#//not everythibg about it but also YES
melodyplucked · 2 months
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okcoolthanks · 2 months
Sometimes I see a character analysis from someone and it really really feels like they didn’t actually watch the show
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typicalpoet-exe · 2 months
just finished the last episode of dead boy detectives!! i documented my thoughts while watching so here they are! spoilers under the cut
FUCK crystal finding out who she really was hit hard. Jenny getting the full story on the supernatural is great though
the goodbyes were sad, and quite convincing, and the kiss was probably meant to be at least semi happy but i’m far too edwin-brained to feel that
esther attacking is awful but expected, and though it might not happen i am counting on the cat king joining in on this rescue mission
well that theory was immediately proven right. it was cool getting more lore although i’m kinda scared this is the last we see of cat king?? i really want closure for edwin and him. but cat king calling edwin a tease kinda makes up for it i guess 🤭
i really want monty to have some agency in the end, yk closure
edwin being tortured isn’t new but WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER. also why aren’t they letting charles save edwin?? i need it, for my heart. 😔
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT HAPPENED AGAIN. well rescue mission is going fine so far and yea monty did help so,,, im to scared to keep predicting now
EEEEEE charles and crystal using their strengths to take away esther’s power is everything!!!! also niko just died but honestly it didn’t affect me that much. now time for some charles saving edwin i hope 🤞
wait wtf. lilith just grabbed esther?? sooo no charles saving edwin i guess 😐
hm okay maybe it IS sad that niko died,,, but hey at least crystal is an official dead boy detectives now!!! they can finally change their name to whatever monstrosity it was they concocted early on
what a relief that they don’t have to run from death anymore!!! and the hug!?!? 💞❤️💗💕💖💕💓💗💖 it’s fucking perfect. everything is perfect. i don’t see a singular loose end and my boys get to be happy together!!!!!!
also wtf is the ending. it might just be my sleep deprived brain but i genuinely don’t understand.
well what a fucking life changing show. happy that i’ve watched it all so i can now see every single piece of content about this show without risking spoilers. what a ride
an absolute 10/10 masterpiece
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19871997 · 4 months
also in 12 when tess becomes like part of the heist for stromer... if we took it in a direction of like this is working for mcstrome this time, like really truly working, leon can be Behaving abnormally about it and then connor can do the same thing in reverse when mattdrai starts to really properly work, and they (mcdrai) can be very hypocritical and weird to each other about it with the funny add on of you are both being gay on the daily so what is the issue with you two banging it out. you're not even closeted
gdhfjgklglgja connor being. extremely abnormal about leon and matthew to the point where bedard is like. hey man. is everythibg alright between you two you looked like you were about to bite his head off when he talked about proposing? and connors all. no. im fine. i dont even care (he cares a lot. actually. doesnt really know why) and nuge pulls him aside and is all. hey buddy, do you want to put a name to these special feelings youre having about leon? connor: my special feeling is that hes always talking about matthew. matthew this matthew that 🙄 nuge: so.. would you say youre jealous of matthew…? connor: NO. whatever. he’s distracting leon from the job. this is why relationships are bad for leon :( and alternatively, leon, at anyone who will listen when things are working between dylan and connor: he already broke his heart once! why is he trying with him again he’s only going to get hurt when he realises dylan cant give him what he wants and needs. i could take better care of him. nuge: so.. you’d want to be with him? leon: when did i say that.
also like. this connor and leon have the messiest personal relationship ever like yes they have all this trust and faith and boundless respect and together the lourve should start thinking about improving it’s security and yes they love each other (as friends) and yes theyve had sex (somewhat often) (also as friends) and yeah. sure whatever every time connor was with dylan leon felt like his insides were made of sand and every time leon was with matthew connor felt the desperate need to explode something but thats probably normal (it’s really not, man, you might wanna get that checked out, mitch tells leon one day. you’re insides are what? you have got to become more normal, auston tells connor) BUT theyve never really put to words or sat down to have a think about like. why it makes connor want to throw up at the concept of leon marrying matthew/not being by his side forever or why leon couldn’t bring himself to be sad about connor’s divorce (or, really, why connor went into his marriage knowing that leon will still be there, no matter what happens with dylan, ans why leon stood next to connor as his best man finding comfort in the fact that they were not going to last because noone gets connor the way leon does and he knows this to be true because connor fucking told him at his fucking bachelor party) and like half the reason they havent talked about it is because if they go sideways then their whole livelihood goes sideways especially at this point where all their friends/accomplices are melded together and they dont want to add that into the mix and the other half is that theyve come this far being selfish and putting themselves first that now there’s someone else they care about just as much as themselves they dont really know what to do about it all. (also like connor had thought that the most he could care about someone else was dylan. leon thought the most he could care about someone else was matthew. dylan and matthew always knew they came second to leon and connor)
ALSO funny concept of like every any time connor and leon are at risk of having a fight they just have fuck about it -> make a decision post orgasm (has led to interesting results but at least the come about the result quickly ..!) so when they’re honestly really trying with dylan and matthew. well. they have to actually talk out their problems. which theyre not going to do. obviously. which well. less to issues and problems
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punk-with-glasses · 3 years
Yes im writing autistic zane cuse im starved for good rep ok (i apologise profusely for my spelling i am a person whos first language isint English) also disclaimer im autistic im amking this for my own enjoyment- sligth glacier shipping
* he didint understand that he was autistic untill Jay found a autisim switch behind some cables.
* they do not understand social ques what so ever and completely relies on the other ninja to explain when someones being sarcastic.
* didint understand how the others culd wear their gis without wanting to explode.
* only has like three safe foods
*one of them is a very specific tea he had a major melt down over when they canceled(wo managed to find someone who still sold it and it just so happen that theres always a box or two in the kitchen), will only eat chrunshy food or soup.
* hates when ever whe team changes their style of gis cuse they have to adjust to new dumb textures and look.
* special intrests history, and birds.
*their favorite bird is ofcourse a falcon but after that ducks.
