#//i hope i managed to tag everyone! if not i'm deeply sorry
sweet-writings9 · 5 months
Only For Them | Prologue
Summary: A lone omega was on the run from a ruthless alpha. Running was all she knew until she bumped to two certain alphas that would change her life forever. Crazy things happen to her once she realizes that they are her mate. Two mates. How will she able to cope?
Characters: Omega!Fem!reader , Alpha!Steve Rogers, Alpha!Bucky Barnes (James Barnes)
genre: omegaverse au, alternative au, love, humor, angst, comfort, yandere
notes: hello everyone ! my old account got hacked so I had to make a new one sadly *cries* anyway, I hope you guys like this! i had to edit it and make some changes. if you are interested and wanna get tagged just comment below or send me a DM. Feedback is appreciated. Hope you guys enjoy this little peek lol
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Footsteps echoed through the dark city as rain poured even harder. Slight winds getting bolder as they came stronger by the second. A soft thud echoed in a dark alley as heavy breaths were heard. [Y/N] tried to catch her breath as she was on her knees in a puddle. She had been running for the past hour from him. He had finally found her. After so long trying to get away from him, he found her once again.
In the back of her mind, there was this small little voice that kept nagging at her that he would always find her no matter what. Her whole body shivered as she managed to get up.
Chills ran thru her whole body as she walked deeper into the dark alley.
"I need to keep moving.." She mumbled to herself as she kept her feet going.
If she stopped then he will catch her again. She couldn't let that happened. She already caused a lot of trouble for everyone.
Especially two men that hold her heart so deeply.
Steve and James.
Tears rolled down her face at the thoughts and memories of them. She was only with them for a couple of months and it had been the best time she's ever had. She wouldn't let him hurt them. She would never forget herself if they are hurt because of her.
Even her wolf is hurting. Clawing and howling at her to get back to her mates.
Well, now her ex-mates.
Her heart was tearing so much at the last moments she was with them. How she had to hurt them to get away.
She couldn't move anymore as she leaned against the wall, sobbing her heart out.
"Stupid [Y/N]…I'm sorry Steve…James. So sorry." She mumbles as she slides down to the ground, exhaustion winning the game. "I'm so pathetic..such a pathetic omega."
Her vision was slowly getting worse as she was seeing double now. As she sat there, memories of her time with them flashed in her mind once more. Her lips curved into a smile at all the love and care they gave her. Even the rest of their so-called family. They welcomed her with open arms which she wasn't used to. She felt like crying even more from losing them to him. Fear of him hurting her new family. She would rather give herself to him than have him hurt her family.
Her mates.
The thought of her mates was killing her even more. She gasped for air as it felt like someone had punched her so hard that she couldn't breathe.
She wrapped her arms around herself as if she could just turn invisible. She wished all this ended. All the pain. All the running.
Just everything to stop.
She sniffed as she tried wiping her tears or so called rain. She knew that she had to keep moving. She couldn't stay here. She slowly managed to get up on her feet as she was about to be on the move until something stopped her.
More like someone did.
Her eyes widen at the soft, broken tone that she's very familiar with. Her body froze for a slight second before she kept moving.
"Take one more step and you'll get it."
Another familiar voice that she knew.
She shook her head as she kept her legs moving.
"Leave…me..alone." She says out loud, trying to sound confident yet it sounded like a cry for help.
"Like hell! Doll stop this!"
His yell made her shake in fear at his alpha tone as she gripped on her head, trying to forget all about him.
"Please…just stop…" She mumbled to herself but loud enough for them to hear her.
"We will never stop."
That voice sounded closer which caught her off guard. She cursed under her breath as she was about to make a run for it until she bumped into a hard body. A warmth that she knew very well.
She gasped as she backed away and looked up to see blue eyes looking at her.
It was Steve. He looked so broken and hurt.
"It's all your fault that he's like that." A small voice echoed in her mind.
She shook her head as she backed away from him, hoping that she can outrun him but as soon as she turned around, she noticed someone in front of her. Someone she knew very well.
"Doll…please stop this. Just come home with us."
It was Bucky. James as he would always tell her to call him.
He was the most emotional one of the two and she could easily tell that this was hurting them two. Not just her.
She shook her head as she backed away from both of them. If she ever got too close to them both then she'll give in to them. She couldn't do that. She had to leave and fast.
"I…I can't go home. He'll…find me. He'll kill you to get…to me."
Steve and Bucky looked at each other before looking at her, getting closer to her.
But the closer they tried to close the distance, the more she'll open it.
"We can protect you, love. You know that we can protect you. You're save with us." Steve tried to reason with her.
She shook her head.
"No, if he hurts you then…I..don't.." She couldn't even finish the sentence.
She kept looking away as she tried to find a way to escape them.
But there was no way.
She was weak and tired. Also an omega. Unlike them that are alphas.
She didn't know how long the silence was but it suddenly stopped once she felt rough hands cupping her face as he made her look at him.
Rough lips smashed against her as she couldn't help but moan at how bad she had missed him. It had only been a week since the last time she saw them. Now, they were here in front of her and Bucky was kissing her with so much passion. She could feel the burning sensation thru his body pressed against hers.
"Don't you dare leave us again, Doll. I don't care about him. I only care about you." He mumbles against her lips before kissing them again harder. "It's been only a week and I'm this crazy looking for you. I'm not letting you handle this alone that's why we are here. That's why we are your mates. We are in this together."
[Y/N] gasped as she looked up at him, staring into his beautiful, brown eyes that she grew to love, but that quickly changed as she felt another pair of arms around her waist. A different type of warmth behind her. She glanced back to his blue eyes staring at her with so much love in them.
"Love, we've told you before. Whatever happened in the past with you, don't worry. Me and Buck will protect you. No matter what. It doesn't matter whom or what. We will always protect you." He said with a stern look on his face while he leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss.
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deepperplexity · 7 months
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Prompt 4. Sharing [C1]
Pairing: Turpin x Fem!Wife!Reader
POV: Second, Reader
Setting: Turpin's House
A/N: Time for my fav Rickman character to take the spotlight - I realise it might be a little frustrating to not have each long fic as a whole but I'm working with set prompts (like everyone else 😅) so we will be jumping a bit between the stories but I hope - since it's such a short time between parts - that you'll manage, darlings 🙈❤ Anyway, we are gonna have another slightly darker story going but I do promise we will have a HEA even if it'll be a bit of a roller coaster getting there. I'm such a sucker for Angst and Hurt in my fics that I just can't resist - especially when Turpin is so perfect for this 🙈🤭❤ I don't know how long this one will be though, might be 2 parts, might be 5, we'll have to see 😂 Anyway, I hope December is starting well for you and let's get to the story! 😍👏
IMPORTANT: My plans for this story go in the darker shades! I cannot make any promises as I write as I go for this event but I feel like Turpin's story needs some darkness, amidst the fluff and joy of Christmas I want to incorporate some harsher, darker themes as well - he's a dark and complex character after all so I'm just giving a possible heads up here at the very beginning. No promises, but many possibilities 🙈
Tags/TW’s: Emotional Hurt/Harm, Fear, Physical Grabbing/Hurt, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort (yet), Harsh Dialogue, Hating Christmas vs Loving Christmas, Pettiness, Longing, Fear Of Abandonment, Lacking Communication (not miscommunication)
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 1.6k+
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You were tensing all over. Every muscle was as stiff as the logs in the hearth, crackling within the flames yet their warmth didn’t quite reach you. He glared at you. His cold grey eyes lacked the usual warmth he held for you. To be quite blunt, you hadn’t thought he’d be so opposed to the whole idea — but, there you were, in the middle of an argument you hadn’t imagined would ever occur.
You looked down, avoiding his harsh gaze. “I thought you’d be pleased,” you said quietly. “Pleased?” “Yes, Richard. I thought—” “You thought wrong. Christmas is a foolish holiday, worth nothing to me. The opposite, in fact.” You bit your lip, the coldness of his words too hurtful when you adored the holiday with all your heart and he'd never spoken in such a manner to you previously.
You glanced toward the tree you had only half decorated when he came home. Everything else in the house was done, the garlands and curtains, the mistletoe in the hallway arch and the new green candle sticks, the little Santa village atop the mantel you had sprinkled with flour to replicate snow, and the little decorations dotted on most flat surfaces — angels and reindeer, miniature trees and Christmas flowers. Some things you’d bought at the market but quite a bit of it you’d found in the attic — why did he have all those beautiful decorations if he wasn’t fond of the holiday?
“I’m sorry, Richard…” you whispered and he sighed deeply, it made you shiver unpleasantly. “It’s-, it’s my favourite holiday.” “You are my wife now, living under my roof, and there will be no holiday cheer or infernal carols. Take it all down,” he snarled coldly before leaving the room with rapid steps, his boot-clad feet stomping harshly. But it’s Christmas… You thought while hugging yourself, staving off the hurt of him speaking so harshly to you. Dismissing you, your feelings, all of it with not so much as a chance for you to ask why. “I won’t let you take away Christmas,” you whispered to the empty room.
You woke up in the guest room, having neglected to sleep in your bed — next to your husband. You hadn’t done what he asked yesterday, all the decorations remained where you had put them, and as you made your way down to the drawing room you were met by the half-done Christmas tree. He’s not taking Christmas from me. I won’t allow it. Never had you gone against his wishes before, not since you married the man during the early summer of that very year. He had truly not asked anything extraordinary of you, though. Not many wishes to go against, truth be told.
You finished decorating the tree, placing all the gifts you had hidden away in the attic previously under its branches weighed down by far too many decorations. Had he not been so cold toward you, so disrespectful of your love of Christmas, you wouldn’t have gone all out. Now, well, now you did. The tree was nearly tacky in its sparkling, glittery, golden galore.
“There, last one,” you said and stood back to look at your work. “He can be a grump everywhere else, but I’m celebrating Christmas. No matter if he likes it or not.” “You ought not do such a thing, me lady,” came the voice of the maid. It startled you. “It’s Christmas, Miss Lowel. I’m going to celebrate it.” “Yes, me lady, but do not say I didn’t warn you.” “Warning heard, and ignored.” “You are most brave, me lady.” “What’s he going to do? Throw his wife out on the street?” you laughed at your own words, he was some sort of a gentleman after all. Miss Lowel, however, only lowered her eyes and left the room. Would he?
Richard never came home that evening. You sat in the drawing room, surrounded by the cosy decorations while reading a book in the warmth of the fireplace, when the clock struck ten. “Where is he?” you murmured and snapped your book shut. “Is he working late again?” You sighed and got up, heading toward the bathroom to clean up before it was time to sleep.
As you brushed your hair you wondered if you should sleep in your shared bedroom or take the guest room again. You decided on the latter, not wanting to share a bed with someone angry — your grandmother always said it was bad to share a bed with anger. She meant one should always talk and solve things before going to bed, but, same difference. You didn’t quite want to admit to the strange sensation of worry and longing that had begun to unfurl within you, doubts about whether you’d made the right choice slithered in as the night enveloped the world. You fell asleep nonetheless, half shivering under the heavy cover lacking your husband’s warmth.
“You disobey me,” Richard snarled and you jolted awake. Sitting upright with the cover pooling around your waist, your nightshirt did little to ward off the sudden chill of the cold room. “Richard?” you asked, half disoriented by the sudden awakening. He glared at you from beside the bed, with barely any light in the room his eyes looked like pits. “You disobey me, in my own house ,” he snarled and grabbed your upper arm, jerking you close with a too-firm grip.
Your heart jumped into a gallop within your chest, your body stiffening while your hand reached out to try and remove his fingers squeezing your biceps too harshly. “I told you to take it down ,” he seethed. “Richard, stop, you’re hurting me,” you whimpered while pushing at his hand. He bent forward, your noses nearly touching, and your breath seemed lodged in your throat. His harsh features appeared set in stone, his mouth barely a line with his lips so tightly sealed and his jaw clenched. He had never looked at you like that, pure anger and something far more dreadful creeping underneath it — something that pulled at your heart fiercely. 
“Take, it, down,” he said, nearly punching out each word. “N-no,” you whimpered, cinching your eyes shut. “I will not, it’s Christmas.” “It is my house,” he snarled and jerked at your arm, drawing a winching sound out of you. “It-, it’s mine too,” you whispered while tears began to roll down your cheeks. Fear, hurt and pain spurring the reaction you tried to quench. “You have nothing of yours,” he declared with frost in his thunderous roll of a voice. “ Nothing is yours.” “We share this marriage,” you said quietly, barely able to get the words out. “We share our life, and our home,” you continued and dared look up at him as he stood bent over you, each part of him seemingly held taunt. “Sharing,” he seethed, “is not what we do, wife . I own everything, including you.”
His hand released you with another jerk, forcing you to fall backwards while he straightened to his full, imposing height. Your heart ached and hammered, your cheeks wet with tears while your body quivered, your hands trembling. The way he spoke had fear streaking through your veins, your exchange with Miss Lowel still fresh in your mind — would he throw you out on the street over Christmas decorations? The hurt pushed hot anger through you, the fear like oil atop a fire.
“You do not own me,” you said, fisting your hand while glaring up at him. “I do not own you either. Marriage isn’t ownership, it’s sharing.” He smirked at you, but there was something devilish about it. Something dangerous. “Sharing?” he said. “In the same manner you thought to take all the freedom to remind me of the most horrendous of holidays? Sharing, as in taking the liberty to completely alter my one sanctuary without so much as a word with me beforehand? Sharing seems to be all, about, you,” he seethed while his hands fisted and his shoulders stiffened.
As he turned harder, colder, your heart ached and your shoulders slumped. Your bottom lip trembled, your tears flowed with more intensity as his words sank in, stabbing at you from all directions with the declaration of how selfish you had been. You had assumed he’d be happy, had assumed you could celebrate in a manner you saw fit, you even assumed he loved the holiday like all else did. It was Christmas, who didn’t love the most jolly of holidays?
Have I-, have I hurt him? The thought made your chest ache, for as you looked closer now that your eyes were more adjusted to the little light coming from the hallway you saw less of the anger he radiated and more of the hurt he was endeavouring to hide underneath it. You had, indeed, caused him emotional harm. It was written in his eyes as the dark pits turned to grey clouds. I hurt him…
“Richard, I’m—” “I shall return after Christmas.” “What?” “You shall have all your holiday cheer, wife , but none of me,” he snarled but the anger now sounded far more like pain. “Merry Christmas,” he continued with a seething sneer that just barely allowed the hurt to be heard, and then he stormed out of the room while you tried to grasp the fact he was leaving you until Christmas would be over, and it was only the fourth of December.
“Richard! Wait!” you called out, stumbling out of bed, your foot snagging on the cover, sending you plummeting into the lush carpet below with a thud and a hiss as your forehead slammed into the hard wood below while his footsteps receded down the stairs beyond the hallway. “Richard,” you said while scrambling to get up, “wait!”
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Uffh, such a cliffhanger there 👀 I'm trying to preserve my sanity so I'm not endeavouring to write 5k+ fics or the like each day - I hope you understand 🙈❤
I do think I'll be doing some short one-part fics too during this Rickmas but I'm taking it day by day so we'll see what happens - tomorrow I'll be continuing our Brandon story though! The prompt is perfect for it! 😍👏 Also, want to say an extra thank you to all who's shown they're here, reading my writing - it means so much and I'm really grateful ❤
Q: Do you tend to read more Christmas/winter stories during the holidays? (fanfiction or original works) A: I have never really followed the seasons in my reading beyond Rickmas - I'm a complete mood reader so it really doesn't matter what's going on around me, what I'm in the mood to read I'll read 😂
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87
@elizabeth-baelish @severuslovebot @leah1243 @thethotthatbreathes @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @commodoreseverus @reinekefoxart @lght-n-drk @cathym1102 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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clubwnderland · 2 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 [𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛]
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[Part One][Part Two][Part Three][Part Four][Part Five][Part Six]
CW: death, blood, violence and other dark themes are spoken about so please do not read if you are not comfortable. If you have read this far and want to know how this works out, it'll be in the tags.
"Somi!" Mikyoung reacts quickly, running towards the stairs before a blast throws the door open and causes everyone to startle. The omega looks over her shoulder and notices several cloaked men walking into foyer, splitting off into different directions but she doesn't stay put to see if they come for her.
Vibrations shake the house as explosions echo around the house, keeping anyone who tries to run outside from doing so in fear of being hit. The attack comes suddenly, swiftly, and from all directions. Even as Mikyoung makes it up the stairs, she realises that they are not safe, the pup who had been told to wash her hands being dragged out of the bathroom with a hand over her mouth to keep her from alerting anyone else.
"Let her go!" Mikyoung grabs the witch by the back of his robe, managing to throw him off guard, letting go of the pup as he falls to the ground. "Run, hide, don't come out until I say so." She lets the pup run off, turning to face the man getting up and hoping she can fight him off long enough for the pup to get away.
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Chan had immediately passed the pup to one of the house keepers, telling them all to grab as many of the pups as they can and get away before an explosion throws him off balance and causes his hearing to ring loudly. It's only for a moment, the disorientation managing to disappear quickly but not quick enough as a cloaked figure runs past him and chases after the pups.
"No, you don't." He manages to tackle them down, punching them several times to knock them out until he hears Channie shouting, hearing him tell the kids to run as the house is overrun by witches.
Channie is thrown back against the wall, his head hitting the solid wood hard as he falls to his knees. The kid he had been protecting grabbed, kicking and screaming for Channie to help him, save him.
Please save him.
Before the witch knocks him out.
Screams sounding moments before they are silenced and the two Alphas watch as the captured pups are carried outside.
It happens almost in slow motion. The way Channie's entire demeanour shifts, his body tensing as a deep growl echoes through the room. Chan knows that this is the only way they can actually save anyone, the only way that they can save themselves but Channie's shift isn't being triggered because he needs to protect himself.
It's because he needs to protect those pups.
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"Faster!" Hongjoong shouts from the back seat, Jongin sitting next to him listening to his phone continue to ring before he punches the seat in front of him, startling Luna. "The blood was still warm, they can't have been too far ahead of us."
Chris' foot presses down on the accelerator, breaking the speed limit as they rush through the streets, the other cars on their tail. "I'm going as fast as I can. Have you gotten a hold of anyone at the house?"
Jongin shakes his head and Hongjoong grabs his phone to call Mikyoung, "you better answer phone, Mi." He growls deeply only to be met with her answering machine.
"Hey! It's Mikyoung, I'm so sorry I can't take your call right now but if you leave your-"
"Fuck!" He crushes the device in his hand and throws the pieces out the window. "Go. Faster. Chris."
He is. As fast as the car can take them, Chris is pushing it to its limit.
But it isn't enough.
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Mikyoung manages to get past the witch, some commotion downstairs momentarily diverting his attention and allowing her to run and help some pups hide.
"In here," she throws open the closet door and reveals a hidden room that can hide some of the pups in case of emergency. Chris had shown it to her earlier in the week, knowing that things were getting dangerous but nobody would have thought this was going to happen. "Quick, get in and don't come out until I come and get you." They whimper as she closes the door to the room and hides it once more behind a false wall.
"Where's the bitch?" She hears coming from the hallway, footsteps getting closer and she knows she has to take them away from this room.
"Check all the rooms."
Making sure that everything looks normal, undisturbed, Mikyoung closes the closet quietly and makes her way to the bathroom that connects to the room next door. She tries to make as little noise as possible until she reaches the hallway and grabs the witch's attention but it seems that as fast as she is - they were prepared for her.
"Gotcha." A loud ringing in her ears causes her to drop to the ground, clutching her head as she starts to scream. The two witches surround her, one casting a spell to keep her screaming in pain and the other crouching down to inject her with wolfsbane. The way it sears through her system, burning her insides and causing to writhe has the men chuckling, enjoying her suffering until one swift kick to her stomach causes enough pain to shut her brain down. "Sleep well~."
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Even with their magic, the witches aren't fast enough for the wolves who are driven by their need to protect the pups. The witches had incapacitated some of the wolves who were outside, knocking some out but they hadn't anticipated those arriving back to the house.
Wolves flock in. Barking and growling fills the house and the witches shout to try and gather their bearings as they are suddenly surrounded by the same creatures they want to destroy.
But while they had the element of surprise - their magic isn't strong enough to take on the masses coming through the doors.
Or for the two Alphas now standing at their full height and bearing their sharp teeth, licking their lips as they look at the enemy who dared to attack them.
Channie's eyes flicker to the poor pup still laying on the ground, the one who was calling for him to help and then back to the witch who did that to him. Without hesitating, Channie launches at the man, Chan lunging at another and as if that was permission - screams ring through the air once more.
Not the screams of the children who were scared and running but the screams of their attackers as they are torn to shreds.
It's a blood bath, crimson splattering on the walls before heads fall to the floor and large paws leave messy prints on the once pristine hardwood floors. A couple of their wolf brethren lay unresponsive on the ground, silver knives dug deep into their chests but the toll on the witches greatly outweigh the loss the wolves have taken.
Channie's teeth tear out a man's throat, the crunching of his bones can be heard as the other men are subdued, captured by some of the wolves who have shifted back. They shiver in fear as they are approached by Chan, the Alpha's white coat tainted red before his attention is pulled elsewhere and he takes off - Channie assuming his place.
Saliva and blood sprays as Channie growls right in a man's face, snapping his jaws as if in warning before walking over to the unconscious pup, nudging it with his nose to try and wake him up. He knows, even if not fully aware, he knows that if the pup doesn't awaken that there will be no one left to question.
No witch will leave this place alive if any of the pups are hurt in any severe way.
He waits, standing over the small body, keeping anyone from moving closer until he hears it - a groan. As if his aggression melted away, Channie begins to lick the pup's face, his chops still coated in fresh blood but he doesn't care.
The pup is safe. They are all safe. That's all the Alpha thinks about as he cleans the boy's face and moves on to check on the others, the boy resting on his back.
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owlsinathens · 10 months
I'm sorry I really really don't want to harsh your writing groove, and your little snowstorm fic had some neat ideas. But it wasn't tagged game of thrones, and Jon Snow with curly black hair, pouty lips, and being called as pretty as a girl is only in the show. Book!Jon has straight brown hair and a long thin face and is never called pretty. It was a good GOT fic though!
Why hello, "anon"!
You know, I haven't given it too much thought which canon this ficlet is supposed to be, and actually forgot the GoT tag. It's added now, I hope this makes you happy.
But there are a few things I'm curious about.
- Can you tell me where in ASoIaF Jon's hair texture is described? Does it anywhere say explicitly that he has straight hair? I searched, but couldn't find a line on that.
- Please also tell me where in the books Jon's mouth is described in such detail that you, the all-knowing "anon", can deduce that he isn't able to pout.
- Your lack of reading comprehension is a tad concerning, considering you're all on your own in the big interweb - where in my little ficlet did I describe Jon as pretty as a girl? Or pretty, period? The word doesn't show up at all.
- Also, where did I say Jon has other than brown hair? I said dark, can't brown hair be described as dark? Are we gatekeeping dark hair now? Or is it just that you again present your headcanons as canon and everyone needs to adher to your version of it?
All of that I would love an explanation for, but since you are too cowardly to tell your name, I guess that's a futile wish.
But, I want to thank you for reminding me why I didn't write for months in the first place - because of toxic, mean-spirited, gate-keeping people like you. Because of the likes of you this fandom is in its death throes. Dunno what you get out of it, honestly.
Lastly, I know you're not supposed to show when some nasty little anon has hurt your feelings, but seeing as this whole thing is going nowhere anymore, I don't see why not. So, congratulations, "anon", you managed to deeply hurt me, and kill in its bud the first blossoming of creativity I've felt in a long time. I hope it gives you satisfaction, since you must be a deeply unhappy individual.
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
Imagine being in your 30s, a whole ass adult, and publicly harassing and lying about 3 disabled people younger than you just because they politely told you to fix the tags on your content. That blog has been doing this type of work for months with many other blogs and is something that a lot of people have learned from. It's something a lot of photosensitive and epileptics have been grateful for, myself included. Improperly tagging content CAN and DOES lead to seizures for people, myself included.
I'm glad that blog exists to educate people. And I truly hope you can heal from whatever hurt you enough to want to bully 3 people younger than you who are just trying to help out our community. If you don't want to "deal with them" anymore then I suggest blocking the blog and moving on, you've done enough damage.
They're already all blocked, several times over in some cases. And I'm sorry but I'm not giving any shrift to self confessed "anti-contact paraphile" (their words exactly) and people who claim they have fictional characters in their heads, and sorry, but Satanic Ritual Abuse (RAMCOA) does not exist. This is guilt tripping cry bully bullshit and you can fuck the hell off. And really why would someone claiming to have life threatening seizures triggered by flashing lights be running a blog featuring nothing but pictures of flashing lights? Please answer for me that question. What use is harassing random bloggers about posts with less than five notes? You'd have to go looking for that, and if you're having life threatening seizures you wouldn't be actively looking for that. I'm sorry that you picked the wrong target, and managed to hit out against someone who isn't going to roll over at the first bad faith accusation of "ableism".
And what fucking damage? Seriously, what damage? I see no damage. I called for no harassment, I simply stated how deeply not serious I took this, blocked everyone involved in running that blog and then didn't post about it again until you decided to answer my "fuck off" with a guilt tripping "I had a seizure because your post!" No you didn't. You got caught being a bad faith actor and are back pedalling by being a cry bully. It's pathetic and it's obvious. And here's a fun fact for you, once you're out of high-school? You're a fucking adult and this "~*uwu*~ you're bullying younger people" shit doesn't work. Grow the fuck up.
