#/almost winning. that's not right! so the program has glitched.
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crescentmp3 · 2 years ago
love planning out an entire video game that will take me years of learning to get started on making.
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 10 months ago
AI Bracket — Finals
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Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
Imogen (Stellar Firma):
#IMOGEN 💥💥💥💥💥 #she invented a guy to just put them in situations that she couldnt do herself bcs she is . an ai . #she gave this guy to the most horrific man known to anyone and the only help she gave him was . giving him almost the same rights as humans #not according to anyone else but to her yeah #shes an ai who didn't want to work for big evil human corp so she made a guy who could let her not do that #i love her sm #i cannot hear the words ' watch it buster ' without thinking of her #shes soooooo <33333 #man i should relisten to stellar firma i miss her
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For the fic asks: 30 and 33?
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
so many
No but for real, I have had a lingering one on my mind for ages. One of my most popular posts on Tumblr, from six years ago, was a sci-fi AU for Mike x Eleven from Stranger Things. I've had a document open ever since then since and any time I thought I'd work on it... nothing happened. Here's the summary:
Even though Mike knows he’s not the best at video games (like Dustin and Lucas), he’s still super excited about winning the contest to try out the newest virtual reality game, THE UPSIDE DOWN. A gritty, futuristic setting with plenty of action and mystery? His brain can’t even come up with enough story lines for what could potentially happen. But things take a turn once he’s hooked up to the game. Even the smallest injury feels oddly real and he can’t figure out how to log out no matter how much he tries. Then there’s the girl. She looked like just a side character at first but then she interrupts a scene and the game goes haywire. She’s been programmed with the name Eleven and she tells Mike that her step-father, Martin Brenner, is the creator behind the game and that as a punishment for her trying to run away, he’s uploaded her into the game. And Mike’s her only chance of getting herself out and back to reality. With Eleven breaking her coding to speak to him, the game begins to glitch out and as the world around them crumbles, more and more characters begin to turn on the two of them. The stakes become higher and higher as Mike’s chance of injury (or even death) increases, the two of them convinced that anything that happens to Mike here will effect him physically outside the game. It’s going to take a lot more skill than he thinks he has, but Mike doesn’t have much of an option. In order to save himself and Eleven, he needs to win. Or it’s game over.
And it's still an idea that I love, I think I've always just felt deeply that I wouldn't do the story itself justice. The tone never felt right when I tried, the details never came to mind. It plagues me a little bit but I think I've finally comfortably moved on from the fact I'll never write it!
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I feel like I'm good at creating worlds for the characters to exist in, that allows them to feel canon but match the AU setting I've picked! I really love atmosphere, but I'm also pretty picky about how I write the characters. I want everything to feel cohesive, both as a movie, but also that I've plucked the characters out of canon and made them exist believably in the story! And I think I'm pretty good at it!
Ask me a question from this prompt list about writing!
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reactivatedrockstar · 2 years ago
Bonnie Bunny
First off, Bonnie is non-binary, and his pronouns are he/him. He honestly loves playing around with makeup and facepaint, and of course, playing music. Glamrock Bonnie was one to prioritize self expression to the kids, be it music, facepainting, drawing, makeup, or what have you, and he, obviously, absolutely loves bowling, and is unbeatable at it. Bonnie also has a sense of adventure, and loves doing something new.
However, he remembers bits and pieces of what happened to him, corrupted memories come and go, they make his head hurt, and he doesn't act like himself. When it gets to this point, he can become aggressive if not de-escalated. He was also operating somewhat while he was hidden away, and remembers being "asleep," but active, and being so alone. So afraid. So angry. So sad. It was an awful, all-consuming feeling that he couldn't get rid of. He just knew he'd spend the rest of eternity rotting there, helpless. Unable to even speak out and beg for help.
Freddy is his best friend in the whole world. In his programmed backstory, Bonnie was bullied a lot until Freddy started hanging out with him. In turn, Freddy soon started being made fun of in his adolescent years, and Bonnie chased off his bullies as well. According to their backstory, it was them against the world, and they've been an unstoppable duo from the beginning, forming a band and singing duets together. Bonnie could never imagine life without Freddy, and he doesn't want to.
One day, according to his programmed backstory, Freddy and Bonnie were performing, when a pizza-loving chicken had asked if she could take up the mic. They let her, and were absolutely blown away, and added Glamrock Chica to their band. Bonnie deeply cares about Chica, as all friends do, and while he doesn't judge her for her love of junkfood and exercise... he does judge her for eating it out of the garbage. He's pretty sure it's a programming glitch that can't be fixed, but he's gotten damaged prior to the incident trying to stop her in the past. Bonnie means no offense, and doesn't love Chica any less, but he can't stand to watch her eat trash. He and the girls would often do each other's hair, "nails" and make-up just for fun for special events, like Halloween, Christmas, and Saint Patrick's Day, to name a few.
Roxy and Bonnie are chaotic together, but they have some good laughs. Roxy was added as an animatronic in the Pizzaplex at a later time, so he has no programmed backstory pertaining to her, but he still accepts her as one of the band members, and is sometimes even compelled to impress her. He does, sometimes, get afraid of her when she's angry, but he knows that if she ever DID hurt him, it would only be an accident. He's seen the loving and caring side of her, and he loves her for it.
Bonnie has nothing but respect for Monty. He's a cool guy, and he was certain that he'd appeal to teenagers better than he would. He welcomed Monty into the group with open arms, accepting him almost as quickly as Freddy did. And yet... Bonnie gets so afraid of him when he's angry. He'll let him win if it means he won't be angry.... but he would never hurt him... right? Right. That's not who Monty was.
If you want to let me know that you read this, you can like, but I use the honor system so nbd.
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years ago
Unwarranted Assistance (Reader x Connor DBH)
Requested by anonymous for  Hank tries to help Connor ask you out
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"You dirty bag of bolts!" Hank says with no real venom in his voice. In fact he sounds almost fond of his android partner.
"I assure you, Lieutenant, I keep myself in adequate condition. And Cyberlife does not use bolts in its construct-"
"Ah, forget it." Hank groans. "So... you like Y/N, then? Makes sense. When you're in charge of the archives, you're already part robot, eh?" Hank waves away Connor's all-too-literal refutation.
Connor shifts uncomfortably, and Hank would almost be certain that if the android were human, he'd be blushing. "I find Y/N's demeanor... soothing."
Hank groans before it appears curiosity wins out. "Do androids even get... turned on?"
Connor frowns. "Cyberlife did not equip me with genitalia, so it is difficult to gauge sexual arousal, Lieutenant. However, now that I am Deviant... I do not think the idea altogether implausible."
Hank grins suddenly, the expression unfamiliar for his facial muscles. "Your LED." the older man lets out a giggle. "Oh, god, it's like your boner. Your light turns green whenever Y/N passes by!"
Connor just stares at Hank, obviously not amused.
Hank finally settles down and kicks his feet up onto his desk. Connor sweeps them off and Hank scowls.
"Look, so you know what the next step is, right?"
"Do you mean... engaging in a proposition of courtship?"
"God, Con- just ask him on a date!"
Connor frowns. "I... am programmed with the knowledge of what a date is. However, I am... nervous?"
Hank sighs. "I'm gonna have to teach you how to ask someone out, aren't I?"
After about three hours of slacking off - Hank has been delighted to find that since becoming Deviant, Connor has not been so rigid about following protocol - they still haven't gotten any further than Connor attempting to talk about butterflies.
Something twinges in Hank as he remembers waiting in the car while his teenage son asked a boy out. Cole ran right back, dove into the car, and let out a whoop and had thanked Hank for his advice. Hank shunts this memory to the back of his mind.
"Alright, look. Since you're obviously hopeless, I'll give you a little cheat code, okay? It's not about chatting someone up - that can help, but it's not essential. We gotta break it down to bare bones. 'I like seeing you around, and I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay. Would you like to go out sometime?' That's what you want to say."
Connor nods. "Condense the message to the essentials. Thank you, Hank."
Hank follows anyway. Not because he wants to support the android. Nope.
Connor finds you among the files like usual. Even with Cyberlife providing so much in the way of labor, you've kept your job at the station simply because most people don't feel comfortable leaving everything in the justice system up to robots.
"Ahem." Connor makes the sound out of courtesy, having no actual throat to clear.
"Ah! Detective Connor!" you smile, turning to him.
Hank claps a hand over his face as Connor opens his mouth and freezes. It's like he's glitching.
"Uh... Connor? Are you okay?" you ask in slight concern for the statue-still android.
Hank steps into the room. "Connor likes seeing you around and wants to spend more time with you, if possible. Like, on a date. He's asking you out. Connor wants to go on a date."
Hank curses under his breath. When did he get so bad at this?
You chuckle a little and look at Connor. "I'd love to. Uh... will Hank be coming too or will you be able to move by then?"
Hank snickers a little and Connor snaps back into movement. "I will, er... perform a software diagnostic and ensure I am at full capacity for our... date."
It's only when Hank and Connor are walking back to their desk that they realize that no details have been discussed, and now they have to go back.
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greaterawarness · 3 years ago
Arc Training Program Ch. 4 "Getting To Know The Cadets (Part Two)"
(Sorry for the long wait! Here is part two! Hope you enjoy it!)
The next stop on hunting down his cadets is the library. He scans the room seeing some odd number of clones and Kaminoans scattered about but none were one of his. He starts walking slowly around the room until he finds someone curled on the floor with stacks of books surrounding him. His face is hidden by a large book that he is completely entranced by. He reads the cover The Species of Gree. Alpha clears his throat, but the boy doesn’t hear him. Alpha walks forward and pulls the book down so CC-1004’s eye would finally register Alpha. The boy jumps surprised and scrambles to his feet.
“Sir! Sorry sir! I didn’t see you!” He says much to loudly for a library. He hears a few shh hissed at him and winces. “Sorry… sir.”
“What are you doing?” Alpha asks realizing all the books scattered around the boy are books on different types of species. The boy’s face turns a deep shade of red.
“Uh…” Is all he manages to get out. Alpha kneels down to look at the book he was reading.
“The species of Gree?” He says before giving a deep hm while flipping through the pages.
“The Gree species is one of the oldest civilizations in the galaxy. They even predate the Republic.” 1004 explains. Alpha gives another small hm. 1004 looks down while squeezing and unqueening has hands in and out of fists nervously. “I know this probably isn’t the best use of my time but… I think studying different species and their civilizations could benefit the Republic.”
Alpha stares at the boy. He looks like he’s about to be scolded but shows no regret.
“Just don’t let your other training fall through the cracks.” Alpha hands the book back to 1004. He takes the book with wide eyes.
“I wont sir!” He says with a big, excited smile on his face. Reading has never been a big priority when training the clones. Most bounty hunters wont even take their cadets into the library. Alpha might have been the first to not scold the boy for wanting to pursue reading for leisure. Unfortunately, he had nothing to offer like he did for 2224 and 7567. Alpha never felt he had the time or patience for reading unless it was a report.
“Seen any of the others around?” Alpha asks before the kid can get to lost in his books again.
“3636 was in here not too long ago… I think… I kind of lost track of time when I picked up this book.” 1004 admits.
“Understood.” Alpha starts to turn away before looking back at 1004. “Don’t slouch when you read. You’ll mess up your back.”
After walking around the entire library and seeing no sign of 3636, he leaves. He walks with his hands behind his back and head held high. Other’s salute or acknowledge him politely as they pass through the corridors. When he makes a turn towards the mess hall, he spots Shaak Ti. She speaks with two bounty hunters. When she notices him staring, she smiles softly with a slight nod of her head down a different corridor. Alpha nods his thanks and heads in that direction.
He finds himself walking above different training rooms where other batches perform practice battles. He spots 3636 staring down at one of the ongoing battles. Alpha quietly walks to his side to watch the batch below. The batch is slightly younger then his cadets and have sloppy movements. Alpha can predict the ending but looks to 3636 who barely flinched when he approached. 3636 lets out a tsk before pushing away from the railing. Alpha raises a brow at him as the batch below fails.
“Something wrong?” Alpha asks calmly. 3636 half turns with his lips pressed into a thin line. His eyes stare at the floor in tense frustration.
“Why is it so easy from here?” He asks finally. Alpha tilts his head slightly so he continues. “From here I can see their moves before they make them. But when I’m down there it’s like I have tunnel vision. And when I slow down to see the big picture its usually to late to do anything before I realize what’s happening.”
He shakes his head and turns away. Alpha feels the corner of his mouth turn into a grin.
“What did you do before?” Alpha crosses his arms before brining one hand up to his chin pondering with great curiosity.
“Before, my batch would move ahead and I could see it all. Not at first but with trail and error I eventually learned the different battle sequences my trainer had us practice. But the ones you have us run through seem to be random. Or its like the droids have a mind of their own. I can’t predict their moves and what the others will do.”
Alpha stiffens.
“CC-3636, there are thousands of battle scenarios. Are you saying you memorized all of them?”
“Yes?” He says it as if it were obvious. “There are 1,325 to be exact. Well, 1,326 but I think one was a glitch that combined 453 and 34.”
He’s living breathing protocol droid.
Alpha stares at the boy not sure if he should be amazed or terrified. Instead, he motions for him to follow. He takes 3636 to the part of Tipoca City that only the ARC Troopers were allowed. They passed many familiar faces who acknowledged Alpha in a head nod, smile, or even gesture. When they spot 3636 following behind him, they turn cold and watch suspiciously. He eventually turns into a break room currently occupied by two ARC Troopers, Hull and Raff.
“Leave us.” Alpha’s words were cold and blunt. They pause and exchange glances pondering if they should protest or not. They make the right choice and vacate the room. 3636 doesn’t look troubled or even scared to be surrounded by true ARC Troopers. The only thing Alpha can find in the cadet’s cold analyzing eyes is curiosity. Alpha sits on one side of the holochess board and gestures for 3636 to sit on the other side. He hesitates for the first time but eventually lowers himself down studying the board intently. When Alpha turns it on, he frowns.
“What is this?”
