#//he studies but like. not hard. not bc he's lazy but bc he doesn't need to
troublcmakcrs · 1 year
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▸   @sinshosted​   ⟶   ❛  "I'm so tired. I stayed up all night studying for the math test." //modern!verse ava for hmmmmm either of them :3c  ❜   ╱   (  high school , accepting .  )
      Craig turns toward Ava lethargically and blinks at her, eyelids falling warm and heavy over bleary eyes that were prematurely forced open at the screeching of his alarm clock, as if he is trying to determine whether he is still dreaming.  Once he catches up with the reality that she is speaking to him, he hums in acknowledgment and closes his locker door.  “Me, too,” he says, punctuated by a yawn, which he covers with his hand.
      He studied a little last night, but there came a point where he determined there was nothing more for him to learn and switched on YouTube instead.  He spent entirely too long mindlessly binging Let’s Plays, and he is about to discover the effect that had on his studying.
      He sighs.  “I wish I had some cash to get a Coke from the vending machine or something.  That’d help.”
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lastoneout · 6 months
Like I know we all love making ADHD seem cool but like, don't forget it's actually a disability? My ADHD is bad enough I've nearly been evicted for forgetting to mail the rent check to the property manager, I've forgotten to pay the utility bills and had my water or power get turned off or had to pay fines bcs I missed a credit card payment. Once I was supposed to cat sit for a friend and I lost the house key she gave me but didn't realize until she was already out of town, and she had to call the apartment office to get someone to give me the spare so her cats would have food for the week. When I'm unmedicated I can't even get myself to shower half the time, forget eating or cleaning. Before I started living with my fiance I'd just like, not eat for days because I didn't have anyone to remind me to eat or go buy me food. I've forgotten to turn the stove off so many times and ruined kettles and tbh been DAMN fucking lucky the house didn't burn down. I've done stupid, impulsive shit that's nearly gotten me KILLED. I can't remember to close the shower curtain reliably even through my fiance points out every single time I forget, and he's almost out of soap rn bcs for the last MONTH neither of us have been able to remember to order more once we get out of the shower.
I've had such bad memory my entire life that to this day someone suggesting I forgot something because I simply didn't care enough is a legitimate trigger that, in the worst cases, makes me have a breakdown.
I get that for some of you this is just something that makes studying hard or you forget to take a pee break when you're playing Minecraft or whatever, that's still a valid struggle and you do deserve help and understanding, but like, ADHD is a disability. It's disabling. It's not impossible to improve and learn coping skills, meds help a lot, there are great accommodations out there(LIKE CLEANING SERVICES), but not every case of ADHD is the same, and a lot of them are pretty ugly ngl, and just because you managed to do something doesn't mean someone else is gonna be able to manage it too, or that they're being lazy for struggling. And that obviously doesn't mean ADHD people have a free pass to never work on themselves and make everyone cater to their every need or whatever, but we do deserve some understanding when we explain that our disability is actually disabling in ways that aren't palatable to you. So like, idk, maybe don't immediately recoil in horror when you find out that someone with ADHD can't keep their house clean. And for fucks sake don't ridicule them for it.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
it’s dbf!indy anon and I finally had a thought!!!
looking at old photos of your dad and indy with dbf!indy, and just being like “wow I would’ve smashed younger you” or “you’ve just gotten more handsome with age” or like, subtly flirting and he’s trying so hard to not flirt back bc he’s still trying to forget that he finds you attractive
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
this post is 18+ (due to an age gap), minors dni.
Your dad seems to have been a whole other person before he'd settled down with your mom. You've never seen this side of him before, the cocky young man pictured beside Dr. Jones at a dig site, squinting into the sun and marred with dirt. Now he's neat, proper, and wouldn't spent days at a dig site if he was offered millions of dollars.
Dr. Jones is even more jarring to look at. There's a layer of rugged scruff on his face in the picture, his shirt hanging half open over his chest and sweat lining his brow. His sleeves are torn off in the photos, probably due to the sweltering heat they're working in, though you wonder if having his skin exposed left him vulnerable to sunburns. He doesn't look burnt, only gorgeously tanned, and you marvel over the man he used to be.
"That's you?" You ogle at a shot of him standing atop a carrier plane, lugging crates of god knows what into the hold. The cut-off sleeves give you a fantastic view of the muscles in his arms bulging while he lifts the boxes, and you only wish you'd have been there in person to avoid the slightly grainy quality to the film. It's a precarious position he's in, one that you wouldn't expect from the proper professor beside you.
"That's me," He drawls, "You like my hair?"
It's not combed, laying fluffy and natural over his forehead. There's a hat hanging from his belt, and you're surprised it hadn't messed up the strands of hair that flop so naturally over his head.
"it's different," You laugh, turning to face him. He'd been peering over your shoulder to see the pictures you're looking at, so when you turn, you're rather close. He doesn't move away, though, not even as you study him with a discerning gaze.
"You're proper-handsome now." You decide, "The gelled hair, the glasses, the suits-and-ties. But you used to be rugged-handsome." You flip to the next page, showcasing him caught sleeping against a load of cargo in the tiny plane.
You're too focused on the photos to notice him watching you, jaw working to tighten his lazy grin so that it doesn't turn upside down. He's fighting an internal battle, he knows he shouldn't be attracted to you but he is, and he can't decide whether he'll allow himself to accept your compliments or not.
"See?" You point to his posture, toned arms stretched up and over his head, his hat over his face to block out the sun, "That's a picture they'd put in one of those super-sexy firefighter-of-the-month calendars. The muscles, the open shirt, the thighs on display..." You muse, tracing over each feature you name.
He's torn. You're complimenting him, openly, brazenly. He knows he's not taking advantage of you, you're coming to him, but something about it seems so forbidden that he almost can't respond. But he's well-acquainted with danger, with the exhilaration of doing something he shouldn't, so he lets a chuckle escape, "Yeah? You think I'd make it as a sexy firefighter?"
"Oh, for sure," You nod, like you think you're reassuring his insecurities, "Just lose the shirt and swap it for suspenders, Indy, you'd fit right in."
"Really," He marvels your bold nature, unable to stop from laughing again, "Well sweetheart, maybe you 'oughta take the pictures for me. Pose me, oil me up, that sorta thing."
"Deal," You grin, turning back to face him again, still not backing away from your tantalizingly close proximity, "Should I bring socks to stuff your crotch with?"
"No need," Indiana assures you, his drawl never having been cockier, "I've got that covered myself, sweetheart."
