#//the domains weren't registered
wishmaker-astra · 3 months
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coirinthyurilo · 1 month
Headcanon and explanation about Will's plague powers and how dangerous he can actually be, even if it's watered down.
Okay. So I get it. Will is the son of Apollo, and he's pretty OP in a sense. He can heal people, and that's like. Technically the most important thing in the Demi-god world. Due to the amount of injuries you can have.
You need a healer on bay. But Will is not only just a healer. He actually has plague powers as proven in TSATS. Able to give hay fever to a primordial that even Zeus fears? If your hink about it. If Will's plague powers weren't that powerful. Nyx wouldn't even have registered that she had gotten sick. But she did?
I doubt even a primordial goddess can even get sick. So imagine her shock when she realized she got sick all because some boy who was made from the sun gave him sickness in one of his domains.
And imagine that much power to even AFFECT Nyx? To a Demi-god or a simple fragile, can die at any-given circumstance, MORTAL. They'd probably have the worst known disease that not even mankind has even registered to know yet.
And I like to think. That as he grows his healing over time so does his plague powers. They're two sides of the same coin. Like they develop at the same time in the same way. Every time Will heals, it adds more power to his healing. With his plague powers it does the same.
That's also probably why he was able to make Nyx sick. Because if he had just found out about his plague powers wouldn't it be really weak at first?
So there. That's my explanation on it.
Now for the headcanon.
I like to think that in a future war or so, when Will is shoved to the edge, seeing multiple die at once. He just wants it to stop. He wants the war to stop. He NEEDS the war to stop. Especially when he finds Nico fatally injured.
And because of that desire and need for that to happen. The only thing his brain processes a logical answer. Is death. If the enemy is dead. The war will end sooner and no one that he cares about will continue dying.
So imagine seeing Will Solace walk into the middle of a battle. Many lay dead at his feet and there's an entire army in front of him. Out of pure fucking anger, he let's out piercing supersonic whistle that catches them off guard. And once they drop their swords to cover their ears.
Will takes a breath.
One single exhale leaves him. And green smoke erupts from his throat, like a poisonous gas. It didn't seem to bother then at all at first, it didn't even smell..?
And it looks pretty harmless, until people start to have burns and rashes, eyes turning red, as their legs give in, their Asaphogus shuts tight and they have the trouble to even breath. And they die. They die and they fall.
And the so called healer. Has once made an entire army sicker. That's how scary Will's powers can be if developed to the FULLEST of it's potential.
There's even a head canon I thought on how Will can drain people's life force and take it for himself to use and resotre his power to heal once he runs out of energy. That would be such a weird and cool concept.
Imagine some guy uses another person's life force and transfers that life force to you so can survive instead? What an eerie and such a terrifying thing to see and think about.
Especially when the harmless healer can most likely be fatal. It's just that no one has ever made snap. 🤷‍♀️
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Getou Suguru x Reader
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Suguru Getou:
You have a superiority complex, you're a massive germaphobe and have a soft spot for poor, abused children.
First Date:
You couldn't believe it. You had a date. Not just any date though. One with the hot guy that was a shaman. He was also a cult leader but you were willing to let that slide due to how attractive you found him. The two of you met on PlentyOfSorcerers.com and you hoped that you weren't getting cat fished again. "If he's as good as he looks than I'll let him expand my domain!" You waited for your date just outside your restaurant of choice. "He should be here any minute."
You were wearing casual clothing. The two of you had agreed that it would be better to dress like average people. You didn't want your dates monk attire to attract any unnecessary attention after all. You were looking through the crowd when you felt someone pat you on the back. "Yo ####. You look wonderful." It was Getou. His long hair was memorizing but you gazed down and couldn't help but notice the shirt that he wore.
It was a plain black t-shirt except for the fact that there was a large image of a dragon ball character. Freezer you think? Anyway it was something about an alien committing genocide against monkeys. You were dumbfounded. "... I thought we agreed to dress casual..." He rolled his eyes. "Hey, he's my idol." Geto than questioned where he was taking you. "Why KFC of course."
You noticed his face starting to go pale. "Is something wrong?" He quickly shook his head. "It used to bring me painful memories. But that's all right because now I have you." You couldn't help but smile. You took his hand and walked towards your destination.
The place was packed. Getou groaned. "Why must there be so many monkeys!" He then glanced in your direction. "####, why don't you find us somewhere to sit while I go and order..." He looked tense. He must not enjoy crowds you thought. You kissed him on the cheek and then went to find a place to sit.
Getou then took out his disinfectant and began to spray everyone in line while he made his way to the front. The patrons were choking and gasping for air but who cares about monkeys right? He went to order when he nearly had a heart attack. He recognized the man behind the register. It was none other than Toji Fushiguro. "WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?"
The man was used to angry customers so this wasn't anything special but then he looked up at the the patron in front of him. "Oh? I didn't expect to see you here. Anyway, I owe some gambling debt to Gege so he was kind enough to let me work here and pay it off. I have to support my son after all!" Getou spat at him. "You're a terrible father and you know it!"
"Hmpf. Maybe. But at least I actually fathered my children. Now, what will you be ordering today?"
Getou returned and dropped the tray on the table. "Is everything okay...?" He couldn't wait to leave this place. "It's nothing. Go on, eat!" The two of you ate your food and you noticed that Getou looked somewhat sick. His face was now a shade of green. He decided to answer before you questioned him. "This food tastes worse than curses do!""... And what do curses taste like?"
He then responded "It’s like swallowing a dirty rag that’s been used to clean up shit and vomit." Oh. Well you were definitely letting him pick the place next time. If there would be a next time... It was then that you noticed two small children. "Daddy, daddy! We want crepes!" Getou sighed. "Girls, I thought I told you to wait until I came back home..." Your eye twitched."
Your dating profile didn't say anything about having kids..." He knew he had forgotten something. "Surprise...?" You stood up to leave. "I think we should see other people." He then began to sob into the table. The two girls then hugged their father and asked what was wrong. "I miss my wife (Gojo) girls. I miss her a lot."
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
i am back,once again!!
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i’m srry i had to
okay so i got this idea,could u write about some cute moments between achilles and (fem)reader who loves the beach/anything that has to do w the sea?maybe like a drabble or smth??idk if this is vague but lmk
hahaha, hi!!
( woow, you pick your graphic intros and everything. that shows dedication i love it 💕)
Absolutely, I can do this.
Also, this will be super fitting because, despite the movie left it up to interpretation, his mom is a nereid (greek deity of the sea). When he is not fighting the job of Achilles is beach lol.
It turned out longer than a drabble because I kept thinking on your Achilles x girly/fashionista reader ask from last time and it kinda influencied me into doing a full oneshot mixing bits of both ideas.
Sea lover reader is also a capital city girl moving to Phthia who is quite girly and with a bubbly personality, enjoy <3
The Waves' Caress - Achilles x (Fem) Reader
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Warnings: Mention to the sociopolitical things going arround in the Greece of the film ( Agamemnon's imperialism and the big picture civilizatory plan he mentions to Nestor in the scene where he convinces him of calling Achilles through Odysseus.)
Tags: @zoegarfield @lovelybaka
Vocabulary note: Strophion is an ancient times equivalent of a strapless bra, piece of greek clothing that can be imagined to resemble a bathing suit.
A deep love for the sea had allways been a part of you, so wherever fate would take you it was your hope to forever remain near the beach. Movings weren't usual in your life, used as you were to a comfortable lifestye in Mycenae as the daughter of a royal scribe. However, your father was a functionary for an empire in constant expansion. Official scribes were required everywhere to keep registered records and contribute to public order. The pretended civilizatory mission of King Agamemnon counted with that, so it wasn't a great surprise to hear he intended to relocate him on the most conflictive territory of his domains.
Myrmidons had a fame of being the fiercest soldiers of Greece, and his disdain for their strongest local leader was a threat to the very core of the order he intended to establish. Raising the mycenaean presence on the region was his idea to balance things. Populating through migrations of qualified officials and their families was his idea to stabilize politics and he was quite proud of it. So much that he even took the iniciative telling your family about it by himself, never missing the chance of doing awkward jokes only he would find funny.
As he charmingly enlisted the perks of his new position to your father, he punctualized one single downside. With his attention shortly deviated on you, Agamemnon playfully warned him to watch over his beautifull daughter from Achilles and his men.
The attempt of polite praise failed, but you pretended to go on with it to avoid upsetting him. Not surprised, but crushed by the news, all you did was asking if your new home had sight of the sea.
Phthia was a rocky territory where mountains were more abundant than fields, but it also had increíble beaches that became your only comfort in the arrival. As peacefull representatives of an occupation force, your presence was inpopular. Among the multiple functions of scribes there were a few that could be considered benefitial for the community, but your father was also supposed to work with those in charge of keeping track of the taxing.
It was obvious that the king wanted the handfull of new functionaries to handle a situation previous administrators couldn't control efficiently, that you were perfectly fine back in your birth city and adaptation was going to be a struggle.
Feeling more lonely than ever, in a position where you didn't feel comfortable trying to make new friends, all you had were your long walks on the beach.
The caress of the waves was comforting for you, and the salty tears of homesickness felt small mixing in them. Hoping that your sorrow could be temporally washed away, you would often speak out loud as if the forces ruling the water could hear you.
It was about presenting yourself with your fears, your dreads, begging for strenght and bringing small offers so the minor divinities populating those shores would get used to your presence. If mortals weren't going to make you feel welcome for obvious reasons, you could at least develop roots in the land bonding in a spiritual way.
At one given time, you tossed a silver ring for the waves to swallow. A really expensive one that you ripped from your finger with disgust, careless of what your father would say about that. That was your way of showing the local gods that you weren't Interested in the spoiling of their land, and if you had to stay, you wanted to find a spot to belong in doing good.
Lost as you were in your thoughts and prayers, you completely ignored there was a man watching you.
He noticed, and didn't waste time in making you realize of his presence.
" I'm an expert on anger and this doesn't look good. What happened? Did the man who gave it to you failed in behaving as he should? "
You turned back following the sound, only to discover the mesmerizing image of a blond man with piercing blue eyes. Blue as deep as the sea, captivating and haunting. His simple garments, vest and skirt of matching blue tones, made him look like a marine god coming at you.
" There is no man making me suffer other than my king. Unless seaking revenge on his orders, I doubt any myrmidon would want to get close enough for that. "
He smiled with skepticism, almost as if he taunted you.
" I would give you one afternoon in a tavern to prove it wrong. "
You couldn't help smiling and that only encouraged him to get closer pacing calmly in your direction.
