#//if you ask about the last tier i have a diagram ready but it also has game spoilers
thatstagecanstarry · 3 years
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one braincell enst tierlist after class of a guy who read one story and jumped ship and now theyre living off of trivia, incorrect quotes and off hand lore
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captains-simp · 3 years
hello i love your work!! can you do a part 2 to worth our time? :”) maybe wherein carol is actually getting soft for the reader and wants to be together but the reader is hesitant bc of carol being known as a player? maybe some jealous carol as well? 😳😳
Soft!jock!Carol is a god tier idea and I really hope I did it justice
Shout out to @wlwmarvelenthusiast for helping me with my technical difficulties
Part 1
7.5k words
Warnings: oral, praise and double ended dildo use
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Why are you ignoring Carol?" Wanda asked with a frown as you sped out of the school car park a little too hastily. She narrowed her eyes at you, ready to read into every expression that flickered across your face.
"I'm not ignoring her, I'm avoiding her. It's different." You insisted as you kept your eyes on the road in front of you, determined to leave the school grounds before a certain blonde left the building and got into her own car.
"It's exactly the same thing just in a different font." Wanda stated as she continued to watch you.
"It's not. And anyway, I'm not obligated to talk to her." You said quieter, not finding enough confidence in your words. Of course you weren't obligated to talk to Carol, but you missed it - more than you would admit to yourself.
"I know, I thought you liked her though. You said your date went well with her but since then you run out of every room she enters."
"It wasn't really a date." You muttered as took a left and eyed your mirror.
"Y/n." Wanda laughed. "I think I know a date when it's described to me."
"But it's Carol, Wanda. Carol doesn't do dates." You insisted as you tried your hardest to avoid your friend's gaze again. You didn't want her to see the pain in your eyes.
"She did with you."
"She went down on me-"
"Yes, I remember that catch up conversation." Wanda chuckled and you threw an empty sweet packet you had left in the car at her.
"And I'm not complaining about that. It's just... you know I'm not one to judge people by rumors, but Carol seems like a pretty strict 'hookups only' type of gal. Every time me and Carol are alone together we end up fucking and again, I'm not complaining about that, but it's enough to tell me she doesn't want anything more from me. Not even fuck buddies, because she doesn't commit to girls." You breathed out deeply as you parked up outside yours and Wanda's favourite coffee shop, suddenly not able to tell if you weren't in the mood for your hot chocolate or in desperate need of one.
"I think there might be a little more to it than that." Wanda said after a moment. She knew where you were coming from but she also couldn't deny the fidgety nature and anxious look in the blonde's eyes a few days prior.
"She called it a date last time you were together, she hasn't done that before. She was worried when you were sick and she's only ever worried when her teammates are sick."
"She wasn't worried." You rolled your eyes lightly and managed a small smile at Wanda.
"Oh she definitely was."
You groaned when you heard your phone vibrate on your bedside table. You rolled over begrudgingly, only bothering to check it because you knew it was lunch break at school and it might have been Wanda sending you the class notes you had asked for.
Unknown number: when I saw you weren't in class I assumed you were dead
You frowned as you took a double take of the message and the number you didn't recognize. The fuck? You decided to respond anyway, if they were in your class and texted you maybe they would send you their notes too.
You: sorry, who is this??
Unknown number: your favourite jock ;)
They replied, pretty much instantly. You put two and two together, but really the smirking face would have been enough.
You: Carol? How did you get this number??
You rubbed your eyes and pulled you sick bowl closer to you, frowning at the discomfort you felt.
Unknown number: so I am your favourite jock?? Good to know
You rolled your eyes and groaned more, knowing Carol wouldn't be forgetting that in a hurry. You didn't respond to that, instead shutting off your phone in hopes of getting more sleep but a minute later another text came through. You knew it would be Carol, but you still reached over to check it.
Unknown number: and Wanda gave it to me
"Dammit, Wanda." You grumbled, going to write her an angry message but Carol had something else to say.
Unknown number: I asked very nicely
You fought off a smile weakly and decided to change her contact, telling yourself it might be useful to keep it.
Jackass: You home alone?
She didn't seem to want to stop talking. Although you couldn't deny that it made you smile more when you wondered if she meant was anyone there to look after you.
You: I am, parents have to work
Jackass: want me to come over and make you feel better? ;)
Suddenly you didn't feel like talking to Carol anymore. You were sick and feeling crappy and all Carol wanted to do was fuck, she was hardly subtle about it either. If you hadn't already been thinking long and hard about what the jock could possible think of you, that would have been the moment you started to ponder it.
With your mood somehow lowered even more, you turned your phone off to go back to sleep, accidentally swiping the notification that read Jackass: * :)
"I still can't believe you gave her my number." You grumbled as you swirled the chocolaty drink in front of you.
"She did ask very nicely." Wanda grinned.
"Enough about her." You said, leaning forward on your elbows to grin back at your friend. "How's your girlfriend?"
You were on your phone when you saw a donut being pushed across the table towards you out of the corner of your eye. It was your favourite type that also happened to be the one the cafeteria rarely sold, so when it landed in front of you you looked up with a smile, expecting to see Wanda smiling knowingly back at you.
Carol grinned as she pulled out the chair opposite you and sat herself down. Your eyes flickered over to Wanda who was trying to hide her smile and look away.
"It's for you." Carol said after a second.
"What do I have to do for it?" You asked, only half joking as you eyed the treat suspiciously.
