#/  hoohboy
inkbeanjo · 1 year
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First and foremost to get it outta my system, fuck orbitaldropkick for being a piece of shit hack-writer with zero tact. Fiction and narrative do not defacto endorse the most horrible actions or events on earth, but you have no fucking tact in your writing of or depiction of said events- it's crassness for shock value and it's gross. You might know kill six billion demons and might even still be reading it- if you do, I suggest you don't! If you don't read it, don't start! The idea can't poison you if you don't imbibe it, and the most recent update was very much a reason for me to hate the fucker more than I already did for being an abrasively smug prick. CW for rape if you ignore the prior warning and go to his site anyway. "But its been years and im so invested-" Shut the fuck up, if an apple rots you don't keep the mush. You may be asking yourself what you ought to maybe consider reading or engaging with instead that maybe handles shit more tactfully, or overall embodies the spirit of killing god that isn't tied to tom parkinson-morgan or his works (ksbd, icon, lancer, unnamed cyberpunk), and I'm compiling a list below: Comics: Souls Foreclosed- Cast of devil-endowed trans people literally combatting society, the church and vampires that rule it, and tbqh god himself. Extremely good and creative as fuck in it's visual design. Phototaxis of a Fighter- Underground boxing with a full cast of queer and ace rep, PLEASE read this shit 'cause I'm tired of people sleeping on such a banger comic. Scam the Gods- Dreamlike and utterly surreal comic focused on committing to the title. As with the above fuckin read this shit if you want to feel caught in a dream you can't quite wake up from, quit sleeping on the comic and sleep inside it. Novels and TTRPGS:
Benjanun's Machine Series- hoohboy there's a lot here please let her explain it better than i can ;///; Gubat Banwa + Maharlika- TTRPG steeped in southeast-asian culture with mechanics emulating the snappy combat of martial arts movies and godkilling™ (mecha robo for the latter of the two), and with far greater understanding of the cultures it references than those Tom outright rips from. Devil, Aim for Me- If there could be a oneshot/single system to encapsulate the vibe of Souls Foreclosed, this'd be it- Ran a game several years ago centered around a post biblical rapture world with the goal of crawling out from the ash to kill god, so I'm including it here as well worth your time. tl;dr fuck you abbadon, i wish you'd go back to being john neverpost and fucking stay that way you cunt
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umbra-borealis · 1 month
Hoohboy my hand STILL hurts a little from that cover artwork last night but it's still not done! This is gonna be a doozy. But with how many people expressed interest I really want to finish this cover and open a sign up form! This Sly Cooper Zine has a name already as well but I'll reveal it with the cover!
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i-crave-boi-juice · 1 year
Why Hello!
Greetings and salutations I am Wade. Welcome to this little hell corner I carved out for myself. I rarely post my own stuff, but if you want to see what I write my ao3 is [REDACTED] (this originally had my ao3 but yknow what that's something I want to keep shrouded in mystery. Come on let me have this one silly alter ego thing sismksnsks). I post once in a blue moon mind you. But who knows maybe you shall see writing and text posts on here in the near future.
About me:
I am -
Chronically ill
And a novice writer and video editor lmao. Meaning those are the creative endeavors I engage in, in my free time!
I like -
Animals. Especially horses, cats, and owls. Expect those silly guys and other animals on my blog lmao.
Cartoons. Especially Phineas and Ferb, SpongeBob, and animaniacs! And ATLA is just one of my favorite pieces of TV ever lmao.
Comics (especially various spider people and my favorite comic book character ever, Wade Wilson, Deadpool himself <3)
Star trek, specifically TOS. Love me some spirk so expect mainly that bullshit on here lmao .
Cryptids!! My favorites are the Fresno nightcrawler, cactus cat, and the hoop snake. Just silly little dudes!!!
Barbie! Especially the movies from the early 2000s.
Musicals!!! As you can probably tell I love camp and hoohboy do musicals deliver.
Horror!!! My favorite horror movie ever is Scream, that film is my baby.
Literature. I'm not super caught up on reading unfortunately, but I am definitely a literature nerd. My favorite book is Frankenstein. <3
I don't do ship discourse, that shit stresses me out. Don't harass people and PLEASE don't ask me about it. If I talk/RB a ship or piece of media you don't like do both of us a favor and please just block me! I swear I don't take it personally lmao.