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zot3-flopped · 6 months
Can we talk about The Show/Niall's career for a second? Truth be told... I thought The Show would be a hit album. I don't know if he's unlucky or uninteresting. Like you said, he isn't lazy. He works really hard, he can sing, he plays different instruments, he generally comes off as a "nice guy" but for some reason he just lacks something that I can't pinpoint. Idk if the GP can clock that he tries realllllyyyy hard or how he masks his lack of charisma and confidence. He's extremely boring as an artist though so that might be the case, but then again Shawn Mendes is pretty boring but he has a thriving career. I need a case study on him bc unlike the other 3 he checks a lot of boxes. His music is generic pop too so he isn't pushing people away. Genuinely curious how his career ends up bc he isn't going anywhere when even his 3rd attempt still hasn't hit yet. Not even one song off his album became a hit after all the hit chasing he did.. he seriously needs to reevaluate his career if he wants to still have one.
1. He's not anywhere near as good looking as Harry, Shawn, or the main Kpop boys. He has short legs, he's top heavy, he has a round, ruddy face and a double chin. This limits his thirst appeal.
2. His voice often has a strange mournful tone that doesn't appeal to everyone (certainly not to me).
3. His lyrics are banal and cliched.
4. Some of his songs are catchy but he doesn't have a distinctive sound and style that everyone associates with Niall Horan. He tends to imitate other singers - Alex Turner on Nice To Meet Ya, Ed Sheeran on No Judgement, Harry on some of The Show songs.
5. He's over exposed which comes across as a bit desperate.
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steamishot · 3 months
i'm definitely still feeling emotional about the move- possibly because i'm by myself a lot, and not very busy. it leads me to very tunneled thinking and rumination. on a side note, i tend to be more carefree in LA just because there's a lot more going on in life. i think it may take me a few weeks for the idea that i'm moving away and starting a new life back home to really sink in.
although i knew this move was coming and i was working so hard for it, i didn't expect to have such strong and mixed emotions once it became officially official. the easier thing for me to do is just cut ties immediately and quietly move away without saying bye to anyone. but staying here and mentally having a countdown is something i have to get used to. i'm dreading all the "farewell" hangouts with friends - all of us knowing it's the last time in (?) that we'll see each other. i'm not a fan of goodbyes. funnily enough, this is exactly the same amount of time (~3months) that i spent studying abroad in taipei. however, everyone came and left around the same time so it felt different. most of the friends i made in taipei went back to CA anyway. it was hardest to say bye to the friends i made who lived in other countries.
i met my new friend L at ceramics yesterday and today, and a part of me doesn't want to get closer to her (which is different from friends who i already consider close). i was never a person who could handle temporary/non-serious friends or relationships. usually if i'm continuously investing in something, it means i actively want the person in my life. she talked about september still being far away and that she wants to invite me to a concert and over to her place. part of me is like nuu, it's going to be even harder to say goodbye. but another part of me is like, well let's have fun while i'm still here. i'll likely see her at least 1x/week unless one of us is out of town, so we'll see where that goes.
ceramics: these 8 weeks of class flew by really quickly (plus i was out of town for a few sessions haha), there are only 3 more sessions of class! i finally put in my first piece to fire yesterday, and will need to wait about 2 weeks before i can glaze it. that means i need to throw more things asap so they can dry asap and then i can fire them asap to glaze asap.
i was feeling down about matt's work schedule this past week (a week of nights, 3-4 days off, then 10 days on (due to schedule switch/no PTO), 7 days off, and then another week of nights) because i've also been emotional/sensitive. i questioned if his new job would be as demanding and if his work schedule would bother me less over there. this would be our first time living together and having a routine in LA. logically, i can see our lives becoming much more balanced due to having family and community. i'm way more socially busy there too. also, having a car to get around would be really convenient - i know that we tend to get lazy leaving the house here bc of not wanting to walk or take the train somewhere. and the bigger living situation would be awesome.
the gods heard me because he was summoned and selected for jury duty yesterday! this is the most ballsy thing i've ever seen him do when it comes to work (guy has called out sick only once for the ER in these past 5 years). the trial he was selected for is for a duration of 4 weeks. this means that starting monday, he'll need to report to court M-F 9:30am-5pm for the next month. he gets to skip work (but still needs to work the weekends he was originally scheduled for). because the court is literally a 5 minute walk away, it'll be super convenient. i hate that his current hospital provides 0 PTO days for his role. i'm looking forward to this easy court time and his 1.5 months off in aug-sept.
work: i received an award for $5K! the last time i received it was in 2021 for $2K. i'm pretty sure they gave me this amount (which is the max) because i was technically doing ~1.5 roles for about half a year. in any case, i'm happy with the extra money.
friends: i feel like a loner here again. new friend L is actually leaving for washington for a month in a couple of weeks. T is away in vietnam. S is so busy with her life, that i can only manage to see her a couple times a month. LW is leaving NYC end of this month. R&T are in between dallas, LA and nyc so their schedule is complicated. i do miss having my parents and niece as my default buddies LOL. the next social thing i have is on tuesday, but i'm not looking forward to seeing A and i feel a bit sad about LW leaving.
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minkkumaz · 1 year
ahhh omii procrastination has gone too far for me T_T
havent been doing too well in AP psychology so i need to do some extra credit thats due by tomorrow,, but at the same time i have a foreign language exam to study for.. my world history teachers just incapable of properly teaching us so i have worksheets to do aswell.
agh my history teachers just so frustrating. she doesnt know how to print properly so 100% of the time the documents she hands out to us have missing words and blurred out text. then she expects us to just somehow figure it out.. shes super unreasonable and just wont teach us. everyday is a new document and assignment, she just doesnt teach.. i have like no grade in her class because she never lets us know when to turn in work,, and when i asked her about it she got so sassy w me talkin about, “idk if i can accept this..” like just say ur too lazy to do ur job ☹️☹️
whewww… anyways thinking about comfort w the loml woonhak. ☺️💭💭
(woonhak the type of guy to study harder for his lovers exams rather than his own so he could help them out.)
awww my sweet melon :(
i can definitely relate to such a hard work overload. im not sure what grade you're in and you don't have to tell me! but it's so weird for me because i'm a sophmore and last year was much easier in comparison!
i'm an extreme overachiever, so if i don't have straight a's i lowkey freak. and my stupid euro class is breaking down that standard i have for myself because her class is so hard.
my teacher does teach, but she skips so much of the stuff and expects us to retain it all by reading the textbook. except i learn much better when i am explained thoroughly. on top of that, she assigns so many tests?? i have one tomorrow and i have FOUR next week which is genuinely bringing me physical pain.