*hyperfixasions true out the years how tea is made, street food, the first spinjitsu master, the history of english letters (specifically w), carots, mythology and wedding cakes (for no other reson then cole showed him difrent ones and he was then stuck)
* stimming inclueds alot of rocking and jumping, flappy hands, rubbig his face and arms, claping, snapping, making pop noises, sometimes screaming, so much chewing and hitting his head.
*dosent understand gender or sex at all just very agender and very ace.(he/they/ze)
*sensory issues mostly surounsing tutch and hearing, loud and high pitched noices are literal hell, as far as chlothes go they only realy wear big chuky wool sweaters over long sleeved t-shirts. God how ze hated the gis until everyone figured out he was autistic and made it out of a beter material.
*hates skin contact with anything and is almost always coverd from head to toe.
*bodies of water with no sand are a sensory heaven.
* practivaly nonverbal and only realy talks with the other ninjas, uses asl and acc devises in private but will talk in publc ever when it couses melt and shut downs after cuse he dosent want the press being judgie.
* loves hugs and cuddles and holding hands with people. Cole is the best sinces hes always warm plus hes tall so he can wrap his arms around zane and ever cary him around on realy bad sensory days when he just wants to to nothing cuse everythibg is to much and the uneven floring of the bouty is like walking on a vulcano.
*has like 5 dirent waited blankets that he got from his friends and difrent points.
*hides under desks and when he was youger beds when zes over whelmed. Or makes a weithed blaket cocon and just lays there.
*hates mouth kises but anywhere else is fine. Cole is defently fine with that and was upset the other hadent told him earlier when he found out.
*is almost always wearing somekind of headphones.
*will gladly lisen as someone else rants on and on about literally anything.
* loves puns.
*hates the titanium body because it was even better hearing and sensors, so bad sensory days are much more common.
*super jumpy.
✨ traumatised ✨(seriously hes died like 3 times and he had no idea who his dad was for like 10 years then his dad died, not talking mentioning the never realm and chen. AND seing most of his friends die at least ones, FOUND OUT HE WAS A FRICKING ROBOT)
*reads alot.
*the others probobly shuld have figured out he was autistic earlier but neither of then realy knew what it was, but after they found out they where super suportive, they all make sure to never be to loud or to tutchy, they always help ze deal with the press or dumb people in public.
* jay knows how horible repairs are after chen and vex mixed with them and always makes sure he has a new bird documentary to distract Zane with.
*Kai makes sure to yell les and stops moving Zanes stuff around after the other has a melt down when he cant find his things where he put them.
*Lloyd stops lisening to music loudly all the time and makes sure to learn asl (probably faster then anything hes ever learnt)
*Nya makes all the tech on the bounty more sensory friendly and all finds ways to make all the mashines they have better to.
*Cole always makes sure there is findget toys or chewlery somewhere when they're on misions, he is also the one who will boy Zanes favorite snacks after a bad day and watch old disney movies with him. Cole is the best at dealing with melt downs and shut downs since he dosent panic as mutch as the others.
*wo will maditate with Zane sometimes and they talk about drama on the bounty together, wo is definitely Zane official unofficial granpa.
* so much disasosiation good god this boy isint ok
Thats alot but ill do more if anyone wants me to do anything more, and ill definitely draw somethings from this list so yeah meaybe ill post that.
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birdmenanime · 4 years
Now that the translations are all out I hope everyone knows that I just think nonstop about the Takayama and Karasuma confrontation in chapter 77. It hurts so bad.
Like throughout the entire manga everyone has just let Takayama do whatever he wants and no one questions or challenges him because he’s “different” and “unreachable” and “insane” because he’s just this terrifiyingly powerful guy who can literally see all these different timelines/worlds and tries to find the best one that makes everyone happy. Like he is such a hero type but he is so bad at communicating. And pretty much everyone who has ever interacted with him is just like “he’s just like that” and no one even bothers to try to get close to him or try to understand him.
Except for Karasuma.
Karasuma from the START has always outwardly challenged and questioned Takayama’s mindsets and his methods. He has also arguably cared about him the most. Karasuma is undoubtedly Takayama’s closest friend (it’s stated outright in the manga, and there are plenty of jokes as to how Karasuma just always knows where Takayama is).
It just hurts so bad because the entire second half of the story is just heartbreaking as Karasuma watches his friend stray further and further from himself and everyone around him and Karasuma’s the only one noticing.
The rest of the bird club, who have known Takayama for as long as Karasuma, just think he’s “the same as always.” The rest of the Seven barely know Takayama, so they’re distant as well. It reminds me of that scene at Barbara’s castle where Karasuma and Barbara are discussing the whiteouts and Karasuma so desperately wants to ask Barbara if she also wants to save Takayama because they’re if the two of them are so alike then just maybe someone else finally is as concerned as he is about him.
But if Barbara was able to answer she wouldn’t have said yes. She doesn’t know Takayama enough to consider the two of them friends, and they’re not close enough that she feels like he needs saving. And it’s just further proof that Karasuma is solely alone in noticing Takayama straying from everyone and everythibg. And Karasuma just internalizes and struggles with this in every single interaction with Takayama because he doesn’t want to give up on this person he’s come to care for.
And then in chapter 77 he’s at a point where he’s accepted that he may have to let Takayama go but there’s still this large part that wants him so badly to stay and he’s basically on the verge of sobbing (which would be the first time in the entire series) and UGH [head in hands] the fact that he screams at Takayama that he doesn’t want to lost his friend is so good because Karasuma is the only friend Takayama’s ever had. Karasuma is the only one that didn’t give up on Takayama and challenged him and laughed with him and Karasuma’s friendship (and subsequently the bird club as a whole) is the entire reason Takayama stopped feeling lonely in the first place. And then for the first time in Takayama’s hero life, he makes a decision for his own happiness by staying with his friend. Karasuma saved Takayama by being his friend, by chasing after him.
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Dia means sun btw.
Lord Diavolo angst.
Maybe OOC LuLu, I just love soft, messy LuLu.
He regrets ever picking you for the exchange program. Because of you his life is ruined. He never planned to share Lucifer with anybody romantically.
