the diaries of novelists excerpts from your works feel like they belong on a book, and then a pinterest girlie will be so in love they'll scan it and post it on their board
@twstedstoryshop hi okay so i'm going to admit i haven't finished shopkeep's full catalogue yet but i'm going to say "convenient marriage" (deuce historical AU) is probably my favorite bc i just... historical AUs, but i also enjoy "funny thing called fate" (azul soulmate AU) because i'm predictable and I think soulmate AUs are the best!!
@kaiijo ying...!!! such charming writing...! "magnetic" (azul frenemies to lovers) might be to your taste! although i am a simple human and the love triangle [part 1] [part 2] ones are my favorites dreamy sighing
i haven't actually read any of these yet (bc i want to binge all of them in one day oops) but since you mentioned series of one shots i thought of "the who does the prefect like" collab bc some of my (again, talented!) mutuals are participating in it i think it's worth checking out!
these are all i can think of right now off the top of my head that you might enjoy but if i think of more i'll reblog this!
anyway to whoever else is reading this feel free to recommend me some fics as well because i have not been reading a lot of fanfic lately hjsjsjsd i haven't had the time to finish my mutuals masterlists cries +++
i would love to follow more people ahhhh give me your recs &lt;3
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Yuu!! 💐🎉💜💛
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nomisong · 4 years ago
i want you all, not just argentinians or latines in general, to read this article about the systemic whitewashing of argentina. so many argentinians themselves out there don’t know this about our country, and it doesn’t just extend to them, this part of history seems to have been completely forgotten for most people. if you want to know more, read this and do your own research too.
i encourage you all to reblog this.
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my info :3
hi! my name is sage, a non-com regressor! my pronouns are ve/ver/vers (auxiliary: they/she) i'm 16 almost 17 and my smol age is typically 4-6 but i can sometimes be a baby. when smol, i like coloring, mlp, my stuffie friends, nature, and kids youtube!
i don't want a cg as of now, but i'm always looking for smol friends! both agere and petre welcome, though i only age-regress, i don't pet-regress. i'd want any friends to be physically between the ages 14-20 <3
if i've interacted w/ you and i'm someone you don't wanna interact with (or vise versa), let me know and i'll kindly remove my like/follow/reblog! just don't be mean about it :)
dni under the cut!
dni if: -queerphobe, transphobe, nbphobe, radfem, etc -aro and/or ace exclusionist -racist, sexist, ableist, etc -all lives matter/pro-police/pro-tr*mp -ns-fw/k!nk blogs (if you are an *adult* and participate in *non-age-related* k!nk when and only when you are *big*, you are fine! just keep it on a different blog!) -dd-lg, ab-dl, c-gl, etc -anti-agere/petre -chire -anti-endogenic/anti-non-traumagenic -use the word “trau//mascum” to refer to the above (it demonizes people with trau//ma!) -anti-nb lesbian ~~~other things you may want to know~~~ -i'm neutral on bi/pan lesbians (that discourse just drains my energy so i dont really pay attention to it) and i allow interaction from them -discourse in general makes me tired hdhgsadkg -mela//nie mart//inez makes me very uncomfy so i might block someone who posts about her frequently -i don’t personally use the word “little” as a noun to describe myself (out of respect for systems/system littles) but i allow interaction from those who do. i may occasionally slip up, sorry about that! -i am Very Soft and may cry at any given time
thanks for reading! have an amazing day and stay hydrated! :D
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unsere-zeit-ist-jetzt · 5 years ago
24.06.2019 (4) - Kennt sich irgendwer mit Spritzen aus?
(vorheriger Post)
Gemeinschaftsprojekt von @riddikulus und @shakshuka-grandpasweaters
Allererstes Play
Timeline (reingucken lohnt sich, wir spielen nicht all unsre Ideen aus)
Falls ihr mal die Plays auf englisch lesen wollt: @our-time-is-now
Wir freuen uns über Likes, Reblogs, aber am meisten über Kommentare und Feedback! Also immer her damit ;-)
Dieses Play beinhaltet transgender Themen, siehe unseren Zwischenruf
Montag, 21:11 Uhr:
Matteo: *liegt mit David auf seinem Bett* *David hat seinen Kopf an seiner Schulter und Matteo spielt mit seinen Haaren* *ist erleichtert, dass das mit der Bewerbung alles so gut geklappt hat* *fällt dann aber wieder ein, dass David ja heute beim Arzt war* Wie war denn eigentlich dein Arzttermin? Alles gut?