i'm so sorry though your teacher sounds awful:( that always happens when teachers copy down documents that were made online, and that they didn't create themselves. so sometimes i get blurry stuff too. your case sounds much worse though! the teacher needs a reality check bc wtf does she mean do it yourself? my dear melon doesn't deserve that >:T
you definitely deserve some woonhak comfort wahh :( we both need some comfort cause school is killin us (i am on my knees begging god to bless tumblr with some 8turn writers because i swear only i write for yungyu and he fixes my day in 2 seconds)
(also you are so right that idea is so cute wtf)
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adriannanderson · 1 year
Sudden stop
Hi sweet boy
We wonder if uncle Sam was able to join you when his earthly life ended last week
Our hope is that the two of you are together
Sober Sam is one of the coolest people you'll ever meet
He'll make you laugh a lot 🥰
Layten is still with us, and we are working on ensuring he gets to stay with us until he's an adult
I told someone yesterday that I always wanted 2 kids by 30 and have been blessed with 5 kids by 42
You just never know what your life may bring
The loss of another brother, and the loss of a father, has been nothing less than miserable for our family
We are pretty well versed on grief, as we've handled our share of people we love gone too soon
But it turns out, this loss is setting us back significantly
Since Uncle Sam's passing, your dad has been wound up and hurting in a way I have not seen since he lost you
There are a lot of dynamics causing that, but the root is certainly grief
The same day that I was admitted to the hospital, he began having extreme pain in his abdomen that they suspect are a reaction to a faulty gall bladder
So my right hand man, the guy that always steps in when I'm unable to be somewhere, is out of commission too
I ended up being admitted after I have been experiencing extreme fatigue since Sam passed
I just know grief is heavy and I knew this valley is deep, but I'll come out on the other side
This would be no different
But overall felt like I was handling things ok!
Day to day life was at an all time high, as far as responsibilities this week - 4 track meets, 3 that I haven't been able to attend bc of my health, as well as preschool conferences that I had to reschedule, and most important of all, Coops junior prom
Meetings, decorating, after prom responsibilities
Pictures to be taken and places to be that require a shower and looking decent
Except I can't stand long enough without getting weak
I just can't even think on it for 2 seconds without getting tears
I really wanted that day to just be about your big brother
He assures me that he will not be bummed if I can't be there, that it will be ok
But he doesn't know a mama's heart
It will not be ok for a few
But there is still a chance I could rally before then
Today is really really hard and does not make me feel like tomorrow is going to be an option
I overdosed myself on calcium (note to others, you CAN eat too many tums!) Then had a very serious panic attack - either brought on by the calcium or the long list of things scrolling through my head on repeat
Either way, my heart rate and BP were very high for hours, one med that they had me try to lower calcium per Mercy dropped my BP so fast I could no longer move my limbs or talk like normal - that one goes in my chart as NO THANKS NEVER AGAIN
There were talks of sending me north and I did NOT want that. I was receiving so much care and support from our wayne county hospital staff that I knew could not be topped in a large facility
I was able to get some sleep about 430 am - 9am Thursday morning
When I woke, my nurse told me that my calcium level was down to 11 from over 14 and that I was able to go home
Music to my ears
But how did they check my level??
Oh ya know, just took blood while I was passed the heck out!
Lolol that was a first for me!
Thursday was sleep, all day and all night
Today I'm awaiting news on newest levels, and continuing to rest, as my head and body are too cloudy to do much else
I've been crying on and off since Wednesday, and decided I had to write to you
To try and empty my mind and relieve myself of the loop in my mind
House - a mess
Laundry - will never be done
Dogs - need baths
Work - Preschool conferences and DK/K recommendations - now I have to reschedule everyone during the 1st week of ball practice😭😭😭
Em - where's she going after school? Moms, Shelbys, cierras…..
Coop has study table - does he need help getting that grade up or is he just being lazy and not turning stuff in
Carsyn - are we helping her make the right decisions concerning how she spends her time? She's really worried about her mom.I think and I hate that I'm the cause
Layten- can't really speak on him too much without another serious cry sesh bc I think his pain level is immense and I want to be able to not mess this mom thing up for him. He deserves a few years of just being a high school kid with no adult worries. And no matter what, we'll never be able to replace his dad, who he loves with all his heart
After prom - I should either be at Carsyns track meet or helping decorating tonight and helping do whatever tomorrow night for after prom. The mom guilt for this one is very deep bc it's a big undertaking and needs all hands on deck
Side job - 3 people backed up on selling - not that they mind waiting but I'd like to get those off my list of things to do
Both desks - at school and home are overloaded and I want to clean them but every time I look at them im.so overwhelmed I just can't even start
2 IEP mtgs that need scheduled between now and end of school - sounds easy but is actually a zoo getting all hands on deck
There's more but these are are ones that are at the top of the loop in my head
Losing you taught me sometimes just releasing it, the stuff, the worry, in some way can bring relief
So there is it, or the bulk of it at least
Some of our life's stressors are not my story to tell
I know for sure that since losing you Fish, any death of anyone we know is a small set back
And death of those we love most can be large set backs
But we never give up
We'll come out ok
It will hurt a lot, but we will come out ok
I love you little man
You are one of my reasons to smile everyday
Love Mom
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Ugh anyway, here have stoner EM, bc I think lazy stoner Eren is somehow immensely attractive.
a person who regularly takes drugs, especially marijuana.
It's a label Mikasa has become increasingly familiar with throughout her academic career. From high school to university, it's a label she is now intimately aware of.
Not because she smokes the devil's lettuce, no, not at all. But because despite rhyme or reason, her infatuation with their small town's resident stoner will not die.
"Mikasa, you're staring again." She huffs in irritation, turning to give Armin a glare, ripping her gaze away from where the very object of her affections lays under a tree in the quad, his head laid upon some pretty girl's thighs as he smokes up between classes. "You don't have to call me out every time." Armin shoots her a daring smile, "I do actually." She releases an annoyed breath, her eyes darting back to the brunette boy in the middle of the quad, handsome and uncaring, very much unlike her, who is currently studying her ass off for midterms.
Armin smacks her arm again as she gets lost in his figure, his tall stature, long legs in black joggers, a grey t-shirt sticking to the corded muscle of his arms, just the slightest hint of his abs where his t-shirt pulls up to expose bronze skin. "Mikasa!" She glares at her blonde friend menacingly, just let her have this at least. This is her break, her reward for all her hard work studying.
It’s not easy being pre-med these days. "See, this is why I need to call you out, if I didn't we'd never get anything done." "Whatever," she mumbles, her eyes sliding back to him, Eren Yeager, her childhood best friend, and the only boy that's every made her heart go boom.