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nonsensegnomes · 2 years
bestie what are your top nine favorite movies atm
oooh good question <3 well like i said i'm discovering i've covered way more ground in tv over the last few years (which i'm gonna rectify soooooonnnnnn i think, got a lot of exciting recs from that recent tag game!!) so this is pitifully basic, but like in terms of what i'm thinking about Right This Moment:
the hitcher – slightly deranged about this ever since i saw it last week, a movie perfectly tuned to my preferences <3 love love LOVE the main performances & the dreamy atmosphere & the cinematography; just! the americana of it all!! plus there is soooo much to dig into, like the folkloric resonances (i mean the vanishing hitchhiker story HELLO), the gay panic (as in the actual original homophobic meaning) every shot of the first half hour is just LACED with, that scene where he puts the coins over his eyes in the diner.... obsessssssssssed.
the black phone – okay so i watched this last night & it might fade from the faves over the next few days but rn i can't stop Picking at it. genuinely Disturbed me a couple times so 🙈👍 ethan hawke ATE, the little girl playing the sister KILLED it, and my friend pj should've had more screentime so the sets of siblings could parallel each other or something but wcyd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i am a little I Can Fix It about some of its clunkier plot points, but the main conceit of the phone fucked soooooo hard i can forgive it 💖
it 2017 – listen. i have been feeling this rewatch approaching all summer & as soon as i get my grubby hands on a projector (as god intended this movie to be watched <3), august is going to be thee month for it!!! idk it just has a very dear place in my heart 💕 like everyone else i did have a 2019 breakdown despite its many Many flaws, but the first one remains That Bitch w/ the perfect pacing & ending... coming of age film that just happens to have a clown in it babey!! also always going to care about eddie kaspbrak unfortunately 😔
nausicaä of the valley of the wind – my fave ghibli movie!! What Is There To Say. it was the first one i saw before i was aware everyone went insane about like hmc & princess monoke (which i also adore!!), so at first i was just Captivated by the animation genius & the Weirdness & the design of those bugs... it just plucks at something in me, like this is PRECISELY the kind of post-apocalyptic story i can enjoy, like what a coherent & hopeful environmental message that's, well, not subtle but certainly managed with a very deft touch!!!
fight club – sorry for being a film bro :/ anyway go look at this important piece of LGBT history
the death of stalin – love a comedy where everything falls apart around & also due to a bunch flailing back-stabbing incompetent idiots, so of course an armando iannucci joint always hits the spot <3 just SUCH alarming pettiness & cruelty that you have to laugh in the face of it ohhhh my godddddd
southern comfort – okay so kinda cheating with this docu, but it just impacted me sooooooo deeply the first time i saw it & i still go back and rewatch every once in a while. despite how sad it gets at the end, it actually is one of those things that gives me Real hope bc the whole thing is just about love & community & the radical Comfort transness allows you to find in yourself 💕💕💞💖 i would definitely rec it to absolutely everyone, it's only 90 mins & absolutely Life-Changing; i think there was a clip going round here a while ago about how affirming t4t love can be, and imo that just sums up the whole vibe. rest in power robert eads ✊😔
fire walk with me – well this is my favourite movie of all time despite the fact that i can NEVER ever watch it again ✌️ like i am well aware that it is technically kinda all over the place, what with david seeing fit to make the first half hour just "fbi procedural david bowie cameo now THIS character says something ominous & incomprehensible" but also. i Do Not Care bc the next hour + a half made me cry so hard it took me like 5 hrs to watch it; jesus CHRIST she was just a kid who needed someone to reach out and help her!!! laura i would have done so much cocaine with you & kept you alive forever!!!!!! also lynch's weird cryptic storytelling just appeals to me personally bc the way the meaning comes more from the audience's emotional response makes it kinda work on the same level as a folk tale for me, which i loveeeeeeeeeee unpicking; saw a post once about fwwm being structured like the saint's life of a martyr and !!! that is exactly It!
stardust – an all-time favourite, i mean the costumes! the pacing! the fun twists on fantasy tropes! the sheer CAMPINESS of it all!!! the way the plotlines converge in the end WOWED me as a child and to this day every time i watch another fantasy movie i'm like. Well You're Not Stardust Are You :/
& honourable mention to those films always occupying some part of my brain, that i can mouth along with from memory just because they are so comforting to me: tsn, the princess bride, 10 things i hate about you, pride 2014, bend it like beckham, saw (this nearly made the main list but like. too obvious.), the parent trap (1998 version), the karate kid
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kashacreates · 2 years
Ask Day List Info and Thoughts
👾The Sunday List is now @kashasstupidboner and is no longer tied to a day.
As such, this requirement still remains: If I cannot tell you are an adult from the content of your blog OR you don't DM me to let me know you are an adult, I'll soft-block follows on that blog.
👾There is only one maintained "Ask Days List" and it is the original post.
The tags added to posts are purely for the function of tagging those on the Ask Days List. Sunday was the only exception, and that one is getting shifted to its own blog.
👾Ask list responses are being queued onto @kashasprompts.
👾 Also: new mainblog @kashas-stuff
@pendles-is-friendles is an old RP blog and won't be deleted; but it's kind of an archive of a time that's long since passed. There's lots of emotions attached to that blog; all positive but bittersweet. It seems a good time to lay it to rest.
Rambly and Over-Explainly:
To be blunt: I'm dumb, have memory issues, and a lot of projects and stuff on my plate. I also lack a lot of social graces and I know my bluntness can turn people off; I very, very, very rarely initiate DMs and it's almost always for a quick check-in/whatnot when I think I've done something wrong or think something is amiss. I'll call myself lazy, but it's more I operate on a level of fatigue that is more fugue than functional. This makes me very slow at most things I do. So I make a lot of systems to help me manage things and allow me to do what I can.
Like, during all of this, I'm trying to learn to code in Javascript, REACT, and C++ WHILE re-writing part 3 for the third time.
Why this is important: I feel like some might think I'm ignoring them, or ghosting them or what not. I'm not trying to. Really! This isn't a "drama because I don't like doing this"; it's more "oh shit, I don't want people to think I'm secretly awful and ignoring them!"
I'm just pumping the brakes a bit so I can get through everything without getting overwhelmed. It also gives me the chance to do content that's not just ask day stuff. I have an anthology to write and like getting asks too (which, I absolutely love you folks that send me asks back.) Also, lore posts.
And I'm pumping the brakes by doing the queue and not linking the ask day list directly in the prompts. Obviously, I'm still adding people that interact with that post -- I'm just making people work for it a little. It is in my introduction.
In conclusion: I feel that encouraging interaction with people helps any online community you're in! This is why I do these things and I LOVE how big the "Ask Days List" has become. Seriously! I like contributing! But, I'm human and slow, so I'm using systems to help me make sure I can keep contributing and not burn out. I also want people to see my work and posts and don't want to flood the dash. So, as a win-win, I'm using the queue and another blog to do the replies.
As for Sundays:
That one ask I got from the minor wanting advice low-key freaked me out.
Also, not everyone wants that kind of content on their dash. So relegating it to a day and tagging everything should work, right?
Except, certain tags can make the posts disappear from searches. And words in the post too! Ok, use slightly-modified citrus scale and heavy euphemisms. Oh, well now I have to do posts about the citrus scale and hope people see it.
Oh, any everyone that follows can see, interact, etc. with it and while I do block obvious minors that follow, I don't want to soft-block or block everyone that I'm unsure about. That's just rude.
And I forget who I'm unsure about. See the: "I'm dumb, lazy, and have memory issues." This is why I might interact with someone I'm unsure about with spicy content... then have an "oh shit" moment when it's something that makes me look at their blog again. I'm deeply sorry for being wishy-washy that way because I know it's an asshole thing to do-- it's why it's important for me to quarantine that content to its own blog. I can better moderate there than I can here (I still can't guarantee perfection, but I can at least make a much better effort).
I also can't expect people to have their ages in their bios, which is why I do a bit of sleuthing on my own. I look for mentions of jobs, things that are unlikely to have been done by minors (like multiple published books), mentions of being married, etc. I look at the mainblog and the writeblr blog (if they're separated) and will click presented links to FAQs, INFO, introductions, etc.
But if I can't find anything like that or have to dig through pages and pages of reblogs, it remains "unsure."
To help me get over that you can just DM me and tell me you're an adult.
While Moonlit Path isn't erotica, there are scenes that might cross the line. (For instance, and it'll be content warned in that part, but there is a scene in Friends of when Vocatia and Torque met... which was in the breeding chambers. No erotica, but like, it's obvious what they're supposed to be doing.) And I'll admit that I dug deep into the mechanics of how reproduction works with a lot of the species -> It informs their social development and what's involved with finding partners, etc. There's also a lot of violence and gore because the universe is kind of at war.
This blog is still 18+; but it's more of a "rated R" 18+ than "rated XXX" 18+.
@kashasstupidboner is "rated XXX." (Still with citrus scale, but I can "do away" with the tags that render the search function entirely useless. And still no images or art (There's very little of it, but there is some). Those'll have to be relegated to my AD twitter that's mixed content.)
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aliaoren · 7 years
birthday bash || all
Date: November 19, 2017 Location: The Stonefruit Inn, Bar & Lounge Summary: Grace and Alia throw a joint birthday party and invite the whole town.
@gracevilliers, @ianncardero, @ashcaplan, @itsmayaparker, @xxtuaharjunaxx, @scarlettxruby, @faye-andrews, @fanesavin, @freddiewatts, @ephrampettaline, @river-phillips
People were arriving, milling about in the lounge/bar of the Stonefruit. Iann knew most of them of course, and was happy to greet them while Freddie did bartending duties. Everything was pretty much arranged; Grace and Alia were remarkably undemanding clients, over all. So their first major event had, so far, gone off without a hitch. He gravitated towards Tuah, nudging his old man. "Look how good you look. I know I already told you that, but I figure I'll tell you again." Iann kissed Tuah's high cheekbone. What'd you think of my attic hm? Cozy, right? You should stay the night with me."
"I just might," Tuah let his lips curled into a small smirk on his lips. "Perhaps we can retire to your attic once the party is over, hm?" He wrapped his arm around Iann's waist and pulled him closer, giving the man a playful kiss on the lips. "You look rather ravishing tonight. Well, more so than usual."
"Good it's settled," Iann said, snickering at the idea of being 'ravishing'. Only Tuah would think a thing like that, and Iann loved it. He looked around for the birthday gals, pitching an eyebrow. "Alia and Grace better not have ditched their own party to do some retiring of their own already...those two rabbits. Still in the honeymoon phase," Iann jibed, then looked at Tuah. "Are we still in the honeymoon phase thing?"
"I don't know, I'm always going to be wanting to have you. Does that count as a honeymoon phase?" Tuah asked, his smirk still painted on his lips. Tuah let his eyes roamed across the room, searching for the two celebrated birthday girls. "I think I can see Grace approaching, so they haven't left yet." He then looked at Iann, "You remember to order the cake, yes?"
Grace was used to being the center of attention and used to having extravagant parties. What she wasn't used to was actually being friends with the people who were there. Making her rounds of hellos, she spotted Iann and his partner. "I hope I'm not interrupting too much," she said with a knowing grin. She knew those looks. She and Alia looked at one another like that all the time. Grace leaned in to give each of them a half hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I hope there won't be any unwelcome guests tonight, hm?"
"I'm one-hundred percent almost sure this is Tuah and not a doppleganger," Iann grinned at Tuah, then made the slightly surprised 'oh' noise again when he got a kiss from Grace. He was going to have to get used to that sort of greeting with her, Iann supposed. Not that he minded; her hair smelled good. "Tuah was just being a worrywart and making sure if I remembered the cake. And of course I did, honey. You and Alia can let me know when you're ready for it; or if you're too busy having fun, then I've timed it for about two hours into the party. Unless the party's flagging in which case I'll haul it out earlier." Iann had no idea how long parties were supposed to run; he figured as long as everyone was still having fun, then it was fair game. "Oh! The party and free shit is your gifts, of course. So Happy Birthday, Gracie. Alia said you're...what? Turning 142 or something? You don't look a day over 100."
Grace chuckled, rolling her eyes. She was used to Iann and his humor by now. "A hundred and sixty four. But it's all the same after a while."
Alia loved a reason to celebrate - and her birthday was as good as any. Though she was used to going out to a bar with a small group of close friends, and not this large party at the Stonefruit Inn. Not that she was complaining; she enjoyed mixing and mingling, and it was made better by the fact that she knew most of the people here. She was trying to give tips to Freddie, who was behind the bar, but he was now shooing her off - actually, both he [i]and[/i] Ollie were shooing her off, and pouting slightly, she turned to find better entertainment elsewhere. It didn’t take long for her eyes to alight on Iann and Tuah, and Grace who was conversing with them. “Hello,” she beamed at the three of them, pulling Iann and Tuah into separate hugs before leaning in to press a kiss to Grace’s cheek - even if it hadn’t been more than an hour since she’d last spoken to her girlfriend. “What are you three gossiping about?”
"And I'm one hundred percent Iann isn't a doppelganger either," Tuah chimed in, receiving the kiss and hug from Grace. "Happy birthday to both you and Miss Oren," he said once he pulled away slightly, looking at both of them with a smile. "Iann was saying that how stunning your partner is looking tonight, which I agree wholeheartedly. And so are you, Miss Oren." He returned the other's hug with his own, beaming at the naga.
"Oh shit, yeah! You both look great. Goddamn I love a woman in a suit," Iann said, taking a step back to admire Alia's sleekness. "I keep telling the old man here to put on a tulle gown, but he insists he doesn't have the shoulders to pull it off." Iann pats Tuah's shoulders. "So beefy."
Grace melted comfortably into Alia's arms as she arrived, enjoying the fact her girlfriend was so tall that she could scoop her up in her arms easily if given the chance. Grace squeezed Alia's hand, draping her arm around her shoulder and placing her own arm around Alia's back. "She always looks lovely," she grinned, planting a kiss on Alia's jawline. She gave Tuah a long look, cocking her head. "I would say he has excellent shoulders."
Alia grinned at both Iann and Tuah, pleased at the compliment as she snaked her arm around Grace’s waist, allowing her girlfriend’s own complimentary words to wash over her. “Thank you. You both clean up quite well yourselves,” she told them, reaching forward to tug at Iann’s collar playfully. “What is a tulle gown?”
Tuah rolled his eyes at Iann's comment, and a slight chuckle escaped his lips at Grace's. "Yes, well. I'm hardly built to wear delicate things, I think. I'll most probably tear the dress in pieces." Tuah then directed his attention towards Alia's question, though his eyes was distracted at the playful tugging at Iann's collar. "Ah, to be honest, I have no idea. I'm not very well versed in these sort of things, really. A dress that shows off your shoulders, perhaps?"
"It's like one of those gowns that have all that big fluffy shit underneath the cloth, you know. Puffs it up, like a quinceañera - ahhhh, like a princess dress?" Iann motioned with his hands, puffing around his own hips to try and emulate tulle. He grinned at Tuah though, tugging Tuah's waist. "He's got excellent everything." Because Iann really did like showing Tuah off to everyone, even if Tuah did his best to be very modest about it, try not to draw attention to himself, etc. "Oh - I've made sure no one sings that birthday song. I mean, unless you all want people to sing you the birthday song."
Grace rolled her eyes with a laugh. She supposed these ridiculous men were her social circle now. "Tulle is the fabric. It's netting. And I'm still convinced most people wouldn't mind seeing Tuah's shoulders, torn fabric or not."
"Right?! Gracie, you feel me." Iann motioned at one of the servers, to bring over drinks - blood-cocktails for the vampires, and something special for the naga as well. "I concocted a special drink for you, Alia. It's got a kick of jackalope blood in it - you know what those are? They're mythical - bunny rabbits with antlers. I think you'll like it..." The drinks came around and Iann sorted it out for them. "The vamps get O-negative werewolf blood in their drink. And I'm having a bloody mary, ah ha!"
"But that would ruin the dress," Tuah tried to argue, unable to see why would he want to waste a perfectly good looking gown just to show off his everything, as Iann so eloquently put it. "Besides, I think both of you would be rather suited for such thing than myself, no?" Tuah took the offered drink. "Shall we make a toast before we drink?"
Alia shrugged. “It is okay. If Grace were to loan you a gown for the good of the people, I am sure she has plenty more.” She frowned slightly, glancing at her girlfriend. “Right?” And when drinks were brought over, she regarded hers curiously. “Jackalope?” she repeated. “I have not heard of it, but I cannot wait to try it. Let’s toast to… birthdays and no doppelgängers!”
"You could argue they're all Bloody Marys, Grace gave a shrug, her voice deadpan, although her humour was evident to anyone who knew her. "You managed to get Jackalope blood? That's very impressive." Grace took the drink with a little grin, still settled into Alia's arms contently. "I'm not toasting to any doppelgangers."
Iann's eyes gleamed suddenly as he tapped his glass, and he looked over at Alia for a moment. "Yeah, there was a whole swarm of jackalopes out at the springs...incredible..." Iann replied absently, then blinked at Tuah and Grace, his grin wide and winning. "You know there's...ah..." Iann took a gulp of his bloody mary. "There's that old birthday tradition that the birthday person in question gets a big ol' kiss from their well-wishers. You know - to wish them well for the next year to come and all that corny jazz. But on the other hand, what if it's not corny jazz? I'm a superstitious kind of guy, after all..."
Tuah "I've not heard of such tradition," Tuah narrowed his eyes at his kasih, his drink untouched in his hand. 'What are you trying to play here, kasih,' he wanted to ask, but dared not so not to cause any trouble with Grace.
Grace raised an eyebrow, positioning herself so she was in front of Alia with her arms draped around her shoulders. She took another sip of her drink and eyed Iann with a penetrating gaze. "If you're trying to kiss my girlfriend again, the next thing I drink will be you."
Iann boggled. "Again! I've never kissed her, or you for that matter, Grace. That scummy doppleganger and his wretched moustache did. And I'll bet he - it - wasn't even that good," Iann harrumphed, lifting his nose to emulate a pettish snootiness.
It seemed that everyone was quite familiar with jackalopes and their blood, and it only made Alia all the more eager to try it. “We are not toasting to the doppelgängers,” she told Grace with a sly grin, “we are toasting to the lack thereof.” At Iann’s mention of the birthday tradition, she raised both brows. “I have not heard of that.” To Grace, she added, “It is all right, Iann only wants to prove that his moustache is ten times better than the doppelganger’s.” She paused, raising her glass. “I do wish to thank you for this jackalope drink, Iann.” She leaned forward, slipping out of Grace’s embrace, and pressed a kiss to the very corner of Iann’s mouth before pulling back and doing the same to Tuah. To Tuah, Alia said, “Thank you for coming to the party.”
Grace snickered. "If I didn't know any better I might be starting to get the impression that Iann was some sort of wanna-be Lothario." She was trying to keep her sense of humor about this. Alia didn't seem to mind, after all. She loosened up as Alia let go of her, taking another swig of her drink before giving both Grace and Tuah a small peck on the lips. "Anything more and you couldn't handle it," she joked.
Alia tried to catch Iann’s eye as Grace planted a quick kiss on Tuah’s lips - as though to say I told you so! She took a sip of her drink, humming thoughtfully as the taste of the alcohol hit her first, slowly giving way to the richer tones of the jackalope blood underneath. “This is very nice, Iann. Do you have any left? I might want to purchase some for the The Fainting Goat…”
Grace gave her girlfriend a look, extending a hand to lightly touch her shoulder. "You know, darling, we've never gone hunting together before. It might be fun."
Tuah accepted the kiss from Grace. "I believe the so-called tradition said that the celebrated receives a kiss from the well-wishers, not the other way around. But I think this will suffice, no?" Tuah arched his brow at Iann, wondering how far his kasih was willing to push this shenanigans forward
Iann gave a melodramatic sigh, as if from Alia's kiss it was a signal that that was as far as it would go. "'Wanna-be' being the keyword there, Gracie," Iann said with a snort, accepting the delivered peck-kisses with a passivity. He smiled when Alia enjoyed the taste. "I can go get more, there are tonnes of them now out in the Newes..." But then Grace mentioned hunting -together! - and Iann's eyes lit up. "Hunting? For jackalopes?" Likely to Tuah's relief, Iann's interest had shifted quickly away from any possibility of further kisses, and towards the idea he had of Grace racing through the forest, Alia slithering along at her side. How cool would that be.
Maya had heard about the party from someone. They had said that the whole town was welcome and she was never one to turn down a party. She dressed in the best clothes she had. As she walked in though she couldn't help but notice how underdressed she was. She moved through the party quietly, going first to the bar to get a drink.
Alia had never considered going hunting with Grace - which was silly, considering how good her girlfriend was at it. Of course, Grace had previously used to hunt supernatural creatures… “Let’s go,” she told Grace, taking another sip of her drink and finishing the last of it. “I would like to see an expert at work. And I am sure Iann would too. —I am going to get us another round. Would anyone like something else?”
"I would love to," Iann gushed, gleeful that Alia was trying to include him. But he held himself back and (tried to) politely add, "Whenever you're ready to take on a third wheel. I think Tuah's hunting days are over." Iann pat Tuah's chest and shook his head when Alia asked if he needed a fresh drink.
Tuah seemed a little uncomfortable with the talk of hunting, preferring to keep this hunting business far behind him, and only when necessary. He was about to excuse himself from such activity, but the look on Iann's face made him second-guessing a little. "Well, I'll come with you if you allow us to go along, even if it's just to keep Iann from doing anything far too dangerous." He gave them a smile before shaking his head at the offer of another drink. "I prefer to observe than to actually hunt these creatures."
Alia excused herself and headed over to the bar, her mind still mulling over hunting with Grace (and Iann and Tuah—what fun it would be, to have them all along!). It was then she recognized, out of the corner of her eye, the woman who had come to The Fainting Goat the other day—“Maya?” she called out, cocking her head to the side.
Maya looked up surprised at the sound of her name. After a moment she recognized the bartender from The Fainting Goat who had helped her get a shift at a bakery. She smiled, "In the flesh. And Happy Birthday, this is quite the party."
Iann As Grace stepped away to greet some other guests (Iann realized he was boggarting the birthday ladies, after all) he watched the pair leave and then looked at Tuah. "I like having an observation buddy," he said, reaching up to hold Tuah's chin, look in the vampire's eyes. "As if I know how to hunt. I just want to watch them hunt, hm?" Did Tuah know that Grace was a Hunter once upon a time? Likely not. And it wasn't something Iann was going to mention to his fella right now. Instead he grinned mischievously. "You know if you did kiss Grace or Alia, it would be pretty hot. I'm just saying. Watching you kiss someone else would be...boy oh boy oh boy."
Grace continuied chatting to Iann and Tuah while Alia went to the bar. "I don't do much hunting any more either. I'm pampered. I get my blood from the bottle or from donors, but if there really are that many Jackalopes out there at the Springs, it might make a nice little trip.
Alia smiled at Maya. “Thank you for coming. I am not used to such… elaborate parties, if I am to be honest.” She laughed. “What are you having?”
Maya laughed. "Yeah, clearly neither am I," she replied in a self deprecating tone, referring to her outfit. It would bother her less the more everyone else had to drink. "Oh just rum and coke," she said, "Although if they made you like signature cocktails or something I'd be happy to switch to that."
Tuah arched his brow at the other's words. "You want to watch me make out with them? That's the term young people used these days, yes?" Tuah had done a little bit of research about Grace in his spare time, but he didn't feel the need to share with anyone about what he knew since he didn't see the point of it all. Besides, Iann did mention Grace had cut her ties with her hunter family, so he figured he shouldn't be too wary of her. Not to mention she's a surprisingly good company, too. “Well, I never pegged you to be a voyeur, Mr. Cardero.” Which was untrue, seeing that he did perform sybaritism for his kasih awhile back, when Iann was travelling overseas with Freddie. "If it's alright with you, Miss Villiers, then perhaps we can set up another double date for this? I'll make sure there will be no doppelganger this time."
Alia raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? You look right at home.” She was a firm believer in the simple drinks - they were a classic for a reason, after all, and it was usually because you couldn’t go wrong with them. “Well, there is this drink with jackalope blood, but I do not think that would be to your tastes.” And when the bartender asked for her order, she ordered the drink that Iann had prepared for her. “So, when do you start at the bakery?”
Grace gave a nod, having completely missed the part about Tuah kissing her while she was away greeting the other guests. "That would be wonderful. Iann has my number." She looked around for Alia, finding her at the bar with someone she didn't know. "I should go and check on those drinks. Thank you again." She extended a hand to lightly rub Iann's shoulder then went to find Alia and Maya. "Hi. I don't believe we met. I'm Grace, Alia's partner."
Iann grinned at Tuah. "Tuah Arjuna, making out," he lightly teased, highly amused by the idea of blending someone so old fashioned with something so 1960's teenagers. He wasn't sure what Tuah suggested as a second double-date, but Iann would agree to anything at this point. He loved Tuah, he adored Alia and he was strangely fond of Grace Villiers. Iann nodde,d wathcing Grace move off to delicately place herself (verbally or otherwise) between Maya and Alia. "She's really possessive, isn't she? Or...over-protective? How would you describe it?"
Maya laughed, but didn't say anything. If one of the hosts didn't mind how she was dressed it would be alright. She had to agree with Alia's assessment that a drink with jackalope blood wasn't her style. The fact it was so normal to mention made her feel light. Despite her money problems Maya felt light these days. It had to be the weight of living in secret lifted off her shoulders. "Next week hopefully," she replied. When a blonde woman approached and introduced herself Maya turned and replied, "Hi, I'm Maya. Nice to meet you and this is an awesome shindig. Happy Birthday."
Grace smiled, ordering another drink from the bartender. "I can't take the credit. Mostly it was Iann who did the planning. He said it was his gift to us. He's very sweet." She ran a hand over Alia's forearm before gently taking her hand. "It's not officially my birthday until tomorrow, but thank you. These things are always better at the weekend." She stiffened instinctively as she caught the scene of someone's perfume. Ruby. Unless someone else happened to wear her brand. Grace would remember that smell anywhere. She had woken up with it clinging to her skin and to her pillows.
