zetaflares · 11 months
if i make any more ffxvi gifs, they will be posted on my personal, @cosmicfyres, so follow me there if you want to see them!
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devilreno · 4 years
Drawing meme
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He looks more petrified than dumbfounded or w/e buut yEa. Drawing his brows in the same shape as the emoji face was weird so no.
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shinrasfirst · 4 years
Questions for the mun!
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Angst, definitely. I like fluffy things occasionally, or fluff in angsty verses, or fluff following angst.. but I always love the angsty threads the most. Fluff can get a little boring in my opinion. I really like it for memes and such, I rarely want purely fluff threads (although I DO write them occasionally and they can be very nice). But yeah, angst monster all the way.
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
I want to say I look up to almost everyone one for some reason. Everyone I write with has beautiful talents, be it a unique writing style, or creative headcanons, or an absolute talent to turn their rping into a complete brand. Some people I look up to on a personal/human level, because they’re very mature about things, very open-minded, etc. I’m always careful with these kinds of questions because mentioning someone always means NOT mentioning someone else, but with my preface in mind, I’ll give you a few examples: I look up to @stingslikeabee for her ability to develop a well-rounded character that could easily be a canon muse and for her writing that is ready to be in a published work, imo; I look up to @liifestreams for the sheer amount of research and thought she puts into her muses’ stories and the consistency of her writing; I look up to @solnyeo and @sweettifalockhart for their beautiful writing style that just drips with feeling and creativity; I look up to @fraxcxccl for creating a character that’s just so perfect that I think we can all agree is actual canon (and their freaking amazing art). Just to name a few !! Everyone here leaves an impression on me, and I could say something nice about every single person I am following :)
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
On November 15!
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shttrdstars · 4 years
@cosmicfyres for reno
They were a sacrifice to balance the scales. Tseng scoffed as those words echoed back at him, his gaze fixed towards the now ruined Sector 7. They'd tasted rotten, like so many other things he's had to say or do in the past years. Turning his head slightly towards the door, he picked up on the sounds of uneven steps and knew who it was coming through the door before it even opened.
          "Stubborn," He murmured, his lip quirked up briefly before it fell away to a neutral expression.
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makostamp · 4 years
when darkness bleeds back into light,  Cloud’s entire world is wrapped all in pain.  grimacing,  he gasps as it explodes throughout his whole body.  what happened?  he tries to recall.  the Plate,  Shinra dropped it and it all fell.  he knew he wasn’t dead or he wouldn’t be in so much pain,  and when he opens his eyes his vision flashes with rich red colour.
resting against him,  Reno was still unconscious but appeared to be breathing.  that was right.  he’d been falling too,  and Cloud had grabbed him to try and slow their falls.  he’d used the grappling gun,  but it was not nearly enough.  but it must have slowed their fall some,  they were both alive and neither of them appear to have been crushed.  but that didn’t mean they weren’t hurt,  and when Cloud tried to sit up,  his vision exploded in stars and he cried out.  “ahh!  shit.”  pain in his ribs,  and he hoped it wasn’t broken.
even though breathing was a chore,  his survival instincts were kicking into gear and numbing the pain a little.  reaching out,  he grasps Reno by the shoulder and gives him a gentle shake.  “hey!  wake up...”  he says,  his own voice sounding a little rough after the fall.  he grimaces and pulls himself up,  and carefully moving Reno into a sitting position as he checks for any broken bones.  well,  this was absolutely great...
stuck with a Turk and no idea where his friends were,  or if they were even alive.  but his training won’t let him dwell on that as he as he checks Reno’s pulse and tries to find where he’s bleeding from.  “think you can walk at all?”  he asks when Reno starts to move a little bit.
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ofmisthios · 4 years
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@cosmicfyres​ said: canon scene meme; reuniting with alexios and her mother at the end ( the group hug when alexios decides to become 'good' )
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A part of Kassandra had always DOUBTED Alexios was redeemable, but she had also promised herself she would do everything in her power to bring her back to her, and to their family. Just like her, he had been trapped into something, had been shaped for something. She could have turned bad, too, if people like members of the Cult of Kosmos had taken her instead. None of this had been Alexios’ fault, and this was why she had wanted to save him from this life. She wanted more for him.
