#/j but like no really i am so prepared to send emojis
umemiyan · 9 months
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send me an emoji (or combination of emojis) and i’ll give you a headcanon about my selfship based on it!
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keiscait · 4 years
Hello!! I see that your matchups are open and I was wondering if I could get a Living Room and Bedroom one? Living Room would be more preferable if u can’t do both. I’m not sure if this is enough to cover both…I’m sorry agdhshdhejdbjdj
I’m not sure if u can do this but could u make this anon too? You can associate me by this emoji: 🕺
Here’s the info:
PRONOUNS: she/her
PERSONALITY (Living Room): I am generally very shy and closed off, always making sure I avoid people. I stay away from large crowds because I’m a ball of anxiety (I get anxiety easy) and I get really nervous whenever someone approaches me, especially around guys like I usually won’t look at them in the eyes because I become a blushy mess and lose my words. I am also usually very quiet too and don’t talk a lot. 
However, when I talk to my close friends, I literally become Hinata (no joke). I get so hyped, energetic, cheerful, make my friends laugh, and help them a lot too. I am also very passionate about things. When I am suffering with a problem, I don’t like telling friends because I don’t wanna worry them because I feel bad. I end up telling my best friend (they are literally Kageyama to me LOL). I also apologize a lot if I felt I did something wrong and I am quite odd to my friends. I end up getting into playful banter with my close friends where I tease them with playful jokes. I am quite observant too since I don’t usually talk to people, so I notice things from afar. I can tell if a friend of mine has a slight change in their behavior and I will ask if they are ok to be sure. I am also very honest, straightforward and pretty blunt about things. 
Do not get me upset. It takes a lot for someone to make me upset and actually angry. The most I would get is being annoyed. However, if you managed to get me angry, I lose my temper and yell and my friends have mentioned it’s as if I would snap someone in two. I do curse like crazy so people get surprised since I am usually quiet. Again it is rare, but I’ve been told it’s scary when I get angry. I will eventually be alone to recharge and wouldn’t want anybody to talk to me. 
When it comes to relationships, I don’t have that much experience…I hate PDA so I’m really private. I’m actually afraid to love somebody because I’m afraid I won’t be good at all so if somebody was crushing on me and shows affection, I try to divert that attention to something else because I get shy and get so scared. Again it’s hard to look at someone I like in the eyes because I blush so much. It’s hard to show affection by words so I show it by actions like hugs. I would love to hold their hands, caressing them or squeezing them just to feel the comfort and warmth. I think I might be very tender and gentle but I think as I open up, I might get cheery and energetic but that’s a theory. I do try my best to make them happy even if it takes me a while to get comfortable and I’ll try to shower them with love by physical actions. Maybe I’ll draw for them too to make them happy…
I love art. I love to draw for my friends because I love seeing them get so excited for the finished product. I also love listening to music every day so when I’m alone and away from everyone, I just blast music through my headphones. I love gaming too so you’d find me playing the Switch!
I am a perfectionist, hardworking and always try my best even if I get put down. Sometimes I might overwork when it comes to drawing but that’s because I get so eager to improve every day. I also love to give support to my friends for their dreams and but I am not an optimist or pessimist, I am a realist. 
IN BEDROOM: Pretty much the same when it comes down to relationships. I get extremely flustered and shy about physical affection and worry if I’m not good at all. I might be a bottom aagdhhshdhsjdjd I just don’t see myself having confidence in these kinds of experiences. I would love if somebody was gentle and passionate with me tho…Since I don’t rly interact with people in the public, I think I might be touch starved so any physical affection might drive me crazy (in the good way). As flustered as I get, I am pretty dirty-minded. 
THINGS I LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER: quiet, calm, observant, passionate, playful, a tease, cold yet caring, strong, emotional, empathetic, kind, understanding, respectful, and not afraid to speak their mind
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor!!
FAV FOOD: I loveeee food. I am always hungry for food. I love spicy food especially. I love pasta/spaghetti, pizza, sushi, and I love chicken burgers
FUTURE PLANS/DREAMS: I just hope to be successful and actually feel happy. I hope I’ll land a good position for art like for animation or games (especially if it’s anime-related!) I’m not sure if I’ll find someone to settle down with but only time will tell. 
MUSIC TASTE: Rock, J-Rock, Future Funk, Lofi, and I adore anime and video game OST LOOKS: I’m smol like 5'3. I have light skin but not pale (it’s like Hinata’s) and I have red/brown hair and brown eyes. I also have little freckles on my cheeks I’m so sorry if it’s so much but maybe it helps ; __ ; Thank u for doing these and make sure to take breaks!!
Hello and welcome, dear! This is wonderful - thank you for all the details, it gives me a lot to work with! ❤️ I’m so excited to get started with this. Let’s go to the living room! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited over…
Kita Shinsuke! (Runner up: Sugawara Koushi)
Our lovely Inarizaki captain may come off as cold and stoic, but he’s really just unbothered my trivial things. He strives for improvement daily, and ensures he goes through the motions before reaching perfection.
- When you two first meet, I don’t think there will be a lot of interaction there - but when there is, it’s definitely more comfortable than it is awkward. Kita has the effect on people that makes them feel safe and secure, like all the pressures of life just disappear for a moment
- This is how your friendship starts. He proves himself more and more approachable by the day. You’re both straightforward and observant people, so you two would probably tag-team when interacting with other people. He’ll make you feel secure in the friendship despite his no-nonsense bluntness, while he appreciates that you aren’t a flashy person
- The fact that you’re a hardworking perfectionist helps him relate to you on a deeper level. He’d be so happy to find someone who understands this part of him
- He will probably make himself more present in your life by doing little things - helping you clean up after class, sending you tips on how to study for a subject you’re having trouble with, offering an ear for you to rant if he notices something’s off
- He does everything slowly and with very close precision, all in the hopes of you becoming more comfortable around him
- the man is near perfect, what more can I say 
- OF COURSE he succeeds. He’s Kita Shinsuke
- Don’t worry, he won’t be thrown off by your more playful side once it comes out. Kita most likely already got hints of your sunshine here and there while he was slowly gaining your trust
- Once he feels like it’s the perfect time, only THEN will he ask you out
- Let out your inner gremlin!!!!! He can 100% handle it, since he’s so used to the chaos of his team by now and he has somehow remained?? completely SANE?? what a man
- AND the difference is, he LIKES YOU!!!1!!!!!!!1!!
- He will adore all your little quirks, and may even participate in your playful banter
- Does not mind that you’re not into PDA. Hell, he might even be relieved–
- He’d notice how you try to divert affection, and will try to talk to you about it. You won’t have to say much, he’ll be able to tell from your body language that it’s because you’re anxious to love somebody, and will never take that against you
- Will work on trying to break through those walls, but wouldn’t ever force it
- Prepare for a beautiful domestic future 🥺🥺🥺 a simple life on a farm in the Japanese countryside with the man of your dreams?? You, an artist, and him, a farmer???? The absolute PUREST domestic dream 😭😭😭
You were sat in your worktable, sketching away the morning. A deadline was fast approaching, so you could hardly allow yourself to rest - so the first thing you did today, as with most days, was work. 
The art block hit a few days back. Your nights have recently been filled with drooping eyes paired with a throbbing headache, and they were now slowly eating up your mornings, too. You massaged your neck, sore from hunching over your desk so much - all you could at the moment was stare at the now blank sheet in front of you. You weren’t satisfied with any of the pieces you made, so you always ended up scrapping whatever it is that you were doing.
You were snapped out of your daze at the sound of the cuckoo clock. You noticed that you were gripping the pen a little too hard, causing some redness on your fingertips. A frustrated groan escaped you as your hands rubbed circles into your temples. The morning felt so dull.
The time read 7AM. Two hours on the desk and not a single thing, you thought to yourself. Like clockwork, you heard the door open and close as Kita came back from field work. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you.
“You’re awake?” His tone was more concerned than surprised. He had witnessed your restlessness these past few days, doing whatever he can to ease your frustration a a little bit. This wasn’t anything new to him, seeing as you were both workaholics, but he couldn’t help but worry about how this deadline was treating you.
You managed a weak smile as you met his eyes. He looked pretty in the morning light - sweat trickling down his neck, some of his hair clinging to his forehead, lips slightly parted to allow better breathing. It was rare for you to see him like this since he usually gets up and finishes work before you get up. The sight comforted you a bit, as if the bleakness dissipated for a little while.
He walked over to the coffee machine to run it. “Still no luck?”
“I’ve been at it since 5AM.” You let out an exasperated sigh. “I woke up when you went out to work. I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about it.”
He hummed in acknowledgment. The two of you stayed quiet for a while, with only the sounds of the coffee machine and birds chirping. The peacefulness almost sunk in until you were reminded of the stress looming over your head. You let out another sigh.
You were staring down the blank sheet again, sick of the emptiness it posed. With a pen in hand, you tried to mimic the motions of drawing strokes, hoping for a sudden burst of inspiration. Nothing. 
Kita laid a cup of coffee next to you. “You barely slept, y/n. At least eat a bit.” That elicited no response from you - all you could do was lean back in your chair, feet put up onto the seat.
Your boyfriend placed his finger under your chin, making you look up at him standing next to you. “Y/n.” 
He examined your expression - you were so tired; redness peaked from the corners of your eyes, and your lips were almost pale. “You need food in your system, y/n.”
“I don’t have time to eat, Shin, this is–”
“Food is what the brain runs on. Even a child knows that,” he teased as he pulled you on your feet and led you to the kitchen table, “Eat.”
You had no choice but to oblige. You plucked a banana from its bunch, munching away while Shin scrambled some eggs. Before you knew it, a breakfast was spread out in front of you. The brown-eyed boy pressed a kiss at the top of your head as you praised him. “I don’t deserve you,” you said with a smile.
“It’s just breakfast,” he chuckled, “and you do deserve me. You deserve the world.”
The world suddenly felt full of color again, and you were ready to face the dreary white that’s been mocking you the whole week.
I hope that was alright with you, dear! Let’s head over to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who’s here for some alone time!
Semi Eita! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
One of the prettiest setters to date, Semi here has his moments of sincerity despite the scary attitude he puts up. He comes off as a domineering personality, but I feel like in the bedroom, he’d be incredibly tender.
- Don’t believe the mask he puts up. Semi bb is a big softie for his s/o!!!!! CHANGE MY MIND
- In the bedroom, you well-being would be TOP priority - he would constantly ask you if this or that is okay, and make sure your comfortable with whatever the two of you are doing
- Your first time would be SO intimate: if you planned it beforehand, he’d go as far as laying out candles, setting up a fragrance to fill the room, and maybe even laying out roses; if it isn’t planned, he’d hold you close the whole time, and won’t really get rough with how he handles you
- Has enough confidence to take the lead. He’s pretty self-assured, and this will really translate in the bedroom
- Knows where to touch you and is gentle about it, making sure to test things out first before going at it
- When he gets to know your more dirty side, that’s when he brings up stuff he’d like to try out. Try surprising him every now and then by telling him you want to try something new (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Oh, his moans. SO GOOD. They’re soft, but so raw, and it would almost sound melodic. Would also chant your name a lot
- I can’t imagine him being loud in the bedroom, but he’d definitely be into dirty talk - I imagine it’s one of his top kinks - more praising than degrading
- He’s also into choking, unless you’re not comfortable with it, then for sure, he wouldn’t force it on you 
- Would lay on top of you (or under, whichever position you were in) for a while before aftercare. He wants some time to hold you while winding down
- Aftercare would be quick but careful - he wants to ensure that he’s got everything covered
- The epitome of Making Love, as opposed to simply “having sex”
Sorry for the long wait, darling! I hope you enjoyed all of that, and thank you so much for your patience. Feel free to pay me another visit, or just sit and chat with me anytime :D
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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jaefluenza · 4 years
Skater to you — J i s u n g
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‘Summer Dream’ project
Oh my god, this lecture is literally killing me! You thought. You drink the last shot of your coffee to gain your consciousness back, trying so hard to lift your lids and not sleeping on the most boring class ever.
The lecture ended after god knows how long, and you put your things back into your bag as you prepare to leave the hall. You were about to leave when a figure appeared in front of your seat, preventing you to go. “Hey, uh, I am Park Jisung, and I’m on my first year. This is my first as well in taking literature class, can you help me?”