" People come and go arround here, but I have a good memory for pretty girls … I guess you must be new. "
The flirting, way faster than what you were used to, was yet consented and very much appreciated. However, you feared the response you had for him would ruin everything.
" My father is the new royal scribe: we just moved and I have nowhere to belong here yet, except for this beach. "
The clarification soften him instead of sending him away.
" I was born here and still belong nowhere, only the sound of the waves bring me clarity. "
That subtle comfort was sweet enough to mean something without breaking the appearance of mightyness.
" I don't seek isolation, but stumble with it for unwillingly representing the evil deeds of Agamemnon. "
He got to close, close enough to smell the scent of your hair mixed with the breeze caressing it.
" I fight his wars, but never do it for him. He is not my king and as long as you are here he doesn't have to be yours either. "
He said enough to be recognized and the name came out softly from your lips.
" Achilles … "
The warrior smirked as a confirmation.
" i have been warned against you: Agamemnon told my father in front of me that you are the doom of every woman. "
Description that had clearly amused him.
" Did you believe it? "
He wanted to know if you were willing to give him a chance of proving himself.
Lost in him as you were, no voice of reason would have made you deny him that.
" It's too early to fall in any assumptions. "
His hands were cassually resting on his hips, eyes glancing at the sea as if he tried to reclaim a lost capacity for keeping distance.
" I come here often, maybe you will find time to form your own perceptions of me. "
An invitation to let him join you that you accepted in a heartbeat. Company was a great improvement and your attraction to him did get you trustfull with ease. The way in which you took his hand in your walk back into the water told him all he needed to know regarding the kind of girl you were.
Bright and pure, so innocent that he was still twirling his mind arround the lively attitude you began to show as fast as you felt safe arround him. There were no traces left of the angry sad girl he reached out to once her loneliness was disrupted.
All smiles for him, even more beautifull than before in his eyes.
More encounters kept happening and the thing wasn't left at random. Since you agreed to see each other with the excuse of your beach walks, the marine wildness became witness of your infatuation.
Without realizing of the meaning in his actions, Achilles began searching for you in every corner of the city hoping to cross ways in the middle of your daily activities. His gaze would search you in the crowds with very little success, making him crave more and more for the next secret meeting.
As most refined girls from the big city, you were one putting great care into your appearance. The pressure for beauty among rich nobles have shaped you that way, but he could tell you were a humble young woman whose harmless vanity couldn't be mistaken for shallowness. You also happened to be very well instructed, prepared to talk of any topic one would bring to you for conversation and always delivering a charming sensitivity into the talk. He sincerely thought you deserved a chance to be loved among his people regardless for the bunch of political servant fools you had arrived with.
Perhaps, because he himself adored you.
With the progression of your meetings evolving into implicit beach dates more surprises kept happening.
Achilles got to find out what that linen dyed of blue he found you buying at the market was for when you showed up one day in a cute match of strophion and skirt that left him breathless.
His blue eyes roamed your figure like the waves's caressing, yet you didn't seem to notice the impact you had on him and quickly ran towards him with your usual lovely carefreeness.
You clinged for a hug rounding his waist with your arms.
" Achilles! Want to go swimming? I came prepared this time. "
The sweetness of your tone made him feel almost guilty for enjoying the moment so much.
" I see, you look like a siren ready to raid the shore. "
The weird compliment made you giggle and excitement pushed you to show off, freeing him to give proper space for him to watch you.
" Do you like it? In Mycenae I used to go swimming with my friends, so my mother allowed me to make a new attire for swimming inspired by the local colour in order to feel more in home … Although I never told her who was my real inspiration."
Your attempt of souding suggestive was too cute and he couldn't resist the tenderness.
" It's perfect, you look so beautifull it's painfull to look at directly … "
Achilles interrupted himself, only to deliver his conclussion in a whisper.
" … And I love knowing you were thinking of me. "
Heat started reaching your face, but you tried to sustain the bravery that got you there.
" I'm always thinking of you. Mother says it seems my head is on some cloud, but in fact it is on the sea. "
Lovefull words started flowing from you with ease simply by staring at him for too long.
" On your eyes, that seem made of it. All its misterious charm compacted in one glance … and I wonder how is that even possible. When we meet, I mistook you for a god of the deepness. An inmortal servant of Poseidon answering my prayers. "
His eyes followed the soft features of your face with discrete adoration.
" You are the miracle I never expected, sweet girl of a love so pure that it's drowning my heart. "
Silently and relentlessly, the few distance between you dissapeared. Achilles held you by the waist and you caressed his cheeks into your first kiss. Although the breeze should have cooled you down, you were feeling your while body on fire and nothing could have stopped it.
As soon as you released each other you made him chase you into the water so the caresses of the waves on your skin would mix with his. Catching you took him a bit because you kept diving away as part of the game, but when he got you in his arms he refused to let you go.
Once you had enough fooling arround, he proved to have one more surprise for you.
His seashell necklace, that he colocated on you after filling the spot with kisses while you were drying together near the shore.
Words weren't enough to thank him, but you tried anyways.
" It's so beautifull! How did you know I wanted one like yours? I was trying to make one myself, but i'm collecting only the prettiest shells I find for it. "
Your reaction caused him a blissfull pride.
" Keep mine, I want you to have it. This way, my men would know you are mine without mycenaeans realizing. A subtle symbol that will make myrmidons respect you. "
The explanation got you even more excited, but you also felt a sudden sense of shame.
" I have nothing to give you in return. "
Achilles chuckled, as if he knew something you didn't.
" Wrong again, pretty one. "
With the cocky comment, he exposed his hand showing off a detail you didn't notice before.
Your silver ring on his finger.
" Impossible! I tossed it away for the deities to take, it should be resting deep in the ocean. "
Achilles enjoyed himself with your child-like amazement.
" Tomorrow, I will take you to see the most beautifull point of our shores. One you don't know yet, where no one dares to go, and there you will meet the one who gave it back to me. "
It confused you even more, but that was understandable.
Achilles was aware you had no idea that you had already won the good sight of his mother with your thoughtfull prayers and sincere love for her essential element.
It was him the one who still had hard work to do in order to charm your parents.
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starpirateee · 5 months
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This is something that @eclipsewarrior101 likes to call the last lord in black au, which is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, but with all that added rage and anguish that just makes it a little more fun... And so, without further ado, I give you my take on this matter!
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What was the point of a king without his kingdom? What was the point if there was nothing left but ruination and the memory of what once was?
Everything was gone. The Black and White was nothing more than an empty expanse, with none of the things that once made it so alive. His brothers used to fill this emptiness with their mostly senseless squabbling and the happenings that came with watching the town of Hatchetfield. The last months had proven way too many of their limits— in some cases, limits that they weren't even aware that they had.
He was the lord of despair. Never before had that insinuated that he be the one in despair.
The sound of footsteps echoed far too loudly through the empty space. Wiggly knew the expanse well, and knew the inhabitabts. This one was curious to a fault, and had been a regular inhabitant of this place. If ever anything hadn't been welcomed in this domain at any point, then it was this man, right now, in this exact moment in time.
They were the man who was once former PEIP agent Wilbur Cross. First through the portal, first to lose their life. He and his brothers had once been content in seeing just what they could do to an actual human form, in their domain, this close to them.
Once, of course. That had been a good way to meld their mind into malleability. Wiggly hadn't even realised they were still there; they did, after all, have absolutely no reason to be. They could've left a long time since, abandoned everything that had ever happened to them and left for good. But, they hadn't. For some reason, they were still there.
To them, things had been far too quiet for far too long. the Black wasn't exactly known to be bustling with life, but they had experienced a long spell where there was nothing. The most noticeable abscence was that of the Lords. Their voices weren't present in the echo chamber. At first, they didn't understand what had happened, but then Wiggly appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly the absence was greater. There was something missing, whether that be something in the mood, or a niticeable absence of anything that wasn't him.
"The hell happened here?" They had been deliberating just how to approach Wiggly's return since they realised they had once again become accompanied. They looked up and immediately registered the sheer despair that was radiating from those lantern eyes. It took them off guard for a moment, before they managed to regain themself and pretend like any of this was remotely normal.
"Uh, m'lord? Somethin' ain't right here… What's goin' on?"
Wiley was a small presence in the grand scheme of the Black, but now their being felt only smaller. Even still, he rounded on them, focusing all of the attention he could muster.
"You tell me, Colonel."
Wiley faltered. Wiggly hadn't called upon their PEIP days since they'd first tried to make an escape. That meant that it had to be serious, and they weren't sure if they were fully prepared for whatever his version of serious was, especially since the last years and their overall loss of humanity had been chalked down to a little bit of a game between the five of them, a little bit of a bet to see how far they'd go. "What're you talkin' about?"
It seemed to sink in after a moment, exactly what was being implied through just those few words. Their eyes went wide. "You're talkin' about them… What'd they do?" Their people. Those who had built the gateway, the men they'd begged to change their minds over the volunteer of the experiment.
The green lanterns of Wiggly's eyes burned with fury and something that Wiley thought at first glance was grief. "Your people and the Russians worked in tandem for months. My brothers and I were caught in their fucking little trap for all that time. Weeks on weeks on weeks. So many men of science and experimentation…" His shiver sent a subsequent rumble through the Black that left Wiley stumbling to find their feet.
They knew the capabilities of PEIP, they knew very well what they were capable of, and now the silence worried them.
Once they had been a scientist themself. So, the deep part of the back of their mind knew that whatever Wiggly was referring to, it wasn't good. Their industry had been known to push the definition of possible, and that counted especially when they'd been recruited into PEIP. so, now their mind was geared towards just how they'd pushed their luck over at PEIP.
The emptiness had to make sense somewhere along the line. For an organisation that dealt with the unknown… And for how Wiggly had reacted…
"They're dead, ain't they..?"
They sincerely hoped that their initial hypothesis was wrong.
In the silence that followed, they straightened a little, and tried not to make themself believe their first guess. That wasn't possible, was it? The experimental portions of two governments couldn't band together and… murder four ancient gods, could they? Were they the last person qualified to even ask those questions? Their entire career— near enough so long as they'd been out of active study— had revolved around the unexplained and theoretical. for them to even be considering the possibility that they couldn't at least inhibit a couple of the beings from this dimension.
No, who were they trying to fool? the other inhabitants, perhaps, but god only knows they'd never be able to take on the gods themselves, not matter how hard they tried.
