#//protect cody at all costs
ringer04 · 1 year
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Sami Zayn
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amythedoctor · 1 year
Last night I went to see WWE live and holy moly. Excuse the screaming and terrible camera angles but enjoy a non-televised Cody win <3
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rebel-pilot-bex · 2 years
Okay so we know Rex, Wolffe and Gregor team up, So hear me out.
Cody also teamed up with them.
But doesn't make it all the way to Rebels.
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kimkhimhant · 2 months
i know i've said it before but i just. what i love so much about the all for the game series is that, as horrifically brutal as it is, it is so packed full of love. these characters love recklessly and deeply.
neil, dragging this disaster team together with desperation, and everyone rallying around him, giving him the best year of his life. they'd all kill and die for each other, but most importantly, they all live for each other. neil has spent his whole life ready to die, but because of his team, he's finally ready to live.
wymack, gruff as he is, giving a second chance at life to all the kids no one else wants. pulling them to their feet and next to them when they're not ready to stand on their own.
andrew, fiercely protecting his pack. being an unyielding and unfalteringly solid weight for them to lean against. demanding that they not give up on themselves. reminding them of who they are.
kevin, making everyone around him a little stronger. confronting his greatest fears because they all make him a little stronger in return. giving neil something to live for. giving jean a new beginning, a chance at a better life.
jean, already having given up on himself, but still trying to protect everyone else, even at the cost of his own safety. taking care of neil in the nest, sending someone to save zane even after being so awfully betrayed, looking out for cody. falling a little bit in love with everyone.
the rest of the foxes, overcoming disagreements an ocean-wide divide between them and coming out the other side loving each other so much they're willing to risk everything to stay together.
the trojans taking in jean despite everything they've heard, teaching him how to be his own person. keeping him alive. showing him all the little joys in life.
just. this is a series full of brutal, devastating torture and trauma, but it's even more full of love :')
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
Seven thousand more UAW members just walked off the job, expanding the strike to two more plants. Twenty-five thousand autoworkers are now on strike, and the walkout could continue to escalate if the Big Three don’t budge in negotiations.
[UAW president Shawn] Fain announced that Stellantis would be spared this time. The union had been expected to strike all three companies, but, said Region 1 director LaShawn English, three minutes before Fain was scheduled to go on Facebook Live, the UAW received frantic emails from company representatives.
[Note: Love that for the UAW. Also laughing so hard. Three minutes before the next round of strikes were annouced!!]
According to Fain, Stellantis made “significant progress” on cost-of-living allowances, the right not to cross a picket line, and the right to strike over product commitments and plant closures. “We are excited about this momentum at Stellantis and hope it continues,” Fain said...
“See You Next Week — Maybe?”
“These guys wanted to go out a long time ago,” said Cody Zaremba, a Local 602 member at the Lansing GM plant after the news broke that his plant would be joining the strike. “We’re ready. Everybody, truly, I believe, in the entire membership. They’re one with what’s going on.”
Five thousand workers at thirty-eight parts distribution centers across twenty-one states have been on strike since last Friday [September 22, 2023], along with thirteen thousand at three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri who walked out on September 15. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) ...
The UAW is now calling on community supporters to organize small teams to canvass dealerships that sell and repair Big Three cars and trucks. On Tuesday, the union issued a canvassing tool kit with instructions, flyers, press releases, and talking points.
In negotiations with Ford and GM, autoworkers have clinched some important gains. Among them is an agreement by both companies to end at least one of the many tiers in current contracts, putting workers at certain parts plants back on the same wage scale as assembly workers. The top rate for Big Three assembly workers is currently around $32...
Ford was spared in last week’s escalation, because bargainers there had made further progress on gains for workers.
But today, the UAW once again called out workers at Ford and GM, putting some muscle behind its bold demands — a big wage boost, a shorter workweek, elimination of tiers, cost-of-living adjustments tied to inflation, protection from plant closures, conversion of temps to permanent employees, and the restoration of retiree health care and benefit-defined pensions to all workers.
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023. Article continues below.
Keep Them Guessing
This year, for the first time in recent history, the union has played the three auto companies against each other with its strike strategy, departing from the union’s tradition of choosing one target company and patterning an agreement at the other two.
The stand-up strike strategy draws inspiration from an approach known as CHAOS (Create Havoc Around Our System), first deployed in 1993 by Alaska Airlines flight attendants, who announced they would be striking random flights. Although they struck only seven flights in a two-month period, Alaska had to send scabs on every plane, just in case. The unpredictability drew enormous media attention and drove management up the wall. Meanwhile the union was able to conserve its strength and minimize risk.
The companies miscalculated where the UAW was going to strike first, stockpiling engines and shipping them cross-country to the wrong facilities. Autoworkers relished the self-inflicted supply chain chaos on UAW Facebook groups and other social media platforms.
Nonstrikers’ morale on the factory floor has gotten a boost from rank and filers organizing to refuse voluntary overtime. With support both from Fain and the reform caucus Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), workers have been encouraging each other to “Eight and Skate,” meaning to turn down extra work and decline to do management any favors.
Majority Public Support
A majority of Americans support the UAW strikers, and the Big Three have taken a PR hit since the strike began, according to a new survey conducted by the business intelligence firm Caliber.
“Eighty-seven percent of respondents told us they were aware of the strike,” Caliber CEO Shahar Silbershatz told the Intercept. “It’s clear the strike is not just causing commercial repercussions, but reputational repercussions as well.”
These reputational repercussions will only worsen...
"We Can Unmake It"
Fain didn't pull any punches in his speech... “That’s what’s different about working-class people. Whether we’re building cars or trucks or running parts distribution centers; whether we’re writing movies or performing TV shows... we do the heavy lifting. We do the real work. Not the CEOs, not the executives.
"And though we don’t know it, that’s what power is. We have the power. The world is of our making. The economy is of our making. This industry is of our making.
“And as we’ve shown, when we withhold our labor, we can unmake it.”
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023
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vytels · 9 months
So, I've got a new idea for an au... not an original idea by any means, but I just have been thinking about it for awhile now lol
Basically, Luke gets raised by Rex.
At some point, very shortly after Luke is born and Obi-Wan's like shit, I have to get this kid to Tatooine, said Master Jedi gets injured on the way there. Rex is the one that finds him, luckily, and discovers everything that happened (except for Anakin's fall lol). He decides to help Obi-Wan take Luke to the Lars, but when they get there, the Lars are long gone.
At this point, Obi-Wan is too self-loathing and guilty, so he asks if Rex will raise Luke. This starts an argument about who would be better off raising Luke, but eventually Rex gets Luke.
(Obviously, once Rex and Cody are reunited, Rex sicks Cody on Obi-Wan to "get him to come to his senses")
So begins my "semi-writing" spree, where I wrote out just a bunch of little scenes from his AU.
For more from this AU: NEXT
Here is one, beneath the cut:
Luke’s hair grazed his palm, a soft and a slippery stubble that tickled the pads of his fingers. Even his fingers glided over the baby’s skin, cupping the small warmth behind his head and holding him up in his protective fabrics.
Each moment, experiencing the weight in his arms and the soft breaths sniffled into the air, carved themselves into his memories. 
The back of Rex’s mind shot to the long corridors deep within the Kamino Facilities, to the rooms that vode had never been allowed to venture into. The rooms had been full of clones too young to be cadets, yet too old to be in their growth chambers. They had been taken care of droids and a very select personnel, Kaminoiian officials that had watched for any defects or ailments. 
Despite having never stepped foot in those rooms, Rex could figure that they were like any other space in the Facility. They were likely as in-organic and harsh walled as other rooms, with white bright enough to blind and dull enough to bore, and the temperature set to a disparaging chill. All of it had been built to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their product, but at the least amount of cost possible. 
Rex hated Kamino. 
He would do everything to ensure Luke never experienced such a nightmare.
Then blue eyes slid open and blinked up at him, accompanied by a growing smile and hands squirming in their blanketed confines. Warmth flooded Rex’s heart and he held Luke up, ducking his head to hover his face closer. 
“Su cuygar, kar’ika,” Rex whispered. 
Luke smiled again and broke his prison, raising a hand to press against Rex’s nose.
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kabloswrld · 5 months
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Idk I feel like I been going crazy over this idea ( plus my love for Cody Rhodes growing each day ) ALSO I'm not gifted enough to make this a reality so if anyone is willing to make it I would be so happy
- I was envisioning this as a plus size reader ( maybe black too but I might be pushing it 😓)
But I don't really see a lot of plus size wrestlers reader so 🤷🏾‍♀️🫣
So imma like bullet point it so it's easier for writers to add or take away stuff but this is like the main plot idea(s) I had in mind
Cody and reader have been seen backstage getting close by triple h, getting the idea of a love storyline. So he tested it out by having reader and Cody do a promo (them flirting but like bickering kinda idk) with it getting positive reactions
Triple h asking Cody and reader their thoughts on the idea with both Cody and reader like idk but quickly agreeing to it anyways
They do a couple promos, ringside etc picking up on hints of them getting closer and closer and starting or care for each other on a deeper level ( i want to say that Cody falls in love first but reader starts to quickly after not being as revealing in it as Cody is but reader is more subtle with it )
But it all comes to a head when Rhea picks up on reader and Cody's closeness challenging her to a match ( I want to say that reader as already been butting heads with Rhea ) the match being that if Rhea won reader won't be able to interfere with anything that has to do with judgement day and Cody and his group ( Seth,Sami, jey and Randy ) and if reader does then they can't go for the women's world championship until after wrestlemania.
Reader would lose the fight. But Cody wouldn't know about the stipulation UNTIL Cody had a match with Dominic with Rhea coming out to jump Cody ( causing a DQ ) with reader watching nothing knowing what do it ( a manger would remind user of the stipulation but reader doesn't care if it meant helping Cody and protecting him from a possible injury) so reader goes out there ( maybe with a chair or something) defending Cody, checking on him calling for help.
It won't be until a week ( or more then a week up to y'all ) that Cody would find out about the stipulation when Cody and reader win a match against Rhea and Dominic. Both Cody and reader are heading up the ramp when Rhea is handed a mic as she tells Cody about the stipulation rubbing it in readers face.
Cody he walks off mad, upset, he felt like it was his fault. He wasn't strong enough so you had to go out there to save him and cost you your chance. Reader catches up with him basically telling him that it wasn't his fault and that it was their decision and he shouldn't feel that way and how they hate when he's mad at them. ( I had the idea of Rhea joking calling Cody reader's boyfriend and Cody mentions it and reader plays dumb confusing Cody )
Causing Cody to be in his head it would be until he's in the locker room with Sami, jey, Seth and Randy did they talk to him asking what's up and Cody is like "do yall think reader actually likes me???" And they're like "ofc!!!" With Randy ( who wasn't really speaking comes out of nowhere) "dude she throw away her chance for the championship for you🙄"
OKAY IM YAPPING BUT LIKE. Maybe they get Naomi and bianca involved on how to ask reader out and well the rest is up to y'all I would to see this as a series !!