"I don't know why you like him so much, I'm pretty sure he's a criminology major. Wants to be a cop, but he's doing illegal activities almost 100% of the time." Mikasa frowns as she stares off into the distance, her stomach tugging painfully as she watches Eren bury himself in some random girl's stomach. She doesn't know why she like him either, but it won't leave, and she's not entirely sure how to get rid of the feelings, believe her, she's tried. "I don't know, I just," she sighs wistfully, "he's Eren." Armin shakes his head, "And he's really pretty, just be honest." Mikasa turns, her cheeks heating rapidly because that is also true. She smiles sheepishly at her blonde friend, admitting to it, "And he's really pretty." Armin groans, "I wish my love life was quite so easy."
Mikasa shrugs, her attention slipping right back to Eren again, "Whatever, it totally could be, you're just a pussy and you won't talk to Annie. That's entirely your fault." Armin sputters in disbelief, she can hear him choking behind her as he closes up his binder, "And your inability to talk to Eren isn't yours?"
Mikasa gives him a dirty look, "No, Eren and I are starcrossed, we can never be, that's not my fault."
"You barely talk to him, every time he says hi you get all flustered and start berating him about something stupid before telling him to say hi to his mom."
Mikasa packs her own books up a little too aggressively as she snaps back, Armin having hit a sore spot, "Well at least I talk to him!" Armin stares at her in disbelief, "Fine, go talk to him right now if you think you're so great MIkasa. I dare you, go right now and strike up a friendly conversation. Hell ask him to go for coffee with us later." Suddenly her previous assertions aren't quite so brave, especially at the prospect of talking to Eren.
“I can’t,” she says turning back to her computer, eyes set on the article she’d been reading for her biology class, “I’m studying.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re said you were taking a break.”
If looks could kill, Armin would be dead as she scowls at him from over her laptop, “Well it’s over now, Armin.”
The blonde scoffs, turning a page in his textbook, “Sure Mikasa, I think you’re just a wimp. You’re never gonna do anything about it, just face it. He’s probably going to end up with some other stoner girl smoking up in the back of his cop car.”
Mikasa frowns at the vivid picture her friend paints, he’s not necessarily wrong, and as she chances a glance back at the tree he’s sitting under, the idea seems awfully plausible, especially as he breathes a heavy exhale into some girl’s mouth.
“You’re right,” she says, slamming her laptop shut with determination, she can’t allow this future to come to pass.
Armin guffaws, “Mikasa I was kidding, you barely talk to Eren!”
She scowls at him, tone haughty as she reacts to his lack of confidence in her, “Well now I am.”
Abruptly she stands from her seat, and before she can stop herself she’s marching towards Eren with lock quick strides, her pretty white skirt billowing in the wind as she marches with purpose.
Before she knows it she’s there, looking down his attractive form, her silver gaze clashing with spring green eyes, hazy with the high of marijuana. He exhales a long drag of smoke, and there is something hot about how flagrantly he breaks the rules.
Maybe her mom’s biggest fear is right, she has a thing for bad boys, but either way Mikasa can’t deny the way her heart skips a beat as Eren finally notices her.
He blinks up at her lazily, one rough calloused hand coming up to shield his eyes from the sun as he struggles to comprehend who’s standing before him.
“Miks?” He questions in confusion his rough voice wrapping around her name so perfectly, and shit, there is one of the reasons her obsession with the town stoner is so dangerous: his nicknames.
Usually she hates them, a concept carved into her by her mother’s sense of propriety. Mama Ackerman chose her name carefully, and it’s a beautiful one, Mikasa, so people everywhere damn well better be using it.
Eren had never abided by these rules, grinning at her mom cheekily every time he’d call her something other than her name, a small rebellion, and some part of Mikasa absolutely adored it.
Miki, Mika, Miks, ‘Kasa, Mimi, he’s called her by every one in the book and it makes her heart positively flutter. And in a stark contrast to her mother’s views she doesn’t see Eren’s nicknames as disrespectful in the least, if anything it’s a love letter to her name itself, the way he wraps his mouth around each sweet intonation, each vowel emphasizing a different part.
When they were younger, had still been friends, before Eren had rebelled, before his dad died and he’d taken to smoking up as his preferred coping mechanism, still lived in the house across the way, she’d heard it every day, sweet nicknames called as they played in the street, as they caught the bus together. But now, how long has it been, when did they last interact?
The utterance of the nickname alone sends a shiver up her spine, and her cunt aches, the rough edge to his voice that hadn’t been there before, she’s never heard him say it quite like that.
“Hi Eren,” she chirps out, her voice coming out much higher than she’d wanted, and she struggles to even out her tone.
“Hi Miki,” he repeats back to her teasingly, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I umm-“
She struggles for a moment, her brain short circuiting, she’d never anticipated getting this far, her interactions with Eren usually consist of short awkward arguments, started mostly by herself out of self-preservation.
His lips quirk up slightly at her inability to voice her thoughts and her prompts her, “Yeah sweetheart?”
She opens her mouth to finally spit something out, a confident young woman, studying pre-med, she’s calm and assertive, but she never gets the chance because the groupie next to Eren scoffs in agitation, “Can you hurry it up, you’re blocking my sun, it’s killing the vibe.”
Mikasa deflates like a limp balloon, her cheeks heating with embarrassment. She’s suddenly aware of the third party watching her make a complete fool of herself.
Worse yet, she’s probably close with Eren too. She didn’t think he currently had a girlfriend, but he had been sleeping on her lap not five minutes ago, so maybe her information is false.
But before she can apologize and leave, Eren is snapping, turning to the girl in irritation, “If you don’t like it, you can leave Heather.”
The girl gasps in outrage, her cheeks puffing up, but Eren shoots her a look that brokers no argument, and with an angry huff she’s gathering her things and stomping off towards the parking lot.
Mikasa is pleasantly surprised by the whole ordeal.
Eren shrugs, turning back to her as if he didn’t just dismiss his friend so callously, “So what were you saying Miks?”
She hesitates for a moment, maybe this is the universe giving her a chance to get out while she still can, before she embarrasses herself further. But she can’t lose this opportunity, here, now in front of him, no one else around, it’s her chance.
Tentatively she speaks, forcing out each word, “I was thinking, maybe we could go for coffee or something sometime.”
He hums in consideration, taking another long drag of his joint, looking up at her lazily through his long dark eyelashes, really it’s unfair how pretty he is, especially since he so obviously doesn’t care.
He exhales a long deep breath, and Mikasa watches as his throat bobs with each movement, how beautiful he is.
The wind picks up, blowing the smoke away and her long white maxi skirt in the wind, the fabric billowing around her thighs, the leaves rustling above them.
She tucks her hair behind her ear as it blows in her face, the slit of her skirt exposing just the creamy skin of her upper thighs.