Tuah looked over where Grace was, watching interestedly as she planted herself between Alia and the newcomer. Maya, he believed her name was. "I think she's only overly possessive of Miss Oren whenever you're around, kasih. You are very friendly with her." Tuah looked at Iann with a slight smirk on his lips. "I would be too. In fact I am quite possessive of you whenever you decide to be overly friendly with just about anyone." He slithered his arm around Iann's waist and pulled him close. "I know you can't help it, but do try to behave, hm." He grazed his teeth against Iann's earlobe, couldn't help himself from having a taste of his kasih despite the fact that they were in the middle of a large crowd. "Now why don't we say hi to everybody else, hm."
Iann "Me! What'd I do. Nothing, I'm totally innocent," Iann laughed, knowing he was being wicked but he couldn't help it. He was stupidly delighted whenever Tuah reacted, finding it both endearing and exciting. "I'm /pretty/ sure Grace's last relationship was like...a century ago," Iann said airily. "Whereas you've been a player all you life. Go on then - " Iann nudged Tuah towards the other guests with a smack of his knuckles on Tuah's ass. "Go mingle. I'll join you in a sec, just have to go be party host dude for a second."
Alia smiled as Grace introduced herself, leaning into the other woman. “Maya is a baker,” she told Grace. And then to Maya, she added, “I will have to come by when you officially start. Perhaps we should have asked you to bake us a birthday cake!” She noticed the subtle shift in Grace’s demeanour, the way she stiffened against her, but didn’t think much of it as she reached over for the new drink Freddie was handing her.
Grace nodded, intrigued. "Well, maybe next year you can bake it for us. Iann took care of it this time, and he assured me he did actually remember."
"I am no such thing," Tuah pulled his lips into a pout at the accusation, though he didn't deny it per se. After planting a kiss on Iann's lips he made his way around the crowd, greeting those he knew before his eyes noticed Ruby among the crowd. "Ruby!" he greeted the other, a beaming smile on his lips as he hugged her.
"Well I don't have my own kitchen at the moment, so you probably would've gotten a very adventurous microwave cake, very avant garde," Maya replied with a smile. She noticed too the subtle shift in the other woman and had to worry for a moment it was about how she was dressed. But no one said anything so she just took another sip of her drink.
Grace was trying not to come across as rude. It wasn't Maya's fault the woman she had slept with during her fight with alia had just entered the room. "Well, maybe next year. I plan on holding onto this one for a very long time," Grace said with a smile, kissing Alia's cheek. "Is that Ruby over there?" she ventured, glancing across the room. "Do you know her, darling?"
Ruby almost hadn't come. But the text from Alia, asking her to come out and celebrate her birthday (and Grace's... odd, but not something Ruby worried over too much) was something Ruby couldn't turn down. She liked Alia. And she couldn't stay at home just because of whoever else might be at the Inn. So she'd gotten dressed in something nice and taken a cab to Stonefruit, letting the man at the door take her coat and purse. It was a beautiful place, but Ruby had little time to take it all in before a familiar voice called her name. "Tuah," she smiled, turning to greet her friend as he came up to her. "How are you?"
Alia grinned at the thought of a microwave cake. “That sounds like an adventure for another day. You could even start a new business selling microwave cakes.” She smiled at Grace’s remark, and at the mention of Ruby, brightened. “Of course I know Ruby! I invited her. Have you met Ruby, Maya?”
Maya just smiled and nodded. It all seemed a long way off to her at the moment. She wasn't entirely sure what she would be doing next week let alone next year. And starting a buisness seemed entirely out of her reach. She had noticed the subtle shift in Grace, but couldn't venture so much as a guess to its cause. "No, I haven't," she replied.
"I'm good. How about yourself, my dear?" Tuah took a good look at his friend, resting both his hands on Ruby's shoulders. "I'm glad you could make it. Perhaps the good atmosphere will do you good, hm?" He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Come, let's meet the ones we're celebrating. You've met Miss Oren and Miss Villiers before, I assume?" He wrapped her arm around her shoulder, keeping her close as he directed her towards where the birthday girls were.
"I'm alright," Ruby said, and meant it. "And I'm glad to be here." She was, and wrapped her arm around Tuah's waist as he led her towards the two women she /had/ met before. Separetely, of course. "I have," Ruby said as they approached. Though she had no idea the two were - or ever had been - involved. "Happy Birthday, Alia," she greeted as her friend came into view. "Happy Birthday, Grace." Ruby gave them both a warm smile, still under the circle of Tuah's arm.
Alia turned to Tuah and Ruby as they approached, moving forward to give Ruby a hug. “Ruby! Thank you. Did you just get here? Would you like a drink? Tuah, would you like a refill?” She paused, gesturing to Maya. “This is Maya, by the way. She bakes.”
Grace had slept with Ruby because she hadn't thought Alia was coming back. She hadn't heard from her girlfriend in days at that point, and their last interaction had been a fight. And there had been Ruby, beautiful, charming, sensual... She had smelled and tasted wonderful. And she had been excellent in bed. But Grace had a feeling that Alia wouldn't want to hear about those things. "Ruby," Grace greeted, trying to be normal but probably coming off a bit stiffer than she intended. "I'm glad you could make it. I had no idea you knew my girlfriend." She slipped a hand onto Alia's lap. "What a small world..."
Maya had the undeniable feeling that she'd ended up in the middle of something. It was a by-product of growing up in foster care. She took another sip of her drink. When introduced she gave a little wave, "That's me." She then took another sip deciding that whatever was going to happen there was no way she was tipsy enough for it.
Iann was glad for this sort of thing, he quickly realized. He was generally crud at huge social situations (inevitably making things awkward) so at least running the show meant he had a purpose outside of having to be charming and conversational. Gyah. He talked to the servers, making sure the bistro was still keeping up, the bar was still stocked, and the bathrooms were clean. He glanced over to where Grace and Alia were, and found their group had expanded as Tuah and Ruby(? Yes, that was Ruby) joined them. Eventually, Iann returned, slapping a hand on the back of Tuah's shoulder to announce his arrival. "So! Hey! Hey," Iann nodded at both Maya and Ruby. "So who wants a tour of the inn?"
Alia glanced at Grace, the stiffness in her tone and body language not going unnoticed (despite the hand that had found its way onto her thigh), though she had no explanation for it. Certainly, Ruby hadn’t tried to kiss her the way Iann had. “Ruby and I rescued a unicorn together,” she informed the other three.
Ruby returned the hug with enthusiasm. "You're welcome. You look beautiful. And yeah, I just got here. Tuah found me before I could make it in the door." She gave the vampire an affectionate squeeze. "I'll take one yeah, thanks. Somethin' strong." She gave a wave to the new face, Maya. "Nice to meet you."
Tuah let his hand dropped to his side when Alia reached out to hug Ruby. "Ah, I still have the drink from the drink Iann gave me." He only then took a sip of the concoction that Iann had prepared for them, tongue dragging across his lips to catch the remnant of the werewolves blood on his lips. "I've met Miss Parker before at my cafe, though it's only briefly." To Maya, he said, "settling well, I hope?" When Tuah felt Iann's touch on his shoulder he made some space for his kasih, wrapping his arm around Iann's waist.
Ash had seen the prep work going on for the party. He'd been staying in one of the suite's ever since Iann had rescued him from being attacked by a swarm of Jackalopes. He was glad their blood had gone to good use in the drinks behind the bar and ordered himself one moments after entering the room, catching the scents of all the other creatures in the room, but knowing at least one of them was a naga. "I heard something about someone's birthday?" he said, approaching the group with his usual loftiness. "I didn't have time to get a gift, but I can write you a cheque, if you like."
Maya 's brow furrowed. A unicorn? Were those real? Part of her didn't want to ask, didn't want to get too involved in the conversation with people who clearly knew each other better. She was grateful therefore for Iann's interruption. "Depends," she said to him, "Will you look the other way when I try to steal your mini shampoos." She cracked a grin, "What did I say when? I meant if." To Tuah she smiled and nodded, "Yeah, pretty well. Alia helped me get a job at a bakery around the corner from her bar."
Ruby was a bit surprised that Alia was Grace's girlfriend. Not in a way that made her uncomfortable really. Grace being a grown woman and making it perfectly clear to Ruby on the night of their dalliance that she was all up for spending time with her. And Ruby didn't delve too deeply after that, only wanting the distraction herself. "Alia and I are acquanited, yes," she smiled at Grace. "She helped me out a while back. But it is a small world, you're right."
Grace wet her lips. "Saving unicorns, hm? Sometimes I think this one is right out of a story book." She gave Alia a stiff smile. "Ruby and I met. A few weeks back, wasn't it? At the karaoke bar."
Alia tried to catch Freddie’s attention - the poor fairy was quite busy - and placed an order for Ruby, something strong she thought the other woman would like. “You know, Tuah, I still have to come by to your cafe.” And talk about Iann’s birthday surprise, she did not say. She frowned slightly at the newcomer - recognizing him to be a naga instantly, which was exciting, but frowning at his offer to write a cheque. “No cheques necessary,” she told him, still intrigued by his nags-ness. Before she could greet him properly, however, Grace was pulling her back into conversation, and she frowned slightly, not sure how she should take the storybook remark in combination with Grace’s colder tone. “We have a karaoke bar in Soapberry? Were you singing?” She smiled, tone teasing as she wrapped an arm around Grace’s waist.
Grace chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Singing? No, my love. Have you ever heard me sing, even in the shower?" She sipped her drink, looking toward Ruby with a shrug. "Ruby was singing. She's very talented." In more ways than one
"I always thought mini shampoos were for taking," Iann replied and winked. "Just don't try to steal the mattress and we'll be good." Which was something Iann had tried at a hotel once - he needed furniture for his apartment in NYC, and a motel had everything he'd needed, so why not. But Iann was distracted by Ash's arrival, and he motioned to both Maya and Ash. He checked his phone and sent off a quick text. "You two can come with me if you like. I need help with something, hm?" He started heading towards one of the side doors, checking to see if either Maya or Ash followed.
"Yep," Ruby nodded. "Unicorns. Who woulda thought? And yeah. Open mic night," she said to Grace, noticing the subtle undertones of... something... in the vampire's voice. Well. It wasn't Ruby's business. She turned as Iann's voice clamored above all the rest, but didn't necessarily want to be the only one going on what would be a strange - and most likely awkward - tour with the man. But Maya spoke up, and Ruby grinned, the idea of mischief making her feel a bit lighter.
Ash could practically taste the drama in the air, and it was delicious. "I like to sing," he interjected. "And dance. And party." He extended a hand to the general group, but his eyes never left the naga. "Would any of you care to join me?" He lifted his eyes toward Iann. "I was just getting acquainted with these lovely ladies." He withdrew his hand, giving an eye roll. "Alright, alright. My darlings," he said in his charming Southern accent. "I'll be back momentarily." And with that, Ash followed Iann out of the room.
Maya laughed, "See now I have to try and steal a mattress. I don't make the rules," she replied as she followed Iann. She liked him and was glad that she had rescued him from his stuck upside down in a field while attempting to catch a mole-man debacle. Maya was also glad to have a reasonable excuse to slip away from whatever trouble was brewing.
Alia laughed at Grace’s remark. “No, but a girl can always dream.” She was tempted to join the newcomer - there was something about him… something about a fellow naga. It had been so long since she had met one of her own kind! But she turned back to Grace and Ruby. “I would love to hear you sing one day,” she told Ruby. “When is the next open mic night?” She nudged Grace gently. “Shall we go and watch Ruby sing?”
Ruby recognized the newcomer's southern accent, thick and drawling as it was. They weren't common up this way. Her, Ephram, and Faye being the only southerners she knew. But her attention was drawn again by Grace. "I sing well enough for karaoke," she said, sipping her drink that Alia handed her. "It's every Wednesday night," Ruby told Alia. "At 8. You should come. Both of you."
Iann Really wanted to tell Maya to try, just to see if she could, because it would be hilarious if she did. But he had to remind himself that the Inn wasn't just his; and in truth if it was, it would likely be out of business in two months. Freddie kept Iann's more spontaneous (read un-financial) ideas in line, thank god. Instead, he just grinned as he saw the naga and the witch following. "It's nothing exciting. Well, not for us anyway. But if you help with this then you'll be remembered as heros of this soiree." Taking them out to the back alley, there was a woman waiting with her white van back doors open, and a giant cake sitting there. Iann greeted her and paid, saying 'We'll take it from here." They got the cake onto a wheeling cart, and Iann flourished his hands. "It's their shared birthday cake! I need help getting it into the bar."
Grace couldn't think of anything worse than going on a date with her girlfriend to watch the person she'd slept with when they were fighting sing, but she nodded politely. She'd have to explain the situation to Alia later, in private. "I think that would be lovely," she said, hoping Iann, Maya and the strange newcomer would be back shortly and save her from this situation.
Maya followed Iann to a back alley, an odd place to start a tour, but to be fair he was sort of an odd guy. It became clear pretty quickly though that in fact they would be helping him with the cake. At the sight of the actual cake though Maya had to paused, "Uh dude, that's a wedding cake. Like full on read Corinthians 13, doing the conga with your weird uncle wedding cake"
Ash eyed the cake, rubbing his hands together. "Delicious! This is up for grabs once the bride and bride have their fill, yes?" He situated himself behind the cart, ready to wheel it in. "I thought this was a birthday party, not a reception. Do both of those come with the possibility of strippers?"
Iann stared at the cake. "It's a wedding cake?" He looked at the two brides in the cake topper. "This isn't just two ladies in nice white gowns?" Iann was pleased at Ash's enthusiasm to wheel the cake in. "Hey pal, if you want to do the stripping honours, then be my guest. I'll just switch the music, hm? Just make sure to strip with your tail on, because that would be glorious."
Alia was surprised it had taken so little to convince Grace to go back to the karaoke bar - then again, if it was someplace she had been before, perhaps she simply liked it and no convincing was necessary; it wasn’t somewhere she’d have expected for Grace to willingly go to, though. “Let’s do a toast!” she proclaimed, raising her glass to clink against Ruby’s and Grace’s. “To karaoke!”
"Okay, first thing yes its obviously a wedding cake. And second the whole cake stripper thing is the bachelorette party not the reception. I mean you would give grandma a heart attack," Maya replied. Honestly she would've been on board if it had obviously been a prank, but it seemed that Iann had done it unintentionally. Although it might still be funny.
Grace lifted her glass cautiously. "To open mic night," she corrected. "It's a little bit classier."
Ruby could only laugh and clink her glass with Alia's before taking a long... long... sip.
It was definitely a prank; but what was more fun than one prank? Two pranks. Maya seemed to believe that Iann was clueless, and Iann gleefully played it up. "Why stick to convention? If the stripper wants to come for the birthday party, then let him show up for the birthday party, Maya. Shake things up a bit, hm? Now c'mon. And remember: no one is singing Happy Birthday. You two wheel it in and I'll get everyone's attention." Although the cake was gigantic, it wouldn't take long for it to get everyone's attention.
Alia had been about to ask Ruby if she liked her drink, but she had to do a double-take as the cake - large, white cake, much larger than any birthday cake had any right to be - was wheeled in. “Is that a wedding cake?”
Maya only had to consider for a half a moment before deciding fuck it. Whatever happened it was probably going pretty funny. What she didn't find funny though was Ash clapping at her like she was a child or a dog. "Okay, clap at me again and your face is going in this cake," she replied. She did start pushing though. She also couldn't help but start humming Here Comes the Bride under her breath
Ruby turned around to look at the enormous cake being wheeled in, raising her eyebrows over the rim of her glass. "Looks like it..."
Ash cocked his head to the side with a smirk. "Yes ma'am, my apologies." He liked when people were assertive. It was amusing. As the cake entered the room, it garnered the attention of the guests, and the ladies whose honour this celebration was in, and they looked less then pleased. "Congratulations to the happy couple!" Ash called, leading the guests in a confused round of applause. "And I'm not clapping at you this time, sweetheart, calm down."
Iann looked between Ash and Maya, making a teasing "Awwww, looks like there's gonna be more than one wedding tonight..." comment to the two kids, before he headed in, holding doors open. Maya and Ash did their part magnificently - the moment the cake came in, everyone's eyes were on it. "Happy birthday, Alia! Happy unlife birthday, Grace!" Iann called out, clapping loudly enough that everyone at the party felt slowly obliged to clap as well, despite the obvious weddingness of the cake. Iann grinned at Alia though, and gave her a cheeky wink.
Grace buried her head in the crook of Alia's arm, exhaling. "Please tell me he didn't just do that," she groaned, peeking out to get a look at the cake. It looked delicious, but also definitely not like a birthday cake. "Iann Cardero is going to die very, very shortly," she whispered into her girlfriend's ear before smiling for their guests, as fake a smile as anyone could ask for, and clapping along with the joke. "Remind me never to ask you to supply me with any kind of cake ever again," she called in Iann's direction.
The whole room had turned to look at them, something which usually would've made Maya uncomfortable, but it was pretty obvious that they were focused on the cake. She joined in on the clapping. At Ash's comment though she rolled her eyes. Under her breath she replied, "Wait really? Are you sure because I'm pretty sure everything's about me."
Alia was at a loss for words, though luckily, Grace was there to distract her, and she laughed. “I cannot tell you that. I might kill him before you do,” she said sweetly, rolling her eyes in Iann’s direction as her friend winked at her. “Next time, we will ask Maya to bake the cake,” she said, loud enough so that the general crowd could hear it. “Are there even candles on this thing, Iann?”
Iann made an 'awww' noise as if Grace was saying super-sweet things about him, and he leaned in to give Grace a hug. "You know I couldn't resist. You two are too perfect, hm? Perfect together as well. Who would've known that moving to Soapberry would bring you here, Gracie?" Iann said, but he kept his tone only for Grace. He nodded about the candles, which had been pre-arranged by the bakery in advance. "Someone dim the lights!" Iann said, and once a server did, Iann made a little whistle tune, and the cake lit up almost like a Christmas tree. All magically, of course. As if Iann would just get a normal wedding cake. "You can each cut the cake."
Grace kissed Alia's shoulder, relieved. "That makes a change. You're usually the one holding me back from the killing." She was glad, at least, that this had distracted both her and Alia from Ruby for the time being. "He needed a cake this big because he needed to fit a hundred and ninety six candles on it, obviously," Grace commended with a mild sarcasm.
Ruby clapped along with everyone else, moving slowly off to the side so that the birthday girls could be the center of attention. The atmosphere was a happy one, and it made Ruby smile. She looked around as the lights dimmed, making a noise of approval as the cake llit up. Sometimes she really loved magic.
Maya had to laugh. All things considered it was sort of a sweet moment. She missed sweet moments. And it seemed that if she was still here in a year she would have a job. Although with a little convincing she could get up to hijinks too. For instance she'd baked a cake which had turned her best friend's first boy-girl party into basically a make out party. She would say that she wasn't proud of it, but it had made the mean girls stop harassing her best friend for being "lame."
Grace stood straighter, gesturing to them to cut the cake, and some of the wait-staff began handing it out. "I'll be right back," she whispered to Alia, kissing her girlfriend's cheek before slipping over to Ruby, finding her in the crowd. "I need you to know," she said under her breath, "I never would have slept with you if I knew you and Alia were friends. The last thing I need is for anything to be awkward."
Ash wasn't really concerned with anyone else's drama. Mostly, what he was concerned about was cake. He took a huge piece, beginning to feed it to himself while everyone else got their share. He gave Maya a small wink. "You're just lucky I didn't strip," he teased, before gracefully sauntering toward Alia. "Well well. We finally meet. I've heard a lot about you."
Ruby looked up as Grace came over. "I met her after that night, down at the docks. So we hadn't met yet, if that makes a difference." She took a sip of her drink, running the glass along her bottom lip, a strange expression crossing her face. "And that's the last thing I /want./ I'm not here to cause trouble, I promise." She looked across the crowd at Alia. "That's not the kinda person I am.”
Maya smirked. "Am I though?" she asked. So there was a little bit of a challenge in her voice, sue her. To be fair it wasn't really a party until someone started taking their clothes off. When he sauntered off though she let him go and instead got herself a piece of cake to do with her drink.
Grace nodded stiffly. "If I thought you were here to cause trouble, I'd have already asked you to leave. Alia and I are exclusive now, but we weren't at the time. I never lied to you."
Alia watched as the lights were dimmed, and the candles - all magically lit - brightened the room. “Obviously,” she murmured with a quiet laugh, leaning into Grace even as she made the first cut into the cake. When Grace excused herself, she only nodded, cutting a few slices to hand out before stealing one for herself, and leaving the rest of the slicing to the staff with a ‘thank you’. She blinked at the other naga, pleased to finally have a moment to meet him. “You have heard of me? Though the party, you mean.”
"That's fair," Ruby said. "And I don't make it my business to wreck relationships." Other than her own. "I don't go home with people who're lookin' to make someone jealous, or to start drama. I got enough. So... thank you. For bein' honest."
Grace continued sipping her drink. "Lies cause more trouble than anything else." She watched Alia across the room with an affectionate eye. "I'll talk to her later, when we're alone."
"They do," Ruby agreed. "Truth might hurt, but it's better than livin' with things that you risk blowin' up later."
Ash gave a little shrug, continuing to smile at her. "I heard there was another naga in town. The one at the Fainting Goat, right, that's you?" He grinned. "Excellent drinks there."
Alia circled the other naga before coming to a stop in front of him: the start of their elaborate greeting ceremony. “That is me,” she affirmed, smiling slightly at the compliment - something a bartender always loved to hear. “I am Alia. And you are?”
Ash circled the other naga in return. "I'm Ash. Of New Orleans." He cocked his head to the side. It had been a long time since he had done this. Naga were so few, or at least they seemed that way to him.
Fane was late. Not often was that the case but today it was and what could be done to help it? He'd been debating doing a no show as had Faye but ultimately the pair decided to say fuck it and go. Partially explaining their late arrival. Finding a parking spot outside Fane glanced up at the inn feeling a little uncertain but deciding that it would simply be best to plough ahead with what might turn out to be a wonderful or terrible decision. Pushing through the doors he wandered in the direction he heard some familiar voices coming from and stepped into the throng knowing Faye wouldn't be far behind him.
Alia regarded her fellow naga curiously, now starting to walk in a counter-clockwise direction around the man. It was difficult to take her eyes off him, so excited was she to have another naga in front of her. “I am of Tiberias, Israel. What brings you to Soapberry, Ash of New Orleans?” The question was pure curiosity and had nothing to do with formality. Her attention was so focused on Ash that she didn’t notice Fane arrive.
Maya looked up from her cake to see Fane walking into the party. She was reminded again how underdressed she was. When they made eye contact she waved at Fane with a half smile.
Faye came in a few beats behind Fane, having a dress malfunction that she'd thought she'd already fixed. He'd gone on ahead with her order of 'something straight, brown, and strong,' and a few minutes later she followed inside, knowing the way from her earlier visit with Iann.
Fane had his attention caught by a wave over by the bar, and it took a beat for him to recognise the individual. He paused glancing over at Faye to indicate where he was going before he neatly weaved through the crowds until he came up by her with a smile though he kept a wary eye out for Freddie. "Hey Maya."
Ash nodded, following the other naga's lead with the ritual. He couldn't do it properly without revealing his tail, and he would have to remove several items of clothing before that was possible, so this would have to do. "That explains the charming accent. I come looking for people of my own kind, nagas, but other supernaturals as well."
River had spent way too long trying to figure out what to wear to this party. She hadn't expected to be invited to something like...ever. She didn't exactly have party corlothes to spare. Once during her years looking for her siblings, she'd needed to go to a fancy event to gather information, but all she could afford was a secondhand suit from a thrift store. A suit made of tweed. It was itchy and very ugly, complete with a corduroy bow tie. As she walked into the party, feeling extremely underdressed and overdressed all at once, she noticed a few people she recognized besides Alia. She saw they were all engaged in conversation, though, so she stuck to the wall by the entrance.
Faye stopped to say hello to a few people before making her way towards where Fane was standing. "Hi, there," she said to the new face.
Ash spent a few minutes engaging in the lengthy greeting ritual with the other naga. Once that was done, he allowed himself to roam the party. Spotting the selkie from the bar wearing the ugliest outfit imaginable, he rushed to her side. "Oh, no, darling, we can't possibly let this do." He gestured for her to come with him. "Come along. I have plenty of clothes in my suite upstairs. I'm sorry, I can't let you walk around looking like this.
Maya took another sip of her drink. "Hi," she had to paused to remember, "Fane right?" She'd met a lot of new people in the last few weeks and occasionally had to take a moment to get them straight.
River was honestly relieved when Ash rushed to her side. Not only did she not have to inject herself into a conversation by her own volition, but he was going to get her out of this godawful suit. "Thank god," she sighed, starting to follow him. "This was all I had."
Ash shook his head. This poor girl. "Come, we'll make a star of you yet." He crept out of the party with her, rushing up to his suite, one of the nicest in the whole place, and throwing open the closet doors. "What do you need? Something to make you look attractive and butch? I have lots of lovely suits." He gave her a quick once over. "It may not fit perfectly, but we're similar size."
Fane shifted to prop his elbow on the bar nodding his head at the clarification of his name "that's me." He felt more than saw Faye's presence arrive nearby glancing in her direction his features softening a bit when he looked at her but his attention returned to Maya promptly. "So how's town treating you so far? Settling in I hope?"
River looked down at herself, holding her arms out at her sides and noting how the sleeves of her tweed suit hung past her fingertips if she let them lay naturally. How the hem of the slacks slumped heavily around her unpolished loafers. "I think anything's going to fit better than this thing." Without shame, she started to undress. She felt weirdly comfortable with Ash in that regard, not that she was getting naked or anything. She stripped down to her tank top and briefs. "Something simple I guess. You've got a better style than me anyway. You pick."
Ash gave a little shrug. "You're not wrong." He thumbed through the closet for something just right. He pulled out a white shirt. You couldn't go wrong with a classic like that. Next was the suit. He had a number of nice ones, but settled on something dark, black with a dash of red among the detailing, and finally, a red tie.
Maya nodded, "Yeah so far. Alia helped me get a job, so you know, things are looking up." Of course it would take some time for paychecks to start coming in which was going to be a problem for her. But that was hardly his problem.