"Come on another date with me." She winked. You leaned back and looked away from Carol and the donut, displeased but not surprised. "Nothing." Carol said quickly. "You don't have to do anything, I just know that one's your favourite." The blonde said. You had never told her that. You eyed Wanda again who quickly looked away like she hadn't been watching the interaction and leaned into Natasha.
"Thank you, Danvers." You said quietly, moving the napkin that the donut was on closer to you.
"I thought we were passed that." Carol chuckled, you wanted to smile at the sound. Carol leaned down to grab something out of her rucksack as you started on the donut, not entirely sure if you should try make conversation or just run away.
"I took notes yesterday, while you were gone." The jock said as she put her notebook on the table and flicked through her badly organised pages to find the one she was looking for. You raised your eyebrows slightly in response.
You had never once seen Carol take actual notes in class, but when she spun the book around to face you you were even more surprised to see the detailed notes she had been taking, even with a couple of small diagrams at the bottom she had probably copied from the board.
"Are they okay? Wilson's pretty good at this shit I'm sure I could get him to-"
"They're great!" You interrupted. "They're...fuck, I'm sorry but since when did you take notes?" You didn't want to seem rude but it felt like you were witnessing a never before seen event or the discovery of a new species.
"Just figured you would want them." Carol shrugged and took a sandwich out her bag.
"Yeah I... thank you." You muttered and smiled when you saw a small doodle of a star. "Can I?" You asked as you motioned to your phone's camera. Carol nodded with a smile and watched as you took photos of her notes.
Wanda coughed from across the table and you shot daggers at her, knowing what she so desperately wanted to say. She hasn't done that for anyone else.
"It was sweet of her though." Wanda pointed out as her eyes stayed fixed on Natasha's form.
"It was, but you've gotten me donuts before and you don't want to date me." You said as you tried to stop your eyes trailing to Carol again as they seemed to keep doing.
"Well if Natasha wasn't here..." Wanda teased with a smile. You rolled your eyes at your friend and chuckled.
"Are Carol's abs as hard as they look?" Wanda asked randomly. You couldn't help but look up at the blonde at the mention of her name and perhaps one of your favourite things about her.
It was a hot day and her team was training hard on the field, so most of the athletes had their shirts off. Carol's abs were on full display and given the amount of core stretches she had been doing they were as prominent as ever.
"They are." You muttered, remembering the first time you ran your hands across her chest.
You heard giggling in the row behind you and turned around to see a group of girls also watching Carol and her team train. It was obvious their gazes fell on the same area yours had and suddenly you remembered the long list of names that Carol used to show off proudly.
The girl's whispers became louder as did the giggling and without realizing what you were doing you found yourself comparing you to them. They were popular, effortlessly beautiful and probably had much more experience than you ever had. You couldn't compete with that. Especially when you didn't even know why Carol wanted you. You rested your head on your knees and tried to zone out the world around you as your insecurities ate at you more.
"Come on." Wanda nudged you gently as she stood up from the bleachers. You grabbed your bag and followed after her, noticing that practice was apparently over.
Natasha was standing at the bottom of the bleachers and pulled Wanda into a tight hug. You smiled at the motion, wishing you had what they did.
"Hey." Carol said to you, her eyes shining lightly in the sun.
"Hey yourself." You nodded as you began to walk behind Wanda and Nat. Carol fell into place beside you and made you think about the height difference between you. You were convinced she could give the best piggy back rides.
"You make it look easy." You blurted out. Carol arched a perfect brow at you as she pulled her shirt over her head. "Sport." You generalized, waving your hands.
"Y/n is allergic to sport." Wanda called back.
"Is that right?" Carol smirked as she looked at you.
"It is not, it's just not my thing." You defended.
"Then what is your thing?" Carol asked curiously.
"Wouldn't you like to know." You replied as you searched your brain, not really knowing if you had a thing. Nothing serious at least.
"I would." Carol fired back.
"That's too bad." The jock smiled and decided not to push.
"I'm sure there's a sport you can do." Carol pondered.
"If there is if it could be added to the curriculum that would be really helpful." You sighed.
"Y/n L/n, are you failing a class?" Carol gasped dramatically. You groaned when Wanda laughed, confirming the blonde's assumption.
"Could be worse, I fail loads of classes and everything seems to work out okay." Carol said calmly, seemingly completely unfazed.
You reached the car park and slowed down when you saw Natasha follow Wanda to her car. Wanda was your lift to school and therefore your ride home too. You had stayed behind to study in the library and joined your friend on the bleachers when it shut to see the last of the teams training, not thinking about the fact Wanda was staying behind so she could hang out with Natasha after.
"I can give you a ride home." Carol offered as she threw her car keys up in the air and caught them easily. You pondered that for a second, you really didn't want to be a third wheel to your friend, even if it was a short drive home.
"Yeah, thanks, Danvers." Wanda gave you a knowing smile as she waved goodbye and practically ran to her car with Natasha.Yeah, definitely the best call to leave them alone.
You got into Carol's car and tried to ignore all the memories you had of being in the backseat, instead resting your arm against the window to try and keep your focus on that. Carol didn't say much as you drove which surprised you. She seemed deep in thought about something and you couldn't help but wonder what.
"You want to come to mine?" She said suddenly. You froze in your seat before answering.
"Just my place will do. For me only! I mean I... I have homework." You rambled and felt your whole face heat up. You wondered if being in a car with Wanda and Natasha jumping each other could possibly be more uncomfortable than being sat with Carol and trying to decline her advances.
"I could help." She offered, seemingly genuinely.
"I can handle it." You forced a laugh. Carol nodded and didn't say anything else until she pulled up to your house.