She blushes as she realizes, a hand reaching down to cover herself but Eren tsks, his hand catching hers to smoothie over her thigh, his gaze transfixed on the smooth skin.
He traces from the apex of her thighs down to the soft sensitive skin just behind her knee and she gasps audibly at the sensation.
Eren glances up at the sound, his eyes far away, but they catch on her expression and a wicked smirk crawls up his face as he skims back up to her thigh and then down to her calf.
He squeezes gently around her ankle before reluctantly letting her go, leaning back against the tree with a sigh.
Eren settles back against the large oak tree, “I might be down,” he murmurs, taking another drag of his joint, “But I don’t like coffee.”
“Oh,” she says excitedly, “We can do something else, maybe dinner—“
He cuts her off, exhaling another breath of smoke, smirking unapologetically at her, “No.”
She deflates a little, giving up slightly, is he just teasing her?
“Then what do you want?”
His smirk widens, his eyes flashing with mischief as he leans further back into the tree, his other arm coming up to pillow his head, biceps flexing appealingly, “You.”
Mikasa is struck by the fact that maybe her obsession with the town’s resident stoner isn’t so one-sided at all.
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maeum-your · 3 years
PARK YOU | profiles 1
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profiles 2 >
senior. studies hard bc she has to and not bc she enjoys it. all she wants is harry potter merch (but not official one bc "f*ck j.k. rowling"), a cat and good mental health. her life slogan is "eat the rich" and that definitely includes park jongseong. will absolutely cry if she doesn't get 100% on a test (trauma response ig) and normalizes blaming everything on jay.
the rest below the cut
senior. obsessed with anything astrology and stars. will use her being a gemini as an excuse to be mean and will probably have to find out your sun, moon, and rising sign before even asking your name. has a serious daydreaming problem and never knows what's going on. says "why does no one want to date me?" but then continues to reject everyone. "babes."
senior. y/n's best friend but if you ask him he'll tell you he's also her mom. absolutely loyal to her and will defend her if needed but tries to keep her in check as well. his hair is so fluffy because, as the therapist friend, he knows everyone's secrets and will not hesitate to utilize them against you if you cross him so better watch out. uses twitter to document everything his friends do.
sophomore. all he wants to do is dance. y/n's little brother that she would absolutely kill for. has to meditate to calm down his breathing whenever she forgets they have a dog. doesn't know how he ended up in his sister's friend group but they all love him and let him get away with everything so he can't complain. lazy but super intelligent and just as sarcastic. surprisingly hard to get to know despite his cute first impression, probably bc of childhood trauma, ya know the drill.
senior. eat the rich pt. 2 but actually does it. desperately looking for a sugar mommy but feels no remorse in emptying a man's wallet. pretty feet (but you did not hear that from me) and uses that to her advantage. constantly invites the group out to dinner and is basically their sugar mommy lol. if you ask her how she's able to afford so many things she'll tell you she's a freelancer.
senior. sometimes questionable how she even has friends bc she hates EVERYONE and EVERYTHING except for volleyball. would have quit that too a few years ago if she hadn't discovered haikyuu. doesn't know if she wants to be like tooru oikawa or be with him. despite her cold image is actually kind of a softie and will always have your back. but be prepared for some harsh blows bc miss jimin does. not. sugarcoat. her. words.
uploads: monday-friday at 7 a.m. KST
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renuqi · 3 years
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little intimate things.
⤷ osamu miya, shirabu kenjiro, kunimi akira x gn!reader (seperate) warnings: none! teeth rotting fluff for my fav underrated boys <33
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- [ ♡ ] osamu miya
‒ sneaking extra food onto your plate when you aren't looking
‒ finding joy in seeing you jump at the feeling of his cold hands cupping your waist
‒ making your bentos before he goes to sleep every night, just to deliver it to you in the morning (atsumu always tries to take some but his hand gets slapped away)
‒ kissing the tears off of your face
‒ you being his #1 motivator, how can he do anything when you're not there!!!!!! (he uses it as an excuse to see you when he doesn't want to do his work)
‒ find a way to bring you up in EVERY conversation between him and his brother pls (atsumu is tired of u T_T)
‒ if you're reading a book, he will set you on his lap so he can read with you
‒ he will never forget to let you know he loves you with all of his heart at least once a day, whether it be through his bentos, words of affirmation or physical touch because he knows how it feels to feel neglected :( (DO THE SAME TO HIM OR ELSE)
‒ has every recipe for your favourite dishes saved somewhere on his phone for whenever you come over.
‒ bby is attention starved he will do anything to make u happy so pls do the same
(kunimi and shirabu under the cut)
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- [ ♡ ] shirabu kenjiro
‒ if you fall asleep before you finish your homework, he will finish it for u
‒ but the next morning he will call you annoying and ur just like T_T
‒ even if he doesn't like attention and flaunting your relationship in public he will always have you in his arms when you two are alone
‒ reminds himself to be more gentle with you, he's aware of how he can get a little ahead of himself sometimes and will do anything in his power to stop himself from hurting you
‒ he has a grocery list of your favourite snacks saved on his phone so every time he goes shopping, he will be fully stocked the next time you come over.
‒ lets his hair grow out and pretends to forget to stop by the barber's shop just so you can cut it for him because he thinks it doesn't look good unless you do it </3
‒ can only study if you are sitting on his lap while his arms are wrapped around your frame while he's sitting at his desk.
‒ before every test or exam he buys you flowers, candy, or a stuffed toy with a card that includes a 'good luck' message AWEGDHSBG
‒ he loves it when you initiate things first bc he knows for sure ur comfortable w him and that he's treating you right <3
‒ has prob never been in a relationship before so pls be understanding w him he doesn't want to lose you :((
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- [ ♡ ] kunimi akira
‒ even if he doesnt like doing more work than he needs to he will run around the WHOLE WORLD FOR U A MILLION TIMES OVER
‒ uses his exaggerated 'lazy reputation' as an excuse to always cuddle u <3
‒ during lunch hours he will take u to an empty storage room or the rooftop so you guys can take a nap in peace :(
‒ he will usually have you in between his legs while his back is against the wall and you're sitting on your calves
‒ he WILL NOTICE THE LITTLEST THINGS ABT UUUU esp if you haven't been sleeping much </3
‒ since he's LITERALLY 6 FEET TALL he will bend down so he's at eye level w u and rub his thumbs along your eye bags AEGUKADJBGADBNG:AERG
‒ when you're tired he will set you on his back and take you wherever you need to go :( he will do anything and everything for u
‒ when the ball team asks about his s/o he acts pretty nonchalant abt it but he is trying so hard not to spew everything he loves about you right then and there
‒ says things like "is this okay?" "we can go home if you want" "you don't have to do this if you don't want to" guys i love him.