“Dejarik. You have to use wit to win.” Alpha smiles with the holographic creatures buzzing in front of him. 3636 says nothing so Alpha does a quick run through of the rules. When he’s done, he begins. The first round Alpha goes easy on the kid letting him get a feel for the game and truly understand how it works. He still manages to win but the kid doesn’t look fazed. He merely leans back slightly with eyes narrowed on the board in deep thought. When they play their second playthrough Alpha thinks he might lose but comes through in the end. Still, 3636 doesn’t look deterred. On the third playthrough Alpha can tell there is a clear difference. The kid leans forward with eyes glued to the bored. Other ARC Troopers have begun to fill into the room to watch. Alpha has to choose each move carefully. Halfway through Alpha rubs the back of his neck wondering how he will pull the win when he lifts his eyes. He freezes when his eyes meet CC-3636’s. They stared at him like a wolf that just locked onto its prey. Alpha looks back down. He makes his move and leans back. The rest of the men in the room watch the kid, murmuring amongst themselves. Alpha wonders how many have placed bets. 3636 smiles while making his final move.
“Holy shit.” Alpha chuckles to himself. The room is in an uproar. Fordo leans against the doorway full body laughing. 3636 sits pleased with his victory. Alpha holds a handout, and they shake hands. He gets to his feet to lead the kid out of the rowdy room of ARC Troopers. No need to subject him to that horror. Fordo pats his shoulder as they pass. When they’re finally in the quiet corridor 3636 looks up at him.
“So, what was the point of that game?”
“There are very few troopers who have the strategy capabilities that you have CC-3636. Tell me, while playing the game did you win the first try? Or even the second?” Alpha places his hands behind his back and glances at the cadet as they walk.
“Exactly. But on the third try you got the hang of it. Just like with all things it takes practice to be able to strategizes in the heat of combat. We’ll work on that. Soon you’ll be dominating on the battlefield as much as you do in holochess.” Alpha smiles at him. 3636 stares forward intrigued. He might have even smiled if Alpha wasn’t looking.
Alpha leaves 3636 to continue studying other batches so he can continue his hunt for his other cadets. He doesn’t have to go far it seems when he spots CC-1010 leaning against the windows overlooking the mess hall. Alpha frowns when he approaches. 1010 stands up straight when he notices Alpha.
“Sir.” He says plainly. Alpha gives a displeasing hm.
“What are you doing? I told you to be doing something productive not lean against a window and people watching.” Alpha crosses his arms. 1010 raises his eyebrows as if shocked but his eyes remain plain.
“Sir I assure you I am using my time wisely.” 1010 places a hand on his chest offering a small grin. Alpha frowns. “You see I am not people watching but studying. You would be surprised of what secrets you can learn from simply observing others.”
Alpha decides to bite. Perhaps he’ll catch him in his own lie. 1010 gestures down to the people eating below. It’s mostly other clones but some Kaminoans and bounty hunters are mixed in.
“You see that bounty hunter there? She’s been fucking one of the Kaminoan scientists.”
Alpha frowns at 1010. “This is gossip cadet.”
“Patience, Sir, patience. I’m getting to the good part.” He assures him. Alpha settles again and looks to the female bounty hunter. “Now she is also fucking the bounty hunter over the Bravo Squad. Well, that or she wants to fuck him and is just working with him. I know this by watching their mannerisms. She acts the same around the city unless she is with the Kaminoan scientist or with the bounty hunter over Bravo Squad but there is a clear difference between the two. With the Kaminoan it’s very forced and overly flirty. Very out of her character. Almost like she’s trying to fool the Kaminoan. Then I compared that to when she is with the other bounty hunter. It’s more natural but much more secretive. Little whispers and glances here and there. A small hand gesture no one would notice you weren’t looking for it.”
“I’m failing to see the point of all this.” Alpha sighs starting to lose patience.
“I’m almost to the good part,” He assures him. “All of this intrigued me, so I followed her one day. It intrigued me because why force a romance she clearly didn’t want and hide one she clearly did. Didn’t seem right. After following her I found out that the Kaminoan scientist she’s interested in works in the genetics lab and she often convinces him to have meetings in the lab. Then after having a meeting, she would have an interaction with the other bounty hunter. One no one would notice if they weren’t looking for it.”
“Besides a serious health violation what are you getting at?” Alpha crosses his arms intrigued. He leans against the window with a smug grin.
“I believe our female bounty hunter is stealing from the genetics’ lab with the bounty hunter of Bravo Squad.”
“That’s a serious allegation. What proof do you have?” Alpha drops his arms. 1010 frowns while looking down at the mess hall at the female bounty hunter.
“Nothing but what I’ve seen.”
“Why haven’t you come forward yet?” Alpha shakes his head at the boy. CC-1010 turns to meet his eyes.
“I’m a cadet. Who’s going to believe me?”
They stare at each other for a moment as Alpha calms down. 1010 looks back out the window.
“I believe you.” Alpha says finally. 1010 stands up straight meeting his eyes again, confused.
“You do?”
“Yes,” Alpha nods confusing the boy more. “I’ll have others look into this matter.”
He looks down shocked for a moment.
“Thank you.” He says showing a genuine smile for the first time. Alpha leans against the window again prompting 1010 to mimic his stance.
“So, what made you start watching her?” Alpha asks now analyzing all bounty hunters in his site. When 1010 doesn’t answer immediately he glances over at him. He wears a grimace.
“Words often spoken are lies.” He says finally. Alpha waits for him to go on. “The bounty hunter over my batch was a master at manipulation. I learned very quickly I couldn’t take her words at face value. Instead, I learned to read her body. From there I was able to find the truth. Body language gives most liars away. When I started getting good with her, I started looking at others for practice. Our lunch lined up with the female bounty hunter’s and that’s when I noticed what was happening.”
Alpha nods while turning so his back was against the glass. He glances up at the ceiling remembering his time under Jango’s instruction.
“Jango would play mind tricks on us at times. He did it to try and push us mentally. Made most of us stronger. I know of bounty hunters like the one that taught you. They don’t use those tactics to help you but more to control you. But as long as you pass the simulations then the Jedi and Kaminoans are happy to let you graduate.”
1010 looks up at him.
“You don’t think those cadets should graduate?”
“I think those cadets will deal with more obstacles later down the road then most others.” Alpha says meeting his eyes again. The cadet nods but Alpha wonders if he really understood what he meant. Alpha clears his throat deciding to turn the conversation to a brighter note. “Do you watch everyone’s mannerisms then?”
“Yes, it’s become second nature now.” 1010 crosses his arms with his back to the glass now mirroring Alpha.
“So, what are mine?” Alpha arches a brow at him. CC-1010 pauses with eyes staring forward. At that moment Shaak Ti approaches making 1010 stand up straight.
“Sir, I see you and the General have business to discuss and I should really get back to blaster training.” He says before walking quickly down the corridor.
“Hey wa—never mind.” Alpha shakes his head with a chuckle. Shaak Ti gives him a look, but he just shakes his head.
“Something wrong?” She asks.
“No… well? Possibly. I have good reason to believe that two of the bounty hunters here are selling Kaminoan genetic secrets.” Alpha says pointing out the female bounty hunter below.
“That is quite a claim. And what reason do you have to support this?” she asks.
“I have on good authority that it is so. If it’s not, then I will personally apologize for any damage done.” Alpha insists. This surprises Shaak Ti.
“Alpha, you have never apologized for anything.” She says eyeing him slightly. He gives a nonchalant shrug.
“Times are changing.”
“It appears so.” She chuckles softly. Alpha notices a datapad in her hand.
“Did you need something?” He asks.
“Yes, I’m afraid there has been an incident with two of your cadets in hanger bay three.” She hands him the datapad. He reads the CC numbers and groans. He immediately takes off for the hanger bay.
When he arrives to the bay he finds CC-8826 and CC-1138 sitting handcuffed on the floor surrounded by a group of troopers.
“These are my cadets. What’s going on?” Alpha has to hold back his anger. 8826 and 1138 look nothing but bored while sitting at the feet of the troopers.
“Sir, we caught these two trying to steal a ship.” The trooper shoots a look at 1138 when he yawns. Alpha felt his anger boil in his chest.
“Sorry for any damages or inconveniences. I’ll take it from here.” Alpha squeezes his hands into tight fists already running through every exercise and drill he was about to make them run through and then he contemplated if he should just fail them and put them on sanitation duty. The cadets are uncuffed and follow behind Alpha.
“We weren’t trying to steal a ship.” 8826 says breaking the tension between them. Alpha whips around to face them. They still look unfazed by Alpha’s furious face.
“Then what pray tell were you doing?” Alpha shouts. His voice echoes through the corridor. He hears someone scurry out of the hall.
“I just…” 8826 starts but stops. Alpha shakes his head.
“No, go on. Explain yourself!”
“I just wanted to know how it works.” He says at last. Alpha shifts his weight taking in his words. He must not answer in time because 8826 goes on. “The ship. I’ve studied the design like everyone else but when it’s put together it looks nothing like the holograms. I wasn’t trying to steal the ship I just wanted to see what the inside looked like and how it all connected.”
Alpha felt his anger begin to simmer. He looks to 1138.
“He couldn’t lift one of the panels.” He shrugs. Alpha feels himself chuckle a laugh. He rubs above his eyebrows.
“You really weren’t trying to steal the ship?” Alpha feels like he just experienced a crash landing.
“No.” they both say. Alpha studies their faces. They didn’t appear to be lying but both boys have always been hard to read in the past. Of course, neither boys would be his first to suspect of desertion. Alpha lets out one final sigh releasing the anger he had only moments before.
“Very well.” He says turning away. He leads them away from the hanger by to one of the distant larger storage rooms near their barracks. He has to find 99 to open it for him. inside they cough and cover their noses from the dust collecting on all the items inside. Most were outdated gear and weapons with some obsolete spare parts here and there. 8826 and 1138 walk around taking in all the things while Alpha follows 99 to the back. He helps 99 pull a tarp off an old speeder bike. 8826 and 1138 stare at it intrigued.
“This is an old speeder bike left here by one of the Mandalorian bounty hunters. It’s rundown and needs a lot of work. You want to know how things work? Start by taking this apart and putting it back together.” Alpha places his hands on his hips watching 8826 squat in front of the bike inspecting it. He gets the same crazed look in his eye that he does when he’s in combat. Alpha leans against a crate glancing over at 1138.
“You interested in building the bike too?” He asks. 1138 has always been silent and calm. He only ever showed real anger when he lost and continued to fail at something. Every other time it’s the same blank expression. 1138 crosses his arms and nods. Alpha leaves it at that not forcing a conversation. 99 helps them clear a path to push the bike back to their barracks. Alpha didn’t want the kids let loose in this room to often. When they reach the barracks they walk in at the same time CC-4477 does. Alpha pauses. He had almost forgotten about the cadet.
“CC-4477,” he calls over while 99 leads 8826 and 1138 to the back wall with the bike. 4477 walks up to him. “Where have you been all day?”
“Sir? What do you mean? We passed each other in the corridor several times today.” He says plainly. Alpha frowns trying to think back. Did he really walk right past one of his cadets and never notice? He almost wants to ask more questions when the doors open and CC-1010 walks in with CC-1004. CC-4477 walks over to greet his brothers leaving Alpha feeling odd. He would have to keep a closer eye on 4477.
When the rest of the cadets return, the quiet barracks become loud with chatting cadets that prepare for the night. Alpha stays in the room helping 1138 and 8826 dismantle the bike and providing what wisdom he could all the while keeping an eye on the others. 1010 and 4477 sit on their extended racks chatting about their day and what they noticed while 7567 and 2224 sort through their gear. 99 shuffles around cleaning up here and there before getting pulled into a conversation with 3636 and 1004. Alpha feels a sense of peace wash over him. A feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time. If ever.
When the night drags on he leaves the cadets to bathe and get to bed. He walks back to his room to find Shaak Ti watching one of the cadets practice battles. He walks over to join her at his table. She smiles at him while sliding a data pad his way.
“What’s this?” He asks while examining it.
“It seems you were correct about that bounty hunter. She and her accomplice have been detained. It seems the Kaminoan she manipulated had no idea. Still, he will face his own punishment from the Kaminoans.” She leans back in her chair.
“That fox.” Alpha says softly to himself. He puts the datapad down wearing a proud smile.
“It seems taking an off day was good for you.” She smiles warmly at him. He rubs the back of his neck.
“What can I say? You were right. Each boy is very different and has their own set of skills.”
“Now you must find a way to utilize those skills to get them to work together.” She rests her arms on the table leaning forward slightly. Alpha nods before reaching over to turn the holovid off. The sit in silence enjoying the peace.
“Thank you.” He says suddenly. She tilts her head. “For helping me.” “Your success is all of our success.” She says making him roll his eyes slightly. After a pause she adds. “You have changed Alpha.”
“I believe you’re right.” He nods with eyes falling on the table where his hand rests. He looks up to meet her eyes. “You have changed as well. From the first time we met.”
“That is the nature of time. It changes us. For better or for worse.”
His eyes drop to the table again this time staring at her hand resting on the table.
“Do you think it’s for the better?” he asks staring at her hand resting loosely on the white table. She takes this time to stand, pulling his eyes towards her face again. Before she walks out of his room she pauses and says.
“I hope, Alpha. I hope.”
Read full story HERE on AO3
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 5 years ago
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You? || BEN DROWNED
Pairing : Yandere! Ben Drowned X Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Yandere
Summary : Appears as a normal dude, but plot twist he's really not.
Wordcount: 4k lol
WARNINGS : This is fic is labeled as Yandere, for those who don't know what it means: "Somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance. But when it comes to their love (crush)they will act obsessive and violent." - Urban dictionary, poorly (but still disgustingly) described dead people, I know Ben originally doesn't kill but in the story he does, idk? Shit written¿ 
Also disclaimer this is my first time I've tried doing a yandere and it's obviously not my strongest point. Hope you enjoy either way.
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You glance at the abandoned game console which your friend had dumped at your place earlier this day.
According to him, something was very, very, wrong with it. The Nintendo 64 was old, of course, but your friend mentioned not being able to pass the boss battle. He mentioned something along the lines of 'it keeps glitching and Link keeps dying'. In other words ' I know you're a hacker and I suck at this game, please hack it for me so I can feel less like a loser'.
You keep writing the email you're supposed to sent to your boss for another thirty minutes, before letting your curiosity lead you. 
Before you know it, you've plugged in the old console with more cables than originally planned because of how old it is, and with how modern your tv is. The first odd thing that strikes you is that there's only one account on it, and it's not labeled with your friend's name. 
Instead of 'Noah', it's labeled with 'BEN DROWNED' in bold passive aggressive letters.
