#//protect cody at all costs
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Sami Zayn
#sami zayn#he's very feral looking#but also very soft#it's all very attractive#cody must protect him at all cost#wwe#my edit#steph makes edits
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Last night I went to see WWE live and holy moly. Excuse the screaming and terrible camera angles but enjoy a non-televised Cody win <3
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If soldier, why so buir shaped?
(You can find this on Ao3 too.)
Fox was never particularly fond of cadets.
�� During their training on Kamino, they were sometimes assigned to watch younger troopers and train with them. Fox hated those training sessions. Cadets were... they were tiny. Fragile. Fox always spend the session in fear of breaking their little bones. The cadets for their part were usually afraid of Fox. Fox didn't really know why. It certainly wasn't his face, the cadets liked the rest of his batchmates just fine and they loved Cody and Wolffe.
Nat-born children tended to fear the clones, even if the Coruscant guard was there to help them, to protect them. They all learned not to take it personally, the armor probably did look rather intimidating to normal people and there were also loads of anti-war propaganda that usually antagonized clones because they were the ones who were fighting, it didn't matter to them that they only fought because they had to.
So yes, Fox was quite surprised when a random Zabrak child ran up to him, hugged him and refused to let go. He looked around. There were no anxious parents looking for a lost kid.
"Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" Fox tried his best to not look like a big, scary clone commander. He could tell his efforts weren't successful. In his defense, appear non-threatening in a full set of armor and a blaster strapped to your thigh was a pretty difficult task. The child didn't look scared of him, though. Quite the opposite.
They didn't answer.
"What's your name?" Fox tried instead. He wasn't good at guessing people's age but this child was at least five standard years old. Five years old nat-borns were old enough to know their name, right?
The child muttered something Fox didn't quite catch.
"Can you say it louder?"
"I don't have a name."
"You don't?" Now that was a situation Fox wasn't prepared for. As far as he knew, nat-borns were supposed to have names. According to everything he's ever read about nat-borns, parents usually named their child whie they were still a baby. They weren't like clones, who had to wait for when their batchmates picked them a name, usually based on something they did or something they liked.
The little Zabrak nodded. After taking a closer look, Fox guessed they were most likely male but he wasn't certain.
"Where are your parents?"
"I don't know."
"Alright. I will take you to my office now and we will find them."
"No! I'm not supposed to find them."
"What do you mean?" Nat-born children were supposed to love their parents, or at least Fox has always thought that. Because why wouldn't they? Nat-born parents weren't like the Kaminoans, emotionless and only caring about perfection. They weren't like the trainers, only trying to get the best results out of their trainees no matter what it cost. They weren't a genetic template who only wanted one son and money and didn't care about anyone else. No, parents were an entirely different thing. They loved their children, they protected their children and they provided for them. So why exactly wouldn't this nameless kid be supposed to find their parents?
The child shrugged. "They left me here and told me not to follow them."
Alright, that was weird. It almost sounded as if these parents wanted to get rid of their kid so they just left him alone on a random place on Coruscant? "Do you like your parents?"
"Why not?"
"They are mean."
So apparently parents could be mean. Fox supposed he was going to have to work with that. "And why did you come to me?"
"Because you feel kind."
"You feel kind," the kid repeated themselves. Fox had no idea what that was supposed to mean.
"Okay. Now we will go to my office and get you something to eat, what do you say?" Fox hoped he was doing this right. He had no idea how to talk to children.
Bringing a child into the Coruscant Guard's headquarters was a big deal, apparently. Fox didn't do anything more than sit the kid in his office and give him a glass of water and some of the priced treats Fox sometimes got from the nicer senators that he liked to give shinies and his comrades in particularly bad situations. The only other food available were ration bars and that was no food for a child.
Not that the kid was in need. Ever since Fox brought him in, troopers have been coming into his office, bringing the child treats that Fox didn't really know where they got from, makeshift toys or just to take a look.
"Aww, he's so tiny!" Thire cooed upon seeing the kid.
"Told you he's a cute little thing."
"Shut up, Thorn. It's not my fault I had senate duty and couldn't come to look at him sooner."
Fox made a show of covering the kids ears. 'Shut up' wasn't by far the worst thing that the troopers said and Fox usually didn't mind but there was a child in the room!
"I never would have guessed that marshal commander I have a stick up my ass Fox would become such a buir." Thorn grinned at him. He seriously had to stop swearing around the child or else. And Fox shouls also probably get rightfully offended to save his reputation of having, as Thorn put it, a stick up his ass.
"So that's how you address your commanding officers?"
"You know, senator Clovis requested a bodyguard to accompany him to a meeting with banking clan..."
"No. Not Clovis. Please. I beg you." Thorn seemed terrified. Any trooper would. Senator Clovis was always rather awful to clones and he was so suspicious the Corries had a betting pool on when he openly defected to the Seppies.
"Maybe if you will kindly stop swearing in front of a child, I might consider looking further, even if you certainly have all the required skills."
"Yeah, sure. Anything. Just not Clovis."
Fox decided to take that as a promise. The kid didn't seem to get what was going on but he wasn't complaining. A darling really.
It was a few hours later that the boy started to get bored. Fox tried entertaining him with a holo movie but that didn't work, the child felt the need to share what was going on the screen every minute or so. So Fox downloaded him a video game. That seemed to work. Until now.
"Do you really have to work?"
"Why do you have to work so much?"
"Because I have things that need to be done and I have a certain amount of time for each of them. Like this form that I'm filling right now, this one needs to be done today," Fox did his best to explain. In his humble opinion, he was getting pretty good at answering the kid's curious questions.
"Oh... Okay. And will you play with me when you're done?"
"I will have some more work then but we can play when I'm done, okay?"
The kid was clearly trying to be quiet. He wasn't very good at it. He was either kicking into Fox's desk, opening random drawers and then always sighing in disappointment when there was nothing but stacks of paper work, or quietly humming to himself. It was distracting but Fox let it slide. He remembered how difficult it was for him and his batchmates to stay silent when they were cadets. The only thing keeping them quiet was their fear of the Kaminoans and the trainers and he didn't want this sweet little thing to ever experience something like that.
"Yes, kiddo?"
"Will you get angry if I make things float?"
"If I make things float," the boy repeated himself.
Fox wondered for a bit if floating had any other meaning than, well, floating. He didn't think of anything so he just assumed it was some kind of a game. "Of course I won't get angry."
The child beamed at him. Then the boy reached out with his hand and made the data pad Fox borrowed him float.
And that's how the Coruscant Guard got their Jedi.
#corrieweek#corrieweek2024#coruscant guard#commander fox#cc 1010#commander thire#commander thorn#original child character#star wars#clone wars#clone troopers#accidental child acquisition#fan fiction
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- All Is Fair In Love And Revenge ❥
Plot: Who knew that losing somebody you love could lead to such sweet revenge?
Warnings: Heartbreak, cheating, angst, friends to lovers, romance, & fluffy smut!
A/N: from the second that i checked my request form and saw this idea, i sprinted here to start working on it. thank you so much @isabella-2025 for, not only your request in general, but allowing me to bring it to life. i had so much fun & i hope you enjoy it! 💐💗
fair warning: i 100% got carried away and she’s a little lengthy 🙈 (don’t say it gianna) (i have the mind of a fourteen year old)
“Well I better start getting ready,” I announce to my close friend Trinity, standing up and grabbing my phone from one of the many tables in catering. “My match is in under two hours.”
“Alright girl,” she replies, walking around the table and over to me. “If I don’t see you before your match, good luck tonight. You’re gonna kill it, okay?”
She wraps me into a warm embrace and I nod, immediately returning the favor.
“Thank you Trin,” I coo, my chin resting on her shoulder, a soft smile on my face. “That means the world coming from you.”
“Anytime babygirl,” she replies sweetly, pulling away. “I’ll tell Josh to stop by your dressing room when you’re all ready.”
I chuckle, shaking my head. “Girl, the day you stop fighting for us to be together, I think I’ll drop dead.”
She shrugs, letting out a soft giggle. “You guys would be perfect together. And you know how I feel about…him.”
I’m currently dating Kevin Owens. I have been for about 7 months now.
But since this whole feud with Cody Rhodes has been pushed, he’s gone bat shit crazy. And not just in kayfabe.
Anything and I mean anything sets him off - he’s almost become toxic.
And any time I approach him about it, he gaslights me.
“Gianna, you’re delusional.”
“Stop making assumptions. You know I care about you.”
“Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized that you’re the crazy one?”
It’s exhausting, but I feel….helpless.
And while all of this has been happening, Trinity has been the biggest advocate for her brother in law, Josh, and I to get together.
He’s become one of my absolute best friends over the years, but I just don’t think we see each other in that way.
I mean, I’d be down to give us a try, but not at the cost of our friendship.
“I know,” I reply, my voice just above a whisper. “I just feel stuck, Trin. That’s all.”
She sighs and places a protective hand on either of my shoulders. “I know you do, babe. But if you ever need anything, anything at all, a good ole ass kicking is just a call away. And Josh is too.”
She says that last part super low with a smirk, followed by a playful wink.
“Girl, what am I gonna do with you?” I tease between giggles, shaking my head.
She flicks back her hair. “Who knows? But you love me!”
We share a laugh, give each other one last hug, and say our goodbyes.
On the walk back to my dressing room, I hear two people flirtatiously giggling.
Specifically, coming out of Kevin and his best friend Rami’s dressing room.
Narrowing my eyes, I lean in closer to the door and hear a high-pitched voice. A distinct voice.
A voice that belongs to none other than the woman who I’ll be attempting to dethrone tonight: Tiffany Stratton.
“You’re gonna kick her washed up ass tonight baby,” Kevin mutters, resulting in more giggles from her. “I’ll make sure of it. This championship isn’t going anywhere.”
My stomach drops and tears uncontrollably roll down my face as I hear them share a kiss.
He’s gonna make sure of it? What the fuck does that even mean?
I go to grab ahold of the doorknob to interrupt them, but stop in my tracks.
He’s made it abundantly clear that doesn’t give a shit about you anymore. This is just Exhibit A. Don’t bother.
Before anyone can see me, I sprint to my dressing room.
Once there, I close the door, lean against it, slide down, and dig my head into my knees.