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webslinger-holland · 5 months
The Sergeant's Senator | Chapter 1
Summary: It is revealed that there is a plot to assassinate a republic senator. With some negotiations, Clone Force 99 is assigned as the security detail and must protect the senator at all costs.
Warning: threat to one's life and talks of assassination
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator
Type: Short Series
Word Count: 1.1k
Series Masterlist
Note: Technically, this is a reader insert series. However, with that said, I did give the senator (reader) a last name. It worked better when writing; I didn't have to keep putting Senator L/n. Might change it later if people aren't fans of it.
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The planet of Coruscant was one of the most important planets in the galaxy. Not only was the Jedi Temple located there, but so was the Galactic Senate. The senate included thousands of representatives through the galaxy in the form of senators. They met to create laws, meditate disputes, and discuss ways to end the war.
A meeting was being held in one of the meeting rooms at the senate, It had been called by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan to discuss a recent incident that nearly claimed the life of Coruscan't own senator. The senator called Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who brought Commander Cody to accompany him.
After formalities, Senator Bail Organa explained the delicate situation to both General Kenobi and Commander Cody. The incident happened only two nights prior and resulted in both of the young senator's guards being killed from unknown snipers. She was being targeted.
The young senator sat amongst the company of three, keeping to herself. Her hands lay in her lap though she couldn't help twiddling her fingers nervously. The sense of worry was laced across her face.
"I see," General Kenobi said after hearing the whole ordeal. He stroked his beard in thought. "This is a delicate situation," Kenobi added.
"Coruscant is the capital of the republic. Her role is vital for the success of the senate. Without her, the senate may fail and Coruscant will fall. If that happens, the Separatists will be able to gain the upper hand in this war," Bail Organa explained.
"How would you suggest we help?" General Kenobi inquired curiously.
"What she needs is a new security detail to keep her safe until someone catches the assailant," Senator Organa claimed. The much younger senator closed her eyes because she wanted nothing more than to disappear away from this conversation.
"Hmm," General Kenobi hummed. "I'll have to consult with the council. I'm not sure how many Jedi are available. Most of them are on missions off world."
"Would a clone force be more suitable for this situation? We clones are much more expendable than the Jedi," Commander Cody offered this solution.
The senator thought for a moment. "That could work. Who do you have in mind?"
"I would recommend Clone Force 99, sir."
Upon hearing this, Senator Rayna's ears perked up slightly. She would feel much more comfortable being around a group of clones than one lone Jedi. Though, General Kenobi's face fell upon hearing the name of the clone group. He quickly turned to his commander.
"Uh, Commander." He began. "Can I speak with you privately?"
Now General Kenobi and Commander Cody turned away from the two senators to speak in hushed tones. There was a brief moment of silence between them.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean having a clone force escort is one thing, but Clone Force 99 is entirely different," Kenobi explained.
"They have a 100% success rate," Commander Cody defended.
"I understand. But they are a little on...the extreme side," General Kenobi added.
"If I might intervene," Senator Rayna spoke up for the first time. The two of them directed their attention to her as she stood from her place at the table. "If you think Clone Force 99 is a suitable fit to be my security detail, then I think we should skip all these formalities."
"Uh senator," General Kenobi stepped forward. "I'm not sure this is a very wise decision. Clone Force 99 is slightly unhinged at times," Kenobi explained to her.
"How so?" Senator Rayna wondered.
"Ah well..." Kenobi's voice trailed off.
"They call themselves the Bad Batch," Commander Cody stated blatantly. "They are a group of elite clone troopers with enhanced genetic mutations. They aren't like the regular clones you're used to."
"They don't go by the book either," General Kenobi added.
"But you said they have a 100% success rate," Senator Rayna concluded.
"They do," Commander Cody gave a nod of confirmation.
"Would you say that they are the best clone troopers you have out there?" She wondered.
"I will say this: While they might be a little unhinged at times and they may not follow orders like the rest of us, they are damn good soldiers and they get the job done."
"Thank you, Commander. That is all I need to hear," Senator Rayna finalized. "I look forward to meeting them."
Later in the day, a single file had arrived at the office for the senator which had been sent by the commander himself. Upon further review, the senator saw how page had a brief summary of every member on the small squad. It included their number, rank, skills, and their strengths. It also showed the number of successful missions they accomplished together.
The squad was comprised of a sharpshooter, a muscle man, a technological genius, a cybernetic hybrid (former reg), and a tactical tracker. They certainly were a bunch of misfits, but their track record alone spoke for them.
The senator stared down at the final page, which was designated for the squads sergeant. She found herself being more drawn to his page from the rest of them. He had been genetically altered to attain expert tracking skills and heightened senses.
Without much thought, the senator proceeded to send a comm to the commander once again. She waited a moment before her comm chimed a response. And she responded to him by asking him if he had anything else on this sergeant.
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The Marauder was currently navigating through space. The Bad Batch had just completed a mission on one of the planets within the Outer Rim. Now they were heading back to their home world of Kamino.
In the other room, Hunter just finished receiving a message from Commander Cody. He switched off the communication channel before making his way into the cockpit of the ship to join his fellow brothers.
At the moment, Tech was putting in the coordinates for Kamino with Echo at his side in the co-pilot seat. Crosshair was polishing his sniper rifle and Wrecker was lounging with his feet up. The leader of the group made his way towards the control panel.
"Change of plan. We've got new orders," Hunter announced. This made Tech look up at him questionably. "Set course for Coruscant."
"What's on Coruscant?" Echo wondered. He knew the importance of the location, but he was more so curious about why they were needed there.
"We've been assigned to be a security detail for Coruscant's senator," Hunter relayed the information he was given.
"Doesn't she have guards for that?" Crosshair said with a roll of the eyes.
"That's just it," Hunter shrugged. "They're dead."
"There must be an imminent threat on her life, especially if the guards who are assigned to protect her are dead." Tech came to the conclusion.
"All I know is that she needs protection. And Commander Cody recommended us," Hunter told them.
"Great," Crosshair scoffed. He leaned back in his seat. "We get to play babysitter for who knows how long."
"It's just until she can find another detail or until the assailant is caught," Echo explained. He recalled one of his early missions. "You know, one of my first missions was to protect the Rishi Station Moon Base. Now that was a boring couple of rotations."
"Yeah, at least we don't have that kind of mission. Coruscant is much more exciting than some dumb old moon base," Wrecker explained.
But Crosshair wasn't super convinced. He crossed his arms over his chest in slight defeat, already knowing that they wouldn't be seeing as much action as they were used to.
"Preparing jump to hyperspace," Tech announced which drew them all out of their own thoughts. With the pull of the lever, the Marauder was shot into the glowing blue tunnel of hyperspace.
@totally-not-your-babe @jedipoodoo @gyllord @roam-rs @totallyunidentified @redheadgirl @mrcaptainrex @whore-of-many-hot-men @graciexmarvel @qweenrogerina
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🥹 ngl i keep running back to your page, and i finally followed bc i keep forgetting, but like…
do you have more of that clone witness protection program? i just reread them AND THE THORN ONE, and i just- i gotta know au wise. How does everyone react to finding out what Fox did and what it cost him (ie. him saving Fives unintentionally got Thorn killed)
So if anyone wants to read on it, this post has all the parts linked
And love that you enjoyed the AU!! It’s one of my favorites so to hear you kept up with it makes me happy 🥹
This take is interesting to think about - honestly if we want to go this route, including all the parts above, they would found out more towards the end of the war (the beginning of the finale with Sidious)
And it goes like this
Cody has lost faith in the Republic way before Rex “died” but now he’s determined to do something about it. He has gathered all the CCs together, plus the Corrie CCs except for Fox (not that Cody didn’t invite him but he has a different mission for him and his vod’ika and also Fox couldn’t make it so he sent Stone and Thire instead), and lets them know his decision and plan to cease from Republic forces
“I’m taking my men out.”
Shock was heard in the empty silence. Bacara is the first to speak. “What about the Jedi?”
Cody shakes his head. “Whoever I grab is going with me.”
“You can’t take them all.” Neyo’s stare is hard, unyielding. Cody stares back.
“With Kenobi and Skywalker gone, the rest will follow.”
Ponds huffs out a laugh. Cody slants him a look when he bangs his hand on the table. “Count me in. Windu and I are down for a little … mutiny.” His grin is wide, fearless.
Thire taps his comm. “if you can get us a Venator, I can let Vos know to retrieve the Jedi at the Temple.”
Bly stands up, his seat clattering behind him. “Aayla and I can help with that.” He ignores the small “it’s Aayla now, is it?” behind his back. “They won’t want to leave their home without a reason.” He speaks before Cody can get any words out of his open mouth. “A solid, logical reason. You wanting to find Rex-”
“That’s not the reason I’m leaving.”
“Isn’t it?” Heads turn towards the new voice. Fox enters the small room with barely a sound, footsteps silent in his path towards his Ori’vod. “I mean,” and he chuckles harsh. “Why leave now? Why not when your General died? Or your men were ambushed? Or perhaps after Umbara when they shot each other?”
Cody grits his teeth, anger flashing across his face. His expression turns smooth a second later but every CC saw it. “Don’t talk about the war like you understand it.”
Fox tilts his head, almost offended at the implied statement. He however lets it go in pursuit of his other point. “You never cared before-”
“I always cared.”
“Until Rex’ika-”
“You have no right to call him that.”
“-went and got himself killed.”
Fox rolls with the impact Cody throws at him. His hands clutch his brother’s blacks in an awful attempt at a hug. Cody however has one hand around his neck, ready to snap. His other yanks at the chest armor, pulling Fox up just a breath. “Don’t talk about him that way.”
Fox doesn’t speak, hardly dares to breath in the face of his brother’s wrath. “Leave,” he commands to the room.
The CCs watch but don’t move until Cody yells out. “GET OUT!”
Wolffe is the first to move. Pats Cody’s back on his way out. “Don’t kill him, Vod.” Fox rolls his eyes at the unhelpful comment.
The other CCs follow him out until it’s just them. Even Thire and Stone, who passed glances at him, left.
Cody is breathing hard, his panting harsh in the room. Fox feels his hand curl against his neck and thinks how pathetic.
“Get off,” he demands and Cody snarls. Fox’ eyes flash in anger and he snarls right back.
It leads to them wrestling, Cody losing his grip on his neck and instead trying to break the bones in his arm. Fox bites at the forearm near his mouth, and tastes a hint of iron. They scratch and hit and wrestle and the anger that came from Thorn’s death leave Fox, slowly but surely. His grief replaces it fast, as does his guilt when he sees tears in Cody’s eyes.