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main masterlist <3
haikyuu masterlist <3
reblogs appreciated !! have a lovely day/night <3
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fratboykate · 2 years
anon who said that i wouldn’t trust kate so easily after the coke episode here.
so the thing is, i’m studying to be a scientist just like yelena so we both know a little bit about how our little broken machine called brain works and that means we know that addiction is basically hereditary. so yes, for you four lines of coke may be nothing, but for kate it’s a lot since her brother literally went to rehab bc of this. people who have a family history of addiction (drug addicteds, alcoholics, and stuff like that) have a higher chance of being addicted to something too, specially when you already have a case so close in the family. that’s why i said i wouldn’t let it go that fast (and also why i think yelena wouldn’t either). my family is a very good example of this so i avoid every drug, legal or illegal, bc i can tell i’d definitely have a very hard time quitting after i start using.
i’m sorry for the terrible english btw, i’m from brazil and english is not even my second language.
BROOOO I FUCKING TEARED UP IN THAT KYFBAU ANGST! didn’t expect my dumb pair would make me cry. definitely need more now! 🤪 what kind of things they talked in couples therapy tho? curious
First of all, your English was PERFECT...what are you talking about???
I see what you're saying so let me do a 3-For-1 lol. Let's do yours, this other anon, and the anon from the other day who said they should've been broken up for longer/wanted to see more angst. I do also agree I would've naturally extended that. That was also my natural instinct but like I said that day...I was already at 3.2k on an ask and that felt.......excessive (I also got lazy) so I just compressed it. This is really how I would stretch it out/would see it going. Love me a good angsty break up where one party has to GROVEL AND PROVE ITSELF AGAIN.
This is like...that VERY first couple's therapy session that they just walked into in that last prompt. It all crumbles to shit again right away.
Kate is sitting on the very edge of the couch. She's clearly on the defensive right now. Yelena's jaw is clenched, her back as straight as an arrow, and she stares directly at her lap.
"She's overreacting. This isn't my first time. I've been partying like this since I was in high school and I've never had an issue."
"Let's not minimize Yelena's feelings."
"Have you ever done this any other time while we've been together?" Kate sits in silence for long enough that she doesn't have to answer. "OH MY GOD!"
"We don't do it when we go out with you! I know you wouldn't be down with that so from the beginning I've made that rule. If you're around none of that happens."
"Wow. I'm flattered and thankful for your consideration, Kate…….Do you always get high when you don't go out without me?"
"Not always."
"What does that mean?! Almost always? Half the time? A lot?"
"Uhm…a lot I guess?"
"What do you do?" Kate sits in silence. "WHAT?!"
"Regular party stuff. It's nothing crazy! Depends on the night. Weed, Coke, Molly, K, sometimes we do shrooms or acid if we go away for a weekend or something. But that's not all the time! None of the crazy stuff tho. NEVER! If that's what you're worried about I've never touched that shit. I only do the stuff you have fun with."
"What the fuck? What the actual fuck, Kate?! You've been lying to me this entire time."
"I haven't been lying. You've never asked. It's not lying. Tell her it's not lying if it's never come up before. She's never even known before last week. It's not an issue!"
"You're a fucking asshole and the biggest hypocrite I've ever met. Aren't you embarrassed to lecture your brother and then turn around and do the same thing?"
"No. Because he's a mess and I'm not. That's the difference."
"I don't even want to look at you right now."
"She's being unreasonable. Can you tell her she's being unreasonable?"
"What are you feeling right now, Yelena?"
"That this is done. For good."
Kate turns to look from the doctor to Yelena.
"Hey. Wait…wait…WAIT…babe…no…fuck. You said two rules: no drugs and therapy. I agreed to the first and we're sitting in therapy. What are you talking about?"
"That was before I knew the entire foundation of this thing was a lie, Kate."
"It's not. It's not! Can you step in here?! I've never lied to you. FUCK! I've never lied to you. About ANYTHING."
"Except you've come home and gotten in bed with me, made love to me, made plans about a life with me while being high off your mind. That…THAT is lying to me. I'm done, Kate."
"No, it's not." Kate turns to the therapist. "CAN YOU FUCKING SAY SOMETHING?!"
"Is there anything Kate can do to regain your trust?"
Yelena turns to survey every inch of Kate's face. After a long pause.
Tears stream down Kate's face. Yelena looks at her for a beat longer and tears fill her eyes but she doesn't let them fall. She grabs her purse, stands, and leaves.
"Yelena. Yel. Babe. Yelena!"
Yelena never looks back.
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leogichidaa · 2 years
And man talk about another thing that would piss off Reg about Sirius. He’s studying for three hours straight for something and finds out from Sirius himself that he just glanced at the text for all of ten seconds, went through the practical studying in less than two minutes, swaggered into the classroom and got an O. I would not be shocked if Reg was told that he needs to match Sirius’s grades when he went into school bc good grades + perfect behavior = perfect son of the house of Black
Yeah, I can see that. I think part of that might be Regulus' perfectionism getting the better of him. Like could he probably absorb enough material to get an O in half or even a third of the time he spends studying? I imagine so. But he's going to study for three hours anyway, because he doesn't just want an O, he wants a perfect score. He needs to know absolutely everything.
Actually, I can imagine him not doing quite as well as Sirius academically because he's so uptight and like, gets test anxiety or something. So Sirius, who in Regulus' mind is lazy and careless, is outperforming him no matter how hard he tries because the secret is not to try so hard. And it drives him absolutely bonkers. Lmao.
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svnflowery · 3 years
Meet my Obey Me MC!
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at RAD/ going out / at home
this is basically a self insert so yeah
Personal - Basics
Name: Vivi
Race/Species/Ethnicity: Human, white/hispanic
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th September 
Height: 172cm
Fingernail Polish Color: Black, burgundy
Hair color/description: black, has purple streaks that turned blue bc is lazy
Fashion: alternative, loves chonky boots and spikes, always all-black with red accents, skirts for days
Personal - In-depth
Gender/pronouns: NB, she/they
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bi
Occupation Before Devildom Life: Freelance artist, waitress
Favorite Color: Forest green, purple, red and black
Personality: Reserved, shy, clumsy, laughs loudly, likes dad jokes, makes terrible puns
Enneagram: 6, 4, 5 ?? idk thats what the test said no idea how it works really
Zodiac: Virgo 
Personal - Other
Mental health: Struggles with depression and chronic anxiety, PTSD, compulsive behaviours including binge-eating, ticks (mostly leg bouncing), ADD
Physical health: Scoliosis, anxiety-induced tachycardia, body always in tension, has a little of a lazy eye sometimes and is very conscious about it, scars. 
