#//tagging your reno bc LOL
oflockhearted · 4 years
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@celestialborn​ says: Angel  hands Tifa  basket of sweets followed by a bottle of aged wine ... particularly fancy, a card reading "to : my dear dear friend"     "Happy Valentines day Tifa,   you should share the wine with Reno~ "He says with a wink
Unprompted ask | Always accepting
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The gifts were resplendent. Finely made, and wrapped neatly.
“Wow! Angel. These look gorgeous and so delicious! Who knew you were such a talented baking artist too?” Not that he didn’t look the part. Just the fact he wielded a gun and knew how to tear an enemy a new hole... yet, his fingers were gentle enough to take time to practice the fine art of sweet decorations.
When it came to his last comment Tifa nearly dropped the basket. However, studying herself, she attempts to play it off with a laugh. Its not like anyone knew. nobody knew.
                    Angel was just messing with her.  Yeah. Right! That’s all! Just jokes!
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“Ah...ahaha. I...I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Her smile was wide. Perhaps too wide. Fake, definitely. Sure. She may think the turk ( @onewinged-tragedy​ ) was...interesting. But Angel couldn’t have been implying that maybe. Perhaps. She kind of... liked him?       Jokes!
“A-Anyway. Thank you so much for this. I’ll be sure to break in this wine when I take my bubble bath!”
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septiembrre · 3 years
Really enjoyed your nuanced post about respect for Latinx characters on the show. Why do you think there’s such a divide between the respect Rio commands from the majority of the audience versus the how the show treats him? I have empathy for all the characters but the longer the show goes on, Rio is the standout “main” character that receives the least amount from the show itself. I’m interested to see how this shifts with the introduction of Nick as the bad egg, but was thrown by bill kreb’s response that Beth will never soften to Rio because of the situations he puts her in. And not that #brio is the entire show but Beth is the person/lens who we see Rio through, so her opinion/attitude is by default the one that matters here (petition for first person Rio POV). I’m not totally sure what I’m asking hahah but would love your thoughts on any of it if you wanted to share. 🧠
Hi Anon! 
When I got your ask yesterday I realized that damn it, I finally needed to track down this post I wrote last April in the middle of Season 3 airing. Back in the day (lol, a year ago, but a year in pandemic terms, okay?), I didn’t tag anything in purposefully -- I mean I only meagerly tag things now -- and thought I had lost it forever, but I’m so glad I found it. I didn’t do all that emotional labor for it to fall into the Tumblr abyss. 😭I fucking transcribed something from a Youtube video (so extra.) 
It’s weird reading it now because so much it still feels salient. I hate that. But, even though it’s time-stamped from a year ago, I think it still gets to your question: 
Why do you think there’s such a divide between the respect Rio commands from the majority of the audience versus the how the show treats him? 
1. I think there isn’t enough support for writing Latinx characters on the show. I wonder if there are any Latinx writers on the show, and if there are, whether they are junior writers/what their power looks like in the writing room. The conversation doesn’t have to stop at writers either, just how many Latinx creators allowed to have voices in the decision-making involved in the show? 
2. I still think MM lacks the traditional star power to have Rio’s character get more narrative weight. I think there are certain things within his control, pieces he can lobby for and effect -- but not larger narrative choices. While Rio is the fan favorite, MM is still the least prolific, known of the cast, hasn’t paid his acting dues to get higher billed, etc. I do laugh tho every episode when MM is billed right above Lidya Jewett the actress who plays Sara, Ruby’s daughter, who has barely been in this season (but kudos to her and her ppl for advocating for her billing spot). 
Importantly, MM doesn’t seem to have allies in the three leads. For example, I would argue Reno’s professional relationship and friendship with Retta and Matthew’s relationship with Christina (lol, Matt seems to be a set favorite) have very much paid off for both of them (especially Matt). It feels strange to watch classic work dynamics play out like this on the show bc you would think it would be more effected by NBC’s bottom line. But I’m getting that classic workplace read, that your job standing is based on who you’re allied with and who is your advocate. And this is just pure speculation, my personal read, but I think there are also vibes of ~unconscious bias~ discriminatory stuff around MM being a Latinx actor from a working-class BIPOC community layered in all of this. 
I don’t want to fully get into the subject of MM but I feel like this ask would be incomplete to not mention the following. Something else that stands out in this situation is MM’s public shade towards the show, and social media presence overall. *sigh*  At this point, I can’t imagine MM hasn’t been come across as unpalatable to his castmates. From the little glimpses we get on social media it hasn’t looked pretty. However, as much as he makes me cringe, I see his work vibes, and I feel a sad echo of my own experiences as a brown Latinx person trying to get my white coworkers to recognize my fuller humanity. 