So she had handed him the spear of Leonidas in a last attempt to convince him. And when he had fallen on the ground, accepted the fact that he could remain at her side, she had felt like her heart was about to explode in her chest, but this time, it was of love, of HAPPINESS. This was what she felt when she hugged him and Myrrine all at once. For the first time, she felt like she had her family. She felt like all those fights and all that blood had been worth something, at least.
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anny993 · 4 years
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phantomarchive · 4 years
cosmicfyres replied to your post: electromagnetiic replied to your post ...
i love how the first pic is majestic and the other kinda derpy
He has two modes: the princliest of princes, and derp as fuck
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cultivatxr · 4 years
💔 12. A goodbye kiss ( Reno ) are the parting ways? Is one of them dying? ARE BOTH OF THEM DYING? Who knows~
“Hey now, stay with me.” Urgency laced the flower girl’s tone as she knelt beside a body bloodied and broken, concern wrought in every facet of her face as she fought to curtail the rising panic tearing through her veins. This was all her fault. She’d done it again. Gotten herself too far into trouble, so deep in fact,  it had taken someone else to get her out of it - the very someone that now lay dying mere inches away. “We laugh in the face of danger remember? Mortality is for wimps.”
Delicate hands sought to stem a pumping wound, scarlet staining her fingertips as she applied as much pressure as her body would allow. Why was there never enough materia when she needed it? Or where was the godforsaken planet when a miracle was actually in order? She hadn’t always seen eye to eye with Reno, but he didn’t deserve this; it was a death devoid of dignity, a life cut short in its prime and for what? Her follies? Where was the justice in that?
'Couldn't've let ya get hurt, princess’. The words cut deeper than she’d like, a saddened smile crossing her face as she painted it on for him - a noble charmer, right up until the very end. “Some prince you are; making the damsel rescue you right back”  The tease stings, acrid in her mouth as tears blister in the corners of her eyes, but it draws a laugh from him, something muted yet pained even as blood bubbles within his chest, trickling from the corner of dusky lips like a river of molten life. ‘ Shame y’shit at rescues.’
Aerith’s own laugh was hollow, tears flowing freely as she considered the options. They could get out of this right? Any second now, someone that knew what they were doing was going to swoop right in and save the day. But what if they didn’t? What is this was it?  “You’ll have to teach me then.” She tried again, struggling to maintain his consciousness, talking him through whatever flights of fancy this was until his body failed him altogether and the silence became all too deafening.
“Please don’t go.” She uttered quietly as his breathing slowed, her entire body trembling as the flow of scarlet also ceased to ebb. On the cusp of life she held his hand, bloodied fingers laced with calloused digits before bowing her head and blessing his lips with the shared finality of a last breath goodbye. “I’ll miss you.”
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ofspark · 4 years
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@cosmicfyres​ | continued from X.
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          EMOTION YIELDS ONLY in the depths of bosom. Wherefore she of tempestuous force, akin to that which roared so proudly && cracked the sky into pieces, knows well to maintain face for the sake of her summoner. Be it the willingness of a brave presentation, a fortified encompass in tow, that holds fast to the porcelain of her skin && ripples within eyes of ultramarine. For she is the very blade that will hold the line so that summoner’s will be done. &&, in truth, it is she who insists that shelter be found if only so that they might better assess the storm that has overthrown this domain. She stands between towering Ronso && sorceress, gaze flitting to the plains beyond in some scrutiny. An ever watchful gaze, sculpted brows knitted in underlying condescension of the delayed travel. 
          But such is short-lived at the shifting of earth && the sounds of approach. It’s here that her gaze is torn free from the plains beyond && they fall upon an all too familiar group of individuals similarly duty-bound. For a moment, she scans them. For a moment, the heart overthrows the steadfast state of mind && reduces to the inklings of a woman whose heart has soared for another more times than she’s willing to admit. All else be damned, she knows these feelings interfere with the grander picture. She knows that within them lies some potential damnation to the cause she fights for, fights alongside, && yet she can’t seem to pull herself from within the ever embracing depths of what she doesn’t realize is love. 
          Until he has her, ensnares her all in one moment. Her hand in his, pried away from her duty so typical of he. She goes to protest but is silenced by a crack of thunder. As though nature itself intended such togetherness, the divine themselves playing into the hands of humanity && bidding guardians draw near.            “Reno..” His name is lost against howling wind && trickling rain, && by the time she goes to utter it once more he’s brought her in so close. && all at once the thoughts are but a ringing in her ears. In this moment, she has found herself throwing caution to the wind. The overwhelming sense of servitude && duty are reduced to naught but simplistic desire to be so near. Features soften, filaments of roseate falling prey to droplets of rain that weigh heavy against crown. But this does not stop the way in which her touch rises && palms conform to the canvases of his cheeks. They’re alone. No eyes to pry, no whispers to become a fleeting melody beyond them. 