Fane seemed pleased by her answer. "Good, I'm glad to hear that-- are you working with her or somewhere else in town?" He'd been to the Fainting Goat a few times but it wasn't a regular habitation of his, it might become one though.
River immediately started putting on items as Ash picked them out. So quickly, in fact, she wasn't really taking in how everything fit together. Not until it was all on and she caught a look at herself in the mirror. She look...really good. As a finishing touch, she took her mop of hair on her head and used the tie on her wrist to bring it into a ponytail. "Thanks Ash," she said, still staring at herself.
Ash admited his handiwork, helping River smooth out the edges and brushing back her hair. "There. Now aren't you stunning? Come, alcohol is waiting. It would be rude to keep it."
Maya "At a bakery around the corner," she replied, "They needed someone to cover an opening shift and the rest as they say is history."
River chuckled. "Alcohol might be waiting for you/i]..." Right. She was here for a party. Which meant she had to talk to people. And social. Oh man, there were the nerves again. As they walked down the stairs she felt butterflies trying to rip through her stomach. What if she looked stupid in this suit? What if everyone could tell she'd never be able to afford something like this and she looked like a huge imposter. She breathing picked up the pace as they got down to the main floor again. "I don't know if I can do this," she admitted to Ash.
Fane The bakery, "huh really?" But a smile did edge its way onto his lips "well fancy that, have you started yet? I feel like a congratulations is in order. What are you drinking tonight?"
Ash eyed her curiously. "You're not looking to get drunk again? Tsk tsk, I'm shocked. I have this lovely suite up here for you to crash in and everything." Selkies couldn't hold their liquor, and he'd tested that theory personally. He could practically feel her nerves. He could hardly imagine what it was like to not be so confident. He'd never been in that position. Confidence that bordered on arrogance had been bred into him. "You can. It's merely a party. The cake is excellent."
Maya shook her head, "Next week." She felt a little nervous, having not baked properly in awhile. But it was like riding a bicycle. Probably. "Plus apperently I've been hired to make next year's birthday cake after Iann got a wedding cake instead, so I have that to look forward to," she added with a gesture towards the monstrosity. She took another sip of her drink which was already almost empty. No one could really blame her for that though considering she'd been apart of an awkward conversation already this evening and didn't really know anyone involved. "Rum and coke," she replied.
River tried to take some deep breaths, but they were shaky and ragged. "I barely know anybody. And this suit...I look like a fraud." She paced in front of the doorway back into the party, wiping her sweaty palms on her new slacks.
Ash shook his head, tsking her again. "You look fabulous, and the sooner you start believing it, the sooner you will feel it."
River found herself finally able to take some deep breaths, her lungs thanking her by relaxing a bit. "Okay...." she breathed. "Okay." She faced the door to the party, tightening her tie a little. Just have to believe it. Easy, right? She pushed forward and once again she was in the large hall. This time though, it did feel different. She didn't feel like a frumpy schoolboy in a too-big suit. She felt...hot. Attractive. Ash had been right.
Ash clapped her on the shoulder, a little too enthusiastic, a little exaggerated, but well-meaning. He gave her a broad grin and plucked a piece of cake from the table at the head of the room. "Excellent, now eat this. Apparently they're not really married. It was a joke. But it's delicious just the same."
Faye leaned against the bar as well, listening idly to the conversations going on around her. Content, for now, to people watch. The young girl Fane was talking to seemed nice enough, and Faye could feel the hum of magic around her.
River eagerly took the cake from Ash's hand, digging in but being more careful than usual to not make a complete mess of herself. "The cake is pretty damn excellent," she confirmed to him. She surveyed the room. She spotted Maya across the way, locked in conversation. She wanted to go up and talk to her, but instead just shoved more cake in her mouth.
Grace had been talking to Ruby, mingling with the other guests, and all around trying not to look suspicious. She had only just noticed that Fane had arrived, alongside Faye. The smiliarities of their names would never fail to amuse her. She approached Faye first, given that the other woman was alone. "Hello darling," she greeted with a small smirk. "Long time since we spoke. How are you and Stefan doing?"
Fane brightened at the news, happy for Maya's success so far in managing to secure herself a job. "I'm sure you'll do splendidly, so what else have you gotten up to since I last saw you? You've clearly met Alia." He looked over at the cake in question having somehow missed it on his entrance and letting out a low whistle. "What the bloody fu--" but then hearing it was Iann's doing Fane ended up snorting "typical Iann..." he glanced over at Faye his next comment directed at her "do you think that was deliberate or he didn't know it was a birthday celebration?" Waving down the bartender to get a rum and coke for Maya "oh and this is Faye, my partner."
Grace arched a brow. Speaking of Stefan... "Oh, there you are," he said with a smile as Fane and Maya approached. "The cake was but a joke. Alia and I won't be getting married any time soon."
Faye: "Deliberate," Faye said without hesitation. She gave Maya a wave before turning around as she heard a familiar voice. "Grace," Faye greeted. "Happy Birthday. And it has been, hasn't it? Housewarming was it?" She gave the vampire a smile that was genuine but that held all the reminders of their last chat. "We're doin' well. I'm sorry we were late. We had... car trouble."
Maya "Just trying to stay out of trouble mostly," Maya replied with a shrug. She'd met a few people, but nothing really all that exciting. She'd helped Iann out of a mole man situation, but she suspected that was a typical Tuesday for Iann. "I think it was on purpose based on his shit eating grin after presenting it," she replied. Her statement was shortly confirmed by Grace who had come over to greet the two newcomers. She gave Faye a wave, but nothing more as the other woman seemed distracted by Grace. Instead she picked up the rum and coke with a thanks to Fane.
Fane: "Was it really though?" Fane questioned unable to help the slight slant of a grin that crossed his features looking at Grace. He stepped over quickly enough to buss her cheeks lightly oblivious to the other conversation going on between Faye and her. Though hearing Faye mention car trouble he arched a brow as he withdrew "no need to make excuses... Faye was a tad tied up with work, she couldn't get out of it..." Returning back to stand near Maya he looked at her curiously "is that to say trouble finds you then?"
Faye: "That's what happens when you put Iann in charge," Faye commented affectionately about her friend. She looked to the other woman - Alia - that she hadn't met yet. She was quite lovely, and seemed to be a favorite of everyone she was speaking with. "She's gorgeous," Faye said to Grace, though she had no doubt the vampire was aware.
River became acutely aware of how weird she looked standing by a cake table shoving it in her mouth alone, seeing as Ash had walked away to get a drink. She set her almost finished plate down and bit the bullet, walking up to Maya and those around her. "Hey," she spat out. "You look nice."
Grace kissed Fane's cheek in return. "Thank you. You've still got several more years on me," she replied with a smirk. "Yes, Iann was kind enough to loan us the room, help arrange all the drinks and all the food, but I suppose this was his payback," she said with a snicker. Gorgeous seemed like a huge understatement to use in reference to Alia, but Grace nodded in agreement. "She's very special. I wasn't expecting someone like her to walk into my life, but I'm glad she did. You might say she domesticated me."
Maya looked up a little surprised when Fane returned to talk to her. She'd assumed that he would be more interested in his partner and the host. As far as his question Maya let out something between a sigh and a laugh, "Yeah, you could say that." She was about to make a joke about it when someone spoke beside her. Turning to find River Maya smiled, "I think what you mean is that I'm wildly underdressed, but its sweet of you to say anyway." It was true too. Having not even owned a dress in two years she'd opted for black jeans, her only pair of shoes, her leather jacket which at this point was almost like armor to her, and the nicest shirt she owned which definitely had a hole in one of the armpits. "You, on the other hand," she replied, "Clean up nice."
Faye tipped an eyebrow at Fane - which he pointedly ignored - as he brushed off her excuses with one of his own, though a bit more towards the truth. She /had/ been tied up with work. But well... not the kind that came with red pens and comments in the margins. "Anyway..." she said with a touch of fondness as she turned back to Grace. "We never do, do we?" Her gaze drifted back towards her own partner. Faye wasn't the type of person who needed to be with her significant other for the entirety of an event like this. Fane was a social person, and she felt no qualms about being left to her own devices. She was a big girl. She could take care of herself. And entertain herself too, if needs be.
Ruby wandered off a bit as Grace moved to say hello to a few more guests. She didn't care to talk to Faye or Fane at the moment, so she found a nice, quiet corner and sat down, watching the party from afar for the moment.
River chuckled. "You look great," she reiterated. "You should see what I showed up in. I looked like I'd been dressed by a drunk history professor." Why was she admitting that? The whole point of putting on this suit was to forget the tweed ever happened. "This is my friend Ash's suit," she said, gesturing over to where he was standing. "But, you know, thanks." She blushed a little, rubbing her sweaty palms on the inside of her pockets in an attempt to keep them dry.
Maya grinned, "A drunk history teacher? Now that's a look I'd like to see." Her smile softened, remembering how nervous River had been the first time they had met and guessing that she was probably pretty nervous now. "Well, it looks like Ash didn't steer you wrong," she said.
Faye leaned both elbows back against the bar, looking around at all the people chatting quietly and at the very chic decor. It was beautiful, that much was true, but the atmosphere was a tad too... stuffy. But this wasn't her party. "You know what you need?" Faye said to Grace. "Tequila."
River smiled. "Yeah. He's got more style in his pinky than I have in my whole body," she said, bringing a hand up to rub the back of her neck. "So, uh, I know like almost nobody at this party. So I'm glad you're here."
Fane had temporarily wandered off to get a drink but lingered on the edge of the various conversations. Though Maya seemed taken in conversation with a face he couldn't place and Faye was... Well, Faye was mingling with his ex. So all in all people seemed more or less alright he supposed even if things felt a little slow for now. Eyeing the other figures it was hard to miss the one sat aside minding her own and after a slight debate he meandered over to sit down nearby. "You know, suddenly I'm getting flashes of that dancing film where Swayze declares you never leave a lady in the corner" he said by way of greeting, friendly and hoping to engage Ruby in conversation if he could.
Grace gave Faye a smile. She would have been lying if she had claimed not to like the other woman at first. She'd been fond of her from the moment she met her, but she had maintained a little jealous streak over her relationship with Fane. That was mostly gone now. "I couldn't agree more. Alcohol is always a good choice."
Maya it wasn't until it was too late that Maya realized she hadn't asked if Fane and River knew each other. She was new enough to town that she assumed everyone knew more people than her. When River mentioned not knowing anyone it finally occurred to her. "Oh well this," she turned to see Fane walking away, "That was Fane. Anyway just give it like three more rounds of shots and you'll have more friends than you know what to do with."
Faye had wanted to rip Grace's heart out and feed it to her when she'd learned of what had transpired between the woman and Fane. But since Fane was trying to be the better man about it, Faye decided she was too. She couldn't very well be angry - outwardly - over something that Fane was trying to put behind him. Though that didn't mean she was going to forget. Though she and Grace had come to an understanding awhile ago, and now at least they got on aggreably. So when Grace agreed, she ordered several shots and placed them in front of the woman. "Now, birthday girl first..."
Iann returned from somewhere, surprised to see new people, but at least most of them seemed to have cake in hand. Iann was determined to get rid of as much of the cake as possible tonight - after all, the damn thing was huge, and paid out of his pocket (Freddie refused to pitch in to such a random prank, but wished Iann well nevertheless). "Cake? Does everyone have cake? Do you want more cake?" Iann paused near Maya and a tidy-looking young woman in a snazzy suit standing with the witch. "Hello, who are you?" Not that Iann knew everyone in town, but...well he knew most people, anyway. And she was not someone Iann recognized.
Ruby wasn't feeling particularly inclined towards any emotion in general, content to sit and watch the crowd and be social (ish) instead of staying at home or working. She smiled around the rim of her glass as she watched the antics of some of the people floating around. It wasn't until he spoke that Ruby noticed Mr. Savin sitting down nearby. "Mmm," she said as she swallowed her drink. "I think you mean' nobody puts Baby in the corner.' Dirty Dancing."
Maya brightened when Iann appeared almost magically at her elbow, "Like Iann. This is River and this is Iann." She shook her head at his question, "And no I don't need more cake. It's hard to steal a mattress on a full stomach."
Iann looked at Maya, slightly worried. "Which room are you going to steal it from?" he asked, pulling out his cell phone. "And around what time? I'll have to make arrangements to get a new one delivered..." Iann poked at his phone for a moment, then looked up at River. "That's a nice name. River, like an otter."
River watched the man Maya gestured to walk away. "Fane. Okay." She made a mental note. If they ever met later she'd at least know his name. "I hope you mean everyone else is doing the shots. Selkies famously can't hold their liquor, apparently. Something I found out the hard way when I got to town." She smiled. Suddenly someone was talking to them, and thankfully Maya introduced her before she had to do it herself. "H-hi Ian," she stammered. "Oh, I'll take more cake. I'll always take more cake." When it came to food, it was one area where River was shameless. "Close," River chuckled. "More like a seal."
Maya laughed, "You don't really think I'm going to fall for that do you?" She was teasing, mostly. Even if she did steal it the theft would only be temporary. Pranks were their most fun when they were also mostly harmless aka not costing a new buisness hundreds of dollars. "Also yes shots for everyone including you because the only way to build up tolerance is to drink more."
River shook her head, smiling. "I uh...I don't think that's how it works," she said to Maya. But she'd be honest, if Maya put a shot in her hand, she probably wasn't going to refuse.
Fane perched not having sat deliberately too close in case it made her or anyone else uncomfortable. Fane was still very keenly aware of the fact of just who ran this hotel and in a slight way felt like he was intruding into a place he didn't very well belong. Suffice to say, it didn't put him in an overly jovial mood at least whilst he was still sober that was. Of course he'd known what he meant to say but it had been an effort to at least break the ice "that's the one, not sure whether I prefer that, Grease or Footloose though."
Iann grinned widely at River, eyes widening in delight as he forgot about his phone for a moment. "A selkie!! A nattily-dressed selkie to boot," Iann said, motioning to a server to get Rover a huge hunk of the cake. It was swiftly delivered to her hands. "Don't fret, River. We have drinks designed specifically for selkie constitutions, hm? Give it a try, see what you think?" In truth, Iann knew full well there was no chance in hell that a mattress that made its way outside of the inn, only to be returned for a laugh, would ever be allowed back into the room. That was just plain unhygienic and not the rep the inn wanted. It would be destroyed, and a new one would be purchased. So Iann just chewed at his lip. "Well the last thing I need is some guest showing up and we don't have a bed there. Just tell me when," he pleaded. "Then I can get a bed delivered in time."
Ruby: "Pfft, Dirty Dancing. Hands down. Kevin Bacon creeps me out and Grease was just..." She waved a hand, dismissing the movie entirely. "Don't even get me started on the second one with Michelle Pfeifer. Good Lord."
Maya smiled, "Its settled then." She turned to the bartender, "Shots all round." When Iann asked again about the mattress she shook her head and grew serious, "I'm not really going to steal a mattress Iann. They're huge and there are way to many witnesses. Your mattresses are safe from me." He seemed a little actually worried about it, so she let the idea go easily.
River was smiling so much she thought her cheeks would fall off. A huge chunk of cake? Drinks made for selkies? Had she died and gone to heaven? No, there'd be more mac and cheese here if she had. "Thanks Ian," she said, her mouth already full of the first bite of cake.
Iann "Shots all around! This one's a selkie," Iann noted to his bartender. Freddie had some art-business or something to take care of, but that was probably just an excuse to get out of bartending once the actual bartender arrived for his shift. Iann didn't mind though - Alia and Grace were technically people Iann knew better. So the bartender got the shots sorted - tequila for Maya and Iann, and something slightly green for River. "Erm...it might not taste good with cake," Iann warned River, and tapped on the bar. "Yum that up, and I'll pack you some before you leave, hm?" He looked at Maya, squinting at her. "I mean, I don't mind if you really want to steal it. If you need it and all. Just let me know when so I'll be prepared, kiddo."
Faye had done her set of shots along with Grace, the tequila burning a line down her throat in an old familiar fashion. More people were showing up, and Faye heard Iann's voice calling for shots. This might turn out to be a good party after all.
Grace always appreciated someone who bought her drinks. She could afford her own, of course, but it was the thought that counted, and she remained close to Faye, draping an arm around her shoulder. "Will any of these even work on me?" She questioned playfully, downing one after the other.
Fane hummed slightly but Ruby's dismissal over Grease made him tilt his head slightly. "Awh, Grease wasn't that bad... There are worse musicals out there. Carrie for example, was a shambles 'n' a half. At least the eighties gave us something worthwhile right? Besides the extreme shoulder pads 'n' waterbeds." Fane grew quiet taking a sip of his drink, glancing aside at her after a moment. Fane had noticed the fact that Ruby had been visiting the estate a fair bit, to hang out with Dani mostly but it was hard not to notice her being around so often. Plus, considering her husband owned the hotel he had to wonder why Ruby wasn't off with them. Despite everything he liked her, and it led to him wondering whether was wrong. "Is something up?" he eventually asked a touch tentatively unsure whether she'd want to talk about it or leave it be.
River easily smashed the rest of the cake in front of her, probably looking a little embarrassing as she did. The shot was placed in front of her just as she finished it, so to take Ian's warning, she swallowed a few times to clear her palate. Giving a wary glance back at Ian and Maya, she picked up the shot and held it out. "Cheers," she said, before downing it. It tasted pretty good, honestly. Fishy, but she loved it.
Maya grinned. This party was turning out to be pretty fun after all. She took her shot and was about to start at count-off when Iann told her that if she really wanted to steal a mattress he wouldn't mind. Just as long as she properly prepared him for it. The truth was she might soon need a mattress. But this was a party. She smiled, even though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I won't steal your mattress Iann. Scout's honor. Now, shots on three?" She licked her hand and applied salt before picking up her shot. After counting down she licked the salt, downed the shot and bit into the lime like an expert.
Faye stuck her hand over the last shot before Grace could drink it. With a swirl of her fingers, Faye set the liquid inside spinning until it turned a deep, smokey blue. "Now try..." she grinned, the spell one she'd learned while working at Morgana's all those years. Increased the potency of the alcohol for vampires and wolves. Faye wished she had some of the /actual/ drink that was a Morgana's specialty. It had gotten Fane drunk on their trip after only a glass or two.
Iann watched River closely as she took the shot. It was something he'd designed with Elena's help; and though Elena was a merm, Iann figured the taste palette of seafolk was a little similar. Her face didn't screw up in disgust, so Iann took that as a good thing. "What's it feel like, River?" he asked eagerly. "Do you feel anything? It's made from a special type of seaweed, fermented of course. You're the first selkie to try it." Mostly because other selkies were far too suspicious of some concoction made but a human. He still squinted at Maya but didn't say anything just yet. Instead he downed his shot, biting into the lime wedge. "I don't trust those Scouts. With their badges and campers pampers."
Ruby gave him a small smile. "The eighties wasn't too bad. I mean... it gave us Journey and Blondie and Star Wars." Ruby /had/ been out to see Dani a bit more often lately. But it was nothing she wanted to bring up with Fane. She didn't dislike the man, but she didn't know him either, other than the two times they'd met previously. So her personal life - though she appreciated the offer - was her business. "Hm? Oh... no. I'm fine. Just been feelin' a bit under the weather lately. Think I might be gettin' a cold or somethin'."
Fane dipped his head "ooh don't even get me started on Star Wars-- we'll be here for an age and a half and I'll probably bore you to death." He had figured Ruby wouldn't talk to him, but he'd just wanted to check up on her really considering she seemed a bit lonely over here. "Ah-- It is the season for stuff like that... But, since you're here-- Fancy coming to join in?" he nodded towards the bar where people were starting to get their buzz on.
River nodded enthusiastically. "It tastes hella good," she said, licking her lips. It was like she'd had a fish-infused smoothie with a hint of kick. "I feel...fine. Tiny buzz, but usually one shot's got the room spinning so it's definitely an improvement."
Maya "So another round?" she asked. If either of them said no she wouldn't push it. Turning to Iann she added, "Does it make a difference if its Girl Scouts and not Boy Scouts? Or that I stopped after the age of eight and that's before they really start indoctrinating you?"
Ruby: "Fan, are you?" she asked as he mentioned Star Wars. Internally, Ruby gave a sigh of relief that Mr. Savin didn't push. She really was trying to have a good time instead of just being a boring wallflower, so his suggestion to head back to the bar was - eventually - met with a nod. "Sure. Why not. My drinks gone anyway."
Grace eyed Faye with a smirk. She wondered how Alia was getting along, hoping she was having half as much fun as Grace was. The two of them didn't need to be glued to one another's sides, no matter how jealous or over protective Grace came across sometimes. "Oooh, I do love witches," Grace whispered with a smirk, leaning in a little closer to watch the magic at work, then she drank it, sighing as the pleasant sensation made its way through her body. "Mmm...magic."
Iann "No room-spinning! Let's just get your cheeks all pink, hm?" Iann flicked his fingers for a second round. He didn't really drink often anymore, after some...bad times in his late 20s with booze. But recently, Iann had been imbibing more, assuring himself he could totally handle it. It had been over ten years after all, what was the harm? Iann snapped his fingers and pointed at Maya. "Girl Scouts are great. But I refuse to say anymore because a childless dude my age saying something like 'girl scouts are great' is kind of fucking creepy, ha ha," Iann grinned, letting the shots in a line. "Allez-oop, ladies."
Faye: "We do have our uses," Faye said as she watched Grace down the now ten times more potent alcohol. She would never do such a spell for anyone but a vamp, and maybe a wolf, because it would probably give them alcohol poisoning. "Tastes like a dream, don't it?" Faye drawled.
Ephram sidled up next to Faye and Grace, wrapping an arm around his sister's waist and kissing the side of her head before asking, "What sorter magic-touched liquor are you feedin' folks now, Faye?" He grinned at Grace, holding out his hand. "Don't think we've met. I'm Ephram, good to meet you."
Grace smirked, wetting her lips with her tongue. "Plenty of uses." She lightly tapped a finger on the bar. "Is there more where that came from?" Before Faye could answer her question, a handsome blonde gentleman approached them. "I don't believe we have." She shook his hand. "Grace Villiers. And that magic liquor is going to keep me happy for many, many hours."
Faye was a bit surprised as Ephram came up beside her, and coughed a little on the liquor she'd just downed. "Mmm..." she coughed, "Hey you... and it's a spell made for vamps and wolves. Makes this-" she held up another tequila shot. "- ten times stronger."
Fane: "Am I?" he laughed slightly "oh lord you have no idea. C'mon, what are you drinking?" he waved for her to come along not liking the idea of leaving her sat alone on the sidelines whilst everyone else had fun. He wandered to the bar glancing at Iann, Maya and the new figure he didn't quite recognise. "Invented anything special for vamps?"
Maya laughed, "You make a good point." With the shots all lined up she counted down again before doing the salt-shot-lime sequence. It was a little messier this time. "You know," she said, relishing the burn in her throat, "Before I was born my dad used to brew magical beer. He stopped because apparently boiling beer next to your two year old seems like asking for a disaster."
Ephram rubbed his hand against Faye's back to soothe her cough and said, "Good thing I brought this, then, for the birthday darlin's." He plunked a mason jar full of a scarlet liquid down and said, "Now, I'd bet my left lung you ain't never had this before, since I'm the only 'un makes it. Blood moonshine." Ephram was practically bouncing on his toes, wanting Grace to try his new invention.
Iann was half leaning against the bar and he looked from Fane, to Ruby, then back to Fane. "Why re-invent the wheel? We serve blood here - have you ever tried a pixie blood cocktail? I've heard it's..." Iann grinned slowly. "Potent. Fun. Fantasical." He looked at Maya, exuding heat off his skin, due to the crowd and the alcohol. He blurted before recalling the context of Maya: "So why didn't your dad just pick up brewing again once you were old enough?"
Grace arched a brow. "Blood moonshine?" she repeated, eyes alight with curioisity. "Those are two of my favorite words." She couldn't say very much about the container it came in. It was rather crude, if she did say so herself, but that would be easily forgiven if the substance inside was as good as she anticipated. "I think I just made two new friends," she said with a grin, helping herself to the concoction, swallowing it hungrily.
Faye let out a soft 'ooohhhh' as Ephram plunked down the jar of what could only be moonshine, coughing once more as Ephram confirmed. She gave a slightly tickled laugh, mock whispering to Ephram, "You tryin' to get her drunker than a skunk?"
Maya paused. It wasn't something that she liked to talk about. And it was always complicated to talk about, how to reveal and how much to keep to herself as not to make anyone uncomfortable. Maya was so tired of secrets though, of pretending to be only half of herself. She took a long sip from her drink before replying with a faux easiness to her tone, "He died, which made it kind of difficult."
Ephram was more comfortable in the Stonefruit by virtue of it belonging to Freddie than he normally would be somewhere this fancy, and for that reason he wasn't in agony inside wondering if he was showing himself to be a backwoods rube. He watched Grace drink, pleased, and said to Faye, "Tipsy, not drunk! Party tipsy. Just enough to be fun."
River followed suit and downed her second shot as well. She was starting to feel it, and assumed this is how people usually felt after a second shot. Still not slurring their words and tripping over themselves, just feeling a nice, happy buzz in their head. She felt her cheeks starting to flush and she started to sweat a little, not being helped by the stuffy suit she was in. There were a lot more people at the bar, she was now noticing. A lot of voices. A lot of body heat. "Can I have some water, please? With ice?" she asked the bartender, who quickly handed it over. She gulped it down greedily, feeling it cool her from the center out. Much better. She'd been so wrapped up in slightly overheating that when she turned back to Maya, she realized the conversation had gotten slightly uncomfortable, only catching the tail end.
Ruby followed behind Fane, her glass hanging from her hand, but found herself in no immediate rush to push between the crowd to the bar. "Whiskey on the rocks," she told Fane. The crowd seemed to be having a good time. She saw Iann - looking at her - and she saw Grace standing with Faye and Ephram, both grinning, and a few others she didn't know. All in all it was a happy mood, and Ruby felt her own lighten.