You blinked in nervousness, you never seen this guy in any of your lectures but he’s so fine. You get yourself all together before replying him with a smile, “Hey, I’m Y/n, what can I possibly help?” He returns you a smile, “Uh, I need to copy all the notes from the start of this month for my essay since I missed all of them. Can you perhaps lend me your notes?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll send them through e-mail, can you text me one?” You asked. Jisung blushes in a moment when he thinks that he should ask your number in order to tell you his email adress. “Alright, can I have your number?”
So, after exchanging numbers, you left him with a small wave, and an unknown weird feeling inside.
“Dude, he literally thinks he’s cool. I can’t believe it, just because he befriended half people of this campus doesn’t mean he can get all the ladies. That’s lame as hell,” your friend rant while you only listen to her nonchalantly. You sip your warm latte before a ding popped out indicating that you just received a message. Oh, it’s from the new guy Jisung.
Park Jisung: Hey y/n thanks for the notes! Are you attending literature class this afternoon?
You: Yes. Are you going to be there too?
Park Jisung: Of course, then see you there. I’ll speak to you after class ended 🤓
You unconsciously smile at the cute nerd emoji he put after his text. Cute, you thought. Your friend frown when she saw you no longer paying attention to her. “Hey, y/n. You’re not listening..”
You flinched at her tap on your shoulder and you only smile apologetically, “I’m sorry. Someone just texted me.”
After the class ended, he really went to talk to you. You slipped some strands of your hair behind your hair, before greeting him softly. “Your notes are beautiful. It was so easy to copy and I like the way you doodle on your notes, it makes it enjoyable to see.” You cackled before noticing a purple-colored skateboard in his hand. The way he leaned it onto the ground makes you blush quietly. “I didn’t know you’re a skater. You must be a pro, huh?” You teased him coyly while pointing at his skateboard.
“Oh, yeah. This is one of my likings. Perhaps, do you like skateboarding?”
“I never spend any time learning it but instead, I spent some times drawing people playing it at the skate park. Well, you can say I’m kind of interested.” His eyes lit up in delight, “Well, then I know how to pay you back for the notes! Do you want to learn skateboarding with me?”
“I don’t see why not.” You replied.
So that was why you ended up at the park at nine pm on Friday night with Park Jisung. You wobble lightly as you try to balance your weight on the board. “This...is quite hard. I don’t think I can do this,” you frown when you failed for the nth times. “Hey, it’s alright, I got you.” He keeps his hand in yours tightly, making sure you’re not gonna fall. Yeah, he’s not going to let any single scratch exist on your body.
“Okay, m’gonna try again.” You try standing on the board again with the same position he taught you, and this time, you eventually succeed. “Hey! I’m doing great!” You squeal happily and he tried to let go of your hand slowly, but you fail to slide on your own and you start to wobble. He catches you immediately before you fall on your knees, hands all over your waist, preventing you from the dangerous fall. “I’m sorry for letting go...” he mumbled. You chuckled, “and I should thank you for keeping me from falling.”
“So, Jisung, why did you take literature? You’re from the medical science, why would you attend literature?”
“Well, I need a good writing for my essays and also I need to take a good note on reading books. So I decided to apply for literature class to improve my reading and writing skills.” He explained as you both sit near the big river.
“Wow, that’s cool. Hey, tonight is so fun, I hope you will teach me more how to skate, if you don’t mind.”
Jisung nods excitedly, “Of course! I will, let’s hang out every weekend if you want to.”
“Sure! Let’s have more dates- oops.. I mean, hangouts, from now on.” You cringed internally as you hit your mouth for misspelled things.
He laughs, “it’s okay, let’s have more dates from now on,” he smiles coyly when he sees your expression. “Is this a date?”
“Only if you don’t mind,” he nodded as he put his hand on top of yours.
nct dream masterlist
nct 127 masterlist
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sweetpxsin · 6 years
Stray Kids During Valentines
Member: Strays Kids
Plot: Stray kids during Valentines
Genre: explosion of uwu = Floof
Note: Literally no one fucking asked for this but your welcome and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LOVE Also wazzup my single bisses!!!
[ Masterlist ]
[ C H A N ]
•if y'all thought Chan ain’t doing the most you’re absolutely wrong
•he has been waiting for this special moment for a whole ass month
•taking mental notes of things you really like/want and items that are popular on valentines
•but just to deceive you he’ll just send a “Happy Valentine’s Day, Love” with your guys special heart emoji
•and as soon as you walk out of your apartment to run some errands Chan would let himself in and set to work
•being the sentimental little shit he is, as soon as you walked into your apartment he’d have your guys song playing with rose petals leading to him and the romantic dinner he had ready for you
•and it doesn’t even end there sis
•after a cute little dinner and maybe some slow dancing Chan would lead you to your bedroom where his biggest gift was
•on your bed would be your favorite flowers along with a couple of gifts accompanied by a huge teddy bear
•and to tie it all off he’d give you his goofy little grin before hugging you close
•ending the night with the both cuddled nicely together just enjoying each other presence
[ W O O J I N ]
•so you know how his nickname is bear?
•expect an abnormally large bear sitting on your living room couch
•and expect it to attack you in a hug...well attempt to...
•it’s kinda hard to hug someone when there’s a huge stuffed bear between you
•though after he’d gotten rid of the bear he’d hug you real right in his arms before telling you to get ready
•he’d already have a big day planned out for the both you in advance
•and when you came out all dressed and cute Woojin would have no problem with showering you in compliments and maybe  some kisses before taking you out on his adventure filled day
•he’d take you out for lunch at your favorite café and then take you to the new  amusement park you had been raving about
•and there he’d probably let you take as many of those corny couple pictures as you’d like
•because today was all about you and Woojin wanted to make sure that today was like no other
•after the amusement park he’d take you to that fancy restaurants he’s been meaning to take you to and have a romantic dinner with you
•which would probably consist of some flirty and reminiscing on when on you guys first started dating
•and end the night with you cuddled nicely in his arms
[ M I N H O ]
•he about to hoe this one out- I’m kidding...but am I?
•no but forreal he’s been planning this one out for a while
•except he wouldn’t let you know and simply act like he planned out a pretty simple date with you
•like he’d arrive at your apartment with a typical bouquet of your favorite flowers along with a  large teddy bear you had been raving about for months and your favorite movie in hand
•but half way through the movie he’d suddenly get up insisting you stay in bed while he goes tend something
•and while you continued to watch the movie he’d begin to set up for the romantic dinner just for the two of you
•He’d cook your favorite dish and have the dining room table nicely decorated with candles and flower petals neatly scattered on the table for some accents just like he had seen in the movies
•And when you finally came out to check on him the soft sound of a piano would hit you and lead you to your kitchen where your man stood a wide grin on his lips
•”Happy Valentine’s Babe.”
[ C H A N G B I N  ]
•Not wanting to be predictable Changbin would opt for a more toned down Valentines that he knew you’d still enjoy
•Changbin would get up super duper early and sneak into your apartment and make you breakfast that you could eat in bed, because his baby needs to start the morning off right
•and after he’d give you your morning kisses and tell you to get ready because he wanted to explore the city with you, even if he knew it like back of his hand
•He’d be super sweet the whole time too, like holding your hand in his coat pocket if it got to cold, talk to you cutely and gush to the old lady who ran the stand about how much he adored you
•Changbin would probably also take you to places that meant a lot to the both of you
•like where you both shared a lot of memories together
•to like reminisce and poke fun at your younger selves
•and afterwards he’d probably take you to the market and attempt to make a nice dinner with you (and try not to burn the apartment down)
[ H Y U N J I N ]
•Hyunjin had been listening to you closely for the past month or so
•and decided to no do all the cliche things on your guys first valentines
•since he’d rather do something he knew you’ve been wanting
•which is exactly why he showed up at your apartment in sweatpants, your favorite hoodie and a bag filled with your favorite movies and snacks
•of course he’d still bring a bouquet along with a new teddy bear to add to your collection
•but his main point for this valentines would be to cuddle you and watching movies and maybe sneak some kisses if you let him
•and he made his point pretty clear when he cutely buried his face into your neck before picking you up and rushing into your room
•he’d gently sit you on the bed before asking which movie to watch
•and when that is decided he’d jump onto the bed before cuddling into you, his head rested cutely on top of your chest
•and from there the both of would stay in each other’s arms, snacking on some sweets, having cute little conversations
•till eventually you both fall asleep in each other’s arms
[ J I S U N G ]
•being super soft for you meant he would do anything for you, even if it meant going on the Viking  
•but luckily for him going to the amusement park wasn’t exactly on your list of things to do for Valentines
•though honestly he would rather spend time with you than do all the  typical things couples did
•chilling in bed while playing games and watching movies felt the most ideal as long as you were okay with it
•plus he had a much bigger surprise for you that he had been working on for months
•since this year he decided to stray away from traditional valentine activities he decided that his surprise should be original as well
•and he’d probably show you his surprise when you guys were taking a break from your movie marathon
•like just out of nowhere “here listen to my new mixtape
•and it’s not even a mixtape it’s a fucking love song dedicated just for you uwu
•it’s kinda sappy but that’s okay cause it’s still a bop and only you can have it
[ F E L I X ]
•the moment he arrived at your apartment, to take you out, he’d be hauling a huge teddy bear on his back
•honestly the softest for you and even softer on this day
•you see it you like it you want it he bought it (I’ll go kms)
•no but forreal this boy is gonna shower you in affection
•anything you wanna do that day he’s like okay with actually heart eyes
•couples around you are shaking cuz it literally looks like you have Felix hooked and whipped permanently periodt
•like hoes better stay in their lane (I’m takin to you Karen)
•though besides going around town
•Felix would be a little bit more romantic and take you to an amusement when it got a bit darker outside
•and he’d win prizes for you, let you hold onto him during rides and kiss you at the top of the Ferris wheel
•and afterwards he’d take you to a cute little restaurant where the both of you can be that disgusting mushy couple
•that the old lady running the store would gush over
•and after all that he’d spend the rest of the night chilling you with either watching movies or playing video games
[ S E U N G M I N ]
•Being sentimental and wanting to be a photographer if not a singer really worked in this boy’s favor
•because yes he’d take you out on that typical cute teenage date
•where he arrives at your apartment with flowers  and your favorite sweeties before taking you out to all your favorite places till the sun sets but that wouldn’t be his highlight
•and the moment you walked into the dorm you’d know something was going to happen
•partly because the typically noisy boys were nowhere to be found
•Seungmin would hurriedly leave your side telling you to take a seat on the couch while he fiddled with his laptop and the tv
•and before you’d even have time to question, your guys song would cut you off along with the sound your own voice
•while processing the video playing before your eyes Seungmin would plop down right next to you a goofy grin on his face
•not really minding when you aggressively punched his arm in half surprise and disbelief, having prepared himself for this moment for months
•after all he did make you cry on valentines, with this little film of all the precious moment you guys spent together, ranging on the spectrum of goofy to sentimental
[ J E O N G I N ]
•Have it be your guys first valentines he’d be nervous but since  he absolutely adores you he’d want  to make it the best
•so this cute little bean would take the time to make you a handmade card and pick out an arrangement of all your favorite flower in a bouquet  before making his way to your apartment
•but rather than arriving and wanting to take you out on some fancy date or some cliche adventure he’d rather take you somewhere where you guys fancied
•like the park that you guys had visited a lot together
•he’d set up a little picnic with your guys favorite snacks and nice background music ( courtesy to Chan )
•and afterwards probably run around the park with you
•take turns pushing each other on the swings
•being that cute yet gross couple that kisses underneath the slide
•taking cute couple picture just to capture the moment
•and when it got late he’d walk you home where you both would probably fall asleep watching movies
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sugar-petals · 7 years
BTS as submissive boyfriends
a/n: A thought experiment to envision Bangtan as subs in your daily and sexual life.
warning: Dom/sub dynamics, femdom!reader
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Jimin is dashing as a submissive, it suits him well. An eager pleaser who memorizes all of your wishes exactingly, always giving more than taking because it fulfills him. Jimin addresses you as his one and only Queen, serenades and serves you with all of his allure. He’ll make you a bubble bath after you get home, write countless love letters, provide all sorts of comfort especially on your period, organize an evening to watch a cute movie, kiss and hug you tight the way you love it. But don’t be fooled, he’s volatile. This man will walk through your house naked all day, too. You know him, he draws a lot of confidence out of approval, so he’ll really groom himself. If you love his natural black hair and soft tummy, he’ll do everything to look like that. If you enjoy his ample legs, he will train each day without fail, and proudly display the results here and there through his ripped blue jeans. 