Anyway, NBC’s gripe is that Good Girls doesn’t make them enough money and the thing is we know how it could. With a few tweaks (not making GG the Rio!Show but giving Rio more narrative weight, putting him in even one substantive scene with Annie or Ruby for example) Good Girls could more easily get renewed, be more popular etc. I don’t think shifts like this would have to compromise the integrity of the story Jenna Bans originally wanted to tell with the focus on the three female leads. There can be more effort put into the Latinx representation without it breaking the premise of the show.  
But, on the bright side in Season 4, Rio has a new scene playmate~ Little by little we are populating Rio’s world, and we finally have someone he can work against one-on-one in scenes independent from Beth. Love for that for him!~* Idk, I’m still skeptical about this Nick storyline. I really enjoy aspects of it, but I feel like it’s pinging a radar re:poorly thought out representation in a way I haven’t fully processed yet.  
Thanks for the ask! (I will take no further questions about MM at this time.🙈)
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devilreno · 4 years
Meet the Muse
► Name ➔  It’s Reno, bitch.
► Are you single ➔  I’m in a devoted relationship wit’ my mirror. // Verse dependent
► Are you happy ➔  Yep.
► Are you angry? ➔  Yep. Lol
► Are your parents still married ➔  uUUhhh nope
► Birth Place ➔  Somewhere in the Slums
► Hair Color ➔  Carmine
► Eye Color ➔  Turquoise
► Birthday ➔  Dec 9th
► Mood ➔ Issa whole rollercoaster yoooooo
► Sex ➔  Not in yo dreamz. But if ya mean the other thing, biologically male.
► Summer or winter ➔  Oh SHIZ. A winter baby that loves summer I guESS. But prefer winter bc I’m a walkin' heater that sweats buckets in summer lool.
► Morning or afternoon ➔  Midnight. Mmm what cha saaay?
► Are you in love ➔ Noooo. Verse dependent
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔  Na. This shit doesn’t work on me.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Nooo oneeee--- unless?
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Probably
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔  ShinRa taught me to be loyal. It’s not that hard now. But it’s not easy either. Say what now?
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔  Yeah, gave ‘em a noogie too.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔  Bet.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔  Noooope.
► Love or lust ➔  Better at Lust. Love’s complicated, man.
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Either.
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ (1) best friend and a couple of reliable friends/comrades.
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ WILD NIGHT OUT LEZ GOOOO. Romantic night in only if you’re special, yo.
► Day or night ➔  Night
► Been caught sneaking out ➔  Slick as a fox, what’cha meaaan?
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔  Maybe when drunk fvgfhjhkn
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ uUUUh, can’t think anythin’ at the top of my head rn
► Wanted to disappear ➔ Nah, I’m too cool for that... or too hot. Both ends of the spectrum, can’t erase me.
► Smile or eyes ➔ Eyes.
► Shorter or Taller ➔  Doesn’t matter.
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence-- But attraction plays a huge role here cuz even if you’re intelligent an' I ain’t feelin’ the spark it ain’t matter.
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ one taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain-- 🎵 Wait, what are ya askin’ now?
► Do you and your family get along ➔ .... Thank u, nEXTT
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ All the waaay
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Totally. This saved me, yo.
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Only if I’m leavin’ unforced it counts.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Nah.
► Do you consider all of your friend’s good friends ➔ Some of ‘em, sure.
► Who is your best friend ➔ RUUUUUUDEE.
► Who knows everything about you ➔ RuuUUDDEEE.  tagged by: @sometimesrufus ♥ tagging: @sweettifalockhart // @blondeturk // @cavusvitae // @sparkstorms (Your pick) // @malfabulae (Your pick) // @justapeskyninja // @inanisvitae // @greatxgospel // @battleshot // @xxvernalagniaxx // @origami-assassin // @abrokenremnant // @stingslikeabee // @planetsxend // @mercyxkilling // @dreamsofasoldier // @kagomiko // aaaand anyone else!
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kaluawoo · 4 years
Top 15 Video Game Characters
Was tagged by @warofmywords​
I’m very bad at deciding asdhsjdkljhklh the list is Very Fluid lol just like my gender but here ya go. Some of them are in a different order than within their games (e.g. Among Reborn characters, Cain ranks above Adrienn, but in this list Adrienn ranks above Cain. Idk why. Don’t ask me I don’t know things.)
I’ll tag @lecliss​ and @silver-is-in-too-many-fandoms​ and put the characters under a cut bc length lol
1 - Prompto Argentum (Final Fantasy XV)
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2 - Adrienn (Pokémon Reborn)
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3 - FERDINAND VON AEGIR (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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4 - Claude/Khalid von Riegan (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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5 - N/Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon Black/White)
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6 - Ivan (Golden Sun)
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7 - Lyon (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones)
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8 - Cain LaRue (Pokémon Reborn)
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9 - Axel/Lea (Kingdom Hearts)
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10 - Your Partner-Pokémon (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon) Yes both Rescue Team and Explorers
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11 - Dande/Leon/Delion (Pokémon Sword/Shield)
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12 - Reno (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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13 - Flick (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
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14 - Seymour Guado (Final Fantasy X) yes i have bad taste sue me
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15 - Leslie Kyle (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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16 - Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII Remake) yes i cheated and put 16
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binx0r · 5 years
tagged for the elevensies meme by @roadgoeson.