Then one day he asked to talk. He confessed he was in love.
With you.
Diavolo cried himself to sleep that night. As he remembered his friends smiling face. Of course he congratulated him and gave him advice while Barbatos prepared a special blend of tea.
He always thought he'd have Lucifer body and soul forever.
He should have never let you come here. You have the brothers in shambles, bowing to your every command.
You have all of them wrapped around your little finger and you don't even realize it. Out of all seven you had to pick Lucifer.
He was always supposed to be his Lucifer. His fallen Morning Star with eyes that shone like fire. Skin as pale as snow, with hair as black and shiny as ink. His Lucifer only belonged to him in name only. He was so beautiful, he deserved better than to be your plaything. Lucifer deserved a Queen's status, he belonged on the throne working with Diavolo side by side.
You see this needed to be revised immediately, that's why he killed you. It was to easy really, wait until you got back to the human world, slip some poison into your water systems, and make sure his Lucy was busy with work all day and night.
Why don't I take your D.D.D Lucifer, it will just distract you. The faster you finish your work the faster you can talk to MC. I'm sure she misses you.
He had to be discrete, if lucifer found out all his love would vanish, so not even you could know your killer. He sent you letter often and texted you, played the nice guy, the supportive friend. Now you were far away in the Celestial realm, forbidden from dating the Morning Star based on your angel status. Of course secretly delivered by Barbatos to Micheal.
Then I gave him my brightest smile and shoved more paperwork into his arms, the arms that should be wrapped around him.
He saved Lilith, he gave him work, a place for him and his brothers to stay. Lucifer should be his, and now he will be, now that your out of the way. Watching from the Celestial realm as your boyfriend cries into his shoulder. His hair loose and his school uniform buttons undone, Diavolo could fell his heart beating.
You were gone, Lucifer was his once more.
The cost well the boys will get over it soon enough, they don't even know who killed you. After all you were a good friend to everyone, his tears were real.
He really would miss you, but you crossed the line when you took Lucifer from him. Maybe he'll come and visit you when Lucifer is wearing his ring. When its safe for his heart to never fell that way about you again.
Diavolo hugged his friend and soothed his heaving sobs.
You see Lucifer loves me , he doesn't hide anything from me. Look at him falling apart on my shoulder, the all mighty Morning Star, reduced to tears and a shadow of himself.
"Diavolo" he whispered
"Yes my Lovely?"
" Does Barb know who killed her?"
He sounded cool, and broken. He sounded like a man who just had his heart shattered.
"An unfortunate accident. Her poison garden had a broken pipe, the poison seeped into the ground into her drinking supply." He sounded mournful as he spoke.
" You know how found she was with her deadly garden Lucifer, that's why she got on with Satan so well, always hungry for information."
Lucifer chocked back a sob.
He told you your obsession would kill you one day, and now look at you. Stuck under his Father's thumb in the blinding white of his old home. At least he could rely on Simeon to keep you safe.
For the first time in his millennia old life Lucifer regretted his fall.
At his back Diavolo smiled, finally mine he thought, finally finally mine.
"This is where you live dearest?" he said. Looking at you in wonder. A small cottage greeted him with flowers blooming around metal gates. A green house in the backyard, filled to brimming with toxic and deadly plants.
he stared at you as you put on little green leather gloves and pointed at every plant, the poison it obtained and what it could do it a humans system. You showed him leaf patterns and squeezed a pokeberry and watched the seeds spill out, showing him the poison as red as blood inside.
"Isn't it wonderful" you asked. You gazed into his eyes, yours were filled with an almost child like wonder as you gazed around your garden. For once you had almost rivaled your boyfriend in Pride. He could practically see the peacock feathers sprouting from your back.
" I just want you to look upon the true irony of your current situation." She smiles as Lucifer plucks a Manchieel apple from the tree and bit down.
"I love you Lucifer" Then she looked up at me threw her long beautiful lashes. I felt the blush  creep up my cheeks as my hand rose to meet my chest.
"I love you to MC"
I kissed her then, her lips were full and warm and she was alive. We kissed by the dying sunset, I pulled her flush aganist my chest and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
I remember the feeling of utter happiness as I help her aganist me. It was like a tight spring loaded in my heart.
I love you MC, I will always love you.
Lucifer's tears slowly drew to a close as Diavolo hugger him closer. You were always so  reckless, always attracted to things that could kill you whether it be plants or your choice of boyfriend. You never had a sense of self preservation, its how you two originally gotten closer.
After he realized Mammon was a horrible human babysitter he slowly faded into the role. Then after your true heritae was revealed, he couldn't stop himself from falling in love with you.
Ha look where that got him. Youe dead and his heart is shattered on the ground.
Even after all those pacts you still went to Celestial, even though your a desecandt of the angel my Father wanted elimanited.
Maybe this is a new tourment from my Father after all, he took away Lilith, and now you.
My darling little MC.
Lucifer was sure his heart would never be put back together again.
He missed your warm touches. Your random notes on his mountains of paperwork, little encouragments and silly heart on sticky notes.
He saved them all.
You come in with snacks or drinks in the dead of night just to remind him to eat.
"How could you possibly love  a demon, I'm a failure. A fallen angel." He looked downcast.
You confessed your love fo rthe first time that night. Heart shapped pancakes, on his desk after a particularly long meeting. At the time his first thought was "Beel didn't see these, how odd."
" I love you in spite of that. Lucifer you work hard, you sacrificed your  freedom for your family. You work like a slave to because of it. Your so strong. You saved your brother from the dungeon, and bore the burden of greif all these years." YOu looked at him admiration and a touch of saddness.
"'I love you because no matter what you come to face, you better yourself with it." his pride swelled, he took in your flushed face, your sparkling eyes, and your soft hair. He loved you for so long. He pulled you close and kissed away your tears.
Then you fed each other pancakes.
He didn't do any work that night.
The brothers made you a memorial behdn the House of Lamentation. Filled to the brim with roses spelled healthy, and pictures upon pictures from your Devilgram account. Soft teddy bears and the controller you used most when playing with Levi, a tube of your lipstick you accidentally left behind.