** Josh’s POV **
“Aight I’ll go see her now,” I tell my sister-in-law, getting up and fixing my hoodie.
My best friend, Gianna, has a title match for the Women’s Championship tonight.
And while I have all the faith in the world in her, Trin suggested that I wish her good luck regardless.
As I get closer and closer to her dressing room, I swear I hear crying.
With an eyebrow raised, I press my ear against the door.
Sure enough, the sniffles and quiet sobs become louder.
What the fuck is going on?
I knock on the door. “Gi? Gi, are you alright? Can I come in?”
All of a sudden, the cries stop and I hear shuffling around before she finally opens the door.
Immediately, from the second I lay eyes on her, I can tell something is wrong.
From her red nose, to her puffy and flushed eyes, this girl was not just crying. She was sobbing.
“H-hey,” she greets me, her voice just above a whisper. “Come in.”
I do so, my eyes never leaving hers.
As she turns back around from closing the door, I cross my arms over my chest. “Everything alright?”
She nods quickly before sniffling and walking back over to her vanity.
“You sure?” I ask, slowly walking over. “Because I swear I heard crying near the door.”
She stops in her tracks for a moment and shakes her head, going back to curling her hair. “You must’ve been hearing things. No one is here but me and I’m fine.”
I pucker my lips to the side and nod, looking down.
If she doesn’t wanna talk about it, who am I to force her?
While doing so, something on the floor across the room catches my eye: a gold necklace.
As I bend down to pick it up, I realize that it’s a locket.
The same locket that Kevin gave Gianna when they first started dating. Except now, the heart that once held a picture of them is shattered.
“What’s this?” I ask, still attempting to get answers out of her.
She looks at me through the mirror as I hold up the chain and her eyes go wide.
“Nothing!” she replies, turning around and quickly taking it from me.
She shoves it into a drawer and turns back to the mirror.
“Nothing, huh?” I ask, folding my arms again. “So that’s not the necklace that Kevin gave you?”
She shakes her head in response, tucking her lips in, as a tear rolls down her face. “N-no?”
What did this mother fucker do to my girl?
“Gi,” I exclaim quietly, pulling a chair up next to her. “What happened with you and Kevin? You know you can talk to me.”
She takes a deep breath before turning to me and looking deep into my eyes.
“He cheated on me,” she whispers, now fully crying again.
My breath hitches and heart stops at her words.
“He what?” I ask in disbelief, anger slowly building up inside me.
“I was on my way here from catering after talking to Trin and,” she takes another deep breath before continuing. “I walked past his dressing room and heard him with Tiffany.”
My leg starts bouncing and I rub my knuckles, just thinking about what I could do to him right now.
What the fuck is this asshole thinking? Cheating on a girl like her?
“Who the fuck does he think h-“ I start, but stop when her tears start up again.
I can’t show that I’m angry. Not yet anyway.
She needs me right now.
I sigh and pull her into my arms, rubbing soft circles onto her back as she sobs into my chest.
“Shhh,” I comfort her, before kissing her temple. “He didn’t doesn’t deserve you. He’s not worth your tears. Don’t give him the satisfaction. You hear me?”
She sniffles and nods in response, taking deep breath against my hoodie.
“Gianna! You’re on in ten!” a producer calls from outside her door.
She sighs and pulls away, grabbing a tissue from her desk. “I don’t know how I can win anything this way.”
“Hey,” I gently scold her, holding her shoulders. “You can do this. You will do this. You boutta be the next Women’s Champion. And ima be there to support you every step of the way. Anyone tries to take this moment away from you, I’ll deal with them. Got me?”
She gives me a soft smile and nods, sniffling once more. “Thank you, Josh. For everything.”
I smile back and pull her into my arms. “I gotchu. Forever.”
Once we pull away, she adds final touches to her look and I walk her out to gorilla.
“You got this,” I remind her once more, stroking her arms. “Just go out there and be you.”
She nods and kisses my cheek, before walking out of the curtain.
I watch on the monitor and smile, listening to the crowd go crazy for my best friend.
She’s got this.
It’s about fifteen minutes into the match and, because I have a match tonight myself, I’ve migrated to my dressing room to watch.
While getting my hair ready, I cringe as Gianna takes a few low blows from Tiffany.
She automatically recovers though, with an insane spear.
I smile, thinking back to the moments we shared in the gym, and the exact moment I taught her that specific move.
She couldn’t get it at first - kept charging either too high or low.
But the second she figured it out, she was like a kid in a candy store. Over the moon excited.
The way she smiled that night? Man.
The sound of the crowd cheering snaps me out of my thoughts, causing me to look back up at the TV.
Gi delivers a fire superkick to Tiffany’s face, causing her to fall back. Hard.
Moments later, she goes for the cover.
Come on Gi.
Just one more. Hang in there.
As the ref is just milliseconds away from hitting the mat for the third time, he’s pulled out of the ring from behind.
What the fuck?
My eyes narrow in confusion, until the camera pans to him.
The scum bag that hurt my best friend: Kevin Owens.
“Oh fuck no,” I mutter to myself, before setting down my spray bottle and sprinting out of the room.
** Gianna’s POV **
“What the hell is Kevin Owens doing here?!” Michael Cole practically screams from the announce table.
I sit there in disbelief as my ex boyfriend raises his arms, a cocky smirk on his face, looking directly into my eyes, as the referee lays there in pain.
The crowd automatically goes from boos to deafening cheers, as I turn and see Josh running down the ramp.
“Get up, Cole! It’s time to yeet!” Pat McAfee cheers from the top of the table, moving his arms up and down with the crowd.
I watch on as he whoops Kevin’s ass at ringside with a chair and steel steps, and even puts him through the announce table.
Once he’s out cold, Josh turns to me and smiles.
“You’ve got this,” he mouths, followed up with a wink.
A tired but grateful smile appears on my face, until reality strikes once more and Tiffany pulls me back into the middle of the ring by my hair to continue the match.
After a couple of hard hits, she lays me down and climbs up to the top rope to deliver her finisher: the Prettiest Moonsault Ever.
Before we can make contact, I roll away just in time, and she lands face first onto the mat.
I take a deep breath before climbing up the turnbuckles and delivering an Uso Splash.
Josh and I’s eyes meet once again, a gorgeous smile on his face, before he helps up the ref and slides him back into the ring.
The crowd erupts in cheers, as Josh runs into the ring and tackles me in a hug.
I immediately hug back, crying tears of joy into his chest.
The ref hands me my title and lifts up my free hand, Josh lifting up the other.
I smile and, once my hands are free, hug him once again.
“I’m so proud of you,” he mutters into my neck, hugging me back ten times tighter.
I squeal and laugh as he lifts me onto his shoulder and walks around the ring, hyping up the crowd even more.
I lay back on my pillow, a soft smile on my face, as I scroll on Twitter.
Yes, there’s hate and disappointment from Tiffany’s fans, but there’s ten times more love and support from mine.
I’m so incredibly grateful. <3
As I set down my championship for a photo, I hear knocks against my door.
I silently pray that it’s not drama waiting to happen, before getting up and answering it.
Stood before me is my best friend, holding a bottle of champagne and pink roses.
“Room service for the new Women’s Champion?” Josh teases in an awful French accent, a playful smirk on his face.
I giggle and shake my head, stepping aside to let him in. “You’re too much, boy. Come on in.”
He chuckles and sets everything on a nearby table before turning to me. “I’m real proud of you, you know that?”
I close the door and walk over, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Mhm. You told me a good 35 times since my match ended.”
He smiles and wraps me into a hug, to which I respond to automatically.
We just kinda stand there for a while, him rocking us back and forth.
“You down for some celebrating?” he asks, grabbing the bottle of champagne and holding it up once we pull away. “I brought your favorite.”
I smile softly and watch on as he pops the top and pours up two glasses.
He takes a seat on the edge of my bed and pats the spot next to him, signaling for me to join.
When I do, he raises his glass. “To you, the most deserving champion in the world.”
I smile at the compliment and raise mine as well. “To the best best friend in the entire world. I wouldn’t be here without you.”
He flashes me a beautiful smile, before we clink our glasses together and each take a sip.
As we set them down, he turns back to me. “How are people on social media taking the win?”
I let out a sigh and shrug. “Some hate, more love. The usual.”
He gives me a sympathetic smile and nods. “Capitalize on the love and let the haters hate, mama. You know how it is.”
I blush at the nickname and nod, looking down. “Yeah.”
He gently lifts my chin and stares deep into my eyes. “Look atchu. You’re glowing, champ.”
I smile and lean into his hand, as he cups my face. “Nah, I think it’s just the compliments.”
He chuckles. “Well, you deserve every one of them.”
We just kinda sit there, staring at each other.
And soon enough, my heart moves faster than my brain, and my lips are on his.
He kisses back almost automatically, but pulls away after a few seconds.
“Sorry,” I mutter, looking down. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
Please don’t be mad.
Please don’t be mad.
Please don’t be mad.
He shakes his head. “It’s not your fault, ma.”
Thank god.
Awkward silence fills the air until he clears his throat, breaking it. “It’s getting late. I should go.”
I nod understandably, completely bummed on the inside. “Okay.”
I walk him out and he turns to face me once he’s out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow? We can grab breakfast with Uce and Trin or something?”
I smile and nod again, holding the door open. “Sure. That sounds nice.”
He smiles back and nods, opening his arms.
I walk into them and rest my chin on his shoulder, letting out a deep but quiet sigh.
Usually our hugs are filled with such comfort and meaning, but this one feels empty.
I wake up to the sound of my phone receiving a text.
After letting out a loud yawn and good stretch, I grab it off my nightstand and smile when my lockscreen appears.
Josh 🥰♥️: Morning champ. How does Waffle House sound?
I shake my head, smiling.
Gi 🩵: Morningg 🫶🏽
Gi 🩵: Sounds good. I’ll be ready in about an hour.
Josh 🥰♥️: Perfect. See you then. 🩵
I pick out a cute outfit from my luggage and get ready.

“There she is!” Jon, Josh’s twin brother, calls out, opening his arms. “Our new champ!”
I roll my eyes playfully and smile, accepting his offer.