Would Cody act this way if Fox died? Would Fox if Thorn hadn’t?
Fox finds himself hugging his Ori’vod as he sobs at the loss of Rex. Great, wracking sobs that Fox himself wishes to return. He licks his lips and shares a piece of grief. “Thorn is dead.”
“I’m sorry,” Cody mutters through stuttered breathing.
Fox however decides that it’s enough to start the conversation. “He believed in the Protection Program. Saved many Vod cause of it.” Cody listens intently, his cries mingling into silence. “Fives needed to live. We both knew that.” He hesitates before stating his opinion. “I won’t make his death go in vain by hiding.”
Cody pushes off his brother, stares up at the ceiling above them. He taps his fingers once, twice, before asking, “would Rex-”
“He’s not in it,” Fox lies through his teeth and hates the guilt that rising at it. Cody can’t know. Not yet.
It would just cause more trouble, and potentially Rex’s death. Fox can’t allow that right now. Not when Cody isn’t thinking clearly.
Cody stays silent. The moments creep by and Fox’s heart beats faster. He wonders if his Ori’vod can see through his lies.
Cody’s words break his anxiety process. “Then we kill Palpatine.” He says it nonchalantly, in response to their previous conversation.
Fox’ lips twitch. His chest hitches. And then he’s laughing before he can think. Cody turns his head, joins in when he realizes they aren’t laughing for fun.
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whiskygoldwings · 1 month
can you tel us more about trooper yarn? what’re they making at the moment?
Oooooo yes please! My cutie-patootie!
And that's the honest truth. Yarn is basically my super-gratuitous, such a sweetie, fully aware of it, will use it to manipulate people into good things, sugarplum. Is he a little morally dubious for that? Yes! But he's got the sweetest little dimple and he's two inches shorter then his siblings and can make his face heart-broken at the drop of a hat so he will always get away with it...
Yarn is young when he joins the Guard - The Kaminoans start deploying them younger and younger as the losses are greater than expected. Yarn is basically, approximately 15 years old. A little bit brash and full of himself, because he's a teenager. And with the arrival of the Jedi on Kamino, a lot of the fears and harsher treatment of the clones has been eased. He doesn't fear decommissioning or recommissioning in the same way as his older siblings do. They're almost like the boogeyman, ghost stories told to scare Tubies.
Of course, Fox takes one look at him when he arrives on Coruscant and says - This one must be protected at all costs. He's the youngest one sent to the Guard, and while he thinks it's because of his high scores in all aspects, it's actually because Shaak Ti felt something in the Force that suggested he might be needed there...
He's pretty peeved when he's not allowed near the Senate and gets relegated to the top ten levels of Coruscant. He expected to be in the Senate working with the top people of the Republic! Not walking around giving people directions and letting them take holos with him...
Then he glimpses the Stich n' Bitch session. The brother he's with is indulgent, lets him watch for a little. This particular session is for the older members of the local Crochet group, and very quickly one of the grannies sents small curious child and invites him over to see what they're doing properly...
Yarn takes to crochet with aplomb. He's whipping out granny squares in no time. Thorn gets whispered to by the Captain of his Squad and ensures his patrol is always timed to coincide with the various group meetings. They swiftly claim him as their own, teaching him and sending him home with cakes and gifts for more of the Corries.
Yarn starts making decorations for the barracks, hangings for the beds, bunting, mandalas and cushions that they stuff with fluff they scavenge from thrown out furniture. Others start to take interest and he teaches them, and they start coming to the groups too. The citizens of Coruscant start warming to them all, and swiftly there's Corries getting involved in all kinds of hobbies: baking, painting, writing etc...
Yarn gets a granny square pattern tattooed on the left side of his neck (the diagram style) and gets a hoop in his right ear lobe that he hangs stitch markers from. He has long curly hair (Thorn's his fave and he wants to emulate him) which he pins up with various sizes of crochet hook. Yarn's pronouns are he/him.
His favourite thing to crochet is blankets. He loves coming up with complicated stitch patterns to make beautiful patterns and shapes. He's particularly fond of puff stitches and shells, because they look so dynamic and attractive.
All of the Commanders and his squad have a granny square each that he has personally designed and made for them. It's tradition to pin it to the inside of your chest plate to carry his affection with you always.
(They don't realise that Fox's is picking up Sithly darkness which is getting caught in the knots. Perhaps someone might notice...)
At the moment he's actually making a sweater for Fox. He complains of being cold so often; Yarn hopes it will keep him warm. The main body is red and it has golden-yellow sleeves, collar and ribbing at the bottom (Cody will tease Fox that he's wearing 212th gold. Fox knows it's the closest colour Yarn could find to Thorn's hair).
Thank you for asking about him! I really enjoyed getting to infodump my ideas for him! And it made me come up with that sweater idea, which gives me feels...
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mrsbluehands · 8 months
Night time for the mansion!
Headcanon (x reader)
Little idea that I wanted to write for a while now. First writing post! Hope it's not too short.
Tw: none
Pronouns: GN
X-Virus (give him love please)
Quite forgetful. Even if his nighttime routine is as simple as brushing his teeth, he might forget (please remind him for his own good).
Moves in his sleep like a three year old that is learning how to sleep in a real bed for the first time.
I think he sleepwalks whenever he's stressed. Since the rest of the mansion found out, they force Cody to lock his room from the inside during the night. (You wouldn't want to find him half naked in the wood again...)
Putting your arms around him might help a bit, but you could end up being crushed under him in the morning. If that's a sacrifice you are willing to make.
Can totally also end up on the floor or crushing you under him in the morning
But on the good side, Cody's a real cuddly guy. He needs to feel you close to him all the time.
Usually is the one who is completely engulfing you in his arms at night. He adores to know that you are safe with him, but won't say no if you prefer to have his head on your chest and hands in his hair...
Jeff the killer
Blasts music until 2 am like the edgy teen he still is.
Falls asleep whenever. Doesn't matter if the sun is stil beaming outside or if he just woke up from a afternoon power nap. He will sleep no matter what.
Will also eat anything before going to bed. Usually gets hungry at night, but this man can eat a 5 course meal at 3 am. Hearing some noises at night? You'll find him munching on the meatloaf leftover you made. (He likes you cooking what can he says!)
Not really into sleeping and cuddling stuff. Not a light sleeper, but sometimes he wakes up abruptly and he really wouldn't want to scare you off.
Likes to keep a hand on you anyways. Like wrapping his arm around your shoulder or waist. A hand on your stomach or waist.
He's nice to sleep with though! Extra warm (sleeps only in his underwear) his skin is a real radiator.
He really is a nice guy (mostly with you though). If he wakes up before you in the morning, he most probably will, he'll look at you and smile even wider wondering what he did to deserve to have someone as wonderful as you in his life.
BEN drowned
He doesn't need sleep but he likes it. Especially if he can cuddle with you.
He goes to bed whenever he pleases. No nighttime routine or whatever. He just plops on the bed and he's out.
Speaking of going to sleep whenever, he's the type to take naps in the middle of the day.
I like to think that he sleeps like a cat. All curled up on himself and taking so little space that you could probably spend the whole night in the same bed without touching him once.
Always cold even if he's warm to the touch. Please hold him. Only your warmth makes him feel alive again.
In the darkness of the room, he emits a faint green light while his eyes are a vibrant red. Nearly screamed when you slept with him for the first time.
You might wake up without him on your side, but no worries! Since he doesn't feel the need to sleep, he probably just woke up before you and decided to make you a small breakfast ❤️ (terrible at cooking but he tries that's what's important)
Eyeless Jack
Definitely let's you sleep with his hoodie. Wants to make sure you won't be cold even in summer (you never know).
Nocturnal demon. He sleeps with you because he likes the feeling of having you inside his arms to keep you safe.
He's very much probably never going to let you be the big spoon, mostly because there's very little chance that you're bigger than him, but especially because he loves to feel like the big demon that can protect you at all costs.
His skin is hard and weirdly cold to the touch. Hope you don't get cold at night because he's not much of a warm being unlike Jeff.
Since you are so different from him, he like to feel your skin under his touch and to look into your eyes. They feel so lovely when he compares them to his empty sockets.
Not a much of a talker, but don't worry, you will never fall asleep without your goodnight kiss on the forehead.
Does not move. Like not at all. Heck you need to shake him awake in the morning to be sure he's not just dead (well he kind of already is but you get my point...)
Pretty sleeper. I'm so jealous. She looks like a movie character.
No drooling, no talking, no mumbling... even her hair stays in place. Like how?
She sleeps with a tons of plushies and pillows, you can't change my mind. She especially likes teddy bears, she probably has like 15 of them.
But if you're here with her she will let her plushies go and hug you instead.
If you sleep together, you two will probably not sleep until morning. She loves to talk. Bonus point if you're a good listener!
You like to hold her at night? Go ahead! She gives so much affection to people for sometime she forgets to take care of herself :( (she really is the mom friend)
Expect her to be wide awake when you wake up, she's a real early bird and likes to do chores in the morning. Just like BEN (but it'll taste better) you'll have wonderful breakfast to start the day.
Hope you enjoyed!
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
Alright folks, now that Solitary Clone and Outpost are out and we have more insight into Crosshair’s character, I thought it would be interesting to revisit some of the things he said on Kamino at the end of season one.
I’ve been meaning to make this analysis for a while but I’m glad I’m doing it now because season two gives us a lot more context and material to work with. (Let’s hope the rest of the season doesn’t make me look like a clown by throwing us a curve ball lol.)
Beware this is a quote heavy analysis.
Right off the bat I want to look at his motivations because that’s one thing people often use when they try to dub him as a villain. The thing is, Crosshair’s speech does often makes it sound there’s some more sinister ideological beliefs behind his actions.
“Crosshair, I've seen what the Empire's doing, occupying planets and silencing anyone who stands against them. You know it's not right.”
“You still don't see the bigger picture, but you will.”
But when we look into it, I think the ‘bigger picture’ for Crosshair is something much more pragmatic and cynical than it seems.
To put it simply Crosshair sees the Empire for what it is, he knows how dangerous it is and that stopping it at this point is nigh impossible (and let’s be real, if Luke had caught a stray blaster bolt at any point, the Empire wouldn’t have ended anytime soon.)
He’s even more aware of it than most because he’s on the inside so when he talks about it there’s almost this resigned fatalistic quality to it.
“They did what needed to be done. Kamino, regs, the Republic... that time is over. The Empire will control the entire galaxy, and I am going to be a part of it.”