David: *freut sich, dass sie die Bewerbung von Matteo direkt losgeschickt haben und hofft, dass das tatsächlich alles so klappt, wie Matteo es sich wünscht* *hat kurz den Gedanken, wie sie es machen, wenn Matteo seinen FSJ-Platz in Berlin, er selbst aber keinen Studienplatz hier in der Nähe bekommt, will da aber jetzt eigentlich nicht drüber nachdenken* *wird dann aber Gott sei Dank von Matteo aus seinen Gedanken gerissen* Hmm… eigentlich wie immer… *zögert* Naja,... fast… *dreht sich so, dass er Matteo anschauen kann und erklärt dann* Der Termin für die nächste Testo-Spritze fällt genau in den Urlaub… und im Grunde genommen hab ich jetzt drei Möglichkeiten: Entweder ich fahr für einen Tag zurück nach Berlin zum Spritzen, aber ich weiß nicht, ob es okay wäre, wenn ich einfach das Auto von Hannas Vater nehme und mit der Bahn wär man halt ewig unterwegs… oder ich such mir da irgendwo nen guten Arzt, wobei ich glaube, dass es schwer wird, auf dem Land nen Arzt zu finden, der sich mit Testo auskennt… *seufzt kurz und meint dann* … oder ich spritz es mir selbst… oder du… oder irgendwer anders… *schaut fragend zu Matteo, was er meint* *ist sich selbst ziemlich unschlüssig* *würde am ehesten dazu tendieren, es selbst zu versuchen, weiß aber nicht, ob er es schaffen würde, sich tatsächlich ne Spritze in die Haut zu rammen*
Matteo: *nickt leicht und freut sich, dass der Termin wie immer war* *horcht aber dann auf und schaut sofort besorgt* *schaut zu ihm runter als er erklärt und versteht was er meint* Oh, okay, das is doof…. *schüttelt sofort den Kopf als er meint er könne das machen* Das is doch bescheuert, wir haben das doch beide noch nie gemacht… und nach Berlin zurück is auch doof, dann biste doch voll aus dem Urlaubsfeeling raus… *überlegt, was man sonst noch machen könnte* Wär’s für dich okay, wenns wer anders macht? Du könntest ja in der Gruppe fragen… vielleicht hat einer von denen mal irgendwas gespritzt?
David: *nickt zu dem, was Matteo sagt* Ich ärger mich halt, weil ich nicht früher dran gedacht hab. Aber es ist mir erst aufgefallen, als es um den nächsten Termin ging… sonst hätte ich heute mal üben können. Unter Aufsicht halt… *denkt dann über Matteos anderen Vorschlag nach und zuckt mit den Schultern* Weiß nicht… wer könnte sich das denn zutrauen? Ich mein, so schwer ist es nicht - man muss halt nur den Muskel treffen und der im Oberschenkel ist leichter zu treffen als im Po, aber dafür auch ein bisschen schmerzhafter… aber allein der Gedanke, durch die Haut stechen zu müssen… *schüttelt sich leicht* Weißt du denn von irgendwem, der schonmal spritzen musste? Oder der zumindest keine Probleme damit hätte? *zieht sein Handy aus der Tasche und öffnet den Urlaubschat* *zögert aber, weil er sich nicht sicher ist, ob er das Thema wirklich in großer Runde diskutieren will*
Matteo: *zuckt mit den Schultern* Keine Ahnung… Diabetes hat keiner, soweit ich weiß… *schüttelt dann den Kopf* Nee, nee, wenn das schief geht… lieber nicht. *greift sich auch sein Handy und öffnet den Chat* Ich kann auch fragen, wenn du willst?