Simply pushing it to the back of your mind, you start playing.
The second odd thing about the game is that the game has a specific date and it mentions how far BEN, or well, Noah is in the game. Yet when you click it, you have to start all over.
You shrug that off too, simply noting it as the game being old.
Before you know it, several hours pass, and you're finally at the boss battle Noah mentioned. Deciding to see if you can beat it first, you do not plug your laptop in at the Nintendo 64, and opt to play instead.
However just like Noah mentioned, you die as soon as you're close to winning and the game starts glitching.
It takes you barely ten minutes before you're fed up with it, and soon enough you plug your laptop in. You start up some programs and open up a few sites, quickly starting to work. Your fingers glide over the keys of your laptop as you type in the codes in order to hack the game, however after a few minutes, the game starts glitching heavily, and suddenly there's a sentence in bold red letters on the screen of your tv.
It says before the glitching becomes way too much, and some weird kind of red circle appears. Your eyes widen before unplugging the tv and game console, forgetting that your laptop is connected to it.
You miss the small glitches on the laptop screen.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - -
He gritts his teeth as the access to his portal is suddenly denied, the power cut early enough to avoid him.
His red eyes wander in the green coded space, looking for an exit, something that'll make sure he can get his hands on whoever this is. Lucky for him, there's a small white space what'll lead to the outside of it.
Once he's trough, he realizes he's still close to his victim. In fact, he's even closer now.
He smirks as he realizes.
Killing her is fair game now.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - »
You tap your chin as you look as the items on the shelf.
" Should I get the red one or green one?" You mumble to yourself.
" I'd recommend the green one. Green is always better." A voice from behind you startles you.
You whip your head around to look at the stranger who's talking to you.
Behind you is a male you don't recognise from anywhere. And as you start to study him, you realize he's quite handsome. He's got blonde hair, blue eyes and a rosy skin colour. He's wearing black ripped jeans, a dark green shirt, along with a black zip up hoodie, which is left open, he's got a few black ear piercings in his right ear, and has a gold chain around his neck, which disappears beneath his shirt, weighed down by a charm hidden away from your eyes. To top it all of, he's got a matching dark green beanie on top of his messily styled bangs.
" What? Did I say something wrong?" The blonde boy suddenly sweats.
You smile and shake your head.
" No, you didn't. I just tough I was alone here." You smile at him.
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" I take that you talk to yourself then?" The male spits at you.
You're not sure if that's meant offensive or not.
" Um, yeah? I tend to do that sometimes yeah." You say, looking down at your hands who're still holding the red silk scarf and green silk scarf.
Đø₦'₮ ฿ɇ ₳₣ɽ₳łđ, ł ₩ø₦'₮ ⱨʉɽ₮ ɏøʉ. Øɽ ₩łⱡⱡ ł?
The unknown male's eyes soften subconsciously, looking at you with an emotion you're not familiar with.
" My name is Ben. What's yours?" 
Ben? Haven't you heard that somewhere before?
You smile at him, oblivious to the fact that you're talking to a killer.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Ben."
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS ? ¿ »
His mind flooded with ideas.
There's so many options on what he can do to her.
Should he mess with her laptop?
Should he just kill her now?
Or should he become closer?
Maybe he should.
He looks at her trough the screen of the laptop, which is almost always open, today not being any different.
He watches her as while she watches something behind the laptop, from the sounds he can hear trough the mic, she's most likely watching tv.
Perhaps he should become closer to her.
Pull her closer only to have her blood staining his hands.
Oh yes, her blood shall soon become his.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴
She doesn't realize it when her laptop suddenly starts itself up, nor does she know that there's a figure crawling out of it.
He stared at her with deciphering eyes, silently wondering how she isn't dead yet.
If this was anyone else, he'd had them killed already. Their blood would already be staining his face and she would already be screaming in pain and dispair.
Yet here she was, laying peacefully on her bed. Asleep, obviously not dead. 
He wonders exactly what he should do next. She doesn't know that he's standing right next to her. It almost makes him laugh.
She doesn't even know that he exists.
She doesn't know that he's here.
He glares at her before moving back into the world of codes and technology.
For now, she lives.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ
" And then it suddenly started glitching and stuff. Weird isn't it?" You finish off your story as you look at your new friend, Ben.
After meeting in the grocery store, he had suddenly texted you. 
Not knowing how he got your number, you got concerned, and asked him. According to him, you had given it to him yourself. At first you didn't believe him, until he told you to check the time of his first message, which somehow was indeed around the same time you were in the grocery store. After that you just shrugged it off as that you forgot it yourself. After all, you knew yourself to be a person with the memory of a goldfish.
Today the two of you met up again, for the fourth time this week.
" Odd indeed. What did you do after that?" Ben asked, acting as if he's interested, even tough he's really not.
" I unplugged it. I think I'm gonna lay off hacking for a while." You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
Before he could even think of a response, there was an unknown woman at your table, also holding a cup of coffee.
" Y/N? Long time no see." The new woman greeted you with a smile, sitting down beside you on the booth.
Ben scowled at the newcomer.
Ⱨø₩ đ₳ɽɇ ₴ⱨɇ ₴ł₮ ฿ɇ₴łđɇ ₩ⱨ₳₮'₴ ₥ł₦ɇ ₩ł₮ⱨøʉ₮ ₥ɏ ₱ɇɽ₥ł₴₴łø₦
" Hey, Sara. It's indeed been too long. How are you?" You started chatting with Sara.
Meanwhile Ben's anger only grew.
" My names Ben." Ben suddenly dryly joined your conversation as he slammed his drink down onto the table aggressively, looking straight into Sara's eyes.
" Sorry. Didn't see you there. I'm Sara nice to mee-"
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Leave. We didn't invite you to come sit with us." Ben spat at her, looking at her with an intense look in his eyes.
Both you and your friend turned to look at him in confusion.
" Is something wrong with me being here? Did I offend you?" Sara asked, genuinely concerned.
Ben was fuming now, on the inside. Who does this girl think she is? First she comes to sit at their table uninvited, then she's capturing the attention of his new favorite plaything, and now she's questioning him? She has to go.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ
He heard her conversation with a male he certainly doesn't know trough her phone, using the microphone without her knowing.
According to what he knows, they're on a date. And according to her contacts, his name is Jaime. He can't find where they met, nor did he know why they met up.
But now that she's checked her reflexion one too many times, and made a pic of her full outfit to send to him, probably to mock him for not having her, ɏɇ₮, he realizes that she's on a date.
After some research by surfing quite literally trough the internet. It turned out this 'Jaime' person was Mexican, and had a soft persona. On his facebook page were pictures where he's working with animals or doing volunteers' work or overall just something where he's helping others. He found the black haired male pathetic, weak even.
In all honesty, even he himself didn't really find him a threat. Not when he looked like that and was overall just kind and bambi looking.
However, all his expectations are thrown out of the window when he hears them say their goodbyes.
" You know, I had a lot of fun tonight. You're really a nice person. In fact, I'd like to go on another date with you again." This voice was definitely that of a male's, probably Jaime.
" I agree. I had a lot of fun too." She said.
₣Ʉ₦? ⱧØ₩ ₵₳₦ Ł₮ ฿Ɇ ₳₦Ɏ ₣Ʉ₦ ₩Ł₮ⱧØɄ₮ ₥Ɇ?
" Good. Do you have a ride or would you like me to drive you home?-" He blocks out the rest of their conversation.
It appears that the good guy needs to go too.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆
" We should spend more time together." Ben says randomly as the two of you snuggle on the couch.
You giggle, your ears tinting red.
" We're already together all the time tough." You tell him softly.
" I know, but still. By the way, did your stupid date reply yet?" He asked, eyes focused on the tv in front of the two of you.
" No, and don't call him stupid." You pout, softly scolding him.
He grins at you with mysterious eyes.
You shrug it off, knowing it's part of him. The two of you have been hanging out for a while now. Almost three months to be precise. And you two have gotten very close. What used to be keeping distance and keeping the line between acquaintances and friends, had turned into friends or something more. You two almost hung out every day, you were basically attached to each other's hip now.
After a few peacefull moments, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Right as you left, your phone rang.
He turned to look at the disturbing sound  his eyes widening at the name which is appearing on the screen.
He stumbled over the couch to pick it up, an unpleasant feeling of suprise rising whitin him.
" Y/N?! You have to listen to me! Ben is not who you think he is! He's this-"
" I'm this what?" Ben smirked.
Damn you were taking a long time in the bathroom, not that he minded.
The other end of the line was dead silent.
" Don't worry. You don't need to say anything. I'll come home soon. And trust me, once I am, you will never be able to speak a word again." He spoke, an eerie calm in his voice.
" Goodbye, Sara." He said before hanging up.
" Sara called?" Your voice suddenly startled him.
" What? Oh, yeah. But she was in a hurry so she said she'd call you later." He smiled innocently.
You nodded and the two of you resumed watching the movie.
" Isn't there a way, that we could spend more time together?" He suddenly wondered out loud.
You sighed and turned to face him.
" I'm sorry Ben, but I have a job and I like spending time with other people too. So I'm afraid not." You told him softly.
An idea coded itself into his mind.
JɄ₴₮ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ ₥Ɇ, ɎØɄ'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₥Ł₦Ɇ ₴ØØ₦
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ
You sighed in dispair in the night air as you walked home. Once again, you were rejected in a job interview.
A few days ago you were fired from the job you actually liked. You couldn't understand why either. You didn't do anything wrong, you were quite hardworking and always finished the documents in time.
Your supervisor looked afraid, terrified even when he told you to immediately pack your bags and leave, and ever since you just can't seem to get in anywhere. Not even the gas station wanted you in charge.
" Well hello there. What do we have here." A creepy voice suddenly sounded from behind you.
You turned around only to be greeted by a man with a creepy smile and even creepier, eye lid-less eyes. He was holding a knife, making his intentions obvious.
You didn't need to think twice about his intentions and whipped your phone out of your pocket with the intentions to call the cops and running.
The killer sadly isn't stupid, and has you on the ground under him whitin seconds.
Your phone's screen crack and slides to the other side, the dialed number not pressed on call yet.
" Don't cry sweetheart. It doesn't suit your pretty face. Don't fret, I'll make sure, you'll smile forever. " The killer tells you happily.
Both of you don't realize that your phone screen suddenly lights up in a green colour. Nor does either of you realize the figure crawling out of it.
The both of you don't realize, until the killer is off you and tackled down on the ground beside you.
" I've told you before. She's fucking mine. Go bother someone else." Ben's voice sounds suddenly.
You turn your head to look at him.
This time he does not wear jeans and a sweater. No  this time, he looks like he came straight out of a... Video game? He looks like Link, the main personage of the game which your friend Noah had dropped off at your place around six months ago. 
Ben never told you he was into cosplaying.
Your ears suddenly tinted pink as you realized, he called you his. Suddenly you felt a little giddy, the guy you like so much might actually like you back.
The killer underneath Ben growls out something you can't hear before throwing the shorter off him and leaving.
" Are you okay?" You ask him.
He turns to you with red eyes.
Red. Fucking. Eyes.
And that's not the only thing about his eyes that changed.
Instead of the usual white eyes have, his are now black.
And even there it doesn't end.
There's blood running down his eyes onto his cheeks, as if he's crying blood.
You take a step back.
What the fuck is this?
" Don't be afraid! I know I look a little... Weird, but it's all just part of my..... Cosplay." He explains.
You ponder over it.
He's never gave you a reason to not trust you right? Or did he? 
You ignore the instinct to run away from him, instead choosing to calm down and follow your heart, which is telling you to trust him.
" Come with me. You can stay at my place tonight." Ben tells you, holding his hand out to you.
You take it.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ ›
It took longer than expected to reach his house. The whole road to his house is creepy. Ben appartly lives in this supermodern house in the woods.
Which is off already, the woods are known troughout the whole town as mystery. According to urban legends, there's creatures loving in there who shouldn't exist. Because of that, there's barely any people there. According to Ben, everything is all clear and safe, and you trust him with your heart.
You don't question him after his answer and instead follow him into the,indeed very,modern little house which is situated hidden behind the trees.
You get directly hit in the face with a copper scent as soon as you step foot into his house.
" Would you like something to drink?" He asks you as you enter his house, neither of you bothering to take your shoes off.
" Just water please." You tell him as you study the place.
The inside of the small house is more modern than the outside, with a big living space and an open kitchen. There's also three doors in the hallway.
One to the bathroom, one leading upstairs and one leading into the basement.
" Here you go." Ben returns, handing you a glass of water.
" Thanks, aren't you going to take off your make up and lenses?" You ask him.
His smile fades a bit, and for a moment you think you've accidentally offended him, but he nods with a pout before you can think about it twice.
" Yeah, that's probably a good idea. The livingroom is at the end of this hallway, feel free to make yourself comfortable." He smiles before going upstairs.
You stand still for a moment in the hallway as an eerie feeling suddenly starts crawling up your spine.
You ignore it, and instead start walking towards the livingroom.
Until the sound of something falling reaches your ears.
A sound that is directed from the basement.
Your first idea is to call for Ben, to alert him that you two probably aren't alone.
You don't do that however, because it could just be something falling off a shelf, right?
And so you decide to investigate it yourself.
As soon as you open the door to the basement, you're directly hit in the face with a very prominent copper scent. The same on you already smelled when you entered his house, except it's way too strong and there's something eerily familiar about it which you just can't pinpoint.
You silently push the door open, and turn on the lightswitch to the basement. Behind the door is a stony staircase, the rest of the basement is hidden away behind a wall. Curiosity takes over you, and you make your way downstairs before you can think about it twice.
As soon as you near the bottom, you spot blotches of red. The deep red substance is spread like a trail from he bottom stairs onto the rest of the room.
And then it clicks in your mind. It's blood. That's also the smell in the air. Was the intruder injured?
You step down the stairs while following the blood trail with you eyes.
You stumble back in fear and unpleasant suprise at the sight that greets you.
There's dead people down here. Most of which you don't recognise, but a few you do. 
You gasp as you look into a pair of wide blue eyes.
She's sitting there, eyes wide open, with cuts all over. There's big ones in her rib case and near her organs, you can even see Intestines spread over the floor.
She's obviously dead.
But how come she's here?
Ben didn't do this? Did he?