Yay homework! (I kid)
rules: answer 11 questions, write 11 questions, tag 11 peeps.
1. What song is currently running through your head, if any?
Heavydirtysoul in a weird mix with Papyrus’ theme bc watching gg play Undertale
1. What’s one thing that you will never eat again (for crimes against palate; you don’t have to tell me about any allergies)?
*through gritted teeth* mangoes
1. Do you have a current WIP (writing, art, textile craft, music, home reno, literally whatever project you might have on the go)? Describe it badly to me.
The wrong person is summoned and screws sky pirates (who are bad at pirating) out of an actual chosen one, I guess...
1. Favourite non-screen-based pastime?
Swimming alone
1. What’s one of your favourite places in the world?
So there’s this river somewhere in Ontario or the Eastern provinces elsewhere...
1. Which fictional character makes you tremble with fuckor when someone’s like ‘lol that u’?
Guessing via context at what ‘tremble with fuckor’ means but mayyyybe Ritsu Sohma? If that’s happened for reals I am not certain bc memory, ppl don’t compare me to characters much and usually it’s Isabelle and I love that shit.
1. Two truths and three lies.
Thats a lot ok... my cat is hypoallergenic and therefore never sheds, I respect self insert fic but won’t read it, my last break up sucked, I’d love to meet Martin Freeman, my digimon partner would be gazimon
1. What’s your favourite card game? 
Crazy eights bc I know how to play it, or if it’s not necessarily with a regular deck, scruples circa 1985
1. What was the top song on the charts the day you were born?
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
1. Horses: yay or neigh? Your opinion, if you have one, please.
This is both a pun and a trick question and now I’m mad at you
1. What is the most bizarre experience you have ever had?
I saw a spirit in my living room when I was like 12 or something, it was a large cat like a panther, no I’m not kidding, I can go into detail.
My questions I guess:
1. Any animal, real or no, for your familiar. You pick...?
2. Have you ever choreographed a dance in your head to a song, if so which, most recent if more than once?
3. Best ice cream flavour iyo?
4. Fav one pokemon of all gens of starters?
5. What noises do you use to get to sleep?
6. Bath or shower?
7. Signature dish?
8. A song that makes you belt it out?
9. Favourite medium of art (includes writing, music, etc)?
10. One thing your friend has you really wish you could also have?
11. A line of words that makes you smile?
Tagging: @lesbianshera @itstrashcan-not-trashcannot @terriermonz @cparvum @spoopityboopityboo @cheskasmagicshire @takato888 @goatman-the-third @wereallmadeofstardust @ladofthestars @flashing-feet
I am so sorry I have very few mutuals aaaaaaa feel free to ignore this
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harryextrastyles · 8 years
I was tagged by @art-hoe-harry, which incidentally used to be my url, lol
Rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people
A. Age: 23
B. Biggest Fear: literally any bug
C. Current Time: 4:42
D. Drink you last had: green tea
E. Every day starts with: me waking up too early and going back to sleep
F. Favourite Song: Battle Born by The Killers
G. Ghosts, are they real? Yes, I work with some in fact
H. Hometown: Reno, Nevada
I. In love with: Obviously Harry. Also my mom
J. Jealous of: people with a life
K. Killed someone: not presently
L. Last time I cried: Friday the 13th last month
M. Middle name: Dawn
N. Number of siblings: Five older siblings
O. One wish: To have my whole right leg covered in tattoos (witch themed)
P. Person you last called/texted: Rikki, almost always
Q. Question you’re always asked: “What are you smiling about?” (bc I have the opposite of resting bitch face apparently)
R. Reason to smile: cat tummies 
T. Time you woke up: 6am
U. Underwear colour: yellow
V. Vacation destination: The coast
W. Worst habit: Nail biting and picking at my cuticles
X. X-rays you’ve had: My teeth and my leg/ankle
Y. Your favourite food: pad thai
Z. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Lovely @tryingtotellyouiloveyou, @humanprevailing, @destielslovechild, @hazzwatch, @nickelemma, @mothtolou
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Pronouns: she/they (still getting used to they/them pronouns so atm I have a preference for she/her, might just make those my pronouns at some point but for now I'm experimenting)
Favorite colors: blue, pink, and purple (extra points for pastels!) (and no this isn't bc I'm bi, it's legitimately just a coincidence alksdjfkldsaj)
Three favorite foods: FUCK this is hard, but here goes: chicken parmesan, pumpkin scones (I s2g I go to starbucks DAILY in the fall for this shit), and... either chocolate as a whole or tiramisu. idk if that's totally accurate but I spent WAY too much time on this question as is already lmfao
Song stuck in your head: Moonrise Kingdom by Angel Haze (IT'S SO GOOD)
Last song I’ve listened to: it would feel like this by girl in red (if you want a song that's longer than 1 1/2 minutes and actually has lyrics, the song I listened to before that was Sing About Me by Angel Haze!)