He rocks us back and forth before placing a brotherly kiss on the top of my head. “Congrats, sis. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks Jon,” I reply, pulling away and smiling even harder.
Next is Trin, who squeals before giving me a tight squeeze. “You look so gorgeous, babygirl. Out here stealing my glow.”
She playfully nudges me when saying that last part, earning a giggle and second hug from me.
“Thank you Trin,” I reply sweetly, as we pull away. “And don’t you worry, nobody is stealing your glow.”
We share a laugh and she walks over to Jon, who places a hand on her back and a kiss to her temple.
And finally, Josh.
“You up for another ‘I’m proud of you’?” he teases, wrapping me into his arms.
I giggle and hug back, resting my head on his chest and inhaling his heavenly cocoa butter scent. “What is this? Number 36? Don’t mind if I do.”
He chuckles and kisses my temple.
From behind him, Trin is watching us with puppy dog eyes and her bottom lip dramatically stuck out.
I shake my head and playfully roll my eyes, earning a soft giggle from her.
“Well,” Jon begins, rubbing his stomach, once Josh and I pull away. “I’m starving. Let’s head out.”
“Boy you’re always starving!” Josh teases, earning a playful whack upside the head from him.
Trin and I walk behind them, laughing and shaking our heads at them.
“They’re such teenagers,” she exclaims, throwing an arm over me.
I chuckle, watching Josh laugh, flashing his gorgeous smile. “They really are.”
Once we get to Waffle House, it’s relatively empty, so we pick out a random booth - Trin and I sat on one side, Jon and Josh on the other.
Instead of our own separate meals, we decide to just order food to share throughout the table including: chocolate chip waffles, hash browns, scrambled eggs, grits, and lots of lemonade.
“So girl,” Trin begins, before wiping her mouth. “What the hell was Kevin doing trying to cost you last night?”
I stop chewing and look up at Josh, who stares right back and just keeps sipping his drink.
I clear my throat before responding. “Well, to make a long story short, we unexpectedly split on my way back from our time in catering. But everything is cool.”
I really don’t want the news about Kevin cheating on me to get out.
The locker room would never let him live it down and, as much as that asshole deserves it, my championship reign just started.
I don’t need a bunch of nosy ass wrestlers watching my every move and gossiping.
Josh nods in agreement as I take another spoonful of grits into my mouth. “Yeah, she ain’t gotta worry about none of that now. I took care of it.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jon and Trin share a look.
The sound of a family about five tables away from us takes over the awkward silence, and I decide to break it.
“Well,” I announce, standing up. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom before we go.”
The twins acknowledge me before Trin stands as well, sliding out of the booth. “I’ll join you.”
As we’re walking away, the boys engage in their own conversation.
“Man, why girls always going to the bathroom together?”
“How should I know, Uce?”
Once we get to the bathroom, I head to the sink and Trin watches, leaning against the wall, arms folded across her chest.
In the mirror, I see her watching me, resulting in me slowly turning around. “Please don’t tell me I have something in my teeth.”
“Girl hush,” she replies sassily. “I know you’re not telling me something.”
I turn back to the sink and fix my hair in the mirror. “Like?”
She taps her fingers on her arm. “Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps why you and my brother in law are barely speaking? And why any time you two look at each other, you look identical to the ketchup bottle sat on our table right now?”
My eyes go wide and I turn to her again. “I do?”
She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Bitch, spill!”
“Fine,” I reply, before sighing in defeat and taking a seat on the counter.
“After our matches last night, Josh came to my hotel room and…” my voice trails off.
Her eyebrows raise and she moves closer out of curiosity. “And?”
I shake my head, smiling softly. “We may have kissed. A little.”
She squeals, clapping and jumping up and down. “I fucking knew it! Finally!”
“But,” I interrupt her, causing her to stop. “It only lasted a few seconds. Before he pulled away.”
Her face drops in disappointment. “He pulled away? Why?”
I shrug, wrapping my arms together. “The kiss wasn’t his idea. I wasn’t thinking, Trin.”
She sucks her teeth and drops her arms. “Well, shit! I was hoping to start planning the wedding soon!”
I give her a mean mug. “A wedding? Bitch, slow down!”
She laughs and walks up to me, reaching out to hold my shoulders. “Girl, you’ve gotta get alone with him again. Let him know how you feel.”
I shake my head, running a hand through my curls. “It’s not that easy, sis. I’ve been best friends with him for over five years now. If I ruin that all because of some delusional ass feelings, I’ll hate myself forever.”
“Babygirl,” she replies. “You and I both know those feelings aren’t delusional, don’t we?”
When I respond with only a sigh, she folds her arms across her chest again. “Exactly.”
“Listen,” she continues. “I’ll set it up. You just be ready around 7 tonight. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn’t feel the same way, at least you have some closure.”
I nod understandably. “I guess you’re right.”
She smiles and wraps me into a hug. “Everything will work out. Trust me.”
I hug back, a soft smile on my face. “I hope so.”
Pacing around my hotel room, I check the time on my phone for the umpteenth time: 6:56pm.
Only four minutes left.
Bitch, get a grip!
It’s like Trin said: if he doesn’t feel the same way, at least I have some closure.
And if he does-
My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.
Fuck, he’s early!
I take a deep breath and check myself in the mirror before heading to answer it.
“Hey girl,” Josh greets me, taking his hands out of his pockets and opening his arms.
Smiling, I accept his offer and we share a hug. “Hey. Come on in.”
He does and immediately takes a seat on the bed. “Everything okay? Trin said you wanted to talk?”
“Y-yeah,” I reply, closing the door and taking a seat next to him.
He turns to face me and reaches out to stroke my arm, a soft but beautiful smile on his face. “Everything good?”
I take a deep breath, nodding. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just…I guess I wanted to talk about what happened last night.”
His smile fades and he looks deep into my eyes. “The kiss, huh?”
I nod, looking down at my hands. “Yeah.”
He sighs and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers together. “Look at me.”
When I do, he takes a strand of hair away from my face.
“I didn’t pull away because I wanted to,” he continues.
I tilt my head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
He licks his lips and runs a hand over his face before going on. “I enjoyed the kiss. I really did. I just….you went through a lot yesterday. Between finding out you were cheated on, sobbing in my arms, then almost being costed your title. I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you.”
Taking advantage of me? Him?
I let out a quiet sigh of relief before running my hand through his curls. “Josh, I know you. How could you ever think like that?”
When he doesn’t respond, I continue.
“I kissed you because,” I stop and take a deep breath before continuing. “Because I’ve never had feelings like this for someone before. I thought I loved Kevin. I really did. Until I learned that my feelings were one-sided.”
He tilts his head. “What makes you say that?”
I sigh, pulling my hands back into my lap and fiddling with my fingers. “There’s something I never told you. I never told anyone, actually.”
Tears form in my eyes and I do my best to blink them away. “Any time Kevin wanted to get intimate with me, I’d push him away. I was scared. So scared. Scared of being used.”
Josh cups my face, as an attempt to comfort me. “Gi…”
“The only thing is,” I continue. “Whenever I didn’t give in, he’d make fun of me. Call me a baby. Gaslight me. He said he never wanted to be with me anyway. That there was hundreds of other girls in the division that would ‘appreciate him’ the way I couldn’t. And, I guess he proved that.”
As tears uncontrollably start rolling down my face, he sighs and pulls me into a hug.
I immediately hug back and quietly sob against his chest, as he rubs circles onto my back.
“Baby,” he begins, pulling away and cupping my face. “The only thing he proved yesterday is how trashy he is. How he could ever do something like that to someone as beautiful, loyal, kind-hearted, and incredible as you, I’ll never know.”
I wipe my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie and sniffle before he continues.
“But what I do know, is that you deserve a real man. Someone that’ll take their time with you. Someone that’ll make you feel like you have purpose. Make you feel important and loved.”
He moves his hands from my face and intertwines our fingers. “And if you let me, I’m willing to be that someone.”
I slightly raise my eyebrows in shock.
He? He as in Josh? As in my best friend? Wants to be with me?
I try to speak but the words won’t come.
How could they?
Instead, I lean in and press my lips to his.
He immediately kisses back, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer.
Except this time, he doesn’t pull away. Not right away anyway.
When he does, it’s nice and slow. Slow enough to wake up the butterflies in my stomach that have been asleep for months.
“Is that a yes?” he teases, a smile on his face.
I giggle and nod. “Yes. A million times yes.”
He smiles and pulls me back in.
“I love you so much,” he mutters against my lips.
I smile in the kiss. “I love you too, Josh. I always have.”
Eventually, the kiss turns heated, his tongue ever so slightly grazing mine.
I let out a soft moan as he lightly tugs at my lips when we pull away.
“I wanna take my good ole time witchu baby,” he mumbles in between kisses to my neck. “But only if you’ll let me.”
I tilt my head to give him more access, my bottom lip in between my teeth, and my eyes fluttering closed. “P-Please.”
“Please what, hm?” he asks, stroking my sides. “Talk to me.”
“I need you,” I whisper, looking deep into his eyes. “I-I need you. So badly.”
A deep and sexy smirk grows on his face, as he tucks a curl behind me ear. “What my babygirl wants, my babygirl gets.”
My breath hitches in my throat before he gets off the bed and holds out his hand to me. “Cmon, lil mama.”
** smut warning! **
I take his hand and he leads us to the bathroom, where he starts a steaming hot shower.
Once the water is on, he turns back to me and helps me get undressed.
Soon enough, I’m fully naked and he scans my body up and down.
“Fuck baby,” he coos, half moan-half whisper. “Look at you.”
I smirk, stepping closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. “You like what you see, hm?”
He bites his lip and nods, looking down at me. “I love it. And I love you.”
“I love you,” I reply, standing on my tippy toes and connecting our lips once more.
He kisses back, grabbing handfuls of my ass in the process.
When we pull away, I tug at the hem of his t-shirt. “I believe you’re a little overdressed, sir.”
He smirks and looks down at his outfit. “I believe you’re right, ma’am. Help me?”
I giggle and kiss the corner of his mouth, before sliding my hands underneath his shirt and lifting it over his head.
From the sight of his tattoos, to his muscular chest, I’m already soaked.
I trail kisses down to his lower half, slowly getting on my knees in the process.