Iann realized belatedly - right. He remembered when Maya used past tense before for her folks, and noted it then, but forgot completely now. "Well shit," Iann said abruptly. He reached over the bar, grabbing a regular tumbler and pouring three fingers of tequila into it. "There you go kid - on the house. The rest of it you had to pay for but you know. For the old man and all." Iann turned and looked at River, downing her iced water. "Do you want food? There's seafood. Shrimp! There's raw shrimp, you can have as much as you like."
Grace continued drinking the concoction, probably more of it than she should have, lowering the mason jar with a grin before handing it back to Ephram. "Oh, darling. Party tipsy sounds perfect. We're gonna have a hell of a time!"
Faye: "Well then that's even better. No fun bein' that drunk." Her arm found it's way around Ephram's waist, and she watched Grace drink down the red liquid with ease.
River reached to put a hand on Maya's shoulder, but took it away before anyone had noticed. When Ian offered her seafood, she nodded, a little too eager. "You're spoiling me, Ian."
Maya This was the part she always hated where everyone got really uncomfortable and didn't know what to say to the girl with dead parents. She hated this part. Shaking her head she said, "It's fine. It was a long time ago. But I am going to drink this shot because its free and its a party." While Iann and River discussed food she did the shot, relishing the burn in her throat.
Ephram smiled at Faye as Grace wandered off to attend to some of her other guests. It was clear from his eyes he'd pre-gamed it some, and he said, "I din't think you'd come. To Freddie's place."
Fane looked at Iann interest lighting his eyes at the proposed drink. "Pixie blood cocktail? Can't say I have actually." And he glanced to check he'd heard Ruby right using his body to ease a little space by the bar to let her in if she did want to join the crowd. When the bartender came around Fane ordered the drinks and glanced aside at the awkward atmosphere created by Iann's question though it seemed to be brushed over well enough. "Shots are a great solution to all things I've found," he remarked to Maya with a small grin.
Faye turned to lean against the bar, looking up at her brother. His eyes had that glassy sheen she recognized, having seen it in the mirror often enough. "Almost didn't," she admitted. "Then I figured, what the hell? Grace an' I are friends. Of a sort. An' I ain't lookin' to cause trouble."
Iann "Ahhh, you're just easy to spoil, River-the-selkie," Iann said, nodding his chin for someone to come over with shrimp cocktail. "I mean - c'mon. Who doesn't like shrimp? People allergic to shrimp, that's who." Iann helped himself to a couple as well and ate them down. When the pixie blood cocktail arrived for Fane, Iann motioned at him. "Go on, tell me what you think. Can't improve if we don't know what's wrong, hm? And you're all my guinea pigs tonight, so let me have it." Iann looked proudly at River, as if he'd created her. "River already gave her thumbs up to the selkie seaweed liquer."
Ephram wrinkled his nose, reaching past Faye to pick up one of the many filled shot glasses scattered along the bar. "Whassat mean? Friends of a sort? You two embroiled in a half-fight over somethang?" He threw back the booze, showing his teeth and then reaching for another. "Good shelf they got here," he said, somewhat impersonally considering he was married to one of the proprietors.
River knew what it was like to have everyone give that eye when you mentioned your dead parent. She'd gotten it a hell of a lot back in Kansas with her dead dad. And who knew now if her bio parents were alive or not. It was almost something she could roll of her back if she made herself not dwell on it, which was surprisingly easy. She gave Ian a thumbs up when he mentioned his seaweed drink, then turned to Maya. "So, anything new since my dog knocked you over?" she asked.
Faye smiled, watching the path of the glass from the bar to his downing it. "Not really. She tried to kill Fane about, oh... 150 years back? I took it a bit personal. We had one of those come to Jesus talks... meanin' I told her exactly what I'd do if she tried to hurt him again." Faye turned and took a shot of her own, grimacing a bit less than Ephram. "We've got an understandin'. And yeah-" she wiped a finger across her lip. "They do."
Maya was grateful that aside from comment from Fane the conversation hadn't dwelled on her. She rarely wanted to be the center of attention and on those rare occasions wanted it to be for something she had done, not something that had happened to her. "Got a job," Maya replied to River's question, "Helped Iann with a cake-based prank which is probably my favorite kind. What about you?"
Faye ordered another round. "Guess you got a pretty good collection at home though too, hm?" she said lightly, wondering what had prompted him to start drinking before coming down to the place his husband owned.
Fane took the drink fingers wrapping around the stem of the glass as well as picking up the tumbler of whiskey he'd ordered for Ruby. Passing it over to her he cheersed with his drink before taking a sip of the cocktail. The taste washed over his palette and he considered it before glancing to Iann with a smile appearing on his lips. "You know what? Not half bad Cardero."
Ephram snorted at Faye's explanation, saying, "That's the sorter relationship snafu we come up against when we live in a supernatural town, hey?" His gaze was roaming the crowd instead of focusing on Faye, though, alighting briefly on Ruby before moving on again. When she casually slipped in a reference to his home bar, Ephram looked down at her quickly. "A collection?" he repeated, trying to figure out what she was referring to -- his brain lately felt like it was on a tilt-a-whirl -- before inaccurately settling on, "Well, y'know, they both chose it. They chose to try but not really. So here's me doin' my best to keep shit together is all." Ephram reached for another shot, this one getting no reaction.
River smiled. "A job! Nice! Probably better than unloading at the docks, which is what I'm stuck with. Where at?" She picked at the shrimp in front of her, plopping on in her mouth and swallowing it whole. She always used to eat seafood like this, but now was aware of how seal-like it was. "Not much, actually. Same dead leads on my family." She hoped she hadn't made the conversation too heavy.
Iann "Hmmmmmmm," Iann stroked his chin. "Not half-bad, but not whole good, huh? C'mon Savin, get all blood-sommelier on me! I can take it." Iann abandoned the bottle of tequila with Maya, and the large glass, remembering that he shouldn't drink too much more. He didn't want to get (more) obnoxious, since he was the host-guy-whatever. Iann heard River mention 'leads on her family' and he tucked his chin against his shoulder, shamelessly eavesdropping on her conversation with Maya, out of curiousity.
Faye frowned. "Yeah. I s'pose it is." She took her own shot slowly, not noticing his eyes linger on his wife, who Faye didn't even realize was there. "Collection, yeah. As in liquor? Wine? All the above?" She turned her glass upside down on the bar, frowning a bit more. "Who chose what? Honey..." she almost reached to stop him from drinking anything else, but thought better of it. He was grown after all. "What's goin' on?"
Maya shrugged, "At a bakery, so I'm pretty excited." For the moment there wasn't much magical about the bakery she was going to work at, but with time and trust from her employer she hoped to change that. While River's way of eating shrimp was a little different than humans Maya didn't comment on it. Partially because the effects of three shots in a row were starting to take hold. "You know, I don't know if it'll help, but I might know of a few databases you could try. Worth a shot probably."
Fane clicked his tongue lightly a question coming to mind he'd never actually thought of asking before. "Well, I was just wondering whether fae had differing blood types amongst themselves? Not like different species of fae-- But say you got a group of pixies, say, would they all have the same sort of blood or are there different variations? Like human blood y'know? Since human blood tastes different depending on what group you're drinking... Can't say I've ever considered it before now." While he overheard the conversation going on nearby he did't know the other girl talking to Maya and though he kept mild tabs he didn't wish to interrupt.
Ephram shook his head, then moved so that he was leaning his hips against the bar like Faye was. Despite the lack of blood relation, they both had the same faintly guarded, faintly haunted look and unruly blond hair, and looked very much like siblings lined up there. Reaching behind Faye, Ephram picked up and downed another shot, then rumbled, "Ruby and Freddie couldn't git their shit together so I told em they should break up. I mean, it was fuckin' obvious by that point there was no fixin' things, but neither of em would come out and say it."
River cocked her head. "Databases? What do you mean?" She turned away from her plate of shrimp to give Maya her full attention. Her head was a little woozy when she turned, but she righted herself quickly. "All I know are their names, and I don't even know if that's what they're going by anymore."
Ruby took the drink from Fane with a nod of thanks, missing Ephram's eyes on her. He knew she was there, but Ruby didn't need someone holding her hand or keeping her company all night. She was more than happy to spend it by herself, just watching every one else.
Iann had two ears and he made use of them tonight, eavesdropping with one and listening to Fane's question with the other. "They do! We got this pixie blood from a northern clan. They're so small, so I'm pretty sure there isn't too much variation in taste or blood type there, hm? But - " Iann leaned in, raising a finger as he glanced around and then peered at Fane. "- apparently, if you harvest pixie blood when they're happy? It's like ambrosia. If you harvest when they're unhappy, it can be like a vampy poison. So you can't force them to donate....ahhh don't worry, this clan volunteered. But they're so fucking tiny, man. You have to like, harvest only like a quarter pint at a time or else they die." Iann motioned to Fane's drink and then winked at the vampire. "That shit is like fucking saffron."
Maya nodded, "Yeah some friends of mine growing up tried to find their bio parents. I'll send you the info tomorrow." She didn't miss Iann evesdropping next to her. Anyway it was a rather personal conversation to have at a party and Maya wasn't sure River wanted all these people to know. "By the way," Maya said gesturing to the two of them, "This is Fane and Ruby. And this is River." She cracked a grin, "What did I say, give it three rounds and you'll have more friends than you know what to do with."
Faye blinked up at Ephram. "You told 'em? Ain't that... ain't that somethin' two folks oughta figure out on their own? Not meanin' to pry or nothin', but... that ain't exactly fair to you is it? 'Less that's how y'all operate?" Faye took another shot of her own, feeling a little tipsy but not drunk. She didn't quite understand Ephram's relationship, but she'd always stayed out of it for the most part. But she could see it was hurting him. And sorry just didn't seem like the right thing to say. "Wanna go up on the roof and spit on strangers? Might make you feel better..." She tipped her head to his shoulder, looking more like a fifteen year old kid than a forty year old witch.
River nodded, about to speak again, but was cut off by Maya introducing her to other people, which made her acutely aware again of the fact that they were at a party and it wasn't just the two of them. She shot Maya an apologetic look and smiled at Fane and Ruby. "Hi!" she said, a little louder than she realized. "I'm River...wait, she already said that." She cleared her throat.
Fane: "Huh, makes sense. Though you've got different sorts of pixies too so I guess there's gotta be some difference there hm?" There was no helping his interest, Fane was always happy to learn something new and now that he was wondering on the matter he figured Iann was the best person to chat with regarding it than anyone. After all, if Iann didn't know or have some sort of clue then Fane doubted many other people would. "Whereabouts in the North?" Fane queried, but Iann mentioning the happy versus agitated donations was interesting "huh-- Wonder what causes the difference, some sort of magical substance or chemical?" However, his questions were paused as Maya spoke his name causing him to tilt his head to look at her and the other person with her who seemed overly chipper to introduce herself. Fane returned her smile though, offering his hand in greeting "hey there River, pleasure t'meet you darling."
Iann lacked the etiquette to know what was proper social-party talk and what was better broached at a later date. So the moment that Maya brought herself and River into the group where Fane and Ruby were, Iann leaned his back against the bar and stared curiously at River. He asked her directly,, "What happened to your family? Your pod? I heard you say you were looking for them."
Ephram snickered boozily at Faye's suggestion for a mood lifter, resting his cheek against her head as he spun and twisted his empty shot glass in his fingers. "It's how we operate," he agreed. "I'm head of the household. If shit ain't working, I'm the one whose responsibility it is to git it sorted out. Even if that means making a decision that neither of em wanted to make." He balanced the shot glass on the knuckles of his held-out flat hand, then bumped it up into the air and caught it before he fell, more a way to ease idleness than to show any sort of skill. I mean--" Ephram looked at Faye, turning a bit towards her, "--not that it's totally comparable, but din't you ever feel this way with Chris? Like you was the one sorter scramblin' to keep things goin' along a sensible, grown-up path?"
Maya It didn't take a genius to see that manners weren't exactly Iann's thing. When it came to her she didn't mind. Maya had never been big on manners herself. However River was a lot more nervous than she was. "Wooooooow," she said drawing out the vowel, "Just diving right into the deep end, old man."
Fane wasn't really surprised by Iann's behaviour nor his words when he came right on out with what he wanted to know off the bat. As Maya put it, he certainly didn't beat about the bushes and Fane merely took a sip unsure how this was going to play out.
Iann "Yyyeah, but that's different from humans. We don't have sub-species categories, but pixies do. Although you try telling a pixie that," Iann smirked at Fane. "Depending on the pixie, they'll fight you tooth and nail to disassociate themselves from certain species. So xenophobic, those little fuckers!" Iann liked how Fane asked where in the 'North', as if north was a proper noun. So respectful. All Iann could do was grin and say, "Point Roberts. That's just a little shithole town right on the border, nothing, er, too fancy or fantastical. Sometimes clans just chill in one place...maybe that's why they were able to carry on a blood-tapping tradition over generations of pixies. They're our best best for distribution."
Iann protested, making a motion at River. "She brought it up! River, you can tell me to fuck off if you want," he assured the selkie with a smile. "It wouldn't be the first or last time, ha!"
River shook Fane's hand, and when she pulled back, she was shot with Ian's question. Maya interjected, and River body lanuaged suddenly closed a bit. However, her buzz swimming in her head had different plans. "They got hunted. Scattered. Some are dead and I can't find some others. Mainly my folks." She tried to be a little quiet so only Iann and Maya could hear her, but didn't know how well she was pulling that off.
Faye hummed a bit as Ephram explained, though he turned down her offer of using strangers on the street as target practice. She watched, impressed with his trick that wasn't a trick. "A little. Well... okay, a lot, especially there at the end. He just sorta... checked out. Though if I'm honest it was like that with him from the moment we met. I was the grown up - which is sayin' somethin' - and he was..." Faye waved a hand. "Whatevver he was. Though Chris never cared much for how I felt 'bout things. That's what got wearin'. Just... bein' invisible. And then when I wasn't, it was like I was... a joke." She rubbed his arm soothingly. "You told either of 'em how you're feelin'?"
Maya let River say whatever she was comfortable with. It was her story to tell after all. Her eyes never left Iann though, watching to see if he was going to push the selkie farther than she wanted to go.
Iann Being surrounded by supernaturals with heightened hearing made River's quiet tone somewhat redundant, but there was ambient noise, and Fane was polite as hell so Iann doubted the vampire would eavesdrop as rudely as Iann had. "Well fuck, River..." Iann said, facing something of a conundrum. He was itching to know more, dig deeper into River's situation, just to see if there were any answers that lay at the end of the selkie's search. At the same time - dammit - he wasn't really in that business anymore, was he? "Scattered near Soapberry, you think? Is that why you came to town?" Iann glanced at Maya, but clearly the witch was familiar with River's current plight.
Ephram pressed his lips together and shook his head once, firmly. "That ain't an option," he said, turning and crossing his arms on the bar top. "Like I said, it ain't just the same as you and Chris -- Ruby and Freddie don't get on like they got no brain in their heads and they don't make me feel like a joke -- but the both of em don't /get/ how this works with folks you love. How it's wearing on everbody, not just them." Ephram kept on playing with the shot glass, his movements getting sharper and more rapid. "And it ain't like they're being inconsiderate, it's more like ... they git scared when there's disagreements. Wild scared. More'n they need to be."
Ruby smiled around the rim of her glass at River, standing on the periphery and listening to the ongoing conversation. Iann was loud as ever, and Ruby thought he might be a little drunk,but she didn't know him well enough to say. River's story, however, had her full attention, turning her stomach a bit at the thought. Ruby didn't like violence, or the talk of it, so she moved back off to her original seat in the corner, slowly draining her glass.
River shrugged. "Originally, yeah, but it's been 17 years. Who knows where they are." Ian sure was nosey. "Were you a detective in a past life or something?" She said with a small chuckle.
Fane "Well isn't that most fae generally?" he questioned, not to say all fairies were inclined to fight you for disagreeing with them but they all seemed very... set in their ways and resistant to change from what he'd experienced. Fane merely echoed Iann's term because he didn't exactly have any location to narrow 'North' down to. Even so, River's story soon took focus and Fane quietened as he listened occasionally sipping his drink as he stood there.
Maya relaxed a little when it seemed that River didn't mind answering. Since Iann had left the bottle with her she poured herself another shot. Sometimes at parties this big she got a little overwhelmed. It was hard to keep track of everything and if she couldn't keep track of everything she might not notice 'him' walking through the door. That was supposed to be impossible now, but her gut hadn't caught up with her brain. She downed the shot easily before turning back to track the conversation.
Faye chewed her lip a bit, listening intently as Ephram spoke. "Why ain't it though? If they're scared..." She turned and mirrored his position. "And you know they are... know /why/ they are... then why not just be honest? Takin' into account what you know about the both of 'em?" Faye didn't want or need Ephram to explain the more personal side of things, things that weren't hers to know. But she knew that not speaking up, holding things in, wasn't healthy. But she thought maybe she understood. At least his partners weren't idiots, and at least he felt wanted and respected. But still... "They know you're scared too?" she observed over the click of the shot glass on the table.
Iann "Isn't what most fae, generally?" Iann asked, not realizing what part of the conversation Fane was referencing. But he could see in Fane's expression that he had heard River's tale as well, and Iann gave Fane a little nudge, like a 'to be continued' assurance before he squinted at River. He was indeed nosey, and would ask questions so long as the other person was willing to answer. "Seventeen years! Oh damn - you are, like, 21 right River? Human-21," Iann clarified, since sometimes selkies counted age in different ways. "No, I think Fane's here more qualified as a detective than I am. He found the actual Jack the Ripper," Iann thumbed towards Fane. "The actual serial killer, can you believe it?! I'm just some guy..." Iann tapped a finger against the counter in thought. "What've you tried so far, River?"
Fane glanced down slightly as Iann promoted his past accolades to the group "I'd argue that dealing with one rogue vampire hardly qualifies me as a detective..." Fane would never claim that title, now or ever. "Plus that was a long time ago. But yes, Iann's some guy who just happens to be super nosy" the remark wasn't made to be unkind it was simply a truthful fact that everyone present knew or had come to realise already.
Ephram was starting to get the mutinous look on his face, though, that anybody who'd dealt with him for a period of time would recognize. Where he'd dug in his heels on some decision or habit and wasn't willing to adjust at all. "I'm honest, don't think I ain't honest. We all know how each other feel. Ain't nowhere else to go with it, really. Just..." Ephram straightened, stepping even closer to Faye, fixing her with an urgent stare. "I don't feel like I can tell nobody this because it ain't productive or even fair, but I feel so fuckin' /resentful/ of the both of em, lettin' shit get to this extent." He looked stricken immediately, guilt clouding his blue eyes.
River snorted a little at the question. "Yes, I'm 23. Don't worry." She started to feel a little weird. It seemed Iann was well meaning, but at the same time, she was slightly on edge now. It was always in the back of her mind that maybe who she was talking to was really trying to find the rest of her family before her so they could finish the job. "Not much, just asking around. Nobody knows anything so far. I'm more trying to get settled in town right now." She unbuttoned her suit jacket and started to run her red tie in her hands nervously.
Iann Wouldn't consider himself well-meaning...not exactly, anyway. So when he saw River start to pet her red tie like her life depended on it, he smiled, crookedly. Iann glanced over at Fane, then Maya, then reached over River to grab a couple more shrimp. "You're in the best town to amp up your search, kid," Iann said, allaying any further questions, for now. He neatly tucked the shrimp into his mouth and then talked around them, "Now show me how you did that whole...swallowing shrimp whole trick. I'm trying to improve my gag reflex."
Maya noticed River starting to fidget with her tie. She took that as a sign it was time to change subjects. It seemed though that Iann noticed too. Maya couldn't help but snort as he talked through a mouthful of shrimp. "Alright, that's my cue to leave and get some air because I want no part of you deepthroating shrimp."
Faye saw the look for what it was, and grew a bit more concerned as he stepped closer. "Hey, now. Don't," she said gently but with a firm undertone. "Nothin' you're feelin' is wrong, understand? Don't feel guilty for that..." Faye scooped her hand around his arm and tugged him towards the opposite end of the bar, unobtrusively, where there was more breathing room. "Honey... I can't imagine what it's like to love more than one person," she said. "It's hard enough lovin' one. But you got enough inside you to handle it. But Ephram... resentment can easily breed hatred. Trust me on this. I ain't sayin' it's wrong to feel it - god knows how hard makin' that decision must've been for you - but lettin' that feelin' eat at you, it's like... acid. It eats right down through everythin' that's good, everythin' that cares... everythin' that loves. And we end up like... hollows." She searched his eyes, full of guilt and something wild and scared of his own. "You ain't hollow, baby. They know you love 'em, right? And vice versa? So tell 'em, if it's what you feel's right. Take that weight off so you can all move forwards."
Maya laughed, "I don't mind how she eats. I just think watching you learn how to do its going to be gross." She poured herself another shot, "But fine I'll stay." The alcohol was starting to help with her anxiousness, letting her power down her brain for a little while.
Iann "It'll definitely be gross," Iann agreed, letting River try to teach him, with incredibly mixed results. He didn't actually try - he didn't want to choke and cause a rather stupid scene - it was mostly just for the dumb fun of pretending to try. Once River had to drift off, Iann looked over at Maya, then the tequila bottle. "You want more?"
Maya It wasn't as bad as she thought it was. Still the roomful of strangers was starting to get to her. Once River had wandered off and Iann offered her more tequila she shook her head, "No, I should probably get some air." She had started fidgeting with the rings on her fingers without even noticing. "Actually, you know what, hit me one more," she said, grabbing the salt shaker again
Ephram dragged his feet along the floor as he went with Faye, letting her big-sister him with an eagerness he couldn't hide. "I knoooow," he moaned petulantly when she spoke about resentment and its sticky path. "I know that. I hate feelin' it but it won't last, that I know for sure. So what good would it do to bring it up and upset em both when it's only a passing thing?" Ephram dragged a tray of canapes closer and started mindlessly munching them down so the fat could soak up the liquor he had poured into himself. "I mean yeah, honesty, I'm its number one fan, but then there's also knowin' when to bide your time." He got himself a glass of seltzer water as well, nursing it sadly and murmuring against the rim, "They's both so fragile right now. Even if I agreed that I should talk bout it with em, now wouldn't be the time."
Iann "Hold up, come with me," Iann said, grabbing the bottle of tequila and heading out of the bar. He smacked the elevator button. "It's not to a suite, don't worry," he reassured her first, motioning for her to get into the elevator first. "It's to my lair! Mwahahah... oh wait you're not in the elevator yet. Pretend you didn't hear that yet."
Maya followed Iann from the bar because what other choice did she have he had taken the liquor with him. It was a little suspicious that he ushered her into the elevator first. But his comment about going to his lair actually reassured her a little. No one announced their lair. "Okay if try to murder me I'm going to be really pissed," she replied, getting onto the elevator.
Iann "Punching power, remember?" Iann said, referencing their van ride back to Maya's hotel, after the mole-man incident. He took them to the bistro level, which was closed right now although the kitchen still seemed to be busy and awake. But Iann steered Maya out to the covered terrace. It was pouring rain outside, but Iann switched on the outdoor heaters, positioning Maya near one as he took a swig from the bottle of tequila before handing it over to the witch. He pointed. "The ocean's out there. You can...kind of see it." It was all black and misty right now, during the rain."
Faye: "You could be right," Faye agreed. "Best not to call up trouble where there ain't none. But long as you keep on knowin' it. Keep it right here-" She tapped his forehead with her finger. "Where you can't ever let it slip away, hm? Until it's /time/ to let it go." Faye knew Ephram was used to running that gamut of emotional distress from sucking depression to anxiety-induced fear and anger. And she'd never blame him for any of it. They all coped in their own way. She leaned against the bar, watching as he started eating. "Also true," she said of honesty. "So maybe there's a happy medium there? Not right now, while things're so... fragile," she said, using his own words back at him since she didn't know a better way to describe it. "But later, when they're stronger? You know it all best, which ain't me blowin' smoke up your rear; it's the truth." She reached up to press his hair out of his eyes where it was starting to become flyaway. "You can always come an' tell me about it, besides. Get it off your chest at least." She looked at him fondly, thinking he looked like a pouting twelve year old right then and wanting to hug him. "This too shall pass right," she murmured softly, still brushing at his hair.
Maya "Exactly," she replied with a half smile. Shortly they arrived not at a lair, but at what looked like a bistro. Although it might've been a very bizarrely designed liar, to be fair. Iann guided her out to the terrace where all she could hear was the sound of rain on the roof and the low hum of conversation. She took a deep breath. When offered she took the bottle from him, but instead of taking a swig her fingers played with the wrapper. After five shots in pretty short succession it was probably a better move. "Thanks," she said with a soft smile when Iann pointed out the ocean or at least it was probably the ocean she couldn't really see it at the moment.
Iann "De nada," Iann said, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring out towards the ocean for a few long moments. "Well kid - elevator's there where you came from. Don't steal the silverware and absolutely do not disturb the kitchen staff. They're already hideously overworked and underpaid as it is. Practically oompa loompas." Iann hummed under his breath for a moment and then nodded. "Come down whenever you're ready, hm?" he said, turning to leave.
Maya laughed softly, "You know that just makes me want to steal your silverware." She wouldn't though because it was nice of him to notice and nice of him to bring her here. "I'll be down in a bit. Try not to get into too much trouble old man," she said, glancing back at him, "I'll be down in a bit."
Iann paused. "I mean - I mean if you do, just tell me, alright?" Iann wouldn't stop her if she decided to steal, though. Why would he? He'd stolen silverware before. Now he was the guy with the silverware, it was weird. "So that I can replace what's missing, and the servers don't get yelled at by their boss. Don't let servers get yelled at, Maya, they're already overworked and underpaid, remember." Iann gave her a deadpan look, then headed into the kitchen to check on things there. He headed back down afterwards, enjoying his own spot of quiet while fully immersed in the din and noise of the party.