There’s no reverence here. Compare it to the way any imperial baddie talks, Rampart, Tarkin, Sidious, etc. and you’ll see that this isn’t praise, this is just reality as Crosshair sees it. And Crosshair’s realism is really neat because it’s so uncomfortably close to the truth sometimes.
“Send her on a shuttle off-world.”
“Crosshair, don't.”
“It's for her own good. And yours.”
“Omega belongs with us.”
“Living among fugitives where she's in constant danger? You want to protect the kid, then let her go.”
“Blind allegiance makes you a pawn. A real leader protects his squad.”
“Look where that's gotten you. They're all going to die here because of your failed leadership.”
It’s in these moments of rationality that we see Crosshair’s perspective as someone who’s trying to protect his family at all costs, to the point where he’s almost begging.
“It's time to stop running.” (Running is too dangerous, I know the thing that’s hunting you and you can’t defeat it.)
“Don't make the same mistake twice. Don't become my enemy.” (Don’t pick a fight you’re going to lose.)
Of course coming from him, it all sounds like a threat because not only does Crosshair not sugarcoat things, he also finds the most brutal and even cruel ways to say them.
“If I wanted you dead, you would be. Not that it wouldn't be justified.” (I could have killed you but I didn’t. You did things that put you in danger of being killed.)
And because of his tendency to do that, you can easily make wrong assumptions about his character. The most uncomfortable parts of his speech are where he sounds eerily like a supremacist, like all of those officers who serve a bigoted and elitist empire.
“Because the Empire will be phasing out clones next.”
“Not the ones that matter.”
“We're not like the regs. We never have been. We're superior.”
But is that really supremacism? If it was would Crosshair treat the people around him as he does? Think about the way he treats Echo, Cody (especially in The Solitary Clone) and of course Mayday. That’s not the behavior of someone who finds other clones unworthy of friendship and kindness.
This is Crosshair being all bark and no bite. And it’s also that toxic coping mechanism that’s been hammered into his head: if you’re good enough, if you’re better than everyone, you earn the right to live and be safe and protected.
The batch’s life has always been about proving themselves, they’re an experimental unit, so it’s no surprise that a mentality like that has festered into something more insidious with Crosshair.
“You all are meant for more than drifting through the galaxy. It's time to stop running. Join the Empire, and you will have purpose again.”
Purpose? Ideological purpose? A higher purpose? Or just purpose in the sense of use, the thing that’s always kept them safe.
What’s funny here is that Hunter follows that line with “You really don't get who we are, do you?” because Hunter struggles with the same dilemma of ‘keeping my family safe’ vs ‘doing the morally right thing’ throughout the show and in most cases he needs an extra push from either Omega or Echo to choose the latter.
He as a leader knows firsthand how difficult the balancing act between those two is with how much grief it causes him.
Crosshair is on the extreme end of that dilemma. That protective side that sometimes overrides morality is much stronger in him and that coupled with his cynicism can make for a dangerous combination.
To Crosshair there will always be an unfeeling higher power that he has to please in order to earn its favor and protection. Once upon a time it was the Kaminoans, then it was the Republic and most recently it was the Empire – they’re all the same to him.
“The Empire can't protect the galaxy without strength.”
This is what the Empire is doing in his mind, the same thing as the Republic before it. It’s enforcing its will for the sake of peace and you needn’t look further than Cody’s own lines from episode three to realize that this is what things look like from most clones’ perspective, at least at first:
“The Empire seeks to establish peace and order throughout the galaxy. […] Listen, we both lived through one war. Let's not start another. Too many people have died already. We can resolve this without more bloodshed. Please, do this for your people.”
We also see that Crosshair doesn’t think all that highly of the Republic either:
“You betrayed everything we stood for. And for what? The Republic?”
And I think that’s because these big abstract entities hold little meaning to him.
His contract with both the Republic and the Empire is simple: protect and provide for me and my family and I will do what you say. You could even say he was conditioned to think that way. Ironically it’s Hunter who voices where Crosshair’s loyalties really lie when he says they're "loyal to each other and not some Empire" (and accidentally manages to be a bit hypocritical in the process).
And that’s true for Crosshair as well: his relationship with the Empire is not quite loyalty but more like a symbiotic relationship. It’s necessary but not personal:
“That's your problem, Hunter. You take things too personally.”
DBB put it best when he said “his job is not only to hit things from a stealth distance, but I think he also views the world and other people from that distance, as well”. (Remember that line about the bigger picture? Yep, Mr Baker knows his material.)
That’s why serving under Rampart seemed easy for Crosshair, we never once see him question or defy him. But then along comes Nolan who breaks that contract because suddenly things are personal, his hatred for clones is personal, he represents the part of the Empire that’s not just unfeeling but also actively goddamn awful and he makes the mistake of directing that cruelty at someone Crosshair cares about.
That’s both an eye opener and a deal breaker for Crosshair and we see what he’s capable of when things become personal, just how raw and human he can be.
That humanity, I think, is also why we see him split from the batch on Kamino. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but it starts to make sense when you see it from his pov: if you’re someone who’s so deeply devoted to the people you care about, the most painful thing that could happen to you is to be abandoned and rejected by them.
There’s a lot of hurt in what Crosshair says on Kamino:
“And here we all are, together again.”
“You betrayed everything we stood for. And for what? The Republic?”
“You weren't loyal to me. I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven't. And it's why I'm going to give you what you never gave me: a chance.”
“Think of all we could do together. We were brothers once. We can be again.”
“All those missions together and you threw it away.”
And all that doesn’t just go away like that. It’s his pain that pushes him into making a decision that will later haunt him.
At the end of the day, Crosshair’s biggest virtue is how loyal he is to the people he cares about. He’s not like Rex or Echo or Omega, who selflessly put themselves in harm’s way for a cause that’s bigger than them (not for now at least) but you can bet he’ll tear himself to shreds to protect what’s valuable to him.
And you can love or hate that about him but I think it makes for a very interesting character. To quote DBB again: “He's not pure evil. He’s ultimately a rational guy, and there's some humanity in there, too.”
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adhd-coyote · 3 months
For the ask game, knight kote!?
Hello, beloved Spoon <3 Unsurprising that you chose one of the angstiest ones to ask about!
"Fox. He will win. No one can stop it. But I can protect you, I can protect everyone, all of our vode." "At the cost of Ob- General Kenobi’s life?" "Yes. One General, for all of us. All of the Vode. Isn’t their safety- our safety- worth the life of one General?" Fox is silent for a long moment. Kote dares to hope that he’s convinced him. And then he leaves, and Kote is alone. - "Fox," Obi-Wan had been listening to the conversation in the brig. "I know this hard for you. I would never wish this on anyone." His Commander simply nodded, staying as silent with him as he was with his brother. "What would happen if we fake my death?" Fox paused. Considered. "I… don’t know. Would it even work? Would Cody even agree? He’s- he’s terrified, Obi-Wan. I don’t even know if we could trust him to keep it a secret." Obi-Wan closed his eyes and consulted the Force. The Force had been clouded and hard to parse throughout this whole war. But, in this moment, he found a nugget of clarity. "Then we fool Cody, too. We show him a dead Jedi."
Yet another fic I'm co-writing with @darknight-brightstar (we get into a lot of mischief together). In this au, Cody is sent to the Coruscant Guard while Fox is Commander of the 212th. Cody does not handle the hell of Coruscant as well as Fox would, and in his desperation to protect his Corries, makes a deal with the devil. Kote is Palpatine's attack dog - his Knight - and in exchange, Palpatine helps Cody provide for the Guard. Near the end of the war, Palpatine gives Kote his toughest assignment yet- kill General Kenobi. Kote fails, and tries to convince Fox to do it in his place. Fox and Obi-Wan come up with a plan- Obi-Wan fakes his death and Fox returns to Coruscant to act as the not-yet-established Rebellion's man on the inside.
Rat and I are very, very mean to Fox in this fic. Poor man goes through so much. Don't worry though, he gets plenty of Obi-Wan cuddles at the end of it.
Ask game
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webslinger-holland · 5 months
The Sergeant's Senator | Chapter 2
Summary: Upon arrival at Coruscant, the planet's senator gets to finally meet the infamous Clone Force 99 who are assigned to protect her.
Warning: threat to one's life, talks of assassination, beginning of anxiety attack, slight argument
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator
Type: Short Series
Word Count: 6.4k
Series Masterlist
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The planet of Coruscant was one of the most active planets in the entire galaxy. The surface was riddled with various cities; skyscrapers that tried to reach the sky. The underground system, which often times wasn't the best location to be, was also incredibly active during all hours of the day. And in the skies, modes of transportation were always going from one place to another.
The Marauder entered the planet's atmosphere, having just come out of hyperspace. The descend took a little longer than usual given the air traffic. However, eventually, the Marauder was able to make its way to the capital city. They made sure to land on the correct landing platform.
As the ramp descended, the group of five climbed out of their ship. Not far away, Commander Cody stood at attention and was ready to greet the clone force upon arrival to Coruscant. He gave a single nod to them in acknowledgment.
"Commander," Hunter greeted.
"It's been a while, boys." Commander Cody commented. He looked at each of them carefully as if expecting to see some kind of change, but there really wasn't anything much different about their looks or behavior.
"Not long enough evidently," Crosshair grunted from the back of the group. He went to cross his arms over the stretch of his chest. He was most certainly the least happy one to be assigned this mission.
"You didn't give much details on the line," Hunter explained. "What are we working against here?"
Slowly, Commander Cody began to walk back towards the compound. The rest of them went to follow. Though Cody and Hunter were heading the group.
Now the commander made sure to survey his surroundings before bringing up the sensitive topic. "The senator has faced three assassination attempts within the last month alone. The last one claimed the lives of her guards," Cody told them.
"And that's where we come in?" Echo questioned.
"Our main priority is to keep the senator safe at all costs. Hopefully, if we play our cards right, we can catch whoever was sent by letting them come to us," Commander Cody expressed.
"So lay low, keep our eyes open, and protect the senator?" Hunter replied.
"At all costs," Cody added.
"Shouldn't be too hard," Wrecker said with a shrug of the shoulders.
"Don't be too sure," Cody warned. They approached the entrance of the building. The doors slid open for them to enter the lift.
The small group went to enter the lift, finding a spot before the doors closed in front of them. After clicking the button for their final destination, the lift began to move.
"The assailant...whoever it is...they are nothing like I've seen before. It's not like a bounty hunter; they're much too sloppy for a job like this. No...we are dealing with a professional here," Commander Cody almost sounded conflicted.
In the background, Hunter and Crosshair seemed to glance at each other through the corner of their eyes. They both knew the kinds of missions the commander had been on and the things he had seem. It didn't bring them much relief knowing that even the commander was worried about his mission.