Next to her is Jaime, who's eyes are closed but his chest is rising and falling.
He's alive.
You run over to him and shake him awake, not minding the blood that's now on your hands.
" Jaime! Please! Wake up!" You say desperately, tears now escaping your eyes.
" Y/N? Y/N! You have to get out of here. Ben, he's not who you think he is!" He tells you desperately.
" I'm not leaving you! Can you walk?" You ask him trough your tears.
" I'm chipped Y/N, you have to go. Get help. Ben's insane. He's a de-"
" Demon? Mass murderer? Failure? Dead? Is one of those what you wanted to tell her? How dare you lie to her! I'm none of those!" A voice suddenly booms trough the air.
You turn around while starting to shake. Jaime tries to hold you close to him with the little strength he has left. There Ben stands, still with red pupils and black eyes, dried red streaks still on his cheeks.
" Don't fucking touch her." Ben screams angrily, ripping you all but gently away from the male, causing you to tremble against him.
" Don't be afraid my love, he won't touch you again." Ben sushes you.
Is he really thinking that you're afraid of him?
" N-no. Let me go. Do-don't touch me." You tell him, pushing away from him.
He looks confused by your behavior.
" What's wrong baby? Please don't believe whatever lies he told you.-"
" What lies?! That you've killed my friend?! That you've killed these innocent people?! That you've chipped him?!" You yelled.
" They all deserved it Y/N! They're all in the way of our love!" Ben yells back desperately, stepping towards you.
" I don't even know these people!" You say, stepping back into the wall, knocking into a shelf.
You turn around to see what you knocked into.
Wait, is that the Nintendo 64?
" They all stared at you with sick twisted ideas! They really do deserve it." He tells you.
Suddenly it clicks in your mind.
" You're Ben from the game." You state.
He nods.
" Yes bu-"
" How?.."
" You clicked my game onto your computer remember."
" It was you wasn't it? You're the reason I've lost my job. You're the reason my friends all turned their back to me." You wishper, eyes now gathering in your eyes.
You've been so incredibly fucking stupid.
He's the reason your life has turned down the drain.
" Yes. But it's good right. Now we can finally be together." He says like a crazy man in love.
Which he is.
You start sobbing as you fall onto your knees realizing, all these people here. They've all died because of you.
" Hey, don't worry my live. We can now finally be together."
ɎØɄ'VɆ ₥Ɇ₮ ₩Ł₮Ⱨ ₳ ₮ɆⱤⱤŁ฿ⱠɆ ₣₳₮Ɇ, Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ɎØɄ?
 ᘜ ᗩ ᘻ ᘿ  ᓍ ᐺ ᘿ ᖇ.
194 notes · View notes
Fan Classes - The Corrupted/Corruption Classes (Plague & Rot)
So we all know that Sburb/Sgurb is a game, a game with a lot of ways it can get  corrupted (Like Bec Noir, dancestors game, so on) so here’s a fanon idea for a different type of corruption. (A note is that my inspo for this is kinda based of the sims and how easy they corrupt)
So these classes were programed into the game but due to some type of error they have became corrupted, in a normal game there is no way for these classes to come into play and anyone who fits the class is assigned a different class, possibly some kind of default class (but that’s for another post). But by cheating (Like Rose did), editing the code (Like Sollux did or some form of glitch (likely a glitch tied to the Doom Aspect).
(under the cut due to how long this is)
If these class appear within a game then it is likely there will be no way to win the game, if the players with these classes die then it’s likely for the dream bubbles to become corrupt, and if they reach godteir the corruption will get worse and start to become much more noticeable, as before godteiring the glitches and corruption will be smaller, things like a few missing items, land(s) not loading right for the effected player(s) and smaller things related to their aspect, but after godteiring the corruption will get worse: Game ending glitches (like planets being randomly removed, someone becoming stuck in place, enemies that are unable to be killed, stuff like that), glitches that effect parts of the game (items not working right, npc’s acting differently, godteir beds not working) and in bigger ways tied to the aspect (Boy you are in for a bad time if the effected player is a space or time player).
The way the effected are picked can be very random, sometimes the player who messed with the code will become a Plague or Rot but other times it might end up being a player who had nothing to due with the game becoming corrupt at first. The only clear to identify way of someone gaining these classes is by someone going into the code and editing someones class value/file.
Now a basic over view of the classes themselves
Plague: Their Aspect is Corrupting/They corrupt others ( active)
The Plague has a different true class, that would’ve been theirs had their game not be corrupted, said class could’ve been any of the active classes so it’s likely for them to have a personality that fits an active class,
The Plague’s powers are a bit more controllable to them then their counterpart, though they still lack overall control due to the poor programing of their class, in short their aspect is able to corrupt other things, as an example a Plague Of Heart would be able to turn other people into basically copies of themself (if you know PnF then think of the doof zombies).
What corruption in this case means that the Aspect is changing other things it’s not meant to and making things act in ways they’re not meant to, so another example would be a Plague Of Void would likely allow the Horror Terrors take more control a game, meanwhile a Plague Of Light would likely make things with no meaning or use become very important to the point of people fighting over a bottle of pop, or they might cause some people (like void players) to have the spotlight put on them more not allowing the other players to get things done.
To take it back to game corruption, this class is kinda of like the sims 3 doll virus, a class that itself is okay but will cause problems for everything else,  with there being too much of an Aspect, in short: The Aspect is the force of the corruption.
Rot: Their Aspect is Corrupted/They are corrupted (passive)
Like the Plague the Rot has a true Class that their personality fits, though in their case it would be one of the passive classes.
The Rot has no control over their powers, as their class is more like their Aspect is getting a paper shredder set to it then anything close to having controllable or cool powers, their class’s coding makes the class act almost like a rotten apple, it only takes one Rot for their whole Aspect to start decaying within their version of the game and any game the class interacts with.
To go more into more detail of their “powers” let’s use an example: A Rot Of Light would make the luck in their game unreal from rare items & events spawning to making common items never drop from imps, basically slowly making anything tied to Light aspect unplayable, another example is that a Rot Of Space’s whole universe would start to have errors, like the universe data would corrupt and their universe, the fog would start to slowly die.
To take it back to game corruption, this class is like what happens when a file goes missing, or like what might happen in the sims 2 if you delete a sim, at first it’s only noticeable things that are connected with the missing file which then spends to the rest of the game.
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adhdeancas · 4 years ago
Sunset Sound: God is Dead?
I might start updating twice a week because I am writing this story at BREAKNECK speed. this is my favorite chapter so far. enjoy! (special thanks to @friedchickenangelwings once again for sticking with me and my incessant rambling about this story at all hours during holidays)
Fic Summary:  Everything is the same up to the end of 15x20. Chuck has been “defeated,” but it was all a farce. When Jack absorbed Chuck, Chuck easily took over the 3 year old’s body and acted as if he were defeated. Chuck!Jack then had the Rusty Nail placed in the barn where Dean died, and with Cas gone, Dean didn’t fight it. Chuck did reimagine Heaven, but he’s fed the same lie to them all: that everything is perfect, they are free, they are in real paradise. Except it’s all an illusion insulated by blue skies and endless horizons. Because, just like the Good Place, people make Heaven into Hell for each other. And there’s nothing Chuck loves more than the natural order of tragedy. He “let it slip” to Bobby that he brought Cas back, when he really left him to rot in the Empty. Dean has to find his best friend before it’s too late, and he has to keep a happy face for everyone else, because Chuck is watching. Always watching. 
“You know?” Dean shakes his head. “What’s going on?” 
Charlie leans back against the bar. “Well, after Ash and I found each other-” they give a cute little nod of the head in sync, dorks, “through the frankly shitty wifi they’ve got up here, we got to talking.” 
“Yeah, we realized some shit just didn’t add up. Like angel radio.” Ash spins around and ducks into his backroom, coming back with a laptop that’s way more advanced than it was last time. Dean raises his eyebrows at it. “Yeah, man, it’s sick, right? Charlie upgraded my systems, it’s bitchin’.” he reaches past Dean’s shoulder to give Charlie a fist bump (enthusiastically returned) and Dean backs off. 
“Yeah, bitchin’,” Dean repeats with a grin. He’s too dumb for these people. But he sure is glad they’re on his side.  “Well, hey, show me whatcha got.” 
Ash nods and taps his temple. He mutters to himself and pulls the system toward him while Dean watches anxiously. Ash pauses and looks at him. “Dude. Gimme a second? This setup is a lil’ more complicated than your blackberry.”
Dean snorts and gives him space, followed by Charlie. “Dude. you’ve been dead too long. Blackberrys haven’t existed for like… ten years.”
Ash gives him a genial middle finger and Dean grins. Charlie sits up on the pool table and Dean leans against it next to her. “Listen, Charlie, I gotta. I gotta say sorry, again, for…” He clears his throat. 
“Dying?” Charlie asks lightly.
“Uh, yeah.” 
“Not your fault, Dean.” She shrugs, and she actually manages to look cheerful. Damn, Dean loves this chick. She puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head. “Seriously, Dean. Let it go! I have! Seriously, I got to spend a few years with my high school girlfriend watching Lord of the Rings - she was a cheerleader - and sneaking out to design some fucking world-altering programs with Ash! Being dead, for me, it’s kinda amazing.” She smiles at him. “Guessing you don’t feel the same though, huh?” 
Dean swallows. He doesn’t know how much he wants to say about that, but being dead… it definitely sucks. And not in the good way. “Guess it just feels like I got more to do. Now, at least.” Now that Cas is… and heaven is…
Charlie looks like she doesn’t know what to say. Luckily, they’re interrupted before she has to think of something.
“Eyo! Sorry, amigos,” he leans over backwards to look at them. “Found it.” 
Charlie jumps off the table and grabs Dean’s hand. After a few steps she shoves him with her shoulder until he bumps into Ash’s back. Dean bounces off his soft form and clears his throat. “Sorry,” he mutters, throwing a death glare back at his surrogate sister. She flashes him a smug grin before focusing back on the computer screen. 
Ash recovers from getting jostled in time to point. “Yeah, so, we got word on Angel FM that this Jack kid is goin’ real Jim Jones over here.” He holds a finger up at several paragraphs as he’s flipping through them. “Preachin’ all kinda love and peace and hippy commune shit, but if somebody even questions it, he snaps. Naomi no-likey,” He smirks up at Dean and points to a group of cuss-words even Dean barely uses. “Rough translation.” 
Dean shakes his head. “That doesn’t sound like Jack.” Jack, especially Jack-with-a-soul, almost never got mad. I mean, he’d spent quality time with Lucifer without blowing up. The kid is level-headed to a fault. “Anything else?”
Ash frowns at him. “Y’know, going through angels’ personal phone calls is a lotta work.” 
Dean rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’re a genius. Got anything else?” 
“Ash, what about the human rumors?” 
Ash looks at Charlie and they have a silent battle of wills, but Dean’s too impatient to see who wins. “What human rumors?” 
They pause and come to an agreement. “Fighting. People fighting. Couples. Families. Friends. All over, since the reboot. People are happy, but… it’s like earth. People can talk - people can fight.” 
“And?” Dean raises his eyebrows. There’s something they’re not telling him, and he thinks he knows what.
Ash raises them right back. He’s not about to divulge. “Hombre, this ain’t earth. People are supposed to be happy. If they ain’t… like a glitch in the matrix, y’know?
Dean grunts. “Anything else weird on the radio? Anything at all.” 
Ash’s sigh sounds labored. He leans back in his chair and wobbles, obviously sorting through all the enochian bullshit he’s read over the past… whenever. “Meh… I got… I don’t know, God was singing?” 
“Singing? Singing what?” Dean leans in, intent. If it was Taylor Swift, Beyonce, maybe Lizzo… 
Ash cocks an eyebrow. “Folk shit. Indie music.” 
That’s what Dean was afraid of. “Shit.”
“Why? What does that mean?” Charlie grabs onto his arm. 
Dean’s worst fears, that’s what. “It means that ain’t my kid. It’s Chuck.” 
“Who the hell is that?” Ash stands up as Dean walks away, cursing every stupid atom that had decided to make this dumb universe. Although, he guesses, that was Chuck’s purview too. 
“He’s god! God before the reboot I mean, the dick who up and left and only came back to screw me and Sam over. Fuck, I thought we’d finally gotten out from under his thumb! Now, apparently, he’s just using my kid for his meat-suit.” Dean takes a deep breath. This is bad. Worse than bad-bad. 
“So… what do we do? How do we nuke God?” Charlie asks the question like it’s normal, just another Saturday afternoon. 
Dean thumps his forehead onto the nearest table. Sure, sure, good, great. They were back to square fucking one. “I don’t fucking know,” 
“Alright, break it down. We need more mojo, right? How do we get more mojo?” 
“Well, angels are the next best thing, right? Maybe if we get them all together, they’re obviously not psyched about folk-God, or whatever,”
Ash points at her like she’s a genius. “Alright, yeah!” 
“Guys, there aren’t enough angels left to even try.” Dean feels hopeless. There’s nothing to do. They are literally out of options. There’s no hope. 
“Well, where can we get some more angels, then?” 
Dean stands up. “I know a place.” His heart feels like it’s being squeezed like a lemon. It’s a crazy idea. It’s practically impossible. And probably suicide. And he’s gotta find a way. “We gotta break open the Empty.” 
“The Empty?” Ash looks skeptical. Dean smirks. 
“Yeah, angel/demon afterlife. We punch our way in there and we’ve got juice for days, man.” He spreads his arms out, asks the question. 
Ash glances at Charlie then back at Dean. He sniffs and nods. “I’m in.” 
Dean looks to Charlie, who scoffs. “Duh. Of course. So what, we get in and say pretty please help us kill your dad?” 
A warm feeling spreads through Dean’s chest. “Well, we’ll have a little help on the inside. Cas.”
“Castiel? The angel dude?” 
“He’s dead?” Charlie’s voice has much more concern than Ash’s. Dean nods in response to both questions. It still makes him feel like he’s swallowing glass to think about it. “What happened?” 
Dean looks down at his boots. It’s only the scene that keeps playing on repeat behind his eyelids. Cas crying, holding onto his shoulder, telling him… telling him goodbye. Telling him that. “He saved me.” he starts, expression guarded. “He made a deal.” 