As soon as his sweats are off, I immediately take the waistband of his boxers between my teeth.
“Damn girl,” he mutters, a smirk plastered on his face. “You on demon time, huh?”
I nod, slowly but surely sliding down his underwear.
My eyes widen at the sight of his dick - at least eight inches, the prettiest shade of caramel with a pretty pink tip, the most perfect curve, and so so veiny.
He chuckles at my reaction and cups my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “Like what you see mama?”
“Mhm,” I hum in between more kisses, this time down his length.
“Fuck baby,” he moans breathlessly, throwing his head back slightly. “That’s right. Claim yo dick like a good girl.”
I smirk at his words and slowly take him into my mouth, grabbing it by the base and twirling my tongue around his length.
His moans become uncontrollable, as he grabs a fistful of my hair and bobbing my head up and down. “Your mouth takes this dick so good, lil baby.”
“She knows what belongs to her,” I coo, scooping foamy spit from my chin and stroking him with it.
“That’s right baby,” he replies, running his fingers through my hair. “This dick is all yours.”
I smile and pucker my lips, to which he responds with leaning down and placing a deep kiss on them.
About a minute or two later, I feel his hips buck against my face, signaling that he’s close.
“F-fuck bae just like that,” he moans, grabbing ahold of the shower door. “Daddy’s so close for you.”
As if on cue, a warm and salty liquid fills my tongue, and soon my throat.
“Cmere mama,” he coos, gently grabbing my face and lifting me up.
When we’re finally face to face again, he showers my lips in numerous kisses.
“You did so good for me,” he praises, brushing my curls out of my face before simply staring at me, taking in my features. “My beautiful babygirl.”
I smile softly and brush our noses together. “Thank you, baby.”
He smiles back and kisses me once more before we get into the shower.
He gently presses me against the wall before getting on his knees.
“Daddy’s turn,” he mutters sexily, lifting one of my legs onto his shoulder.
My bottom lip slides in between my teeth, as he feathers kisses to each of my inner thighs.
A wave of pleasure immediately washes over me, as his tongue dips in between my folds.
“D-daddy fuck,” I whisper, my hips already squirming, and my fingers tugging onto his curls for dear life.
“Feels good baby?” he reassures, pulling away and sliding a finger into me. “You taste so fucking good.”
Moans uncontrollably pour out of me, the tongue and finger combo making me practically ascend.
A few moments later, I feel a pit in my stomach, signaling that I’m reaching my climax.
“You close mama?” he mutters against my skin, fingers still doing the Lord’s work.
I nod frantically in response. “U-uh huh.”
“Go on and cum for daddy baby,” he orders, stroking my thigh with his free hand. “Let loose for me.”
And on command, I do.
He licks me clean and stands up, immediately wrapping his arms around my waist.
“You feel okay baby?” he reassures, stroking my sides and kissing my temple.
I nod and wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his mullet. “More than okay.”
He smiles and pecks my lips. “Good. You ready for daddy to fuck you?”
I automatically nod in response, causing him to chuckle.
He picks me up and holds me against the wall.
“Legs around my waist baby,” he instructs, lining his dick up with my entrance.
I do as I’m told and take a deep breath as he slowly enters me.
“Fuck mama,” he groans. “This pussy was made for me. Shit feels like a glove.”
I moan in response, digging my face into his neck.
With every thrust, I feel more and more ascended to heaven.
“You gonna cum with daddy, baby?” he eventually asks, rubbing deep circles onto my hips.
I nod, my nails digging into his back.
“Use your words mama,” he demands. “Only pretty girls that use their words get to cum with their daddy.”
“Y-yes daddy,” I utter in between moans. “I’m s-so close.”
He applies a couple kisses to my sweet spot, just below my ear.
His thrusts become sloppier, signaling that he’s close once more. “Cum, baby. Cum with daddy.”
We release in sync, him in me and me on him.
** smut over! **
Panting like crazy, I climb off of him and lean against the wall.
He licks his lips and cups my face. “You good, mama?”
I nod, a tired but satisfied smile on my face. “So good. Thank you for taking care of me, baby.”
He smiles and gently grabs my face, pulling it up to meet his lips.
In the midst of rinsing out his hair, I take a moment just to acknowledge how gorgeous he is.
His gorgeously brown eyes, perfectly round nose, beautiful plump lips.
All of this is really mine now. It feels like a fever dream.
“You’re so handsome,” I coo, staring into his eyes and running my fingers through his curls.
He looks down at me smiling, stroking either side of my face. “That was random.”
I smile back. “Well, that doesn’t make it any less true.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “I appreciate you, mama. Thank you.”
With yet another kiss, we finish up our shower and hop out.
“Talk about the most perfect day,” Josh exclaims, joining me under the blanket and wrapping me in his arms. “Waffle House for breakfast and bagged the most beautiful girl in the world.”
I smile softly and place a kiss on his chest. “You’re something else, Joshua.”
He chuckles and kisses my temple. “Goodnight, ma.”

Liked by uceyjucey, jonathanfatu, trinity_fatu, wwe, and 298.5k others
giannamacri if i’m dreaming please don’t wake me up 🥹💗
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uceyjucey Proudest man in the world 🩷
trinity_fatu Endlessly proud 🥹😍
jonathanfatu 👏🏽🩷
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i know i've said it before but i just. what i love so much about the all for the game series is that, as horrifically brutal as it is, it is so packed full of love. these characters love recklessly and deeply.
neil, dragging this disaster team together with desperation, and everyone rallying around him, giving him the best year of his life. they'd all kill and die for each other, but most importantly, they all live for each other. neil has spent his whole life ready to die, but because of his team, he's finally ready to live.
wymack, gruff as he is, giving a second chance at life to all the kids no one else wants. pulling them to their feet and next to them when they're not ready to stand on their own.
andrew, fiercely protecting his pack. being an unyielding and unfalteringly solid weight for them to lean against. demanding that they not give up on themselves. reminding them of who they are.
kevin, making everyone around him a little stronger. confronting his greatest fears because they all make him a little stronger in return. giving neil something to live for. giving jean a new beginning, a chance at a better life.
jean, already having given up on himself, but still trying to protect everyone else, even at the cost of his own safety. taking care of neil in the nest, sending someone to save zane even after being so awfully betrayed, looking out for cody. falling a little bit in love with everyone.
the rest of the foxes, overcoming disagreements an ocean-wide divide between them and coming out the other side loving each other so much they're willing to risk everything to stay together.
the trojans taking in jean despite everything they've heard, teaching him how to be his own person. keeping him alive. showing him all the little joys in life.
just. this is a series full of brutal, devastating torture and trauma, but it's even more full of love :')
#benji talks#all for the game#aftg#the sunshine court#tsc#the foxhole court#neil josten#andrew minyard#kevin day#jean moreau
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Protect Cody at all costs ft my OC Ringer
#cody burns rescue bots#Cody burns#transformer oc#oc#starscream#rescue bots#rescue bots heatwave#transformers rescue bots
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Seven thousand more UAW members just walked off the job, expanding the strike to two more plants. Twenty-five thousand autoworkers are now on strike, and the walkout could continue to escalate if the Big Three don’t budge in negotiations.
[UAW president Shawn] Fain announced that Stellantis would be spared this time. The union had been expected to strike all three companies, but, said Region 1 director LaShawn English, three minutes before Fain was scheduled to go on Facebook Live, the UAW received frantic emails from company representatives.
[Note: Love that for the UAW. Also laughing so hard. Three minutes before the next round of strikes were annouced!!]
According to Fain, Stellantis made “significant progress” on cost-of-living allowances, the right not to cross a picket line, and the right to strike over product commitments and plant closures. “We are excited about this momentum at Stellantis and hope it continues,” Fain said...
“See You Next Week — Maybe?”
“These guys wanted to go out a long time ago,” said Cody Zaremba, a Local 602 member at the Lansing GM plant after the news broke that his plant would be joining the strike. “We’re ready. Everybody, truly, I believe, in the entire membership. They’re one with what’s going on.”
Five thousand workers at thirty-eight parts distribution centers across twenty-one states have been on strike since last Friday [September 22, 2023], along with thirteen thousand at three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri who walked out on September 15. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) ...
The UAW is now calling on community supporters to organize small teams to canvass dealerships that sell and repair Big Three cars and trucks. On Tuesday, the union issued a canvassing tool kit with instructions, flyers, press releases, and talking points.
In negotiations with Ford and GM, autoworkers have clinched some important gains. Among them is an agreement by both companies to end at least one of the many tiers in current contracts, putting workers at certain parts plants back on the same wage scale as assembly workers. The top rate for Big Three assembly workers is currently around $32...
Ford was spared in last week’s escalation, because bargainers there had made further progress on gains for workers.
But today, the UAW once again called out workers at Ford and GM, putting some muscle behind its bold demands — a big wage boost, a shorter workweek, elimination of tiers, cost-of-living adjustments tied to inflation, protection from plant closures, conversion of temps to permanent employees, and the restoration of retiree health care and benefit-defined pensions to all workers.
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023. Article continues below.
Keep Them Guessing
This year, for the first time in recent history, the union has played the three auto companies against each other with its strike strategy, departing from the union’s tradition of choosing one target company and patterning an agreement at the other two.
The stand-up strike strategy draws inspiration from an approach known as CHAOS (Create Havoc Around Our System), first deployed in 1993 by Alaska Airlines flight attendants, who announced they would be striking random flights. Although they struck only seven flights in a two-month period, Alaska had to send scabs on every plane, just in case. The unpredictability drew enormous media attention and drove management up the wall. Meanwhile the union was able to conserve its strength and minimize risk.
The companies miscalculated where the UAW was going to strike first, stockpiling engines and shipping them cross-country to the wrong facilities. Autoworkers relished the self-inflicted supply chain chaos on UAW Facebook groups and other social media platforms.
Nonstrikers’ morale on the factory floor has gotten a boost from rank and filers organizing to refuse voluntary overtime. With support both from Fain and the reform caucus Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), workers have been encouraging each other to “Eight and Skate,” meaning to turn down extra work and decline to do management any favors.
Majority Public Support
A majority of Americans support the UAW strikers, and the Big Three have taken a PR hit since the strike began, according to a new survey conducted by the business intelligence firm Caliber.