The doors slowly opened to reveal a grand entry room. The marble flooring was shining against the soft glow of the golden lights. There were intricate golden patterns that looked like crown molding near the ceiling. And the handles on the door were made of pure gold.
"She should be just inside," Commander Cody insisted. He went to open the door doors, which allowed the rest of the group to enter the senator's office.
The most appealing part of the grand office was the massive window overlooking the busy city. There was plenty of comfortable seating, ranging from single seats to full couches. And a single desk was situated in the center of the room. Though the senator was nowhere to be found.
The Clone Force were a little cautious to step into such an impressive looking space. They felt a little out of place with their custom black plastoid armor and unique looking helmets. Not to mention the fact that they were all defective clones with varying appearances.
It could have just been the color of the lighting or the modern look of furniture in the room. However, everything looked so pristine and rather expensive. They honestly didn't think this office belonged to a senator, rather it belonged to a princess.
Each of them had gone their own ways throughout the room. While Tech instantly gravitated towards the small collection of books on a nearby shelf, Echo found himself standing in front of the window looking out at the city.
Without much thought, Wrecker went to touch a little glass figurine on the senator's desk. Though before his hand could make contact, Hunter's instincts kicked in and swatted his hand once as a warning.
"Don't touch anything," Hunter mumbled under his breath.
"I'm sure the senator is just running a little late from her last meeting," Commander Cody explained. "She shouldn't be too long."
Upon hearing this, Clone Force 99 made their way to stand in front of the desk. They wanted to make a good first impression on the senator whenever she arrived. As they waited, their eyes viewed the skyline in front of them.
All of the sudden, there was a slight shift in the atmosphere of the room. Naturally, as if it was a response, Hunter turned his head ever so slightly to his left. His ears perked up upon hearing an unfamiliar soft heartbeat coming from the room next door. He glanced at the door on his left through the corner of his eye.
As the heartbeat drew closer and louder, Hunter was able to make out the muffled conversation that followed from the other room. Despite the fact that Commander Cody was speaking with the rest of his brothers, Hunter seemed to ignore them and could only focus on the heartbeat. It was the softest thing he had ever heard.
"Do me a favor? Behave yourselves, boys." Commander Cody commanded them.
"No promises," Crosshair replied snakily.
Finally, Hunter went to turn his head to look directly at the door beside them. It was if he predicted the arrival because the doors began to open only a second later. The sound of the door opening caused the other members of the company to turn towards it.
The Senator of Coruscant came waltzing into the room with her assistant at her side. She wore this white flowy dress that cascaded over her feet and dragged on the floor behind her. The upper half of the dress was more sheer and showed the soft supple skin underneath it. Her hair was tidied back into a braid, which was heavily decorated in small white pearls.
For the first time ever, Hunter heard his own heart skip a beat upon laying eyes on her. His eyes trailed down the length of her form, taking it all in for his own pleasure. He was most certainly thankful to be wearing his helmet.
Though the senator didn't even acknowledge the clones upon her entrance, but this was probably because she was busy hearing what the rest of her schedule looked like for the day from her droid assistant. The clones seemed to watch her movements carefully as she circled around the room to the backside of her desk. Their eyes raked down her body shamelessly, losing themselves in thought for a brief second.
Just as she passed by them, a subtle hint of her scent had followed right behind her. Her scent naturally flowed through the filters of Hunter's helmet and invaded his senses. He closed his eyes to relish the scent of fresh lavender, which was not something you would expect from a senator who lived in a heavy populated city.
"Your final appointment is at three in the afternoon," the droid beeped. He held up the data pad for her, but she waved it off.
"That's fine," Senator Rayna agreed. She stood behind her desk and went to organize a few papers.
Upon hearing her voice, Hunter's ears perked up once more. He wasn't sure why he was so enamored with her. Whether is was the softness of her voice, her mesmerizing appearance, the intoxicating scent of her perfume, or the gentle heartbeat that followed her.
"Right," Senator Rayna sighed loudly. She placed the last stack of papers to the side before finally directing her attention to the clone force. "You must be my new escort," Senator Rayna figured.
"Senator," Commander Cody interjected from the sidelines. Her eyes scanned over each clone carefully. "I'd like to introduce you to the group of clones that's been assigned to you. This is Clone Force 99."
Each of the clones proceeded to remove their helmets. They stuffed their helmets into the underside of their arm. Now, the senator was able to get a good look at them. She realized how differently they looked from your regular ordinary clones. And she was intrigued by this.
"Well, you know who I am so there is no need for introductions there." The Senator rounded the side of her desk to stand in front of the clones. "State your name for me so I know what to call you," Senator Rayna ordered.
"Uh, my name?" Wrecker asked slowly, given that she was looking directly at him.
"You all have one, don't you? All clones are given numbers; although I gathered that most clones prefer to go by names. So what is yours?"
"I'm CT-9902. They call me Wrecker," the clone's deep voice boomed. He smirked down at her. She offered her hand for him to shake, which he did so very carefully because he was afraid to hurt her.
After this, the senator took a single step to the right. She was going to make her way down the line of clones. And she wanted to hear each of their names.
"My designated clone number is CT-9903," Tech replied as a matter-of-factly. He adjusted his glasses. "Otherwise, as known to my brothers, as Tech," he added at the end.
The Senator offered her hand to him as well, which meant he needed to move his data pad to the other hand in order to shake it. He gave her a single nod of approval before she moved down the line again.
The clone trooper didn't say anything. He maintained a defensive stance with his arms crossed across his chest. He also wore a nasty scowl on his face. He truly did not want to be there because he had no interest in politics.
"What is your name soldier?" She questioned him. She tried to figure out what was going behind those eyes if it was anger or distain.
Though Crosshair was far from intimidated by her antics. He felt a slight nudge in his side. He finally spoke. "CT-9904."
"And do you have a name?" She wondered.
"Crosshair," he said reluctantly.
Likewise, the senator chose to say nothing. She gave a single nod understandingly before extending her hand out to him. The only problem was that he didn't take it. So she awkwardly slipped her hand back down to her side and moved on.
"I am CT-1409. I'm Echo," he replied quickly.
"Oh," Senator Rayna perked up. "Not a 99, huh?"
"No ma'am," Echo responded.
"He was originally part of the 501st and served with them for many years. He's the newest addition to this squad," Commander Cody said from the sidelines.
"Pleasure to meet you," Senator Rayna smiled up at him.
The senator went to shake his hand, only to find a scomp link located where his right hand should have been. He had even raised his arm as if wanting to shake her hand as well; he was still getting used to not having a hand.
"Oh," Senator Rayna said defeated. She felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. She cringed at her own actions, wishing she had caught that before she made a fool of herself. "My deepest apologies," she went on.
"Not to worry," Echo reassured her. He saluted her instead with his scomp link.
Now, reaching the end of the lineup, the senator was standing face to face with the leader of the group. She looked up at him with curious eyes. But before he could introduce himself to her, she spoke up first.
"And you must be the sergeant," Senator Rayna concluded. She also took the time to study him carefully.
"CT-9901," Hunter's deep voice sounded from the back of his throat.
The senator raised her eyebrows at him as if mentally requesting for his given name. He realized that he should have also mentioned his name, but he honestly was still lost in his thoughts.
"Hunter," he corrected himself.
"Hunter," Senator Rayna repeated with a small smile on her lips. Her heart started beating just a little faster than normal, which did not go unnoticed. He quirked his eyebrow at her. "I've heard a lot about you."
Upon hearing this, Hunter felt his breath catch in the back of his throat which caused his chest to heave out a little. He straightened his back in posture. He could only wonder what kinds of things she knew about him and his squad.
"Uh senator," the droid spoke up. He glanced between the two of them, expecting them to turn to address him. But they kept their gazes on one another. "I hate to interrupt, but you're going to be late," the droid reminded her.
In response, the senator squeezed her eyes shut. She cursed under her breath. "Blast! How could I forget?"
Without hesitation, Senator Rayna went to collect the stack of papers on her desk. She quickly rifled through them to make sure none of them were missing. She proceeded to spin around on the heels of her feet, walking away from the clones to scurry around the room.
The clones didn't tear their eyes away from her retreating figure, subconsciously peering around one another to keep their gaze on her backside. The commander needed to clear his throat to gather their attention once more. They quickly redirected their focus in front of them.
The droid went to hand her a cloak to put on. She slipped it over her shoulders. She began tying it around her neck. "Where are you heading next, commander?"
"Kiros," Commander Cody stepped forward. "There are talks of surrender. We'll see how it goes. I won't bore you with the details."
"Perhaps we can discuss them at a later time," Senator Rayna agreed. "When I am not running late."
"Senator," Cody saluted her. He excused himself from her presence.
The senator grabbed the last of her things, hastily hanging the pile of papers to her droid. She took the data pad out of the droids hand to check her schedule. She was running very late. Nevertheless, the senator tossed the data pad over to Tech.
"Might be a good idea to make yourself a copy of my schedule to have on hand," Senator Rayna explained to him. He quickly typed in a code which would transfer the information to his own data pad.
"Already on it," Tech confirmed.
"Might I remind you that this is the fifth time you have been late to a meeting this month?" The droid interrupted once more. It slowly moved around the room given it's lack of flexibility.
"I have been a bit preoccupied with other things," the senator waved off. Finally, Senator Rayna stopped what she was doing to address the small squad of clones. "Now, about this meeting..." her voice trailed off.
For a brief second, the Senator of Coruscant wondered how she could explain what she does as a career or what they could expect from this type of job. She felt a wave of anxiety begin to wash over her, being rudely reminded of the threats she faced every day now.
At that moment, Hunter noticed a change in her demeanor. He could hear her heart beating faster and her breathing quickened in pace. She began finding with her fingers nervously to contain her nerves, which did not go unnoticed by the others.
"I am a member of the Loyalist Committee which is headed by The Sepreme Chancellor. The other members are senators or representatives like me. This is an informal meeting; it takes place just upstairs in one of the conference rooms," she informed them.
The senator was talking so rapidly that the others could barely keep up with her. It almost sounded and looked like she was on the verge of having an anxiety attack. And Hunter noticed this immediately.
"Senator," Hunter interjected. She kept talking though.
"In the past, I haven't needed my guards to be present in the room. Things have changed since then. Now...I would feel better -- safer, if at least two of you accompanied me in the meeting. Like I said, it's more of an info--," but she was stopped.
"Senator Rayna," Hunter spoke over her to stop her ranting. His voice wasn't loud, more firm than anything.
Slowly, Hunter took a single step forward to stand an arm's length away from her. He looked down at her with soft eyes, which she found oddly comforting. He heard her heartbeat going back to a normal pace. He sent her a small reassuring smile.
"We are going to protect you," Hunter told her. "Don't worry. You're in good hands."