Ash grunts and nods, ready to drop it. Charlie stays quiet too, but she clearly wants to say something. Dean’s thankful for the drop. He doesn’t know what he’d say if they asked more. All he knows is that he needs Cas back. And he needs to talk to him. He needs to tell him that - that he wants him to just stay fucking put, damn it. That he needs to stop dying on him. And that he can’t just go and say something like that and then leave. It’s a bitch-ass move. 
“Yo, Deano?” 
Dean jerks his head back up. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
“How do we jail-break ‘em?” 
“Guessing we’re gonna need some serious magic shit. And since we can’t get to Rowena…” 
Ash breaks into a wide grin. “Pamela? I’ll give her a call.” 
Pamela is “busy,” so they have to wait for her to finish up with Jesse before she can come by. Dean has to hand it to her, it’s just about the most Pamela thing in the world to put off their realms-saving work for a heavenly hookup. Dean hangs around talking for a bit, filling his friends in on the latest on Earth, but he can’t concentrate. Ever since they’d decided the next thing is to get into the Empty, he can’t relax. He takes his beer and goes outside to wait, settling down on the Roadhouse’s front step to watch for Pamela.
After a bit, Charlie plops down next to him, a soft grin on her lips. He returns it half-heartedly before looking out across the clearing. She leans her head against his shoulder. A few minutes pass in comfortable silence before she turns into him. “So we gotta get into the Empty.” she sighs. Dean nods glumly. Just his fucking luck. Even heaven is ruined. But at least… at least they’ve got a shot. “And get Castiel.” 
Dean frowns and pulls away to look at her. Maybe it’s just his paranoia, but he hears some deeper meaning in her voice. “The guy died for me. I gotta,” he presses his lips together, hating himself for the half-lie he’s telling. Cas deserves better. Charlie just nods and watches, like she’s waiting for him to keep going. When he manages to talk again, his voice cracks. “We gotta get him, Charlie.” 
Charlie pulls him into a side hug. “I always said he was dreamy, that angel.” She points out. Dean snorts. He remembers. He’d blushed like an idiot after she said that the first time. 
“Yeah.” He mutters. Okay, so she knows. That he and Cas are… that Dean’s… good. Cas deserves recognition. He deserves someone to talk about him. For Dean to talk about him. But then Charlie just hasn’t spoken, and he feels like he needs some explanation. “I… there were other guys, before him.” He continues, clearing his throat. His mind wanders to Benny and Lee, Crowley. “But he’s… he’s it.” 
He risks a look at Charlie and she is just staring at him with a fond smile. She surges forward and kisses his cheek, squealing. “Yes, I fucking knew it, you bisexual dumbass! Bi, right?” 
Dean laughs. “Yeah, I guess- wait, you knew?” 
Charlie looks around, like Dean’s a dumbass it was so obvious. “Well, yeah, dude. Game recognize game.” She motions between the two of them and he scoffs. That’s right. Gaydar. That would’ve been nice to have for the last, oh, 12 years? “We’ll get him back.” 
Dean pulls Charlie in for another hug and leaves her tucked under his arm until a motorcycle pulls up and Pamela gets off, shaking her hair loose like a blind slow-motion model in a porno. She grins at the pair on the steps like she can see them. “Take a picture, you two. It’ll last longer.”
“How did you-”
She throws a hand out in dismissal. “Please, I can feel ogling from a mile away.” She pauses, laughing at the embarrassed silence Charlie and Dean are sporting. “Nah, I’m just joking. I do the hair-shake for a reason. I deserve a good stare. Hell, it’s half the reason I own this motorcycle.” She throws her helmet in the general direction of the motorcycle and greets her friends. Dean can’t decide whose hug is more flirty, his or Charlie’s. 
“Alright, bitches. Let’s séance some shit.” 
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@dochunterwitch  @justonecitizenoftheearth @gnbrules @purpe @castiel-is-a-cat @alienapparatus
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years ago
June 25: 2x24 The Ultimate Computer
Belated notes on my watch of The Ultimate Computer yesterday.
Kirk’s definitely in Captain Mode today. You can tell when he’s on edge and suspicious and serious.
Yet another old Kirk friend. Does he know everyone in Starfleet?
War games lol. But it’s “not the military.”
Spock is super into this computer.
A-7 Computer Expert Certification.
The crew’s not needed? Wow, okay, this is going to end badly.
“This gadget.” How do you really feel, Kirk?
And there’s Spock literally making faces behind the Commodore’s back. He is soooo that type. He’s like “Jim, are you hearing this? Can you believe this guy?”
I’m insulted on Kirk’s behalf right now. Replacing people with machines so blithely is offensive.
Of course Bones doesn’t like it.
Oh yeah triumvirate walking scene. I love them. it takes so little for me to think ‘what badasses.’ S2 is really stepping up this dynamic in particular.
And Spock is comfortable enough around Bones to be sassy around him
Oh no, the computer is already glitching, and there is no backup and no plan B.... Bones is completely right in his assessment. This is essentially a Titanic situation: way too much hubris involved. Nothing can go wrong so nothing will go wrong so we’ve planned for nothing going wrong!
McCoy has BFF Clearance. He can go wherever he wants.
“It’s the M-5? What happened to Ms 1-4?” Channel #5.
Ahhhh little gratuitous touch to Spock’s arm. They’re In Love.
“There are certain things men must do to remain men.”
“The right computer finally came along.” Damn Bones.
Jim’s suspicions about the computer coming right after that line make it look like he’s jealous that Spock likes it so much.
He’s getting a “red alert right here.” Computers don’t have that kind of intuition.
Jim’s so thoughtful and self-aware. He really cares both about his instincts and about interrogating those instincts for bias and unreasonableness. This is giving me real S1 vibes: the quiet, intelligent, idealized hero Captain at the fore.
This whole scene is perfect, eminently quotable, and sounds exactly like something that could have been written about automation in 2021. You’re okay with it when it’s happening to someone else but then the computer comes for YOUR job....
Uh-h, M-5 is turning off all the lights...
Space merchant marines... good to know.
HOW are the Captain and CMO “non-essential personnel”? The first sign that M-5 is illogical. They should bring some doctor on the landing party mission given that uh humans are going on it and might get injured.
Anyway I can’t wait for Kirk to destroy this bitch and save the day.
Lol it turned off the lights on Bones in sickbay.
Damn, now it’s trying to take Uhura’s job too!
Chekov is so bored.
Spock wants to serve under one man and one man ONLY. Loyalty to one man... sounds like a wedding vow... and Kirk looks so soft...
So, if Spock has to describe to McCoy what that (unnecessary bitchy and catty) “Captain Dunsel” remark means, by saying that it’s a phrase that “midshipmen use at Starfleet Academy,” is this to imply Bones didn’t go to Starfleet Academy?
He’s never felt so at odds with the ship.... a lover’s quarrel...she’s cheating on him with another man...
Jim Kirk, certified Poetry Nerd. He’s such a romantic.
So glad Bones got him a drink so he can return to the bridge and a possible emergency with just a little bit of a buzz going.
Spock in the chair...
Huh, an automated ship with no crew. Interesting concept.
Oh no M-5! She’s got control of the ship and she won’t let go!
Kirk’s face when Enterprise attacks.. the betrayal... his beautiful lady used for mindless destruction.
“Only a robot” ship--! Bones is insulted.
Kirk orders the computer turned off but we’re only halfway through the ep so...
....And the computer is sentient now.
That was the shortest Captain’s Log ever. “The computer has taken over the ship the end.”
Scotty’s like, “...Well what if we just unplug it?”
Okay so now they only have 19 crew.
Spock and Bones are on point today. “Don’t say it’s fascinating.” / “I won’t. But it is... interesting.” This bitch knows exactly what he’s doing.
The computer isn’t a child, guys!
We need powerful computers “so men don’t have to die in space”--like uh that man your computer literally just killed?
I don’t get Daystrom’s logic at all. He talks as if people, like, needed to do work in space, to survive or something. We don’t need to. We want to! We want to go out and meet cool aliens! This guy is no fun.
What is the thing “greater” than fact finding in space that the robots are going to free us to do? Like what is more impressive than SPACE? I don’t even get that.
Time to mix up fake sci fi world-building references with real references! The Nobel and Zee-Magnee Prizes. Sitar of Vulcan.
A theory emerges... the computer acts illogically...Daystrom won’t let Spock near it... I know this isn’t where this is going, but it kind of sounds like they’re implying it’s a scam, lol. He sold an idea he didn’t have so it’s like.. not a real computer.
Spock’s little protege, Chekov.
“We have been pursuing a wild goose.” Aw, bb’s trying so hard to be colloquial. (Also he 100% learned that phrase from McCoy in The Gamesters of Triskellion and now he’s trying it out on Kirk...when McCoy isn’t around.)
“Not to offend you by using the h-word, but... could it be... human?”
Kirk’s really mad at Daystrom now.
The Commodore really set up that dramatic turn to camera there.
Poor Kirk. His ship is being used for evil.
“They can’t destroy the ship, what would happen to the computer?!” Yes, the computer. And the other 19 people and himself but mostly the computer. Daystrom really has lost it.
I love the actor who plays him, though.
“You are great. I am great.” Nothing weird happening here.
Spirk attack! (Spork it out.)
Spock’s way too sure Commodore Wesley is about to die. “He was decent, it’s a shame the ship I’m on is gonna kill him.”
And now another round of Kirk versus the computer and Kirk’s logic wins.
M-5 should argue that it did not commit murder, it committed homicide in self-defense. But then Daystrom didn’t program it with a lawyer’s brain.
It’s uh just gonna leave? Not turn the lights back on?
Kirk is so smart! I know I say this all the time, but it’s true! He knew what to do to save the ship because he knew Bob Wesley. He had formed connections, he had experience and knowledge that doesn’t come from logic. He is not replaceable!
McCoy’s like “Spock, fight me. Debate me Spock. Fight me. I’ll be fun.”
Spock HAS answered the computers versus humans question--he likes humans. He wants to be surrounded by humans.
That was really good! One of the better S2 episodes. Great Kirk, great triumvirate--as a trio and all three sides of the triangle--great sci fi concept, great guest star, great social commentary--still 100% relevant today.
i definitely have to think more about the ‘human computer’ concept. I liked that they specifically went out of their way to explain why the computer was human, how that was part of its design, and then tied that into its creator, his background, his belief system, and his insecurities. I feel like most ‘sentient computer’ or ‘advanced AI’ narratives just assume a computer that’s powerful enough will eventually be alive, which is not something I believe. The scariness of advanced AI to me is the incredible power it has to act quickly, but in a complete black-box way: you can’t literally see the logic string of its thought processes, and nor can you figure them out easily or completely using the creators’ intentions or logic because the machine has ‘learned’ since its inception, and its learning processes are not human. There is a real alienness to them that I find scary. And I do think this ep captured that nuance in M-5: it has the speed and abilities of a super computer, the “human” qualities of its creator for well-explained reasons, and the unpredictability of a mechanism that is NEITHER human nor human-controlled tool. And of course the ep’s ultimate thesis--that humans cannot be completely automated or replaced, and that we should not want to automate or replace humans--is comforting and of a morality I can and want to agree with.
This was also one of those eps that made me curious about the differences in AOS and TOS Kirk--in other words, an ep that relied on his history with Starfleet and his experience, on the reality that he’s a 34 year old man with 15+years of experience in the Fleet. Time, experience, connections, these aren’t things you can replace no matter how smart you are, and I feel like it would have been interesting to see AOS!Kirk deal with some situation that is trickier for him because he’s a Captain with a startlingly small amount of institutional experience. It’s not just about being young or generally inexperienced, in other words--it’s about NOT knowing every Captain, Admiral, and Commodore in the service, it’s about NOT having friends across the galaxy because he just hasn’t had time to make them. Even in deep space, that matters. And I think it’s something that I appreciate more as an adult myself, with actual real world experience of the importance of connections and experience and time, especially in sort of insular or smaller work communities.
Anyway, next is Bread and Circuses! Another great ep for the triumvirate. I can’t believe we’re almost through S2!!
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cosmic-conundrums · 4 years ago
Coscon Intro: Characters Pt. 2
Cabaret Staff
Eilyf (he/him) - plays the violin in the cabaret. does not know his own last name. grew up on a planet constantly at war, was forced into a program by the government that would help his side win the war. he betrayed his side, and was punished for it. he won't talk about what it did to him except to people he trusts deeply, but whatever it was it causes his brain to 'glitch' on occasion (these 'glitches' can range from him spacing out for a minute to him clutching his head and screaming for an hour). He has an odd knowledge of fucky time stuff, which makes him fit in quite well at the hotel. He's Tash's bff. red hair, green eyes, snake tattoo curving just over his left eyebrow and across his temple, covering up a jagged scar.
Vivenne Dumort (she/her) - singer. her songs tell stories in a way that make you feel like you're there, and always take an emotional toll on you. no one knows exactly where she came from or who and what she is, she gives a different story to everyone who asks. the one thing she does say is that she's on a mission, and intends to see it through to the end no matter what it takes. says friends can call her Enne, but whenever anyone tries to she glares at them and informs them that they are not her friends. She's 6'9, jet-black skin, hair that appears silvery-white at first but becomes every color of the rainbow when the light hits it right. she's constantly shadowed by a collection of miniature swirling voids that she refers to as the Voidlets. They act as backup singers, emitting strange otherwordly hums to accompany Enne's singing.
Sasha (she/they) & Swan (he/they/she) - twins, dancers. Once co-captained an exploration vessel sent out to previously unexplored sectors of the galaxy, often tasked with investigating unexplained phenomena such as planets disappearing and appearing out of nowhere. Their ship had a run-in with a weird black hole, and the twins were the only survivors. Now both of them have semi-insubstantial bodies that look normal when they're standing still, but twist into liquid-looking ribbons when they move. They're nearly identical, somewhat translucent skin, white hair, opalescent eyes, but Sasha is slightly taller.
Flerby (she/her) - Flerby is an 8-armed mechanical spider-thing that plays every instrument that isn't the violin. She's very sweet and lovely, everyone enjoys talking to Flerby. She also acts as a doorman, taking people's luggage if they have it alongside her fellow mechanical spider-thing Tim. Tim and Flerby can't lie. They have a very specific set of rules that they have to follow programmed into them, and if they go against that they will self-destruct. They're also HUGE. Well, not super huge, but almost 5 feet tall. So quite large. I love them.