“Eighty-seven percent of respondents told us they were aware of the strike,” Caliber CEO Shahar Silbershatz told the Intercept. “It’s clear the strike is not just causing commercial repercussions, but reputational repercussions as well.”
These reputational repercussions will only worsen...
"We Can Unmake It"
Fain didn't pull any punches in his speech... “That’s what’s different about working-class people. Whether we’re building cars or trucks or running parts distribution centers; whether we’re writing movies or performing TV shows... we do the heavy lifting. We do the real work. Not the CEOs, not the executives.
"And though we don’t know it, that’s what power is. We have the power. The world is of our making. The economy is of our making. This industry is of our making.
“And as we’ve shown, when we withhold our labor, we can unmake it.”
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023
#united states#us politics#organized labor#uaw#uaw strike#united auto workers#auto workers#labor rights#uaw strong#worker rights#unions#labor unions#strike#unionize#auto industry#ford#general motors#stellantis#working class#cars#michigan#ohio#missouri#solidarity forever#hot labor summer
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is there a chance you will make a new part of killionaires??
-🧸 anon
Warnings are for the WHOLE SERIES | SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, enemies to lovers, mentions of weapons, knives, guns, gunfire, KNIFE PLAY, blood, injuries, wounds, arguing, some physical fighting, mentions of drugs, smoking weed, mentions of car accident, fbi!reader, reader being restrained, kissing, biting, hair pulling, scratching, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (m rec), violence and filth
Word Count: 3.8k | unedited
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You were all over the place, questioning yourself, Sam, everyone and everything around you.
Nothing felt real.
Why was Sam here?
To keep tabs on you? Was Jake pissed that you were partnered with Cody? Of course he was. He told you to cut contact.
Was Sam here to kill Cody? Were you going to have to kill Sam?
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Alright.” Cody parks the car, “here’s our house for the night.” He glances back, “Want to do a walk around, Caleb?”
Sam nods, “Sure can.”
Cody gets out of the car and you keep your stare out of the windshield, jumping slightly when you feel Sam’s hand on your shoulder, “Thought he told you to cut contact?”
“This wasn’t my call.” You mumble, taking a deep breath, “It’s done. It’s over. After tonight, I’m switching partners, okay.”
“Mm.” Sam hums, “Well see.”
“What do you mean we’ll see?” You turn around, giving him a fake smile as Cody opens the door, “Come on, Caleb.”
“Good luck.” You give them a thumbs up and your smile drops as soon as the door is shut.
“What the fuck.” You rest your hand over your eyes, “Oh my god.”
You watch as they walk up to the house, each going around different sides. You felt like you didn’t breathe until Cody and Sam round back around to the front of the house.
They make their way back to the car and get in, “All clear as of right now.” Cody sighs, “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“What makes you say that?” Sam asks, “There’s officers all over this development. They’d be stupid to try and get into a house.”
“Yeah but..” you look at Cody, “What if they snuck in during shift change? What if they’re already in the house?”
“Doubtful.” Sam mumbles, “I think they’re waiting for a moment, when everyone is dragging from constantly working, you know?”
“I don’t know, y/n. I agree with Caleb. There’s officers literally around each corner..”
You don’t say anything, you just turn your head and look out of the passenger window.
“So how long is this supposed to go on for?” Sam asks and Cody sighs, giving a shrug, “Who the hell knows. I wish we could just nab these fuckers and get it all done and over with.”
You laugh, covering it up with a cough, “Sorry..” you grab your water, “Choking on my own spit.”
Cody laughs and shakes his head, “Oh, hey. Heads up.” He gets serious, watching a car that’s headed towards you, “Why are they driving so slow?”
“Maybe the feds and police scattered all over?” You glance over at him and he rolls his eyes, smirking as he shakes his head, “Would have never thought of that.”
Sam clears his throat in the back and you close your eyes, “So what department are you from, Caleb?”
“Organized crime. Graduated the academy at the top of my class.” Sam sighs, ���Praised by all, you know.”
“Y/n was top of her class, too.” Cody motions to you and Sam chuckles, “Yeah, I’ve heard nothing but good things about her. Solved that one case that was cold for years, right?”
You nod, “Sure did.”
“How’s your bother, y/n? I heard about the shooting that happened with him. Isn’t he over on the east cost in protective custody or something?”
“He’s back, actually. I’ll have to introduce you to him.” Cody cuts in, “Real good guy. Amazing cop, too.”
“Yeah, I’d like to meet him.” Sam sighs quietly, knowing he’s doing exactly what it takes to get under your skin.
Since the moment you saw Sam, your mind was focused on him and keeping tabs on his every move, you totally forgot about your.. interaction, with Jake and the flash drive.
“I don’t think the guy who shot my brother is truly behind bars.”
“Y/n. We’ve been over this, I invested the case. The guy who pulled the trigger is there.” Cody looks at you, “You’re all safe.”
You shrug, “I just.. there’s this gut feeling that I can’t shake.”
“Has to be for a reasons, then. Right?” Sam asks, “I mean, you are fbi, so you’re pretty dang smart.”
“She’s overthinking it.” Cody looks back at Sam, “It’s just a constant thing, but she knows her and her bother are safe. Just like I said.”
You wanted to go off, but you kept your composure, letting out a sigh as you open the car door, “I’m going to check out the house.”
You get out before anyone can fight you on it, and you start walking, hand on your gun in the holster.
You walk around, peering into each of the windows you can reach. You walk around back, looking up at the tall deck, and you freeze.
Johnnie and Colby are standing there, looking out over the edge and you swallow, unable to say a word.
Jake walks out, moving to stand in between them.
You look back the way you came and see someone walking towards you. Your heart starts to race and you take a step back.
The figure moves into the light and you clench your jaw, “What the fuck did you do?”
Sam smirks, glancing up at the deck, “I think you guys were a little late to the party, yeah?”
“What did they do?” You walk up to Sam, yelling a harsh whisper, “What the fuck did you do?”
“If you’re a part of this, I’m going to have to hit you.”
You stare at him, “W-what?”
“It has to look like we put up a fight.” Sam glances up, giving them a nod, “it’s either this, or chief gets a file on everything you’ve done.”
Tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head, “Why does it have to be this way?”
“It’s the way the cookie crumbles, sweetheart. All part of the game. You want the guy who shot your brother, we want to finish out our plan. We all want something, and in order or get that something, you have to do other things, you follow?”
You look back and forth from the guys on the deck to Sam a few times. Your mind racing as you think about what they’ll do to a fed like you in prison.
You sigh, “Fuck, fine. Fine. Fuck, just.. do it.”
“You’re pretty good at acting, right?” Sam smirks, “I think you’ll be fine.” He nods towards the door, “Go.”
You walk up to the door and pull the screen door open, “FBI!” You run in, stopping and gasping when you see the scene in front of you.
“I’m going to hit you, then you’re going to call for back up, but not until after you count to ten. They’ll give them time.” Sam stares at you and you sigh, “Just do what you have to do.”
“I’m sorry.” Sam whispers before he pistol whips you, busting your cheek open. You cry out in pain, your hand going to hold your cheek, “Oh fuck!”
You hear a gun shot and Sam falls down next to you, groaning out as he hold pressure on his leg.
“F-fuck.” You move over, holding pressure on his leg, “C-can..” you blink, still dazed from the crack to your cheek, “Call?”
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck.”
You grab your radio, your finger slipping off from someone’s blood on your hand, “A-gents.. down.. calling.. fuck, fuck. Backup. Three oh seven Clipston Drive.”
Not soon after Cody is busting through the front door, “What the fuck, what the fuck?” He runs over, calling for backup into his mic.
He tilts your head up, “Christ, y/n.” He hits his mic, “Need EMS. One agent with a gunshot to the leg and another with a beat up face.”
You fall back, staring up at the ceiling as you try to control your breathing. You were definitely in shock from this.
The shock of putting yourself through literal hell to help someone you shouldn’t even be in contact with whatsoever.
“Y/n. Stay awake. Stay with me.” Cody snaps his fingers above your face and you blink, “I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” He looks over at Sam, “Caleb, you good? Are you good?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just.. in a lot of pain. They practically clipped me.”
“Did you see who it was? Either if you, was it our suspects?” Cody looks between the both of you but you stay silent, tears running down your temples at your eyes fixate on the chandelier hanging above you.
“Masks.. they had black.. ski masks, fuck.” Sam groans and more police and agents rush through, scanning over the whole house.
“Got one body up here, female, mid forties!”
“Two men, mid fifties down here!”
You turn your head, staring at Sam as your body twitches with your sobs. A woman turns your head, holding pressure to your cheek and you tense up, crying out at the sudden pain flying through your head.
“It’s okay, y/n. I have to do this.” Her tone is soft, “hold still, okay. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“N-no.. just my face.” You groan, mentally kicking yourself over and over again because you are the only one responsible for dealing with this.
It’s almost like a punishment at this point.
“F-fuck! Fuckfuck!” You slam your foot down onto the floor and when you open your eyes, the chief is standing over you, “What the hell happened?”
As you’re explaining what happened while sitting on the back of the ambulance, you see Sam get rolled by on another gurney.
“Is he going to make it?” You point to Sam and the chief nods, “Yeah, he’ll be fine. I’m more worried about you right now. This is the second time you’ve been injured while on this investigation.”
You nod, wincing as you move the ice pack up on your cheek more, “Wrong place at the wrong time, I’m guessing.”
“Yeah, I’ll say.” He sighs, “I think..”
“No, chief. Please don’t pull me out of this.” You beg, “I-I’ll stay at the station, work on stuff there.. please don’t-“
“Station it is. Under supervision of another officer.”
“Can you spare another officer?” You laugh, “We’re already running thin.”
He shrugs, “we’ll make it work. I don’t know. I’m about goddamn sick and tired of these assholes running all over us.”
“I know what you mean.” You mumble, “Well get them. I just..” you sigh, “We need to draw them out some how.”
“What are you thinking?” He tilts his head as he shoves his hands into his pockets.
“I don’t know, it’s kinda hard to think right now.” You blink a few times, “But what if.. what if we.. force everyone into protective custody? Give them no choice?”