Likes: Animals, all types of art, dancing, reading, rainy days, forests/the countryside in general, night drives, traditional dishes from her hometown (could talk about them for a solid two hours) 
Dislikes: bugs, being alone in the dark, heights, being around too many people, loud, sudden sounds, yelling (specifically male)
Positive Traits: mom friend, very supportive and encouraging of others, empathetic to the core, gives great hugs, perceptive 
Negative Traits: hard on herself, doesn't trust easily, kinda judgemental at first, control freak, hypervigilant due to anxiety, impatient, messy room, easily angered
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Friends, respects, crush (just a tiny little bit), she usually hangs on his study to paint or do hw while he works, she likes the silence. 
Mammon - Besties, Vivi loves joining in all of his grimm-earning schemes, oblivious to his feelings, two tsundere dynamic lolol
Leviathan - Close friends, anime nerds who love cosplaying their fav duos together
Satan - Close friends, crush although his wrath outbursts trigger Vivi a lot, book nerds, they bicker a lot about who's the best detective
Asmodeus - Friends, she feared him at first because of his suggestive comments but once they started trusting him they've become closer. Talk a lot about fashion and makeup together
Beelzebub - Close friends, Vivi always makes her favourite traditional dishes for him, goes to him when she needs a hug, she loves knitting scarfs for him
Belphegor - Close friends, they love bonding over trashing on humans together and cuddling while napping, listen to emo music together, she's secretly knitting him a blanket
Diavolo - Acquaintances, respects, kinda fears bc he's so mf tall wtf, when she realized this man's just a friendly himbo they became distant friends
Barbatos - Friends, respects, they feared him at first because the whole seeing their future thing freaked her out but they've come to terms about that. Barbs pls teach me how to have ur patience. They exchange recipes and knit together (i hc he knits leave me alone) 
[With Angels]
Simeon - Acquaintances, respects, she's suspicious of him because she doesn't believe he's so flawless and pure. It's unnerving to her, but she's okay hanging out with him with the others at Purgatory Hall, she just doesn't like being alone with him. She ends up warming up to him a little later on
Luke - BABY. PROTECT. She learns baking from him and they draw together sometimes. He reminds her of her sibling
[With Humans]
Solomon - Suspicious at first, but they've become besties. He teaches her a lot about witchery and she gives him notes on leaves and teamancy in exchange. They do rituals together sometimes and they celebrate Yule together in the human world
Favorite Things About the Devildom
Favorite Jobs: Majolish, The Royal Library
Favorite Place(s) to Hang at: their room, Mammon's room, Levi's room, the planetary, Purgatory Hall, The Royal Library
Favorite Food: anything Luke bakes, man idk about devildom food anything vegetarian works
Favorite Class Subject(s): Art, Beastkeeping, Devildom history, Devildom theatre, Demon art history, Spells and potion-making
Favorite Devildom Version of Something from the Human World: DevilTube
Positive thoughts on Devildom: She's happy to be there despite the dangers of it, she was tired of her life in the Human world, is glad to be somewhere with people that care about her, to belong somewhere. She likes the fact that she can learn more about witchcraft and demons first-hand. 
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
Least Favorite Job(s): The Fall
Least Favorite Places to Go: The Fall, class at RAD, anywhere too crowded
Least Favorite Foods: Anything with meat or animal/demon?? based idk
Disliked Class Subjects: Math… Vivi left that subject behind when high school ended, why does she have to take it again?! >:(
Negative thoughts on Devildom: She hates being seen as food by almost everyone, misses her few friends from the Human world, hates the lack of sunlight, the whole sex-aphrodisiacs-culture going on especially near clubs freaks her out so she never goes out alone to the city 
Personality Chart
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whew! that was a lot. if anyone reads this, thank u and i hope u enjoyed it lol! thanks for the tag @with-love-from-hell <3 i dont have any om moots so free tag! 💖
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vakta · 2 years
looong vent abt my lovely dad
my dad isn't very enthusiastic. he said "you want to cook AND bake too? aw don't.." and like.. why?? dad i need the confidence boost that comes with cooking. or idk at this point i don't feel like it would be a confidence boost bc it wouldn't make him happy. i wanted to make him happy, i wanted to make a lovely dinner and some yummy cake, that he and my mom and my sister would all like, and they would be proud of me and i wouldn't feel so useless.
but no, my dad doesn't want me to do this but idk why?? wouldn't it be good for everyone??? man if your problem is that it's noisy then fuck off it's not my fault you decided to work from home literally in the kitchen. ok not literally, he works in the living room (he doesn't have an office) but there isn't a wall between our kitchen and living room so it's almost like he's in the kitchen. and i get it. it's noisy. i don't like noise when i'm studying either but. you could have done sth about this already??? like he's been working from home since the beginning of 2020. he could've easily move his "office" (=his desk) upstairs, there's enough space in their bedroom, and there's also this wardrobe room where there's a lot of stuff yes but if he wanted it, we would turn it into an office. but no. he has to stay here and get angry at us for cooking. shit, even for microwaving food. dude. i am so annoyed at this. fuck.
and why can't he just fucking communicate? i mean most of this is just speculation bc he didn't fucking tell me what his problem is. he just told me not to cook, but in a "pls don't do this stupid thing i won't forbid it but pls don't" voice and idk what that meant exactly. i just don't know. dude communicate for god's sake. i was already a bit anxious to tell him i will cook and i thought it was just my stupid anxiety or sth bc this isn't sth to be anxious about, well i was wrong. this is why i was anxious, bc he says stuff that make me ashamed of myself while not even understanding what i did wrong bc he doesn't fucking tells me that. the does this all the time. getting angry at me without telling me why the thing i did was wrong. i'm so sick of this. dude. i'm trying to communicate with you. maybe i'm not trying hard enough. but you aren't trying at all.
ok maybe he's trying and he just sucks at it. like i don't want to assume that he isn't trying bc one of the worst feelings in the world imo is when you're trying but noone believes you and they all think you're just lazy. but. if he actually is trying and this is all he can do that's fucking sad, man. so fucking sad..
ughhh... now i don't know what to do. he didn't forbid cooking or baking but he clearly doesn't want me to do both, but idk if he wants me to do neither or one and if one then which one. and i can't ask him bc i'm afraid he will get angry with me. dad ily but please. tell me wtf is wrong. i want to make you dinner. i want you bake you a cake. i want to make you happy. i want you to be proud of me. i did the grocery shopping all on my own, are you proud of me? dad please just be proud of me. i'm trying so fucking hard to be worthy of that.