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The ride in the lift felt like it was lasting ages. There was a slight sense of tension in the air given that there were six people basically crammed into the space. In their defense, no lift ride is ever comfortable for an average person.
Facing the door, Senator Rayna stood in the middle with Hunter and Echo standing on either side of her. The other three clones were standing behind them with their backs nearly touching the wall of the lift. The illuminated number continued to change as the lift passed another floor, drawing closer to the final destination. Just a few floors left.
Initially, the senator kept her hands clasped together in front of herself. Her hands mindlessly fell apart, which resulted in her hands shifting back to the respective sides of her body. In the process of this happening, the senator's hand brushed against the back of the sergeant's gloved hand on accident.
Upon contact, the both of them retracted their hands in a slightly awkward fashion. The sergeant shifted on his feet slightly, taking a small step away and mumbling a soft "sorry" through his modulated helmet. Though it was hardly his fault.
In response, the senator sent him a warm smile before directing her line of attention back towards the closed door in front of her. Her hands moved back into the original position in front of herself. She could feel some heat rising to her cheeks, but she figured it would go unnoticed.
Behind them, Tech had watched this slightly awkward encounter with a cocked eyebrow. He was quick to nudge Wrecker who stood beside him.
"Huh?" Wrecker looked down at Tech.
Tech gestured to the sergeant and the senator was a subtle nod of the head in their general direction. So Wrecker took a second to analyze them with his eyes switching back and forth between the two bodies. He didn't catch their encounter so he was rather confused.
"What? What happened?" Wrecker whispered to his brother. Though it wasn't really a whisper, because everyone in the lift heard him.
"Nevermind," Tech sighed with a roll of his eyes.
Finally, the lift had come to stop on the designated floor. The two doors slid open to reveal a vast long corridor. A few people were walking through the corridor which consisted of other members of the senate or personal guards.
It didn't take long for Hunter to sense the uncertainty radiating from the senator standing beside him. He glanced down at her briefly to see the worried expression on her face. For a little encouragement, Hunter placed one hand on her lower back to urge her forward and his other hand gestured to the corridor before her. She gathered her courage with a deep breath, taking the necessary step forward.
Exiting the lift, Hunter and Echo walked on either side of Coruscant's Senator. Right behind them, Wrecker went to follow them but was abruptly stopped when Crosshair placed a single hand on his chest. The much larger clone nearly toppled over his own feet and looked towards his brother for some form of explanation.
"Wouldn't want to step on the senator's dress, would we, Wrecker?" Crosshair teased him. He gestured to the white train that flowed behind her dress and trailed along the floor.
"Oh right," Wrecker agreed while scatching the back of his neck.
The three clones waited until the others had properly exited the lift before finally following them through the corridor. They made sure to be two steps behind so they wouldn't step on the senator's dress.
And Wrecker was relieved that his brother saved him the embarrassment because he couldn't imagine the look on the senator's face if she ever found a large footprint on her white dress.
Walking through the corridor, the escort found themselves quickly becoming the center of attention. It seemed like they continued to receive stares from passing senators or workers from the capital. This was something they were commonly used to, especially back on Kamino. But for some reason, it felt different this time around.
"Sorry about the unwanted attention," Echo said from beside her.
"Hmm? I hadn't noticed," Senator Rayna replied with a small smile on her face. The clones were a little relieved to hear that the senator did not mind in the slightest.
In the short distance, a few clones were striding down the long length of the corridor with blasters in hand. The clone armor that they wore was adorned with red accents, hinting to the fact that they were members of the Coruscant Guard. They were elite clone shock troopers whose main purpose was to protect the Galactic Republic Capital. They were some of the best clones the Republic had to offer.
In passing, the Coruscant Guard took a second to stare at the passing members of Clone Force 99. They nudged each other and gestured to the group of defective clones. Their unnatural appearances always caused them to garner more attention than they would have liked.
"Hey," one of the guards called attention to his buddy standing beside him. He tipped his head to gesture to them. "Get a load of these guys."
"Those guys are clones?" Another clone remarked from the sidelines. "They sure don't look like clones."
Once the Coruscant Guard was out of their line of sight, Crosshair seemed to glance over his shoulder. He seemed to grumble something under his breath, narrowing his eyes at the batch of regs behind them.
"Remind me again why you weren't assigned members from the Coruscant Guard?" Crosshair questioned. It seemed like an obvious choice for an escort given that they were already stationed on Coruscant.
"Because my last guards were part of the Coruscant Guard," Senator Rayna replied flatly. "And they didn't do a great job."
"Fair enough," Crosshair accepted. He almost wanted to chuckle at this because he knew the guard was not nearly as skilled as everyone gave them credit for.
Upon rounding a corner, Senator Rayna halted in her tracks to stand in front of a closed door. The other members of her escort seemed to stop beside her, waiting for her next step. She activated the panel on the right side which opened the door for them. She quickly stepped inside with Hunter and Echo following behind her.
As the door closed, Wrecker and Tech went to stand on either side of the door for the extra added protection. And Crosshair began walking down to corridor to secure the perimeter. Back inside the room, Hunter and Echo took their stops by standing beside one another in the back of the room. Their eyes never leaving the senator's moving figure.
"My apologies for being late," Senator Rayna announced. She went to sit at the head of the table, finding a small stack of papers in her place meant for her. She quickly looked them over.
"No worries, my dear. I'm sure you have plenty of other things on your mind," an older voice spoke from the far side of the table. Raising her head, Senator Rayna's eyes landed on the familiar form of Chancellor Palpatine who was sitting at the head on the other side.
"Right. Now what have I missed?" Senator Rayna questioned. Her eyes shifted between the various senators within the committee, half expecting one of them to catch her up to date since she arrived so late.
On the right side of the table, Bail Organa of Alderaan and Padmé Amidala of Naboo were sitting beside one another. On the left side of the table, Mon Mothma of Chandrilla and Orn Free Taa of Ryloth had also been apart of this committee. The senators looked to each other in order to see who would speak first.
"We were just discussing the details surrounding the upcoming Gala," Senator Amidala explained.
The Senator of Coruscant proceeded to rifle through the stack of papers in front of her, attempting to find the list of things that still needed to be completed in preparation for the gala.
For a moment, Hunter's gaze seemed to drift towards the window in the large conference room. He studied the buildings across the way carefully, spotting a few unoccupied rooftops. It was the senator's voice which brought him out of his train of thoughts.
"How far out are we again?" Senator Rayna asked.
"Three months," Chancellor Palpatine said rather calmly.
"Are things going accordingly with the planning?" Senator Rayna wondered. An uncomfortable silence fell over the room, which caused the senator to look up at them with a confused expression. "What's going on? You've all been acting weird."
The other senators continued to remain silent. However, they looked at each other as if they were all thinking the same thing and were choosing to stay quiet about it. Finally, Bail Organa gathered the courage to speak for the rest of them. He spoke softly and calmly with hopes that it would help soften the blow he was about to deliver.
"We think you should take a hiatus," Bail Organa replied.
"A hiatus? From what?" Senator Rayna asked in utter confusion.
"From your job -- your position as senator of this planet," Chancellor Palpatine added. "Law low for a little bit until things die down."
"I don't need to law low. What I need to do is my job and taking a hiatus will not help me do that," Senator Rayna argued. She rose out of her seat in a furry.
"Y/n," Mon Mmtha interjected. She spoke with a calm voice. "We are worried about you and your wellbeing."
"I have a new escort. They will protect me," Rayna would not drop her argument.
"And the hiatus will only add to that protection," The Supreme Chancellor claimed. He was trying to sound optimistic about the proposition, which only seemed to anger the senator more.
"I have to present a treaty at the end of the quarter. And we vote a week later. I can't miss that," Senator Rayna tried to reason with them.
"It can be pushed back," Chancellor Palpatine suggested. He shrugged his shoulders at the notion, seemingly unfazed by the option of pushing back her speech.
"Til when?" Rayna inquired angrily.
Upon hearing this, Senator Rayna leaned forward to press her hands against the table. She looked the chancellor dead in the eyes from across the room. She wore a stern look on her face.
"I have been working on this treaty for months, changing the littlest of details to make sure it is nothing short of perfect. I applied for the notion to be brought to the senate at the end of the quarter and it was accepted. I am going to present this," Senator Rayna said sternly.
Look back out the window, Hunter saw a small perch on one of the rooftops. He almost wondered if that was a sniper's nest; it would have been a prime location if it had been. With that in mind, Hunter's eyes trailed along the length of the sniper's path. His gaze settled on the wood table in the room. And his stomach dropped.
"E-Echo?" Hunter whispered to his comrade standing beside him.
"What?" Echo said in the quietest voice.
The sergeant was staring directly at what looked like a small nick in the middle of the wooden table. It couldn't have been more than an inch in diameter. There was a small dark circle around it. It had to have been from a blaster shot.
The senator's hands were on either side of said hole. He quickly came to realize that if the sniper had raised his weapon just a little higher, it would have gone right into the senator's head.
"I think this is where it happened," Hunter concluded. Whoever had taken the shot knew what they were doing. They fired a warning shot. At least, that seemed to be the case before they proceeded to take out the guards.
The sergeant's mind was occupied elsewhere. He hadn't been fully listening to the conversation up until now. He tuned his ears into what the chancellor had to say about this. And sure enough, Hunter's suspicious was right.
"Who says you will even be around to present your treaty?" Chancellor Palpatine wondered. "The last time you were in this room -- it did not end well. You could have been killed if your guards had not been there."
It suddenly made sense. The senator was feeling nervous about leaving her office to come here because of what happened the last time she was there. She was still feeling the affects of the incident. And whether she chose to deny it, it was affecting her mental health now.
"We cannot force you to take a hiatus, but we strongly advice it."
"Please Y/n," Senator Amidala said softly from the sidelines. "We don't want you to get hurt."
"I appreciate your concern -- truly I do," Senator Rayna began. She looked over the faces sitting around the table. "But I have to be there for my planet and for my people. You should all understand that."
"We do," Senator Organa nodded his head in agreement.
"Then let me do my job," Senator Rayna pleaded her case one final time. Her eyes shown with sympathy.
With great hesitation, the other senators looked towards one another in a form of silent communication. A few of them seemed to nod their heads gently as if to say they will allow the senator to operate as she always had been. Finally, The Supreme Chancellor reluctantly gave her his approval in the form of a short and curt nod of the head.
"Very well," Chancellor Palpatine agreed. He sent her a smile. "Continue as you were, senator."
By the end of the meeting, a majority of the members had gone their separate ways since their schedules differed. Now, it seemed like only Senator Organa, Senator Amidala, and Senator Rayna remained in the room. While the Senator of Alderaan went to speak with the newest escort, Senator Amidala went to stand beside her best friend and greeted her with a warm smile. The two young women began talking amongst themselves.