“We already tried that, y/n. If they don’t want to leave their homes, then I don’t..” he pauses, “I’ll put in a word to have calls made. If they refuse protective custody then we’ll have no choice but to start making arrests. It’ll be a resisting an officer charge.”
You nod, “I can start doing that. Take me back to the station and I’ll-“
“You need a days rest. You can’t just-“
“I can do this. I want to do this. This is twice now that I’ve been one step behind them. It’s about damn time we get at least one step ahead.”
“Go get checked out at the hospital then come to the station. The only way you’ll touch a phone is if you go be seen first.”
You nod, “I’ll head there right now.”
Chief calls over the emt, “Take her to be seen.”
The emt nods and helps you get into the gurney in the back of the truck and soon you were off to the ER.
“Ct came back clear. We’ll give you some pain meds to take home.”
“Actually, I’m going to go check on another one of my agents. He was brought in with a gsw to the right leg. Caleb Golbach.”
The doctor checks his tablet and he nods, “I’ll have a nurse take you over. Go ahead and get dressed.”
You nod, standing up to change out of the hospital gown.
A nurse comes in, leading you over to where Sam is waiting. You give the nurse a smile as she opens the door and you walk in.
As soon as the door is shut, your smile fades, “Are you okay?”
“Just a graze, couple of stitches. Colby’s a good shot.” Sam chuckles, “How are you?”
You roll your eyes, sitting in the chair next to his bed, “I hate to say it, but I think I’ve been worse.”
“Sorry I hit you kinda hard. You’re going to have a bad black eye. Jake isn’t going to be happy with me.”
“Wasn’t this all part of his plan? Hurt me and manipulate me into being a part of whatever the fuck you guys call yourselves?” You look at Sam and he shakes his head, “He..” he sighs, “Look. What we’re doing is good. You know it, I know it.”
“But the Federal bureau of investigations doesn’t think so, and that’s who I am, Sam.”
“If you didn’t think-“
“No, no.” You lean in, “If it was up to me, I’d be long gone, away from this fucking case. And if it wasn’t for you and your gang of vigilantes blackmailing me with shit that could quite literally end my life, I would have dropped out way before-“
“You fucked Jake?”
Your eyes go wide and you slowly lean back, “How do you know that?”
“We know everything that goes in our lives, y/n. Everything.” Sam smirks, “You are safe with us, if I wanted to, I could have killed you right there in that living room. But I didn’t.”
You shake your head, taking a deep breath, “Should have just done everyone the fucking favor.”
“Why? So Jake can kill me for ending the life of someone he loves?” Sam’s words cause you to stop in your tracks and you turn around, “This..” you laugh, “This isn’t love, Sam. Crashing into my car? Having you me with a fucking gun? Standing at the top of the stairs just staring at me after he committed such a violent act?”
“You don’t even know half the shit he’s done for you.” Sam scoffs, “Maybe, next time you see him, ask him about them. I’m sure he’d love to tell you.”
“Tell me what? That he’s keeping me safe by-“
“Jake has never done this. Now he might kill me for saying this, but-“ he laughs, “I don’t really give a fuck.”
“Saying what?” You stare at him and he rests his head back, “Jake doesn’t do the protecting anyone just for the hell of it bit. He fell for you. Hard, and you’re the only person he’s ever told us to be gentle with.”
You shake your head slightly, “I don’t..”
“Jake isn’t a lover, but he is when it comes to you, that’s all I ever see when he talks about you anymore.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He shrugs, “ask him yourself. I’m sure he’s at your house waiting for you.”
“I have to go to the station. I’m making calls to everyone saying that if they don’t go into protective custody, it’s a charge.”
“Go. Home.” Sam stares at you and you swallow, “And what if I don’t?”
He shrugs, “You’ll have to find that out for yourself.”
You look down at the papers in your hand, letting out a sigh before you leave the room. You make your way out to the lobby and sit down.
You rest your forehead in your hand and let out a sigh.
Someone sits down beside you and you look over, freezing when you see Colby.
“Need a ride home?”
You nod and he nods back, “I’ll meet you in the back parking lot.” He gets up and walks away. You look around at the empty lobby and stand up.
You walk out back, looking around. You watch a car pull up and the window goes down just enough for you to see Colby sitting in the drivers seat.
You get in and he quickly starts to drive off.
“Thanks.” You mumble, you eyes glued to the floor.
“Don’t need to thank me. Just doing what the boss says.”
You nod, “Sam.. is going to be fine.. you just grazed him, but you probably already know that.”
“I’m a good shot.”
“So he said.” You look out the window, resting your head back against the headrest, “I have to call the chief, tell him I won’t be in.”
“Good idea.”
You pull your phone out of your pocket and dial the stations number. After a few rings, someone picks up, “Hello, Police department, how may I direct your call?”
“Hi, it’s agent y/l/n, I need to speak with the chief.”
“One moment.”
After a moment of silence, the chief picks up, “Y/n. What’s going on?”
“The doctor said I’m fine, but it’s in my best interests to go home and get some rest. Any more strain could cause more damage.”
“I thought so. I’ll have Cody make the calls. Call me later on and let me know how you’re feeling.”
“Will do, sir. Thanks.” You hang up and look over at Colby, “is he waiting for me?”
He nods, “He is.”
You let out a sigh and sit quietly the whole way home. Colby watches as you get out and as soon as you’re up to your door, he drives off.
You push your door open and Jake is standing straight against, leaning against the wall, “You good?”
“Do I look good?” You snap, turning around to close the door. You spin around, jumping as Jake is now right there, “Fuck.”
His hands gently grip your face, inspecting the wound on your cheek, “I told that motherfucker not to hit you that hard.”
“He already apologized, Jake. I know what I signed up for, I’m good.” You push his hands away and walk over to grab a water, “Got more pain meds.. seems to be the only good thing to come out of whatever the fuck this is.”
You laugh slightly, but Jake doesn’t.
“I never want you to get hurt, ever. It’s just sometimes, y/n. Shit has to happen this way.”
You nod, taking one of your meds, “I get it.”
“I don’t think you do.” He shakes his head, walking around to stand in front of you. You look up at him, “I’m fine. I’m going to go lay down for a little bit, then when I wake up. I’m going to figure out what the fuck is happening.”
“What’s with the police charge bullshit? Was that your idea?”
“I have to make myself look good in front of the chief, Jake.” You raise your brows, “I only said to make it so they can’t back out.”
“And he decided that if they don’t comply.. okay.” He steps back, walking over to look out the window, “I thought I told you to cut things off with Cody.”
“I was assigned to be his partner, it was too late to switch. I told Sam, after what happened, I’m switching partners.” You look down, “I’d drop out of the case if I could.”
“You can’t.”
“Hence why I said if I cou- do you ever really listen to me?”
Jake just stares at you, “You have no idea what I’d do for you.”
“So tell me.” You shrug, “Tell me everything you’ve already done..” you walk over to him, “And just let me love you anyway.”
“Your meds are kicking in already, aren’t they?” He smirks slightly and you shrug, “Does it really matter?”
“I mean, kind of. You’re under the influence, and you’re talking shit. You don’t love me. You don’t want to love me.”
He goes to walk away but you grab him, pulling him back towards you, “You see what I’d do for you. You se what I do for you.”
He stares down at you, his head tilted slightly, “I do.”
“So just-“
His lips crash onto yours and you pull him closer, “Was Sam right?”
“Was Sam right about what?”
“That I’m the only one you ever felt this way about?”
Jake’s body tenses under your touch, “He had no right to tell you about that shit.”
“No, but I’m glad I know. I honestly didn’t believe you at first, but hearing it from your right hand man, or at least..” you laugh slightly, “One of them. I don’t know, I can’t shake the thought that maybe you’re the safest place for me.”
He takes a slow breath, following with a slow exhale as he tucks hair behind your ear, “Come on.” He nods towards the hall, “Let’s get you to bed.”
He guides you to your room, walking over to pull the covers back, “Change. I’ll lay with you until you fall asleep.”
“You won’t be here when I wake up?” You ask as you slowly undress to put on different clothes.
He watches as you change and he shrugs, “Well see.”
You walk over to get into bed, Jake moving to lay next to you. His arms hold you against him and he places a gentle kiss on your head.
You stare at the wall, listening to his heart beat within his chest, “What if..” you shake your head, “Nothing.”
“What, baby?” Jake looks down at you.
You shake your head, “It’s.. crazy..”
“So tell me anyway.” He shrugs as his fingers drag up and down your arm, “Let me hear it.”
“What if we just.. left?”
“Explain, please.”
“What if we just.. left this city. This country?” You look up at him, “You stop killing. I stop being an agent, or anyone really.”
“What do you mean? Like, you just form a new identity?” Jake tilts his head and you nod, “What if I just died?”
His face drops, “I don’t like the sound of that, baby.”
“No, no. I don’t mean- well, if I stay on this path, I’m sure it’ll kill me at some point, but I didn’t mean literally. I don’t mean it like that.”
“You want to fake your own death?”
You nod, “I want to fake my own death.”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much! Catch you in the next part! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
#samandcolby-ownme#Jake Webber#killionaires#Killionaires Jake Webber#sam and colby#jake and Johnnie#sam Golbach#Colby Brock#Johnnie Guilbert#fbi!reader#criminal!jake Webber#killionaires fanfiction#killionaires fanfic#smut#fluff#action#angst#mature rating#Jake Webber x reader#Jake Webber x fbi!reader#criminal!jake Webber x fbi!reader#jake webber x reader fluff#jake webber x reader smut#jake webber one shots#jake webber x y/n#jake webber x you#jake webber dirty#jake webber fanfic#jake webber smut#dirty jake webber
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So, I've got a new idea for an au... not an original idea by any means, but I just have been thinking about it for awhile now lol
Basically, Luke gets raised by Rex.
At some point, very shortly after Luke is born and Obi-Wan's like shit, I have to get this kid to Tatooine, said Master Jedi gets injured on the way there. Rex is the one that finds him, luckily, and discovers everything that happened (except for Anakin's fall lol). He decides to help Obi-Wan take Luke to the Lars, but when they get there, the Lars are long gone.
At this point, Obi-Wan is too self-loathing and guilty, so he asks if Rex will raise Luke. This starts an argument about who would be better off raising Luke, but eventually Rex gets Luke.