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moonchildsaurora · 5 years ago
The social butterfly of a Tech Genius
Tumblr media
»»—— Crew Member #6 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys: (no nsfw content)
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
an underestimated intellect with huge love for the cyber world and technology  
you hear him before you see him in a crowd
a Drex’un who was born and lived his life in the technology-thriving city of Vollurn up until he was invited to join Hongjoong and Seonghwa on their journey
[database file: Drex’uns are often described as demon-borne even though not all bloodlines are derived from infernal ancestry. Purely for the fact that prominent horns protude from their heads, a prehensile tail that’s used for grabbing things and will coil around their legs when upset/nervous, sharp canines and eye colours that cover the entire sclera. Depending on bloodline, some Drex’uns have elemental abilities]
Mingi isn’t sure about his bloodline as he never knew his parents, though his intelligence goes far beyond that of an average being’s. Not only does he process knowledge extremely fast, his memory is remarkable; able to recall even the tiniest details and his ability to analyse/break codes allows him to have free reign in the cyber networks
his teal-coloured horns and tail have onyx gradient tips, adorned with a few gold jewellery (his actual ears are also pierced with hoops) to complement his molten gold eyes
making heads turn, be it for his energetic presence or fashionable attire; “just because I grew up on the streets doesn’t mean I have no pride for my looks”
learnt to be resourceful and street-smart at a young age, knows all the short cuts and side alleys of the city like the back of his hand (he’s had a lot of time to wander around). Also found out that he had a knack for by-passing security systems whenever he needed shelter for the night
frequents the ‘Merripalace Arcade’ where it’s both an underground hangout for tech whizzes and the cyber battlegrounds for competitive players. The first visit gave him a taste of a different kind of freedom and an introduction to the world of hacking. It’s probably one of the few places he’s felt a part of a community; no judgement of your species nor your background but rather your digital reputation is more valued and the sort of technological talents you bring to the network
if there’s one thing Mingi is a natural at it’s socialising, he could walk into a club alone and come back out later with a new social circle if he so wishes
“ok who DON’T you know here?”
“just look at that face, how can you say no to him?” – Mingi is walking proof that Drex’uns can pull off the puppy-dog face and get away with it
he was gifted a second-hand mirage drive by Einux, a Nagzoid [database file: a reptilian humanoid being with serpent ancestry so they tend to have more snake-like features] who became a shot-term mentor figure after Mingi unintentionally helped crack a system code for a database Einux was commissioned to work on (because Mingi thought that guy was just really bad at math on first glance)
[database file: a mirage drive is pretty much a miniature tablet with a hologram touch-screen and every tech whizz would protect theirs with their lives; especially when were layers of secret activities and programs stored into it]
“you remembered to wipe clean the data trail and replace the originals with the dud files right?”
“yeah of course...does planting a virus in the system that will cause ‘Time Warp’ to play every time they try to click open a file counts?”
“Mingi, I…���.”  
Einux introduced Mingi to his network of contacts and helped set him up with his first commission, safe to say Mingi was at a loss for words when he got his first pay up front (and that was just the deposit)
by the time Yunho had come across Mingi at the Tech Institute, he had been in the cyber scene for 4+ years already and never once had to deal with someone catching him in the act  
Mingi.exe has stopped working
he’s met a couple of Sheirzois before but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t lowkey checking out the blue-haired giant whilst panicking on the inside, he’d argue there’s always time to appreciate beauty
two options popped into his mind then and there; either he bribed his way out (as his mentor taught him) or he attempted to maybe throw some punches and then make a getaway
(expectation) looks like he’s intimidating & can fight vs. (reality) he’d probably cry if he hit someone & is just a soft boy all-round
extra trivia: ironically for an infernal being, Mingi doesn’t deal well with anything supernatural/ghosts-related. Once Woo and Yeosang pranked him, Yunho helped a little but he doesn’t need to know, and convinced him that the basement storage hanger was haunted after totems started appearing in odd places along with ominous noises. Mingi was so ready to abandon ship before Hongjoong did damage control & Jongho promised he’d fight all the ghosts for him 
was already metaphorically weeping at the thought of having to empty his money pouch but turned out that Otis (his multi-coding bot) had somehow manage to win the Sheirzoi over along with an invite to drinks
“I’ve got many questions for you regarding your efficiently adorable bot”
“…and I to you as well, BUT first do you have a name? And secondly have you been to ‘Le Apollon’? Coz if not they make some really mean Northern Drops there!”
Yunho turned out to be one of the most chilled individual Mingi has met and he didn’t mind the other’s enthusiastic discussions about all technological inventions, and was even just as enthusiastic to share with Yunho about his own passion for cyber tech
one too many drinks later Mingi was accidentally spilling secrets he definitely wasn’t meant to and even ended up dancing on the table at some point, all while Yunho hyped his new friend up on the side
was forever grateful that Yunho never ratted him out to the authorities and consider him shook for the 2nd time in that day when he was offered a roof over his head, a more permanent one too
“do you want to be the big spoon, or is it my turn? We can rotate!” 
thus the bromance of all bromances was born
living with Yunho not only meant Mingi would wake up to good vibes, but more than often would wake up to either the screeching of the smoke alarm or “HOLY SMOKES WHERE ARE THE WATER PODS? DID WE RUN OUT OF THEM? AGAIN?!”
putting out accidental fires became second nature to Mingi, initially he’d aggressively fret over Yunho but now he’s come to accept such is the life of a chaotic bright inventor and this is fine
in fact when Hongjoong and Seonghwa came across their humble abode (thanks to Yunho’s cleaning bot) it was an iconic first meeting over smoke. Yunho did most of the talking when Hongjoong pitched his desire to recruit a crew for space voyage, Mingi too busy sitting there staring at the two new-comers with shooting stars in his eyes and hearing about the prospects of an adventure. Within that day the crew had gain 2 more members, because Mingi and Yunho are a combo package deal
“oh has the system be glitching? If you don’t mind, would you like me to have a look at it?”
Hongjoong did a happy dance on the spot knowing that not only did he now have a talented inventor on his ship but also a gifted tech genius, he put Mingi in charge of managing the mainframe systems along with intel collecting this decision that Hongjoong would later semi-regret because (at times) the word “self-control” doesn’t seem to exist in Mingi’s vocab
Seonghwa adopted him and Yunho pretty easily and space mum’s cooking is Mingi’s fave, occasionally using his puppy-dog face he’s perfected over the years to his advantage in gaining extra midnight snacks (being everyone’s baby, no one’s really immune to this)
“Hwa you’re supposed to be the one disciplining the kids!”
Mingi and Yunho were known to be the chaotic fun duo, but with Wooyoung is just chaotic – not to mention he got his Yunhogizer confiscated by Hongjoong for almost a week after, “I thought we were all comparing assets, Wooyoung sent his to the group chat so I figured this was some kind of crew bonding”
also was one half of the reason that the ‘whatever happens at the Tav/clubs, stays at the Tav/clubs’ rule got implemented and one-night sexytimes were banned aboard The Perihelion after Jongho witnessed a random still semi-nude humanoid trying to sneak out of Mingi’s room without being noticed (Hwa went on parent-mode and panicked yell whilst covering Jongho’s eyes)
Jongho avoided Mingi (out of sheer embarrassment) for a few days and that was pretty devastating, considering how close the two became in their friendship that Mingi was one of the very few people in the crew whom Jongho was openly clingy with at times
no one can argue about Mingi’s loyalty to his crew/new family, and under his care-free flamboyant exterior he’s a genuine listener and will not hesitate to offer his shoulder for his family to lean on whenever they need it
recently he’s created new software to enhance Seonghwa’s cybernetic lenses (as a birthday gift) that’d allow him to see clearly miles ahead, in the dark and lock-on tracking function. What Mingi failed to let Hwa know was that he still hasn’t disconnected the sync link to his mirage drive and therefore if, for example, an image was sent through it’d appear in the other user’s field of vision
“wait for it, wait”
“what exactly are we waiting for Mingi? And why are you giggling over a screaming pink…starfish?” (that’s Patrick Star by the way)
seconds later there was a clamouring from the bathroom, the solid sound of someone falling before, “MINGI!”
“that my good lads, is what we were wa-oh whoops gotta go!”  
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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nellied-reviews · 5 years ago
The Sound and the Fury Re-listen
Well, I've reached episode 7 in my Wolf 359 re-listen, which means it's time for:
The Sound and the Fury
In which Hera and Minkowski are fighting, Eiffel gets caught in the middle, and Hilbert just wants them all to submit to the biologically superior will of the Blessed Eternal.
Straight up, I should probably admit that I forgot about this episode, or rather I didn't link the episode title to the episode's events until I was listening to it. And then I was like "oh, yeah, this is that episode" all the way through. For whatever reason, I thought, in particular, that the plant monster didn't come back until Season 2, with The Paranoia Game. That said, I love the plant monster to a possibly unreasonable degree, so its return here was more than welcome, and the rest of the episode was also fun!
We open in the middle of an argument - and for once, it's not Eiffel's fault. In fact, Eiffel isn't even involved, except insofar as he's trapped in the middle between Hera and Minkowski, and is forced to be the voice of reason as the two of them have it out. 
And look, that is always going to be a funny set-up. Hera and Minkowski are both incredibly stubborn personalities, and not at all shy about asserting their opinions, so there's definitely potential for a comically drawn-out, petty argument there. And casting Eiffel as the reasonable, level-headed peacekeeper, in contrast to the two of them, is perfect. It's in character - Eiffel always has been the most pacifist crew member - but it's also a role he's just totally unsuited to, because faced with the combined stubbornness of Hera and Minkowski, he's outmatched, and he knows it.
In an effort not to get involved, then, Eiffel briefly runs through the week's schedule, in a section that isn't really linked to the rest of the episode, but is full of little oddities that remind us just how weird the Hephaestus is. They have a compulsory chess tournament that Hilbert always wins. They have movie night, but only a VHS of Home Alone 2. "On Friday we'll have mustard." It's so weird, and I love it.
We're interrupted, at this point, by Hilbert, who sounds very strange, even for him. And naturally, Eiffel ignores it completely at first, focussed as he is on the unfolding Hera-Minkowski conflict. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, for such a pop culture-savvy guy, Eiffel falls into literally every horror movie cliché. He's so oblivious!
For the rest of us, it's obvious that something's wrong, and our suspicions are confirmed when we learn over the course of his conversation with Eiffel that Hilbert went looking for the plant monster, which now seems to be mind-controlling him, to the point where he's convinced that it's "the most evolutionarily competitive lifeform on this station, the most deserving of life."
And okay, I love the plant monster, but that's very alarming, and is made even more so by the fact that it's something that Hilbert might conceivably have said anyway? I mean, it's cold and Darwinistic and smacks of eugenics, yes, but it also has a callous ruthlessness to it that's totally Hilbert's style, as well as that trademark lack of concern for human life. It's like the plant monster just exaggerated what was already there, turned the mad scientist dial up to eleven. In other words, it made Hilbert even more Hilbert-y.
Luckily, Eiffel realises soon enough that something's wrong, and goes to warn Minkowski. Minkowski, being a mature, rational individual, immediately drops her argument with Hera and goes to - oh, wait, no, she does basically the opposite of that, ignoring Eiffel in favour of continuing her argument with Hera. Great. Good job, Commander.
It's at this point, of course, that we finally learn exactly what Minkowski and Hera are arguing about. And is it petty. Turns out, Minkowski wants Hera to submit reports on the various systems she runs around the station in case there's an emergency, but also just because Minkowski wants to know what's going on behind the scenes. We don't get to hear Hera's side of things just yet, but already, we can see the irony in Minkowski's arguments. Sure, she wants to be better appraised of everything going on onboard the Hephaestus in case of an emergency - but her stubbornness here means she's missing the emergency that's unfolding right under her nose!
Eiffel's attempts to make her see sense don't really help either, at this juncture. Instead, they just get him dragged into Minkowski and Hera's argument. Which I'm sure is that last thing he wants, because those two play dirty. First Minkowski pressures him into saying, to Hera's face, that he doesn't think AIs should be trusted. And then Hera, angry, plays Eiffel's words from earlier back to Minkowski, twisting what he said around so that both parties are angry at him. As a result, Eiffel ends up walking an impossibly thin line, trying to appease both of his friends, while keeping himself out of their argument as best he can and while getting increasingly frustrated with the both of them. It's a painfully awkward situation, and I genuinely feel sorry for him.
That said, the argument that then plays out is fascinating to me, because I think it shines a really interesting light on the power dynamics onboard the Hephaestus, putting the focus on Hera and Minkowski's relationship in a way that we haven't really seen before. Up until now, after all, they seem to have worked in tandem pretty well, with Minkowski giving orders and Hera carrying them out. Here, for the first time, we see a tension between them, stemming from the fact that Minkowski, as the commanding officer, nominally has the most power onboard the Hephaestus, while Hera, as the ship's AI, probably actually has the most power, between her vast sensory array, her huge databanks, and her literally running the entire Hephaestus. Yes, Minkowski is technically in charge, purely by virtue of her being a human. But Hera, on a day-to-day basis, is actually more crucial to their ongoing mission - even though, as an AI, she doesn't get to hold an official ranking position.
That's possibly why Hera takes Eiffel's well-meaning dismissal ("It's just her programming") so personally. It's a reminder of her different, subordinate status, and it reeks of a double standard - she's right that nobody would think to blame a human's erratic behaviours on their biology. That would be patronising, right? As much as Eiffel means well, writing Hera's reactions off as mere programming strips her of her agency - something that comes up again and again in her character arc. How much is Hera responsible for her actions, if she can also be programmed to act a certain way? In what ways has she been "made" a certain way, against her will? And how can she best deal with that while still retaining a sense of agency and control over her life and identity?  They're big, complicated questions, and we're only really scratching the surface here, but I do think it's a solid foundation for later developments. At the very least, we get the impression that Hera doesn't like to be reduced to her programming - and rightly so, I suspect. To some extent, at least, she is more than just the code that she is made of, just like humans are more than the sum of their biology. And that's a good thing to be establishing now, buried in the middle of a relatively low-stakes argument, before the more plotty stuff kicks off later on in the show.