But, it seemed they were right first try. Nothing was said in favour of their assumption, but Wiggly was the type to have had a protest if that wasn't the case. They waited for some kind of sign, in any kind of form, but nothing ever came. Their face fell, and their gaze wandered as close to the glaring brightness as they dared to allow themself to. "Shit…"
Never in their life had they been this stunned into silence before. No wonder the endless void felt so empty, it was because, for the first time in it's known conception, it was. There was no five-strong pantheon of it's own, no semblance of the usual chaos and flashes of colour. All that was left behind after that unthinkable massacre was a deep, poignant flood of despair and a dimming, flickering green that perfectly conveyed every level of sudden loss and longing and something that was almost desperation.
"Shit…" They muttered again, unable to think of anything else to say. Who'd have thought the lord of despair could make it rain down in all but physicality… And who'd have thought that this despair would be so centered around him?
"There is something I need you to do."
The next time his voice cut through the nothingness, it was laced in the desperation that seemed to hang so heavy in the air. Wiley shot to attention immediately, and nodded, not pausing to wonder what they were wanted for. It was obvious enough, this wasn't exactly going to be one of those simple jobs like last time, with that old apocalypse.
"Sure, what d'ya need me for?"
"I need you to go back. To do what I will not."
This prompted a moment of thought. Wiley was under the impression that they knew what Wiggly was implying by that, but there was always the chance of an underlying something that they just hadn't gathered. They hummed, considering. "In your place?"
"Yes. Call it advocacy, if you will. I will not go back, but I want to give them their dues."
"Course. No, sure… So, what? I go down there, do a little scoutin', an' then what?"
"No. I want you to stay."
This plan was clearly elaborate beyond understanding, or it hadn't yet been fully worked out. There had been a small part of them that momentarily believed that he was letting them go, leaving the black as nothing but an empty expanse. Another part of them had worked that out to be irrational, and posed the idea that it was worth waiting or more of an explanation. That left them in this weird interim where they weren't entirely sure what was going to happen to themself.
In the grand scheme of things, they didn't suppose it mattered much. Either way, it wasn't so much freedom as it was a cut tie to a tether that had been keeping them in place for all these years.
He wanted them to stay back on Earth.
He wanted them to readjust to the domain that would no longer accept them, and just try and act like they wanted to be there in the first place. So many escape attempts could only have led to them gaining a kind of reluctance towards the world that had left them behind to rot.
"I have a plan. For it, I need cooperation in your dimension, and that can only be achieved through you. Will you do it?"
Really, there was a need to think. There was a need to wonder whether they wanted to be back there, and then there was the countering need to get back there and try and scrape some semblance of normalcy from somewhere they had no right to pull from.
Despite themself, they nodded.
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cero-sleep · 11 months
Okay but hear me out
“Whatever you want, anything you want, I’ll give it to you. Just make it stop.”
“Take me instead, please?” “What would I want with someone as pathetic as you?”
God's Favorite AU - Combustion
Word count: 854
You slowly began waking up, head throbbing. Your face ached all over as you slowly moved. 
You were on the hard pavement, on the floor… You barely registered what was happening before you realized.
La Muerte… They had summoned you to their domain hadn't they? 
They had said something… Something important.
As you kept moving you tried to place your finger on it.
Until it hit you.
"You are always the puppeteer, mi corazón. Perhaps… It's time someone else took control."
You remember feeling the fire in your chest grow in anger, but as you repeated each word in your mind trying to make sense of what they had meant you started to realize… 
Where-? Where exactly were you going?
You didn't notice when you had started walking but as you tried to stop yourself and think you found yourself unable to.
You felt butterflies in your stomach. Not the pleasant, romantic type, but plain ol' anxiety.
You tried to remember what you had been doing beforehand. 
You had been going somewhere hadn't you…?
But as you kept walking you spotted a familiar sight.
That's right, you had been going to visit Illusion and CC when… when you suddenly blacked out.
You scrunched your nose up in confusion. That wasn't how it usually happened, so why…?
You forced yourself to remember more.
What had la Muerte meant by that… 
Saying they had been mad was an understatement. They clearly weren't taking the breakup well, if you could even call it that.
You had thought nothing had come of it however, seeing as there was radio silence from their part for months, until… Until today.
As you approached the apartment door you wondered, why today?
What had changed?
A little voice in your head told you many things had, in fact, changed. But you chose to ignore it.
Before you realized it you were already picking the lock to their home, you tried to stop yourself to no avail again.
What was happening?
That's when you heard it, a familiar, resounding, laughter.
You looked around as much as you could, but it was difficult as you found yourself unable to move your head.
You tried to speak, but you couldn't.
Instead a name popped into your mind. "La Muerte?"
More laughter. "Hola, cariño."
That's when you realized the voice wasn't coming from around you… but inside you.
But before you could question it.
Your attention was caught by the door… the door that led to your beloveds.
"This isn't funny, Muerte, you better let me go or-"
"Oh, quite the contrary, I think it's very entertaining"
You had to find out what was happening and fast.
You and la Muerte weren't on the best terms right now, and you would rather not have the god of death and destruction near your partners.
 "...What do you want?"
"Can't a god just have some fun every once in a while?"
You were about to interject when you felt yourself walking inside the apartment.
"La Muerte, wait!"
“Whatever you want, anything you want, I’ll give it to you. Just leave them out of this!” you cried desperately, unable to sever the strings that controlled your body.
“Whatever I want?" Came their response, an echo in your mind. "What would I want with someone as pathetic as you?” They laughed mercilessly.
"You changed, mi amor… You are worthless to me now. So why not have a little fun?"
Your breathing was controlled, a great contrast to how you were feeling at the moment, as you slowly, against your will, grabbed a knife from the counter. 
"If you dare touch even a single hair from their heads I swear-" 
But you were interrupted by that mocking laughter. "You will do what, dulzura?"
"You have no control, and you know it. But don't worry, I'll make sure your eyes are wide open when I make you pierce the sweet tender flesh of your friends."
"Fiero? Is that you?" Came CC's voice from inside the little apartment and you felt your body perk up following the direction of their voice. No no no no…
"Coming!" You answered despite yourself.
"Fiero!" Illusion peeked out from behind the door. "It was time you showed… up?" 
But their eyes found the knife and you saw how their face fell.
You tried to warn them, you tried to shout at them to leave. But your pleads fell on deaf ears as you lunged at them.
The commotion was enough to get CC to come out and see what was happening.
It had been a slow process to gain their trust and now all of that had been lost in the blink of an eye.
You lunged at the duo again, but suddenly everything stopped.
A gasp, your own, and you felt a sharp pain in the chest.
A vine had gone through your heart.
Crimson coated the floor as you coughed up blood.
Everything started fading, but your body kept moving.
The last thing you saw were their stunned faces as you laughed.
"No no no no, please!" You shouted.
And then everything went black.
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lustrous-dawn · 1 year
[ Previous / Next ]
"You weren't there! I saw it!" Roshi roared. 
The stench of death still clung to his fur no matter how many times he desperately wanted to wash free of it. Pungent, like fur coating his tongue. Putrid, rotting. No matter how battle-hardened he may have been, it still caused his stomach to rebel. 
He wanted to throttle the Ninetales in front of him. So cool and calm, collected,  in front of him, his expression of a clean slate.
"And yet you stand in front of me?! Unphased by the shit we saw!?" 
"And it will be infinitely worse since you have gotten in my way.” Finally a reaction from the fox. Not one he was expecting. The Ninetales gave him a frigid look, the Arcanine flinching. 
Me?! Afraid?! Flames erupted from his maw at his reaction. “They deserved something more than what we gave them, damn fox! You know what happens to spirits around here!” 
“And the local Ninetales will handle it. But. We. Must continue our search,” Jiyuku stressed, unphased by the fire. 
“You know, you’re a real piece of work,” Roshi spat. "You deserved what you got-"
The words never escaped his maw. Roshi found himself pinned to the ground, a claw pressing tightly on his throat. 
The sheer anger he felt roiled off Jiyuku, the Ninetales' tails flared out as a fan behind him, whipping wildly. His face was of an ancient rage, his maw a snarl as flames of his own, fire of gold and orange spewed from his jaws, "You know nothing about me, stupid mutt. Our time together was fleeting. Don't believe what they have done to me was just because of your idiocy and anger has blinded you." 
Fury arched through Roshi in a hot wave as he surged with a roar. He scarcely registered the surprise on the fox's face as he rose to lunge, fangs bared.
A gust of harsh winds and the pair found themselves locked and pinned to the earth, talons of gold holding them in place. 
Akimitsu had found them and they cowered as her beak lowered to screech, "YOU TWO ARE IN MY DOMAIN! YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF MY HOSPITALITY AND MY NAME! BEHAVE!" 
Frozen by her voice, the two lay in waiting as the Ho-oh flared her wings, simmers of gold emitting from her frame, she continued without missing a beat, "I accept mistakes but I do not tolerate disrespect. You both will respect me and each other when you are in my presence. Do you BOTH understand?" 
They both nodded rapidly, feeling the heat surrounding them rising, uncomfortably so. 
"Good. Now tell me why you both were fighting." 
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davidmariottecomics · 9 months
To Enter the Public Domain!
Hey friends! 
I touched on this last week with public domain day (the first of the year) and obviously I've talked at length about copyright here in the past, but I wanted to expand on things a bit in light of a recent conversation on Bluesky. 
Kara Huset, a super talented artist you might recognize from her original work or from a couple of Godzilla gigs, mentioned something about the original Blue Beetles and Captain Marvel being public domain. Which if I was a fact rating website, I'd call "kind of true." So, today, we're going to talk about why it's kind of true, why certain things are definitively in the public domain and some are way less clear, why Superman entering the PD in a decade is both exciting and daunting, and why sometimes the PD isn't as exciting as it could be. 
So, Are Those Guys Public Domain? 
For the sake of all arguments... no. Not really. There's a slightly more complicated answer, particularly for the original Blue Beetle, but the simple and short one is, no. 
Let's very briefly talk about public domain in light of copyright law in the US. There are 3 major years/events to focus on for modern copyright law. First, the Copyright Act of 1976 was the first big change to modern copyright. This was a major codification and extension of US copyright law. It covered everything from new technology like television and comics (both of which were new relative to the last major update) to defining fair use to extending the terms of copyright to adding termination rights for work that's licensed after a certain period of time. It's extensive and still the backbone of how we understand copyright now, especially in terms of defining work for hire and rights held by corporate entities as opposed to those held by individual authors. 
But one really key thing here is it removed one of the big old hurdles of U.S. copyright, initial registration and renewals. As has been said before, if you want to make sure you're *really* protected, you should still register your copyrights so there's a clearer track record if you ever have to go to court. One of the benefits is it gives a very clear date of when something was published in a copyrightable fashion and can be referred back to easily, which matters when we are talking about rights going public and other possible expirations. But as part of that, many works were also caught in an interesting place. 