(Obviously, once Rex and Cody are reunited, Rex sicks Cody on Obi-Wan to "get him to come to his senses")
So begins my "semi-writing" spree, where I wrote out just a bunch of little scenes from his AU.
For more from this AU: NEXT
Here is one, beneath the cut:
Luke’s hair grazed his palm, a soft and a slippery stubble that tickled the pads of his fingers. Even his fingers glided over the baby’s skin, cupping the small warmth behind his head and holding him up in his protective fabrics.
Each moment, experiencing the weight in his arms and the soft breaths sniffled into the air, carved themselves into his memories.
The back of Rex’s mind shot to the long corridors deep within the Kamino Facilities, to the rooms that vode had never been allowed to venture into. The rooms had been full of clones too young to be cadets, yet too old to be in their growth chambers. They had been taken care of droids and a very select personnel, Kaminoiian officials that had watched for any defects or ailments.
Despite having never stepped foot in those rooms, Rex could figure that they were like any other space in the Facility. They were likely as in-organic and harsh walled as other rooms, with white bright enough to blind and dull enough to bore, and the temperature set to a disparaging chill. All of it had been built to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their product, but at the least amount of cost possible.
Rex hated Kamino.
He would do everything to ensure Luke never experienced such a nightmare.
Then blue eyes slid open and blinked up at him, accompanied by a growing smile and hands squirming in their blanketed confines. Warmth flooded Rex’s heart and he held Luke up, ducking his head to hover his face closer.
“Su cuygar, kar’ika,” Rex whispered.
Luke smiled again and broke his prison, raising a hand to press against Rex’s nose.
#star wars#clone wars#commander cody#codywan#clone commander cody#luke skywalker#obi wan kenobi#tcw#captain rex#tcw rex#tcw cody#kenobi#rex raises luke au#clone trooper#after order 66#clone culture
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rewatching the codyseth obviously. quick notes as i go
i need to compare cody's face when seth came out last night to his face when seth came out post hiac. similar vibes
codyseth height difference getting my ass again
thank you seth for pointing out that it's been almost 11 fucking months since you've interacted
seth alluding to the rock slapping cody
thank you seth for dragging "i want your soul" into real terms
"has this title become too much of a burden on you? because it's not for me" triply a reference to seth's WHC title reign, seth helping cody get the title at the cost of everything, and seth's relationship to that title (the uh. universal half at least) spanning to before cody was a blip on his radar. hey 2021 rolleigns. hey 2021 seth saying "i'm not roman."
"i wish this conversation was going differently" is one of the most obsessed verse things cody could say. and i'm vindicated. as is "you sound awfully judgmental"
i like how defensive and mean cody immediately gets. "maybe your soul is compromised." dude!!! that's crazy. it's also very obsessed verse. don't mind me. "i know who you are." the misgivings cody withheld during the build to wrestlemania 40 coming to the surface when he feels threatened, when he feels bitter about seth's judgment.
and and and. "i'm out here to protect you from making all those mistakes i made years ago." many thoughts. rhollins is all about the two of them paralleling each other's lives just at different times and for different reasons. a cosine and sine wave forever chasing each other. and all the angst that creates
"i've been filled with hate." re: my "seth sees the cmp feud as a way of excising all the terrible feelings he has from his body, and finally being able to stay on that path of redemption"
"i do not want to hate you." he doesn't want cody to become that, both because of the affection they have for each other + cody represents seth writing his redemption in stone. he can't also be the tomb of that
hoooo boy. all the 2022 references. the way seth talks about it is fascinating especially when i remember his absolute bitterness in the moment.
cody bringing up seth stabbing him in the back in 2022. wow i can't believe they're both such big fans of the 11k wip in my google docs
#this made me have a lot of thoughts about the cody roman seth triangle because that's kind of. become the central focus of my#obsessed verse wip#jrestling
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te nuhaatyc a kyramla besbe’trayc (the invisible but deadly weapon) (2,377 words) by foreverchangingfandoms
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Stitch (212th medic OC)
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2024, Whump, Obi-Wan Kenobi Whump, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), All Magic Comes With a Price, Well the Force comes with a price, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, POV CC-2224 | Cody, Worried CC-2224 | Cody, Worried Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Break, Well he gets a coma I guess so same thing, Hopeful Ending
Series: Part 7 of Whumptober 2024
The Separatists have a new weapon, one that kills everything in its path and Obi-Wan protects his men from it the only way he knows how.
My fill for whumptober day 7 - Only for emergencies (unconventional weapon | magic with a cost | “it’s us or them”)
#Whumptober 2024#No.7#Magic with a cost#Star wars#Fic#Obi-Wan is doing too much with the Force again#And he gets an enforced nap for it#Well nearly dead coma kind of enforced nap#My writing#Codywan
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Taking the Bait
Also on AO3 [415w] @ailesswhumptober - day 13, whumpee using themself as bait, alt 8: kidnapping @clonefandomevents - 212th bingo: rescue mission
This is part of an AU where Sidious was revealed by the Jedi but fled, and they are trying to track him down before he works out a way to keep controlling both sides of the war from the shadows. Sidious decides to smoke out the Jedi in turn.
He’s not unconscious, and not pretending to be, but between the probable-concussion, the aftershocks from the Sith lightning, and the binders around his wrists and ankles, he’s about as much of a threat as if he were. Everything aches, despite the protection of his armour, but he knows with the voice of experience that he has gotten off lightly; the Sith more toying with him than actually trying to elicit a reaction. After all, he is just the bait.
From his place slumped slumped on the floor, he watches his gold-visored helmet staring down at him. A blinking red light shows that the camera inside is streaming his image to the holotable, where the hooded Sith finishes hacking his comms to contact his General.
“Cody, what-? Sidious.”
“Ah, General Kenobi, you are a surprisingly difficult man to get a hold of. Thankfully your Commander here was rather more accessible and has been kind enough to provide both contact details and, shall we say, incentive. You have been quite the thorn in my side lately, and I believe it is about time we discussed the situation in person. If you cooperate, I may even let your precious Commander return to his troopers. Now, swear on the Force that you will come alone, and without your lightsaber.”
The General’s gaze shifts, and he knows the Jedi is scanning his image for injuries, the worry barely held behind his blank expression.
“I… I understand. Only myself and Commander Cody, and I leave my lightsaber behind. This I swear, by my soul, by my crystal, by my blade.”
“Excellent. I have sent the coordinates; and remember, if you deviate from our agreement, poor Commander Cody here will pay the cost.”
The call ends, and he drifts for a while, thankfully ignored by the Sith. He is scared – of course he is – but there is nothing he can do but wait and trust that his General will come for him.
He pictures how the confrontation will play out. General Kenobi will show up, unarmed as promised, and the Sith will think that he has won. Then Commander Cody will show up, also as promised, fully armed and with his general’s saber on its custom clip. And the Sith will discover that he has lost.
Boil shifts carefully, resettling his borrowed armour as best he can while bound, trying to relieve the ache in his chest. He won’t be much use in the fight, but then his role is already complete: he was just the bait.
#and yes boil is grumpy about losing the moustache for the disguise#this is an edited scene from a wip i didn't manage to finish during whumptober#i'm still hoping to write the full version before next year#212th bingo#ai-less whumptober#day 13#altprompt 8#clone trooper boil#commander cody#darth sidious#obi-wan kenobi#bingo fill#ficlet
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Cody Headcanons Pt.1
• I 100% agree with the headcanon of him being bisexual so I’m putting that here.
• He/Him pronouns
• Cody owns a few t-shirts of goth bands but can at most name 1 or 2 songs
• He’s a fan of Weezer, One Direction, Imagine Dragons, Jonas Brothers, etc
• Cody also likes Maroon 5 and The Smiths since Trent introduced him to those
• Gwen introduced Cody to some goth songs and bands too
• Cody is still terrified of Sierra, is in the process of getting some kind of restraining order
• Cody has mostly moved on from Gwen and the two remain friends
• Trent is fine with him liking Gwen, he’s still grateful that Cody backed off temporarily so the two could be happy.
• His main fashion is t-shirts of artists/bands he likes, collared sweaters, jeans (not baggy or tight, just normal sized ones), and sometimes just plain hoodies.
• Keeps his prized possessions locked in a vault
• Sometimes vents to Heather or anyone else about Sierra, at times even without asking but he doesn’t really notice.
• He wouldn’t be caught dead in anything “girly”, he likes to consider himself more masculine
• Got bullied in school for things like his tooth gap, his height, being nerdy, etc. Never anything physical luckily but still.
• Eventually he learned not to let it bother him and he’s pretty confident in himself.
• However he’s not the greatest defending himself when something does happen but he’s not some small child who “needs to be protected at all costs🥺”
• He wants to grow out a bit of facial hair (not a full grown beard but just something on his face) but he didn’t start to get it until later than most people and when he did- it grows insanely slow.
• Learned to be independent at an early age
• Loved fruit roll ups as a kid and still does
• Fell for the i-cup thing
• probably collected action figures or pins
• owns a sports jersey but doesn’t care too much for it, only really watches when it’s with friends
• owns a DS, a Wii, and maybe had a game boy too?
• He can sing some pretty high-ish notes, his singing improved throughout the years
• was NOT a planned child
• third wheels Aleheather sometimes, Alejandro finds him annoying sometimes during dates.
• short attention span
• gets bored easily
• He despised Gwuncan since he knew how Duncan was and was worried about Gwen. He knew their relationship was gonna go downhill and leave Gwen hurt but unfortunately he couldn’t do anything about it. That’s kinda why he was more okay with Gwent since he knew Trent was a chill guy and wasn’t gonna treat her like trash.