In bed, Jimin’s divide between soft and sensual shows all the more. He is immensely passionate and sacrificing, all of his avid affection is yours. Prepare for a myriad of curious questions, he wants to know everything you’re into, all the dos and don’ts. This type of devotion is made for someone intense and dominant because it requires guidance as well as receptivity. Your voluptuous Jimin can massage your feet, kiss your breasts, eat you out like it’s nothing. And he wants to do more, more, more, to satisfy you all the time because he loves seeing you gratified. Imagine how many special hours he will dedicate to that. “Love and sex” is his life mantra - that means all of your tensions in these realms will be alleviated. And listen. What you can look forward to the most is how he puts his lusciously gyrating dancer hips and thighs to practice.
The light of your existence - you won’t ever be bored again. Taehyung will enrich your life effortlessly because he makes it so interesting and positive. Compliments and good conversation within your quality time are his strong points: He will always be mindful that you will receive plenty of this, since you become his unchallenged priority. Taehyung will talk with you at length to entertain and cheer you up with his witty mannerisms straight out of his video games and keep you up to date with literally the entire world. He adds some excitement through cheeky flirting and cuddling (Taetae is the clingiest member. If you are deprived of hugs he’s perfect for you), soothing you with his deep, deep voice which he’ll deliberately bring out. He will send you selcas with his smexy bandana creations, funny filters, and a plunging fashionable neckline to add pizazz to it. He texts with the cutest emojis and always encourages you since he believes in your potential. “Mommy, fighting”, he’ll write, and you know he smiles his rectangle smile as he sends it to you.
Erotic hours with Taehyung will echo a similar feeling. He is down for every conceivable endeavor, but it stays light. Unless he switches on his temptation mode, that is. All in all, nothing is ever confined to the bedroom alone - it seems that his affinity goes towards the bathroom instead. Sensual showers and baths with lots of foam, voilà, Taehyung will be all cute and bashful for you. The kitchen is the second favorite where you will have some fruit adventures, you can imagine how creative he gets. Tae also amuses you with his dirty talk, so many clever innuendoes. He can bring everything sexual to an intellectual level, which will lead to the most juicy messages on your fridge. Talking about juicy: have you seen Taehyung’s hands? They will make you feel so, so good. In the morning, at noon, at night. And that voice is sure to push you over the edge every time. 
The fascinator. A very private man of unwavering loyalty. To share this hermit-like intimacy with you is his gift - he’s exclusive to you, undemanding, very minimalistic. Yoongi is an immensely shrewd shadow worker and secret keeper. None of your problems will remain unsolved, even if he stores a lot in his head only to reveal it much later. You have all the power, and Yoongi the master plan to solidify your reign. He really thinks long-term which makes him very sure about his commitment. Yoongi knows your future and how to make it good: By loving you. Foreseeing the hard times, he becomes proactive. His devotion also shows in the way he gives you presents as often as he can. A personal mixtape, a ticket to your favorite singer’s concert. He works hard, so hard. Usually the critical type, he is able to let down his guard with you. He can share his heart without having to protect himself with coldness or sharp comments. Trust me when I say that he will shower you with the most sincerely endearing things. He’ll also guard you from outside malice and back you up. If you are struggling with any problem concerning your state of mind, Yoongi will sacrifice everything he has to make you healthy because he knows how it is. Know that you are his Empress, ready to be revered every day.
You will fully realize that when he gets intimate. It is true, you have South Korea’s most talented tongue between your legs and at your whim. His job lends him ridiculous stamina, Yoongi can make you groan and shake all night. What he does not utter or express through writing during the day, he will make up for with a plethora of lavish tongue movements. Sweet Suga might take his time and finish intensely or vice versa if that is your wish. Yoongi is not afraid of taboos and extremes - in fact, he needs them. You can lead and dominate him completely, he loves to feel your impact. He can finally let go of his troubles like this. Remember how he said he likes Jimin and J-Hope for their extroverted energy and strong vibe as it makes him snap out of his blues. Getting tied up or teased with toys, he craves it all. Last but not least, a little secret: It is safe to say that this sexy vampire will lick your sensitive neck to some new orgasmic heights.
A yielding and steadfast partner for you, highly intuitive. This jovial man will muse about you as the meaning of his life, and how divine you are, like a Priestess blessing him. You’re always on his mind and he’ll let you know about it artistically, no matter how cheesy it gets. I am sure he could open a museum dedicated to you as the overarching theme. Joon is also going to be a feast for your eyes. Chic and futuristic, he models the neatest couture for you, and helps you to buy your own so you can be an edgy couple. He will wear stylish bags and his eccentric sunglasses, and you call him babe. Occasionally, Rapmon will share his music with you and write an entire collection of raps that describe his feelings. Namjoon is a poet, philosopher, and psychologist, striving to understand all of your motivations and dreams. He’s your biggest fan in a way, and heals your soul. Whatever makes you chuckle becomes his daily task - he’ll even break some trivial items on purpose because it makes you laugh yourself to tears. 
Namjoon in bed is not very agile precisely due to his lanky stature and those clumsy moments. Do you know what that means? You can top the living hell out of him. That’s right. Joonie is just fine on his back having you ravage him, and he’ll whisper the lewdest, intelligent things to you. If you’ve studied his lyrics, you know how far he wants to go. Though you have to know that his heart and sexual demeanor are much softer than his image suggests. Like Jimin, he is a romantic in search of a woman who can conquer him, who can get him into the heat of the moment, out of his head in the clouds. You can control and tantalize him and his delicious, sexy body however you want, all he loves is to see you delight in your power position. With submissive Namjoon, I guarantee you will have tons of fun.
Hobi is tremendously bright, empathetic, and gentle. Thus, he’s perfectly in tune with your needs as his character is so reactive. If you are an introvert, this is your perfect match. J-Hope will energize you one-to-one or in a group because he’s the paramount socialite, and once you’ve charged enough sunlight, he’ll show you his peaceful and relaxed side which can also be quite hedonistic. Like Jungkook, he will indulge you, make you feel good the way you never experienced it before. No matter the circumstance: He’ll say or text “I love you” at least once a day in the most uplifting tone, often addressing you with sugary sweet names on top of that. You’re his Aphrodite, and Hoseok will never make you doubt that the arrows of Eros have reached his heart. He’ll always get so excited how amazing you are, conveying it with his animated body language, joking and jumping around. And even in the serious moments, he will do everything in his power to make you happy.
That includes creating a very vivid sexual life with you. He’s not perfectly submissive like Yoongi and Jimin, but more like Taehyung, in a glamorous fashion. If he arrives with his hair sleeked or swiped back with his glorious forehead on full display, you know what’s going on. This guy will really put on a show for you. Just because you two are getting intimate it doesn’t mean he’s no longer an entertainer. You can sit on his lap when he’s in his shiny sequin suit, and run your hands through his meticulously styled hair (Hobi is fastidious with self-care, you will never have any complaints). Did you see pictures of him in suspenders? Blazing hot! He’ll wear these underneath his jackets because you are really into them. And if you don’t like to keep it classy here and there, get flexible. Literally, because this is what Hoseok’s body is. You can have sex in the most incredible positions, no limits. He really is such a well-rounded and well-versed (heh) sexual partner, and very zestful for that matter. 
Class act. A flawless gentleman. The ace of Bangtan, with better manners than any butler. It is not chivalry in a sense that he interferes with your business that you can perfectly handle on your own. No, he rather has the nerve to absorb all daily life burdens from you in private to assure that his goddess is never stressed out too much. You come home tired and ask for something soothing, he makes you some soup. You rant about someone, he will mediate and understand you. In essence, he provides all the relief you desire. He entertains you generously but also has an open ear and a shoulder to lean on - you can talk to Jin to everything, he can and will be able to deal with it so your safety and well-being is the priority of everything in your relationship. Always responsible and caring, he shops and manages and cleans as good as he can, and rests his gorgeous head in your lap every evening so you can caress him at will.  
Now what happens when this handsome fella sleeps with his goddess? He’ll dine you first, and then show his terrifically seductive side. Jin has figured out what arouses you down to a T. For instance, once he slowly strips off his shirt to reveal those chiseled, broad shoulders, there’s no turning back. He can pepper your hot sessions with plenty of his humor to spice it up, you can really feel free to get weird with him as much as you please. In fact, Jin loves a lot of randomness and talking when you two make out. There’s going to be a lot of eye contact involved, too, mixed with many giggles. And now here’s the cherry on top. Jin will often combine your sexual activities with travels and wellness. How does this sound like: You both finance a day at a spa in Jeju, followed by getting some more relief in the hotel afterwards. Though Jin can deliver a massage himself you see. Whenever you ask, this guy will drop everything. 
We all know why he hates being called Oppa. The “show your ID” is just a cop-out, Jungkook makes it obvious that he wants a Noona to adore and look up to. Partly, he’s doing it out of sheer fun, he’s playful, nimble. On the other hand, he’ll take it seriously. So he’ll diligently cater to you. For instance, he’ll be your humble yet sultry chef, not missing any opportunity to indulge you with his kitchen skills. He loves to cook because it pleases you so much, especially with an apron tied around his lovely slender hips, moving through the kitchen whistling and singing - he’s a treat, so charming. He’ll spoil you rotten and ask for your approval like this: “Noona tell me, did I do well?” Kookie knows you love his tight shirts and the side part so you can feel up his chest and silky hair. Hence he’ll take some time styling himself, is often seen somewhere ironing or folding the clothes you like on him. And he will style you, too! Cozy Jungkook attends to your locks in particular, he’ll comb and braid them just to hear you sigh under his relaxing hands while you two watch anime. He’ll also massage and tickle you if you demand it, and put on a suave dance as in Rainism to turn you on when you’re in the mood.
So when it comes down to sex: Take him out to your favorite restaurant and you can already see how much of a sensory gourmet he is. He’s not an extreme of sexual naïvity or total overdrive as it may seem. Jungkook will be fairly balanced, in fact. Have you seen how deliberately he manages his own body? The physical territory is where he roams successfully, and he is sure to become a connoisseur of your body in no time. Jungkook will do everything just right, stopping you or himself in whatever hurried tracks to keep it nuanced, healthy, and harmonious. He wants to be your baby boy, attending to every carnal wish that his Noona has. No suggestion or trick is too bizarre for him to make you cum. Because remember: He likes the fun of it. You could be the most awkward person in the world, Jungkook wants to really put you at ease. Thus, sex oscillates between relaxing and steamy. He’ll be so pleasing to your eyes, tongue, and hands with his sculpted body, and that’s just the beginning of it. This man embodies your ecstasy.
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plaidwoojin · 7 years
💖 - assign a Disney princess to each member
Sungwoon: Snow White (skin as white as snow *immediately thinks of Sungwoon’s “facemask incident”)
Ong: Jasmine (idk i view Jasmine as really sassy for some reason??? and i just like the pairing???)
Daniel: Nala (…. i actually have no idea why i associate the two… i just do…)
Jaehwan: Merida (ONCE AGAIN I have no idea why I associate him with her?? I just like Merida’s soundtrack a lot and Jaehwan is the vocal of this generation..)
Jihoon: Rapunzel (THOSE EYES THO~)
Woojin: Mulan (idk why tbh.. i just like the thought of it)
Baejin: Elsa (reserved at first, low confidence then LETS IT GO)
Daehwi: Aurora (sleeping beauty man.. even jisung calls daehwi princess)
Guanlin: Ariel (idk, i just feel like the two would get along well???)
🐶 - fave dancer?
⚠ - fave sungwoon moment
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 05
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 5,080
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
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"Leyah...Leyah wake up." I say into my best friend's ear. She stirs slightly, but does not respond and makes no efforts to listen further. As I suspected. These girls only respond to one thing.
"LEYAH WAKE UP!" I yell still near her ear. She shrinks back at the noise immediately and rolls to the other side of her bed, covering her ears. "Goddammit Char!"
"Come on. You gotta get up so we can go." I shoo the covers away from her only to see her matching tweety bird shorts and tank top pajamas. I snicker.