Lucifer went their that night, he sat in frount of you and cried himself to sleep. It was almost like losing Lilith all over again.
You were the one to comfort him when you felt like this. When he lost the battle of the darkness inside his heart, but you were gone, and nobody else dared approach him. He felt your absence in the very core of his being, he missed your hands grazing his horns or preening his wings.
" Their like clouds! So fluffy!"
" They were made from clouds dearest" He smiled at you and pulled you onto his lap."
" I miss you MC, my dearest one." A few tears dropped onto your tombstone. He rested his head agaist your picture.
" Lucifer" a soft voice whispered, hiding in the shadows.
"Simeon" Lucifer looked up and saw his friend under the tree. He looked forlorn and...was that dread?
" We need to talk... I have  a message from....her"
Lucifer sat up and gracefully walkes towards him. His uniform is covered in mud and he was an indent from your memorial but, he still looked prideful. Even if he didn't feel anything at all.
Simeon looked at him in a pitiful manner.
" She loves you Lucifer, and it wasn't an accident. She said she saw Barbatos, and the cop who was investagating, he was a demon who tried to eat her once. When she was with Satan at the library.
She says he lended over and checked her pulse after she drank the water. He said he was sorry, on all accounts."
Lucifer couldn't speak, he was falling once more in a pit of rage and despair.
" Are you sure?" disbelief coated his voice as he looked upon his best friend and companion.
" She's a mess about it, Barb came over and-" Simeon shuddered. "She's being peppered with questions about everythibg from Micheal, she saw a few of her deceased pets and started crying, she won't leave them be" he chuckled slightly.
Lucifer felt a stab of betrayal, but he also felt a sense of purpose.
"Thank you Simeon" he said cooly, buttoning up his unofrm, tying his belt, fixing his medals."Give MC my love from now until the end of eternity." Lucifer walked cooly back to your memorial. He touched your smiling face and took out his D.D.D.
The Demon Brothers (6) New (7)
Lucifer- Family meeting in the dining room, Five minutes
He shut off his phone and walked back into the house.
" Your so strong Lucifer."
"Your so beautiful"
" You'll always be my angel."
" I love you, and I'll always love you."
Lucifer stared at his brothers' gathered in he dining hall. He tuned out their questions and held up his hand.
He stood up the chair moving soundlessely on the carpet.
He placed his hand over the R.A.D badge, then he ripped it off. The stitches popping and metals clanging on the table.
He threw it to the floor.
"Who here wants to start a rebellion."
Yay my first aganst! So who wins that's up to you! Comment please I love reading them.
This is my girlfriend's story and I wanted to post it here and she let me so go check it out on wattpad
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"I wanna be a Star!" Pt. 2 "Training Video"
Anita shook as she headed down to the bottom floor. Her legs were still unsteady from the orgasm that had just wracked her body and the cool AC from the elevator was making her shiver. The muzak was still playing, soothing her so she leaned against the wall and waited for her floor.
Finally, she reached the bottom and emerged into a normal lookign office. Workers clacked away at their computers. The muzak continued to play in the room and the sound of buzzing filled the air. None of the workers looked up nd noone moved to help her, so Anita wandered around looking for a sign to guide her.
She didnt have to look far to find a sign that read "Onboarding" in big letters. She walked towards it, legs sliding past each other, slick with cum.
"Hello?" Anita called out as she entered the room. A kind looking woman sat before her, at a desk.
"Ah, you must be Anita. Welcome to the Family. Please take a seat. "
Anits moved forward and was about to sit, but she hesitated. There was a huge dildo sticking out fromt he middle of the chair.
"Sit." The woman said sternly. So, Anita did. The dildo slid in smoothly, thanks to her wetness. When she sat, the woman flicked a switch on her desk, making the dildo begin to vibrate inside of Anita, who couldnt help but yelp out in shock.
"So, Anita. I'm Ms. Kay. I'll take you through the onboarding process, but before we begin, please have a drink. Ms. Kay gestured at the cup next to Anita and looked at her expectantly. Hands shaking, Anita grasped the cup and took a sip. It was the same yummy orange drink from Mr. Downings office. She took a bigger drink from it and set it down.
"Good. Let's begin. As a Familymember, you are expected to follow our rules. We strictly enforce these rules to ensure the safety and health of every Familymember. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Ms. Kay." Anita responded as best she could with the dildo pulsating within her.
"1st, you will be subjected to a number of tests and check-ups to ensure that you are in top shape. As a Familymember you have access to the best Doctors money can buy. Once the doctors clear you, youll be put on a strict diet and excercise regime. You have a lovely figure, nice thick ass and hefty breasts, so we want you to maintain that figure, but we also want you strong enough to endure certain positions during filming. As a Familymember, you are not permitted to have sex outside of filming. We dont want you contracting anything or exhausting yourself before film times, because our schedules can be odd at times. You will have to be free at a moments notice to come to a set. Because of this, you will be living in a house with a few of out other stars. You'll train together and help each other become better. The best you can be!".
"We'll also have to do something about that mame of yours. Anita Paul? That's not a Porn Star name. You're now to be called Nita Summers. Do you understand Nita?"
"Yes, Ms. Kay"
"Good girl. Now sign all these and I'll guide you over to watch the Training Video."
Nita barely paid attention to the things she signed. She could only focus on the pleasure she was feeling from the chair. She ground against it as she signed, her hand wavering constantly. That'll have to do, she thought, giving up all hope for a neat signature.
"Come with me Nita!" Ms. Kay snapped as soon as the last t had been crossed. Reluctantly, Nita slid off of the chair, her pussy clenching in the air, desperate to be filled again.
Ms. Kay marched Nita through the office and down a dizzying flight of stairs. She pulled a set of keys out of her pocket and unlocked a door that said only "Training". It was a room empty except for a chair just like the one Nita had just vacated and she gladly took her seat when directed.
"Drink this." Ms. Kay ordered, holding up a glass of fizzing liquid in front of Nita. She took the glass and downed its contents. Ms. Kay took the opportunity to chain Nita into chair, attaching handcuffs to her ankles and wrists before strapping her thighs down.