"Thanks again, Danvers." You smiled at the blonde as you hauled you bag up and opened the door.
"I'm always happy to help you out, y/n." Carol smiled back your way genuinely and your stomach did a little flip.
You hummed to yourself quietly as you made your way through the school corridors and opened the double doors to the library. You smiled to the librarian as always and got a limited response but your smile faltered when you saw your usual table was taken... by Carol.
She was in her training attire and scrolling mindlessly through her phone until she glanced up and saw you. "Hey." She smiled.
"Are you lost?" You asked as you walked towards her slowly.
"No and go get changed." Was all she said as she pushed a bag of school gym clothes towards you.
"And why would I do that?" You sighed as you peered into the bag.
"Y/n," Carol started as she tilted her chair back and rested her hands behind her head with her feet on the table, her usual confident smile playing on her lips. "Does it or does it not absolutely kill you that you're failing a class?" You paused before flicking yours eyes up to her. Yes, it absolutely did.
"And am I or am I not the best athlete in the school?" Also hard to argue with. You shifted on your feet.
"Come on, y/n. I promise I'll help you at least pass the class." Carol said with certainty. You chewed your gum as you thought about it.
"What do you get out of it?" You asked as you narrowed your eyes at the blonde.
"I can go to sleep at night knowing I've helped an underling." She grinned. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at her, Carol continued to smile back at you.
"That A* you got us on that project made me pass the class." Carol shrugged.
"Alright, Danvers." You nodded and picked up the bag. "But no funny business."
"Great!" She exclaimed and took her feet off the table to stand up.
"I'll see you in the main hall in 10."
Barely ten minutes into Carol's 'warm ups' you were already out of breath and in need of a break. You glared at her every time she barked orders at you with a grin, clearly enjoying bossing you around.
"Catch!" Carol exclaimed as she hauled a basketball at you. You ducked out the way and watched it fly past your head.
"You trying to kill me?!" Carol was bent over laughing at your exasperation and inability to catch a simple ball.
"Shut the fuck up, Danvers." You huffed but managed to hit the second ball that came your way.
"You really are allergic to sports huh?" She teased as you scowled at her. "Okay, let's start with the basics."
Surprisingly, from that point onward Carol wasn't that bad. She gave you a lot of pointers that honestly proved helpful because you slowly started to improve. Granted, you were still bad, but you were better.
"Arms like this." She instructed and watched as you mimicked her shooting position. "Elbows a little higher." You did as she said but she smiled at the attempt and stepped behind you. You froze up a little when she put her hands over yours and lifted them up too to a position that felt more natural.
"You got it." She assured, speaking right next to your ear so you could feel her breath against your skin. Then she withdrew her soft hands from yours and backed away. You missed the contact immediately.
"Now shoot." She instructed. You missed.
Carol trained you after school pretty much every day after that. Your limbs always ached after those sessions, so much so you were tempted to cave and take Carol up on her offer of a back rub.
You found that some sports were actually kind of fun to play with Carol, whether it was the absence of the pressure you got in a full class of teenagers or just because you enjoyed the blonde's company, it wasn't all that bad.
You still couldn't find a sport you were good at, but you didn't really care. You wondered what would happen when you did. Would Carol coach you at it for a bit then abandon your sessions? They couldn't keep going forever. The pang you got in your chest was the reason you had been ignoring Carol weeks prior, you didn't want to feel that for her. You just couldn't help it.
"Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." You recalled as Valkyrie wrote it down.
"I knew it was something like that." She waved off.
"Yeah you were really close with..." You glanced at her notes. "She gives me a boner." You laughed and put your face in your hand.
"That's the modern day translation!" Valkyrie exclaimed defensively.
"Please don't put that in your exam." You sighed as you flicked through your copy of Romeo and Juliet to find the next act.
"One sec." Valkyrie said as she looked down at her phone that was vibrating on the desk with a caller ID that you couldn't read.
"Hey, Captain." Valkyrie answered. You looked her way and back at your book quickly. There was more than one Captain in the school.
"I'm in the library studying." She continued and paused for the other voice to speak. "It's not that bad, a pretty girl's teaching me Romeo and Juliet." Valkyrie winked at you and you smiled weakly back, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Fucking jocks and their shameless flirtation.
"Yeah I'll be done soon, see you then." She said and hung up the phone before turning back to you.
"Are there any quotes about boners?" The minutes after that went by painstakingly slowly. It was only a one off tutoring session that you would get an extra credit for, but you could think of a million things you would rather be doing with your lunch break.
Valkyrie nodded past you at someone at the library entrance. You turned around out of instinct and saw Carol strolling towards your table, eyes focused on you.
"Thanks for this." Valkyrie said as she packed away her things. "If I pass the exam I'm gonna have to find some way to make it up to you." She smirked as her eyes trailed over your legs.
You glanced at Carol who looked far from pleased at Valkyrie's comment and couldn't help but smile because that is exactly what she sounded like to you sometimes.
"That's okay." You muttered as you tried to avoid her gaze and put your books back in your bag.
"Alright, but I'm having a party this weekend. You should come."
"I'm not really a party person." You laughed awkwardly, wanting the encounter to be over.
"You don't have to spend long at the party itself." Valkyrie shrugged as she took a bold step towards you. "You could always stay in my room-"
"She said no." Carol cut in. Her eyes bore into Valkyrie's with a look that said the conversation was over. Her stance was firm and her jaw was tightly locked as she glared at her team mate. Valkyrie frowned and looked back at you as you fiddled with your bag zip and avoided her eye, silently thanking Carol even if she had been a tad aggressive.