Ephram belatedly realized he'd polished off the entire platter of appetizers and switched it for a new one, his appetite building. "The thing is," he said, more surely, "that I'm in a pretty good place right now, better'n either of them. I /know/ they both love me, I'm happy with my job, this--" he swept his hand to encompass the bar, "is the first time I had this much to drink in donkey years. And I don't intend to make it somethang I do on the regular." Ephram pensively licked crumbs of pastry from his fingertips, saying, "They changed me for the better. Made me more resilient and not so much easy to plunge back into the dark that I come from. So what's my holdin' my tongue on this one thing? It's all a give-and-take." A little bolstered by this out-loud analysis, Ephram smiled and turned his face into Faye's gentle brush, murmuring, "This did feel real good, though, talkin' with you bout things. I'm glad as hell we ain't in a fight no more."
Freddie watched the bar at a distance, safely ensconced at a table in the corner with Ollie, grateful that reinforcements had arrived and he was no longer expected to bartend. Not that he’d /minded/ exactly - for Alia, he'd been quite happy to make the effort - it was just that, as the night had worn on, the more mercurial aspects of his attention span, and his natural aversion to ‘work’, had started to tug at him, and Freddie had felt the need to drift. He just hadn’t drifted very far, was all. Taking a seat in the back of the lounge and watching the guests, idly toying with the idea of picking the pockets of the people he wasn’t immediately acquainted with (and maybe a few of the ones that he was), Freddie watched Ephram talking to Faye, not liking the look on his husband’s face and reasonably certain he could guess what had put it there. Watched Ruby as she chatted her way through the party, missing her and hoping to avoid her all at once; and watched Iann being Iann, and smiled. As parties went, he thought, in spite of his own little collection of reasons for feeling out of sorts, this one could certainly be worse. Stonefruit had done rather well for itself overall - even though that bloody wedding cake was an absolute eyesore.
Maya After a few minutes Maya felt calmer. The label of the tequila bottle was a little worse for wear, but she was feeling better. With a deep breath she got into the elevator and headed back down to the party. Not seeing anyone she recognized exactly for Iann she made her way towards him. "Don't you like own this place?" she asked
Iann Iann saw Freddie when he came back down, and looked at him for a long while, waiting for Freddie to catch his eye in return. Just a shift of expression - something to ask, 'everything good?' and waiting for Freddie's confirmation, before he nodded that he was doing well as well. The party was getting quieter though, especially now that the birthday ladies had taken their leave, up to one of the suites upstairs. He heard Maya's voice piping up at his side and he looked down at her. "I - what? No, I don't own this place, do I look like I could own anything but a '78 Westfalia? I just work here. The bosses trust me with everything because I'm trustworthy and shit."
Maya "Oh, nevermind then," Maya replied with a wave of her hand. She didn't remember where she thought she had heard he was a part owner. Maybe that wasn't what the person had said. To be fair she was a little drunk.
Iann "What, what? Nevermind what?" Iann said, suddenly needing to know.
Maya "I was just going to say that if you owned the place then your servers don't have to be underpaid," she replied with a shrug as she looked out over the party, "Working at a server in a hotel sucks. Doesn't need to suck more by not being paid enough."
Iann "Really?" Iann tilted his head and tapped his finger against his lip. "Tell me more, about this 'working' and 'not being paid enough'. I've never heard of such odd terms. They sound rather gauche to me."
Maya rolled her eyes, "Oh fuck off." She said it without any real malice in her voice. "Mr. All I Own is '78 Westfalia, you've worked before. Apperently you're trustworthy and shit."
Iann "Apparently? According to who? I'm not going to stand for that sort of slander, I have to set them straight. As for the bosses I work for, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. They're the worst, they're terrible bosses, honestly. I wish I could quit, but..." Iann sighed and folded his hands in front of him. "Where else would I go? It's a small town."
Faye slid onto the stool next to him, reaching for one of the little appetizers herself, but nibbling on hers instead of sticking it in her mouth whole as Ephram did. She listened as he worked out the particulars, glad that he seemed to be righting himself a bit now that he'd eased some things off his chest. She propped her head on her hand, smiling at him softly. "You got a real good thing goin'," she agreed. "An' I see you... round town. Smilin' at folks, tippin' your hat. You look happy. Settled even. An' if they helped you find all that, then I love both of 'em for it, to the end o' my days. Even Freddie." The last was said in light humor, Faye's relationship with the fairy a bit like the equivalent of oil and water; they just didn't mix. And Faye understood. It didn't mean that she couldn't appreciate the man - prickly, brooding ass that he was - for making Ephram happy. For making him stronger. And yes, for keeping him alive. Ruby too. She pulled his head down so she could kiss his forehead. "Me too, darlin'. Me too..."
Maya "You said it like two seconds ago," she replied with a laugh. She couldn't decide if she was not drunk enough or too drunk for this kind of conversation. Deciding on not drunk enough she took another swig from the tequila bottle.
Iann "You're drunk! You better not be walking home, Maya." Since the party was dwindling and the staff were all starting to clean up now (Freddie very expertly and efficiently guiding them, and glamouring a lot of the mess into easily disposable things), Iann motioned. "C'mon, let me drive you home." He went out to the front lobby, fetching his van keys from a little safe, and he smiled at Maya. "For the record, kid - I am one of the owners. And all that stuff about overworked and underpaid was meant to be a joke."
Maya "Yeah and?" Maya asked. While she might never admit it she was grateful for the ride because otherwise she was going to have to walk. She smiled a little sleepily when Iann said he was one of the owners and that he didn't underpay his staff. "Good," she replied, "Just wanted to make sure." On the ride back to the motel Maya was quiet. Only when she got out did she smile and say, "Thanks, you're a good guy Iann. Sorry I threatened to steal your van. And a mattress. And your silverware."
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neochan · 3 years
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GENRE | smut, idolverse!
WC | 2.6k +
A.N | this is a repost of my older work. i hope you enjoy it <3
You could still hear the unintelligible screaming of thousands of fans as the boys filtered off the stage and into the greenroom. Another successful concert in the long string of tour stops. You couldn’t even remember what state you were in because the days of traveling, unpacking, setting up, and doing it all again the next day ran together.
The boys were dripping sweat, immediately grabbing bottles of water and towels to wipe themselves off. They had worked harder than normal today since during one of the sets the microphone cut out and they had to perform acapella. Someone was getting fired for that.
Taeyong flopped onto the leather couch dominating the center of the room, water in one hand, phone in the other. “People are already uploading photos.” He outstretches his arm so the others could view the pictures pulled up on his screen.
“Johnny you look ridiculous,” you point out, laughing as a fan had caught Johnny in the act of wildly waving his light stick.
“I was having a good time, okay?” He chuckles and walks into the dressing rooms to change out of his stage outfit. Half of the group filtered out to change and half stayed to peruse through the gifts left by venue staff and play on their phones until told otherwise.
You were wondering where Hyuck was when you heard his voice from the hallway. He saunters in and gives you a kiss on the cheek, “Enjoy the show?” His golden skin was tainted pink, hair matted to his forehead by the sweat that was trickling down the side of his face. He grabbed his shirt and lifted it to swipe at his face, revealing his cute tummy. You had to resist the urge to poke it.
“I enjoyed hearing thousands of pretty fans scream your name” You give him a smirk knowing that he hates when you downplay your relationship.
He nudges you with his shoulder, “You know I meant the songs,” his doe eyes look into yours, his long lashes brushing against his cheek when he blinked “Besides, you know I love you and only you.”
Mark began to nervously giggle in the corner while Doyoung made fake gagging noises from the vanity he sat at. “Oh, shut up.” You say, throwing empty water bottles at the two, “And hurry up I wanna go swimming before it gets too late.”
The ride home was peaceful once the swarms of fans cleared a path for the bus. Per the managers request you slouched down in your seat so know one could see you through the window. It didn’t make much sense because the windows were tinted, but Haechan had to argue for his life to allow them to let you tag along on the tour, so you didn’t question them. Once you were on the road, you sat back up and snuggled close to Haechans side. He rested his hand on your thigh, absentmindedly stroking you with his thumb. His head leaned back against the seat, eyes closed, listening to music. It was so loud you could almost make out the words but you didn’t say anything – you let him stay in his post concert utopia for the whole trip.
The hotel was about an hour away from the venue so that no one would find them, and they’d be closer to their next destination. It was nicer than the others because it actually had a pool. You and Haechan made an agreement to go swimming after the concert, and you couldn’t wait. The staff also rented more rooms, so instead of four people to a bed, it was just you and Haechan.
After checking in everyone filtered off to their rooms leaving the both of you to freely do whatever you wanted - within reason of course. You both got changed, your gaze admiring the hard lines of Haechans back. “Don’t stare.” He blushed, wrapping a towel around his upper body.
You pulled on your bikini which made Haechan go silent. You specifically picked this one because it brought out your skin tone well, and cupped your features beautifully. “Now who’s staring?”
It never failed. The butterfly feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when Haechan watched you with loving eyes. You wrapped a towel around your waist, allowing Haechans eyes to roam the tops of your breasts, peeking out from the almost too small bathing suit.
His cheeks turned pink once he noticed he was caught, “Let’s go”.
The hallways were quiet since it was almost midnight, so you wordlessly made your way down the stairs and out into the night air. It had grown considerably cooler than when guys first arrived that morning, but the sky made up for it. Pretty stars pricked the vast expanse of dark blue and black infinity. You could see the moon peaking out from behind a single cloud, casting a shadowed glow on Haechans honey skin.
The gate was closed when you walked up to it so you stopped to read, “Aw man, the pool closed an hour ago,” You set your lips in a pout, “no wonder the lights weren’t on.”
“Hey it’s okay, no lights, no cameras, they probably wont even notice we’re here if we keep quiet.” He moves closer to you, eyebrows raised expectant for an answer.
You hesitated wondering if you really could pull it off, after all you’d been looking forward to this for the whole day, “I don’t wanna get in trouble..”
“You said you wanted to swim and I’m going to make sure that happens,” He gets down on one knee, “step on my leg, I'm gonna help you jump the fence.”
He boots you over, and grabs your arms to help lower you on the other side, but his hand slips and his nails dig into your shoulder. “Ow, fuck.” You wince rubbing the spot he scratched.
“Sorry, sorry” He says giggling, jumping the fence with such quietness and ease that it looked unreal. “Come on, dare you to do a canon ball!?”
He ran ahead throwing his towel on one of the pool chairs and jumping in the water. You cringe away from the loud slap his body hitting the water made. You walk slowly to the chair, deeply inhaling the addictive chlorine scent.
He finally stands up waist deep in the water and pushes his hair back. The blue water reflected against him, making his skin sparkle. “Come into the water y/n” he splashed some water into your general direction, but not enough to touch you.
“Okay, Okay.” You drop the towel and slip into the water. It was cold. Really cold. You gasp and recoil away, but not fast enough, because Haechan has wrapped his arms around you and started carrying you towards the deep end. You struggle a bit in his grip but his arms provide an iron cage that you can’t get out of. “Haechan let me go!”
He presses a warm kiss to the back on your neck but doesn’t comply with your wishes, instead making a curve and bringing you towards the underwater benches. He fixes his hold on you so that now he’s carrying you bridal style. You stare up at him, water droplets falling off his chin. His eyes were already red from the chlorine and you hoped that it cleared up by tomorrow nights concert. His plush lips sat in a pout, strong jaw set. He was so very pretty; and all yours. You smiled to yourself, deciding to keep that image locked away in your memory forever.
Once he gets to the benches he sets you down and glides in beside you. “You know It’s colder than I thought it was going to be.” He lifts a hand and sheepishly rubs the back of heck, “and you look way hotter in that bikini than I thought you would.”
“I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a dig or a compliment.” You scoot closer to him so that your thighs were pressed against each other. Finding his hand underwater, you intertwine your fingers with his own.
“A compliment babe.” He chuckles and slouches in the water so that only his head sat above it. You both sit there for a moment until it becomes too cold to sit still.
“Well I’m going to put it to use and go swim.” You push off from the cement and paddle around. The only way to stay slightly warm was to keep moving. Haechan watched you, eyes crinkled in a smile, bottom lip caught between his teeth. It was fun to watch you play in the water but the bathing suit was making him think of other things you two could be doing.
And that was how it stayed. Haechan watching while you performed for him.
A while had passed, the calm exterior of the pool getting to you, making you drowsy. The cold blue water washed over your hands while you gently skimmed the surface, making your way over to where Haechan was. You hummed a short tune under your breath, trying to keep yourself distracted. it was close to one in the morning now, but Haechan still sat on the bench, slightly shivering from the brisk air, hands gripping his thighs under the water while his mind wandered far away from the present.
“Watcha thinkin’ about” you ask, moving closer to him, hoping to catch some lingering body warmth.
“Fucking you ,” he moved off the seat and dove under the surface, only leaving small ripples in his wake. You stand there for a second wonder how he could be so blunt, so forward in his desires; he was never like this.
He swam a single circle around your body before popping up in front of you, giving you a mini heart attack. He pushes you back against the tiled walls, “I’ve spent the last hour thinking about fucking you. Thinking about how pretty you’d sound.” His head dips down to kiss along your collarbone, and your hands grab the back of neck, holding him there while his tongue sucked bruises into your tender skin. His hands grazed the bare skin of your arms, giving you goosebumps.
He moaned into the side of your neck, biting and sucking away, wanting you to yearn for him like he did for you. He lifted his head so that his mouth hung over yours, his small puffs of breath fanning over your face while he tests the waters. “Can I kiss you?”
Without giving him an answer you pull him closer by the roots of his hair. His kissing was messy and sweet, and while your tongues moved together, his hips began rubbing circles against you, trying to gain some friction in the cool water. Small heavy breaths were the only sound you could hear, aside from the occasional splash as Haechan moved restlessly.
Your hand wandered down his chest and below the surface to where you could feel him straining against his shorts. You began to stroke him over the fabric, his hips pushing against your touch. He broke the kiss to watch as you peeled down the elastic from his hips, his cock freed from the restricting material of his swim shorts. You watched him twitch slightly as the cold water met his length.
“You can’t make any noise.” You place a single finger against his lips.
“No promises.” He whispers, a devilish smirk breaking way on his face. His hands caress you thighs, pushing your bottoms to the side. The cold water hit you, making you gasp and push into Haechan who just whimpers against your touch.
He tried to stay quiet, only soft grunts between gritted teeth and muffled moans as his hips pushed into your own. The water created resistance but it just enhanced how good he was feeling. He hurriedly grabs at your legs, pulling them up so that they sat around his waist. Your back dragged up the tiled walls, scraping your tender skin, but you could only focus on Haechans cock thrusting deeply in and out of you. He stared longingly into your eyes, filling you up completely, wanting to savor the way they fluttered in the back of your head.
“You love the way I fill you up huh?” He groans into your ear, a hand falling forward to grip the cement ledge of the pool.
You couldn’t respond without fear of moaning so you nod your head wildly. He began to bite and suck at your collarbone, pushing you closer to the edge. Looking down he sees your nipples, erect, poking through the wet fabric of your bathing suit. His eyes grow wide, hips stuttering into you. Fuck you were hot.
“Haechannie, I think I’m going to come.” You squeezed your eyes shut trying to focus on the feeling coiling in your stomach.
“Not yet.” He growls, hands moving to pin your wrists against the cement ledge, “Hold it princess, I know you can.” The water began to slosh around faster as Haechan thrusted harder into you. The sound was so loud its no wonder you didn’t hear the keys jangling against the hip of the guard making his way towards you two.
“Hey!,” he shouts running towards you, “The pool is closed! Get out! Are you two-” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you and Haechan spring up out of fear and take off. It was easy to push yourself up onto the pool deck. The guard made the mistake of following you two and leaving the gate unattended. You and Haechan ran out, giggling, making your way back into the hotel. You didn’t stop until you got into the room and slammed the door behind you.
With your heart hammering in your chest you lean against the dark cherry wood . “Holy fuck we could’ve gotten in serious trouble.” You gasp out, clutching a hand against your wet bathing suit top.
“Babe we’ll be gone by morning, no one is gonna know.” Haechan paces in front of you trying to catch his breath. His shorts hung dangerously low on his hips, it was miracle he got them up in time.
“We’re so banned from this hotel.” A knock on the door makes you jump away from it, the worst of punishment's filling your mind. What were they going to do? They couldn’t arrest you, could they?
Haechan walks forward and turns the knob slowly, revealing a sleepy Doyoung. His oversized t-shirt hung off one shoulder showing off his gaunt collarbone. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What do you want Doie?” you ask softly.
“How was getting chased by the guard?” he gives a sleepy chuckle, still half in his dreams.
“How did you-,” A look of realization hits Haechan, “You reported us?” He whined, pushing Doyoungs bare shoulder so that he stumbled back.
“Sound travels over water dumbasses and you guys were loud, I was trying to sleep!” Protesting, he pushes Haechans wet shoulder back.
“Well, now we’re going to be twice as loud.” Haechan slams the door in Doyoungs face and grabs you, throwing you on the bed. You give a squeal, and hear Doyoungs fist hit the door.
“I swear I’ll make a noise complaint.” He sounded more irritated than sleepy now.
“Go ahead, you’re just mad I’m getting laid and you aren't.” You playfully slap Haechans arm, but he nips at your hand. The other side of the door grows silent, Doyoung either going to report you two, or going back to his room defeated.
“Shall we pick up where we left off princess?”
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ryangosking · 3 years
Summary: You broach a tricky subject with Bucky. Recovering / soft Bucky x female reader. Angst / fluff / smut.
Warnings: 18+ for sexual content. Unprotected sex. Language.
A.N: I kept meaning to write for Steve but this happened. I usually write for Boyd Holbrook characters on my sideblog - Masterlist.
I didn’t tag anybody but let me know if you’d like to be, possibly a part 2 or a prequel to this. I’d like to thank @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook​ for her constructive feedback! It’s my first time writing for Bucky so please be kind!
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Your heart skips a beat when you see Bucky waiting outside your office building, holding a bunch of flowers no less. He's awkwardly leaning against a wall, eyes darting around searching for you.
"You shouldn't have." You smile as you approach him.
"I was just passing." He murmurs, cheeks flushing as you kiss him.
"Passing a flower stall too?" You ask, accepting the blooms.
"Yeah, I guess so." He smiles.
"Mr Barnes, sorry to bother you." A voice pipes up. You turn and vaguely recognise the guy, you've seen him in the office building. What does he want with Bucky though?
Bucky eyes him warily. "Do I know you?"
"Oh no, I'm uh....I'm a big fan." the guy stammers, starting to sweat.
"So you're a fan of my work as the Winter Soldier or...”
"No no, I mean since then. Saving the world and everything."
"Sure, thanks." Bucky sighs.
You kind of feel for the guy, Bucky wasn't exactly known for accepting compliments, you know that better than anyone.
"Hey, can I get a selfie?" the guy asks, pulling out his phone.
"He's off duty, sorry." You say diplomatically, taking Bucky’s arm. "Let's get going."
"I'll never get used to that, " Bucky mumbles, as you steer him away from his fan. "I spent so much effort trying to hide and now..." He trails off.
"You saved the world, that's what people know you for now." You say, determined to put a positive spin on things.
"It wasn't just me." He says, as you cross the street. He moves his arm and grabs your hand instead, squeezing lightly. He's wearing gloves as is usual in public, concealing his gleaming hand in black leather.
You fall into a companionable silence as you head in the direction of your apartment. You can't help noticing that you're taking the route that happens to pass Bucky's favourite diner - where you first met in fact, a little over four months ago.
"Feel like coffee and pie?" He asks casually.
You grin at his predictability. "Sure."
Your flowers sit on the table in a kindly donated water jug as you and Bucky tuck into pie and ice cream, apple and cherry respectively.
"This...is...the...best...pie." Bucky says between mouthfuls.
"I knew you were going to say that." You tease.
He smiles, his eyes twinkling and crinkling at the corners. Oh, he seems so happy and relaxed, you impulsively decide to broach a tricky subject, figuring now to be a good a time as any.
"So, you know my sister's getting married in a couple of weeks." You begin, glancing at him as you toy with your food.
Bucky's eyes flicker and he fills his mouth with pie. "Hm-hmm." He mumbles.
You take a deep breath. "Well, I was wondering if you'd consider coming with me, as my plus one?"
He pales a little and offers a tentative smile. "I don't know sweetheart."
"Clare wants to meet you, that's all. You don't even have to stay for the full day, just to say hello."
"Sounds more like a family thing." Bucky says tightly, shifting in his seat.
"Well yeah," you swallow, feeling yourself flush. "But you are my....I mean..."
He sighs. "I don't think it's a good idea, you saw what happened outside your office. Imagine that times a hundred."
"Everyone will be focused on the wedding, my family won't bug you, I promise. They aren’t like that.”
Bucky scoffs. “You might be surprised how brave people get after a couple glasses of champagne.”
You sigh impatiently, feeling something inside you break. "What are we doing here Bucky?"
"I thought we were eating pie." He half-smiles.
"You know what I mean. Us." You hated to push him like this, you really did, and you already knew that he wouldn’t react favourably to it, but your developing relationship had seemed to come to a standstill lately.
"We agreed to take things slowly, didn’t we? One day at a time." He says quietly, reaching for your hand.
"But that was four months ago, I thought that we might have progressed beyond that by now. It's like one step forward two steps back with you." You say, your voice cracking with emotion.
"You're not my shrink, ok?" He snaps suddenly.
You slide your hand away from his and reach for your bag, tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm going home." You say softly..
"Don't go, please. I'm sorry." He says, looking up at you, a note of quiet desperation in his voice.
"Enjoy your pie." You sniff, not looking at him. You’re halfway home before you realise that you've left the flowers on the table.
X - X - X
By the time you get home you're angry with yourself more than anything else, cursing the fact that you even mentioned the wedding. You had agreed to take things slowly, but the truth is that you’re falling for Bucky and you want him to be a bigger part of your life. The wedding seemed like the ideal opportunity to introduce him to your friends and family, but on reflection, you realise how overwhelming it might be.
Half an hour later when there's a knock at the door, you know that it's Bucky. He's carrying the flowers, still in the water jug.
"The waitress said we could have this, I think she just felt sorry for me." He chuckles dryly, following you into the living room.
You can’t help but smile at the image of him walking down the street with the flowers.
"I'm sorry." You murmur, setting the flowers on your coffee table.
"Why are you sorry? I was a jerk back there." Bucky frowns.
"I shouldn't have pushed you like that."
"You weren't pushing." He sighs.
"I spooked you.” You say softly, looking up at him.
"Yeah." He smiles. "A little. Look, I’m still trying to figure this out."
"I know. Me too. I've never been in a relationship like this."
"I should hope not." He says wryly.
You chuckle, fighting the urge to just throw youself into his arms.
"I like you, so much." Bucky murmurs, his eyes searching yours as he strokes your face. "But I can't help thinking that you'd be better off with someone else."
Your stomach drops. "No, Bucky-”
"I mean like someone who doesn't get spooked when you want to do regular relationship stuff, it's not fair on you." He says, brow furrowed.
"Look, forget the wedding, I'll ask one of my friends to come."
"It's not just the wedding though is it?" He sighs.
“I don’t want anybody else.” You state firmly, placing your hand on his chest - you can feel his ever present dog tags through the thin material of his sweater.
"You've been so patient with me, it's more than I deserve."
"This is what you deserve." You say, and kiss him gently on the cheek. "And this." then corner of his mouth. "And this." finally the hollow of his throat.
He lets out a soft groan and grips the nape of your neck, kissing you deeply, opening your mouth with his tongue. He tastes of cherry and vanilla, his lips soft but insistent.
"I want you." He breathes. "I want you."
Without a word, you take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Bucky was so gentle and hesitant when you first started sleeping together, terrified of hurting you with his strength and self-conscious of his arm. You managed to convince him that you could take - even sometimes desired - a little roughness. He loved to take his time undressing you, kissing and touching your soft flesh as he went. And when you reciprocated, he'd been touch starved for so long that the feeling of your hands and lips on him was almost enough.
Tonight he didn't deviate, pulling off your clothes and kissing you everywhere as you laid on the bed. He hovers over you, still half dressed, and you stroke his hair, fingers entwined in the short strands as his lips travel down your body, making you squirm. Finally he kneels between your legs and tugs at your panties, eyes dark with lust.
"James." You sigh, touching yourself, wetness coating your fingertips.
"You're so beautiful." He says gruffly, eyes focused on you as he removes his jeans. You'd seen him naked a number of times now but you never failed to be impressed by his magnificence, even his cock, now hard and leaking at the tip, is a thing of beauty.
You hold your hand out for him to return to the bed but his hands reach for your waist, indicating for you to turn over; you comply and he moves behind you, lifting your hips and pushing into you in one swift movement. You cry out as he fills and stretches your pussy, digging your fingers into the mattress as you back up against him.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?" He growls.
"Yes, please...don't stop." You mewl, as he buries his cock to the hilt.
Bucky’s flesh hand is between your legs, fingering your aching clit, while his metal one still grips your hip. You place your hand over his, interlacing your fingers with his vibranium digits.
The rhythmic clink of Bucky's dog tags and the sound of your soft cries fill the air, he continues to work your clit in tight circles as he moves inside you, leaning down to pepper kisses on your shoulder - it isn't long before you feel the familiar tightness building at your core.
"Oh, Bucky, I'm going to-" you trail off as he drives into you harder, making you come apart and you moan loudly as your orgasm rolls through you in hot waves.
Compared to you, Bucky's almost silent, quietly panting and groaning, his hold on you tightening as you feel him throbbing into you.
Afterwards he spoons you, his bionic arm around your waist like a vice, kissing your hair.
"Look, about the wedding-" He starts.
"We don't have to talk about it now." You yawn. “Let’s leave it until tomorrow. One day at a time.”
“One day at a time.” Bucky repeats, softly.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 2
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 2075
Additional note: In Norway, you are of age at 18.
Enjoy 🙂
"... don't start eating until your brother joins us."