On the other side of the room, Senator Organa went to talk to Hunter and Echo. He took the time to shake both of their hands in greeting and introduced himself to them.
"You must be Clone Force 99," Bail Organa noted.
"We are two fifths of them," Echo claimed. "The others are right outside."
"I was the one to reach out to General Kenobi and Commander Cody about finding Senator Rayna a new escort. I've heard a lot of things about your squad," Senator Organa replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"All good things, I hope." Hunter wondered.
"You know your own reputation better than anyone. You tell me," Senator Organa stated. He quirked his eyebrow at the two clone troopers in front of him. They remained silent because he did bring up a good point.
Looking over his shoulder, Bail Organa looked towards the two senators talking to each other. His eyes softened upon seeing how the two of them interacted with each other. While they were best friends, he always thought they acted more like sisters (though they actually got along with each other). He felt a weak smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"She's a handful, that one. Once she sets her mind on something, she won't back down easily. One of the most stubborn people I know," Bail chuckled to himself.
Neither Hunter or Echo doubted that. They had just witnessed how stubborn she could be in their meeting and how she refused to take a hiatus despite the fact that her life was on the line. However, was it stubbornness or selflessness?
For a brief moment, Hunter found himself following his line of sight until it landed on the senator. She seemed so carefree; her face was radiating with beams of happiness. Her lips turned upwards into a smile and her laugh echoed over to them.
"I won't tell you how to do your job," Bail Organa returned to their conversation. He looked between the two clones. "But can I give you a piece of advice?"
"Of course, senator." Hunter nodded his head.
"Be mindful of her. She's gone through a lot recently and she's grown more sensitive to her surroundings. She doesn't sleep most nights in fear of what may happen when she closes her eyes," Senator Organa claimed.
Slowly, Hunter's eyes drifted back to the senator standing in front of him. He saw the gentlest and kindness in his eyes. He could tell by the tone of his voice that he cared deeply for his fellow senator. But then things turned more solemn.
"She's like the daughter I never had," Bail's voice was laced with a heavy sense of sadness. "If anything should happen to her--"
"We know, senator." Hunter interjected. He placed a hand on the senator's shoulder. "We'll try our hardest to take care of her for you."
"Thank you," Bail gave a nod of appreciation.
Across the length of the room, Senator Amidala and Senator Rayna caught up with each other. They had spent some time apart. While one was traveling the galaxy, the other was strictly confined to the planet for her safety. It truly felt like eternity since they had last seen one another.
"I heard Senator Organa reached out to General Kenobi for assistance," Senator Amidala began. "Did he travel alone or--"
"He was accompanied by Commander Cody," Senator Rayna explained. The corners of her lips tugged into a mischievous all-knowing smirk. "His Padawan was not with him if that's what you're wondering," Senator Rayna added.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Senator Amidala scoffed awkwardly. She shook her head at her friend's ridiculous comment.
"Oh please," Senator Rayna sighed. She rolled her eyes. "You think I don't notice how you are constantly asking about him and pining over him."
"I do not!" Padmé scolded her.
"You do know that it is forbidden for the jedi to form attachments," Senator Rayna tried to talk some reason into her friend. She knew that there was some unspoken thing going on between them, but she didn't know the details of it.
"Enough about me," Padmé quickly dismissed the conversation with a wave of her hand. "What about you?"
"Me? What about me?" Y/n scoffed slightly.
"Isn't there someone you are pining over yourself?" Senator Amidala wondered. She cocked an eyebrow at her in a suggestive manner.
"No, I am not pining over someone." Senator Rayna shook her head in denial. "I'm a little bit occupied with other matters at the moment."
From across the room, Hunter's highly sensitive ears had picked up their conversation unbeknownst to them. He turned his head ever so slightly to be more in tune. He felt his heart flutter once again in his chest.
Finally, Senator Amidala and Senator Rayna went to leave the room by walking beside one another. The others made sure to follow behind them. They entered into the corridor to be met by the rest of the squad.
"Perimeter is secure," Tech relayed to his sergeant. Hunter gave a curt nod of acceptance. "The shuttle is ready for departure whenever the senator sees fit."
Now Hunter and Echo had shifted to stand beside their brothers in the corridor. The senators had directed their line of attention to view the small squad of soldiers. They certainly did not look like your regular batch of clones. Their armor didn't even match the traditional white with hinted colored accents. It was more of a dark grey color and was accompanied with hinted red accents.
Not only did each of their helmets mismatch, but so did their physical appearance. The one near the back was a literally giant, two of the others were tall and lanky, the other one looked more like a droid, and the last one had broad shoulders and a strong built. Just by looking at them, one could tell that there was something off and that they were genetically enhanced.
"Ma'am," Hunter drew the senator's attention. "Whenever you are ready."
The Senator of Coruscant nodded her head understandingly. She quickly gave a brief farewell to her fellow senators. The clones saluted the other senators as a form of respect. The senator proceeded to walk back down the long length of the corridor with her new clone escort following right behind her.
Meanwhile, Senator Organa and Senator Amidala watched their retreating figures with keen eyes. They saw how their associate interacted with this new batch of rogue clones. She didn't seem to mind or question their abnormalities. At first, Senator Rayna had been hesitant to ask for help from the jedi and was uncertain about having a clone escort. But now, things seemed to have changed her mind. And the senators wanted to know why.
@totally-not-your-babe @jedipoodoo @gyllord @roam-rs @totallyunidentified @redheadgirl @mrcaptainrex @whore-of-many-hot-men @graciexmarvel @qweenrogerina @arcsimper5 @queenofspades6 @cadihyo @jediknightjana
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knightprincess · 20 days
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) - Epilogue
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Words: 2.5k Warnings: Suggested injuries, paralyzation. Fluff, family. Pronouns Used: She/Her - Used of Y/N - Reader is nicknamed Snap.
Pabu was peaceful once more. With the return of those who’d gone off to Tantis came the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. The fight against the empire had just begun, and at the call of Echo, Rex, Gregor, and Howzer joined the group on the peaceful island. Each greeted with the news of (Y/N), the truth about the CX Troopers, and reunited with old friends many believed to have been lost. By far, Fives’s reappearance was the most shocking, especially for Rex, who’d been there the day he was supposedly killed.
Although the rebellion against the Empire grew, it was put on the back burner for a few months. With the scattered information (Y/N) had managed to give, Comet fully recovered, although he chose not to fight any longer. Instead, he settled for a quiet life on Pabu, helping to protect the people. By the time the battle of Yvain took place, Comet had become known as the “Old Uncle” who told the best stories.
Dogma, too, made a full recovery. Although he’d been unaware of what had occurred after his imprisonment during the war, he had been aware of Order 66. A once rule-abiding trooper, his heart almost broke to learn the Republic was no more, being replaced with the cold, unforgiving Empire. Wanting nothing more than forgiveness for his previous action, Dogma joined the Rebellion to fight for all the brothers lost during and after the war. He wrote the names of those he fought for on his armor, ensuring they would never be forgotten.
Among the names were Tup, Kix, and Jesse. He’d helped Rex with his rebellion until the Empire launched a crushing blow on Barton 4, the base of operations at the time. There, Dogma gave his life to protect what remained of his brothers and the innocent civilians hoping to escape for a better life. Among those he saved were Hera Syndulla and the former Jedi Caleb Dume.
Although Cody physically recovered from Tantis and the empire, his mind never did. Plagued with nightmares of the past, of guilt for what he’d helped bring about, and grief for all those needlessly lost. For a while, he stayed on Pabu, helping the rebellion every now and again. After a while, he decided to search for Obi-Wan. Unknown to Snap, she’d helped him. Her repeated word of “Tattooine” was all he needed.
Once he’d found Obi-Wan on Tattooine, he apologized for what happened and asked forgiveness, volunteering to do whatever was asked of him. Although hesitant initially, Obi-Wan eventually came around, asking Cody to bury his and Anakin’s lightsabers in the Dune Sea. Cody would leave Tattooine in 3BBY when Mon Mothma called for aid in her rebellion. He became a pilot and later an instructor for the Rebellion, helping to train those who bravely volunteered and prepare them for battle.
Fives, on the other hand, was a different matter altogether. Hemlock had taken an interest in the former Arc Trooper, claiming him as his personal project. After much research it was revealed Fives was supposed to be phase two of the CX troopers, aimed to be more like the Bad Batch members, enhanced physically and mentally. Because of that, his programming was far harder to reverse. Although thankful, he was able to recognize those he’d previously known.
Like with Dogma, he wasn’t aware of the Republic’s fall nor Order 66 and the destruction of the Jedi. All of it came as a cruel shock to the former Arc Trooper, even more so when it became clear all of it was a part of the plot he’d discovered before his believed death. It took several years to reverse what Hemlock had done, but it had come at a cost. With the removal of the implants, Fives was paralyzed from the waist down. However, that didn’t stop him from living a full life on Pabu, free from the war, both past and present. Fives would spend his time in the island's gardens and with (Y/N). His favorite time of day was sunset. The sight of the island lighting up never ceased to amaze him.
Gregor, Rex, and Howzer stayed on Pabu for a while after Tantis and joined the others. Howzer had taken a liking to Emerie, and thrust went on several assignments with her. The pair eventually reunited Jax, Eva, Baron, and Sami with their families. Like Cody, Howzer would join the Rebellion, being inspired by the words of the young Jedi Knight, Ezra Bridger. Sadly, Howzer and Emerie both perished at Scarif, helping Jyn Erso with her surprise attack and retrieval of the Death Star plans.
As everyone knows, Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor went into “retirement” briefly. But before that, they fought in many more battles, including Barton 4, The first failed Battle of Scarif, and The Battle of Anaxes. The latter resulted in the destruction of the planet due to the old volatile bomb Admiral Trent had once planted exploding.
All three great commanders would rejoin the fight many years later, likely many brothers they each joined the rebellion in varying degrees. Rex joined the Phoenix Squadron and later fought in the Battles of Lothal, Yvain 4, Hoth, and Endor. Rex would also be reunited with R2-D2, and told Luke stories of his father, Anakin Skywalker.
Gregor would fight and fall in the Battle of Lothal, finally being able to fight for a course he believed in and a battle of his own choosing. He’d later be laid to rest on Pabu, under the watchful eye of (Y/N)—the civvi medic who became family.
Wolffe was a different story. Although he fought in the Clone Uprising, he joined later than many of his brothers. Refusing to leave Snap until he was sure she’d be okay, the civvi medic all put throwing him on the ship, showing shades of her old self when she swore to bring hell if he didn’t keep in contact. Wolffe kept his promise throughout retirement and remained in contact with (Y/N), the Bad Batch members, and Comet.