Time: 10:45 AM
Last thing I googled: ... "angel haze they think they're saving you" bc I couldn't remember the name of the song aklsdfsdaklf (besides that, I think it was "why do people use popcorn ceilings" bc my friends are doing renos rn and they were going off about how stupid popcorn ceilings are and were wondering why people use them in the first place LOL)
Dream trip: either Japan or Europe, specifically the Netherlands bc that's where my grandparents on both sides of the family lived before moving to Canada!
Dream job: idk for sure if I have one (1) dream job? But I'm currently working towards getting an applied bachelor's degree for psychology in hopes that it'll qualify me for psychological research/experimental psychology! I LOVE psychology, but I just can't handle being a counselor/therapist, and I actually find research really interesting! Besides that, I wanna publish at least one, maybe two books? Non-fiction, that is!
Anything I really want: tbh? To move out so I can get a cat and not be scared of the idea of pursuing a relationship (bc homophobic parents), and for COVID to be over so I can feel safe to do shit like go out with my friends and go to the fucking gym (and get a haircut. It'd already been a While since I'd gotten a haircut by the time COVID started, so now it's been like. idk 2 years now? It's Bad)
Tagged by @hami-is-chill (thanks for the tag! I love these!)
BUT if anyone sees this and wants to do it, go ahead!! I officially tag you <3
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devilreno · 4 years
Questions for the mun // @cosmicfyres
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
That I get to meet lovely people and engage my fantasies anddd get to share them with others! I prefer rpin with someone than writing fiction bc this way I get to interact with another muse and it’s so much fuuuun. Sharing control over what’s happening gets me excited and eagerrrr. It keeps the interest going. AND AND I loovee discussing stuff with my rp partners. It’s noice.
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Both !!
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
Oh mannn. My Waifu @sweettifalockhart I LOVE heR sO MUCH. She is my best friend and the one who’s made my Reno muse grow through the years. She’s made my rp experience on Tumblr a dream come true.
@cosmicfyres BuHH, IT YOU. I’m tagging you in your ask LOL. Honestly, I love how you’re so creative and expressive in your rps! And how far Reno and Tae have gone already. And I generally like talking to you on a daily. @lacunxa A buddy that I interact with on the regular. uvu Ever since we breezed thru TikToks together and shared art of Reno/Rude to each other, we’ve been keeping it strong ! I also enjoy our rps so much! Esp with Rude.
@sixba Tbh, I thank the universe the day ya followed me lol. WHO KNEW I’d love having Reno get his own lion cub?? But also that I love TLK and the shenanigans Simba does to get on Reno’s nerves lol It’s unique, something different from the usual rps I do and it’s great !
@sometimesrufus​ honestly... your Rufus is ideal. What else can I say? 100/10. You do him great. I like the way you portray him because he can click with Reno even better than I’d expect. And you’re flexible with ideas, we can do pretty much anythinggg we’d like.
@roseusuitta yOU, You TheRE, you the sweet bean who spoils me with Aerith and Prompto. Yes, you. I’m super glad I reached out to you at the right time and we clicked instantly ! I really enjoy our role plays and our mutual love for red/pink aeshetics hahaha. Your psds and the way you add colour to text is so aesthetically pleasing.
@greatxgospel I JUST WANNA SAY I admire how chill you are?? Honestly, you’re that one rper who is drinking tea in the background, away from the fire that is Tumblr drama. LOL  I love that. And I love your Aerith. I occasionally come across your FFXV muses too and I enjoy them just as much ! @inanisvitae and @cavusvitae are my QUEEENS. We talk often and I just love how from one event to another I met one queen then the other lol. CLASSY. I’m always curious about what Maria has in store about Seph and Briiris’ sending me stuff on Disc that legit bring a smile to my face bc they’re funny. Y’all amazin!
@xxvernalagniaxx Vesna is canon. BU And we stan her. I enjoy your art of her ! It’s so gosh darn gorgeous! I like how you have multiple forms for her to shapeshift into haha. She looks like a goddess, ngl. Ditch AVALANCHE, join ShinRa </3 We can rule the woooorld! @alastorradiodust is my big brother from another mother. 8) We don’t rp here (yet) but I wanted to throw in his url since he’s been there for me through thick and thin! And others !
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