David: *nickt, als Matteo meint, dass niemand Diabetes hat* *zögert trotzdem* *schüttelt dann den Kopf, als Matteo meint, dass er auch fragen kann und sagt leise* Nee, ich mach schon… *öffnet das Schreibfenster und zögert wieder* *meint dann zu Matteo* Ich hab halt eigentlich keine Lust, das jetzt in großer Runde zu diskutieren und alles jetzt schriftlich allen zu erklären… hmmm… aber wenn jemand sagt, er würd’s machen, kann ich ihn ja privat anschreiben… *fängt schließlich an zu tippen und merkt, dass er ein bisschen aufgeregt ist*
Whatsapp, Team Urlaub:
David: Hey zusammen, sagt mal, kennt sich einer von euch mit Spritzen aus? Also musstet ihr euch oder anderen schonmal eine Spritze geben?
Hanna: Um Gottes Willen, nee! Das könnt ich nicht!
Jonas: Noch nie gemacht.. warum? Worum geht’s denn?
Abdi: Willst du auf harte Drogen umsteigen?
Carlos: Hat Luigi dich in den Wahnsinn getrieben?
Matteo: Haha *mittelfinger emoji*
Amira: Ne, sorry, noch nie was mit zu tun gehabt.
David: Ich bräuchte jemanden, der sich damit auskennt.
Carlos: Ich könnte jetzt was dreckiges schreiben…
Kiki: Tust du aber nicht!
Sam: Ich hatte mal n Kaninchen, das musste ich mal spritzen. Ich würd das bestimmt hinkriegen.
Matteo: Auf gar keinen Fall!
Kiki: Ich könnte mich da einlesen, das geht bestimmt.
Matteo: *schickt gif das den Kopf schüttelt*
Mia: Kenn mich leider auch nicht aus. Ich frag gleich mal Alex, der kriegt mal wieder nichts mit
Sam: Kaninchen spritzen reicht nicht? Ich hab das damals voll gut hinbekommen!
Carlos: Am Bahnhof Zoo sind bestimmt Leute, die sich mit Spritzen auskennen…
Hanna: Ich denk mir, sowas kann man doch lernen, oder? Also ich jetzt nicht, aber wenn Sam meint, sie hat ihr Kaninchen gespritzt, kann das doch nicht so schwer sein…
Jonas: Hallo? Worum geht’s denn eigentlich?
Abdi: Um Spritzen, Brudi! Steht doch oben!
Jonas: *Augenverdrehsmilie*
David: Sorry, Jonas. Es geht um mein Testo
Carlos: Achso… ich dachte, das spritzt der Arzt…
Alex: Ich kann spritzen!
Matteo: Kannst du? Woher? Wie oft hast du schon gespritzt? Und warum? Wie lang ist das her?
Alex: Uhm… ich kann spritzen, reicht das nicht?
Matteo: Nein.
Carlos: Haha, Alex hat noch viel zu lernen.
Abdi: Wer gewinnt in einem Kampf: Matteo oder Alex?
Sam: Alex
Jonas: Alex
Carlos: Alex
Mia: Alex
Hanna: Wenns um David geht, Matteo.
David: Alex, ich schreib dich mal privat an…
Carlos: Ohhh… intimes Gespräch oder was? Nicht, dass Luigi eifersüchtig wird…
Alex: Ok.
Sam: Voll gemein! Ich will auch wissen, worum es geht!
Mia: Vielleicht ist es auch einfach nur privat!?
Abdi: Ich auch! Ey, komm, David, sag mal!
Matteo: Ich bin nie eifersüchtig
Carlos: Is klar
Sam: Wieso privat? Wir wissen doch alle, worum es geht
Matteo: Muss vielleicht trotzdem nicht in großer Runde diskutiert werden?
Jonas: Luigi hat Recht. Wenn’s jetzt ins Detail geht, muss das ja nicht jeder von uns wissen.