I don't do queer discourse. Exclusionists can fuck off and I am not here to debate my identity. It took me awhile to gain this confidence in my own identity I do NOT need validation from others.
MAPS/NOMAPS get blocked on sight.
These are not rules these are boundaries. You can certainly ignore my wishes, but I will block you because I don't want to deal with that shit rn.
As for triggers:
Please, if I ever forget any triggers please tell me and I will add them!
Ok that should be all folks!
(also btw, if u are a star trek blog and want to follow me then please don't hesitate to follow me)
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heartkade · 2 years
This Sam Bucket drawing has a LOT happening in it, an analysis!
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"Change is in the veins"
That's some fantastic wordplay on veins = vines. There is a double meaning, as the people corrupted by the egg see the vines spreading as a positive change to the world. But at the same time, the egg is controlling their bodies & changing them, hence the word veins.
The bloodvines are also literally the Egg's veins.
But is the handprint symbolizing someone reaching out to touch the egg, or something trying to break out of the egg..?
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theateared · 5 years
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                            HEADCANON  101  :  SELF  PERCEPTION.
A pretty upsetting but  CRUCIAL  element of Murr’s character has to do with how he views himself.  It shapes a lot of his interactions, even if only from a narrative standpoint, and I can’t expect people to know about it if I don’t explore it in posts of my own so here goes:
It isn’t as clear-cut as ‘a creature from hell possessed my body’ or ‘the devil tainted me’, nor is it even strictly a ‘demon’ that’s causing him trouble, but it inevitably has  SOME  religious connotations  (  of course, in relation to  HURON,  not Earth  ).  This pattern of thought stemmed from a few things, which I’ll do my best to go through in an organised fashion below:
MENTAL  HEALTH:  One of Huron’s biggest flaws is that there is no understanding of mental illness.  Though they have some excellent doctors and are as advanced as anybody in terms of physical treatments, ‘’brain science’’ isn’t an avenue they’ve explored yet.   This is because a large majority of Huron is actually incredibly happy, given their communal, simple lifestyles.  Because of this, Murr thinks that his struggle with  BPD  is the result of his own short-comings, not a mental health problem.  He thinks that his fractured sense of self exists because he’s weak and  ALLOWS  something to change him.   He thinks his memory is terrible because he  ‘’ISN’T  SMART  ENOUGH’’  to recall things in detail.  He thinks that he feels sad because he’s  UNGRATEFUL  and  LAZY,  not because he struggles with the depression that comes along with BPD.  This kid  REALLY  needs some therapy, basically, but there’s currently nowhere to turn to in his canon.
PAST  TRAUMA:  An imperative point of Murr’s character is the life that he’s endured because of things outside of his control.  It’s easy to forget the trouble he went through because, ‘’oh, his friend just cut contact with him.’’  but Kuro’s abrupt leave actually  DESTROYED  HIS  LIFE.   Not only did he feel very lonely and isolated, he  FAILED  COLLEGE  because Kuro didn’t show to help him with his final project like he said he would, which triggered Murr’s first real mental breakdown.  Kuro’s abandonment saw him  DEGREE-LESS,  DABBLING  WITH  DRUGS,  ATTEMPTING  SUICIDE  and later  MOVING  OUT  OF  HIS  PARENT’S  HOME  TO  LIVE  A  CRAZED  LIFE  IN  A  DANGEROUS,  UNCHARTED  PLACE.  It was a huge turning point, one he had no control over, and it’s important not to gloss over it just because it ‘’wasn’t as severe as some other things that could have happened’’.  But yeah, he thinks that hurting over these things that happened ‘forever ago’ is a sign of how  DEFECTIVE  he is, not because he’s traumatised and wasn’t actually allowed to grieve over that or work through it in a healthy way.  Though he’s taken a lot of steps himself in order to let go of things--  forcing himself to reintegrate with Huron, forcing himself to become ‘more mature’, rekindling his relationship with Kuro and getting him to realise the devastation he caused him, producing Sincerely, Me which explored his troubles in depth and for a wide audience to also absorb and connect with, writing multiple books exploring topics he himself had gone through / was dealing with in present time, and trying to build some relationships with other people, etc--  he still needs professional help when it comes to dealing with everything that happened.