"Right, sorry." Valkyrie muttered before making her way past you. Carol gave you a small smile before turning to leave with her team mate. You were sure Wanda would have something to say about that.
It was a few days until you saw Carol again. She had texted you to briefly say she had practice after school and you didn't see her at lunch breaks either. It annoyed you to admit you missed her company.
With every second you spent with the jock your crush on her grew. You knew that any longer and you may just end up head over heals for her which would only end in heart break for you. But every time you saw the wisp of blonde hair, shine of brown eyes with her confident smile or even just that god damn varsity jacket, you didn't care about how it could end.
It was a Thursday when she texted you during lunch to ask if you wanted to practice after school. You replied a little too eagerly with a yes and continued listening to Wanda rant about something dumb Pietro had done.
A few hours later you held a bat in your hands and prepared for Carol to throw the ball your way. She wasn't very talkative that day, a rarity for the blonde. You wanted to ask if something was up with her but the concentrated look on her face made you not want to disrupt her train of thought.
"I'm sorry." She said suddenly.
"That's alright." You sighed as you watched the ball roll across the field. That was a particularly fast throw.
"About snapping in the library." Carol corrected. "I didn't mean to make it awkward." She said as she scratched the back or her neck then stretched her arm to throw again.
"You didn't." You assured honestly. "I was already uncomfortable." You huffed as you missed another throw from Carol even after trying to apply all her tips.
"Val can be quite persistent." Carol said, still not showing her smile.
"Just like someone else I know." You shrugged. Carol faltered at the obvious call out.
"Lets switch." She said quietly and handed you her glove as she took the bat from you. She explained to you the basics of her own throwing techniques and had a few recommendations on what she thought might work best for you.
"If you ever told me no, I'd back off." Carol said as put the bat up. You were thrown off by the sudden shift in conversation.
"I know you would have." You hoped Carol noticed your use of past tense. You had already decided that sex with her again would be too dangerous for you. God only knows what you would end up blurting out. You cringed at the thought of confessing your love for Carol as she fucked you.
Your eyes shifted to the track team that were doing their laps around another part of the field. They made it look as easy as always.
"You got eyes for one of them, y/n?" Carol asked in a voice that seemed more curious than teasing.
"Not my type." You muttered as you threw the ball weakly again.
"What is your type?" Carol asked, unable to mask her curiosity that time.
"I don't know." You huffed. The blonde looked at you expectantly, clearly hoping for something more. "And what's your type, Danvers?" You asked, successfully shifting the conversation when you saw a glint in Carol's eyes. Her smile returned.
"Eh, about (your height), (your eye colour) eyes, terrible at sport but really cute so it's dorky." Carol shrugged. Damn, that could almost be me. You glanced up at the blonde to throw again and saw her smirking at you.
"Someone should warn her." You joked in a feeble attempt to hide your disappointment that we swelling in the pit of your stomach.
"I just did." Wait... Carol's smirk grew as she watched the realization spread across your face. You blushed deeply and tried to fight off a smile.
"I don't think baseball's working either." You muttered.
"You know it's strange, I always thought you were going to become a jock." Pietro said thoughtfully before taking a bite of his apple.
"First of all how dare you and secondly what the hell gave you that idea?" You exclaimed. Wanda was giggling besides you while Carol gave you a look of faux offence.
"That's the highest compliment!" She argued.
"I second that." Natasha nodded.
"Do you remember Wanda's 14th birthday party?" Pietro asked.
"It's a treasured memory." You grinned at Wanda. "I kicked your ass at bowling." You recalled proudly.
"You kicked everyone's ass at it. Bowling's a sport isn't it?" Apparently word had spread about Carol's private lessons. You and the blonde had spent weeks going back and forth between different sports. Overall, you were still pretty crap but you had been lifted to a passing grade in the class. You kept meaning to tell Carol that, but you didn't want the lessons to end. You concluded that as long as she didn't ask, you wouldn't tell.
"I'd say so." Wanda shrugged but Carol and Natasha clearly had different opinions.
"Fuck no!"
"Please do not align that with us!" They erupted. You and Wanda started to laugh at their outraged expression, never knowing something to piss a jock off more.
The sound of the bell overhead was followed by a few groans from those around the table as you all packed up and left the table. At least it was a Friday. You wandered across the field on your usual route of going round the main buildings to avoid the crowded corridors, lost in your thoughts until someone jogged up besides you.
"Bowling, huh?" She inquired as she slowed down to a walk.
"It's been years." You said offhandedly.
"You got plans tomorrow?"
"We should go bowling, if you want to. Obviously just as part of your lessons." Carol offered as she looked ahead.
"I thought you said it isn't a sport." You eyed the blonde suspiciously with a smile.
"It isn't, but this I have to see."
"Okay." You nodded without much thought. Bowling with the jock did sound fun.
"I'll pick you up at 2."
"These shoes are ridiculous." Carol grumbled.
"American football shoulder pads are ridiculous but you don't hear me calling that out." You fired back.
"Oh, so that was meant at someone else?"
"Sure." You shrugged as you smiled at Carol's brightly coloured shoes. You went onto your lane and gleamed at the nostalgic sound of pins being knocked over and the bright spot lights across the lanes.
Carol put your names into the scoreboard tablet as you ran your hands over the bowling balls and frowned slightly as you realized you still had to use one of the smaller ones.
"Experts first." Carol motioned to the beginning of the lane with a small smirk and you smiled back at her excitedly and grabbed a ball.
