imluvnit · 5 hours
Autumn ? Bring me Hugh
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imluvnit · 5 hours
We need to disband the TSA.
Like, i’m not saying no security at all, but we need to disband the current TSA and go back to like.  A quick x-ray of your bags and a metal detector.
When I was a kid flying alone, my parents knew I was smart and not easily freaked out by planes, so from age 8 when going to visit my grandma (an hour’s plane ride away), they wouldn’t even bother to set me up an an “unaccompanied minor”, they’d just let me fly.
Today that sounds absolutely NUTS, but you know why they could do it when I was 8?
When I was 8, they could walk me to the gate, put me on the gangway, and watch the plane take off, and know that my grandmother would be waiting at the gate on the other side to pick me up when I stepped off the plane.
Shortly after 9/11, my sister went to go visit my grandma.  She was probably 10 or so.  They wouldn’t let anyone go through the metal detectors anymore, you had to have a boarding pass, but if you went to the ticket counter and said, like “I’m picking up/dropping off an unaccompanied child/an elderly person/someone with disabilities” you could get a non-ticket pass to get through security and go to the gate.
Like, people forget sometimes, I think, that the full blown craziness of our current airport “security” (which is a joke and often does more harm than good - hurting or distressing innocent people and missing actual threats going through) took a while to ramp up.  If you told parents in the wake of 9/11 that they would not be able to go with their unaccompanied children through security to make sure they got on the plane safely, or be there to pick them up at the gate when they arrive, there would’ve been fucking RIOTS.  I remember my parents - VERY conservative and pro-Bush and pro-Patriot act and everything - being FRUSTRATED that they had to get a special pass to go with my sister through security if she was flying alone, because shouldn’t the fact that she’s a child and they’re her parent be enough to get them through?
Seriously, I know this is just one issue out of MANY that the current TSA has, but it’s just.  It blows my mind.
You used to be able to go have lunch in the terminal with a friend if they had a layover in your city.  You used to be able to romantically chase someone down to stop them boarding their plane when you realized you’d made a mistake turning down their offer to like.  Get together or whatever.  You used to be able to PUT YOUR GODDAMN CHILD ON A PLANE and be sure that on the other end someone would be right there to pick them up, or that they could just sit down right outside and wait if their pick-up person was running late.
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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Lane Brown aka Lane Draws (based SC, USA) - Ghost, 2022, Paintings: Digital Art
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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Willow Ptarmigan/dalripa. Sonfjället National Park in Härjedalen, Sweden (September 2, 2019).
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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SHREK 2 (2004)
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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Beautiful from Ordinary Days
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imluvnit · 5 hours
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imluvnit · 9 hours
I am not a Jack O Lantern.
My name is Lewis!
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imluvnit · 10 hours
A couple years ago I was on a road trip and at one point we drove by what was obviously an overgrown golf course. Wild uncut grasses growing out of the fairway, weeds sprouting from cracks in the crumbling parking lot, a club house with outdated signage left to moulder and decay.
And as a lifelong golf hater my first thought was “LMAO get wrecked,” followed by “Actually it’s kind of weird they totally abandoned it. I’ve never seen an abandoned golf course, what’s the deal with that.”
So I looked into it.
The golf course was on Enoch Cree Nation west of Edmonton in Alberta.
It was closed in 2014 because unexploded WWII munitions were found on the golf course.
Unexploded WWII munitions were found on the golf course because during WWII the Canadian government ran bomb exercises on Enoch Cree Nation and dropped up to 100,000 live rounds on the nation.
The golf course was built because residents were told that only harmless practice rounds were used during the exercises, and the Department of National Defence declared the land safe for use.
But then in 2011 an independent contractor found evidence of live, heavy-action explosives on the golf course.
In 2020 the nation and the federal government agreed to a settlement of $91 million for loss of income of the golf course and for land cleanup. Not a day goes by I don’t think about this.
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imluvnit · 10 hours
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looking at things through rose colored glasses
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imluvnit · 10 hours
yr locked in a room alone with three adult men but you feel perfectly safe. who are they
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imluvnit · 12 hours
Some embroidery hacks I've discovered that are enabling me to stitch at record speeds:
1) Floss drops, my absolute beloved. Winding/unwinding bobbins ad nauseam and trying to guess how long to cut (and invariably getting it miles wrong) are a thing of the past.
2) Ditched the hoop and am now stitching-in-hand, doing the in-out of the stitch in one go. Mind blown. Not only is each stitch more than twice as fast, I also don't have to fluff around with positioning and attaching the hoop each time, and stressing that it's warping the fabric. (Only works for teeny tiny cross stitch, though.) Is it my neatest work? No, but it does the job, and no one's going to notice when it's hung up on a wall. Tip: put a thimble on the finger behind the work!
3) Mentally allowed myself to accept that starting and finishing a thread is actually not that much of a pain, takes ten seconds, and is going to happen anyway. It's an inevitable and even satisfying part of the process. You don't need to eke out every last stitch till your thread is stressfully short. There is more when that came from. Just chill.
4) Made an adorable little sofa-arm embroidery caddy for all my bits and bobs, including a SUPER HANDY little square of fluffy felt for catching all the offcut threads. (This also helps a lot with (3) above!)
One of the things that always used to put me off embroidery of any kind was the insuperable hurdle of pulling everything out and getting it all set up every single time before you could get started – as opposed to knitting, which you can just pick up and go. With the combination of the above, I can sit down and be actually stitching within about 30 seconds!
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imluvnit · 12 hours
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How deep does the hole go?
Art by Penzilla
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imluvnit · 14 hours
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imluvnit · 14 hours
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imluvnit · 14 hours
im gonna getcha! im gonna getcha!!!
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omg stoppp!!! hehe ^_^ !!!!
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