All works prior to 1977 that were published in the US without a copyright notice entered the public domain. Keep that in mind because it's the crux of the coming argument. 
The law was updated in 1998 with the Copyright Term Extension Act which, like the name says, lengthened the terms of copyright in the US. And, for 20 years, pretty much killed the public domain! Literally, it just extended copyright 20 more years, so stuff that was supposed to go public 20 years earlier suddenly couldn't anymore. We were actually supposed to get Steamboat Willie in 2004! This also added another complication to copyright terms. As of 1998, to my understanding, what's in the PD today is everything prior to 1929 (meaning, stuff from 1928 and earlier, but not including 1929), anything from 1929-1977 that was published without notice or was only published with initial notice and not renewed after 28 years, and anything from 1978-1989 that was published without notice or registration within the first 5 years from publication. Which is both a lot and not all that much at all, especially when you consider that in another world where things weren't delayed 20 years, we'd be up to everything prior to 1949 now. 
The last important year, of course, is 2019 which was the first year after the 1998 extension in which things started to be public domain again. That's less important to this specific thing, but I wanted to call it out. 
Okay, with that all in mind, let's circle back to the "works prior to 1977 published without notice" thing. Many older comics, particularly from the smaller publishers, were published without copyright notice because that wasn't codified the same prior to 1976 and--equally importantly--a lot of those smaller publishers were already gone by 1976. For some of those books, even if could've filed and protected things, those companies had folded and were gone and there was no one to make sure things were properly protected. And the argument contends that this includes some of the old Fawcett and Charlton comics stuff. So, if Captain Marvel Adventures was published from 1941-1953 and wasn't properly filed, fair game (fair use), right? 
Let's break this into these specific characters, because this is what makes it so complicated. 
Captain Marvel in Brief(s) 
Captain Marvel AKA Shazam was a Fawcett Comics creation. Again, assuming that you've got the proper archival material of the old comics to prove that they're public domain on the basis of a lack of notice that can be cross referenced with a lack of notice at the copyright office, sure, theoretically public domain! 
EXCEPT, unfortunately for the Big Red Cheese, he's already been the subject of so much trademark and copyright dispute! The very short version of the story is: after Superman debuted, there were a crop of rip-off comics. DC sued one of these rip-offs (Fox's Wonderman, all one word)... and won. The character was in violation of copyright! Bolstered by this win, they did it again, to another Superman copycat... Captain Marvel! Both the Wonderman and appeal of the Captain Marvel cases fell into careful Hands... cousins Judge Augustus Noble Hand and (the even better named and more quoted) Judge Learned Hand. And both cases, at one point, found that the rip-off was indeed, legally, that. But Fawcett had an extra trick up their sleeve--they argued that Superman had been abandoned and was basically public domain anyway because, you guessed it, there was a problem with Superman newspaper strips having been published without copyright notice. 
The case was argued into 1951 with various findings of "yeah, Captain Marvel is a rip-off" and "No, of course Superman's copyright hadn't been abandoned" and "yeah, we'll settle out of court because uhh... it's the early 1950s and superheroes are on the outs." Part of the settlement is Fawcett still owns Captain Marvel, but they can't publish the comics anymore which, again, they're kinda fine with because they thought the superhero bubble had burst. Like 20 years later, DC takes a wild left turn and licenses Captain Marvel from Fawcett, so they're publishing the CM comics (and in the 1990s, they outright buy CM and all related characters because at this point, DC's been publishing him longer than Fawcett ever did). But between those two points, Marvel Comics starts publishing their own Captain Marvel book and Captain Marvel character(s) and trademarks the name, Captain Marvel. Which is why DC's Captain Marvel no longer uses that name (though he did for a long time, even if his series did not). 
But the long and short of it is, if any of that stuff's public domain, it comes from somewhere in that would-be notice/renewal cycle, something not getting filed properly. I don't have direct evidence that that's the case, but assuming it is correct, you'd likely have to face DC's lawyers to try to reprint any of it and knowing how these things go, they'd likely argue something to the effect of "we own these stories because we acquired them in our purchase of Captain Marvel/Shazam and related characters and the names and looks and whatever other elements of the Fawcett comics that we maintain are covered by our copyright and trademarks of these characters/stories/logos/etc" and "if we don't own these stories, in all prior instances, they've been found to be in violation of our copyright on Superman, so we'll sue ya with that existing standing." 
There's no winning with that. 
My Favorite Guy and Also Alan Moore
If you didn't know, the second Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, is my favorite superhero. There are other heroes I love a whole lot--G'nort, the entire cast of the David/Nauck run of Young Justice, Spider-Man, etc--but Ted's my #1 guy. I also fully don't think he's in the public domain. So, same argument as earlier, if any of his stories are, that's a result of a lack of filing or misfiling or whatever, right? It also, kinda, has to do with Charlton Comics, where he's from. 
So, in the 1960s, some guy named Steve Ditko is doing a lot of work at Charlton and he and a few other creators have got this group of action heroes that you might've heard of. Most of them are just regular folks with talents and brains and brawn and then one real superpowered freak. The likes of Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, the Question, Nightshade, Peacemaker, Peter Cannon... Thunderbolt, Judomaster, etc. As time marches on and, once again, comics are dying and the industry has burst and nobody likes superheroes anymore (haha, it happens so very much) and in 1983, as a gift for former Charlton editor Dick Giordano, Paul Levitz has DC buy the Action Heroes characters for $5K a pop. 
This is the first argument for why Blue Beetle isn't public domain--the assumption of that sale is that these characters have applicable copyright that can have the ownership transferred. The second relies on another famous work of DC's that's at the center of copyright disputes, Watchmen! For as much as all of these characters have changed over the years, if there was any question at the time as to the legal status of the Charlton characters and the specifics of their copyrightable story details and trademarkable looks and titles and stuff, there wouldn't have been a reason not to let them just be the stars of Watchmen. If there was any indication they were or could be public domain anyway, why not let 'em? But they weren't and aren't (even if the technical letter of the law might disagree) and so to keep those characters true to themselves and to allow Moore and Gibbons to tell their story, they just made a bunch of knock-off Charlton characters that could no longer be sued over because DC had bought those rights. 
The reason I think there's a lot of confusion over this is that there are a lot of Charlton characters that did end up in a weird limbo. Basically, as much as possible, when Charlton saw the writing on the wall, they tried to sell things off. Some, like the Action Heros, went to competitors. A lot went back to original creators when possible. But some things just didn't sell for one reason or another and if they were created within those weird public domain windows, are public domain. But a lot of the big guys and big stories are not that, or even if they may technically be, folks have decided not to risk the potential of a suit over. 
"Big Blue" 
The first Blue Beetle actually has been featured as a public domain character!!! Kinda!!! Sorta!! Ehnnn! 
Okay, so a few years back, Dynamite and Alex Ross did this big thing called Project Superpowers that was a team-up book of all the superheroes that had accidentally fallen in the public domain over the laws we've already talked about. There are a ton of them! Black Terror! The original Daredevil (renamed there to the Death Defying 'Devil)! Miss Masque (renamed Masquerade)! Etc. And one of those heroes is Big Blue, AKA the original Blue Beetle!
Now, his story's a bit more of a mess. He passed through a number of hands: Created at Fox, published at Holyoke for part of the original run, sold to Charlton (but there's debate on if a sale actually happened or if Charlton just kinda... took him), ultimately landing at DC kind of more-or-less as a related character to his own derivative character, Ted Kord Blue Beetle, who had definitely been sold to DC. But the general understanding is that this Blue Beetle, Dan Garret (1 T, that's hugely important, Dan Garrett is distinctly the DC version), is in the public domain. That's why he shows up in Project Superpowers. But, because DC's got their claim pretty solid with the other Blue Beetles, for trademark purposes, you can't just call him that if there's any way he could be confused for the DC version. 
I've never read Project Superpowers. I actually don't know how involved he is as a character. But if you want to use him, he's probably the most viable of the three, just as long as you're doing your diligence not to impede on anything that is strictly DC's. 
Why Superman Entering the Public Domain Matters More, Maybe
Superman's one of the next big public domain milestones. Debuting in 1938, we're still 10 years out from him (which, as we've learned, means if there hadn't been the '98 extension, we'd already be well familiar with PD Superman). There are plenty of notable works entering inbetween then and now: The Shadow's early stories; Flash Gordon's early strips; The Phantom's early strips; the first Disney feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the early Popeye-era of Thimble Theatre, the Nancy-years of Fritzi Ritz, etc, but for comics in particular, Superman towers over them all. 
The reason Superman looms so large over comics should be obvious, he's Superman! He's universally recognized and liked in a way that few comics characters are. It's cool that we're living in a world where there have been multiple theatrical Shazam films and a Blue Beetle movie, but public consciousness of these characters is still far narrower than it is for Superman. In so many people's minds, Superman is The Superhero and everyone else in some ways stands as derivative of him. It's exciting having this major icon getting close to the public domain window for what you can do with the idea of the character generally, for the reprinting of those old stories, and for the act of him going PD as a signifier that the floodgates are about to open. 
Within 5 years of Superman entering the PD (so 15 years from now), we'll also have Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman, the original Flash, the original Green Lantern, Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor, The Joker, The Cat, the original Justice Society, Captain America, The Sub-Mariner, the original Human Torch, Bucky, Red Skull, and a ton of other folks and early stories (including, definitively, the early Captain Marvels and Dan Garret Blue Beetles). That's a pretty major chunk of comics pop culture all dropping in quick succession. 
Simultaneously...we've got a decade to sort of see how things shake out with the entrance of still active licenses into the public domain. Part of what's so complicated about the works of the public domain is that the case has been successfully made that works enter on the basis of their publication, not as a collective. It's why though Winnie-the-Pooh went PD last year, Tigger only joined this year and people've been really stressing that it's only 3 Mickey shorts that're PD this year. For the most part, the companies and individuals that control these properties nowadays have not been terribly friendly towards their works entering the public domain. If you look at, say, Sherlock Holmes (a character that's benefitted from being treated as public domain well before he actually was because it got people to read the old Doyle stories), you'll see a legacy of fighting for control of every last piece of Holmes media--like the short lived suit against Netflix for Enola Holmes featuring a "warmer, caring" Sherlock. 
In my big copyright explainer from last year, I talked a bit about the differences between copyright and trademark. As a very quick refresher, copyright applies as proof of ownership of specific works of art as published--Action Comics #1's story and art is copyrighted. All Superman stories are copyrighted. And the characters within are copyrighted. Eventually, the copyright will expire (95 years in corporate ownership). Trademark applies to the distinctions and recognizability of brands. When Superman's copyright expires, he'll enter the public domain. However, the Superman logo, the S Shield, and other visual elements of what Superman is will still be under trademark because trademark doesn't expire after a set period, trademark expires after a period of disuse and non-registration. 