"Just remember it's been a while!" You called back to the eagerly watching blonde. She hummed back. You brought the ball up to your chest to have a feel of the weight and glared at the pins, there had to be something you could impress Carol with. With a deep breath, you swung your arm back and forward to let the ball go, center down the lane and colliding with the painted targets. All but one knocked over and you couldn't help but throw tour hands up in the air in triumph.
"That was pretty good!" You declared as you turned back to Carol happily. She beamed back at you, giving you a smile that made her eyes squint and look absolutely adorable.
You grabbed the second ball and rolled it smoothly across the polished floor, successfully hitting the last pin. Carol strolled up after you, her hands hovering over the range in front of her and landing on one for someone with a bigger hand. You scoffed quietly, not believing the jock could hold it but she picked it up with ease.
You stood, wide eyed, watched as she sauntered over to the lane and swung her arm. The ball veered off to the side and took down a couple of pins that Carol glared at.
"Unlucky is all." She grumbled as she went to get another ball. This time when she threw it it fell into the dip along the side, it was hard to hide your amusement.
"That's just bullshit." Carol grumbled.
"Do you want me to put the sides up for you, Danvers? Or maybe I could ask someone for that ramp." You teased. She flipped you off and went to sit on the small sofa and watched you carefully.
You knocked most of the pins over on your next few goes while Carol got very little. You tried to give her a few tips but apparently her ego was too big to accept them, which meant you were winning marginally.
You spun around to face the blonde after knocking the last of your pins over but she wasn't on her spot on the sofa. You were about to get your phone out to text her but you spotted her sauntering back towards your area with a bowl of nachos. Your mouth watered at the sight.
Carol gave a dramatic huff as she spotted the scoreboard and beckoned you over to the small table by the sofas. "We'll start a new round after these." She said as she put them on the table. "I didn't poison them." She quipped when you didn't move.
"Sometimes I think you'd do anything to win." You replied as you sat down opposite her and took one of the nachos. In all honesty you weren't expecting Carol to get the snack, never mind to want to share it.
Carol flexed her right hand absent mindedly as she glanced around at over areas of the alley. "Your hand hurting?" You asked as you took another nacho with a lot of cheese on it.
"A little." She shrugged and lifted it up to look at the back of her mind. Without thinking, you put your hand and pressed it gently flat against hers. Not only were her fingers longer than yours but her palm was bigger too, even her wrist was thicker. It was only when you caught Carol's eye that you went to bring your hand away but she laced her fingers through yours and put them down on the table.
"Sorry, I was just curious." You blushed even though it was clear Carol didn't mind.
"Okay." She chuckled as she continued on the nachos. You finished the rest of the snack in silence with your hands still together until you leaned back and glanced at the lane again.
"Ready to have your ass kicked again?" You quipped.
"Don't get cocky, kid." Carol mused as she rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Since when did you know Star Wars?" You asked in complete disbelief.
"I love Star Wars." Carol said casually. "And since always."
"I didn't take you for the type." You smiled as you tried to study the jock for any signs of a lie.
"That's just because you never asked." She shrugged and stood up, letting your hands slide apart. You missed the contact instantly but that didn't distract you enough from her words.
Of course you had never asked her something like that, Star Wars was the last thing you'd guess she would like. You knew there was always more to people than what they showered publicly, but Carol had always seemed like such an open book in every way. So hearing that she wasn't quite what you thought she was, even after the few months of knowing her better, simply made you impossibly more interested in the blonde. You stared at Carol in nothing short of awe, she was really something else.
"I've had enough of these shoes." She declared.
"You quitting on me Danvers?" You quipped but really your heart dropped at the thought she wanted to cut your outing short.
"I'm just thinking we could try our hand at a few other things, seeing as we're not doing sport anymore." She said as she nodded towards the arcade.
Your eyes lit up at all the games in the entrance as you found your competitiveness returning. You both returned your shoes and practically ran over to the arcade area with all its choices. You decided to head towards the air hockey first as you argued over whether or not it was a sport. Carol, of course, took the opposition.
Your reflexes weren't as good as hers but you liked to think you put up a good fight, even if you did curse under your breath every time the blonde scored. The screen above you both lit up to declare Carol's victory that she was very happy to celebrate, you watched as she danced around the table towards you in what could have been the dorkiest thing you had ever seen.
"You having fun there?" You laughed.
"So much fun." Carol grinned back and eyed her next target.
"Absolutely not!" You cried out when her eyes landed on the basketball. You took her by the hand and tried your best to ignore the electricity running up your arms at how perfectly her hand fit in yours and led her through the arcade. You came to a halt by a racing game and before you could even suggest the idea to Carol she was clambering into the seat and shoving the coins into the machine. You sat down next to her and did the same. You were both terrible. The controls were slightly broken and far too sensitive, making the cars on screen spin around when you tried to turn and never going straight.
"Piece of garbage!" Carol shouted at the screen as you passed the finish line by some miracle.
"Wanna go again?" You asked with a grin but the blonde was already jumping off the seat.
"Now this I have to win." Carol declared as she spotted the nearest shooting game. It was some kind of zombies in space crossover but you didn't much question that when you picked up the plastic gun.
"We work together on this, Danvers." You laughed.
"Count yourself lucky then." Carol said as she aimed her gun at the screen as the game started.
"The fact that you didn't know how it works doesn't make me all that confident in you." You pointed out as you started firing at the horde of zombies. You didn't see one that was charging at you from the left but Carol shot it down before it reached you.
"You're welcome." She smirked then shot some more on your right. "Come on, y/n I'm doing all the work here."
"Fuck yourself, Danvers." You fired back as you tried to reload your gun.