                           So, she concedes. 
          Battle-born && war-wrought, she lays down the blade-laden walls that surround her if only for him. Lips warm to fight off the chill of rainfall capture his own; slow, sweet. So unbelievably betraying of the intensity that lies within fingertips---so capable of destruction, none might ever believe they are just as capable of so wholesome a display. For it, in && of itself, is a construct still yet foreign to her. To give way to this beautiful kind of thing && lay low the fortress ‘round heart && soul. Evident in her eyes when that kiss finds close && she’s caught in a brief moment of reverence. Wherefore his touch maneuvers to her own cheeks when her touch falls to grasp at the fabric of top. The likes of which might help in the maintaining of her sanity. && sharp is the inhale when it’s he who ensnares her in a kiss upholding immeasurable depth. The dance of tiers, each recede && return like the dances to a song. For each kiss is a recollection of the times she’s caught herself thinking of him. Wishing that, by chance, they were relinquished from the journey && free to wander for however long their hearts desired. Within that steeled mentality, she’s still a woman && her humanity cries out more often than not. It’s a truth reminded to her by the crying out of canary-likened heart against cage of ribs. Pleading for freedom. 
          But when the tide recedes && so loving an exchange finds need of breath, she doesn’t falter nor wade from him. She stays close, so so close. The mingling of breaths && body heat combating the chill of rain. It’s intoxicating. && the only thing that breaks her from her trance are her own words. “I guess it goes without saying that the feeling's mutual..” 
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greatxgospel · 4 years
@cosmicfyres liked this post for a starter for Vanille (still accepting)!
Aerith knew what it was, to be always smiling and laughing even in the hardest time. She had done this for her entire life; she didn’t want people to WORRY about her, even if she had always had Shinra after her, so she kept pretending everything was fine. Maybe that was the reason why she had quickly noticed Vanille wasn’t entirely at ease. The other girl was smiling and laughing too, all the time, but Aerith was convinced there was something behind it. If they had been brought to this new, strange world, there must be a reason, but they could also form new friendships. In their different worlds, they had all gone through similar hardships. 
This was why Aerith approached Vanille at the campfire, after a long day traveling. She wished she could do more, as usual. She wanted to HELP everyone. Of course, they were fighting for this world like Materia had requested, but she also wanted to be there for her new friends. Her life had always been too complicated, but she had always managed to put the others at ease.
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“Surprise.” Aerith said with a brief chuckle as sat next to the other, keeping a soft smirk on her features. “You seemed to be lost in your thoughts, so I figured I would come.” It didn’t mean Vanille would open herself to her since they had met quite recently, but if she could at least change her mood, Aerith would be glad. 
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roseusuitta-a · 4 years
IT WAS WHAT AERITH PERCIEVED to be a usual day, for a common flower peddler anyway. The ancient was going about her day, completing tasks in her usual fashion - with a hum, and a spring in her step. She inhales the fresh air, and smiles upon exhalation. It was so peaceful, she alone with her thoughts, in her quiet corner by the church. Though quite the extrovert - happiest when around others and seeing a smile on a child’s face, she does indeed enjoy these quiet times alone. It is in these moments, that she can forget who she is, so to speak and without responsibility. 
It is short lived, however, the whiring of a helicopter nearby, and the clambering of feet off of what she would know - without a doubt - was a helicopter sent straight from Shinra HQ. An eye roll, and a swift turn  to greet her unwelcomed guests. 
“Morning!” She is quick to greet them with a smile, though she knows their purpose, she would not be quick to be rude, unless called for. 
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“Isn’t it a lovely morning?” She smiles and her eyes close just brief, as she continues about her happy exterior, for she would not let any interference bring down her upbeat mood. 
“What can I do for ya today?” She picks a single lily from her basket and extends it to the closest male, with a soft, sweet smile. 
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devilreno · 4 years
Questions for the mun // @cosmicfyres
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
That I get to meet lovely people and engage my fantasies anddd get to share them with others! I prefer rpin with someone than writing fiction bc this way I get to interact with another muse and it’s so much fuuuun. Sharing control over what’s happening gets me excited and eagerrrr. It keeps the interest going. AND AND I loovee discussing stuff with my rp partners. It’s noice.