Basically, it isn't super clear at this exact moment what all will actually be usable when these things enter the PD. What *should* be happening is that it should be really good for archival work. Anyone should be able to copy the original work and--transformation and modification aside--have the ability to share, reproduce, and distribute it, basically making it far more available and hopefully adding to the everlasting preservation of the work. You also should be able to transform, modify, and do all the other things to the work, including creating new derivative works, but that's where the treasure trove of material still under copyright and trademark might make things difficult. 
By the same token, there's a lot of stuff that you can already do under fair use and I think it's worth it to ask to what extent is what you want to do not already covered? If you have ideas for earnest stories that'd compete with DC, yeah, you're not going to have a lot of leeway until we've got a clearer idea of what the landscape looks like. But if you want to do something to stick it to the man--Superman erotic material or over-the-top drugs and ultraviolence or recreating and recontextualizing Superman material in a new way as political art--you're probably fine already. Heck, if you just give the earnest stories a new name and look, DC doesn't really sue people over infringement on Superman's character anymore (plus, as I've mentioned before, comics has long had some additional flexibility for fan art). 
In the meantime, if you're feeling interested and want to dig into it, there are tons of comics that have far more clearly fallen into the public domain already that you could mine for revival characters or, like some folks do, cool archival projects reprinting old comics for new audiences. 
Next week, I *think* I'll be able to talk about my new job! 
What I enjoyed this week: Nancy (Comic), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Baldur's Gate III (Video Game), Blank Check (Podcast), How to Read Nancy (Book), Ted Lasso (TV show), Blade Runner (Movie), The Rehersal (TV show), the pilot of The Sopranos (TV show), my new big Taschen Ads of the 80s book, actually having some fun in my last week of not working, talking to a friend about putting together some original projects soon, prepping for Becca's next show. What I didn't enjoy this week was my phone dying! That's been real fun. 
New Releases this week (1/10/2024): None
New Releases next week (1/17/2024): Sonic the Hedgehog: Fang the Hunter #1 (Editor)
Announcements: Becca's first show of the year is today, 1/13, at Alesmith! It's a mini-con with BizBaz! They've got lots of cool deals and new stuff for the new year, including a new version of our Anti AI zine, so come out and see them if you're anywhere near San Diego today! If you can't make it, you can always find their webshop and portfolio here! 
The Cartoonist Cooperative is still doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. It's a nice little thing for you if you want it, but ultimately, man, giving an E-Sim could literally save a life. 
You can also give more directly with your money or your time. You can call or fax or email or show up at the offices (or yell at the White House of) of your representatives to demand a ceasefire or to protest their inaction so far or to throw eggs at the president for participating in and encouraging a genocide. You should keep aware of actions, demonstrations, protests, movements, and celebrations in your community too. Given the nature of the things, they often come together fairly quickly, so do exercise your due diligence. Also, of course, being informed and just giving your time to Palestinian journalists and writers is incredibly valuable. I don't tend to be a big TikTok fan, but it has proven to be one of the most reliable resources for firsthand accounts of what's happening on the ground from folks who can get access to E-Sims. 
Finally, check out my Patreon where you can access this blog as well as a ton of cool other stuff and this year, it'll be one of the first places you can see some of my new comics work, as well as my webstore (final stock on basically everything there except Jimmy Squarefoot), my Kofi (I'll get the updated Anti-AI Zine up there soon), and my eBay account as I am between paychecks for a while and those are other ways you can support me!
Pic of the Week: My phone died and in it's last days, I did try to reset it with a factory reset. Prior to that, I *thought* all my data had properly synced, but apparently my photos didn't, so I lost a ton of them--anything I didn't have uploaded elsewhere already, and I haven't been taking new pictures. So, uhh... here's the front of our holiday card from last year. It's Garfield! 
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uroboros-if · 2 years
Heyo, I am here with another ask even though an hour hasn't even passed since my last one. Hope I'm not giving any pressure 😭
So... I was scrolling through the asks and I just wanna say first of all, *HOLDS SOBS AND SQUEEZES CIOCANA IN MY HANDS ALL AT THE SAME TIME* They deserve so much better :(
This ask is inspired by them: So the ROs are just passing by somewhere and is met by a scene of MC defending them when someone talks bad about them. What is their reaction? Hope this isn't spoilery or anything o.o;
(P. S. I'm sorry such a simple, short ask was extended to such a long message. It's the unholy hours of the night rn and my brain is kinda just half not functioning lmao)
Not at all! ♥️ Ever since you sent in two asks in succession, I was super tempted to just answer them ASAP! I adore how enthusiastic you are :) And no worries about long asks!!
Ciocana :( at least they're lucky to have someone who really sees them! They'd be shocked, not registering the scene before them at first; when they slowly recover, they march up to MC and tease them for it. Defending Ciocana of all people! Inwardly, however, they're probably a little teary about it, but they won't show it. They're secretly, deeply grateful.
Salvatore: They'd smile like a fool. MC standing up for them! Usually Salvatore is the one who has to defend MC in private, but it's a great feeling to know that MC has their back in return. They have a wonderful bond, and they knew they weren't wrong about MC all along.
Luciel: MC defending them... it's not often anyone defends them. They've grown used to more unsavory rumors or conversations about them; it just comes with the territory, considering their domain. Still, having someone to stand up for you isn't something they've never experienced and it feels very profound. Slightly emotional. They wouldn't mention it to MC the next time they see them personally, but they'd show their thanks in subtle, quiet ways.
Alessi: Would go right up with MC and defend their own honor as well! They appreciate MC is sticking up for them, but they feel just as responsible for the people speaking badly of them, and MC doesn't need to fight it for them (not that they'd let anyone talk shit about MC either, though). They'd later thank the MC sincerely, and vow to do right by them in return!
Again, thank you so much for your quick succession asks, they made my day! And I'm super glad you like Ciocana, they'd :') get a pretty big head about that! ♥️
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chocolatey-umbreon · 2 months
TMA Season 5 Live Blog
Episode 185 - Locked in
They weren't kidding with that message at the beginning about this episode being not at all fantasy and just straight up a terrible real life story. It's not something I have personal links to but I understand why the warning was given. I'm glad the writer tries not to do this often. I did miss the layer of fantasy in between, but I'm not going to blame him for feeling strongly about an issue like this and those feelings impacting the way he writes.
Jon said in that other episode that Martin's domain was a mixture of the Lonely and the Eye which makes sense, since every domain is for a particular fear, which doesn't necesarily have to fully align to a single Fear of the 14, though so far they have been very clear about which domain goes with what Dread Power. Now I'm wondering if these repeated ones in the second half of the season will often be more nuanced, like whatever Martin's domain is. I mean. In the case of this episode I'm not sure who to attribute the fear to. I don't even know that the woman was feeling fear per se. Just. desperation and grief and pain and so on, which actually sounds like the Desolation? She had everything taken away from her, her entire life and her beliefs destroyed. Idk.
Anyway Something I didn't quite registered until now is that Martin has been exploring the domains they go to quite often. He not only doesn't seem as bothered by them, which is expected as they go through so many that one could almost get used to the, but he's also curious about them. Which is interesting. And it was left pretty clear by the whole conversation with Jon at the end about them both being avatars and what that means for them in this world. I wonder if this will culminate in the following episode when we see his domain.
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dollar2host · 9 months
What is a TLD? An introductory guide to top-level domains
The top-level domain (TLD) of your website is intended to serve as a summary of the primary qualities of your website, and it has the potential to have a significant impact on how visitors perceive your brand. Keeping this in mind, once you have a fundamental comprehension of what a domain name is, you should become acquainted with the idea of a top-level domain and have an awareness of the various types of TLDs in order to choose which one is the most suitable for your website.
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When it comes to establishing a successful online presence, selecting the ideal domain name is one of the most important hurdles that must be overcome. Almost immediately after that, you are presented with a lengthy range of options to choose from in order to combine with your idea. This one comes in a close second in terms of complexity. These brief stretches of text are referred to as top-level domains or TLDs, and they play a more vital role than you might initially believe.
What is a top-level domain (TLD)? 
A top-level domain, also known as a TLD, is the portion of a domain name that comes after the final dot and is positioned to the right. The goal of top-level domains, which are often referred to as domain extensions, is to identify particular aspects of a website, such as its owner, its purpose, or its geographical location. An example of this would be a top-level domain ending in.edu, which enables consumers to immediately recognize the website as belonging to a higher educational institution.
During the 1960s, ARPANET came up with the idea of top-level domains (TLDs) with the intention of making it simpler to remember Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. It wasn't until the early 1980s that the first top-level domains were created, and it wasn't until then that the organized classification that you'll encounter when you register a domain name today was implemented. Under the direction of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), each top-level domain is assigned its own autonomous registry, which is then managed by a specified organization. 
There are numerous categories of top-level domains.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) divides top-level domains into distinct categories based on the site's owner, purpose, and geographic location.
There are five official categories of top-level domains (TLDs):
(gTLD) stands for "generic top-level domain."
(sTLD) stands for sponsored top-level domains.
(ccTLD) stands for country code top-level domains.
ARPA stands for the Infrastructure Top-Level Domain.
(tTLD) stands for "test top-level domain."
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) does not oversee the unofficial top-level domains (TLDs) that are established by individual businesses.
G.TLDs, which stands for generic top-level domains
Generic top-level domains, also referred to as gTLDs, are the types of domain extensions that possess the highest level of popularity and familiarity. These domains are available for registration by anyone, and despite the fact that the maximum length of top-level domains is 63 characters, the majority of them are composed of two to three letters. TLDs were simply distinguished between those associated with the geographical location of a site and those that weren't—hence, generic—during the 1980s, which is where its classification title originated. This was done in order to distinguish between the two types of TLDs.
The utilization of particular generic top-level domains was more stringently controlled throughout the course of time in order to guarantee that they aligned with particular criteria, which ultimately resulted in the formation of a new category that is known as sponsored top-level domains. Only three of the seven generic top-level domains (gTLDs) that were initially available can still be registered without any restrictions:.org,.com, and.net.
(sTLD) stands for sponsored top-level domains.
As the name suggests, sponsored top-level domains are domains that are suggested by private organizations and are monitored by such organizations. The final decision about whether or not an applicant is eligible to use a particular top-level domain is made by these entities, which can be enterprises, government agencies, or other forms of organized groupings. The decision is based on specified community theme concepts.
A modest and restricted number of alternatives are included on the sponsored top-level domain list, in contrast to the general top-level domains (gTLDs). There are some that date back to the original domain extensions that were developed in the 1980s, such as.edu,.gov, and.mil, while others have been created in the most recent years.