As he pushes himself down the large hallway leading to the kitchen, Ivar can hear Lagertha's assertive voice. He knows exactly who she's talking to and his suspicions are confirmed as soon as he enters the room, as a very displeased and apparently famished Hvitserk looks at him with irritation before letting out a muffled, "it's 'bout time."
"Sorry, I must have dozed off." Shrugging, Ivar wheels up to the kitchen table, the smell of pizza tickling his nostrils. He must be hungrier than he thought.
"You look like Hel." Sigurd sneers in greeting.
Ivar, without bothering to look up, just tilts his head and hisses through clenched teeth, "coming from you, dear brother, I take that as a compliment."
He can feel Lagertha's gaze upon him and when he turns his head toward her, she is staring at him, the worry obvious in her eyes.
"I wouldn’t have put it exactly like that but Sigurd isn't wrong." She crosses the room and leans over, her brow furrowed. "You look exhausted, sweetie, what's going on?"
Ivar almost wants to laugh. He looks exhausted? No kidding? Yeah, guess what? That's what two sleepless nights in a row usually do to you. At least that's what they did to him. What you did to him, haunting his nights and even haunting his dreams, waking him up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, the few times he managed to fall asleep. At least, he'd made up his mind early this morning. Hopefully, now that the decision has been made, he'll sleep better. Saturday night, he'll see you again. His heart is racing at the thought and he inhales deeply, trying to calm down.
Unsurprisingly persistent, Lagertha asks again as she places her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Ivar, are you all right?"
He wishes he could just ignore his stepmom but knows she won't let it rest. Unwilling to admit that he owes his restless nights to a girl - to you - he decides to keep his answer vague. "So-so," he mumbles, slightly rocking his right hand.
"You're in pain? Do you need more meds? I could run to the drugstore really quick."
For once, he doesn't resent Ubbe for his well-meant yet patronizing kindness, nor for the pitying look he gives him. Actually, he silently thanks him for the good diversion. As long as his brothers and Lagertha believe that it's his legs that bother him, keeping him awake, his secret - you - will be safe.
Faking a small, sheepish smile, Ivar shakes his head. "Thanks bro, but that's okay, I have everything I need. Guess I should just double-up the tramadol tonight." He winces for good measure, knowing fully well he won't even need a single dose. The pain in his legs today is barely at four, nothing he can't handle.
Once the meal is almost over – which in plain English means that everyone but Hvitserk has finished eating, but thanks to Lagertha principle 'no one leaves the table until everyone has finished, boys', they're all stuck here – Ivar decides it's time to break the news.
"I'm gonna go to the party."
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the kitchen falls quiet. Even Hvitserk stops chewing, putting his last slice of pizza back on his plate.
Not knowing what to do with the silence, and feeling a little awkward, Ivar explains further, a hand on his neck, "the midsummer party, I mean. Harald's party."
"We heard you just fine, sweetie." Lagertha is the first to pull herself together, even though the disbelief is clear in her voice. As Ivar looks up, his brothers are staring at him, slack-jawed, bewildered, probably wondering what's got into their baby brother.
"Let me get this straight." With widened eyes, Ubbe starts running both hands through his hair, "you are considering attending Harald's party, right? That's... That's what you said?"
"Yep." Ivar shrugs as if it was no big deal. Who is he kidding? Of course, it is! Attending the party is a fucking huge deal for him. There's no way in Hel he'll admit it, though. Not in front of his brothers. No fucking way!
"I'm not sure I understand..." Ubbe sounds cautious and it infuriates Ivar to no end.
"What part of 'I'm gonna go to the party' don't you get, brother? Huh? Too many big words for you?" He wants to keep going but when Lagertha clears her throat and gives him a stern look, he faintly raises an apologetic hand while muttering under his breath, "okay, okay, I'll stop."
Heaving a sigh, he shrugs once more. "Seriously, you don't all have to look so surprised. I just want to go to Harald's party. It's really not that big of a deal."
"But you never wanted to, sweetie. Why now?" Lagertha's eyes are wide open and there's a frown on her forehead as she crosses her arms.
"Why not?" Ivar can't help but raise his voice. "I'm sixteen, Lagertha! Thought I was entitled to a change of heart. Was I wrong?" Pointing a finger successively at each of his brothers, his free hand grabs his push rim, his knuckles white. "The three of you attend every year, why shouldn't I?" Looking directly at Lagetha once again, he asks in a clipped voice, "You're not going to tell me I can't go, are you?"
"Of course not, sweet–" She begins but Ubbe cuts her off.
"Listen Ivar, no one is saying you shouldn't go, not yet at least. As a matter of fact, no one would be more pleased than I if you were willing to go out more. Playing pool, going to the movies, or just having drinks, you know you're always welcome to come along with us. But..." Ubbe groans, rubbing his hands over his face and Ivar stiffens, grinding his teeth, "Harald's party, really? It's not going to work. You know it takes place on the beach, it's not exactly wheelchair-friendly."
Reluctantly taking his eyes off his slice of pizza, Hvitserk jumps in. "Ivar is our brother, if he wants to go, we find a way. That's it - I'll carry him."
Positively surprised, a small smile playing on his lips, Ivar thanks his brother with a nod, glad – and relieved too, because two are always better than one, right? – that Hvitserk, as so often, backs him up. Of all his brothers, he's the only one who sees him first as a sixteen-year-old and not as a cripple.
Ubbe is having none of it though. "Hvitserk, just stay out of this, okay?" He's practically shouting, chin up and chest out. "You don't have a say! I'm the oldest, not you! I don't think it's a good idea for Ivar to attend Harald's party, period."
Hvitserk furrows his brow and for a short moment, Ivar thinks his brother is going to fight back but eventually he lowers his gaze, defeated, before shoving the whole slice of pizza into his mouth. Ivar knows all too well that his brother, who's not the most tenacious of them, hates confrontation, especially with Ubbe.
Unlike him, Ivar is always ready to pick up a fight, even when it's not worth it, even when he is wrong. Today, though, it's definitely worth it.
His nostrils flaring, he smashes his fist down on the table, his face crumpled with anger. "Who do you think you are, Ubbe? You may be the oldest, but you're not my father, okay? So please, just do me a favor, brother, and read my lips." His voice dripping with sarcasm, his bottom lips quivering, Ivar is absolutely livid, "You. Don't. Have. A. Say. Period."
Ubbe is about to retort, his hands clenched into fists but Lagertha raises a hand, shutting him up. "Boys, boys, boys!" Glancing at Ubbe and then at Ivar, she shakes her head, not exactly thrilled with their outburst. "Now, calm down, both of you. Ubbe, Ivar is right. You may be his big brother, you may be an adult, but you're not his father. I know you mean well but as Ivar's guardian, I have the final say." Turning her head toward Ivar, she cracks him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk about this later, okay? Just the two of us."
Slamming the door shut, Ivar wheels up right next to his bed and, angling his chair just right, transfers over onto his bed before punching the wall, a roar escaping his lips. Big tears of frustration and anger run down his cheeks as Sigurd's words linger in his mind.
He had been surprised when his less-favorite brother had stayed out of the conversation.
He should have known better.
No sooner had Lagertha, Ubbe and Hvitserk left – she to make a phone call, they to join Margrethe – leaving them to tidy up the kitchen, than Sigurd had lashed out at him with harsh words and eyes full of spite.
"You messed up in the head, huh? It's a fucking beach, Ivar, you do realize your front wheels will get stuck in sand, right? Now tell me, little brother, do you really think we are going to carry your crippled ass around all night? Let me tell you, it's not going to happen! There will be so many better ways for us to spend the night. Girls, you know? Lots of them. Am I going to let you embarrass me and ruin my night? No! Not in a million years. And anyway, why do you even want to go? Get real, Ivar, you don't belong there, you just don't. You're a fucking cripple, a freak, an abnormality. No one wants you there. No one wants to see you. The sooner you accept it the better."
He knows Sigurd was intentionally trying to hurt him. And fuck, he did succeed. Ivar had felt so humiliated that it had brought bile to his throat.
At some point, while Sigurd was spitting his venom, Ivar had grabbed the large knife lying on the table and it took all his self-control not to stab his brother. No doubt his shrink would be proud of him.
Now though in his room, and even if he is boiling with anger, the nagging thought that Sigurd had a point, that he wasn't completely wrong, doesn't leave him. And he can see now that, in his own weird way, Ubbe was trying to protect him. By preventing him from going, his big brother wanted to spare him humiliation, pity, and mockery. Hvitserk, of course, had been willing to help, but let's face it, Sigurd once again was right. Piggy-back riding is not really an option anymore, he is too heavy. Plus, if he's being honest, even if it were still possible, it's the last thing he'd want. The mere thought of you seeing him on Ubbe's or Hvitserk's back makes him nauseous. Which puts him back to square one.
The beach is a problem and a huge one. Wheeling in sand is a no-go. It's just fucking impossible. If he doesn't come up with an idea soon, he's not going to be physically able to attend the party. And that's something he doesn't want to consider.
"I need a fucking genius idea!" He speaks out loud, cracking his knuckles, his eyes squeezed shut.
He just wants to see you. Y/N... Just you. And he won't be able to.
Fuck. Fucking sand! Fucking beach! Fucking legs! Fuck– Stop.
What... What did he say?
He needs an idea... A genius idea. Genius. That's it.
A slow smile spreads across his face.
Good thing he knows an authentic genius, right?
Grabbing his phone, he frantically slides his pointer finger on the screen, sighing with relief as he finds the contact he is looking for.
"Hello, Ivar," the man answers after two rings, and his voice brings an even bigger smile to Ivar's lips, "it's very sweet of you to call me."
"Hello to you too, you spindly legged, knock-kneed old fool. There might be something that you can do for me. I want to attend Harald's party. It'll take place on the beach. My brothers won't carry me and I can't really crawl about, can I? I wonder if you could help me, Floki?"
Ivar's godfather lets out a high-pitched chuckle before answering, "I'll figure something out, dear Ivar, I'll figure something out."
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
wretched heart    [request]
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Warnings: Language Summary: Despite ending things with Daryl, you still can’t seem to let go of him. (loosely inspired by Happier by Olivia Rodrigo) A/N: Requested by @srhxpci​ (angst with a happy ending 😊 ) I hope you enjoy. Tags: @chloe-skywalker​ @browneyes528​ Italics = Flashbacks.
Your heart seemed to break into a million pieces as you walked away from Daryl, after everything that had happened with Negan and now with the loss of Rick you weren’t prepared to lose Daryl Dixon. You clawed at your chest, hoping it would allow you to breathe but it remained stuck as you left the archer there in the middle of the forest. You had never loved someone so deeply before and it scared you, it scared you to the point of running and hiding – you told him it wasn’t safe for them anymore and that even though it wasn’t your time now, it will be one day and you wholeheartedly believed it. The idea that the world will be well enough one day that you could get back your Daryl was the only thing that allowed you to get out of bed in the morning.
Thing’s got too much for you after you and Daryl went your separate ways and therefore you decided that you needed to venture out on your own for a while, perhaps look for Rick’s body or find out where Anne had disappeared. You didn’t have a set objective but you knew you needed the time to yourself. Tara tried to argue it was too dangerous for you to be on your own but failed to take into account the amount of time you had already spent alone out in the woods before meeting the group. Your trip didn’t provide much new information but you felt you had successfully cleared your mind enough to return back to Hilltop. You had been gone for maybe a month or two, you didn’t really keep track of the time but you didn’t think it could have been longer than that.
Once you reached the gate’s it didn’t take long for them to open, the guards seemed more than happy about your return, you gave your horse a stroke, thanking it for returning you back home safe before trotting past the gates. You watched as a few people gathered as you came to a stop, you looked around, happy to be home until your eyes landed on a far to familiar bike. A lump formed in your throat as you tried to redirect your attention, finally pushing yourself to get off the horse. You managed to send faux smiles at everyone who welcomed you home, allowing someone to take your horse to the stable. You looked around at the small crowd of people before returning your attention to Alden who offered you a warm hug. You pulled away and let your hand land on his shoulder. “Where’s Jesus?” your question seemed to strike unwell with Alden, his head dropped slightly before meeting with your gaze.
“He- erm” he struggled to pull together a sentence attempting to keep you updated on the situation at Hilltop, you instantly wished you were back out in the woods blissfully ignorant to the death of your friend. A small tear rolled down your face but you nodded towards the man, acknowledging his words.
You spent the rest of your day in your room, with the news on Jesus and seeing Daryl’s bike you figured that anything beyond your four walls weren’t worth the hassle. No one bothered you all day and you were grateful for that, you cleaned yourself up and got familiar with the comfort of your mattress again. When the sun started to set, you thought you needed to stop moping around, show your face even if its just for a few minutes. Thankfully on your travels you came across a half empty crate of alcohol, a bottle of rum seemed fitting for the situation so you grabbed it by the neck and made your way outside to mingle.
Fires had already started and you seemed to slip into the crowd of people unnoticed, everyone seemed to be in their own little groups or wandering around you unscrewed the cap of the rum and allowed the brown liquid to pour down your throat. You found a quiet spot just off from everyone else but it gave you the perfect view of everyone gathered there that night. Your eyes wandered from person to person until they seemed to freeze. Daryl Dixon. Your heart seemed to crawl up your throat as you watched the man fiddle with his fingers, attempting to master a sign but you didn’t pay much attention to that, instead you admired the way he had aged since you last saw him. Your mind flashing images of a younger archer and you came to the conclusion that he aged perfectly well, you’d giggle to yourself thinking about how he’d always be scared of the age gap you had even though no one else really noticed it nor did they care.
You noticed his smile and then you noticed who he gave it to, you’d never seen her before but you couldn’t disregard her beauty or the way her eyes seemed to shine as she laughed at Daryl’s attempts to communicate with her with his hands. Your heart dropped, it felt like it had completely left your body as you watched the two flirt with each other, your eyes welled up whenever she touched his arms all you could think was how they were your arms and not hers. So caught up with your blind jealousy, you almost didn’t notice that Daryl was now staring right back at you, it made you stumble a little but you shot him a smile before your eyes left him, doing anything you could to keep the tears from leaving your eyes.
The alcohol seemed to help loosen the lump in your throat as you chugged down as much rum as you possibly could before it made you feel sick “Hey” you’d know that gravelly voice anywhere, it sent goose bumps up your arms as you lowered the bottle back to you side, clearing your throat as you looked to your side. Your heart seemed to race at the sight of the archer who stood close by you
“Hey” your voice was much softer as your eyes landed on his shoulders, not brave enough to look into his eyes just yet. The tension could have been cut with a blunt knife, you kicked loose stones under your feet as the southerner struggled to think up a conversation. “How ya been?” he broke the silence finally with a question he genuinely cared to know, he watched you closely as you scoffed at his words. “Fine” despite your short temper, you allowed yourself to look into Daryl’s eyes now sending him a faux smile. “Whatta bout you? Saw you getting on nicely with that girl over there, what’s her name?” you hated how bitter you sounded in that moment but it seemed the alcohol had taken over your entire attitude failing to incorporate a filter. “Connie” Daryl muttered back at you, watching you take yet another sip of your poison. Your eyes widened now you had a name for her face, licking the access rum from your lips. “She’s pretty” the air fell silent around you both now, you tried to fight every urge to shout and scream that he should be with you and not her.
Eventually you couldn’t hold your tongue anymore, you had far too much liquid confidence supporting your toxic words to even think straight anymore “Does this mean you forgot about me?” despite your intentions your words fell soft as you stared into the crowd of people, your leg shaking a little as you awaited his response but you never got one, instead he just stared at you in disbelief “I always thought that one day we’d get back together you know but I can see that’s not on you agenda” you spat at the man, the anger becoming more apparent with every word. Daryl grunted at your words, his scowl creasing his features. “Na, ya the one who ended shit!” he became extra expressive with his movements, his finger pointing in your direction as he paced back and forth. “because it wasn’t safe!” you shouted back in his direction, your face mimicking his “You know what it’s like now as soon as you’re even slightly happy, the thing you love the most is taken from you without warning. I’ve lost too much, I couldn’t lose you too!`` At some point you decided to take a softer approach with your honesty taking a deep breath when you finally split your truth.
The moment fell quiet once more, a tear created a track on your face as you turned away from him you crossed your arms keeping a firm hold on the bottle you babysat all night. “I'm happy you found Connie, you deserve it.” You peeked over your shoulder so that the archer could hear you “I just don’t think I could ever be as happy as I was when I was with you” and with those words you left him there as you made your way back to your room.
When the door closed behind you, you found yourself pressed against the wall beside it, trying your hardest to suppress the tears your eyes held onto. You placed the glass bottle on top of your dresser and attempted to ease your breathing and slow the hard heavy beating of your heart. It seemed to stop completely when you heard someone’s knuckles brush against your door, you stood perfectly still for a moment before you reached for the knob. You slowly pulled it open revealing Daryl stood on the other side, you stared up at him in silence and took in his posture, he seemed a little out of breath, like he had been running which only confused you more. “Me an Connie are jus friends' ' he panted, taking a couple of steps so that he was now fully in your room. You couldn’t deny that your heart seemed to burst with joy at the news but now you were just left completely embarrassed by your outburst. “Ya the only girl for me” you allowed a small chuckle to pass your lips but you wasted no time in wrapping your arms around him, pushing at the back of his neck with your hands to pull him into a soft, sweet kiss. You tried to hide the moan that surfaced as his hands cradled your hips. You were completely weak at his touch, god had you missed the way this felt.
He pulled away slowly, taking in the smile that stretched across your face, allowing a small smile of his own to pierce his stern features “Ya taste like a bar” “I'm sorry!” you winced attempting to pull away from the redneck but he didn’t allow you, he kept you close and pulled you in tighter when you attempted to leave his grasp.
“Na, I like it”
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smilingperformer · 3 years
Discussing the good and bad of Pokémon Journeys: Part “Goh”
Oh boi... this part is gonna be a doozy. Because I have a lot to talk about Goh, or as I tend to call him, Gou.
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TLDR; I like Gou as a character but I very, very much have issues with the way he's currently written in the show. And that frustrates me deeply as I'd love to feel more positively about him. More under the cut, with Journeys abverted as JN.
Where do I even begin... Maybe by how I first became a fan of Gou's character, by after some time started to go back to neutral ground.
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Like, ever since the very first episode, we've got a very clear picture of what kind of character Gou is: a bookworm, loves Pokémon, loves to show his knowledge and isn't exactly good at making friends. His only friend before Satoshi (and before learning about Tokio/Horace's reasonings for not showing up to their meeting place) was Chloe/Koharu, and we still don't know how the two met. Thou my guess is that their childhood friendship bonded over their parents meeting during some job or by Koharu feeling the need to be Gou's friend. Who knows, it's something I want to learn about. But that's besides the point, cough.
But like, from the very first episode on, it became clear that this show wants to focus on Gou, and telling his journey on becoming a Pokémon Trainer who wants to catch all of the Pokémon in the World, in order to get closer to catching Mew, the mythical Pokémon who's said to contain DNA of all existing Pokémon. He had a very strong introduction arc, with showing his dynamic with Koharu, having him meet Satoshi on top of Lugia, first getting to know Satoshi (and Rockets) and then catching his first partner Pokémon in Hibunny. However, as time went on and episodes started piling up, I started feeling like something about him was... off.
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I feel like the first time I had an issue with the writing involving him was in JN006, where he went on his first catching spree. Where he kept catching Pokémon with ease. Small struggle at the start when trying to work together his dynamic with Hibunny, but the rest of the ep felt way too easy. Then again, Gou IS flat out Pokémon GO promotion. No one can deny that. His purpose is to promote GO's capture mechanic. It is the most successful Pokémon Mobile game of all time.
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Anyway, the easy captures piled up on and on til JN010 when he finally had to use dozens of pokeballs to catch one. single. Dewgong. I loved this so much. It made me feel more at ease with his goal mechanic and I felt like I'd be fine with him from there on out. And I was. Til I started having new issues with him. All thanks to Satoshi's new goal in PWC finally having been established.
As time went on, it became clearer and clearer, that Gou was more focused on when it came to his goal progression, development in character level, and in what kind of quality his episodes would be.
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Everyone knows how much I love JN032. Everyone does. It's one of my absolute fav episodes in the series. However, it also kinda is what first prompted me starting my worry that hasn't gone away since then: That Gou feels more like the protagonist than Satoshi does in this series, and not really an equal dual protag he was advertised to be.
Before the pitchforks are getting aimed at me, hear me out. I know, that based on some statistics, the focus is equal, with sliiiightly more inclinded towards Gou. However, that's where the issue is: Gou has, so far for me, had way better focus and way better episodes in this series, than Satoshi has, while also getting progress on his goal on other character's focus episodes. When Satoshi's episodes have been about PWC and training his Pokémon, Gou's had the kind of episodes that are more character exploring, developing him, evolving him in some way. And it, frustrates me. Because despite my better judgement, it gives me this feeling that Gou is stealing Satoshi's thunder, even when some type of statistics would suggest otherwise. It gives me this feeling that Gou is here to write Satoshi out. I do not like that I feel this way, I don't know how to get rid of this feeling and I hate it here.
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Again, I like Gou's character, he's sweet, well developed, and I do enjoy seeing him in his own episodes. But I have come to noticed, than whenever he gets goal progression in an episode that's supposed to focus on Koharu or Satoshi, I feel so.... angry? And I've never, ever felt like this while watching other characters progress. And I know it's irrational.
Like, his main partner's already fully evolved, his secondary partner Sobble is already evolving soon despite only having one focus episode for itself before it, and he's caught all three of the Galar starters now, with some of his other not-that-important Pokémon making appearances every now and then with possible evolution showcases. And it's all done so fast. Same issue was with Satoshi's poketeam evolving in fast arcs, but I forgot to mention about it? But then again, I am somewhat fine with it as I get the writing style is to focus on one 'mon and then move on to another. Which is not to my taste completely but I digress. ANYWAY, back to Gou.
After seeing discussions and joining in on some on tumblr and twitter and elsewhere, it does appear that Gou's development speed and progression speed is incredibly fast. Like, seriously fast. He's caught a lot of Pokémon by now, and the show's already shown about 50% percent of all existing Pokémon in a bit over a year. About 30% being caught by Gou. (Statistics borrowed from EntityMays' Living Dex trackers, links in posts will disrupt showing in tag search so, google EntityMays's Living Dex, and you'll find the statistics there).
This is also very apparent when you think about how fast Gou suddenly became a good battler, when at the beginning he sucked. A lot. I get Satoshi could be a great example on learning how to battle with good strategy in mind, but we barely saw Gou struggle. We Satoshi struggle in OS, so I would have prefered more struggling by Gou. His first battle against a legendary ended up in Zapdos almost getting caught and uuuuuggh, while it's a pretty good episode it really should have been at later point, same with Suicune episode. Thou with the latter I have WAY more issues than just the placement but, I'm not gonna rant about that today.
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And what should I say about his dynamics with other characters... They're good, I am a huge fan of how the dynamic between Koharu and Gou works, as their childhood friend dynamic is shown so, so well, and you can just tell the two have mutual respect as Gou gives Koharu the space she needed when she wasn't into Pokémon for a while, and when she then became partners with Eevee, Gou was so so SO darn supportive just, AGH. Love how these two work.
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And everyone knows I fell for Gou x Tokio dynamic straight away. Like they had a friendship built up right away when they first met as little kids and Tokio missing out on their promised meeting due to being sick and not having any means of contacting him yes still considered Gou his friend after these years when Gou considered him a traitor of trust and Gou then forgives him for it and just aaaaaahhh-. KRHM. Excuse me.
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Then there's Gou and Satoshi's dynamic and I already said in my post about Satoshi how I feel intimidated by the fans of their shipping and how it makes me feel.... kinda sad about not being able to like their dynamic for what it is. I LOVE it a ton. I have said it a countless times, they're a broTP to me. They're dynamic was very enjoyable for me to watch, and even Gou was. But like, on TOP of these issues I mentioned before this part, I also have another issue with Gou: his fanbase, or the crazier part of it.
Often times I feel like I'm unable to enjoy Gou's character without being reminded of the fans who constantly think of him as shipping fuel, or think he's flawless and anyone disagreering is in some form a negative trait filled human being, etc etc etc. In a way, I feel like I'd enjoy Gou and his dynamic with Satoshi way, way more, if I had never learned about this side of the fandom. Let people like their dynamic the way they want. Be it romantic or platonic. Neither is wrong, but pushing one side to push their own headcanon to other people's head is just, bad act. Having this feeling in me has actually made me wonder, whether I would have liked other characters I am such a huge fan of, if I had been watching their shows during their airing times (for example Serena).
Now what would I have done differently with Gou? Firstly, slow the fuck down. I would have prefered to see Hibunny way more. I would have prefered to have one Galar Starter, namely Grookey, go to Satoshi, as it would help me feel less like Gou's stealing his thunder. I would have prefered if Gou and Satoshi's goals were established around same time. I would have very much liked it, if Gou wouldn't be catching Pokémon each episode.
Now what COULD help me like him better from what we have by now? Well. Slow it down. Have him interact with Koharu more. Give him a rival to further make him shine on his own instead of seemingly relying on Satoshi to shine through. Hell, maybe make Tokio his friendly rival. And on top of that, please let him not catch Pokémon almost every single episode. I'd love an episode where he captures some Pokémon that prefers to be free, and he then would let it go. I think that would make his character be good on his own, and make me feel better about him once again.
Cough. I think I've got my point clear. As said, I like Gou, but very much dislike the way he's written in such fast pacing and in a way that, despite statistics stating otherwise, making him feel like he's the sole protag and not sharing spotlight as dual protag. And I hope to god I can get rid of this feeling as the series goes on. Because right now, I don't have high hopes :(
If you've read this far, thank you for reading, and I am so, so sorry this became a long long rant about the issues I have with Gou, but I hope I managed to bring out what I like about him as well. Hopefully next time's gonna be a more positive post, as I'll try writing about my full on feelings about the handling of Koharu, or as dub audience knows her, Chloe.