"It's Friday. We don't have a gig today ass-hat! What the fuck time is it anyway?" She grabs her covers back.
"You know, I love when you call me that." I look off into the distance for dramatic effect, for no one in particular. "But if you must know, night owl, it is 10:09 AM. The girls are getting ready. You're all that's left. Please join us." I say moving closer to her face with my head in the palm of my hands, elbows resting on her bed. She takes one look at me and breaks. She never was able to resist me.
"Ffffffine. Where are we even going?" She rubs the sleep out of her eyes. YES.
"I just made a benji on Patreon and I wanna share it with my girls and congratulate them on their hard work...by taking them out to brunch thank you very much." I smile brightly. J-Hope encouraged me to start sharing my photos on Patreon recently and apparently people really like my work and want to see more.
 "Also I made plans for us all later. Just wear something punk and look cute."  
"Why didn't you just start with that?" She sits up and smiles groggily. I smile back. "I just like to fuck with you." I laugh and boop her nose and back away quickly in case she retaliated. She just rolls her eyes and falls back onto the bed waiting for Carrie to get out of the shower.
Seeing as I am fully dressed and ready to go, I wait on my girls and pass the time by tinkering with my phone.
Though I said I would try not to talk to J-Hope until Saturday, he's continued to text me  everyday of the week since we last spoke...And so I maybe text him back. He's been away in Maine all week for work, but he promised he would be back for our date on Saturday.
I hear a ping and get a notification on my phone. J-Hope texted me.
J-Hope: Hey! Just landed in San Fran. Told you I'd be back in time.*smiley face emoji*
I roll my eyes and smirk playfully. I send him a quick reply and continue to get ready for brunch with the girls. Me: Well thank you for keeping your word.
I text Kyle where were going, because I still haven't made up with Darren, and we're off.
The train ride to the Hollywood Cafe is short and filled with us making fun of people we see on public transportation. We're seated and soon we each are sipping on different flavored mimosas. "So." I say resting my hands on the table in front of me, getting their attention.
"I have brought you guys here and offered to buy you all brunch with my hard earned money, your welcome, to let you guys know how proud I am of you." I watch their amused expressions from my self-praise turn to looks of sincere gratitude. Leyah still wears her near expressionless mask, but her mouth turns up at the corner slightly and I can tell she's feeling my speech as much as the other girls. I raise my mimosa into the air and the girls follow suit.
"I know how hard you girls have worked and after two years I know that you deserve every good thing that comes your way-"
"Oh my gawd! Why are you doing this?! You told me to get cute and now your making me cry?! What the fuck Char?" Carrie gripes across form me. Vicky chuckles and rubbed her arm in comfort. "Don't touch me, I'm emotional!" She shoos her hand away causing all of us to burst out in laughter at her expense and draw attention to ourselves with our volume.
"I'm sorry Carrie, but my speech has already been prepared, I must finish it." She nods. "If you must." She sniffles, grabbing a napkin. Poor baby, she always was the most emotional one of the group.
"We have been through some shit separately and together, but we were there for each other...you guys were there for me..." I hear my voice crack a bit and I stop. I am taken back to when I met my best friends at a club in L. A. when I was at my lowest. Damn, I didn't expect myself to get this sentimental too.
Leyah reaches over and squeezes my thigh encouragingly, eyebrows furrowed. I clear my throat and continue. "And I just want to say...I love you guys so much...Thank you." We finally clink our glasses, the girls and I say "Cheers." in unison.
The food comes and we enjoy some small talk and breakfast food before I share my other news with them. "So guys, that photographer you all met contacted me early this morning-"
"Is that why you were up so early?" Leyah dragged out. "Yes, now hush. He agreed to meet with us today and seeing as he's only in town for a limited time, he wants to take some test shots in the Trans-america Redwood Park." I say with a hopeful smile.
"Nice one Char. I'm guessing that's why you told us to 'look cute'." Vicky says using air quotes.
"Why, yes it is." I sing, getting more excited by the second.
"Yeah, well my cute is heels. That trip is no walk in the park if you know what I mean and you're wearing flats."  Vicky points out. It's true there is a bit of a walk before and after the train ride, but I figured my girls could do this for us.
"Oh come on. It's nothing we can't handle. Look we have like two hours before we have to be there we'll jus-"
"How about we just call Darren and Kyle and tell them to bring the ca-"
"No!" I get shocked and confused glances from each of the girls at my outbursts, I sigh once and spit out an excuse. "It's just that...well they're probably sleeping and we wouldn't want to disturb them." I say almost in the form of a question.
"Char it's twelve o'clock and Kyle is an early bird anyway, we can-"
"We can do this ourselves. We don't need them for everything." I spit the last part out aggressively. The girls eyes are still wide and full of curiosity.
"...Are you in ex-boyfriend mode again?...Do you need a hug?" Carrie whispers the last part, quite seriously, causing me to smirk. "No Carrie, I am fine, thank you for asking." Carrie just nods still keeping a watchful eye on me, while Leyah's eyes become more suspicious than anything.
"Or better yet...Did you two have a fight? You and Darren I mean." Her face finally showing some interest for her best guy friend. I shrug nonchalantly, trying to play it cool. "I wouldn't call it a fight. We had...a disagreement."
"Otherwise known as a fight." Leyah adds flatly.
"Okay we had a spat. It was no big deal. I will talk to him and get everything straightened out soon. That good with you?" I announce with wide, defensively eyes.
"You don't have to prove anything to me Char. You know that." Leyah loses interest and stares back at her pancakes. I wish Darren saw it that way.
"Yes...I do." I look down guiltily. I pay for our food and convince the girls to take this train to the park. "Come on girls, it'll be fun. Like our own little road trip!"
"You don't wear heels on road trips."
"Vicky I swear to God-"
"I'm sorry! My feet hurt. I swear the next time you say 'I have a surprise' I'm staying the fuck in bed." Everyone starts to laugh at Vicky's pain. "I don't know what the fucks so funny." she grumbles from the back of our group.
We arrive at the park. I lead the girls to the meeting spot Mr. Bernard told me about, the main fountain in the center of the park. As we approach we can see a middle aged man with dark brown, graying hair standing near the fountain. "That's him." Leyah says next to me. He's wearing a baby blue button up shirt, a gray V-neck sweater and gray slacks and of course a high tech camera hanging from his neck. Basically he looks like a hot dad out of a Home Goods magazine. Nice.
"Mr. Bernard." I say as I approach, putting on my best communications voice.
"Ms. Galloway?" He looks up and goes to shake my hand. "Yes. Just call me Char though. You've met the girls." I shake his hand and gesture to my crew. They wave.
"Yes, hello again." He smiles. Nice so far.
"So let's talk about how we're going to do this. Yeah?" We sit on two benches that are conveniently next to each other and curved inward. "So what is your brand?" What?
"Our brand?" I ask him and then turn to the girls for help. They are no help. "Yes. What are you about?" He elaborates. OH! Why didn't he just say that?
"Oh! Well we're a punk rock girl band. We sometime make pop rock music as well." I give a sweet close mouthed smile. Mr. Bernard makes a face that suggests he's been caught off guard. "Oh...I didn't see that at the blues hall two days ago." he sneers as if he's been mislead.
Well then.
"We're sorry if you got the wrong idea, we had to change our style a little but we are a punk band." I smile trying to give this man the benefit of the doubt for our bands sake.
"Well alright." He looks down in thought. "Um...what is your collective aesthetic?"
"You're lookin' at it." I say proudly. He studies each of us, eyebrows and unimpressed. "I see."
Who the fuck does this dude think he is?
I send my members an 'are you kidding me?' expression when Mr. Bernard's head is turned and they return the gesture. "Oh well..."
Oh well?!
"Uhhh...The fan-base! How broad is your fan-base?" Is he asking us how successful we are?
"I don't see what that has to do with these photos..." My friendly smile falling.
"Oh well it'll let me know what kind of audience I'm dealing with and how to go about the aesthetics if we were to continue and come to an agreement."
This old head is so full of shit I can smell it on his breath.
"We have at least three hundred people come to our sets, we have over one million Twitter followers and over two million subscribers on Youtube." Why am I entertaining this? Because we need these professional photos. Oh yeah.
Mr. Bernard's face drops considerably once more. "I see..."
If he says 'I see'. One. More. Time.
"Do you even have the money to pay me for my services?" He asks doubtingly.
He. Did. Not. Just-
"You never talked about a price? How much are you asking for?" Leyah thankfully jumped while I simmered down on my own.
"Well I'm a professional so...." Yeah, a professional asshole. "I was expecting a pay of $900 in advance and then we could go from there." He says calmly. My eyes widen and my eyebrows rocket sky high.
"You were actually expecting $900 and then some from a rock band that's just getting their start and lives in a hotel?" I exaggerated.
"Well, yes." He shrugged.
"Well, We're sorry sir, but we don't have that kind of money." Leyah shares indifferently.
Mr. Bernard looks down and sighs while adjusting his sweater. "Well, I'm sorry ladies, but it looks like we won't be doing business together." He gets up and goes to shake my hand. I just look at his hand and then up at him not saying a word.
"Uh-thanks for the opportunity sir." Vicky picks up my slack and even shakes his hand, sending him on his way. I just shake my head back and forth in disbelief. "I'm sorry for dragging you guys here." I say looking down.
"No it was my fault. I set this up." Leyah tries to comfort me. "He approached you Leyah, you were trying to-" "No, I still made this p-"
"It's nobody's fault! You both tried to better the group and that's all that matters." Carrie jumps in. "Yeah guys. We're better off anyway. Let's just go home." Vicky offers.
"You're right. Someone call the guys." I say causing the girls to look at me curiously. "I thought you didn't want us-"
"I know what I said, I just...Just do it please? I'm too bummed out to argue." I rub my forehead out of stress. "Okay then. Just hang tight." Leyah steps away, I assume, to call the boys. Soon enough she is gathering the girls to find Darren and Kyle at a corner of the park. I continue ignore Darren as I  enter the van, but it's not as if I said hi to Kyle either. On the way back to the hotel and trying not to think about how depressed I feel, I get an idea.
"Guys we should go out tonight." Multiple pairs of eyes whip in my direction. "Out where?" Vicky asks already on board with my suggestion it seems. "I don't know, like a club or a bar or something. I just wanna forget about this and have some fun." I explain.
"Are we invited?" I hear Darren from the driver's seat, peering at me through the rear view mirror patronizingly. "Yes." I answer simply, not in the mood for Darren's shit after that performance from Asshole Bernard. "I'm down." Kyle offers.
"Yeah me too. We haven't been out clubbing unless it was for a gig." Vicky adds getting a little excited.  My plan is workiiinnngggg, I sang in my head.
"Yeah, why the hell not?" Leyah shrugs along with Carrie.
"Awesome! Now let's go back to the hotel and get dolled up!" The group laughs at my enthusiasm.
We pull up to the hotel and I fly out of the car, filled with a newfound energy. My mood is no longer ruined because I'm about to go have fun with my girls and I'm inviting a new friend. The girls were so discouraged by that nitwit photographer that I really want to give them some new confidence and I hope J-Hope can help with that. I mean there's hope in his name, he's gotta be good for something right?
While looking for an outfit I text J-Hope. Me: Hey! Do you wanna meet somewhere or are you feeling jet lagged?  
He replies after two minutes or so. J-Hope: No I feel just fine *smiley face* Where do you wanna meet?
Me: The Mezzanine? On Jessie st? My friends and I are having a get together there later tonight around 11.
Me: I know you've probably been to better clubs, but it'll be fun I promise. I write last minute, trying to persuade him further.
J-Hope: Haha, no worries the Mezzanine is great. I'll be there.
My excitement immediately goes through the roof. Me: Oh okay see you there then.
J-Hope: Can't wait  *winky face*  I roll my eyes and continue getting dressed.
      After putting my look together I give one last twirl in the mirror and head out to the family room to pregame with the guys. The group was already taking shots to the head and listening to music, already dressed to go out. I look around to make sure someone is sober enough to drive and all I find is Darren. Not drinking or laughing with the others, but keeping to himself. I slowly approach him.
"So...uh..." I start getting his attention. He looks up at me with interest and then each of us simultaneously looks down when we realize how awkward this encounter is. "So your good to drive...right?" I look up briefly and start to play with my nails. I see him nod from the corner of my eye. "Yeah-uh...yeah I got it. Don't worry." He rubs the back of his neck. "Kaybye." I nod walking over to the girls and take a shot.