And of course, it also bleeds into Hera and Minkowski's argument, which really picks up steam at this point, after an impassioned but ultimately futile speech from Eiffel about how it's a stupid fight to begin with and how making him pick sides is dumb and unfair. Hera, ignoring this, accuses Minkowski of feeling threatened by the big, powerful AI. That, for Hera, is why Minkowski is micromanaging her. It's because she's a typical human, insecure about an AI having more power than her.
Hera's point is almost immediately complicated by Minkowski, who rightly points out that the issue, for her, isn't that Hera's an AI. It's that Hera' unreliable. She keeps breaking down and glitching, and so the crew keep experiencing emergencies that could maybe be avoided if Hera would just give Minkowski the reports she wants. We've seen Hera break down as recently as last episode, and so this does kind of ring true, even if the way that Minkowski brings up Hera' vocal glitching feels like a bit of a low blow.
Both of them, then, have a point, and I think it's also worth noting that it's also, as Minkowski points out to Eiffel, a question of protocol. Whether Hera likes it or not, Minkowski is, technically, her commanding officer, and should be able to just give her commands and demand reports from her. Refusing to do so undermines Minkowski's authority. That said, Hera didn't exactly have a choice when it came to joining whatever weird sort-of military thing Goddard has going on. She never signed up for the whole "commanding officer" thing, so why should she obey Minkowski? Because she's programmed to?
It's messy, grey situation, with no clear answers, and it's worth noting that the argument doesn't really get resolved. Neither Minkowski nor Hera back down at any point. Instead, a combination of Eiffel calling them out for being childish and Hilbert attempting a coup snaps them out of it, reminding them that they have bigger problems right now. There is a time and a place for the discussion they were having. But that time is not now, and so they decide, without really discussing it, to set aside their grievances. It's not that their respective opinions aren't valid. But keeping each other (and the rest of the crew) safe comes first, and so they bond over being annoyed at Eiffel, and they set off to save Hilbert. It's sweet, in a way, and I like how quickly they both just get on with it. And Eiffel's dejected resignation at the end is the cherry on top. Bless him.
And so we get to the end of an episode that, while it's reliably funny, also gives us an outline of the main points in an argument that we probably should have seen coming. It's yet another example of how stress and tension can easily build up in the contained, isolated atmosphere of the Hephaestus - only this time, we don't get Eiffel cracking and hoarding toothpaste, we get Hera and Minkowski cracking and unleashing the titular sound and fury. The points raised get us thinking, in particular, about Hera's status, as an AI, but also just as a member of the Hephaestus' crew. Eiffel, meanwhile, is forced into a responsible, mediating role that he is neither comfortable in nor particularly good at. And at the end of the day, we're reassured that Minkowski and Hera do, at least, have their priorities straight. Arguing over reports is fine and dandy, but it's not worth getting killed over.
And of course, perhaps most excitingly, the plant monster returns. Surrender your flesh, and feed your new master :)
 Miscellaneous thoughts:
It doesn't escape my attention that this is the second title that's a Shakespeare reference. Keeping it classy there, Doug
"Umm... that's all it says for Friday."
The schedule bit is basically the Night Vale Community Calendar segment, but in space
Hilbert's voice in this is sooo weird and dull and creepy ugh
I know the science of it isn't really the focus here, and I'm 100% down with that, but also how does a plant mind control people?!? I want to know!
"Our operating system is a tin-headed, insubordinate, feckless fool!"
"Sit your Swiss ass down, and take a side, Doug."
Aww, Eiffel just sounds so confused and stressed-out by the whole situation :(
And finally we get the obvious Little Shop of Horrors plant monster joke :)
I didn't go into much detail about Eiffel in this, but his speech where he finally gets them to shut up and work together again is also great and I love it jsyk
"Shut up, Plant-Hilbert." Bwahahahaha.
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signaturedish · 5 years ago
A question for ur TF fic. What if when Harry gets turned he's like, younger? When it happens I mean (He is 10 right?) Like, five or something maybe? What would change? How would the bots and cons react? How would Harry react?
Hey you! Sorry that took a hot minute. 
Yeah, Harry’s ten in the fic. 
The way I intended it was that he was clearly ten in his internal monologue right up until he was turned into a robobaby. Then the trauma on top of a completely different set of instincts had him thinking and behaving a good 5-3 years younger than his current age with a gradual upward incline as he got more comfortable and familiar with himself in later chapters. Right now in the narrative, he’s almost back to normal, we’re just waiting on a returning desire for independence which won’t happen until he’s secure in his relationship with Megs.
So to make him five, I think that drop in maturity would come off much more dramatically. He was a pretty independent human ten-year-old, resigned to his treatment as a servant, and capable on his own. A five-year-old Harry would be far newer to his servant status and much more unsure of himself from the getgo- Five-year-olds aren’t built for the kind of independence the Durselys expect from him, we’re right in the middle of those growing pains. 
Then we turn him into a robobaby. 
(I like the age I chose for Harry but sad baby Harry was so cute I made this a little long for more details, excuse my indulgence)
Appearance-wise he wouldn’t change much. He’s already too small and at the youngest growth stage, his internal programming would probably be more toddler-esque with a stronger inclination to cry for attention, a greater need for positive attention, and more automatic behaviors geared toward inciting those things. 
Oh and he keeps his lisp.
The first few days would be a nightmare, like constant crying, deeply distressed at all times, desperately reaching out to the scientists on blind instinct and getting reprimanded for it at every turn. A whole mess, a whole inconsolable mess, the scientists think there’s something fundamentally wrong with him, he’s incoherent past the point of even perceived aggression. 
Then Megatron makes his move. He’s been hearing what sounds like a newspark being tortured for hours and hours and now that he can see that it probably isn’t a sleep paralysis-level nightmare driving him to madness he needs to Handle This ASAP.
First problem- Harry isn’t responding to cool, logical instructions to communicate through comm. He’s way past regular conversation. 
This is eventually resolved when Megatron very clumsily takes the right stabs at comforting him. It takes hours, some sullen silences, panicking, maybe a soft reboot or two, but he does get there. Crooning lullabies, softer sentences, praise when Harry stops crying, Megatron is flying so blind it isn’t even funny but he’s not dumb, he can see it’s working.
The transformers view PA!Harry as a very gifted and mature toddler. This itty bitty little baby can fit so much serious thought and a burgeoning emotional intelligence in it so they try their best to accommodate and not come off terribly condescending. Success varies. 
Younger!Harry acts much truer to his appearance. So in general, how the TF crew thinks of Harry changes very little, but how they respond to him does.
Megatron is as soft as he can possibly be to the point of genuine pain. Harry is so much more emotionally dependant and lost that it’s less easy to drift back into overlord mode around him. You’ll note that Megatron doesn’t have another mode to switch to, just a rusty parental unit protocol set he’s never activated before. Soundwave gets called down immediately, surveillance be damned, he needs someone with caretaking knowledge and he needs them now. 
Bumblebee doesn’t really perceive the difference, he couldn’t clock Harry’s age in any au, he was kinda sure the bot was glitched initially. His genuine confusion when Harry kicks and screams and sobs like a very young child who’s thinnest thread of guidance was just ripped away from him by a lying yellow monster easily comes across as cruelty. The mistrust and fear/hatred Harry develops for him does not mellow for far longer than his stay with the Autobots.
On the bright side his meltdown makes the Autobots come to terms with their find much more quickly. They could hear the distress calls a mile from the dam and had a lot of the freakout there instead. 
Ironhide rips him out of Bumblebee’s cab while Jazz is split between hovering worriedly and tearing the scout to pieces for allowing him to get so worked up. Similar rough aesthetic and coloring to Megatron and an English accent help a great deal in calming Harry down and the rocking and lullabies do the rest. 
Every Autobot has his targeting systems on and a whole lot of automatic aggression coursing through them with the terror and pain of a sparkling still fresh in the air. After Bumblebee is brought to miserable apologies and Bonecrusher is ripped limb from limb they’re still pumped and ready to Throw Down with Megatron. But he just makes that deal to keep Harry safe and assures Harry that he’ll be okay with Optimus and Megs’ll be back soon. 
Harry is still distraught Megatron left him with strangers. But he’s there long enough to form those Autobot attachments, primarily with Ironhide, Ratchet and Jazz.
Ironhide doesn’t put him down much at all, even when Harry tries to hide it, he gets anxious all alone on the cot and much prefers the nook between pauldron and helm to cuddle in and listen to growly war stories and life lessons. He sleeps up there whenever possible too. Ironhide can tell all this and happily allows it, staying stock-still for hours and gently rousing him whenever Harry begins to have a nightmare about the dam.
Ironhide’s perception hasn’t logically changed much, but the way Harry behaves ticks every box to drive him into an overprotective rampage, to the point that humans aren’t allowed within thirty feet of him and even the tiniest whimper has him hovering like three thousand pounds of promised death over his charge. 
They bond the closest, to the point that Ironhide could plausibly replace Megatron as Harry’s imprinted guardian (but he doesn’t).
Jazz and Ratchet share tertiary ‘older brother’ type roles in Harry’s life. Jazz reads to him, plays games with him, and holds him when Ironhide can’t be there. His playful casualness helps keep Harry calm and gets him to open up, but its not something he responds to as successfully. Camaraderie is appreciated but not something an insecure five-year-old always understands.
Jazz gains the most points correcting Optimus’ treatment of him and handling any humans who get into the hanger before Ironhide does something drastic. Thinks that play up his aptitude as a parental figure and devotion to keeping him healthy and safe. 
Ratchet...he really needs Harry’s observational skills and willingness to shoulder some emotional weight in the relationship, unfair or not. Without the ability to deliver the reassurance Ratchet needs, in addition to possessing a much more fragile disposition himself, it can be difficult for Ratchet to interact with Harry. He keeps to himself when Harry doesn’t ask for him or need treatment and they read rejection in each other’s hesitance too often for Harry to pursue the affection fit to burst in Ratchet.
Ratchet would 100% die for him and is right up there with Ironhide as his most aggressive defender, but he isn’t a great source of comfort for Younger!Harry. He wins his points through being the best cuddler, hands down, and praising him most often. Soft moments when neither of them are shy or afraid are where they’re closest.
Optimus is weirdly like Bumblebee here. He has Harry clocked as infant but god knows that that’s supposed to mean. He doesn’t have a mode outside of Prime to switch to for Harry and the stumbling we see in PA is him doing his very best. He’s not dumb, he recognizes that Harry isn’t emotionally mature enough to be spoken to the way he might mistakenly speak to him in PA, but he doesn’t have any other words. There’s a lot of frustrated staring and helpless silences here. 
Jazz tries his best to gently encourage some softer interactions and Ironhide is raring to punish his Prime if he dares misstep with his sparkling charge, tensions stay a little high.
With Soundwave planning Harry’s extraction, it goes off almost without a hitch, no sparklings were bitten in the attempt at least. Thundercracker might actually die depending on the plan. He has the most experience out of the Decepticons with immature and young bots via his own casseticons and a paternal disposition under all his cool logic. So he’s bustling around like an expectant mother, training up all the other Cons in grueling exercises and curriculum to get them up to his standards of child rearing aptitude and childproofing the base.
Megatron really does appreciate some tangible, reliable instructions. He’d appreciate it even more if he wasn’t a little bit threatened by how confident and capable Soundwave is when interacting with Harry. Soundwave quickly becomes the second favorite- almost on par with Ironhide.
Barricade is terrified of Harry in that way twenty-somethings are terrified when married friends give them babies and then leave to do something. This is way too important and delicate for him and someone pleaserescuehimitsgettingcloserohmygod-
Thundercracker is much more cautious handling Harry. We haven’t gotten there yet in PA, but he’s kind of the fun uncle who definitely goads Harry into things partially to get under Meg’s skin. Not so when Harry is more openly vulnerable and clumsy, now we’ve got a little baby chick who needs to stay in his nest and be warm and safe. Gliding will happen much, much later. If ever.
Harry was affected by how the scientists treated him to the point of being intensely shy around friendly, good humans and flatly terrified of anyone else. Megatron hunted down every remaining SS agent with Soundwave’s help to finish the job for that.
Eventually, Harry would feel more secure and comfortable and would start wanting to be on the ground and playing with less parental bots instead of carried everywhere by his guardians, but that recovery is achieved at the Decepticon base after some weeks have passed.
Okay and I think that’s it! Thanks for asking!! I had probably too much fun...
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artistic-mathematics · 5 years ago
I, uh, had the woooonderful experience of... watching the 4th season of She-Ra just now.
Major. Spoilers. Ahead. You have been warned.
Thoughts/Initial reactions?
I hate this show. I love and hate this show. No, I hate it. Love it. Hate. Love. Crew-Ra, w h y?
I definitely didn’t cry many, many times during the season.
Reference of Angella’s... absence made me cry a few times. Micah’s realization... can’t even imagine how awful that was for him. Glimmer’s struggle in accepting she’s gone... (hopefully for now or I will actually fight Crew-Ra...) was just. Ow. Glimmer yelling at Adora about how it was her fault that Angella was gone? Yeesh, no, that was also so upsetting, yikes.
Everyone was crying and I felt the need to join in because I also got sad.
Razz cried...
Then Micah cried over Angella...
Then Hordak did once he found out Catra lied to him...
Glimmer and Adora fighting with each other was so upsetting. It was awful. Please don’t let them fight again.
Scorpia finally said what we all wanted her to say.
Micah’s baaaaack, and he’s awesome!
Nope, not crying again. What do you mean I’m crying? What?
Was... was that Kyle doing something useful for once?
Did Light Hope actually show emotion? Am I dreaming?
Glimmer as a badass queen is literally so amazing. Her flaws really just make her better. I was basically screaming at the screen during the time she thought talking to Light Hope was like, the key to using the weapon, but turns out that it wasn’t the case, but it worked out in the end anyway and Scorpia has cool lightning magic now? Aaaaa!!
Mermista and Scorpia were such moods during this season.
My new headcanon is that Shadow Weaver gardens just so she has something to kill in her spare time.
Glimmer freeing Double Trouble to have them mess with Catra was the best. revenge. ever. Hats off to you, Glimmer.
Past theories proven right/wrong, and my thoughts on them? Theories I’m referencing here: Part 1, Part 2, Season 4 Trailer Analysis
Status of Micah, Angella, and Mara
Micah’s... quite alive, as we’ve seen. Glad I got something right!
However, Mara... is most likely gone. There’s absolutely no indication that Mara could possibly be alive at this point, other than the warped reality (which oh look, Micah’s alive!), but I think Crew-Ra made it pretty clear that she’s gone. Rest in peace, Mara.