"There we go. Nice and snug." Nita was too busy drinking to protest. A set of wireless headphones was slipped over her ears and Mrs. Kay walked away, clicking a remote behind her as she did.
Immediately the lights in the room went down, the chair buzzed to life, and the wall beforw her began to show a video. Through the headphones, Nita heard the same relaxing Muzak, playing softly beneath the voice over that spoke to her in smooth tones. The screen showed flashing colors and some twirly thing. There seemed to be a glitch because Nita thought she could see something else in the screen.
"Welcome to the Family. We are glad you could join us and know you are glad to be here. We pride ourselves in bringing pleasure to others, but here are some things you should remember. You belong to Grant Downings and the Family. You were nothing before the Family and will be nothing without it. The Family brings you pleasure. You love to serve the Family. Your body belongs to the Family. Your orgasms belong to the Family. You cannot cum without Grant Downings permission. You are a horny sex slave for the Family. Always Aroused. Constantly Obedient."
There was so much going on. The bright lights were hurting Nita's eyes but she couldnt look away. The vibrator in her was making her feel so hot, but she couldnt seem to cum. Then the voice. It was so soothing. She wanted to listen to it, but she could barely do so with everythibg else going on, so she gave up trying to listen and just let the sounds wash over her as she focused on the lights and sensations she was feeling. The flashing lights came faster and as she stared, Nita began to take notice of the words on the screen.
"Obedient. Empty. Horny. Ready to be used. Can't cum. Always Wet." The words just repeated themselves over and over so Nita began to ignore those to. So she just stared at the lights and focused on trying to cum.
The lights werent so bad now that she gave the a chance. They were actually very pretty. But she couldnt give them too much attention, she needed to cum. After about an hour of futile attempts to cum, Nita gave up. Why focus on her way, needy cunt when shr could focus on something that really gave her pleasure. The lights.
So Nita stopped focusing on her own pleasure and set her full attention on the screen. It was so easy to get lost in it. So she did.
She didnt know how long she stared at the screen, but after some time, someone came in.
"How do you feel Nita?" Came the voice of Ms. Kay.
"Obedient. Empty. Horny. Ready to be used. Can't cum. Always Wet." Was her only reply.
"Good. You've come along nicely. I'm going to insert the second part of the training video for you to enjoy."
Nita continued to stare ahead. Still seeing the pretty lights in her eyes.
"Familiarize yourself with our product Nita. There will be a quiz on this later."
"Obedient. Empty. Horny. Ready to be used. Can't cum. Always Wet"
Ms. Kay laughed.
"Yes you are"
With another click of her remote, a new video began to play. This was a compilation of all their old porn. Some of which Nita had seen. She sat and watched the people on screen fucking and sucking and pounding and soaked it all in. She could still see flashing words on the screen, but these were a little different.
"Be like them. Obedient. Watch them. Empty. Be like them. Horny. Watch them. Ready to be used. Be like them. Can't cum. Watch them. Always Wet."
On the seventh floor, Grant Downings watched as the newest Familymember underwent Training.
"I think I've found a good one. What do you think Ms. Kay?"
Ms. Kay let out a moan of agreement, the most she could manage through her mouth that was full of Mr. Downings cock.
"I think I'll leave her in training for a week or so. That should be more than enough time. Lisa, I'll need you to check om her periodically, make sure she's not in need of anything."
"Yes, ugh. Mister. Mmmfff. Downings. Sir." Lisa grunted out. She was behind Ms. Kay thrusting into her with her cock.
Just like Nita, they were Obedient. Empty. Horny. Ready to be used. Always Wet
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tumblunni · 6 years
Miscellaneous thoughts for the 'dark pokemon' game
* it could be cool as an actual hack of firered or something, but it seems that would require more coding knowledge than using apps like rpgmaker. Also there's that kit to make pokemon games in rpgmaker but it only worked for the really old rpgmakers and now its got copyright claimed by nintendo so its not really an option. Itd be easier to make this game in the latest rpgmaker cos its not really an outright pokemon fangame but more of a general mons genre thing that could have different gameplay if i wanted it to.
* or would it work better as an actual pokemon prequel thing? Like 'kanto was actually all dark like this back in ye ancient times' and have a bunch of prehistoric/caveman/400AD/whatever time period forms of pokemon or something? But thatd give me less creative freedom with the idea, yeah
* Not sure if your mons should talk or not? One of the initial inspirations i had for this was the underrated gem Swordcraft Story where your four starter monsters are more like a choice of sidekick! They dont actually fight, they just provide a huge different set of dialogue commenting on everythibg that happens, and its fab! But then the game kinda woukdnt have the collectable aspect and i feel that the long journeys between towns would get boring if theres no incentive to battle enemies. And long journeys between towns is kinda a big plot point and thematic aspect of this idea.
