#//shhh he's resting
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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End of Empathy (time for violence)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan jingyi#jin ling#lan sizhui#We are back to the present! Honestly I think I'm going to try and truncate the rest of this arc.#I LOVE yi-city and I really appreciate all of the support the yi-city lovers have given me. And the patience of those who aren't.#But it's been two months. And I need to move this along </3#Anyways; I love the start of ep 3 so much. The worried concern of the juniors is so cute#but the crown jewel by far is wwx responding like a parent that's very hungover but trying so hard to be nice about it#like 'shhh shhhh guys hi I'm up now. Can you keep the volume down. Can you get me some water and my sunglasses from the glovebox.'#and of course the incredible wham line of 'Xue Yang Must Die.'#'Is YX irredeemable? I'm pro 'everyone is capable of change and deserves a chance.' So Im of the camp of 'if he had the opportunity...maybe#The issue is that this setting has no structure to provide those opportunities. You are perceived as a threat therefor you must die#XY is a very interesting parallel to the YLLZ because they both meet the same fate: outsiders determining that they need to be killed#plus both did war crimes. I know it's easy to forget the YLLZ actually did do some of the things he was accused of (most wrong)#but wwx also has blood on his hands. He also sought revenge in pretty twisted ways. Both were given opportunities to step away and refused#The difference is that we empathize with and like XXC & SL and A-Qing. The Narrative says they were wronged and that is an injustice.'
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happy birthday to the three realms' most specialest girl!!! (i promise i love you even though i put you through so much)
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x-martina-crane · 2 months
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
All doodles are good doodles :D I suggest Seer and Oculi ^_^
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lucianinsanity · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about how old I am, and how I never expected to get this far
Half of it is just not being able to conceptualize the future as something real because time just, doesn't make any sense in my head, like, a minute and an hour are basically the same thing to me
And the other half is just mental illness, not like, suicidal, just, not having any hope I would get older
And now I'm in bed thinking "man, one day I'll be as old as Ben 10k or Goku" and dude, I'm excited!!! (I used to be as old as Classic Ben, and Teen Ben, and I'm at the age of first appearance DBZ Goku) it's funny to think about shows and stuff I watched when I was younger and they were so much older than me and now I'm at the same spot
And Ben 10k and Goku are like 40+ now and I'm excited, you understand? Excited! About getting older, about living more, about finding out in which state my life will be at that age
Will I still think "OH, I'M AS OLD AS THEM NOW!!!" Will I?
I don't know if it's lame to think about Ben 10 and Dragon Ball like this, but I'm actually quite happy
One day I'll be 30 and eventually 40, maybe even 50 (like All Might!!), it's kind of nice to think about that as goals
I mean, I won't be a super muscular guy by any means (I don't feel like being a muscular guy) but being those ages, it sounds nice, sounds doable even with all the bad
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[An overseer is ‘sitting’ next to the scavenger as they look at Innocence’s sleeping form.]
Hey bud, isn’t it kinda weird our friend is uh… still sleeping? Like, we should be moving out by now. I mean I know we’ve been waiting for like, six minutes, but it feels like a month! And yeah, I know you don’t understand me.
(OOC: Heyyyy so uh, sorry if it’s rude but I didn’t see a place to submit an ask on the website so I’m asking here. Is this blog ever going to be updated in the near future? If not, do you plan to still continue it or is like, irl stuff putting weight in your shoulders? I wanna join the disc and ask questions but stupid anxiety is making me not do it. If you’re still working on it or left the project, don’t feel pressured to continue, it would be selfish of me to ask that of you.
tl;dr: I kinda just want an update on the current situation Innocence Won’t Save You is in.)
Short answer: Yes there's. Shit going on in my life. Mostly school work; this has been one of my busiest quarters so far and I'm constantly swamped with work and haven't had the free time to really sit with IWSY and work out what I want/need to do.
Longer answer: Yes there is currently no way to submit on the website I am so sorry. When I said this would move off Tumblr I meant it and I was finding ways to do that, but I kept hitting roadblocks because I started learning web dev Solely for IWSY. Ultimately my progress on the javascript tutorial stalled (due to aforementioned busyness) and other people let me know that Neocities isn't... the best place to host comments locally? So that threw a wrench into the plans.
I've admittedly not written much for IWSY in the time since I announced we'd be migrating off Tumblr. In hindsight I kind of wish I'd waited a little, but I think this quarter would have done this to me regardless of if I'd wanted to migrate or not. However, I still want to work on IWSY. This project is NOT abandoned. I'm just very busy :'D in a good way though! After a bit of a rough spell, my life right now is, without exaggeration, the best it's ever been, and aside from just plain being busy, I'm also trying to enjoy being alive for once. Unfortunately it means things have been and will continue to be very, very slow here for the foreseeable future.
But I do have a small update. I gave up on trying to code comments locally, and instead found an open source commenting plugin called Isso that I'm hoping to install on the website. Actually doing so will require time I don't currently have since I. Uh. Don't know python. But if all goes well, I will have that set up at some point, and then I can get started on scene 14. I can't guarantee anything on that while this quarter is still going on unfortunately, but I will promise you all that once my summer break starts (which is in June since my school runs on a quarter system), I'll put more time and effort into this again.
If you'd like to help get the comments set up I would deeply appreciate it, but again I don't think I can see myself writing any long form creative fiction until I have the time to dedicate my mind to it, especially given what IWSY is. I'm really sorry about that, but I'm glad to hear that you're still interested in this story! So sorry about the radio silence, I really should have updated a few times since the last post I made, but thank you again for asking and reminding me to at least say something.