Hanna: Außerdem könnt ihr David auch jederzeit fragen, wenn ihr Fragen habt! Er beißt nur manchmal :-P
David: @ Hanna: Haha :-P
David: Aber ja, Hanna und Jonas haben Recht. Ich erzähl euch gerne mal pers��nlich Details, wenn ihr Fragen habt, aber ich glaube, wenn wir das jetzt hier schriftlich anfangen würde, würden wir wahrscheinlich morgen noch hier sitzen und mir würden irgendwann die Finger abfallen vom tippen...
Jonas: Ihr könnt auch Matteo fragen ;)
Matteo: Lieber nicht
Sam: Matteo, Matteo, so bescheiden?
Matteo: Ne, aber… geht ja nicht um mich
Sam: Ich kann dich also was fragen, wenn es um dich geht?
Jonas: Ich rieche eine Falle. Lauf, Luigi!
Matteo: Fragen kannste alles, ich muss ja nich antworten.
Whatsapp, David/Alex:
David: Hey. Sorry, dass ich dich direkt so überfalle, aber ich bräuchte tatsächlich Hilfe mit der Spritze. Normalerweise bekomme ich alle 3 bis 4 Wochen vom Arzt Testosteron in den Gesäßmuskel gespritzt und die nächste Dosis würde genau in die Zeit des Urlaubs fallen. Tendenziell kann man sich das Testo auch selbst in den Oberschenkelmuskel spritzen, aber ich hab das noch nie alleine gemacht und trau es mir auch nicht zu. Also falls du es dir zutraust und dich damit auskennst, wäre ich dir echt dankbar, wenn du das übernehmen würdest.
Alex: Ja, kann ich machen.
Alex: Ich musste mal gegen Thrombose spritzen. Ist noch nicht so lange her.
David: Echt? Danke! Das ist echt nett!
David: Gegen Thrombose ist doch auch in den Oberschenkel, oder?
Alex: Ja, genau. Hatte es relativ schnell raus, also kein Ding, nicht der Rede wert.
David: *daumenhochsmiley*
Whatsapp, Matteo/Mia:
Matteo: Mia, jetzt mal ehrlich: Kann Alex das wirklich?  
Mia: *Lachsmilie* Oh mann, Matteo! Vertrau ihm doch mal ein bisschen. Der würd das doch nicht schreiben, wenn er es nicht könnte
Matteo: Ja, hast Recht. Aber trotzdem….  wie lang issen das her mit seinen Spritzen?
Mia: Noch nicht so lang…
Mia: Und falls es dich beruhigt: In dem Moment, in dem Alex erfahren hat, dass es um die Testosteronspritze geht, hat er Google aufgemacht. Ich gehe davon aus, dass er Bescheid geben würde, wenn er es sich doch nicht zutraut.
Matteo: Oh, das ist… nett. *smiley der vor Schock die Augen aufreißt*
Mia: Haha, ja. Aber sag ihm nicht, dass ich es dir gesagt hab, das zerstört seinen Ruf
Matteo: Kein Ding :-)
Whatsapp, David/Hanna:
Hanna: Hey, hat das geklappt mit Alex? Ist alles geklärt? Ich kann sonst meinen Dad nochmal fragen, wegen nem Arzt in der Nähe oder so?
David: Hey, das ist lieb, dass du fragen willst, aber Alex kennt sich aus und übernimmt die Spritze! Wenn er es doch irgendwie verhunzen sollte, komme ich gerne auf das Angebot mit dem Arzt zurück, aber davon wollen wir erstmal lieber nicht ausgehen *ängstlicher Smiley*
Hanna: Ich fürchte wenn er es verhunzt, wird er von Matteo umgebracht. Dann haben wir ganz andere Probleme :-) Ich denk, aber er würde es nicht sagen, wenn er es sich nicht tatsächlich zutraut
David: Ja, das denke ich auch, dass er es sonst nicht angeboten hätte. Und Jonas’ und deine Aufgabe wird sein, Matteo davon abzuhalten, Alex und mich nervös zu machen, wenn es soweit ist ;-)
Hanna: Haha, du bist ja lustig. Gehst du davon aus, dass wir irgendwelche Zauberkräfte haben, oder so? Sorry, David, den hast du dir jetzt angelacht, jetzt musst du ihn aushalten. ;-) Nein, Quatsch, wir werden’s versuchen, versprochen.