Thirty minutes later it's a little before 11 and we're heading out to the club. There's an area for a live band to play and another for the DJ, who's playing now, along with a huge dance floor of people surrounded by tables and booths on the sidelines and a lighted bar that takes up the entire back wall. The place is packed wall to wall with bodies and we struggle to cut through.
Who do I talk to, to get a gig here? There are so many people.
We grab a small, round, tall table with no chairs. Leyah goes to the bar to get our usual drink orders. Soon we're all singing along and dancing to the music. I'm even dancing and talking to Darren like nothing ever happened between us. We retire back to the table and the girls tell Darren and Kyle about why we're even here.
"Wait! So he just said 'fuck ya'll and left?'" Darren iterates, in disbelief making me laugh. "Uhh, not in so many words." I say. "That's still fucked up." Darren shakes his head and sips his drink. "Yeah that wasn't right." Kyle throws his two cents in. "You're telling us." Carrie drones as I get a text.
J-Hope: I'm here. Meet me outside? I smile at the screen and turn my attention to my friends. "Guys! I'm gonna step out, I'll be right back!" I yell over the music and head out to find J-Hope. I find him just outside the transparent door of the club turned away from me and I begin to panic.
Oh god. I haven't seen this guy in a week, how the fuck do I approach him? Do I fucking wave like a jackass? Do I hug him? Do I shake his goddamn hand?  Get it together Char, you're an adult!
I continue to walk while I freak out, not knowing how this is going to go. I exit the club and walk towards him. "J-Hope!" I shout as I approach and to my surprise (and delight), J-Hope goes right in for the hug with no hesitation. Leaving me with no room to be awkward. Thank you sweet baby Jesus. "Charlotte!" He shouts back pulling me into his embrace. I'm not mad about it either. I wrap my arms around his shoulders in response and briefly rest my chin on his shoulder while he gives me a quick squeeze. Oop...okay.
"It's good to see you again. I'm glad you could make it." I say with a genuine smile on my face. "Me too. I mean, I didn't expect you to invite me out before our date tomorrow, but I'm glad you did." He smiles that smile that rivals the sun and I have to tear my eyes away from him in order to lead him to the entrance. "Uh-okay, let's go inside yeah?" He nods and pays the bouncer the club fee and I lead him to my friends who are still talking about the whole photographer thing.
"I'm just sayin', ya'll shoulda called me. I woulda handled 'em!" Darren boasts as we approach the table. The rest of the crew laughs at his words even though we all know he's not joking. His face falls as he notices the stranger walking next to me, the rest of the crew does the same as we get closer. "Guys. This is my friend J-Hope." I say lightheartedly hoping no one chops off my head for bringing an outsider here to our crew's night out.
"Hi everyone." J-Hope waves in my crew's general direction. He fucking waved. How cute is that?
The crew gives blank faces with raised eyebrows and I'm debating whether I should just play this off as a joke and throw J-Hope into the crowd of people behind us, but Carrie speaks up. "Hi, I'm Carrie." She smiles. Thank fuck. The rest of the group starts to introduce themselves except for, of course, Darren who is just sipping away on his pussy ass fruity drink and glaring at J-Hope. This guy.
"So what are you guys talkin' about?" J-Hope asks after getting comfortable and receiving his drink. "This photographer ripped us off and said he would take pictures for our website and get some concept photos done then he straight up insulted us and split!" Vicky shouts communicating with her hands raised high. Vicky might be a little drunk.
"Wait seriously? That sucks." J-Hope offers. "Yeah, no shit." Darren pouts from across the table. J-Hope's head instantly cocks back at the remark and his concerned face turns to a face that reads 'well shit...', but thankfully he doesn't seem that bothered by it. There's no other way to describe it. Leyah promptly slaps Darren on the back of the head. Hard. I give her a look of thanks from across the table.
I lean to speak in J-Hope's ear. "Just ignore him, I do." He looks at me understandingly and nods. "So, uh..." J-Hope starts to group. "Do you guys still need those pictures done? 'Cause I could help with that...I'm a photographer." Oh shit, it's that easy? I mean my plan tonight was to just straight up ask like the good for nothing little shit that I am. But shit, he's offering right off the bat? What did I do to deserve this?
"You would do that?" I ask in disbelief, subconsciously gripping his forearm that rested on the table. He looks at it and then looks at me as if his body is lagging and struggling to keep up with his brain. "Uhhh..." He goes to clear his throat. "Uh--of course--yeah." He looks down at the table as he speaks. We still got it I guess. *Internal hair flip*
"Dude that would be great-" Vicky starts, but is cut off by Darren. "Wait, who even are you?" He all but accuses. "Darren!?" I try to reel him back, already tired of his shit. Both he and J-Hope ignore me, the rest the crew the just watches helplessly.
"I'm, uh, J-Hope. We kind of did this already...Twice." J-Hope states, getting a little fed up himself, but keeping it together well.
"No. I mean who are you? Aren't you like some amateur or something? And what kind of name is J-Hope anyway?" Darren literally points fingers at J-Hope as he speaks. "It's a nickname, my real name is Jung Ho-seok and no, actually I'm a professional." J-Hope's Korean accent shows as he stands his ground and wears a straight face. Hot.
"Where did you even go to school?" Darren continues, refusing to accept J-Hope for some insane reason. "Uh, ha ha..." J-Hope laughs, most-likely out of irritation. "I went to the New York School of Visual Arts." He answers calmly. Well shit.
"Are you happy?" I ask Darren brazenly, hoping for this conversation to be over.
Darren pauses. "What degree did you get?" He asks J-Hope. Jesus bloody Christ!
"Oh my god, does it matter!?" I shout at Darren. "No Charlotte, it's okay." He rests his hand over mine. At his words the entire crews eyes widen and I wish I knew why, but before I could ask J-Hope was answering another one of Darren's idiotic questions and my eyes are glued to J-Hope's hand on mine.
"I have my Masters in photography and my Master of the Arts degree, working on my Photographic Craftsmen degree." He says confidently. Someone just got cuter. Darren just stays silent and Vicky takes that as a chance to speak again. "Master of the Arts sounds so fancy. Like you're royalty." She seems sincerely amazed. J-Hope laughs, letting down his defensive demeanor. "Uh, not royalty, but it wasn't easy to get."
"So you'll really do this for us?" Leyah cuts in with her solemn disposition. "Well yeah, you guys seem like you could use a break and I'm a professional-"
"A break? How much are you gonna charge us?" Leyah expression perks up in anticipation, as do the rest of the girls. "Well, I wouldn't, essentially." What?
"Wait, no. We can't let you do that." I interject. He turns to me and looks me in the eyes, our hands still connected. "Of course you can. Like I said you all need a break and this step could bring you closer to getting the recognition you deserve." He broke eye contact to look at the rest of the girls. "I'm a professional, I promise they won't be bad." He laughs at his minor joke and Darren obnoxiously laughs as well.
"It's up to you, leader." Leyah directs at me. Okay then. "You got yourself a deal." I smiled at him and he smiled back, the whites of his eyes disappearing with the crinkles in the corners. "I look forward to doing business with you guys." He gives the girls a genuine smile. "I'll work out a photo shoot soon, just let me know what time is good for you ladies." he says getting into his professional mode. "We will." I speak for the girls. "Good, hey Charlotte?" J-Hope leans down to my ear giving me chills down my spine. What a pussy. "Yeah?" He leans down once more, this time closer than before. "Do you wanna dance, maybe?" he says as he gently squeezes my hand on the table.
My eyes immediately widen and I swear to God I forgot to breathe. My heart gave one hard thud and brought me back to reality. "Fuck..." I voice in reaction to my tiny episode. "Is that a no?" J-Hope laughs in my ear. That motherfucker.
"Yes, you idiot. That was a yes." I get in his face in a playful manor. He smirks and says "Lead the way." I turn to my friends. "Guys. We're gonna go dance. Be right back." I shout to them. Carrie and Kyle nod once in acknowledgement. Leyah and Vicky both squint their eyes and give me knowing grins. I grin back and then my eyes land on Darren. His expression is frozen in a scowl with glaring eyes directed at the table. I shrug and lead J-Hope to the crowded dance floor by his hand.
Once there, I continue to hold onto J-Hope's hand and partake in a little two-step. J-Hope does the same. We watch each other, eyes meeting occasionally, resulting in laughter. Soon enough J-Hope is pulling me towards him, spinning me so that my back was to his chest and we proceeded to sway in this position. He runs his finger tips down my arm causing goosebumps to sprout along that area and rests his big hand on my hip. That's how you wanna play?
I make a show of swaying my hips, angling them in his direction and reach up to wrap my hand around J-Hope's neck behind me, forcing his face to come down to my level more. In the midst of my teasing I could swear I heard a moan come from J-Hope. Mission Accomplished. I turn my head to his to see him already looking at me with lust filled eyes. I'm certain I'm returning  a similar look. J-Hope takes this as a signal to lean in and try to kiss me, slightly closing his eyes and I panic a little. 
I let him get close enough for our lips to almost brush before I put my index finger in between. He opens his eyes in shock, surveying my reaction. "You didn't think it was gonna be that easy did you?" I offer teasingly. His shocked expression relaxes into one of understanding. "Of course not." J-Hope laughs. We dance like this for another ten minutes before I decide to head back to table and hear that the band is ready to go. This doesn't surprise me, but I am a little disappointed at the news.
The band plus Darren and Kyle are walking to the van, J-Hope and I following a little behind the group. "Thank you for inviting me out tonight. I wasn't expecting it because of our date, but I had fun." J-Hope shared. "No problem. I'm glad you could come out since you just got back and all." I reply, genuinely happy he could make it. "Oh, well, that was no problem at all...I like spending time with you." I immediately stop focusing on the ground to meet J-Hope's eyes. 
"Thanks...ditto." J-Hope laughs at my reply while I laugh self consciously not knowing what else to do. The crew reached the van in front of us. Leyah, Carrie, Vicky and Kyle yell varying forms of "goodbye" to J-Hope from where they were standing while Darren just hopped into the drivers seat and waited. J-Hope just waves. They start piling in and J-Hope and I stop to say goodbye to each other.
"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight?" J-Hope confirms. "Yup. And you'd better not be late." I say waving my finger accusingly in the air at him. He laughs and says "I wouldn't dare. As a matter of fact I'll show up at 7:59. How about that?" He smirks, taking a step closer to me.
"Yeah, okay. We'll see."
"We will." J-Hope doesn't hesitate this time to kiss me on the cheek and I am not complaining.
"Goodnight Charlotte."
"Goodnight J-Hope." I walk to the van as J-Hope watches and as soon as I get in we take off instantly.
"So who the fuck was he and when did you meet?" I hear Vicky chide next to me. Oh sweet baby Jesus.
0 notes
brainrattlers · 8 years
I Hope I Can Handle It (Pt 1/?)
Summary: Sequel to “Think You Can Handle It?” - F/Reader is in a long-distance relationship with her man.  Traveling for the holidays!
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F/reader
Words:  2894
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff. Little bit of implied sexy times. Also I curse, and we know Sebastian does too. I can’t think of much else here.
A/N: Soooo I’m writing a sequel? to Think You Can Handle It?… and rather than bombard you with a big wall of text, I’m putting this one into chapters. My timeline is all off on this, it was supposed to be out around Christmas, but if I can work it right… we’ll end up at Valentine’s Day. (queue the “ooOOOOooh!”)  Y/F/N= Your Friend’s Name
The promise that you made Sebastian that fateful Saturday night stayed true. The two of you continued talking, every day.  Yes, some days it was a handful of texts, some days it was phone calls that lasted hours. Photos sent back and forth of what was going on any given day.  Skype chats watching movies on TV together. And the plans… oh, the plans that were being made.
You were nervous, but so excited.  Sebastian suggested you come visit him for the holidays.  It was a pretty overwhelming thought, really.  Two whole weeks in New York City. Traveling somewhere new.  Getting to physically touch Seb again. The first time you’d not been with your family on Christmas.  And then it really hit you.
Meeting Sebastian’s family.
Your phone started ringing, with the familiar ringtone of the song you first danced to under the stars the night of your first kiss. The phone’s screen lit up with the epic bedhead photo.  A smile lit up on your face as you answered the phone.