"Fuck me yourself you coward." She challenged. Your mouth went dry but you started to laugh. She didn't make the comment with her usual smirk and suggestive tone, instead it seemed like a genuine joke that you didn't get anxious about.
"That would be a first." You quipped with a smile. You managed to take the last few zombies.
"It really would be, I am a virgin after all." She said casually and you dropped your gun. "Oh shit, here we go!" Carol laughed as the zombie boss made its dramatic entrance.
"Wait what?" You stammered as you looked between Carol and the screen while trying to get a grip on the plastic gun.
"What? No one's ever fucked me. I fuck girls, they don't fuck me back." She shrugged simply and started rapid firing at the boss.
"Maybe you should stop being exclusive to pillow princesses." You joked in a feeble attempt to mask your surprise.
"Maybe, it's not just that." She started. It confused you that she could say something so out of character while keeping most of her attention on the screen. "I don't trust any of them. I don't know, it's just, when it comes down to it, I freak out." Carol tried to explain but seemed to struggle.
"Damn." She sighed when the screen presented 'Game Over' in an overtly bloody text. You wandered away from the booth as you thought about what Carol said. She had a content smile on her face as she looked around and you figured the conversation was over.
"I love these." You told the blonde when you came across a Wac A Mole machine. You put the coins in and lifted up the rubber mallet as you kept your eyes on the board. The first one sprung up in front of you and Carol announced its presence with a cry.
"Thank you, Danvers." You smiled after hitting the figure.
"There!" She pointed to the next one, and the next one until you shouldered her out the way, not expecting her to actual wander off. When the game was over you grinned in triumph and looked to Carol for her praise but she wasn't near by. With a frown, you ventured around the arcade and found the jock hunched over a claw machine.
"These things eat you money, you know?" You half joked but to your surprise Carol dropped a small teddy bear into the box.
"And how long did that take you?" You teased as she picked it up.
"Its for you." You ran your thumb over the left paw that had a heart over it and smiled back at the jock who kept surprising you.
"Thank you, Carol." She nodded and the pair of you started to walk out the arcade and main building. Much to your surprise it was starting to get dark and there were few cars in the car park. You guessed the place would be closing soon but you hadn't realized you had been there so long. Time always seemed to fly by with Carol.
"How long were we even..." You started to laugh lightly until you turned to Carol and realized how close together you were. Your breath hitched when your eyes locked with her own that seemed to be looking back at you with something you couldn't quite pinpoint.
"Can I kiss you?" You whispered gently. You licked your lips and nodded slowly.
Her other hand rested on your cheek as her thumb caressed the smooth skin slightly and finally closed the distance entirely.
You had kissed Carol before, but never like that. It was slow and longing and gentle and you reciprocated in an instant, matching the rhythm she set. You brought you hands up to Carol's neck and cherished the moment of feeling connected to her in the way you had been craving before you pulled apart.
"It's only our second date, Danvers." You couldn't help but quip, not knowing what to say in such an unfamiliar scenario.
"Well this second date has taken a lot of work to get." Carol pointed out and you laughed as you continued to hold her close.
"I was scared." You admitted.
"You don't have to be scared with me." Carol assured gently.
"You mean it? You really..."
"I really love you." She confirmed.
"That's lucky for me, because I love you too." You smiled and brought Carol in for another kiss that she happily encouraged.
"So... more dates?" Carol asked with a laugh, clearly not all that familiar with the procedure either. You would work it out quickly.
"Yeah Carol." You chuckled.
"That I still have to work hard for?" She half joked.
"Not if we're girlfriends." The blonde laughed more at that.
"I'm glad to hear I've upgraded from just your favourite jock.
"You're always going to be my favourite jock too." You assured and kissed Carol once more.
Carol kissed a path down your stomach and smiled against your skin as she felt you shiver. Even after weeks of dating you still weren't used to her kisses, especially not across your more sensitive areas of skin.
"I got you." She whispered as she hooked her fingers over your pajama bottoms and panties and pulled them down together, kissing the newly found skin. You shivered more as her breath ghosted over your clit making you whine and buck your hips up. Carol smiled at your reaction and leaned down not before whispering "God, you're beautiful.
She wrapped her full lips around your clit and reveled in the moan that spilled from your lips. Her tongue dipped between your folds and she moaned at the sweet taste that invaded her taste buds.
You wrapped your hands in Carol's long blonde hair to bring her closer but she pulled away with a smirk. Before you could whine in protest she pulled her own trousers down to reveal a strap you hadn't seen before. It was different in shape and colour but the most noticeable different was the absence of the harness. You moaned softly at the realization it was anchored inside her.
"I want to feel it with you." Carol said as she lowered herself back towards you and placed her hands either side of your head and kissed your neck.
"Are you sure?" You asked tentatively. It would be the first time Carol had been on the receiving end to such a level. The most you had done was go down on her a few times.
"Yes, I trust you. I love you." She grinned and lined the strap up with your entrance.
"I love you too." You had really started to enjoy saying that to her.
You moaned breathlessly as Carol inched the strap into you carefully and kissed along your jaw more. She moaned with you when she bottomed out and felt the strap dig deeper into her. Her hips twitched as she took a moment to gather her own composure and held your hands above your head, your fingers intertwined.
"I got you." You assured back to her as she started to pull out and push back in. Carol moaned loudly in response and held you closer to her as she started to build up a rhythm, your thigh slapping together.
You moaned in sync as the strap pleasured you both more and more. You wrapped your legs tightly around your girlfriend's waist to push the strap deeper inside you both.