FAMILIAL  RESPONSIBILITY:  Part of being a Murphy is accepting that you are  EXTREMELY BLESSED  and living in a way that benefits others--  to use your good fortune to give back to the community that raised you.  However, because of his struggle with BPD and his unfortunate decline during his tens, Murr spent a large amount of his time  AWAY  FROM  HURON,  instead living in the uncharted No-Man’s Land in order to deal with his troubles.  Though he chose that life in order to better himself--  to put distance between himself and the things that were hurting him so badly--  he was left feeling exceptionally guilty and greedy.  His familial responsibility settled from an early age, and he has yet to understand that he  EXISTS  OUTSIDE  OF  THAT--  that sometimes, it isn’t about what’s best for his namesake but what’s best for  HIM.  That feeling of being ‘’selfish at heart’’  inevitably makes him feel as if he’s been ‘’infected’’ by something.
So yeah:  Murr thinks of himself as somebody who has been afflicted by something evil and unfortunate, not realising that he’s actually pretty sick, needs genuine help instead of being ostracised or bad-mouthed by his peers. (  though he’s made a lot of progress with the people of Huron, earning their trust through his contributions to the district, he still receives a lot of shunning, criticism and blame  ),  and would probably benefit from medication too.  Sometimes, during dissociative episodes, which happen with varying degrees of frequency depending on the state of mind he’s in / the alter he’s posing as in that given moment, he sees himself as having small devilish wings and a forked tail.  His reflection / shadow also tends to move independently of itself.  Though he tries desperately to convince himself that it isn’t real, that his mind is messing with him, he inevitably winds up confused and uncomfortable, questioning his reality.  It only worsens that poor self-esteem.
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heroloss-a · 5 years
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The Evidence (Part 2 of an Otto x OC x Rosie fic)
Again, I don’t own Rosie, Otto, or Tanya. I only own Lucy and her family. Enjoy!
————The Apartment———-
Lucy had certainly kept her promise to Tanya when she got in. She about passed out after rolling in at three in the morning.
But she had what she needed.
Cozied up in her Robichaux Academy hoodie and house shoes, she was organizing her timeline and going through her notes.
“I thought today was a study break?” Tanya comes into the living room with two mugs of tea.
Lucy shakes her head, “This ain’t school. It’s more of a personal project,” she takes her mug with a quick ‘thanks’.
Tanya plops down on the couch with a sigh, spying over her roomies shoulder, “Photography?”
“Sort of.”
“Hang on,” she reaches over to pluck up a photo, “Is that Professor Octavius?” She carefully examines the photos, “Ok, Lucy, come clean and tell me what you’ve been up to?”
The red head sighs and takes a sip of tea, “Ok. Just don’t freak out, alrightyea?”
“Why would I freak out?”
“Well…I’ve had suspicions that he was building bomb or something worse.”
Her roomies mug almost hits floor, “Whoa, whoa whoa! What brought this on? Explain yourself Miss.”
Lucy tugs at her hair, “I saw him take some things out to his car. Chemicals. Poisonous one.” She hands over another photo.
“I know his wife’s death hit him hard, being as sudden as it was. I…” she tries to find her words.
“What? You’re what?” Tanya presses.
“Hoohboy…I was scared he might do something drastic and take the school with him.” She holds up her notes, “I wanted as much evidence as I could get before I confronted him and go to the Dean.”
Tanya shakes her, her Texas temper coming out, “Uh-Uh, no ma’am! We ain’t goin’ to the Dean, hear me?”
Her twang was getting thicker as her temper rose, “Lucy, you could get down for blackmail and stalkin’ with all this!” She waves the photos in her face.
Lucy shoots back, “I needed evidence and proof!”
“And it look like stalkin’!”
She sighs and pinches her the bridge of her nose, “I’m gonna confront him.”
“Tanya! Look!” She holds up the latest photo, “See that? That there is a body bag.” Her frustration with her roommate starts to bring out her own Louisiana twang, “And I have connected the dots.”
“You ain’t connected shit.”
“I HAVE connected them!” She holds up her notes, “The metal, the location, the chemicals, the body bag. It all adds up.”
Tanya takes the notebook and reads further into Lucy’s midnight scribbles.
“If my evidence is to be believed-“
“It probably won’t be.”