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touyaz · 3 years
Hi!! This is my application for your matchup event hehe thank you ❤️❤️
I’m both super serious and very adventurous! I’m VERY focused on my studies (and I need to be the best at it or I’ll feel useless djndjdn) but also always looking for a taste of the unknown, the unexpected, like leaving for a foreign country with literally no plan and only 20 dollars in my pocket because I want to live a fun little adventure and meet new people. Other than that I’m super cheerful! But I really threaten my friends a lot, saying that I’ll fight them and all, which I do (I love play fighting and I’m a menace). I can be a bit arrogant and a bit mean sometimes :(
What I look for in a partner is for someone to support me and follow me in my adventures around the world! Someone with whom every single day will be different, and with whom I’ll never fall into a boring routine, which is basically my WORST NIGHTMARE, though I do enjoy a bit of domestic routines from time to time (we can’t constantly be on the road and doing weird or random things ofc but still, from time to time I need surprises or unexpected little adventures)
SUNNY 😚💓💓 thank u for joining <33
i'm gonna say your toxic match-up is aizawa!!!! whilst he appreciates your hard working nature, your need for adventure makes him want to pass out. he can't keep up. he's a v simple man + your desire for spontaneity is a pain in his back bc he doesn't want to do that. he'll entertain you for a short while, but he gets tired easily + would honestly rather do smth a lot less active. like he wouldn't mind a holiday every year or so to unwind, but impromptu trips are a definite no-go (unless absolutely!!! necessary). you say a boring routine is ur nightmare, but its probably a dream come true for him bc he revels in knowing how certain things will pan out; he likes the monotony, the easy going, simple schedules. i don't think he'd be huge on surprises unless it's for certain occassions, like the most unexpected thing is probably him giving you smth for white day bc you didnt think he'd care abt smth like that. he may also think ur sunny disposition is a little naïve, esp considering all that he's seen as a hero; he sometimes dampens your mood by telling u to be more serious, etc. also.... he is humbling ur arrogance (no matter how little it is) as soon as possible. doesn't even need words to get u off ur high horse, he just looks at you w the most unimpressed expression (old man can't take a joke :/). if u like him, im sorry, but he's too lazy + tired to try and match ur energy 😞 u can find someone better <3
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datingdonovan · 3 years
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Hello, I would like to send you about me for the match-up fame with Haikyuu guys, here we go:
Pronounciation: I am a she/her but I kinda had this a little bit boyish look/style.
I am a straight female, Capricorn sun and virgo moon. I am an INFJ-A/INFJ-T, 5'2, Chubby, Slytherin and introverted.
Personality: I am very emphatic, mature, ambitious, sneaky, likes to help, gentle, hard working but also can be lazy, logical, calm, collected and has a high tolerance with patience but I can be sarcastic, sneaky, cynical, blunt, sadistic (rare), and if I'm furious I would let a diabolical laugh and act like a raging bull. (Imagine kyoutani but calmer, tsukishima but less asshole, and kenma)
Style Preference: Usually likes to wear baggy clothes, closed clothing, or dark coloured clothes and mostly I iften wear a burgundy, navy, brown or black clothes.
Looks like: A long wavy dark brown hair (almost black), beige skintone (a bit darker), beauty mark on left cheeks, dark brown eyes (almost black), short, and have a surgical scar on my right knee.
Likes: Zodiac, Animals, Children, Foods, Literature, Art, Children (not the loud and clingy one), Certain sport like swimming and badminton, Travelling Cooking, and writting.
Dislike: Bullies, Idiots, Karens, Crowds, Loud people, Clingy people, not getting a personal space or me time, selfish people and ill mannered people, people who aren't emphatic or understaning, people being disgusting, impolite and obnoxious people.
Hobbies: Writting, Reading, Listening to Music, cooking, swimming, and sleeping
Looking in S/O: Tbh, I can match up with anyone but I feel disgusted with people who are rude, snobby, clingy, and people who are not understaning.
Sickness/Disability/mental illness: Genu Valgum (A legs with x shaped), allergy (to dust), ADHD (but in my case, it's ADD), and Depression
This is what I mostly look like:
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a/n: omg erina im so sorry this took 100 years hahaha but I hope you like it!!! I love your piccrew by the way its so cute!
ok holy crap. I went to this study group for my math final the other night and I saw this guy I haven't seen in a zillion years. like, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I know him from when we were kids but it's been a really, really long time. we caught up and everything and he's super sweet and really cute now, but the whole time I was just thinking that YOU would really like him. so, ofc, being the best wingman ever, I got his number B) use it wisely. his name is... kuroo
I swear this guy is THE guy for you. he's so SMART and I feel like that's the number one thing I think about when I think of the person you need, like you cannot canNOT be with someone who doesn't have a quip for every occasion, a quote for every emotion, a bit of trivia for every party, you know what I mean. and this is 100% that guy, like im serious he's your man. he's so intelligent and SO funny and sorta like, quippy in this laid back dark humor way that I think you'd really vibe with, BUT he's also like, really stable and hard working and sweet like he can sort of come off as this blunt wisecracking guy at first and I might get that impression if I hadn't known him forever, but I've seen him in so many sticky situations as a kid hahaha so I know he's also very encouraging and really sorta focused on bringing people together and doing his part to give people what they need to succeed. idk like he seems so snarky and aloof but he's actually really selfless and measured and emotionally intelligent and I just think he would be a great match for you because he'd challenge you intellectually and you'd never be bored, and he's a great leader and a stable partner, which I think you'd like. but beyond what he shows outwardly the first few times you meet him, I feel like he's sorta low-key and laid back and down to earth in a way that people don't really recognize, you know? I feel like he's such a chiller truly and wouldn't mind if you could be a bit rigid or intense at times bc like he's really good with people and would just take it in stride. also just like, good with people in the sense that he has a great innate understanding of how others are feeling and you'd rarely have to worry about him pushing a joke too far or something like he wouldn't be the one to do anything that would be super embarrassing or hurtful out of ignorance. I can totally see him being a sort of stable, patient, calming presence that would keep you grounded with just a ruffle of your hair and a whisper in your ear if you were feeling stressed or upset, and he would also not be intimidated by you like he'd be so unfazed by your commanding ambitious intellectual presence and I think he'd be such a great partner to push yourself with, who would know when to stretch you to your limit and show you that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I feel like he'd love being that person for you and he would really adore the fact that you're this quiet hardworking genius match made in heaven for him. sheeeeesh you two would be such a power couple but like, you also have this special dynamic that only you two see. am I making any sense??? anyway, here. im airdropping you his number. I know you're gonna love him
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