Within this group, some of the most well-known sTLDs are as follows:
.edu denotes educational institutes of a higher level
".gov" is reserved for government agencies in the United States.
.cat is an abbreviation for the Catalan language and culture community.
.museum is reserved for all museum organizations.
1. travel - for companies operating in the travel industry
Why are there so many different top-level domains (TLDs)?
When they were first introduced, top-level domains were restricted and served a very particular function. The list of top-level domains, on the other hand, has surpassed three digits throughout the course of time, and the majority of constraints have been abandoned for a long time in favour of creativity and differentiation.
It is likely that the choice of a generic top-level domain (gTLD) will be determined by the cost of the domain name as well as your own personal preference. However, if you intend to register your website with a sTLD or ccTLD, you will still be required to adhere to certain standards. Examine the various possibilities in relation to your brand name and determine whether there are any that have the potential to bolster your message in a particularly powerful way.
What impact do top-level domains have on search engine optimization?
Despite the fact that top-level domains do not have any direct influence on the SEO performance of your website, domain extensions that are unusual or difficult can result in a reduction in the number of inbound links and direct traffic. 
When you are contemplating how to design a website, it is important to pay attention to how easy it is to pronounce and remember your top-level domain (TLD) when it is paired with your domain name. This will help you avoid this situation. It is also important to keep in mind that when browsing on mobile devices, the majority of smartphones display a button that is specifically designated for domain extensions, and the default setting for this button is.com.
Why are there so many different top-level domains (TLDs)?
When they were first introduced, top-level domains were restricted and served a very particular function. The list of top-level domains, on the other hand, has surpassed three digits throughout the course of time, and the majority of constraints have been abandoned for a long time in favour of creativity and differentiation.
It is likely that the choice of a generic top-level domain (gTLD) will be determined by the cost of the domain name as well as your own personal preference. However, if you intend to register your website with a sTLD or ccTLD, you will still be required to adhere to certain standards. Examine the various possibilities in relation to your brand name and determine whether there are any that have the potential to bolster your message in a particularly powerful way.
What impact do top-level domains have on search engine optimization?
Despite the fact that top-level domains do not have any direct influence on the SEO performance of your website, domain extensions that are unusual or difficult can result in a reduction in the number of inbound links and direct traffic. 
When you are contemplating how to design a website, it is important to pay attention to how easy it is to pronounce and remember your top-level domain (TLD) when it is paired with your domain name. This will help you avoid this situation. It is also important to keep in mind that when browsing on mobile devices, the majority of smartphones display a button that is specifically designated for domain extensions, and the default setting for this button is.com.
What is the significance of TLDs?
Branding, user perception, and search engine optimization (SEO) are all significant aspects of a website, and top-level domains are certainly important for all three. Although TLDs do not play a direct role in search engine optimization (SEO), they do have the potential to indirectly affect search rankings and user trust.
The following are some of the reasons why top-level domains are important:
A website's branding and recognition are both enhanced by the use of top-level domains (TLDs). Enhancing brand identification, making the website more memorable, and conveying the website's purpose or target audience are all possible outcomes of a well-chosen top-level domain (TLD).
The way in which consumers view a website can be influenced by the top-level domains (TLDs). There is a sense of confidence and credibility that is instilled by well-known top-level domains (TLDs), such as.com and.org, whereas more recent TLDs may take more effort to acquire awareness.
Specifically for country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs), top-level domains (TLDs) have the ability to convey their significance to search engines. For example, a website that has a top-level domain (TLD) of.de is considered to be more relevant to people in Germany and may score higher in search results directed toward German users.
Dependability: Certain top-level domains (TLDs), such as.com and.org, are often considered to be more trustworthy and established, which might have an indirect impact on search engine optimization (SEO). There is, however, a shift occurring in this perception as more recent TLDs gain recognition.
Memorability: A top-level domain (TLD) that is easy to remember can help boost brand recognition and make it simpler for users to locate your website, particularly if the name of your website is not very common.
Which top-level domain (TLD) is the most suitable for your website?
Several considerations are important to keep in mind while selecting a top-level domain for your website, including the following:
Your intention is to attract: To whom are you attempting to communicate through your website? If you are aiming to attract people from all over the world, you might want to select a generic top-level domain (TLD) like.com or.net. It is possible that you will want to select a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the country that you are targeting.
The reason for being on your website: Which type of website are you going to be developing? When you are developing a website for business purposes, you might wish to select a top-level domain (TLD) like.com or. Store. Choosing a top-level domain (TLD) like.org is a good idea if you are developing a website for a charitable organization.
Name of your brand: What is the identification of your brand? If your brand is already well-known, you might wish to select a top-level domain (TLD) that corresponds to the name of your brand. In the event that your brand name is [Brand Name], for instance, you might want to select the top-level domain (TLD) [Brand Name].com.
There are some top-level domains (TLDs) that are more expensive than others. As an illustration, the cost of a.com domain is often higher than the cost of a.net domain.
Who will be in charge of administering top-level domains?
Top-level domains (TLDs) are managed on a global scale by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is responsible for the management of these domains. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the naming system of the Internet that transforms domain names into IP addresses. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization that manages the coordination of the DNS.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) assigns the task of managing particular top-level domains (TLDs) to registrars for the purpose of selling domain names to individuals and corporations. By way of illustration, Verisign is the registrar for the.com top-level domain, whereas Public Interest Registry (PIR) is the registrar for the.org top-level domain of the Internet.
ICANN is also responsible for establishing regulations for the management of top-level domains (TLDs), which include the guidelines for the creation of new TLDs and the processes for resolving disputes between registrants.
The following is a list of some of the specific obligations that ICANN has in this regard:
New top-level domains (TLDs) are created through the process of ICANN's evaluation and approval of applications for new TLDs. This method helps to guarantee that new top-level domains (TLDs) do not pose any risks to the Internet or the people who use it.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) assigns registrars the obligation of managing particular top-level domains (TLDs). Using this procedure helps to ensure that top-level domains (TLDs) are maintained effectively and that domain names are registered in a manner that is both fair and consistent.
There is a procedure that the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has in place to settle disagreements between registrants regarding domain names. This procedure contributes to the protection of the rights of registrants and helps to prevent abuse of domain names.
ICANN has a procedure in place for suspending or revoking top-level domains (TLDs) that are deemed to be damaging to the Internet or its users. This is done in order to protect the Internet from harmful TLDs. Using this method contributes to the maintenance of the reliability and safety of the Internet.
ICANN's responsibility in administering top-level domains (TLDs) is critical to ensuring that the Internet continues to function without any hiccups. In order to ensure that the Internet is a platform that is reliable, safe, and accessible to all users, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for generating and delegating top-level domains (TLDs), setting policy, and resolving disputes.
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What You Should Know When Choosing a Domain Name - Aged Domains?
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Search engines typically give greater weight to older websites when ranking them in their search results. It is important to note that the mere fact of age isn't enough to be able to rank highly within search result pages. The quality of website's content, the backlink profile, structure of the website along with other factors have a significant impact on the evaluation of a website's authority as well as relevancy.
The availability of a domain name or username can be checked using a namechecker or username availability checker.
Finding the best domain for your company requires an investigation and analysis. Here are some guidelines for finding the appropriate domain that is aged to implement the best SEO strategy:
Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Domain Name Aged Domains
Use Domain Marketplaces
There are numerous domain marketplaces on the market that let you purchase domains that are old, including Sedo, GoDaddy, and Flippa. These marketplaces let you filter domains according to price, age and many other variables which makes it simpler to locate the perfect domain for your company. You can also search for domains that relate to your field or subject and also have a well-established backlink profile.
Check Domain History
It is essential to look into the past history of the domain in order to make sure that it is clean background and hasn't been penalized from search engines previously. Use tools such as Archive.org and Wayback Machine to see what the domain was used for in the past, and whether it is clean.
Evaluate Backlink Profile
It is also important to evaluate your domain's backlink profile by using tools such as Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush. Search for links that are of high quality from trustworthy websites within the same field or subject that your business operates in. This will increase your website's credibility and visibility.
Consider Domain Authority
Utilize tools such as Moz's Domain Authority or Ahrefs' Domain Rating to determine the credibility of a domain. Find domains that have an authority score that is high which indicates the highest degree of trust and confidence. A higher authority for your domain will aid your website in ranking higher on search results pages.
Look for Expired Domains
Domains that are expired are those that weren't registered by previous owners, and are accessible to register. You can search for expired domains by using tools such as ExpiredDomains.net and Domain Hunter Finder. Search for expired domains that relate to your particular industry or topic and also have a well-established backlink profile.
Hire a Broker
If you're unfamiliar with the process of purchasing old domains, you may want to hire a domain broker who can assist you in finding the perfect domain for your organization. A domain broker can assist you navigate through the marketplaces as well as evaluate domains and determine a fair cost. They also can assist in the legal aspect of buying an older domain.
Strategies for Optimizing Your Aged Domain
As a company it is important to focus on finding domains that are old, are in line with your industry and have a strong backlink profile and the possibility of expansion and enhancement. These are all great options for optimizing an older domain. Here are a few additional information and tips on each strategy:
Redirect Old Pages
When redirecting old pages from an older domain to your site be sure to redirect every page to the appropriate web page. This ensures that the redirected traffic is able to find the information they're looking for. It also keeps the authority of the old domain.
Update Content
The process of updating the content of the old domain is an essential step in optimizing it. But, it's crucial to be aware that the content needs to be relevant to the target public and your industry. Incorrectly updating content could cause more harm than good.
Build Backlinks
The process of building backlinks can be a lengthy procedure, but it's an essential step in improving the authority and visibility of your domain. When you reach at other web sites in search of backlinks, be sure to tailor your outreach to provide an advantage to the website's owners.
Improve User Experience
Enhancing the user experience on the older domain is vital to ensure that visitors are entertained. A great user experience will lower bounce rates, improve the duration of stay on site, and boost the credibility and authority of the site.
Monitor Analytics
The monitoring of your website's analytics is crucial to keep track of its performance and find areas to improve. Be sure to set up tracking and check your data on a regular basis to find patterns and areas that need to be optimized.
Maintain Domain Authority
Maintaining the authority of your domain requires constant effort and improvement. Older domains require constant maintenance to ensure they are still relevant and beneficial in the SEO strategy. Continuously updating information, establishing backlinks and improving user experience will help to maintain the authority of the domain over time.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Managing an Aged Domain
Making Sure You Avoid Errors When Managing an Old Domain
The attempt to solve this issue can result in creative solutions or unintentional errors. Below, you'll find the most common mistakes made by people to avoid making when choosing an alternative domain name.