So TLDR, no the story isn't dead, I'm just hella busy and trying to appreciate life.
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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Share at least 5 songs that you associate with or remind you of your muse!
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✧ Regression — Ayanga.
Too much of the past for one to memorize Too many words remained for one to read through the lines The ebb and flow of the crowd, floods the world and paradise Along the path of time
Every night brings a dream, but the day relentlessly keeps me awake All the rest will be torn up whenever a choice is made Every living soul in the fray, striving for their own safe place Life is too long to end at grave
[...] Just a drop of water suffices Still, I wish to embrace the world with my thoughts A eulogy Time to leave where I have stood so long Letting you go recover traces overlapped Ends, then begins
✦ Moon Shadow — Elsword.
I would suddenly remember, merciless pain never felt before Agonizing hours that seeped into that singular painful memory, so even if, you
Apologize countless times, repeatedly, You can never get that moment back again.
In this never-ending timeline that turns like clockwork, I will raise my shimmering blue blade against the torturous shackles I won't be able to escape away from.
[...] Even if I can wake up and find a chance to run far, far away What I would dream of, instead, is to wake up repeatedly to slash away my endless nightmare.
✧ Sorrows of Strays & Fading Memories — HOYO-Mix. ✦ Midnight Reflections — HOYO-Mix. ✧ Swear on the Sword — Maplestory.
On the day I was alone, my back turned and full of hope raise your head and face the path of the sun It's full and overflowing a prayer of peace for all of us Your long-cherished desire and desperate wish, buried in the high waves Even if it is buried and collapsed, don't turn back.
Your weakness and fear will be forgotten now, I will triumph in your name and my name We'll be together for countless days together, it will make an endless journey.
Tagged by: @apocryphis (thank you ♥︎) Tagging: Whoever wants to do this, feel free to take it from me!
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today: a resting apollo i sculpted in the sand
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wolves-etc · 2 years
there's something I'm noticing in this read-through of Lord of the Rings that's really intriguing me, and it's how many times the characters (aragorn, so far, while he's leading the party) say things like "we must make do without hope."
I guess because to the reader - especially the rereader, or someone who's familiar with the films - it's so clear it's going to be okay, you know? tolkien drops these bits in the middle of danger, like that merry has a scar on his forehead for the rest of his life, that nod towards the characters' futures. there's this implication of fate or a higher power steering things towards good. and maybe it's partly the genre, the age, the language, but the story feels like a myth that was already finished long ago.
and I really took to heart this years-old post describing the story as hopepunk, even if - looking back - I think I misremembered the why.
thing is, so far, "hope is a skill you can practise" thinking doesn't really work for me. It Gets Better kinds of reassurance, while probably a force for good and maybe objectively necessary, leave me shirty.
but an honest and exhausted portrayal of how sometimes you have to and can keep going with or without hope? that works. that's a thing that feels real to me. that's a thing that's good to see.
and y'know, maybe there's something to the idea of hope as an action rather than a feeling. hope as we must make do without hope for now, as pulling oneself out of the hole which is not the grave.
it's kinda touching to recognise that here.
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feline-evil · 4 months
Just dawned on me that i am a homeschool dropout and that this is kind of a fundamentally hilarious combination of words to be
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magnifiico · 7 months
"Erm...hello. I'm Nick, Nick Wilde...please don't freak out over me being able to talk." The vulpine lets out an awkward chuckle.
@aslyfcx || a good fox! 🥺
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“This may come as a great surprise to you, but I've actually encountered more bizarre things.” None that spring to the front of his mind in that split second, no, but the statement still stands proud and unfazed as the king's posture. He rolls his shoulders back while looking the peculiar fox up and down—Wearing clothes, too? Well, at least he has decency—and a soft hum slides from his throat.
The quick appraisal ends on a smile: welcoming. “What can I do for you, then, Nick Wilde?”
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
WIP Time
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Today’s goal is to buy more white thread so I can add shoulder and back tabs, sew the lining and chest strap onto the cape I was draping directly after taking the full costume picture, and maybe make some sash adjustments.
The other key step for this weekend is to get the 3D printer in good working order so I can actually print the buttons and tie clip, so I can test my paint opinions, and hopefully get those attached before the end of the week.
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loving-elvis · 1 year
30 Days Idol Challenge
Day 25 - Sleeping
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Jinyun’s Mom Dowager Empress or whatever lol: Gee Jinyun since you and your wife are getting along so much lately you must not even need the concubines anymo--
Jinyun: Weeeell well now let’s not be too hasty now mother...
Empress Mom: Ooooh, I see~ Don’t worry my son I shall keep your secret from Xu Yu... *has no idea she’s actually been talking to Xu Yu in Jinyun’s body the whole time and that the concubines are more for her nowadays pfffft lol*
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cozyships · 11 months
spoilers for t:t//dp if anyone is worried about that ^-^
when your new criminal "friend" is like, "So yeah, this is what I've been doing lol" and it's cool and whatever, but you're like, "Hey... don't you think this is all pretty weird? Like, I feel like something is up here. The money seems good, but you don't know these guys, and it's weird they'd want this stuff, " and he's just like. Shrugs. "Whatever. Not like any of that stuff is real anyway lol"
And a few nights later the city is under threat by an old god.
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