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Once again, thanks for reading, have a good evening or morning or whatever time it is by the time you've read this, and I hope you'll have a fantastic time ♥ And as a reminder, these are just my opinions, and if you disagree, you are totally valid.
Til next time! This was Smiling Performer aka Aleira, signing out!
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matan4il · 3 years
Lol, I watched tonight's episode and my first thought was oh man you're gonna have so much to say about this 😂 I mean THE AMBULANCE SCENE, the fact that Buck is Christopher's guardian for a YEAR (meaning that happened like same time as law suit right? the universe time line is a little confusing sometimes), like I've actually read fanfics where these happens!!! (Also Hens scene in the park 🥺 and ALBERT) Everyone's so happy. I think Buddies current relationships are necessary tho. I don't dislike Ana but I think her and Taylor maybe feel guilty if they aren't with them bc they got hurt or something. How you feeling?
Awwww, hi Nonnie! I'm afraid to say you were right and I did have a lot to say. XD And I still left out a few bits due to the post's length... I'm so sorry! It's not my fault, the show just threw a lot at me! lol But I hope you enjoyed it. And the lawsuit (ep 304-5) actually happened before Eddie changed his will (315), but think about what that means. Eddie was SO HURT over what Shannon had done, it took him a very long time to forgive her and even longer to be willing to trust her again. Buck? We knew he forgave him almost immediately (Buck just had to say he's sorry and bam, Eddie was good). And we knew he trusted Buck again, we see it in things like how he consults Buck after Chris's skateboard incident in 312, but now we know just HOW DEEPLY he trusted him again, and so shortly after Eddie was so incredibly angry and hurt. It is AMAZING and I am never going to be over how much these morons love each other, okay? And yes, I loved everything, I'm happy Albert will be a teammate and the Henren scene in the park added ten years to my life. And I just wanna make sure I got you correctly - did you mean you think Ana and Taylor feel guilty over not being with Eddie and Buck due to the guys getting physically / emotionally hurt? I'd love to hear from you so I can give you the best answer I can! xoxox
Hello, I would like to make a generic post about "why di we ship it?". Am I allowed to reference you? Would you like to proof-read the post before ? Additionnally, I'm sooo excited to read your meta every week I wanted to just thank you for that ! You're awesome ;). I hope you are aware of the happiness you spread with your meta. lov ya !
@neme-ton Oooh, yes! Please do make this post and have fun putting it together! :D And by all means, feel free to reference me, I'd be honored. I can't read stuff that's too long right now (due to my vertigo) and I don't wanna delay you from posting, but I'm sure whatever you write will be awesome and if you send it my way, I'll do my best to try and read it! I can't promise anything, but I will try! And thank you so much for the kindness, seriously. With the rl stuff I've been going through lately, I was very tempted to give myself a break, not post my meta, but I remembered all the lovely and kind words I've heard from people, all the wonderful and enthusiastic tags I've read on reblogs, so I was incredibly happy I managed to keep posting. Thank you again for giving me the motivation and strength to continue doing it! Love you too! xoxox
More ask replies soon, I promise! Since I’m trying to get back to myself, I very much appreciate the patience. And I’m really excited to hear if anyone’s making something for @911fluffweek? Hope You’re all having a great day! xoxox
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ya-girl-mc · 3 years
Character: Tsukishima Kei × Fem Reader
Concept: Y/N joins Tsukishima and his colleagues for a night of drinking, but ends up embarrassing him as she gets wasted
A/N: Cause I miss getting drunk and doing stupid shit, hence this fic feat. our salty boi ✌ it was rly fun to write this so,, hope u enjoy it too!!
☆☆ A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ☆☆
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Light filtered through the window blinds, rousing Y/N from her slumber as she pried her eyes open, cursing to herself as she felt a stinging pain in her temples. She was hungover, pretty badly at that, and as much as she wracked her brain to try and recall the events that transpired the night before, it only made her headache much worse.
Shit...I don't feel so good.
As her eyes darted around, she was immediately relieved knowing that she was lying down on the couch in her and Tsukishima's living room, managing to deduce - despite her muddled state-of-mind - that someone must have taken care of her in her drunken stupor.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to sit up slowly, wincing as her temples prickled with pain with every movement. In her peripheral vision, however, was her livid-looking boyfriend with probably the deepest scowl she's ever seen as he stared her down from where he sat.
"Did you sleep well?" While the inquiry was meant to be out of concern, Tsukishima delivered it in a monotonous, yet utterly chilling manner which only meant one thing: he was pissed.
"What happened? And what's got you frowning so early in the morning?" She carefully questioned, eager yet dreading to find out how she must have royally screwed up the night before to get him this upset. Her curiosity only infuriated Tsukishima more and Y/N could have almost sworn seeing a blackish aura swirl around him.
"You...you really don't remember a damn thing, do you?"
Fridays were usually the most anticipated day of the week for most members of the working class; however, in Tsukishima's case, he was dreading this Friday in particular.
After a strenuous week at the office, his boss suggested the entire team go drinking to reward themselves for their hard work and as a means to de-stress. But, Tsukishima wasn't keen on partaking in such nights of revelry especially after a long week at work as he'd rather spend his Friday nights and weekends relaxing at home with Y/N. The only reason that he decided to tag along is due to her persistence for him to do so.
Sighing deeply to himself, Tsukishima followed his colleagues as they entered the izakaya, chattering excitedly as they settled in at a long table at the far back. Amongst the clientele for that night, one of them in particular caught his attention, his eyes widening in surprise.
She was sat on one of the stools overlooking the kitchen. At the sound of her name, she turned towards its source and grinned widely. "Kei! Fancy running into you here and I see that you're also with your team. Good boy!"
He subtly rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool next to hers, unable to fight off a smile that made its way to his face. "Yeah yeah, if I didn't join them I'd never hear the end of it from you. Anyway, are you here alone?"
"Yeah, just stopped by on the way home from work to pick up some gyoza and katsudon for dinner. But wait, maybe I should have gotten takoyaki, too? Or maybe another serving of gyoza-" Y/N rambled as she grabbed the menu, her eyes scanning rapidly over the items.
He just gazed at her in amusement, completely oblivious to the inquisitive stares his co-workers shot their way. Tsukishima in the workplace was usually placid, reserved, and mostly impassive; seeing his relaxed and pleasant demeanor as he interacted with Y/N was especially intriguing to them, wondering amongst themselves just who that woman was in Tsukishima's life.
Keen on finding out the answer, one of his senpais called him over to their table. It suddenly dawned on him that there was no other choice than to formally introduce Y/N to them. And, he definitely was not looking forward to it as he'd never hear the end of their relentless teasing. "Y/N, would you mind coming along with me for a bit?"
Discreetly straightening her clothes and smoothening her hair, Y/N nodded and followed him to where his co-workers sat, anxious to make a good first impression. At their arrival, they immediately trained their gazes on her, just as eager to find out who she was. "Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. We live together," Tsukishima stated nonchalantly.
The shock on their faces was borderline comical as they stared back at him, their jaws hanging open in disbelief. "Girlfriend?!"
He sighed, already dreading the uproar they're about to cause. Tsukishima was a private person and rarely talked about his personal life as he maintained a firm work-life boundary. It was not like he was embarrassed to introduce his girlfriend to them; he just perceived the entire ordeal to be troublesome as his colleagues would jump at any chance to find something to tease him about.
Y/N straightened herself and bowed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Thank you very much for taking care of Kei - I mean - Tsukishima all this time."
"I can't believe this!" One of his kouhais wailed. "To think that an office drone like Tsukishima-senpai has a girlfriend, and a very pretty one at that. So what the hell am I exactly doing wrong?"
"Believe me, I could tell you everything that you need to hear," Tsukishima retorted and shot his kouhai a dagger-like glare.
One of his senpais, a man who looked to be in his late 30's, leaned over and flicked his kouhai on the forehead as he winced in response. "Stop bad-mouthing Tsukishima when his girlfriend's literally standing in front of you. Anyway, nice to meet you, Y/N!"
They instantaneously began bombarding her with questions such as "how did you two meet", "how long have you been together", "what do you do for a living", and "of all men, why Tsukishima." Unable to keep up with what almost seemed like an interrogation by his colleagues, Y/N smiled sheepishly and shot Tsukishima a pleading look, silently begging him to bail her out.
"That's enough, all of you. You're creeping the poor lady out." Y/N turned to the man that sat at the head of the table; he exuded authority which practically gives himself away as the boss. Bringing up a cup of sake to his lips, he took a sip and eyed his subordinates sternly, yet the amusement in his gaze was palpable as he shifted his attention to Y/N. "Sorry about that, we just didn't expect our lone wolf Tsukishima to have a girlfriend, so we're all excited to meet you. If you don't mind, maybe you can join us, Y/N?"
"Sir-" Tsukishima began to protest as he felt the work-life boundary he stubbornly maintained begin to crumble; but to his surprise, Y/N seemed keen on accepting the invitation, a bashful smile on her face.
"I'd be happy to, but I wouldn't want to impose-"
"You won't, don't worry about it!" He assured dismissively and proceeded to order another round of drinks and accompanying snacks. "It's a pleasure of ours to get to know you and finally get a glimpse of Tsukishima's life outside of work."
Flattered and amused at how especially eager they seemed to know more about their enigmatic colleague and his girlfriend, Y/N gratefully accepted the invitation. "Alright, a few drinks wouldn't hurt."
"Okay, I remember that much...but it still doesn't explain why you're so pissed," Y/N mused, listening earnestly to Tsukishima as he filled her in on what seemed like a disastrous night of revelry caused by her drunken antics.
He sighed and took off his glasses to rub his temples, the events that transpired the night before seemingly traumatizing him. "That's because you got carried away, you idiot."
A couple of shots was all it needed for Y/N to become fully accustomed with Tsukishima's colleagues and pretty soon, they were chattering away like long-time friends while he fixated his gaze on her, his eyebrows furrowing in mild displeasure.
Aren't they becoming a little bit too friendly with her? And Y/N's just two shots in and she's already starting to get tipsy. Geez, this is so troublesome.
"Hey, one at a time please! I'll answer your questions one by one," Y/N instructed quite giddily, Tsukishima gazing at her in concern as she downed her third shot. He didn't want to be a buzzkill especially when she seemed to genuinely enjoy his colleagues' company and vice versa; however, her alcohol tolerance was remarkably low and it didn't take much for her to become fully inebriated. He decided to keep a watchful eye on her instead to prevent any incident from occurring due to her drunken antics.
"So, how and when did you two meet?"
"Kei and I go way back in high school," Y/N began as everyone at the table listened to her attentively. "He was part of our school's volleyball team and looked so cool as he played! That's when I started to have a crush on him, but it was one-sided though."
And there goes her filter, Tsukishima thought to himself, concealing his exasperation by downing his cup of sake, trying as best as he can to drown out the uproar his colleagues caused at her revelation.
"No way! Tsukishima-senpai was a volleyball player? I just can't imagine that!" One of his kouhais exclaimed, completely perplexed at the thought.
Tsukishima was about to reply with another snide remark, but Y/N was quick to interject. "Hell yeah he was, and he's such a great middle blocker to boot. He played so calmly as he read his opponent's moves...ahhh that composure of his is what makes him so cool!"
While he appreciated her attempt to defend his honor, it only increased everyone's amusement as she fawned over him, much to his chagrin. "So Y/N-" One of his senpais grinned sneakily, and Tsukishima pretty much figured out what the next inquiry will be about. "-who confessed to whom?"
"Oh, that takes me way back!" She mused, leaning against the man in question who sat right next to her. "I didn't have the courage to confess since he seemed so unapproachable and indifferent, so I thought about giving up on him. But as we became seniors, we ended up in the same class and became quite close. Eventually, during our graduation ceremony, Kei pulled me aside and confessed! I was so shocked that I started crying and...well, the rest is history."
"So it was Tsukishima here who confessed!" One of his senpais beamed and threw an arm around his shoulder, clinking his sake cup with his. "The revelations just keep on coming and coming."
"But that's amazing though," their boss remarked, completely engrossed in the conversation as much as his subordinates were. "You've been together for such a long time now. It's pretty rare for high school sweethearts to last that long."
Y/N nodded earnestly and downed her fourth shot before Tsukishima had the chance to snatch it away from her hands. "I agree, but Kei is such a caring and thoughtful boyfriend! He may seem like a sour puss on the outside but he's reaaaaaally sweet and very very clingy! But shhhhh...don't tell him I said that, though."
Ugh great, now she's done it. Tsukishima almost had to cover his ears as everyone at the table guffawed, unable to stomach the idea of their placid colleague and the clingy boyfriend Y/N described being the same person. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping and praying for the evening to be over.
Y/N cringed as Tsukishima helped her recall the things she had blurted out amid her inebriated state, starting to slowly understand the reason why he was so livid in the first place. "Okay...first of all, I am so sorry - with every fiber of my being - for embarrassing you like that-"
"That's not all you did," Tsukishima interjected quite menacingly and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to keep his temper in-check. "As if that wasn't humiliating enough, you managed to exceed my expectations."
A couple more shots later, Y/N was too far gone. She was completely wasted, and Tsukishima couldn't bear to look at his co-workers as they shot each other uneasy looks, the concern palpable in their wordless exchanges. He was utterly embarrassed yet frustrated at himself since she somehow managed to surpass her drinking limit despite being under his watchful eye.
"Heyyyyy, owner! Anotha' round of sake for this table right here, and put it on my tab!"
As Y/N made an attempt to leave the table, she accidentally knocked over a half-empty glass of water, the liquid spilling all over the table as a result. Giggling to herself while Tsukishima's colleagues scrambled to remove their belongings from the table, she attempted to grab a bottle of sake, but he swiftly withheld her attempt to do so, yanking it out of her reach.
"Okay, enough is enough," he reprimanded firmly, setting the bottle down on the table and bringing his face close in an attempt to get through to her. "Y/N, for the love of God, please get ahold of yourself."
"Tsukkiiii...you're hereee!" It was futile, Y/N's glassy eyes an indicator that she was in no condition to listen to reason. She smiled goofily and threw herself into his arms, the sheer force causing Tsukishima to stumble, his arm accidentally knocking over a glass to the floor as it completely shattered as a result.
"Shit! I'm so sorry, did anyone get hurt?" He exclaimed in a state of uncharacteristic panic, his arms struggling to support his drunken mess of a lover as she began mumbling unintelligibly to herself.
"We're good, Tsukishima. Don't worry about it," his boss assured. "But, I think it's best if you take her home, she doesn't look too good."
Yes, good call, that's one way to put it. Goddammit, this is too fucking embarrassing.
Pretty soon, the izakaya's owner approached the group amid the commotion, and with Tsukishima sincerely apologizing and swearing to pay for the damages, he also insisted on paying for the entire group's bill to compensate, but they turned down his offer, advising him and Y/N to get themselves home safely.
Tsukishima thought that the nightmare had ended; apparently, Y/N had more in store as she tapped his boss' shoulder, staring down at him in an attempt to look stern. "Hey sirrrr...can you lay off Tsukki sometimes? 'Cuzzzz...he comes home waaayyyy too late and we barely have enough time to get down and dir-"
"NOOO!" Tsukishima cried out in horror, completely and utterly humiliated as he scrambled to clamp his hand over Y/N's mouth in an attempt to salvage what's left of both of their dignities. However, the force caused her to stagger, her unruly arm knocking over a bottle of sake atop the table. Tsukishima was unable to do anything as he hopelessly watched it topple over, the liquid spilling and trickling down on his boss' lap as he felt every ounce of his life force drain out of his body.
God, if you're listening, then please...I don't care how you do it, but I beg of you...just kill me now.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Y/N wailed and buried her face in a pillow, unable to bring herself to look at Tsukishima as he unveiled the horrific experience he and his co-workers went through due to her drunken stupor. To say that she was embarrassed was a complete understatement; she was mortified, and it definitely was not an ideal first impression as she mourned for her long gone dignity. "Just kill me, please!"
Tsukishima was practically seething with rage at this point, wishing that the night before had just been a nightmare, yet it was nothing but a cruel reality. "You're embarrassed? How the hell do you think I feel? I lost count of the number of times I had to apologize before I hauled your drunken self home! You literally went crazy, Y/N! How careless, especially knowing that you can't handle alcohol well!"
She deserved to be scolded. Y/N lifted her head from the pillow and looked up at him, her eyes prickling with tears as she wallowed in her shame. "Kei...I'm so sorry. You're right, I was careless and I embarrassed you in front of your co-workers. I really didn't mean to! Oh my god...what if you got fired-" It must have been the after-effects of her hangover that made her an emotional mess as she felt tears running down her face, berating herself for acting in such a distasteful manner - in public and in front of his colleagues, at that.
Tsukishima deeply sighed to regain his composure. He settled down next to his lover on the couch, his hand rubbing across her back as he tried to calm her down. "Don't be ridiculous. I won't get fired over something like that, the boss isn't that shallow. He even called me up as soon as we got home to ask how you were doing."
At his gesture, Y/N bawled even harder, the tears streaming endlessly down her face. "I'm really sorry for ruining your night. I promise that I won't do it again."
"Y/N," Tsukishima began and tipped up her chin, locking his golden eyes with her puffy ones. "Look, I'm even more upset that you weren't being careful. I won't stop you from drinking, but you've got to be more aware of your own limitations. What if I wasn't there with you? What if you were alone and there was no one you trusted to take care of you?"
He's right, I'm such an idiot. I sure as hell won't be drinking anytime soon especially after last night's debacle!
She only managed a nod, sniffing profusely as she fished out her handkerchief to wipe her tear-stained face. "I'm so sorry, Kei. I swear that I'll be careful next time."
"You better be, you drunkard," he playfully retorted, the corners of his mouth subtly twitching upwards at how undeniably adorable she was being.
"So...you're not mad anymore?" Y/N inquired softly, looking up at Tsukishima with pleading eyes. While his earlier rage was now long gone, he did go through quite an ordeal, and he wasn't keen on letting her off the hook that easy as he wickedly grinned at her.
Oh, shit. I don't like that look.
"Sorry Y/N, but you're not getting off that easy. You did humiliate the both of us after all," he stated deviously, his smile widening at the uneasy expression on her face. "So for the next two weeks, you'll be doing all the household chores, and you're on bathroom cleaning duty for the entire month."
She sighed and nodded defeatedly. It was definitely a pain, but Y/N was resolute on serving her punishment to atone for what she did. However, she couldn't help but feel relieved since she had expected something way worse; doing all the household chores seemed quite tame in comparison to what she had imagined.
But then again, this was Tsukishima, and as he sensed her apparent relief, he laid out the pinnacle of her punishment, unable to fight off the sadistic grin on his face. "And, as soon as you're not hungover anymore, we'll be paying each of my colleagues a visit so you can sincerely apologize for what you did."
Y/N gawked at him, her heart dropping to her stomach. "C-come again?" He's not serious. He can't be...right? Right?!
"You heard me." Tsukishima was dead serious. She knew that something was amiss with his household chores punishment; he may be her boyfriend, but he definitely was a sadistic bastard if he needed to be.
"NOOO!" She wailed, completely mortified at the prospect as she began hitting him with the pillow, her hangover being the least of her concerns. "Please Kei, anything but that! I'd rather not meet them again for the rest of my living days, so please!"
Tsukishima chuckled and stilled her movements, staring her down to show just how serious he was. "Well, that just means that this punishment is befitting, right? At least now you'll think twice before letting yourself get wasted again. This will be a good learning experience for you."
Y/N knew that there was no other way to escape from her upcoming predicament. Completely at a loss, she only managed to shoot Tsukishima the harshest glare that she could muster. "Fine. If it will make you happy, you sadistic bastard."
Knowing that he had emerged victorious for this round, he let out a carefree laugh and planted an affectionate kiss atop her disheveled hair. "I appreciate it. Now, let's get that hangover treated real quick."
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It Takes A Village Chapter 5
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Chris Evans x Pregnant!daughter!reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: It's your first day at school in boston and you make a new friend
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: none that I know of
You should know the drill by now Y/n means your name, n/n means nickname.
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It Sunday night and all weekend since you told your family about the baby on Friday, you were mostly left to your own devices which for the most part you did hang out with family but today you were just relaxing since your dad was making calls for work, and you just felt like being alone. Your walked around the neighborhood with Dodger, but right now you were in your bed scrolling through Instagram. You came across a photo Jake posted. Him at the skatepark seemingly unbothered by the fact he broke up with you cause he was sitting with another girl cuddled on his side. The post was captioned "Skating with Friends." You frowned deeply, he was already moving on. You finally have a minute to grieve the breakup and he's already moving on. You sighed cuddling up under your blanket deeper. Sniffling you hid your face in your pillow. You should've known it wasn't going to last but you didn't think it would end with you moving back in with your dad pregnant.
"Bubba?" Chris knocked on your door. "Can I come in?" He asked.
"One second!" You hollered wiping the few tears that managed to escape then you closed Instagram opening Netflix on you phone to make it look like you were going to watch a movie instead. "Come in!"
"Hey, Sweetpea. So I have a bit of news." He said walking in and sitting on your bed. You nodded turning your phone off before you sat up. "Well this summer I have to go to LA to film a movie and we'll be there for a few months. You'll have come with me." He told you.
"Okay.. But I'm due in november will we be back here by then?" You said.
"I'm not sure but I can't leave you here alone especially when you'll be pregnant. Bubba it'll only be for a few months and even if the baby is born in LA we'll come back to Boston in no time." He tried to reassure you.
"Okay... Oh dad! I wanted to talk to you about me getting a job so I can pay for the baby..."
"I'll help you pay." He said.
"Dad... But I have to do this on my own.. You can help but more with babysitting not paying for them... Do you know anywhere that might hire me?" You asked. He sighed nodding.
"Probably the McDonald's close to your school. I'll help you get a work permit filled out. If you promise me you won't over work yourself with at your job and with school." He negotiated.
"Okay now go to bed you have school early in the morning. I'll drive you there." He kissed your forehead before leaving your room. He really hopes you keep up your side of the deal.
You jumped out of the car waving to your dad. "Bye!" You hollered smiling at him before making your way up to the school. Joining a new school in the middle of March isn't exactly what you wanted but none the less you can't just not go to school for the rest of the school year. You made it in eyes darting around the hoard of your new classmates all pushing around to get to their lockers.
"Hi! You must be the new girl!" A girl with bright smile said out of no where making you jump.
"Yeah.. I'm y/n... Who are you?"
"I'm Darcy! I'm going to help you find your way around the school! Do you know your locker number?" She asked you cheerfully.
"Uh.. Yeah, uh." You pulled your paper out of your backpack looking over it for your locker number. "Locker 543." You said looking at her smiling.
"Okay! Follow me! So did your family just move here is that why your joining the school so late in the year?" She asked as you began walking.
"Not really I just moved in with my dad." You told her.
"Oh cool!" She said happily as you guys turned down another hallway.
"Okay! Here's your locker. What class do you have first?" She asked. You held up your schedule to her before opening your locker. "Mr. Sparks English class. Cool! He's my favorite teacher he's pretty chill." She told you a her bright smile still on her face.
"Cool. Uh where is his class?" You asked her.
"I have to go the opposite way for my class but it's down the hallway on the left second door." She explained. You nodded before began going the other way for her class. You followed her directions to a door. You walked in seeing most of your classmates already there only a few desks empty.
"Hi? Who are you?" He asked giving you a welcoming smile.
"Uh y/n Evans. I'm new." He nodded.
"Okay take a seat."
You went to a empty seat and sat down looking around the classroom. Nothing to strange. "Sorry I'm late!" A boy with black tousled hair and a outfit that looked like it had been thrown on in minutes which you presumed by the fact he was wearing his sweatshirt on backward and inside out.
"It's fine Mr. Conley. Sit down." The teacher said. The boy came over and sat in the empty seat next to you.
"You new?" He whispered to you. All you did was nod.
At lunch you sat alone, you haven't made any friends yet. "Hey new girl." The boy from earlier slid into the bench across from you at the table. "I'm conley, Oscar Conley." He said in a slick voice.
"Well Conley, I'm Evans, Y/n Evans." You mocked his slick voice a smile on your face.
"Well, Evans welcome to the school!"
"Mhm.." You nodded noticing his sweatshirt was still in backwards. "Your shirts on backwards and inside out." You pointed out. He frowned looking down at the tag.
"Oh come on no one told me!" You giggled. "It's not funny I've been walking around like this all day."
"It's a little funny."
"Okay new girl, what's your story?" He asked.
"Oh come on no one just comes to a new school near the end of March. Let me guess you got into a fight and got expelled from your last school." You shook your head. "Your secretly a spy for the fbi here to spy on one of my classmates because they're apart of the mafia!"
"No!" You laughed.
"Your actually an alien from Mars here to wipe out all of the human race."
"No. I just moved in with my dad." You said rolling your eyes at his crazy assumptions.
"That's boring you should tell everyone your an alien." He said smiling. You laughed.
"Okay. What about you Oscar? Do you sit and talk to all the new kids?" You asked before taking a bite of your lunch.
"Only the ones that look like a secret spy." He joke. You cracked a smile shaking your head.
After lunch you and Oscar swapped numbers before Darcy took you away to show you your next class. Right now your sitting outside waiting for your dad to come pick you up. "Evans." You heard Oscar say from behind you. "Waiting for your flying saucer?"
"Yeah." You chuckled looking at him for a second then back ahead at the street. "Well Conley that's my ride see you later!" You stood waving at him before running to your dad's car.
"Thought you said you were taking a break from boys?" Chris asked once you got in.
"Dad he's a friend the only person who talked to me without the school telling them they had to."
"Okay how was school?"
"It was good I made a friend."
He smiled at you beginning to drive as you looked out the window. "Well. Your gonna have to tell him about the baby since he's your friend now."
"Oh yeah." You said.
"Okay I got the paper work for your work permit we'll fill it out then you can apply somewhere you can walk to from school." He said.
You nodded giving him a smile.
A/n: kinda got carried away oops.
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries
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