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Both !!
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
Oh mannn. My Waifu @sweettifalockhart I LOVE heR sO MUCH. She is my best friend and the one who’s made my Reno muse grow through the years. She’s made my rp experience on Tumblr a dream come true.
@cosmicfyres BuHH, IT YOU. I’m tagging you in your ask LOL. Honestly, I love how you’re so creative and expressive in your rps! And how far Reno and Tae have gone already. And I generally like talking to you on a daily. @lacunxa A buddy that I interact with on the regular. uvu Ever since we breezed thru TikToks together and shared art of Reno/Rude to each other, we’ve been keeping it strong ! I also enjoy our rps so much! Esp with Rude.
@sixba Tbh, I thank the universe the day ya followed me lol. WHO KNEW I’d love having Reno get his own lion cub?? But also that I love TLK and the shenanigans Simba does to get on Reno’s nerves lol It’s unique, something different from the usual rps I do and it’s great !
@sometimesrufus​ honestly... your Rufus is ideal. What else can I say? 100/10. You do him great. I like the way you portray him because he can click with Reno even better than I’d expect. And you’re flexible with ideas, we can do pretty much anythinggg we’d like.
@roseusuitta yOU, You TheRE, you the sweet bean who spoils me with Aerith and Prompto. Yes, you. I’m super glad I reached out to you at the right time and we clicked instantly ! I really enjoy our role plays and our mutual love for red/pink aeshetics hahaha. Your psds and the way you add colour to text is so aesthetically pleasing.
@greatxgospel I JUST WANNA SAY I admire how chill you are?? Honestly, you’re that one rper who is drinking tea in the background, away from the fire that is Tumblr drama. LOL  I love that. And I love your Aerith. I occasionally come across your FFXV muses too and I enjoy them just as much ! @inanisvitae and @cavusvitae are my QUEEENS. We talk often and I just love how from one event to another I met one queen then the other lol. CLASSY. I’m always curious about what Maria has in store about Seph and Briiris’ sending me stuff on Disc that legit bring a smile to my face bc they’re funny. Y’all amazin!
@xxvernalagniaxx Vesna is canon. BU And we stan her. I enjoy your art of her ! It’s so gosh darn gorgeous! I like how you have multiple forms for her to shapeshift into haha. She looks like a goddess, ngl. Ditch AVALANCHE, join ShinRa </3 We can rule the woooorld! @alastorradiodust is my big brother from another mother. 8) We don’t rp here (yet) but I wanted to throw in his url since he’s been there for me through thick and thin! And others !
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shinrasfirst · 4 years
cosmicfyres replied to your post:      okay but have you considered–                ...
oooo i like the eyebrow one but i feel like the septum is a bit too much. maybe a lip ring instead?
i mean--- i’ll take it!
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shttrdstars · 4 years
@cosmicfyres for reno!!
Tseng wasn’t sure if it was the healing head wound or if a headache was coming on as he gently pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled heavily, a dull throb going through his head. He managed to not wince at the pain that flared through his still healing ribs, feeling some of cuts pull. Lowering his hand, the Wutai Turk crossed his arms carefully without his movements looking stiff as he gave his Second a narrowed look.
           “All I asked was for an update one what I’ve missed these past two weeks, Reno. It’s not like I’m asking you to spar. I’ll lay down later.”
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ofhiddenshadows · 4 years
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@cosmicfyres​ said: canon scene meme; breaking up with bayek
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Aya had known this would come. Since Khemu’s death, it had been like something was gone between them. It had nothing to do with how much they love each other; actually, their love for each other would always REMAIN. However, every time she was looking at Bayek, she felt like the ghost of Khemu was there, and it felt too painful. She knew her husband felt the same; they didn’t need to talk to understand each other. 
Trusting Cleopatra was something Aya shouldn’t have done; she had done it only because she was blinded by her hatred. She didn’t even want to be Aya anymore, and only wanted to work in the shadows, to make sure what happened to her didn’t happen again.
It was breaking her heart to break up with the man she loved, but both of them couldn’t be together anymore. However, it was their love for their son that was making them part from each other, so she didn’t have any regret. Maybe, someday, they would manage to be together again, but not too soon.
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