• He hates being babied or feminized- it’s insulting and genuinely makes him uncomfortable
• he’s probably gonna be stuck single for life but he has his friends and stuff to be around so it’s fine he’s not lonely
#cody tdi#codytd#totaldrama#total drama#total drama world tour#total drama island#headcanons#tdi#tdwt#td#td cody#tdi cody
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Idk I feel like I been going crazy over this idea ( plus my love for Cody Rhodes growing each day ) ALSO I'm not gifted enough to make this a reality so if anyone is willing to make it I would be so happy
- I was envisioning this as a plus size reader ( maybe black too but I might be pushing it 😓)
But I don't really see a lot of plus size wrestlers reader so 🤷🏾♀️🫣
So imma like bullet point it so it's easier for writers to add or take away stuff but this is like the main plot idea(s) I had in mind
Cody and reader have been seen backstage getting close by triple h, getting the idea of a love storyline. So he tested it out by having reader and Cody do a promo (them flirting but like bickering kinda idk) with it getting positive reactions
Triple h asking Cody and reader their thoughts on the idea with both Cody and reader like idk but quickly agreeing to it anyways
They do a couple promos, ringside etc picking up on hints of them getting closer and closer and starting or care for each other on a deeper level ( i want to say that Cody falls in love first but reader starts to quickly after not being as revealing in it as Cody is but reader is more subtle with it )
But it all comes to a head when Rhea picks up on reader and Cody's closeness challenging her to a match ( I want to say that reader as already been butting heads with Rhea ) the match being that if Rhea won reader won't be able to interfere with anything that has to do with judgement day and Cody and his group ( Seth,Sami, jey and Randy ) and if reader does then they can't go for the women's world championship until after wrestlemania.
Reader would lose the fight. But Cody wouldn't know about the stipulation UNTIL Cody had a match with Dominic with Rhea coming out to jump Cody ( causing a DQ ) with reader watching nothing knowing what do it ( a manger would remind user of the stipulation but reader doesn't care if it meant helping Cody and protecting him from a possible injury) so reader goes out there ( maybe with a chair or something) defending Cody, checking on him calling for help.
It won't be until a week ( or more then a week up to y'all ) that Cody would find out about the stipulation when Cody and reader win a match against Rhea and Dominic. Both Cody and reader are heading up the ramp when Rhea is handed a mic as she tells Cody about the stipulation rubbing it in readers face.
Cody he walks off mad, upset, he felt like it was his fault. He wasn't strong enough so you had to go out there to save him and cost you your chance. Reader catches up with him basically telling him that it wasn't his fault and that it was their decision and he shouldn't feel that way and how they hate when he's mad at them. ( I had the idea of Rhea joking calling Cody reader's boyfriend and Cody mentions it and reader plays dumb confusing Cody )
Causing Cody to be in his head it would be until he's in the locker room with Sami, jey, Seth and Randy did they talk to him asking what's up and Cody is like "do yall think reader actually likes me???" And they're like "ofc!!!" With Randy ( who wasn't really speaking comes out of nowhere) "dude she throw away her chance for the championship for you🙄"
OKAY IM YAPPING BUT LIKE. Maybe they get Naomi and bianca involved on how to ask reader out and well the rest is up to y'all I would to see this as a series !!
#wrestling#wwe raw#wwe x plus size reader#wwe x reader#i need some fanfics of them#fanfic writer#wrestling fanfic writers#cody rhodes#cody rhodes x reader#cody rhodes fanfiction#seth rollins#randy orton#sami zayn#jey uso#fanfic ideas#wrestling fanfic ideas#pleasseeee#series idea#series
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The Sergeant's Senator | Chapter 1
Summary: It is revealed that there is a plot to assassinate a republic senator. With some negotiations, Clone Force 99 is assigned as the security detail and must protect the senator at all costs.
Warning: threat to one's life and talks of assassination
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator
Type: Short Series
Word Count: 1.1k
Series Masterlist
Note: Technically, this is a reader insert series. However, with that said, I did give the senator (reader) a last name. It worked better when writing; I didn't have to keep putting Senator L/n. Might change it later if people aren't fans of it.

The planet of Coruscant was one of the most important planets in the galaxy. Not only was the Jedi Temple located there, but so was the Galactic Senate. The senate included thousands of representatives through the galaxy in the form of senators. They met to create laws, meditate disputes, and discuss ways to end the war.
A meeting was being held in one of the meeting rooms at the senate, It had been called by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan to discuss a recent incident that nearly claimed the life of Coruscan't own senator. The senator called Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who brought Commander Cody to accompany him.
After formalities, Senator Bail Organa explained the delicate situation to both General Kenobi and Commander Cody. The incident happened only two nights prior and resulted in both of the young senator's guards being killed from unknown snipers. She was being targeted.
The young senator sat amongst the company of three, keeping to herself. Her hands lay in her lap though she couldn't help twiddling her fingers nervously. The sense of worry was laced across her face.
"I see," General Kenobi said after hearing the whole ordeal. He stroked his beard in thought. "This is a delicate situation," Kenobi added.
"Coruscant is the capital of the republic. Her role is vital for the success of the senate. Without her, the senate may fail and Coruscant will fall. If that happens, the Separatists will be able to gain the upper hand in this war," Bail Organa explained.
"How would you suggest we help?" General Kenobi inquired curiously.
"What she needs is a new security detail to keep her safe until someone catches the assailant," Senator Organa claimed. The much younger senator closed her eyes because she wanted nothing more than to disappear away from this conversation.
"Hmm," General Kenobi hummed. "I'll have to consult with the council. I'm not sure how many Jedi are available. Most of them are on missions off world."
"Would a clone force be more suitable for this situation? We clones are much more expendable than the Jedi," Commander Cody offered this solution.
The senator thought for a moment. "That could work. Who do you have in mind?"
"I would recommend Clone Force 99, sir."
Upon hearing this, Senator Rayna's ears perked up slightly. She would feel much more comfortable being around a group of clones than one lone Jedi. Though, General Kenobi's face fell upon hearing the name of the clone group. He quickly turned to his commander.
"Uh, Commander." He began. "Can I speak with you privately?"
Now General Kenobi and Commander Cody turned away from the two senators to speak in hushed tones. There was a brief moment of silence between them.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean having a clone force escort is one thing, but Clone Force 99 is entirely different," Kenobi explained.
"They have a 100% success rate," Commander Cody defended.
"I understand. But they are a little on...the extreme side," General Kenobi added.
"If I might intervene," Senator Rayna spoke up for the first time. The two of them directed their attention to her as she stood from her place at the table. "If you think Clone Force 99 is a suitable fit to be my security detail, then I think we should skip all these formalities."
"Uh senator," General Kenobi stepped forward. "I'm not sure this is a very wise decision. Clone Force 99 is slightly unhinged at times," Kenobi explained to her.
"How so?" Senator Rayna wondered.
"Ah well..." Kenobi's voice trailed off.
"They call themselves the Bad Batch," Commander Cody stated blatantly. "They are a group of elite clone troopers with enhanced genetic mutations. They aren't like the regular clones you're used to."
"They don't go by the book either," General Kenobi added.
"But you said they have a 100% success rate," Senator Rayna concluded.
"They do," Commander Cody gave a nod of confirmation.
"Would you say that they are the best clone troopers you have out there?" She wondered.
"I will say this: While they might be a little unhinged at times and they may not follow orders like the rest of us, they are damn good soldiers and they get the job done."
"Thank you, Commander. That is all I need to hear," Senator Rayna finalized. "I look forward to meeting them."
Later in the day, a single file had arrived at the office for the senator which had been sent by the commander himself. Upon further review, the senator saw how page had a brief summary of every member on the small squad. It included their number, rank, skills, and their strengths. It also showed the number of successful missions they accomplished together.
The squad was comprised of a sharpshooter, a muscle man, a technological genius, a cybernetic hybrid (former reg), and a tactical tracker. They certainly were a bunch of misfits, but their track record alone spoke for them.
The senator stared down at the final page, which was designated for the squads sergeant. She found herself being more drawn to his page from the rest of them. He had been genetically altered to attain expert tracking skills and heightened senses.
Without much thought, the senator proceeded to send a comm to the commander once again. She waited a moment before her comm chimed a response. And she responded to him by asking him if he had anything else on this sergeant.
The Marauder was currently navigating through space. The Bad Batch had just completed a mission on one of the planets within the Outer Rim. Now they were heading back to their home world of Kamino.
In the other room, Hunter just finished receiving a message from Commander Cody. He switched off the communication channel before making his way into the cockpit of the ship to join his fellow brothers.
At the moment, Tech was putting in the coordinates for Kamino with Echo at his side in the co-pilot seat. Crosshair was polishing his sniper rifle and Wrecker was lounging with his feet up. The leader of the group made his way towards the control panel.
"Change of plan. We've got new orders," Hunter announced. This made Tech look up at him questionably. "Set course for Coruscant."
"What's on Coruscant?" Echo wondered. He knew the importance of the location, but he was more so curious about why they were needed there.
"We've been assigned to be a security detail for Coruscant's senator," Hunter relayed the information he was given.
"Doesn't she have guards for that?" Crosshair said with a roll of the eyes.
"That's just it," Hunter shrugged. "They're dead."
"There must be an imminent threat on her life, especially if the guards who are assigned to protect her are dead." Tech came to the conclusion.
"All I know is that she needs protection. And Commander Cody recommended us," Hunter told them.
"Great," Crosshair scoffed. He leaned back in his seat. "We get to play babysitter for who knows how long."
"It's just until she can find another detail or until the assailant is caught," Echo explained. He recalled one of his early missions. "You know, one of my first missions was to protect the Rishi Station Moon Base. Now that was a boring couple of rotations."
"Yeah, at least we don't have that kind of mission. Coruscant is much more exciting than some dumb old moon base," Wrecker explained.
But Crosshair wasn't super convinced. He crossed his arms over his chest in slight defeat, already knowing that they wouldn't be seeing as much action as they were used to.
"Preparing jump to hyperspace," Tech announced which drew them all out of their own thoughts. With the pull of the lever, the Marauder was shot into the glowing blue tunnel of hyperspace.
@totally-not-your-babe @jedipoodoo @gyllord @roam-rs @totallyunidentified @redheadgirl @mrcaptainrex @whore-of-many-hot-men @graciexmarvel @qweenrogerina
#the bad batch#the clone wars#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x y/n#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter x senator#star wars#tbb hunter series#tbb hunter fluff#tbb hunter angst#tech#crosshair#clone trooper hunter#wrecker#echo#tbb hunter#tbb Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator#bad batch hunter
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Noah and Cody must protect Beth at all cost, by all means necessary.
Long story why...
sorry its kinda silly HAHA hope u like !!!
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