David: In den meisten Fällen halte ich ihn liebend gerne aus… aber wenn es um solche Sachen geht, tendiert Matteo zur Überfürsorglichkeit...
David: Nicht falsch verstehen - es ist schon auch irgendwie süß und ich bin echt dankbar und glücklich darüber, dass ich durch den Mist nicht mehr alleine durch muss!
Hanna: Ja, das kann ich verstehen, also dass Überfürsorglichkeit manchmal anstrengend sein kann. Aber auch wenn Matteo schon immer irgendwie fürsorglich war, wenn es um seine Freunde ging, ist das bei dir nochmal was anderes. Schon ziemlich knuffig, das so zu sehen. N ganz neuer Matteo irgendwie :)
David: Ob neuer oder alter Matteo - für mich ist er genau richtig!;-) (Jaja, das darfst du jetzt auch wieder knuffig finden :-P)
Hanna: Awwwww. Tu ich :-)
(nächster Post)
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year ago
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traumxrei-chatters · 2 years ago
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welcome to the section that's about my tags ! here are the tags that i use on this blog and more are to be added as i continue to use it :DD
twst : my current and biggest hyperfixation
enstars : my secondary hyperfixation
orv : sobs in i love them sm
other fandoms to be added !!
type of media;
top tier literature : for any writings that i enjoy <3
works of art : for all the beautiful art that i enjoy
the funnies : this is shit-post central sjdkfjsf
general tags;
the index : posts that help you navigate through the blog
trau chatters : any posts of me just saying things
chatter answered : a tag for answering asks ^^
the rebloggings : for me to tag my plentiful reblogs with :D
BONUS: how will my reblogs be tagged ?
i will include my reblog tag (;; rebloggings!) and then include media tags as i see fit + the fandom tag. lastly, i will also tag OP's name ^^ that way if i consume more of their media it's easier for me to see :D
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alexandriteobscuraarchive · 3 years ago
((I'm going to reblog g/ore and e/ye trau/ma later, just as a warning. Tagged ofc but I usually warn the dash if it's...... excessive.))
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depressedkin · 6 years ago
dachte nicht das man in einer psychiatrie immer noch handy haben darf.. wenn ihr deutsche depressionsblogger seid dann liked oder rebloged doch mal bitte damit ich noch paar mehr blogs zum folgen hab vielleicht trau ich mich dann auch mal über meine gefühle zu reden
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year ago
IT’S NOT EVIL IF I’M CORRECT !!! junoace the world !!!
I SAW YOUR ACE JUNO POSTING AND !! i would like to add:
juno surprising ace one day with wearing the heart suit on his other eye, maybe during an unbirthday party. all the heartslabyul students staring bc they KNOW how much ace gripes about juno wearing the diamond suit.
and ace just bursting into metaphorical flames bc it’s kinda like…juno’s saying that he’s his own person but also ace’s person too….
meanwhile, juno acting nonchalant abt it even tho he KNOWS what it does to ace hahahhahaha—
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Why are they so meepy, they make me rot so much🙁
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traumagician · 7 years ago
A Thing
Filched from @star-crowned-prince
nicknames: Trau
star sign: Draco, because dragons are better than bulls or crabs or whatever. Fight me.
height: 5’8
time: 3:38 pm
birthday: May 17
favorite bands: The Birthday Massacre, the Dresden Dolls, Type O Negative, Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Epica, Delain, Theater of Tragedy, Rammstein, Eisbrecher, Dimmu Borgir, Depeche Mode, MSI, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Dark Dark Dark... I should stop.
favorite solo artist: Amanda Palmer, Emilie Autumn, and IAMX are all gonna have to duke it out behind a bar somewhere....
song stuck in my head: You better watch out, you better watch out, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT
last movie i watched: ...Blade Runner 2049. Months ago, when it came out. I don’t watch much.