Doesn’t mean I’m giving up on this theory, though :)) I think Mara and Adora would make great friends.
There’s still hope for Angella, especially since the portal was reopened and portal capabilities are now possible. Reopening this wormhole most likely meant freeing Angella, and I believe she’s out there somewhere. Micah was. Angella must be out there.
Hordak’s possible redemption arc
I guess his redemption arc... already happened? He fell... in “love”. He cared for Entrapta, which is pretty obvious.
He’s been “rebooted”, but that was clearly due to some tech stuff, so I believe that Entrapta may be able to undo that. They had a pretty great relationship, and I’m sure it can be restored. If that is true, then Hordak will most likely try to turn against Horde Prime, with Horde Prime’s great monologue in the end.
Entrapta’s status and stance
Haha, in this theory I said the Rebellion would find both Micah and Entrapta. Case closed, I win.
Entrapta is basically joining the Rebellion again. I thought it would be due to the realization of Catra’s betrayal, but it really ended up being something better -- the realization that the Princess Alliance never gave up on her, and never meant to left her behind.
Catra’s fate
Mmm. I thought Catra might join Horde Prime. During the last episode, however... she realized that her actions were pushing everyone away, she saved Glimmer from having her mind wiped, and she seems to be... overall... walking towards the good side. She did tell Horde Prime that he needed her... but I think it may have been to save her own skin after seeing Hordak. I think that was vague for the cliffhanger. I really hope Catra is truly seeing the light.
Madam Razz
I may have been completely right about her, and I’m so happy about this.
I decided in the end that she wasn’t a First One, but just a really old Etherian, and what do you know, she was confirmed to be that.
I said she was some sort of magical being, which definitely was part of it. Her powers... well, I said she may have time-traveling experience or is an all-seeing being of some sort, which I was... well, pretty close, I guess. It definitely wasn’t her memories messed up, as Mara confirmed that she was seeing into the future -- talking to Mara about Adora, and that’s how Mara was able to straight-up talk to Adora without playing the whole name game.
Catra’s redemption arc (and Beast Island)
Hey, Catra’s redemption arc seems to be beginning!
So much for Catra being the queen of Beast Island, however. That was proven wrong, unfortunately.
And aggh. The two ways I mentioned... were both wrong. I mentioned Hordak may find out about Catra’s lie and get sent to Beast Island, or Catra gets away with lying and ends up trying to become Horde Prime’s second-in-command. Neither of those quite happened. Hordak did find out, but kind of ended up trying to blast Catra into bits instead.
Light Hope and the First Ones
Holy. Hell. I was actually pretty close on this one.
Light Hope, at least, isn’t an end-game villain. In fact, she went against her own programming to save Etheria and Adora from their fate.
The First Ones, however... how much do you want to bet that Horde Prime has some connection with them? This may very well be the end-game villain right here. Horde Prime first, then the First Ones, because I’m pretty sure they have some connection. This definitely can’t be the end of the road for the First Ones. They made such a major part of the story and suddenly this just... goes away? Yeah, this can’t be.
My speculation of the First Ones leaving as Mara stranded Etheria... well, I wasn’t completely wrong, I guess. They were already leaving.
My idea about the First Ones conquering Etheria and needing She-Ra for that... oh boy.
A general speculation
During this short prediction, I mentioned that She-Ra was a massive struggle for power, and I wasn’t wrong. Those who end out on top are truly the people who widen their perspectives.
We see all of our current protagonists do this (biggest examples would be Glimmer during the last episode, Scorpia, and Entrapta). Catra is on her way, so I have good reason hoping for a redemption arc for her.
Horde Prime won’t make it too far. He really won’t.
So not exactly a theory, because I somehow completely neglected to mention how Scorpia may be getting a redemption arc real soon in my theory posts (and ended up sticking this in my quick analysis of the season 4 trailer) but I guess I was right there as well. Scorpia really was being treated awfully by Catra and... well, she finally said what we were all thinking.
Double Trouble
Not really a theory either, because I mentioned it in my quick analysis of the season 4 trailer, but I was mostly right.
I just want to mention that I said almost exactly what Mermista said -- how Shadow Weaver was too easy of an answer, and that it wasn’t her. I mentioned Double Trouble could easily be the spy, but may also help the Rebellion out instead. And what do you know, they did!!
Current theories?
Angella is still alive. Fight me on this. (And maybe Mara, but I might be a little too optimistic hoping for this...)
Catra’s getting a redemption arc...
Razz and her time-traveling powers of sorts?
New theories?
The sword broke, but Adora should be able to transform back into She-Ra somehow.
Razz mentioned specifically that the sword is not She-Ra. Adora is She-Ra. The sword is, well, just a sword. Adora is still capable of turning into She-Ra, she’ll just need another way. Oh, and when has Razz ever been wrong?
Horde Prime is connected with the First Ones, somehow.
I did mention this before, but they seem quite related.
Also, did I mention that Horde Prime seems to have advanced tech like the First Ones had... but it may just be the progress they made? In like, an actual universe that wasn’t Despondos?
The princesses’ powers?
Towards the ending of the last episode, Glimmer showed that her magic was glitched... sort of.
I believe that they’ll be able to get it back. I just think Adora’s sword severed the connections and they’ll have to go back to their runestones to reconnect themselves, as the runestones did go black after Adora broke the sword. I think they’ll be fine, but Glimmer will have to go back and she doesn’t really have the ability to do so as of right now... and maybe, just maybe, reconnecting the connections of all the other princesses (to their respective runestones) is the key to bringing back Adora’s ability to turn into She-Ra. Rest in pieces to the sword, though. Never even got a chance to see Adora turn it into a gun... Ah well, haha.
I’ll make new theories when I’m not utterly tired out... so until next time, I guess. Hope you all enjoyed this very unorganized post.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years ago
Could I ask for some fallout 4 companion + favorite NPCs headcanons you might have?
I did my top 5 favorite companions in alphabetical order + my top favorite NPC, hope you don't mind! The post would be a bit too long otherwise ^^'
Codsworth is (besides Curie, Edna and Whitechapel Charlie) the most self aware Mr.Handy in the Commonwealth. As a result he tends to be underestimated by people in general (since most Mr.Handies and Mr.Gutsies are stuck in their programming to such a degree that they're not really aware of their surroundings concerning a timeline). This causes Codsworth mild anxiety as he thinks he might be broken or perhaps even dangerous to the Sole Survivor if he "glitches any further". A loose cannon can't be trusted right?
The robot workbench, while useful for repairs and upgrades, gives Codsworth the "willies". He doesn't like the idea of being altered beyond what he was made to be. He has the same sort of dread when asked if he'd ever like to acquire a synth body like Curie. He was "born" a Mr Handy he'll remain one until the day he passes.
Codsworth regularly has tea with Sturges and Mama Murphy. Sometimes he manages to get the Sole Survivor, Preston and Curie to join him, but otherwise not many people give him the time of day to kick back and indulge in old pre-war habits. Unless he bakes some of his famous tarberry cobbler, then everyone flocks around him for a taste.
Every single lie Deacon tells is based on truths. He has a way of weaving words that is impressive because he only really needs to sell something believable to his audience. What's more believable than a story with a few facts switched around? Deacon lies about lying.
Deacon has a terrible temper. One he couldn't exactly control when he was younger but that he'd learned to get a hold of as he grew older and tried to better himself. Barbara's death was the last time he lost control, and since then no one's really seen the extent of Deacon's fury. That person who let his anger get the better of him was scum and caused nothing but pain and death. He wants to help, not destroy.
Deacon has alluded to having lived a good part of his life underground (being quite fond of caves and feeling safe in them) before moving to University Point. While no one knows where exactly he came from, Maccready has suggested Capital Wastelands since he first met him there and he has helped concoct theories on Deacon's origins that vary from cave settlements, to Little Lamplight and even to a Vault. Whichever one it is, this is the cause for his attachment to his sunglasses. His eyes are incredibly sensitive to bright lights (They're also very convinient for his spy work so it's win win in any case!).
--Nick Valentine--
While he's not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship he does seem to be incredibly fascinated by romance novels. He doesn't admit this to anyone however and won't read anything out in public that isn't part of his mystery novel collection. He has a hidden stash of romance novels in a hidden compartment in his desk.
He watched Hancock growing up with his brother and always thought Guy to be a little too aggressive in his stance about the world around them. He hoped the boy would grow out of it but was quickly proven wrong when Mcdonough became Diamond City's mayor. He considered leaving with John and the ghouls before deciding he needed to stay to keep an eye out for the city. God only knew DC would need all the help it could get from then on out...
He has a missing persons case file for Preston which he keeps a secret. Preston's mother approached him after travelling all the way to DC to ask if he'd find her son who was 17 when he ran away. Ever since the Sole Survivor came along and introduced him to her odd group of misfits he's had to keep himself from telling Preston that his mother is worried sick about him. He hopes that when things settle down a bit and that the Minutemen are back into proper shape that he'll be able to tell the lieutenant and bring him to see his mother.
--Preston Garvey--
He was raised by his biological mother (a brahmin farmer) and the woman she later fell in love with and married (a nurse). He never met his father and his moms insisted he was killed by a raider. He later learned that while his mother was pregnant with him, she and his biological father were kidnapped by a group of raiders and that his father was then tortured mercilessly until his mind broke and he joined them. His mother escaped with her life only by pure luck and chance.
Preston's idolization of the Minutemen was always a consern for Mama Garvey, who was deathly afraid of losing her baby boy. When Preston turned 17 he ran away from home to join the militia against his mom's wishes. He hadn't exactly hit his growth spurt yet so his mothers were pretty scared that he might have died alone in the Wastes. After the Minutemen fell apart Mama Garvey went to Nick Valentine to ask for help searching for any signs that her son might still be alive.
He has a passion for learning new things, new skills, any tidbit of useful knowledge he can get his hands on. He's a bit like a Swiss army knife with all the things he's learned from traveling with the Minutemen and Sole Survivor, be it cook a mean brahmin steak, or mend ripped clothes, or even apply first aid when there aren't any stimpacks available, or even origami (although the latter is just for fun).
After the Institute is destroyed X6 feels mildly conflicted but chooses to stick by his original instructions to follow the Sole Survivor's orders. This of course was an issue at first because he'd shadow Sole like a lost, albeit mildly terrifying, puppy. He's taken up guard duty after he was asked to stop acting like a bodyguard, since he didn't really know what to do with his time. Some of the braver/nicer companions (Nick, Preston, Curie and Codsworth) have tried to give him pointers, but it's actually some of the settlers who have helped him figure out how to somewhat "enjoy" his freedom (mainly Mama Murphy and Sturges who can tolerate his cynicism and disdain for the Commonwealth and it's people).
He's embarrassed by his Fancy Lads snack cakes cravings. As a synth courser he should be a top of the line model with zero attachment to material possessions and no need for indulging in the disgusting Commonwealth foods, be they pre-war or post-war. However since he's a Gen3 synth this is just a quirk he can't really shake off and he'd probably die of embarrassment if anyone found out his stash in his room.
He has a bit of a synth sense. He's not really aware of it, but he gets a strange feeling sort of like deja vu whenever he meets a runaway synth. The Railroad did a fantastic job with facial reconstructions and new identities, but X6 still has this weird feeling that he's seen them before. This feeling is a lot stronger around Sturges and he can't help feel a little put off by him. Not that anyone notices anyway...
These two [x] [x] headcanons are pretty much my go to for Sturges's origins, but I'll elaborate further!
The original Sturges was born and raised in the Mojave and briefly moved to the Capital Wasteland with his father (after his mom passed away from an unknown illness). After Sturges Senior retired from the NCR the two moved to the Commonwealth to get away from all the chaos in the Capital Wastes. As a result of moving around a lot, Sturges Junior had a lot of contact with experienced mechanics and scientists. Already a bit of a genius himself, Sturges's knowledge was both a gift and a curse, as the Institute took an interest in him and abducted him as soon as they found a chance to do so. The synth copy that currently resides with Sanctuary's people is a bit of an oddity however... He was a prototype meant to spy on Sturges Senior and the settlement they lived in when they moved to the Commonwealth, but there were a few issues with his programming and Sturges actually forgot he was a synth and that he needed to report to a courser that would be sent to meet with him every month under the guise of trading for scrap. Sturges Senior caught on pretty quickly and dispatched the courser, but realized the synth copy was harmless and that if the Institute took his real son then he was already good as dead, so he feigned ignorance and kept Sturges unaware as well.
Sturges left to make a life of his own a few months after his replacement. He learned how to shoot thanks to his dad, but nothing could really prepare him for how ruthless the Wastes could really be. After he settled he swore off fighting as much as possible since he's not too fond of it. He'd still beat up anyone that threatened his friends, even if he had to do it with his bare fists. Those muscles aren't just for show and Sturges can give a mean punch.
Zeke, the leader of the Atom Cats, is Sturges's cousin from his father's side of the family. The two weren't very close when they were younger because Zeke tended to bully him a bit, but eventually the two grew out of their almost sibling-like rivalry and hung out a lot when Sturges moved to the Commonwealth. When the Atom Cats were formed, Sturges was the main mechanic before he decided to lend his services to Quincy. He liked the town so much that he decided to settle there, much to Zeke's displeasure. The two are in good terms and there's really no bad blood between them.
Sturges is as stubborn as a brahmin. This has proven to be both a great asset to Sanctuary and a terrible burden, as when ever Sturges gets it in his head that he can do something, he won't stop until he does it. Preston has had to drag him away from fruitless projects many times so that Sturges could eat, drink and sleep. Others have been less tactful, like Marcy spilling a bucket of purified water over his head because he had forgotten to bathe in a while, or Jun guilt-tripping him so he'd rest for once in his life, or even one time where the Sole Survivor "hired" Tinker Tom to help around the workshop so Sturges wouldn't have to worry too much about repairs progressing in Sanctuary Hills (Tinker Tom spouted conspiracy theories all day and Sturges now wonders if every mirror he sees isn't a two-way mirror somehow connected to the Institute).
Extra angsty headcanon:
The original Sturges ended up as one of the super mutant behemoths that the Sole Survivor can encounter in the Commonwealth. They wouldn't ever be able to tell considering the beast is nothing like the kind and amicable handyman they know.
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