Following the loss of Gregor and the battle of Lothal, Wolffe continued to fight, joining the Havoc Squadron, which was made up of Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak. Many times, he commented they remained him of the boys, his wolf pack. When the Civil War ended, Wolffe retired once more, becoming a permanent Pabu resident. When returning, he took Omega and the rest of Havoc home.
What happened to the family of Clone Force 99, you may ask? Well, simply put, they retired. With all the jokes, antics, and family drama, one might expect. During the quieter moments, Omega’s training continued, with Deke, Mox, and Stak joining. Over the years, Fives, Comet, and (Y/N) were pulled into the family unit, ensuring none of them were alone. Wolffe would begrudgingly become a member of the makeshift family when the Civil War ended. Omega nicknamed him Gruffly Uncle Wolffe and occasionally Growls, depending on her mood.
Wrecker turned his love of fishing into a day job, joining the fishermen on the tides for days on end. Of course, he’d always come back with elaborate stories to tell and always greeted those who were part of his family with a bone-crushing hug. By the time the “kids” joined the war effort, Wrecker was confined to a wheelchair, but that didn’t stop him from playing games with the kids and being there to see Stak off the night he joined the Rebellion.
Believe it or not, Crosshair decided to open a little carnival of shooting games, everything from throwing things at targets to water guns. For the fun of it, he’d added hook-a-duck and give prizes. The former sniper also loved cooking and drawing, often experimenting in the kitchen and engaging in banter with Hunter and Wrecker. His artistic skills were something of a legend on Pabu, his keen eyes allowing him to capture the details others missed. Eventually Crosshair took up photography, capturing the beauty in both people and the simple things in life.
At some point, he “adopted” Deke, ensuring the former cadet had a family to rely on. He passed down all his skills as a sniper, unknowingly preparing him for the rebellion to come. Although reluctant to let Deke go, Crosshair would see his boy off the day he left Pabu and greeted him with a fatherly hug when he returned. The two were in constant contact through the war, with Deke never being afraid to pester his dad for advice, needing a confidence boost or a reminder of home.
Tech had quite the journey. At first he avoided almost everything to do with his life before Tantis and becoming a CX Trooper. Instead, focusing on helping (Y/N) recover and reversing the reconditioning each trooper, including himself, had been put through. For the most part, Tech recovered; although his mind remained the same, he could never steady his hands again. There were always tremors and spasms. Along the way, he’d also lost his confidence, becoming self-conscious about his scars and mismatched eyes.
Wolffe helped with the scars, while Phee and (Y/N) had worked together. Phee worked on the present and future, while Snap helped Tech process the past and became the project he wanted to fix. Eventually, Tech joined Phee on her adventures across the galaxy, reigniting their previous spark of romance. Tech and Phee would adopt Mox and eventually marry; although they’d go on all kinds of adventures, they’d always return with priceless artifacts from across the galaxy.
Sadly, Tech eventually lost his sight. No one knows for sure what happened. He’d woken up one day, and his normal golden eye was nothing but black. His cybernetic was damaged not long after, resulting in partial blurred vision. Despite losing vision, Tech still enjoyed the peaceful life on Pabu, becoming a flight instructor after retiring from going on adventures with Phee. Just like Wrecker, Crosshair, and Hunter, Tech was there to see Mox off when he joined the Rebellion, a proud smile knowing the next generation was ready to take over.
What happened to Echo and Y/N, I hear you ask?
Echo stayed on Pabu for a while, enjoying the peace and helping where possible. He was there for Cody when the reversal process started and Tech when the exceptionally minded clone allowed him to help. Likewise, when the struggles began with Fives and (Y/N), Echo was there to offer a hand.
The challenge with Snap truly started upon finding out how much she remembered. She did remember some things from the war, joining the efforts: Fox, Thorn and the Coruscant Guard, Master Plo, Wolffe, and the 104th. She remembered everything, right up to the day Fives had told her of Echo’s supposed death at the Citadel. Then nothing. Anyone she met after that point had to reintroduce themselves, hoping something, anything, would retrigger her memory of them.
Over time, other things came to light. At first, (Y/N) struggled to speak outside of a selected few repeated words: Tech, Help, Thank you, Love, Necklace, and Free. Eventually, she was able to speak almost perfectly, with a stutter and sometimes long pauses, as she took the time to allow her mind to catch up. Hunter took the time to help her speak with Tech and Wolffe's assistance.
Retrigging (Y/N)’s memory wasn’t easy. Certain words seemed to bring things back, as did actions and objects, but it didn’t always stick. Sometimes, it was as if her memory reset every night. As you can gather, Snap was never able to return to her previous role of Medic, her mind too broken to allow her to continue doing her previous job role. Although she did patch the boys up from time to time.
No one knows for sure what triggered her memory of Echo’s rescue. Every time she’d seen him before that, it was as if she didn’t know who he was. He’d introduce himself as if they were strangers. Then, one day, she recognized him. That day, her first words to him were simple enough: “You’re alive.”
Echo hadn’t smiled as much as he had done that day. To hear her utter those words, knowing she remembered something more, meant the galaxy to him. However their relationship never returned to what it was, mainly due to Echo’s guilt for what happened. He blamed himself even if no one else did, even if (Y/N) didn’t.
Instead, The pair built up a strong friendship; Snap would offer the encouragement needed to continue his fight against the empire while reminding him to stay safe; his family still needed him after all, even if he didn’t realize it.
The hardest part for Snap was relearning all she forgot, sometimes, many times over. Her family, the war ends, the fall of the republic, the Jedi purge, and even her own actions. The latter of which (Y/N) was determined to put right. Eventually succeeding, first with Cody, then Comet, Tech, after he finally deemed she was able to complete the necessary steps sufficiently, and finally Fives, with Tech assisting, and Rex along with Gregor to provide a helping hand when needed.
Of course, Wrecker kept to his word; he contacted Devika when the ship landed on Pabu. The young Senator visited at every chance, helping where she could and thanking with gifts and knowledge. When away, Devika would also call at every opportunity, updating those stowed away on the peaceful island on the goings-on of the wider galaxy.
As for retirement, Echo never really did retire; when the uprising failed, he helped Devika with her plans in the senate, eventually leading to a bigger rebellion. For the most part, the former Arc Trooper worked as an analyst and battle strategist. However, when the others retired, he remained in contact with the bad batch and the family on Pabu, along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe. Echo lived to see the empire fall, settling down on Coruscant when it all ended, along with Rex. However, he’d visit Pabu when able.
(Y/N) never left Pabu, instead settling on the island along with those who became her family. Although she could never aid as a medic again, she did train the next generation. And helped to raise the kids. At first, she lived with the Batch, mainly with Hunter and Tech, if only so they could keep an eye on her and help when needed. Eventually, though, she tried to live on her own, something that they all discovered was disastrous, even more so upon discovering (Y/N) no longer had the mental capacity to live alone.
By the time Mon Mothma called for the rebellion to unite, Snap was living with Fives and Comet, running a little stall at the island market, selling flowers from her little garden and handmade clothes, blankets, and trinkets. She never got tired of hearing the stories the others would tell, and although her memory never truly recovered, she still enjoyed listening to the others, whether it be about past adventures or about their day. They were her family, salvation, saviors, and rocks when she needed them most—her reason for continuing when she lost everything, including herself.
A/N - Thank you for coming on this little journey with me. May the force be with you, always x
Series Masterlist
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I’m Done Running part 1
It was supposed to be easy.
Fox’s eyes glance to Cody’s, feeling as though it was miles between them when it was just a couple feet.
He was just across the room.
His Ori’vod is just across the room…and he can’t help Fox.
Fox’s breath hitches when the heat of the lightsaber gets closer to his throat. He doesn’t dare swallow the saliva that’s pooling in his mouth, afraid that even the slightest gulp will cause him to touch the weapon held against him.
His heart speeds up when the other Jedi in the room power down their sabers in contrast to his batch who still have their blasters aimed at the newly turned Sith.
Obi-Wan raises his hand up, speaking in a soft tone. “Let him go, Anakin.”
The pressure on his heart hurts, the squeezing phantom pain and Fox grits his teeth as he feels the hate pour from Anakin to him through the unconsented bond Palps forced on them both.
A tear drips from his eye, trailing down his cheek and why didn’t his batch see? Why couldn’t they see him in pain and in the dark and why couldn’t they see the signs of Palps sooner and that he was being manipulated - Fox did everything he was asked to. He followed orders and look where that got him.
Anakin pulls him closer, the blue blade dangerously close to Fox’s face.
Cody aims straight at Anakin and Fox knows if the word was given, Anakin would be dead in less than a second.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, pain and grief and disbelief on his face. “He isn’t a threat. Palpatine is dead.”
The mastermind behind the war - the one who created Fox for no reason other than to use him for his new Empire - the reason Fox could barely remember his time during his job due to blackouts - Anakin’s mentor - the one whom Anakin trusted since he was a youngling, who was supposed to guide him and help him and and be his friend and not betray him!!
He lies dead on the floor, his desk hiding his decapitated head from sight. He stood no chance against the Chosen One on a mission.
Fox was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and as Commander, it is his job to protect the Chancellor but that was the worst thing he could have done and now they’re bonded.
Whatever Palps did before he died got Anakin and him intertwined and Fox never knew what it was like to feel so much and it’s intense and overwhelming and completely differs from his locked up emotions.
Is it healthy? Probably not but he can barely talk about healthy emotives.
“He’s not your enemy, General,” Rex says, his hand steady despite his clear unsureness of the situation.
Fox wonders if Anakin would listen, if he can even hear past the anger that he feels so intensely.
Anakin lowers his head, his hair brushing against Fox’ neck and he whispers so softly it almost takes away the cruel statement. “You don’t deserve to live.”
Fox knows the truth behind that statement. How often has he told himself that? From the nights he filled out recon and decom forms to the missions he partook in that costed innocent lives to the orders he obeyed? There wasn’t a second after the first year into the war that he didn’t believe that to be true.
It was a constant mantra in head and to hear it spoken out loud steals his breath.
Because he doesn’t want to die.
He doesn’t deserve to live but he doesn’t want to die and how selfish is that?
But Fox has never been one to go down without a fight and if Anakin is pulling the trigger, Fox is damned if he goes out alone.
“Neither do you,” and Fox takes a step back, forcing Anakin to follow. The saber burns on his skin and Cody’s hand twitch ever so slightly and Anakin’s confusion paves a way for Fox to do the unexpected.
The window was broken from the fight, and maybe it was arrogance that had Anakin standing near the edge. Either that or ignorance but Fox won’t give Anakin the chance to analyze that.
He puts all his body weight against the Sith and lets his feet step back and tip them over the edge.
It’s risky and stupid and terrifying and Fox has no time to second guess his decision before they both go free falling.
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