“And if I’m correct-“
“It’s correct that you’re a stalker.” She hands the book back.
“Mrs. Octavius is in that bag.”
“Oh dear lord, Lucy.” Tanya pinched the bridge of her nose, “So what you’re saying is what is….?”
“I think our professor is gonna try and play god soon.”
—————-The Pier—————-
Metal screeched into place as Otto removed his actuators. He could swear the pain was becoming worse each time he took them off.
But it would be worth it in the end.
He felt a sad smile bloom on his face as he approached the table. A hand was out from under the white sheet that covered her.
He was almost ready for her. Gently taking her hand he kisses her fingers, “We’re almost there.” He smiles, “We just have one more little chore to take care of.”
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grox · 4 years
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years
Let’s talk about the trope:
Moral Event Horizon.
for a second.
TL;DR -- it is basically that point when a character does something so morally wrong that nothing will fix what they had done.
In Literature, these things tend to happen to these characters:
They live a hard life trying to make up for what they had done wrong, but no matter what they do next will make up for the amount of pain and suffering their actions had cost.  Ruroni Kenshin is a good Protagonist example, he will never be free of his past and chose to walk the hard road to make up for his life as a one-man slaughter army.
They fall off the face of existence and spend their life trying not to be noticed or recognized by the population at large. They attempt to make a new life for themselves as somebody completely else. This sometimes does not work out as often as they want.  Logen Ninefingers from The First Law World attempted to do this, people feared him, wanted him dead, and he couldn’t always control his Super Powered Evil side, so he became a farmer out in the middle of nowhere for over 10 years.
They realize that they can not be forgiven and choose to sacrifice themselves for one last act of good. This one is perhaps the most common outcome. The most famous example is Darth Vader (yeah, he was forgiven by Luke, but hoohboy... did he kill a lot of innocent people)
They don’t believe they did anything wrong and continue to do morally abhorrent things until they could be stopped by an outside force. This is often cloaked in the “for the greater good” mentality of many of these characters. Anti-Villains tend to fall into this category. One of the most recent characters being Lotor from Voltron: Legendary Defender.
They know full well that they did bad things and are going to continue doing so until outside forces stop them. Full on Villains tend to fall in here, they are the kind of people that will order hundreds of people killed and/or tortured and not bat an eye on it. Empathy is not even a concept to them.... basically American Republican Senators.
No villain deserves a redemption arc... they have to EARN it, and no matter how much they WANT it, they won’t always GET it. 
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axolotiels · 7 years
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today on ‘shit that has definitely happened, probably’: Whetlen mistakes sleep-mode Jinx for an Ellimist and reacts accordingly
(( @lemonlotl ))
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tuesdayscanons · 5 years
“Maybe you shouldn’t be walking around this part of town alone.” / @ HUEY HOOHBOY
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The stranger's words seem almost baffling to Huey. Nothing seemed to be too dangerous for the duckling to handle. The various adventures he's been on and the knowledge from studying his Junior Woodchuck guidebook make him feel more than prepared to face this part of town on his own.
It's only a brief trip...all he has to do is pick up an item for his Uncle Scrooge and head back to the mansion. Easy peasy.
"Thank you, sir- but I'm okay. You can go back to what you were doing before."
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rokry · 2 years
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Mentioned a while back I was working on something big. I will probably have to make a lot of alterations before it’s done but have a WIP in the meantime!
Upwards of 100 layers in Krita so far and likely to double that before I can take it to the next step hoohboy;
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missdippyschtick · 7 years
Honestly... I know this chick online who is straight up ruining* her boyfriend by not letting him interact with his friends (if they're girls)
And boy... Do I wanna straight up knock her out. HOOHBOY
*edit: I said abusing but that might be too much?
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thatpyrohexon · 7 years
if you related to acfw, or thought that it could get heavy at times, hoohboi do I have a surprise for you. the webcomic, which I wont say anything regarding it’s name or anything until we’re like close to a release or something, is going to be heavy as fuck. 
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sirsharp-a · 4 years
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huronnade-moved · 5 years
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     Oops.  He fell asleep while dipping his feet in the lake.  Again.  This was far from the first time it’d happened, but it was a mistake  (  though an adorable one  )  nonetheless.  He was just so tired.  Sometimes, he couldn’t control where he dropped.
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