* Also i kinda wanna do Cute Pet Game Gameplay as a fun way of stepping away from the pure pokemon formula. And that'd perhaps be a bit weird if your pet can talk? I dunno? Well maybe itd be more like those baby raising games. But i had a separate idea for literally a monster baby raising game so itd be good to not overlap, lol. Wish i knew how to actually do touchscreen petting type stuff in rpgmaker, i mean its on pc so theoretically you should be able to do an equivalent with the mouse? Maybe try and cheat my way into it with my minimal programming knowledge by basically making a "map" where all the tiles are pieces of this one image of a monster, and then you walk over it to select where to pet...? I dunno lol! Anyway bonding with your mons is VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE EVERYTHING so i need to DEEPLY THINK ABOUT IT. deeply deeply contemplate huggin some babbu
* maybe the game's title could be something like dark walk/journey/stroll/whatever's a good synonym? Cos the whole 'monster tamers are cursed and must walk the earth forever in search of somewhere to belong'
* i'm not sure how to handle the beginning? Cos of the whole aspect of starting off looking like a cliche poke-clone and then slowly revealing the deep dark lore during the tutorial segments. So we'd sorta have to skip/abridge the day of our hero leaving their village, in order to not spoil it. And have a flashback later on at the most dramatic moment! But that means itd be awkward to give you the selection of starter monster? So i dunno maybe do like kingdom hearts and have a surreal dreamworld opening segment? The protagonist is having a nightmare about that day they had to leave their family behind, and everything can be just as vague and confusing as the plot needs it to be. You cpuld be some sort of vague faceless shadow until you decide your gender, and etc? (Protagonist: wait why did i dream i couldnt remember i was a dude)
* oh and maybe you can choose a custom gemstone for your monster summoning pendant thing! Cos if its gonna be one singular thing instead of consumeable pokeballs, itd kinda suck if you had no choice which one thing youre stuck with for the whole game. Or maybe it could change but itd be more like it evolves as well as the monsters? Start off with one design and it has multiple final forms depending on your moral choices during your playthrough. Oh, or if you choose it at the beginning, maybe it somehow affects your starter mon? Like the simplest idea would just be that each starter mon has its own pendant to live in. But what if the pendant choices were elements and then the starter mon is like a vessel to imbue with it? Like you get three designs that are..i dunno, attack defense and speed? And they each have a fire water or grass form, for a total of 9 unique mon options! That way i could keep it limited to three personalities to write, if i go with the idea of the mons being able to talk. But still have a lot more free choice! Oh or maybe its not even 3 elements but 9 elements? Like the three options change depending on the base mon. Attack mon can be fire, electric or darkness but defense mon can be something entirely else. Or maybe have overlap so there's at least two choices for each element but nobody has the same entire three elements? Im bad at math tho so i cant figure outhow to arrange that to make it work...how many elements wpuld i need...?
* maybe you could choose your rival's gender as well as the protagonist? Thatd be neat if they also looked different in every playthrough. I mean the variety of starters would encourage replays so we wanna have some other stuff that changes too. And if you could choose rival gender then it wouldnt be limited to the "always the opposite gend so thus heterosexuality" sort of thing. Oh and maybe what if other characters had potential smaller changes? Like your family members having similar skin and hair colours, or you have a single parent but whether theyre a mum or a dad depends on what you picked? Or if i cpuld figure out some other more gameplayish things that i could give replay value to? Like maybe you actually have a choice of what town to go to at each point in the story, and you cant revisit the other one without replaying that chapter? And your team options would be wildly different depending on which journey you took, so itd be a nicely large difference! Tho maybe make it so that most mons are still all available on each playthru, its just that some would appear early if you made a certain choice but be at the very end of the game if you chose differently. Oh and maybe the champion would be different depending on your choices!!! Like if you complete certain sidequests you might have just added a new candidate to the potential final boss roster! Itll be whoever's your bestest bestie by the end! Tho i mean with this different setting there isnt really a league or a champion so id just have to think of some other climactic ending thing, lol.
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farfallaracine · 7 years
The first time I cried on... three years??
So, Thanksgiving. My first Thanksgiving. I should be happy, right??
Well, for some reason I'm not. It was a beautiful day, nice weather. I slept 12 hours last night. I woke up at 9.30am today; a good day was starting.
My hostmom [HM for short] is usually busy and tired after work. That is one of the main reasons why I try to hangout with friends and to be at school as late as possible. And also, my HM is telling me that "I don't need to say 'yes' to everything", like, what are my possibilities? stay home and wonder around while you tell me "are you bored? I'm sorry, Reg, that you don't get to go out".
What happened? Well, yesterday I was free and I hanged out with an International Friend (mostly my only friends here). And today, Thanksgiving, is for the family. And tomorrow is Black Friday so I said [like a week ago] that I wanted to go. After my HM telling me no because it is full of people and it gets violent, and she's not going to drive around during that day and no-uh-o, no shopping for me, I said "she's right, I better don't go shopping for Black Friday". And also today was this event I though I could go, but she's not driving me and aparenly if she's not, then no one is. And my other International Friends were talking about going ice skating [shit I tried once and I didn't like it, but, shit I love watching it and fuck, time with friends, and why not?? FUN??? WHY NOT?? What's my other option? Stay at home and not do anything??] And I asked her if I could do it and she was all like "Look, I'm just saying I'm not getting out of the house today, what you do..." [this morning, not yesterday, not a week ago, this morning] so I though "Well, if I can get a ride then I can go" [shit, I'm fucking used to do shits by myself, like "Hey, Reg, is your family going?" "Ehh... no?? Why??" and I'm fucking ok with that]. And then she got all fucking pissed 'cause me, going OUT on BLACK FRIDAY?? oh no, we talked about this. But I'm not going shopping?? Bitch, it is at CROWN CENTRE and bitch, it is a mall (of course I didn't know, 'cuz I'didn't know that you can fucking ice skate inside a fucking mall, I went ice skating ONCE and it wasn't even in my fucking country and how was I supposed to know?? I told you that in my country I just know of three places to go ice skating... I couldn't possible know that it was going to be inside a fucking mall] So, shit, maybe it is going to be full and that goes inside the no-shopping-on-black-friday parameters, I guess.
So then my International Friend [from wednesday hangout] tells me "hey, do you want to do this with Japan 'n me?" and I'm thinking, my HM is not going to like it, but, hey, they are offering to take me and she wants to stay home, so what's the problem?? And I asked her.
She got fucking pissed. Everythibg was going to fast to understand. She wanted to know where, when, with who... and I get that, but she was pissed, like "why are you trying to go out tomorrow? I told you not to". Finally she told me to "do whatever I wanted" so I said, shit this, I'm going.
And then, about forty minutes later, we were driving to our house and she starts talking shit. Like suddenly I'm a brat that never listens to her. Suddenly WE. HAD. PLANS. FOR. TOMORROW. Suddenly, we were going to decorate our fucking house for Chrismas?? Suddenly is not just chilling at home, it is cleaning the fucking house. Suddenly it is doing stuff together. And I'm like "bitch, you didn't tell me about this when I asked you several times last week" and she was like "bitch, shut the fuck up, I told you. I told you several times that we have shit to do and not to go out 'cause we are doing stuff together and why are you being like this? I told you not to go out on Friday and you are finding ways, asking me, asking my mom, asking Lisa, you never listen, you do whatever you want" And I'm completely confused like 'who the fuck is Lisa?, we had plans?? So when you said this morning that you are not getting out of the house it meant that I'm not going out as well? What the heck are our plans??' And she starts talking "I'm sorry, Reg, I'm sorry for picking you, I'm sorry that you have to be stuck with me, go tell everybody how mean I am, I'm sorry for having you in my house and that you can't do anything". And I literally started crying.