“Hey baby girl, what’s up?”
“Oh Seb, you are the one calling me, I should be asking you that question.  Well, minus the babygirl part.”  
Sebastian chuckled.  “S’been a long day.  Super tired.”
You could hear it in his voice.  It was fairly late in his time zone. You also knew it was cardio day at the gym, which would make anyone exhausted.
“Aww, I’m sorry babe.  I have news though… finally got my flight booked.  I can’t believe I’m going to be there in a few days!”  You could feel the smile growing on Sebastian’s face, even though it was over the phone, no video or anything. “I just need to figure out then what I’m doing once on the ground. Taxi? Uber?”
“No no, I’m picking you up. I mean we may Uber back, but I’m going to be the first person you see once you get to the baggage claim.”
After you shared your flight details, you talked about the day, eating dinner “together” while on the phone. A few ideas of things to do while there were thrown around, and finally the question of “so how is Christmas working anyway?” came up.
You were nervous. Meeting the family is huge, as first impressions are not something you can “fix” if it goes wrong. Sebastian assured you it would be okay, that he’d be there the whole time, would be your knight in shining armor.
“You mean, knight in shining ARM…or?”
Sebastian audibly groaned.
“And this is just one of the reasons I am crazy about you.  I hate to say it though, I’m getting pretty tired, and I’m meeting Don in the morning at 7:30 to go over a few things before we work out. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course babe. Sleep well, sweet dreams.”
Packing. It was your least favorite thing to do, and weren’t really sure how much to pack.  Sebastian convinced you (maybe rather easily) that you weren’t staying at a hotel, but rather his apartment, so you didn’t need to pack clothes for every day… there was this thing known as a washer and dryer you could use.  Regardless, despite him knowing you as a totally casual dresser, you felt it important to wear something sort of dressy for Christmas day with the family.
And with Seb, his day to day clothing options would go from 0 to 60 in the drop of a hat.  It was nothing for him to be in workout sweats one minute, and dressed to the nines in a tux that would kill all the ladies the next.  You wanted to be able to keep up with him… other than something requiring a formal ball gown.
Finally picking out several tops and bottoms, some jeans and tees, you threw them in your suitcase, but then another odd realization hit you.
“Oh shit. Pajamas. Do I go the comfy route? Do I wear something sexy? Do I even own anything sexy to sleep in?”
It’d been awhile since you were planning out clothing because of a guy, minus the weekend with Sebastian.  You took a deep breath in, shaking your head, and let it out slowly as you grabbed a couple pairs of pajama shorts and pants, as well as a few tank tops, and threw them in the bag as well.
“You can handle this.”
After moving your suitcase from the bed, you crawled in, telling yourself the sooner you sleep, the sooner your flight is.  Your eyes closed, and you were out, until you weren’t. The alarm on your phone was blaring, and fingers fumbled along the nightstand to reach for it.  With the alarm silenced, you squinted with one eye at the screen, clearing off notifications that accumulated overnight, stopping to read a couple texts.
“Two more days, can’t wait!”
“Hey sunshine. I can’t believe you’re getting ready to ditch me for two weeks. Grab lunch before you head out?”
Tapping the second message, you punched out a response of “Yes please. I need to get my head out of panic mode. Thoughts creeping in about how I’m meeting his mother.” As soon as you hit send you freaked out a bit, hoping that went to Y/F/N rather than Sebastian.  That wouldn’t have been awkward at all.  After realizing you were in the clear, you texted Seb back as well.
“Getting packed.  I hope I’ve got the right clothes for the occasions.”
“You’re lovely in whatever you wear. Or aren’t wearing.”
“SEBASTIAN!” You sent along a shocked emoji, along with a laughing one, feigning your embarrassment.  He knew better though. He knew just as well as you do that despite blushing, you always loved it and it made you smile.
“Yeah yeah baby girl.  I’ll call you tonight after I get back from this opening I said I’d go to.  I hope you have a good day! *heart emoji*”
“You too, sweetie. *kissy lips emoji* Enjoy the opening!”
Y/F/N texted back a time and place, not surprisingly, Mama J’s.
While you had originally helped out Mama J when she needed some extra staff after her husband had passed, and she returned the favor so many times over by helping Sebastian with your first date, Sebastian’s Instagram post talking about Mama J’s was all the help her little business needed to be kicked into high gear.  Even if the restaurant was packed with a waitlist, you were always a VIP in her eyes and was seated immediately, although most of the time you told her it was okay and would wait. Today was no different, and luckily for both Y/F/N and you, there was no rush as you both had the day off.  Mama J insisted you be seated, but you stuck to your guns.
“Mama J, the new customers should be your VIPs, not me!  We’re really not in a hurry and don’t want to tie up a table when you can be wowing everyone else.  Besides, you know I love watching the customers. It helps me figure out how we’re going to set up the new location!”
She beamed at that statement. Because business was booming, money was coming in more readily, and Mama J had dreamed of opening a larger location to accommodate more customers.  You had promised you’d help out as much as you could, and through your contacts, had found a handful of new sites to look at.  Shooing her off, she ran back to the kitchen to get a few more orders ready to be sent out, and barking out orders to her staff.  Mama J, although the sweetest woman in the world, could be a drill sergeant when necessary.  The good thing was that she respected her small staff, and in turn, despite the urgency she conveyed, they respected her back.  Finding such a crew is tough to do these days.
Once a table opened up for you after waiting along with the others, you and Y/F/N sat down, and Mama J gave you the eye.  Silently, both of you nodded at Mama J, and she rushed off to the kitchen to prepare your lunches.  It wasn’t like the two of you ate there every week, if not more often, and she knew what you wanted or ANYTHING like that.  You both laughed and continued your conversation from earlier.
“I’m super excited for the trip, but seriously I’m running into mini-panic attacks.  This morning I legitimately freaked out realizing I had to figure out pajamas. Or like… presents. Not only do I have to get Seb something, but I feel like I need to get his mother and stepfather something.  Couple all this with the fact I’m going to a city I’ve never been. Just ARGGHHH!”  You rested your head in your hands, taking a deep breath.
“But… Sebastian.  You, girl, are going to see your man.  Sebastian freaking Stan.  You know if I weren’t your best friend, I’d totally be bashing you for freaking out that you’re going to see him.” Y/F/N chuckled. “Seriously though, it’s going to be fine. You know he’s just going to be showing you all the fun stuff in the city, and you’ll spend a day at the in-laws, and you’re going to just have fun.  You always freak out right before trips.”  You choked on your water at the mention of in-laws.
“I know, but,” you were still trying to clear your throat, “ugh. I just want everything to be as perfect as possible.  I’m not sure I can handle this.”
Y/F/N smirked.  Mama J was coming back with your food, interrupting your conversation.
“Child, you know you’ve got this.  Don’t you go letting me down, that boy is head-over-heels about you. You two are beautiful together.  Just be you, and everyone will love you.”
You sighed at Mama J’s statement, but knew she was right.  First impressions are huge, but the fact of the matter was that the only one you REALLY needed to impress was Sebastian, and that means the hard part is done.  You know his mother just wants him to be happy, and if he’s happy, you’re golden.
“Thanks Mama J, you’re the voice of reason I need sometimes.” She smiled and patted your head, before she skipped back to the kitchen.
While enjoying lunch, Y/F/N came up with a good question.
“So what ARE you getting Sebastian for Christmas?  You know it is just a few days away.”
You cringed.  It is so difficult picking out Christmas gifts so early on in a relationship.  Getting something expensive and extravagant is always appealing, but you don’t want to scare off the other person, or make them feel bad if they went the other route of something small and sentimental.  On that note, when you’re not with that person physically all the time, having never been to their home… sometimes figuring out likes and dislikes is a bit more difficult.  You talk all the time, and Sebastian will mention things he likes, but when you’ve got a multi-film deal, you probably have money enough to just buy whatever you want.  Not that you saw Sebastian as the type to just blow his money.  He always seems quite conservative, except for when it comes to clothes.  Those sweatpants he was wearing in the video for Fox NY 5? Easily $100+.  He certainly did make them look good… of course he makes most anything look good while working out.  Your mind started to wander, thinking about some of the latest videos of him working out with Don.  The dopey grin, glazed over eyes, and slight hum that came from you was indeed a cue to Y/F/N that you were spacing out.
“Hey chica, I asked you, what are you getting Sebastian?”
“Oh hey, um, sorry.  I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping if we get a chance to go shopping, he can drop some hints.  I mean, seriously what do you get a guy that is bankrolled by Marvel?”  Y/F/N thought about it for a moment, and felt sympathy.
“You’re right, but you always pick out the best presents, I think you’ll be okay.”
Finishing lunch, you thanked Mama J, promising to keep in touch during your trip.  She still wanted to make sure that Sebastian was being nothing but a gentleman with you. Typical Mama J.  Hugging everyone before you left, you headed out to some local shops to see if you could find anything local to bring with you to give Sebastian and his family a taste of your life.  You had wished you could just bring Mama J with you.  She was like your security blanket at times. Stopping in the candy shop you had issues keeping Sebastian out of when you first took him to Mama J’s, you picked up a few of your favorite homemade items.  You could at least check a few things in your bag.  The idea hit you to get some tomato soup from Mama J to surprise Sebastian with.  Mama J was awesome and canned a few to-go jars (not on the menu, and were sealed so they didn’t need refrigeration).  That might have to be one of your first meals with Seb though once off the plane.   
It was a quick afternoon after the shopping.  Figuring out the best way to pack your suitcase without smashing glass jars of soup or the small packets of candy, your phone blooped with your expected nightly interruption.  You hadn’t realized just how late it was, but the sun had set, and you knew it was even later for him still.  Opening the app, you saw Sebastian’s smiling face.
“Hey baby girl, how was your day?”  Despite being tired, his grin continued.
“Pretty good, finishing up packing. Had lunch at Mama J’s with Y/F/N. Did some Christmas shopping.  Extremely tired though. How was the opening?”
“Lots of people, not enough food, and man am I glad to be getting out of this suit.”
He must have been getting undressed AS he was on the phone with you, seeing him drop out of the camera’s view, coming back with his hair a bit more mussed, and no shirt on, at least that you could see of his shoulders. All you could think of was kissing those collar bones when you had the chance.  You smirked.
“I wish I had seen you IN the suit first… you know how much I enjoy you in suits…” You giggled as he rolled his eyes at you.  Much to your dismay, he threw on a tshirt and hoodie.  Your dirty thoughts would just have to wait.
“So, how about an episode of Stranger Things? We’re on what, episode 6?”  The picture on the screen moved around, finally with a final bounce as you could tell Sebastian had just sat down in his favorite chair. You sat down in your own chair, propping your phone up on the table next to you, then grabbing the TV remote to start up Netflix.  It was always a bit of a game to try to get the episode to start at the same time so one of you wasn’t too far ahead/behind of the other.
“1.. 2… 3!”
You both hit the play button simultaneously. You told Seb to hold tight while you ran to the kitchen to get something for dinner.  
“Bring me back something, will ya?” Sebastian hollered through the tiny phone speaker. You laughed, coming back with a bowl of grapes to munch on. The both of you focused on the show, but gasped, laughed, and finally talked about the episode together.  Sebastian had started to yawn about ¾ of the way through the episode, so it wasn’t super surprising when you didn’t talk a lot after the episode.  You did feel like you needed to confess something though.
“Hey Sebby?” you mumbled, but enough for him to hear, “Can we maybe go shopping one day? I need to find some things to bring back for Y/F/N and Mama J… and a few other presents, too.” You hoped he wouldn’t catch on that you needed to get him something still.
“Sure, I’ll take you to the best stores in the city, babe. I think that is part of the NYC experience. I hate to say it though, but I’m exhausted. Another early morning with Don, and then I realized I need to clean up the place, I have a VIP coming over day after tomorrow!”  He swung the phone around, showing you the living room, looking a little disheveled.  Typical bachelor… cleaning up because a girl was coming over.  You smiled and nodded.
“Sounds good, I need to get a few things ready for tomorrow.. And then…”
Sebastian interrupted.
“31 hours until you’re here!”
“You’re keeping that close of track?”
“You better believe I am!  The best damn handler in all the land will be here!”
You smiled, and blew Sebastian a kiss. “Night, babe.”
“G’night babygirl.”