Ignoring the Domain's History
It's one of the most common mistakes to avoid when dealing with an old domain. It is essential to study the history of the domain in depth to ensure it is clean and hasn't been penalized by the search engine in the past. Failure to do this could result in negative SEO effects in the event that search engines identify the domain as unprofessional or sloppy content.
It is therefore essential to make use of tools like Archive.org and Wayback Machine to check the domain's history and assess the past usage of the domain.
Neglecting Content
Another error to avoid is ignoring content for the domain that is old. Older domains require continuous development and optimization of content to keep their SEO worth. The absence of content can result in an erosion in search rankings and search engine visibility.
Therefore, it's essential to update regularly the content of the website to ensure that it's relevant and useful for the audience you're trying to reach. Furthermore, optimizing the website's content to be optimized for SEO will increase the visibility of your website on the search engine result pages.
Over-Optimizing Content
Over-optimizing content is yet another error to avoid when dealing with an older domain. Although optimizing your content can be crucial to SEO, over-optimizing could result in penalties and lower ranking on search engines. Over-optimization is a problem that can arise when website owners employ tactics such as keyword stuffing, duplicate content as well as other methods that do not conform to rules of search engines.
In the end, it's crucial to stay clear of these strategies and concentrate on producing quality relevant content that offers worth to the intended audience.
Neglecting Backlink Quality
The lack of attention to quality backlinks is a frequent mistake to avoid while managing a domain that is old. The creation of low-quality backlinks on your old domain could harm you SEO strategy. Therefore, it's crucial to build quality, relevant backlinks that are from trusted websites within your field or subject. This will increase the authority of your domain and increase its visibility in search results pages.
Using Black Hat SEO Tactics
Utilizing black-hat SEO strategies is a blunder to avoid when attempting to manage an older domain. Strategies that are black hat in SEO can cause penalization and lower ranking on search engines. Examples of black-hat SEO strategies include cloaking keyword stuffing and link strategies. It is therefore important to stay clear of these techniques and concentrate on creating relevant, high-quality web content and establishing high-quality backlinks.
Not Monitoring Analytics
Not monitoring analytics is a common error to avoid when attempting to manage an old domain. Monitoring your website's analytics are vital for determining areas for improvement and adapting your plan to suit. If you don't pay attention to analytics, it can result in lost opportunities as well as a decrease in ranking. It is therefore essential to make use of tools like Google Analytics to track traffic engagement, traffic, as well as other metrics, and alter your strategies accordingly.
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willenator · 11 months
Tumblr Domains Challenges
I decided to move my domain name from Google Domains to Tumblr Domains. Google Domains sold off their business to SquareTrade, but they still manage it for the time being. Since Tumblr Domains is the same price as Google Domains, and I used Tumblr for my blog, I figured it would be a good fit for me. Transfer my domain and then have my blog and domain hosted by the same company. Seems pretty simple, right?
Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case for me. I know that Tumblr Domains is new, and I'm sure there are some bugs they need to work out. However, Tumblr is owned by Automattic, who also owns Wordpress, and Wordpress has been selling domains for years now. I figured they were using their experience from that, but maybe it is handled by a different team. Either way, it has been an interesting start.
The first challenge I had was actually triggering the start of the domain transfer. I had grabbed the auth code from Google Domains to approve the transfer, and I kept getting an error code when I would click submit on Tumblr's end. After trying for a couple of days, it finally worked. I had actually submitted a support ticket about it on day two, but on day three it worked.
Like most domain transfers, I figured it would take a few days for everything to move over. I was able to start configuring the basic settings the very next day which was nice. After four days, I noticed I could still not access my domain by typing it into my web browser, so I reached out to Tumblr support again. A few days later it started working just one hour before they reached out to me. I only know this because I had connected my domain to a third-party email provider and it couldn't verify because they couldn't see the domain. All of a sudden, I got an automated email saying it was now connected and then I got the email from Tumblr support that they weren't seeing any issues on their end. I actually chuckled at that. Either it was pretty impressive timing that they checked on it right after it worked itself out, or they did fix something first and then reached out to me.
Okay, so now I have my domain working, but in the most recent response from Tumblr support, they told me that I had yet to verify my contact information, and my domain would be suspended after 10 days of registering it. So, I checked my emails, and I never received an email stating anything about verifying. The Tumblr support help site even lists what the subject line would read, and I tried searching for that in my email. Nothing. So, I am now waiting for another couple of days until someone with Tumblr support responds to me about this.
I have one other issue to report to Tumblr support, but I'm holding off on that one until I know I can keep using my domain with my Tumblr blog. That additional issue is DNS records. I need to add a handful of of records to get my email working with Tumblr Domains. However, it only lets me add three records after the initial one, and won't let me add anymore, which doesn't let me add all the additional records I need to fully make my provider work with it.
While it is a little frustrating, I would really like to make this work, and I'm willing to keep giving it a try. We shall see how this goes. I'm curious if others have had similar issues trying to use Tumblr Domains so far. I'm rooting for Tumblr and Automattic, and I'm only sharing this in case someone else is struggling as well. I think sharing information like this might help someone else. I'll post some updates to my blog as things continue to be worked out.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
With no respect to anyone. I am serious. Fuck.
What else am I meant to say here? My client is. And say it with my jury. Fucked.
Let's see, DNA, eight witnesses and CCTV of them actively being at the location as well as holding and being at the scene of the crime. What in earth shall I bring out this time. I a nobody nobody has ever heard of and is in no way a legal representative.
M'kay, CCTV. Why the fuck is the time stamps so off? Your honour. This is about. Ten minutes of work. I took the timestamps and placed the video tapes where they should be on a timeline. And following the rainbow. My client exits the store here. At the start of the film, taking a deep breath. Prior to this, and I checked with the same witnesses, my client did something mildly embarrassing. For their sake, I will not explain but I believe you'll have it in your left pocket your honour.
Next, knife picking. The murder weapon was and I quote "thrown into the wall" something considered irrelevant, except that there's a boot that shows up on the most unused CCTV cam lining then up.
Few questions. Y'all saw that shadow thing? Looks like a person. As mentioned. My client is friends with the dead person but they told me they were gonna resolve it today. Talk it out. This is repeated across their friend group your honour. I have asked including their mother. A random Tibbit I learnt today.
Next, back door closed to which there's no cameras that way. Though a car is seen driving away, considered irrelevant despite it being the only car nearby the scene. My client sees a knife. Pulls it out and enters the back after several minutes of waiting. Police find em and. Ah gee your honour that seems to line up quite neatly into a single case. Problem my opposition states none of the questions I ask now.
Who was that person?
Where'd the car and person go?
Who called the police?
Give me one answer why those questions are irrelevant.
I'm serious. Go on. Try.
Ba bow! As they were the only person visible during the case, that person's neutral stance is yet to be found.
Ba bow! Someone called them, my client did not.
Ba bow! That car is registered under a broad thingy, again not a lawyer, but why on earth would a car be registered under something I'm told takes months of work?
Relevancy? Your honour, a possible witness who was near the body could exist. Someone called the police on a burner phone and my client does not buy burner phones for travel. They weren't even planning on for months! So tell me your honour how we can miss such possibly case changing information and declare my client as guilty? What if there were someone else-
Pardon? I am sorry. But I don't speak fancy talk.
James Mathew Earl. A commoners name, third generation. Mildly successful lawyers with you taking judge. Your... Family member. meanwhile, well they told me tell me how you take bribes. Supposedly of course.
Speaking of which. Whoops. Here's hundreds of copies of not bribes I found in the public domain. Most certainly you receiving forty five thousand before this has nothing to do with this specific case.
I am most certain these hacked phone texts, emails and a fax machine for some bizarre reason state such odd things. Jury, please read. So tell me judge. Wanna talk about irrelevance? Please. Let's bring up that waved away case about Jenifer Lawrence.
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myresellerhome · 2 years
Do you concerned about hackers using expired domain names to access your data?
Enterprises that operate online might change their names, switch their focus to a different industry, or combine with other firms. It is common practice for the previous domain names to be abandoned when this occurs. Hackers view expired domain names as valuable commodities, even though many business owners are unaware of the potential risks of allowing expired domain names.
There are over 2.9 million expired domain names as of today. Some of them originate from commercial websites that already have an established clientele and receive consistent traffic levels. Hackers place a high value on domains like this. They put the customer's data in danger by establishing bogus shops on expired domain names to steal their information.
It is essential to stay on top of the renewal date for your expired domain names to avoid a scenario like this one.
This article will look at what happens to expired domain names and how that affects the content.
As if that weren't bad enough, your data might also be at risk. And the information being discussed here is significant. Everything you own, including your email, social media accounts, and even your bank data, may be at risk. It is crucial to have an understanding of what happens exactly when a domain name expires in order to comprehend how it works.
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What is the result of allowing expired domain names to be used?
Let's imagine that, for the reasons discussed in this article, you run a website with the domain name abc.com. You can now publish specifics and facts about your life on ABC.com, in addition to selling a few things there. After some time has passed, you become aware that the objective of the expired domain names has been defeated, and you cannot contribute anything further to it. You come to the conclusion that rather than paying the payments necessary to keep it active, you will let its expiration date pass.
The moment your website or expired domain nameswill become accessible on the open market for anyone to register and own. There are websites that are devoted solely to listing domain names that have recently expired or been discontinued. Therefore, it is now theoretically possible for anyone to possess abc.com. You had, over the course of time, built up an audience, and to this day, there is a sizeable number of viewers who continue to check out the website. Therefore, an audience is waiting for the more recent content on ABC.com.
If the new owners have malicious intentions, all they need to do is transform it into an online shopping platform. If customers are satisfied with the goods and go on to the payment page, the proprietor of the website can easily capture all of their financial information by using a few different technologies.
Consequently, that's not where the tale finishes.
Expired domain names and the ways in which they might be harmful to you
Imagine for a moment that you owned an expired domain name called abc.com and that you used Google Apps to manage the website associated with it. Your Google account has been given to the new owner, so they can access it now. The procedure is quite easy to understand. The new owner is responsible for nothing more than completing the steps necessary to reclaim an expired domain name. This will serve as proof that the new owner is the rightful owner of the website, at which point Google will grant the new owner access to Google Apps.
Therefore, the new owner has access to all of your Google Apps, including Gmail, at this point in time. Finding out about all of the other profiles that you have is the only thing left to do at this point. When you change your password on most websites, you receive an email. If it happens to be your Gmail account, then all of your other addresses, including those at other services, are at risk. Because your expired domain names were exposed in the public realm, a young hacker may end up stealing them and using them to steal other things as well, such as a new PlayStation 4 and a wide lot of other things.