You shuddered every time Carol's skin met yours. Carol started thrusting the toy faster and harder as she chased her own release.
"It's so good!" You cried out. You both struggled to form words, only managing breathless moans as the strap pressed firmly against your g-spots in sync.
"Me too, fuck, please Carol. Cum with me." You pleaded and gave a strangled moan. Carol shuddered and moaned louder than you had ever heard as she came undone at the same time as you.
"Y/n." Your girlfriend shuddered and started to grind her hips against yours as she rode out her high with you.
"It's okay, I got you." You said as you held onto Carol's bare back. You held her close to you as she breathed heavily against your neck, the irregular patterns starting to even out. She was still shaking so you planted soft kissed across the patches of her face that weren't hidden in your neck as you stroked her hair, a content smile on your lips.
She adjusted herself slightly and the pair of you moaned softly when she eased the toy out and put it on the floor. "I'll clean it later." She whispered, eyes closed, before you could say anything.
"Okay." You chuckled and brought her closer to you. You wrapped your arms around one another as your legs tangled together under the sheets.
Carol's soft breath caressed your skin as you stroked her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. A faint smile played across her lips at the action, confirming that she was just as happy as you were.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Taglist: @caroldanvers2 @marvelwomenslut @marvelwomen-simp @likefirenrain @grxvitye @emilyprentisslittlewhore @lostandsearching @firenrain13 @horcruxhunter90 @wndrcarol
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rafi1228 · 4 years
Pass the AWS Certified Developer Exam. Learn Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, Serverless, CICD, AWS CloudFormation, IAM, Security
What you’ll learn
Pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification (DVA-C01)
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Apply the right AWS services for your future real-world AWS projects
Deploy an application using Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CICD tools with full automation
Understand Serverless API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito
Write infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation
Implement messaging and integration patterns using AWS SQS, SNS & Kinesis
Master the CLI, SDK and IAM security best practices in EC2
Monitor, Trace and Audit your microservices using CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail
Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, Encryption SDK, IAM Policies & SSM
Know the basics of programming (functions, environment variables, CLI & JSON)
No AWS cloud experience is necessary, we’ll use the AWS Free Tier
Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine
Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.
The AWS Certified Developer certification is one of the most challenging exams. It’s great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I’ve passed it myself with the score of 984 out of 1000. Yes you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS developer certification with flying colors. No need to know anything about AWS, beginners welcome!
This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Developer exam will be worth it!
This course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you’ll judge!)
It covers in depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Developer DVA-C01 exam
It’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a developer
It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world
It’s a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services
It’s fast paced and to the point
It has professional subtitles
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Concretely, here’s what we’ll learn to pass the exam:
The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3
The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
Properly deploy an application: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, CICD, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy
Infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation
Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, CloudTrail
AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito, Serverless Application Model (SAM)
AWS Security best practices: KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
AWS Other Services Overview: CloudFront, Step Functions, SWF, ECS, Redshift
Tips to ROCK the exam
This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:
There are many hands-on lectures in every section
There are quizzes at the end of every section
There’s a practice exam at the end of the course
We’ll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time
I’ll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know… real world!)
My name is Stephane Maarek, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer, and the author of highly-rated & best selling courses on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2. I’ve already taught 40,000+ students and received 12,000+ reviews.
I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn how to be AWS Certified Developers. You are in good hands!
Take a look at these student reviews:
★★★★★ “I just passed my CDA exam with 96% and this course was extremely helpful in closing the gaps in my own understanding/experience. It was very easy to follow and informative.” – Derek C.
★★★★★  “This was a perfect match for what I was seeking. It has been about 8 years since I used AWS cloud frequently (other clouds and hybrids). Seeing a lot of the updates to services with some hands on has been very helpful.” – James C.
★★★★★ “Course is presented such way in detailed level with great diagram explanation. It’s helps me to clear my DVA exam successfully with 92% pass rate” – Edward K.
★★★★★   “This course was very interesting and full of great information and hands-on examples. Stephane did a very good job of assembling it all together and delivers it with so much knowledge and passion.” – Abdennour T.
This course also comes with:
✔ Lifetime access to all future updates
✔ A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
✔ Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
✔ A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!
Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam and master the AWS platform!
Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to acquire the knowledge to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
Developers who want to upskill themselves and understand how to leverage the AWS Cloud for their applications
Developers who want to get up to speed with best practices on Serverless and AWS Cloud
Created by Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Developer Last updated 1/2019 English English
Size: 5.83 GB
   Download Now
The post Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2019 – NEW! appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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rafi1228 · 5 years
Pass the AWS Certified Developer Exam. Learn Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, Serverless, CICD, AWS CloudFormation, IAM, Security
What you’ll learn
Pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification (DVA-C01)
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Apply the right AWS services for your future real-world AWS projects
Deploy an application using Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CICD tools with full automation
Understand Serverless API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito
Write infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation
Implement messaging and integration patterns using AWS SQS, SNS & Kinesis
Master the CLI, SDK and IAM security best practices in EC2
Monitor, Trace and Audit your microservices using CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail
Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, Encryption SDK, IAM Policies & SSM
Know the basics of programming (functions, environment variables, CLI & JSON)
No AWS cloud experience is necessary, we’ll use the AWS Free Tier
Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine
Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.
The AWS Certified Developer certification is one of the most challenging exams. It’s great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I’ve passed it myself with the score of 984 out of 1000. Yes you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS developer certification with flying colors. No need to know anything about AWS, beginners welcome!
This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Developer exam will be worth it!
This course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you’ll judge!)