last show i watched: ATLA
when did i create my blog: I think this one’s about 3 years old now.
what do i post: Art, mostly.
last thing i googled: Smartphone microscopes.
do i have any other blogs: Yeah, I reblog most stuff to @nossghoul. I also occasionally throw fandomy stuff on @dreamingdersite .
do i get asks: Occasionally. Mostly stuff pertaining to my art, or sketchy things from “”indie game developers””
why i chose my url: Trauma. Plus Magician. Traumagician. Yeah, that sounds vaguely edgy and arcane, let’s go with that....
following: 535
followers: 646. (Come on guys, 20 more, we can do it.)
average hours of sleep: 6
lucky number: 42
instruments: Violin, piano, and voice. And voice damn well better count as an instrument, because I’m getting a degree in it.
what am i wearing: ...A Santa hat, steampunk-looking brass goggles, and a black hooded robe. Clearly I am a fashion icon.
dream trip: I dunno. An exploration of the bottom of the ocean? My dad’s an airline pilot, so I kind of take travel for granted....
favorite food: I love Indian food. I can’t pick a specific favorite. It’s all delicious.
nationality: MURICA (guns blare, bald eagles flap around and crash into the walls)
favorite song right now: Um... let’s go with Oh Beautiful Town by IAMX.
Tagging @sheephorns , @havocinthebluebox , @luna-novaa , @chronoprax, @bloodarbiter , @poltergeistings , and @mutilatedmoonchild . If any other mutuals wanna do it and tag me, feel free!
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nightloop-blog1 · 8 years ago
im just gonna start unfollowing ppl who reblog cen // tiprin // cess|trau // matized // official now
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visceralcoma · 3 months ago
If anyone has a higher opinion of Vivienne, reblog with your defense of her. Maybe there's something I missed somehow, I'd love a debate on this!
Just quoting this because you asked and I got sent this post BECAUSE you put this in there. Normally I don't engage with Vivienne haters because people are allowed to have their negative interpretations about characters. But you not only asked but also posted this into the main character tag instead of just labelling this as vivienne critical or anti vivienne.
Her experience as a mage was NOT privileged or a life of luxury. She did not come from a noble family, but from abject poverty. And we can infer this by some cryptic dialogue Cole says in reference to Vivienne
[Cole about Vivienne] "A breath-caught smile from the Enchanter as the candle lights. The walls are safe; she will never be hungry again."
This is referencing a moment in her life before she became Duke Bastien's pet/lover (whatever you want to call it). The fact she even had to worry about never going hungry again either means A, the circles weren't feeding her enough - which is doubtful because as a "well behaved" mage she would have been given food, or B her life before the circle was rife with such abject poverty it was a constant worry. In either instance, it means she did not live a life of luxury, did not come from privilege or wealth. She clawed her way up to a position of prestige in a system that was not meant for people like her.
For her gameplay, the Knight Enchanter is an Orlesian-Human reskin of the Dalish Arcane Warrior. Originally the entire subclass was extremely badass where you could solo a dragon as it. But Bioware nerfed it because it made all other subclasses pale in comparison. Seriously those abilities were so much more powerful on release. Most people who played as mage, chose the knight enchanter specialization because of that. But they readjusted the percentages, cooldowns, and damage so that it offered more chance of party-cooperation instead of it being the MVP of the battlefield. Me thinks you only know of this depleted version of the knight enchanter.
You compare Vivienne to Sera about Sera being for the common people, yet it is Vivienne - NOT Sera who approves of the inquisitor for saving the 6 townspeople in Haven. It is Vivienne - NOT Sera - who consoles the Inquisitor if they show remorse and grief over who they couldn't save. And it is Vivienne who is painfully aware of how mages are seen by the common people, commenting on how a Mage!Inquisitor is being an example. Whether it be to other mages or to common folk for what Mages can do and be for them. How they're not scary and what they can offer. Something Vivienne is clearly trying to do herself by living as an example of what mages can be for the common folk. Also she knows to fear Templars. Its very evident in banter with Cole if you bothered to take them out together (where Cole invades her privacy to reveal this despite her telling him not to address her)
Cole: You're afraid. You don't have to be.