How to Get Rid of Expired Domain Names
The majority of safety professionals are of the opinion that the best method to protect yourself from the dangers that might be caused by an expired domain names is to merely prevent the domain from ever expiring in the first place. It is in your best interest to just restore your expired domain names even if you aren't currently making use of it. Expired domain names can typically be renewed at a reduced rate. In point of fact, the expense is negligible in comparison to the peace of mind gained from knowing that issues won't arise in the first place.
On the other hand, in the event that you are unable to renew an expired domain names, there are two parties—namely, your clients or viewers—and yourself—that you will need to safeguard. In order to safeguard the interests of your clientele, you should make it a point to convey to them as far in advance as possible that you will be suspending operations. Tell them that it is in their best interest to add your former email address to a blacklist so that you will not receive any malicious content sent to you from an email address that they trust which was previously owned by someone else.
Make sure that you provide them with the new email id before you ask them to block the previous one if you are relocating your page to another expired domain names. If you are doing this, make sure that you give them the new email id before you ask them to block the older one.
In the same spirit, if you work with any third-party suppliers for your website, make sure to let them know.
The steps you need to take to keep yourself safe will take a little bit more time. First things first, check to see that you have terminated your subscriptions to any and all services that you have already utilized. After that, you will be required to manually disconnect each individual online account that you have used for the website.
Everything from Google Apps to Amazon Web Services is included here. In addition to that, a Two-Factor Authentication should be set up (2FA). Any changes you make to your email account will be subject to SMS verification or another type of verification requirement. The overarching goal here is to ensure that you do not pass on any private data that the subsequent owner could use to their advantage. If there is no easily accessible personal data, stealing will become an exceedingly challenging task.
Although there is a possibility that the subsequent owner will not have any sinister motives, it is always an excellent idea to take precautions just in case. In addition, it's likely that the person who snaps up your domain the moment you let it go is doing so in an effort to gather data on you. Maintain your safety and be cautious when getting rid of your domains!
If expired domain names fade, your firm may be vulnerable to critical data theft.
A group of safety researchers working for the Australian cybersecurity company Iron Bastion demonstrated a year ago that hackers might gain access to confidential information by purchasing the domains of defunct businesses and legal firms.
Attackers can gain access to personal customer data and emails by setting up a catch-all email forwarding service for domains that they re-register. They could use this data for fraudulent activities or sell it on the deep web. They can also take over the social networking, financial, and corporate identities of company workers by simply changing the passcode related to the email addresses associated with the old site.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
A Lot | SemiShira
CHARACTERS: Semi Eita X Shirabu Kenjiro CHAPTER COUNT: 1/1 WORD COUNT: 1600+ GENRE: fluff | boy x boy CONTENT WARNING: profanity | strong language SPOILERS: n/a CROSS POSTED ON A03 collection masterlist
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"Glad you can make it."
Kenjiro’s voice registered in Eita’s ear, but he couldn't quite understand what the former was saying, unable to get over the way he strutted closer as if he was parting the Red Sea and emerging from it like a god surveying his domain. Kenjiro looked absolutely gorgeous in a pair of ripped jeans and a black, graphic shirt with some metal band's name printed on it, its wide armholes showing off his rather toned physique underneath.
It took the ash-blonde’s breath away. It was such a polar difference from how he would usually see Shirabu Kenjiro – almost always dressed neatly in either his med school uniform or something else proper as slacks and neatly-pressed oxford shirts – but the duality was a welcome sight with how Eita is finally seeing him wearing something more ‘human,’ so to say.
Just like the first time he met the younger guy after that impromptu gig where Eita’s band was called to perform, he had only one thing on his mind: ‘that,’ he thought, ‘that's the person I wanna marry,’ seeing how Kenjiro’s face morphed from that of utter tedium to genuine mirth which seemed to have lit up the dark, dingy bar where they’ve first crossed paths.
Even when Kenjro stood there, smiling to cover his confusion at the way Eita was just staring at him, the latter couldn't quite form words to say. His mind was just filled with the thoughts of what he wanted to do with Kenjiro if he had his way.
"Earth to Semi Eita?" the toffee-haired male said, finally making Eita snap out of it.
"I'm sorry," he managed to say, placing a hand behind his head as he suddenly felt embarrassed with how he was acting. Eita looked around, trying to keep his eyes off Kenjiro but to no avail. "This…this is something."
Kenjiro had given Eita tickets to the exclusive car show he was participating in. It wasn't exactly the older male’s thing, but since it was Kenjiro, he agreed to come, thinking maybe he would get to see more of what exactly goes inside his head. The former has been keeping him guessing for the past four months that they’ve known each other, but Eita had a hunch that Kenjiro liked cars. In what context, however, it was vague.
A smirk drew itself across Kenjiro’s mouth at Eita’s poor attempt at hiding the way he was staring but said nothing about it. The poor guy was acting atypically, usually cocky in his own environment with all the attention he gets on the regular for his pretty face and mind-blowing skills on the electric guitar, and yet, he had this side to him, all blushes and stumbling over his words. Kenjiro didn’t have to point that out. Besides, he found it sweet.
"Thanks for the tickets, by the way." Eita looked behind him where two of his friends were standing, saying things furtively to each other as they watched him, cheeky grins plastered on their faces. "I gave the rest to Tendou and Goshiki if you don't mind."
"Not at all. Glad you could all come."
Eita repeatedly rocked on the balls of his feet when his gaze finally locked with those caramel-hued eyes, unable to help it but check their owner out from head to toe. "So...is this your scene?"
"Uh-huh. You said you wanted to know, and this is pretty much it."
"You like going to car shows?" Eita surmised dumbly, Kenjiro’s rare laughter immediately filling his senses and rendering him useless.
Poor Eita did not even notice as a group of guys passed by, nearly knocking him over if it weren't for Kenjiro pulling him out of the way. In the process of trying to regain his balance, and quite frankly, his aplomb, Eita’s hands landed on Kenjiro’s waist, accidentally pushing him against the brick wall by the entrance to the venue, their faces mere inches from one another. He smelled of that strawberry lollipop he always had wedged between his lips and Eita wanted to taste it so badly.
Kenjro’s effect on him was just too profound. Eita was usually calm and collected but the former just causes him to be this bumbling fool whenever they were around one another.
"You okay?" Kenjiro asked, feigning innocence as his fingers lightly brushed over Eita’s tattooed arm. "You're acting all shy around me. What happened to the confident guitarist slash chick magnet I came to know?"
He's caught, so he saw no sense in lying. He chuckled. "You look extra hot today is all." Eita joined their hands together, lifting Kenjiro’s to his lips, also teasing him. .Two could play this game,’ he thought, not wanting to look stupid.
"Thanks?" Kenjiro’s expression didn't waver. "And to answer your question, I don't just like going to these events. I compete. I thought this was a good opportunity to show you." With their hands still entwined, he pulled Eita towards the inner grounds. "Let's go."
Eita would gladly go to wherever Kenjiro wishes to take him, liking the way he looked under the light of the setting sun instead of the usual smoke-filtered, dim lights of the bars where they would usually meet. The younger male’s excitement as he briefly looked at Eita was palpable, and it had the latter feeling all sorts of ways.
"What exactly do you do to compete?" he asked, absolutely clueless of what was happening.
"I build."
‘Is there anything about you that isn’t anything short of amazing?’
"Ta-da!" Kenjiro gestured towards this vintage Mustang, candy apple red with its top down and its interior in ivory.
Eita blinked at the car, shifting his eyes from it to the wonder that was this boy who seemed to hide so many things behind his unassuming facade. "You – you built this?"
"Mhmm. Full restoration. What do you think?" Kenjiro a toothy grin, eyes bright as he waited for Eita’s response.
"It's amazing. You're amazing."
Not really conscious of his actions anymore and filled with pride for Kenjiro’s talent, Eita found himself pulling the former towards him, arms snaking around his waist and planting a kiss to his temple.
Kenjiro laughed slightly but did not do anything to stop him. "If you keep doing that, I'll assume you actually like me, Semi."
His dark, drowning pools for eyes focused on Kenjiro, their fingers finding each other again in a slow, sensuous gliding of skin on skin and for a moment there, that spark which ignited flames in Eita spurred him on to admit how he felt on the inside without thinking. "I do like you."
It was Kenjiro’s turn to be flustered, not able to do anything else but look up at Eita, everything around them going quiet. At that moment, he could only focus on the person before him, not even hearing it when the number for his entry was called through the loud speakers.
"A lot, actually..."
Kenjiro felt a hand on his shoulder and saw one of his crew members looking at him happily. "Jiro, you won!"
"Huh?" He extricated himself from Eita who was smiling encouragingly as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Everything was happening too quickly.
"Congratulations, Ken," Eita said, the nickname he gave Kenjiro, rolling off his tongue like spell that held the latter to him like the planets revolving around the sun. "Go on, claim your prize."
Kenjiro just looked at him, conflicted. Eita just confessed his feelings and yet he was pushing him to go get what he had won. It was the most polarizing thing for Kenjiro at the moment, and for the first time, he was disconcerted about things that involved Semi Eita. He is always the one teasing and confusing the silvery-haired dude, not the other way around.
Kenjiro turned but his steps faltered as he nodded slowly, gingerly pointing towards the podium, but he couldn't get himself to walk away when Eita, too, was looking at him expectantly.
Kenjiro had liked him since the first time they met. The feelings were mutual, just that he found it easier to be less obvious about it. Eita was just too attractive for words and Kejiro understood why people flocked to him and that's without mentioning how talented he is as a musician. He himself fell into that rabbit hole, and he was glad he did.
Over the time Kenjiro has known him, Eita proved to be this sensitive soul who was always considerate of people around him, and he spoke from experience. He just had a way of making Kenjiro feel important, asking about his preferences and showing up at the best of times even if he doesn't get any benefit from it apart from getting to know Kenjiro, his interests. His being. And Eita always seems to take pride in whatever Kenjiro did.
"Jiro, come on!" his companions said, but he shook his head, walking back to where Eita stood, a wide smile gracing his lips as their eyes met.
"Go ahead and get it." He spoke breathlessly. “I've got my prize right here.”
They laughed, shaking their heads as they walked towards the podium.
Kenjiro, on the other hand, made his way to Eita, throwing his arms around his neck when he was near enough. He stood on his toes and pulled Eita close. His arms automatically held onto Kenjiro despite his evident surprise, eyes growing wide at the sudden turn of events.
"I like you, too, Eita. A lot, actually," Kenjiro repeated Eita’s words earlier before crashing his lips to his.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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