(Part 2)
Tagging: @dawn121, @sceaterian
34 notes · View notes
19 Feuds that Prove No One Does Drama Better than Celebrities
Don’t you simply dislike drama? It’s so wearying. There are just so many acts you have to deal with. Making the popcorn. Buttering the popcorn. Seeing a good seat. But we do what have to do. Advertisement div > Nobody does drama better than luminaries . b> div > Getty Images So while we know it’s a lot of work, it’s time to get up and start searching the cabinets for the Orville and get poppin.’ Here are 19 of the craziest celebrity feuds of all time. Advertisement div > div > Megyn Kelly vs. Jane Fonda div > via: Getty Images Talk about a face-off between two seriously strong and terrifying alpha-females. It’s a miracle that Megyn Kelly didn’t instantly turn to stone after she received the look of death from Jane Fonda, after asking her about plastic surgery on live television. Jane successfully evaded the issue and redirected those discussions back to the movie but Fonda was nowhere near done talking about the incident. She went on to criticise Kelly in various subsequent interrogations, claiming that Kelly is” not a good examiner” for expecting a question that was ” so inappropriate .” On her see, Megyn Kelly is a response to Fonda’s comments in a highly organized attack. She blamed Jane Fonda for her contentious trip to Vietnam in’ 72 which earned her the unfavorable nickname “Hanoi Jane” and claimed that Fonda” had not yet been business castigating anyone on what prepares as offensive .” Advertisement div > div > Vin Diesel vs. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson div > via: Getty Images Perhaps these two celebs were duelling it out for best baldy in Hollywood. While killing the final representations of Fast and Furious 8 , em> Dwayne’ The Rock’ Johnson posted an likenes hashtagged with the quotation “zero tolerance for candy-asses.” While it was unclear at the time who precisely’ The Rock’ was specific referring to as a candy-ass, another post of Johnson’s would clear up any candy-ass confusion. It was an image of the direct and crew under which he thanked practically everyone from the plane service girlfriend to Fast and Furious Fans, yet nowhere in his affix did he thanks the films co-producer, Vin Diesel. And while’ The Rock’ continued to confirm the squabble on the welcome mat of the film’s debut, Vin Diesel managed to defuse suspected hostilities that same night, by commenting on the closeness of the two’s relationship. It’s not always easy being an alpha. And it’s two alphas. Being an alpha is sometimes a pain in the ass . em> Tell me about it, Vin. But at the end of the day, according to Diesel, the people we consider to be our category are our genealogy, candy-assed or not. At my house,[ Dwayne Johnson] is’ Uncle Dwayne’ and I’m proud of that . em> Oh, gag me with a spoon! This ” duel” between two of the( presumably) “toughest” chaps in Hollywood perfectly epitomizes just how sorry workers are at the skill of drama. Unlike female feuds, where a public oral combat to the death follows, in which no youth, grandmother, pet, or blasphemed secret is off limits. Just look at Megyn Kelly, she had to dig back 40 years to come up with a half-decent clap-back, but she dug in with both paws and did the drudgery, like a real woman. Was it right? Absolutely not. But at the least her backside isn’t eternally sticky, like these candy-ass baldies. Advertisement div > div > Jay-Z vs. Kanye West div > via: Getty Images When the two mega hip-hop masters first worked together, rumors began to run that Jay-Z didn’t want to sign Kanye on with Roc–AFella Registers but claims to have half-heartedly signed him in an attempt to” at the least, keep the trounces in-house .” While the two seemed to develop a friendship despite any past matters, Kanye made it clear in his song about the relations between the two countries( yes, a song about their relationship ), Big Brother, that he was still butthurt. Apparently, Kanye didn’t realize being toldby Jay-Z to start buy tickets to his substantiate after asking his big bro for a duo and expressed this sentiment in his lyrics… Only situation I wanna know is why I get ogled over. I guess I’ll understand when I get more older. Big brother experienced me at the bottom of the totem. Now I’m on the top and everybody on the scrotum . em> When Jay Z didn’t accompanied Kanye and Kim’s wedding nuptials, West replied,” All that, I wouldn’t even speak on. It doesn’t even matter to me whatsoever .” And afterward, after both of their children were born, Kanye greatly carried angst toward his “big brother” where reference is articulated,” Our children ain’t never even played together.” Eventually, Jay Z “ve had enough” of Kanye’s evaluations, and so he announced Kanye out in his line “KILL JAY” for his” f-everybody posture” and continues at, calling West “insane.” Apparently, West had also had enough and made am of the view that TIDAL owed him 3 billion dollars right before officially chipping ties with the streaming service. Jay-Z lately addressed the bro-drama, clarifying,” I enjoy Kanye. I do. It’s a complicated affair with us … But it’s gonna, we gonna ever be good .” Why didn’t these two time get onto over with and debate it out, face-to-face, 8 Mile status? Advertisement div > div > Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing div > via: Getty Images Get “re ready for” revenge of the redheads. Things curdled political in a twitter struggle between Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing after Sarandon suggested that she may not backing Hilary Clinton, should Bernie Sanders be booted out of the presidential race. Messing publicly carried the issue as to whether Sarandon would share her same sentiment should she be” poverty-stricken, homosexual, Muslim or an immigrant” in a tweet. Despite Sarandon clarifying that she would not be voting for Donald Trump, the two went back and forth on titter aiming, at least publicly, with Messing announcing Sarandon’s principles “sanctimonious.” Advertisement div > div > Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift div > via: Getty Images While it seemed as though the two pop-icons were affectionate for some time, that would all change after various of Taylor Swift’s backup dancers unexpectedly cease and were abruptly booked to perform on Katy Perry’s tour. After years of speculation, Swift eventually interpreted the incident that extended her to write her epic-smash-hit “Bad Blood” about Perry, in an interview with Rolling Stone. She claims that Perry” mostly tried to sabotage an part realm expedition of hers by hiring her gang out from under her. In return, Katy alleged Swift of” trying to assassinate her person .” After several years and a few ballads, the popping combat finally came to a shut when Perry literally referred an olive branch to Swift with a tone calling a moratorium and formally rationalizing for her part in the mess. Taylor posted a picture of the notation and olive branch on Instagram with the caption,” Thank you Katy” along with a centre emoji. We’re not sure precisely who was right and who was wrong in this hot mess of a theatre but points to Perry for the elegant gesticulate and same to Swift for knowing when it’s time to let go of “Bad Blood” and just move on. Advertisement div > div > Neil Patrick Harris vs. James Woods div > via: Getty Images In reference to an image of an 8-year-old boy with their own families at Pride, James Woods tweeted a response that is as inappropriate as it is offensive. The actor wrote,” This is sweet. Wait until this poor adolescents grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and materials both of you amputated into a freezer in the garage.” Wait, huh? We’re disorient and James Woods is weird. Neil Patrick Harris fired back at Woods, announcing specific comments, “Utterly ignorant and classless .” Harris continued, lending,” I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself .” Amen, Neil Patrick. Urge! Advertisement div > div > Sarah Jessica Parker vs. Kim Cattrall div > via: Getty Images We hate to abound your bubble, but rumors regarding Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall’s strained liaison supported true when, upon the enact of her brother, Cattrall wrote this remorseless call-out on Instagram TAGEND My Mom asked a question today “When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that charlatan, leave you alone? ” Your incessant contacting out is a unpleasant reminder to seeing how brutal “youve been” was later and now. Let me make this Awfully clear.( If I haven’t previously) You are not my family. You are not my friend. So I’m writing to tell you one last-place time to stop manipulating our tragedy in order to restore your’ neat girl’ persona . em> Yikes, wow, and ouch. Advertisement div > div > Lady Gaga vs. Kelly Osbourne div > via: Getty Images After Lady Gaga wrote an open letter to Kelly Osbourne alleging her of has become a “bully,” Osbourne seemed more than simply a bit confused when Gaga apparently attempted to make peace by referring her a birthday cake. Osbourne tweeted : Not to be ungrateful but why would you move me a birthday cake via MY MOTHER in a country half the world apart? #EatMySh* t Hmmm. Well, we���re not entirely sure why Gaga moved her anything at all, and we’re too not sure she understands the word, “ungrateful.” If Lady Gaga sends you a cake, you eat it, and you like it. Advertisement div > div > Jennifer Lawrence vs. Chloe Sevigny div > via: Getty Images While it seems to be the general consensus that actress Jennifer Lawrence is likable, according to colleague actress, Chloe Sevigny, she’s really not. In an interrogation with V store, Sevigny was explained that while she adoration fellow actresses Angelina Jolie and Emma Stone, “shes not”, I reiterate, NOT, a fan of J-Law. Jennifer Lawrence, I find exasperating. Too indelicate . em> Okay, Chloe, route to tell it like it is. And while Sevigny is certainly entitled to her belief, one might find such an unprompted proclamation, I don’t know, extremely crass? Advertisement div > div > Gwyneth Paltrow vs. Martha Stewart div > via: Getty Images It all began when Martha Stewart was asked her belief on Gwyneth Paltrow’s attempt to break into the “lifestyle” industry with her managerial Goop em> launch. Stewart seemed less than impressed and seemed to question the faithfulnes of Paltrow’s professional pursuits. But Stewart wasn’t done slamming the stellar, going on to eventually articulate that Gwyneth” simply needs to be quiet. She’s a movie star. If she were confident in her play, she wouldn’t be trying to be Martha Stewart .” Gwyneth responded by recommending she was totally unphased by Stewart’s comments but, if anything, was flattered that Martha considered her as “competition.” Perhaps Martha was merely welcoming Paltrow to the table … in her own, crafty way. After all, the fine art of passive-aggressiveness is prerequisite to lifestyle living. And, apparently, Gwyneth can hold her own just fine. Advertisement div > div > Angelina Jolie vs. Chelsea Handler div > via: Getty Images After news broke of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s divorce, Chelsea Handler did not hesitate to express her thinkings on the divide, calling Jolie a” f *#% ing lunatic” and the divorce” an emancipation” of kinds for Pitt. The explanation behind Handler’s blatant disfavor of Angelina Jolie is an age-old and widely acceptable excuse for disliking a fellow female; She messed around with her friend’s man. That’s right. Handler is good friends with Pitt’s jilted ex, Jennifer Aniston. It all obligates ability now. Advertisement div > div > Kim Kardashian vs. Chloe Grace Moretz div > via: Getty Images As soon as the internet rebooted after Kim Kardashian’s naked selfie briefly break-dance it, Kim was reacted with a fling from actress Chloe Grace Moretz. Moretz replied to Kardashian scant selfie by reminding Kim that she is an example to young girls who need to know that they are” so much more than precisely their own bodies .” However, Moretz’ assault at a feministic reply seemed to backfire when she was immediately flung online for seemingly slut-shaming Kardashian. Kim replied to Chloe Moretz with a classily immature Kardashian tone that one plainly cannot compete with, tweeting,” Let’s all welcome @ ChloeGMoretz to quaver, since no one were aware that she is. Your nylon shield is charming boo .” Not simply did Kim hurl the hypocrisy of the tweet( considering Moretz recent NUDE Nylon periodical cover. Oh sorry, technically I guess she has a cardigan wrap over her shoulders because I know that’s always how I rock my favorite cardigan) but she also insinuated that Chloe Grace Moretz isn’t exactly a household name, to put it gently. In other words, she’s a hypocrite AND a nobody. One can’t deny that Kim can hold her own. Advertisement div > div > Khloe Kardashian vs. Amy Schumer div > via: Getty Images In her SNL monologue, Amy Schumer cracked pranks at Khloe Kardashian’s recent weight loss. We used to have Khloe, you are familiar? Khloe was ours, right? But then Khloe, she lost half their own bodies heavines. She lost a Kendall . em> And considering all the flack Kardashians get for not inevitably being the most culturally persuasive home, Khloe Kardashian’s comments Schumer’s oration were impressively astute. During an impression on The Howard Stern Show , Kardashian pointed out just how sanctimonious Amy Schumer’s comments certainly were. I was more disrupt that someone claims they’re like a girl’s girl and that they’re all about girls empowerment, and then she says that I’m not relatable because I’m not fat anymore … I’m proud, I’ve worked for three [ email kept ] *% ing years to do this. Schumer, who is also commonly criticized for her value, retrospectively seemed to see the double standard she was continuing in her harangue as she promptly apologized to Khloe and agreed that all women, solid and scrawny alike, should lift each other up. Advertisement div > div > Justin Bieber vs. Orlando Bloom div > via: https :// www.gettyimages.com Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber have a long and even violent biography that revolves around Blooms ex-wife, model Miranda Kerr. It is believed that Justin Bieber made a comment to Bloom at a nightclub that somehow alleged that he and Kerr had been intimate during her marriage to