Vivienne: My dear Inquisitor, please restrain your pet demon. I do not want it addressing me.
(If Inquisitor supports Cole.)
Inquisitor: He's not doing any harm, Vivienne.
Vivienne: It's a demon, darling. All it can do is harm.
(If Inquisitor supports Vivienne.)
Inquisitor: Cole, Vivienne doesn't want to talk right now.
Cole: She's afraid!
Cole: Everything bright, roar of anger as the demon rears. No, I will not fall. No one will control me ever again.
Cole: Flash of white as the world comes back. Shaking, hollow, Harrowed, but smiling at templars to show them I'm me.
Cole: I am not like that. I can protect you. If Templars come for you, I will kill them.
Vivienne: Delightful.
So to make the bold claim that she never experienced Templars beating her up, when they very clearly stood as a force above her - controlling her - a symbol and presence and reminder to fear them. As if just the mere threat of on fuck up isn't as traumatic as being physically beat up. She VERY much knew the terror of going through the Harrowing, that failing to do so would mean execution. She lived that existence. Its no wonder she holds their leash tight once made Divine.
And that all goes without saying the casual racism she experiences on the daily while in court.
Cole: Stepping into the parlor, hem of my gown snagged, no, adjust before I go in, must look perfect. Vivienne: My dear, your pet is speaking again. Do silence it. Cole: Voices inside. Marquis Alphonse. Cole: “I do hope Duke Bastien puts out the lights before he touches her. But then, she must disappear in the dark.” Cole: Gown tight between my fingers, cold all over. Unacceptable. Wheels turn, strings pull. Cole: He hurt you. You left a letter, let out a lie so he would do something foolish against the Inquisition. A trap. Vivienne: Inquisitor, as your demon lacks manners, perhaps you could get Solas to train it.
Her fear of Irrelevance is a pretty valid fear as she's clearly been trying to be symbol of what Mages CAN be if trusted with more responsibilities, and more freedom. if circle mages didn't live in circles like Kirkwall or Kinloch Hold, but like Ostwick or the White Spire. She wants to uplift the experience of all other mages in circle towers t be closer to what she had, so they had a better experience. It's not the best of course, but it's a step in the right direction. And is what she does when she is made Divine with high approval, makes it so mages have more responsibilities - showing they can contribute to the public. Because lasting changes happen with inches, and this is an inch that is doable. Give the mages more responsibilities, change the public's opinions of mages - get more freedoms for mages while they continue to have support from the circles in terms of lodgings, food, and protection. Vivienne wants to reform the circles, not keep the status quo like Cassandra does. So what happens if she's irrelevant. No other circle mage has clawed their way to the point that she is, if she is irrelevant, who will actually help her fellow circle mages? No one. Thats why she fears being irrelevant.
Vivienne did not join the Inquisition because Morrigan stole her position. Vivienne joined because Morrigan had Celene's ear as the Occult Advisor, where as Vivienne was the Court Enchanter (which is essentially a court jester role, and one Vivienne brought respect to, and is a huge step toward mage emancipation)- that's two different positions. Vivienne says as much that no one took anything from her. But that Celene was listening to Morrigan instead of her and that was her prerogative. She didn't agree, and Celene never forced her out - but Vivienne left anyway because she couldn't sit idly by while Morrigan ruined the reputation of Mages she has created in the court. Especially not when there were more important things at stake, like the end of the world thanks to the Breach.
Also the fact Vivienne at no point leaves the inquisition despite the low approval is a testament that it isn't about her. The world is more important than petty disagreements with the Inquisitor. And the worst she does at low approval is a Sera-worthy prank, moving your stuff around. (Which actually reminds me of how Sera tries to prank Vivienne many times, and Vivienne sounds amused by it. I am willing to bet Vivienne dealt with far more creative pranks in the circles than what Sera was trying, and thats why she was largely unbothered).