It covers in depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Developer DVA-C01 exam
It’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a developer
It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world
It’s a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services
It’s fast paced and to the point
It has professional subtitles
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Concretely, here’s what we’ll learn to pass the exam:
The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3
The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
Properly deploy an application: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, CICD, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy
Infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation
Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, CloudTrail
AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito, Serverless Application Model (SAM)
AWS Security best practices: KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
AWS Other Services Overview: CloudFront, Step Functions, SWF, ECS, Redshift
Tips to ROCK the exam
This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:
There are many hands-on lectures in every section
There are quizzes at the end of every section
There’s a practice exam at the end of the course
We’ll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time
I’ll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know… real world!)
My name is Stephane Maarek, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer, and the author of highly-rated & best selling courses on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2. I’ve already taught 40,000+ students and received 12,000+ reviews.
I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn how to be AWS Certified Developers. You are in good hands!
Take a look at these student reviews:
★★★★★ “I just passed my CDA exam with 96% and this course was extremely helpful in closing the gaps in my own understanding/experience. It was very easy to follow and informative.” – Derek C.
★★★★★  “This was a perfect match for what I was seeking. It has been about 8 years since I used AWS cloud frequently (other clouds and hybrids). Seeing a lot of the updates to services with some hands on has been very helpful.” – James C.
★★★★★ “Course is presented such way in detailed level with great diagram explanation. It’s helps me to clear my DVA exam successfully with 92% pass rate” – Edward K.
★★★★★   “This course was very interesting and full of great information and hands-on examples. Stephane did a very good job of assembling it all together and delivers it with so much knowledge and passion.” – Abdennour T.
This course also comes with:
✔ Lifetime access to all future updates
✔ A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
✔ Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
✔ A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!
Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam and master the AWS platform!
Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to acquire the knowledge to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
Developers who want to upskill themselves and understand how to leverage the AWS Cloud for their applications
Developers who want to get up to speed with best practices on Serverless and AWS Cloud
Created by Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Developer Last updated 1/2019 English English
Size: 5.83 GB
   Download Now
The post Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2019 – NEW! appeared first on Free Course Lab.
0 notes
rafi1228 · 5 years
Become an AWS Certified Developer! Learn all AWS Certified Developer Associate topics. PASS the Certified Developer Exam
Created by Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer
Last updated 7/2019
  What you’ll learn
Pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification (DVA-C01)
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Apply the right AWS services for your future real-world AWS projects
Deploy an application using Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CICD tools with full automation
Understand Serverless API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito
Write infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation
Implement messaging and integration patterns using AWS SQS, SNS & Kinesis
Master the CLI, SDK and IAM security best practices in EC2
Monitor, Trace and Audit your microservices using CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail
Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, Encryption SDK, IAM Policies & SSM
Know the basics of programming (functions, environment variables, CLI & JSON)
No AWS cloud experience is necessary, we’ll use the AWS Free Tier
Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine
Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.
[July 2019 Update]: Over 30 lectures added and refreshed (~2h of video)! The course is now up to date to the newest exam topics.
[Feb 2019 Update]: Keeping the course updated! Added full section on ECS (1h15m)
The AWS Certified Developer certification is one of the most challenging exams. It’s great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I’ve passed it myself with the score of 984 out of 1000. Yes you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS developer certification with flying colors. No need to know anything about AWS, beginners welcome!
This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Developer exam will be worth it!
This course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you’ll judge!)
It covers in depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Developer DVA-C01 exam
It’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a developer
It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world
It’s a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services
It’s fast paced and to the point
It has professional subtitles
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Concretely, here’s what we’ll learn to pass the exam:
The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3
The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
Properly deploy an application: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, CICD, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy
Infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation
Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, CloudTrail
AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito, Serverless Application Model (SAM)
ECS, ECR & Fargate: Docker in AWS
AWS Security best practices: KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
AWS Other Services Overview: CloudFront, Step Functions, SWF, Redshift
Tips to ROCK the exam
This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:
There are many hands-on lectures in every section
There are quizzes at the end of every section
There’s a practice exam at the end of the course
We’ll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time
I’ll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know… real world!)
My name is Stephane Maarek, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer, and the author of highly-rated & best selling courses on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2. I’ve already taught 110,000+ students and received 33,000+ reviews.
I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn how to be AWS Certified Developers. You are in good hands!
Take a look at these student reviews:
★★★★★ “I just passed my CDA exam with 96% and this course was extremely helpful in closing the gaps in my own understanding/experience. It was very easy to follow and informative.” – Derek C.
★★★★★  “This was a perfect match for what I was seeking. It has been about 8 years since I used AWS cloud frequently (other clouds and hybrids). Seeing a lot of the updates to services with some hands on has been very helpful.” – James C.
★★★★★ “Course is presented such way in detailed level with great diagram explanation. It’s helps me to clear my DVA exam successfully with 92% pass rate” – Edward K.
★★★★★   “This course was very interesting and full of great information and hands-on examples. Stephane did a very good job of assembling it all together and delivers it with so much knowledge and passion.” – Abdennour T.
This course also comes with:
✔ Lifetime access to all future updates
✔ A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
✔ Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
✔ A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!
Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam and master the AWS platform!
Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to acquire the knowledge to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
Developers who want to upskill themselves and understand how to leverage the AWS Cloud for their applications
Developers who want to get up to speed with best practices on Serverless and AWS Cloud
Size: 5.4GB
  The post ULTIMATE AWS CERTIFIED DEVELOPER ASSOCIATE 2019 – NEW! appeared first on GetFreeCourses.Me.
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