Bloom. As you can imagine, thoughts spiraled downward from there and ended with many gales being thrown, although none landed. Justin Bieber continued to throw punches on Twitter after the physical showdown had ended by affixing an image of Miranda Kerr and soon after, another image of Orlando Bloom apparently visibly psychological over the exchange. Advertisement div > div > Rihanna vs. Ciara div > via: Getty Images On Fashion Police , em> Singer Ciara claimed that Rihanna “wasn’t the nicest” when meeting her in the past. In response to this apparently unsolicited throw, Rihanna tweeted back with a vengeance. My bad Ci, did I 4get to gratuity u ? em> Daaaamn , now that is harsh. And kind of demonstrates Ciara’s comment may not have been that unwarranted after all but it doesn’t seem like Rhianna really is all that concerned with being “the nicest,” anyway. Advertisement div > div > Brooke Shields vs. Tom Cruise div > via: Getty Images In her memoir, Down Came the Rain , Brooke Shields endorsed the use of antidepressants to analyse postpartum recession but Tom Cruise made it clear that he was not in agreeance with Brooke on the issue. In an interview with the Today display, Cruise announced Sheilds ” reckless” for promoting antidepressants without” telling beings the risks .” Brooke responded with what is perhaps the classiest organize of clapping back ever. She wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in which she writes,” I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Mr. Cruise has never suffering from postpartum sadnes .” Cruise was left with no choice but to apologize, which he did, and even departed as far as to invite Shields to his and Kaie Holmes’ upcoming bridal, to which Brooke accepted. Awkward. Advertisement div > div > Nicki Minaj vs. Miley Cyrus div > via: Getty Images The fighting paroles at the 2015 VMA’s between the two celebs seemed to have stanch from Miley’s Halloween costume that year … which was ” Nicki Minaj .” Apparently, Minaj was also upset over comments Cyrus had made about Minaj’s reaction to not being nominated for Video of the Year. On stage at the VMA’s, Nicki slammed out at the former Disney star. And now, back to this bitch that had a lot to say about me the other epoch in the press the other daylight ,” she shelled, before delivering one of pop culture’s standout times of 2015, the soon to be shared and memed,” Miley, what’s good ? em> Eek. Can’t answer we didn’t see that coming. Advertisement div > div > Taylor Swift vs. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West div > via: Getty Images It all started with the odious mic swipe onstage by Kanye at the 2009 MTV Music Awards, heightened with Swift’s response to Kayne via her song pick at the 2010 VMA’s. Cue apology from Kayne and all is seemingly well in the world. Until it’s not. Kanye’s release of Famous reignited the drama and deepened tensions to brand-new levels. I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex Why? I started that bitch famous I realized that bitch prominent Taylor Swift was not delighted, to say the least. Swift claimed never to have approved the offensive texts and addressed their misogynistic feeling in her adoption lecture for recording of the year at the Grammys, telling young women never to let anyone to take ascribe for their success. While Kim and Kanye attempted to claim that Taylor did approve the words by exhausting sound recordings of conversations with Swift made by the couple without Swift’s knowledge, the whole shady proposal culminated up backfiring when the strip was outed as being edited. Swift continued to call out Kanye and Kim the best way she knew how, through her music. Her album, Reputation , em> were considered to be riddled with hurls of Kanye West and we can’t say we accuse her. This neverending feud takes the cake for most drawn-out celeb drama to date. Advertisement div > div > And while acts seem to have rectified down for the moment … b> div > You exactly never know when the drama will show itself next. Share this with the spectacular people in your life! Advertisement Read more: http :// twentytwowords.com/ the-craziest-celebrity-feuds-of-all-time / http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/07/25/19-feuds-that-prove-no-one-does-drama-better-than-celebrities/
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4 and 5
I’m currently sitting at the Burbank metro station listening to the new Kendrick on my laptop while I wait for the train downtown to meet my friend Jeremy (not myself) and I do not have a phone right now. It broke last night. So I ordered an Uber to work this morning using my computer (which is difficult but possible). And I’m not exactly sure how I’m gonna meet up with my friend with no way of communicating with each other. But we’ll see how it goes.
It’s been a couple weeks since I wrote a blog post and a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks so I’ll give you 5 highlights and 5 lessons learned.
1. Asking a Girl Out Live on Air
Three Weeks Ago:
“Do you guys want us to see if we can get Big Sean tickets for you tonight?”
Who am I to turn down free Big Sean tickets? The other intern, Crystal, and I wait around and talk while our boss checks for tickets. We really only see each other for like ten minutes each week so we usually joke around and I flirt with her here and there.
“We don’t have any Sean tickets left sorry guys.”
I walk out and look back to Crystal “I’ll see you at the concert tonight? We’re sneaking in right?”
I DM her the next day “You left me to sneak into the concert alone last night…”
We talk for a while and I get her number.
“Hey Jeremy can you go out and get some beer for us”
I should have initially been suspicious because it’s 8:00 am and who would be drinking beer at 8:00 am at the radio station? I know Russell Simmons is in later but he doesn’t drink. The liquor store is closed. So I walk back.
As I walk into the studio I hear Cruz say live on air:
“So, one of our interns DMd another one of our interns…”
I get kind of red and start laughing as they read out loud my DM conversation with Crystal. Not that it was embarrassing but I wasn’t prepared to have EVERYONE hear it.
“What do you feel about this Jeremy?”
“Well, I thought it was a private message, not one for all of Los Angeles to hear but that’s fine!” I’m laughing.
Then, the other intern Crystal was on the line and they ask her
“Do you think Jeremy is cute? Would you go out with him?”
“He’s cute! I would say yes if he asked me out.”
Well, I guess this is my time.. 
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Alright, let’s do something then.”
2. Having My Questions Used in Some Big Interviews 
(Desiigner, Vince Staples, Young M.A. and Bryce from 13 Reasons)
I get a text from my boss at power on Sunday night:
“We have Desiigner and Vince Staples coming in on Tuesday. Can you help with notes?”
“Absolutely. I’ll have them for you by Monday at 8:00 pm”
I have no clue how I will have time to make questions for these interviews because I have two classes on Monday and an assignment to finish. But, like Cruz said the first time I ever met him, “say yes to everything.”
I get in the notes on time and the interviews turned out as two of the best interviews I’ve worked on so far.
“The notes were * fire emoji * Thanks bro! We have Young M.A. and Justin Prentice from 13 Reasons Why in Thursday.”
“Thank you! I’ll have notes for those ones too.”
Again, I also do not really have much time to write these questions but I am not going to miss my opportunities to contribute to pushing things forward. “Say yes to everything.”
I get both sets of notes in.
My boss calls me and we talk about 13 reasons.
“I just watched the first 5 episodes. It’s really good.”
(For those of you who haven’t watched the show, you should. It’s amazing. And starts a lot of really good conversations about depression, bullying and everything in between.)
I walk into the studio and chill with Justin for a bit, who I still want to call Bryce. He is a really humble dude and I ask him about his experience with the show. We joke around about how he likes Country music. And then he throws a fake punch at me.
“Woah, I’ve seen you punch in the show and I don’t need all that!”
The interview went well. Then Young M.A. comes into the studio – who sings “Oouuu” if you don’t know. Here insta name is “hennynhoes” because she loves Hennessy liquor (and hoes) that much. We brought in a bottle of Henny for her to set the tone. She is in a very bad mood to start off and everyone is kind of feeling like it could be a not great interview.
Then when she comes in we start blasting music and we were all dancing and having a good time and she can’t help but smile. We all take a shot of Henny together and I can’t lie and say that I don’t feel it because it’s 11am and I haven’t eaten anything yet. In fact, I still may be a little drunk right now from that shot.
3. Dropping a New Song
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Last Sunday:
After months of working on new music and writing and perfecting, today is the day. I drop my first new song of the year and the one that I am most proud of. The thing about music is that it will always have a special place in my heart. I love writing, interviews, PR, and everything else that I do, but music is just special to me. So when I release something like a new song or an album it’s really an emotional experience.
Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2oTYnbR Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2ofHtS6 Apple Music: http://apple.co/2onIk55 iTunes: http://apple.co/2nYDY1m
Thank you to everyone who has been listening and sending me snaps and videos singing the song. It’s incredibly humbling and more music on the way soon. I promise!
Shoutout to Josh Kerr for the fire artwork. Even Cruz said he loved the song and the artwork!
4. Catching Up with Winnipeg
I made it to Union station with no phone. Somehow. Blessed. I meet up with J-Mo and we go down to Santa Monica in an Uber and talk about life. We spend two hours in the T-Mobile store (which I apologize about) and I have myself a new phone. Repski meets up with us and we crush a lunch. I haven’t eaten since 6:00 am at the station so my mediocre meatloaf was actually quite satisfying. We walk around the pier for a bit and go on the Ferris Wheel. It was a perfect afternoon in Cali.
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My friend Alana is in town and we have known each other since grade 9 but have never really hung out so I’ve been looking forward to it. She picks me up in an Uber and we go to Hollywood. I want to show her my favorite bar but it’s kind of late so the line up is pretty large. We walk down Hollywood and we go to, no joke, 6 different bars, all with different vibes. It ended up being a perfect night in the city filled with lots of memories. What a place. Below is a picture of the faces that we would make if we ever had our own Hollywood stars but I think it pretty much just sums up the night.
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1) Your Hard Work Will Pay Off
If you keep at something, it will pay off. If you continue to learn and push yourself it will all work out for you. Even when you don’t think you’ll have the time for something, if it’s important enough to you then you will make the time. I wasn’t sure how I would finish those interview notes both times, but I MADE time for them. And after all of the extra work that I put in for the studio it is really paying off. They trust me with my research and interview questions and everyone kept complimenting me on how well the last few interviews went. Even Cruz told me:
“Hey Jeremy, those interview questions were fire. Really, really good job my man.”
2) Always Dictate the Energy
Energy is never lost it’s only transferred. So it can be changed from person to person. If the energy in a room is low, you are able to pick it up and turn things around. But it’s on YOU to do so. When Young M.A. was in a bad mood everyone could have let that happen but instead everyone collectively decided to dictate the positive energy and it switched things around 180. I always make it a goal of mine to dictate the energy in a room, and that’s something I’ve learned from Cruz too. He always smiles and shakes everyone’s hands and makes sure that everyone is good.
3) There are No Losses
Like I always say and I’ll keep on saying. Only learns. No losses. You can always make the best out of any situation and take something away from it. Even though it was a little bit embarrassing to have my DMs read on live radio, it was funny and I decided to make the best of it. I ran with it and made fun of myself and it ended up turning out really well I would say.
4) Work Quietly, Shine Brightly
Don’t talk about the work you put in, just show them the work you put out. It’s okay to work hard and make sacrifices, but nobody really wants to hear about that all the time, especially if you’re not showing them any results. Be quiet and let the work do the talking for itself. I was working on new songs for months now out here but I’m not the type of guy to just brag about my work, I would much rather you listen for yourself and realize, “wow this is actually really good.”
It’s all about the product, and without results your talk makes you seem much less reliable and much weaker. Speak it into existence, but don’t give fake talk.
5) Take a Step Back to Watch
Sometimes there are moments that you just need to sit back and enjoy. Look how far you’ve come. Did you ever think this was possible? Maybe you did, and you got it done. Maybe you didn’t, and it’s almost unbelievable. My life is a mixture of both. I always told myself I would be here, but at the same time, it’s hard to believe, and at one point in time it was only just a dream (No reference to Nelly – but I’m also not mad that it could have been a reference to Nelly) Nelly is the goat. But sitting on the Ferris Wheel with good friends and looking out into the ocean while sarcastically screaming “Santa Monica bro!!!!” and putting up the rock on signs was a moment I’m glad I stopped to appreciate. Rolling in an Uber with Alana going to Hollywood to enjoy a great night was also a moment I’m really glad that happened but more so that I stopped to appreciate. Life is wonderful, so find some time to live it instead of letting it pass you by.
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