Some Bonus points and headcanons. A High approval Vivienne gives the inquisitor a ring. No other companions or advisor does the same. And my sapphic heart about died seeing the symbol of a queerplatonic relationship with that. That's a pretty solid symbol of a proposal, even if she can't do anything with it. I always headcanon that we can flirt with her, but can't romance her because she knows the circles will be back and having a romance she actually cared about would be dangerous if the Templars were be back in power. But a ring, as a symbol of her affection for you - is all she can do. With all the heart ache of pining.
So there ya go. I apologize for the length.
I was thinking back on all the companion characters across the Dragon Age series, and besides that one Dalish mage lady from Awakening whose name I can't remember, there's only ONE companion that I legitimately hate...
Vivienne from Dragon Age Inquisition.
I cannot stand her, both in terms of story and gameplay.
Gameplay is self explanatory: when you unlock all the companion characters unique skill trees halfway through, Vivienne has absolutely GARBAGE abilities. I get why "melee mage" might be interesting in concept, but it was executed so poorly. A mana sword spell, a worse version of fade step, and time bubble spell that doesn't even work on larger enemies (compared to Sera's flask of Lightning that can Za Warudo a fucking dragon, it's an absolute joke). It's whole "noble militant" history thing (via the trainers dialogue for this subclass as a mage inquisitor) feels unbearably snooty after the past two games delved into how oppressed the mages are. And Vivienne, as a character, to have this subclass is even more ammunition to my hatred. Her experience with being a mage was nothing but privilege and luxury, so learning that fighting style of "dangerous elegance that inspires your allies" makes me wanna barf then introduce her to Fenris and Anders to give the boys something to agree on: Vivienne is as privileged as the Tevinter Magisters and cares nothing for the abuse and oppression the Circle Towers have always contained. Let's see how her little glowy sword does against the two of them...
As a character in the Narrative, she is introduced around the same time as Sera, and at first most players (including myself!) felt repulsed by Sera and charmed by Vivienne. As the game progresses, you come to see them in opposite lights:
Sera is, above all else, a protector of the common people. She, and the rest of the Friends of Red Jenny, undermine the nobility who abuse their power over others, just by gaining the trust and help of the servants those Noblemen believe are beneath them. Through all that brash demeanor and colorful swearing, she keeps the Inquisitor humble, reminds them that their title and authority will get in the way of saving the world if they forget that they and all who serve the Inquisition are people.
Vivienne, on the other hand, is an entitled brat who never lived in a Circle Tower long enough to see the truth of what they are: Prisons. She got to learn magic from the comfort of Orlais, and played politics as she danced the waltz before snacking gingerly on some shrimp or whatever. She was never beaten bloody by a Templar who was just looking for an excuse to "punish" a mage, or gone through The Harrowing with the terror of knowing failure means execution by the Templars, or Maker forbid being thrown into a damp cell and forgotten about by the Templars who put her there until starvation claimed her life; Cole can attest to that last one if Vivienne dares to deny that level of cruelty being possible from the "protectors" of the mages.
In "Here Lies The Abyss", there is a graveyard in the Nightmare's domain; a graveyard where the tombstones read out the darkest terrors of all the companions. I'm still fascinated and confused by what Sera's fear of "The Nothing" means, and would love some explanations in the reblogs! But Vivienne's fear is... Irrelevance! 😂 Yeah Vivienne, it must be scary to be forgotten about huh? To lose your popularity, your attention, your "friends" among the nobility? Josephine could do it to you, it'd take her a week at most and I'd be more than happy to order her to destroy your precious reputation...
Vivienne joined the Inquisition because Morrigan stole her spot as Empress Celene's "occult advisor", and she wanted to feel and be important again. But I am happy to leave her to her own devices in Skyhold, letting her wallow in her insignificance.
If anyone has a higher opinion of Vivienne, reblog with your defense of her. Maybe there's something I missed somehow, I'd love a debate on this!
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years ago
can i call you trau?
of course !! i assume you mean in asks or in comments/tags, but sure, go ahead ^^ but if you don't feel comfortable, you could also call me op skfjdks i always call ppl i don't know op when i rb art or fics or etc.
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