It wasn't a dramatic way [well, maybe], it wasn't sobbing 'n shit. It was like someone like me would cry in a car. As selfcounsious as I am: no witnesses to defend me, I wouldn't be able to talk. So I just stared strait to the road in silence as the tears rolled down my face. I didn't cleaned my tears. I breathed calmly. A silent cry. My nails hurting my hand. "She is using that card while angry? That means nothing. Nothing you say while angry has real meaning. Except this truly has. Two months ago I was told I couldn't change house. I've been trying to make this work for two months. I almost cryied at school once. I've been trying to stay positive every fucking day for this to work. Your house is fucking full of shit? It's fine, I'll just undust a little bit so it will look cleaner and I will say that 'I was in the mood of cleaning'. There are cans in your basement that went bad on 2015? I'll pretend I didn't see them: cans? What cans? You are on call two weekends on a row? It's fine, I just want to rest, I don't need to go places or do stuff with you, I love being at home while you sleep and complain. Your fridge is full of shit going bad? It's fine, I like eating the same food for days until there is no leftovers. And your fucking dog bringing us apart, 'cuz telling her to move while having hot shit on my hands is rude. I've been trying to make this shit work so hard. I've been trying to make us work so hard. Every fucking day. And you complain about something I did and I say 'you are right' trying to make you feel better about yourself 'cause you feel your life is a mess [and you have told me about it]. And you are using that cheap argument while you are mad? Is it a joke for you?"
And even further: All that times I've been telling her that I'm happy of being here. All that times I've been saying how much I love everything there. All that times saying 'hey, your house is great', 'hey, you're fine', 'hey, don't worry'. Does she even takes me seriously?? She doesn't care what I think. She just complains how sad it is for her house, for her, for me, for whatever. And try to tell her, 'hey, if you put part of yourself, things will go fine, they are already pretty ok.' But she doesn't care.
You guys have no idea how hard I've been wanting to cry. Weeks feeling like I'm going to cry or trow up, because every time I hear the car parking I have twelve seconds to think if I left a window open, or a light on, or if a shelf is open, or if there are dirty forks on the sink, or if it is too obvious that I had clean something and if I have a good excuse for that if she asks me. Me planing everything I say. Me finding ways of noding at them even when I could tell them why I think they are wrong.
So I just cried in silence for a few minutes. I don't know if she noticed it. She thinks I'm a spoiled brat that does whatever she wants, but she doesn't know how tiring it is to pretend that I'm thankful for being with her until I believe it myself. Saying all the time, when she is not with me, when I'm not talking with anyone from AFS, just telling random people that asks 'how are you doing with your family?': 'We are fine. We have been doing great progress. I'm happy.' Don't get me wrong, I am, but there is so much tension behind it.
So how was my first Thanksgiving? I spent the day with people I don't know. The turkey was crap. The only edible thing was green beans, but I was too full with crap that I couldn't enjoy it. It was boring as hell. Then I cried and felt like shit. I don't know, I think it could have been better.
Whille writing this I cried.
While writing this I heard That One Song That Always Calms Me Down on repeat dozens of times.
When my HM and I talked we didn't use bad language, but it works for showing the mood.
I really need to go to sleep right now.
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divineflower5 · 5 years
Idk if I even put anything on this blog about this but here it goooooes. This will be super long a lil much. So several weeks ago I ended up astral pregeant. I was half asleep where I looked down and saw a baby bump instead of my normal stomach and thought" am I pregnant?" After several divinations from not just my self but others the awnser was yes my astral self after so much fun times with my gods ended up knocked. The father being Khonsu. How this happened seemed more of a "opps"? He was more upset, confused and worried about it. I was confused but calm and ready for planning and willing to work everythibg out with him.
The pregancy itself did not last very long maybe almost 2 weeks. And yaaay all this during and before my finals. During this time I had akward time bending diwn feeling the weight and felt like my stomach was in the way.I felt small stomach pains in places I normally never feel like my sides or right below my rib cage, never lasting too long or frequent enough to nottice. Heck even my friends dog was doing the exact thing he was to her when she was physically pregnant. He would only lay his head on my lap, but wasnt doing it for pets because he would pull away as soon I go pet him and he was sniffing my stomach alot. He only did this to me.
In astral guessing stress Khonsu offered energy and even attachment to hin to provide enough energy for the both of us but I declined the attachment but will gladly take a extra boost in energy. After my last fibal heading to my friends house I felt what my friend says based on my description....CONTRACTIONS. WHILE DRIVING. I litteraly skipped heading to pick up my other friend because I felt I couldnt make it. I got to their house. I talked to about what was going on in the kichen then felt a need to lay down...and spread my legs. I still had guessing contractions and had Taweret help me give birth, meanwhile Khonsu was neverous.
Without going into any more detail I had an astral child. Her name meaning moon-water lotus. Which based on my research and guessing is Amoshen. It's been almost 2 weeks since then and being a mom to an astral kid is weird, rewarding and also sad. I can't do all the things I would do if she was here with my phsyically but that doesn't mean I don't love her. I've given some small offerings to her: a turtle toy, a drawing of her, malchite, andmade a lil bracelet to wear. By what I get is Khonsu wants her to be a protector of those who travel on water at night. Helping him out in alot of ways
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https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=726366980886527&id=128872377302660 My sponser Routes Hair Extension has spoken out because this deal Busienss owner who really does put her customers and client firsts. She sees ournpassions and really invests in my work. To Routes Hair Extension it is not about sales , she really fights for my rights and decided to after seeing first hand of what I really go through to ensure others with disabilities don't go through the pain that I put myself through inorder to be heard and show my skills,talent and experiences and education means something to me which I have always said "knowledge is power and I will leave a legacy of my stories on how my journey got others to do the same". I chose carefully who I work with and u couldn't very easily worked woth e vert company who offered to give me lots of free products and advertising but to me my image and my ethos means something . When I chose my Sponser and the designer rand clothes I did for a reason. My sponser is another role model, a strong female who has endured and gone through hurdles to get to where she is now a sucessfull business because she worked for it by herself and applied herself. For years I suffer with alopecia and lots my confidence because of others words 'she looks beautiful to she doesn't look beautiful because I lost my hair. Routes Hair Extensions gave me confidence back but I also learnt about my beauty is about appearances. It is about I feel and how i am going to channel that. So i learnt difference ways to look after myself and show it doesn't matter if I lost my hair n.a. d had bold patches I embrace myself gracefully, be presentable always , use my personality to internet and work on my goals THA to still had to achieve. I reminded myself at church God gave me another task to take on and was testing me on how I was going to be a better a person. Do I crumble and either away and lose myself ?and stop caring about myself? Do I give up on all my skills and knowledge that I have to get close to where I need to be? No! I go through the emotions as I do because I am human still and need to filter through the stages of emotions inorder to take the next stage of action... I then do what I always do look at myself in my mirror talk to myself, because I need guidance and for role model is the person in the mirror who I am.always xhasing after to be. The person in the mirror i tell myself , " for some who has done Pyschology, you really are don't see what are your doing, it is right in front of you" Once my emotions are out of the way, I say to myself from the mirror " only you can make the changes on what to do next, yes it's another obstacles, but you seem to be attracted to obstacles and what have you always done? I the say " I role the obstacle and never went through that every again bexause I changed and do something about it" The me in mirror says, "Well now you have a new obstacle to motivate you to not tell others go through it butnyou must go through it for that change to take effect. Your strong you always have been never forget your strengths" I then compose myself and get on with it! It is some as that it is the doing bit that takes time and who would've thought a 9 years girl has waited for her crown . I believe in myself and always keep my beliefs to myself until they come true . I am always thinking and finding ways to to do. If one wayndoesnt work I find another and another it may take months and years but I always knew I could make my goals come true and not by money or others but by myself by working. Winning a beauty pagent and being crowned Mrs British Empire for DisAbility Inclusion, if I can do it so can you. I just don't want you to go through the nightmare that I went through to get here that is why I am using these platforms to share my experiences and work with companies to educate them on how to make the changes they need and not be scared to not include people woth disabilities . We are all learning and lack of knowledge means we need to help another by giving them the knowledge you have. We often think everyone should still have basic common sense but it really is that if you don't spend time with aperosn in a wheelchair or have experience you just don't know but even the intelligent human being who is so sucessfuly and wealthy will have no knowledge of a person with disabilities in a wheelchair who also is educated and sucessful. Do I keep getting angry and fight woth them and keep crying and do I retreat back to my bedroom and never leave my accessible home where no one sees my qualities and strengths ? No! I wait to achieve my goals and go through the battle to get it and when i say battle it really is a battle a totrure wher i am degreded, dehumanizes, humilatated because i am not seen or treated as a human being , access is a night mare as soon as i leave my hime, people ignore me, i get pushed without being asked, i get hit, laughed, rejected, questioned about my " i shoyldnt be a mother becaue im in a wheelchair' 'i get people randomly come up to me and say ' I'd rather die than be like you" " that is a prison sentence you may aswell have died" " how can be a mother " " why are you happy and wear nice clothes when you r in that" " your embarrassment , your a baby for life in that pushchair " " I'll pray for you to be normal" " now that I met you I did my good deed for heaven" " why should you het special treatment with parking" " I can't walk like i used to and use sticks and struggle I should he that you got and live a life of luxury" " I'd loved to be pushed around" " "I understand what you go through I have a pushchair and suffer" " my pushchair is easy just likes yours" "I can relate I have pushchair and I struggle" can I just say a pushchair is NO comparasion to a wheelchair you choose to use a pushcahir for your child" "I should get on of these chairs and my arms will be strong and not flabby" " it must be a easy for you wheelchair so quick " " just wheel yourself on the ramp we had to make it for you you know" " we specially made the ramp for you it us all day" " we don't talk people like you" " how can you be a mum when your like that" These are just some of the comment so get on a daily basis and theme other it's is being ignored by not being able to get in shops, blocked dropped kerbs, wheelchair access toilets lack off and people using them woth no regards to people woth disabilities both disabled and disabled, absusing disabled bays. Then I communicate to the people on how I'm going to help them on how to make them better so they know what there doing to support disability inclsuion and how to talk to people with disabilities. I shouldn't have to do this as people should know but I have to as I am responsible to make sure it is done right as i have the knowledge, expeirences and skills to use. It is up to them to change or not but if they don't they are losing out not me because I see my world truly is limitless. All my possibilities are endless . For now I share another achievement I worked for so long to make a reality. A 9 year olds girls dream came true .... at 34 years of age a british born indian catholic mother becomes the first in a wheelchair wins UK pagent and breaks the barriers for DisAbility Inclusion with my daughter who is 11. I wanted to show my daughter that every achievements I made happen with my dau ghte represent she has seen what true beauty is and she has seen I have done it all in my wheelchair and when I was walking. She has seen and been part of the hardest challenges and we have survived and won. Everything I do is for my baby girl to know she is included everythibg my daughter has gine through for being different just like me I have shown and she believes she can be anything she wants and do anything and I proved to her it is possible because she will always have the power one can take it away from her now matter what you will go through and how many times you fall you will always have the power to your life. I have decided to speak out the truth and iver the weeks you read what I go through for the changes to take effect. It will upset companies and people but if I keep hiding everything in and not post my stories of discrimination society will never change. God put me on earth of for a reason and he has given me a purpose and I am now channelling every part of my life to do that. Eventually everything will be in my Book and I am happy my first book is completed by the end of year!!!!
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